PAID Boxholder LOCAL Christie Juber 435-723
PAID Boxholder LOCAL Christie Juber 435-723
CAR-RT Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Brigham City, Utah Permit No. 1 Box Elder Shopper Volume 39, Number 11 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday Morning March 16, 2016 8 Pages (435) 723-3471 Only Allstate has the Claim Satisfaction Guarantee. I hope you never have a car accident. But if you do, it’s good to know you’ll be happy with your claim experience. In fact, Allstate guarantees your claim will be fast, fair and hassle-free. Or your money back. No questions asked. It’s another way Allstate is changing car insurance for good. Christie Juber 435-723-1817 156 North Main Brigham City Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Premium credit based on vehicle involved. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. © 2016 Allstate Insurance Co. 170980 Boxholder LOCAL 2 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Perfect First Introductions Let us make yours one you will never forget. Labor and Delivery Services (435) 207-4680 WALKER CINEMAS 8 PHONE 723-6661 Open Sunday through Friday at 3:30 p.m. Open Saturday at 11:30 for Matinees. $5.50 All Shows Before 6 p.m. $7.50 Adults in Evenings $5.50 Children and Seniors anytime. H Special Engagement No Passes, Discount Tickets, or $5.50 Tues. Bargain Night not permitted. $2.00 SURCHARGE ON ALL 3-D ENGAGEMENTS. CAPITOL A Twin Theatre - 53 So. Main, Brigham - 723-3113. Open Saturday at 11:45 a.m. for Matinees. Open Sunday through Friday at 3:45 p.m. Adults in evenings $7.00. Matinees, Children and Senior Citizens $5.00. ★ Special Engagement: No Passes or Discount Tickets Permitted. No 9 p.m. Showings on Sunday thru Thursday. BUY 4 MICHELIN TIRES ® 70 $ GET via MasterCard® Reward Card OFFER VALID 2/22/16 - 3/20/16. GET UP TO VIA VISA PREPAID CARD ® WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF FOUR SELECT GOODYEAR® TIRES ON YOUR BIG O TIRES CREDIT CARD. VALID FROM 3/21/16 - 4/3/16. BRIGHAM CITY I 390 S. MAIN STREET I 435.734.9429 USE YOUR 6 MONTHS NO INTEREST! O.A.C. Minimum monthly payments required. CREDIT CARD O.A.C. Valid on purchases of $299 or more. AMERICAN FORK I BOUNTIFUL I BRIGHAM CITY I DRAPER I FT. UNION I HIGHLAND I KAYSVILLE I KEARNS I LEHI I LOGAN I MURRAY NEPHI I N. OGDEN I OGDEN - WALL OGDEN - WASHINGTON I S. OGDEN I OLYMPUS I OREM - STATE ST. I OREM - UNIV. MALL I PAYSON I PRICE I PROVO I RICHFIELD I ROOSEVELT I S. JORDAN I SANDY S.L.C. - 900 SOUTH I S.L.C. – COTTONWOOD I S.L.C. - SOUTH TEMPLE I SPANISH FORK I SPRINGVILLE I TOOELE I TREMONTON I VERNAL I W. JORDAN I W.V.C - 3500 S. I W.V.C. - 5600 W. Wednesday, March 16, 2016 3 Better For You! Brigham City Community Hospital: The Joint Commission’s Top Performers on Key Quality Measures® TJC’s Top Performers program recognizes hospitals that attain excellence on accountability measures related to evidence-based care for certain conditions, including: • Heart attack, heart failure • Pneumonia • Surgical care • Children’s asthma • Inpatient psychiatric services • Stroke The Box Elder School District Foundation Presents… • Venous thromboembolism • Immunization • Perinatal care What Makes Us Better, Makes You Better. Box Elder High School Auditorium Saturday, April 16, 2016 7:00 pm Featuring the choirs of Bear River and Box Elder High Schools Purchase Tickets: See and Hear GENTRI: All proceeds support student scholarships GENTRI powered by WhippleSound 4 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Remember those days‐gone‐by when you used to take your crush out for a dance at the high school? Remember dancing together, holding each other, the room spinning as you twirled through your favorite songs? Remember the sheer joy of being together? Remember: Then Relive it! Come and dance to the music of the `50s through the `00s. All proceeds go towards a scholarship for two deserving Box Elder High Seniors. Box Elder High School Small Gym April 1, 2016, 7‐10 p.m. $10 per couple at the door �addi�onal dona�ons accepted� Perfect for any couple aged 28 ‐ 88 �ues�ons? E‐mail aaron.crawford� Alcohol endangers teens. What is a Hospitalist? Brigham City Community Hospital utilizes local, highly-trained Internal Medicine Physicians called “Hospitalists” to help meet the unique needs of hospitalized patients who are admitted for an extended stay in our hospital. Hospitalists have 6 years of medical training in a hospital setting (family practice physicians have 4 years) and do not have individual practices, they focus only on patients in