Box Elder News Journal
Box Elder News Journal
Shopper Box Elder Box Holder Local CAR-RT Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Brigham City, Utah Permit No. 1 w w w . b e N e w s J o u r n a l . c o m Vol. 39, No. 18; pages “EDDIE THE8 EAGLE” PG-13 | 4 3 5 - 7 2 3 - 3 4 7 1 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Daily 4:30 Fri. and Sat. Matinees 11:40 & 2:05 “3D BATMAN VS SUPERMAN” “2D BATMAN VS SUPERMAN”PG-13 Daily 4:35, 7:10 & 9:25 Saturday Matinees 11:40 & 2:10 PG-13 PG Daily 4:00, 6:40 & 9:15 Sat. Matinees 12:45 “THE BOSS”R Daily 3:45, 6:45 & 9:35 Sat. Matinees 12:30 H Daily 9:40 “RATCHET AND CLANK”PG PG H Daily 4:50, 7:05 & 9:10 Sat. Matinees 12:30 & 2:40 H H “2D DIVERGENT: ALLEGIANT” Daily 4:10, 7:00 & 9:30 Sat. Matinee 12:40 Daily 4:40, 7:10 Sat. Matinees 11:50 & 2:20 “2D JUNGLE BOOK” H H H “THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER’S WAR”PG-13 H HH H Daily 5:00, 7:25 & 9:45 | Sat. Matinees 12:00 & 2:30 “3D/2D CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR”PG-13 H H H STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH STARTS FRIDAY, May 6th Daily 3:45 6:45 9:45 | Sat. Matinees 12:15 NO 3D Fri. and Sat. at 6:45 H Box Elder “SATURDAY’S WARRIOR” “2D ZOOTOPIA”PG Daily 3:45, 6:45 & 9:35 Fri. and Sat. Matinees 12:30 Limit one year. Offer ends 05/31/16, regular rate $30.00 per year. PG-13 Open Sunday through Friday at 3:45 p.m. Open Saturday at 11:30 a.m. for Matinees. $5.50 All Shows Before 6 p.m. $7.50 Adults in Evenings $5.50 Children and Seniors anytime. Special Engagement No Passes, Discount Tickets, or $5.50 Tues. Bargain Night not permitted. $2.00 SURCHARGE ON ALL 3-D ENGAGEMENTS. www. SPECIAL SNEAK PREVIEW: Captain America: Civil War, Thursday, May 5th, 7:30 p.m., in both 2D and 3D H H CAPITOL EFFECTIVE FOR FRIDAY May 6th THROUGH TUESDAY May 10th A Twin Theatre - 53 So. Main, Brigham - 723-3113. Open Saturday at 12:00 p.m. for Matinees. Open Sunday through Friday at 4:15 p.m. Adults in evenings $7.00. Matinees, Children and Senior Citizens $5.00. Special Engagement: No Passes or Discount Tickets Permitted. No 9 p.m. Showings on Sunday thru Thursday. TUESDAY BARGAIN SPE- H STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH CIAL: ALL SHOWS ONLY $5 ALL DAY TUESDAY. H STARTS FRIDAY, May 6th H CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR”PG-13 H H Daily 4:15 & 7:15 | Sat. Matinees 12:45 “2D JUNGLE BOOK” STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH PG Daily 4:50 & 7:30 | Saturday Matinees 12:00 & 2:30 You’ve got big plans for them. But how about your future? Legal Notice of Public Hearing Proposed Fee Changes Environmental Health, Personal Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Services Now’s the time to get started. It’s never too early to start preparing for the day you retire. I’m here to help. Together, we can set a reachable goal. I’ll also show you how life insurance can help you provide for your growing family. Wednesday May 11, 2016 6:00 p.m. Bear River Health Department Brigham City 817 West 950 South Brigham City, Utah A good plan, and a good life, starts with someone you know. Call me to learn more. Christie Juber 435-723-1817 156 North Main Brigham City The Bear River Board of Health will hold a public hearing on proposed changes to fees for services provided by the Bear River Health Department’s Environmental Health Division, Personal Health Division, and Substance Abuse Treatment Division. Copies of the proposed changes are available for review on the Health Department’s website at Life insurance offered through Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL; Allstate Assurance Company, Northbrook, IL; Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, NE; and American Heritage Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. Securities offered by Personal Financial Representatives through Allstate Financial Services, LLC (LSA Securities in LA and PA). Registered Broker-Dealer. Member FINRA, SIPC. Main Office: 2920 South 84th Street, Lincoln, NE 68506. (877) 525-5727. © 2016 Allstate Insurance Co. 170976 Life Insurance • Retirement Savings • Mutual Funds • IRAs • Annuities • College Savings Plans 20% Off a One Year Subscription to the EFFECTIVE FOR FRIDAY May 6th THROUGH TUESDAY May 10th Daily 4:50, 7:10 & 9:40 Fri. and Sat. Matinees 12:20 & 2:30 News Journal “10 CLOVERFIELD LANE”PG-13 PHONE 723-6661 Get a FULL YEAR of local news coverage for only $24.00 Just bring in your Shopper address label with this coupon and payment to our office at 55 South 100 West in Brigham City or mail to Box Elder News Journal, PO Box 370, Brigham City UT 84302. WALKER CINEMAS 8 2 Box Elder Shopper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Innovative Women’s Care, Compassionate Providers Our medical team is dedicated to providing the best obstetrics and gynecology care for women of all ages, including expecting moms during pregnancy. Excellence is our goal, and anyone who visits our office can expect only the best medical care. Services We Provide Obstetrics Infertility Full obstetrical services In-office ultrasound In-office ablation Gynecology Daniel Ferguson MD Annie Overson CNM DNP Annual GYN & Breast Exams Premarital Exams Cancer Screening Abnormal Periods Abnormal Pap Smears Endometriosis Birth Control Infertility Full Obstetrical Services In-Office Ultrasound In-Office Ablation Laparoscopic Surgeries Menopause Management Bladder Control Problems Treatment of Pelvic Pain Mammography Scheduling Bioidentical Hormones Novasure® Make an appointment online at: 984 South Medical Dr, Suite 4 Brigham City, UT 84302 (435) 695-2273 RUNNING OF THE BULLS 2016 Join USU-Brigham City as they run for the Box Elder Family Support Center SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2016 5K RUN OR 1-MILE WALK CHECK-IN AT 8:00 A.M. • RUN BEGINS AT 8:30 A.M. USU-Brigham City • 989 South Main Street For questions, contact USU-Brigham City at (435) 919-1200 Sponsored by USU-Brigham City's Student Government PRE-REGISTRATION DAY OF EVENT Cost: $15 Register now at: Cost: $20 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Box Elder Shopper 3 You get the savings. 17 Colors prime material, cut to your exact length. CO Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS (ucan) 4 Wednesday, AUTOS September 25, 2013 FOR SALE DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. Call 1‑800‑360‑4120. (ucan) GOT AN OLDER CAR, boat or RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1‑ 800‑849‑1593. (ucan) 435-753-3462 MATTING-FRAMING All art work, needle work. NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT • DRIVEWAY TEAR OUT & REPLACE • SPORTS COURTS • PATIOS • STEP REPLACEMENT • SIDEWALK NEW/REPAIR • COLORED • STAMPED • EXPOSED Prepworks cation today! (ucan) HANDICAP AND CUSTOM RAILINGS‑ In‑ NEED CASH? HAVE EQUITY in your side or out, $18‑$24 a foot, depending home? Local party can provide loan on design. Contact Pam, 435‑553‑5529. at low rates. (435)225‑7070. Box Elder Shopper SPRING CLEAN UP! BRICK and stone repair, foundation and chimney repair, will construct or repair brick mail‑ boxes. No job too small. Free esti‑ mates. Licensed and insured. Regent Construction Services: 435‑730‑8208 or 435‑734‑0655. KITCHEN, BATH, AND GARAGE re‑ modeling. Tile work and grout re‑ pair, fireplace mantels. No job too small. Free estimates. Licensed and insured. Regent Construction Services: 435‑730‑8208 or 435‑734‑0655. 723-3471 SELL YOUR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT or annuity payments for Cash Now. You don’t have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1‑800‑681‑3252. (ucan) HEALTH real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons BRIGHAM/FARR SPECIALhereby informed that allWEST dwellingsEYE advertised are available on an equal opportunityabasis.” complain of discriminaISTS is seeking partTotime Ophthalmic tion, call HUD Toll-free 1-800-669-9777. the WashTechnician. This atindividual willForwork ington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free UPAXLP alongside physicians in working number for theour hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. SUMMONS with the patients, documenting visits, INAND THE FIRST DISTRICT JUVEONE TWO multiple BEDROOM apart ments, and performing our NILE COURT IN ANDtests FORinBOX ELall utilities included except lights office. Applicants are required to have DER COUNTY STATE OF UTAH includes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑2605 previous experience with electronic after 4:30 p.m. health records, will need great communicationFOR skills, a RENT flexible working OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT‑ 900 sq. ft., schedule, and have an ability to learn center of OR town.LEASE $500/MO. Call Don quickly. Please bring your resume to 435‑225‑3778. 990 S. Medical Drive Suite GL3. “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing HOUSESITTER/RENTER NEEDED‑ CALL Act, which435‑730‑4887. makes it illegal to advertise any CHUCK, preference, limitation, or discrimination GOT KNEE PAIN? BACK Pain? Shoul‑ der Pain? Get a pain‑relieving brace at little or no cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1‑ 800‑914‑8849. (ucan) on race, color,MOBILE religion, sex, HOME handi2 based BEDROOM in Hon‑ cap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make eyville for rent. Call 435‑720‑3242 or any such preference, limition, or discrimination. 435‑279‑8200. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for certificate fromofwork services. a termination your force parental rights, permanent custody orSend resumeandto temporary Law Office, PO Box ders and an order to pay support. 