BPWNLApril2015 - Business and Professional Women Marathon


BPWNLApril2015 - Business and Professional Women Marathon
April 2015
Business Professional Women of Marathon Newsletter
Mission Statement:
To achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.
2014/2015 Board of Directors
President: Charlotte Quinn
Vice President: Becky Shifflett
2nd Vice President: Julie Johnson
Secretary: Karen MacCrory
Treasurer: Bonnie Sanderson
Public Relations: Jeanine Christiansen
April 3rd monthly meeting at our
new location at
Faro Blanco/Hyatt Place
We Need Committee Chairs for
Great opportunity to get more
involved with BPW!
Young Careerist: Open
Women in Transition: Open
Nominating Chair: Open
Individual Development: Open
If you are interested in one of these
positions, please contact a Board
Member. Thank you!
A letter from your President:
Another event under our belts! Rachel, from the hearts of all
BPW members, thank you for an OUTSTANDING job! Well
There were so many recent members that took a huge role as
Chairwomen and leaders for this event. Christy Johnson, first
time as Silent Auction……………she and her crew did an
OUTSTANDING job! Presentation was beautiful and inviting.
The selection was OUTSTANDING thanks to all of the
members who personally donated and all who got donations
from outside sources.
Bill and Kirsten, our Kahuna King and Queen…..in 10 days
raised $8,000.00! We can’t thank you enough………..we will
always be grateful to Rachel for pulling Kahuna out of the
fire………..and to Bill and Bonnie for those coconuts!
Ryan and Cheddar, all I can say is WOW………the twins DID
GREAT! Thank you for helping BPW! They say next year they
will be Kahuna’s and have ideas with some surprises! Our
hearts are full for our OUTSTANDING AND HILARIOUS
Linda Lee and Bob Myers are always present at every event
hauling equipment…………Linda setting up all the entrainment,
thank you for your OUTSTANDING service to the club.
Megan O’Neill, first time handling ticket sales…..smooth, smooth, smooth…..OUTSTANDINGLY
smooth. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and belonging to the club.
Becky has trained Sue Lovely to handle the vendors next year………..that whole operation is easy
money and BRILLIANTLY organized and perfectly laid out. Thank you thank you! Hats off, YOU
Our young Nike Club members handled the coke booth, served food, filled supplies and dumped
the trash………….high praise for an OUTSTANDING job. A special thank you for Dr Liz who
sponsors the Nike Club and encourages the kids to join with the adult members of BPW. We are
so grateful for your OUTSTANDING work with our club.
YOU SO MUCH! Mike “Mr. Marathon” Puto, we owe you a huge thank you for always getting the
liquor license for us. Stacie and Karen for getting us supplied with the goods. OUTSTANDING!
Sylvie, CM and Suzie HOLY MOLY OUTSTANDING decorations! Chose the right person for that
job! Yah!
The tent lady Joy………….she leaves no stone unturned to find the tents………..OUTSTANDING!
To all the BPW members who volunteered, set up, worked hard and cleaned-up, OUTSTANDING!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention our BPW husbands and friends (WITHOUT THEM, I
WOULD BE IN MORE PAIN THAN I CURRENTLY AM!) Seriously, we would really struggle
without them. Gary Wilson, Ray Herndon, Nick Basso, Keb Leeman, Bob Kidwell, George
Nugent, Dennis Bishop, Chuck Currier and Pete Policastro. I LOVE THESE GUYS!! My husband
was taking care of mom, so I could be there. OUTSTANDING!
Thank you to the Weekly and Jeanine for getting us on the front page…………….WOW WHAT A
We made around $25,000.00 with present figures…………expenses still need to come out of
it………however, they are very low this year. We worked hard to keep them low so we would come
out about the same as last year. The Big Kahuna issues and a slow Kahuna start caused the
shortage in funds raised this year. So considering all that………….we did GREAT!! THANK YOU
The Seafood Festival was a great venue for PR and Kahuna. Our booth was great thanks to Anny
Herndon and Linda Mixon. The booth was WOMENED by Kim, Tammy, Linda M., Carol S.,
JoAnn O., Christy J., Carolyn, Stacie and our Nike girls………So proud!
Thanks to Patty and Kim, both new members for donating the KAHUNA COOLY for the
Kahuna’s…………..and all of the booze and beer you two put in as well……………NEW MEMBERS IN
In one week (7 days) the members of this club filled the KAHUNA COOLY worth $700.00
unheard of and unbelievable………….what can’t we do ????............THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN’T
DO!!! MARTHON THE LITTLE CLUB WHO CAN! Thank you to all for your generous
donation to the Kahuna.
Don’t know if you caught the common thread running through this
This next meeting we will have the new officer slate, vote and announce the Woman of the Year.
We will spend the rest of the meeting on our Job Fair. There will be no speaker this month.
Until then, I am smiling from ear to ear. So proud of all of you and thank you so much for being
in the wonderful club of amazing women…………….OUTSTANDING!
