
Which Is The Most High’s Name?
By Amar Emet
‫אמר אמת‬
Updated 8/11/2012,
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The reason for this lesson is because over the last few years there has been a teaching
circulating that states
(YHWH) was added to the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures or
commonly called the Old Testament) later by scribes or as some teach the Masoretes. It is
hyha (Ehyeh or as some like to
use Ahayah) by these same people and that originally it was in the text where we see hwhy
alleged that originally the Most High’s name was or still is
(YHWH/YEHOWAH). Today I will show this theory to be false and a doctrine of men. Read the
article in its entirety before you jump to conclusions.
Pro 18:13 He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.
Let’s begin.
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How do you prove something was added to the Scriptures? Simple, by producing older and
more ancient evidence that shows where something was added or changed in the text. Let’s
look at some examples.
1 Jn 5:7 (KJV) For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and
the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1 Jn 5:8 And there are three that bear witness
in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
Now the verse above was taken from the King James Version Bible. What was the KJV
translated from? The King James Bible is actually based on portions from three Greek
sources, the editions of Erasmus (about 1514), Stephenus (1546-1551), & Beza (1588 1589), but also uses portions from the Vulgate (Fifth Century) and Complutensian Polyglot
bible (1436–1517). Keep this info in mind! Let’s look at these same set of verses in the New
American Standard Bible (NASB).
1 Jn 5:7 (NASB) For there are three that testify: 1 Jn 5:8 the Spirit and the water and the
blood; and the three are in agreement.
Did you notice the difference between the KJV and the NASB? A whole line was added to the
text. Look what the footnote in the NASB has to say about this verse:
1 John 5:8 A few late mss add heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit,
and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth, the Spirit
This footnote states this line was added to later manuscripts. The reason the NASB doesn’t
have this line is because it is based on earlier manuscripts that do not have this addition.
The NASB is translated from the Alexandrian Text, a text amongst the earliest surviving
Greek New Testament documents. So the Alexandrian text is older than the manuscripts the
KJV was translated from. This is just one example of many I could point out but for the sake
of time I won’t. You can do your own personal study, which I encourage, on that subject.
Now that is how you prove something is added or changed in the text. Making claims based
on your personal feelings, what your elder/moreh/pastor says, assumptions, etc. are not
proof! If you are going to say something has been added, removed or changed in the
Scriptures, present proof using older more ancient manuscripts to support your claim.
So what name did Moshe/Moses publish? Let’s look and see.
Deuteronomy 32:1-3 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the
words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew,
as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I
will publish the name of
Here we see Moshe published the Name YHWH (
). Now some of you may be reading
along in your KJV (or any modern version) and saying “my Bible says the LORD.” Well just a
quick note, the LORD (all caps) is a substitute blatantly used to replace the Most High’s
name. This is well documented! Even in the preface of most Bibles they tell you this. Here
are a couple admissions. The pic below is taken from a KJV study Bible.
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So this KJV study Bible admits to replacing the Hebraic Name of the Most High “YHWH” with
the generic titles LORD and GOD in all capital letters. Let’s look at a coupe more Bible
The New American Standard Bible - One of the titles for God is Lord, a translation of
Adonai. There is yet another name, which is particularly, assigned to God as His special
or proper name, that is, the four letters YHWH (Exodus 3:14 and Isaiah 42:8). This name
has not been pronounced by the Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of
the divine name. Therefore, it has been consistently translated LORD.
The New King James Version - The Covenant Name of God in the Old Testament,
represented by the Hebrew consonants YHWH, is translated “LORD” or “GOD” (using
capital letters as shown), as it has been throughout the history of the King James
Bible…This tradition is maintained.
So as you can see, the Name YHWH should be in your Bible but translators, following
tradition, chose to replace it with generic titles IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. So with this
information, we know every time we see LORD or GOD in all capital letters it should be the
Name YHWH (
). This is important to remember. Some translation actually broke from
tradition and decided to put the Name where it belongs in Scripture. In this article I will
primarily be using the Scriptures version which uses YHWH in the square Hebrew style
) in the text. Again, let’s look at the verse we read earlier.
Deuteronomy 32:1-3 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the
words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew,
as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I
will publish the name of
The word Name in this verse is singular not plural! So any other name people are
proclaiming is not the Name of the Most High. The only exception is using the contraction
form of the Most High’s name which is YAH.
Contracted for H3068, and meaning the same; Jah, the sacred name: - Jah, the Lord,
most vehement. Cp. names in “-iah,” “-jah.”
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YAH is the contraction form of YHWH (H3068).
Yhvh (i.e. ‫יהוה‬, Yehovah or ‫יהוה‬, Yahveh) (217d); from H1933b; the proper name of the
God of Israel: - GOD (314), LORD (6399), LORD’S (111).
For a more thorough examination on the contraction form “YAH” read my article entitled
“THE NAME YAH.” Moshe used both forms of the Most High’s name interchangeably.
Exo 17:16 for he said, “Because a hand is on the throne of YAH (
fight against Amalĕq, from generation to generation.”
hy), YHWH (hwhy) is to
Here we see Moshe using both forms of the Most High’s name. Where did Moshe get this
name from that He published?
Exo 3:15 And Elohim said further to Mosheh, “Thus you are to say to the children of
Yisra’ĕl, ‘‫( יהוה‬YHWH), Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Ab raham, the Elohim of
Yitshaq, and the Elohim of Yaʽaqob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and
this is My remembrance (memorial) to all generations.’
So Moshe got the Name directly from the Most High. The Most High said YHWH/ ‫ יהוה‬was His
name FOREVER and that it is His MEMORIAL or REMEMBRANCE! Any other name that people
may present, if it is not YHWH or YAH, then it is not the Most High’s Name. Within the
Scriptures the Most High declares His name is YHWH over and over again; almost 7000
times. You will see the phrase “Ani YHWH” ( ‫יהוה‬
or translated “I am YHWH” quite
often in Scripture. Ani, which is Hebrew, literally means “I” but is translated “I am.”
