proceeding of 2nd national soil workshop
proceeding of 2nd national soil workshop
h or op op op Wor Wor Wor rksh Soil rksh Soil rksh Soil Soil h h h l l l o o o i i i shop il W s s s p p p p o o o o k k k k o o o o W W W r r S r S r S S h h h h l l l o o o o i i i s s s s p p p p o o Soil S S So ork ork ork ork il W il W il W il W sho sho sho sho p p p p o o o o k k k o o o o W W W W r S r S r S S h h h h l l l l o o o i i i s i s s s p p p p o o o ork ork ork ork p So oil W oil W oil W ksho ksho ksho ksho op S op S op S W W W W r r So S r S r S h h h l l l l o o o o i i i i s s s p p p p o o o o k k k ksho o o o o Publication Serial No. 00167-177/2014/2015 W W W W r S r S r S S h h h h l l l l o o o i i i s i s s s p p p p o o o o ork ork ork ork oil W oil W oil W ksho ksho ksho ksho op S op S op S op S W W W W r So r S r S r S h h h h l l l l o o o o i i i i s s s s p p p p o o o o k k k k o o o o W W W W r S r S r S r S h h h h l l l l o o o i i i s i s s s p p p p o o o o ork ork ork ork oil W oil W oil W ksho ksho ksho ksho op S op S op S op S W W W W r r S r S 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Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Soil Management Directorate, DoAD, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal CYMMYT, South Asia Regional Office, Kathmandu, Nepal IRRI, Country Office, NARC Building, Kathmandu, Nepal BTC Private Limited, BTC Complex, Kupandole, Lalitpur, Nepal, Email:, URL: Proprietor: Narendra Goel (Scientific Instrument Supplier and Service Provider) 6. Divya Organic Fertilizer, Mangalpur-9, Chitwan (Proprietor Mr. Narendra Giri) Celebrating International Year of Soils, 2015 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND NATIONAL SOIL FERTILITY RESEARCH WORKSHOP March 24-25, 2015 (10-11 Chaitra 2071 B.S.) Kathmandu, Nepal Editors Dr. Krishna Bahadur Karki, SSD, NARC Dr. Bhaba Prasad Tripathi, IRRI, Nepal Dr. Ramita Manandhar, MoAD, Nepal Mr. Bishnu Hari Adhikary, SSD, NARC Dr. Shree Prasad Vista, SSD, NARC Government of Nepal Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Soil Science Division Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal June, 2015 © 2015 by Soil Science Division, NARI, Nepal Agricultural Research Council Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop Organizers: Soil Science Division, National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Soil Management Directorate, Department of Agriculture (DoA) CIMMYT, South Asia Regional Office (SARO), Kathmandu, Nepal IRRI, Kathmandu Office, Nepal Theme: Healthy soils for a healthy life Venue: NARI Hall, National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 24-25 March, 2015 (10-11 Chaitra, 2071) Published by: Soil Science Division, National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI), Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Correct Citation: Karki KB, BP Tripathi, R Manandhar, BH Adhikary and SP Vista. 2015. Proceedings of the Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop, 24-25 March, 2015. Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. ISSN 2392-4942 Printed at: Siddhartha Printing Press, Lalitpur, Nepal Layout and Computer Design: Rashila Manandhar K.C, Soil Science Division, Khumaltar ii Foreword Plant nutrients are the key factors for attaining food and nutrition security. Inadequate and unbalanced use of chemical fertilizers and less use of organic and green manures are the main causes of nutrient deficiencies especially in South Asia. Farming system intensification requires an adequate flow of nutrients to the crops and their greater take. Micronutrient deficiency complexities in crops are being increasingly reported resulting into malnutrition and in-born deformities in human being. To mark the “International Year of Soils, 2015”, Soil Science Division under NARC, Soil Management Directorate under DoA, CIMMYT and IRRIjointly organized the "Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop"which provided a great opportunity for scientists, extension professionals and students involved in soil and allied sciences to discuss the soil related problems and find the solutions for the benefit of farming communities. The workshop was alsoa valuable platform for sharing ideas and experiences for addressing nutrient problems in soils, plants and human health. I am grateful to all the institutionswho contributed for organizingthe workshop. I specially appreciate the tireless efforts made by Mr. Bishnu Hari Adhikary and the team for successfully organizing the workshop and bringing out the proceedings in this form.Thanks are also due to the members of the editing committee for their valuable time. Ialso thank all the participants for their active interaction during the technical sessions. I believe that the scientific messages included in this proceedings will be beneficial to the extension personal, students, researchers and farmers involved in the agricultural research and development endeavors in Nepal and throughout the world as well. I wish for the continuity of such workshops in the future. YR Pandey, PhD Executive Director, NARC Patron, Workshop Organizing Committee iii iv Message from the First Chief Soil Scientist The Chief, Soil Science Division, Khumaltar. Having come to know about the celebration of “International Year of Soils, 2015” by Soil Science Division, Khumaltar by organizing a two-days Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop, my happiness has reached beyond limitations. I feel quite honoured in remembering me on such auspicious occasion by the organizing committee. At the very outset, I would like to thank and congratulate organizing committee for inviting in such a grand celebration. I am sorry to say that due to my health condition, I am unable to attend the Workshop. Development of our nation solely relies on Agriculture and Soil is the basis of Agricultural development. I wish all scientists to come forward and make it success in the days to come. Soil is the basis of our life and therefore, let us all contribute in proper management of our soil (Mato hamro jiban ko aadhar, tasartha garau yesko uchit shyhar) Thank you Bidur Kumar Thapa Ex Chief Soil Scientist, Soil Science Division, Khumaltar And, Joint Secretary (Retired), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Nepal. The 24th March, 2015 v vi Preface This book of Proceedings is the outcome of the Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop that was held in Khumaltar, Lalitpur from 24-25 March 2015. We were inspired to organize this Workshop by Mr. Dhruva Joshy, ex- Executive Director, NARC and ex-Chief Soil Scientist Dr. Krishna Bahadur Karki which was held after 17 years. This Workshop was organized as a part of the celebration of “International Year of Soils 2015”. The objectives was to establish the status of current soil fertility research knowledge and identify future research needs related to plant nutrient, their proper management and develop climate change smart technologies in Nepal. The main focus of the Workshop was to develop soil science strategies , and the participation of the researchers and scientists concerned with the human nutrition and plant-soil interactions served to make the Workshop a truly inter and intra-disciplinary event. The major objectives of the Workshop were to review and present the findings of Soil Science research and development technologies related to Soil Science. Similarly, the workshop aimed to identify issues and opportunities related to soil research and scaling-up of the findings and recommendations. Workshop was inaugurated by Hon. Minister Mr. Hari Prasad Parajuli, Ministry of Agricultural Development. We are very grateful to Dr. Bharatendu Mishra, Member, National Planning Commission for chairing as a Special Guest in the opening ceremony. Altogether 65 abstracts of papers were received, published and distributed of which 1 key note address, 4 thematic lectures and 44 general research articles were presented during the Workshop. Both oral and poster sessions were organized. Two National Chief Soil Scientists (retired) and one Principal Scientist from IRRI, Philippines were awarded. Similarly, three best posters were also awarded during the Workshop ceremony. This book is the compilation of the research articles presented in the oral and poster sessions of the workshop. Forty nine scientific papers were received from the different authors across the country and abroad and the organizing committee decided to publish them after peer review of the articles by the editors, and this book of Proceedings has been published in this form. I want to acknowledge and extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. KB Karki, Dr. BP Tripathi, Dr. Ramita Manandhar and Dr. SP Vista for their hard work in editing the manuscript. We believe that the recommendations and wayforward included in this book will be beneficial to the scientists, researchers, students, extentionists and other related stakeholders involved in the field of Soil Science research and development. The organizers hope that the content of his book will provide a humble contribution by generating farm income and improving livelihoods and wellbeing of the farmers of Nepal. Thank you. Bishnu Hari Adhikary (Chief Soil Scientist) Co-ordinator, and Member Secretary, Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop. vii viii Inaugural Address by Mr. Hari Prasad Parajuli Chief Guest, and Minister, Ministry of Agricultural Development Government of Nepal Respected Chairman, Special Guest, Member of NPC Officiating Secretary, Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD), Distinguished Scientists, Journalist, Ladies and Gentlemen It is indeed a matter of great pleasure for me to get this opportunity to participate and inaugurate Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop. I am quite fortunate to be with great Soil Scientists of Nepal and abroad. At the very outset, I would like to thank organizing committee (NARC) for inviting me as a Chief Guest in such a Grand Workshop. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen We are all aware about the importance of soil and its conservation. We are all actively involved in doing research and developmental activities. Government of Nepal is also actively contributing to manage and maintain agricultural production and productivity as per the need and situation. Our major concern should probably focus on our issues and effort we are doing to make it meaningful. We must seriously analyze whether these so far developed technologies are helpful for enhancing agrarian livelihood or not. Vigorous discussion among technocrats must be done over developed technologies. Technological inputs for various crop productions have been developed so much but till date only few technologies have been put into practice. Everyone must be aware about the importance of soil. I feel, Nepal has in general six types of soils based on mineral composition. Some soils have reserved calcium where others have more iron but equally they are rich in organic matter. Under such circumstances, we must focus on what to add to the soil to make it more productive. In general, we always recommend adding all nutrients to attain higher production which simultaneously accelerates the cost of production and most often the production cost become expensive to the growers resulting uncompetitive in the market. Scientist must bear in mind all aspects of production at micro level. One of our old saying says, “Every drop of water makes an ocean and every grain of food makes a granary”. They have the ability to analyze situation at micro level and they have been advising us from generation to generation. They simply lack macro level vision. So as a tradition, we also lack the analytical aptitude. If we could critically analyze it and make it result ix oriented