hospital settings. For patients needing medical treatment that requires an extended hospital stay, their primary doctor may refer them to our team of Hospitalists, who are always available to provide appropriate care. In that case, the primary doctor will take over the patient’s continued care after discharge. If a patient is hospitalized after a visit to our Emergency Department, the primary doctor may also recommend Hospitalist care. Hospitalists can provide: • Round-the-clock care: 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year • Personalized medical treatment in partnership with a patient’s primary care physician • Improved care by working closely with key hospital staff. There is strong communication between the hospitalist and BCCH staff regarding patients in the hospital 24 hours a day. There is continuity of care – hand off report to oncoming provider to address all concerns • Quicker response if an unexpected medical situation occurs • Prompt answers when our patients and their family members have questions. • Efficient management of patient discharges • Updates for the patient’s other physicians What Makes Us Better, Makes You Better. Sponsored by the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and Uath Prevention. • More time for daily patient care 5 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 To Place an AD just call: 723-3471 Or visit us on the web: Classified ads must be paid for in advance, (cash, check, credit card or money order) WORD CLASSIFIEDS: $7 for 20 words plus 15 cents for each additional word per publication. Discounts may apply. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50 per column inch. LEGAL ADS: 90 cents a line. DEADLINE: Monday at noon, unless Monday is a holiday, in which case it’s Friday at noon prior to the holiday. Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 55 S. 100 West, Brigham City UT, 84302 | MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 370, Brigham City UT, 84302 CAXCA MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PETS SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES OFFERED A MICROFIBER SOFA/LOVE, NEW still in plastic, $499. Call 435‑753‑1738. EASTER BUNNIES BAUER LAWNCARE: AFFORDABLE SER‑ VICES: Mowing grass, trimming, edg‑ ing, spring cleanup and fall cleanup, fertilization, mulching, gutter clean‑ ing, and other services, just ask. For a free estimate call or text Aron, 435‑230‑3415 or email aronabauer@ J & D YARD CARE SAFE STEP WALK‑IN Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step‑In. Wide Door. Anti‑Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800‑682‑1403 for $750 Off. (ucan) FOR SALE‑ A SONYO freezer & fridge 3’5” tall 2’5” wide. Free‑on tank good for 6 years. Adjustable control. $80. 435‑730‑7479. BED, QUEEN ORTHOPEDIC MAT TRESS set. New, still in plastic, $169. Will deliver 435‑753‑1738. EMERGENCIES CAN STRIKE AT any time. Wise Food Storage makes it easy to prepare with tasty, easy‑to‑cook meals that have a 25‑year shelf life. Free sample. Call: 800‑310‑6993. (ucan) Flemish Giant X CA. These bunnies do get big. They are sweet natured and make excellent pets. Rex crosses... They have been handled daily since birth. Call Jeff 719-494-9407. SERVICES OFFERED BIG CARPET: AT BIG Carpet we can handle all your flooring needs. Why fight the Ogden traffic when you can get great prices & customer service close to home. You will also appreciate our installers who all have decades of experience. 1968 North 2000 West, Farr West 801‑675‑5975. T‑F 12‑6 & Sat 12 ‑ 5. BED, KING,ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS and split box set. New, still in plastic, $275. 435‑753‑1738. BREAKING BAD BAIL BONDS *Min utes from jail. *Fast 24 hour service. 435‑723‑1176. * ENJOY 100% GUARANTEED, DELIV ERED‑to‑the‑door Omaha Steaks! Save 77% plus get 4 free Kielbasa Sausages Order The Family Gourmet Feast ‑ only $49.99. 1‑800‑298‑5998 mention offer 40332ZTN or good13 (ucan) DISH TV 190 CHANNELS plus High speed Internet Only $49.94/mo! Ask about a 3 year price guarantee & get Netflix included for 1 year! Call Today 1‑800‑611‑1081. (ucan) METAL ROOF/WALL PANELS, PRE‑ en‑ gineered Metal Buildings. Mill prices for sheeting coil are at a 4 year low. You get the savings. 