
Issue No.161 Supporting local clubs, societies and facilities.
Produced and distributed free of charge by volunteers.
OOPS…now you see it, now you don’t
By now everyone will know that early on Christmas Eve the
Monument in the Square was knocked over and the seat
next to it was demolished, snapping the cast iron supports in
two. Thanks to an accident with a white van, all the stone
pieces that made up the monument were scattered over the
cobbles and road in the Square, together with the recently
refurbished light fitting which was bent and badly scratched.
However, E-on swiftly came to make the electric cable for
the light safe and later the council arrived to lift the pieces off
the road.
Then came more visits by council staff, with Oldham's
Conservation Officer and stonemasons. Arrangements were
The Damage to the Monument
made for a lorry to lift the various parts and take them away
for storage, while the insurance claim is settled. The monument had
fallen with one of the engraved sides down onto the cobbles and
everyone was relieved to see that there was no damage when it was
lifted. There are a few chips here and there on the stones, but these
will just add to the character of the well-loved landmark! When it
returns it will have metal rods inserted through all the stones, as
before they were effectively balanced on each other with their weight
keeping them in place.
We’re assured it will be back in place as soon as possible, with the
seat mended and the lamp refurbished, again! Meanwhile the area
has been tidied, made safe and the cobbles and bollards have
already been reset where they had been moved. Needless to say the
white van came off worse.
Alan, Lawrence and Mark, the three
We are all grateful that the accident hadn’t happened the week
handsome stonemasons (I was told to write before when the school children were still at school and more
that!), loading up the lorry.
pedestrians would have been around, so thankfully nobody was hurt.
Mums and Tots
Just after Christmas, Sue Ellis and her staff at the Navigation Inn held a very
enjoyable night, show-casing the singing abilities of brave local talent. After listening
to some 30 acts (of varying degrees of ‘excellence’) the three judges decided that the
winner was our own well known whistler, David Morris, but who, this time, was
singing in a way that not many people had heard him sing before! (falsetto is the
musical term!).
Thanks to Sue, a generous donation of £200 went to DVC funds. We hope it will a
regular event!
Wednesdays 9.30-11.15am
Sandy Lane Community
1st child £3, extra children £1
This edition of the Dobcross Diary is kindly sponsored by Dobcross Band and Social Club
Snooker News from the Band Club
Following weeks of serious practise, our 'Rookie' Snooker boys
have recently attended their maiden match, away, at 'The
Austerlands Institute' (by all accounts - just like The Crucible!)
It was fantastic experience for all. The Austerlands' lads were
brilliant with our youngsters and Joe Ireland, aged 14, won his game
- beating an established league player with a few balls to spare. Ben
(aged 12) also showed great potential, only narrowly losing against
their top player!
Not bad for a first outing and although Dobcross are out of the
'Garlick Cup', we had a great night and moved on our snooker
section a little step further. We hope to arrange a friendly match
between our new Dobcross team, and one of the other Saddleworth
league teams soon.
We'd love to be in a position to re-join
the league (with Darts and Crib too),
but need to get our small core of
players built up a little. So if you
fancy getting involved, no matter
what your age or standard - get in
Photo left to right: Joe Lamb, Ben Lamb and Joe Ireland
Bill Lamb
PS Watch out for more Snooker news in the new year including
Parent and Toddler sessions and 'BIG POOL'.
Dobcross Ladies Group wishes everyone a
happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. The group has
been going for almost forty years, and caters for
women of all ages and interests. Last year our
programme included social events and talks on stained
glass, WW1 and dementia. We were also delighted to
make a donation to the Silver Band's Menin Gate visit.
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month, in Holy
Trinity Church at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome to come.
Contact Judy on 01457 870330 for further information.
Your community needs YOU
Everyone needs good
The Dobcross S.O.S. Directory is a
people’s project which exists to foster
community goodwill by the exchange of
skills and needs between Dobcross
Do you need a small D.I.Y. job doing, or are you
ill and need your dog walking or your children
taking to school? All you have to do is look in
the directory and arrange a swap.
