dobcross diary may


dobcross diary may
Issue No.164 Supporting local clubs, societies and facilities.
DVC AGM report from Monday the 13th of April
As usual at any AGM there were resignations and new appointments
and many thanks must go to Marilyn McNeil, the retiring Chair, for her
tireless work on behalf of the village over the past 2 years. In her shoes
steps Pam (M'lady) Rose whom, we all know, will work equally hard on
our behalf. Pam's previous role of Vice Chair has been filled by Paul
Clegg; Paul has promised to assume the role of "Parker" to Pam's
"M'lady" but apparently without the facility of a pink Rolls Royce from
Thunderbirds! The posts of Treasurer and Diary Editor remain with Vin
Kenny and Patricia Clegg respectively; the general committee
members remain unchanged but the official post of secretary is still
vacant….volunteers please, and new members are always welcome.
To contact our new Chair, Pam, please call 07779 274834 or email For the Diary please email
Britain in Bloom
2014 was a terrific year for Oldham in the annual Competitions as they
won both First Prizes in the National and the North West. Although
Dobcross was only a small part of the judging, we were praised highly
by the visiting judges who also expressed the opinion that we were
good enough to enter in our own right.
After much consideration the DVC has decided to enter Dobcross into
the "Neighbourhood" category of North West Britain in Bloom.
Unfortunately this cannot cover the whole of the village as it only gives
us a short visit of just 30 minutes from the judges. The route still has to
be finalised but after our experience of last year, it is suggested that the
Square should be central. However, the judges will enter and leave on
one of the main roads and will no doubt take notes on their way!
So we hope the village as a whole will support this and get involved,
planting, putting up hanging baskets or installing planters/window
boxes outside their homes. Advice will be given to any non gardeners
who might want to help.
Produced and distributed free of charge by volunteers.
Adventurers Wanted !
Don’t miss the DVC Treasure Hunt on Sunday
the 17th May. It’s always lots of fun for
children and adults alike, with treasure chest
prizes for the winners and something for all
the children who take part. There is also a
BBQ and film to finish off the day. All the
details are on the poster on the back page.
Remember the Children's
Gardening Competitions!
On the 2nd and 9th of May,
between 12 noon and 2 o’clock,
children from the village can plant
up their own garden pot! Come
along to The Old Toll House off
Platt Lane with a container (30cm or less
please) where families can fill it up with
compost and plants, provided by the DVC.
Hopefully there will also be sunflower
seedlings for all the children to take away and
grow on. Both will be judged later in the year,
but if you don’t want to compete, just come
along anyway and give gardening a go! It will
help with supplies if you could let us know on
which date you may come, by contacting
Pam on 07779 274834 or emailing Pat on
hit Friday. For anyone who might have recently moved into the village from some remote outpost, or who might have
been in hibernation for the last 50 Years, on the 29th of this month Dobcross becomes part of what has become
known as "the greatest free show on earth", but which is better known to Dobcrossers as "The Dobcross Whit Friday United
Effort". On this day, the Churches, Bands, Villagers and of course visitors, contribute to make this a very special occasion.
Inserted into the Diary this month is a flyer giving details of the day's highlights, starting with the Church service in the Square,
the procession to and from Uppermill, the Children's Sports in the afternoon and culminating in the evening, with the Band
Contest. The flyer also details the parking restrictions and safety advice from the Police and the Whit Friday Committee, so
please take time to read it, as you may find that you cannot get in or out of the village at certain times.
Paul Clegg
This edition of the Dobcross Diary is kindly sponsored by the Whit Friday Committee
Whit Friday 29th May 2015
The Dobcross Whit Friday Committee hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Join in the morning walks, children’s lunch, afternoon sports and evening brass band contest.
To volunteer please call Pam 07933 198920 / 01457 875799 or
Kevin 0795 97747490 / 01457 810774
The Dobcross Silver Band and Brass Monkeys
The bands nervously put on their Bingo and games
night on the 11th April, not knowing how many
people to expect. There was no need to worry as the
event was well attended and raised a marvellous £498.
