December 2012 - Christus Lutheran Church
December 2012 - Christus Lutheran Church
December 2012 “Christus is a growing body of Christians who share the good news of God’s grace with a ll people through courageous love with a purpose” “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6 Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ! I am delighted to have accepted the call to come and serve in your midst as your pastor. I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit has been guiding all of us throughout this process and I am equally convinced that the Spirit will continue to guide us as we begin this journey of faith and ministry together. Throughout the interview process Christus struck me as a lively, vibrant and faith-filled congregation. It is evident that God has indeed begun many good works among you. That you have been able to maintain that sense of liveliness and vibrancy throughout the interim process tells me that it is a strong and vitalized congregation to which I have been called. I look forward to working with all of you as together we continue to build on the many ministry strengths with which God has blessed you, as well as to help you discover others that are as yet untapped. My prayer is that our partnership in the gospel will be a blessing not only to each of us in our own walks of faith, but also to the world around us. For those who are curious, here is a brief autobiography: Although we moved around a bit in my younger years, I have lived most of my life in the beautiful state of Wisconsin. I received my Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and obtained my Master of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. I have served two different congregations during my first ten years of ministry, both in the Green Bay area. On a more personal note, I am married to a wonderful man named Corey. We have a three-year old son, Marcus, who brings much joy and laughter (and the occasional temper tantrum) to our household. We are also blessed with a 10-year old golden retriever, Augey (who still acts like a puppy), and a kitty from the Humane Society, Bam Bam. 1 Christ us Lutheran Church ELCA Office Pho ne: 920-75 7-7775 ● Fax: 920-757-7767 Email Add ress: christ us@t ● W ebsit e: christ us church.o rg Craig Burow, President Vacant, President-elect Wendy Bekx, Service Team Rep.& Secretary Sam Broeniman, Worship Ministry Team Rep. Tim Giese, Youth Ministry Team Rep. Todd Cichon, Outreach/Fellowship Team Rep. Dawn O’Dell, Faith Development Team Rep. Jennifer Christenson, Pastor Jennifer Christenson, Pastor Bruce Koestner, Director of Music Christine Loppnow, Director of Youth Ministry Patti Ruhle, Ministries Coordinator Cindy Marty, Office Administrator Lisa Ahles, Worship Rae Tyriver & Cathy Mertz, Service (Social Ministry) Patti Ruhle, Outreach/Fellowship Christine Loppnow Youth Lisa Borowski, Faith Development Adam Hanson, Business Management Team Coordinator Adam Hanson, Technical Coordinator Mike Seeber, Treasurer & Business Management Team Jan Mallman, Business Management Team Jerry O’Dell, Business Management Team Nile Beck, Business Management Team Nile Beck, Stewardship Coordinator Pattie Kolbeck & Julie Cartwright, Sunday School Coordinators Cathy Mertz, Multi-media Coordinator Dave Bunnell, A/V Team Coordinator Adam & Heather Hanson, Scrip Coordinators Mary Bunnell, Church Kitchen Coordinator Kelly Taube, Drama Coordinator Al Peth ke, Building & Grounds Coordinator & Business Management Team Jim Becker Altar Care Coordinator (Oct.-March) Tom Guyton, Altar Care Coordinator (Apr.