Family News - Bear Creek United Methodist Church
Family News - Bear Creek United Methodist Church
Sunday, July 14, 2013 WORSHIP turning strangers into friends, friends into family, and family into saints of God Traditional 8:15am Contemporary 9:40am Traditional 11:00am Family News Mooove over … there’s a cow on campus! BCUMC Librarian Amber Woodman gathered children in the Summer Reading Program for a surprise visit with the Chick-fil-A bovine mascot on Monday, July 8. One-year-olds through kindergarteners, accompanied by an adult, meet Mondays through July 29 at 10:0010:45am. Youngsters in first through sixth grades meet 11:00am-noon. By reading books or having books read to them, participants earn incentives from community sponsors such as Chick-fil-A. Spread cheer through music this afternoon Can you spare a few minutes to brighten someone’s day? Please join Bear Creek UMC Chancel Choir members today, July 14, at Elmcroft of Cy-Fair. Your voice is needed from 2:00 to 3:00pm to entertain the residents at this assisted living facility, located at 11246 Fallbrook Drive. Children and youth are sure to steal the show! Please email Bob Clapp,; Bill Hammer,; or Matt Wallace, for more information. Take a break from the kitchen and enjoy a delectable breakfast in the comfort of the Family Life Center Gym on Sunday, July 21. Hosted by the Seekers Class, from 8:00 to 11:00am, this month’s Fellowship Breakfast includes pancakes, biscuits, gravy, hash brown potatoes, sausage, bacon and scrambled eggs with coffee, milk and juices. No RSVP is required. The cost of breakfast is covered by love offerings of whatever you can afford; however, a donation of $4 per adult or $2 per child (12 years and younger) is suggested. Ages: Birth - 5th Grade Time: 6:00 - 11:00pm Date: Friday, July 26 Cost: 1 child $15, 2 children $25, 3+ children $30 Please bring a sack dinner! Reservations are required by Tuesday, July 23. No drop offs will be allowed. Children will need to have a Church (KidZone) registration on file. No refunds will be given after the Tuesday before PNO. Please contact Gaylynn Brewer at 281.463.2330 or WANTED: Boots, Buckles and Bolos Gala Prizes Hour of Prayer Monday, July 15 in the Fellowship Hall Hosted by the Prayer and Care Team on the third Monday of each month, this event offers a time for reflection, contemplation and meditation through prayer, Scripture and music. Fellowship 6:00 - 7:00pm HeBrews Coffee House serves complimentary coffee to any person who attends the Hour of Prayer. Hour of Prayer 7:00 - 8:00pm Love to sing? It’s that time of year again! Have you ever felt the thrill of being a worship leader? This month, every worshipper has such an opportunity when the Bear Creek UMC Chancel Choir sponsors “No Experience Necessary!” The choir will warm up in the Narthex inside the Sanctuary each Sunday in July. All individuals are invited to join in for the morning’s anthem. Remember, any person — regardless of musical experience, age or ability — may participate. Share the joy in your heart for the love of God. 16000 Rippling Water Drive A cool tip: Fellowship Breakfast next Sunday Houston, TX 77084 An exciting array of prizes will be on the auction block Sunday evening, October 27, when Houston Northwest Community Center (HNwCC) presents its second annual Boots, Buckles and Bolos Gala at Pine Forest Country Club. Planning is in full swing for the big event and the Gala Committee is asking for your help to secure donations. Suggestions include: tickets to college or pro sporting events; hunting or fishing trips; stays at vacation homes or condos; original artwork; landscaping services; photography services; ballet, opera or concert tickets; jewelry; handbags; themed dinners or children’s parties; and an iPad, iPhone, computer or television. If you are able to make a donation, please contact Janelle Meyer at 281.467.0144 or In addition to live and silent auctions, a barbecue buffet, live toetapping music, and dancing are planned. Once again, the New 93Q Country Radio’s “Cactus Jack” Barnes will emcee the program. More details will appear in future issues of the Bear Creek Family News. Proceeds will benefit Houston Northwest Community Center, a 501 (c)(3) organization, initiated by Bear Creek UMC in 2009 with a vision to inspire and equip people in our community to change the future. Today HNwCC operates from Bear Creek UMC, which is a supporting partner. The organization serves the Bear Creek/ Copperfield area with its Community Food Pantry, a kids’ summer camp, and an immunization clinic. 