We will be taking on new members at the
Dobcross Coffee Shop on
Saturday 7th February 10am -12noon.
You will be able to find more information on
the day or contact:
Val Hanson : 01457 876466
Mob : 07740 861678
Jill Woods : 01457 878711
Mob : 07818 684164
Email :
There is a membership form enclosed with the
Dobcross Diary. If you are interested, you can
fill it in at your leisure, sign it and bring it
together with a £1 registration fee to the
Coffee Shop on the 7th or deliver it to Val
Hanson, 4 Nudger Green, Dobcross 0L3 5AW.
Nature Notes
One of the commonest birds coming to my garden at the moment is the coal tit. They often
move around with a mixed flock of the more familiar blue tits and great tits, but are smaller and
duller in colour. They are dark grey-blue on the back and wings, whitish/buff underneath,
glossy black on the head with white cheeks and have a distinctive white patch on the nape of
the neck. They are normally found in coniferous woodland, but readily learn to come to garden
At this time of year, small birds need a lot of energy-giving food to help keep themselves warm through the long cold
nights – and there are correspondingly few daylight hours for them to forage in. Because they are so small, coal tits
tend to get bullied by bigger birds, and their preferred strategy is to snatch a seed from a feeder and take it into a
bush to eat in safety. They also hide surplus seeds to eat later, tucking them into cracks and crevices in walls,
hanging baskets, flower pots and anywhere else they find suitable. Naturally they don’t remember all the hiding
places. If, like me, you have started to find sunflower seedlings popping up in unexpected places in the summer,
then you have probably had a coal tit inadvertently helping with the gardening.
Athena Noctua
Cub Report - the latest news from Holy Trinity School
Hello, this is Corey and Evie.
We wish you a Happy New Year and hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas.
There is a busy year ahead for the school especially the Year 6s.
Before the school broke up for the Christmas holidays we took part in lots of activities. At the end of
November we had our first Christmas fete. All the classes took part and made something, Class 5 made Reindeer
Poo, Class 4 stain glass biscuits, Class 3 chocolate apples, Class 2 Reindeer food, Class 1 Reindeer candy canes,
Reception organised the face painting and Nursery ran a toy tombola. We raised lots of money for our
gardening project.
As well as that we all had our Christmas parties. Class 1 and 2 had a joint party, it was a Christmassy themed
party when Santa came to visit them. They played a range of party games such as: musical statutes, pass the
parcel, corners and musical bumps.
Class 3 and 4 had a pyjama party and congaed around the school! Class 5 and
6 had a pantomime themed party and played games and ate pizza!
KS2 went on a trip to Chester as part of their topic on The Romans.
They went to the Roman museum and
amphitheatre. All the children took part in a variety of activities such as learning to be a Roman Gladiator with a
walk around Chester as the Dobcross army, making mosaics, dressing up in the armour and finding lots of facts
around the museum about the Romans.
The new Young Leaders have completed their training and have begun to take on their new responsibilities.
are being helped by the Year 6 Young Leaders who have been explaining and showing them what to do to make
our lunchtimes a happy time.
KS1 and Reception Nativity took place at the end of the term.
The production was excellent, costumes were very
good and the acting and singing was fantastic. The last day of term was a busy time. In the morning we had our
Carol Service at Holy Trinity church, then we had our School Christmas dinner (some of the Year 6 children had
to serve the teachers!) and then we had the 12 Days of Christmas Service in the afternoon. Phew!
This term in KS2 we are learning about Africa, more of that in the next instalment.
That’s all for now.