then only farmers’ livelihood will be enhanced and we can proudly say that our contribution has helped the needy people and the nation. We all must be proud to say that till date we are all continuously contributing for our growers and nation. Though my knowledge is limited, I have been trying to update my knowledge regarding technological innovations from workshops, conference, dialogue and discussion. Since all of you are scientists, you are all equipped with plenty of knowledge; the only lacking in you is meaningful and serious expressions. Expressing your knowledge will definitely accelerate the technological interventions in Nepal and abroad. I hope this two days Workshop will highlight all such technological innovations that will reflect the identity of Nepalese Scientist at National and International arena. Let the world feel that Nepalese Scientists have the ability to critically analyse situation from different aspects to derive meaningful, dynamic and reasonable conclusions. Finally, I hope this Workshop will discuss soil science related technologies in Nepal and provide guidelines for future studies. At last I would like to thank all the participants for your active participation and look forward to suitable recommendations of the technologies. I like to thank organizer of this Workshop for giving me opportunity to share my views and I wish this Workshop a grand success. Thank you. Hari Prasad Parajuli Minister Ministry of Agricultural Development Government of Nepal 24 March 2015 x Welcome Address and Highlights on Objectives of the Workshop by Sambhu Prasad Khatiwada Director of Crops and Horticulture (NARC) Mr. Chairman, The Executive Director (NARC) Chief Guest, Hon’ble Minister Sri Hari Prasad Parajuli, Ministry of Agricultural Development, Dr. Bharatendu Mishra, Hon’ble Member of National Planning Commission; Joint Secretaries from MoAD, Dr. Yubak Dhoj G.C, Director General, DoA; Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen! It is my pleasure to have this opportunity to participate and welcome you all in the inaugural function of this Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop. We are also celebrating International Year of Soils, 2015 which tend us to be gathered in one place to celebrate the Soil Year 2015. I want to welcome the Agriculture Minister Mr. Hari Prasad Parajuli for your presence and inauguration of this workshop. I also want to welcome all the Joint Secretaries, MoAD and Director General Dr. Yubak Dhoj GC, DoA for the presence in this Inaugural ceremony. I welcome to all the ex-Executive Directors of NARC, Director from DoAD and NARC and to all the participants and journalists of this workshop. Mr. Chairman The major objectives of the workshop are set as follows: 1. To review and present the findings of soil science research and development of technologies related to soil science. 2. To identify issues and opportunities related to soil research and scaling up. 3. To make recommendation for future research and dissemination. 4. To facilitate interaction among stakeholders for collaboration and networking. Soil Science Division (NARC) is organizing Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop after full 17 years. I would like to welcome all the co-organizers Soil Management Directorate, DoAD, CIMMYT-SARO and IRRI-Nepal to contribute and participate in the workshop. I believe that technical papers that are going to be presented in this workshop might be helpful and will be documented and published in the proceedings in near future. We all know that soil is the basis of life. Healthy soils can produce healthy crops and it is only possible with adequate plant nutrient management and healthy environment. We know every harvest removes large amount of nutrients from the soil causing nutrient depletion. Nutrient management is a major xi issue to be addressed to understand the reasons for decline in yields. Soil acidification, soil erosion, carbon emission, crop intensification and so many other factors are the cause of low productivity. We have to protect and nourish our soils. Finally, I hope that this workshop will discuss on different aspects of soil fertility management technologies generated by the scientists and researchers and identify major soil fertility related problems and carry out studies for its management in the future. At last, I am sure that this workshop will give a forum for the researchers, scientists, planners and policy makers to discuss and draw a valuable conclusion to sustain the production and productivity for the long term perspective through adequate and appropriate soil fertility technologies generation. At last I would like to welcome you all again for your active participation. Thank you. xii Vote of Thanks Respected chairman; Chief Guest Honorable Minister, Ministry of Agriculture Development; Honorable member of National Planning Commission; Officiating Secretary of Agri. Development Ministry Mr. Shyam Kishor Sah; NAST Vice Chancellor Dr. Jibraj Pokharel; Joint Secretary, Mr UC Thakur, Yogendra Karki, and all Joint Secretary of MoAD; Director General, Department of Agriculture Department Dr. Yubak Dhoj G.C.; Dr. BP Tripathi from CIMMY; NARC ED; DDG and Directors from DoAD and NARC; NARC Division Chiefs, Dr. Dipak Rijal, Libird; distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to be with you in this morning for the opportunity to extend my thanks for your valuable participation in this Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop. We are celebrating International Year of Soil 2015. In this occasion Soil Science Division (NARC) feel pleasure and is highly grateful to you all. I believe that your presence at the moment and contributions to the workshops keeps a great value for all of us. Theme and policy paper as well as the research articles which are going to be presented in this big forum could be a guideline for future progress in Nepal in the field of Soil Science. We expect it will add a new feather in agriculture development. This is the 2nd National Workshop organized after 17 years. Respected chairman, we all know that soil is very important for lifes whether a very small and tiny organism to higher plants and animals. The promotion of sustainable soil and land management is central to ensured sustainable productivity, improved rural livelihoods and a healthy environment. We all depend on soils. Healthy soils are the basis for healthy food productions. Soils are the foundation for vegetation which is cultivated or managed for feed, fiber, fuel and medicinal plants and products. It not only support earth's biodiversity but also help combat and adapt to climate change by playing a key role in the carbon cycle. Soil is also store house of water and filters the water improving our resilience to floods and droughts especially in the hills and mountains regions of Nepal. It is non-renewable resource, its protection and preservation is very essential for food security and for our sustainable future. Also soil is the habitat of so many microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes etc which plays a vital role in nutrient mineralization, N,P, S cycle. The multiple roles of soil goes unnoticed. We need healthy soils to achieve our food security and nutrition goals. World biodiversity helps to mitigate and adopt the climate change. One third of all soils are degraded due to erosions, compaction, soil sealing, salinization, soil OM and nutrition depletion, xiii acidification, pollution and other process caused by poor management practices. The International Year of Soil aims at raising full awareness among civil society and decision makers about the profound importance of soil for human life. At last I would like to say thank you very much again for your kind participation. Your suggestions and positive critics would help our Soil Science to develop new technologies and their wider disseminations. In this occasion, I would like to propose next workshop be held in every 5 years. Thank you. Bishnu Hari Adhikary Chief Soil Scientist Secretary and Co-ordinator, SNSFR Workshop xiv ABBREVIATIONS CA CAPS CEC CIMMYT CO2 CT DAS DoAD FY FYM GDD GIS GPS HICAST HWSD IAAS INM INSEY IRRI kg ha-1 LRMP MM MSTL NARC NARI NDVI NIR NMRP NRs OM POM RCBD RI RS SARO SOC SOM SSD SSMP ST t ha-1 TU WRB YPN Conservation Agriculture Conservation Agriculture Production System Cation Exchange Capacity International Maize and Wheat Research Centre Carbon Dioxide Conventional Tillage Days after Sowing Department of Agriculture Development Fiscal Year Farm Yard Manure Growing Degree Days Geographic Information Systems Global Positioning System Himalayan College of Agricultural Science and Technology Harmonized World Soil Database Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science Integrated Nutrient Management In-Season Estimated Yield International Rice Research Institute Kilogram Per Hectare Land Resources Mapping Project Mineral Materials Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory Nepal Agricultural Research Council National Agriculture Research Institute Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Near Infrared National Maize Research Programme Nepali Rupees Organic Matter Particulate Organic Matter Randomized Complete Block Design Response Index Remote Sensing South Asia Regional Office Soil Organic Carbon Soil Organic Matter Soil Science Division Sustainable Soil Management Programme Strip Tillage Ton per Hectare Tribhuvan University World Reference Base Predicted Yield with Added Nitrogen xv xvi Table of Contents 1. Key-note Address Soils and Food Production Dhruva Joshy 1 1 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory (MSTL): Experience of Soil Management 6 Directorate to Aware Farmers about Soil Health Durga P Dawadi , Chandra P Risal , Kiran H Maskey , Balaram Rijal and Tuk B Thapa Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use in Nepal: past, present and future Krishna Bahdur Karki 16 Soil Degradation and its Management Bhaba P Tripathi 26 Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life: Research Efforts and its Challenges Shree P Vista and Bishnu H Adhikary 36 2. Soil Fertility Soil Fertility Status of Nepal: Report from Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples of Five Developmental Regions Durga P Dawadi and Manita Thapa 42 Evaluation of Soil Properties and Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) Productivity 53 Influenced y Nitrogen Levels and Sowing Dates under Zero Tillage condition in Chitwan, Nepal Ran B Mahato, Keshab R Pande and Anant P Regmi Response of Soybean to Boron and Molybdenum Application Under Rampur 62 condition Rita Amgain and Renuka Shrestha On-Farm Monitoring of Improved Management of Farmyard Manure and Soil 68 Nutrient Fertility in the Middle Hills of Nepal Bishnu K Bishwakarma, Richard Allen, Juerg Merz, Bishnu K Dhital, Niranjan P Rajbhandari, Shiva K Shrestha and Ian C Baillie Use of Optical Sensor for In-Season Nitrogen Management and Grain Yield 79 Prediction in Maize Bandhu R Baral and Parbati Adhikari Effect of Long-term Application of Organic Manures and Inorganic Fertilizers 87 on Soil Properties and Yield of Rice and Wheat under Rice-Wheat System Narayan Khatri, Ram D Yadav, Nawal K Yadav, Surya N Sah and Kulananda Mishra xvii Nutrient management experiment in wheat – common bean system at high 92 hills condition in Nepal Laxman Lal Shrestha and Gautam Shrestha Utilizing nvasive lant pecies, Eupatorium for Increasing productivity Through Making iochar in Nepal Naba R Pandit, Bishnu H Pandit and Hans-Peter Schmidt and 101 Potential Options for Sustainable Land Management and Intensified 111 Agriculture Bajracharya R, K Atreya, N Raut, BM Dahal, HL Shrestha, NR Dahal, DK Gautam and P Karmacharya Studies on Sustainable Soil Fertility Management on Rapeseed Rajan Malla, Shankar Shrestha, Himal P