- Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association


- Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association
Published by:
Volume 12
July / August / September 2016
Issue 3
SMBA Picnic
John Rudy Park
400 Mundis Race Rd, York, PA 17406
9:00 AM until Dark
Music By
Danny Paisley and The Southern Grass
2016 SMBA Raffle Prizes
1st Prize Vintage Adams Resonator Guitar
2nd Prize Martin D-15-M Guitar
3rd Prize Blueridge BR-40 Guitar
4th Prize Flinthill F style Mandolin
5th Prize Danville Deluxe Banjo
6th Prize Dipalo Deluxe Violin
7th Prize Two SMBA Season Passes
8TH & 9th Prize SMBA jacket
10th -19th Prize SMBA Hat
Bring your
instruments and lawn Good Food
Live Music
chairs for a day of
Open Jams
bluegrass music
General directions to John Rudy County Park. Take I-83 to exit 24 (Emigsville.) Turn east onto Church Rd. Turn right onto
North George St. /PA-181. Take first left onto SR 1012/ Emig Rd. Turn left onto Mundis Race Rd. Park will be on left. Look for
“Songbird Section.” Any questions please contact George Fishel (717)580-7838 or Jean Snyder (717)957-4609
Mission Statement
The purpose of the SMBA is to preserve, promote, and enjoy bluegrass
music and to bring the music to an ever-increasing number of people.
Page 1
 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS - $12 per family
- 2nd Saturday of each month - October thru May
(Unless otherwise listed)
- Discounted tickets for members
- Young’s UMC 7075 Wertzville Rd, Mech. PA
- 3rd Sunday of every month
- Microphones are provided
- Visitors & musicians of all skill levels are welcome
- Beginner and Advanced jam rooms available
(4th Saturday every July)
- Good food - Open Jams - On-Stage Jam Bands
- Raffle of acoustic instruments & door prizes
Beginner and Advanced Jam rooms available
 WEBSITE - www.sevenmountainsbluegrass.org
PROMOTIONAL OUTLET for bands and promoters
BLUEGRASS LIBRARY - Instructional materials
- Inside the SMBA
- President’s Message
- Officers /Board of Trustees
- SMBA 2016-2017 Concert Series
- Russ Carson
- Scholarship Application
- Upcoming Events
- SMBA Member Bluegrass Bands
- Bluegrass Radio
- Music Lesson & Instrument Repair
- Jams
- Membership Invitation
Dick Beckley
Sue McKinsey
Jean Snyder
Ruth Ann Berney
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Young’s UMC
7075 Wertzville Rd.
Mechanicsburg, PA
Page #
(717) 938-4975
(717) 244-4428
(717) 957-4609
(717) 979-3373
Bill Aldinger
Bob Bishard
Bill Coleman
Walt Crider
Wayne Miedwig
Glen Miller
Kristen Schneider
(717) 728-9039
(717) 957-4349
(717) 308-0752
(717) 300-3408
(717) 515-7436
(410) 357-8388
(717) 443-8359
Dick Beckley
Kristen Schneider
Wayne Miedwig
George Fishel
Mike Foster
Mike Lebo
Sue McKinsey
Walt Crider
(717) 938-4975
(717) 443-8359
(717) 515-7436
(717) 580-7838
(717) 649-0107
(717) 215-3088
(717) 244-4428
(717) 300-3408
Music Committee
Scholarship Committee
Election Committee
Picnic Committee
Hornpipe Editor
Web Master
PR / Media /SMBA Jams
(717) 766-4424
Election of Officers for 2017
Nominations for the election of Officers for 2017
opened June 1st.
Nominations will be accepted for the following
positions: President, Vice President, Secretary,
and Treasurer.
Nominations are to be submitted in writing to the
Secretary at:
Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association
c/o: Jean Snyder
827 New Valley Road
Marysville, PA 17053-9716
Deadline for nominations is July 31st.
Wayne Meidwig - Election Comm. Chair
Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association “Hornpipe” is published
by the Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association Inc., which is a
non-profit organization. The SMBA mails this quarterly newsletter to the SMBA membership, music associations, other non-profit
organizations, promoters, radio and print media at no charge. All
correspondence can be mailed to:
SMBA, c/o Mike Foster, 574 Myrtle Ct., Hbg, PA 17112.
Page 2
matter how bad he felt, he just had to get on stage
and sing. He was the best traditional singer of his
generation and no one else was even close.
I decided to take this afternoon to write my President's Message a bit earlier than I usually do, as it
usually gets to our editor about the day of the deadline. The passing of my longtime buddy, James King,
yesterday has caused my mind to be stuck on all
things bluegrass and sleep did not come easy or for
long last night. James has been a friend since we
first met at Gettysburg in the early 90's and I'm sure
going to miss him. He lived hard, played hard, and
like Hank Williams, sang about it all, along with a
myriad of other tales that earned him the title of the
“Bluegrass Storyteller.” For sure, no one else could
tell a story in song like he could.
