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March 9, 2009/Vol. 86, No. 3 The mission of the american legion, department of wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities. WIN $10,000! Later this month, you will be receiving tickets in the mail for the Convention Sweepstakes. These are your opportunity to win $10,000 while, at the same time, supporting the essential programs of The Wisconsin American Legion. By returning your tickets and your donation, you will ensure the continuation of our important work. The Wisconsin American Legion will spend over $1 million on programs and services benefiting veterans, military families, and youth in Wisconsin this year alone. We cannot do it without the help of our members. Each year, our youth programs give thousands of children across Wisconsin the opportunity to enrich themselves and earn money for college. Our Junior Shooting Sports Program teaches discipline, concentration, and gun safety, while our High School Oratorical Scholarship Program and our Americanism and Government Test Program teach civics and foster Americanism. These are things missing from many high schools’ curriculum. Without us, who will ensure that these students understand the price of freedom and the responsibilities that come with it? These programs, and the many others like American Legion Baseball and County Youth Government Day, cannot continue without your support. The Wisconsin American Legion awards tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving youth in our communities each year. Your donations directly support these programs and are vital to their survival. Please help us keep these programs running and these funds available to worthy students. Return all twelve tickets for a suggested donation of $20.00 and increase your chances of winning one of eight cash prizes. It is the best value and allows for the most chances to win cash! Attend the Department Convention in Milwaukee and watch the winning tickets being drawn. Winners need not be present to win, so even if you cannot attend, you can still win $10,000 or one of the many other prizes. Please return your tickets no later than July 20, 2009 to be eligible to win. Grand Prize $10,000 • Second Prize $2,000 Third Prize $1,000 • Fourth-Eighth Prize $500 You do not need to be a member of the Legion to be eligible to win. If you have questions or would like to request additional tickets, contact Jessika at our office at (608) 745-1090 or jessika@ Thank you for your continued support! 32nd National Guard Send-Off Approximately 3,200 Wisconsin Army National Guard soldiers and their families were honored at a send-off ceremony Tuesday, February 17th, at noon at the Alliant Energy Center Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Madison. The soldiers are deploying with the 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team for a tour of duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Ceremony participants included Gov. Jim Doyle, members of Congress, state legislators, mayors and National Guard officials. In addition to honoring these soldiers and their families for their sacrifices, officials participated in the signing of a Wisconsin MilitaryCommunity Covenant, committing all parties to building programs and partnerships that support the strength, resilience and readiness of all Wisconsin service members and their families. Joining local, state and federal officials were representatives from the U.S. Army Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve and veteran and service organizations. Wisconsin American Legion 3rd District Commander Denise Rohan signed the Covenant on behalf of all Wisconsin’s veteran service organizations. After the February 17th event, soldiers returned to their armories for a few days and reported to Fort Bliss in elements of 400-600 soldiers over the following 10 days. All soldiers were expected to be in Texas by March 1st. The Wisconsin American Legion is going to do everything we can to support these soldiers and their families during their deployment and after their return home. Last month, we mailed a key tag to all members who have donated to our direct mail fundraising appeals (labels, post-it notes, etc) in the past. These key tags have a Red Arrow wrapped in a yellow ribbon on one side and the address of the Wisconsin American Legion on the other. You can attach your keys to show your support for the 32nd and should you misplace them, they can be mailed directly back to us so that we may return them to you. Please support this important appeal. The funds raised will go a long way in letting these soldiers and their families know how much we appreciate their service. If you have not donated to Legion programs in the past, but would like to help out with this appeal, send your name and mailing information to Jessika at Supplies are limited and will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Thank you for your support. 80,000 2009 Veterans Day at WDVA in the Capitol 70,000 By Ken Brown, Chairman Dept. Legislative Committee As you all should be aware, there have been discussions at the Department Executive Committee and elsewhere regarding the effectiveness of our annual Salute to the Legislature. Because of those discussions and our like-minded veterans in the DAV and the VFW, we have come up with a mutually agreed upon alternative. On March 31st, we will all meet at Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) Headquarters, 30 West Mifflin Street, 50,000 Madison, WI. Start time is 10:00 a.m. The morning meeting is to brief all of those who attend on the Legislative Priorities for this biennium budget cycle. This will provide everyone with enough information to be able to speak to their elected representatives in a clear and concise manner. At approximately 11:30 a.m., we will break for lunch. WDVA is trying to work with a local restaurant to provide a reasonably priced buffet luncheon (expense to be borne by the individual). At 1:00 p.m., we will all gather in the Capitol rotunda for a short rally. At approximately 1:30 p.m. we will disperse to our individual Senator/Representative’s office for a one-on-one chat regarding the Legislative priorities of the more than 400,000 Wisconsin veterans. While every Legislator will be notified well in advance of the special day, and a request will be made that they be available in their offices for veterans to come by and talk, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE each of you attending to make a personal appointment with your elected rep- resentative, or at least his/her Chief of Staff, to ensure they are available when you arrive. This year will mark our first try at the new format. I expect there to be some “bugs,” but nothing that we cannot work through. We need the help of as many Legionnaires as possible, so please plan on attending! If we do not speak to our elected representatives in a clear, concise and heartfelt manner, then who will speak for the veterans of our State? SEE YOU THERE! 