Family News
Family News
16000 Rippling Water Drive, Houston, Texas 77084 281.463.2330 · Family News September 23, 2012 Turning Strangers into Friends, Friends into Family, and Family into Saints of God By the way . . . Preview UMM Retreat at “Last Monday” Dinner New Sermon Series, New Beginning Men, have you signed up for the Bear Creek and Lakewood guys’ weekend? The United Methodist Men’s Retreat will be Friday, October 5 through Sunday, October 7 at Crier Creek Retreat Center just north of Columbus, Texas. Optional activities include golf, tennis, horseback riding, softball, canoeing, fishing, card games and dominoes. There are so many great things happening at Bear Creek right now. Enrollment in our Confirmation Class exceeds what we expected. The Youth have some exciting signs of new life. Our Christian Believers study has exploded. Bear Creek University is trying something completely different. We have a group exploring the Conference’s Healthy Church Initiative to consider the future God has for us. And so much more… Over the past several weeks of dealing with my ailing back, I have become more aware than ever of the support system the church offers as I have been loved, encouraged, and lifted up in prayer. Only at church can people find that kind of community strength, bound together in the grace and power of Jesus Christ. Being the family of God is the greatest gift we have to offer those around us. This Sunday we begin a new sermon series, BC 4G Network. Bear Creek is a network all for (4) God. Over the next several weeks we will consider how to “do” church. As a springboard, we will use some very basic questions: Do I have to go to church? What do I wear? How do I celebrate Communion? What kind of music is sacred? Are we catholic? How much should I give? Me, a saint? More than Sunday? Instead of coming to be fed, we want you to come to be equipped. Come get connected. Grace and peace, Lead Pastor PLEASE NOTE: Safe Sanctuary training will be offered in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, September 26 at 7:00pm. Ages: Birth - Fifth Grade Time: 6:00 - 11:00pm Date: Friday, September 28 Cost: 1 child $15, 2 children $25, 3+ children $30 Please bring a sack dinner! Reservations are required by Tuesday, September 25. No drop offs will be allowed. Children will need to have a Church (KidZone) registration on file. No refunds will be given after the Tuesday before PNO. Please contact Gaylynn Brewer at 281.463.2330 or Still undecided or want additional details? A UMM Retreat preview will be featured at UMM’s “Last Monday” dinner September 24 in the Fellowship Hall. Doug Grissom will give a sneak peek of the weekend's activities and an overview of the theme and talks entitled “Spiritual Toolbox.” The presentation is a wonderful opportunity for men who cannot attend the retreat to grab a few takeaways and for those who have not yet decided to learn more about the event. There is no cost or registration for the “Last Monday” dinner. The kitchen opens at 6:45pm and the gathering concludes by 8:00pm. All Bear Creek men are encouraged to attend and invite a friend. Questions? Please call or text Bill Kemp at 713.817.3090. To register for the UMM Retreat, visit or the UMM table in the Courtyard today, September 23, between services. Registration will also be offered at the “Last Monday” dinner. Bear Creek United Methodist Women’s 24TH ANNUAL CRAFT BAZAAR AND FALL FESTIVAL Saturday, October 20 9:00am – 4:00pm on the BCUMC campus Indoor and outdoor booths Fantastic food, lunch items and Sweet Shoppe Free Kids’ Carnival Games and Prizes (10:00am – 3:00pm) Free Door Prize Drawing and Silent Auction Proceeds will benefit women’s and children’s missions. For more information, visit Please watch upcoming issues of the Bear Creek Family News for a wish list of donations. This Week at Bear Creek Sunday, September 23 8:15am 8:30am 9:40am 11:00am 3:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 6:30pm 1 Traditional Worship Service Youth Confirmation Class Contemporary Worship Service Traditional Worship Service The Move (Music & Fine Arts) KidsRock “Christian Believer” Bible Study The Attic (Youth Group) UMW Bazaar Meetings Sanctuary FLC 207-209 FH Sanctuary FH FH Choir Room FLC 205-206 FH Asbury 2 Monday, September 24 9:30am 9:30am 7:00pm Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) Piece Makers