-Sept.) Jim Borowski, Land Use Coordinator Patti Ruhle, Communications & Website Coordinator Tina Hanson, Wedding Coordinator Brian Falk, Suzanne Nuernberger, Rod Paul, & Amy Wierschke, Mutual Ministry Team Once again, I want to express just how delighted and excited, and shall I say “sto ked”, I am about becoming a part of the ministries at Christus. I look forward to meeting each of you, walking with you through the ups and downs of Christian living, and helping you to discover the ways in which God has blessed you to be a blessing in this world. Indeed, the Lord has begun a good work at Christus, and, as Paul promised the Philippians, the Lord will be faithful to bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. It is a joy and privilege to know that we will be discovering God’s plan and to do so together. Yours In Christ, Pastor Jen Pastor Jennifer Christenson 2 New OnOn-line Donation Option Available ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE How to ge t starte d OF ELECTRONIC GIVING ●To set up electronic contributions, visit the church website,, and follow the directions to donate. ●Electronic contributions can be debited from either your checking account or savings account. Pastoral Transition News, from the Call Committee: Great News! Our Call Team has recommended a candidate to the Church Council and congregation. The congregation voted and unanimously approved calling Pastor Jennifer Christenson . We will be welcoming Pastor Jen with a special General Fund Activity: 10-31-12 2012 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Budget Income - contribution $294,789 $296,675 $296,110 Income - designated $38,165 $32,236 $21,850 $8,086 $7,936 $9,000 $348,751 $345,784 $331,568 ($7,711) ($8,937) ($4,608) Income - other Expense Surplus (Shortfall) 3 CCHRISTMAS VE AND AY HRISTMAS E AND C HRISTMAS D EVE CHRISTMAS DAY W ORSHIP S ERVICES WORSHIP SERVICES CCCHRISTMAS HRISTMAS EEVE VE HRISTMAS E VE::: 4:00 4:00 PM FAMILY 6:00 PM CONTEMPORARY 8:00 PM CCANDLELIG ANDLELIG HT 4:00 PM PM FAMILY FAMILY,,, 6:00 6:00 PM PM CONTEMPORARY CONTEMPORARY,,, 8:00 8:00PM PM C ANDLELIGHT HT CCCHRISTMAS HRISTMAS HRISTMAS::: 9:30 9:30 AM W ORSHIP 9:30 AM AM W WORSHIP ORSHIP If you are able to help greet, usher, distribute communion, provide altar care or hospitality please let Patti know or sign up on the easel at church. ( or 757-7775) •Christmas Caroling at Living Tree Estates & Kindred Hearts •December 16th •Meet here at 3:45 •All ages are welcome 4 Adopt-A-Friend — A Christmas Giving Project 2012 Share the Christmas season by reaching out to others! This year, the Service Ministry Team’s Christmas out-reach project will involve gifts of clothing and toys for 20 children served by the Dale Food Pantry. Giving tags will be available in the Gathering Area on Sunday, November 25. Please return boxed & tagged gifts to church by: 11 am Sunday, December 16 Volunteers to help sort and deliver the Adopt-A-Friend gifts would be greatly appreciated. Look for the sign-up sheet with dates and times on the church activity board in the Gathering Area. Questions? Contac t De Dalum at 735-1651 Christmas Cookie Walk On Sunday, December 9, Christus will hold its 9 th annual Cookie Walk. This year’s proceeds will go towards the Fox Valley Warming Shelter. To contribute to the Cookie Walk, bring two-dozen cookies to church on Saturday, December 8 between 1:00-3:00pm or bring in your cookies on Sunday morning, December 9 before first service. Watch for the sign-up board at the church if you would like to bring cookies! It’s a great opportunity to get out grandma’s special recipe or showcase your own unique Christmas cookie to exchange with other Christus members and raise money for a good cause at the same time. Fox Valley Warming Shelter Christus has volunteered to serve the homeless in our area starting on Sunday morning, Jan. 20th, through Saturday night, Jan. 26th. Mark your calendars now to save the dates. More information to come. Watch for it! 5 My grocery list for December a Paper Towel a Cookies a Mac & Cheese HELP FEED PEOPLE IN NEED! Please add any of the indicated items to this month's grocery list, and bring it to the Dale/Hortonville Food Pantry drop-off box located at the back of the Gathering Area. The food pantry wishes to thank you for your continued contributions! With your help, they are able to provide assistance to about 180 families each week. SCRIP! Please consider using Christus scrip for some of your holiday shopping. You can use scrip in many ways: buying groceries for holiday meals, purchasing gifts, or even as gifts