If James decided that you were his friend, you
were, period! Nothing could change that, ever. Three
weeks ago on a Sunday night, he e-mailed me to call
him at 11:40 PM. I called him and left a message and
he called me after midnight and we talked until 1:20
AM. He sang me several songs that he had written
and one was about the death of Ralph Stanley.
James said he hoped he would still be alive when
Ralph passed on to sing this song at Ralph's funeral.
As for me, I hope that James left a copy of this song
and the other songs he sang to me for the future.
The man was a genius! We talked about a lot of
things, including some of his shortcomings and a lot
of his musical success. I finally asked James why he
had been so hard on himself and his body over the
years to get him in the shape he was in? His reply
was that he didn't know how to take care of himself,
that he was “just a dumb hillbilly that came down out
of the mountains with his guitar to pick and sing and
didn't know any better.” James lived to sing and entertain and he loved it, but I don't think he ever
grasped how great he was and what a profound impact he had on all of us and this industry. Just like
last Friday, less than a week before his death, he
was on the stage at Mr. B's Festival as Junior Sisk's
guest, singing for the last time. He told Junior that no
Page 3
As often happens, bad news multiplies. Wayne
Taylor, the talented lead vocalist and bass player
for Blue Highway, suffered a serious heart attack
last weekend and underwent successful quadruple
bypass surgery yesterday. Larry Cordle announced that he is fighting lymphatic leukemia, but
will attempt to keep his tour schedule going while
undergoing treatment. Tony Holt, leader of the
Wildwood Valley Boys, had a large tumor removed
on Tuesday. No word yet on the status of this tumor. Also, several of our SMBA members are battling serious cancer. It seems that there is no end
to the problems of those in our bluegrass community.
To top off all of this, we found out on Monday
that Allenberry is ceasing operations on July 13th
and will not cater our picnic and we cannot hold it
there at the pavilion. Thank God for Chairman
George Fishel and former Chairman Bill Aldinger.
They bailed us out quickly, securing two twin pavilions in a private section of John Rudy Park and
also secured Big Bob's Bar-B-Q to cater our picnic
with essentially the same menu as at Allenberry.
The raffle tickets have been sent out with directions and info on the picnic and the changes.
George has made it as easy as possible to tell
everyone how to get there. To anyone who lives
close to the park and will be coming an alternate
route, please be advised that you go in a separate
entrance off Mundis Race Rd. which says
“Songbird” section on the sign. The old entrance is
the “Trees” section and is on the other side of the
park and they do not interconnect. Make sure to
take note of this if you're using an alternate route.
A special note of thanks to Ray Gross for his
very generous donation of a brand new Adams,
custom made, carbon fiber, resonator guitar, which
is our featured giveaway on this year's raffle.
On a more pleasant note, we had our last show
of the year in our Concert Series the end of April
and as usual the Lost & Found were outstanding.
The summer festival season kicked off last week at
Gettysburg and the bands were all terrific.
Continued on page 6
Bill Aldinger
Dick Beckley
Ruth Ann Berney
Bob Bishard
Bill Coleman
Walt Crider
George Fishel
Mike Foster
Mike Lebo
Sue McKinsey
Glen Miller
Wayne Miedwig
Kristen Schneider resouled@comcast.net
Jean Snyder
A complete listing is located on page 2 of this newsletter.
(717) 728-9039
(717) 938-4975
(717) 979-3373
(717) 957-4349
(717) 308-0752
(717) 300-3408
(717) 580-7838
(717) 649-0107
(717) 215-3088
(717) 244-4428
(410) 357-8388
(717) 515-7436
(717) 443-8359
(717) 957-4609
Showcase Concerts
Walt Crider
The local band for this year's remaining concert is "The Lovesick Hillbillies".
They are from southern York County/northern Maryland area. They consist of Nicolette Wagman (bass, lead and harmony vocals), Jeff Kidd (mandolin), Matthew Geiger (guitar, lead and harmony vocals) and Mark Baker (dobro, lead and harmony vocals. Quite often veteran fiddle players Tad Marks or Tim Kidd performs with this
band as well. These are all great musicians and a show you will enjoy. Their website
is "lovesickhillbillies.com". It will be held October 1st at Young's United Methodist
Church Mechanicsburg, Pa. Admission price is $10. We are in the process of establishing bands for next year’s
showcase series. Please help support this local effort.