BDB Definition:
1) I (first person singular - usually used for emphasis)
Part of Speech: personal pronoun
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: contracted from H595
Same Word by TWOT Number: 129
Let’s look at one verse where the Most High makes it crystal clear what his name is.
Isa 42:8 (RNKJV) I am YHWH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another,
neither my praise to graven images.
Isa 42:8 (The Scriptures) “I am
‫יהוה‬, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to
another, nor My praise to idols.
The Most High states His name is YHWH (
“Ani YHWH” (‫יהוה‬
hwhy)! Name is singular! Again, we see the phrase
‫ )אני‬or translated “I am YHWH.” This can be seen in the Aleppo Codex.
This manuscript dates back to about 930 CE.
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Now here is where the argument comes in. The claim is, it is around this time (about 1000
CE) the scribes or Masoretes corrupted the Scriptures and inserted YHWH (
). It is also
said that the Masoretes created the Hebrew we have today which is claim by some to be
Yiddish. Proponents of the “Ahayah” name also state the Hebrew was really what they call
“Lashawan Kadash.” For a full break down on “Lashawan Kadash” and “the Hebrew we have
today is Yiddish” teaching, please see articles “Examining Lashawan Kadash” & “Yiddish Or
Hebrew.” In this article we will only address the claim that YHWH (
) was inserted about
1000 CE in the text. Now those who make this claim NEVER EVER produce any type of
ancient manuscript to prove their claim. I’ve yet to see one ancient artifact showing any
other name other than YHWH in the text. Since the claim is made the Tetragrammaton was
made up around the 10th or 11th century, let’s see if we can find any ancient artifacts or text
before the 10th century with the Tetragrammaton (YHWH/
hwhy) in it.
‫ אני יהוה הוא ׁשמי וכבודי לאחר לא־אתן ותהלתי לפסילים׃‬Isa 42:8 (HOT)
That’s Yeshayahu/Isaiah 42:8 in the Hebrew. We see “Ani YHWH” or “I am YHWH” shaded in
the blue. Below is a photo of the Dead Sea Scrolls website.
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The actual pic above is from the Great Isaiah Scroll which dates back to about 100 BCE and
is the oldest copy of Isaiah known to exist. This Scroll was in existence even before
HaMashiach/Christ came on the scene. This is almost 1100 years before the Masoretic text.
Let’s see if we can still see the Tetragrammaton in Isaiah 42:8 or will it be another name?
hwhy). 100 BCE!!! As a matter of
In the read box, we still see the Tetragrammaton YHWH (
fact, we still see the phrase “Ani YHWH (‫ ”)אני יהוה‬or “I am YHWH.” So unless you got a text
older than this one showing something else, YOU HAVE NO PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT
Let’s look at another verse.
Isa 26:4 “Trust in
‫ יהוה‬forever, for in YAH (YH - hy), ‫יהוה‬, is a rock of ages.
This same verse we will now look at in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) • Qumran Cave 1 • 1st century BCE • Parchment • H: 2225, L: 734 cm • Government of Israel • Accession number: HU 95.57/27 Col xx – is.25:626:18.
In this scroll “for in YAH, YHWH” (‫ )ביה יהוה‬can clearly be seen. YAH and YHWH are found
all throughout the ancient scrolls as being the Name of the Most High. If this is not enough
to show that the Name was YHWH before the Masoretes came on the scene, don’t worry
there is more. We will look at some ancient Hebraic/Judaic artifacts that also date long
before the Masoretic text was done. Let’s go to our first archaeological find known as the
Nash Papyrus. The Nash Papyrus not only shows the Name of the Most High in the text, it
also shows the importance placed on the 10 Commandments and the Shema. Within the
Nash Papyrus alone YHWH (
Nash Papyrus.
hwhy) is seen at least 7 times. Let’s look at some history on the
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“The Nash Papyrus are a collection of four papyrus fragments acquired in Egypt by W. L.
Nash and first described by Stanley A. Cook in 1903. The fragments were the oldest
Hebrew fragments known at that time which contained a portion of the biblical Masoretic
text, specifically the Ten Commandments and the Shema Yisrael prayer. The order the
commandments listed in the Nash papyrus differs from that of the Hebrew Bible and
Though dated by Cook to the 2nd century, subsequent reappraisals have pushed the
date back to the 2nd century BC. In addition to biblical text, it also exhibits a few unique
readings. The papyrus was probably copied from a liturgical work. According to the
Talmud, it was once customary to read the Ten Commandments before reciting the
Shema, so this papyrus may have contained the daily worship of a pious Egyptian Jew
while the custom still existed.” –,_2nd_century_BCE
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So this Papyrus predates the completed Masoretic text by more than 1000 years and we still
see YHWH (
) in the text. Still no EHYEH/AHAYAH (
) found as the Name. If
EHYEH/AHAYAH was the name before the 10 or 11 century, why don’t we see it being
used as such? Because it was never the Name of the Most High as we will see as we
continue this lesson. Let’s look at yet another ancient artifact that shows the Tetragram
YHWH being used. This next find is known as “Ketef Hinnom Silver Amulet.” This amulet has
the Most High’s Name written in Paleo Hebrew. Let’s look at some history.
“The most important of all the objects found in this
tomb are two small silver scrolls. They were somewhat
damaged — small wonder, since they were placed in
the tomb in the 7th century BCE. Carefully unrolled by
experts at the Israel Museum laboratories, they were
found to be covered with ancient Hebrew script on the
obverse, which was deciphered with some difficulty.
The larger of the two plaques measures 97 x 27 mm.,
the smaller only 39 x 11 mm. The larger plaque
contains 18 lines of writing, mostly legible. Both
plaques contain benediction formulas in Paleo-Hebrew
script, almost identical to the biblical Priestly Blessing
in Numbers 6:24-26.