All using the big screen, we had Bingo run by Richard
from Mecca and then various TV gameshow type
quizzes cobbled together by ourselves. We think
everyone had a fun night and we gave out many
Our next big event is a concert in the club performed
by the Jäger Maestros Oompah Band on Friday 15th
May 8pm. Tickets are £8 and available at the Club.
Meanwhile, the Swan and Peter Young continue to
put on fundraiser nights for us and we are indebted to
Tim, Michael and Peter. And our sincere thanks go
out to the people of Dobcross who have given us so
much support on our fundraising venture.
Phil Cumberworth
Have you two hours to spare once every four weeks to volunteer
to help a very worthy cause?
The Talking Newspaper for the Blind needs your help. Based at a
studio in the Falcon Business Centre, Victoria Street, Chadderton,
the Talking Newspaper goes out to blind and partially sighted
people in the Oldham area and is entirely run by volunteers. Alas
we have lost two of our producers and are desperately in need
of replacements otherwise we are likely to have to cease
publication of our discs. The producer is the lynch pin controlling
the four individual readers’ mikes linked to a computer based
disc recorder, the master disc then goes to a team of copiers and
from there to the Royal Mail who deliver for free.
If you think you can help and want to find out more please
phone Janet Whitehead on 0161 425 0224
Take Care: The latest E-Watch reports from our local police have
shown a spate of random thefts from homes and of vehicles
(particularly Land Rovers) and some criminal damage. Our police
contacts are PC 09098 Mark Clough, PCSO Monica Seville and
PCSO Kath Crompton. Email
Or give them a call on 0161 856 8825 or 101 (non urgent).
Dobcross School Cub Report
Hello, this is Evie and Corey keeping you up to date with news from Dobcross School..
On the 17th March Class 4 made a visit to St Patrick’s School in Oldham as part of their Link project.
watched a wonderful assembly about St Patrick, saw Irish dancing and made new friends.
In week 23rd to 27th March, our school had an entire week of super, splendid, surprising science.
activities during the week.
We did lots of
Reception and Key Stage One made a visit to Eureka, where they had a wonderful
The children in Key Stage Two went to the science centre in Oldham, here they did lots of exciting
In addition the whole school saw a mad science show!
Earlier in the term, all the children had been set a challenge for homework, this was based on a science activity.
So, on Friday the last day of science week, all the children set out their projects so that the classes could rotate
and see the amazing work.
Then everyone got ready for Easter, making Easter cards (Spanish ones too), Class One had an Easter egg hunt,
there was a fund raising cake sale and Class 4 visited Church for an Easter Experience.
On Thursday the whole
school went to Church for an Easter Service.
That’s all for now, we will write again soon.,
Evie and Corey
Nature Notes
Out walking one morning recently I made a grisly discovery, which looked like the remains of a
sparrow hawk’s breakfast. The two brown wings were untouched, as was the head which had
lighter-coloured bars across the top, and a very long bill. The bird would have been roughly the
same size as a jackdaw. Most of the flesh had been torn away from the body, but the head was
enough to identify it as a woodcock.
Woodcock are incredibly secretive birds and probably few people nowadays have ever seen one, although they apparently
used to be a popular quarry for wild fowlers. They are actually probably quite widespread in our area. They belong to the
wader family but, untypically, they spend most of their lives in undisturbed woodland, where they feed in damp areas by
probing the ground for invertebrates with their long bills. They are mainly active at dawn and dusk; if disturbed during the
daytime they prefer to sit tight and rely on their brown and black plumage which provides excellent camouflage against the
dead leaves on the woodland floor. During really cold weather they probably find a sheltered clough where the ground doesn’t
freeze and they can still find food.
When I mentioned what I had found to a friend, he asked if he could have a feather from the wing. I went back to look, but the
remains had disappeared – something else had taken advantage of the chance of a free meal.
Athena Noctua
DOBCROSS - What’s on in May
Saturday, 2nd 10.00 - 12.00 Coffee Shop at the Band Club
12.00 - 2.00 Children - fill your plant pots with summer flowers at The Old Toll
House. See front page for details.
Sunday, 3rd 3.00 Band Club AGM
Saddleworth Gardening Club trip to Harlow Car. Info - Sandra 01457 871134
Saturday, 9th 12.00 - 2.00 Children - fill your plant pots with summer flowers at
The Old Toll House. See front page for details.