17 Colors prime material, cut to your exact length. CO Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS (ucan) AUTOS FOR SALE DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. Call 1‑800‑360‑4120. (ucan) GOT AN OLDER CAR, boat or RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1‑ 800‑849‑1593. (ucan) YARD SALES DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION of the new Medical Office Building, the hospital gift shop is closing. A liquidation sale is taking place until Friday, March 18th. Don’t miss out. Hurry to the sale 9:00am until 4:00 pm daily. OPEN SATURDAYS 9AM‑2PM. Inside 320 South 200 East. Infant and toddler clothing, 50¢. New items each week. Chairs, endtable, lamps, frames, vases, jewelry, scrapbooking, small appliances, linens, books, toys. YARD SALE‑ FRIDAY AND Saturday, all day. 955 West Forest Street. BIG YARD SALE‑ FRIDGE, couch and love seat, swivel rockers, beds, chairs, table, fish tank, tools, TV’s, saws, lots of stuff. Friday and Saturday, 8‑2. Thursday setup, come early if you want. 371 Willard Pk. Rd., Mantua. 435‑730‑1362. RUMMAGE SALE TO SUPPORT Meals on Wheels. Friday, March 18 6p‑8p; Saturday 8a‑1p. Donations ac cepted. Indoors at Community/Senior Center, 24 N 300 W; Brigham 435‑226‑1450 for information. SERVICES OFFERED ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 131 West Forest St - Meeting schedule Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. MATTING-FRAMING All art work, needle work. NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT • DRIVEWAY TEAR OUT & REPLACE • SPORTS COURTS • PATIOS • STEP REPLACEMENT • SIDEWALK NEW/REPAIR • COLORED • STAMPED • EXPOSED Prepworks 730-6044 SWITCH TO DIRECTV AND get a $100 Gift Card. Free Whole‑Home Genie HD/ DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. New Customers Only. Don’t settle for cable. Call Now 1‑800‑410‑4728. (ucan) TREE PRUNING ‑ 15 years experience, formal education in horticulture/arbo‑ riculture. Call 435‑228‑5129 or email COMPUTER PROBLEMS ‑ VIRUSES, lost data, hardware or software is sues? Contact Geeks On Site! 24/7 Service. Friendly Repair Experts. Macs and PCs. Call for free diagnosis. 1‑800‑883‑0979. (ucan) Sewer & Water Replacement Services Backhoe & Dump truck work: sewer, water lines and tree stump removal! Driveway removal, concrete work. No job too large or small. Call for free estimates 435-734-9598 or 435-720-0237 Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. Wixom Brothers Painting PROFESSIONAL PIANO TEACHER WITH masters degree has openings for piano students from beginner to advanced levels. Sharon Smith 435‑553‑5245. A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts to d ay! Our service is free/no obligation. Call 1‑800‑685‑8604. (ucan) LOOK!!! Need lawn mowed? Call Bag of Grass Lawn Care 435-723-0866 J V LAWN CARE Lawn Mowing Spring Clean up Aeration, Power Raking Business and Residential Licensed and Insured Free Estimate Call • Weekly Mowing • Power Raking • Aerating • Edge Trimming Free Estimates Travel all of Box Elder County 435-553-5468 Better Business Bureau of Utah Email: info@ Phone: 801-892-6009 Fax: 801-892-6002 5673 S. Redwood Rd., #22 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84123-5322 New Hope Crisis Center Domestic Violence Support Group Confidential - No Cost Meets 2nd & 4th Monday 6-7 p.m. 435 East 700 South – For more information call 723-5600 FINANCES 435-994-6289 435-753-3462 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied bene fits? We Can Help! Win or Pay Noth ing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1‑800‑871‑7805 to start your appli cation today! (ucan) HANDICAP AND CUSTOM RAILINGS‑ In‑ side or out, $18‑$24 a foot, depending on design. Contact Pam, 435‑553‑5529. NEED CASH? HAVE EQUITY in your home? Local party can provide loan at low rates. (435)225‑7070. SPRING CLEAN UP! BRICK and stone repair, foundation and chimney repair, will construct or repair brick mail boxes. No job too small. Free esti mates. Licensed and insured. Regent Construction Services: 435‑730‑8208 or 435‑734‑0655. SELL YOUR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT or annuity payments for Cash Now. You don’t have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1‑800‑681‑3252. (ucan) KITCHEN, BATH, AND GARAGE re modeling. Tile work and grout re‑ pair, fireplace mantels. No job too small. Free estimates. Licensed and insured. Regent Construction Services: 435‑730‑8208 or 435‑734‑0655. HEALTH CPAP/BIPAP SUPPLIES AT LITTLE or no cost from Allied Medical Supply Network! Fresh supplies delivered right to your door. Insurance may cover all costs. 800‑575‑1885. (ucan) MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800‑359‑2796. (ucan) Pregnant? The Pregnancy Care Center 18 North 100 East Brigham City, Utah FREE Pregnancy Tests Safe, Caring, confidential information and advice. 