60,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 Membership Goal 70,750 64,730 as of 2/25/09 PAGE 2 BADGER LEGIONNAIRE & AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY “WISCONSIN” Department Commander Badger Legionnaire & American Legion Auxiliary “Wisconsin” Monthly publication of Wisconsin American Legion & American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin, 2930 American Legion Drive, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Phone: (608) 745-1090; Fax (608) 745-0179 E-mail: Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices ISSN Number 01622218 2008-2009 Badger Legionnaire Committee Jessika Erickson, Editor John Wolfe, Chairman Don Stone, Vice Chairman Mike Wagoner, DEC Liaison William Gengler, Member Bernard Olson, Member William Streiter, Member Jim Theres, Member Mike Rohan, Consultant Loretta Shellman, Aux. Liaison Kathy Wollmer, Aux Exec. Sec./Treas. New Beginnings March, what a great time for new beginnings! Old man winter wants to hang on, spring is James Reigel pushing him out Commander of the way. On the eighth, we start daylight savings time. Then we have the American Legion birthday. What a great time to rededicate ourselves to working the great programs of The American Legion. Past National Commander Marty Conatser said “The American Legion stands for everything that is good about America.” That is a powerful statement, but it is one Wisconsin American Legion 2008-2009 Department Officers Commander James Reigel Vice Commanders Phil Cote Leo Endres Dave Schmidt Willard “Chris” Christensen Adjutant Terry Troutman Chaplain Frank Wozniak Judge Advocate Dennis Juncer Historian Mike Rohan Sergeant-at-Arms Marty Czarnecki Michael Zapka Service Officer Tom Ludka NECman David Gough Alternate NECman David Kurtz District Commanders 1st – Cal Johnson 2nd – Bob Batty 3rd – Denise Rohan 4th – Marv Brozynski 5th – Gary Gromacki 6th – Bob Krause 7th – Mike Wagoner 8th – Don Southworth 9th – Denis Lamers 10th – Frank Donnelly 11th – Joe Story 12th – Steve DuBois American Legion Auxiliary Kathy Wollmer, Editor Kathy Wollmer, Executive Sec.-Treas. Auxiliary Office 2930 American Legion Drive/P.O. Box 140 Portage, WI 53901 Sue Vorwald, Department President To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary. Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form. The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is the 1st of each month. postmaster: Send address changes to: Badger Legionnaire & American Legion Auxiliary “Wisconsin”, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor by the 1st of each month. Send all copy for Badger Legionnaire to Editor, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. E-Mail: that we can all be proud of. We just completed our State Oratorical competition at Ripon College. These high school students have done another great job at orating some of the highlights of our U.S. Constitution. What a wonderful way to get our most talented high school students involved by researching and putting into words the wisdom of the divine guidance that our forefathers had when they originally wrote, arguably the second most important piece of literature after the Bible! Not only have the students earned valuable scholarships at our state competition, but they are also advancing to national competition were they can win a portion of the $138,000 dollars to be awarded in scholarships. Now that we have all had our farewell programs for the soldiers of the 32nd Brigade, let us keep them in our prayers. Let us make sure that our family support programs are all up and running in each of the affected communities. There are still some units that are open for adoption. Please contact past Department Commander Al Richards for contact information for these units. You can reach Al at (608) 783 - 1715. Last month, I had the honor of representing you at the 75th An- niversary of the Lincoln Pilgrimage in Springfield, Illinois. I laid a wreath at the tomb of Abraham Lincoln on the 200th anniversary of his birth. What a great example of leadership and courage the 16th President was. May we all emulate his example and help our great nation to be all that it can be! I would like to leave you this month with one of my favorite quotations from Abraham Lincoln, “Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us to the end dear to do our duty as we understand it.” May God bless you and may God bless the American Legion. Aim High with Legion Pride Department Service Officer The deadline for copy is the 1st of each month. Change of Address & Circulation Information Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. March 9, 2009 Info You Can Use The Department of Defense has opened a new center to assist military members, vetThomas Ludka erans, and their Service Officer families with questions about psychological health and traumatic brain injury. The center is staffed 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact the center by phone at (866) 966-1020 or e-mail at Some veterans experience questions about their treatment at VA medical centers. Our office receives complaints about exams, billing, parking, treatment, etc. The first thing we will ask the veteran is did you speak with the Patient Advocate at the medical center you have the problem with? Many veterans do not know that the VA staffs an office to advocate on behalf of the veteran. To contact the Patient Advocate at your medical center call; Milwaukee – (414) 384-2000 or toll free 888469-6614 X42604, Tomah (608) 372-3971 X66353, Madison (608) 280-7182, Appleton (920) 8317909, Minneapolis, MN (612) 467-2373, St Cloud, MN (320) 255-6381, or Iron Mountain MI (906) 774-3300 X32020. The Supreme Court will not hear the Haas case. The case dealt with recognition of “Blue Water” Vietnam veterans. The VA has Chaplain Are You Ready? Occasionally, I get an opportunity to relax in front of the television set and enjoy one Frank Wozniak of the few proChaplain grams that relax and inspire me for whatever the reason might be. Two of the programs are “Wheel of Fortune” and “America’s Funniest Videos.” Other than the world news, I find very little time to sit in front of our family television. I particularly enjoy the crazy and weird antics of the people on “America’s Funniest Videos.” It reminds me of the old “Candid Camera” show of years past when Allen Funt used to say, “some day, somehow, when you least expect it, you can be on Candid Camera.” Maybe we can change that to say that we, as God-fearing people can never expect what will happen next. If you think about it, none of us reading this today can foresee what will happen tomorrow. God has given us this Gift of Life and He wants us to enjoy it. Only He can see our future. If you think you are experiencing a good and happy life and that good and believe that happy life will continue and there is no end, well, as the saying goes, “you have another thing coming.” We, as God’s children, should always and seriously consider what He has in store for our future. Some may say “well, God’s not done with me yet,” but the question is how do you know? Our future is in God’s hands. It is not according to our will, but only His will. So you see, “when you least expect it” could be very near. Our lives should always be governed with the thought that when God wants you home, He will call you. We don’t have much choice in this matter. You can’t tell God to wait. He tells you now, so be it. What I’m trying to convey to you today is, live your life today as if it’s your last, for it may be. I’m not trying to be a pessimist, but one who is concerned. I hope you are concerned as well. No matter how happy you are with your life, today, just think what your life thereafter will be. I hope and pray that thereafter is what you are really there after. God bless and keep you all. continued to deny compensation for Agent Orange related disabilities to veterans who served on the waters outside of Vietnam. By choosing to not hear the case, the court has now opened the way for the VA to adjudicate the denial of those claims. On January 21st, Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, sent a