PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2012 PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2012 ! W E N It´s your body – make it the best! JOE WEIDER workout principles 2 JOE WEIDER workout principles What are the differences between the bodybuilders of the pre-1940s and bodybuilders today? Modern champions are bigger, better proportioned, more muscular and stronger than the early champions. On the one hand, more cutting-edge scientific research has been implemented in the area of nutritional science and better nutritional supplements have been developed. The fact that we see increasingly stronger and more muscular men and women on the competition stage today is mainly down to the constant perfection of the Weider workout principles. Joe Weider, the “Master Blaster”, has spent his whole life trying to work out the science behind strength training. As part of his work, he developed his coherent and logical training system: 1) Progressive overload principle 2) Set system principle 3) Isolation principle 4) Muscle confusion principle 5) Muscle priority principle 6) Pyramiding principle 7) Split system principle 8) Circulation principle 9) Super set principle 10) Compound set principle 11) Holistic principle 12) Cycle principle 13) Iso-tension principle 14) Cheating principle 15) Tri-sets principles 16) Giant sets principle 17) Pre-exhaustion principle 18) Rest-pause principle 19) Peak contraction principle 20) Continuous tension principle 21) Retro-gravity principle 22) Intensive reps principle 23) Double-split principle 24) Triple-split principle 25) Burns training principle 26) Quality principle 27) Descending sets principle 28) Instinctive principle 29) Partial reps principle Printing errors and product changes excepted. Product pictures are not in original size. Inscriptions and analysis data are subject to natural variations. Train harder – feel better! 3 Nutrition for Champs NUTRITION FOR CHAMPS Only one has over 70 years of experience in bodybuilding and that is Joe Weider. Joe knows all the Olympians – he hasn’t just worked out with them, he’s also advised them. Joe Weider’s most important discovery is that each athlete has a different metabolism. This is due to genetics. About 99.9% of our genes are identical for all humans. The rest of our genes – around six to eight million of them – make us different from one another. Maybe you have also noticed this about your training partner: he eats less protein than you and still manages to put on more muscle mass – or perhaps it’s the other way around. In addition to the different body types (endomorph, ectomorph or mesomorph), there are also differences in the way our bodies use nutrients. Basically there are two types of metabolism: HARDGAINER and SOFTGAINER Typ 1 = HARDGAINER People with this type of metabolism can eat lots of carbohydrates without getting fat. They don’t need as much protein because carbohydrates have a protein economizing effect. Product example: The product Muscle Freak® is optimal. Fast carbohydrates plus KREA-GENIC® let muscles grow. Typ 2 = SOFTGAINER People with this type of metabolism build up body fat fast if they take in excessive amount of carbohydrates. This is due to the fact, that these people over-produce insulin at a rapid rate, which causes fat storage. These persons should pay attention to the selection of carbohydrates. The amount of protein has to be raised in comparison to the carbohydrates. Product example: To also benefit from the effects of KREA-GENIC®, these persons should use Maximum KREA-GENIC® capsules. The following pages will help you choose the correct product for you. Of course in combination with the correct training. For both types applies: Requirements: At least 2 g of protein per kg body weight. A bodybuilder with a weight of 90 kg requires app. 180 g of protein per day. Without a sufficient protein supply muscle growth is not possible. Only protein builds up muscles. Actual intake: In Germany the average protein intake for men amounts 82-84 g per day (Nutrition Report 2004). According to this, 100 g are lacking. But we assume that a 90 kg bodybuilder eats more than a average person, so he ingests 100-120 g of protein. This is confirmed by our dietary records with bodybuilders. A deficit of 60 g of protein a day remains. This deficit can be quickly compensated with one to two tasty protein shakes. Your Checklist: You are a HARDGAINER if: You do not gain weight fast. You can eat lots of carbohydrates and you are not getting hungry again after approximately one hour. You are a SOFTGAINER if: 4 You gain weight especially on the hip. You eat carbohydrates and you are getting hungry again fast. CertifiCate Weider Germany GmbH, Hamburger Straße 118, 22083 Hamburg, Germany We hereby confirm that Weider Germany GmbH fulfils regulations in the product areas of food in Powder form nutritionaL suPPLements · caPsuLes tabLets · drinKs · bars concentrates and amPouLes in accordance with the international Food Standard (iFS), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) or diN eN iSO 9001:2008 standards and HACCP systems. WEIDER Germany GmbH Sven Schade Managing Director TYPE HG THE HARDGAINER HARDGAINER The basic nutrition of the Hardgainer should be based on the following compilation. Eat at least five meals a day. Hardgainers have a fast metabolism and need regular meals for muscle building: Sweets Good fats Vegetables & Fruits Protein Carbohydrates Foundation for firm muscles: the JOE WEIDER workout principles Basic products + WEIDER products + customized training = Muscle growth Joe WEIDER´s tip for HARD- and SOFTGAINER You should always strive for a nutritionally balanced diet. If you don’t manage to eat in accordance with the principles of the compilation shown above, you can replace the food group with a WEIDER product. In practice, it is not always possible to eat in strict accordance with the compilation shown above. Many athletes have now got themselves into the habit of eating three “normal” meals a day, supplemented with two meals replaced by WEIDER products. This makes it easier for you to ensure you get all the power nutrients you need to be able to see the results of your intensive workouts despite the general stresses and strains of everyday life. We have made these recommendations on the basis of over 70 years of experience. These recommendations have helped all WEIDER athletes achieve top results. We combine results from trials with experience from practice for a level of expertise offered by no other brand! These are recommendations. If it turns out that you get better results with a product in our range that is not in accordance with our recommendations, listen to your body and keep taking it. 6 The WEIDER Range consists of three categories: recommended products for HARDGAINER, SOFTGAINER and basic products for everybody. These products should be in every athletes bag. On the next few pages you can find out which product is the best for you. TYPE SG THE SOFTGAINER SOFTGAINER The basic nutrition of the Softgainer should be based on the following compilation. Have three to four meals a day and pay attention to a low carbohydrate intake, but have lots of protein: Sweets Good fats Carbohydrates Vegetables & Fruits Protein Foundation for firm muscles: the JOE WEIDER workout principles Basic products + WEIDER products + customized training = Muscle growth Protein sources with low fat: Per 100 g German hand cheese Curd cheese (low-fat) Tuna (water packed) Pollock Turkey Milk (0.3% fat) Cottage cheese Navy beans Lentils Whole wheat noodles Oatmeal Protein concentrate* Protein (g) Fat (g) 30.0 13.5 22.0 18.0 24.0 3.5 13.0 21.0 7.0 15.0 13.5 32.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.3 4.0 1.6 0.4 3.0 7.0 6.3 * Product Premium Whey Protein = 30 g powder with 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat) 7 TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE Muscle Freak® Product description: •Hardcore NO booster with KREA-GENIC® and special aminomin complex Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase Product features: •Increased strength through training with few reps • Pump effect when training Recommendation: •One serving = 30 g powder in 400 ml water. On training days before workout. The recommen- dation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. Information: •MUSCLE FREAK® contains a blend of free-form amino acids, vitamins, minerals, caffeine and KREA-GENIC®. KREA-GENIC® is created with German molecular technology. This unique combination, called AMINOMIN complex, will enable you to experience truly phenomenal training. The special blend of amino acids and vitamins improves the circulation in the muscles. Thanks to the uptake booster in KREA-GENIC®, MUSCLE FREAK® has a comparatively low level of carbohydrates. The added calcium means MUSCLE FREAK® ensures maximum muscle contraction. The result is an increase in strength of up to 15%, a lasting pump, even after training, and an unbelievably vascular appearance. Nutritional facts ORANGE FLAVOUR 8 e Hardcor ith te r w ® s o o b O N IC ! N E G A E KR per serving* Carbohydrates 6.9 g Protein 12.5 g Fat 0g Arginine 3120 mg Glutamine 3000 mg Alanine 1980 mg Taurine 1500 mg Lysine 1200 mg Caffeine 128 mg 3000 mg KREA-GENIC® * 30 g powder in 400 ml water Muscle Freak® Tin 908 g Powder TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE Maximum KREA-GENIC® Product description: •750 mg KREA-GENIC® per capsule Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase Product features: •Practically 100% absorption by the muscles • Quickly absorbed thanks to the natural use of sodium- dependent transport mechanism Recommendation: •On your days at the gym, take 4 capsules preferably before workout. •On workout free days take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules before going to bed together with a protein shake. The recommendation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. More strength with KREA-GENIC®: ® C I N E KREA-G form! le in capsu A well-known bit of bodybuilding wisdom is that muscle mass increases proportionally to strength. Strength is the trigger that is required in order to stimulate the muscle mass to grow. Your own strength level is crucial – and this varies from person to person. The more strength you have, the more muscle mass you can acquire! Therefore it is important that you incorporate regular strength-build up phases into your training plan. KREA-GENIC® can help you to increase the effects of your workout. Qualität Made in Germany KREA-GENIC® offers you the very best and most reliable quality standard. That’s what the WEIDER name has been representing for 70 years! Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat KREA-GENIC® per 4 capsules < 0.1 g 0.4 g < 0.1 g 3000 mg Maximum KREA-GENIC® Tin 120 Capsules / 240 Capsules 9 Product description: •Maximum KREA-GENIC® powder formula for a pre-workout drink Training phase: Benefit: •Maximum KREA-GENIC® also contains taurine for faster absorption of KREA GENIC® and to protect the cells. The added calcium increases the ability of the muscle to contract and enables you to stick to a tough training regime despite following a strict diet. Alanine gives you extra energy. •Definition phase • Strength build-up phase • Increasing strength and stamina Product features: •Maximum KREA-GENIC® does not contain any carbohydrates, just pure KREA-GENIC®, as well as calcium, taurine and alanine • The complete absorption of Maximum KREA-GENIC® into the muscles affects there an increased content of creatine • Extra calcium for a maximum contraction Recommendation: •One serving = 6.5 g powder in 200 ml water. Preferably before workout. The recommendation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 0g Protein 1g Fat 0g Taurine 1500 mg Alanine 1000 mg Calcium 195 mg 3000 mg KREA-GENIC® * 6.5 g powder in 200 ml water Maximum KREA-GENIC® Tin 454 g Powder Maximum Zell Volume Product description: •Cell voluminiser with KREA-GENIC®, carbohydrates, protein, trehalose and arginine and glutamine •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase ORANGE Product features: FLAVOUR •With KREA-GENIC • Plus trehalose, whey protein hydrolysate, arginine and glutamine ® CHERRY FLAVOUR Recommendation: •One serving = 40 g powder in 400 ml water. Preferably before or after workout. The recommendation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. Information: •Can increase muscle growth and muscle strength. Arginine: •Is the nutrient responsible for opening up the blood vessels = MUSCLE PUMP! Glutamine: Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 27.0 g Protein 3.9 g Fat < 0.1 g Glutamine 1600 mg 3000 mg KREA-GENIC® * 40 g powder in 400 ml water Flavour: Orange •Supports the immune system • Aids the storage of nutrients in the muscles • Supports the regeneration = Is a requirement for training success! Maximum Zell Volume Tin 2 kg Powder ® C I N E KREA-G se! + Trehalo TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE i Maximum KREA-GENIC® Training phase: 10 ® C I N E KREA-G form! r n powde TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE KREA-GENIC® 000 + PTK Product description: •Capsules with KREA-GENIC® of the latest generation plus PTK Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase Product features: •Remains stable in the stomach and bloodstream (double-buffered) • Practically 100% absorption by the muscles •Fast absorption via the natural exploitation of the sodium-dependent transport mechanism •Can support the build-up of muscle mass and strength • Can shorten the regeneration phase after a hard workout and improve general health •Improves muscle tone Recommendation: •3 capsules per day, preferably before workout. The recommendation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. Information: •In contrast to many other types of creatine, KREA-GENIC® is absorbed almost 100% by the muscles. This means that no water is retained under the skin. The water is stored in the muscles, resulting in firm muscles and a great ‘dry’ look because the water from the skin is drawn into the muscles. The unique method of action makes this possible. This means that less creatine is needed for a great effect! The phase transfer catalyst (PTK) opens the muscle cells and provides them with a better oxygen supply, enabling more intensive workouts. KREA-GENIC® gives you more strength and bulk. PTK increases muscle stamina. Longer-lasting and harder muscle tension when training stimulates muscle growth! Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat KREA-GENIC® PTK ® of the C I N E G KREAation r e n e g t lates ! plus PTK per 3 capsules < 0.1 g 0.4 g < 0.1 g 3000 mg 40 mg KREA-GENIC® 000 + PTK Tin 135 Capsules / 210 Capsules 11 TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE Pure Creatine® Product description: •Ultra-fine creatine powder to mix in liquids Product features: Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase •100% pure creatine monohydrate •Enhances the volume of muscles cells •Enables a harder and more intensive workout •Increases maximum strength and achievement potential Information: Recommendation: •The use of Pure Creatine® increases the creatine reservoir in the trained muscle which effects a quicker recovery so that you can train even harder and more intensively! Creatine supports the energetic metabolism of the muscle and leads to a clear rise of achievement potential. Pure Creatine® increases the maximum of strength and improves the leverage effect of the muscle. So you can use heavier weights which means that your workout can be intensified and your growth-stimulus is enhanced. Creatine is very important for the regeneration of ATP. Creatine effects a greater workout capacity and tighter muscles. Pure Creatine® is a high-quality creatine monohydrate which is exclusively made in Germany. Please note the Creapure®-logo! •One serving per day = mix 3 g powder in 200 ml water. The recommendation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. For an look! athletic Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Creatine Monohydrate * 3 g powder in water 12 Pure Creatine® Tin 250 g Powder / 600 g Powder per serving* 0g 0g 0g 3000 mg TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE Creatine Capsules Product description: Product features: •Creatine capsules to swallow •100% pure creatine monohydrate •Increases maximum strength and achievement potential •Enhances the volume of muscles cells •Enables a harder and more intensive workout Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase Recommendation: Information: •The use of Creatine Capsules increases the creatine reservoir in the trained muscle which effects a quicker recovery so that you can train even harder and more intensive! Creatine sup ports the energetic metabolism of the muscle and leads to a clear rise of achievement poten- tial. Creatine Capsules increases the maximum of strength and improves the leverage effect of the muscle. So you can use heavier weights which means that your workout can be intensi fied and your growth-stimulus is enhanced. Creatine is very important for the regeneration of ATP. Creatine effects a greater workout capacity and tighter muscles. Creatine Capsules is a high-quality creatine monohydrate which is exclusively made in Germany. Please note the Creapure®-logo! •3 capsules before workout. On training free days take 3 capsules during the day. The recommendation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. to Perfect dose! Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Creatine Monohydrate per 3 capsules < 0.1 g <1g < 0.1 g 3213 mg Creatine Capsules Tin 100 Capsules / 200 Capsules 13 TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE Crash Weight Gain Product description: •Carbohydrate-protein mix with creatine (Creapure®) Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase Product features: •Supports muscle regeneration • Constantly supplies the body with amino acids thanks to its triple-component protein mix Information: •The triple-component protein mix from high-quality milk protein, soy protein isolate and whey protein hydrolysate ensure a fast, lasting supply of amino acids. A special blend of vitamins and minerals with eight essential vitamins as well as calcium and magnesium ensures you get all the micronutrients you need. Benefit: •Crash Weight Gain gives your body all the nutrients it needs for fast, effective muscle building. The tried-and-tested formula and the high-quality ingredients make the product simply unique. Recommendation: •One serving = 75 g powder in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat). Drink one shake a day after workout. The recommendation is for 6 weeks. Then take a break for 2-4 weeks. min a t i v s u l P ral mix! e n i m d an Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 63.5 g Protein 24.5 g Fat 5.9 g Creatine Monohydrate 2000 mg * 75 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Vanilla VANILLA FLAVOUR 14 Crash Weight Gain Tin 1.5 kg Powder / 3 kg Powder STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR Maxiplex® Product description: Information: •Rapidly available protein plus carbohydrates, creatine and taurine •Maxiplex® contains a mixture of carbohydrate and protein that improves protein synthesis on the long term. In combination with the creatine, the taurine improves glycogen storage in the cells. Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase dratey h o b r a C inet a e r c n protei mix! taurine Product features: •Carbohydrate-protein-creatine-taurine mix to recharge your batteries after your workout • Shortened regeneration time • Increased cell volume thanks to water retention with creatine Recommendation: •One serving = 50 g powder in 250 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat). One serving only after workout. The latest scientific findings on boosting the cell metabolism have shown that the consumption of protein and carbo- hydrates can be optimised to build more muscle after intensive training. The Weider Research Group then developed a triple-protein stack which makes the most of the positive characteristics of various whey products. Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 29.6 g Protein 31.5 g Fat 5.1 g Creatine Monohydrate 3000 mg Taurine 500 mg * 50 g powder in 250 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Vanilla VANILLA FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR Maxiplex® Tin 1.5 kg Powder leQuadrup nt e compon ck! sta protein Anabolic Evolution Product description: •Carbohydrate-protein mix with glutamine peptides Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase Product features: Nutritional facts Recommendation: Carbohydrates 55 g Protein 40 g Fat 7.6 g * 78 g powder in 350 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Chocolate •Low glycemic carbo system (LGC system) ensures a steady blood sugar level •SynthoPro: quadruple-component protein stack •One serving = 78 g powder in 350 ml semi skimmed milk (1.5% fat). Drink one shake before and one shake after workout. Information: •Anabolic Evolution is the ideal prerequisite for natural muscle gain in combination with hypertrophy workout. per serving* CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR Anabolic Evolution Tin 1.5 kg Powder TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE 15 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY 16 Protein 80 Plus ours! v a l f s u o 13 delici Product description: •Quadruple-component protein Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase Product features: •Provides the muscles being worked with high-quality protein Recommendation: •Drink one or two shakes every day, preferably after workout. Information: •Weider has succeeded in achieving a chemical score of 144 (as measured by the FNB). The amount of amino acids in the Protein 80 Plus is much higher than the values for the reference protein of the WHO (World Health Organisation). The product is also low fat and low-sugar if it is mixed with water. also 2 kg VANILLA FLAVOUR LEMON-CURD FLAVOUR also 2 kg CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR CARAMEL FLAVOUR also 2 kg STRAWBERRY WILDBERRY- also 2 kg PISTACHIO COCONUT also 2 kg BANANA TIRAMISU CAPPUCCINO COOKIES & FLAVOUR FLAVOUR also 2 kg FLAVOUR FLAVOUR PECAN-NOUGAT FLAVOUR TOFFEE- YOGHURT FLAVOUR FLAVOUR FLAVOUR CREAM FLAVOUR Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 15.8 g Protein 34.7 g Fat 5.4 g * 30 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Pecan-Nougat Protein 80 Plus Tin 750 g Powder / Zip look bag 500 g Powder / Zip look bag 2 kg Powder BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY 100% Casein in with e t o r p t h Overnig olic effects! b anticata Product description: •Protein formula with calcium caseinate for longer release of amino acids Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •High protein content of over 84% with pure casein (vanilla) •Highly anticatabolic •Makes you feel fuller for longer •Very high protein content from 100% pure casein •Low-fat and low-carb Recommendation: •Stir 25 g powder (1 measure scoop) in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat) or water. For breakfast, after training and ideally before bed! Information: •Casein is digested slowly and enables the constant release of amino acids into the bloodstream. Muscles can be provided with all they need to grow for up to 7 hours. Best protein release characteristics of all proteins! Pure casein also ensures low insulin release, thus producing an anticatabolic effect over a long period. In conjunction with its low fat and carbohydrate content, this product can boost the fat metabolism to a very high rate. Casein’s special biochemical characteristics can only reveal their full potential in a completely pure product. Weider 100% Casein is produced using cutting-edge manufacturing methods and offers top quality for your training success. 