themselves. We can order cards for many stores that we don’t normally keep in stock. If you order cards that we don’t keep in stock, we can have them for you the following weekend. Here are a few examples of how to use scrip for Christmas: For a limited time during the holiday season, iTunes gift cards are available in stock. They are available in $15 and $25 with a 10% contribution. Also, don’t forget that in stock Fleet Farm scrip is great for purchasing gifts at Toyland! We are able to order gift cards for popular teen stores such as: Old Nav y, Gap, American Eagle, and many more. If you plan ahead, you can make a big difference for Christus. December 16 th is the last day to order gift cards in time for Christmas. As always, in-stock cards will be available each Sunday. Daytimers’ PotPot-Luck Luncheon! Won’t you join us? December 12th at 11:30 a.m. will be our next monthly luncheon. Bring your dish to pass & your friends—it’s a great time! 6 STEWARD’S SPOTLIGHT A Holy Brat? By Arvid Wold I have often wondered what Jesus was like growing up. The Bible doesn’t give us many clues. I doubt that he was the “perfect little angel,” but then, it doesn’t say he was a mischievous little brat. I suspect he was a rather typical kid. Another more recent child, based on his self-assessed admittance, may be another story. He states, “When I was a kid, my hyperactivity was always getting me into trouble. Most people figured I would grow up to be a criminal. A little voice inside me convinced me I was a failure; I would never amount to anything. I had what's known today as A.D.D. Back then, they called it B.R.A.T. And I wasn't your normal brat. I was the kid that when people met me, they knew why some animals eat their young.” Some folks say God must have a sense of humor when He chooses folks for His works. This young man joined a college evangelistic team and began singing. When there would be a long pause while he waited for the soundtrack to be changed, he began to fill this pause with a humorous monologue. He soon realized that the audiences at his performances were laughing not at him but at his monologues. He describes his strategy like this, “Here comes Mr. Serious in a polyester suit and vest singing a soft, slow song that practically put an audience into a coma. Who expected humor to be coming next? Soon, my singing was just an act that I used to lull folks before I zinged 'em.” In 1984, he was asked to write a script for a church Christmas play. He wrote a series of questions that he would like to have asked Mary, the mother of Jesus. These questions were used in between the scenes of the play. It would be twelve years before the aspiring singer/comedian finally found someone who could write the music for the lyrics. Thus it was that the Christmas play script became the song. In 1988, the young man received an unexpected phone call from a stranger he had never met. He was invited to audition for an opportunity to sing with a well-known gospel vocal group. He states: “I didn't tell him that I can't read music – I didn't think that that was the time to bring that up. And I didn't tell him that I had never sung baritone before – I didn't want to bring that up either. But I went and auditioned and he asked me if I would like to join the group.” God chose and gifted this unlikely fellow, who thought he would be a failure in life, a comedian with no formal musical training, to write lyrics to one of the most beautiful songs in recent history. The song, with Mark Lowry’s lyrics and Buddy Greene’s music, has been recorded by more than thirty well-known singer/musicians. The song, entitled: Mary Did You Know, has become a beloved classic. You can hear Mark singing the song on you-tube: Who would have guessed that Mark Lowry, a bratty little kid, would be chosen to minister the gospel through music and testimony; or that a very young girl, named Mary, would be chosen to give birth to a Savior. But then, who would have imagined that the little baby boy, born humbly in Bethlehem in a manger, would be the Savior we love and celebrate. Praise the Lord and have a very blessed Christmas! Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 7 Music Notes What an exciting time for Christus, with Pastor Jen coming on board! I'm sure we'll continue to also keep the music full of spirit, as we move forward in praise to God. Thanks to the high school youth who participated in their November 18th worship. Jolie Beckman, Abby Broeniman, Abby Brylski, McKenzie Calder, Ellie DeSautel, Brianna Falk, Glen Kellerman Jr. and Tanner Knutson offered up their musical talents for this annual event. The Sunday School children will be presenting their Christmas program on December 16th, and there will be plenty of extra special music on that date provided by the kids. Also on December 16th, Christmas caroling is planned for 4:00 in the afternoon, and I hope you can join us. In addition to the music at all our Christmas Eve and Christmas services, we have a wonderful service of lessons and carols planned for December 30th. I am hoping we can start planning for our third annual all-original music worship event at Christus. The last two were quite successful, and with God’s help and some lyrics and/or music from the congregation, we can praise the Lord with even more new songs. While an exact date has not yet been scheduled, I'm asking that submissions be made by the end of the year, if possible. Get your creativity flowing, and please let me know if you have any questions about what is being requested. If you'd like more information on the music program at Christus, please contact Bruce Koestner at or (920)209-5932. Poinsettias Christus will once again be ordering Poinsettia plants to decorate the sanctuary for our Christmas Eve services. The cost is $10.00 per plant and order forms are available at church. Order deadline is Dec. 16th. Please make checks payable to Christus. 8 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 12/2 Welcome Pastor Jen! 8:30 & 10:35 am Worship Services 9:30 am Sunday School 6:30 pm G2 12/5 9:30 am Women's Bible Study 6:00 pm Confirmation 12/6 1:00 pm Christus Sowers 12/9 Cookie Walk 8:30 & 10:35 am Worship Services 9:30 am Sunday School 6:30 pm G2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 262\ 27 28 29 30 31 12/11 6:30 pm Council Team Meeting 9:30 am Women's Bible Study—Christmas Movie 11:30 am Pot-Luck Luncheon 12/12 6:00 pm Confirmation 7:30 pm Choir Practice Sunday School Christmas Program 8:30 & 10:35 am Worship Services 12/16 9:30 am Sunday School 3:45 pm Christus Christmas Caroling 6:30 pm G2 12/18 9 6:00 pm Business Management Team Meeting 12/19 9:30 am Women's Bible Study 6:00 pm Confirmation 7:30 pm Choir Practice 12/23 8:30 & 10:35 am Worship Services No Sunday School No G2 12/24 Christmas Eve Office Closed 4:00 pm Family Worship Service 6:00 pm Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 pm Candle-light Worship Service 12/25 Merry Christmas! Office Closed 9:30 am Christmas Worship Service 12/26 No Confirmation 12/28 Office Closed 12/30 8:30 & 10:35 am Worship Services, Lessons & Carols No Sunday School No G2 12/31 Happy New Year’s Eve! The d ead line to have all art icles in f or the Jan. news letter will be Dec. 14th. Condolences Our prayers go out to the family of Allen Johnson. On October 19, 2012, Allen was called to his heavenly home. Al len leaves behind his wife, Jean, and children Gary, Holly, Allen Jr, and Nora and families. He will be missed by many family and friends. 10 Volunteer Schedule December 2nd 8:30 Service 10:35 Service Greeters: Altar Care: Multimedia: Ushers: Reader: Comm Distr Group 1: Group 2: Steve Maertz Family Steve & Shirley Carlson Rachel Fair C. Riehl/B. Hicks/M. Tietz Al Pethke Gennrich Family Michelle Nelson Michelle Nelson Mike Relien & Lisa Romberg Julia Martinson Pastor, Julie & Griffin Cartwright Randy & Vicki Brull, Bailey Cichon Pastor, Lisa Ahles, Holla nd Lorenz Bob & Sandi Luedke, Archer Lorenz Hospitality: Walby Family Ahles Family Powerpoint: Shelley Roeske Nursery: Baylee Falk (Open from 8:15 until 11:45) December 9th 8:30 Service Greeters: Altar Care: Multimedia: Ushers: Reader: Comm Distr Group 1: Group 2: 10:35 Service S.Behling/Wendy& Matthew Wiegman Peggy Carew Dawn O’Dell Peggy and Sarah Carew Carol Beck DeSautel Family McNichols Family Damon Salm Chris Ort Family Jan Kloehn Pastor, Jean & Sarah Shepro Mark & Jill Beyer, Josh Giese Pastor, Cindy & Abby Brylski Arvid Wold, Lisa & Nicole Ahles Hospitality: Ed & Ruth Klitzke J Kellerman/D Timm Powerpoint: Ben Lucia Nursery: Karen Bunnell (Open from 8:15 until 11:4 5) Thank You to our great volunteers! 