Miracles In The Making - Miracle Hill Ministries
Miracles In The Making - Miracle Hill Ministries
Fall 2013 in the A publication of Miracle Hill Ministries Finding Home Again Have you ever looked back on your life and thought, “How did I get here?” Joshua found himself asking that very question as he roamed the streets, alone, broke, and addicted to opiates. How did he get there? Joshua’s introduction to the world of drugs began at the young age of seventeen. Before even finishing high school, he was an alcoholic and drug addict—but his dependency only grew from there. As he got older, Joshua abused his wife’s prescription pain medication, and then eventually found the needle. He was hooked. Nothing in Joshua’s life mattered more to him than drugs, and in the five years he abused opiates, he lost everything—his wife, his job, his money, his home… he had nothing left. And the scariest part was, he didn’t care. So there he was… alone on the streets, desperate for another high. Joshua only pursued Miracle Hill in order to sleep in a normal bed again, but had to leave because he couldn’t stop drinking. No matter how much the counselors encouraged him to join their addiction recovery program, Joshua wasn’t ready. He was more content being alone on the streets with his addiction than rebuilding his life without it. But after six months deprived of warmth, friends, or shelter, Joshua’s heart began to change. Though apprehensive, he finally decided to move to Miracle Hill’s Overcomers Center to seek help and healing from his crippling addictions. Joshua’s road to recovery was far from easy, but through the gospel, tough love, and a lot of prayer and counsel, he realized that he had an opportunity not only to change his life, but also to live fully for the first time. Through the teachings at Overcomers, he learned how to “submit my will, accept help… and give it all to God.” Since his time in recovery, Joshua is a restored man! He works at Homes of Hope in Greenville, helping provide safe, affordable housing to families and individuals without a place to call their own. He knows where these people have been, but he also knows the amazing miracles the Lord can do through even the most hopeless circumstances. Now when Joshua looks upon his life and thinks, “How did I get here?” the answer is obvious—through the help of God, Miracle Hill and our supporters. “Joshua’s road to recovery was far from easy.” Table of Contents Finding Home Again..1 The Growing Need for Foster Care ................2 Be the Bridge ............2 Committed to Serve..3 Join us on: PO Box 2546 Greenville, SC 29602 864-268-4357 toll free 877-558-4357 www.miraclehill.org facebook.com/MiracleHill twitter.com/MiracleHill youtube.com/MiracleHillUpstate Thanksgiving Turkey Fry ..................3 Upcoming Events ......4 Living in a Place Called Trust ..............4 The Growing Need for Foster Care As the need for foster care grows, we hope to increase our number of foster families from 72 to 100. But we need your help to reach this goal! A foster mother once said, “The unknown is scary, but it’s [always] a real blessing. You just have to take that leap of faith.” If interested in foster parenting, please contact Sharon Betts at sbetts@miraclehill.org or 864878-9987. Be The Bridge According to Mr. Webster, a bridge is something that provides connection, contact, or transition over a gap or barrier. A bridge analogy resonates with me because many of the men, women, and children who come into our shelters are desperate to transition from a life out of control to a life filled with hope and stability. But, they simply cannot do it without a connection. Miracle Hill seeks to be the bridge that takes individuals from destructive lifestyles to ones filled with hope... hope that comes only from a relationship with the One who bridged the gap so that we could have eternal life. Last month at Renewal, a graduate shared, “I never thought I would be in a place like this; I gave up everything to get some order in my life and it was the most awesome giving up in the world.” Her life was unmanageable for many years due to deep rooted anger and unforgiveness. At Renewal, she became aware of her shortcomings and walked the bridge from bondage to freedom. had to be put to sleep