This biblical text, dated to the 7th century BCE, is the
oldest known to date and pre-dates the texts found in
the Dead Sea area by about 500 years. The word yhwh
(the name of the Lord in Hebrew) appears in writing
for the first time ever. The benediction quoted from
the Book of Numbers was recited by the Temple
priests when blessing the congregation; here it is
found in writing and for individual use. The tiny silver
scrolls were probably worn as amulets around the
For more history on the Silver Amulet check out this link.
So even on this silver scroll, or actually scrolls, we see the
Most High’s name still written as YHWH in Paleo Hebrew.
This silver scroll amulet is dated back to the 7th century
BCE. That’s 1700 years before the completed Masoretic
text. Now if this wasn’t the Name the Most High went by, why are there no accounts of the
Messiah addressing this issue? Surely if the Name was changed the Messiah would have said
something. Somewhere in the New Testament or even in the 1 st century writings, like
Josephus for example, why don’t we see anyone speaking on this? Because this so called
change was never made! Now my question to the EHYEH/AHAYAH proponents; where is your
proof that predates this silver scroll amulet, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nash Papyrus?
hwhy) is the NAME of the Father! The proof is all around us.
So if YHWH is the name of the Most High, where are people getting His name is
EHYEH/AHAYAH from? This false name doctrine comes primarily from a group known as the
GOCC (lashawan qadash proponents – see article “Examining Lashawan Kadash”) and great
misunderstanding of Shemoth/Exodus 3:13-14. It is said that in verse 14 the Most High gave
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His name. These same people also avoid verse 15 of Exodus chapter 3. We will examine the
whole string of verses and see what’s going on.
Exo 3:13 (KJV) And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the
children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath
sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I
say unto them? Exo 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he
said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me
unto you.
Now since in verse 14 they capitalize I AM THAT I AM, it is assume this is the Most High’s
name. The problem is, nowhere in this verse does the Most High use the word “shem/name”
or says that “I AM” is His name. If you keep reading, in verse 15 He gives His name/shem.
Exo 3:15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the
children of Israel, The LORD (YHWH/
) God of your fathers, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you:
this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
For some reason people miss this. Let’s do a full breakdown on these verses. Often times in
Scripture when a name is given it’s usually defined in that Scripture or somewhere around
where the name is given.
Genesis 3:20 Now the man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all
the living.
In this verse we see Adam’s wife’s name is written as Eve, but this is not what Adam called
her. If we look at this name in Hebrew, we see she was called Chawah.
‫ כִּי‬:‫ ַחוָה‬,‫כ ַוי ִּקְ ָרא הָָאדָ ם שֵׁ ם אִּ שְּתֹו‬
.‫חָי‬-‫ אֵׁם כָל‬,‫הִּוא ָהי ְתָ ה‬
Genesis 3:20 And the man called his wife's
name Chawah; because she was the mother
of all living.
What does Chawah mean? If we go to H2332 in the Strong's concordance we see the name
means "life" or "living." Now notices how the name was immediately followed by the
meaning in the same verse. In this verse we see the Hebrew word chai (‫ – חי‬living H2416) is
used to give the meaning of the name. Remember, whenever a name was given, it was
often preceded or accompanied by the meaning or circumstance as seen in the
abovementioned. You will find this pattern throughout the Bible. Let’s continue to look at
this pattern.
1 Chr 4:9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother named him Jabez
saying, "Because I bore him with pain."
Jabez (Yabets - H3258) means sorrow. The word used to define Yabets and translated pain is
otseb (H6090) and it means “pain, sorrow and idol.” In some verses the name being defined
is actually defined by the very verb it is derived from.
‫ בגד (בָא גָד); וַּתִּ ְק ָרא‬,‫יא וַּת ֹּאמֶר לֵָׁאה‬
.‫ גָד‬,‫שמֹו‬
ְ -‫ֶאת‬
Gen 30:11 And Leah said: 'Fortune is come!'
And she called his name Gad.
- H1410) being defined by the Hebrew word gad
Here in this verse we see the name Gad (
- H1409). Both the name and the verb mean fortune or fortunate.
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Ex 2:10 The child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter and he became her
son. And she named him Moses, and said, "Because I drew him out of the water."
The name Moses, or more accurately Mosheh (H4872), means “drawn out.” Here we see the
name defined in the same verse by the verb mashah (H4871 – to draw) from which it is
derived. Let’s go to Gen 30:13.
ְ ִּ‫ כִּי א‬,‫ ְב ָאש ְִּרי‬--‫יג וַּת ֹּאמֶר לֵָׁאה‬
ֵׁ ‫ ָא‬,‫שמֹו‬
ְ -‫בָנֹות; וַּתִּ ק ְָרא ֶאת‬
Gen 30:13 And Leah said: 'Happy am I! for
the daughters will call me happy.' And she
called his name Asher.
In this verse we see two different Hebrew words used in association with the name Asher.
The Hebrew word osher (
- H837) means “happiness” and the verb asher/ashar (
H833) means “to be made happy, be blessed.” Asher (
- H836), which is derived from
H833 (asher), means “happy.” Over and over again we see this pattern of a person’s name
being defined or circumstance of why they were given the name within the same sentence
using the associated word or the verb from which the name is derived from.
So why am I going through the motions to show you these things? It’s simple; the Most High
revealed His name to Moses in the same fashion! Let’s go back to Exodus.
Exodus 3:13 And Moses said unto Elohim, Behold, when I come unto the children of
Israel, and shall say unto them, The Elohim of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and
they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
When Moshe was given the charge to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt the first thing
he asked was for the Most High to identify Himself. Why did Moshe feel the need to ask this
question? The answer is simple. Just as it is today, in the days of antiquity there were gods
many (1 Cor 8:5). Egypt alone worshipped hundreds of different gods. By telling the
Israelites the Creator’s name, Moshe separated Him from the other pagan deities and
identified exactly who he was dealing with. It is at this point the Creator reveals His name
and defines who or what He is to Moshe.
Exodus 3:14 Elohim said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say
unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
In verse 14 the Most High is showing something to Moses. In this verse we just read it shows
the Most High responding with I AM THAT I AM and then again I AM. In the King James
Version, and most modern translations, it has been translated as I AM THAT I AM. Is "I AM"
what the King of The Universe said to Moshe? No; and we will see this as we read on. This is
how it appears in the Hebrew Bible.