A very special welcome to our newest members! Kimberly Hanna, Jeanne Hall, Dodie
Rodriguez, Andrea Russell
2015 Annual State Conference in the Keys! June 11 - 14, 2015
This year’s conference is at the beautiful Hyatt Place Faro Blanco in Marathon, FL on June 11-14. BPW/Marathon and
BPW/Upper Keys are hosting, and conference chair, Charlotte Quinn and her committee have fabulous ideas for a
great program.
A TENTATIVE schedule of events includes a sunset cruise, morning yoga and beach walks, officer and committee
chair training, professional development speakers, state awards luncheon, networking and relationship building,
shopping, and officer installation with local entertainment. Events for spouses and families will be offered as well –
golf, fishing, beach trips, etc. The Education Foundation is celebrating its 50th anniversary, so we'll have some
special time set aside to celebrate with the Foundation.
Hotel rooms are $179/night for single/double, $189 triple, and $199 quad. Parking is free, and the rates are good for
a few days before and after the event, so you can have an extended vacation.
To reserve your room, go to www.hyattplacemarathon.com and use group
code G-BPW1. You may also book over the phone at 855-546-0338. You are encouraged to reserve your room as
soon as possible. There are a limited number of rooms available as June in the Keys is a busy time.
Ladies, please book your rooms soon! Charlotte already has a room.
Bunk up and split the cost!
Here is the conference special project request! We will be bringing these items to the Conference in
June. So if you start gathering anything on this list to bring Friday night at the Luau, we will be
represented. BPW members with their generous nature will make us proud!
News from our Nike Club…
Nike Club is a high school club sponsored by the Business & Professional Women’s (BPW)
organization of Marathon. BPW of Marathon is a successful fundraising and service organization that
includes many prominent members of the local community, including attorneys, health
professionals, realtors, and business owners. Most of the members are women, though men are
invited to be members. The BPW raises many thousands of dollars each year for charities and
scholarships, both for adults and high school seniors.
Each year, BPW offers thousands of dollars in scholarships for graduating seniors at Marathon High
School. The application for this scholarship is available in the club folder. Nike Club members are
given priority in the review process for these scholarships.
The objective of Nike Club is to replicate BPW activities by enabling MHS students to participate in
community service activities offered by the BPW and other service organizations locally. Nike Club is
open to both boys and girls attending Marathon High School. Nike Club members volunteer for
activities off-campus that can earn them community service hours.
Community service activities in the past have included volunteer participation in the following events:
BPW’s Taste of the Islands; Switlik’s Halloween Event; and Sombrero Beach Run.
BPW members are interested in becoming more involved with club activities.
Elizabeth Bayerl, Faculty Sponsor
Nike Club
Officers: 2014-2015
Sydney Konrath, President
Amanda Ban, Vice President
Sharon Rodriguez, Secretary
Arianna Arce, Treasurer
Members: Yennifer Alpizar, Claudia Cabrera, Milaydis Cruz, Andie Devitt, Chandler Elliot, Julissa
Herrada, Jennifer Lopez, Takara McKnight, Natalie Mendoza, Nayeli Olavarrieta, Alex Pabon, Daisy
Rodriguez, Gwen Rohe, Yanifel Sanchez & Lilly Vaughn
BPW in the news…
Our club donated to two great causes for our Marathon High school students!
BPW ladies supporting Relay for Life
BPW at the Marathon Seafood Festival!
Thank you to all of our lovely ladies for
helping out at the event!!!!
BPW 18th Annual Taste of the Islands!!!
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to write an quick email before I go to bed to inform you how great it feels to be a part of such a
wonderful group of women.... you really do shine and excel at anything you do and to put it plainly, You just
plain ROCK!!
And I'm glad I am a member of such a great group of women...
So I would like to say Thank You...
Today I received emails and phone calls from ladies who couldn't be here for this or that or they were sick.... I'm
not your employer, I wouldn't have expected it but these people felt they were letting us down and I wanted
them to know that it was ok, we had their back and we had it under control. (of course we missed them)
There was a time today that I took my clipboard out and did my rounds.. thanking the restaurants who
participated and saying hi to all who came... keeping my clipboard under my arm incase someone said they
needed help or someone didn't show up or someone didn't know where to be. Not once did I find a place
where someone was left alone or felt overwhelmed, I actually told a few of you and others to excuse me I have
to go put this clipboard away. I don't need it.
I think today went smoothly and quite amazing. Today's event was incredible. And it is because of wonderful
people like you. I don't know the numbers yet, that is up to the numbers girls... Thanks Bonnie.
But it doesn't matter because today was a wonderful event and fun was had by all.
I feel so happy to know you all and to be a part of our group, our BPW of Marathon.
On closing of today I am tired, and I have two days to pack and move.... but I smile because you ladies made me
feel happy to be here, glad I Chaired this event and so happy to be a part of such a wonderful group of
women. Powerful and amazing women! In the Florida Keys!....... Whoda thunk? Love you girls.