due to serious seizure issues that were not going to get better. Minda wrote: “There is a hole in our hearts, but none of us would have traded all of the joy that Daisy brought to us. She sniffed the new babies as they came in, allowed the children to poke her eyes, lift her jowls and use her as a pillow. She would lie at the feet of women as they cried in frustration, anger, fear and hurt. She attended hundreds of meetings, greeted thousands of donors, volunteers and visitors… she would lie on the floor and listen to the heart-felt secrets the ladies would tell her.” Though Daisy did not know it, she was the bridge of sensitivity to many. A bridge is something that provides a connection, contact, or transition over a gap or barrier. Will you be the bridge that helps change a life? In February, Shepherd’s Gate, Miracle Hill’s outreach to women and children, celebrated 20 years of service to our community. For more than 10 of those years, Daisy Mae, Director Minda Shelton’s furry friend and sweet companion, came to work with her almost daily. She became a valuable member of the staff there. Recently, Daisy by Frankie Powell VP of Development Shelter, Food Daisy Mae & Hope Committed to Serve assist our clients in obtaining a job after they leave. Doing the seemingly simple things actually makes a big impact. How can volunteers get involved with Miracle Hill? Our new Volunteer Coordinator, Jaclyn Pinkham, is so excited to spread the word about Miracle Hill’s Volunteer program. As you read her interview, we hope you’ll eagerly join our cause and sign up to be a volunteer today! Remember, these spots fill quickly for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so please contact us early if you’d like to serve during those times. How do Miracle Hill volunteers affect their community? Our volunteers impact their community simply by creating a friendship with our clients. They often extend encouragement, prayer, and a listening ear while our people work to meet their personal goals. Some even Visit us at: miraclehill.org Volunteers can give their time in many ways: bringing a meal to our shelters, having a game night with our children, tutoring in a learning center, answering the phone at a facility during lunch hour, or organizing a food /supply drive for the physical needs of our clients. How does one get started as a volunteer? It’s as simple as filling out an application on our website and then going through the orientation process. We strive to match our volunteers with a ministry they feel called to; doing something that uses their individual gifts and skill set. Thanksgiving Turkey Fry For the past six years, Miracle Hill has celebrated the blessed Thanksgiving season with a Turkey Fry! Thanks to many donations and volunteers, we served around 2,000 meals to the hungry and homeless last year. This year we anticipate an even greater need. The 2013 Turkey Fry will be hosted by WSSL 100 on Tuesday, November 26. To pull it off we will need hundreds of turkeys, lots of peanut oil, propane and much more. To learn about the specific needs for this year’s Turkey Fry and how you can help, please contact Susan at spottberg@miraclehill.org. What would you like to say to all of our current volunteers? Thank you! I often hear that our staff was better able to minister to a client because a volunteer paved a way to help. By donating or shopping at our thrift stores, you’re helping to build a bridge for someone between homelessness and hope. Visit miraclehill.org to find a store near you or to schedule a pickup. Mark Your Calendars Now Spartanburg Fundraising Banquet ~ October 8, 2013 Guest speaker Ron Hall, author of “Same Kind of Different As Me,” will join us at 6:30 pm at the Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium for our annual fundraising banquet. Mr. Hall has been a good friend of Miracle Hill for some time now, and we excitedly anticipate what he will share with us. You will not want to miss this special event! Cherokee County Fundraising Banquet ~ November 14, 2013 Join us in Gaffney at Broad River Electric for yet another exciting guest speaker. Christian businessman Jim Morgan, CEO of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, will share his powerful testimony—including his son’s battle