Corey and Evie
Past Memories of Whit Friday
New Year, New Look for the Band Club
If anyone has any special memories of past Whit Fridays,
together with any photographs, that can be included in
next year’s programme, please email the Editor at
or call Helga on 01457 829018.
ork on the swish, new movable wall at the Band Club
started on 12 January and by the time you read this, it
should be complete! This significant investment will not only
smarten up the décor, but it will also help to reduce the sounds
that the bands make during rehearsals. The Club would like to
thank the Coffee Shop Team for their generous contribution of
£3,000 towards the cost – and of course everyone who has
supported their monthly events and made this financial injection
Volunteer Distributor Needed
Do you live on Tamewater Court? Could you spare
10 minutes a month to post the Diary through
Tamewater letter boxes? If so please contact Jim To celebrate this massive facelift, we are holding a special,
members only evening to showcase the installation so you can
or Sue on 876164. Thank you.
As a result of the generous donations of food,
toys and money from various residents
individuals were able to enjoy a better
Christmas than they had expected. If you
know of anyone in need, please let Jill/Simon
Woods know on 01457 878711. Thanks again
and Happy New Year from Sandy Lane
Community Church.
inspect the workmanship first hand and enjoy cut-price drinks and
refreshments to boot!
Date: Saturday, 7 March 2015 Time: 7.30pm
Entry is FREE, but you must be a fully paid-up member. Annual
membership costs £25. To join, see the details on the insert page
of this Diary, where you can also find a tear off application form.
Failing that, you can even sign-up on the night as we’ll have lots
more forms at the ready - just remember to bring your £25 fee!
Looking forward to showing-off the new wall, so hope to see you
Christmas Lights
Oldham Coliseum Theatre has teamed up with The Swan to present the
"FIRST BREAK" theatre festival, showcasing the best in new writing and
emerging talent. Oldham Coliseum recognise the tremendous support
shown by Dobcross audiences for innovation in the arts. During the
festival which runs from 9th to 15th March, there will be an exciting
programme of the best in new theatre at the theatre Upstairs at The Swan
and at Oldham Coliseum. Tickets for two exciting new plays at The Swan
are now on sale in the pub, priced at just £7 each. One play is set in the
future and one invites us into the exotic world of Lady Margaretha Zelle
MacLeod, better know as Mata Hari. For more details -
It seems a long time ago now,
b ut c o ng ra t u la t i o n s t o t he
Caring for someone with dementia?
I n t he S a d d le w o r t h P a r i s h
Council competition, The Swan won ‘Best
Illuminated Pub’, the village won 2nd
‘Community Prize’ and the prize for ‘Best
Animated Display‘ went to Mr Kershaw & Ms
Whalley on Lowerfields.
In the Dobcross competition the winners were
Angela and Mark Davies, 28 Dobcross New
Road. Second place went to Alison and
Matthew Sowden, 1 Crib Fold and third to Liam
O’Reilly, 14, The Square. Well Done everyone.
Floodlights for the Bowling Green.
The Bowling Club have received £2500 from
Saddleworth and Lees Partnership and £500 from the
Bowling Association towards the cost of floodlights for
the bowling green. With money already raised, they
hoped to have the lights installed by January.
Band Club Membership for 2015
Have you got a special occasion to celebrate in 2015? If you’re a fully paid-up member, then you qualify for FREE
use of our function room.
Membership costs £25 per year and for that price, not only do you get FREE room hire, but you also own a
stake in the Club and have a chance to win a bottle of fine wine in our monthly draw.
Joining is easy
Email us for a link to our on-line application form:
collect a form from the Club
just return this completed slip to the Club along with your payment of £25
Don’t forget, you can also pay from the comfort of your own home via telephone banking or the internet.
Just set up a standing order or bill payment using the following details:
Account Name: Dobcross Band Social Club
Account No: 82729303
Sort Code: 09-01-51
Thank you
Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Email …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Phone ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Cheques for £25 payable to ‘Dobcross Band & Social Club’ please.
You can also pay via internet or telephone banking – see above for details.
Dobcross Silver Band and Dobcross Brass Monkeys Menin Gate Update
November and December 2014 was very busy for both the Silver Band and the Brass Monkeys. Both bands undertook
numerous carolling jobs, presented well supported Christmas Concerts and The Silver Band once again had the honour of
playing at Manchester Cathedral at the St Johns Ambulance Carol service.