100% Casein is therefore ideal for your last meal of the day before going to bed, or as a snack between meals in the definition phase. It is also perfect for protecting the muscles during tough training units to burn fat. Ideal alternative to low-fat curd cheese or cottage cheese! Casein makes up the major protein fraction in milk, constituting around 80% of milk proteins. Caseins have special nutritional and functional characteristics that set them apart from other milk proteins. The genetically determined structure of the casein enables each gram of casein to bind to up to 4 g of water. This results in the formula’s very creamy consistency, which contributes to its delicious taste and makes you feel fuller for longer. Benefit: •Very high content of 100% pure casein •< 1 g fat and carbohydrates per serving •Supplies the body with amino acids for up to 7 hours Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates Protein Fat * 30 g powder in 300 ml water Flavour: Vanilla 0.8 g 21.2 g 0.3 g 0g NEW: 50 g! ba Zip look VANILLA- CREAM FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE CREAM FLAVOUR RED BERRYCREAM FLAVOUR NEW! CHOCOLATECOCONUT FLAVOUR 100% Casein Tin 1.8 kg Powder / Zip look bag 500 g Powder 17 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Premium Whey Protein Product description: •High biological whey protein Training phase: • Definition phase • Strength build-up phase •Muscle build-up phase Product features: •Whey protein isolate • Microfiltered whey protein concentrate • Free-form glutamine • Aspartame free Recommendation: •One serving = 30 g powder in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat) or water. Premium Whey Protein is absorbed by the body very quickly. Drink it preferably after workout. mine 2 g gluta ng! i per serv STRACCIATELLA FLAVOUR VANILLA- CARAMEL FLAVOUR CHOCOLATENOUGAT FLAVOUR FRESH-BANANA FLAVOUR STRAWBERRYVANILLA FLAVOUR Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 16.9 g Protein 33 g Fat 6.4 g * 30 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Chocolate-Nougat 18 Premium Whey Protein Tin 2.3 kg Powder / Zip look bag 500 g Powder BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY CFM Whey Protein Product description: •CFM whey protein isolate Training phase: •Definition phase Product features: • Unique CFM technology • Isolates contain over 90% protein as dry mass • This isolate is therefore low-fat and low-carb (less than 1 g carbohydrates and fat per 100 g) • Aspartame free Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 15.6 g Protein 34.8 g Fat 5.4 g * 30 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Chocolate Recommendation: • One serving = 30 g powder in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat) or water. Information: • CFM Whey Protein is a top protein for ambitious athletes. It is more than just a protein product for definition. It also supports the regeneration process. CFM is produced using a unique process known as cross-flow microfiltration. This produces isolate, which contain over 90% protein as dry mass. d Patente ng turi c a f u n a m ! process CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAWBERRY NATURAL FLAVOUR FLAVOUR FLAVOUR FLAVOUR CFM Whey Protein Tin 908 g Powder 19 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Fruit Isolate Product description: •Fruit Isolate is a powder formula to be mixed with water in order to make a high-protein drink with whey protein isolate and vitamins Training phase: •Definition phase Product features: •Means you won’t lose muscle when on a diet •Whey protein isolate has a very high biological quality •Biological quality is according to Chemical Score FNB = 132 •Whey protein isolate is absorbed very quickly by the body •Isolate means > 90% protein as dry mass •Aspartame free •No added sugar •ZERO-CARB and ZERO-FAT Recommendation: •Drink 1- 2 servings a day. Preferable after your workout. Information: •Fruit Isolate has been developed to be mixed with water. As milk can bloat the skin up in the definition phase, many bodybuilders mix their shakes with water. It’s possible to mix vanilla or chocolate-flavour protein with water but the taste isn’t the best. The fruity taste of Fruit Isolate leads the muscles to become overloaded with protein. When dieting, it’s important to flood the muscles with amino acids, otherwise you could lose muscle mass. The whey protein isolate is split into amino acids quickly and can therefore flood into the muscles almost immediately. ey 100% wh ate! isol protein Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates Protein Fat * 30 g powder in 300 ml water Flavour: Red Fruits RED FRUITS FLAVOUR 20 Fruit Isolate Tin 908 g Powder 0.9 g 24.5 g < 0.1 g TYPE SG DEFINITION PHASE Gold Whey VANILLA Product description: Information: •Whey protein drink mix powder Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase (when mixed with water) Product features: •Provides for your body more protein than carbohydrates •With 23 g of BCAAs and 2.2 g cysteine per 100 g protein •Produced using ultra filtration, making it readily resorbed by the body •Supports your build-up and muscle phase •Improves fat burning in the definition phase due to its low carbohydrate content Recommendation: FRESH FLAVOUR •Gold Whey contains globulins and glycomacropeptides which are bioactive substances. Similar to probiotics or omega-3 fatty acids, constitutional properties are attributed to them. The product also contains beta- and alpha lactoglobulins, an energy source; these regulate the acidbase balance. In addition, immunoglobulins strengthen the body´s defences and glycomacropeptides control the appetite. WEIDER´s Gold Whey does not solidify and does not become thicker after being stirred, thus ensuring ideal absorption of the nutrients. Of course, the product is LOW-FAT and LOW-SUGAR. MILK CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR STRAWBERRYCREAM FLAVOUR BANANA SPLIT FLAVOUR MANGO- Benefit: •Gold Whey is produced through ultrafiltration. It contains because of the high protein content all key elements of whey protein and has a high protein amount of 80 g per 100 g product. FLAVOUR STRACCIATELLA •One serving = 30 g powder in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat) or water. Drink one shake in the morning just after getting up for the anabolic start in the day and one shake directly after workout. •Mix with milk in the build-up phase and mix with water in the definition phase. FLAVOUR A per A C B g 23 tein! o r p g 0 10 Nutritional facts Gold Whey Tin 908 g Powder / Zip look bag 500 g Powder/ Zip look bag 2 kg Powder per serving* Carbohydrates Protein Fat * 30 g powder in 300 ml water Flavour: Milk Chocolate 2.6 g 24 g 1.8 g 21 Soy 80+ Protein Product description: •Soy protein isolate with over 90% protein as dry mass Training phase: •Definition phase • For people who are lactose-intolerant Product features: •Soy protein isolate • Very high level of protein • Lactose free and aspartame free • 35 g protein per serving • Plus 8 vitamins • Plus calcium Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 14.3 g Protein 35.4 g Fat 5.6 g * 30 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Vanilla Recommendation: •One serving = 30 g powder in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat), soy protein or water. One serving per day. Information: •If you wish to increase your muscle mass, one food group is absolutely essential – protein. Soy 80+ Protein from Weider contains > 83 g soy protein in 100 g powder (vanilla flavour). The benefits of an isolate in comparison to a concentrate are that the protein content is higher (over 90% as dry mass) and therefore also contains less fat and fewer carbohydrates. This makes it particularly well suited to preventing the degeneration of muscle mass during a diet and optimising fat burning. Soy 80+ Protein is a high-quality source of protein, whose high biological value is comparable with animal protein. This means is it an excellent source of protein for vegans too! Soy 80+ Protein Tin 800 g Powder VANILLA FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY VANILLA CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR FLAVOUR NSP Nitrostack Protein® Product description: •Multi-component protein plus vitamins, minerals and the enzymes papain and bromelain Training phase: •Strength build-up phase •Mass build-up phase Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 14.6 g Protein 35.6 g Fat 5.4 g Papain 43.5 mg Bromelain 43.5 mg * 30 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Vanilla Product features: •Ideal for softgainer because it provides protein quickly and over a long period of time •Weider’s NSP has combined the positive characteristics of four sources of protein – milk, whey, soy and egg protein Recommendation: •One serving = 30 g powder in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat). •Ensure you consume three meals a day in accordance with the nutritional recommendations. • The best time to consume this is after your workout. The muscles that have been trained are then provided quickly with plenty of slow-release amino acids in the recovery phase. Depending on when you do your workout, you should either drink the second shake in the morning (if you train in the evening) or before going to bed (if you train the morning). Information: •Enzymes are “biological catalysts”. If you train frequently, they can help your body with supercompensation and help it to make best use of the protein. FLAVOUR 22 NSP Nitrostack Protein® Tin 750 g Powder FLAVOUR TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Suitable ! ns for vega BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Muscle Protein Drink® Product description: •Protein drink with milk protein in the relation of protein and carbs 50:40 Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase (as post-workout drink) Product features: •Provides more protein than carbohydrates – 50 g protein and 40 g carbs •With 1050 mg calcium •One drink covers 130% of your calcium requirements. Calcium is important for good muscle contraction and athletes have a particularly high calcium requirement (healthy bones) •It is a quick post-workout drink for all active athletes – even in the definition phase Recommendation: •One bottle after workout. Also ideal as a high-protein snack during the day. Information: •Muscle Protein Drink® improves fat burning in the definition phase due to its low carb content. Calcium links fat intestinal and inhibits fat resorption in this way. After hard workouts the drink reduces your phase of regeneration and improves your well-being. VANILLA- CREAM FLAVOUR SMOOTH CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR FRUITY STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR TOFFEE- CARAMEL FLAVOUR Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Calcium Flavour: Strawberry per bottle 40 g 50 g 0.6 g 1050 mg Muscle Protein Drink® Bottle 500 ml. 23 TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE Hardcore Whey® Product description: •Powder to mix a protein drink with vitamin B6 and sweeteners Training phase: • Strength build-up phase •Mass build-up phase Product features: •The special formula ensures that the body is provided with both carbohydrates and protein • Rapid resorption of whey protein plus egg protein • Gelatine free • Aspartame free Recommendation: •One serving = 30 g powder in 300 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat) or water. Information: •Whey protein is quickly absorbed into the muscles, meaning that the body receives the high amount of essential amino acids that it needs, egg protein has been added to provide sulphur amino acids. Cysteine is important for a healthy immune system, which can be sapped if you have a tough training regime. In addition, protein synthesis does not break down if the body is provided with all the essential amino acids. Protein synthesis is the process of building natural protein (muscle). If this process is disrupted or breaks down, it is not possible to build up muscle mass. s whey n i a t n o C tein! o r p g g and e Benefit: •Hardcore Whey® contains rapidly resorbed protein and just the right amount of fast-release carbohydrates. The latter give you energy for your workout and prevent valuable protein being used as fuel for your body. Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 24 g Protein 25.5 g Fat 5.9 g Vitamin B6 0.9 mg Calcium 468 mg * 30 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Vanilla-Cream VANILLA- CREAM FLAVOUR DOUBLE-RICHCHOCOLATE FLAVOUR STRAWBERRYLIME FLAVOUR 24 Hardcore Whey® Tin 3.178 kg Powder BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY 32% Whey-Wafer elicious d r u o f In ! flavours Product description: •Bar with 32% protein, crunchy wafer and chocolate coating Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Mass build-up phase Product feature: •Tasty, crunchy wafer bar that provides the body with protein it requires for gaining muscle and provides energy in the form of carbohydrates Recommendation: •Enjoy a wafer bar every day as a reward for your tough workout or as a snack between meals. Information: •The 32% whey-wafer contains high-quality whey protein for a fast supply of protein. The calorie content of 180 kcal per bar makes it one of the most effective bars for replenishing nutrients after workout. Benefit: •This wafer bar is ideal for people who want to gain on mass and muscles and has a great, light taste. The 32% Whey-Wafer combines crunchy wafers with high-quality protein and tenderly melting chocolate. At the same time, it provides the body with high-quality nutrients. VANILLA- YOGHURT FLAVOUR STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR 32% Whey-Wafer Bar 35 g CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR STRACCIATELLA FLAVOUR 25 TYPE SG DEFINITION PHASE Low Carb High Protein Bar Product description: •Low-carb bar with 40 g protein tein 40 g pro ! per bar Training phase: •Definition phase Product features: •The high amount of protein works against the loss of muscle mass •Low sugar content STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR Recommendation: •One bar per day. Information: •The bar contains depending on the flavour only 2-4 g net carbs per bar. This ensures an even release of energy. Standard bars can contain up to 40 g net carbs. The fewer net carbs you consume in the definition phase, the better. The milk protein in the bar provides your body with a lasting supply of protein and protects the muscles from depletion. Soy protein isolate has been proven to support the definition phase. Isolates contain hardly any carbohydrates or fat when compared to concentrates. NEW: ! 