May 2014 - Spectrum Concessions


May 2014 - Spectrum Concessions
I would say that commitment and passion are a somewhat
frequent theme in my contributions to the Spectrum
Connection. In reflecting on this fact, I came to realize that it
is true and those things are a very common part of my every
day. That focus on commitment and passion has resulted in a
rather uncommon existence, one I am grateful for.
As I said before, these sort of things don’t come with an on
and off switch; they are EQUALLY, if not more important,
away from our professional lives as they are in our day to
day work world. I can make the case that we have to be
100% committed to our family life, our spiritual life, to be
able to have a clear mind and foundation to achieve in our
professional life.
If there is one thing that has become increasingly clear as I
mature (a nice way of saying getting older), it is that those
things that set us apart…commitment, passion, integrity…can’t
have an on and off switch. They have to always be on for us to
reach our potential. Those who live their lives with those
qualities in the sometimes on, sometimes off position cannot
ever catch up to those who leave them on all the time.
Life is finite, this is no dress rehearsal. For every opportunity
that comes our way we get one chance to make it the very best
we can. Anything less than our very best, every minute of
every day, cheats someone, and that is usually ourselves. So I
want to share my sense of urgency to get everyone 100%, all
in, every minute, every hour, every day to our commitment to
be great, our commitment to our passion, our commitment to
our integrity, and our commitment to each other.
Because the Spectrum Connection is often thought of first as a
business publication, shortcomings in our 100% commitment
can be sighted in real life business examples. In our business,
but not peculiar to our business, it is seemingly human nature
that after we reach past the peak moment of effort that is
necessary to accomplish a task or a project, we let off the gas
so to speak, relax for a moment or two. I contend that just
because the peak of the effort has been accomplished, there is
still so much more to do, so much more that is out there for us
to accomplish. There are opportunities after the peak that if we
are committed, prepared and recognize them, we can achieve
even more, be greater, accomplish at an even higher level.
The next time that your day, tasks, and projects are winding
down, think what you can do with 100% commitment. The
runner that runs the race doesn’t slow up after he or she gets
ahead right? They run hard all the way to the finish. We owe
it to ourselves to have that type of commitment.
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
Be that daughter or son that phones their parents not
just on special occasions, but on an “any day” just to
say hi and be sure they know they are loved and you
are grateful for them.
Be that spouse that puts the other before themselves,
every day. Do the little things without anticipation of
anything in return but your spouse’s happiness.
Be that person who prays to give thanks for every day,
not just when it is time to pray for some thing or
Be that student who does all the extra credit, studies
and prepares just 15 minutes more than required.
Be that professional that sees each day, each project
fully to the finish, that leads by example.
Be that person who lives every moment by The
Golden Rule.
We do not get do overs in life, this is it! We owe it to
everyone who touches our life and we owe it to ourselves
to be 100% totally committed to achieving at our highest
levels. We all make choices in life; make this choice in
yours to keep your switch always in the ON position. Go
Wishing you and yours only the very best and thank you
for everything you do.
Peace and Grace,
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not sure how time gets away. Perfect example from a personal standpoint,
my son Cory will be 17-years old at the end of this month. Many of you reading
this issue of the Spectrum Connection have known Cory most if not
all of his life. Now here he is, almost 6-feet tall and a young man
headed for his senior year of high school. Equally as impressive,
Kole Waldrop (Missie Martinez’s son) is going to graduate high
school this month! I of course have known Kole all of his 18-years.
So proud of these two young men! A special thank you to all of you
here at Spectrum that have contributed to their success and been
difference makers in their lives.
The new office complex is really
moving along now. It is super exciting
to realize the growth and success of
Spectrum. That growth and success is
testament to every single person within
our company, the difference makers. I
am humbled to realize that Spectrum’s
main complex will be (God willing)
still standing and doing business potentially for hundred years to come – just like our good friends at Blue Bell. I am so
proud that Dave negotiated the Spectrum Way street sign to the development. Forevermore that street will remain
Spectrum Way! A legacy in and of itself; a testament to the blood, sweat and tears of so many that make up our amazing
company…if only those walls could talk, the stories they would tell.
Below is another story by Steve Goodier I wanted to share. I really enjoyed it , I hope you do as well. ~ Mel
Sharks and People:
One man sat
at a stop light. The woman in front of
him was going through papers on the
seat of her car, and when the light
changed to green she didn't go. A green
light is not a suggestion, you know, it is
more of a commandment. But she didn't
When the light turned red again, she still
had not moved. The man in the car behind her now started screaming epithets
and beating on his steering wheel.
A policeman tapped on his windshield.
"You can't arrest me for hollering in my
car," the man said. The cop asked for his
license and registration, returned to his
car, talked on the radio for a while and
finally handed the papers back. The
driver protested, "I knew you couldn't
cite me for yelling in my own car!"
screaming and beating your steering
wheel. I said to myself, 'That guy is out
of control. He's going to hurt someone.'
Then I noticed your 'Love Is a Choice'
and 'Give Peace a Chance' bumper stickers and I was sure you stole the car."
What the signs on his vehicle said about
him and the way he actually behaved
looked like, well, two different people.
But let's not be too critical. Are we always the people we want to be? I believe
in love and justice, forgiveness and second chances and generosity – but I don't
always live up to the ideals I profess.
must also keep moving forward. Forward
toward the people we want to be. Forward
toward our goals and ideals. Change is almost
always incremental – a little bit each day. But
we must keep moving forward.
It helps me to think of sharks. We're told
that some kinds of sharks can't breathe
unless they swim. They get oxygen from
the movement of the sea over their gills
and they can only make this happen by
constantly moving through the water. In
The officer replied, "I didn't want to cite other words, they must keep moving
you for shouting in your car. But I was forward to live.
behind you at the light and saw you Likewise, humans who want to live well
Yes, I don't always give peace a chance and I
don't always choose love first. And more often
than I care to admit, the person I am today
doesn't wholly resemble the one I hope to be
tomorrow. But all of that is all right, so long as
I keep moving forward, little by little, every
day. Life demands that sharks and people keep
moving forward. ~ Steve Goodier
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
As author Marianne Williamson says, “There
is no passion to be found playing small - in
settling for a life that is less than the one you
are capable of living.” But I find great passion
in stretching a little farther than I think I can. I
hang on to the belief that it is better to reach
too far and fall short than to settle for
mediocrity and succeed.
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The People Specialist
Dianne Holmes
I recently found an interesting article by
Erika Anderson, who is a contributor to
Forbes Magazine. She covers how people
and organizations work, and how they can
work better. I hope you find her article “6
Ways to Like Your Job More” to be a good
tool for making your job more enjoyable and
Most people don’t love their jobs. In fact,
many studies show that only about 1 in 5
people really enjoy their jobs, about 1 in 5
actively dislike their jobs, and the rest are
fairly neutral on the topic.
Dianne Holmes
The People Department
Since most of us spend more time working
than doing anything else except sleeping, this
seems unfortunate. Unless you’re the kind of
person who derives more satisfaction from
complaining about something than you
would from enjoying that thing (I know there
are some people like that), it seems as though
it would be better to like work more.
one that ignites and/or fulfills your
passions. But what if you’re in a job
that – for whatever reason – you can’t
or don’t want to change? Maybe
you’ve spent years building a skill or
expertise, and in order to change jobs,
you’d have to start at a much lower
level in another field. Perhaps your
current job provides something that
you do like – a short commute, good
benefits – that you’re not willing to
give up. Or it could be that, in this
strange economy, you simply think the
smartest move is to stay put.
It’s easy to assume that you can’t
change the way you feel about your
job. We say to ourselves, ‘it is what it
is.’ But there are actually a number of
things you can do to enjoy your job
more, starting today:
articles focus on finding a different career,
The current
Value of the
STOP HANGING WITH THE HATERS. In every organization, there will always be
some people
is:take great delight in trashing everything. Ultimate cynics, they’ll re-
gale you with stories of how the boss is an idiot, the company is out to get you, the rest
of the employees are chumps, and the work is ridiculous and meaningless. While
there’s a certain mean-spirited, self-righteous satisfaction in taking the everyone’s-aloser-but-us approach, in the long run it will just make you more unhappy. Hearing
only the negatives about your workplace makes it hard to see the positives that may
exist, and it ultimately will make you feel worse about yourself (if this place and these
people are so awful, why am I still here?). Spending time with colleagues who have a
more balanced view can dramatically shift your emotional response to your job.
ASK FOR MORE OF WHAT YOU LIKE. Think about whether there are some parts of your job that you like more than others. It
may be that your employer would be open to your doing more of those things. One woman I know, an executive assistant for many
years, realized that the part of her job she really liked was coordinating events. She noticed that her company often engaged an outside resource to manage larger events, and asked her boss if she could take on some of that work. Her boss agreed. Now, six years
later, her entire job consists of coordinating events for her boss’ part of the business – and she reports that she’s ‘having a great time
at work, most days.’
TALK TO YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY. I often write about the power of self-talk; it’s especially important when it comes to enjoying (or not enjoying) your job. A few years ago I was coaching a very senior client who was unhappy because he’d recently
found out that he wasn’t being considered as a candidate for the top job in his company. The CEO, my client was told, had decided
to groom a younger executive for the job. For about six months, my client’s basic self-talk message was “Why should I stay here? –
I’ll never get a bigger job, and I’ll end my career never having run anything.” We talked about whether he should start a job search,
but he wasn’t ready to do that – a lot of factors both personal and professional tied him to his current job. Then he started to question his own self-talk: Do I really need to be the CEO to be happy? What’s wrong with my current job? He shifted his self-talk message to: “I have a big, complex, interesting job, and I can have a huge positive impact on the organization and on the people who
work for me.” Not only is he enjoying his job – he’s built a kick-ass team, and they’re getting great results.
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CHANGE YOUR BOSS. Whether people enjoy their jobs is highly correlated with how they’re managed. A poor manager –
disengaged, critical, self-serving, untrustworthy – can put a real damper on anyone’s work satisfaction. In mid-size or larger companies, you can look for a job working for another manager – especially if your job skills are easily transferable to another part of the
business. Even if this isn’t possible, you can sometimes change your existing boss. Most people, when they have a less-than-great
boss, just throw up their hands and assume they have to live with it. But fairly often, a bad boss is not a bad person – he or she is
just bad at managing others. If you get clear about the one or two things you’d most like him or her to do differently, and ask for
those changes in a respectful and hopeful way, you might be surprised at the positive response you get.
LEARN SOMETHING. Often, not being happy at work just comes down to being bored. If you can do your job with one hand and
half your brain – no wonder you’re not happy. Most people are happiest when they’re at an optimum level of engagement: neither
under-challenged or over-challenged. If your learning curve has flattened out at work, think about what you might learn that would
make your job more interesting and make you more useful to the organization: learning new skills or acquiring new knowledge can
increase both job security and job satisfaction.
WORK HARDER. This may seem entirely counterintuitive,
but it’s part of what I said earlier about the ‘right’ degree of
challenge. You may feel like you’re being clever to get away
with clocking in at 9, leaving on the dot of 5 and taking a long
lunch – but over time, only doing what’s needed and not a bit
more is likely to backfire. In Dan Pink’s excellent book,
“Drive,” he notes that ‘purpose’ and ‘mastery’ are two of the
things we humans find most motivating: finding meaning in
what we do, and getting really good at it. By just skating
through work, you’re depriving yourself of both. Instead, think
about where you could lean into your job to find more purpose,
or to get more expert. Do you enjoy helping younger colleagues grow? Spend more time coaching people who report to
you. Are you fascinated by the impact social media could have
on your business? Talk to the folks in your business who are
exploring that and figure out how to apply it to your work.
Often just making the effort to find more satisfaction at work can have a positive impact. Realizing that your experience is more
within your control than you thought can be a very positive thing – and could be the start of a long-term shift toward more happiness
at work. Just think: you could make it so that Monday morning is something you look forward to.
** Increase is due to market appreciation and employee/employer contributions!
“Are you contributing?” If you are not please contact the Spectrum People Specialist!
Dianne Holmes | 713.897.8255
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
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Newest Member to Team Spectrum!
Please join us in welcoming Michael Stapleton as the new Spectrum
General Manager at The Lone Star Convention and Expo Center.
Michael had a couple of Spectrum events under his belt prior to his new
position, having served as a catering manager at the Valero Texas Open
and Shell Houston Open.
Michael comes to us with an extensive background in the food and
beverage industry, departing Logan's Steakhouse where he was
employed for the past 11 years. Michael had the opportunity to work and
train in many of their locations across the country while serving as
Logan's General Manager.
Michael and his wife Trish live in Conroe with their two young sons,
Lucas (7) and Joshua (9). In their free time, Michael and his family
enjoy camping and staying active. As you can imagine their two boys
keep them busy as well! Michael and Trish are also avid runners,
continuously training for the next marathon, half marathon, or fun run.
To book your next event at the Lone Star Convention and Expo Center please contact Michael Stapleton via:
Email: | Office: 936-539-5250 | Cell: 231-286-7207
We say good-bye to Lisa
Stroyne, who worked for
Spectrum for over seven
years. Lisa has decided to
move back to Pittsburgh to
work in the wedding planning industry and catering business in her home
town. She accepted the position in Pittsburgh and left Texas at the end of
Lisa was sad to leave all of the friends she made in Texas over the past 12
years and said that every one will have a special place in her heart, but it is
time to go back to her family and work with her passion, flowers and
We all wish her the best, knowing that she is following her heart and
dreams by moving back to her home town to cheer on those Pittsburgh
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Director of Concessions for Festivals produced by Superfly Presents: Bonnaroo
Music and Arts Festival, Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival, Googa Mooga, Life
is good Festival
How you know Spectrum and since when: I first met Dave, Ruben and Shelley when
Spectrum provided our staff catering the second year of Bonnaroo (2003). The next year
Spectrum became our concessionaire and over the past eleven years has become a
wonderful partner at Bonnaroo and at other festivals that we produce. It's great to
see the same Spectrum faces at Bonnaroo year after
Tell us about your family: My husband Glenn and
I met when we were both working in the ski
industry in Vermont and feel very fortunate to still
be living in such a beautiful place. Both of our kids
keep very active with sports all year long. Matthew
(16) plays soccer, teaches skiing on weekends, ski
races for his high school and plays baseball.
Lindsey (13) plays soccer during the spring,
summer and fall and as a USSA ski racer is on skis almost every day from November through March. Glenn and I have our hands full keeping up with them! I can't forget
to mention our Australian Shepherd Cinder and our cat Mesa.
Your interests when time permits away from our crazy world: When we have free time
you will find us at one of the kids sporting events, even when it means
standing on the side of a mountain in all kinds of weather!
Every March we make maple syrup in our yard. It has been a tradition
we all enjoy that signifies the beginning of spring. During the summer
we love to go camping and boating on Lake George in New York
Favorite foods, books, vacation spots: As we
develop the culinary offerings at our festivals, I
really enjoy tasting unique foods that I have never
had before. When I am at home I love pesto made
with basil from my can add pesto to just
about anything.
For vacations in
the spring I love
to go somewhere warm (necessary when you live in
Vermont) and in the summer I enjoy going anywhere
where there is a lake. My favorite winter vacation is a
ski trip to Alta, Utah. In the fall we rarely go away
because there is probably no place nicer than the town
we live in in Vermont where the fall colors are
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
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Newest Members of “Leading Caterers of America”
Spectrum Catering, Concessions and Events was honored to be invited to join a
professional organization called the Leading Caterers of America (LCA). LCA is
a professional peer organization that includes only award-winning, experienced
hospitality organizations from around the world – and we are very proud to
represent Houston, The Woodlands, and the surrounding areas in this organization.
LCA gives us access to best practices from other leading caterers around the
globe. We meet annually to share food trends, ideas for operational efficiencies,
winning sales tactics, and programming. Vetted by our peers, only forty caterers
total are members throughout the US…the best and the brightest in the industry!
Though many requests are made to
join, Catersource decides its membership. This network allows us to get to
the top 40 owners, chefs, and event
planners in the country!
Sandra Bell, Senior Sales Executive represents Spectrum and Wicked Whisk
Catering. Sandra is pictured below with the Leading Caterers of America Sales
We feel so fortunate to have such a great team of talented Chefs. Here's
Jared again showing off some delicious dessert shooters of
Lemoncello-Mascarpone Mousse with Amaretto Cookie Crumbles.
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Music Festival Division “ Heats up the Summer”
Spectrum Music Festival Division started out the month of April by
doing the March Madness Music Festival in Dallas, which had major
headliners and was an all-around smooth show. I want to thank
everyone that was a part of that show for staying focused and sticking
to our values, considering the less than ideal weather conditions. I
believe the promoters were very happy with our performance and we
look forward to the event in Indianapolis next year.
Although there were no other shows in April it has been less than a
whirlwind of a month! We are seemingly getting every piece of
business we are going after at an almost overwhelming pace. While
we are not always the best financial offer on the table, promoters are going with
us regardless because of the intangibles that set us apart from every other
company in our field. If you have been a part of a music festival in any way, you
have been a driving force in helping us secure massive new deals. As long as we
continue to do things the Spectrum Way, stick to our morals and stay focused, I
believe we can dominate the industry in just a few short years.
We were also fortunate to finalize terms for a three year contract with our friends at AC Entertainment as
their exclusive concessionaire for all their outdoor music festivals. AC Entertainment is the promoter for
shows like Bonnaroo, Forecastle, Gentlemen of the Road, and a few others that I can’t quite disclose yet. We
really enjoy working with them and are excited about joining forces.
NEXT UP...Free Press Summer Fest in Houston
May 31st and June 1st. We hope to see you there
as Team Spectrum prepares for 80 thousand
music fans!
Maverick Smalley
For the third month in a row we have announcements to make regarding exciting new business coming
to Spectrum. It is not something we have a history of doing, meaning announce new business, but the
business we have been awarded these past three months has been quite remarkable. I encourage you to
look back in the March and April Spectrum connections to see how significant those announcements
And now, drum roll please…Spectrum has been contracted to serve The Boots and
Hearts Music Festival in Bowmanville, Ontario in Canada. We have also been
contracted to serve the JBL LIVE music series on Pier 97 in New York City as well as
three days of Phish on Randall’s Island in July.
I am pleased to say that it appears there are more announcements coming! My many
thanks and CONGRATULATIONS to all that have worked so hard to make these
announcements a reality. Outstanding! We look forward to making these events and
new clients Spectrum events for a long time to come.
Dave Smalley
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
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Each year, Spectrum works with local colleges to select interns studying in the hospitality industry and looking for
a chance of a lifetime to learn, work and grow with a dynamic, seasoned team working our summer events. Here
are our selections for 2014.
I was born and raised in Napa Valley, CA. I attended nursing school at Sacramento
State for two years before I decided to completely switch majors and move to
Houston, Texas to attend the University of Houston. I’m currently a Hotel and
Restaurant Management major with an emphasis on events. In my free time I enjoy
running at Memorial Park, relaxing with a good book, or playing indoor coed soccer!
I attend Texas A&M University, majoring in
Agribusiness. I’m set to graduate this month and I
absolutely love A&M and all of its traditions, including the football and all that goes along with it. In
my spare time, I love to go dancing or just hang out
around a fire with friends. I absolutely love movies,
“for those two hours, that is
KRYSTA KOENIG reality!” I’m very interested in
the event management business
because I love working with
people and strive to improve the
overall experience they have
while attending events. I would
say that problem solving is fun
and if I can come up with a way
to make something that seems
impossible, possible, it has been
a great day!
I am 18 and was born in
Tennessee. I lived in Italy for
three years then I moved to
Texas. I have two older brothers,
one lives in Denver and the other
attends school at the University
of Oklahoma. I'll be attending
the University of Texas at Austin
in the fall. I have one
Australian Shepard dog named
Aslan. I'm studying sports
management and my ultimate
goal is to be working for the
Dallas Cowboys.
I love to travel and believe that travel will
expand my horizons, show me there is
more out there than my little bubble, and
help me be more effective reaching
different people.
I’m the third oldest out of nine kids. I
consider myself to be so blessed to be a part of a
large family and wouldn’t have it any other way!
I’m currently attending the
Conrad N. Hilton College, at the
University of Houston. My passions
include: dance, schoolwork, and
organizations at the Hilton College. I am
an Ambassador for the Hilton and also a
member of the National
Association for Catering and Events.
I am living the dream by dancing for and working at a
local Bollywood dance company named Naach Houston.
My life revolves around my wonderful family. We came
to the U.S. from Dubai about nine years ago and fell in
love with the Houston lifestyle. I plan on continuing my
education by attending law school. I am proud to say that
I am the happiest 21 year old on earth and I am
thoroughly enjoying my journey with Spectrum! :)
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I'm currently a sophomore at the University of Houston. I was born in New Orleans, LA and
moved to Dallas, TX when I was nine. I'm an only child and my favorite color is pink. I've
been baton twirling for about eight years now. My goal is to be an event planner and eventually become a teacher later in life. I really enjoy spending time with my friends and family
and being an influence in the lives of others.
I was raised in the little town of Campwood, TX by my two loving parents, John and Becky
Morey. After receiving a full ride scholarship, I decided to attend Texas A&M University
to study Tourism Management. I hope one day to work with non-profit organizations that
help children over seas. Two things on my bucket list are to travel the world and meet
Denzel Washington.
My name is Quyen Duong and I am from Vietnam. I'm a
graduate student at the University of Houston with a dual
program of MBA/MS (Hospitality). I'm expected to
graduate in December 2015. Currently I'm a TA for a Food
Production course in school, where students learn about
different cooking methods and apply it in the kitchen lab.
QUYEN DUONG I'm very happy to be a part of the Spectrum Summer
Internship Program this year. I look forward to participating in as many
summer events as I can.
I am from Lufkin, TX and the youngest of two
children. I will be graduating soon from the University of
Houston's Conrad N. Hilton College with a Masters Degree
in Hospitality Management. I love music, concerts, arts &
crafts, traveling, and finding the best places to eat in new
places. I also enjoy cheering on the New Orleans Saints,
WHO DAT?! My absolute favorite music artist is Justin
Timberlake. I hope to own my own business one day and a
Corgi or two, as well.
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
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Dearly Departed?
The Saenger Theatre had few shows during the month of April, but
there was some excitement at the theatre when a special guest arrived
on Tuesday, April 22nd at 2 p.m.
Do you ever fantasize about your own funeral? Will it be big? Or
small and intimate? New Orleans socialite Mickey Easterling had it all
planned out before she died. She was going to be the guest of honor at
her own party, dressed perfectly. A long-time Saenger Suite Patron,
New Orleans Philanthropist and well-known Party Giver, Mickey
Easterling passed away on April 14, 2014, and requested that her wake
be held in the lobby of the Saenger Theatre. The arrangements
included a display of Ms. Easterling's body, sitting on a wrought-iron
bench, with a Champagne glass filled with Veuve Cliquot in one hand
and a cigarette holder in another.
More than a thousand mourners, including musician Allen Tousaint, attended the bash, paying
their respects to Easterling who was clad in an extravagant party hat, and feather boa, wearing
her infamous brooch, which proclaimed her as #1 Bitch.
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
The occasion was reminiscent of
another wake for Treme Brass
“Uncle” Lionel
Batiste’s in 2012, which was held
down the street in our very own
Mahalia Jackson Theatre. The
deceased drummer was wearing a
suit and sunglasses while leaning
against a fake street lamp.”
Annette St. Romaine
General Manager | Saenger Theatre
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Spectrum’s Theatre Division - North has had another
great growth spurt. In the month of April we opened two
new venues, both with our partner Live Nation.
In Long Island, Kelly McGovern has reopened an
existing property, the NYCB Theatre at Westbury. This
opening was challenging to say the least. Kelly, Alex,
Josh, and I brought this venue from 1975 to 2014 in five
days, working long hours to revamp the bars and build out
a kitchen from the ground up! It was not an easy task but
we did it and it looks amazing. Thank you guys!!
The very next week Live Nation open a brand new
facility in Louisville, Kentucky, just three doors down
from the Louisville Palace, called the Mercury Ballroom.
This room is very much like our beloved Fillmore Silver
Spring but much more intimate, holding only 999 patrons.
A huge shout out to Nick Parson; he took this opening
head on, put in 100%, and did an amazing job working
through the difficulties that new venues face. In his first
month he is pushing out record per caps for this market.
Amazing Job Nick!
~ Jason Reed
Cirque du Soleil: Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour Kicks off in Kentucky!
Dave and Melanie traveled to Kentucky to meet with staff before the opening
of show. This tour is a riveting fusion of visuals, dance, and music! Michael
Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour is an electrifying production
presented in a rock concert format that combines the excitement and
innovation of Michael Jackson’s music and choreography with Cirque du
Soleil is unparalleled creativity.
The underpinnings of THE IMMORTAL World
Tour are Michael Jackson’s powerful, inspirational
music and lyrics - the driving force behind the
show, brought to life with extraordinary power and
breathless intensity. Through unforgettable performances, the show underscores Michael’s global
messages of love, peace and unity. A live band,
including some of the same artists who previously
worked side by side with Michael, further enhance
the excitement and authenticity of the show.
Michael Jackson Immortal Team Pictured Above:
(left to right) Melanie Parker, Caleb Lumpkin, Adam Stefanko, Rodolfo
Soto, Donna Powers, Thomas Dein, Dave Smalley and Phill Briggs
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
Aimed at lifelong fans as well as those experiencing Michael’s creative genius
for the first time, the show captures the essence, soul and inspiration of the
King of Pop, celebrating a legacy that continues to transcend generations.
Page 12
Byron Nelson Championship
May 12 - 18
Free Press Summer Fest
Fed-Ex St. Jude Classic
Governor’s Ball
CVS Caremark Charity Classic
Freedom Over Texas - Houston
Red Hot and Blue - The Woodlands
Stars and Stripes Over San Antonio
John Deere Classic
The Fray
Chive Fest - Seattle
The Soulshine Tour
RBC Canadian Open
Boots and Hearts
Thievery Corporation
Chive Fest - Denver
CP Women’s Open
Robyn + Royksopp
Shaw Charity Classic
Centennial Family Festival
Little Mix: The Salute Tour
Alliance Air Show
Lighting of the Doves / iWOW
May 31 - June 1
June 2 - 8
June 6 - 8
June 12 - 15
June 22 - 24
July 4
July 4
July 4
July 7 - 13
July 9
July 11 - 13
July 12
July 19
July 21
July 21 - 27
July 31 - August 3
July 18 - 20
August 15
August 16
August 18 - 24
August 20
August 25 - 31
September 6
October 3
October 25 - 26
November 22
We were lucky to hire January when she was 12.
Just kidding. Hard to put into words how significant
January’s contributions are. Thanks January!
What a great 10 years Wayne, you are so appreciated.
We all sleep well knowing our business is under your
watchful eye. Cheers to the future together!
Dave Smalley
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
Jesse Ryan
Jamilla Dorsey
Greg King
Alyssa Pena
Michael McCurry
Shelley Gatchell
Ricky Esquivel
Georgetta Zwiers
Helen Gonzales
Annette St. Romain
January Lesperance
Alyssa Pena
Juan Adame
Wayne Easton
Page 13
Dave Smalley
Melanie Parker
IT ASSISTANCE - KeySandra Bell
stone Consulting Group,
Inc. 281.494.9444
Paul Fanelli
Maverick Smalley
Tyler Fredricksen
via the Key713.897.8266
Kezia Callahanstone icon installed 713.897.8265
your desktop
OUR PURPOSE: Our purpose is to change the lives of our associates and clients for the better.
ing presentation by friendly, knowledgeable hospitality professionals with pampered customer care as their primary focus. We are passionate about our work,
loyal to our co-workers and dedicated to you.
OUR MISSION: Our goal is to exceed the client’s expectations by providing the highest quality, value-based hospitality, delivered on time in an interest-
Tony Terwilliger
Missie Martinez
Drea Ferrel
Leigh-Anne McQuitty
Shelley Gatchell
Jim Smalley
Jason Reed - Northern Division
Jay Jung - Southern Division
Ruben Garcia - Operations / Management
Robert Jones - Rentals / Fleet
Frank Norgan - Warehouse Management
Derek Mills - Chief Financial Officer
Peggy Kozan - Accounts Receivable
Kim Smidlein - Accounts Payable
Dianne Holmes - Payroll/Human Resources
Spectrum Connection is a publication of: Spectrum Catering, Concessions & Special Events
Created by: Leigh-Anne McQuitty | Edited by: Missie Martinez & Drea Ferrel
P.O. Box 7130 | The Woodlands, Texas | 77387 | Office: 281.363.0900 | Toll Free: 877.567.0900 | Fax: 281.362.7111
Spectrum Connection | May 2014 | Issue 62
Page 14

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