723-0500 New Hours of Operation Tuesdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m. - Wednesdays 10 a.m.5 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m. WANTED TO BUY 435-237-1378 $WANTED$ CASH PAID FOR Pre‑1980 COMIC BOOKS & Star Wars Action Figures. Original Comic Art‑ Sports Cards & Autographed Memora bilia‑ 1990’s MagictheGatherineg Call WILL:800‑242‑6130 buying@getcash forcomics. com (ucan) IFA COUNTRY STORES NOTICE The advertisements appearing in this column may or may not constitute offers of employment. Persons responding to these advertisement may be required to pay fees in advance for licensing, permits, dues, portfolios, registration, processing, or other services. Opportunities advertised in this column may require training at the expense of the applicant. No guarantee of job availability, implied or direct, is made by the publishers. PART‑TIME ACCOUNTING CLERK. Town of Mantua. Must have QuickBooks and accounting experience. Test will be given. Must pass criminal background check. Hours are Mon day, Thursday and Friday 9 am to 1 pm with oc‑ casional longer hours. Submit resume and references to townofman tua@ by March 30, 2016. UTAH RANCH LOOKING FOR hay and grain farmer. Must have farming experience including flood irrigation, sprinkler pipe, planting and harvest‑ ing equipment. some livestock work. houseing‑utulities‑benefits furnished permanent. Call 801‑277‑4094 DRIVERS NEEDED WITH A CDL-A with a minimum of two years OTR experience. Full or part time. Call Andy at Hernandez Transport, 435-225-4062. BRIGHAM/FARR WEST EYE SPECIALISTS is seeking a part time Ophthalmic Technician. This individual will work alongside our physicians in working with the patients, documenting visits, and performing multiple tests in our office. Applicants are required to have previous experience with electronic health records, will need great communication skills, a flexible working schedule, and have an ability to learn quickly. Please bring your resume to 990 S. Medical Drive Suite GL3. GOT KNEE PAIN? BACK Pain? Shoul der Pain? Get a pain‑relieving brace at little or no cost to you. Medicare Pa tients Call Health Hotline Now! 1‑ 800‑914‑8849. (ucan) Winter Special People, now is a great time to get your interior repaints done. Mention this AD and receive 10% off your bid price. Offer ends March 20. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Pet Food & Supplies • Men’s Work Clothing Poultry, Horse, Lamb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equipment Fencing • Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Health DRIVERS‑ REGIONAL ROUTES AND dedicated lanes in Western US. Steady miles. Bonus potential. Regular home time. Family company. Requires CD‑A, 1‑Year OTR, HazMat. 888.929.9140 (ucan) 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton, UT 84337 Phone: 435-257-5419 CONCRETE FINISHERS AND LA BORERS needed: Laborers start at $12/HR. Please call, 435‑723‑2110. Medical Assistant (Bilingual Spanish/ English) – F/T position available at our Brigham City Clinic. Performs routine MA duties such as assisting providers w/ tray set-ups and exams, charting, obtaining vitals, ordering and preparing lab analyzes, assessing patients/ training, calling in pharmacy orders, and stocking supplies. Previous experience in a clinic setting preferred, but we are willing to train the perfect candidate. Spanish/English bilingual skills are required. Visit for wage and benefit information. CHC offers a salary based on experience and a generous benefits package, including a 401(k) retirement plan. To apply: Email Resume to or fax to 435-734-9761. JOB DESCRIPTION: We are looking for an energetic, positive and self-motivated person who is willing to learn the operations of a growing company. This is a full time, seasonal position. This position will be working with sales, customer service and daily office duties. Key duties and requirements will include: • Answering phones and taking sales orders • Customer service calls • Communication and problem solving skills • Ability to use standard office equipment • Processing daily paperwork • Data entry skills • Computer literate • Ability to use software related to job, including Excel and Microsoft Office • Ability to multi-task • Reliable and dependable • Ability to work independently as well as part of a team • Organized and detailed oriented Send resumes to: or call 435-230-0864 for questions before March 28, 2016. Fraud Alert Be aware of what you are purchasing and to whom you are selling. The Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office