with addiction. “Substance addiction is vicious…. I know as I have seen it at work in my own family,” Morgan has said. “Thanks to Miracle Hill’s recovery programs, there is a place where many who have this challenge may go and learn to live a life free from their addictions forever.” Please contact Cindy Kelly at 864-631-0137 or ckelly@miraclehill.org for information about table host and underwriting opportunities, or to reserve your seat. You can also register for these banquets at www.miraclehill.org. Living in a Place Called Trust A lady was sunbathing when a little boy in his swimming trunks, came up and asked her, “Do you believe in God?” Surprised, she replied, “Yes, I do.” Then he asked “Do you read your Bible and pray every day?” Again she said, “Yes!” By now her curiosity was piqued. He sighed with relief and said, “Okay then, will you hold my money while I go swimming?” (Source: “Confrontation” by Gordon Curley) Trust is crucial to the Christian life – we practice trust in God each day. But did you know God trusts us too? He entrusts us with many things, including finances. So how can we honor God and prove trustworthy with them? One way is by choosing to support ministries that are impacting others for Christ. This could be through a one-time charitable gift, or by including a ministry organization you trust in your Will. You can even support ministries you love like Miracle Hill Ministries from your Roth IRA. Now is a wonderful time to do that too, thanks to new legislation that extends the IRA Charitable Rollover allowing you the benefits of donating while avoiding federal tax liability. For a FREE copy of our stewardship bulletin “One Giant Leap in the Journey of Faith” simply check the box on the enclosed reply card or contact Frankie Powell, VP of Development, at 864-268-4357 or fpowell@miraclehill.org - or bless your family today with a God-honoring Will at www.christianwill.org/miraclehill. Miracle Hill does not discriminate with regard to race, color, sex, national origin, marital, veteran, handicap or any other legally protected status. *Names and photos of clients may have been changed to ensure their safety. Miracle Hill Ministries, Inc. is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. miraclehill.org Administrative Office Miracle Hill Boys’ Shelter Miracle Hill Children’s Home Miracle Hill Rescue Mission • Cherokee Co. • Greenville • Spartanburg Miracle Hill Shepherd’s Gate Miracle Hill Thrift Operations Miracle Hill Auto Sales Miracle Hill Overcomers Center Miracle Hill Renewal Center Miracle Hill Homes for Life 877.558.4357 864.292.0552 864.878.9987 864.488.0376 864.242.6933 864.583.1628 864.268.5589 864.242.6931 864.268.1960 864.631.0088 864.242.2166 864.576.1719 Honor & Memorial Tributes April 1 through July 31, 2013 **Those being honored or remembered are listed in blue. Memorials Mr. Mickey Abercrombie Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon Johnson Mr. James M. Alford Mr. & Mrs. William Traxler Miss Ila Allen Mr. & Mrs. Burl Turner Mrs. Judy Cole Allen Mr. John Cole Mr. Gary F. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wethern Mr. Eugene F. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Holbert Mr. & Mrs. Barry Smith Mr. & Mrs. Bob Nestor Mr. & Mrs. Charles Callicutt Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Rumminger Mr. & Mrs. Howard MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Igor Blinow Mr. & Mrs. John H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Randy Cheek Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Brock Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tate Mrs. Grace Burke Mrs. Mary M. Evans Ms. Candace Whitehead Ms. Jeanne Hinton Ms. Joan D. Bourdon Ms. Norma Caldwell Ms. Peggy Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wickensimer Miss Jessi Marie Arnold Mrs. Susan McCalister Rev. & Mrs. Rollie Baker Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Baker Mr. Jay Barnett Mrs. Juanita Barnett Mr. Wilbren Baynard Rev. & Mrs. Tommy Owen Mrs. Hazel M. Billingsley Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hendricks Mrs. Delories Black Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers Joy Filled SS Class Five Forks Baptist Church Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Threadgill