Timalsina, Bahuri P Chaudhary and Om N Chaudhary 128 Study on Soil Fertility Status of Vegetable Growing Pocket Areas of Dhading 135 District, Nepal Binita Thapa, Dinesh Khadka and Shree P Vista Effect of Different Sources of Organic and Inorganic Nutrients in Wheat 141 under Terai Condition Sabina Devkota, Shova Shrestha and Shree P Vista Sustainability of Long-term Soil Fertility Management in Rice Wheat 144 Cropping Pattern n Eastern Mid Hills of Nepal Parashuram Bhantana1, Shree P Vista and Ram B Katuwal Effects Drought the Mobility Foliar-Applied Boron Arjun Shrestha Thomas Eichert Plants 151 Efficacy of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Rice under Rice-Tomato Cropping 163 System at Central Terai Region, Nepal Shova Shrestha, Sabina Devkota, Bishnu H Adhikary and Sahabuddin Khan Long-term Soil Fertility Experiment Under Rice – Wheat Cropping System in 166 Regional Agricultural Research Station, Parwanipur, Bara, Nepal Shova Shrestha, Gautam Shrestha, Maheshwor P Sah, Kailash P Bhurer and, Bishnu H Adhikary Biochar: ts ole in oil anagement and otentiality in Nepalese Agriculture Shree P Vista, Ananta G Ghimire, Schmidt Hans Peter, Simon Shackley and Bishnu H Adhikary 174 Effect of Organic Matter and Iron Slime on Changes in Soil Properties S P Vista and Dipankar Saha 178 xviii Efficacy of Fertilization Levels and Genotypes on the Grain Yield of Winter 190 Maize (Zea mays L.) in the Acidic Soils of Chitwan Valley Bishnu H Adhikary, Bandhu R Baral, Jiban Shrestha and Robinson Adhikary Sowing Time and Nutrient Management in Cowpea Under Light Textured 199 Acidic Soil of Central Chitwan Valley, Rampur Renuka Shrestha, Bhim N Adhikari and Ramesh Shrestha E m 209 Roshan B Ojha Phosphorus Speciation in Nitisol from Ethiopian Highlands Hari R Upadhayay, Soraya C França and Pascal Boeckx 216 Yield Trend and Soil Fertility Status After a 36-Years Rice-Rice-Wheat 233 Experiment Nabin Rawal, Dev R Chalise, Dinesh Khadka and Khim B Thapa Long-term oil ertility rial in ice heat ystem in regional 244 agricultural esearch tation, Khajura, Banke: esults of oil nalysis ata from 1998 to 2006 and 2014 AD Gautam Shrestha Response of Tribeni Organic Complexal to Potato and Rice Shree P Vista, Shambhu Raut, Dinesh Khadka, Laxman Lakhe and Bishnu H Adhikary 257 3. Soil Microbiology Nematodes and Soil Fertility Pradipna R Panta 261 261 Efficacy of Azolla pinnata in Rice (Oriza sativa L.) Production in the Central 273 Region of Nepal Bishnu H Adhikary, Sanukeshari Bajracharya, Robinson Adhikary, Kailash P Bhurer and Shree P Vista Symbiotic Characterictics of Nepalese Bradyrhizobium Isolates from Soybean 281 (Glycene max) and Mungbean (Vignaradiata) Crops Chandra P Risal and Balaram Rijal The Trichoderma spp.: A Biological Control Agents from Nepalese Soil Ram D Timila, Shrinkhala Manandhar, Chetana Manandhar and Baidhya N Mahto 294 Efficacy of Jeevatu Jho Mal (JJM) to Radish (Raphanussativus L.)Production 301 in the Central Valley of Kathmandu Sanu K Bajracharya, Bishnu H Adhikary and Sri K KC xix 4. Geographical Information System ( ) and 308 Soil Types and Fertility Status in Western Terai Region of Nepal: A Case from the BankatawaVDC of the Banke District Krishna R Tiwari Soil Fertility Evaluation of Middle Mountain of Nepal: a case of Shikharpur 316 Municipality, Kathmandu District Raju Rai, Rajendra P Tandan and Krishna B Karki Assessment of Soil Fertility Status and Preparation of Their Maps of National 330 Wheat Research Program (NWRP), Bhairahawa, Nepal Dinesh Khadka, Sushil Lamichhane, Binita Thapa, Nabin Rawal, Dev R Chalise, Shree P Vista, and Laxman Lakhe Preparation of VDC Level Land Use, Soil and Land Capability Maps of 345 Chaumala VDC,Kailali D Chalise, Abhasha Joshi, Chet R Bam, Bikesh Twanabasu, Nabin Rawal and Saroj Amgai Soil Nutrition Distribution in Eastern Tarai of Nepal: A Case Study of 358 Jhorahat VDC of Morang District Rajendra P Tandan, Raju Rai, Laxmi Basnet and Krishna B Karki Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Estimation and Mapping by Using Geographic 368 Information Systems in Rautahat District Kamal Sah, Sushil Lamichhane and Binod Silwal Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing (GIS and RS) 374 Supported Soil Fertility Mapping Ragindra M Rajbhandari and K B Karki Preparation of ata ase and Soil Map of Nepal using WRB 2010 Classification System Subhasha N Vaidya Kamal Sah Modeling of Soil Organic Matter Content from World View-2 Sensor in Nayavelhani VDC of Nawalparasi District, Nepal Umesh K Mandal 5. Soil Environment Carbon Dioxide Emission from Soil Grown to Wheat Crop at Khumaltar, Lalitpur Saraswoti Kandel, Shree C Shah Ananda K Gautam and Keshab R Pande xx 393 403 412 412 6. Resource Conservation Technolgy Enhancing Soil Fertility and Crop Production Through Promoting Conservation Agriculture Production Systems (CAPS) in the Mid Hills of Western Nepal Bir B Tamang, Keshab Thapa, Roshan Pudasaini, Bikash Paudel, Susan Crow, Jacklene Halbrendt,Ted Radovich and Catherine Chan Tillage Affects the Soil Properties and Crop Yields Tika Karki and Jiban Shrestha 7. Soil Policy Soil cientists ngaged in esearch, and in Nepal: Where o e o? Keshav R Adhikari 421 421 432 439 439 Chemical Pesticide Application: An Impending Threat to Soil-Health 447 Maintenance Ram Babu Paneru, Sunil Aryal and Yagya P Giri 8. Workshop Recommendations 9. Questions and Answers ANNEXES Annex 1: Authors Index Annex 2: Keywords Index Annex 3: List of Participants Annex 4: Workshop Programme Schedule xxi 458 462 464 465 467 471 xxii 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop KA-1 Soils and Food Production Dhruva Joshy Former Executive Director of the NARC Abstract Historically Nepal has never been a major food deficit country. But since the 1980s it has become increasingly dependent on cereal imports. The number of malnourished people is in rise. Whenever the monsoon fails the country has to reel under hunger due to reduced food availability caused by low agricultural production. Never before the threat of starvation has been so greater than it is today in the country. The threat is not due to the country’s reduced capacity to food production. Indeed, the capacity is greater today than it ever been and will continue to grow as the new vistas of science keep unfolding by the research scientists. The problem lies in the lower adoption of the modern technologies compounded by spiraling population growth and lack of adequate fund for agricultural research. Our agricultural scientists have tools to increase the country’s food production by many folds, if supported with adequate funding through national government policies, but frustratingly they cannot control the population rise. The fight to feed the country’s population is not yet a lost battle. But to win this war we must require technological and scientific inputs of a magnitude not yet realized. An environment needs to be created by the concerned agencies by which the farmers can easily adopt the new technologies without any problems – be it availability of technology, be it finance or be it market. And among the most important of these inputs are those relating to soils and soil science. Our soils must be protected and properly managed if they are to produce enough food needed to feed our ever growing population. Keywords: Food deficit, research scientists, spiraling population growth, technological and scientific inputs. Overview It is customary for every government to make tall claims about its achievements. In spite of such ostentatious claims the stark reality is that the country’s agriculture is not being able to produce enough food to feed its people without importing foodgrain. The crisis is nothing but the manifestation of everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Country’s largest private sector, steeped in neglect, dogged by problems and afflicted with policy malaise, needs immediate hospitalization. Instead, it receives government support as first aid only. We all know doling out government largesse is only a respite, not a long term solution to bring people out of hunger and poverty. To change this situation unless country’s agriculture develops and to develop agriculture unless the condition of agricultural research starving for funds remains unchanged, the battle on hunger and poverty will not be realized. 1 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Country’s Food Production Situation The recent news of importing rice worth of billion rupees every month unfolds the largest and the most enigmatic agricultural crisis the country has faced ever. Largest, because the country had been able to produce five million tons of paddy, a record harvest in 2012, yet not enough to feed its people without import. This year the government indicates that agricultural growth rate will decrease and has revised its annual targets. Enigmatic, because it is a crisis that has build up due to skewed vision of bureaucracy, in spite of having plans like APP and other good policies. The reality is that our farm productivity is being held back, our competitiveness in the market is being undermined, and our national prosperity is being unnecessarily limited because the agricultural research services are starved of the modest level of resources that they require, as compared to most items of the national expenditures. The casualties of the situation will not be research scientists, but they will be the poor of the country. Therefore, support for agriculture research is not a matter of charity but it is a step of wisdom and prudence for the government. Despite more than five decades of our planned development agriculture is a neglected professions against our old saying Uttam kheti, Madhyam byapar… (Farming is the best occupation, second best is business and working for someone else is the worst). Since farming is increasingly becoming a non-profitable profession, younger generation is least interested to take up this profession. In stead they are ready to toil at the desert of Gulf countries or hostile environment of other countries as migrant workers. Because of such situation, land is left untilled due to shortage of working hands. The situation is deteriorating year after year, if long term remedial measures are not taken up by the government. The Ministry of Agriculture has no plan to address such problems vis-à-vis soil fatigue as has been developed by over-exploitation of plant nutrients and organic matter in intensive cropping areas. Chure bhabar range is turning into barren land with the threat of desertification looming large due to wanton tree felling, overwhelming soil and nutrient wash, receding water table and unmanageable operation of stone quarries. President Ram Baran Yadav’s unremitting zeal to reclaim Chure region had heralded a glad tidings but Nepalese bureaucrats has turned it into a hasty afterthought. The problem of such nature and magnitude can not be addressed by a mind-set of business as usual. In order to respond such crisis one needs to have an out-of-the-box thinking which is clearly not visible with the government at present. This will force more and more marginal farmers to opt out their current farming profession on one hand and on the other, the younger generation, which has no attraction towards farming, will be tempted to go out of the country in torrents as migrant workers. If land remains untilled due to shortage of agricultural labours in our villages, how our agriculture would be able to produce enough food to feed our growing population.Let us not fazed by the challenge the agriculture sector faces. Inadequacy of food in the country is not due to its reduced capacity of agriculture to produce more food. In fact the capacity is greater today than it has ever been because of the modern technologies 2 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop research has been inventing. The moot question is – how these technologies are made available to our farmers and are they in the position to use them? At present the adoption of these technologies is at a very low lever due variety of reasons ranging from socio-economics to post harvesting processing to marketing. But we all know that agriculture can be a powerful engine of economic growth in a country like Nepal where national economy is largely dependent on agriculture. The bureaucrats, policy makers and political leaders alike must understand there can be no economics without politics, but more importantly there can be no politics without economics. Country’s Natural Resources Soils are natural occurring bodies. A pedologist is concerned with its origin, classification and characterization for the variety of purposes – farm and nonfarm uses. While the edaphologist, on the other hand, is concerned principally with the most important use of soils i.e. as a medium for the plant growth and particularly food crop plants. In this regards, soils must be protected and managed properly if they are to produce enough food needed to feed the growing population. Despite its geographically small size, Nepal has diverse topography with three distinct , parallel running east to west physiographic regions known as the High mountains in the north, the Hills in the middle and the flat land of the Terai in the south. The country has a little more than 14.5 million hectare of land area. The high mountain in the north and hill in the middle account for 35 and 42 percent each of the total area, while the Terai has a share of 23 percent. More than half of the country’s area is non arable due to hills and mountains which are too cold and too steep for tillage. The arable land in the high mountains is only 10 percent while the hills and the Terai have 56 and 33 percent each. The distribution of arable land in the country is skewed due to dominant mountain topography. There are two ways that a nation may fallow to utilize its land resources to increase its food production. They are: (a) clear and cultivate arable land that has not been tilled until now, or (b) intensify production on lands already under cultivation. There is little opportunity to increase land under agriculture, perhaps, less than 10 percent as most of the arable land is already under cultivation. Expanding agricultural land will further entail on forest land which will have negative bearing on our ecology. Thus under the given situation only option we have left to produce more food is by increasing annual crop yields per hectare by augmenting soil fertility of our arable lands. Here agriculture research can play a very important role if supported by proper policy guide lines. 3 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Factors Influencing Food production Nations’ capacity to produce food is determined by various factors. These include a complex of social, economic and political factors most of which decide the farmers incentive to produce food. Besides, there are a number of physical and biological factors also that have bearing on food production. They are: • The natural resources available, particularly soils and water. • Availability of technologies in proper management of crops, animals and soils. • Availability of improved varieties and breeds that respond to propermanagement. • Supply of agricultural inputs. • Market incentive. Except the last one, each of the above factors is affected by the quality of soils – their natural productivity and response to management. If a nation needs to produce adequate food, satisfactory soil properties should be high in the list of prerequisites. Requisites for Higher Production A nation’s ability to feed itself depends upon many factors, of which access to improved agricultural technologies is the most important one. Such technologies largely depend on science and more specifically on research and education. These technologies must have direct relevance in increasing crop yields under our socioeconomic situation and not be a mere transplant of what is available in developed nations. The important aspect of these requisites is that the improved technologies must provide a package of all the inputs upon which a successful crop production could depend. Such package must consider economic, social, political and biological factors that affect farmers’ incentive to grow more. A final requisite, a nation should consider, in the quest of increasing food production is a pool of trained personnel. They range from scientists (from whose test tubes or field plots new technologies and perhaps new food products may come) to their subordinates. To efficiently utilize our scarce resources we must have adequate number of research scientists whose interest relates directly to the solution of the food problems. On many occasions we have experienced that lending institutions and international consulting firms are not the best reservoir of knowledge to be banked upon, as we ha seen, they have left many world economies in doldrums. Let us acknowledge that our problems are unique to us and so will be our solutions. We have been implementing our periodic plans, based on the Soviet Union’s five-yearplan model, over many years have only helped us to remain as a mediocre country of the least developed nations. Why it is so? It needs a dispassionate analysis. Since it is beyond the topic given to me, I, therefore, acted as a devil’s advocate only. To reap the fruits of modern technologies the country must raise its investment in agricultural research to a level of one percent of the AGDP. Again, mere financial allocation would 4 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop not help. Our research organizations need to be backed by proper policy environment suited to its functioning as a research organization in a true form. Too much focus on the service delivery institutions, without enough deliverables at hand, has dampened our agriculture’s growth trajectory significantly. This is a truism one has to agree with whether one likes it or not. The government and Planning Commission need to see a reasonable match in its financial allocation between research and service delivery institutions. Or else, we will remain as a food importing country for many more five-year plans to come. To excel as a research organization, we must cultivate a culture of “let the best beat the rest”, not the one who carries the baggage of political leaders or parties. The fight to feed the increasing population is not yet lost. Our planners and policy makers must realize that to win that war it will require technological inputs of a magnitude not yet realized. And among the most important of these inputs are those relating to soils and soil science. 5 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop TH-1 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory (MSTL): Experience of Soil Management Directorate to Aware Farmers about Soil Health D P Dawadi, C P Risal, Kiran H Maskey, B Soil Management Directorate Rijal and T B Thapa Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur Abstract Soil testing is the basis for soil fertility management that maintains the productivity of soil and improves the quality of crops. It promotes more efficient use of fertilizers at a lower cost, and prevents environmental pollution from excess fertilizer. Unbalanced use of chemical fertilizer is a common problem in Nepal. In particular, much nitrogen fertilizer is often applied at the expense of other nutrients in major vegetable pocket areas. Soil Management Directorate under Ministry of Agriculture Development implements the soil management programs all over the country. It has seven static soil test laboratories at least one at each development regions. However, the existing soil analysis facility under the Soil Management Directorate and its laboratories are very inadequate. Recently, Paradeep Phosphate Limited (PPL) one of the leading Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizers producing company at India has provided one Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory (MSTL) to Soil Management Directorate (SMD). SMD has organized eight soil test campaign with MSTL in Kavre, Dhading, Kaski, Palpa and Gulmi districts of the country. Convincing farmers of the target area with different documentary show is done just one day before conducting soil test campaign. Generally the shows are related to the importance of soil testing, how to collect soil samples the success stories etc. MSTL has facilities to test Organic carbon, pH, EC, Phosphorus and Potash content in the soil with all the accessories and power back up. Farmers can get the soil test results on the same day. Just after the soil test campaign, farmers are trained about the results and the respective management practices. As a whole, MSTL is an effective tool to provide soil test services to farmers at their nearest points and it has been proved to be a convincing method to aware farmers about soil health. Keywords: Mobile soil testing laboratory ( ) fertility unbalanced use ofchemical fertilizer. Introduction Soil is a living medium which serves as a natural nutrient source for growth of plants. The components of soils are mineral, organic matter, water and air, the proportions of which vary and together form a system for plant growth. Soils are studied and classified according to their use. Soil survey is kept under the discipline of Natural Resource Management and soil Testing is a part of the discipline of Fertilizer Use and Management. 6 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop The pace of soil degradation is the highest in mountains because of fragile environment and the steep slopes. Moreover, due to rugged mountainous topography, active tectonics and concentrated monsoon precipitation, Nepal is naturally highly vulnerable to soil erosion on slopes and flooding in the low-lands. (Tulachan 1999). In Nepal, high topography, climatic conditions, improper soil management practices, indiscriminate use of synthetic chemicals and the declined use of organic matter for soil management are the major reasons for reduced soil fertility. This has led to the degradation of thousands of hectares of land through erosion, acidification, and pollution by heavy metals. Nepal’s economy largely depends on agriculture as it contributes one third of Gross Domestic Productions. Rate of population increment is greater than that of agricultural productions. There is very little chance of expanding the cultivable land, so the inevitable food crisis must be solved by raising the productivity of existing arable land. Among the different means of increasing productivity of crop, ‘soil fertility improvement’ is one of the key factors. Fertility status of soils The soils of Nepal are pre-dominantly acidic in nature, about 70% soils are acidic, 20% normal and about 10% alkaline soils. About 60% soils are low in organic matter. Phosphorus is low in 40% soils and medium & high in 30% soils each. Available potash which was high in 68% soils in 2003 has declined to 26% in 2013, which is a matter of concern. Status of Soil Testing Programme In Nepal Soil Management Directorate under Ministry of Agriculture Development implements the soil management programs. Besides five Regional Soil Testing Laboratories at five different development regions there is one more Soil Testing Laboratory at the Surunga of Jhapa district mandated for the soil sample analysis of industrial crops, especially for tea and cardamom. The major programs conducted through Soil Management Directorate include soil analysis, fertilizer analysis, micronutrient analysis, Integrated Plant Nutrient Management System, Nutrient deficiencies study, Soil fertility maps of different districts, training related to soil management and laboratory procedures, Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and Compost Management programs etc. However, the existing soil analysis facility under the Soil Management Directorate and it’s laboratories are very inadequate. Organic farming in Nepal is in very primary stage though government policies support it. Organic certified area is 50,000 ha. and also another 26,800 ha. are organic cultivated but not yet certified. The major organic products exported are coffee, tea and herbal. Government interventions towards organic fertilizer promotion seems to be having impact for Organic farming. 