50 g bar RED FRUITS FLAVOUR LATTE MACCHIATO FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR STRACCIATELLA FLAVOUR PEANUT- Low Carb High Protein Bar Bar 50 g / Bar 100 g CARAMEL FLAVOUR Double Pro Bar Product description: •Double layer bar with 28 g protein Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase tein o r p g 8 2 per bar! Product feature: •Protein and energy bars don’t get more delicious than this Recommendation: •Enjoy after a workout or as a snack in the afternoon! CITRUS- COCONUT FLAVOUR 26 Double Pro Bar Bar 100 g HAZELNUTBANANA FLAVOUR BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY 32% Protein Bar Product description: •Bar with carbohydrates and protein Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase VANILLA Product features: FLAVOUR •50% less fat than a standard chocolate bar •High in protein Recommendation: STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR •Ideal as a snack before and after workout. BANANA FLAVOUR te in i b y l p m Si y! and enjo BLUEBERRYMUFFIN FLAVOUR COOKIES & CREAM FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR WHITE CHOCOLATEBANANA FLAVOUR 32% Protein Bar Bar 60 g 42% Maximum Protein Bar Product description: •100 g bar with 42 g protein Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase 42 g s n i a t n Co r bar! e p n i e t pro Product features: •More protein than carbs •One bar provides 25% of the daily protein requirements for an 80 kg bodybuilder Recommendation: •If you don’t have time to mix yourself a shake, this bar is the ideal alternative for a second breakfast. You can have up to two bars per day. Information: •With significantly more protein than carbs, this is perfect for increasing the muscle mass. Weighing in at 100 g, the Maximum Protein Bar is almost a meal in itself! VANILLA FLAVOUR 42% Maximum Protein Bar Bar 100 g STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR 27 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Whey Amino Caps Product description: •Capsules with high-quality whey protein hydrolysate Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Provides the body with quickly available amino acids •High biological value •Protects the muscles •Supports recovery •Enhanced muscle growth •Whey Aminos Caps are capsules with quickly available amino acids. Highly effective product in every training phase. Our Whey Amino Caps are composed of pure whey protein hydrolysate. The whey protein hydrolysate provides the body with the highest possible amount of amino acids. The use of Whey Amino Caps before workout helps to avoid muscle reduction for energy recovery. A longer workout is possible! The use directly after workout accelerates the regeneration through the quick supply of amino acids. The easy dosability allows a protein supply in small servings all day long. This is especially important during definition phase. Whey Amino Caps are a perfect source for amino acids. They deliver amino acids and are low-carb and low-fat in comparison to protein-rich foodstuff. Recommendation: •10 capsules per day. 5 capsules before and 5 capsules after training. nt for e i r t u n t Fas cles! s u m r u yo Nutritional facts Brennwert Carbohydrates Protein Fat 28 Information: per 10 capsules 162 kJ/39 kcal 0.4 g 7.7 g 0.6 g Whey Amino Caps Tin 280 Capsules TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE Whey Aminos Product description: •Tablets with whey protein hydrolysate Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: ey Pure wh sate! droly y h n i e t pro •High biological value •Protects the muscles •Supports the regeneration process •Provides the body with rapidly available amino acids Recommendation: •6 tablets after workout. Information: •Whey Aminos are rapidly available amino acids in tablet form. They are highly versatile in the strength and muscle-building phases, as well as during the definition phase. Taking Whey Aminos before your workout can help to prevent the decomposition of muscles for energy by the body, enabling a longer workout. If you take them after your workout, the quickly absorbed amino acids enable faster regeneration. Your muscles can therefore adapt quickly to the stresses and strains of a tough workout without needing to resort to carbohydrates. Benefit: •Whey Aminos are the ideal supplement for amino acids because they enable you to increase your protein consumption without boosting your carbohydrate or fat intake. Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Whey Aminos Tin 300 Tablets per 6 tablets 0.6 g 7g 0.5 g 29 TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE Speed Booster Plus 2 Product description: •Ampoule with 1650 mg guarana, 550 mg arginine, 558 mg ornithine, 55 mg methionine and 440 mg taurine per serving Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength phase •Definition phase (low-carb) Product features: •Provides low-sugar, immediate and lasting energy •Provides the muscles being trained with nutrients to support circulation •With “Powerlifter” for your muscles •Rids the muscle of by-products from the metabolic process: Speed Booster Plus 2 provides that added kick to get you going during workout Recommendation: •One ampoule 15 minutes before workout. Information: •Guarana contains natural caffeine, which has a delayed release. For you, this means an on-going source of strength. The guarana in Speed Booster Plus 2 provides 165 mg caffeine per serving. This is the same as in three cups of coffee. Caffeine can stimulate the breakdown of lipids and also gives you more energy for workout. Arginine and ornithine improve the circulation of blood within the muscle tissue, giving your muscles a hard pump! Taurine opens up the cells for faster action. Methionine prepares for protein synthesis after workout. Only 5 g carbo hydrates per serving! Nutritional facts per serving (25 ml) Carbohydrates Protein Fat Guarana Extract Caffeine Arginine Ornithine Methionine Taurine 4.6 g 2.9 g < 0.1 g 1650 mg 157 mg 550 mg 558 mg 55 mg 440 mg ing Fast act ting! la s and long LEMON-COLA FLAVOUR 30 Speed Booster Plus 2 20 Ampoules à 25 ml TYPE SG DEFINITION PHASE Amino Blast Mega Forte Product description: Product features: Training phase: Recommendation: •Ampoule with a high proportion of amino acids from whey protein hydrolysate and added arginine and ornithine •Muscle build-up phase • Definition phase •13900 mg amino acids per ampoule •Arginine and ornithine for muscle pump even when you’re on a diet •Drink 1/3 of the ampoule per day, preferably before workout or before going to bed. Information: •Amino Blast Mega Forte contains per ampoule 13900 mg of amino acids from whey protein hydrolysate. Of which: 3000 mg arginine, 3000 mg ornithine and 1800 mg BCAAs. It contains only 2.5 g carbohydrates and less than 0.1 g fat per ampoule. It provides the muscles being trained quickly and supports the build up of muscle mass and strength. Amino Blast Mega Forte increases fat burning and muscle maintenance in the definition phase as a result of its low level of carbohydrates and high level of amino acids. Nutritional facts per serving Carbohydrates Protein Fat Arginine Ornithine 0.8 g 3.4 g < 0.1 g 1000 mg 1000 mg APPLEFLAVOUR g 13900 m s cid amino a le! ou per amp Amino Blast Mega Forte 20 Ampoules à 25 ml 31 Amino NOX® Product description: •Tablets with all the essential amino acids and alginic acid (PTK) you need Information: •Amino NOX® supplies the body with all the key essential amino acids that it cannot produce itself and which need to be added to the diet as Training phase: supplements in order to ensure ideal •Muscle build-up phase muscle growth. The most important •Strength build-up phase BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) •Definition phase for muscle growth are leucine, valine and isoleucine. Per serving 3000 mg Product features: BCAA! In high doses, these BCAAs •Protects your muscles in the diet phase protect the muscles from •Increases the muscle build-up deterioration during a diet (important!) •Increases strength and stamina and, in combination with the other •Improves the supply of oxygen essential amino acids, accelerate and nutrients to the muscles countless metabolic processes and •Feel the “pump” during the workout protein synthesis, which is vital for muscle growth. The additional alginic Recommendation: acid (PTK) improves the oxygen •Preferable 4 tablets (6510 mg of amino acids, supply, accelerating the transport of includes 3000 mg BCAA!) 45 min. before workout. oxygen from the blood plasma to the Take on non-training days 4 tablets in the morning. muscle cells. This results in increased performance during training, a better pump in the muscles and improved Nutritional facts per 4 tablets absorption of nutrients. Carbohydrates 0.1 g Protein Fat Leucine Isoleucine Valine PTK kout! 7g 0.2 g 1224 mg 696 mg 1086 mg 40 mg Amino NOX® Tin 120 Tablets Pure Amino Egg Product description: •Hydrolysed egg protein tablets Information: •Egg white is one of the most effective sources of protein for a professional definition stage. Training phase: Successful bodybuilders •Definition phase consume large quantities of egg •Strength build-up phase white before a competition to •Muscle build-up phase meet their protein needs. The practical Pure Amino Egg tablets Product features: contain pure hydrolysed egg white •Contains the amino acid balance of pure egg white and allow bodybuilders to •Lower fat and carbohydrate content precisely control their intake •Supports muscle growth and maintains of protein, almost entirely muscle mass independent of their fat and •Ideal protein supply during the definition stage carbohydrate intake. Pure Amino and before a competition Egg stimulates muscle growth •High cysteine and methionine content without storing water under the skin, thus making muscle mass Recommendation: more visible. •Five tablets following each workout. Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Cysteine Methionine 32 Pre-Wor per 5 tablets 0.6 g 5.8 g 0.1 g 132 mg 219 mg Pure Amino Egg Tin 300 Tablets ource s l a e d i The in! of prote BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE CAA B g m 0 300 plus g n i v r e s per mp! more pu BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Amino Essential Product description: •Highly dosed capsules with all essential amino acids ntial e s s e g Training phase: 6492 m per serving! •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase cids • Definition phase amino a Product features: out! k r o •Rapid supply with highly dosed essential W t Pos amino acids •Can support the anabolic effect of an intense strength workout •Regeneration can be positively influenced •A stimulation of the immune system is possible Recommendation: • 6 capsules per day. Information: •The human body needs proteins for the build-up of muscles and for the maintenance of muscles. Protein consists of various amino acids. The intake especially of the essential amino acids improves the growth of muscles. Moreover, amino acids can shorten the regeneration time of the muscular structure. Particularly leucine, one of the essential amino acids, ensures that the storage emptied after workout is quickly replenished. This means that the muscle can start building-up new substance again faster. And increased intake of amino acids can stimulate the body´s own hormone system thereby enhancing the building-up of muscle mass. People who train at a high level, burn proteins (amino acids) along with carbohydrates. In this case amino acids are indispensable to prevent catabolic effects. Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Leucine Phenylalanine Lysine Valine Isoleucine Threonine Methionine Tryptophane per 6 capsules 0g 7.1 g 0.1 g 1224 mg 1044 mg 1176 mg 870 mg 696 mg 696 mg 612 mg 174 mg Amino Essential Tin 102 Capsules / 204 Capsules 33 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Amino Drink Powder Product description: • Amino Drink Powder is a water-based beverage with 30 g of whey protein isolate per bottle Training phase: • Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase Product features: • Provides the body with a fast source of amino acids from whey protein isolate (30 g of pure protein per serving) • 30 g of pure protein per serving • Zero-carb, zero-fat • Whey protein isolate has a very high biological quality • Contains < 1% lactose • Aspartame free Recommendation: • Stir 1 serving = 25 g powder in 300 ml of water. On workout days a dose before and one serving after training. Information: • The WEIDER Amino Drink Powder is suitable as a pre- and post-workout drink. With its very high level of BCAA, it protects the muscles from deteriorating during training and supports regeneration processes and muscle development after your workout. The WEIDER Amino Drink Powder contains pure whey protein isolate – no carbohydrates, sugar or fat. Because it’s a water-based drink, it does not make you feel full and provides a fast source of whey protein isolate with a BCAA content of 23%. This means your body is provided with a fast source of the amino acids it needs, without making you feel full. Depending on the training phase, the athlete can add carbohydrates in the form of fruit or carbohydrate supplements. The drink provides the key nutrient protein in a very high and pure quality. ! W E N 0 mg 0 5 9 1 s e i Suppl per s d i c a o amin serving! PEACH FLAVOUR Nutritional facts per serving* Energy 369 kJ/88 kcal Protein 19.5 g - of which BCAAs 4.7 g Carbohydrates 1.1 g Fat 0.3 g Content of added free amino acids L-Glutamine 750 mg L-Leucine 250 mg L-Isoleucine 125 mg L-Valine 125 mg * 25 g powder in 300 ml water 34 Amino Drink Powder Tin 500 g Powder TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE Amino Power Liquid Product description: •Water-based protein hydrolysate to drink Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase Product features: •Water-based protein hydrolysate concentrate with leucine, taurine and vitamin B6 •Provides your body with quickly available amino acids •Supports regeneration •Aspartame free Information: •Amino Power Liquid is a liquid protein hydrolysate concentrate for supply the trained muscles. The used the protein enables a quick resorption of the amino acids in the muscles. The regeneration process is enhanced by taking Amino Power Liquid directly after your workout. Thereby the workout stimulus can be quicker transformed into muscle mass. The added free form leucine in conjunction with vitamin B6 boosts the protein synthesis and supports the muscle growth. Recommendation: •3 servings per day. Preferably 1 serving before workout and 2 servings directly after workout. r body u o y s e Provid a ble l i a v a y l ck with qui o acids! amin avours! l f w e n 2 NEW! CRANBERRY FLAVOUR NEW! ENERGY FLAVOUR MANDARINE FLAVOUR COLA FLAVOUR Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Taurine Leucine Flavour: Cola Amino Power Liquid Bottle 1000 ml per serving (15 ml) 1.4 g 7.7 g < 0.1 g 188 mg 390 mg 35 TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE NOS-X10® Product description: Recommendation: •Muscle build-up phase •One serving = 40 g powder in 400 ml water. For the best effect, drink 40 minutes before workout. •Tip: Fill the shaker with powder, fill it with water 40 minutes before your workout, shake and drink! Product features: Information: •Pre-workout drink for maximum muscle pump Training phase: •With arginine for maximum pump – body converts it into nitrogen monoxide •With 14840 mg of amino acids per serving •Fast-release and slow-release energy •Contains taurine, caffeine and niacin •Fat free •With vitamin C and glutamine for health and regeneration •Each bodybuilder loves the pump in the muscles during and after the workout. In order to achieve this pump, the muscles must be trained and pumped up with nitric oxide during workout. The abbreviation of nitric oxide is NO. Nitrogen is a main compound of protein. Oxide is built by oxygen. So, NO is a gas from nitrogen and oxygen. It provides an expansion of the muscle cell for the brutal pump. The body gets the NO from arginine. NOS-X10® contains a high NO amount! So that you always have energy for workout, a novel carbohydrate is used = Isomaltulose. It delivers long term energy without straining the gastro-intestinal-section during workout. NOS-X10® should be ingested in the break of KREA-GENIC®. However you can combine it also with the Maximum Krea-Genic capsules or KREA-GENIC® Powder Formula. Effective ! te r NO-boos Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates Protein Fat Glutamine Taurine Arginine Leucine Isoleucine Valine Caffeine * 40 g powder in 400 ml water ORANGE FLAVOUR 36 NOS-X10® Tin 908 g Powder 22.9 g 7.3 g 0g 3200 mg 2000 mg 5000 mg 1200 mg 0.6 g 600 mg 160 mg TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE Anabolic Shock Product description: • Powder drink formula with high-quality whey protein hydrolysate, free amino acids, vitamins, minerals and a high dose of beta-ecdysterone Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase Product features: • Provides a source of fast-release amino acids for muscle growth • Supplies the body with the ideal balance of amino acids with added free L-leucine and beta-alanine • Increases the carnosine level in the muscle cells for improved stamina when training • Supplies the body with ecdysterone from highly concentrated spinach extract • Stimulates the release of growth hormones and protein synthesis • Accelerates muscle growth • Shortens regeneration times Information: • Anabolic Shock offers a complex of nutrients that has been specifically designed for fast muscle growth. During an intensive muscle-building workout, your muscle cells often experience a severe depletion of leucine. The addition of free L-leucine compensates for this depletion, thus protecting the body’s own protein reserves. As a result, less muscle protein is added to the amino acid pool, which means that the additional protein can be used for the bulking-up of muscle mass even more quickly. Anabolic Shock also provides a high dose of beta-alanine, which significantly increases the amount of carnosine in the muscles in combination with the histidine in the formula. This means you can do more reps at higher weights. y with d o b r u o y ne Provides beta-ecdystero pure 250 mg per serving! Recommendation: • Stir 1 serving = 30 g powder into 300 ml of skimmed- milk and drink after workout. Drink 1 serving after waking up on gym-free days. NEW! 80 mg 9 1 s n i a t C on free-form and nine beta-ala ine L-leuc ing! per serv CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR Nutritional facts per serving* Energy 1090 kJ/259 kcal Protein 30.9 g Carbohydrates 16.8 g - of which Sugars 15.1 g Fat 7g L-Leucine 1980 mg Beta-Alanine 1980 mg Beta-Ecdysterone 250 mg Alginic Acid (PTK) 40 mg * 30 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Anabolic Shock Tin 1.36 kg Powder 37 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Muscle Recovery Product description: •Capsules with glutamine in combination with BCAAs Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Enhanced muscle growth •Higher muscle strength •Supports recovery •Supports the body´s defences •Helps to avoid overtraining Recommendation: •3 capsules daily. During workout days right after workout. Information: •Muscle Recovery combines the muscle protecting properties of BCAAs with the muscle-regenerating properties of glutamine for the very first time. With its effective combination of nutrients, Muscle Recovery is highly anabolic, meaning strength and muscle mass are maintained in the definition phase. Benefit: •Provides the body with 1800 mg glutamine and 1800 mg BCAAs per serving •Ideal ratio of amino acids (RECOVERY COMPLEX) Nutritional facts Energy Protein Carbohydrates Fat Glutamine Leucine Isoleucine Valine 38 per 6 capsules 144 kJ/34 kcal 8.2 g 0g < 0.1 g 3600 mg 1800 mg 900 mg 900 mg Muscle Recovery Tin 180 Capsules Strong bolic anti-cata a! formul BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Arginine X-Plode® Product description: •Powder to be mixed into a pre-workout drink with high arginine content and ornithine + PTK to enhance muscle contraction Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Enhances muscle contraction •Improves blood flow and supplies muscles with nutrients •Increases vascularity •Also contains tyrosine and lysine amino acids •Caffeine free Recommendation: •One serving = mix 30 g powder with 300 ml water and drink before each workout. Information: •Arginine X-Plode® expands blood vessels, which supply muscle tissue with nutrients, increasing blood flow through the muscles and considerably boosting muscle contraction during workouts. Arginine X-Plode® contains alginic acid, a phase transfer catalyst (PTK), to improve the muscles’ ability to absorb oxygen. The increased supply of oxygen allows muscles to work effectively and to full capacity throughout the workout. Arginine X-Plode® optimises blood flow through the muscles, causing the blood vessels just below the skin to visibly bulge. rnithine o g 2 + ine 4 g argin ving for pump! per ser EXOTIC FRUITS FLAVOUR Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates Protein Fat Arginine Ornithine Tyrosine Lysine * 30 g powder in 300 ml water 18.4 g 8.5 g < 0.01 g 4000 mg 2000 mg 2000 mg 500 mg Arginine X-Plode® Tin 500 g Powder 39 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Arginine + Ornithine 4.000 Product description: • Capsules with L-arginine and L-ornithine to boost muscle pump and increase the release of growth hormones Training phase: •Strength build-up phase •Muscle build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: • Boosts muscle pump • Improves circulation and the supply of nutrients to the muscles • Increases vascularity • Improves efficacy of post-workout nutrition • Has a positive effect on the release of growth hormones • Boosts the body’s own arginine reserves • Arginine + Ornithine 4.000 is the targeted combination of L-arginine and L-ornithine in capsule form. The addition of L-ornithine boosts your body’s arginine reserves, allowing the free L-arginine to achieve its full potential. The combination of L-arginine and L-ornithine promotes the vasodilation that provides the muscles with nutrients. If you work out with L-arginine and L-ornithine, your body stores glycogen more easily after workout because the nutrients you take after working out are absorbed more effectively by the muscle cells. Taking Arginine + Ornithine 4.000 strengthens the immune system and accelerates wound healing. The higher risk of catching cold that goes hand in hand with a low-calorie diet is thus significantly reduced. Recommendation: • Three capsules before workout and three capsules before going to bed. Take in the morning after getting up on training-free days. ou t k r o w t s Be results! NEW! Nutritional facts Energy Protein Carbohydrates Fat L-Arginine L-Ornithine 40 Information: per 6 capsules 46 kJ/11 kcal 2.5 g 0g 0g 2000 mg 2000 mg Arginine + Ornithine 4.000 Tin 180 Capsules BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Premium BCAA Powder Product description: • Powder formula with L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine and L-glutamine NEW! Training phase: •Definition phase •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase Product features: • Supplies the body with synthetic L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine in the highly effective ratio of 2:1:1 • Also contains L-glutamine • Enables carefully controlled intake of BCAAs without having to resort to capsules • Protects muscles from wear and tear • Accelerates regeneration • Combats overtraining • Supports muscle growth Recommendation: • Stir 1 serving = 10 g powder into 200 ml water. Take before working out. p by u d l i u b scle Fast mu d L-glutamine! n BCAAs a Information: • Weider Premium BCAA Powder enables you to control your intake of synthetically manufactured BCAAs. For this reason, it is particularly well suited to covering the increased requirements of bodybuilders. Using