April 20
April 20
Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 WORSHIP turning strangers into friends, friends into family, and family into saints of God Traditional 8:15am Contemporary 9:40am Traditional 11:00am By the way . . . A paradox is a statement that seems to contradict itself but is true. Easter is a paradox—no matter who you are. Children think about a bunny delivering eggs. Paradox. Nonbelievers sleep while a new world awakens around them. Paradox. Christians find life in the midst of death, wholeness through the brokenness of the cross, fullness in the emptiness of the tomb. Paradox. Paradox. Paradox Paradox. The sacrifice of God offered to the God of the sacrifice. Paradox. “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Paradox. St. Augustine said of Jesus, “And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here.” Paradox. To top it off, you know Easter happens all the time but you never know when—you always have to look up the date. You just can’t nail Easter down like every other holiday. Come to think of it, when you think of it you have to laugh at how surprising and preposterous, mystical and mysterious and wild and wonderful Easter is. Easter beyond our grasp yet we get caught up in it. I pray that this Easter catches you by surprise and restores your joy. If you have never heard the good news about Easter, I hope you hear the celebration, “Christ is risen!” If you are a guest, I want you to feel welcomed here among a people of resurrection. If you are carrying burdens today, please leave them in the tomb and run out into the Easter morning. If you are mourning the loss of a loved one, be assured that life is bigger than what can be numbered in years. If you have done Easter so much that you have grown apathetic or skeptical, I should warn you that Jesus might sneak up on you. And if you are exploding with the gladness of Easter, I thank you for sharing it. So from a sinner who by the grace of Jesus Christ is called a saint, I say to you, Happy Easter! Grace and peace and all that God stuff, Lead Pastor Are you a member of the Senior Class of 2014? To prepare for Senior Recognition Sunday, May 4, the Bear Creek UMC Office checking its list of graduating high school seniors: Korey Barnett Taylor Benefield Kyle Benefield Kameron Bush Luke Bynum Sara Deaton Jessica Donaldson Trevor Eggenberger Ryan Ford Marissa Kelley Jay Knuckols Rocky Koinm Michael Maul Caitlin Miller Kai Mosvold Blake Richards MacKenzie Stringer Lauren Taylor Ted Yeaney If you have any changes, please call 281.463.2330 by Sunday, April 27. Please note: The Bear Creek UMC office will be closed tomorrow, April 21, in observance of Easter Monday. The staff wishes you a a joyous Easter! 16000 Rippling Water Drive Houston, TX 77084 Ages: Birth - 5th Grade Time: 6:00 - 11:00pm Date: Friday, April 25 Cost: 1 child $15, 2 children $25, 3+ children $30 Please bring a sack supper! Reservations are required by Tuesday, April 22. No drop offs will be allowed. Children will need to have a Church (KidZone) registration on file. No refunds will be given after the Tuesday before PNO. Please contact Gaylynn Brewer at 281.463.2330 or gaylynnb@bearcreekumc.org. Willie’s to host Bear Creek UMC Library Night tomorrow Are you ready to participate in a delicious, worthwhile fundraiser? Simply dine at Willie’s Grill & Icehouse on Monday, April 21, from 4:00pm to closing and mention the Bear Creek UMC Library. The library will receive 15 percent of sales. Located at 7092 Highway 6 North in Copperfield, the restaurant boasts a wide variety of menu choices from burgers to salads to seafood. Invite your family and friends and don’t forget to mention the Bear Creek UMC Library so the library will receive credit. SATURDAY IN SERVICE: April 26 an opportunity to reach out to the community Breakfast in FLC at 8:30am Projects begin at 9:30am To join a project team, please sign up at the Missions table in the Courtyard today! If you are unable to participate and want to help, monetary donations are gratefully accepted. Please make your check payable to BCUMC and write “Missions” on memo line. Fellowship Sunday next week Make plans to attend Fellowship Sunday, April 27 — the first of three such gatherings planned for 2014! A combined worship service in the Sanctuary from 10:30 to 11:30am will be followed by a potluck lunch in the Family Life Center Gym. No RSVP is required for lunch. Please provide a dish that serves 10-12, according to the first letter of your last name: A through G (main course); H through M (side dish); and N through Z (dessert). The Fellowship Sunday lunch will be hosted by the Crosstrainers Class, a diverse group of families, mostly parents of young children, who desire to grow closer to God and to each other through focused study, Spirit-filled prayer, and fellowship. (The Crosstrainers meet in FLC 211 at 9:30am on Sundays.) 