7 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Need for Soil Health Card (SHC) in Nepal Nepal is facing a serious problem of soil quality decline as a result of recent changes in agricultural practices and increasing resource constraints. There are several constraints in soil fertility management in Nepal because of deforestation and other land use changes. These changes include non-agricultural uses of fertile land, land fragmentation and cultivation in marginalized areas, cultivation on the slopes, overgrazing, burning of crop residues, imbalanced use of agrochemicals, and decline in use of organic manure. In South and South-East Asia, the principal soil degradation processes associated with use changes include accelerated erosion by water and wind, salinization, flooding, water logging, and soil acidity. (Pandey et al 2008). The increasing gap between soil management and soil fertility decline became a big challenge for sustainable soil management program and great concern for agricultural production. Due to lack of soil fertility information of the individual farm or of a particular area, fertilizer application is unscientific and overall soil fertility improvement attempts have been unsuccessful. Therefore, to recover the deteriorated fertility status of the soil and harness the maximum productivity, it is essential to know the existing soil fertility status and manage them on the basis of soil test results. The practical way to know the existing soil fertility status is the collection and analysis of soil samples in the soil test laboratories. However, farmers have been applying fertilizers randomly without their soil test result because of limited soil testing facilities. Sustaining soil fertility is one of the great challenges for agricultural growth in Nepal. Agriculture Perspective Plan (MoAD, 2013) of Nepal and its different periodic plans have put emphasis on boosting up the agriculture production through use of chemical fertilizers and irrigation in high production potential areas. Sustainable soil fertility management is an important requirement for sustainable farming. Nepalese farming system is strongly interlinked among livestock, forestry and agriculture. The traditional agriculture is based on organic source of input and largely depends upon the forest resources and livestock raising practices for soil fertility management. In the context of growing number of commercial farmers in Nepal, the demand for soil testing and maintaining soil health is also increasing. To meet this demand there is limited number of soil testing laboratories and technical manpower in the country. Those technicians who are involved in laboratory analysis are not well trained and equipped with the lab equipments. Hence, the stated project aims to strengthen the existing laboratories as well as expand the services. Similarly, it will develop the skill of the technical manpower in the field of soil management. Therefore, to ensure food security of the Nepalese people through improvement of fertility status of soil by periodic soil fertility analysis and management as per the soil health report the necessity of Soil Health Card (SHC) system in Nepal is extremely important. 8 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop To achieve the objectives of providing SHC to all the farmers in Nepal, a national level project with the following strategies is necessary: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Promote soil analysis & fertiliser recommendations for all 35 lakh of farmers within 5 years by strengthening soil testing programme in the country. Promote Integrated Nutrient Management amongst the farmers through issue of Soil Health Cards. Promote fertiliser & organic resource use efficiency and crop productivity through application of site specific soil fertility management practices. Promote quality control facilities for fertilizer and organic inputs. Develop human resource for fertilizer quality control, soil testing, organic certification, etc. Capacity building for Soil Testing The soil testing capacity in Nepal is 20,000 soil samples per annum. There are 7 Soil Testing Laboratories (STLs) under Soil Management Directorate (SMD). Initially strengthening / setting up new STLs are proposed. Strengthening capacity of existing soil testing facilities under Department of Agriculture (DOA) and Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) and to enable them to analyze 6,95,000 soil samples per year and issue soil health card (SHC) for farmers, based on the soil sample analysis. After completion of project, with this capacity, all farm holdings can be provided SHC every 5th year. Strengthening of 16 existing Soil Testing Laboratories (7 under SMD and 9 under NARC) are to be strengthened for NPK as well as micro-nutrient testing facilities to upgrade their capacity to 10,000 samples per annum per laboratory (Total 1,60,000 samples per annum). Funds amounting to NR 50 lakh per laboratory is required. Seven new Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories (STL), one Mobile STL attached to each existing STL of SMD with a capacity of 5000 samples per Mobile STL per year (Total 35,000 samples per annum) are proposed to be set up at a cost of NR 80 lakh per Mobile STL. Fifty new static Soil Testing Laboratories are to be set up on PPP Mode with a cost of NR 25 lakh per laboratory to analyse only major nutrients. The capacity of each laboratory will be 10,000 samples per annum (Total 5,00,000 samples per annum). These laboratories will test soil samples on charged basis. Mobile Soil Test Laboratory (MSTL) in Nepal There is a growing concern over Soil and Soil Health issues all over the world due to the increasing concern of people over their health. United Nations has officially declared the Dec 5 as World Soil Day beginning from 2014. And, has announced 2015 as International Year of Soil. In this context, Soil Management Directorate (SMD) is 9 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop launching nationwide MSTL campaigns with the slogan of “Healthy Soil Wealthy Nation” to mark International Year of Soil. Healthy soil gives us clean water, good crops and forests, productive land, diverse wildlife, and beautiful landscapes. Healthy soil does all this by performing five essential functions of regulating water, supplying nutrients to plant, filtering potential pollutants, cycling nutrients and supporting plants. A master training programme of MSTL operation was conducted in 2014 in Odissa state of India for six soil scientists in SMD in collaboration with Paradeep Phosphates Limited (PPL), India as a initiation of the program. With the completion of this training program one MSTL has been gifted by PPL to SMD as a symbol of goodwill between Nepal and India. After receiving the MSTL, SMD has organized eight MSTL campaigns in six districts. The Soil Test Awareness shows and MSTL operation are the important activities during the campaign. Evening Film shows in villages for awareness of soil testing will be conducted just before the MSTL campaign. Demonstration on Soil Sampling method is also a major part of the documentary show. Processs of operating MSTL in the field and the analysis methods: • • • • • • • Collection of Soil Samples, registration & Money Receipt for soil analysis charges Soil Processing before analysis Analysis of Soil pH by pH meter Organic Carbon Analysis by Uv Spectro Photometer o 2g Soil +2 ml 2.5 N K2 Cr2 O7+2.5 ml H2 SO4+ 5 drops conc. H3 PO4( volume made up to 50ml mark) after 8hrs waiting supernatant solutiom reacting for O.C taken in specro photometer at 660 nm after standard calibration of glucose solution. AvailablePhosphorus ( Acidic Soil- Bray’s Method, Alkaline- Olsen’s Method) Bray’s Method:- 2g Soil + 20 ml Bray’s reagent( shaking), filterate 5ml+ 5ml Amm. Molybdate + 10 ml diatilled water + 1ml SnCl4 make upto 25ml. Reading thru spectro photometer. Estimation of Available Potash with Flame photometer o 5g Soil + 25ml Nutral Normal Ammonium Acetate shaking for 5 mins o Filter the solution & reading through flame photometer after standard calibration. Distribution of Soil Test Reports to farmers with tips on fertilizer recommendations. 10 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Summary of soil test results through MSTL in Nepal. pH Alk NN SA A Total 57 303 229 21 0 610 OM VL L M H VH N 3 361 189 56 1 610 VL L M H VH P2O5 3 307 184 115 1 610 K2O VL L M H VH 192 121 60 74 163 610 VL L M H VH 59 89 284 119 59 610 Alk= Alkaline, NN= Nearly Neutral, SA= Slightly Acidic, A= Acidic VL= Very Low, L= Low, M= Medium, H= High, VH= Very High Table 2:Summary of soil test results through MSTL at Panchkhal, Kavre. pH Alk NN SA A OM 8 105 131 16 0 260 Total VL L M H VH N 0 259 1 0 0 260 VL L M H VH 0 258 2 0 0 260 VL L M H VH P2O5 161 82 12 5 0 260 K2O VL L M H VH 48 37 162 11 2 260 Table 3: Summary of soil test results through MSTL in Dhading district. pH Alk NN SA A OM 32 65 9 1 0 107 Total VL L M H VH N 2 76 29 0 0 107 VL L M H VH P2O5 2 37 67 1 0 107 VL L M H VH K2O 3 12 6 24 62 107 VL L M H VH 7 23 48 24 5 107 Table 4:Summary of soil test results through MSTL in Pokhara (Organic fair). pH OM N P2O5 K2O Alk 9 VL 1 VL 1 VL 8 VL 1 NN 10 L 10 L 6 L 3 L 13 SA 11 M 17 M 21 M 5 M 11 A 0 H 1 H 1 H 4 H 4 0 VH 1 VH 1 VH 10 VH Total 30 30 30 11 30 1 30 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 5: Summary of soil test results through MSTL in Palpa district. pH OM N P2O5 K2O Alk 6 VL 0 VL 0 VL 5 VL 2 NN 56 L 14 L 5 L 7 L 9 SA 23 M 35 M 35 M 4 M 27 A 1 H 37 H 46 H 19 H 31 0 VH 0 VH 0 VH 51 VH 17 Total 86 86 86 86 86 Table 6: Summary of soil test results through MSTL in Gulmi district. pH Alk NN SA A Total OM 2 67 55 3 0 127 VL L M H VH N 0 2 107 18 0 127 VL L M H VH P2O5 0 1 59 67 0 127 VL L M H VH K2O 15 17 33 22 40 127 VL L M H VH 1 7 36 49 34 127 Indian experience on Soil Health Card • Scheme provides for issue of Soil Health Cards (SHC) once in every 3 years along with recommendations on appropriate dosage of nutrients to be applied for production of crop. • Soil analysis will be done with uniform sampling procedures. • SHC provides information to the farmers on soil texture, density, porosity, acidity / salinity and nutrient content. Soil Health Card-Steps Activity Soil sampling Soil analysis Recommendations of doses Data base Issue of SHC to farmers Particulars Samples from cropped area / twice a year Primary nutrients -NPK Secondary- Ca, Mg & S Micro-Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Mo, B & Cl. Based on soil analysis data & management practices Through NIC Hard copy in person /Distribution 12 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Farmer ID and Soil Health Card SHC NO.:……………………………………… Farmer ID:…………………………………… Village:……………………………………….. Block:………………………………………… Taluka/Sub Division:………………………. Date of Collection of Soil sample:………… Date of soil analysis:……………………….. Name of Soil analysis lab/ mobile unit:………………………………… SOIL HEALTH DATA A. Physical Characters: 1. Soil type/texture:……….. B. Nutrient Status: 1. pH ……………, 2. EC (mmhos/cm)………………….. 3. Organic Carbon (%)…………………………………. 4. Major nutrients (kg/ha) i. Nitrogen…..… ii. Phosphorous……..…. iii. Potassium……... 