876, Brigham City, UT child 84302, or by Case 1117158March-2-9-16-23-c email to No in State of Utah in the May interest4,of:2016 S.C. pdf format. Wednesday, THE STATE OF UTAH TO: ALYSSA COX NOTICE TO WATER USERS You hereby summoned to appear The are NONUSE application(s) bebefore the above-entitled at 43 low were filed with thecourt, Division of North Main, Brigham, UT onthatMONWater Rights. It is represented addiDAY, 2016within at 9:45which a.m. for tional APRIL time is 18, needed to atopre-trial AND onuseMONDAY, resume hearing the beneficial of water in Box 25, Elder County. These are an inforAPRIL 2016 at 10:15 a.m. for admal proceedings per Ruleto R655-6-2. judication trial to respond a Verified Protests to Terminate concerningParental an Rights applicaPetition on tionwith must legibly written or typed, file the be court alleging that you have contain and/or the name and mailing address abused the above-referDirect neglected Care Professional of the protesting party, STATE THE M-F 7:30 am – You 3:00 pm. Provide enced child. haveNUMBER a rightcare to be repreAPPLICATION PROthrough training and supporting people proceedwith sented by an attorney at these TESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE intellectual Coaching, teaching, ings. If youdisabilities. do notREQUEST appear at the time and PROTEST, and A HEARfeeding, toileting, and transporting clients. place setdesired. forth herein, aAjudgment will be ING, if Also, $15 FEE MUST Previous against experienceyou preferred butcould willinginclude to entered which BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLItrain. Applicants must be 21 years of age aCATION termination of your parental PROTESTED. Protestsrights, must and have a valid UT driver's license. Must be be filed with Divisioncustody of Water permanent and the temporary orable to pass background check. Applicants Rights, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, ders and an order to pay child support. must be willing to obtain CPR and First Aid UT 84114-6300, orskills by a hand delivunless Monday is certifications. Computer March-2-9-16-23-c a plus. Ability 1 YARD To Place an AD just call: Or email us: real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons 730-6044 SALES LARGE NEWLY REMODELED ONE hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equalADS: opportunity basis.” Tocents complain of discriminabedroom apartment, second floor, WORD CLASSIFIEDS: $7 for 20 words plus 15 cents LEGAL 90 a line. Classified ads must be paid Medical Assistant Spanish/ tion, call HUD Toll-free at(Bilingual 1-800-669-9777. For the WashDUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION of the new SWITCH TO DIRECTV AND get a $100 dishwasher, includes heat, at trash, wa‑ CPAP/BIPAP may SUPPLIES AT LITTLE or DEADLINE: for each additional word per publication. Discounts apply. Monday noon, ington, DC area please call HUDavailable at 275-9200. Theour toll-free Gift Card. Free Whole‑Home Genie HD/ for in advance, (cash, check, English) – F/T position at Medical Office Building, the hospital ter, cable TV, $465/month N/S, N/P, to lift 50 lbs. no cost from Allied Medical Supply number the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50 per column inch. holiday, in forwhich case it’sroutine Friday at noon prior to the holiday. Brigham City Clinic. Performs gift shop iscard closing.or A liquida tion sale Phone 723-3471 credit money order) Network! Fresh supplies delivered right 435‑512‑5010. 435-723-3913 New Customers Only. Don’t settle for Petition NICOL Respon ery to CAS business THE 5, 2016. COLE You addition quired t NON Petition 29-2B of the poration City De for 0.16 above-e mail for ac lard) D. Mur North M failPubl to d default Journal relief de CHARL Petition NICOL Respon REQ CAS Requ THE ceived aR COLE North M You until 10 quired Energyt Petition ergy/Ut of the B Resp City De original above-en to Energy mail ac Att D. Murp B North M fail to do defaultBw Prop relief de sealed MA duties such as assisting providers is taking place until Friday, March AND TWO BEDROOM apartments, To Place Your CLASSIFIED to your door. Insurance may cover all ONE cable. Call Now 1‑800‑410‑4728. (ucan) NOTICE USERS 18th. Don’t miss out. Hurry to the w/ tray set-ups and exams, charting, all utilities included except lights Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 55 S. 100 West, Brigham City UT,800‑575‑1885. 84302 | MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 370, Brigham City TO UT,WATER 84302 costs. (ucan) The NONUSE application(s) besale 9:00am until 4:00 pm daily. obtaining vitals, ordering and preparincludes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑2605 TREE PRUNING ‑ 15 years experience, low were filed with the Division of after p.m.prices ing lab4:30 analyzes, assessing patients/ MISCELLANEOUS Water Rights. It is represented that addiNew lower on small sheds OPEN SATURDAYS 9AM‑2PM. Inside 320 formal education in horticulture/arbo‑ REAL ESTATE training, calling in for pharmacy orders, and tional timeFOR is neededSALE within which to South 200 East. Infant and toddler riculture. Call 435‑228‑5129 or email Call Rates PERSONAL 900 sq. ft., to SERVICES OFFICE FORPrevious RENT‑ experience resume the beneficial use of water YARD SALE FINANCE HELP WANTED MISC. PERSONAL FOR RENT OFFERED stockingSPACE supplies. clothing, 50¢. New items each week. (435) 723-1846 center of town. $500/MO. Call Don in Box Elder County. These are inforin a clinic setting preferred, but we are “All real estate advertised herein is subChairs, endtable, lamps, frames, vases, mal proceedings per Rule R655-6-2. MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid 435‑225‑3778. ject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes COMPUTER ‑ VIRUSES, lost HERITAGE AUTO GROUP IS currently MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid willing train the candidate. jewelry, scrapbooking, smallOpen appliances, ESTATE SALE STARTS TODAY! ev‑ NEED CASH? PROBLEMS HAVE EQUITY in your Need toa place to perfect store your treasures? Protests concerning an applicait illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, operators, just real people like you. data, hardware or software is sues? eryday, 10‑7. Antiques, gar den equip‑ home? Local party can provide loan hiring for the position of Part s/Ser‑ operators, just real people like you. linens, books, toys. Spanish/English bilingual skills are or discrimination basedlegibly on race, color, religion,or sex,typed, handition must be written Browse greetings, exchange mes sages HOUSESITTER/RENTER NEEDED‑ CALL ment, kitchware, books, lighting, fur‑ atContact low rates. (435)225‑7070. vice Advisor in its Brigham City loca‑ Browse greetings, exchange mes sages Geeks On Site! 24/7 Service. Storage Bay Rentals cap, familialthe status, or national origin, or intentionaddress to make contain name and mailing required. Visit for wage niture, fencing and lots more. 79 S tion. This is a great entry to the in‑ and connect connect live. Try it free. Call now: CHUCK, Sportsman Storage 435‑730‑4887. such preference, limition,party, or discrimination. 12 and is full‑time with benefits. and forinformation. availability and prices YARD SALE‑ FRIDAY AND Saturday, all Friendly Repair Experts. Macs and PCs. dustry ofanythe protesting STATE THE Main St, Mantua. 800‑359‑2796. 14 andCall benefit CHC offers “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for 800‑359‑2796. (ucan) 435.279.6200 Call for free diagnosis. 1‑800‑883‑0979. Call (435) 723‑3456 to learn more. APPLICATION NUMBER PRO- with the day. 955 West Forest Street. Gary Bywater real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons based on experience and in a Hon‑ TESTED, 156 South 800HOME West 2a salary BEDROOM MOBILE Heritage Auto Group is currently hir‑ (ucan)FARM NEEDS CITE REASONS FOR THE hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available MOVING SALE‑ COVERED, LARGE Vari‑ Brigham Cityincluding a or PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEAR- and the 720-1941 ing for the position of Certified Auto‑ generous benefits package, eyville for rent. Call 435‑720‑3242 on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discriminaBIG YARD SALE‑ FRIDGE, couch and dent. Pl ety. Friday, 2 PM‑DARK, Saturday, 8 AM. motive Technician in its Brigham City tion, call Toll-freeAlso, at 1-800-669-9777. For the WashSewer & Water ING, if HUD desired. A $15 FEE MUST 401(k) retirement plan. 158love N. 100 Willard. do not e 435‑279‑8200. seat,W., swivel rockers, beds, chairs, The Pregnancy Care Center location. Starting pay is DOE. Insur‑ ington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200.APPLIThe tollBE INCLUDED FOR EACH informa Services To apply: Email Resume to jrodritable, fish tank, tools, TV’s, saws, lots FORReplacement SALE: CAGE FREE eggs. ance, 401k, vacation pay, and uni‑ 18 North 100 East free number for the hearing impaired isProtests 1-800-927-9275. rial. If CATION PROTESTED. must forms included. Call (435) 723‑3456 OPEN SATURDAYS INSIDE, LARGE NEWLYor fax REMODELED ONE Backhoe & Dump truck work: Brigham City, Utah of stuff. Friday 9AM‑2PM. and Saturday, 8‑2. 801‑725‑7303 to 435-734-9761. does no be filed with the Division of Water to learn more. too, at 320 South 200 East. Tables, sewer, water lines and tree stump bedroom apartment, second floor, Rights, AVOID HIGH INTEREST PAYDAY loans! Thursday come earlylinens, if you copies i PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, chairs, lamps,setup, frames, dishes, removal! Driveway removal, 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ Have84114-6300, equity in your home or own it appropr dishwasher, includes heat, trash, wa‑ UT want. 371 Willard Pk. and Rd., books, Mantua. small appliances. Clothing or by hand delivDON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY to concrete work. No job too large or Pregnancy Tests R 50¢. Jewelry, crafts, and toys. New 925 West 1075 South 435‑730‑1362. ter, TV, $465/month N/S, N/P, free and clear? Local individual can box.REQ find career success and fulfillment JOBcable DESCRIPTION: small.HEALTH Call for free estimates Safe, Caring, confidential plete RF items every Saturday. provide at low rates. (435) Requ while you assist people to reach their 435‑512‑5010. Phoneloans 723-3471 information and advice. We435-720-0911 are looking for or an 435-723-1152 energetic, Finance 435-734-9598 or highest level of independence. Full ceived a RUMMAGE SALE TO SUPPORT Meals 225‑7070. (doyler@ To ALCOHOLICS Place Your CLASSIFIED positive and self-motivated person time manager needed to supervise 723-0500 GARAGE SALE‑ MAY 7 and 14, 8‑4. 358 435-720-0237 North M on Wheels. Friday, March 18 6p‑8p; CPAP/BIPAP SUPPLIES AT LITTLE or no loading daily operations of residential treat‑ W. 2235 S., Perry. 3 blocks east of who is willing to learn the operations New Hours of Operation ANONYMOUS & Sons, HOUSE FOR SALE BY owner‑ 5 bed‑ until fromKotter Allied Medical SupplyInc. Net‑ gov) 10: aft Saturday 8a‑1p. Donations accepted. costVal ment program for at‑risk adolescent Maverik. 435‑225‑3127. 131 plus West Forest St - Meeting schedule Energy Fresh supplies delivered right CLASSIFIEDS: $7 15 great cents Classified ads Will mustTuesdays be 10paid tals will room, 3 baths, open flor plan, LEGAL ofSportsman a growing company. This is afor full 20 words a.m.-5 p.m. - Wednesdays 10WORD a.m.males in Brigham City, UT 84302. Storage Indoors at Community/Senior Center, work! 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. of DEADL to your door. Insurance may cover all ergy/Uti datory p promote safety and assist word perThis apply. full Mon/Wed/Fri finishedmay basement, tons 5 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m.-for 5 p.m.each additional time, position. position for in practices advance, (cash, check, 24 NSALE‑ 300THURSDAY, W; Brigham ESTATE MAY 435‑226‑1450 5, 8AM‑5PM. costs. 800‑575‑1885. Newseasonal lower prices on publication. small sheds Discounts Thursday 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE ingResp site with hiring, training and evaluation of storage, main floor laundry, 815 S. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50Saturday/Sunday per column inch. holiday, in Collection of Salt and Pepper shakers, will156 be working with sales, customer for information. 