281.463.2330 bearcreekumc.org This Week at Bear Creek Easter Sunday, April 20 6:30am 8:15am 9:30am 9:40am 11:00am SonRise Worship Service Traditional Worship Service Community Easter Egg Hunt Contemporary Worship Service Traditional Worship Service Courtyard Sanctuary Church Grounds FH Sanctuary The lectionary readings for April 20 are: Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 (UMH 839); Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10 The lectionary readings for April 27 are: Acts 2:14a, 22-23; Psalm 16 (UMH 748); 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 Monday, April 21 Office Closed 4:00pm Bear Creek UMC Library Night at Willie’s Grill & Icehouse 6:00pm HeBrews for Hour of Prayer 7:00pm Hour of Prayer Off Campus FH FH Tuesday, April 22 10:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Library Work Day The Verge Boy Scout Troop 827 Meeting Cub Scout Pack 827 Den Meetings Run for God FH Library FH Hope 1-2 Quad/FLC FLC 205-206 Hour of Prayer Monday, April 21 in Fellowship Hall Hosted by the Prayer Team on the third Monday of each month, this event offers a time for reflection, contemplation and meditation through prayer, Scripture and music. Fellowship 6:00 - 7:00pm HeBrews Coffee House serves complimentary coffee to any person who attends the Hour of Prayer. Hour of Prayer 7:00 - 8:00pm Wednesday, April 23 10:00am 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Library Work Day Grace Ringers Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesday Ladies’ Bible Study Deuel Band Practice FH Library FH Choir Room FH Choir Room FLC 102 FH Main Hall Thursday, April 24 10:00am 7:00pm Library Work Day Faith Matters Band Practice FH Library FH Main Hall Friday, April 25 5:00pm UMM Retreat at Crier Creek UMM Retreat at Crier Creek Saturday in Service Breakfast Saturday in Service Projects Off Campus FLC Gym BCUMC Campus Sunday, April 27 10:30am 11:30am 5:00pm 5:00pm UMM Retreat at Crier Creek Combined Worship Service Potluck Lunch Bear Creek Youth Sunday Ladies’ Bible Study April 25 - 27 Crier Creek Retreat Center Outside of Columbus, TX Register 9:40-11:05am TODAY at the UMM Table in the COURTYARD Off Campus Saturday, April 26 All Day 8:30am 9:30am Men’s Annual Retreat Off Campus Sanctuary FLC Gym FLC 207-209 FH Library FH=Fellowship Hall, FLC=Family Life Center You’re invited! Houston Northwest Community Center Volunteer Social Saturday, April 26 Come and Go 2:00-4:00pm 4045 Deerfield Village Drive in the Rec Center Find out how you can be involved in HNwCC’s Food Pantry; Children’s Summer Camps; Children’s Book Drive; Matt Musil’s Hoops for Kids; and the Boots, Buckles and Bolos Gala. www.hnwcc.org Sermons available online Did you miss a sermon or want to hear a sermon again? Visit bearcreekumc.org, mouse over “Resources” in the top menu, click on “Sermon Recordings” in the drop down menu, and choose the sermon. Sermons are available from May 15, 2011. BEAR CREEK UMC MINISTRY STAFF Dr. Jonathan Bynum Lead Pastor Rev. Will Knuckols Executive Pastor TODAY’S SERMON Now What? Matt Wallace Director of Music Spencer Hickman Ministry Intern UMM’s “Last Monday” Dinner April 28 at 6:45pm Fellowship Hall Details in next week’s Bear Creek Family News! Are you a first-time guest? Claim your special gift! If you are visiting Bear Creek United Methodist Church for the first time, please stop by the Welcome Center in the Courtyard after the service to receive a reusable grocery bag which contains a ceramic mug and other goodies. Additional mugs are $5 each and grocery bags are $3 per bag at the Welcome Center. Proceeds from both items allow Bear Creek UMC to give mugs and shopping bags to our first-time guests. Youth Sunday Morning Children’s Sunday Morning 9:30am Junior High in FLC 205-206 Senior High in FLC 207-209 (Youth Lounge) 11:00am Junior High and Senior High in FLC 207-209 (Youth Lounge) Be sure to bring your Bible and offering each Sunday! Children’s Ministries Sunday Mornings 9:30 Sunday School Classes 8:00am-12:00pm Age 2 Nursery (Birth - 2 Years) 11:00am-12:00pm Lil’ Church (Age 3 Years - 1st Grade) Education Building, Room 11 Sunday School (2nd - 5th Grade) Family Life Center, Room 214 Age 3 Age 4-K 1st-2nd 3rd Grade 4th-5th Grade Nursery FLC 201B FLC 202 FLC 217 FLC 216 FLC 203 Special Needs-Jesus and Me Ministry Children with special needs may enroll in BCUMC’s Jesus and Me Ministry, a personalized Sunday school program based on individual /family needs. For more information, contact Gaylynn Brewer at 281.463.2330. Bear Creek Youth Are you in junior high or high school? Mark your calendar for Sundays, 5:00 to 7:00pm in the Youth Lounge (FLC 207-209) for fellowship, fun and worship. Contact youth@bearcreekumc.org for more details. Bear Creek Youth News To be added to the list for our electronic youth newsletter, contact youth@bearcreekumc.org. A Volunteer Opportunity Cypress Area Young Life is looking for college-age volunteers with a heart for Christ and teenagers. If you would like to spend some time with kids from Cy-Falls, Cy-Fair, Cy-Woods, or Langham Creek high schools, please contact Kyle Boles at the YL office at 281.587.9595. For more information about Youth and Children’s Ministries, contact youth@bearcreekumc.org. SUMMER YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAMS KidsRock will not meet or perform today, Easter Sunday. The group’s next performance will take place on Fellowship Sunday, April 27, during the combined 10:30am service. WANTED: SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS Have you ever considered teaching Sunday School? Now’s your chance! Substitute teachers are needed at 9:30am for children of all ages. Please email youth@bearcreekumc.org or call 281.463.2330 to volunteer. Hop aboard the “mealTrain” Parents and other adult volunteers are needed to provide supper for a group of 20 on Sundays around 5:00pm. Meals for gatherings of Bear Creek Youth are coordinated through the online site “mealTrain.” Suggestions include hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, pizza, cold cut or grilled cheese sandwiches, and munchies such as chips or carrot and celery sticks with salsa or dips. Help serving the meal is appreciated, but not required. To access the site, contact Julie Wilson at rilwil@sbcglobal.net. TONIGHT’S YOUTH GROUP PLANS Because it’s Easter Sunday, Bear Creek Youth will not meet today, April 20. The group will gather next Sunday, April 27 at 5:00pm in the Youth Lounge (FLC 207-209) for a short study, food, fun and fellowship. Invite a friend! JUMMP (Junior High United Methodist Mission Project) June 16-20 in Katy, TX Registration deadline: Monday, April 21 Cost: $50 if paid by May 4*; $115 May 5-31; $150 after June 1 Contact: Ron Darcy at rondarcy@RJ-Darcy.com District Camp at Lakeview (must have completed Grades 4-12) June 23-27 near Palestine, TX Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 23 http://tridistrictcamp.org/registration.html Cost: $50 if paid by April 22*; $125 April 23 -May 22; $225 after May 15 Contact: Lea Bynum at leabynum@sbcglobal.net UM Army (Senior High Mission Trip) July 13-19 in Jacksonville, TX Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 30 https://www.umarmy.net/Registration/Indv/995/ Cost: $50 if paid by April 14*; $125 April 15– May 14; $150 after May 15 Contact: Ron Darcy at rondarcy@RJ-Darcy.com * Early bird discounts are made possible by Youth fundraising. Please make your check payable to BCUMC with the camp’s name in the memo line. Boy Scouts — Troop 827 ADULT EDUCATION: Guests welcome! Adult Sunday School Classes Sunday Mornings FAITHFUL DISCIPLES Current Study: Daniel by Beth Moore 9:30am Asbury 1 BETWIXT & BETWEEN Hope 1 Current Study: Revelation, taught by Eric Waid COVENANT (not meeting today) FLC 102 Current Study: Embracing Emergence Christianity by Phyllis Tickle, taught by Becky French CROSSTRAINERS FLC 211 Current Study: The Family You’ve Always Wanted by Gary Chapman, led by Mary and Paul Landis. Find Crosstrainers on Facebook under "Bear Creek UMC Crosstrainers." FOUNDATIONS FLC 101 Current Study: Genesis, taught by Terry Kelley GENESIS (not meeting today) Hope 