281.463.2330 This Week at Bear Creek Sunday, July 14 8:00am 8:15am 9:40am 11:00am 1:00pm 5:00pm UM Army Traditional Worship Service Contemporary Worship Service Traditional Worship Service Missions Committee Meeting UMW Summer Book Study Off Campus Sanctuary FH Sanctuary FLC 212-213 Hope 2 Monday, July 15 12:00am 10:00am 11:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm UM Army Roundtable Stories Program Roundtable Readers Program HeBrews for Hour of Prayer UMW Fundraising Meeting Hour of Prayer UM Army Camp BC Camp Wee Ones Library Work Day The Verge Boy Scout Troop 827 Meeting Finance Committee Meeting UM Army Library Work Day UMW Summer Book Study Deuel Band Practice Off Campus FH, FLC Gym FLC FH Library FH Hope 1-2 FLC 102 Off Campus FH Library FLC 205-206 FH Main Hall Thursday, July 18 12:00am 9:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm UM Army Camp AD Library Work Day Reading Logs/Tracker Turn-in UMW Executive Board Meeting Faith Matters Band Practice Off Campus Off Campus FH Library FH Library FLC 102 FH Main Hall Friday, July 19 12:00am UM Army Off Campus Saturday, July 20 12:00am 9:00am 9:00am UM Army Pew Angels Library Work Day Off Campus Sanctuary FH Sunday, July 21 7:30am 8:00am 8:15am 9:40am 11:00am 3:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm UMM Board Meeting Fellowship Breakfast Traditional Worship Service Contemporary Worship Service Traditional Worship Service The Move (Music & Fine Arts) The ATTIC (Youth Group) UMW Summer Book Study Dates: Mondays, July 15-29 Time: 10:00-10:45am (1-year-old - kindergarten) 11:00-noon (Grades 1st - 6th) Place: Fellowship Hall (Library) Cost: Free station for crafts, games, snack and devotions. Dates: July 16, July 23, July 30, August 6 Time: 9:00am-noon Place: Family Life Center Gym Age: 4 years old and potty trained - 5th Grade Cost: $15 Camp Wee Ones Our youngest campers can enjoy a smaller version Wednesday, July 17 12:00am 9:00am 6:30pm 7:30pm Summer Reading Program Camp BC A new theme each week! Campers move from station to Off Campus FH FH FH Narthex FH Library FH Tuesday, July 16 12:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm BEAR CREEK UMC SUMMER CAMPS FLC 101 FLC Gym Sanctuary FH Sanctuary FH Main Hall FH FH Library of Camp BC! Dates: July 16, July 23, July 30, August 6 Time: 9:00am-noon Place: Nursery Age: 18 months - 3 years old Cost: $12 Camp AD Meet at church, then depart for discovery-filled outings. Dates: Time: Place: Age: Cost: July 18, July 25, August 1, August 8 9:00am-2:00pm Varies Grades 1st - 5th $25 For more information about Bear Creek UMC Summer Camps, contact Meredeth Buchman at 281.463.2330 or HOUSTON NORTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER CAMPS Real Cool All-Day Summer Camp Campers enjoy sports, discovery, nature, books, movies, art, table games and friends. Special programs include crafts, cooking and science. Campers may participate in Camp BC and Camp AD at no additional cost. Each camper will bring a sack lunch. Date: July 15-August 16, Monday-Friday Time: 7:00am-6:00pm Place: Church grounds Age: Kindergarteners - completed 5th Grade Cost: $130 each week, per child ($100 for each additional sibling) Deposit of $50 required to reserve place. For more information about Real Cool All-Day Summer Camp, contact Janelle Meyer at 281.859.8655, 281.467.0144, or Take a tip from the BCUMC Library Would you like to research books, DVDs, and curricula for adult education in our Bear Creek UMC Library database? It’s easy! Simply visit → resources → library → click here to conduct a search. You may look up resources by title, author, subject or keyword. FH=Fellowship Hall, FLC=Family Life Center Please remember to sign the registration pad during worship services and leave the pencil in the pew pocket holder. Writing legibly and including your full name and address enables BCUMC to better serve your needs. The lectionary readings for July 14 are: Amos 7:7-17; Psalm 82 (UMH 804); Colossians 1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37 The lectionary readings for July 21 are: Amos 8:1-12; Psalm 52 or 82 (UMH 804); Colossians 1:15-28; Luke 10:38-42 Youth Sunday Morning Children’s Sunday Morning 9:30 and 11:00am Children’s Ministries Sunday Mornings 8:00am-12:00pm Nursery (Birth - 2 Years) 11:00am-12:00pm Lil’ Church (Age 3 Years - 1st Grade) Education Building, Room 4 Sunday School (2nd - 5th Grade) Family Life Center, Room 214 Be sure to bring your Bible and offering each Sunday! 