letter to the VA. The Senator has asked the VA to explain the procedures to be followed by regional offices when developing claims for veterans who were aboard ships that made port calls, especially at Danang, or who served in inland waterways. The answer is still pending! Public Law 110-329 authorized the VA to enroll some Priority Group 8 veterans. A Group 8 veteran was not allowed to enroll for VA healthcare if their income did not meet the geographic means test, (GMT), for the county they live in. In Milwaukee that would be $37,900 for a single veteran or $43,000 for a veteran with one dependent. Beginning in June 2009 Priority 8 veterans, whose income does not exceed the GMT by more than 10%, should be allowed to enroll for VA healthcare. The figure for a Milwaukee county veteran would be increase to $41,690 for a single veteran and $47,300 for a veteran with one dependent. Check with your CVSO for the GMT figure for your county. Commander Reigel to visit Zablocki and Union Grove On March 17th, Commander Jim Reigel will make visits to the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee and Union Grove VA Home. He will be at Zablocki at 9 a.m. and then continue on to Union Grove for a 2 p.m. visit. Lunch will be served at Zablocki and anyone planning to attend the visit with the Commander is asked to RSVP to Kathie Lake at kathie@ or (608) 745-1090. Waunakee Hosts Bonspiel The 2009 Wisconsin American Legion Bonspiel, hosted by Waunakee Legion Post 360, was held February 6th-9th at the Arlington Curling Club. Sixteen teams from around the state participated and over 90 Legionnaires and veteran military families attended Saturday’s banquet. Department Vice Commander Leo Endres was the guest speaker. The event winners were Skip Gerald Peterson of Post 398 in Plain on the first event, Skip Cliff Erstad of Post 271 in Poynette in the second event and Skip Bob Zeman of Post 360 in Waunakee on the third event. Pictured left to right are the winners of the first event: Fred Peterson, Merle Holerud, Brandt McSashlin, and Gerald “Pete” Peterson. March 9, 2009 BADGER LEGIONNAIRE & AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY “WISCONSIN” PAGE 3 SAL Detachment Greetings from the Sons of the American Legion The Sons of The American Legion is to extend its activities beyond our veterans and Kirk Hove families. One Detachment way to promote Commander Americanism education in our schools is to purchase the flag education DVD “For Which It Stands” on the Legion website and go to emblem sales. Scholarship: The Sons of the American Legion Detachment of Wisconsin has a $1,000 Scholarship for which you may apply. Deadline is April 1st. Complete rules and applications may be printed from the Sons of The American Legion web site,, under scholarship or contact Department Headquarters. MEMBERSHIP: The 2008 Sons of the American Legion membership should be sent to Department Headquarters. We are still in first place in the central region and 4th place in the nation. Let’s work on getting back to first place. Donations to our special projects, we have a variety of places where your Squadron and you, as individuals, can donate. We appreciate all of the support that has come in so far, keep up the good work, if you want to see your squadron listed here, make your donation soon. Commander’s Project Camp American Legion: Mike and Joe Phillips #75 Fond du Lac, #437 Mazomanie, #108 Clear Lake, #120 West Allis, 100% By Veterans Day Donation from the Detachment, # 209 Orfordville, #214 Darlington, 449 Brookfield Child Welfare Foundation: #129 Black River Falls, #437 Mazomanie, #158 Maiden Rock, #108 Clear Lake. National Emergency Fund: #437 Mazomanie, #209 Orfordville. Fundraiser Letter Campaign: Individuals from #70 Oshkosh, #157 Horicon, #203 Milwaukee, #449 Brookfield. Email Contest Winners Announced: The following people won our email contest and have been notified by email, pursuant to the rules they need to reply to the email notification within 30 days. Verified #437 Robert Sutcliffe, 116 Bradley Role, #91 Terry Kasten, Rachel Riechhoff, #547 Neal Tytor, #245 Kerry Serverson, #333 Dennis Norton, #437 Dave Clason, Marian Tyrrell Bad Email address or No Re- ply: John Kerestan, #73 Scott Simpson, #27 Leo Belter, 245 Cole Miller, Nick Volnec, #121 Jakob Till, 417 Nick Boswell, #84 Charles Drnek, #51 Andrea Page, #271 Patrick Gatling, Kevin Meinholtz, Our next meeting will be our Spring DEC Meeting April 25th at Sons of The American Legion Headquarters in Portage. We will have National Vice Commander Dennis Blue as a guest speaker, all Squadron members are welcome to attend. EMAIL NEWS: Sign up on our website for regular updates to SAL news. Keep your squadron informed. Department Historian Who’s Going to Remember? Last month, we watched as the Wisconsin National Guard held a send-off for the 3,400 Mike Rohan soldiers from Historian the 32nd Brigade Combat Team. The host of the event reminded the soldiers of their rich heritage. The record was impressive, with five years of active service and 654 days of combat, longer than any other Army Division. The valor was unquestionable with eleven Con- gressional Medal of Honor winners and more then 3,000 other citations for valor and 11,500 Purple Heart medals. They told these young soldiers about how those who served before them did so with honor, valor, courage, and strength. If someone in your post is not recording the history, then who is going to remember? Who will remember the election of officers for 2008? Was it William or Jerry that was commander back then? When did we build that building and who served as the main speaker at the Memorial Day service? The history of The American Legion is written everyday in communities across this country. Each of us wants to contribute in some way to the success of our post and community. We spend countless hours working on special projects, American Legion programs, and community events.Wouldn’t it be great to have the work captured in words and/or pictures for those who come after you to see what you and your post contributed to the community? We know you have done great things this year and we want to see that work become a part of both your post and your community history. There is still lots of time to get started. Commanders, if you don’t already have a Historian appointed for your post, take action now. Putting an article in your local newsletter probably won’t net any results. Look for someone who always has a camera at your events and call them on the phone and ask him/her to accept the position. There are resources out there to help you collect and record your WDVA News Ve t e r a n s ’ Stakeholder Conference. A Veterans’ Stakeholder Conference will be held on March 31, 2009 from 10:00 Ken Black a.m. to Noon Acting Secretary of the WI Dept. of in the Second Veterans Affairs Floor Education Center at the WDVA Wisconsin Veterans Museum at 30 W. Mifflin Street in Madison. Attendance and participation are encouraged. To pre-register call 1-800-WIS-VETS (1-800-947-8787) Ext. 6-1315 or email: Headquarters@dva.state. The Veterans’ Stakeholder Conference is being held in conjunction with Wisconsin Veterans in the Capitol Day hosted by Wisconsin’s veterans service organizations. Annual Veterans Award Nominations. The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) is seeking nominations for the Annual Veterans Awards. Award nominations are for actions and achievements between the period of Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2008. Categories are: Veterans Advocate of the Year; “Mission: Welcome Home” Supporter of the Year; Iron Mike, a Government Officials’ Service to Veterans Award; County Veterans Service Officer of the Year; Veterans Service Officer of the Year; and, Veterans’ Volunteer of the Year Award. Nominations for the awards must be submitted using WDVA Form 0140 by close of business March 16, 2009 and sent to the WDVA Office of Public Affairs, 30 W. Mifflin St., P.O. Box 7843, Madison, WI 53707-7843 or faxed to (608) 2674-7616. WDVA Form 0140 can be found at: #WDVA0140. 