11 Volunteer Schedule December 16th LeNobleService Family 10:35 8:30 Service Greeters: Altar Care: Multimedia: Ushers: Reader: Comm Distr Group 1: Group 2: Travis & Cindi Zalo udek Travis & Cindi Zalo udek Bob Hicks Randy & Vicki Brull Sunday School Christmas Program Hospitality: Kris Menting Pastor, Barb & Cole Krause Dick Griesser, De Dalu m, Connor Krause Gary Ruhle Michelle McNichols Cindy & Abby Brylski Sunday School Christmas Program Pastor, Linda & Child Caswell Kathy Forst, Linda Grundman, Caswell Child Gary & Patti Ruhle Powerpoint: Jarrod Osborn Nursery: Brianna Falk (Open from 8:15 until 11:45) December 23rd 8:30 Service Greeters: Altar Care: Multimedia: Ushers: Reader: Comm Distr Group 1: Group 2: 10:35 Service Hackert Family Ron & Karen Toshner Brad Lotto Don & Nancy Kuettel Dick Griesser Brylski Family Kelli Celsor Michelle Nelson Jason Wunderlich Family Lisa Koel Pastor, Tom Ryerson, Rachel Westphal Ron & Karen Toshner, Lexie Wagner Pastor, Christine & Emma Loppnow Karen Kennedy, Jenny & Lanie Mallmann Rudie /Bolssen Families Hospitality: Jerry & Dawn O’Dell Powerpoint: Brian Falk Nursery: Karen Bunnell (Open from 8:15 until 11:4 5) Volunteer Schedule continued on page 13 12 Volunteer Schedule continued from pages 11-12 December 30th 8:30 Service 10:35 Service Greeters: Altar Care: Multimedia: Ushers: Reader: Comm Distr Group 1: Group 2: Calder Family Tony Brunner Brian Salm Bunnell Family Vicki Brull Chris Ort Family Gary & Wendy Bekx Michelle McNichols Adamovich Family Gary Timm Pastor, Tim & McKenzie Calder Bob, Amber, & Riley Hicks Pastor, Paula & Elle VanDeHey Jan Penterman, Todd & Anne VanDeHey Hospitality: De Dalum Pelegrin /Penterman Families Powerpoint: Cathy Mertz Nursery: Brianna Falk (Open from 8:15 until 11:45) January 6th 8:30 Service 10:35 Service Greeters: Altar Care: Multimedia: Ushers: Reader: Comm Distr Group 1: Group 2: Seeber Family Suzanne Nuernberger TBD Carlson Family Craig Burow Ahles Family DeSautel Family TBD Scott Kolbeck/Gary Bekx Lynn Relien Pastor, Dick Griesser, Lexi Walter Jim, Becky & Madi Walter Hospitality: Nora Broeniman/Jean Johnson Pastor, Luke & Amber Zuleger Kent Krueger, Kelli Celsor, David Zuleger Mertz Family Powerpoint: Shelley Roeske Nursery: Karen Bunnell (Open from 8:15 until 11:4 5) PLEASE NOTE: If you are not available to volunteer on the day scheduled, please swap Sundays with someone. Also, please let me know of any volunteer schedule changes. Thank You, Patti Ruhle 13 (80 ent m p lo ve e D th i Fa Mary, Mother of Jesus Join us on Wed., Dec. 12th a t 9:30 for a powerful , inspi ra tional s tory of l ove, sa crifi ce and fai th. Follow the life of Ma ry, mother of Jesus . A compelling portra yal of a mother's undying and s teadfas t love for her son, the film celebra tes her humani ty, her humili ty, and her gra cefulness. Save the date! Jan. 12th @ 1 pm—Road Rally, an adul t scavenger hunt using cars Jan. 20th @ 9:30—Annual Meeting, Part II, 2013 Budget Review Jan. 27th @ noon—Chili Cook- off 14 Summer Youth Mission Trip July 20 to 28, 2012 North Carolina Cost: $450.00 For all middle and high school youth We will be doing home repai r projects in the communi ty of Ha yes ville, North Ca rolina. How do I sign up for the trip? To sign up for the trip, send a non refundable $100.00 deposit to the Church Office, Attention: Chris tine. All deposi ts a re due no la ter than Janua ry 25, 2013. Fundraisers and s chola rships a re a vailable. 