Remembering Willie Kerr
We lost Willie Kerr on June 10 to brain cancer. Willie was from Lebanon, PA and anyone who frequented our Concert Series , any other bluegrass shows in the area, or any local festivals would remember the blond, curly headed,
tall, skinny, and exceptionally friendly guy who loved all the ladies of bluegrass. He always wore his trademark Tshirts with the picture of one his favorite girl singers on the front, whether it be Rhonda, Claire, Michelle, Jeanette, or
his current favorite, Becky Buller.
Willie did not drive but always found a way to get to shows and festivals far and wide to listen to the music he loved
and mingle with his friends, both other attendees and musicians alike. He was even known to hire a cab to transport
him to and from the Gettysburg Festival to Lebanon, quite a haul for a person of Willie’s modest means.
Willie had worked at Bethlehem Steel for years when they were a top employer in the area and after they folded he
worked at various other jobs. He was a person who would be almost unnoticed in a crowd but stood out as soon as
you engaged him in a conversation. His knowledge of bluegrass knew no boundaries and he was like a walking encyclopedia of bluegrass. Willie Kerr was my friend and I will miss him. He was 60 years old.
Dick Beckley
Page 4
Page 5
Continued from page 3
Please support the festivals in your summer travels to keep our music going and mark your calendars for the dates on our next year's Winter Concert Series Schedule, starting with the Bluegrass
Brothers on Oct 8th. We have a great lineup of
bands on the schedule. Also, our second Showcase Series show is scheduled in October at
Young's Church with the Lovesick Hillbillies.
There's always room for more attendees at our
shows and seats are first come first served and
sold only at the door, so do your friends and
SMBA a favor and bring a friend or another cou-
ple along to one or more of our shows. The odds are that
they will enjoy the music and fellowship and become regulars at our shows, as well. We need to grow our attendance and the need is there to offset the absence of those
that have passed on.
Have a great summer, see and listen to all the bluegrass you can and don't forget to mark your calendar to
attend the shows we have scheduled, starting in October.
While researching information about Russ
Carson I realized what a talented individual this
27 year old is. He was home schooled. He
comes from a loving and caring family, and it
shows through his Christian life as a first rate
person and musician.
From Mechanicsburg, Pa, Russ started
playing banjo when he was about 9. The thing
that really seemed to light his musical fire was
when he discovered a VHS tape his father had
made of Bluegrass at the Ryman with Ricky
Skaggs and Earl Scruggs and some other pickers. He listened to Foggy Mt Breakdown, over,
and over and over. After hearing that and watch-
ing Earl, he wanted to learn five string banjo.
He started playing a Vega Tubaphone
with a fancy neck his father had made. It was a
good starter instrument. Eventually his father
made him a new walnut bluegrass banjo at age
13 or 14. Russ started jamming with local pickers, Bob Buckingham, Steve Snyder, Rod
Bucks, Dick Cronce and Vince Gettel to name
a few. I jammed with Russ and his father Glenn
at the Campbelltown, Pa Bluegrass Academy
quite a few times when Russ was a teenager.
His first formal teacher was Nev Jackson from Annville, Pa. Through the academy
he met fiddle player Patrick McAvinue and they
became lifelong friends and band mates. Russ
went to a number of music camps in his teens,
including the Steve Kaufman camp in
Maryville, TN, Banjo Camp North near Boston,
and the Maryland Banjo Academy.
Russ had an early problem with how he
placed his right hand on the banjo head, and
neither Nev or his father could get him to
change. Russ greatly admired Tom Adams so
his father took him for a lesson after describing
how he was playing. Tom sat down with Russ,
handed him his old Gold Star banjo, and within
an hour had him convinced that he needed to
change his hand position. It all worked
out. Chris Warner is an old friend, and he also
influenced Russ, and spent some one on one
time with him. Chris also sold Russ his favorite
Continued on Page 7
Page 6
Continued from Page 6
banjo, one of the very first Gold Star J.D. Crowe
models that was Chris’s personal instrument.
During his teens Russ went to as many
jams and festivals as he could such as Arcadia,
Galax, Cabin Fever, etc. with Pat McAvinue,
Buddy Dunlap, Adam Kruzic and other friends.
Mike Munford was another great local
banjo player Russ had met, and Mike recommended Russ to the Gold sisters when they were
looking for a banjo player. Goldheart was the
first touring band Russ played with, and he was
with them for a few years.
When Evan Ward of Audie Blaylock’s
Redline band left to attend college, Pat McAvinue recommended Russ be given a try. He borrowed his grandfather’s car, left the beach and
drove home to PA, packed, found a flight to Arizona, and auditioned the next day by playing a
show with Audie. Playing banjo with Audie Blaylock was a turning point for Russ, and he really
learned the importance of timing and the role of
the banjo in a hard driving band.