Thanks to all those who supported our events, and a huge THANK YOU to the other groups who have very generously donated
to the Menin Gate Appeal. Firstly to Peter Young, and Tim and Michael at the Swan who donated money following the second
successful “CHRISTMAS comedy and curry CRACKER” and secondly to Pam and DVC friends who donated following fund raising
at the new year’s eve event at the band club. We have also received a number of personal donations from those remembering
relatives. Thank you all for your generosity.
Next fund raising events :
Fabulous Jäger Maestros's Bavarian night … at The Band Club … 15th May
Peter Young’s Comedy Night with Justin Moorhouse at the The Swan... 18th February
John Holden’s “Band Clubs of Saddleworth sponsored walk” … March 2015 … please visit the Club to sponsor John
Peter Young’s Comedy Night with Billy Pearce at the The Swan... 25th march
Watch out for our “Grand Easter Raffle” … tickets will be on sale soon
Sponsorship opportunities
If you or your company would like to get involved in our sponsorship scheme, or by donating a raffle prize, please contact
Andy Black
Phil Cumberworth
Cathy Heaven
07907 635397
07841 326505
07554 116787
For those of you watching the thermometer, they are past Doncaster and on the way to Newark-on-Trent!
Christmas Dinner at the Band Club
The traditional Christmas Dinner and Dance took place on Saturday 13th December,
featuring the outstanding 'Dave James and his Big Shot Swing Band', who, everyone agreed
were "fantastic!" Overall, the evening was a success, with over eighty people attending and
enjoying the festivities!
It is, therefore, with great pleasure that I am able to announce, with great thanks and due
to the overwhelming generosity of the guests on the night and the excellent raffle prizes,
the amount raised far exceeded our expectations! The chosen beneficiary of the funds was
proposed as the 'Dobcross Elderberries' however, the committee are pleased to advise that
we are also able to provide additional funding for the Dobcross bands. Total amounts to be
gifted to the community groups are:
£500 to the Elderberries, £300 each to the Silver Band, Youth Band and the Brass Monkeys.
I would, on behalf of the committee, like to thank everyone who attended for their
generous donations.
It is hoped we can organise a further event next year, "same time, same place" but the success of the evening relies heavily on
the goodwill of club members, villagers and a good number of willing volunteers so, if you feel you can assist, either with ideas
for the event, organising catering, decorations or just helping out on the day, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please
get in touch with anyone at the club, if you wish to be involved in this, or, indeed, any other club event. We'd be really pleased
to hear from you!
Carole Bell
The Dobcross Diary is produced and distributed free to every home in Dobcross by volunteers. We try to include all village events. If you
have any information for the next issue, or would like to sponsor the Diary or advertise in it, please contact Patricia Clegg on 01457
878814 or by emailing
To contact the DVC please get in touch with the Chair, Marilyn McNeil
DOBCROSS - What’s on in February
Saturday 31st to 7th Feb Saddleworth Players Play - Absurd Person Singular The
Millgate Arts Centre Delph
Sunday, 1st 7.30 Sunday Night Jazz with Spilt Milk and Kim Wellans The swan £5
Monday, 2nd 1.30 Saddleworth Gardening Club. Informal talk by Ros Ashworth,
retired garden designer, on making the most of your outdoor space. She will also
bring helpful hand outs on easy plants etc. Uppermill Civic Hall
Thursday, 5th 7.30 Saddleworth Civic Trust . An Illustrated Presentation by
Christine Grime entitled "A Town Tour of Heritage Buildings & History of
Personalities in Middleton." All welcome. Refreshments available. Saddleworth
Museum Gallery
Saturday, 7th 10 - 12noon Dobcross Coffee Shop at the Band Club
6.00 and 8.15 Denshaw Cinema ‘What we did on our Holiday’ (12a) Comedy with
David Tennant, Rosamund Pike and Billy Connelly. To book 01457870348 or
Holy Trinity Church
Sunday, 1st February
10:30 All Age Worship - Eucharist
(CW) with Revd John Rosedale
Sunday, 8th February
10:30 Morning Praise with Mr
Graham McGuffie
Sunday, 15th February
09:15 Little Fishes – a fun, friendly
service for little children 0-7 years old
10:30 Eucharist (CW) with Revd
Canon Jim Burns
Sunday, 22nd February
10:30 Eucharist (BCP) with Revd
Jackie Calow
Monday, 9th 8.00 DVC Meeting - all welcome The Swan
Sandy Lane Community Church
Tuesday, 10th 8.00 Ladies Group. Talk by Vikki Nash of Beautify Salon. Holy
Trinity Church.