BCAA supplements is of particular importance for weightlifters and bodybuilders in order to protect wear and tear on the muscles caused by training. The BCAAs have been supplemented with the amino acid L-glutamine, which supports the muscle-protecting properties of BCAAs with the regeneration-promoting characteristics of glutamine. In combination with L-glutamine, BCAAs also stimulate the immune response and improve the body’s ability to regenerate, significantly shortening recuperation times after training and enabling muscle mass to be built up more quickly. CHERRYFLAVOUR EXOTIC PUNCH FLAVOUR Nutritional facts per serving* Energy 153 kJ/36 kcal Protein 7.7 g Carbohydrates 0.6 g Fat < 0.1 g L-Leucine 3000 mg L-Isoleucine 1500 mg L-Valine 1500 mg L-Glutamine 1500 mg * 10 g powder in 200 ml water Flavour: Exotic Punch Premium BCAA Powder Tin 500 g Powder 41 TYPE SG DEFINITION PHASE ree! f e n i t a l Ge BCAA Tablets Information: Product description: •Tablets with a high level of branched-chain amino acids Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase Product features: •Only contains purely synthetic amino acids •Protects the muscles •Enables more intensive training •Supports the regeneration process •Helps you avoid overtraining •Provides a highly effective ratio of isoleucine to leucine and valine Recommendation: •5 tablets before and after workout. Nutritional facts per 5 tablets Carbohydrates Protein Fat Leucine Isoleucine Valine < 0.1 g 5g < 0.1 g 2500 mg 1250 mg 1250 mg •BCAA tablets contain synthetic branched-chain amino acids which help provide nutrients to the muscles being trained. The amino acids are available in free form and can therefore be absorbed by the body particularly quickly. Taking these tablets before workout prevents muscle fatigue, enabling you to work out more intensively for longer. At the same time, the muscles are protected during training, leading to a minimised decomposition of muscle substance. Taking these tablets after your work out brings about faster regeneration thanks to the absorption of nutrients by the muscle. Taking BCAA tablets regularly before and after training goes a long way to preventing overtraining. The protective qualities of BCAA tablets should be fully exploited, especially during the definition phase. 0 ca 6 2 : W E N Benefit: •Taking BCAA tablets regularly before and after workout goes a long way to preventing overtraining. The protective qualities of BCAA tablets should be fully exploited, especially during the definition phase. BCAA Tablets Tin 130 Tablets / 260 Tablets L-Arginine Caps Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Arginine Product description: •Capsules with highly effective arginine Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase Product features: •Speeds up regeneration •Vascular dilation – more pump •An NO-booster without additional carbohydrates or caffeine •Once you´ve taken arginine, you´ll never want to train without it again Pure ! arginine Recommendation: •5 capsules before workout. On training free days 5 capsules before breakfast. Information: •Arginine is one of the most important amino acids for the human body and is responsible for countless important functions in the body. The consumption of arginine stimulates the circulation in the muscles. More nutrients are stored in the muscles and it provides an enormous pump effect. Improved circulation also means that the muscles are continuously provided with key nutrients. Taking arginine regularly before workout can lead to increased, fat-free muscle mass, more strength, stamina and better performance. Taking arginine also has a very positive effect on the recovery time for muscles. Our arginine capsules contain high-quality arginine hydrochloride and are ideal for providing all the arginine you need. 42 ps! L-Arginine Caps Tin 100 Capsules per 5 capsules 0g 5.7 g 0g 5000 mg TYPE SG DEFINITION PHASE Maximum BCAA Syntho® + PTK Product description: •Capsules with free-form branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) + PTK and tripotassium citrate Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase Product features: •The ratio of effective BCAAs is highly effective at 2:1:1 per workout 3000 mg leucine, 1500 mg isoleucine, 1500 mg valine per serving •Protect the muscles and improve absorption of the nutrients by the muscles •PTK improves the absorption of oxygen by the muscles •Tripotassium citrate decomposes lactic acid •Vitamin B6 for improved protein synthesis Recommendation: •6 capsules before and 4 capsules directly after workout. Information: •The most important nutrients before and after a workout are the branched-chain amino acids, called leucine, isoleucine and valine. These are also present in animal food but the amounts contained may be too low for those engaging in very intensive workouts. Taking Maximum BCAA Syntho® + PTK before your workout protects against the decomposition of muscle mass. Taking it after training kicks off the natural regeneration process. For the PUMP: •Weider employs PTK, abbr. for phases transference catalyst. As the name implies, a catalyst (also known as enzyme) enables a higher nutrient-transport, in this case oxygen and nitrogen-monoxide – also known as NO (= nitrogen oxide) into the musculature. The consequence is an improved nutrient-transportation combined with the maximum PUMP. Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Leucine Isoleucine Valine IDER E W t s e Strong lus PTK! BCAAs p per 10 capsules <1g 7g <1g 3000 mg 1500 mg 1500 mg Maximum BCAA Syntho® Tin 120 Capsules / 240 Capsules 43 affeine C g m 0 9 ing! per serv Product description: •Chewable energy tablets with a high proportion of guarana extract Training phase: •Definition phase Product features: •Slows-down mental and muscular tiredness •Improves the body´s ability to concentrate and react •Improves the supply of energy from fat during workout whilst on a low-carbohydrate diet Recommendation: LEMON-COLA FLAVOUR Nutritional facts •Take 5 chewing tablets before workout. Caffeine per 5 tablets 90 mg Information: •Speed Booster chewable energy tablets with guarana provide you with long-lasting energy during training workouts. Guarana is a natural source of caffeine. The body becomes strengthened and invigorated. This means that more energy is released for intensive workout. When ingested before workout, tiredness in the muscle cells is slowed-down which means that you can train for longer and at a higher intensity. Furthermore, caffeine stimulates the break-down of fat and it can reduce surplus pounds at the same time. Speed Booster Tin 50 Tablets Tribulus Terrestris Product description: •Capsules to swallow with 600 mg of pure tribulus terrestris extract Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase ilable a v a o s l Now a sules! p a c 0 4 with 2 Produkt features: •Can increase testosterone •Supports the build-up of muscle mass and improve strength •Increases physical performance •Can shorten regeneration times after tough workouts. Recommendation: •3 capsules per day. Information: •This product IS Bodybuilding and the purest WEIDER tribulus product of all times! We are working with the purest raw material and we selected the absolute efficient one! Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Tribulus Terrestris 44 per 3 capsules < 0.01 g 0.4 g < 0.01 g 1800 mg Tribulus Terrestris Tin 120 Capsules / 240 Capsules TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Speed Booster TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE Tri-Complex Tribulus® Product description: •Capsules to swallow with tribulus terrestris and maca powder Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Can increase testosterone production = better performance when workout •Can support the build-up of muscle mass and improve strength •Can shorten regeneration times after tough workouts and improve your general sense of well-being •Can increase physical performance Recommendation: •3 capsules per day. Information: •WEIDER took 12 months of research to find the best possible formula for a tribulus product. The result is a one-of-a-kind muscle growth formula! ERD I E W t s Stronge f all time – o tribulus rmula! New fo Benefit: •Out of 80 different raw materials we selected the absolute efficient one! Nutritional facts per 3 capsules Carbohydrates Protein Fat Tribulus Terrestris Maca Powder Yam Extract 1.4 g 0.6 g 1.4 g 1800 mg 926 mg 500 mg Tri-Complex Tribulus® Box 84 Capsules / Tin 150 Capsules 45 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY HMS High Molecular Starch Product description: •100% tapioca starch to help you recover your muscle glycogen levels quickly gen o c y l g d ee High sp hesis! synt Benefit: •100% pure tapioca starch •Excellent dissolubility •Tasteless Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase Product features: •Quickly replenishes the muscle glycogen •Easy to digest •Fast resorption in the small intestine •Fast and long lasting insulin release •Replenishes the energy lost in workout Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates Protein Fat Fibres Sodium * 50 g powder in 400 ml water 39 g 0g 0g 7.5 g 0.01 g Recommendation •Stir 50 g powder in 400 ml water and drink it after the workout. Information: •HMS tapioca starch is a high molecular starch that is absolutely ideal for replenishing the muscles’ glycogen supply as quickly as possible, thanks to a special modification process. The modification in the production process enables the very quick digestion of the carbohydrate, which ensures that it reaches the small intestine straight away and can then be absorbed into the body. Taking HMS after workout leads to very quick insulin release that lasts for hours, enabling the fast restoration of glycogen levels. Ideal for combining with creatine! HMS High Molecular Starch Tin 2 kg Powder L-Glutamine Caps mine a t u l g g 1000 m psule! per ca Product description: •Capsules with 1000 mg high-quality glutamine per capsule Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Supports the immune system •Enhances the volume of muscle cells •Accelerates regeneration •Helps to avoid overtraining Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Glutamine per 10 capsules 0g 11,4 g < 0.1 g 10000 mg Recommendation: •10 capsules daily. 5 capsules before breakfast and 5 capsules immediately after the workout. To be taken in the morning before. Information: Kyowa Quality and the KQ Logo are trademarks of Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. •Glutamine is required in a highly concentrated dose for the muscle cells and for increased muscle mass. Strength workout and competitive sport can lead to deficiencies in the levels of glutamine produced by the body. This means it is important to supplement your glutamine levels in order to ensure balanced glutamine levels for the body. Taking glutamine before and after an intensive workout helps to maintain the glutamine reserves in the body during catabolic states. In addition, it is easy and quick to boost your intake with these practical capsules. Glutamine also helps to boost energy reserves and increase the ability of the muscles to regenerate. 46 L-Glutamine Caps Tin 160 Capsules TYPE HG BUILD-UP PHASE Cell Attack Product description: •A combination of Cell Attack capsules and Cell Attack powder to increase workout performance and accelerate training progress with x o b i b C om der! w o p & apsules Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase c Product features: Cell Attack – capsules •Capsules with HMB and arginine •Allows the muscles to absorb more nutrients •Supports protein synthesis Cell Attack – powder •KREA-GENIC® + glutamine + beta-alanine + PTK •Increases body strength and muscle volume •Makes workouts more effective •Stimulates muscle growth Recommendation: Cell Attack – capsules •One capsule three times a day, before workouts on training days. Cell Attack – powder •One serving per day, before workouts on training days. Information: •Cell Attack capsules contain beta-Hydroxy beta-Methylbutyric acid (HMB), which improves the protein synthesis associated with muscle metabolism. They reduce protein degradation, increase strength and accelerate muscle growth. When taken in conjunction with arginine, they continuously supply muscles with nutrients, which in turn accelerates workout progress. Cell Attack powder is taken before each workout to ensure more effective workout. Combining KREA-GENIC® and glutamine increases muscle cell volume, providing the muscle cells with more strength. Combining these with PTK and beta-alanine can optimise reps with heavier weights. Beta-alanine prevents premature muscle acidification, shortening the time between each set. Cell Attack powder intensifies muscle growth during workouts and stimulates the growth of muscle fibres. Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 22.3 g Protein 7.3 g Fat 6.4 g PTK 40 mg 5000 mg KREA-GENIC® Glutamine 3000 mg Beta-Alanine 2500 mg * 40 g powder in 400 ml water Nutritional facts per 3 capsules Carbohydrates 0g Protein 2.4 g Fat < 0.1 g Calcium Hydroxymethylbutyrate 1200 mg Arginine 2015 mg GREEN PUNCH FLAVOUR GRAPEFRUIT- BLOOD ORANGE FLAVOUR Cell Attack Combi-box Tin 90 Capsules and Bag 1.2 kg Powder 47 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Carb Blocker Product description: •Capsules with white kidney bean extract, fenugreek extract and chromium Nutritional facts per 2 capsules Catbohydrates 0.6 g Protein 0.4 g Fat < 0.1 g White Kidney Beans Extract 1000 mg Fenugreek Extract 400 mg Chromium 20 µg Training phase: •Definition phase Product features: •1000 mg kidney bean extract and 400 mg fenugreek extract per serving •Reduces absorption of long-chain carbohydrates (starch) •Maintains lipid metabolism levels by supplying carbohydrates •Increases the efficiency of a low-carb diet •Reduces cravings for sweets Recommendation: •Two capsules before a meal. Information: •Taking Carb Blocker capsules reduces the activity of the starch-hydrolysing alpha-amylase enzyme, which in turn reduces the absorption rate of the carbohydrates found in starchy foods. In this way, a large percentage of the consumed carbohydrates are not absorbed by the body. This results in reduced levels of insulin, which maintains lipid metabolism and reduces cravings. Carb Blocker capsules are therefore ideal for supplementing a low-carb diet, as they minimise the effect on lipid metabolism by supplying carbohydrates. Carb Blocker Tin 120 Capsules Maca 5.500 ality High qu er! wd maca po Product description: •Maca 5.500 are capsules with high-quality maca powder to increase performance Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Increases the body’s stamina •Improves concentration •Intensifies workout motivation •Supports the body´s defences •Higher muscle strength Recommendation: •5 capsules daily. Nutritional facts per 5 capsules Carbohydrates 3.5 g Protein 1.4 g Fat 0.1 g Maca Powder (Lepidium Meyenii) 5500 mg Information: •Taking maca 5.500 helps combat tiredness and improves concentration during training. The muscles can then be subjected to more strain for the duration of the training unit! The ingredients can help stimulate testosterone production, which helps boost strength and supports the formation of muscle mass. 5 capsules per day will enable you to intensify your training units, thereby improving regeneration and continually boosting your performance. Benefit: •5500 mg pure maca powder per 5 capsules •High-quality ingredients 48 ze Neutrali carbs! Maca 5.500 Tin 120 Capsules BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY L-Glutamine® re 100% pu ! e glutamin Product description: •Pure, high-quality glutamine powder drink formula Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase Product features: •Supports the regeneration process • Boosts the immune system • Increases the muscle cell volume • Helps you avoid overtraining Recommendation: •Take 1 serving daily. To be taken directly after workout and just before breakfast on your days-off. Nutritional facts per serving* Carbohydrates 0g Protein 5g Fat 0g Glutamine 5000 mg * 5 g powder in 100 ml water Information: •Our glutamine is 100% pure, high-quality glutamine. Kyowa Quality and the KQ Logo are trademarks of Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. L-Glutamine® Tin 400 g Powder High Mineral Stack + Calcium – ium Magnes 1! ratio 2: Product description: •Capsules with high-dose minerals and trace elements Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Combats sports-related mineral deficiencies • Ideal ratio of calcium to magnesium Recommendation: •2 capsules per day. Information: •Calcium – for strong bones •Iron – for oxygen transport •Magnesium – relaxes the muscles •Zinc – for the fat, sugar and protein metabolisms •Iodine – essential for a healthy thyroid gland •Chromium and selenium Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat Calcium Iron Magnesium Zinc Iodine Chromium Vitamin D Selenium per 2 capsules <1g <1g <1g 400 mg 8.4 mg 188 mg 10 mg 150 µg 40 µg 5 µg 55.1 µg Benefit •If you work out intensively more than three times a week and also stick to a strict diet, you will find it very difficult to cover your body’s requirements of minerals and trace elements. This is why Weider has developed this product for you in capsule form with high concentrations of the most im portant minerals. High Mineral Stack Tin 120 Capsules 49 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Super Nova Caps Green Tea Extract: •The extract of green tea has long been known for its immune-and antioxidant effect. A matter of particular interest are contained in the extract polyphenols (including EGCG - epigallocatechin gallate) and caffeine. Because of the highly concentrated EGCG the thermogenic system and the fat oxidation of the body could be stimulated over a period of 24 hours. Caffeine: •Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. It has the effect of temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness. Caffeine also breaks down fat, freeing fatty acids which are immediately burned. When caffeine is consumed prior to exercise the conversion of fat to energy is about 30 percent more efficient. Citrus Aurantium Extract: •It has been used for thousands of years in traditional chinese medicine to improve overall health. That is, until recently, when science discovered compounds (the most well-known being synephrine) from these fruits demonstrated equally powerful thermogenic ("fat-burning") activity. In fact, the synephrine increases the body's metabolic rate or ability to burn calories, without producing negative side effects on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Recommendation: •2 capsules per day. Nutritional facts per 2 capsules Green Tea Extract Caffeine Citrus Aurantium Extract Salix Quercetine Chromium 500 mg 265 mg 225 mg 100 mg 60 mg 150 µg Super Nova Caps Tin 120 Capsules ZMA + L-Tyrosine lar Product description: • Highly effective combination of minerals, including zinc-L-monomethionine, zinc-magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6, to naturally boost protein synthesis scu u m s r e Empow very! reco Training phase: • Muscle build-up phase • Strength build-up phase • Definition phase Product features: • Provides the ideal amount of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 • Contains tyrosine additionally • Increases the body’s own testosterone production Nutritional facts • Stimulates the release of growth hormones Carbohydrates • Strengthens the immune system Recommendation: • 3 capsules a day. Preferably before bedtime. Protein Fat Magnesium Zinc L-Tyrosine Information: per 3 capsules 0g 0.5 g < 0.1 g 450 mg 30 mg 150 mg • Taking the exact right amounts of mineral supplements leads to an increase in performance parameters such as strength, stamina and muscle mass. Weider ZMA also contains the amino acid tyrosine in order to expand the range of action. While it has a stimulating effect during training and combats fatigue, it improves sleep quality after training in the regeneration phase. The positive influence on performance is primarily due to the increase in testosterone production and the boost in the release of growth hormones. The results achievable with ZMA primarily depend on the dosage and the ratio of the active ingredients. Weider ZMA achieves the maximum effect! The rise in free testosterone in the body leads to an enormous increase in strength, which enables the use of heavier training weights and actively boosts the efficacy of the workout. Increased stimulus for muscle growth! 50 e Hardcor ! er fat burn ZMA + L-Tyrosine Tin 90 Capsules BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Zinc Caps s the Support stem! sy immune Product description: •Capsules with high zinc content Training phase: •In every training phase Product features: •Zinc plays a major role in activating countless enzymes and is therefore responsible for controlling the carbohydrate, protein, fat and nucleic acid metabolisms. In addition, zinc is an essential trace element that is important for the healthy functioning of different hormones. •Zinc deficiency can result in loss of appetite, hair loss, diarrhoea, alterations to the perception of taste, delayed wound healing or increased susceptibility to infection. Recommendation: •1 capsule per day. Nutritional facts per capsule Carbohydrates Protein Fat Zinc <1g <1g <1g 16.1 mg Zinc Caps Tin 120 Capsules CLA Capsules Product description: •Capsules containing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) Training phase: •Definition phase Natural er! fat burn Product feature: •Boosts lipolysis (separation of fats) in the cells •Minimises the storage of fat in fat cells •Maintains muscle mass during the diet phase •Reduces body fat percentage over the long term Recommendation: •5 capsules per day. Information: •CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, a group of fatty acids that is responsible for transportation of fatty acids to the mitochondria (the cell’s powerhouse). If you regularly supplement a healthy diet and good exercise regime with CLA capsules, this can reduce the body fat percentage and increase muscle mass. Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat - of which CLA CLA Capsules Tin 120 Capsules per 5 capsules 0.6 g 1.2 g 5g 4000 mg 51 BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY 52 Glucosamine Chondroitin plus MSM Product description: •Capsules containing glucosamine sulphate, chondroitin sulphate and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) Training phase: Nutritional facts per 4 capsules Glucosamine Sulphate Chondroitin Sulphate MSM 1200 mg 1200 mg 600 mg •In every training phase Product feature: •Supports the provision of joints and ligaments with nutrients Recommendation: •2x 2 capsules per day. Two in the morning and two in the evening. s for Nutrient s u joints pl MSM! Information: •The nutrient glucosamine is an amino sugar from fish cartilage. It can contribute to the health of the joints and its presence is therefore beneficial for the synovial fluid. The synovial fluid serves as a buffer between the surfaces of cartilage. Chondroitin is the main component of the cartilaginous tissue. MSM is a natural, sulphur-containing compound that supports the regeneration of joints and ligaments after your workout. Glucosamine Chondroitin plus MSM Tin 120 Capsules Glucosamine Chondroitin Product description: •Capsules containing glucosamine sulphate, chondroitin sulphate plus ascorbic acid and natural vitamin E Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product feature: •Nutrients for the joints New recipe! Recommendation: •2 capsules per day. Preferably at breakfast with a glass of water. Information: • The nutrient glucosamine is a combination of sugars and amino acids. It helps contribute towards healthy joints and is therefore a key element of the synovial fluid. Unlike the organs, the joints are not linked to arteries and therefore have to absorb nutrients from their environment (synovial fluid). The synovial fluid serves as a buffer between the surfaces of cartilage. Chondroitin sulphate is a compound that is also known as a glycosaminoglycan. This is a long chain of special polysaccharides (sugars). In the body, chondroitin is used as a module for larger structures known as proteoglycans. They are responsible for forming and maintaining connective tissue such as cartilage. Glucosamine Chondroitin Tin 120 Capsules Nutritional facts per 2 capsules Glucosamine Sulphate Potassium Chloride 1667 mg Chondroitin Sulphate 140 mg Vitamin E 12 mg Ascorbic Acid 80 mg BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY Beta-Glucan Product description: •Capsules with beta-D-(1,3)-(1,6)-glucan complex Training phase: •Beta-glucan is a nutritional supplement for general well-being and should be taken every day, irrespective of whether you intend to work out or not s the t r o p p u S system! e n u m im Product features: •1500 mg beta-glucan complex per serving •Supports the immune system •Supports muscle regeneration •Radical