10:00 11:00 a.m. direct credit care staff.card Responsible for cli‑ order) 24, 201 original or money South 800 West Call for Rates FOR SALE owls, snowbabies, fridge, stove, lamps, 400 E., Brigham City. $175,000, call in the B ent support, monitoring, and develop‑ LUNG CANCER? AND 60 Years Old? If service and daily office duties. to Brigham City sewing machine, sewing patterns and (435) 723-1846 ment of life skills through established 801‑856‑8334. located So, You And Your Family May Be En‑ Energy WANTED TO Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Key 55 duties S. 100 West, Brigham City UT, MAILING ADDR materials, garden supplies, 2 beds, 10 FT and requirements will SERVICES MISC. RECREATIONAL “All real 84302 estate advertised|herein is subpro grams. Must be able to communi‑ titled To A Significant Cash Award. Call Att couch, dresser w/mirror, lots of misc. effectively (verbal and written) ject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes CAXCA BUY include: 800‑418‑1064 To Learn More. No Risk. cate OFFERED Real Estate Investor 1 Need bed upstairs apt. inyour Brigham City. B a place to store treasures? with a multi‑dimensional team in a it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, No Money Out Of Pocket. • Answering phones and taking People, now is a great time to varietyMISCELLANEOUS of situations. Full time ben‑ Seeks Apprentice SERVICES OFFERED Save time and $$$ because washer 236 S. 600 E.‑ Friday and Saturday. or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handiSERVICES SERVICES 1990 MISCELLANEOUS INTERNATIONAL MARINE CALIB‑ Lifelin efits available plus a suite of volun‑ sales orders B Storage Bay Rentals Jacuzzi hot tub, tools, transfer tank cap, familialMake status, or national origin,/ oryear intention to make OGIE, 50 HPCASH force motorFOR withPre‑1980 owners $WANTED$ PAID $120k getKNEE yourPAIN? interior repaints done. Low FOR SALE OFFERED OFFERED and dryer are included. N/S, N/P, RefPETS GOT BACK Pain? Shoul‑ tary insurance op tions. Apply today rugs, books, kirby vacuum, fuel cans, Prop manual, fish finder, max depth 600 ft., any such preference, limition, or discrimination. • Customer service calls availabl COMIC BOOKS & Star Wars Action Call forrequired. availability and prices derMention Pain? Getthis a pain‑relieving brace Call/Text 385-215-9541 at or call Troy at AD and receive compressor. erences $390/rent, $390/ trailer 1990 single 18 ft., with acces‑ sealed “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for BIG CARPET: AT BIGand Carpet we can hive Tee at little or NO cost to you. Medicare • Communication problem Figures.$1,900 Original Comic Art‑ Sports 435.225.1177. A MICROFIBER SOFA/LOVE, NEW still sories, BAUER LAWNCARE: AFFORDABLE SER‑ you OBO. 435‑723‑7829. Bywaterneeds. Why real estateEarn with the which iswhile in violation of thelearn! law. All persons handle allGary your grass, flooring “Lifelin Hotline 1‑ 131 West Forest St - Meeting schedule Patients dep. 435-730-6754. 10% Call off Health your bid price.Now! Offer in plastic, $499. Call 435‑753‑1738. VICES: Mowing trimming, edg‑ Cards & Autographed Memorabilia‑ fight solving theskills Ogden traffic when you can hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available and the 800‑914‑8849. BEST YARD SALE EVER: 50 years of phone a Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. ing, spring cleanup and fall cleanup, 720-1941 The a ends March 20. 1990’s MagictheGatherineg get & customer on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discriminamemorabilia accumulated from living •great Abilityprices to use standard officeservice Lifel dent. Pl Flemish Giant X CA. TheseCall SAFE STEP WALK‑IN Tub Alert for fertilization, mulching, gutter clean‑ colum 5TH WHEELbig. TRAILER close to home. You will also appreci‑ all over Thursday the world,8:00 from- 9:00 China,p.m. Spain, tion, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washwith bunnies do get buying@getcash‑ They do notaofem Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. WILL:800‑242‑6130 ing, and installers other services, justhave ask. de‑ For equipment fers MISC. ANNOUNCEMENT ate our who all 435-237-1378 2011sweet Big Horn 3585, 38and FT long. France &Sunday Guatemala. of piec‑ • Weekly Mowing 10:00Hundreds - 11:00 a.m. ington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The tollphone are natured make Approved by Arthritis Foundation. forcomics. informa com (ucan) a free estimate call or text Aron, ing tob cades of experience. 1968 North • Processing daily paperwork Warentee good until October 2017. es of clothing, beautiful jackets, sweater free number for• thePower hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Link Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch excellent pets. Rex crosses... Raking 435‑230‑3415 or email aronabauer@ HELP WANTED rial. If requir 2000 West, Farr West www.bigcar‑ Save over $30,000, buy used. sets, blouses and t‑shirts in every color, stallatio • Data801‑675‑5975. entry skills Step‑In. Wide Door. Anti‑Slip Floors. They have been handled licens does not T‑F 12‑6 & • Aerating petite sizes from small to large. Ms L – Call Ralph for more info, 801-668-3605. A American PLACE FORMade. MOM.Installation The nation’s larg‑ reducing Included. registi dailyLocated sinceHELP birth. Call Jeff AVOID HIGH INTEREST PAYDAY loans! • Computer literate Sat 12 ‑ 5. copies 1X, ladies pants and tops, & children’s in Honeyville, UT. est senior living referral service. Con‑ • Edge Trimming $30, wh Call 800‑682‑1403 for $750 Off. (ucan) PROFESSIONAL PIANO TEACHER WITH vices. 719-494-9407. 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ clothes, toys, jewelry, bedding, crafting Have equity in your home or own it appropri BRIGHAM/FARR WEST EYE SPECIAL‑ • Ability to usehas software related WANTED tact our trusted, local experts today! Beeh masters degree openings for piano colum Free Estimates supplies, and TV electronics. Paragon ISTS is seeking a highly motivated box. Re Our FREE/no obligation. BREAKING BAD Excel BAIL *Min‑ free and clear? Local individual can particip 925 West 1075 South freezer & fridge FORservice SALE‑ AisSONYO students from beginner to advanced expen to job, including andBONDS Microsoft Kiln S‑82 with extra bricks and stand. Ophthalmic Technician/Medical Assis‑ Travel all of Box Elder County CALL 1‑800‑685‑8604. plete RF utes from jail. *Fast 24 hour service. 3’5” tall 2’5” wide. Free‑on tank good job levels. Sharon Smith 435‑553‑5245. provide loans at low rates. (435) ingofprog 435-720-0911 or*breakingbadbails. 435-723-1152 Go‑Go LX 3‑wheel electric scooter by tant to join our team. This individual Office SERVICES REGIONAL ROUTES AND 435‑723‑1176. Finance for 6 years. Adjustable control. $80. DRIVERS‑ made 435-553-5468 assistan REAL ESTATE Pride, like Pet new. Food Tropical& Fish Tanks •will work alongside our physicians in Supplies Men’s Work Clothing 225‑7070. com. OFFERED • Ability to MOM. multi-task 435‑730‑7479. A PLACE FOR The nation’s largest (doyler@ dedicated lanes in Western US. Steady plement and supplies, 40 and 29 gal with rod working with the patients, document‑ ATTENTION PART‑T senior living and referral service. Contact loading eral Hou iron stand Poultry, that holds Horse, both tanks. Free &ing miles. Bonus potential. Regular home • Reliable dependable Better Business Lamb Calf Feed Fertilizers visits, and •performing multiple FORMER EMPLOYEES of Thiokol of Man BED, QUEEN ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS BIG CARPET: AT BIG Carpet we can DETAILED our trusted, local experts to day! HOUSE FOR SALE BY owner‑ 5 bed‑ HOUSEKEEPER SERVICE NO Assistan standing portable air conditioner, for gov) afte Bureau of Utah tests in our office. EHR experience AVOID HIGH INTEREST PAYDAY loans! time. Family company. Requires CD‑A, Chemical during 1960-1980 located • Ability to work independently as accoun set. New, still in plastic, $169. Will handle all your flooring needs. Why mess Our service is free/no obligation. & hearing Garden Feeding Equipment is too big or small! Call now Call for room, 3 any room.Lawn Rexton aidsSupplies with Assistan is a•plus. Applicants will need great tals will baths, great open flor plan, Have equity in your home or own it Sportsman Storage in Corrine, UT. Please call Kirsta given. 1‑Year OTR, HazMat. 888.929.9140 deliver 435‑753‑1738. Email: info@ 1‑800‑685‑8604. (ucan) fightand the Ogden trafficindividual when youcan can your well as partESTIMATE! of a team FREE (619) 508‑2199 lots of batteries. Too many things to (TANF) communication skills, a flexible work‑ free clear? Local Phone: basement, 801-892-6009 full finished tons of datory Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Cruthis of the Simmons Law Firm at check.p Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Healthwith (ucan) get great prices & customer service list. SATFencing 8 am to 2 •pm or rained out, ing schedule, be comfortable gram (N provide loans at low rates. (435) Fax: 801-892-6002 • Organized and detailed oriented ing any time. EMERGENCIES CAN STRIKE AT 1-855-988-2537. storage, main floor laundry, 815 S. andsiteFr 969 Park Pl (Lindsey Park, look for the close to home. You will also appreciate computers, have an ability to learn 5673 S. Redwood Rd., #22 225‑7070. PROFESSIONAL PIANO TEACHER LOOK!!! 24, 2016 Wise Food Storage makes it easy to our installers who all have decades casiona Send to: 800 nancy@chan156resumes South West arrows), Brigham City. Salt Lake City, Ut. 84123-5322 quickly, and hard to provide FINISHERS AND LABORERS WITH masters 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton, UTwork 84337 degree has openings 400 E., Brigham City. $175,000, call inand prepare with tasty, easy‑to‑cook meals CONCRETE Need lawn mowed? the re B Brigham City quality care to our patients. Please of experience. 1968 North 2000 for or call 435-230-0864 for pianoCall students Laborers start at $12/HR. that have a 25‑year shelf life. Free needed: gmail.c Bag of from Grassbeginner 801‑856‑8334. located call 435‑734‑2097. West, Farr West to advanced levels. Sharon YARD SALEPhone: ON SATURDAY, May 7, 9‑1. New Hope CrisisPUBLIC Center NOTI 435-257-5419 questions before March 28, 2016. Smith sample. Call: 800‑310‑6993. (ucan) Please call, 435‑723‑2110. Lawn Care 801‑675‑5975. T‑F 12‑6 & Sat 12 ‑ 5. STORAGE BAY RENTALS REAL ESTATE ADS BRIGHAM Pregnant? FREE Storage Space Available To Place an AD just call: 723-3471 Or visit us on the web: www.b STORAGE BAY REAL ESTATE ADS RENTALS 435.279.6200 BRIGHAM Wixom Brothers Painting Winter Special ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS EASTER BUNNIES Storage Space Available IFA COUNTRY STORES J & D YARD CARE N BRIGHAM 435.279.6200 720 W. 325 N. Brigham ‑ Clothes, Dec‑ orations, Desk, Dresser. LIFE‑SKILLS AND INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Center (LINC) Spring Fund Raiser: Yard Sale Extravaganza! Crafts, gifts, plant starts, baked goods and drinks. Silent Auction. Come meet service dog Por‑ ter and his puppy pals while touring LINC. Saturday, May 7, 8 am – 2 pm. 862 South Main St. (Parking Lot). AUTOS DONATE YOUR CAR TO Cars for Breast Cancer and help fight breast cancer! We’ll pick up your vehicle (running or not) and help with title/paperwork. Tax deductible. 