2009-2011 Biennial Budget. Updated information about the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs biennial budget request is posted to the WDVA website at Budget as it becomes available. Legislation Page. A new webpage now appears on WDVA’s website, entitled “Legislation,” at See the information index list on the left sidebar of WDVA’s home page, to view a current listing of bills related to veterans, information on the 2009-2011 State of Wisconsin Legislature, the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly Committees, and Federal Legislative Information pertaining to veterans affairs. Revised Claims Brochure (WDVA B0204). A revised WDVA Claims Assistance (01/09) brochure is now available for download on the WDVA website at The revised brochure replaces the WDVA B0204 (01/05). Hot Topics Page: The Hot Topics page HotTopics to the WDVA website is continuously being updated. Recent changes include many previously separate items now part of a page called Deployment Health. It includes: Suicide Prevention, PTSD and Mental Health, TBI, Gulf War Illnesses, Atomic Radiation and Chemical Biological Warfare Exposures. Mission: Welcome Home Program. The WDVA “Mission: Welcome Home” webpage www. has recently been updated to provide additional information on the program and helpful links to resources for returning and other veterans. WDVA Outreach continues. WDVA continues to participate in veterans’ events. The department is planning outreach activities to take place throughout the state, to include Supermarkets of Veterans Benefits, Veterans Benefits Open Houses on college campuses, ceremonies and special events. For details, go to www.WisVets. com/Events. WDVA welcomes items for website’s Events Page. WDVA encourages submissions about upcoming veterans’ events, which can be viewed on the Current Events Page at www.WisVets. com/Events. Contact WDVA at: For more information on WDVA state programs, services and resources,and to read updates on issues and hot topics, visit www. or call 1-800-WISVETS (1-800-947-8387). history, like your local library, scrapping clubs, etc., but there are also members of the Wisconsin Historians Association who are willing to come out and talk with you about your ideas. These Legionnaires are willing to spend time with you and help you design a plan for your post history. They all have extensive experience in American Legion history books and some have even won National awards for their own work. Contact me at if you would like to have one of these talented people assist you. Camp Director Announces Retirement My time as Director at Camp American Legion has been very challenging and rewarding, but my wife Linda and I have decided to retire at the end of this year. I look forward to the selection of a new director so that the mission of Camp American Legion can be carried on. I also look forward to working with a new director this season for a smooth transi- tion. Many wonderful projects and friendships have been created during our time at Camp American Legion and we look forward to another successful season. I hope to see all of you this coming summer and don’t forget to spread the word about our wonderful camp. Jim Youngquist, Director, Camp American Legion Plan your Children & Youth Month Activities for April Sponsor an American Legion Baseball Team - contact Jill for more information at or (608) 745-1090 May 1st Applications Due to Department – All information can be found in the Administrative Manual -Edward J. Ormsby Law and Order Award -Outstanding Fire Fighter Award -Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Award -Eagle Scout of the Year -Outstanding Legislature Award -Junior Shooting Sports Scholarship March: 7th – April 26th - Department Bowling Tournament 15th – 17th – American Legion Birthday (1919) 19th – Start of “Operation Iraqi Freedom” (2003) 31st – Veterans Day in the Capitol PAGE 4 BADGER LEGIONNAIRE & AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY “WISCONSIN” March 9, 2009 Did You Check The Back Door? 2009 Newsletter Publication Contest By Ralph Jurjens, Jr., WALPA President The Wisconsin American Legion Press Association (WALPA) committee is encouraging all Wisconsin American Legions, Auxiliary Units, SAL Squadrons, County, District, 40et8 Voitures, and Legion Riders organizations’ newsletter editors to enter the 2009 Publications Contest. There are many fine publications throughout the Department. We are looking for the Best of the Best that deserve recognition and bragging rights. WALPA members in good standing may submit entries. WALPA’s annual dues are $5. The majority of the dues collected fund the annual Publications contest. Winning entries will be displayed and plaques and certificates will be awarded at the 2009 Department of Wisconsin Convention. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Good luck to all. Wisconsin American Legion Press Association 2009 —Publication Contest Entry Publication entries must consist of three (3) separate editions published during the 2008 calendar year. “Class VI Editorial Entry“ — only one article is necessary Contest is open to all Wisconsin Legion Posts, Auxiliary Units, SAL Squadrons, 40 & 8, Riders publications, and County or District Publications. CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III CLASS IV CLASS V CLASS VI Posts with membership of 15 to 100 Posts with membership of 101 to 300 Posts with membership of 301 and over Special category: County or District Publications, S.A.L., 40 et 8, Auxiliary, Riders, etc. Electronic Newsletter Editorial — single article Plaques will be awarded for 1st Place in ALL classes. Certificates will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd Place in each class. Entry deadline is April 15, 2009. If not a WALPA member, please submit $5 to cover 2009 membership dues. Please make out checks to American Legion/WALPA and enclose with your entry. Mail all contest entries to: Wisconsin American Legion PO Box 388 Portage, WI 53901 Attn: Jessika Erickson By Al Richards, Chairman Department National Security Committee First, let me say thank you for the great job you have been doing supporting our troops and, just as importantly, their families. Many of you have become active with the Legion’s “Adopt a Unit” program, while others have been helping with “Mobilization Briefings,” going away parties and handing out Blue Star Banners to our brave young men and women. This is all really fantastic, but as we proudly send them off through the front door, please don’t forget those who have come home through the back door, our wounded soldiers. When I was wounded in Vietnam, my route home took me through two hospitals over there, one in Japan and finally Great Lakes Naval Hospital. We called it coming home through the back door. I was fortunate to be close enough to home (just across the Illinois border), so that my family could visit me. When I recovered Post Name & Number _________________________________ Celebrate The American Legion By Chuck Roloff, Chairman Dept. Fundraising Committee We, the 70 some thousand members of