suggests that if it is not local, you may want to check with local law enforcement as well as the Better Business Bureau to confirm if the offer is valid. Several Box Elder News Journal classified ad customers have received potentially fraudelent contacts recently for real estate rentals or to purchase vehicles or other items that are listed for sale. Be wise and be aware for fraud in any form. Visit the Federal Trade Commission web page HELP WANTED P O L I C E C H I E F S A L A RY R A N G E : $47,840.00 – 75,296.00. The City of Perry is accepting applications for a full‑time Police Chief. For details on how to apply, please go to www. per‑posting, or contact Hu man Resources at 435‑723‑6461. This posting will remain open until filled. EOE M/F/D/V P/T MEDICAL M.A. needed for urgent care/family practice clinic in Brigham City, Utah. Experience required. email resumes to Position closes 3/16/16. JOB TITLE: RECEPTIONIST/LEGAL SECRE‑ TARY. Full time position. Hourly wage negotiable pending qualifications. Re‑ sponsibilities include greeting the pub‑ lic, answering phones and providing necessary information, and scheduling appointments. Perform sec retarial duties utilizing legal terminol ogy to create and prepare documents such as informations, complaints, motions, subpoenas, estate planning, and corre‑ spondence to clients. Some experience in the legal field is preferred. Typing speed 50 wpm to be verified with a certificate from work force ser vices. Send resume to Law Office, PO Box 876, Brigham City, UT 84302, or by email to in pdf format. Direct Care Professional M-F 7:30 am – 3:00 pm. Provide care through training and supporting people with intellectual disabilities. Coaching, teaching, feeding, toileting, and transporting clients. Previous experience preferred but willing to train. Applicants must be 21 years of age and have a valid UT driver's license. Must be able to pass background check. Applicants must be willing to obtain CPR and First Aid certifications. Computer skills a plus. Ability to lift 50 lbs. 435-723-3913 6 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP SUMMONS IN THE FIRST DISTRICT JUVENILE COURT IN AND FOR BOX ELDER COUNTY STATE OF UTAH FOR RENT OR LEASE “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments, all utilities included except lights includes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑2605 after 4:30 p.m. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT‑ 900 sq. ft., center of town. $500/MO. Call Don 435‑225‑3778. HOUSESITTER/RENTER NEEDED‑ CALL CHUCK, 435‑730‑4887. 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME in Hon eyville for rent. Call 435‑720‑3242 or 435‑279‑8200. LARGE NEWLY REMODELED ONE bedroom apartment, second floor, dishwasher, includes heat, trash, wa ter, cable TV, $465/month N/S, N/P, 435‑512‑5010. STORAGE BAY RENTALS New lower prices on small sheds Call for Rates (435) 723-1846 Need a place to store your treasures? Storage Bay Rentals Call for availability and prices Gary Bywater 720-1941 Storage Space Available 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ 925 West 1075 South 435-720-0911 or 435-723-1152 BRIGHAM Case No 1117158 State of Utah in the interest of: S.C. THE STATE OF UTAH TO: ALYSSA COX You are hereby summoned to appear before the above-entitled court, at 43 North Main, Brigham, UT on MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016 at 9:45 a.m. for a pre-trial hearing AND on MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2016 at 10:15 a.m. for an adjudication trial to respond to a Verified Petition to Terminate Parental Rights on file with the court alleging that you have abused and/or neglected the above-referenced child. You have a right to be represented by an attorney at these proceedings. If you do not appear at the time and place set forth herein, a judgment will be entered against you which could include a termination of your parental rights, permanent and temporary custody orders and an order to pay child support. March-2-9-16-23-c NOTICE TO WATER USERS The NONUSE application(s) below were filed with the Division of Water Rights. It is represented that additional time is needed within which to to resume the beneficial use of water in Box Elder County. These are informal proceedings per Rule R655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300, or by hand deliv- Phone 723-3471 To Place Your CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE “All real estate advertised herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The tollfree number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. AVOID HIGH INTEREST PAYDAY loans! Have equity in your home or own it free and clear? Local individual can provide loans at low rates. (435) 225‑7070. Brigham City HOUSE FOR SALE BY owner‑ 5 bed room, 3 baths, great open flor plan, full finished basement, tons of storage, main floor laundry, 815 S. 400 E., Brigham City. $175,000, call 801‑856‑8334. 