1‑800‑748‑1065 2002 DODGE RAM‑ 2500 4X4, Diesel, new tires, new battery, 114000 Miles, $12,000 OBO. Also, 2008 sundance‑ 2 slideouts, 2 TV’s, new tires. $13,000 OBO. 435‑723‑8949. GOT AN OLDER CAR, boat or RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1‑800‑849‑1593. DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1‑800‑360‑4120. DOES YOUR AUTO CLUB offer no hassle service and rewards? Call Auto Club of America (ACA) & Get $200 in ACA Re‑ wards! (New members only) Roadside Assistance & Monthly Rewards. Call 1‑ 800‑417‑0340. FINANCE SELL YOUR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don’t have to wait for your fu‑ ture payments any longer! Call 1‑800‑681‑3252 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BEN‑ EFITS. Unable to work? Denied bene‑ fits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth‑ ing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1‑800‑871‑7805 to start your ap‑ plication today! ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESSES: SIM‑ PLIFY Your Payroll & Taxes with Pay‑ chex! New customers receive one month of payroll processing free! Re‑ ceive a Free Quote! Call 800‑404‑3072. PART TIME HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED for Brigham City motel. Wage depend‑ ing on experience. Apply at Bushnell Lodge 115 E. 700 S. Brigham City. INTEGRITY HOME HEALTH IS look‑ ing for a P/T male or female CNA to join our team. Email resume to jodi‑ or call 435‑723‑9000. WILLARD CITY IS ACCEPTING appli‑ cations for a full‑time Maintenance Worker. Interested individuals can obtain a detailed job description and application at or at the Willard City Offices, 80 West 50 South, Willard, Utah 84340, week‑ days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Clos‑ ing date for applications is May 13, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer. DENTAL FRONT OFFICE POSITION 3 to 5 days per week for a fast paced, fun office. Looking for a self starter with great organization skills to effectively manage a general practice in Perry, UT. Dental experience preferred. Ex‑ cellent benefit package available. Pay based on experience. Please fax, email or deliver resume to (435)723‑9445, DREWES FLORAL & GIFT is currently looking for an Experienced Flo‑ ral Designer for a part‑time, long term position (up to 30 hours per week). Requires general knowledge of processing fresh flowers and ex‑ perience in Fresh Floral Design. Ap‑ ply at 28 South Main, Brigham City, 435‑723‑8571, dfgifts@qwestoffice. net. THE BEAR RIVER HEALTH Dept. has an opening for a full time Administra‑ tive Support Staff in the Logan office. For more information, please visit or call Sylvia Tello at 435‑792‑6498 NOW HIRING ALL SHIFTS apply at Store #5787 Miller Brothers Express CDL Training Program Guaranteed job upon completion Must be 21 Yrs old, No DUI or felony convictions in last 5 years. Contact Bruce: 208 859 4997 or Anne: 800 995 6239 MISC. FOR SALE BED, KING,ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS and BREAKING BAD BAIL BONDS *Min‑ split box set. New, still in plastic, utes from jail. *Fast 24 hour service. 435‑753‑1738. A $275. MICROFIBER SOFA/LOVE, NEW still UPAXLP 435‑723‑1176. * in plastic, $499. Call 435‑753‑1738. SUMMONS ENJOY 100% GUARANTEED, DELIV‑ DISH TV 190 CHANNELS plusJUVEHigh‑ IN THE FIRST DISTRICT ERED‑to‑the‑door Omaha Steaks! Save speed Internet Only FOR $49.94/mo! Ask NILE COURT IN AND BOX ELSWITCH TO DIRECTV AND get a $100 77% plus get 4 free Kielbasa Sausages about a 3 year price guarantee & DER COUNTY STATE OF UTAH Gift Card. FREE Whole‑Home Ge‑ Order The Family Gourmet Feast ‑ only get Netflix included for 1 year! Call nie HD/DVR upgrade. Starting at $49.99. 1‑800‑298‑5998 mention offer Today 1‑800‑611‑1081. (ucan) $19.99/mo. Only. 40332ZTN orNew www.Customers Don’t settle for cable. Call Now good13 (ucan) FOR RENT 1‑800‑410‑4728. METAL ROOF/WALL PANELS, PRE‑ en‑ gineered YOUR Metal HOME Buildings. Mill fully prices PROTECT WITH for sheeting coil are at aand 4 year low. customizable security 24/7 Youtoring get theright savings. Colors prime moni from17your smart‑ phone. Receive $1500 in equip‑ material, cut up to toyour exact length. ment, free (restrictions apply). Call CO Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS 1‑800‑290‑9224. (ucan) AUTOS MATTRESS BED, QUEEN ORTHOPEDIC set. New, stillFOR in plastic, $169. Will de‑ SALE liver 435‑753‑1738. DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO Heritage For The Blind.MAT FreeTRESS 3 Day BED, KING, ORTHOPEDIC Vacation, Taxset. Deductible, Towing, and split box New, still Free in plastic, $275. 435‑753‑1738. All Paperwork Taken Care Of. Call 1‑800‑360‑4120. (ucan) OR LEASE “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make All work, any such art preference, limition, orneedle discrimination. work. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for NANCI-AYN STUDIO real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons J.thatMcLaughlin hereby informed all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimina723-8746 tion, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC areaFOR please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free RENT number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. MATTING-FRAMING CONCRETE REPLACEMENT • DRIVEWAY TEAR OUT &apart REPLACE ONE AND TWO BEDROOM ments, COURTS • apart PATIOSments, ONE AND• SPORTS TWO BEDROOM DISH TV 190 CHANNELS plus High‑ GOT AN OLDER CAR, boat or RV? Do the all utilities included except lights REPLACEMENT all utilities• STEP included except lights in‑ speed Internet Only $49.94/mo! Ask humane thing. Donate it to the Humane includes • SIDEWALK NEW/REPAIR • COLORED cable TV. Call 435‑723‑2605 cludes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑2605 af‑ about a 3 year price guarantee & get • STAMPED • EXPOSED Society. Call 1‑for 800‑849‑1593. (ucan) ter 4:30 Netflix included 1 year! Call To day after 4:30p.m. p.m. 1‑800‑611‑1081. YARD SALES METAL ROOF/WALL PANELS, PRE‑ en‑ Prepworks sq. ft., OFFICE FOR RENT‑ LARGE SPACE OLDER HOME IN 900 Deweyville‑ 730-6044 double of garage, fenced Call yard Don and center town.large $500/MO. pasture, 4/BED plus AND extra spaces. gineered Metal Buildings. Mill prices 435‑225‑3778. SWITCH TO DIRECTV get a $100 TO THE coil CONSTRUCTION of thelow. new Avail. May 1. 435‑730‑7177. forDUE sheeting are at a 4 year Medical Office Building, the hospital You get the savings. 17 Colors prime gift shopcut is closing. sale material, to yourA liquida exact tion length. taking place until Friday, March COis Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS 18th. Don’t miss out. Hurry to the (ucan). sale 9:00am until 4:00 pm daily. Gift Card. Free Whole‑Home Genie HD/ DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. HOUSESITTER/RENTER NEEDED‑ CALL CORPORATE COM‑ New CustomersAPARTMENT‑ Only. Don’t settle for 435‑730‑4887. CHUCK, PLETELY 1‑bdrm. (ucan) $650 cable. CallFURNISHED, Now 1‑800‑410‑4728. mo. 1‑month minimum. Application 2reTREE BEDROOM HOMEexperi in Hon‑ quired. Call MOBILE 435.757.8919. PRUNING ‑ 15 years ence, FAST SATEL‑ formalfor education horticulture/arbo‑ rent. Callin 435‑720‑3242 or OPENINTERNET! SATURDAYSHUGHESNET 9AM‑2PM. Inside 320 eyville LITE Internet. High‑Speed. Availtoddler Any‑ riculture. Call 435‑228‑5129 orSQ. email South 200 East. Infant and 435‑279‑8200. 2‑BEDROOM APARTMENT, 900 FT., where. Speeds 15 mbps. at clothing, 50¢.toNew itemsStart eachingweek. AC, dishwasher, garbage disposal, $59.99/mo. Call for lamps, Limitedframes, Time Price Chairs, endtable, vases, $590/MO $500/DEP. N/S, N/P. Call LARGE NEWLY REMODELED ? 1‑800‑431‑6852 COMPUTER PROBLEMS ‑ VIRUSES,ONE lost jewelry, scrapbooking, small appliances, 435‑723‑2075. linens, books, toys. SAFE STEP WALK‑IN TUB Alert for Saturday, YARD SALE‑ FRIDAY AND Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal.all day. 955 by WestArthritis Forest Street. Approved Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch couch and BIG YARD Step‑In. WideSALE‑ Door.FRIDGE, Anti‑Slip Floors. love seat,Made. swivelInstallation rockers, beds, chairs, American Includ‑ table, tank, tools,for TV’s, saws, lots ed. Call fish 800‑682‑1403 $750 Off. bedroom apartment, second isfloor, data, hardware or software sues? Contact Geeks On Site! Service. dishwasher, includes heat,24/7 trash, wa‑ SUPER CLEAN BEDROOM, bath Friendly Repair3Experts. Macs 2and PCs. ter, cable TV, $465/month N/S, N/P, home forfree rent. All new carpet & paint. Call for diagnosis. 1‑800‑883‑0979. 435‑512‑5010. Carport. (ucan) Fenced yard with auto sprin‑ klers. $750 a month plus utilities. De‑ posit $400. NS/NP. References required Sewer & Water andReplacement will be checked. 435‑723‑6373 or Services 435‑720‑1648, please message. Backhoe & Dumpleave truck work: of stuff. Friday and Saturday, 8‑2. STORAGE BAY RENTALS sewer, water lines and tree stump Thursday setup, come early if you USED AND RECONDITIONED WASH‑ Newremoval! lowerTOWNHOUSE prices on small sheds Driveway removal, want. 371 Willard Pk. dryers, Rd., Mantua. 2 BEDROOM FOR rent. AC, ERS, electric and gas re‑ concrete Call work. NoRates job too large or for dishwasher, 1500 sq feet. NS/NP. $750 435‑730‑1362. frigerators and ranges. All with war‑ small. Call for free estimates plus deposit. 435‑740‑0287. 723-1846 ranty. Murphy’s Appliance and TV. a month(435) 435-734-9598 or Meals SALEBrigham TO SUPPORT 38RUMMAGE South Main, City, Utah, 435-720-0237 on Wheels. Friday, March 18 6p‑8p; 435‑723‑7705. Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. Saturday 8a‑1p. Donations accepted. Indoors at Community/Senior Center, USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT‑ SS Ho‑ 24 N 300 W; Brigham 435‑226‑1450 bart coffee machine, SS double for Fridge, information. door convection oven, vent hoods, double SS sink unit [NEW] make an SERVICES offer. 435‑720‑1941, Gary Bywater. OFFERED ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need a place to store your treasures? Storage Bay Rentals Wixom Brothers Call for availability and prices Painting Gary Bywater Winter Special 720-1941 People, now is a great time to get your interior repaints done. Mention this AD and receive Storage Space 435‑553‑5245. 