15 Help, I need to raise money for the mission trip. How can I do that? You could go on a mission trip for free if you participate in the following fundraisers. Right now: February/March: March 16: April: May: Get donations for the Silent Auction on February 9/10, items need to be turned in by January 27 Sell Pizzas 8:00 a.m., help make pizzas Flower Sale/Sell Flowers Flower Unloading To sign up for a certain fundraiser, call Christine at 757~7775 or email her at A ttention Parents: You can help raise money for your son or daughter too by participating in the fund raisers. You w ill earn a 1/2 credit for ev ery hour y ou w ork. F or example, if the y outh makes $ 20.00 an hour, you w ill make $ 10.00 an hour. U nless you are a parent raising money for y our ow n trip, in that case y ou w ill earn exactly w hat the y outh earn. Special News about the Silent Auction You can get a letter from church talking about the auction that y ou can make copies of and use to get donations for the S ilent A uction. You can go to places of business and ask for gift certificates. You can ask stores to donate an item. You can make something or ask someone w ho makes crafts, etc….to make something for the auction. You can put together your ow n gift baskets. S ay your child brings in a “mov ie basket” and it is auctioned off at $ 50.00. Your child w ill receiv e all proceeds from that basket minus the 10% that goes back into the y outh ministry / mission trip budget. S o, this can be a very good fundraiser. We have had youth raise $ 400 plus from this fundraiser alone! 16 Sunday School Christmas Program, December 16 Attention parents of Sunday School children: We w ill be practicing for the Christmas program during Sunday School times on December 2 and 9. And, w e will be having a very special rehearsal on Saturday, December 15. 8:30 a.m. service children w ill rehearse from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 10:35 a.m. children w ill rehearse from 10:30 a.m. to Noon. It is important for your child/children to be here to practice. Thanks so much in advance for all your support and help w ith this. What a w onderful w ay to celebrate the birth of our Savior by having our children at Christus tell the story. Sunday School Gift Sharing On December 16, during the worship services, we will be hav ing a special processional as part of the Sunday School Christmas program. We would like to ask all children, including our toddlers, to please bring a teddy bear for the Cubs f or Christmas Campaign or canned f ood with them to church on Sunday , December 16th. The children will be inv ited to come f orward to place their gift on the altar. What is the Cubs f or Christmas Campaign? Cubs f or Christmas is a teddy bear benef it being held by Brianna Falk. This project is part of an adv ocacy project f or Brianna's high school graduation and she would like to inv olve Christus in making a diff erence! Three summers ago, Christus took a mission trip to Anacostia, Washington D.C. Anacostia is a heav ily impov erished community and is the home of hundreds of children. Christus had the opportunity to work with these children in a v acation bible school, where the youth got to know the children and f amilies. Cubs f or Christmas is a project that will send teddy bears to the children in Auction Items Needed for Silent Auction: Christus is looking for items to use in their Silent Auction that will begin during the Christioso’s Dinner Show on February 9, and end after worship on February 10. If you (or your place of business) would like to donate items to the Silent Auction, or provide a service, please call Christine Loppnow at 757~7775, or drop your item off in the Church Office no later than Sunday, January 27. Bringing items in a prearranged basket would be helpful. All proceeds from the auction will support mission trips and the Youth Ministry program. If any items are “used” and not brand new, please only donate GENTLY USED items. Thank you 17 Looking for a great gift idea for that special woman in your life? Look no further, gift certificates are available in any amount for the Women’s Retreat. Registration is due December 20th. The Christus Church Women’s Retreat is Feb. 1 & 2nd. The theme of t he retreat is “ COZY MOUNTAIN L OD