Quilting Group UMM “Last Monday” Dinner FH Wesley 1 FH Bear Creek University Fall Semester Dinners Wednesdays through November 14 5:30 – 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall $3 Child/Half-plate $5 Adult $20 Family Maximum Standard Menu: BBQ beef, baked potato, BBQ sandwiches, salad, green beans, mac and cheese, French bread, and ice cream sundaes Drinks: tea, lemonade, water September 26: beef tips/rice, broccoli Tuesday, September 25 9:00am 6:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Library Weekday Work Day The Verge Cub Scout Pack 827 Pack Meeting Boy Scout Troop 827 Meeting FH Library FH FLC FLC Wednesday, September 26 9:00am 5:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Library Weekday Work Day Grace Ringers Bear Creek University Dinner BCU “UMC Foundations” Chancel Choir Rehearsal Safe Sanctuary Training Deuel Band Practice FH Library FH Choir Room FH FH FH Choir Room FH FH Thursday, September 27 9:00am 7:00pm Library Weekday Work Day Faith Matters Band Practice FH Library FH Friday, September 28 6:00pm Parents Night Out FLC Saturday, September 29 8:00am Scout Merit Badge Fair FLC Sunday, September 30 8:15am 8:30am 9:40am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:15pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 6:30pm Traditional Worship Service Youth Confirmation Class Contemporary Worship Service Traditional Worship Service Children’s Council Prayer Ministry The Move (Music & Fine Arts) KidsRock “Christian Believer” Bible Study The ATTIC (Youth Group) UMW Bazaar Meetings Sanctuary FLC 207-209 FH Sanctuary FLC 101 FLC 102 FH FH Choir Room FLC 205-206 FH Asbury 2 FH=Fellowship Hall, FLC=Family Life Center Please remember to sign the registration pad during worship services. Writing legibly and including your full name and address enables BCUMC to better serve your needs. The lectionary readings for September 23 are: Proverbs 31:10-31; Psalm 1 (UMH 738); James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a; Mark 9:30-37 The lectionary readings for September 30 are: Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22; Psalm 124 (UMH 846); James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50 Dreaming of a two-night getaway at the Hotel Galvez? How about a weekend stay in Canyon Lake or a week’s lodging in Jackson Hole, Wyoming? Ready to start Christmas shopping with gift certificates or other goodies from area merchants and restaurants? These and other prizes will be on the auction block Sunday, October 21 when Houston Northwest Community Center (HNwCC) presents its Boots, Buckles and Bolos Gala. Doors swing open at 6:00pm at Pine Forest Country Club, 18003 Clay Road. Advance tickets are $50 per person and table sponsorships are also available. In addition to live and silent auctions, festivities include a barbecue buffet, toe-tapping music by The Guzzlers, and dancing. The New 93Q Country Radio’s “Cactus Jack” Barnes will emcee the program. Proceeds will benefit Houston Northwest Community Center, a 501 (c)(3) organization, initiated by Bear Creek UMC in 2009 with a vision to inspire and equip people in our community to change the future. Today HNwCC operates out of Bear Creek UMC, which is a supporting partner. This year the organization has served the Bear Creek/Copperfield area with the opening of its Community Food Pantry, a summer camp and an immunization clinic. Tickets are for sale in the BCUMC Courtyard between worship services today, September 23. Questions? Please contact Janelle Meyer at 281.467.0144, Harry Thomson at 281.705.1825, or HNwCC at 281.859.8655. Greeters needed for 9:40am Contemporary Service An individual or couple is needed to greet worshippers on a regular or substitute basis on Sundays at the 9:40am Contemporary Service. If interested, please contact Joyce Evans at Flowers to honor loved ones may be ordered by contacting Charla in the Church Office at 281.463.2330, or Please write “Chancel flowers” in the memo line of your check. A floral arrangement is $50. Matt Musil All-Star Golf Classic Monday, November 12 BlackHorse Ranch Golf Club Registration forms are available in the Church Office and the Family Life Center Office. For more details about the tournament and/or dinner registration, please contact Frank Nance at Houston Northwest Community Center is a co-beneficiary of this event. Youth Sunday Morning