1 bed upstairs apt. in Brigham City. 435-723-0866 GENERAL/CARPENTRY CONTRAC TOR: Save time and $$$ because washer REMODELING, BASEMENTS, repairs, Case No 1117158 and are included. N/S, Refdecks, small concrete andN/P, wall J dryer V LAWN State of Utah in the interest of:dry S.C. work. ShaunOF 435‑730‑7618. THECall STATE UTAH TO: ALYS- erences required. $390/rent, $390/ CARE SA COX Lawn dep. You435-730-6754. areMowing hereby summoned to appear COMPUTER PROBLEMS ‑ VIRUSES, lost Spring Cleanorupsoftware data, the hardware issues? before above-entitled court, at 43 Contact Geeks On Site! Ser‑ Aeration, Power Raking North Main, Brigham, UT on24/7MONvice. Friendly18, Repair DAY, APRIL 2016 atExperts. 9:45 a.m.Macs for Business and Residential PCs.hearing Call for FREE diagnosis. aand pre-trial AND on MONDAY, Licensed and Insured 1‑800‑883‑0979. APRIL 25, 2016 at 10:15 a.m. for an adFree Estimate Callto a Verified judication trial to respond Petition toCLEAN Terminate Rights on SPRING435-994-6289 UP! Parental BRICK and stone repair, foundation and that chimney re‑ file with435-753-3462 the court alleging you have pair, will construct brick abused and/or neglectedor therepair above-refermailboxes. No job too small. esti‑ enced child. You a right to Free be repreHANDICAP ANDhave CUSTOM RAIL INGS‑ In‑ mates. Licensed andatinsured. Regent sented by an attorney these proceedside or out, $18‑$24 a foot, depending Construction Services: 435‑730‑8208 ings. If you do not appear the time and on435‑734‑0655. design. Contact Pam,at435‑553‑5529. or place set forth herein, a judgment will be entered which could include SPRINGagainst CLEANyou UP! BRICK and stone aKITCHEN, termination of your rights, BATH, AND GARAGE re‑ repair, foundation andparental chimney repair, modeling. Tile temporary work andcustody groutmail‑ re‑ permanent and orwill construct or repair brick pair, fireplace Nosupport. job esti‑ too ders and an to paysmall. child boxes. Noorder job mantels. too Free small. estimates. LicensedRegent and March-2-9-16-23-c mates.Free Licensed and insured. insured. RegentServices: Construction Services: Construction 435‑730‑8208 435‑730‑8208 or 435‑734‑0655. or 435‑734‑0655. UTAH Domestic Violence Support Group THE “BECAUSE PEO RealConfidential Estate-Investor No Cost MUST KNOW” grain Meets Seeks 2nd & 4th Monday 6-7 p.m. experie Apprentice Lifelin East 700 South – sprinkl ery to435 aMake Division office during normal Beeh $120k / year For more information call Lowing eq business hours ON OR BEFORE APRIL do not 723-5600 available housei Call/Text 385-215-9541 5, 2016. Please visit http://waterrights. program Tel or call (801)-538-7240 for hive atper orma bel Earn while you learn! additional information. FINANCES NONUSE 29-2100 (A47041): Willard City Corporation is/are seeking Nonuse period SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BEN EFITS. for 0.168 to from groundwater (WilUnable Denied bene fits? We for CanSTOCKWATERING. Help! Win or Pay Nothing! lard) Contact Bill Gordon & L. Associates at Kent Jones, P.E. 1‑800‑871‑7805 STATE to startENGINEER your appli‑ cation today!in (ucan) Published The Box Elder News Journal on MARCH 9 & 16, 2016. March-9-16-c NEED CASH? HAVE EQUITY in your home? Local party can provide loan at low rates. (435)225‑7070. CHARLES MACK, SELL YOUR SCOTT STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT Petitioner or annuity payments for Cash Now. You don’t wait for your NICOLE ROBERTS,any longer! Call future payments Respondent. 1‑800‑681‑3252. (ucan) CASE NUMBER 114100436 THE STATE OFMowing UTAH TO NI• Weekly HEALTH COLE ROBERTS: Powersummoned Raking and reYou are •hereby quired to file an answer in writing to a • Aerating Petition that has been BACK filed with the Shoul‑ Clerk GOT KNEE PAIN? Pain? Edge Trimming ofder the Pain? Box • Elder Court, Brigham Get County a pain‑relieving brace City Department, Statetoof you. Utah,Medicare on the Estimates at little orFree no cost above-entitled andHotline serve upon Patients Call case Health Now! or 1‑ Travel Box Elder mail a copyall of of said Answer toCounty Michael 800‑914‑8849. (ucan) D. Murphy, Petitioner’s attorney, at 13 435-553-5468 CPAP/BIPAP SUPPLIES LITTLE North Main, Kaysville, UTAT 84037. If youor no tocost Medical Supply fail do sofrom withinAllied 30 days, judgment of Network! Fresh supplies delivered default willHope be taken against you forright the New Crisis Center to your door. Insurance may cover all relief demanded in said Petition. Domestic Violence Support Group costs. 800‑575‑1885. (ucan) MICHAEL D. MURPHY Confidential - No Cost Attorney at Law Meets 2nd & 4th Monday, 6-7 p.m. 435 East 700 South MISCELLANEOUS 13 North Main For more information call 435-723-5600 Kaysville, UT 84037 PERSONAL Telephone (801) 547-9274 March-2-9-16-23-c MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid J & D YARD CARE “Lifelin Guidelin DRIa phone For CDL Lifel 1-800-6 two with a m Full phone b at H Link 435stallatio reducing THE $30, wh BRIGH COMPA Beehi ISTS eralTechn fina participa Utility S along ing prog Departm with t assistanc jectand to pt plement Civil Ri office eral Hou Section previo Assistan 1973, as health Assistan tionmunic Act rules an (TANF) sched ment of gram (N quickl no990 perso S basis of KITCHEN, BATH, AND GARAGE re‑ NOTICE TO WATER USERS or handi THE LANDSCAPE DETAILER‑ SPRING modeling. Tile work and grout re‑ The NONUSE application(s) besion or a cleanup‑ Tilling, property mainte‑ pair, were fireplace mantels. No job too nance, trim prune low filedshrubs/hedges, with the Division of or other small. Free Licensed and and top trees, andthatedg ing, Water Rights. Itestimates. is mowing represented addition und insured. Construction Services: fencing(all spinkling sys tems, tional timeRegent istypes), needed within which to grams o laying,the weeding, raking haul‑ 435‑730‑8208 or 435‑734‑0655. tosod resume beneficial use and of water sible for Jobs large or small. sional ining. Box Elder County. TheseProfes are infornondisc work. 435‑723‑7829. mal proceedings per Rule R655-6-2. Jacob W Medic Protests concerning an applicaindividu Englis tion must be legibly written or typed, als,Brigh who contain the name and mailing address subjecte MA du of the protesting party, STATE THE obtain fu w/ tray APPLICATION NUMBER PROutesobtain and TESTED, 723-6072 CITE REASONS FOR THE and/or fi ing la PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARorganiza trainin ING, if435-237-1378 desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST partmen stocki BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLID.C. 20 a cl CATION PROTESTED. Protests must ral inUtil willing Systems & Repairs be filedSprinklers with the Division of Water operators, just real people like you. 20250. Spani Rights, PO BoxCHECKETTS 146300, SaltLANDSCAPING Lake City, Browse greetings, exchange messages 180 day UT484114-6300, or byneeds/Spring hand delivtion. Co requir All Landscaping clean-up and connect live. Try it free. Call now: REQUEST office FOR PROPOSALS to the andex b 4 Free estimates on Sprinkling Systems 800‑359‑2796. (ucan) Requests 279-1812 for Proposals will be reaPubl sala Phone 4 Ponds723-3471 and waterfalls ceived at referrals Brigham City Corporation 20 Journal. gener 4Place Sod/retaining walls/grading 4 Great To Your CLASSIFIED North Main Street Brigham City, Utah 401(k) The Pregnancy Center until 10:00 am on AprilCare 14th, 2016 from To 18 North 100 East Energy Service Companies for an EnBrigham City, Utah guez@ ergy/Utility Cost Savings Program. REAL ESTATE Respondents must submit one (1) Pregnancy original and one (1) copy of the Tests proposal FOR SALE JOB D Safe, Caring, confidential to INT information and advice. We ar Pet Food & Supplies • Energy/Utility Men’s Work Clothing Cost Savings Program BRIGH “All real estate advertised herein is subpositi 723-0500 Attn: Mary Kate Christensen REC Poultry, Horse, ject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes Lamb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers who i New Hours of Operation Brigham City Corporation be recei it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equipment of a g Tuesdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays 10 a.m.20 North Main Street 20 Nort or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi5 p.m. •andAnimal Thursdays 10Health a.m.-5 p.m. time,2 Brigham City, Utah 84302 March cap, familial status, or national or intention to make Fencing • origin, Batteries • Horse Tack Proposals shall be submitted in a US-91 will bI any such preference, limition, or discrimination. sealed envelope appropriately marked DES “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for servic 241 ofS.the200 Tremonton, UT 84337 with the proposal’s title, mailing it real estate which is in violation law. All W. persons WANTED TO address major Ke hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available and the name and BUY address of the respon- mately 6 includ Phone: 435-257-5419 on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discriminadent. Please ensure that your proposals 2,280 •l.fA tion, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washdo not exceed twenty-five (25) pages of concrete sales $WANTED$ excluding CASH PAIDreference FOR Pre‑1980 ington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The tollinformation mate- lar borr •C COMIC BOOKS & Star Wars Action free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. rial. If the requested number of copies tons of Wixom Brothers Painting REAL ESTATE ADS Pregnant? IFA COUNTRY STORES FREE Figures. Original Comic Art‑ Sports •C ausages t ‑ only n offer about a 3 year price guarantee & get Netflix included for 1 year! Call Today 1‑800‑611‑1081. (ucan) RE‑ en‑ prices ar low. prime length. OBLDGS Wednesday, May 4, 2016 R BOAT 3 Day Towing, f. Call Do the Humane (ucan) he new ospital on sale March to the ily. de 320 toddler week. , vases, liances, day, all ch and chairs, ws, lots y, 8‑2. if you Mantua. Meals 6p‑8p; cepted. Center, 6‑1450 S S hedule 0 p.m. m. m. Wednesday, September 25, 2013 MATTING-FRAMING SERVICES OFFERED All art work, needle work. NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 MNS LAWN CARE CONCRETE REPLACEMENT • DRIVEWAY TEAR OUT & REPLACE • SPORTS COURTS • PATIOS (Since 1994) • STEP REPLACEMENT • SIDEWALK NEW/REPAIR • COLORED Weekly mowing and trimming • STAMPED • EXPOSED Monthly Fertilizing Prepworks Excellent Quality 730-6044 Lowest Price Guarantee Call Marko DeMonja SWITCH TO DIRECTV AND get a $100 435-720-3719 Gift Card. Free Whole‑Home Genie HD/ DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. New Customers Only. Don’t settle for cable. Call Now 1‑800‑410‑4728. (ucan) CONCRETE REPLACEMENT TREE PRUNING ‑ 15 years experience, • DRIVEWAY TEAR & REPLACE formal education in OUT horticul ture/arbo‑ • SPORTS COURTS • PATIOS riculture. Call 435‑228‑5129 or email • STEP REPLACEMENT Lawn Mowing Spring Clean up Aeration, Power Raking Business and Residential Licensed and Insured Free Estimate Call 435-994-6289 435-753-3462 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied bene fits? We Can Help! Win or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1‑800‑871‑7805 to start your appli‑ cation today! (ucan) HANDICAP AND CUSTOM RAILINGS‑ In‑ side or out, $18‑$24 a foot, depending on design. Contact Pam, 435‑553‑5529. NEED CASH? HAVE EQUITY in your home? Local party can provide loan at low rates. (435)225‑7070. SPRING CLEAN UP! BRICK and stone repair, foundation and chimney repair, UPAXLP will construct or repair brick mail‑ boxes. No job too small. Free esti‑ mates. Licensed and insured. Regent Construction Services: 435‑730‑8208 REQUEST FOR BIDS or 435‑734‑0655. Box Elder School District re- SELL YOUR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT or annuity payments for Cash Now. temporary alterations to existing You don’t have to wait for your supplypayments pipelines, any and re-seeding future longer! Callof disturbed areas.