5. Seocndary/Micronutrients (%/ppm) i. Calcium…….ii. Sulphur….. iii. Magnesium……. iv. Zinc……. v. Manganese………….. vi. Boron………. vii. Iron……… viii. Copper……… ix. Molybdenum……………….. Outsourcing Model 1 : • State Government provides: Soil Testing Laboratory, Chemicals, Glasswares & samples to be analysed. • Outsourcing company provides: Analysis of samples, report preparation, computer entry, preparation of SHC and delivery of SHC to District Agriculture Officer. • Charges: Rs.60 for NPK analysis and Rs.80 for NPK + micro-nutrients. Model 2 : • Outsourcing company provides: Soil Testing Laboratory, Chemicals, Glassware, Collection of samples, Analysis of samples, report preparation, computer entry, preparation of SHC and delivery of SHC to District Agriculture Officer. • State Government provides: Provide only charges to the outsourcing company. Providing Soil Health Cards to all farmers in Nepal Total number of farm holdings – 33.64 lakh Agricultural land cultivated – 30.91 lakh ha. Irrigated area – 12.54 lakh Existing number of Soil Testing Labs – 7 13 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop (5 RSTL, namely; Sunderpur, Khajura, Pokhra, Hetauda & Jhumka + 1 STL at Surunga + 1 STL at Soil Management Directorate, Kathmandu) Source: Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2011-12 . Option 1: To draw samples in a grid of 5 ha and issue SHC to all farmers falling in the grid. • • • • • Agricultural land cultivated – 30.91 lakh ha. Total Number of soil samples to be analysed @1 in 5 ha – 6.18 lakh Total Number of soil samples to be analysed annually– 2.06 lakh Number of Soil Testing Labs (STLs) with 10,000 samples capacity required to analyse 2.06 lakh samples – 21 STLs. New additional STLs required = 14 STLs Cost involved To draw samples in a grid of 5 ha and issue SHC to all farmers falling in the grid. Cost for setting up of 14 new STLs @ NRs. 200 lakh per STL (80 lakh for equipment and 120 lakh for land and building) –NRs. 28 Crore. Cost of analyzing 2.06 lakh samples @ NRs. 400 per sample- NRs. 8.24 Crore. Total Cost- NRs. 36.24 Crore. Outsourcing: (i) (ii) Outsource all activities including collection of samples, analysis, preparation of SHC and distribution to farmers. Provide Soil Testing Laboratories, chemicals, glassware, soil samples and outsource only analysis of soil samples and preparation of SHC in PPP mode. Providing of portable soil testing kits: (i) Agricultural Extension workers can be provided with portable soil testing kits to analyze soil samples on the spot in the field and provide fertiliser recommendations. Both color chart as well as direct reading portable kits are available. (ii) Cost of portable soil testing kit developed by ATC, Pulchowk is about Rs 6,500/-. To distribute large number of kits, a tie up with ATC can be made. Conclusion Nepal’s agricultural land consists dominance of Acidic soil with poor organic matter and Nitrogen content.Phosphorus and Potassium mining from the agricultural soil is prominent as a result of imbalance use of chemical fertilizers.Provision of Soil Health Card (SHC) for soil fertility management is utmost important for agricultural development of Nepal. 14 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References MOAD. 2013. Statistical information on Nepalese agriculture, 2012/2013. AgriBusiness Promotion and Statistics Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kathmandu, Nepal. Pandey PR, J Nagasawa and M Nakagawa. 2008. Sustainable Agricultural Development in Nepal: Trends, Problems and Prospects. Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Development. Agricultural and Greenenvironmental Research Institute (AGRI), Tokyo, Japan. Tulachan PM. 1999. Trends and Prospects of Sustainable Mountain Agriculture in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region (A comparative Analysis). International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal. Issue in Mountain Development 1999/2. Pp. 6-8. 15 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop TH-2 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use in Nepal: past, present and future Krishna Bahadur Karki Soil Science Division NARC, Nepal Abstract Soil delivers services to humans’ wellbeing and ecological balance. In extracting services human has overexploited soil and now we are facing “the tragedy of global commons”. Thus, the challenge for civilization is to reconcile the demands of human development in tolerances with nature. Knowledge of soil science is as old as civilisation and was used even from Vedic time somewhere in 700 BC. Kautillyas’ Arthashastram (400 BC) mentioned improvement of soil fertility and growing of rice and wheat crops in the fertile valley of Indus and Ganges. At the same time western agriculture was also started. However systematic study was recordedonly after 4th century A.D. Among others study of Robert Boyle, Francis bacon, Arthur Young, Justus von Liebig, Birkland–Edieand Haberare remarkable in the development of soil fertility and fertilizer. There were series of scientific publications in soil science but only after Dokushaev’s work in soil genesis included soil science in the scientific society. Nepalese history of soil science goes back to 1957 when soil science was established as a unit under the Department of Agriculture to conduct soil sample analysis and soil fertility experiments. Later other units were added. Scientists with soil science as academic qualification are lacking in the world by 40% whereas research publications in soil science and its components is increasing exponentially indicating the importance of soil science in the society. Nepal has the same fate. Similar to international organisations holding the highest position by soil scientists, Nepalese soil scientists have held high position in the Government of Nepal still we have not been able to persuade the people and the government on the importance of soil science. We are only concentrating in higher food production but not given any importance on the consequences which may bring land degradation and desertification. Before it is too late, let us work hard and convince the society that proper attention is given to restore soil fertility and soil health so that soil will provide goods and sustainableservices. Key words: Nepalese soil science, fertilizer use, soil fertility improvement, land degradation, agriculturedevelopment. Introduction Soil delivers goods and services to humans, such as biomass for food, fodder and renewable energy, filtering, buffering and transformation for clean ground water and clean air, besides carbon sequestration and maintaining biodiversity. Excessive use pattern of these services by the society to meet these demands of ever growing population we are in pain of “tragedy of the global commons”(Singh 2011). Thus, the 16 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop challenge for civilization is to reconcile the demands of human development in tolerances with nature. Soil in most of the countries has been always related to agricultural production. Every country in the world is striving to produce more food to meet the demand of ever growing population and looking for the ways to produce more food. It is accepted that food demand can be met fromthree ways: increase land for cultivation; higher crop yields from unit of land; and reduction in postharvest losses. Scientists and planners believe that greater part of the increase must come from the higher yield although substantial increase in land area can be another option. FAO predicts that by the year 2020 world food production must increase by 13% cereal, 15% vegetables and 30% in meat production of present rate(OECD_FAO 2011). Since expansion of area in most countries is limited, efforts must be made to increase crop yield per unit area.Although land balance in the world that land suitable for cultivation in developing countries is estimated as 760 M ha (Young 1999), but exact location of these land is yet to be identified. History reveals that settlement started from the fertile alluvial soilsby the river banks and took development momentum from the same river valleys.History divulges that development of agriculture in the western and eastern society seemed to be developed almost at the same time. Indian literature narrates that cultivation in this subcontinent started some times 1000 to 500 BC. In Vedic Mythology Kautillya’sArthahsastra mentioned the need to increase agricultural productivityand farmers’ income. Indus and Ganges Valleys were the ones where rice, wheat, barley were first grown. Mango and musk melon were the home to Indian subcontinent. Evidences show that soil was ploughed several times before seeds were sown. Animal husbandrywas practised and use of cow dung as manurewas used during the same period but there isno record of any individual pioneering these activities. Agricultural development and soil fertility maintenance in the western worldis well documented. Among many others Aristole’s Human Theory (350BC), Cato (200BC), have written similar agricultural practicesparallel to Indian subcontinent.Later, van Helmont(1574- 1664) experimented willow plants growingin soil for 5 yearsadding only water. He concluded that water was the source of plant nutrient as he found only 200g of soil from the original 5 kg was lost. History of Agricultural development and fertilizer use in Nepal Nepalese farmers applied organic manures mostly FYM to the upland crops where maize and millets were grown. Rice crops depended on the flood sediments that entered into the field through irrigation. There are reports that 60t ha-1 of FYM has been applied by the farmers {Upreti cited by (Karki et al. 2007)}. Use of green leaves of Ashuro (Adhatodavasica),TitePati (Artmesia vulgaris), and many other succulent wild plants and leaves as fertilizer were used in rice nursery in the hills and mountain of Nepal. In situ manuring by halting flocks of animals on different fallowland and shifting animal sheds during winterwas practised in the early Nepalese agriculture. One 17 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop crop in a season was sufficient to feed the people. Then there was massive flood in the hills and mountain in 1954 (2011 BS) that took many lives and properties leading to widespread famine in Nepal. Specially suffered were the people in western hills. The Government of India and United States of America supported Nepalwith food aid. The following years instead of food,these countries assisted Nepal in the form of fertilizers. Ammonium sulphate, single superphosphate and muriate of potash were imported through Tribhuvan Gram VikashSamiti an integrated rural development program that ran from 1952 (FAO 2010, Gurung 2011). This fertilizer aid coincided with Malaria Eradication Program in the Terai and river valleys. Soil survey started to understand the soil fertility to resettle the flood and landslide victims. Rapti Valley Development Program was one such area where these flood victims were resettled and modern agriculture was practiced using improved crop varieties and fertilizers. Work in soil science started earlier but actual recognition was in 1957 when Soil Science Section was set up as a unit under then Department of Agriculture. This unit conducted soil sample analysis and soil fertility experiments. Later units such as soil survey, soil physics, soil microbiology, plant nutrients, and recently GIS and remote sensing were added. Soil scientists were posted to Khumaltar and Parwanipur Agricultural Station only. In 1972more soil scientists were added to Bhairawa Agricultural Station, Khajura Agricultural Station, Tarahara Agriculture Farm, Rampur Agricultural Station and Janakpur Agriculture Farm. Farms established for specific purposes of agricultural development felt the lack of soil scientists and recruited additional soil scientists in their command area.Such farms and