1 bed upstairs apt. in Brigham City. Save time and $$$ because washer and dryer are included. N/S, N/P, References required. $390/rent, $390/ dep. 435-730-6754. Real Estate Investor Seeks Apprentice Make $120k / year Call/Text 385-215-9541 Earn while you learn! Sportsman Storage 435.279.6200 156 South 800 West ery to a Division office during normal business hours ON OR BEFORE APRIL 5, 2016. Please visit http://waterrights. or call (801)-538-7240 for additional information. NONUSE 29-2100 (A47041): Willard City Corporation is/are seeking Nonuse period for 0.168 ac-ft. from groundwater (Willard) for STOCKWATERING. Kent L. Jones, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in The Box Elder News Journal on MARCH 9 & 16, 2016. March-9-16-c CHARLES SCOTT MACK, Petitioner vs. NICOLE ROBERTS, Respondent. CASE NUMBER 114100436 THE STATE OF UTAH TO NICOLE ROBERTS: You are hereby summoned and required to file an answer in writing to a Petition that has been filed with the Clerk of the Box Elder County Court, Brigham City Department, State of Utah, on the above-entitled case and serve upon or mail a copy of said Answer to Michael D. Murphy, Petitioner’s attorney, at 13 North Main, Kaysville, UT 84037. If you fail to do so within 30 days, judgment of default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said Petition. MICHAEL D. MURPHY Attorney at Law 13 North Main Kaysville, UT 84037 Telephone (801) 547-9274 March-2-9-16-23-c REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Requests for Proposals will be received at Brigham City Corporation 20 North Main Street Brigham City, Utah until 10:00 am on April 14th, 2016 from Energy Service Companies for an Energy/Utility Cost Savings Program. Respondents must submit one (1) original and one (1) copy of the proposal to Energy/Utility Cost Savings Program Attn: Mary Kate Christensen Brigham City Corporation 20 North Main Street Brigham City, Utah 84302 Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope appropriately marked with the proposal’s title, mailing address and the name and address of the respondent. Please ensure that your proposals do not exceed twenty-five (25) pages of information excluding reference material. If the requested number of copies does not fit into an envelope, enclose all copies in a box, seal it and include the appropriate information on the top of the box. Respondent may request the complete RFP by contacting: Derek Oyler, Finance Manager Phone (435) 734-6630 ( or down loading it from (www.brighamcity.utah. gov) after March 16, 2016. Late submittals will be returned unopened. A mandatory pre-submittal meeting and building site visit will be held Tuesday March 24, 2016 from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon in the Brigham City Council Chambers located at the above address. March-16-c Lifeline Assistance – Who qualifies? Low-income telephone assistance is available to qualifying low-income Beehive Telephone customers through the “Lifeline” and “Link-up” federal telephone assistance programs. Lifeline provides qualified customers with a monthly reduction on their telephone bill. Link-up assists in paying for the installation of basic telephone service by reducing connection charges by 50% or $30, whichever is less. Beehive Telephone customers who participate in at least one of the following programs are eligible for telephone assistance: Medicaid, Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Federal Housing Assistance, Nevada Energy Assistance Program (EAP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program (TANF), National School Lunch Program (NSL). Beehive Telephone customers who do not participate in one of the above programs are eligible if their income is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. For more information please call 1-800-629-9993. March-16-23-c THE BEEHIVE TELEPHONE COMPANIES, are the recipients of Federal financial assistance from the Rural Utility Services, an agency of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and is subject to the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the U. S. Department of Agriculture which provide that no person in the