Mr. & Mrs. Barry Aughtry Mrs. Margaret Blair Mr. Carl Blair Mr. Rusty Boggs Mrs. Charmaine Smith-Miles Emma Elizabeth Boughman Mr. Sammy Freeman Linda Bowers Ms. Angela Cooke Charles & Martha Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bradley Mrs. Jean Broome Mrs. Barbara Barefoot Mr. & Mrs. Dan Burnell Mr. John Brouthers Adventure Sailing Mr. & Mrs. Roger Turcotte Mr. M.G. Browning Mr. & Mrs. Robert Browning Mr. Bryan L. McGee Mrs. Patsy Peace Mr. & Mrs. John Burton Mr. & Mrs. Jack Anderson Superior Stone & Tyle Mr. George Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rexroad Mr. William C. Carter Mrs. Susan Carter Mrs. Hilda Cash Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stewart Mr. Kindle Mark Chapman Brookwood Church Mr. & Mrs. Frank White Mr. William A. Coleman II Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jameson Mr. Bob Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Stone Lance Duncan Rev. & Mrs. Tommy Owen Mr. Carl C. Durham Mr. & Mrs. Claude Herndon Miss Linda C. Durham Mr. & Mrs. Claude Herndon Mrs. Jean Eakle Ms. Beth Jefford Dr. Morton T. Edwards Mr. Lang Ligon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Dean Parker Marjorie Garneau Mr. & Mrs. Philip Bianchini Lanny Ross Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Couch Mr. Harold Gault Mr. & Mrs. Troy Bridges Mrs. Carolyn Genoble Mr. Thomas Genoble Mr. Julius Alvin Gilreath Mr. Howard McEwen T.I. Glasscock Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lindeen Mr. William R. Goforth Ms. Penny Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vandiver Mr. & Mrs. J. Mack Smith Mrs. Harriet Goodwin Mr. Ronald Goodwin J. Don & Doris Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gosnell Mr. John David Harrison City of Fountain Inn Mr. Leland Scott Hart Mrs. Jim Findley Mr. Charles Hartsell Mrs. Barbara Barefoot Mrs. Eula Haynes Mr. James Owens Mary Stephanie Hitt Coker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hitt Mrs. Jane Holbrook Mr. Pat Holbrook Opal & Jane Holbrook Mr. Pat Holbrook Amelia Honesco Mr. & Mrs. Russ Schumaker Sophie Horodeck Mrs. Carol Bottaro Sam & Elaine Huff Ms. Marry Huff Mr. Ed Hutton Sr. Mr. Richard Hutton Mrs. Jewell Hyatt Mr. & Mrs. Marty Hyatt Mr. Ben Jennings Mr. & Mrs. James Nance Ms. Faye Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Johnson Mrs. Carolyn Jolly Mr. Desmond Jolly Wilma Kelly Mr. Donald Spencer Mrs. Pat Kelso Ms. Christina Kelso Mr. James Mac Lawton Mr. & Mrs. Claude Clamp Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lawton Mr. Lynn Lehman Mrs. Linda Lehman Mrs. Virginia Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bridges Mrs. Sandra Blair Mrs. Berniece Lehmann Mr. & Mrs. Richard Noonan Mrs. Mary Alice Lehman-Waren Dr. & Mrs. David Brown Mr. Jodean O. Lemmons Mr. & Mrs. Joe Moore Jr. Brown Packing Company Mr. & Mrs. Grady Randolph Mr. & Mrs. George Hagood Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Murl Lehman Mrs. Juliet Webb Ms. Mary G. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Dewey A. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Barnhill Mrs. Jennie Montgomery Charles & Shawn Bowman-Hicks Ms. JoAnn Brandtner Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Price Mr. Wayne Clary Ms. Carolyn Lemmons Mrs. Carolyn Poole Mr. & Mrs. Tom Thomson CWS Insurance Agency Cherokee Co. Farm Bureau First Baptist Church Ms. Grace Murphy Mr. & Mrs. W. Reed Brown Mr. & Mrs. F.M. Gamble Ms. Mary Sue Barbrey Mr. James H. Keller Mrs. Betty Lemmons Cecelia Lindke Mr. & Mrs. Tom Low Priscilla & Jane Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Campbell Hester Queen Rev. & Mrs. Tommy Owen Mr. & Mrs. George Riley Mr. & Mrs. Bill Chafee James C. Robertson Mr. Fred Robertson Norma Robison Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delarm Mr. Tom Rogers Mr. Sam Rogers Mr. Don O. Rollins Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James Nance Emil Roman Mrs. Regina Spade-Roman Miss Jenna Saadati Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lockwood Sr. Ms. Jan Hopkins Anonymous Frank & Margaret Satterfield Dr. Thomas R. Lybrand Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hand Mr. & Mrs. Jerry White Mr. Joseph Sheen Mr. Lang Ligon Jr. Mr. James Sheen Rev. S. H. Maxwell