Somewhere around that time, Russ decided he would finally learn to play clawhammer
banjo, (something Bob Buckingham, his father
and their mutual friend Reed Martin had bugged
Russ about for years). Russ learned it in about a
week, and became really good, very fast. So
good that with three months of playing it he beat
his father in a big clawhammer banjo contest in
Washington, DC that was judged by two of the
best clawhammer players around.
After three or four years on the road with
Audie, Russ decided to try learning to engrave
and do some of the things his father does in instrument making. After two months or so, he
learned there would be a banjo spot open with
Ricky Skaggs from Scott Vestal (who he had met
while recording two cd’s with Audie). He decided
to go for it, and ended up contacting Andy Leftwich and Cody Kilby. He sent some live show
recordings and his cd’s for the band and Ricky to
listen to, and was invited to drive to Nashville to
audition with Ricky, Andy, Cody and Scot Mulvahill the band’s bass player. The audition went
well and Ricky offered Russ the job on a trial basis. After two months or so, Ricky confirmed that
he had the permanent banjo spot. One thing that
Ricky mentioned was that he really liked the fact
that Russ played clawhammer, so learning the
old way turned out to be a really good thing in
the end.
I ask Russ what it was like to work with
Ricky. "It's an absolute blast. He is very patient
and really lets you grow in your slot of the band.
I'm continually learning so much about music
and the industry from him. He has in a sense
become a musical father and teacher in the
same way Audie Blaylock was when I was a
member of Redline". It's easy to put Russ on par
with Chris Warner and Tom Adams. I'm looking
forward to following his career.
Ricky Scaggs & Kentucky Thunder will be
appearing on the Ryman's Bluegrass night July
28th in Nashville which you can catch it on Sirius radio.
Russ’s parents have observed that playing bluegrass banjo for his living has been really
gratifying, rewarding, and also downright tough
for Russ lots of times. The travel, road food,
bluegrass pay scale and other factors make
playing traditional music for a living something
that you really have to love if you are going to
stick with it. Most players aren’t in it for the
money. There are a lot of sacrifices but the rewards of getting to play the kind of music he
loves has been enough to keep Russ going.
Russ can be found on Facebook, Instagram and has a great website "russcarson.com"
which shows lots of photos, videos, an interview
with melbay.com, his products for sale and a
fairly new venture, Carson Photoworks, a photography side business with his fiancée Bethany
Burie of the Burie Family Bluegrass Band from
Wisconsin. They plan to marry this year! The
photo here is from Russ's latest CD "Avenue Of
The Giants" by photographer Reed Jones. The
car is a 1953 Buick Woody station wagon owned
by our club president Dick Beckley.
We here at the Seven Mountains Club
want to wish Russ a long and successful career
in bluegrass music. I'm sure he has the stamina
to become one of the greats in the industry.
Page 7
Seven Mountain Bluegrass Association Scholarship Application
Application is open to anyone 18 years old (by end of the award year) and younger who play traditional bluegrass instruments,
banjo, guitar, bass, fiddle, resonator guitar or mandolin. Acceptability of choice of camp or instructor is left up to the SMBA
Scholarship Committee and Board of Directors. Please answer those questions that apply, camp or private instruction. Applications accepted January thru March and awards announced in April each year.
Applicant's Name _____________________________________________________________
Parent / Guardian's Name _______________________________________________________
Applicant's birthday____________________________________________________________
Home address ________________________________________________________________
Home Phone Number __________________E-mail Address:___________________________
Parent / Guardian's Phone No. _________________________ Cell: ______________________
Please answer the following questions:
What instrument / instruments do you play and how long ? _____________________________
What jam camp do you want to go to or instructor's name______________________________
Instrument ___________________________________________________________________
Dates of Camp ____________________________Cost of Camp: ________________________
Have you already registered for this camp? __________________________________________
Name Of Instructor ________________________ Instructor charge per lesson______________
Instructor's address, phone and email _______________________________________________
On a separate sheet of paper describe the following:
How has Bluegrass Music influenced you?
What do you expect to learn from the camp applied for?
Any additional comments:
We understand the following: In addition to filling out the SMBA Application, the winner must fill out the camp of
choice's application upon award of scholarship. Camper or camper Parent or Guardian agrees that they are responsible for the transportation and attendance of the award winner. Awardees will comply with all of the requirements of
the camp. SMBA'S Scholarship Committee, in its sole discretion, will decide on the amount of each award. Maximum award to be $250. The applicant that applies and is given an award for a camp costing more than the awarded
amount or maximum award is responsible for the remainder. Award check will be paid directly to the camp or instructor. All awardees are responsible to make sure that their enrollment with the camp is secured and all necessary
pre-registration has been completed. In the case that a camp has been filled and the scholarship winner has not secured a registration the award may be transferred to another camp choice. SMBA's sole responsibility is limited to
payment of the awarded amount direct to the camp or instructor.