the Wisconsin American Legion, should take a moment to celebrate what we have accomplished and what the Wisconsin American Legion means to the citizens of our state. Saturday, February 21 at Ripon, we were treated to 12 presentations from young high school students from every corner of Wisconsin. I am proud that we, The American Legion, offer the opportunity for these purposeful young people to demonstrate their “stuff.” The Oratorical Scholarships were provided this year by the Oberreich Foundation of Fond du Lac. The Oberreich Board’s gift occurred because one of our 70,000 members knew one of the Foundation’s board members. The Legion member shared with his Over Four Decades of Partnership for a Healthy America For more information about the Legionnaire Insurance Trust affordable insurance plans and superior service call toll-free, 1-800-235-6943, or visit our Web site at: City _____________________________ Zip + 4 ___________ Post Membership (for Class determination) _________________ III your Legion is working on your behalf with the American Soldier. Secondly, I expect that at least one of us will lose our keys. Would it not be wonderful to have them returned? Additionally, I invite you to carry around the letter with the American Legion Emblem and the big Red Arrow, for “show and tell” as the opportunity is offered to you. Use it as a way to tell others about how the Legion is involved in the lives of our US Military. Coming this summer, you will have the opportunity to obtain a 1 inch pin which will carry the Red Arrow/Yellow Ribbon for your cap or lapel. Return your key tag reply so that you will be sure to be included in the pin mailing. In the meantime, stand tall and proud of your Legion. Stand with your Legion. “The check is in the mail!” Make it so. Legionnaire Insurance Trust Editor’s Address _____________________________________ II friend some of the American Legion story and asked whether the Foundation might be interested in learning more about the work and public service we perform. Many of you have the same opportunity. You have a friend, acquaintance, employer, etc. who would be open to supporting one of our projects. You only need to make an introduction. We will proceed with the organization, providing information which will allow them to consider supporting The American Legion. Earlier this month, I, and most of you, received the Key Tag promotion. This is the beginning of our 2009 Troop Support effort. This, too, is part of our American Legion job. I invite you to personally participate in funding this program. Please be generous. At the same time, the key tag offers a great daily reminder of the fact that Over 200 Posts are now taking advantage of the Post Locator on the Department Website. Is your Post included? If not, contact Jessika at or (608) 745-1090 to get started. There is no cost for this service and it is easy to do. Being included in the Post Locator allows potential members and the public to find you! It is also a great tool for advertising the programs, events, and activities your Post participates in. Editor’s Name _______________________________________ I snapped back into place the way it had always been and if what happened over there stayed over there, but the truth is, returning from war with an injury is much more complicated than that. Your body has changed in ways that you had never imagined possible. With physical injuries come all kinds of changes, not only in what you can do, but also in how you perceive yourself and life in general. As veterans, many Legionnaires have returned home from war with life altering injuries and have gone through the same kind of trauma. Other veterans were there for us – now it’s our turn to be there for today’s men and women who have gone into harm’s way on our behalf. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by having your post become active with the Legion’s “Heroes to Hometown” program. A brand new H2H video and training guide is being mailed to every post and district commander. This is an excellent tool to help your post welcome our wounded heroes back home through the front door. Is your post on the post locator? Post Publication Name _________________________________ CLASS enough not to need a fulltime hospital bed, but not able to return to active duty, I was moved over to the old three story building, where two to four patients would share a room. I was one of the few Army guys there, so I was forced to make friends with a couple of Marine Sergeants who were shot up like I was. The doctors gave us trivial duties to try to keep us busy, but most of the time it was pretty boring. Well, except for the fact that we shared a cafeteria with the Waves training barracks … but that’s another story. Anyway, I was lucky enough to get weekend passes home, which looking back on it, really helped me readjust to civilian life. I could go home, try to forget what I’d seen or done and try to pretend to be the same old me. Then, I could return to the safety of the hospital and my buddies. I know that sounds a little strange, but as Senator Dole said, “Coming home from war is a longer journey than any plane flight.” It would be great if everything just IV V VI 17752 © 2007 AGIA March 9, 2009 BADGER LEGIONNAIRE & AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY “WISCONSIN” PAGE 5 Americanism And Government Test Program Martin “Marty” Czarnecki Candidate for Department Sergeant-at-Arms Martin “Marty” Czarnecki is seeking re-election as Department Sergeantat-Arms. This past year he received the “Badger Big 10” pin for recruiting more than ten new members into The American Legion Family. Marty is a member of Wolman- Minskey Post 317 of Wautoma, which is in Waushara County and the 8th District. While serving as Post Commander for four years, he exceeded 100% Post membership each year. He has taken on the added responsibility as Waushara County Commander for 2008-2009. He is a Paid up for Life member. At all four past National Conventions he was a Department delegate and served as assistant Sgt-at-Arms. Marty and his wife Marian are members of the Legion Riders. This past August they rode in support of The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund from Indianapolis, Indiana to Phoenix, Arizona. Marty’s military career started in 1954 at the age of 16, as an en- listee in the Wisconsin National Guard’s 32nd Division. He joined the active component of the Army shortly after graduating from high school. After completing BCT and AIT as a Medical Technician, he served the next 30 months in Okinawa. He attained the rank of SSG during this tour overseas. He, as a reservist, was called to active duty for the Cuban Crisis, and then for Operation Desert Storm. After serving more than 34 years in the Army and the Air Force, he retired in September 1991 at the grade of CMSGT (E-9). Marty was employed by the Rexnord Corporation in West Milwaukee for 35 years. Upon retirement, he and Marian moved to their home of retirement near Wautoma. They have been married for 48 years and they have one daughter, two sons, and five grandchildren. Marty has received the endorsement of Post 317, the Waushara County Council, and the Eighth District. Arthur E. Angove Candidate for Department Assistant Chaplain I, Arthur E. Angove, D.O., general surgeon, retired, of New Berlin and Chaplain of American Legion Post #488, hereby announce my candidacy for Assistant Chaplain. Born and raised in Albia, Iowa; graduated from Westmar College, Le Mars, Iowa 1955; taught Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Welton and