(ucan) 1‑800‑681‑3252. quests bidsBATH, for a contract to operate KITCHEN, AND GARAGE re‑ warehousing of dry, modeling. Tile and workdelivery and grout re‑ refrigerated, frozenNo food pair, fireplace and mantels. jobitems too and school supplies for 21 schools small. Free estimates. Licensed and insured. Regent Construction within the school district. Services: 435‑730‑8208 435‑734‑0655. In order toorassure equal access and opportunity to all buyers, bids are being accepted electronically on the BidSync website. Detailed information must be submitted on the website. Registration is free to all interested bidders. ( April-27-May-4-11 • SIDEWALK NEW/REPAIR • COLORED COMPUTER PROBLEMS ‑ VIRUSES, lost • STAMPED • EXPOSED data, hardware or software issues? Contact Geeks On Site! 24/7 Service. Friendly Repair Experts. Macs and PCs. Call for free diagnosis. 1‑800‑883‑0979. (ucan) Prepworks 730-6044 Sewer & Water Replacement Services Backhoe & Dump truck work: sewer, water lines and tree stump removal! Driveway removal, concrete work. No job too large or small. Call for free estimates 435-734-9598 or 435-720-0237 Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. Wixom Brothers REAL ESTATE Painting Winter Special People, now is a great time to get your interior repaints done. Mention this AD and receive 10% off your bid price. Offer ends March 20. 435-237-1378 COUNTRY STORES plies • Men’s Work Clothing amb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers upplies • Feeding Equipment s • Horse Tack • Animal Health W. Tremonton, UT 84337 5419 FINANCES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bidders are invited to bid on a Construction Contract known as COLDWATER CANYON SPRING NO. 1 EAST AREA COLLECTION SYSTEM RENOVATION For TOWNS OF ELWOOD AND DEWEYVILLE, UTAH. The location of the work is upon Unites States Forest Service property situated in Coldwater Canyon, a mountainous canyon located northeast of Honeyville, Utah. The work to be performed consists of a single contract for renovation, reconstruction, and improvements to the easterly spring collection area of Coldwater Springs No.1 and will generally consist of: exploratory excavation, site excavation, 5’ Dia. vented precast perforated concrete collection box manhole w/secure access lid, 4” dia. perforated PVC pipe, 1” clean washed cement rock, 60 mil HDPE liner, imported impervious clay backfill, 6” SDR 21 Cl 200 PSI PVC supply, drain, and overflow pipework, resilient wedge valves, ductile iron fittings, pipe screens, DRIVERS NEEDED WITH A CDL-A with a minimum of two years OTR experience. Full or part time. Call Andy at Hernandez Transport, 435-225-4062. Box Elder Shopper The contract for the work will be awarded in accordance with the Instructions HEALTH to Bidders. The U.S. Forest Service permitting process has been completed GOT PAIN?issued BACK for Pain? and KNEE a permit theShoul‑ conder Pain? Get a pain‑relieving brace struction work with special condiat little or no cost to you. Medicare tions Pa tientsand Call requirements Health Hotline specified Now! 1‑ under the permit 800‑914‑8849. (ucan)and included in the bidding documents to incorCPAP/BIPAP AT LITTLE or porated by SUPPLIES the Contractors in their no cost from Allied Medical Supply bids. Network! Fresh supplies delivered right The door. OWNERS are may the towns of to your Insurance cover all Elwood and Deweyville, costs. 800‑575‑1885. (ucan)Utah who jointly share 50% ownership and water rights in the culinary water MISCELLANEOUS spring source. The PROJECT ENPERSONAL GINEER is Hansen and Associates, Inc. and for information about the MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid award ofjust thereal Construction operators, people like Conyou. tract, contact: Browse greetings, exchange messages D. Chris Wight, Project Manager and connect live. Try it free. Call now: Hansen and Associates, Inc. 800‑359‑2796. (ucan) 538 North Main Street Brigham City, Utah 84302 The Pregnancy Care Center Phone: 435-723-3491 North Sealed18bids will100 beEast received until Brigham Utah 2:00 p.m. MDT, City, at the office of the Project Engineer, HANSEN AND ASPregnancy TestsMain, SOCIATES, INC. at 538 North Caring, Brigham City,Safe, Utah, onconfidential Tuesday, information and advice. May 10, 2016. Bids received after 723-0500 2:00 p.m. MDT will not be accepted. New Hours of Operation Bids will be publicly opened and Tuesdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m. - Wednesdays 10 a.m.read5aloud said office p.m. andat Thursdays 10 a.m.-5about p.m. 2:00 p.m. by the ENGINEER or an official representative of the OWNER. On the outside of the WANTED TOenvelope, the bidder shall indicate the ConBUY struction Contract title, the name and address of the Bidder, and the $WANTED$ CASH PAID FOR Pre‑1980 date and time of Bid opening and COMIC BOOKS & Star Wars Action the Bidder’s return mailing Figures. Original Comic Art‑ address. Sports Bid&security in the amount of 5% Cards Autographed Memorabilia‑ percentMagictheGatherineg of the Bid must accompany 1990’s Call WILL:800‑242‑6130 buying@getcash‑ each Bid in accordance forcomics. (ucan) with the com Instructions to Bidders. Bid Security will be returned to each unsuccessfulHELP Bidder after tabulation and award of the Construction WANTED Contracts. Pregnant? FREE BRIGHAM/FARR WEST EYE SPECIALISTS is seeking a part time Ophthalmic Technician. This individual will work alongside our physicians working “BECAUSE THE inPEOPLE with the patients, documenting MUST KNOW” visits, and performing multiple tests in our office. Applicants are required to have previous experience with electronic A pre-bid siteneed tour will be held health records, will great comat 10:00 AM Thursday, May 5, munication skills,on a flexible working 2016, which willan begin Dewschedule, and have abilityattothe learn eyville Please Town bring offices 6980 to North quickly. youratresume 990 S. Medical Drive38, Suiteand GL3.will then State Highway PUBLIC NOTICE proceed to the project site. Bids for the Construction Contract shall be on a unit price basis unless otherwise specified in the bid schedules. The Work will be substantially completed for the contract by July 30, 2016. The project plans and (Bilingual specifications Medical Assistant Spanish/ have been toavailable the Utah English)submitted – F/T position at ourDivision of Drinking Water for approval Brigham City Clinic. Performs routine and commencement construcMA duties such as assistingof providers tion the and project not prow/ trayon set-ups exams,shall charting, obtaining vitals, ordering and preparceed until said division has issued ing lab analyzes, assessing patients/ authorization for the project. training, calling in pharmacy orders, Docuand Complete sets of Contract stocking may supplies. experience ments be Previous examined and obin a clinicat setting but the we are tained the preferred, offices of PROJwillingENGINEER to train the perfect candidate. ECT at 538 North Main, Spanish/English skills 1:00 are P.M., Brigham City,bilingual Utah after required. Visit Thursday, April 28, 2016.for wage A nonand benefit information. offers refundable charge CHC of $50.00 will a salary based on for experience a be required eachandcomplete generous benefits package, including a set. Payment must be a cashier’s 401(k) retirementcheck plan. payable to the or company To apply:AND EmailASSOCIATES. Resume to jrodriHANSEN or to 435-734-9761. The OWNER fax reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality or technicality in JOB DESCRIPTION: any bid if deemed to be in the best We are looking for an energetic, interest of the OWNER. positive and self-motivated person Bids shall remain valid for 45 who is willing to learn the operations days after the day of Bid openof a growing company. This is a full ing. Bidders who withdraw their time, seasonal position. This position bid after Bidwith opening, but before will be working sales, customer expiration of said period, service and daily office duties. shall forfeitKey their bid if a will Notice duties andsecurity requirements of Intent to Award to the successinclude: ful • Answering Bidder isphones madeand bytaking OWNER. April 25, 2016 sales orders D. Chrisservice Wightcalls – Project Man• Customer • Communication and problem ager April-27-May-4 solving skills • Ability to use standard office equipment NOTICE OFdaily TRUSTEE’S • Processing paperworkSALE The following • Data entry skills described real property will literate be sold at public auc• Computer tion• Ability to thetohighest bidder, purchase use software related price lawful of the to job,payable includingin Excel andmoney Microsoft United Office States of America at the time DRIVERS‑ REGIONAL ROUTES AND • Ability multi-task of sale, at to the east main entrance of dedicated lanes in Western US. Steady miles. Bonus potential. Regular home Reliable and County dependable the• Box Elder Courthouse, ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE SALE OFcompany. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT time. Requires CD‑A, • Ability work independently as a/k/a Firstto Judicial District CourtADVERTISEMENT FOR THE SALE OFFamily SURPLUS EQUIPMENT BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION 1‑Year OTR, HazMat. 888.929.9140 well as part a team Main, Brigham house, 43ofNorth BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION (ucan) • Organized andMonday, detailed oriented Utah, on June 6, RECEIPT OF BIDS: Sealed bids will be received at the City Recorder’s City, RECEIPT OF BIDS: Sealed bids will be received at the City Recorder’s Office, Brigham Send City resumes to: nancy@chan2016, at the hour of 3:00 p.m. of that Office, Brigham City Corporation, located at 20 North Main Street, Brigham CONCRETE FINISHERS AND LABORERS Corporation, located 20 North Main Street, Brigham City,the Utah, until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, May orpurpose call 435-230-0864 for day for the of foreclosing a City, Utah, until 2:00atp.m. Thursday, May 12, 2016 for following surplus needed: Laborers start at $12/HR. 12, 2016 for the following surplus equipment: questions before March 28, executed 2016. deed of trust originally by equipment: Please call, 435‑723‑2110. Merrell A. Hurd, as borrower(s), and Merrell A. Hurd, as grantor(s), in favor of KeyBank National Association, covering real property located at approximately 29814 West 25600 North, Snowville, Box Elder County, Utah, and more particularly described as: SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF BOX ELDER AND STATE OF UTAH: BEGINNING AT A POINT 42 FEET NORTH AND 466.69 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 14 NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST SALT LAKE MERIDIAN, RUNNING THENCE NORTH 933.38 FEET; THENCE EAST 466.