‫ כ ֹּה ת ֹּאמַר ִּל ְבנֵׁי‬,‫ ֶא ְהי ֶה ֲאשֶר ֶא ְהי ֶה; וַי ֹּאמֶר‬,‫משֶה‬-‫יד וַי ֹּאמֶר אֱֹלהִּים אֶל‬
.‫ש ָל ַחנִּי ֲאלֵׁיכֶם‬
ְ ,‫ ֶא ְהי ֶה‬,‫יִּש ְָראֵׁל‬
It reads in biblical Hebrew (not lashawan kadash – see article “Examining Lashawan Kadash)
as so:
Wa'yomer (And He said) Elohim (Elohim/God) el'Moshe (to Moses) "ehyeh (I AM) asher
(what) ehyeh (I AM)" Wa'yomer (and He said) koh (this) tomar (you shall say) el’banei (to
sons of) Yisrael (Israel) ehyeh (I AM) sh’lachani (has sent me) aleichem (to you).
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hyha rfa hyha
The words ehyeh asher ehyeh (
) is translated I AM THAT I AM but this is not
the correct way to translate this Hebrew phrase. In Hebrew you would not say ehyeh to say
“I am.” To say “I am” or something equivalent to it you would say “ani” as we saw earlier.
We will come back to that. So how should EHYEH/AHAYAH (
) have been translated? One
source wrote:
“The most precise rendering is ‘I shall be what I shall be,’ although it sometimes is
translated as 'I am that I am'. The 1962 Jewish Publication Society translation of the
Torah despaired of coming up with an accurate rendition, and just left the words in their
Hebrew original” – (Jewish Literacy, pp. 47-48).
The proper way ehyeh/ahayah (
) should have been translated is “I will be” or “I shall
be.” It’s that simple; NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! The reason being is: "ehyeh/ahayah" is the first
person imperfect form of the Hebrew verb hayah
(Strong's #H1961). Hayah has several
meanings but the primary one is “to be,” “exist” or just “be.” The archaic version of this
word is hawah
(Strong's #H1933). For a break down on the Hebrew word
“hawah/howah” and the Name read the article “Yah-Hovah.”
When you attach the Aleph ( ) prefix to hayah, we get the word ehyeh (or as some use
ahayah), which is the first person singular and it means “I will be” or “I shall be.” This is why
the word ehyeh/ahayah should have been translated “I will be” or “I shall be” in Exodus
3:14. Since we can’t just rely on these so-called “scholars” to give us this information, let’s
see what thus saith the Scriptures! In Exodus 3:12, where ehyeh/ahayah (
) is used just
two verses before verse 14, it is correctly translated “I will be.” This is seen below.
,‫לְָך הָאֹות‬-‫ ְוזֶה‬,‫ ֶא ְהי ֶה ִּעמְָך‬-‫ כִּי‬,‫יב וַי ֹּא ֶמר‬
,‫ ָהעָם‬-‫ בְהֹוצִּי ֲאָך ֶאת‬:‫ש ַלחְּתִּ יָך‬
ְ ‫כִּי ָאנֹּכִּי‬
‫ עַל ָההָר‬,‫ ָהאֱֹלהִּים‬-‫ ּתַ ַעבְדון ֶאת‬,‫ִּמ ִּמצ ְַרי ִּם‬
Exodus 3:12 And He said: 'Certainly I will be
with thee; and this shall be the token unto
thee, that I have sent thee: when thou hast
brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye
shall serve Elohim upon this mountain.'
hyha) is found only in one spot (Exodus 3:14) in the text
removed and replaced with YHWH ( hwhy). But we just saw
Now “Ahayah” proponents claim (
and everywhere else it was
hyha) being used just a few verses before Exodus 3:14. So somebody is
lying! EHYEH/AHAYAH (hyha) was not removed from the Scriptures, it is found all throughout
them. It is a common verb NOT A NAME.
Go look in your Bible at how ehyeh/ahayah (
) is used throughout it. You will find it is
never translated "I am" except in Exodus 3:14. Some more examples are:
,‫פִּיָך‬-‫ לְֵׁך; וְָאנֹּכִּי ֶא ְהי ֶה עִּם‬,‫יב ְועַּתָ ה‬
.‫שר ּתְ דַ בֵׁר‬
ֶ ֲ‫ְהֹוריתִּ יָך א‬
ֵׁ ‫ו‬
Exodus 4:12 Now therefore go, and I will be
with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou
shalt speak.'
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‫ חֹו ַמת ֵׁאש‬,‫י ְהוָה‬-‫לָּה נְאֻ ם‬-‫ט ַו ֲאנִּי ֶא ְהי ֶה‬
.‫ ֶא ְהי ֶה בְתֹוכָּה‬,‫ָסבִּיב; ו ְלכָבֹוד‬
Zechariah 2:9 For I, saith YHWH, will be unto
her a wall of fire round about, and I will be
the glory in the midst of her.
I just showed you four examples of
(EHYEH/AHAYAH) being used in Scripture. Here are
the rest of the verses; please go look them up for yourself and see this fact! Exod 4:15, Deut
31:23, Jos 1:5, Jos 3:7, Jdg 6:16, Jdg 11:9, Ruth 2:13 "I am not" from the Hebrew "not I will
(pronounced by “lo ehyeh”), 1Sam 18:18, 1Sam 23:17, 2Sam 7:14, 2Sam
15:34, 2Sam 16:18, 2Sam 16:19, 1Chr 17:13, 1Chr 28:6, Job 3:16 "I had not been" from the
Hebrew "not I will be," Job 10:19 "I had not been" from the Hebrew "not I will be," Job 12:4,
Job 17:6, Ps. 50:21, Isa 3:7, 47:7, Jer 11:4, 24:7, 30:22, 31:1, 32:38, Ezek 11:20, 14:11,
34:24, 36:28, 37:23, Hos 1:9, 14:5, Zech 2:5, 8:8.