Pat Snoddy Mrs. Dorothy Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. John Van Vliet III Mrs. Bobbi Hannon McDonald Mr. David Stallard Jr. Suggs Johnson LLC Mr. & Mrs. Steve Worrell Emily McLane Debra Stapleton Mr. & Mrs. Bill Childers Northgate Soda Shop Tracy Hale Mead Alice Swartz Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hale Mr. David Swartz Mr. William N. Middlebrooks Matthew Ross Szabo Mr. Doug Middlebrooks Mr. & Mrs. Emsley Laney Jr. Nancy P. Morgan Bill & Woo Thomason Mr. Howard McEwen Mr. & Mrs. Jim Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Henry Parr Jr. Paulette J. Murphy Mr. Oron Trotter Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Marion Hughes Mr. Fred Robertson Mr. & Mrs. WD Workman III Mr. & Mrs. John D. Aiken Jr. John Michael Turkowski Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wolfe LifePoint Church Johnnie Mary Collins Vogler Verdae Properties, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Bill Slocum Mr. & Mrs. Dock Howard Mr. Clyde Edward Walker Mr. Roy Nealey Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Styles Mr. & Mrs. Jack LeCroy Mrs. Judy Walker Mr. Victor Owen Lake Junaluska Conference Ctr Rev. & Mrs. Tommy Owen Mr. Buck Waters Mr. Hunter Park Mr. & Mrs. Steve Patten Mr. & Mrs. Towers Rice Sr. Mr. Michael E. Waters Frank Peters Mr. & Mrs. Matt Schell Mr. & Mrs. Bill Slocum Mrs. Joan Waters Dennis Michael Petty Ms. Margaret Ann Withers Mr. & Mrs. Al Santulli Ms. Nancy Ellison Ms. Ruth Cannon Mr. Charles Michael White Mrs. Bobbie Jean Crawford Mr. A.B. Windham Mr. Lang Ligon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Woodward Anonymous Mr. Colin Worrell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Worrell Honors Mrs. Margaret Aiken Mr. & Mrs. Gary McConnell Hugh & Robbie Badger Mr. & Mrs. John B. Wright Mrs. Dottie Baird Mr. & Mrs. Barry Jennings Roger & Cheryl Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hawkins Neveah Berry Mr. & Mrs. Mark Betts Mary Bird Mr. James Sheen Beth Browning Mr. & Mrs. Robert Browning Tony Clark Ms. Anne Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cogdill Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Christopher Mr. James Compton Mr. & Mrs. Richard Campbell Wayne & Ann Copeland Mrs. Maxine Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Allen Dean Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hawkins Joesiah Densmore Mr. & Mrs. Mark Betts Mr. Marty Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Troy Bridges Alice Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. Paul Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Pete Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hawkins Aaron & Corey Gantt Mr. & Mrs. Mark Betts Dr. William N. Gressette Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tim Holt Gabriella Hartsell Ms. Mary Bolinger Mr. & Mrs. Britt Goodson Mary Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Paul Melotte Mr. Joey Hines Ms. Mary Lee Parks Copper & Anne Horton Mr. & Mrs. Bill Milling Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Jackson Mr. & Mrs. James Franklin Kathy Jenkins Mr. Don Wilson Engineered Systems, Inc. Murl & Barbara Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Baker Bettye Moore Mr. Donnie Clary Mrs. Rebecca Moore Dr. Debra King Mrs. Edna Norton Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hawkins Jennifer Peifer Mr. and Mrs. John Pease Mrs. Susan Pottberg Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pulido Celeste R. Price Mr. Jason B. Weathers Jane Price Mr. Jason B. Weathers Caleb Benjamin Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Randy Reynolds Haiden Brooke Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Randy Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rook Mr. & Mrs. James Franklin Mr. Jim Sanders Mrs. Cara Robb Calvin Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. John Mussetto Mr. Keith Sellers Mr. & Mrs. Troy Bridges Mothers at Shepherd’s Gate Northgate Baptist Church Ms. Virgil J. Story Mr. Robert A. Glenn Pamela Turner Mr. & Mrs. Joe McBride Ed & Judy Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Richard Greene Louis & Kathleen Watson Mr. & Mrs. Troy Bridges Esther Weathers Mr. Jason Weathers Mr. Walter Zollinger Ms. Cindy Lee