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 933.38 FEET; THENCE WEST 466.69 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 08-007-0012 The current beneficiary of the trust deed is KeyBank National Association, and the record owner Minimum Bid $ 25.00 of the property as of the recording Minimum Bid $5.00 each of the notice of default is Merrell A. Hurd. The trustee’s sale of the Minimum Bid $5.00 each aforedescribed real property will be OPENING OF BIDS: Each bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope that is made without warranty as to title, OPENING OF BIDS: Each bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope that is plainly marked with plainly marked with the appropriate bid number. The bids will be publicly possession, or encumbrances. Bidthe appropriate bid number. The bids will be publicly opened at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, May 12, opened at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, May 12, 2016 at Brigham City Corporation, nd ders must be prepared to tender a Floor. 2016 at Brigham City Corporation, Council Chambers, 20 N. Main Street, 2 Council Chambers, 20 N. Main Street, 2nd Floor. cashier’s check in the amount of BIDDING INFORMATION AND VIEWING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT: Bid- $20,000.00 at the sale. The balance BIDDING INFORMATION AND VIEWING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT: Bidding information may ding information may be obtained at the Public Works Complex. Surplus of the purchase price must be paid be obtainedmay at the Public Works Complex. Surplus equipment may980 alsoW. beForest viewed at the Public equipment also be viewed at the Public Works Complex, by cashier’s check or wire transfer WorksBrigham Complex,City 980 W. Street, Brigham City UT on Monday May 9, 2016 Street, UTForest on Monday May 9, 2016 through Wednesday, Maythrough received by 12:00 noon the follow11, 2016 fromMay 7:3011, a.m. tofrom 4:00p.m. AndtoThursday, MayThursday, 12, 2016May from Wednesday, 2016 7:30 a.m. 4:00p.m. And 12,7:30 2016 from ing 7:30 business day. The trustee rea.m. to2:00 2:00p.m. p.m. serves the right to void the effect REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT: All successful bidders must remove each of the trustee’s sale after the sale surplus itemOF noEQUIPMENT: later than Wednesday, Maybidders 18, 2016 byremove 3:00PMeach upon notice REMOVAL All successful must surplus item no laterupon information unknown based ofthan award and receipt payment. Wednesday, Mayof18, 2016 by 3:00PM upon notice of award and receipt of payment. to the trustee at the time of the sale, BY: Mary Kate Christensen, City Recorder such as a bankruptcy filing, a loan May-4 reinstatement, or an agreement beBY: Mary Kate Christensen, City Recorder 2008 Crown Victoria 2008 Crown Victoria 2008 Crown Victoria 2003 Dodge Durango 2003 Ford Taurus Case W-18 Loader 2001 Chevrolet Van 2003 Mack Dump Truck 2008 Zero Turn Mower Truck Utility Rack Drill Press Residential HVAC Unit Commercial HVAC Unit Commercial HVAC Unit 2 Stroke Jumping Jack 2 Stroke Jumping Jack Treated Wood Posts (76) Post Pounder (3 point hitch) Cinder Blocks (Approx 480) Cinder Blocks (Textured & Colored- Approx 50) 21. Pavers (Approx 1500) 22. Picnic Tables (12) 23. Misc Office Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid Minimum Bid $1000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $ 500.00 $1500.00 $1200.00 $8000.00 $ 500.00 $ 20.00 $ 10.00 $ 100.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 76.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 necessary information, and scheduling appointments. Perform secretarial duties utilizing legal terminology to create and prepare documents such as informations, complaints, motions, subpoenas, estate planning, and corre‑ spondence to clients. Some experience in the legal field is preferred. Typing speed 50 wpm to be verified with a certificate from work force ser vices. Send resume to Law Office, PO Box 876, Brigham City, UT 84302, or by email to in pdf format. tween the trustor and beneficiary to postpone or cancel the sale. If so voided, the only recourse of the highest bidder is to receive a full refund of the money paid to the trustee. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO DirectACare Professional COLLECT DEBT. ANY INFORMAM-F 7:30 am – 3:00 pm. Provide care TIONtraining OBTAINED WILL BE through and supporting people withUSED intellectual disabilities. Coaching, teaching, FOR THAT PURPOSE. feeding, toileting, and transporting clients. DATED this 29th day of April, 2016 Previous experience preferred but willing to Marlon L. Bates, successor train. Applicants must be 21 years of agetrustee and have a valid Reading UT driver's license. be Scalley BatesMust Hansen & able to pass background check. Applicants Rasmussen, P.C. must be willing to obtain CPR and First Aid certifications. Computer skills a plus. Ability 15 West South Temple, Ste. 600 to lift 50 lbs. Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 435-723-3913 Telephone: (801) 531-7870 Business Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Trustee No. 53075-175 May-4-11-18 Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of Corinne City will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 starting at 7:00 pm or as soon as possible thereafter. The public hearing will be held to hear public comment on proposed adjustments to the 2016 fiscal year budget and final approval of the new fiscal year 2017 budget. A copy of the 2017 budget and 2016 budget adjustments will be available for public inspection at Corinne City Town Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing which will be held at Corinne City Town Hall located at 2420 N 4000 W Corinne, Utah. May-4-11 NOTICE TO WATER USERS The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Rights in Box Elder County. These are informal proceedings per Rule R655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the pro- 5 2 testing party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300, or by hand delivery to a Division office during normal business hours ON OR BEFORE MAY 31, 2016. Please visit or call (801)-538-7240 for additional information. CHANGE APPLICATION(S) 29-4585(a41398): Jon Sorensen propose(s) using 6.0 ac-ft. from groundwater (1 mile S of Willard) for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING; DOMESTIC. Kent L. Jones, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in The Box Elder News Journal on MAY 4 & 11, 2016. May-4-11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Box Elder County/Willard City Flood Control and Special Drainage District will hold its regular business meeting at 7:30 PM, May 11, 2016 at the Willard City Offices, 80 West 50 South, Willard, Utah. The Public is invited. May-4 NOTICE OF TAX SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON May 14th, 2016 AT 9 AM THE CONTENTS OF THE FOLLOWING STORAGE UNITS WILL BE SOLD OR DISPOSED OF, AS PER STORAGE RENTAL AGREEMENT, FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT. UNIT #34, Jerica Williams, Tremonton UT. May-4-11 Box Elder Shopper 6 Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 3 PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” NOTICE OF TAX SALE Notice is hereby given that May 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM, in the Commission Chambers of the Box Elder County Courthouse, One South Main, Brigham City, Utah, I will offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest bidder for cash, under the provisions of Utah Code, Section 59-2-1351.1, the following described real property located in the County and now delinquent and subject to tax sale. A bid for less than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalties, and administrative costs which are a charge upon the real estate will not be accepted. On the day of the sale, you must register before the sale begins. You must be present to bid. No registrations will be accepted after 10:00 AM. All sales are final, and must be paid in cash or certified funds by 5:00 PM on the day of the sale. Additional information about the sale, including the rules, is available on-line at on the “Auditor” page. For other questions regarding the sale, call (435)734-3388. The following list shows the parcel number, name, and last-known address of the recorded owner as per Utah Code 59-2-1351(4)(b). 01-149-0408 ADRENALIN SPORTS GROUP INC 4833 SARATOGO BLVD #278 CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78413 08-047-0009 ALEX MERALYN J TRUSTEE 1008 WILLOW ST BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302 01-009-0154 ASIRVATHAM JACOB ETUX PO BOX 8218 GURNEE, IL 60031 08-064-0007 BACKMAN G H 291 E 4075 N PROVO, UT 84604-5026 02-082-0308 BALLANTYNE DEVA 207 ROTONDA BLVD NORTH ROTONDA WEST, FL 33947 01-069-0051 BATES CLAY J R ETAL 540 LARKSPUR DR COTTONWOOD, AZ 86326-4778 01-051-0004 BATES NELLIE M 540 LARKSPUR DR COTTONWOOD, AZ 86326-4778 01-066-0008 BEAUTIFUL SITES LLC 4839 VOLUNTEER RD RANCHES, FL 33330 06-182-0068 BEDNAR KIMBERLY A 112 E STATE ST FOX LAKE, WI 53933 02-083-0008 BEEBE SCOTT 5768 BERTRAND AVE ENCION, CA 91316 02-090-0066 BOHAN SHAUNA 6040 N 21ST DR PHOENIX, AZ 85015 01-143-0547 GILLOT DON 1822 E ROUTE 66 STE A GLENDORA, CA 91740 01-143-0554 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 08-067-0043 CALL WILLARD B 3404 S 50 W BOUNTIFUL, UT 84010 01-143-0081 GUZICZEK ELIZABETH 106 DRIGGS AVE GREENPOINT, NY 11222 01-143-0555 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 01-149-0149 CARBONE MICHAEL 935 ST RT 171 FRANKFORT, NY 13340 05-068-0009 HEMPHILL FRED 301 N MAIN #186 LAYTON, UT 84041 01-143-0556 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 02-089-0323 CHILLS JIMMY 9711 HADDICK HOUSTON, TX 75043 02-082-0144 HINES ROBERT ETAL PO BOX 434 NEWBERRY SPRINGS, CA 92365 01-143-0557 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 01-003-0058 CLAWSON HARRY J 216 MAIN STREET #223 JOHNSTOWN, PA 15901-1509 01-140-0254 HINTON HARRY E SR P O BOX 592 BARSTOW, CA 93212 01-143-0558 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 01-139-0083 COLLEY LISA PO BOX 25 STATE CENTER, IA 50247 01-140-0262 HINTON HARRY E SR 171 4TH AVE #214 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 01-143-0559 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 01-143-0163 COLLIER CARRIE ANN 2550 