Reinbeck High Schools; postgraduate Physics, University of Iowa; United States Air Force Ground Observer Corp Chief of JN54B post, Le Mars, IA 1953-1955; Pastor of Hopkins Grove United Methodist Church 1959-1962; Pastor of Garden Prairie Congregational Church, Madrid, IA 1958-1962; Graduate Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery 1962; Surgical Residency, Pontiac, MI 19621966; Chief of Surgery at New Berlin Memorial Hospital 1968-1988; Urgent Care at St Joseph’s Hospital, Milwaukee 1989-2001. Sons: Steven, certified master automobile mechanic/technician. Michael, US Marine 5 years, drywaller/carpenter/ bank accountant. Daughters: Julie, RN, BSN, labor and delivery nurse. Debra, music teacher, real estate agent. Lori, high school art teacher. Kristin, elementary school teacher. Retired on my birthday, September 27, 2001 to care for my wife Carmen until her death from Parkinson’s disease complications on January 5, 2002. Pilot, private, airplane land and sea, single and multi-engine, instruments rated. American Legion member past 2 years Post 488 New Berlin. Chaplain past year. The pleasure of serving as Chaplain to the American Legion and the camaraderie with fellow Legionnaires has inspired me to announce my candidacy. The results of the 2008-2009 Americanism and Government Test Program were announced during the Americanism Committee meeting at the Mid-Winter Conference in Marshfield. Bob Wipf, A&G Test program chairman, reported that the 2008-2009 program year was very successful. The recent trend of a decrease in school and student participation was halted and significant increases were reported. A total of 8,041 tests were ordered for this program year, an increase of 2,995 tests compared to last year. The total number of requests from schools this year was 91 schools, compared to 60 schools in the 2007-2008 program year. This represents a 70% increase in school participation. Bob would like to thank all the District and local Post A&G Chairpersons for the extra time and effort put into this year’s event. It is because of their efforts that this Department of Wisconsin scholarship program is once again an outstanding success. The individual scholarship winners are shown in the chart below. As many of you know the A&G Test program is changing its de- livery format for next year. The 2009-2010 test will be administered online through the Wisconsin Department website. It is the goal of this new delivery format to further increase the availability of the scholarship program to even more Wisconsin students. This format change will cause some confusion and will require the support of all Posts to get the message out to schools and students. In future months, there will be more information on how Posts can promote this new A&G Test in their local communities. 2008-2009 Americanism & Government Test Department Scholarship Winners Dist. 9 3 6 7 7 8 1 8 9 6 1 10 9 9 7 3 1 7 1 12 6 8 9 9 6 2 6 2 11 11 8 1 Post 258 360 165 201 52 502 310 502 11 126 91 154 258 258 116 433 310 201 310 303 234 117 39 38 234 189 234 189 182 183 117 310 Student Name Heathwe Ohde Alexander Vedvik Jesse Dickman Eric Rolland-Puente Erin Harned Melissa Weller Bryan Joosse Rebecca Twaroski John Dyer George Petrie Aaron Lemieux Sam Brunkow Derek Hauser Phillip Sanke Christine Hardie Robert Harlow Nirv Pamaa Steven Cox Nicholas Kucera Elizabeth Sweetry Hannah Albright. Ryan Williams Jeff Lewis Stanley Phillips Phlip Clark Emaleigh Berg Zack Bachman Dalton Kelman Sara Woodie Melissa Ertl Ben Gorechi Jenna Franseen City, Little Chute Waunakee Francis Creek Warrens LaCrosse Wittenberg Racine Birnamwood Green Bay Brillion Oconomowoc Mondovi DePere Appleton Holman Barneveld Racine Camp Douglas Franksville Couderay Oshkosh Clintonville Marinette Appleton Omro Watertown Omro Watertown Park Falls Park Falls Shawano Franksville High School Freedom HS Waunakee HS Mishicot HS Tomah Central HS Wittenberg-Birnamwood J.I. Case Wittenberg-Birnamwood Green Bay SW Brillion HS Oconomowoc HS Mondovi HS Freedom HS Freedom Holman HS Barneveld HS J.I. Case Tomah HS J.I. Case Winter HS Omro HS Shawano Marinette HS Appleton North Omro HS Watertown HS Omro HS Watertown HS Park Falls HS Park Falls HS Shawano J.I. Case Grade Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Score 40 38 37 37 36 35 35 35 33 33 32 32 38 37 35 35 32 31 31 30 30 29 35 31 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 28 Reunion Notice Korean War Vet Reunion 999th AFA BN (Armored Field Artillery Battalion) “Never Die” Army Korea 1950-1954 will hold its 24th annaual reunion on September 11-13, 2009 at the Holiday Inn, Liverpool, NY. Contact: Emanuele “Red” Falcone, 102 Sharon Rd, Syracuse, NY 13209. Phone: (315) 487-5361. E-mail: Post 52 of La Crosse Send Off Party Post 52 of La Crosse had a special send off party on December 1st for the 416th Engineer Command from Darien, IL. The unit left for Iraq the following week from Fort McCoy. Veterans from the Post and members of the 416th had a great time together that evening. The above picture was taken in the back hall of Post 52 during the party. PAGE 6 3 Antigo Victor J Hanousek SrII 6 Stevens Point Henry Becker II Lawrence Grant V Norman Myhra II 8 Waukesha David F Armitage II Robert J Davis Sr K Ellis Hughes II Emmett E Mather II 9 Wisconsin Rapids Gordon G Bednarek II John Cole V James Fritz II Calvin Hagen II Roger Rickhoff II 10 Wausau Eugene Lambrecht K Dolph Lehman K Jack Leon Lillie II Donald Lyon V Roger Manowski K Ronald E Revoir V Leonard W Shulta II Clayton E Stubbe, SrII Norman L Westberg II 14 Iola Dennis Gregerson V Herbert Masshardt II 15 Juneau Arthur Miller K 19 Hartford William SchoenherrII William J Schuck V 21 Kenosha George A Conwill V Ralph E Kerr K Douglas R Mowry V 23 Milwaukee Donald Booth Jr II Mathew H Rogina II 26 Baraboo Milton Angell II Richard Lautenbach V 27 Chippewa Falls Melvin C Lavine II Edward E Steinke II 33 Neenah Lawrence J Socha II 35 Evansville Roger S Gray II,K 38 Appleton Lawrence Behrent II Harlow S Feavel II Floyd P Hooyman II John C Oberweiser II Paul R Stumpf V Robert R Wire II 42 Platteville Walter Moran II Francis Vannatta II 50 Hudson Kendall L Dow V Rodney E McSorley V Raymond D PetersonII 52 La Crosse Orin A Bakken K Francis A Elsen II Lee B Foley II, K Donald Kessel II Curtis R Olson II Ann Prince II Robert C Sheldon II Grant Shorell II Lloyd M Smaby K Pete Smaby K 53 Eau Claire Gerald Steinke II 60 Kimberly BADGER LEGIONNAIRE & AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY “WISCONSIN” 1/29/09 1/17/09 12/14/08 1/16/09 2/5/09 2/16/09 1/27/09 2/7/09 6/16/08 12/14/08 1/10/09 3/18/08 1/13/09 1/20/09 1/25/09 1/11/09 2/4/09 2/10/09 1/21/09 6/19/08 1/14/09 1/22/09 1/10/09 1/29/09 1/23/09 1/22/09 1/23/09 3/8/08 1/14/07 6/8/08 2/2/09 1/29/09 2/5/09 11/17/08 1/11/09 1/29/09 1/1/09 1/10/09 1/29/09 2/11/09 2/12/09 1/10/09 2/12/09 3/5/08 Jan 2009 12/16/08 12/10/08 11/6/08 2/8/09 1/15/09 2/2/09 1/14/09 12/1/08 1/25/08 12/12/08 1/1/09 1/4/09 1/12/09 Norbert Dresang II Clifford Jansen K Theodore Maas II John R Schreiter II Paul Van Eperen II Robert Van Thull K 61 Prescott Eugene F Bense V 70 Oshkosh Gerald J Hintze V 75 Fond du Lac Ervin Giese II James Klee II Gustove Kocos K 77 Chippewa Falls Clarence E Fagner II 80 New Richmond Curt Bulman V James E Mattila V 85 Muscoda Earl Marshall II Lavon W Williams K 89 Minocqua Jack Sorenson K 90 Ashland Kenneth Johnson II Norman Nicholson II Emmer Shield II 91 Oconomowoc Arnold F Roth II David A Sauer II Earl Severson II 95 Delavan Wilbert Schubert II Henry S Siok II 96 Webster Douglas Fouks II 97 Dodgeville James