stationswere, GADP Khairenitar, JADP Nakatajhij, Agriculture CenterLumle andPakhribas, and Hill Agriculture Station Kavre. Other farms and stations having soil scientists were Agricultural station Doti, Jumla Agricultural station, National Citrus Development Program Paripatle, Kirtipur Horticulture station and Malepatan Horticulture Farm, Tobacco Development Program to handle problems related to soil science. The farms and station were assigned to take care of soil fertility experiments mostly variety cum fertilizer trials and collected soil samples for analysis and sent to Khumaltar. Soil laboratory at Khumaltarwas overloaded and hence additional soil labs were setup in some of the farms and stations such as Parwanipur, Tarahara, Rampur,Khajura, Bhairawa, and Khairenitar and later Lumle Agriculture Centre and PakhribasAgriculture Centre. After the partition of DoA and NARC additional soil laboratory were set up. NARC concentrating in soil related to research and DoA in development activities such as providing soil analytical services. The soil laboratories that DoA owns presently are, at Surunga (Jhapa), Jhumka (Sunsary), Hetauda (Makawanpur), HariharBhawan (DOA Lalitpur), Pokhara (Kaski), Nepalganj (Banke) and Sunderpur (Kanchanpur) with soil scientists and required staffs. Service provided by these government laboratories can sufficiently cater the needs of the farmers if all of them run properly. As the soil laboratories of the government could not cater the need of soil samples analysis some private soil laboratories are also set up in Kathmandu Valley and outside as well. 18 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Human resources in soil science The public profile of soil science and soil scientists in Nepal including other countries is on a level of soil profile which is under ground and largely invisible. If we look into the international organisation some soil scientists have hold highest positions in International Organization such as World Bank, International Union of Scientific, International Agricultural Research Institutes such as, ICRISAT, IRRI etc. These soil scientists also have received prestigious award such as Nobel Prize as mentioned by White (1997). Nationally when we look into the higher positions that our soil scientistshad held were Director General of Department of Agricultureand Deputy Director General(DoA), Joint Secretary (MoA/D), Executive Directorand Drectors (NARC), the Dean of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science and Dean of Institute ofForestryPokhara (TU) but very little work has been done to persuade the general public as well as the government to save the soil and create several posts of soil scientistwhereas there is need of soil scientists in every districts and regions if we have to save the soil and maintain sustainable food production in the country. It is ridiculous that the Government of Nepal recruits fertilizer inspectors with no knowledge of fertilizers and soil fertility from other faculties rather than soil. Another example of our inability is; knowing that major soil is lost from cultivated land and soil conservation activity is needed in upland cultivated field, the Department of Soil Conservation is under the Ministry of Forest. As a result some other professionals have blowing our trumpet in their rhythm. With the limited number of soil scientists we have implemented soil and fertilizer related programs, train technicians as well as farmers in balance use of fertilizers for higher crop yield and soil management. But there is a tendency that farmers forget soil fertility management when the program is terminated. This is mainly due to lack of monitoring and the need is very badly felt. There were ample opportunities to create posts of soil scientists and extend our activities to each and every district but it has not been possible. Now scientists working in soil science have been decreasing every year. It may be due to government and society is ignorant on the importance of soil in our country. The same situation is everywhere. This has been one of the concerns of International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) as well. In the developed world, soil science as a discipline has been slowly amalgamated into other disciples such as crop science, geology and environmental sciences mainly due to less numbers of students interested in soil science. This could also be because they have completed basic soil studies of their land and well recorded. Now they are diverting their soil related studies through agronomic, environment and their relation to the human’s health. Though the numbers of soil scientists in the world is lower by 40%(Baveye et al. 2006), the research publications in soil science are increasing exponentially (Hartemink and McBratney 2008)indicating the importance of soil science. In Nepal, number of soil scientists and students in soil science are diminishing even though we have hardly have completed any work in saving our soils. It could be due to less attention of the Government of Nepal in the care and management of soil 19 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop and land use. But the Ministry of Land Reform and Development is using soil pedology and soil fertility evaluation as a major component in its land use zoningprogram country wise.There is high demand of soil science activities to save the most fragile mountain ranges in the world which is increasingly threatened by large scale human activities. Extensive deforestation and intensive farming on steep slopes, heavy population pressure on natural resources have resulted in overall environmental degradation (Shengji and Sharma 1998). Land degradation is increasing every year acted by various agents in Nepal which is presented in Table 1. Soil Science works atKhumaltar before formation of NARC. From the beginning of inception of soil science as a unit, it started working in soil analysis and soil sample collection. Later, soil fertility experiments in cereals especially rice, wheat and maize were conducted and presented in some of the workshops organised within the Department of Agriculture. During 1965 there had been an expert in soil science from UNDP/FAO which supported and guided the Nepalese soil scientists in soil survey and mapping including soil and water analysis. This strengthened soil analytical service as all the members of soil survey including soil fertility experiment carried out soil sample analysis themselves. This assured quality of analytical results. Soil survey of most of the districts in Terai and Siwaliks were completed including some of the important hills and mountain districts such as, Andhikhola valley of Syangja, Pokhara valley, later, all Gandaki and Dhaulagiri Zones. But very few reports were published. In 1963 Dr. N. Borlaug came to India to implement his Green Revolution. This revolution revolutionised fertilizer, seeds plant protection chemicals, agricultural machineries, and water use. Intensive use of High Yielding Crop Varieties and NPK fertilizers including maximum use of water in irrigation, crop production increased no doubt but this project never paid any attention to soil biodiversity, micronutrients exhaustion, water pollution including other environmental concerns that is deteriorated due to soil mining and effect of pesticides in downstream ecology. Activities of GreenRevolution were introduced in Nepal. Some improved varieties of wheat such as Lerma Roho 52 were already introduced. As influenced by Green Revolution DoAlaunched an UNDP special project namely “Increase Use of High Yielding Crop Varieties and Fertilizer” (NEP-12, 1970-75). This project concentrated on improvedvarieties of rice, wheatand maize where NPK fertilizerwas applied in conjunction withirrigation. Several trials and demonstrations were conducted in the districts of Narayani and Bagmati Zones. NEP-12 impacted positively in the Terai districts but not much in the hills. Remarkable impact of this project was a report of reconnaissance soil survey of Bagmati and Narayani zoneof the project area. This was the only reconnaissance level soil survey report and still a good reference for the study of soil science of this area. For the hills another FAO supported project named FRIP was launched in 22 hill districts of western, Central and Eastern Regions from 19821992. Similar activities of NEP-12 were replicated. This project came up with site specific recommendation of NPK fertilizers for rice, wheat, maize and potato. 20 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Fertilizer did not respond well in absence of irrigation and hence International organizations such as FAO/UNDP, ADB, The World Bank and many other multilateral and bilateral projects supported Nepal in water use and constructed large irrigation schemes. Many of these projects had feasibility and pre-feasibility studies and prepared soil maps for their own use. Government soil scientists have very little knowledge of them. In addition foreign universities have conducted academic as well as nonacademic researches on soil science and related fields in scattered way. Nobody in Nepal including the Ministry of Agriculture has any knowledge ofthem. Most of the irrigation projects kept one demonstration farm within each irrigation project which is later handed over to the DoA to carry out demonstration to farmers and produce quality seeds. Jhumka is one of such farm in the command area of Morang-Sunsary Irrigation Project. Later DoI implemented feasibility studies of major and minor irrigation project where soil survey was obligatory. But most of the Irrigation Engineers did soil survey and made soil maps as they like. Land degradation is one of the greatest challenges facing mankind and Nepal is no exception. Anthropogenic causes such as deforestation, excessive use of agro-chemical including fertilizers, overgrazing, construction works and unscientific farming in the hills have resulted in erosion of top soil, loss of flora and fauna, occurrence of landslides in the hills and flooding in the plains. This has led to severe environmental degradation leading to poor socio-economic conditions and disruption of natural ecosystems. In general the Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management reports that about 11 % of the total land of Nepal is degraded. It shows that total of 7.5 million ha of land is in the verge of degradation (Table 1). Major soil loss is from the cultivated/agricultural fieldmainly due to faulty cultivation practicessuch as cultivation in steep slopes. Slash and burn cultivation practice is another example. In this practice surface organic debris is burnt where surface soil including soil organic matter is also burnt exposing to massive soil erosion. Table 1: Land Area under Some Kind of Degradation in Nepal. S.No. Land use category 1. Poorly managed forest 3. Poorly managed slopping terraces 5. Degraded rangeland/open land 7. Area damaged by floods and landslides (1984-2003) 9. Forest encroachment 11. River bank cutting Degraded area, million ha 2.100 S.No. 2. Land use category 0.290 4. Slumping gullying Mass wasting 0.647 6. Wind erosion 0.106 8. Flood and logging 10. 