The word ehyeh/ahayah is used a total of 43 places (give or take a few) in the Tanakh (Old
Testament), where it is translated as "I will/shall be” and sometimes “I will not be” when
proceeded by the Hebrew word “
” (pronounced lo and means no/not; #H3808) except in
Exodus 3:14!?! It is only in Exodus 3:14 we see it translated “I AM.” Sounds suspect doesn’t
it; like someone has an agenda!!! Not only have we seen
(ehyeh or ahayah as some
prefer) doesn’t translate “I AM” but instead “I Shall Be” or “I Will Be” but we also see it being
used on a number of occasions as a common verb and not a name. Some, in trying to clean
up this suspect translation of “ehyeh (or ahayah as some prefer),” will cite the Septuagint
LXX as the reason for “ehyeh/ahayah” being translated “I AM.” The Greek Septuagint LXX
καὶ εἶπεν ὁ θεὸς πρὸς Μωυσῆν ᾿Εγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν· καὶ εἶπεν Οὕτως ἐρεῖς τοῖς
υἱοῖς Ισραηλ ῾Ο ὢν ἀπέσταλκέν με πρὸς ὑμᾶς.
kai eipen ho theos pros Mousen, "ego eimi ho on"; kai eipen, "houtos ereis tois huiois
Israel: 'ho on apestalken me pros humas.
In English that’s:
"And God spoke to Moses, saying, I am (ego eimi –
); THE BEING (ho On -
); and he said, Thus shall ye say to the children of Israel, THE BEING (ho On ) has sent me to you."
The LXX says: “ego eimi –
” which is literally translated: “I am.” This is where the
“I AM” phrase is said to come from. There’s a problem with this though. The actually word
translated from “ehyeh/ahayah” is “ho On ” and not “ego eimi –
.” Ho on is
translated into English as “the Being” not “I AM!” There’s a hidden Trinitarian agenda behind
the “I AM” translation in English bibles! If the Most High wanted to say “I am” or something
close to it in Exodus 3:14, He would have said “ani
(I/I am)” or “ani hu
(I he),”
but this wasn’t the case! Ani hu literally means “I he” and is often translated “I am he” with
the word “am” italicized, letting you know it’s not in the original Hebrew Script. Here’s an
example of the Most High using “ani hu” and “ani”:
awh yna
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Isaiah 41:4 “Who has performed and accomplished it, Calling forth the generations from
the beginning? ‘I (Ani
), YHWH, am the first, and with the last I am He (Ani Hu
Isa 42:8 “I am YHWH (‫ אני יהוה‬Ani YHWH), that is My Name, and My esteem I do not
give to another, nor My praise to idols.
The Most High said ani and ani hu on many occasions and Exodus 3:14 wasn’t one of them!
Some versions have translated Exodus 3:14 correctly.
And God said to Moses, "Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh." He continued, "Thus shall you say to the
Israelites, 'Ehyeh sent me to you.'" Tanakh, The Holy Scriptures, (Jewish Publication
HASHEM answered Moses, "I Shall Be AS I Shall Be." And He said, "So shall you say to the
Children of Israel, 'I Shall Be has sent me to you.'" The Stone Edition Tanakh, MESORAH
God said to Moshe, "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [I am/will be what I am/will be]," and added,
"Here is what to say to the people of Isra'el: 'Ehyeh [I Am or I Will Be] has sent me to
you.'" The Complete Jewish Bible
'I Will Be Who I Will Be,' replied God to Moses. [God then] explained, 'This is what you
must say to the Israelites: 'I Will Be sent me to you.'” – The Kaplan Bible
Within the phrase the Most High gave Moshe we find the word asher. Asher (Strong's #0834)
is also a common Hebrew word. This single Hebrew word in English can mean “that”
“because” “who” “which” “whatever” “as” “where” etc. Exodus 3:14 is simply a prelude to
the giving of the Most High’s name. Nowhere in this verse do we see the word name/shem.
This verse is where He defines who He is. Much like the many verses we read earlier, the
Most High is defining himself and nature right before He gives His name to Moshe. As we just
read, the meaning of “ehyeh” or “ehyeh asher ehyeh” is “I shall/will be as I shall/will be” or
“I shall/will be.” The Most High is simply saying tell the children of Yisrael the One Who Is
has sent you then he gives His name in verse 15.
hyha rfa hyha
"I am that I am" (Hebrew:
, pronounced ehyeh asher ehyeh) is the sole
response used in (Exodus 3:14) when Moses asked for God's name. It is one of the most
famous verses in the Hebrew Bible. Hayah means "existed" or "was" in Hebrew; ehyeh is
the first-person singular imperfect form. Ehyeh asher ehyeh is generally interpreted to
mean "I will be what I will be", I shall be what I shall be or I am that I am (King James
Bible and others). The Tetragrammaton itself may derive from the same verbal root.”
hyha) is a Name of the Most High but we just saw this
Now some sources may say “ehyeh” (
is not the case. Ehyeh (
) is a verb and is used as such throughout the Scriptures. Not
once is it used as a name. Again, here are some examples of its usage.
Exodus 4:12 Now therefore go, and I will be (ehyeh/
thee what thou shalt speak.'
with thy mouth, and teach
Exodus 3:12 And He said: 'Certainly I will be (ehyeh/
) with thee; and this shall be
the token unto thee, that I have sent thee: when thou hast brought forth the people out
of Egypt, ye shall serve Elohim upon this mountain.'
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In every case in Scripture where “ehyeh (
)” appears, it is always translated and never
used as a name. In the next example we we’ll see the Tetragram appear in the same
sentence with “ehyeh/ahayah (
).” Notice the Tetragram is used as the Name while the
verb “ehyeh/ahayah (
hyha)” is translated as a regular verb!
hwhy), will be (ehyeh/ahayah/hyha) unto her a wall of
fire round about, and I will be (ehyeh/ahayah/hyha) the glory in the midst of her.
