The Mainsheet BYC Newsletter June 2015


The Mainsheet BYC Newsletter June 2015
JUNE 2015
The Class of 2015
At our 117th Commissioning last month, new members (who
joined since last commissioning) were formally welcomed to
the club. Pictured above are those in attendance. The full list
of new members includes the following:
Clifford and Susan Curtis
Paul and Cathy Del Nero
Jonathan and Antoine Walsh
Joshua Hatfield & Diane Bilodeau
Grace Steere & Mark Johnson
Simon and Kimberly Towers
Greg and Deborah Aikman
Marc Holdaway & Ellen O’Connell
Edward and Carole Mansur
Mary Jo and Timothy Finkenstaedt
Doug and Lauri Lyman
Eric and Sofia Ikauniks
Thomas and Jill Culora
John and Jack Post
Oliver Moore
Maryanne Ziegler
Anthony Boitano
Rick and Bea Lavey
Allan and Lori Needham
Sue and John Murray
Welcome, all! We hope to see you on the docks, on the water,
in the Chart Room, at work projects, in our committees, on
cruises, and at our parties.
Coming up...
June 13-14 J22 Clinics
June 21
Fathers Day Lobster Boil
June 28
BYC Regatta
July 4
July 10
July 18-25
Pancake Breakfast
Sid Clark Offshore Race
Summer Cruise
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It’s Only a Name... Acquaviva
Have you ever wondered how a particular boat acquired its
name? I ask that question each month of a BYC member,
and provide the answer in this column. Acquaviva is a
Sabre 425 owned by new members Jill and Tom Culora.
Why the name Acquaviva?
When Tom and Jill Culora purchased their Sabre 425
in the fall of 2011, they loved everything about the boat
except its name: Panache. They did not see themselves as
“panache” people, so the hunt for a new name began.
A year earlier, Tom and Jill had travelled to Acquaviva,
Sicily to explore the small town that Tom’s paternal
grandfather had left to immigrate to the United States. What they found was a small village, clinging to the side of a mountain,
sparsely populated by villagers who “celebrated” those who ventured forth from the community to find a better life.
Standing among the empty streets and houses, a large painted mural depicts a train departing the village with people waving
goodbye. In the barren town square there is a large statue of a man with a suitcase leaving a young boy. Tom and Jill realized the
gravity of what his grandfather faced boarding that train into an uncertain future of hope and promise.
They decided to name their Sabre “Acquaviva” –– Italian for “Water Life” –– as a tribute to Tom’s grandfather’s courage and the
opportunities and rewards he created as a result of this bold action (and seeing a similarity with boat ownership.)
As an aside, both Tom and Jill, with their different naval and maritime backgrounds, were well aware of the traditions and perils of
renaming a vessel and they assured us they have followed all of the time-honored protocols.
So ……….Now you know how the name Acquaviva was chosen for the Culoras’ boat. If you have a name you would like to submit
please email me, Peter Canzone, at
British Motorcar Festival Coming to Bristol
A new event is coming to Bristol this June. The
organizers of the hugely successful and popular
British Invasion Car Show in Stowe Vt. are bringing
their experiences to Bristol on June 12 through 14
for the British Motorcar Festival. Three hundred
cars are expected to be featured. Among many
activities there will be car cruises through the area
and two days of judged and unjudged shows in Colt
State Park with various classes including race cars. There will
be a street party with a live band on Thames Street on Friday
the 12th at Independence Park. Thames Street will be closed off
to motor traffic for the Friday party and 120 British cars will be
presented there for public viewing.
Our yacht club has stepped up to support a local British car
club during this event by providing parking and launch service
to Bristol for yacht club members and to members of the British
Motorcars of New England Club who will be
utilizing the yacht club’s grounds for a fee to park
their classic cars on Friday evening.
If you want to see some amazing classic, and
even some newer British cars in great venues,
make plans to visit the Festival, or just come
to the club on Friday evening. What could
be a better sight than these classics set against our beautiful
waterfront. From any direction, there will be some great photoops.