Sunday,10th 12.00 Charity Cup Competition Bowling Club
9.00 - 3.00 Farmer’s Market at Saddleworth Museum
Monday, 11th Saddleworth Film Society ‘The Lunch Box’ Millgate, Delph
Tuesday, 12th 10.30 RSF Off Road Cycling Club - Saddleworth Circuit. Meet at
Lime Kiln Café, Brownhill. Details from Rob 07941 757685
8.00 Ladies Group Talk by Rona Catterall “From Russia with Love”, souvenirs of
her trip to the USSR. Refreshments and raffle. All welcome. HT Church Room
Wednesday, 13th 10.30 - 12.30 Coffee morning Saddleworth Museum Gallery
Held by friends of Saddleworth Museum. £1.20
7.00 pm Saddleworth Naturalists Visit to Watergrove Reservoir near
Rochdale. Meet at Trap Farm car park, Ramsden Road, Wardle (off the
A58). Families welcome.
7.30 Saddleworth Historical Society Professor James Graham-Campbell
presents 'Viking Age Gold and Silver in the North West.' (With the Friends of
Castleshaw Roman Fort members.) £3 non members. Uppermill Museum Gallery
8.00 An Evening with Ian Tilton & zaiLong (POI Records) Photographer, and
Saddleworth resident, Ian Tilton talks about the most iconic images in rock ’n’
roll history (Nirvana, Stone Roses, The Smiths, Guns ’n’ Roses, Bon Jovi) followed
by a performance of original music by special guest from New York City, acoustic
musician & singer, zaiLong. The Swan £10
Friday, 15th 8.00 Jäger Maestros Oompah Band Band Club £8
Sunday, 17th 2.00 DVC Family Treasure Hunt starts at the Band Club car park.
£5 Family Ticket. BBQ and a children’s film later. See front page for details.
Car Park closed from lunch time onwards.
Wednesday, 27th 7.30 The Only Way is Downtown, a one-man affectionate
spoof featuring the whole cast of Downton Abbey . The Swan
Friday, 29th WHIT FRIDAY see insert for details.
Saturday, 30th to 6th June Saddleworth Players - Filumena by Eduardo de
Filippo (NOT Philomena!) £8.00; 7.30pm Millgate Delph Book on-line at
Wednesday, 3rd June 8.00 An Evening with Stuart Maconie TV & radio
presenter, journalist, columnist & author. In aid of the Menin Gate The Swan £15
Saturday, 6th 10.00 - 12.00 Coffee Shop at the Band Club
Saturday, 13th DVC Discotheque with DJ David Morris at the Band Club
Holy Trinity Church
Sunday, 3rd May 10:30
All Age Worship - Eucharist (CW) with
Revd John Rosedale
Sunday, 10th May 10:30
Morning Prayer with Mr Graham
McGuffie with Dermot and Hilary Foster
Sunday, 17th May 09:15
Little Fishes – a fun, friendly service for
little children 0-7years old at Holy Trinity
Eucharist (CW) with Revd. Canon Roy
Sunday, 24th May 10:30
Eucharist (BCP) with Revd Averil
Sunday, 31st May 10:30
Morning Praise with Dermot and Hilary
Sandy Lane Community Church
Sunday 3rd - 10.30 Family service
Sunday 10th - 10.30 elev8 for young
people 11+ and Bible discussion for
Sunday 17th - 10.30 Family Service and
Sunday 24th - No Service
Sunday 31st - 10.30 Visiting speakers:
Colin and Carole Pattenden
Weekly Events……….