9:30 Sunday School Classes Age 2 Age 3 Age 4-K 1st-2nd 3rd Grade 4th-5th Grade Nursery FLC 201B FLC 201C FLC 217 FLC 216 FLC 202 Junior High in FLC 205-206 9:30am Senior High in FLC 207-209 The Attic (Amazing Teens Together In Christ) Mark your calendar for Sundays, 5:00 to 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall for fellowship, fun and worship. For more information about specific plans, check out The Edge. p The Move (Youth Music & Fine Arts) Do you have a passion for music, art or theater? If so, there’s a place for you. The Move meets most Sundays, 3:00 to 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please check the calendar in the Bear Creek Family News. Come to learn new songs and practice skits! Special Needs-Jesus and Me Ministry The Edge (Youth News) Children with special needs may enroll in BCUMC’s Jesus and Me Ministry, a personalized Sunday school program based on individual /family needs. For more information, contact Gaylynn Brewer at 281.463.2330. To be added to the list for our electronic youth newsletter, please contact Meredeth Buchman at meredethb@bearcreekumcorg. For more information about Youth and Children’s Ministries, contact Meredeth Buchman, 281.463.2330 ext. 116 Youth Bible Study: “What does God see in me?” YOUTH SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT The ATTIC (Amazing Teens Together In Christ) and The Move (Music & Fine Arts) will not meet today, July 14. Meetings will resume at the usual times next Sunday, July 21. Volunteer for summer programs Want to join the fun? Sign up to assist with these activities! CAMP BC Tuesdays, July 16-August 6, 9:00am-noon th This camp for 4-year-olds through 5 -graders needs station workers and group leaders. Not available on Tuesdays? Be part of the set-up crew on Monday afternoons. CAMP WEE ONES Tuesdays, July 16-August 6, 9:00am-noon Are babies and toddlers your forté? Assist with different themed activities for children 18 months to 3 years of age. For more details or to volunteer, contact Gaylynn Brewer at 281.463.2330 or Keep up with youth events . . . Would you like to receive text messages about what’s happening with the Bear Creek UMC youth program? Now there’s a way you can! There are currently two lists: one for The Move (Youth Band) and one for The ATTIC (Youth Group). To get texts, you must personally sign up for each of the groups from your cell phone. If you live at home, please check with your parents before signing up. For The Move (Youth Band): Send a text message to: 415.639.9260 With the message: @move For The ATTIC (Youth Group): Send a text message to: 415.639.9260 With the message: @bcumc Youth, do you know that how you see yourself has a lot to do with the world around you? So what does God see in you that no one really thinks about? Find the answers in a new Bible study on Wednesdays, 6:008:00pm in FLC 207-209. The study takes place every Wednesday night through August 7, except July 17. Based on Psalms 139:13-16, the study explores the influences of the world that affect how we see ourselves: family, friends, school, the media, yourself, and of course, God. BCUMC Summer Funtern Serena Gonzalez facilitates the discussion. Snacks are provided. Are utensils among your resources? The Youth Group is looking for parents and other adult volunteers to provide supper for a group of 20 on Sundays around 5:00pm. Meal suggestions include hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, pizza, cold cut or grilled cheese sandwiches, and munchies such as chips or carrot and celery sticks with salsa or dips. Help serving the meal is appreciated, although not required. Interested? Please contact Meredeth Buchman at 281.463.2330 or to sign up. E SAV TH, U O E! Y DAT THE SPLASHTOWN FOR CHRISTIAN SPLASHTOWN CHRISTIAN DAY OUT Friday, JulyJuly 6 26 Time: Friday, Meet at BCUMC parking lot at 9:00am Price: (includes lunch); pack snack money RSVP TO$30 Meredeth buchman RSVP: Meredeth Buchman 281.463.2330 or United Methodist Women (UMW) ADULT EDUCATION: Visitors welcome! All women are invited to join! Please visit Bear Creek United Methodist Women on Facebook, see updates at adults/women, or call the Bear Creek UMC office at 