United States, on the basis of color, sex, national origin, age, or handicap, shall be excluded in, admission or access to, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of this organization’s programs or activities. The person responsible for coordinating this organization’s nondiscrimination compliance efforts is Jacob Warner, General Manager. Any individual, or specific class of individuals, who feels that this organization has subjected them to discrimination may obtain further information about the statutes and regulations listed above from and/or file a written complaint with this organization; or the Secretary, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250; or the Administrator, Rural Utility Services, Washington, D.C. 20250. Complaints must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. Published in The Box Elder News Journal. March-16-23-c Advertisement for Bid 1100 WEST / US-91 INTERSECTION PROJECT BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION RECEIPT OF BIDS: Sealed bids will be received at the Brigham City Offices, 20 North Main Street, until 2:00 pm on March 29, 2016 for the 1100 WEST / US-91 INTERSECTION PROJECT. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The major items of work consist of approximately 6,226 c.y. of roadway excavation; 2,280 l.f. of curb & gutter; 2,170 s.y. of concrete sidewalk; 8,060 c.y. of granular borrow; 4,465 c.y. of UTBC; 2,420 tons of Bituminous Paving 3,335 tons; Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA); 1,769 tons of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA); 17,511 s.y. of Asphalt Slurry Seal; 300 gallons of traffic striping paint; 914 l.f. of 24” RCP; 239 l.f. of 36 “ RCP; 756 l.f. of 8” PVC C900, DR-14 Waterline; 1,911 l.f. of 10” PVC C900, DR-14 Waterline. LOCATION OF THE WORK: The work is located at the intersection of 1100 West & US-91 in Brigham City, Utah. COMPLETION OF THE WORK: All work covered by the contract documents shall be completed on or before September 15, 2016. OPENING OF BIDS: The bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 pm on March 29, 2016 at the above mentioned Brigham City Offices, 20 North Main Street. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer: Jones & Associates, 1716 East 5600 South, South Ogden, Utah upon application and payment of a $60.00 non-refundable fee. Documents may also be viewed, purchased and downloaded online at www.jonescivil. com. Contract Documents will be available after March 16, 2016. BID SECURITY: Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price payable to BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION as a guarantee that the bidder, if his bid is accepted, will promptly execute the Contract, secure payment of worker’s compensation insurance and furnish a satisfactory, faithful performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price and a payment bond in the amount of one hundred (100%) of the contract price. WAITING PERIOD BEFORE AWARD: A waiting period of 30 calendar days from the date of opening of bids to the award of contract may be required. Bidder’s shall assume full responsibility for and shall guarantee the bid price during this period and make certain the time period is stated in and does not restrict the proposal guarantee. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: All questions relative to this project prior to the opening of bids shall be directed to the Project Engineer. It shall be understood, however, that no specification interpretations will be made by telephone, nor will any “or equal” products be considered for approval prior to award of contract. OWNER’S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive an informality in a bid, and to make awards in the interest of the Owner. Dated this 11th day of March, 2016 By: Mary Kate Christensen, City Recorder BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION Published: March 16th & 23th, 2016 March-16-23-c BEAR RIVER ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS 2nd CDBG PUBLIC HEARING Bear River Association of Governments (BRAG) will hold a second public hearing to discuss the projects determined to be applied for in the 2016 CDBG Small Cities Program year and BRAG set-asides. The projects are as follows: Program Administration and Technical Assistance to CDBG Grantees $30,000; Regional Rating and Ranking of Applications $5,000; Preparation of the Regional Consolidated Plan $15,000; LMI Water/Sewer Repairs or Hook-ups and Emergency Home Repair $47,250; Administration of Housing Programs $12,000; Home Buyer Assistance Program $55,000; Economic Development Assistance $30,000; Comments will be solicited on project scope, implementation, and effects on residents. The Public Hearing will be held at approximately 12:55 p.m., Wednesday, March 23, 2016, at The Box Elder County Courthouse, Third Floor Conference Room at 1 South Main, Brigham City, Utah 84302. Further information can be obtained by contacting Brian Carver at BRAG (435)752-7242, Logan Area, (877)7727242 outside Logan Area. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during these hearings should notify Dolores at BRAG, 170 North Main, Logan, Utah at (435)-752-7242 at least three days prior to the hearing that will be attended. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah: (888) 346-3162. March-16-c Bear River District 2016 Action Plan for Regional Consolidated Plan Public Hearing Bear River Association of Governments has updated the regional 2016 Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan for Box Elder, Cache & Rich Counties Utah as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and State of Utah Permanent Community Impact Fund Board (CIB). The Consolidated Plan examines needs and proposes priorities for public expenditures related to providing safe and affordable housing, providing for suitable living environments and promoting economic development opportunities. A public hearing will be held to collect comments on the 2016 Annual Action Plan and regional housing priorities. The hearing will be at approximately 12:45 p.m. during the BRAG Governing Board meeting on March 23, 2016 in the Box Elder County Courthouse Third Floor Conference Room at 1 South Main, Brigham City, Utah. Further information can be obtained by contacting Brian Carver at 435.752.7242. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during these hearings should notify Dolores at the BRAG Office, 435.752.7242, at least three days prior to the hearing. March-16-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS WILLIAM ALBERT PRICE TRUST Kevin William Price, whose address is 759 West 2075 South, Syracuse, UT 84075, is one of the successor Trustees of the above-named trust. William Albert Price, the trust Grantor/settlor, died February 22, 2016. Creditors of the trust and estate of the Grantor are hereby notified, pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 757-508, to: (1) deliver or mail their written claims to the Trustee at the address shown above; or (2) deliver or mail their written claims to the Trustees’ attorney, Paul W. Hess, at the following address: 102 South 200 East, Suite 800, Salt Lake City, UT 84111; or (3) otherwise present their claims as required by Utah law within ninety (90) days after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or be forever barred from presenting the claim. This notice is intended to be valid against any creditor of the above-named trust and also against any creditor of the estate of the deceased Grantor. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: March 16, 2016 Dated this 10th day of March, 2016. STRONG & HANNI, /s/ Paul W. Hess Attorney for Trustees 102 South 200 East, Suite 800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 March-16-23-30-c IN THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF BOX ELDER ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Todd Evan Lund Deceased Probate No. 153100104 IN THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT, 43 North Main Street, Brigham City, UT, 84302, County of Box Elder, STATE OF UTAH. In the matter of the Estate of Todd Evan Lund. General Personal Representative Lori K. Lund whose address is 89 W. 1550 S. Perry, Utah, 84302 has been appointed Personal Representative of the above entitled estate. Creditors of the estate are hereby notified to: (1) deliver or mail their written claims to the Personal Representative at the address above, (2) deliver or mail their written claims to the Personal Representatives attorney of record, Lance D. Gibson, 3450 North Triumph Blvd. Suite 102, Lehi, Utah 84043 (3) file their written claims with the Clerk of the District Court at 43 North Main Street, Brigham City, UT, 84302, in Box Elder County, or otherwise present their claims as required by Utah law within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. Dated this March 14, 2016. Requested date of 1st publication March 16, 2016. March-16-23-30-c UPAXLP Wednesday, March 16, 2016 7 8 Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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