W Stoddard II 98 Cumberland Kieth W Komarek II Hubert Thoe K Loren Woolsey II 110 New Lisbon Thomas R McDermottK Edward G Weglarz 117 Shawano Eugene Hagel II Vern I Long K 121 River Falls Norris J Larson K 122 Phillips John M Neuhauser II 133 Camp Douglas Gaylord Gerke II 143 St Croix Falls Ferney Holmquist II Steven Schramski G/L 146 Beaver Dam William L Radke II 154 Mondovi Junior Bottler K Gordon N Litchfield V Kenneth S Taylor II 161 King Evalyn M Milner II Warden A Owens II 167 Sauk City Henry G Vinger II 168 Glenwood City Harold Anderson II James DeSmith Alvin Jeske 179 Chetek Leroy Cook K Clarence Siewert K Clarence Siewert K 182 Park Falls John W Aman V Thomas Mallak V 1/4/09 9/22/08 12/31/08 11/14/08 12/1/08 11/27/08 6/19/08 2/2/09 1/26/09 12/31/08 1/26/09 2/1/09 1/18/09 1/13/09 2/4/09 7/20/08 2/2/09 11/5/08 11/28/08 11/2008 11/2008 11/22/08 11/16/08 12/24/08 1/8/09 12/26/08 12/21/08 2/10/09 1/25/09 1/23/09 1/31/09 2/9/09 12/2008 12/2008 1/29/09 1/12/09 12/26/08 1/8/09 1/20/09 1/21/09 2/10/09 1/25/09 2/1/09 Jan 2009 Jan 2009 Lawrence Wehrman II Joseph A Weis II Robert K Yirkovsky K 185 Grantsburg Jon D Lysdahl K Elmer K Wicklund II 189 Watertown Simon Caine Arthur L Turke 196 Delafield Leonard A Green K,V Roger W Katzka V Martin Porubcan II Norman Simonis II Elmer Zellner II May F Zinda II 199 Reedsville Orville H Schaeuble II 204 Ellsworth Edwin L Jakes II Eugene F Langer II 205 Janesville Eugene R Atwood II Frederic D Hoesly V John B Kennaugh II Edwin E Schieve II James R Wicker V 206 Wonewoc Russel C Biermeier II 207 Elmwood Norman E Schuster K 214 Darlington David Frye II Joseph O’Brien K David F Ruf V James Swailes V 215 Pardeeville Elmer Crawford II Ronald S Hill II Arthur L Rawson II 217 Bonduel Larry C Reisner V 219 Milwaukee Chester F Bloor Kenneth J Wehr II 220 Soldiers Grove Virgil Zajicek II 230 De Pere Lloyd W Magnuson K 238 Greenwood Theodore Briski II Frank L Govek II 245 Cross Plains Linus A Dahmen K 256 Monticello Karl H Freitag II 258 Little Chute Roland Huss K 263 New London Robert M Stewart II 268 Bruce Richard Mattison II 294 Hartland Allen Stendal 2/4/09 11/30/08 10/20/07 2/8/09 2/2/09 1/28/09 1/2/09 2/15/08 12/15/08 1/13/09 8/8/08 1/10/09 1/9/09 12/29/08 12/26/08 12/29/08 1/14/09 1/19/09 2/7/09 1/15/09 11/21/08 2/8/09 12/14/08 12/17/08 1/14/09 11/20/08 1/25/09 1/9/09 1/21/09 Fall 08 12/31/08 2/1/09 1/19/09 1/17/09 1/10/09 1/31/09 1/6/09 2/5/09 2/15/09 1/21/09 1/27/09 295 Bloomer Richard Revoir K 296 Brookfield Raymond B Cannon K 302 Oconto Falls Raymond J Dumas II Lawrence C MarguardtII 304 Palmyra Eugene Novitke K 306 Green Lake Steve E Bennett K 310 Racine Harry E Goodwin II 316 Sheldon Walter R Brooks II 318 Lake Tomahawk Lee P Fessenden II Daniel Nehmer K John R Ring K Orville J Sabatke II 324 Osseo Steven M Matz K James E Miller II 331 Shorewood Waldemar A Prus II 333 Sun Prairie Norbert J Keller K Merlin Wolfgram K 336 Onalaska Harvey G Beyer II Blaine Cox II Richard J Greene II Robert Jenks II Lyle T Johnson II Lauritz Wittenburg II 347 Lomira Neal Corcoran II Herbert Schulz II 350 Reedsburg Richard A Williams II 355 Grafton George Golownia II Fred Kaul II Albert Sudbrink II 372 Forestville Dennis N Alberts II 377 Elcho Warren J BriesemeisterK 388 Milwaukee Henry V Brandt II 390 Gresham Louis Burr Jr K 412 Belgium Edwin L Bares II 415 Milwaukee Edward Kondracki II Harold Reinett II 416 Greendale Paul E Van Rossum II 417 French Island Phyllis A Fuchs II Goodwin Hass, Sr Kermit Hicke K Paul J Mahoney K 1/12/09 1/4/08 12/16/08 11/24/08 1/30/09 2/10/09 10/1/08 1/27/09 1/5/09 1/15/09 1/31/09 2/14/09 12/1/08 11/26/08 10/7/08 8/2008 2/4/09 2/5/09 12/2008 1/3/09 1/3/09 1/4/09 2/2/09 2/10/09 2/2/09 5/16/08 2/8/09 2/4/09 1/18/09 2/3/09 1/9/09 1/9/09 1/20/09 1/11/09 9/30/08 1/9/09 2/2009 2/9/09 5/24/08 2/3/09 7/3/08 March 9, 2009 Donald W ThompsonII 422 Highland Robert Imhoff II 1/18/09 424 Mercer-Manitowish Waters Ralph N Behnke K 1/22/09 428 Amberg Francis W Beattie K 2/1/09 436 Wrightstown Matthew L Fafnis P 1/18/09 Lloyd S Kloehn 1/23/09 444 Milwaukee Kenneth Hagopian II 2/8/09 Donald Lisiecki II 12/29/08 447 Viola Ivan Kaukl II,K 1/30/09 Rupert Koch II 2/10/09 Granville McCauley K 11/26/08 Eldon Miller K 449 Brookfield Raymond B Ervin K 12/27/08 Jeanette Kapus II 1/8/09 Anthony B Kuhry II 1/6/09 Robert J Miller II 1/23/09 Walter R O’Malley II Russel J Steinfest II 1/12/09 454 Mt Calvary Donald Walters K 12/15/08 456 Caroline Derold F Bohren II 1/24/09 458 Wauzeka Gordon D Ackley K 12/2008 460 Belleville Paul W Ryan II 1/3/09 461 Pembine James E Kelly 1/21/09 470 Saukville James A McDonald V 1/3/09 Arnold R Miller II 1/12/09 Reginald W Mueller II 10/31/08 Melvin A Reif II 12/26/08 480 Presque Isle George H Hahner K 2/8/09 Walter C Martin II 2/8/09 481 Madison Robert H Kriel K 1/14/09 484 Glenbeulah Vincent Sippel II 1/31/09 496 Sherwood Ed Rogalska V 2/4/09 499 Gordon Douglas E EllingsenII 6/12/08 509 Rosholt Phillip L LeClair II 1/17/09 522 Hubertus Harvey Lederer II 2/8/09 524 White Lake Eugene G Wurzer SrII 2/4/09 527 Sister Bay George Erickson II 1/23/09 534 McFarland Melvin M Bollig K 2/13/09 544 Twin Lakes Jerome J Neri II 1/9/09 Did you know you can read the Badger Legionnaire online at By opting out of receiving a print edition of the newspaper, you can save the Department money and get the information sooner! The online edition of the Badger Legionnaire is usually available at least one week before the paper arrives in your mailbox. Provide us with your e-mail address and we will notify you each month when the latest edition is available on our site. ______ I no longer wish to receive the print edition of the Badger Legionnaire 2/6/09 Name: ________________________________________________________________ Jan 2009 Jan 2009 2/4/09 Member ID: ___________________________________________________________ 2/5/09 1/5/09 1/5/09 12/30/08 1/9/09 (Your Member ID is located above your name on your Badger Legionnaire mailing label) E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________ Please note: If there is an Auxiliary or SAL member in your household, they must also opt out of the print version or it will continue to be mailed to your home. Mail this form back to: Wisconsin American Legion, PO Box 388, Portage, WI 53901 or you can e-mail the information to March 9, 2009 BADGER LEGIONNAIRE & AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY “WISCONSIN” PAGE 7 POW/MIA PROFILES Service Member of the Month LtC Douglas E. Downey Lieutenant Colonel (LtC) Douglas E. Downey is the Operations Officer of the 434th Fighter Training Squadron and has logged over 1,400 total single-seat fighter flight hours. He is a qualified Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals Instructor Pilot and is in charge of producing over 45 new fighter pilots for the Air Force each year. LtC Downey was born in Milwaukee on February 5, 1971. He attended Cedarburg High School, graduating in June 1989. He attended the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) in Colorado Springs, CO. He earned three NCAA varsity athletic letters in football while competing at the Division I level with the Air Force Falcons in the Western Athletic Conference. In June 1993, LtC Downey graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree and was commissioned into the USAF as a Second Lieutenant. Upon entering the USAF, LtC Downey spent one year as an academic instructor and football coach at USAFA Preparatory School. He was then assigned to Travis AFB in California as a Combat Logistics Officer where he completed tours of duty in the Air Transportation Operations Center and as Commander of Traffic Management Flight. During his tour of duty, LtC Downey completed a four month deployment to King Abdul Aziz AB in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and Rhein Main AFB in Germany in support if Operation Phoenix Jackal. His next assignment was to Headquarters Air Education Training Command (AETC) at Randolph AFB in Texas, where he served on the AETC Logistics Senior Staff. LtC Downey was accepted into Undergraduate Flight Training (UFT) in June 1997 at Laughlin AFB in Texas. Upon completion of UFT in June 1998, he was selected to attend F-16 flight training at Luke AFB in Arizona. Upon graduation, he was a fully qualified F-16 pilot and his first “fighter” assignment was to Aviano AB in Italy. During his tour of duty, LtC Downey was recognized for superior performance as the Wing Flight Safety Officer by garnering the 2002 USAFE Flight Safety Officer of the Year Award. He flew in numerous international joint exercises and participated in Operations Joint Guardian and Joint Forge while logging over 50 combat hours in Bosnia and Kosovo. He accumulated 555 total flight hours in the F-16. LtC Downey was selected in 2003 to become an F-117 Stealth pilot at Holloman AFB in New Mexico. During his three year tour at Holloman AFB, he recorded over 350 flight hours in the F-117 and became an Instructor and Functional Test Pilot. He was recognized for superior airmanship with the Colligan Award for his successful recovery of a severely damaged F-117 over White Sands New Mexico. LtC Downey was involved in numerous highly classified programs and mission executions flying the F-117 in support of National Security. He was also hand-picked to execute the first ever fly-by of the White House and Washington Monument in the F-117 in honor of our fallen heroes in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2004, LtC Downey was distinctly selected to serve as a Presidential Air Force One Agent to execute responsibilities for the logistical and security aspects of Air Force One and the protection of the President of the United States. He accomplished over 15 missions in support of Air Force One and President Bush world-wide. LtC Downey was recently selected to serve as Chief of Flight Safety Operations at the USAFA and will assume that post in June 2009. His major military awards include the Meritorious Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Air Force Commendation Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, and Flight Safety Officer of the Year (2002) United Air Forces- Europe. LtC Downey holds a Master’s Degree in Aviation Business Administration from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (1998) and is a current student at the Air War College. He is married to the former Deborah Rebecca Larsen of Royal IA. They and their three children, Avery, Jax, and Allie currently reside in Del Rio, TX. LtC Downey is a member of Peter Wollner Post 288 in Cedarburg. He was nominated for Service Member of the Month by his Post. If you are interested in nominating an individual for Service Member or the Month, please contact Jessika Erickson at jessika@ or (608) 745-1090. The purpose of the State POW/ MIA Committee is to “provide increased awareness of POW / MIAs, to organize the Department and Posts’ POW/MIA activities and to provide education to the public.” To realize this duty, the profile of a WI Veteran who is or has been classified as POW/MIA will be presented each month for your reflection. Matthias Zerfas was born in Twin Lakes on May 28, 1908. He attended St. Alphonsus School in New Munster. He went on to attend St. Francis Seminary and was ordained a priest on May 27, 1934. For many years, he served St. Mary’s Church in Fond du Lac, where he volunteered for chaplain service in the Civilian Conservation Corps. In 1940, he was assigned to the regular Army and attached to the 26th Calvary Unit at Fort Benning, GA. His unit shipped out to the Philippines after the U.S. entered the war. Father Zerfas chose to remain with his men when given the opportunity to leave the Philippines before the fall of Manila. In April 1942, the Japanese captured Manila and Father Zerfas was taken prisoner along with many of his comrades. Spared the incident of the Bataan Death March, he was Island to take on provisions on New Years Day, 1945. On the morning of Jan. 9, U.S. Naval Aircraft attacked the anchored ships. Three bombs landed in the hold where the prisoners were and about 280 were killed outright. Father Zerfas had his left leg nearly blown off at the knee. Those who survived tried to care for him as best they could as the Japanese would not provide any medical supplies nor would they evacuate the wounded. Father Zerfas’ life ended three days later around dusk on the evening of January 11, 1945. He was buried in a common grave on the beaches of Tacao Bay, Formosa. The grave was later discovered and the bodies removed to the National Cemetery in Hawaii. A military funeral was later conducted at St. John’s Church in Twin Lakes. The Committee welcomes any information that anyone may have on a Wisconsin Veteran that has been classified as MIA or was a POW. Please contact Tom Ingram, Chairman, State POW/MIA Committee at or Robert Miller, Vice Chairman at, (262) 279-6429 if you have any information to help our endeavor. Thank you. interned at Santo Thomas Prison until Dec 12, 1944. During his time at the prison camp, Father Zerfas was a source of continual inspiration to the other prisoners. His daily routine began around 5 a.m. to give mass. At 7, he would begin delivering milk to 600 patients in the dysentery ward. He spent the rest of the day visiting patients and giving them spiritual direction. On Dec. 12, 1944, Father Zerfas, along with 1600 other American Prisoners were loaded in the holds of two ships in Manila Harbor heading to Formosa. The ships put into Takao Harbor, Formosa Attention: All Past Commanders Past Commanders Club of Wisconsin Come join the Past Commanders Club of Wisconsin for a life-time fee of only $30.00. Just fill out the attached application and mail it to me, along with the $30.00 fee to: Ronald Kaun, Adjutant 7901 S. Scepter Dr., Unit #4 Franklin, WI 53132-2244 Please note, the membership card must include the Applicant’s name and home address. If this is a gift, include a separate note where this should be sent. The Life-time Membership card and pin will be forwarded to the designated person as soon as possible. The sum of $30.00 must accompany this application. If paying by check, make it payable to the Past Commanders Club of Wisconsin. application for membership in the past commanders’ club of wisconsin A Social Organization of Past Commanders The American Legion Date _____________________ I, _________________________________________________________ a member in good standing in ___________________________________ Post No. _________, City of ____________________ The American Legion Department of _________________ hereby make application for membership having served as Commander of _____________________________________ Post No. __________ City of _________________________ Department of _________________________ Year ________ Date of Birth: Month ________ Day ________ Year ________ I certify that the above applicant served his Post. County or Department in the capacity as stated. ___________________________________________ Recommended by PCC or Legion Member. SIGNED ________________________ Member Address ________________________ City and State ________________________ *The sum of $30 must accompany this application.