Zechariah 2:9 For I, saith YHWH (
Now if this isn’t proof enough, I don’t know what is? Moses published the Name YHWH not
ehyeh (or ahayah as some use).
Deuteronomy 32:1-3 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the
words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew,
as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I
will publish the name of YHWH”
If ehyeh/ahayah (
) is the Most High’s name, as some would say, why is Moshe saying
he will publish the Tetragram (YHWH)? As I stated earlier, the conspiracy people will scream
the name was removed everywhere else except from Exodus 3:14. Yet they are never able
to produce any historical, archaeological or biblical proof this is what took place. Where is
the proof? THERE IS NONE!
[side note - Now some will say
should be hayah
or pronounced hayah, but
this is not so either. This is based on the Strong’s number system. Instead of Strong’s
giving the actual word, it listed the root, which is hayah spelled heh, yod, heh (
) and
not aleph, heh, yod, heh (
Any good biblical source will show you that EHYEH
IS FROM the root word hayah, as we saw earlier, and not pronounced hayah!
Hayah with its vowel points is written like so: (
‫) ָהי ָה‬. If Moshe wanted to say “hayah
‫ָהי ָה‬
)” in this verse he would have wrote it, as he did elsewhere in his writings. For
‫ הֵׁן הָָאדָ ם‬,‫וַי ֹּאמֶר י ְהוָה אֱ ֹלהִּים‬
‫ טֹוב‬,‫ לָדַ עַת‬,‫ָהי ָה כְַאחַד מִּ מֶ ּנו‬
‫ ְו ָלקַח‬,‫י ִּשְ לַח י ָדֹו‬-‫ו ָָרע; ְועַּתָ ה פֶן‬
‫ ָוחַי‬,‫ וְָאכַל‬,‫גַם מֵׁ עֵׁץ ַה ַחי ִּים‬
‫ ֶא ֶרץ‬-‫ עַל כָל‬,‫ְו ָהי ָה לְָאבָק‬
-‫הָָאדָ ם ְועַל‬-‫מִּ צ ְָרי ִּם; ְו ָהי ָה עַל‬
‫פ ֵֹּׁר ַח‬
‫לִּשְ חִּין‬
,‫ַה ְבהֵׁמָ ה‬
.‫אֶרץ מִּ צ ְָרי ִּם‬
ֶ -‫ ְבכָל‬--‫אֲ ַב ְעבֻע ֹּת‬
Gen 3:22 And YHWH Elohim said:
'Behold, the man is become as one of
us, to know good and evil; and now, lest
he put forth his hand, and take also of
the tree of life, and eat, and live
Exodus 9:9 And it shall become small
dust over all the land of Egypt, and shall
be a boil breaking forth with blains upon
man and upon beast, throughout all the
land of Egypt.'
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Here’s another example of Strong’s numbering. The word yihyeh (
- he shall be) has
the same root as EHYEH, which is hayah; Strong’s #H1961! Notice below, Strong’s gives
the root numbering instead of the actual word itself. I highlighted in blue yihyeh (
hyha) where it appears in the text (2 Sam 7:14).
and ehyeh (
‫ וְהוא‬,‫לֹו לְָאב‬-‫ֲאנִּי ֶא ְהי ֶה‬
,‫ ֲאשֶר‬--‫ְלבֵׁן‬
‫לִּי‬-‫י ִּ ְהי ֶה‬
ֵׁ ‫ וְה ֹּ ַכחְּתִּ יו ְב‬,‫ְב ַהעֲוֹּתֹו‬
.‫ ו ְבנִּגְעֵׁי ְבנֵׁי ָאדָ ם‬,‫ֲאנָשִּים‬
2 Sam 7:14 I (589) I shall be (1961) to
him for a father (1), and he (1931) he
shall be (1961) to Me for a son (1121);
when he sins (2399), then I will chasten
him (3198) with a rod of (7626) men
(582), and with strokes of (5061) the
sons of (1121) men (582); - Literal
This verse is taken from “The Interlinear Bible Hebrew, Greek, English” coded to the
Strong’s. Notice that ehyeh (
) has the same Strong’s number attached to it that
yihyeh (
) has! So are we to believe both these words are pronounced “hayah?” NO!
Strong’s is simply giving us the root of the word instead of the word itself, which the
Strong’s sometimes does. Both these words are different conjunctions of the one root
word hayah.
Now some will try to argue that Masoretic scribes altered this verse, but this also is not
so. When the Masoretes meant for a word to be pronounced differently than it was
written they made marginal notes or marks called Qere-Ketiv. This was NOT done or
recorded in any biblical, Talmudic, rabbinical or liturgical writing. PLUS, the Dead Sea
Scrolls, which is dated way before the MT, has “ehyeh (
in Exodus 3:14, not
“hayah (
).” Sorry, there is no historical basis for this train of thought! This is pure
conjecture and an unprovable theory! From this study we see that “ehyeh” is what the
Most High said in Exodus 3:14.]
So why did the Creator say “ehyeh” twice in 14a? When words are repeated in Hebrew it is
to add emphasis. Read the Emphasized Bible Introduction, pg. 9 and Gesenius’ Hebrew
Grammar, pg. 133. One example of this can be seen in Genesis 2:17.
:‫ ִּממֶּנו‬,‫ֹלא ת ֹּאכַל‬--‫ הַדַ עַת טֹוב ו ָָרע‬,‫ו ֵׁמעֵׁץ‬
.‫מֹות ּתָ מות‬--‫ בְיֹום ֲא ָכלְָך ִּמ ֶמּנו‬,‫כִּי‬
Genesis 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in
the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt
surely (4191) die (4191).'
The Hebrew word for die (Strong's Number: 4191
muwth mooth verb) is here repeated
twice and can be literally translated, “die die.” But when brought over into English it is
translated “surely (muwth) die” or “die by death”. It’s repeated twice to simply emphasized
you are going to die. There are examples of this found throughout the Scriptures in the
Hebrew text, but I will just use this one for the sake of time. The Most High applied this same
method to add emphasis to the meaning of His name and who He is. By stressing ehyeh
twice the Most High is emphasizing His continuance of being! “Being what” you may ask?