For more information and details, check out the festival website
Mark Rotsky
Sailor/Car Guy
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Commodore’s Corner
Boats are wonderful things. Take for example what Mischief did a few weekends ago.
First, she was a motorboat. On that Saturday Marti and I took a group of friends down
to the Newport area to watch the Volvo Race. I really didn’t have a good idea of what
we would see or whether it would be worth the two hour motor down and two hours
back. Turned out to be a great time as there were a ton of boats milling about and the
atmosphere was festive. We were flying a large BYC burgee and the Alvimedica flag
as we buzzed by club member Charlie Enright and his crew who were just starting to
hoist sails prior to the race. The day only got better as we met up with the BYC launch
and RC boat full of BYC’ers. Not only had both boats made it down to the event, but
everyone aboard was having a grand time. Yes, there was a shortage of heads on those
two craft, but that was only a minor inconvenience.
Back in Bristol harbor late in the afternoon, Marti and I went into town for dinner and
then back to the boat for a sleepover. Mischief makes a great hotel room. A dead still night with just the slightest
rocking to lull us to sleep. No central heating of course, but breakfast was better than dinner (and much less
costly) and the scenery can’t be beat. Waking up to the sound of gulls, the smell of salt air and bright blue skies
really gets you off on the right track
On Sunday Marti had to help run an event at her school. Since we were going to the new member open house that
evening, I decided to while away the day on the boat. Anyone who has a boat knows that you can spend endless
time on it. My day flew by as I worked down my “to do” list. Of course I didn’t get everything done as Mischief, like
any boat, has an endless list of things that need attention. Still, I found time to just sit still and read and relax in the
cockpit looking up from time to time at all the beauty surrounding me. Truly, boats are wonderful things.
Hope your boat is in and you are enjoying the early part of the season.
Until next time,
Photos by Lindsay Green
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An Update on our Junior Members
US SaiIing Youth Championships
Things are moving forward with the efforts to enhance our club
for our Juniors. Our sincere thanks to a number of members who
have made generous contributions: The Boldt family donated a
sectional couch to the Trident room. Word has it that kids were
seen comfortably lounging after a sail last weekend. Mike Morin
donated a flat screen TV that will be hung soon. The Stephens
family donated the Giant Jenga and BYC corn hole. And Cap and
Sally Woodruff made a generous cash contribution!
I want to take the opportunity to sincerely thank the members
of the club and EBSF who have graciously responded to our
request for host families for the 16-to 18-year-old participants
in the US Youth Championships being held in Bristol at the
Roger Williams University sailing center, on July 6th through
the 10th. This unique event is an opportunity for the most
talented and motivated young sailors from across the country
to qualify, meet, and compete.
The lawn toys are still coming in and will be stored in locker #17.
They are available to all members. Please see Chris for the
combo and be sure to put toys away after use. We will continue
to accept donations and are still seeking kayaks and paddle
boards. Please contact with any donations.
Stay tuned for additional activities including a movie night and
sleep over on the Club lawn as well as sailing related activities.
Tamara Barney
Share the joy of sailing!
EBSF is looking for members who would like to take young
sailors in our new Adventure Sailing class for a sail on their
boats. We have scheduled four mornings (June 29, July 13,
July 27, and August 10) from 9:30 until 12:00 to give the kids
an opportunity to sail on some big boats. Please contact Peter
( if you would like
to help out.
J22 Clinic
Want to learn to sail a J22? Need some instruction on racing?
EBSF is planning a J22 clinic on the June 13 and 14. Options for
full boat, individuals, and one or two days are available. Go to
J22 Weekend Racing Charters
The Narragansett Bay J22 Fleet is planning to participate in four
regattas this summer and EBSF will have boat charters available.