Simply put - Thank You!
Thank you for all for who you are and
being a part of our BPW!
Rachel Price
Your Chairwoman for the 18th Annual
Taste of the Islands.......
BPW on the Move!
MEETINGS! Moving date will be at our April 2nd meeting. Cost will be $25.00 Charlotte and Becky have
consulted with the management of the Lighthouse Grill and they are thrilled to have us. The space is perfect,
quiet with a view. It has been a struggle for anyone speaking or conducting a meeting at our current
venue............therefore we are moving............you voted and approved the additional cost and it will be well
-BPW Moving Committee
Upcoming Events
Woman of the Year
Nomination Form
Your name (nominator):
Nominee’s name:
NOTE: Nominator and nominee must be members in good standing of Marathon BPW.
Please explain why you feel your nominee should be honored as Marathon BPW’s “Woman of
the Year.”
The following criteria will be used to consider each applicant. Please ESTIMATE your
candidates’ score on in each of the following categories.
1. Local BPW Involvement
a. Attendance/general meetings
b. Attendance/board meetings
c. Attendance/committee meetings
d. Fund raising
e. Committee Chair
f. Officer
2. State BPW Involvement
a. Attendance
b. Officer and/or Chair
c. Committee Involvement
3. Community Involvement
Please list specific contributions of your nominee to BPW and the community:
(attach additional page if necessary)
Your signature
Please Support Our Members
Include your business card in our newsletter for only $25/year!
Great advertising opportunity!
Contact Becky at baskeys4@bellsouth.net
Ad Rates
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Business Card
$35 (non-member) $25 (member)
Ads are priced on a yearly basis. Candidate ads will run through election date.
Young Careerist Program
Cultivating Leadership & Confidence The Virginia Allen Young Careerist
Program (YC) was founded in 1964 by BPW National President, Virginia Allen,
in order to recognize the professional, personal and political achievements of
young professional women and men.
Participants, both BPW and prospective members, compete to represent BPW on the Local and
State level by delivering a prepared 4-minute speech, interviewing with judges, and preparing a
biographical statement and application.
BPW/FL has a long list of former Young Careerist participants and representatives who, by their
participation, have developed a greater sense of self-esteem, and have gone on to more rewarding
and fulfilling careers and have demonstrated themselves as outstanding leaders in their
This program recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of young women and men between
the ages of 21 and 35 for their endeavors at bettering themselves and others, professionally,
personally and politically. The Young Careerist Program is about mentoring and building selfesteem and confidence. It is about giving recognition and acceptance and the celebration to all
YC Program Details
The Young Careerist Competition is held annually during the BPW/Florida State
The 2015 State Conference will be held June 11-14, 2015, at:
Hyatt Place | Faro Blanco Resort & Yacht Club
1996 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL
To Be Eligible, A Participant Must:
Be between the ages of 21 and 35 (inclusive by July 31st following the first competition in which
she/he participates).
Be or have been employed in business (includes self-employed) or the professions with at least
one year of full-time work experience in her/his career area.
Be living, working or training or continuing her/his education in the area served by the
sponsoring local organization conducting the program.
Understand and support the BPW/FL mission, vision and legislative platform. Young Careerists
must review the legislative platform and pledge they will not speak against platform items in
their capacities as Young Careerist representatives, if selected.
Be a member of BPW/Florida in good standing.
The YC competition consists of:
Panel interview by BPW members
Speak Off - see criteria below
Criteria for the Young Careerist Speech:
Speeches are to be four minutes in length. No props are allowed, and all Young Careerist
representatives will be required to remain at the podium when speaking.
Paperwork must be postmarked or e-mailed by April 30, 2015. No changes can be made after
the paperwork is submitted.
Required paperwork is on the members' only section of the website.
Submit paperwork and for information, contact Jacquelin Elliott, YC chair, at
jacquelinelliott@comcast.net This email address is being protected from spambots. You
need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
2015 Young Careerist Speech Topics
1. What has been your biggest challenge since becoming a young professional and what advice
would you give to the next person facing this same challenge?
2. What specific circumstance has had the most influence on your career and how will you
incorporate that experience into your future?
3. Who in your life has had the most influence on you professionally and personally and how do
you plan to pay it forward?
4. Choose a decade in history and explain how a particular change has significantly impacted the
role of women in the workforce today and what impact it will have on our future.
5. If you were to charter a new organization, what would be the name of the group, who would
be your target audience and why, and what would be the mission statement for the organization?
Let your local representative know that women are watching legislative issues.
State Representative:
Holly Raschein
Capitol Office
1003 The Capitol
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
Phone 850-717-5120
District Office
Suite 10
99198 Overseas Hwy
Key Largo, FL 33037-2437
Phone 305-453-1202
Suite 202
41 North Krome Avenue
Homestead, FL 33030-6014
Phone 305-242-2485