GE,” where women find shelter in God, as we will study the Book of Rut h. The retreat will be held at the Osthoff Resort, which is a short one-hour drive to Elkhart Lake. See the display at church for more information, grab a couple brochures so you can invite your friends. Get ready to recharge your faith, create new friendships, & enjoy the fun and laughter of spending time away with other Christian women. Any questions? Contact Patti at 757-7775 or 18 COMMUNITY EVENTS & SERVICES ******************************************************************************************************** Memory Café: Those w ith early stage Alzheimer’s /dementia, mild memory loss or cognitiv e impairment, as well as family and friends of those affected are invited Thursday afternoons to the Atlas Coffee Mill or Saturday mornings to the Thompson Community center. It’s a great opportunity for liv ely dis cussions, information gathering, refreshments, sharing and caring, and lots of fun. Call Betty Lefebv re-Hill at 225-1711 for more information. ******************************************************************************************************************* Coping w ith the Loss of a Loved One During Holidays: The free presentation is on Thurs., Dec. 6th from 7-8 pm. This class will cov er: 1) How to help a grieving person through the holidays. 2)How to balance the grief journey with holiday spirit. 3) New family rituals to remember what w as special about y our lov ed one. The class is being held at Mindfulness Center for Wellbeing, 18 Jew elers Park, Suite 210 in Neenah. Reserve your spot by calling 722-7245 or v is it the w ebsite at mindfulnesscenterforw ******************************************************************************************************************* O W L S (Older Wiser Lutheran Singles) invite y ou/friends to join in on the fun: · Sunday, December 9, 2012 Soup Supper/Packer Game We’ll gather at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church for a Soup Supper at 5:30 PM and then w atch the game on the big screen in the theater room. The game starts at 7:20 PM against the Detroit Lions. Cost is $3 per person. · Monday , December 31, 2012 New Year’s Eve Festivities with a Gourmet Dinner and game night. We hav e lots of laughs and delight of the wonderful meal that comes together w ith ev eryone helping out. Not a cook? We alw ays need someone to set the table or keep up w ith the dis hes. We w ill gather at 6:30 PM in the kitchen. The menu w ill include Baked Tenderloin w ith all the trimmings. After our meal w e’ll spend the rest of the ev ening play ing games and w elc ome in the New Year together. Cost for this informal ev ening meal, drinks and surpris es is $14 per person. You are welcome to come for all or part of this ev ening. Deadline to sign up is Thursday, December 27th. To SIGN UP for any or all of the upcoming ev ents or just have questions: Contact: Darlene-722-5048 or Larry - 486-7500. ******************************************************************************************************* QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) w hic h is an educational program presented by Barb Bigalke on December 3, 2012 from 7-8:30 p.m. at Wichmann Tri-County Chapel, 3212 S. Oneida St. in Appleton. This session is free and open to the public . In this session you will learn the 3 sim ple steps to sav e a life from suicide: Question, Persuade and Refer. Participants w ill learn how to recogniz e the w arning signs of suicide, know how to offer hope, know how to get help and sav e a life. This free educational program is open to the public. Regis tration is appreciated for planning purposed and to regis ter, please call 920-831-9905. ******************************************************************************** Help Fight Medicare Fraud: Help increase public aw areness of healthcare fraud prevention, learn to detect Medicare fraud and help keep our health care costs under control. For more information check out the Wisconsin Senior Medicare Patrol w ebsite at w is or call Judy Steinke at 800-488-2596 ex t. 342.