Charters are $100 a day and the boats can be made available
the day before the event. The fee does not include transportation
to other parts of the bay. We can coordinate transportation for
an additional fee if needed. Sign up and reserve a boat at http://
There are four events where there will be fleets participating:
June 28th Bristol Yacht Club Regatta
July 11th and 12th- Sail Newport Regatta
July 18th – East Greenwich Regatta
September 6th- Conanicut YC Around the Island Race
Nick Cromwell
EBSF Chair
The venue at Roger Williams will provide meals for the
competitors and most transportation. The host families are
invited to participate in the opening ceremonies on the first
evening and the closing awards on Friday afternoon. The
host families will pick their guest(s) up at RWU on Monday
afternoon or evening. The sailors will (in most cases) leave
from RWU on Friday afternoon. There will likely be additional
opportunities during the week for host families to enjoy the
venue at RWU. In general, these sailors are a group of
talented youth who have high expectations to perform well on
and off the water.
We have local accommodations for 46 sailors so far and have
approximately 30 more who have requested housing. I am
hopeful that by networking we will find 10 to 15 additional
volunteer families. I really need as much help as possible
promoting this challenging task. Housing hosts are asked to
provide a place to sleep, access to a shower, and a designated
place to hang wet gear. There may be some instances where
rides are needed, but if this provides a challenge for the host
family, effort can be made to place a sailor with a car at your
US sailing has strict rules regarding prohibition of alcohol or
drugs from the time of arrival until they arrive home. First time
offenders will be removed from racing and sent home. US
sailing requires separate housing for males and females, not
separate rooms, but separate houses. A curfew will be set and
the competitors will be informed of the rules.
Please contact Chris ( or I (
if you have not already volunteered and are willing to host. If
you know of others in the community who would be interested
in hosting, please share this information with them. All of your
willingness and effort are appreciated.
June Bjerregaard
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The refurbishment of the lockers with new siding began in May.
Glen Petaja will be leading the project. The first step of the
project is to make the structure parallel to the ground. Once this
is completed, the new siding and doors will be installed.
The launch dock shade has been installed -- and doesn’t it look
Last month Bill Stephens and Joe Wilber conducted a Race
Course Selection Seminar at BYC. Participants included
Race Committee members Pat Crawford, Dick Dennis, Cathy
Eichmann, Pat and Joe Jablonowski, Kathi Lengel, and George
Schreyer. The seminar objective was to provide guidance on
how to select courses for each racing class including spinnaker
and non-spinnaker classes. Bill and Joe described hypothetical
conditions and directed the group to select optimal courses. The
selected courses were then analyzed and the group discussed
the pros and cons of each selection. A huge Thank You to
Bill Stephens for conceptualizing the class, to Joe Wilber for
his assistance, and to the Race Committee members who
2015 Regattas at BYC
Bristol Yacht Club Regatta
J22s, J30s, Sea Sprites June 28 at 10am
Register on Yacht Scoring
Sid Clark Offshore Race July 10 at 1pm
Participate in both the Sid Clark Offshore Race and the Ida
Lewis Distance Race (IDLR) on August 14th to compete for the
Rhode Island Offshore Challenge Trophy. Register for Sid Clark
at Yacht Contact Ida Lewis Yacht Club for IDLR
MOHOSA August 5 at 9am
Contact Mark Rotsky for registration information.
Commodore’s Cup August 7 at 6pm
Adult students, EBSF youth sailors and junior members of BYC,
come join BYC members aboard their boats to partake in a race
around Hog Island. Registration forms are available at BYC or
on the BYC website.
See the BYC website for weekly racing opportunities.
Hope to see you on the water!
Arlene Hartwell
Race Committee Chair
Larry Gomes will be installing a small boat tie up dock at the end
of the north east dinghy dock.
The final finishing touches are being made to the diesel filling
area using the house tank to hold the diesel fuel. A door and spill
catching area are being added to the filling area on the south side
of the house.
Members who have their boats in storage at the yacht club
are asked to ensure that their stickers are in place. All boats
without stickers will be moved to another location and will not be
available to members for use.
We have a number of moorings available for members. Please
contact Chris Healey if you are interested.
Bill Toohey
Waterfront Chair
Don’t miss out!
If you are not planning on joining the club cruise this
summer, you may not be aware that you can join in the
lobster boil, the whale watch, and even the tshirts. See the
Fleet Captain report on the following page.