Being whatever makes the Most High who He is or whatever He needs to be (for His people)!
This is probably why ehyeh/ahayah in Exodus 3:14 was render as “the BEING” in the LXX
LXX Exodus 3:14 "And God spoke to Moses, saying, I am THE BEING (ho On); and he said,
Thus shall ye say to the children of Israel, THE BEING (ho On) has sent me to you."
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This fits perfect with the Hebrew meaning of the word ehyeh.
Let’s go back to Exodus 3:13-16
Exodus 3:13 And Moses said unto Elohim, Behold, when I come unto the children of
Israel, and shall say unto them, The Elohim of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and
they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? 14 Elohim said unto
Moses, I SHALL BE WHO I SHALL BE: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of
Israel, I SHALL BE hath sent me unto you.” 15Elohim, furthermore, said to Moses, "Thus
you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'YHWH, the El of your fathers, the El of Abraham, the
El of Isaac, and the El of Jacob, has sent me to you 'This is My name forever, and this is
My memorial-name to all generations. 16"Go and gather the elders of Israel together and
say to them, 'YHWH, the El of your fathers, the El of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has
appeared to me, saying, "I am indeed concerned about you and what has been done to
you in Egypt.
In verse 14 the Most High identified Himself as ehyeh or I shall be and then the Most High
switches up in verse 15 and 16. In verse 15 through 16 the Most High told Moshe to tell
Israel that the Tetragram (YHWH) was the name of the one who appeared to him and sent
him. So what just happened?
First we must remember what the Father said in verse 14, ehyeh/ahayah, literally means “I
shall be” or “I will be” or as the Greek reads “The Being.” Then we must remember
“ehyeh/ahayah” is the first-person singular imperfect verb form of the Hebrew verb hayah
. So the Most High was identifying Himself and who He is with a first person singular
In Exodus 3:15-16 the Father tells Moshe His name, which is simply a third person proper
noun form of ehyeh. It shares the same meaning as ehyeh with the exception that it
switches up not in meaning but in a grammatical perspective. The Name YHWH, is the thirdperson singular imperfect form of hawah which is synonymous and the older archaic form of
‫ הוה‬/ ‫הוא‬
hava' / havah
BDB Definition:
1) Qal)
1a) to fall
1b) to be, become, exist, happen
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: a primitive root [compare H183, H1961]
Same Word by TWOT Number: 484, 491
Here’s an example of hawah (‫ )הוה‬being used in a sentence.
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‫ יעבדוך‬Gen 27:29 (IHOT+)
H1933 to thee: be
‫ הוה‬H3816 thee, and nations‫ לך לאמים‬H7812 bow down‫ויׁשתחו‬
‫ לך‬H7812 bow down‫ ויׁשתחוו‬H251 over thy brethren,‫ לאחיך‬H1376 lord‫גביר‬
‫ ארור‬H779 to thee: cursed‫ ארריך‬H517 and let thy mother's‫ אמך‬H1121 sons‫בני‬
H1288 he that
‫ ברוך׃‬H1288 thee, and blessed‫ ומברכיך‬every one that curseth
Gen 27:29 Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you. Be (hawah)
master over your brothers, and let your mother’s sons bow down to you.
Cursed be those cursing you, and blessed be those blessing you!”
Hawah and hayah are the same word in which the weak letters waw ( ) and yod ( ) are
interchangeable. Hawah is considered to be the older archaic form of hayah. This is why
when you look up the Name of the Most High it could say the root is either hayah or hawah.
The root hayah, from the older archaic hawah, from which the Most High’s name is derived,
means “be” or something equivalent. When this verb hawah is prefixed with the yod ( ) and
modified to a name, it becomes the third-person singular with the meaning “HE WILL/SHALL
BE.” YHWH is the third-person singular imperfect form of “to be” with the meaning of “He
shall be” or “He will be.” So we have the same meaning in the name YHWH (He shall be) as
ehyeh (I shall be) with only “I” being changed to “He.”
“Etymologically, it [YHWH] is a third person singular, imperfect, probably of the verb
hawah (or hayah), signifying to be.” – Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Encyclopedia.
“[YHWH] is almost always regarded as the third person singular, masculine, imperfect
tense, from the root hawah, an old form of the root hayah. The one meaning of hawah is
“become.” So that the force of [YHWH] thus derived, as a verb, would be “He will
become”; or, as expressive of use and won’t, “He becometh.” Then, passing into use as
a noun, it is – “He who becometh,” “The Becoming One.” That is precisely how any other
Hebrew name would be formed and would yield up its inherent significance. Thus
viewed, its human-like simplicity would be its great recommendation. If the Eternal
would speak to man so as to be understood, we seem compelled to expect that He will
speak after the manner of men. And if after the manner of men He pleases to take and
bear a Name, it would seem the very perfection of condescension that His Name should
be formed after the manner of men’s names.” – The Oxford Gesenius under the name
“Yahweh” pg. 217, 218. [Brackets mine.]
Now the Oxford Gesenius gives a slightly different meaning for the name but still agrees the
Name YHWH is in the third-person form. Professor A. B. Davidson states:
It seems evident that in the view of the writer ehyeh and [yhwh] are the same: that God
is ehyeh, ‘I will be,’ when speaking of Himself and [yhwh], ‘He will be,’ when spoken of
by others. What He will be is left unexpressed–He will be with them, helper,
strengthener, deliverer.” – Hastings Bible Dictionary, Vol II., pg 199.
So ehyeh/ahayah (first-person) and YHWH (third-person) have the same meaning but are
from different perspectives, it’s that simple. There is no contradiction between verses 13-16
and the Most High is not playing the name game either. He simply defined Himself in verse
14 and gave the name behind the meaning in verse 15 and 16. This is just like we have seen
when other names are given in the Scriptures. When you understand the meaning of ehyeh
(or ahayah as some prefer) and YHWH you see how Exodus 3:13-16 perfectly harmonizes.