6TH AVE SEATTLE, WA 98119 05-114-0033 HOANG TAI NGOC PO BOX 460812 ESCONDIDO, CA 92046-0812 01-143-0560 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 06-054-0086 COLLIER HAL 6455 BIXBY TERRACE DR. LONG BEACH, CA 90815-4700 05-114-0036 HOANG TAI NGOC PO BOX 460812 ESCONDIDO, CA 92046-0812 01-009-0082 JONES RON 18369 CO RD 3420 ADA, OK 74820 01-140-0414 DALY DAVID 1147 BROOK FOREST AVE SHOREWOOD, IL 60404 01-143-0023 HOMBERGER MYAK PAUL PO BOX 470176 CELEBRATION, FL 34747 01-143-0224 KIROS HELEN 3213 SHALLOW POINT CIRCLE LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 01-144-0095 DALY DAVID 1147 BROOK FOREST AVE SHOREWOOD, IL 60404 01-143-0024 HOMBERGER MYAK PAUL PO BOX 470176 CELEBRATION, FL 34747 01-060-0133 KNOUSE WILLIAM R PO BOX 588 SANDY, UT 84091 01-143-0614 DAVIS WILLIAM P ETUX 335 1ST AVE S PLEASANT HILL, CA 94523 01-140-0156 HOUTCHENS KAITLYN RAE ETAL 111 1/2 S 5TH ST #5 THE LAKES, NV 88901 01-018-0047 LAND GIANT LLC 7557 W SAND LAKE RD ORLANDO, FL 32819 02-021-0200 DESELLE DEAN 6130 MONTEREY RD #163 SAN JOSE, CA 95038 01-140-0098 HUDSON ALICIA H 29 BACK CREEK RD MILTON, KY 40045 02-082-0294 LAND JASON 1356 RAELINE LANE MINDEN, NV 89423 02-021-0203 DESELLE DEAN 6130 MONTEREY RD #163 SAN JOSE, CA 95038 02-025-0004 INDEPENDENCE SUBDIVISION LLC 231 N 200 W MENDON, UT 84325 01-060-0089 LARUE EDWARD ETAL 46 LAPUEBLA RD ESPANOLA, NM 87532 05-132-0004 DONG AMY LING YING GENERAL DELIVERY REDDING, CA 96049 01-140-0263 DONKERSLOOT MICHAEL RICHARD ETAL 45751ANOI RD KANEOHE, HI 96744 01-140-0018 JANCI STEPHANE ETAL 48 RUE DES CHALETS , FRANCE 01-143-0551 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 02-082-0268 ERNEST BRETT C ETAL 2127 E AROMA DR WEST COVINA, CA 94611 01-143-0552 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 01-147-0066 FOSTER VELTA ALLENE 13034 N BRANDING IRON DR SUN CITY, AZ 85351 01-143-0553 JOHNSON ROBERT C P O BOX 264 WHITE HALL, VA 22987 01-143-0040 LIMITLESS REALTY LLC 1416 ADRIEL DR FT COLLINS, CO 80524 01-143-0576 LIMITLESS REALTY LLC 1416 ADRIEL DR FT COLLINS, CO 80524 01-079-0004 LINDSEY LISA BROWN 2096 COUNTRY PINE COVE SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84117-6254 06-059-0083 M & D ALLRED DEVELOPMENT INC PO BOX 248 TREMONTON, UT 84337 01-147-0252 MAHONEY PATRICK W ETAL 3550 S US HWY 1 FT PIERCE, FL 34982 02-090-0037 MASON DEENA 563 S 100 E SALEM, UT 84653 01-139-0116 MCCUE ROBERT 3553 ATLANTIC AVE STE A LONG BEACH, CA 90807 01-139-0114 MCCUE ROBERT ETAL 3553 ATLANTIC AVE STE A LONG BEACH, CA 90807 01-058-0014 MCDOUGAL GARY ETAL 4609 TEXAS BLVD TEXARKANA, TX 75503 01-009-0031 MOENCH MARY C ETAL 4619 BONTIA DR PALM BCH GDNS, FL 33418-6728 01-140-0209 MORRIS STEVAN 1354 85TH STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11228 02-086-0625 MOXON RYAN 208 BENSON CIRCLE MILL VALLEY, CA 94941 01-063-0013 NAKAMURA, YOSHIHO-% NAKAMURA,H 2-1-6, JYOSUI MINAMI-CHO, KODAIRA-SHI TOKYO, JAPAN 187-0021 01-117-0007 NAKAMURA, YOSHIHO-% NAKAMURA,H 2-1-6, JOYSUI MINAMI-CHO, KODAIRA-SHI TOKYO, JAPAN 187-0021 02-086-0010 POULIN GINETTE L ETAL PO BOX 100011 PALM BAY, FL 32910 02-086-0018 POULIN GINETTE L ETAL PO BOX 100011 PALM BAY, FL 32910 02-086-0007 POULIN GINETTE L ETAL PO BOX 100011 PALM BAY, FL 32910 02-086-0008 POULIN GINETTE L ETAL PO BOX 100011 PALM BAY, FL 32910 02-086-0016 POULIN GINETTE L ETAL PO BOX 100011 PALM BAY, FL 32910 02-086-0017 POULIN GINETTE L ETAL PO BOX 100011 PALM BAY, FL 32910 02-086-0019 POULIN GINETTE L ETAL PO BOX 100011 PALM BAY, FL 32910 06-086-0002 PRB PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LLC 4341 S 3000 W ROY, UT 84067 01-033-0075 PRIDE MORTGAGE 4 EMBARCADERO CTR FL14 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 01-143-0225 RABB TAMESHA PO BOX 1896 COLTON, CA 92324-0821 01-144-0007 RICHARDSON KATRINA 597 SUPERIOR ST WABASH, IN 46992 01-009-0029 OGASAWARA THOMAS K ETUX ETAL 1274 W 450 N LOT 64 CLEARFIELD, UT 84015-9308 01-137-0036 ROBERTSON FIONA MARGARET JADE 88 STAPLEFORD CRESCENT AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND 01-147-0192 OLDHAM BARBARA 706 N W 111TH PLACE APT 2 MIAMI, FL 33172 02-082-0379 RODRIQUEZ SONJA G 2935 NW 88TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33147 08-047-0010 PACHECO MAJORIE ALEX 642 S 200 E BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302-0010 01-139-0097 SALINAS IVAN 17757 MAIN ST HESPERIA, CA 92345 02-086-0014 PALMER CLYDE ETAL PO BOX 2232 HOMELAND, CA 92548 01-144-0029 SANCHEZ LUIS RAFEAL MONTANARO TAMAULIPAS 814 COASTZACOALCOS, VERACRUZ, MEXICO 96500 08-065-0012 PELZER E H 4060 GRAYS LAKE RD WAYAN, ID 83285 01-059-0073 SCHUMACHER HAROLD LLOYD PO BOX 10654 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 01-146-0020 SEVERINO LEIF J ETAL 1515 BOUNDARY PEAK WAY LAS VEGAS, NV 89135 01-137-0042 SHANE DONNA 5667 W FROLIC CT HERRIMAN, UT 84065 06-145-0001 SPANO ROCCO 386 LITCHFIELD AVE ELMONT, NY 11003 06-145-0002 SPANO ROCCO 386 LITCHFIELD AVE ELMONT, NY 11003 05-116-0070 STEWARD CLAY D 2933 DAYTONA AVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 01-143-0629 SURYANARAYANAN RAMAKRISHNAN 7725 EDELWEISS TRL FRISCO, TX 75064 01-069-0028 WALKER IOLA M 1414 W PIUTE AVE PHOENIX, AZ 85027 01-140-0178 WATERS FRANK T ETUX 1318 COUNTRY CLUB CIR BULLHEAD CITY, AZ 86442-7734 02-082-0133 WEILER ROBERT JR 3203 MAYGREEN AVE FORESTVILLE, MD 20747 07-085-0013 WOOD BRIAN 6375 SO HIGHLAND DR SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84121 03-099-0116 YEAMAN MITCH 121 N 400 W BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302 01-069-0031 ZIZZO ANTHONY M ETAL 3675 S ROME ST APT 237 GILBERT, AZ 85297-7348 May-4 Let your voice be heard... SEND US A LETTER! Box Elder Shopper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 7 Congratulations USU-BRIGHAM CITY CLASS OF 2016 *As of April 26, 2016 ASSOCIATE'S DEGREES Associate of Applied Science Brian J. Barlow Michael G. Kilcrease Brady J.Vella Carlene Wood Associate of Arts Brock K. Arveseth Bryce B. Braithwaite Mae-Lynn Garcia Kaitlin T. Kimball Mason B. Miles Amber L. Nielsen Mitchal R. Price Associate of Science Ross D. Allen Zachary K. Andersen Halie Barnes Chelsey L. Bell Brenna C. Bellah Madelyn Bigelow Britney A. Boyce Kayleb Boyko Amber K. Brenchley Jason A. Brinkerhoff Tricia L. Buchanan Tara B. Call Laura O. Clark Kassidy Dow Natalya M. Essler Melissa A. Fackrell Devin J. Fairbourn Amanda J. Hall Elisa B. Hansen Sherri C. Harper Kylee R. Harrison Deon L. Heaps Cherilee C. Hunsaker Brandy E. Hutchings Jon T. Jones Mark R. Layton Gabrielle A. Lysenko Jenna S. Marsh Jacob D. May Brittney Murray Crystal Norman Ashley Olsen Emilse I. Olsen Cade M. Ottley Jerrica C. Pond Bailey A. Rinderknecht Suzanne Roberts Cindy Romney Sarah D. Schank Cami L. Shaffer Emily L. Skinner Robyn M. Smith Madison I. Trujillo Lacy J. Turley Janea L. Vandehei Melissa Whipple Richard C. Williams Angie L. Zundel BACHELOR’S DEGREES Biological Science (Composite) Ricki Burnett Business Mickenzie B. Hadley Skyler Korth Business Administration Amanda Adams Kyle Duncan Ronald Klein Brandon O. Nessen Dallin R. Reeder Christopher S. Stegen Kyle G. Stephens Mace C. Udy Casey G. Woolstenhulme Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Carie J. Andersen Jamie Derbidge Mishayla A. Foster Andrea Lopez Megan McKnight Michelle Palmer Jessica Parsons Amanda J. Saunders Jessica M. Stewart Economics Philip R. Jackson Hayden W. Smith Amber A. Waite Elementary Education Julie A. Callister Trisha J. Day Shauna Foutz Jennifer L. Mitchell Jill Roche Katie Wilkinson English Preston C. Pulleyn Family, Consumer, & Human Development Anne G. Felix Mikelle L. Shaw Family Life Studies Jennifer L. Gardner Laurie N. Maddock Stephanie C. Yakel Finance Keith Barker Robert Montgomery General Studies in Education & Human Services Jenny McClure General Studies in Natural Resources Joseph Skibiel Geography Teaching Derek Dugan History Victoria Braegger Maria I. Olsen Horticulture Jennifer I. Mars Health Education & Promotion Special Education Interdisciplinary Studies MASTER’S DEGREES Candace B. Fairman Ashley M. Jones Diane G. Jones Katie P. Winkler Emily S. Booth Natalie D. Cacioppo Toni R. Hansen Jan J. Kunzler JoAnn Medina Meagan R. Myers Liberal Arts Stephanie Z. Lukaszweski Jay M. Naumann Management Information Systems Jared Christensen Jonathon C. Davis Zackary Denkers Mitchell Edgar Marketing Preston Lasater Drew K. Pierce Adam Ritter Stephanie D. Williams Mathematics/Statistics (Composite) Joshua Dimick Mathematics/Statistics Education (Composite) Amber Ambriz Tara L. Johnston Madison I. Trujillo Katie Wilkinson Business Administration Benjamin F. Browning McKay E. Cowdin Kimball Freeze Amy B. Greenhalgh Lael R. Griffin Erik G. Gross Meredith Judd Steven Post James B. Ruesch Terri J. Steele Kory W. Stewart Burke F. Stone Matthew K. Wahlen Ammaron R. Wolfgramm Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Trudy N. Johnson Computer Science Dwight W. Bennett Elementary Education Petra Lish Human Resources Ornamental Horticulture Brock Barney Toby L. Broderick Brett A. Butler Jordan B. Lang Plant Science Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Colette Remy Andrea L. Hurd Trevis D. Andersen Brian J. Barlow Kristiane W. Pedersen Immanuel A. Schlesinger Psychology Leifka M. Brown Jocelyn H. DiScuillo Alyssa N. Fish Tanja M. Grover Kaitlyn Hendrickson Stephanie B. Hess Krista L. Holdeman Recreation Resource Management Heather Winegar Residential Landscape Design & Construction Lane A. Farka Sociology Edward A. Salguero Alex N. Smith Social Work Montanna Caldwell Roxanne F. Coburn Adesa G. Cagle Cox McKenzie Eskelson Tara M. Peterson Cheryl A. Simons Teleise N. Tracy Jessie A. Whitnack Bret Barton Jeffery L. Fairbourn Tim D. Maw Jilane M. Richardson Timothy Shupe Instructional Leadership Shaylyn Ekins Learning Technologies & Instructional Design Curtis R. Cole Sean Cummings Ashley N. Wendt Natural Resources Douglas Johnson West R. Jonathan Psychology Loralee L. Gacioch Katie J. Johnson Irene M. Lysenko Secondary Education Natalie R. Day Heidi K. Griffith Special Education Melanie P. Allen Christina B. Smith Box Elder Shopper 8 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Call Jamie Hester FULL SYNTHETIC Full Synthetic Fluids 129 95 Some Exclusions Apply 251 North Main, Brigham City 435-723-7765 10 Buy 2 Dinner Entrees and get 5 off $ 00 Not Valid With Any Other Offer EXPIRES 5-30-16 4x4 SPECIAL WHAT’S INCLUDED: Full Synthetic Fluids • Change Transmission fluid • Adjust Bands (if possible) • Change Transfer Case Fluid Not Valid With • Change Front & Rear Any Other Offer EXPIRES 5-30-16 Differential Fluid Some Exclusions Apply • Replace Pan Gaskets • Road Test 251 North Main, Brigham City 435-723-7765 219 95 Expires 5-18-16 Receive a FREE Medium Popcorn with a purchase of a drink of equal or greater value. 10 Expires 5/18/16 ONLY $ NOT VALID ON SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTS EXPIRES 12/31/15 Call Jamie Hester
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