Ship’s Store
This month the Ship’s Store is featuring a
fleece blanket with carrying strap. This
soft fleece blanket is perfect for taking
the chill off and comes with a strap for
easy carrying and storage. The blanket
is 100% polyester, is fully hemmed,
and measures 50” x 60.” Available in True Navy, Forest
Green or True Red complete with the Bristol Yacht Club Burgee
and personalized with your boat name for $30.00.
This item is perfect for those cool nights on the boat. If you wish
to order please email Susan Dolan at BYCShipStore@gmail.
com with your color choice, your boat name and quantity.
Susan Dolan
Skipper of the Ship’s Store
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Fleet Captain
Cruise News
Registration is now open for the 2015 Summer Cruise! We’re headed
for Provincetown this year with a whale watch and more. On the way
back, there will be a lobster boil/steak dinner at the Plymouth Yacht
Club (July 22)
Please visit the Annual Summer Cruise page on the BYC site for
details. The first step in the process is letting us know your intentions
and ordering your cruise t-shirts. Go to Survey Monkey (https://www. before June 5 to register. For
those not going on the cruise wishing to order shirts, go to Survey
Monkey and just order shirts.
The next step is payment which will be completed using PayPal on the
BYC calendar event scheduled for July 18. All payments are due on or
before June 22.
For those land cruisers wishing to join the lobster boil by car, you can
simply sign up and pay on the July 18 calendar event.
The Lengels start off the 2015 cruising season, heading
off on the Memorial Day Cruise.
Questions? Contact Fleet Captain
Cruisers of all ages, boats with sails and boats
without: all are welcome on the cruise. (2014 photo)
2015 Cruise: Plan to see some cetaceans and eat some Crustaceans
The crew from the 2104 cruise. Expect to see some of the same faces.
The yellow buckets? They will be back this year -- no one wants to get scurvy
Page 7
Kinder Industries
Custom Boat Covers and Canvas
Philip F. Kinder
75 Tupelo Street, Bristol, RI
Appraise RI
Doug Gablinske
Residential & Commercial Real Estate
576 Metacom Ave, Bristol,RI 02809
Bristol Bagel Works
Herb, Chris, and Rob Browne
420 Hope Street
Bristol, RI 02809
Call in your order!
Coastal Chiropractic Group
Gentle procedures, insurance accepted
Belltower Plaza
576 Metacom Ave. #8
Bristol, RI 02809
East Bay Diving & Marine
Boat Bottom Cleaning, Charter &
Delivery Captain, Sailing Instruction,
Underwater Services
Russ Lundstrom, Jr
Ferreira & Grimo
General Contractors, LLC
New Construction, Remodeling,
Kitchens, Baths, Windows
Pat Grimo 401-253-1967
Tom Ferreira 401-253-7896
Bristol Moorings Available
2015 Sailing Season
Priced for Quick Rental
Harbor . North End . Sheltered
#1 Can take up to 30 feet
#2 Can take up to 38 feet
C: 401-529-4475
King Marine, Inc.
Hauling, Delivery, Mooring, and Diving
Bud King
401-247-KING (5464)
Advertise Here!
$125 per calendar year
Narragansett Sailing School
Courses in: Docking, Diesel Engines,
Boat Systems, Advanced Navigation
Dawne Nordstrom
Residential Broker/Associate
O: 401-245-9600
C: 401-573-0866
Hadley R. Rood $
Professional Tax Accounting and
Financial Services
F: 401-619-0611
Russell Morin Catering
Michael Morin
Sailing Coaches for You
“I know how to sail, but...”
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• these electronics are complicated
• I want to extend my cruising range
Discrete coaching, your boat or ours
USCG certified captains Jil and John or 617-484-3039
Top Cat Classic Yawl
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Visit the Islands . Learn to Sail
Newport . Bristol and the Bay
Turchetta & Associates
Attorneys at Law
Jim Torinese, CPYB
401-487-3606/ 888-525-9457
Quantum Sail Design Group
Where sailmaking is a performing art
Steve Thurston
Please support our advertisers!
PO Box 180
Bristol, RI 02809