People make things deeper and more complicated than it has to be!
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The meaning of the Most High’s name is no mystery. He gives the meaning of His name in
verse 14. The meaning can be verified very simply by referring back to exodus 3:12.
Exodus 3:12 And He said: 'Certainly I will be (ehyeh) with thee; and this shall be the
token unto thee, that I have sent thee: when thou hast brought forth the people out of
Egypt, ye shall serve Elohim upon this mountain.'
When we say YHWH, we are declaring that "He shall/will be." The meaning of His name has
unlimited application. It’s like a blank check. Even in Scripture, the people who serve the
Most High would apply compound words to the Father’s name. Look how the Most High’s
name is used in conjunction with Hebrew adjectives and verbs. Watch how the meaning is
brought out even more when you understand what the Most High’s name means.
YHWH ELOHEINU – literal meaning “HE-SHALL/WILL-BE our Power/Might One/Deity” See
Exodus 3:18
YHWH YIR’EH - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE provider" See Genesis 22:13, 14.
YHWH ROPH’EKHA - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE [he] who heals you" See Exodus
YHWH NISSEE - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE my banner/miracle" See Exodus
YHWH MEKADDEESHKHEM - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE your Sanctifier" See Exodus 31:13.
YHWH SHALOM - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE peace" See Judges 6:24.
YHWH TSIDQEINU - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE our righteousness" See Jeremiah
23:6, 33:16.
YHWH SHAMAH - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE there" See Ezekiel 48:35.
YHWH RO’EE - literal meaning "HE-SHALL/WILL-BE my Shepherd" See Psalm 23:1.
YHWH ABINU – literal meaning “HE-SHALL/WILL-BE our Father” See Isa 63:16, 64:8
The Most High “will be” whatever He needs to be to His people and creation! YHWH is the
name Moshe published, what he was ultimately told to use (Exodus 3:15-16). YHWH is the
name all the writers of Scripture (including the Nazarenes) published and declared!
Exo 4:1 And Mosheh answered and said, “And if they do not believe me, nor
listen to my voice, and say, ‘‫ יהוה‬has not appeared to you?’”
Why didn’t Moshe say Ehyeh or Ahayah instead of YHWH (
)? Because the Name
he was given and told to say was YHWH as we have established throughout this
lesson. Over and over again the Most High declare His Name is YHWH.
Exo 3:16 “Go, and you shall gather the elders of Yisra’ĕl together, and
say to them, ‘‫ יהוה‬Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Ab raham, of
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Yitshaq, and of Yaʽaqob, appeared to me, saying, “I have indeed visited you
and seen what is done to you in Mitsrayim;
Exo 3:18 “And they shall listen to your voice. And you shall come, you and
the elders of Yisra’ĕl, to the sovereign of Mitsrayim, and you shall say
to him, ‘‫ יהוה‬Elohim of the Hebrews has met with us. And now, please, let
us go three days’ journey into the wilderness to slaughter to ‫ יהוה‬our
Exo 6:2 And Elohim spoke to Mosheh and said to him, “I am ‫( יהוה‬Ani YHWH).
Exo 6:3 “And I appeared to Abraham, to Yitshaq, and to Yaʽaqob, as Ěl
Shaddai. And by My Name, ‫יהוה‬, was I not known to them?
Exo 6:6 “Say, therefore, to the children of Yisra’ĕl, ‘I am ‫יהוה‬, and I
shall bring you out from under the burdens of the Mitsrites, and shall
deliver you from their enslaving, and shall redeem you with an
outstretched arm, and with great judgments,
Exo 6:7 and shall take you as My people, and I shall be your Elohim. And
you shall know that I am ‫ יהוה‬your Elohim who is bringing you out from
under the burdens of the Mitsrites.
Exo 6:8 ‘And I shall bring you into the land which I swore to give to
Abraham, to Yitshaq, and to Yaʽaqob, to give it to you as an inheritance. I
am ‫יהוה‬.’”
Exo 12:12 ‘And I shall pass through the land of Mitsrayim on that night,
and shall smite all the first-born in the land of Mitsrayim, both man and
beast. And on all the mighty ones of Mitsrayim I shall execute judgment. I
am ‫יהוה‬.
Deut 5:6 ‘I am ‫ יהוה‬your Elohim who
Mitsrayim, out of the house of bondage.
YHWH is published and declared all throughout the Torah and the entire Tanakh
almost 7000 times! YHWH is the only Name found in antiquity in ancient
manuscripts and artifacts. YHWH IS THE NAME!
hwhy) is
When all else fails, ahayah proponents will usually come with the line, well YHWH (
bogus because the pagan use it. Or YHWH (
) is bogus because it means “He is ruin.”
These are by far the weakest arguments used by ahayah proponents. Almost laughable and
show the lack of knowledge on Hebrew words! The “He is ruin” argument is addressed in
this article entitled “Yah-Hovah.” As far as YHWH (
) being bogus because pagans use it,
let’s see. Pagans have sex, produce children, sacrifice, burn incense, breath, eat, sleep,
work, etc. (I think u get my point) yet we wouldn’t say any of these things are bogus. Just
because pagans do something or use something doesn’t make it wicked unless it goes
against the word of the Most High. Pagan societies have “the Great Flood” story; does that
make the story of Noach/Noah false? No! Plus, pagans often emulate or steal things from the
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Scriptures and use them in their bogus rituals and practices. If the Most High says His name
is YHWH, who cares what the pagans do or say.
Isa 42:8 (The Scriptures) “I am
‫יהוה‬, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to
another, nor My praise to idols.
I hope this lesson opens the eyes of those who read it and that they realize the Great Name
of the Most High YHWH is not bogus nor is it inserted. I pray this article was a blessing and
Let us hear the conclusion of the entire matter: fear Elohim (God) and guard
his commands, for this applies to all mankind! For Elohim shall bring every
work into right-ruling, including all that is hidden, whether good or whether
evil - Eccl 12:13-14
Shalom Uv’racha
(Peace & Blessings)
Your Brother
‫אמר אמת‬
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