281.463.2330. Adult Sunday School Classes Sunday Mornings 8:30am FAITHFUL DISCIPLES Current Study: TBA Asbury 1 Sunday Mornings 9:30am BETWIXT & BETWEEN Current Study: The Book of Jeremiah, taught by Ron Hilton Hope 1 COVENANT FLC 102 Current Study: If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg, led by Ann Ault and Clay Deaton CROSSTRAINERS FLC 211 Because many in the CrossTrainers’ class are traveling this summer, members and guests are asked to attend the Seekers class or the 9:40am worship service until mid-August. FOUNDATIONS FLC 203 Current Study: The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus by Adam Hamilton, taught by Terry Kelley GENESIS Hope 2 Current Study: Hebrews, taught by Becky French and Howard Hill NEW HOPE FLC 204 Current Study: Parables from the Back Side by J. Ellsworth Kalas, led by Kathy Hammer SEEKERS FLC 212/213 Current Study: The 10 Commandments, featuring material by R. C. Sproul SERENITY Current Study: Jesus Is... by Judah Smith Coke 1 UNITED DISCIPLES Asbury 2 Current Study: Vibrant Church Initiative, taught by Nancy Vickers Sunday Mornings 11:00am UNDER CONSTRUCTION FH Library Current Study: BASIC: What is the Church? by Francis Chan, a seven-part series of short films TODAY’S SERMON “Honest to God People: Jonah” Chancel flowers to honor loved ones may be ordered by contacting Charla in the Bear Creek UMC office at 281.463.2330,, or A floral arrangement is $50. Please write “Chancel Flowers” in the memo line of your check. Flowers may be taken home after the 11:00am worship service. Elizabeth Circle – Tuesday, August 11, 11:00am, at Clay’s Restaurant, 17717 Clay Road. Contact: Amy Gray, Grace Circle – Thursday, July 25, at the home of Nancy Jackson, to celebrate summer. Time TBA. Contact: Norma Mushen, Miriam Circle – No July meeting. Meet Friday, August 2, 10:00am, BCUMC parking lot to carpool to Mission of Yahweh for tour, then lunch. Contact: Bronwyn Rack, Ruth Circle – Saturday, August 3, 10:00am, at Pauline Green’s home to mix pickles for the bazaar. Contact: Deborah Rucker, Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) MOPS is a group of women with children 5 years old and younger, who share a love for their families and enjoy fellowship with other moms going through the same (although very brief) journey in life. MOPS meets the second and fourth Monday of every month (during the school year), 9:30 – 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall with a childcare program available in the nursery. MOPS is taking its summer break; however, meetings will resume in September. For more details, contact Amy Gray at or 281.463.2330. Energizers — Active Adult Ministry Energizers, a group of active adults age 50-plus, enjoy gatherings that include day-long excursions. The Energizers are taking a summer break and will not have a monthly meeting until Friday, September 20. Questions? Please contact Dot McLaren at 713.466.1898 or Joyce Stewart at 281.463.4932. Fellowship Friday, an outreach ministry of Energizers, is for persons who require daily care due to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other disabilities, while giving their caregivers some time off. The next Fellowship Friday is August 9 at 10:00am - 1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please call Dot McLaren at 713.466.1898 or Joyce Stewart at 281.463.4932. The Verge — Young to Middle-age Adults The Verge meets on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm. The group is currently studying “BASIC,” a seven-part series of short films that challenges individuals to be the church described in Scripture. Child care is available and the HeBrews Coffee House is open. Join The Verge for food, fellowship, worship and conversation. Please contact Larry Tyree at 281.463.2330 or NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The deadline for submitting information for the Bear Creek Family News is noon Tuesday, 10 days prior to Thursday publication. Articles must be submitted in writing, via email. Articles may be edited for content/length and will be placed as space allows, or in order of event priority. Please email Vicki Thomson, Boy Scouts — Troop 827 The scouts thank the congregation for its recent support of fundraisers. The troop meets at 7:00pm on Tuesdays in FLC 205-206. For more information, call Scoutmaster Richard Young, 281.859.1406.
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