Signed: __________________________________________________________________
Applicant and / or Parent or Guardian
Print: ____________________________________________________________________
Please complete application and return to:
Kristen Schneider, SMBA Scholarship Chair
519 S. York Rd.
Dillsburg, PA 17019
or email to: resouled@comcast.net
Address any questions to resouled@comcast.net
Page 8
Page 9
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA
12:00 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:45 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
Page 10
Dismembered Tennesseans
Charm City Junction
Coal Town Rounders
High Fidelity
Big Country Bluegrass
Dismembered Tennesseans
Charm City Junction
Coal Town Rounders
High Fidelity
Big Country Bluegrass
TICKET PRICING- 3 Day Advance: $50 ea., 3 Day At Gate: $55 ea., Thursday Gate: $25 ea., Friday Gate: $30 ea., Saturday
Gate: $30 ea., Children Under 12 Free (with guardian)
CAMPING PRICING - Rough Camping (weekend): $20, Hookups: $30 a day (Advance or At the Gate) Limited Number
Available - Advance Tickets and Electric Hookups will be accepted after January 1st
** $5.00 Charge at Dump Station **
Page 11
Fiddler’s Picnics
Chester County 88th Annual
Old Fiddlers' Picnic
Hibernia County Park
1 Park Road, Coatesville, PA 19320
Saturday, August 13
Rain Date: Sunday, August 14
10 am - 4 pm
Kids activities, Mansion tours, food
and craft vendors.
Free Admission; $5 Parking
Lanchester Fiddler’s Picnic
August 20, 2016
Landis Woodland Preserve
610 Zion Hill Road Atglen, PA 19310
Stage Performances
Jam Sessions
Food Vendors
Hay Rides
$5 Parking Fee—No Admission Fee
Lawn Chairs—Blankets suggested
Township Offices—610-857-5969
York County Fiddlers' Picnic
Felton Rd.
Brogue, PA
Approx. 5 mi south of Red Lion—Rt. 74 south, west on
Laurel Rd., right on Felton Rd.
Lyon’s 33rd Annual Fiddle Festival
September 18, 2016
Lyons Community Park
15 Park Avenue, Lyons, Pennsylvania
Saturday, August 27
9AM to 10PM
Outside and Inside Stages
Food Vendors
Admission Price
9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Jam Sessions
Rain Date September 25
Page 12
118 Walnut St., Waynesboro, PA 17268
FMI: 717-762-4711 or beck-benedicthardware.com
Dick & Della Boschert
Shows start @ 7:00 PM * Unless otherwise noted
Concerts $14—Jams $4 (Children under 12 free)
As one of the longest running concert series in central Pennsylvania, Beck and
Benedict hosts some of the
most talented musicians in
bluegrass music today.
Dick & Della Boschert
In addition to the concert
series, Dick and Della also
sponsor an open mic jam
held every Friday evening at
7:00 PM.
7/16/16 - Kody Norris and the Watauga Mountain Boys
9/19/16 - Remington Ryde
Directions: Main Street in Waynesboro and turn onto Walnut Street. Go 2 blocks, Music Theatre is on the right.
40 Shepherd Rd., Newville, PA Exit 37, RT I-81.
FMI: Gary & Mary 717-776-7447
Dinner Specials
Shows start at
Show tickets
4:30 PM
6:30 PM
Held the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month.
Page 13
Jul 9
Jul 23
Aug 13
Aug 27
Sep 10
Sep 24
Oct 8
Oct 22
Nov 12
Nov 26
Dec 10
Cody Allen
North Mtn. Ramblers
Iron Ridge
Canaan’s Land Bluegrass
Buck Fisher and Friends
Bailey’s Crossing
Set Free
Chapter 7
Mosley Family
Holiday Show
Lucketts Community Center
42361 Lucketts Road LEESBURG, VA 20176
No Schedule for July—September
For a complete listing contact Luckett’s
or (703) 771-5281
Walt Crider and Friends
Walt Crider 717-300-3408
cell: 717-887-2308
email: walterccrider@yahoo.com
Hanover Express
Mr. Ken Fream @ 717-359-9826.
Email: hanoverexpress@comcast.net
Keepin' it Simple
Contact: Goldie Keys 717-275-2454
E-mail: gkeysh@gmail.com
Tom Neal - (410) 271-6153
Dick Laird - (717) 848-5673
Carroll Swam - (717) 382-9252
Difficult Run String Band
Acoustic Music in Northern Virginia
Contact: Dick Neff 703-938-2546
E-mail: aneff19@verizon.net
Contact person: Bob Bishard
Contact phone: (717) 957-4349
E-mail: rvbjr13@gmail.com
Marv Ashby & High Octane
454 Barksdale Lane, Hedgesville,
WV 25427
Contact: Marv Ashby 304-258-6211
Carroll County Ramblers
Alan Mundis - 717-814-0114
Dale Eyler - 717-688-3796
Bonnie Eyler - 443-789-2182
Page 14
Bill Runkle and Smith Hollow
Bill Runkle -717-870-0677
Judy Winters-717-817-1979
Larry Conner-410-977-5419
Buc Hill Aces
Old Time Southern Appalachian
Email: buchillaces@gmail.com
Pasture Prime
Bluegrass, Old Time, Country
Mike Foster - 717-649-0107
Tom Cook - 717-602-6449
Buffalo Mountain Bluegrass Band
Autumn and Canyon Moore
Website: buffalomountainbluegrass.com
Email: springpeeper94@gmail.com
Phone: (717) 275-3497
(Washington, DC)
Larry Royce, Sanctuary Show
Every Friday from 8-10 PM
Bluegrass Breakdown
Tues. 12 AM, Wed. 5 AM,Thurs. 6 PM, Sun. 2 AM
Bluegrass Overnight
Sunday 3 A.M, Thurs. Midnight
Bluegrass Review
Mon. 8 PM,,Tues. 2 AM, Wed. 4 AM,
Sun. 11 PM
Enjoy bluegrass 24 hours a day
Channel 61
Bluegrass Signal
Sun. 10 PM, Mon. 7 PM,,Tues. 1 AM,
Wed. 6 AM, Thurs. 8 PM
The Katy Daley Show
Mon. - Fri. 7:00 AM
Rt. 23 Radio Show
Hosted by Ernie and Matthew Thacker
Wednesday Night 10 P.M. to Midnite
(Selinsgrove, PA)
WQSU 88.9 FM
(Selinsgrove, PA)
Bluegrass Classic Show Saturday 3—6 PM
w/Derrick The Dude
Bluegrass Rules Saturday 9—Midnight
w/Tracy Waite
(Dickinson College - Carlisle, PA)
Davis Tracy
Monday 8:00 - 9:00 AM 9:00 - 10:00 PM
Friday 8:00 - 10:00 AM 4:00 - 6:00 PM
(Delaware Township, NJ)
Bluegrass Horizon - Rich
Monday - Noon - 3:00 PM
Bluegrass Breakfast - Susan Rose
Wednesday - 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Sunrise Surprise - Russ Hunsberger
Satruday - 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Bluegrass Junction - Dick Saylor
Saturday - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tim Michaels 717-637-3831
Opry Show
Tim Michaels
Knee Deep In Bluegrass
Cindy Baucom
Knee Deep In Bluegrass
Cindy Baucom
Into The Blue
Terry Herd
(Brevard, NC)
Every Sunday 3-5 PM
FMI: www.wsqlradio.com
Page 15
Saturday 8:00 - 10:00 AM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Sunday 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Sunday 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Tom Adams
Banjo, Guitar, Mandolin, Bass
Bluette Bros.
122 Hill St
York, PA 17403
(717) 854-9064
Mike’s Music Shop
3966 Jonestown Rd
Harrisburg, PA 17109
(717) 540-5188
Campbell’s Music
2361 S. Queen St
York, PA 17405
(717) 741-2634
David W. Musselwhite
RD 3, Box 7593
Jonestown, PA 17038
(717) 865-6236
Country String Shop
54 W. Main St
Campbelltown, PA 17010
(717) 838-8732
David R. Strait
Master Luthier
(717) 258-6036 Phone
(717) 258-4098 Fax
Norm Deaver
203 W. Watson Ave.
Langhorne, PA 19047
(215) 757-0471
Chimneys Violin Shop
614 Lerew Rd.
Boiling Springs,
PA 17007
(717) 258-3203
Amy Hopkins
109 N. 2nd St
New Freedom, PA 17349
(717) 578-5248
RLH Guitars
30 North Main St
Red Lion, PA 17356
(717) 244-9981
J W Music
127 N. Hanover St
Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 258-6765
Ken Runkle
West York, PA
(717) 792-0302
Fiddle’s & Bows
Ken Crone
3340 Colonial Rd.
Dover, PA 17315
(717) 292-3058
Keener Violins
Sales & Repairs
19 Maple Stree
Jacobus, PA 17407
(717) 428-1151
Nev Jackson
Banjo, Guitar, Fiddle, Bass, Mandolin, & Dobro
Nelson Steffy
Mandolin, & Fiddle
Warren Newman 717-903-4147
Guitar, Mandolin, & Fiddle
Patsy Kline
Mandolin & Guitar
Chris Davis
Guitar, Mandolin
DP's Music Center, Lewistown, PA - cdavis2@me.com
Tim Graves
Bucks County Folk Music Shop 215-345-0616
Banjo, Guitar, Fiddle, Bass, Mandolin, & Uke
2400 Oakland Road
Dover, PA 17315
(717) 767-9400
Blueridge Dealer
Judy & Robert Winters
Music lessons / Instrument repairs / Setups / Sales
Lititz, PA Phone: (717) 627-1010
Email: rob@stringdoc.com
Web: www.stringdoc.com
Appointment only
Authorized Deering banjo dealer.
Bucks County Folk Music
40 S. Sand Road
New Britain, PA 18901
RR1 Box 642
Honey Grove, PA 17035
Phone: (717) 734-3452
Page 16
1:00 to 3:30 PM—Every Monday
Claremont Nursing & Rehabilitation Ctr
1000 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA
$1 donation goes to residents activities.
Dick Gow
Mary Wohler
7:30 PM— Every Wednesday
Doylestown Jam
German Hungarian Sportsman's Club
1622 Hilltown Pike—Hilltown, PA
Outside in nice weather, inside otherwise.
All playing levels welcome.
FMI: Ben
6:30—9:30 PM—Every Wednesday
Arcadia Jam—Activity Building
16020 Carnival Avenue—Upperco, MD
Note: Closed July and August and
week of Thanksgiving thru the
end of December.
FMI:wrhlsh@comcast.net 410-374-2895
Alternating Tuesdays
Bluegrass / Old Time
Liam Flynn’s Ale House - Baltimore MD
12:00—3:30 PM— Every Tuesday
The Church of The Open Door
The Church of the Open Door—Just off
Rt 74 on Loucks Rd., North of the West
Manchester Mall. This Gospel Music,
performers of all levels, including those
with electric instruments. A microphone
is provided for vocalists. Visitors are
always welcome.
Ken Runkle
7:00 to 10:00 PM— Every Tuesday (TNBJ)
Pine Hall Lutheran Church
1760 West College Ave., State College
Alan (Scott) Krug 814-883-0287
E-mail: askrug@comcast.net
Professional sound system provided. Alan
publishes an e-mail newsletter of bluegrass
happenings in northern PA. For your copy,
write to Alan at askrug@aol.com
8:00 to 11 PM—1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Washington House BG Jam
Main Street, Sellersville, PA (Bucks County)
This is a high level jam.
FMI: Jim Simpson
ps3@verizon.net) for details. Or see http://
6 to 10 pm—Every other Tuesday
Lower Windsor Twp. Social Hall,
bottom level. 2425 Craley Rd,
Wrightsville, PA 17368
For more information Contact Ebert
Blymire, 717-434-5716
7:00 PM—Every Friday
Beck & Benedict Hardware Jam
Walnut & 3rd Sts., Waynesboro, PA
FMI:Dick/Della Boschert
See “Upcoming Bluegrass Events” section of
this newsletter for bluegrass shows held at
the Beck & Benedict Hardware Theatre,
featuring two great bands each month.
7:30 PM—Every Friday
Muse & Music Performance Series
10 West Expresso St., Mansfield, PA
Every Friday - 7:00 - 10:00 P.M.
YWCA - Gettysburg PA
909 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA
17325. Phone 717-334-9171.
Note: Former Arrow Horse jam.
6:00 to 9:00 PM—Every Thursday
Franklintown Fire Hall Jam
2 miles south of Dillsburg on Rt194—
Doors open 4:00, 4:30 for food
$2.00 Admission
6:00 to 10:00 PM Every Friday
Carroll Township Community Center
Jam Shermans Dale, Perry County
Call for directions.
5:30 PM—2nd & 4th Thursday
6:00 to 8:30 - First Friday each Month
Lisburn Church of GOD
Contact Roger Horner - 717-249-7870
Central Berks Lion's Club Bluegrass Jam
Kitchen open at 4:00 PM
Music begins at 5:30 PM
FMI: Betty Naftzinger 610-488-1920
Third Thursday
Coffey Music
31 East Main St. Westminster, MD
410-876-1045 or 410-848-5003
7:00 to 10:00—1st Thursday
CHAPLIN'S The Music Café
66 N. Main St., Spring City PA. 19475
Amazing historic vaudeville era theatre.