Sunday 1st -10.30 Family Service
Wednesday, 11th 7.30 Le Grand Return A Tale of friendship and remembrance.
The Swan £10
Sunday 8th - 10.30 elev8 for Yr6 and
above. Bible discussion for adults
7.30 Saddleworth Historical Society. an Illustrated presentation by Holly Grange &
Louise Hutchinson entitled "The Gott Collection - Discovering how Yorkshire has
Long Been a Place of Artistic Inspiration." All welcome, non members £2.
Refreshments available Saddleworth Museum Gallery
Sunday 15th - 10.30 Family Service
Sunday 22nd - 10.30 Visiting speaker
Chris Okpoti
Saturday 28nd - Film Night 5pm
Saturday, 14th Don’t forget Valentines Day
Tuesday, 17th Shrove Tuesday, Pancake day!
Wednesday, 18th 8.00 Comedy Night with Justin Moorhouse in aid of Silver Band
Menin Gate visit. The Swan £15
7.30 Friends of Castleshaw Roman Forts. Talk by Julian Thomas from the
University of Manchester “Excavations on Dorestone Hill: Two 6000-year-old ’halls
of the dead’” All welcome, members free, non-members £3 Uppermill Civic Hall
Saturday, 21st 6.00 and 8.15 Denshaw Cinema ‘Magic in the Moonlight’ (12a)
Woody Allen’s film with Colin Firth, Emma Stone and Eileen Atkins.
Wednesday,25th 8.00 Ian McMillan & Tony Husband - A Cartoon History of Here.
The Swan £12
Sunday, 1st 7.30 Sunday Night Jazz Alan Williams and friends. The Swan
MARCH Monday, 2nd 1.30 Saddleworth Gardening Club. Martin and Janet Blow
of 'Yew Tree House’ will talk us through the trials and tribulations of gardening and
will bring some plants for sale. Uppermill Civic Hall
Tuesday, 3rd & Wednesday, 4th 8.00 Roulston & Young: Two-Faced. Original
musical comedy. The Swan £15
Monday, 9th 8.00 FIRST BREAK Theatre Festival - “Safe Mode” by Lindsay Avery .
A play set in a distant time. The Swan £7
Tuesday, 10th 8.00 FIRST BREAK Theatre Festival - "7 Veils: An Evening with
Mata Hari” The Swan £7
MARCH 22ND, 10-3PM.
ONLY £10
CONTACT GILL ON 01457 870669 FOR
Weekly Events……….
Oakfield Bridge Club 1-4pm Freemasons Hall
Uppermill. For details phone Elaine 01457 875122
Oakfield Bridge Club 7-10.30pm as above
Wine Society Group meets at 7.30pm
Saddleworth School. Telephone Janet on 874780
Mums and Tots. Sandy Lane Church 9.30-11.15
Oakfield Bridge Club 1-4pm as above
Quiz Night at the Swan 9.00 (No quiz on 27th)
If you have anything to add to these lists please email
Quiz Night at the Band Club 9.00 - NEW
Membership form
DOBCROSS Swap Our Skills
Tel No:_________________________________________________
Skills offered:____________________________________________
Skills required:___________________________________________
Membership Number: