March, 2012 - Mystic Shores
March, 2012 - Mystic Shores
Visit: Volume III, Issue 3 March 2012 Board Elections Process Inside this issue: Happenings in the Neighborhood 2 From the Board 3 Committee Reports 5 Committee Reports 6 Committee Reports 7 A Long Time Ago 8 Here Birdie Birdie Safety First 10 10 Texas Property Taxes 11 Homestead Info Committee Reports 11 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! Contact Nancy Evans Hanley at 830-935-2169 to have your ad placed in “The View from Mystic Shores.” Mystic Shores property owners will vote for four new Board members at the annual meeting on Saturday, April 21. Annual meeting materials, including a proxy form and voting instructions, will be mailed in mid-March to all owners. Ballots will be available at the meeting. All members are encouraged to attend the meeting or return their proxies to the Association to ensure a quorum for the meeting and to have their votes counted. Property owners will see very little change in the election process from prior years. AMS will conduct the election at the meeting for the Association in a fair and impartial manner, as they have for several years. Each lot has one vote for each of the four open Board positions and AMS has procedures to ensure that each lot is voted only once and votes are properly counted. The new Texas laws required two changes in the election process: (1) ballots must be signed and (2) absentee ballots voted prior to the meeting cannot be counted if an issue included in the ballot is amended at the meeting. Vote counters cannot disclose how an owner votes. Because of the second change, the Association will be mailing only “directed proxy” forms, which will allow owners to mark their choices of the candidates. A ballot form can be requested; however, owners voting by absentee ballot will risk having their votes not counted. The Board Election Process, approved by the Board at the March 2 quarterly Board meeting, is available on the Documents page of the Association’s website at The Association’s attorney has confirmed that this Process complies with applicable Texas laws. The AMS procedures for registering owners at the meeting and tabulating votes are attached as an appendix to the Process. Water Rate Update! Confidential settlement negotiations are now in progress between Coalition for Equitable Water Rates (CEWR) and San Jose Water, owner of Canyon Lake Water Service Company (CLWSC). Simultaneously, an additional request for information has been filed and our CEWR lawyers and consultants are preparing for the final rate hearing on March 26. The final rate order is expected in the fall. At this time, CEWR is working to raise $21,000 for final hearing expenses. Donations can be made via the website at WWW.CEWR.NET. And, if you wish to be advised of ongoing developments, you can sign up for email updates on the website. Page 2 Questions or Concerns about Neighborhood Amenities? Contact the Property Owners Association at (210) 8297202. Don’t Forget! Annual Meeting, Board Election, and BBQ will be held April 21. Ladies’ Bible Study — 2nd Spring session, “James: Mercy Triumphs” by Beth Moore, will begin on Monday, March 26 at 7 p.m. All interested may enroll by contacting Margaret Schaefer at 830-935-3669. 2011 Federal Tax Returns and Extension Applications must be postmarked on or before April 17, 2012. This is also the last day you can make 2011 contributions to your IRA. The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Volume III, Issue 3 Happenings In the Neighborhood . . . Numerous groups provide avenues to share mutual interests and develop friendships within the community. Know of other regular neighborhood activities? If so, please email information to Nancy Evans Hanley at Bible Study - Ladies Bible Study Weekly study Monday’s - 7 p.m. - Contact Margaret Schaefer at - Couples/Singles Bible Study Every other Sunday evening - 6-8 p.m. - Contact Lois and Floyd Johnson at or 830-935-2907. Exercise - Ladies Power Walking MWF - 8:30-9:30 a.m. - Meeting place varies - Contact Mary Daniel at 830-885-4495 or - Mens Basketball League NEW Organizing now—Tues and Thurs—6 p.m.—Basketball Court at Lake Park—Contact John “JAG” Aguirre at 210-827-0311 or Games and Hobbies - Bridge Contact Consie Javor at or 830-885-6920 - Open for subs Ladies 2nd and 4th Friday - 1-5 p.m. - New tables based on interest. Couples Monthly. - Ladies Bunko Two (2) groups currently Nights 2nd Wednesday Monthly - 6 p.m. - Currently a waiting list - Contact Maggie Simpton at Nights 3rd Wednesday Monthly - 6 p.m. - Sub list available - Contact Linda Rodriguez at or 830-935-4757. - “No Mean Women” Book Club 2nd Thursday Monthly - 1-3 p.m. - Contact Peggy Blanton at 830-935-2802 or 830-708-2819. - Seam Sew Happy Ladies of Canyon Lake 1st Wednesday Monthly 8:45 a.m. until 2 p.m. North Shore United Methodist Church - Contact Nancy Evans Hanley at - Stitchers 3rd Thursday Monthly - 7 p.m. - Meeting place varies - Currently a waiting list Contact Pat Ermel at Social - Men’s Lunch Group 3rd Wednesday Monthly - 11:30 a.m. - Contact Tony Stewart at CRRC is offering a "Better Choices, Better Health Workshop" for those with ongoing health conditions (diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, COPD). It is presented by the Alamo Area on Aging for six weeks beginning April 2 through May 7. Please contact CRRC Seniors Programs at 830-964-2937 (leave a message) for more information or to sign up. Easter Sunrise Service in Mystic Shores Sunday, April 8, 7:00 a.m. (come as early as 6:30 a.m.) Pot Luck Brunch following! Call 935-4858 for details. Hosted by the Rieker’s at their home Dress for outdoors; inside option in case of rain The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake March Quarterly Board Meeting—The Board held its regular quarterly Board meeting on Friday, March 2. Highlights from the meeting are summarized below. More information will be available in the meeting minutes. Committee Reports—Each of the Association’s six committees reported. The ACC reported several committee accomplishments for the last quarter and noted that, as of February 29, there were 462 completed residences and 16 residences under construction in Mystic Shores. The Communications Committee is working on updating the directory and improving the website. The Conservation Committee has completed a deer survey, is planning Wildlife Backyard Habitat classes for the spring and may organize a neighborhood birding group. The Maintenance Committee reported that fence painting along FM 306 has started, trees in the common areas have been trimmed and they have recommended a new landscaping company to the Board. The Neighborhood Watch Committee continues to be active and has contacted local law enforcement about additional patrols for Mystic Shores. The Social Committee will be hosting a youth Easter Egg Hunt and the annual BBQ. Update on Bluegreen Issues—The Board reported that a conference call was recently held with the Dan Koscher, President of Bluegreen Communities, and Bluegreen’s local attorney. Bluegreen agreed during this call to give the Association an easement for the large Mystic Shores monument on the sales office lot and our respective attorneys are working on an easement agreement. Mr. Koscher stated that Bluegreen’s plan for the sales office lot is to continue operating the current sales office there. He would not comment on whether that lot is part of the announced sale of the Bluegreen Communities business, citing a confidentiality agreement. Bluegreen has recently announced publicly that closing for this sale has been delayed, with a current deadline of April 30. It was recently discovered that lot 1929, the “windmill lot” on Mystic Parkway, which Bluegreen had promised Mystic Shores lot purchasers would be an Association common area, was not deeded to the Association at the time of the turnover in April 2009. Bluegreen recently listed this lot for sale and executed a contract to sell the lot to the adjacent property owners. After the Board contacted Bluegreen and the property owners (who have advised they would prefer the lot be common area), the contract Volume III, Issue 3 Page 3 was canceled. Bluegreen stated during the conference call that they would respond to the Board’s request to deed the lot to the Association. The Board also announced that Bluegreen has contacted the Association and confirmed that Bluegreen Corporation will complete the “Lake Park #2” near the Mystic Shores boat ramp after the sale of the Bluegreen Communities business closes. This park should have 16 picnic tables and 25 parking spaces with private gated access for Mystic Shores property owners. Annual Meeting—The Board approved the annual meeting materials that will be mailed to all property owners in mid-March and the Board Election Process (see page 1). Executive Session—After the executive session, the Board announced: - One of the missing garage lawsuits has been settled on favorable terms; - The landscaping contract recommended by the Maintenance Committee was approved, which is expected to save at least $5,000 for the Association, with better service; and - A new contract is being negotiated with AMS, which is expected to result in at least $7,000 in savings. “The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake” is published 10 times each year by the Mystic Shores Property Owners Association Board of Directors. The newsletter staff is composed of resident volunteers who gather and prepare the enclosed information for the benefit of property owners in the Mystic Shores subdivision, Comal County, Texas. Inquiries should be directed to: The Board of Directors c/o Association Management Services Steve Brown, Mystic Shores POA Manager 1600 NE Loop 410, Suite 202 San Antonio, TX 78209 Mystic Shores Communications Committee contributors: Carol M. Little (Chairperson), NANCY EVANS HANLEY (Editor), Connie Bickers, Mary Daniel, Charlotte Mann, Sharon Russell, Maggie Simpton, and Michael O. Varhola. Ad Hoc Contributor—Paula Rieker Page 4 The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Linda’s Cell: 830-609-8347 Volume III, Issue 3 JB’s Cell: 713-504-6793 or The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Volume III, Issue 3 Winter Rain = Wildflowers Page 5 By The Conservation Committee Our drought is not over, we’re told. However, the wonderful winter rains have helped germinate a couple years worth of wildflower seeds that have just been waiting for this weather. Let’s identify a few of the bountiful blooms that you are surely seeing in your yards here in Mystic Shores. Hill Country will be shimmering blue with a flush of Bluebonnets this spring. If you don’t have them in your yard, you can buy plants in the spring and establish a small bed of them. The deer seem to eat them in my front yard unless I protect them with a wire fence. In the back yard where it is fenced, I started 6 plants 5 years ago and now have hundreds. I don’t water or fertilize them at all. I pull the plants when the seed pods are brown (they are annuals and won’t come back). By that time they will have thrown their seeds all over. Late summer I will start to see the little plants starting up. This has worked so much better than scattering seed in the fall. If I want plants in new places, I just throw CONEFLOWER some of the seeds around as I am pulling up the spent plants. BLUEBONNET Another early spring wildflower that you will surely see is the Prairie Coneflower (Mexican Hat). It is a perennial, so it will continue to come up wherever you see it this spring. It will also continue to multiply by seeds that germinate in the fall. It is lovely mixed with our wild grasses or massed in a wildflower garden. The deer don’t bother this hardy fellow, and they are extremely drought tolerant, so you can grow them anywhere in your yard that you want. Your problem will be that they will spread and multiply rapidly. They have a deep taproot, so they are hard to pull by hand. This plant supplies not only nectar but small seeds that our small finches enjoy. TEXAS PAINTBRUSH If you are very lucky, you may have some Texas Paintbrush on your property. I have only found one plant in my yard and it only blooms in years that we have rain. This plant is semi parasitic. Its roots will invade the roots of nearby native grasses and take nutrition from them. If you want to introduce these lovely natives, you can buy seed or it is possible to buy plants that are already attached to a grass. If you find some, be sure to let the seed pods form and dry before mowing since these are annuals and won’t come back from the roots. VERBENA We have a couple of kinds of wild Verbena that will be blooming. One form has ferny, prostrate growth and forms dense mats if it gets any water. It will bloom for months if the rains continue. Its sister tends to send its clusters up away from the mat of green leaves. The Verbenas are full of nectar for the early butterflies. You will find that the deer don’t much bother the native verbenas but will lunch on the cultivars that you buy at the nursery. ANTELOPE HORN After these natives have finished their show, look for the odd looking Antelope Horn plants. The first time I saw the bloom of this plant, I was blown away. It looked like a green—white wax globe with multiple little parts. The plant grows prostrate and has long thin leaves on the trailing stems. It is a milkweed and has a white, sticky sap if you break the plant. After blooming it sets long brown pods that are filled with thousands of seeds on feathery little parachutes. This plant is a great plant for caterpillars. So, if you love the Monarchs and Queen Butterflies, leave these strange plants in place when you find them. The flowers’ nectar is popular with our native bees and many butterflies. See the pictures of these wildflowers in color on our blog: Sources: Wildflowers of Texas by Geyata Ajilvsgi (a Hill Country resident) and Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center website ( Page 6 The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Volume III, Issue 3 Sound Bite from the Communications Committee By Carol M. Little The updated property owners’ directory has been posted on the website with all changes and additions of which we have been advised. Again, many thanks to the many property owners who contributed their information. Please note that you will still need to advise AMS of mailing address changes for your newsletter and for your annual meeting materials. We are moving ahead with the new website design. Because we have been advised that our site will be down for several days during the transition, we will not migrate to the new site until AFTER the annual POA meeting and election. This is to ensure that we have a website available during the important days leading up to the meeting. As we migrate to the new website, we plan to refresh and augment the photos we currently use. If you have photos of Mystic Shores that you think should be on our website, please forward electronic copies (JPG files with good resolution) to me at ACC Update By The ACC The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) received and processed over 25 requests for extensions for individual property owners within the last three years, several of these were for over three extensions on the same project. Most project extensions were for landscape installation, primarily due to the unprecedented drought conditions. The ACC encourages owners to complete their projects within time required by the Mystic Shores DCCRS and Design Guidelines, which is one year for residences and six months for other projects. For those times when unusual circumstances do not permit an owner to meet the deadline, the ACC is establishing a process to assist property owners with needed time extensions and reduce the ACC’s administrative workload. The ACC’s proposed process, which will be submitted to the Board for approval, includes criteria for the owner to request up to two extensions. The ACC expects that most projects will not need more than one extension. A second extension might be granted if the owner requests it with compelling reasons for a second extension and a reasonable projected date of completion. The ACC always strives to facilitate project completion, keeping in mind the sensitivities of the owner, the owner’s neighbors and the community at large. STATISTICS FOR THE MONTHS OF DECEMBER 2011 THROUGH FEBRUARY 2012 NUMBER AND TYPE OF APPLICATIONS Residences: 4 Other applications: 21 Non-residential extensions requested: 1 AS OF FEBRUARY 29, 2012 462 completed residences 5 completed this quarter 19 under construction 4 started this quarter Planning to make changes to your lot or residence? Before starting work, check the DCCRs, Sections 9.1 and 9.4, to determine if an application needs to be filed. All documents that govern construction requirements and restrictions in Mystic Shores are available from the Mystic Shores POA website. AROUND THE HILL COUNTRY April 13-15, Burnet — Bluebonnet Festival — April 21-22, New Braunfels — Folkfest — April 27-28, Fredericksburg — Hill Country Wine & Music Festival - The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Volume III, Issue 3 Keepin’ In Step with the Social Committee Page 7 By Janet Ryan MARCH AND APRIL ARE BLOWING IN GREAT ACTIVITIES IN MYSTIC SHORES. The Social Committee is busy coordinating several events for the coming months. The first event is the Meet the Candidates mixer on Friday, March 23, from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. at the Lake Park Pavilion. We hope everyone comes to meet the board candidates and talk to them in person. Those who attend are invited to BYOB and bring an appetizer to share with other property owners. Also in March we are sponsoring the annual Easter Egg Hunt for children in Mystic Shores. The hunt will be on Saturday, March 31, from 3:00 until 4:30 p.m. in the area around the Lake Park Pavilion. Children will hunt eggs, decorate cookies, guess the number of jellybeans in a jar, and participate in various games. Parents are asked to bring one dozen filled plastic eggs (no chocolate, please). We are also asking each family for a donation of one canned good or non-perishable food item to be donated to the CRRC food pantry. Watch for more information on this fun event! New homeowners in Mystic Shores enjoyed good food and conversation at the Welcome Coffee held at the home of Debbie Kortlang on February 16. There, committee members had a chance to personally greet and visit with new homeowners who have recently moved into Mystic Shores. Pictured from left to right are: Charlotte Vogelpohl, Carol Little, Tina Wing, Linda Neely, Carol Cupples, Pamela Ray, Beverly Matthewson, Priscilla Shumaker, Amanda Fory, Terry Green. Not pictured, Barbara Knight. The Annual Meeting and BBQ will Easter Egg Hunt at Lake Park—2011 be held on April 21. If you have not made your reservation for the BBQ, be sure to do SCHEDULE OF 2012 SOCIAL COMMITTEE EVENTS so before March 31. Please check the March 23 — MIXER: Meet the Candidates — 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. — Lake Park Pavilion February issue of this March 31 — Easter Egg Hunt — 3:00 until 4:30 p.m. — Lake Park Pavilion newsletter for the RSVP April 21 — Annual BBQ — 12 noon until 4:00 p.m. (food served until 2:00 p.m.) — Lake and Registration Form. Park Pavilion This is an important June 8 — MIXER: Learn about the opportunities available at the Community Resource and election and mixer. We Recreation Center (CRRC) in Sattler — 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. — Lake Park Pavilion hope everyone will be September 14 — MIXER: Meet a Master Gardener and enjoy a plant exchange — 7:00 able to attend! until 9:00 p.m. — Lake Park Pavilion October 2 — MIXER: National Night Out — Lake Park Pavilion October (TBD) — Halloween Party — Lake Park Pavilion Page 8 The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Volume III, Issue 3 A Long Time Ago . . . The ninth in a series on the history in and around Mystic Shores A long time ago, when area settlements were connected only by gravel roads and a low-water crossing over the Guadalupe River, the Fischer community was a major hub of activity. Folks from all around gathered in Fischer to swap farming tips, buy general merchandise, mingle at the local saloon, dance and socialize at Fischer Hall and bowl at the Fischer Bowling Alley. In Fischer, located just north of where FM 484 meets Highway 32, Mystic Shores residents can experience a rare slice of living history. yond this home (on the right) is the site of the old cotton gin. The prominent Fischer Store –the third building to house the store - is open from 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays “unless it’s just too cold.” The store has many antiques for sale and offers a glimpse back in time. Many items of historical significance are on display, like Herman Sr.’s check stock from the bank he ran out of the store, old post office cabinets and equipment, and the store’s liquor license which cost $450 in 1903. Behind the store is the old gas station, By Paula RIeker all live in Fischer, and a Fischer brother runs the family ranch, designated as a Texas Historic Ranch for having run productively for over 150 years with family ownership. The four Fischer siblings all grew up in Fischer and attended Fischer School. They love and appreciate the area’s history, including personal recollections of the 711 Ranch when it was in operation. Jan and Dennis Hubbard now own Willie’s home and embrace the rich history of Fischer. In addition to their bed and breakfast business, they own and operate the Fischer Haus Herman Fischer, Sr. (born Cantina with a full calendar of 1826) immigrated to New singer/songwriter performBraunfels from Germany, first ances. Recent performers Shake settling north of Seguin near Russell, Susan Gibson and Kevin Geronimo in 1849. There, Welch have each been tremenHerman fell in love with Anna dous. Upcoming shows include Lindemann. Anna’s family Chuck Pyle on April 13, Danny resettled near Blanco, and Schmidt and Carrie Elkin on Herman travelled the long disApril 28, and Terri Hendrix and tance there to court his sweetLloyd Maines on May 12. The heart. On one of his journeys, Cantina, a tribute to the old he experienced the tall grass, Fischer saloon, is largely made of trees and abundant springs in recycled materials from old Sisters Charlene Fischer and Jeri Porter inside Fischer Store. what is now Fischer. He setFischer and surrounding buildFischers managed the post office there from 1875-1992. tled Fischer in 1853 and made ings, including 100 year-old it his home with his new wife. hard-as-nails oak which creates Herman’s brother, Otto (born 1831), which was relocated to accommodate a perfect acoustical venue that one also resettled in Fischer. Herman the modern post office. To the right of singer/songwriter says "makes the established the general merchandise the store stands the old gristmill. Besound come out of the Cantina like a store, post office and bank, and he hind the store is Herman, Jr.’s home, shotgun." The Hubbards enjoy became known as “Store” Fischer, built in 1910. And next door is “extending the history of Fischer as a and Otto, who pursued the livestock brother Max Wilhelm’s (or “Willie”) social hub to attract folks from all aspect of country life, was known as home, built two years earlier. Around around to enjoy good music together.” “Stock” Fischer. Together, they built the corner is the famous Fischer Hall a community that has survived the and historic nine-pin bowling alley Fischer community activities are winds of change. and, down the road, is the old Fischer posted at www.fischerstore School Community Center. To follow the Fischer Today, you enter Fischer (from FM Haus Cantina, check the news page at 484 crossing Hwy 32) and see the Charlene Fischer, who operates the or become a home of the Fischer’s maternal Fischer Store, loves to share Fischer’s Facebook friend of Fischer-Hausgrandmother on the right, a home living history with folks from all Concerts. built in 1918 from a Sears & Roearound, and says, “To know the prebuck home kit that arrived in secsent, you need to understand the past”. Next time you are zooming by Fischer, slow down and savor the historic tions over time. The open lot beCharlene, her mother and two sisters charm so close to home! The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Volume III, Issue 3 Page 9 Page 10 The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Here Birdie Birdie . . . Chirp Chirp Imagine a cold, very rainy early morning in late November. You’re down at the lakeside park, shivering under one of the smaller shelters, wondering why in the world you volunteered to help the five hardy souls from a Comal County birders’ group when you could be in the warmth of your home, reading the paper and drinking coffee. You think to yourself, “This is nuts! What birds are going to be out in this weather?!” And you would be wrong. This scene is where two of us found ourselves last November. We had offered to fill in for a member of the Conservation Committee, who normally works with this group when they’re watching birds in Mystic Shores. When we signed up, it was still late October, sunny and warm. We thought we’d be able to tag along, see some cool birds, and learn as much as we could. Who knew the weather would be so bad? But once the birders set up their equipment and began to watch, we stopped shivering and began to listen. Through the raindrops, they spotted (I say “they” rather than “we,” because we weren’t always sure we were seeing what they were!): common mergansers, killdeer, coots, belted kingfisher, great egret, piebilled grebes, osprey, meadowlark, house finches, great blue heron, kestrel, gadwall, cormorant, mourning dove, wigeon, lesser scaup, canvas backs, redheads, Northern shovelers, vespers, savannas, phoebe, Egyptian geese, titmice, chickadee, shrike, golden-fronted woodpecker, chipping sparrows, white wing dove, and song Safety First Volume III, Issue 3 By Mary Daniel sparrows. Get out your bird books and have a look! All these sightings in the space of a few hours. Some of the birders are especially good with bird calls, and were able to track the birds that way. Other birders have incredibly powerful binoculars, and we were able to watch up close an osprey eating a big fish that he had just caught and brought to a tree stump nearby. We really did see some cool birds, and we realized just how much we had to learn about birding in the Hill Country. There are a number of birding groups nearby, and they’re always glad to have company, even if you don’t quite know what you’re looking for. By Mary Daniel As spring approaches, most of us are eager to be outside again. That means we’ll see more people out on the roads, biking, running, and walking. There is much to observe in the springtime in Mystic Shores, ranging from the benign— birds and wildflowers and fawns—to the more fearsome—snakes and feral hogs, for example. Along with the wildlife, there are other kinds of traffic in our neighborhood that we need to look out for. As new homes go up, so do the numbers of work trucks on our streets as plumbers, painters, carpenters, and concrete trucks share the roads with us. As we all know, it’s easy to exceed the speed limit in Mystic Shores, because of the long stretches with few homes and fewer people. Those of us who have received tickets are especially aware of this! And so it is always good to remember some basic safety suggestions as we move into this next season. Bikers, runners, and walkers need to remember to wear fairly bright clothing, particularly early in the morning or at dusk. If we are exercising at night, it is crucial to wear reflective gear. We should not use headphones and iPods, so that we can hear the traffic around us. Runners and walkers must walk against the car traffic (as per state law), and be prepared to move quickly to the side of the road as vehicles approach. All of us on the road —the trucks, cars, and pedestrians —face some of the same problems. Both fog and sunshine can render us nearly blind. Blind curves and hills present a challenge to everyone, and we must be both vigilant and cautious as we approach them, as we don’t know what we’ll find on the other side. Let’s continue to look out for one another in our neighborhood, whether we’re behind the wheel or in front of it, and thus make it an even better place to live. The View from Mystic Shores at Canyon Lake Volume III, Issue 3 Page 11 Texas Property Taxes—Homestead Exemptions Texas homestead exemptions remove part of your home’s value from taxation. Only one home may be considered for this exemption. And the home must be owned by individuals (no corporations or other business entities). In order to claim the exemption, a copy of the applicant's driver's license and motor vehicle registration must be submitted with the homestead application. The address on the driver's license and motor vehicle registration MUST match the address of the homestead exemption. Once you receive the exemption, you do not need to reapply unless the chief appraiser sends you a new application. Forms should be filed with the Comal County Appraisal District at 900 S. Seguin Avenue in New Braunfels between January 1 and April 30. The forms are simple to complete and can be easily done by the homeowner and there is no need to contract with outside services. Additional exemptions are available for disabled persons and homeowners 65 and over. If you become eligible for an additional exemption after you have already claimed the general homestead exemption, you will need to file an additional application. In Comal County, there is now a “local option” which permits homeowners with adjacent properties to file for a homestead exemption which includes the adjacent properties (up to a total of 20 acres). It is not necessary to “replatte” your property to accomplish this and the properties remain as separate records in the property tax system. An additional form (not available on the website) is required to accomplish this. The form, entitled “Residential Homestead Local Option” is available at the county appraisal district office at 900 S. Seguin Avenue in New Braunfels. A personal visit may be worthwhile to ensure this is accomplished correctly. Additional information may be found at: A Report from the Maintenance Committee By Carolyn Besselman We have been working with the Comal County Road Dept. for some time now, trying to get more blue reflectors put on the roads here, in front of all fire hydrants. Many were already here, but as newer streets have been put in, many hydrants have none in front of them. These are important because it helps the fire departments see where the hydrants are, especially at night. The Road Dept. informed Carolyn in January, that this project has now been turned over to the fire department. Jerry Besselman talked with Canyon Lake Fire Dept., and was told that they are gathering all the data as to where the reflectors need to be placed and that the project should begin in the next six months. All of Mystic Shores is patrolled by seven members of the committee. One of the biggest issues we are having right now is trash blowing all over due to high winds and many beer cans and such are being thrown on the side of the roads more frequently. We would appreciate any and all help in keeping these picked up as this area is so huge. Our trash pick up folks do stop and get what they can from the lake park and other parts of Mystic Shores, but it is going to take everyone’s help. Neighborhood Watch . . . Keeping Us Safe By Randy Robertson We currently have 39 members that make up the neighborhood watch team. We had a meeting in February with a great turnout of 20. If you are interested in becoming a member of the neighborhood watch committee, please contact Randy Robertson at The neighborhood watch committee is not only committed to the safety of the homes in our community but also the safety of the neighbors on our streets. A greater presence of the Comal County Sheriff’s department checking speeds in Mystic Shores is forthcoming. Car decals are important and were designed to let MS property owners know that you live or have property here. We encourage everyone who lives here to have one on their vehicle. New property owners should receive two at no charge. Additional decals can be purchased from our property management company, AMS (210-829-7202), for $5.00. PLEASE NOTE: Decals will be for sale at the Annual Meeting. Remember to report any nonemergency, suspicious activity to McKinley Security at 210-829-7623 or to the Comal County Sheriff’s Department at 830-620-3400. Call 911 for Emergencies. Let’s keep our neighborhood safe! Burglar comment of the month: Do you really think I won't look in your sock drawer? I always check dresser drawers, the bedside table, and the medicine cabinet. Here's a helpful hint: I almost never go into kids' rooms. MYSTIC SHORES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION 1600 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 202 San Antonio, TX 78298 March 2012 Newsletter Meet the Candidates on March 23!
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