Children’s Sunday Morning Children’s Ministries 9:30 and 11:00am - Announcements in Youth Lounge, followed by: Be sure to bring your Bible and offering each Sunday! Sunday Mornings 9:30 Sunday School Classes 8:00am-12:00pm Nursery (Birth - 2 Years) Age 2 Nursery 9:30-10:30am Sunday School Age 3 FLC 201B (Age 2 Years - Fifth Grade) Age 4-K FLC 201C * see chart on right 1st-2nd FLC 217 11:00am-12:00pm Lil’ Church 3rd Grade FLC 216 (Age 3 Years - First Grade) 4th-5th Grade FLC 202 Education Building Room 4 Sunday School (Second - Fifth Grade) in FLC Room 214 Special Needs-Jesus and Me Ministry Children with special needs may enroll in BCUMC’s Jesus and Me ministry, a personalized Sunday school program based on individual /family needs. For more information, contact Gaylynn Brewer at 281.463.2330. Junior High in FLC 205/206 Senior High in FLC 207/209 The Attic (Amazing Teens Together In Christ) Mark your calendar for Sundays, 5:00 to 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall for fellowship, fun and worship. For more information about specific plans, check out The Edge. p The Move (Youth Music & Fine Arts) Do you have a passion for music, art or theater? If so, there’s a place for you on Sundays, 3:00 to 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come to learn new songs and practice skits! The Edge (Youth News) Go online for your copy of the monthly newsletter, The Edge, to keep up with youth group activities. Contact Meredeth Buchman, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries,, 281.463.2330, ext. 116 TONIGHT’S YOUTH GROUP PLANS The ATTIC (Amazing Teens Together in Christ) will gather in the Fellowship Hall today, September 23 at 5:00pm for supper, worship, fellowship and fun. TODAY. SEPTEMBER 23 5:00PM IN THE CHOIR ROOM Ready for a spiritual lift? Visit Bear Creek UMC’s Facebook page on school days to read a devotional. Messages are selected to inspire and motivate all ages. See You at the Pole This global day of student prayer is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26. Check with your area campus regarding this inspirational observance, held at the flagpole, prior to the start of the school day. Do you create a stir? The Youth Group is looking for parents and other adult volunteers to provide supper for a group of 20 on Sundays around 5:00pm. Are you a first-time visitor? Claim your special gift! Meal suggestions include hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, pizza, cold cut or grilled cheese sandwiches, and munchies such as chips or carrot and celery sticks with salsa or dips. If you are visiting Bear Creek United Methodist Church for the first time, stop by the Welcome Center in the Courtyard after the service to claim your gift — a 12-ounce ceramic coffee mug, paired with a spoon that fits through the handle. Interested? Please contact Meredeth Buchman at or 281.463.2330 to sign up. Help serving the meal is appreciated but not required. Additional mugs are available for $5 each in the Church Office, Welcome Center or HeBrews Coffee House. Proceeds allow Bear Creek UMC to give mugs to our firsttime guests. WANTED: SMILING VOLUNTEERS Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) is recruiting a few volunteers to help in the Nursery and classrooms during its meetings. MOPS meets on the second and fourth Mondays of every month during the school year, from 9:30 to 11:30am. Interested? Please call the Church Office at 281.463.2330, or email Amy Gray at aepgray@hotmailcom. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Houston Northwest Community Center Food Pantry, please make your check payable to “HNwCC” (not Bear Creek UMC) and mark “Food Pantry” in the memo line. HNwCC is grateful for your support. Give an old uniform a new life Cub Scout Pack 827 and Boy Scout Troop 827 request your old uniforms for their uniform bank. If you have a blue or khaki scout shirt — either adult or youth size — to donate, contact Rob Modglin at 713.201.9579. All donations are cheerfully accepted! United Methodist Women (UMW) ADULT EDUCATION: Visitors welcome! Weekly Adult Bible Study Sunday Evenings 5:00pm FLC 205-206 Study of Wesleyan heritage, taught by Dr. Jonathan Bynum CHRISTIAN BELIEVER FLC 101 Contact Pat Hale at for more details. DISCIPLE II: Adult Sunday School Classes Sunday Mornings 8:30am FAITHFUL DISCIPLES Asbury 1 Current Study: Galatians: Why God Accepts Us by Jack Kuhatschek Sunday Mornings 9:30am BETWIXT & BETWEEN Current Study: The Book of Isaiah Hope 1 COVENANT Current Study: Shattered Dreams by Larry Crabb FLC 102 CROSSTRAINERS FLC 211 Current Study: An Uncommon Event, led by Paul Landis; The Power of the Praying Wife, led by Mary Landis FOUNDATIONS FLC 203 Current Study: The Book of John, taught by Terry Kelley GENESIS Hope 2 Current Study: Max Lucado’s Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear NEW HOPE FLC 204 Current Study: The Journey Through the Bible following the oneyear Bible reading plan, facilitated by Kathy Hammer SEEKERS FLC 212/213 Current Study: Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent SERENITY Coke 1 Current Study: Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado UNITED DISCIPLES Nancy Vickers will speak about church revitalization. Asbury 2 Sunday Mornings 11:00am UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEW CLASS! FH Library Resolve to read the Bible Look for the Bible Reading Plan in the Narthex or at Read specific passages every day, then visit to read Dr. Jonathan Bynum’s blog. All women are invited to join us! Please contact the Church Office at 281.463.2330 for more details. Next meetings: Elizabeth Circle – Wednesday, October 17, 9:00am – 2:00pm, cook for bazaar in FLC Kitchen. Grace Circle – Thursday, September 27, 6:30pm, program TBA, at the home of Dena Doerfler. Miriam Circle – Friday, October 5, 9:30am, in FLC Kitchen to cook for the bazaar. Ruth Circle – Thursday, October 11, 7:00pm, human trafficking program and Halloween service project work at the home of Sue Edwards. Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) MOPS is a group of women with children 5 years old and younger, who share a love for their families and enjoy fellowship with other moms going through the same (although very brief) journey in life. MOPS meets the second and fourth Monday of every month (during the school year), 9:30– 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall with a childcare program available in the nursery. For more details, contact Amy Gray at or 281.463.2330. Energizers — Active Adult Ministry Energizers, a group of active adults age 50-plus, enjoy gatherings that include day-long excursions. The next meeting is Friday, October 19, 10:30am – 2:30pm in FLC, Rooms 205-206. “Medicare Fraud” will be presented by a speaker from the Better Business Bureau at 1:00pm. Interested in joining the fun? Bring a brown bag lunch and come ready to play games and enjoy Christian fellowship. Dessert and drinks will be furnished. Questions? Please contact Dot McLaren at 713.466.1898 or Joyce Stewart at 281.463.4932. Fellowship Friday, an outreach ministry of Energizers, is for persons who require daily care due to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other disabilities, while giving their caregivers some time off. The next Fellowship Friday is October 12, 10:00am – 1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. The theme will be “Autumn Leaves” and the Sunshiners, a large vocal group, will provide entertainment. Please call Dot McLaren at 713.466.1898 or Joyce Stewart at 281.463.4932. The Verge — Young to Middle-age Adults The Verge meets on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm. Child care is available and the HeBrews Coffee House is open. Join The Verge for food, fellowship, worship and conversation. Please contact Larry Tyree at 281.463.2330 or NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Boy Scouts — Troop 827 The deadline for submitting information for the Bear Creek Family News is noon Tuesday, 10 days prior to Thursday publication. Articles must be submitted in writing, via email. Articles may be edited for content/length and will be placed as space allows, or in order of event priority. Please email mail Vicki Thomson, Scoutmaster Richard Young asks prayers for upcoming leadership training that it may benefit the scouts as they train for their positions and help the troop facilitate the program to reflect God’s Glory. Please call 281.859.1406 for more details.
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Family News - Bear Creek United Methodist Church
Child care is available and the HeBrews Coffee House
is open. Join The Verge for food, fellowship, worship
and conversation. Please contact Larry Tyree at
281.463.2330 or