scavengers Recommendation: •3 capsules a day. Nutritional facts per 3 capsules Carbohydrates 0.6 g Protein 0.9 g Fat < 0.1 g Beta-D-(1.3)-(1.6)-Glucan Complex1500 mg Information: • Beta-glucan activates the most important immune cells in the body, which are known as macrophages. Macrophages circulate throughout the entire body and fight viruses, fungal infection and other potential pathogens. Speeding up the reaction of macrophages, beta-glucan triggers a chain reaction so that the body forms antibodies to combat foreign substances. Everyone can benefit from taking beta-glucan, no matter whether they do regular sport or not. Older people, whose immune systems become weaker as they get older, can also benefit from taking it. Beta-Glucan Tin 120 Capsules HMB 3800 Nutritional facts Carbohydrates Protein Fat HMB Product description: •Capsules to swallow with HMB (beta-Hydroxy-beta-Methylbutyrat) Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Minimises protein degradation in the muscles when you are stressed •More effective increase of muscle mass and strength •Anti-ageing effect •Protein consumption can be reduced by 20% during the diet phase •Accelerates the burning of fatty acids per 4 capsules 0g 0.6 g < 0.1 g 3229 mg the Support ! muscles Recommendation: •4 capsules per day. On training days before workout. Information: • HMB is a derivative of the amino acid leucine (BCAA) or its metabolic derivatives. HMB increases the body’s ability to minimise protein degradation in the muscle cells in times of high stress, such as during intensive training. Minimising protein degradation leads to improved and accelerated increases in muscle mass and strength. It is present in foods such as alfalfa, grapefruit and catfish. The body can create it itself from leucine but 60 g leucine are required in order to create 3 g HMB. HMB is introduced to the muscle metabolism and influences the synthesis of protein there, e.g. to build muscle. If you consume 4 g protein per kg body weight (in conjunction with a low-carb diet), you can reduce the amount of protein by 20% by taking 4 capsules HMB. This results in less acid in the muscle too. It also appears to accelerate the burning of fatty acids, which brings about fat loss. HMB 3800 Tin 120 Capsules 53 Product description: Nutritional facts •Capsules to swallow with pure beta-alanine Training phase: Carbohydrates Protein Fat Beta-Alanine per 4 capsules 0g 0.6 g < 0.1 g 4400 mg •Suitable for all phases of training – primarily before workouts that involve short recovery periods, high volume and heavy weights Product features: •Prevents hyperacidity in the muscles •High level of carnosine for more reps and heavier weights •Strengthens all muscle fibre types •Aids fat loss •Increases the amount of fat-free muscle mass Recommendation: •2 capsules after breakfast and 2 capsules before workout. On training free days 2 capsules after breakfast and 2 capsules after dinner. Information: •Beta-alanine is an amino acid which combines with the amino acid histidine after consumption. Histidine is always available in sufficient quantities in a high-protein diet. These two amino acids form carnosine, whose primary function is to buffer hydrogen ions. Buffering hydrogen ions prevents a drop in the muscles’ pH value, which leads to hyperacidity. Hyperacidity leads to muscle burn and muscle fatigue, which then leads to muscle failure at the end of a set. ATP (the fastest energy source for the body) can only release energy with limited effect in an acidic environment. The release of calcium, which plays a key role in regulating muscle contraction, is also highly limited. Beta-Alanine Tin 120 Capsules osive l p x e r o F ment! p o l e v e power d Testo X-Plode® + PTK Product description: •Capsules to boost muscle contraction and the body’s own testosterone production Training phase: •Strength build-up phase •Muscle build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Increases muscle contraction •Boosts the body’s own testosterone production •Optimises muscle performance •Stimulates muscle growth Nutritional facts per 4 capsules Carbohydrates Protein Fat Tribulus Terrestris Maca Powder PTK 0.8 g 1.9 g < 0.1 g 1000 mg 400 mg 40 mg Recommendation: •Four capsules daily, before workouts on training days. Information: •Testo X-Plode® is a highly effective combination of the following nutrients: Tribulus terrestris to increase the body’s own testosterone production. Arginine alpha ketoglutarate to expand the blood vessels, allowing them to better supply the muscles with nutrients, and improve muscle contraction. Maca powder to further increase testosterone production and boost training motivation by improving concentration and decreasing fatigue. Oat extract to make muscle mass considerably more visible, as it prevents water retention. PTK to improve oxygen supply and absorption in the muscle cells for maximum performance throughout the entire workout. 54 Testo X-Plode® + PTK Tin 120 Capsules BASIC PRODUCTS FOR EVERYBODY TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE Beta-Alanine st Stronge r! te NO-boos TYPE SG BUILD-UP PHASE Beta-Ecdysterone Product description: •Natural muscle growth accelerator from high-quality plant extracts to boost protein synthesis Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase •Strength build-up phase •Definition phase Product features: •Provides pure ecdysterone from high-concentrated spinach extract •Contains gamma-oryzanol and yam extract •Stimulates protein synthesis •Boosts muscle growth •Stimulates the production of growth hormones and the body’s own testosterone production Recommendation: •3 capsules per day with plenty of liquid. Information: •Our Beta-Ecdysterone is a combination of three highly effective plant extracts that stimulate muscle growth in a natural way. The active ingredient ecdysterone is a messenger substance that occurs naturally in food (for example spinach) and has a positive influence on protein synthesis in its concentrated form. Its combination with gamma-oryzanol and high-quality yam extract stimulates the body’s natural testosterone production and growth hormone production. Boosts the body’s overall performance! It increases the storage of glycogen in the muscles which in turn increases the muscle cell volume and performance in the sub maximal area. Taking Beta-Ecdysterone also boosts cell repair after training and enables shorter recovery periods. Faster muscle gain! la! formu c i l o b a An Nutritional facts per 3 capsules Carbohydrates Protein Fat Spinach Extract - of which Ecdysterone Yam Extract - of which Diosgenine Gamma-Oryzanol 0.5 g 0.9 g < 0.1 g 1500 mg 75 mg 750 mg 150 mg 750 mg Beta-Ecdysterone Box 84 Capsules / Tin 150 Capsules 55 New products available now Muscle Freak Professional Product description: •Contains a mixture of NO + PTK •For veiny muscles •With patented Krea-Genic® •For a more brutal, aggressive pump ORANGE POWER PUNCH FLAVOUR RED POWER FRUIT FLAVOUR Muscle Freak Professional Tin 908 g Powder Kick & Burn a te m i t l u e h For t st! o o b y g r e ne Product description: •To be mixed with water •Boosts muscle pump •With free amino acids, vitamins and minerals FRUIT PUNCH FLAVOUR Kick & Burn Bottle 475 ml vailable a o s l a Now bar! g 0 5 s a Double Pro Bar Product description: •Double-layer bar with 28 g protein •In three new tasty flavours STRAWBERRYVANILLA FLAVOUR CHOCO-CHERRY CAKE FLAVOUR CARAMELCREAM FLAVOUR Double Pro Bar Bar 50 g All Natural Product description: •Multivitamin and mineral complex •High-quality grape seed extract and spirulina powder •With natural ingredients 56 core For hard nly! o athletes All Natural Tin 180 Capsules tarian e g e v % 100 s! capsule New products available now Gold Whey Product description: •Contains 23 g BCAA per 100 g protein •Very fast release •High protein content CHOCOLATE- RASPBERRY- CHERRY- COCONUT- PEPPERMINT FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR licious e d w e n In six ! flavours YOGHURT FLAVOUR COOKIE FLAVOUR FRESH BOTTERMILK FLAVOUR LATTE MACCHIATO FLAVOUR Gold Whey Tin 908 g Powder / Zip look bag 500 g Powder Xtreme Thermo Stack Product description: •600 mg HCA per portion •With a unique combination of active ingredients •Boosts fat burning and keeps body fat to a minimum ation r e n e g t s The late burner! of fat Xtreme Thermo Stack Tin 80 Capsules Joint Caps Product description: •With MSM •With hyaluronic acid •With glucosamine and chondroitine s and t r o p p u S ints! o j e h t s protect Joint Caps Tin 80 Capsules Taurine 3.000 Product description: •Made from purely synthetic taurine •With 3000 mg high-quality taurine Taurine 3.000 Tin 180 Capsules For best ! ance m r o f r e p 57 SUPER MEGA MASS® 2000 Super Mega Mass® 2000 Bar Product description: •Delicious bar with carbohydrates and protein r Snack fo ! en in betwe Training phase: •Muscle build-up phase Product features: •High proportion of carbs for high energy requirements •Gives you the excess calories you need in the bulking-up phase in the form of a practical snack •Increases the body’s ability to regenerate after workout FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR Recommendation: BANANA •A delicious bar for in between meals. FLAVOUR Super Mega Mass® 2000 Bar Bar 60 g Super Mega Mass® 2000 Product description: •Carbohydrate-protein mix with whey protein concentrate and soy protein isolate Training phase: •Mass-build up phase for bodybuilders, in particular softgainers (people who want to increase their weight quickly) Information: •MEGA MASS® 2000 offers you the ideal composition to put on more muscle mass. In order to gain muscle bulk, you have to train hard. You must consume more calories than you need to maintain your current muscle mass because only excess calories can lead to an increase in muscle mass. However, chips, pizza and crisps are not the way to do this because they leave you with more fat than muscles. Getting a balanced diet is the key. Product features: •Taurine as an uptake booster •Trehalose for the stimulation of growth processes •Vitamins for the build-up metabolism Nutritional facts •Minerals for the cell metabolism Carbohydrates •Trace elements for the substance metabolism Protein •Gelatine free Recommendation: •One serving = 90 g powder in 300 ml skimmed milk (1.5% fat). One shake per day. per serving* 69.5 g 29.1 g Fat 5.8 g * 90 g powder in 300 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Cookies & Cream COOKIES & CREAM FLAVOUR SMOOTH CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR CREAMY VANILLA FLAVOUR STRAWBERRYDELIGHT FLAVOUR DELICIOUS BANANA FLAVOUR 58 VANILLA Super Mega Mass® 2000 Tin 1.5 kg / 3 kg / Zip look bag 5 kg Powder GAINT MEGA MASS® 4000 Giant Mega Mass® 4000 Product description: •Carbohydrate-protein mix with micronutrients and milk protein isolate adapted to the requirements of hardgainers (people who find it difficult to put on weight) Training phase: •Mass-build up phase for people new to bodybuilding as well as gym pros Product features: •Mega Mass® 4000 provides the calories and nutrients for hardgainers •Special carbohydrate-matrix for high energy requirements •Plus high molecular starch •High-quality protein combination – nutrients for building muscles •Increases the body’s ability to regenerate after workout Recommendation: •One serving = 150 g powder in 550 ml semi-skimmed milk. You can decide for yourself how many Mega Mass® 4000 shakes you have per day. A general rule of thumb is that you should not try to put on more than two kilos per month, otherwise the body fat percentage increases too quickly. Checking your body weight, body fat percentage and measuring your weight all give you the information you need to be able to work out how many extra calories you should be consuming. If your body weight goes up and your waist retains the same measurements, you have found the right amount for you. Should your body weight and waist circumference both increase, you should check your nutrition for high fat levels and reduce the number of shakes. If your weight does not increase, you must increase the number of shakes. Nutritional facts Plus NEW: ine! t 3 g crea per serving* Carbohydrates 130 g Protein 49 g Fat 12 g * 150 g powder in 550 ml milk (1.5% fat) Flavour: Vanilla WHITE CHOCOLATEPRALINE FLAVOUR VANILLA FLAVOUR CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR Giant Mega Mass® 4000 Tin 3 kg Powder / Box 7 kg Powder 59 GET THE BEST RESULT! WWW.WEIDER-GERMANY.DE Weider Germany GmbH • P. O. Box 106 504 • 20044 Hamburg, Germany • Phone +49 (0)40/21 90 80-0 •