Just $5 or $7 with your BYOB. Contact:
Brad Haberle #484-340-9716 or bassmentbrad@comcast.net . More info
about Chaplin's at
Page 17
6:30 PM—Every Saturday
6:00 - 9:00 PM
November—March 2:00 - 5:00 PM
White Oak Campground
Quarryville, PA FMI: 717-687-6207
6:00 to 10:00 pm - Every Saturday
Grand Old Jam
2073 Orrstown Rd., Shippensburg, PA 17257
(Turn at Morris St., go 3 miles, on right before car auction)
Pickers - Free Visitors - $3.00 Admission
(children under 12 free)
FMI: Robert Forrester 717-530-0248
1:00 PM - First Saturday (Sept-May)
Sugar Run Bluegrass
Calvary Baptist Church 902 Ruskin Dr.,
Altoona, PA FMI: Ron Anderson 814-9408352
Music at the Cider Press - 6:00 P.M.
47 Crystal Falls Dr., Smithsburg. Md.
Bluegrass jams are on 1st and 3rd Saturday
and Classic Country music on the 2nd and
4th. Doors open at 5:00. $3.00 donation at
the door. Please come and join us.
Every Sunday
At the Barn
2000 Harris Mill Rd, Parkton, Md
2-? P.M.
Information 717-515-7436
10:00 AM—Second Sunday
AFBA Open stage & Jam
Hellertown, PA (just south of Allentown)
FMI: www.afbawingap.org.
Doors open at 10 a.m. Stage show begins at noon.
7:00 PM - Second Sunday
Kennedy’s Valley Church of God
Landisburg, PA
1:00 to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday
Penn’s Grove Bluegrass & Acoustic Jam
Citizens League, 50 West Pitman St., Penns
Grove, NJ. The entrance is at rear of the
building. The bar will be operating for
drinks. FMI: Kevin Justice 856-299-2402
e-mail Kevin_justice@yahoo.com.
Note: this jam goes on hiatus for the summer.
May to Sept. - 1st Sunday, 1 - 4PM
Dick Environmental Center-Pickin'
on the Porch - Mt. Gretna, PA
Several Areas to play in. Inside Wernick
style. FMI Patsy Kline - 717-964-3797
Beginner and Advanced
Jam rooms available
2:00 to 5:00 PM
Third Sunday
Held at:
Young’s UMC
7075 Wertzville Rd.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17053
FMI: Jean Snyder 717-957-4609
1:00 to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday
September thru May
New Jersey Bluegrass & Old Time
Music Association
Embury United Methodist Church Hall
Church St., Little Silver, NJ
Jamming & open stage show
FMI: www.newjerseybluegrass.com.
First Sunday October to June, 2 to 5 pm.
Matamoras Community Church Family Life Center
3267 Peters Mountain Road,
(Route 225), Halifax, PA
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday
September thru May
Jerseytown Community Center
Jerseytown, Pa.
FMI: Bob Knorr
jerseytownjam@cobrasound.com or
1:00 to 4:00 PM - Second Sunday
(October thru June)
Susquehanna Folk Music Society Jam
& Song Swap ~ Fort Hunter
North of Harrisburg on Front St.
FMI:Ralph Dahle 717-652-0799
www.sfmsfolk.org 717-657-8709
Bringing a small snack is optional!
1:00 PM—Fourth Sunday
Rick’s Tavern Bluegrass & Country Jam
9th & Chestnut Sts Trainer, PA
All skill levels are invited to participate in
playing bluegrass, country, folk, and old-time
Rt. 81 to the Mechanicsburg
exit Rt. 114. North on Rt. 114
to Wertzville Rd. Left on
Wertzville Rd. 1/2 mile.
Church will be on the left.
Page 18
SMBA Family Membership
With your membership, you can help to promote
bluegrass music to an ever-increasing number of
people. Your membership helps to support our
concerts, jams, an annual picnic, a quarterly
newsletter, an informative website, and introduces our young members 18 and under to bluegrass
music through music scholarships. Please join
Just $12 per year
(Any amount above $12 will go directly to the
scholarship fund)
Help support bluegrass music.
Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association
c/o: Jean Snyder
827 New Valley Road
Marysville, PA 17053-9716
FMI: Call Jean Snyder (717) 957-4609
Join today !
The annual fee is $12 per family. FMI: call Jean at (717) 957-4609.
Make checks payable to Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association
Please send your membership information and fee to Jean Snyder ~ 827 New Valley Road ~ Marysville, PA 17053
Do you play a musical instrument
If you play in a band, please list:
Names of family members:
Amount Enclosed
New Member
Sponsoring member (Not necessary to join):
Favorite bands:
Suggestions are welcomed:
If you are interested in volunteering to serve in any capacity, please call any officer or trustee.
(Any amount above $12 will go directly to the scholarship fund)
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