2 Current Study: Dealing With Difficult People by Max Lucado NEW HOPE Current Study: What’s So Amazing About Grace? FLC 204 by Philip Yancey, facilitated by Kathy Hammer SEEKERS Current Study: Simply Christian by N. T. Wright FLC 212/213 SERENITY Coke 1 Current Study: Book of James UNITED DISCIPLES (not meeting today) Asbury 2 Class is meeting off site next Sunday, April 27, and having lunch at Brookwood. Sunday Mornings 11:00am UNDER CONSTRUCTION FH Library Current Study: BASIC: What is the Church? by Francis Chan Adult Studies Sunday Evenings LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY (April 27; May 4) Namesake: When God Rewrites Your Story by Jessica LaGrone, facilitated by Marilyn Wetzel Wednesday Evenings 5:00pm FH Library 7:00pm LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY (April 23, 30; May 7,14, 21, 28; FLC 102 June 4,11) Jesus The One and Only by Beth Moore, facilitated by Laura Krustchinsky Sermons available online Did you miss a sermon or want to hear a sermon again? Visit bearcreekumc.org, mouse over “Resources” in the top menu, click on “Sermon Recordings” in the drop down menu, and choose the sermon. Sermons are available from May 15, 2011. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The deadline for submitting information for the Bear Creek Family News is noon Tuesday, 10 days prior to Thursday publication. Articles must be submitted in writing, via email. Articles may be edited for content/length and will be placed as space allows, or in order of event priority. Please email Vicki Thomson, vickit@bearcreekumc.org. Boy Scout Troop 827 meets at 7:00pm on Tuesdays in Hope 1-2. Prayers are requested for the program to be run for God’s Glory. For more information, call Assistant Scoutmaster Richard Young at 281.859.1406. Energizers Energizers, a group of active adults age 50-plus, enjoy gatherings that include day-long excursions. Due to Good Friday, there will not be an April Energizers meeting. A bus trip to HPD Mounted Police Patrol’s new facility is planned for Friday, April 25. Call Dot McLaren at 713.466.1898, or Joyce Stewart at 281.463.4932 for more details. Fellowship Friday, an outreach ministry of Energizers, is for persons who require daily care due to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other disabilities, while giving their caregivers some time off. The next Fellowship Friday is May 9, 10:00am-1:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall. Mother’s Day will be the theme and Leisure Men of Harmony will entertain. Call Dot McLaren, 713.466.1898, or Joyce Stewart at 281.463.4932. Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) MOPS is a group of women with children 5 years old and younger, who share a love for their families and enjoy fellowship with other moms going through the same (although very brief) journey in life. MOPS meets the second and fourth Monday of every month (during the school year), 9:30-11:30am, in the Fellowship Hall, with a great MOPPETS program avail able in the KidZone Nursery. Email Mary Jacqueline Atkinson and Mary Landis, bcumcmops@gmail.com. The Verge The Verge meets on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm. Child care is available and the HeBrews Coffee House is open. Join The Verge for food, fellowship, worship and conversation. Please contact Larry Tyree at 281.463.2330 or larryt@bearcreekumc.org. United Methodist Women (UMW) All women are invited to join! Please visit Bear Creek United Methodist Women on Facebook, see updates at bearcreekumc.org/ adults/women, or call the Bear Creek UMC office at 281.463.2330. Elizabeth Circle – TBA. Contact: Julie Kunz, marty.juliekunz@sbcglobal.net. Grace Circle – Thursday, April 24, 7:00pm, in the home of Deana Wood. Contact: Anne Hartmann, annehartman@comcast.net. Miriam Circle – Friday, May 2, 10:30am at Brookwood for lunch and fellowship. Contact: Virginia Fleming, vafleming44@gmail.com. Ruth Circle – Thursday, May 8, 7:00pm, in the home of Deborah Rucker. Contact: Deborah Rucker, ggdr@earthlink.net. Young adults Group No meeting today, Easter Sunday. The group will meet next Sunday, April 27, following the 10:30am service for the potluck lunch in the FLC Gym. Contact: Rachel Denson at rndenson@gmail.com or Spencer Hickman at spencerh@bearcreekumc.org.
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