Oakfield Bridge Club 1-4pm Freemasons Hall
Uppermill. For details phone Elaine 01457 875122
Oakfield Bridge Club 7-10.30pm as above
******Revised date for the DVC Vintage Weekend,
which is now 25th-26th July******
Wine Society Group meets at 7.30pm Saddleworth
School. Telephone Janet on 874780
Mums and Tots. Sandy Lane Church 9.30-11.15
Age Concern Oldham Dementia Friendly Strolls
A Scenic Stroll in Uppermill, will take place every Tuesday afternoon, starting at
2pm. Friendly staff will be there to help, meeting at the side of Warburton Court,
just off Uppermill High Street, to take a short route, accessible for wheelchair
users, finishing back at Warburton Court. For more information call Teresa
Griffiths on 0161 622 9267 or 07841 344 194
Oakfield Bridge Club 1-4pm as above
Quiz Night at the Swan 9.00
Quiz Night at the Band Club 8.30
Anything to add? Email
Flying the Flags for Saddleworth
As reported in the April Diary, Ken Bennett is gauging the reaction to the possibility of flying flags outside homes
and businesses for a week in September. The flags may be homemade and personal as well as traditional. Please let
Ken know your thoughts about the idea by emailing him at or the Dobcross Diary at If enough people get involved we could have a very colourful village in September.
Dobcross Swap Our Skills
Neighbours: everybody needs good neighbours
Nobody can do everything, everyone can do something:
together, we can do more.
Have you helped anyone out yet? One successful swap
took place between Jill and Pascale: Jill did some
embroidery on a felt bag in exchange for having her legs
waxed by Pascale. “It was lovely to use a skill I enjoy to
help improve my friend’s handmade bag. And now I have
lovely smooth legs into the bargain!” said Jill.
Janet helped out with flower arranging for Val who was
recovering from an operation. In exchange, Val’s husband
cleaned her wheelie bins. Janet said, “It was great to have
my bins cleaned. I’m only small and am in danger of
falling in when trying to do it myself.”
Have you picked up the phone yet? Don’t be afraid to ask,
because people do really want to help. We are looking for
more stories of successful swaps.
Please email or ring Val Hanson 01457 876466
or Jill Woods 01457 878711. Or if you are not a member
yet and want to join, contact us for more details or come
to the next Coffee Shop at the Band Club on 2nd May.
Dobcross Swap Our Skills is a ‘people’s project’
which exists to foster community goodwill by the
exchange of skills between Dobcross residents.
Easy Peasy
What easier way to raise
funds for Dobcross school
than with a clear out of
your wardrobe? Bag up any unwanted clothes – adults or
children’s - and bring them to school on the morning of
Friday 1 May. It couldn’t be simpler!
Each pupil has been supplied with a bag2school branded
bag, but any bag or bin bag can be used, especially if you
need to use extra bags. Friends of Dobcross School will then
be paid for the total weight of old clothes we recycle.
Bag2school accepts all good quality clothes, paired shoes,
handbag, hats, bags and soft toys but CANNOT accept
bedding, towels or curtains.
If you don’t manage your spring clean by 1 May, the next
collection will be on Thursday 2 July.
Dates for your diary:
Saturday 9 May – Cabaret and Casino Night, Dobcross
Band Club (sold out)
Friday 19 June - Beetle Drive, Sandy Lane Community
Saturday 4 July – Summer Fete, Dobcross School
For more information about our fundraising, follow FODS on
Twitter @FODS_Dobcross or like us on Facebook
Yes, that was not a typo – though you could also
read it as ‘FEAT’!
On Sunday, 22 March, John our faithful Club
Steward, stepped out to support the Silver and Brass Monkey
Bands in their effort to raise money to attend the Last Post
Ceremony at The Menin Gate in August this year. They will
accompany the British Legion to play and also lay a wreath on
behalf of the people of Saddleworth.
He had planned a solo, sponsored, 10.6 miles journey around 10
clubs in Saddleworth, but was joined along the way by a team of
supporters including some fellow bandsmen. It took 8 hours in
total, but by the end of the journey, more than £1000 had been
added to the fund.
WELL DONE JOHN – it truly was a marvelous feat!
The Band Club AGM will be held in the Band Club on Sunday
3rd May at 3.00pm. Nominations are being sought for various
positions for election, please contact the club if interested.
New opening hours for the club;
Mon-Wed - from 6.30, Thurs-Sat - from 7.00; Some Saturdays
2.00 to 5.00 (when some bowling matches are on) and every
Sunday 2.00 - 5.00 and 7.00 onwards.
hanks. The 3rd Antique and Collector's Fayre held at
Dobcross Band Club on 22nd March was a great success
and raised £202 for DVC funds. Thanks to Gill Smith for
organising, to Sylvia Hill for serving refreshments and to all the
stall holders and attendees for their support.

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