12. Water logging Total Degraded area, million ha and 0.4244 0.116566 0.4249 0.119 1.6398 Source: MOEST, 2006 21 water 0.8987 0.7279 7.494266 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Nepalese Soil Science at present Presently soil survey is digitised and computer aided programmes are used to prepare maps with the help of GPS, much easier than previously used hard copy of topo-sheet and aerial photos as base maps. In the laboratory in highly expensive equipment such as AAS, DCP, ICP and CNS analyser are used in detection of elements. In a short span of time a soil survey report with digitised map can be prepared. Fertilizer experiment is a major work at soil science in NARC. Some initial work in fertilizer use efficiency was also started. Chemically and biologically testing of some fertilizer products are some of the activities. Digitising some of the previous soil survey work and participatory fertilizer experiments are other activities, whereas soil science in DoA is mainly concentrating soil fertility evaluation and mapping at the district level and providing soil analytical service to farmers. Soil Service Directorate is also involved in helping MoAD in formulating fertilizer policy. Soil fertility evaluation is also done from some other agencies such as Ministry of Land Reform and Development. A study carried out from the 8 districts from the Terai, Siwaliks and found that most of the soil nutrients except K2O are low. Soil organic matter content in all the districts is low except Kathmandu and Lalitpur (Table 2). Table 2: Soil fertility evaluation of some of the soils in the 8 districts of Eastern, Western, Mid and Far-Western Region of Nepal. Morang Surkhet Nawalparasi Bara Banke Lalitpur Kathmandu Kailali PH Total N, % P2O5, kg ha-1 K2O, kg ha-1 OM,% SAND,% CLAY,% SILT,% 5.99 5.89 7.53 7.50 6.89 5.95 5.62 7.27 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.05 0.08 0.19 0.22 0.10 0.43 0.47 60.55 1.13 29.78 60.39 48.19 32.39 63.74 108.42 117.95 22.63 121.53 451.74 346.70 120.80 1.42 2.37 1.65 0.50 1.30 5.82 4.37 1.84 46.46 31.42 25.24 56.2 34.37 30.58 63.29 37.48 8.12 16.55 17.28 3.50 18.52 11.56 4.97 14.96 45.54 50.21 57.41 40.30 47.11 57.89 31.35 47.36 Source: Compilation of researcher’s own work. Soil study carried out by education institutes The oldest agricultural Institute (IAAS) of TU where master in soil science program is started lately and students conduct Master Level thesis research mostly in the agronomic studies. Some academic studies are also related to soil erosion and conservation including micronutrients but all are agronomical studies. Institute of Forestry of TU also offers master degree in forestry where graduate students carry out research. They concentrate mostly on soil conservation whereas students at Kathmandu University (KU) carryout research on environment science. Numbers of foreign universities also have conducted thesis research and/or collaborative projects with Nepalese counterparts but we have very few records. 22 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Carbon mapping studies, LikhuKhola Watershed studies and many others are some of the examples. Some of the principal researchers have published the results on their own. There is nothing left with us for reference. Professors and students from European universities have the same system. Some of them do not even employ local collaborator. This is most provably due of lack of government policy and documentation centre with NARC and/or DoA. Future soil science in Nepal Soil science can be looked through the eyes of health and hygiene in the society. Diseases pathogen such as helianthus organisms and other worms can house in the soils and easily contaminate humans. Presence of radon causing cancer relates to the poorly drained soils increasing infant mortality (Oliver 1997). We have no knowledgeabout health risk of poorly drained soils whereas most of our town in lower plains are flooded every year.Excess of micronutrients and heavy metals such as aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, copper, fluorine, iodine, lead, selenium, thallium and zinccan be toxic when they contaminate food.Examples include Keshan disease caused by selenium deficiency, and itai-itai disease caused by excess cadmium. Likewise deficiency of boron might lead to joint pain in elderly people(Nielsen and Meacham 2011). "Arthritis is caused by mineral deficiency - boron in particular."(Newnham 1994).Likewise soil deficient in micronutrients results in lowplant uptake which ultimately creates micronutrients deficiency in human. Likewise selenium is found beneficial in HIV Aids treatments. We have done some work and found that most of the micronutrients are deficient in Nepalese soils (Karki et al. 2005). These deficiencies might have consequences on the health of our people. Though we cannot take right turn and start these activities right away but some thoughts need to be given on how we can increase these nutrients in food throughbiofortification.Biofortification of micronutrients could help improve health condition of infants, child and pregnant women (Bouis and Welch 2010). Similarly there are other avenues that need to be explored. Recommendation There are ample areas where soil scientists need to do alot. The followings are some of the recommendations: 1. It is so unfortunate that so far Nepal do not have soil map of the country. Government should initiate to restart the soil survey and mapping activities; 2. Due to cultural and economic reason land is abandoned leaving fallow is on the rise mainly because farmers not getting economic results from it. Efforts must be made and follow a good environmental ethics to care the soils and get economically sustainable yield; 3. We are facing acute shortage of food leading to acute food insecurity and the demand poses a huge challenge. Meeting food security is priority but let us not irreversibly degrade our land. We have to improve yield without compromising environmental integrity or public health. We have to try 23 24-25 March 2015 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Proceedings of the workshop reducing hunger improving nutrition and thus the ability of people to better reach their mental and physical potential. The policy of the government should not only concentrate on food production. To produce maximum yield care should be taken by maintaining environment and minimising greenhouse gas emission. Because of privatisation of fertilizer, many types of untested fertilizing materials are available in the market. Farmers use them invariablyevery season and to every crop. As observed in the field, some of the fertilizer elements have shown toxicity. Therefore it is suggested that cropping system nutrient balance be checked and monitored regularly. In the developing countries core soil science study has been completed and now they are diverting agronomic use of soil science and soil science for health of the people. We cannot take right turn and take these steps but should think in that line as well. The way soil is over exploited as means to increase food grains and other biomass production. Before it is too late, let us work hard and convince the society that proper attention should be given to restore soil fertility and soil health so that soil providessustainablegoods and services. In view of shortage of students to study soil science in the universities and in the fields, serious thought needs be given to popularise soil science in education, research and development. Different soil testing laboratories are following various methods to analyse, soil, plant, fertilizer and water samples for agricultural use. Harmonising soil analysis procedures is very much needed. Soil is the source of pathogen as well as source of medicines and plant nutrients. Sufficiently supply of microelement to soil and uptake by crops could minimise health and hygiene of infant and pregnant women such as Zn and B. Our soil microbiology has been so far limited to Rhizobium culture only. We could move forward and isolate useful organisms from our soil. Our Farmers use quite large amount of fertilizers. Research results are inadequate wheather applied nutrients are efficiently utilized. Therefore, time has come to study Nutrient use efficiency. Communication is soil science is limited. Exchange of information between research, education and development is necessary. Acknowledgement I would like to extend my sincere thanks to organising committee in giving me this opportunity to share my feelings with you all. 24 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Baveye P, AR Jacobson, SE Allaire, JP Tandarich and RB Bryant. 2006. Whither goes Soil Science in the United States and Canada? Soil Sci.171, 501-5188. Bouis HE and RM Welch. 2010. Biofortification- A Sustainable Agricultural Strategy for Reducing Micronutrient Malnutrition in the Global South. Crop Sci.50, S20-S-32. FAO. 2010. Agricultural Extension Services Delivery System in Nepal. Pp. 47. Kathmandu: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Gurung N. 2011. Local Democracy in the Political Transition of Nepal. Pp. 18: South Asian Institute and Alliance for Social Dialogue. Hartemink AE and A McBratney. 2008 A soil science renaissance. Geoderma 148 123129. Karki KB, DP Sherchan and RC Bhandari. 2007. Residual effect of organic and inorganic fertilising materials especially NO3 (nitrate) in different crops under different agro climatic condition In National Seminar on Organic Agriculture. Pp. 7. Kirtipur, Kathmandu: Department of Agriculture, GoN. Karki KB, JK Tuladhar, R Upreti and SL Maskey. 2005. Distribution of micronutrients available to plants in different ecological regions of Nepal. In: Micronutrients in South and South East Asia. PT Andersen, JK Tuladhar, KB Karki and SL Maskey (eds.). Pp. 17-29. Kathmandu, Nepal. ICIMOD/NARC/ Bergen University, Norway. Newnham RE. 1994. Essentiality of Boron for Healthy Bones and Joints. Environmental Health Perpectives. 102 (Suppl 7)83-85 Nielsen FH and SL Meacham. 2011. Growing Evidence for Human Health Benefits of Boron. J. of Evidence-Based Comple. and Alternative Medicine. 16, 169-180. OECD_FAO. 2011 Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020. In: G-20 Summit. Seol, Korea. Oliver MA. 1997. Soil and human health: a review. Euro.J. of Soil Sci. 48, 573-592. Shengji, P and UR Sharma. 1998. Transboundary biodiversity conservation in the Himalayas. In: Ecoregional co-operation for biodiversity conservation in the Himalaya In International meeting on Himalayan ecoregional cooperation. Pp. 199. Kathmandu: UNDP/WWF/ICIMOD. Singh K. 2011. Tragedy of the Global Commons: Causes, Impacts and Mitigations. Anand, Gujarat, India: India Natural Resource Economics and Management (INREM) Foundation White RE. 1997. Soil Science: raising the profile. Aust, J. Soil Res. 35, 961-977. Young A. 1999. Is there really spare land? A critic of estimate of available cultiviable land in developing countries.Environment Development and sustainability1, 318. 25 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop TH-3 Soil Degradation and its Management Bhaba P Tripathi IRRI-Nepal Country Office Singha Durbar Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal Abstract Soil is the most important natural resource for all kind of living beings (plants, animals and organisms). Soil has been degraded over years. Degradation of soil resources include soil erosion by water and soil fertility decline (deterioration in soil physical, chemical and biological properties). The major processes involved in the soil fertility decline are the lowering of soil organic matter, degradation of soil physical properties (structure, aeration, water holding capacity), reduction in the availability of major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), micronutrient deficiencies, and development of nutrient imbalances as well as acidification through increased use of nitrogen fertilizer alone. Sloping topography, heavy seasonal rainfall and predominance of erosion prone soils and human factors (intensive cultivation of land and erosion prone farming are the main causes of soil losses and fertility decline in the mountains of Nepal. Various studies carried out in Nepal showed that soil loss through surface erosion from agricultural lands varies from less than 2 t ha-1 yr-1 to as high as 105 t ha-1 yr-1. Losses through leaching are higher than nutrients losses through surface runoff. Reduction of soil erosion, use of legume and cover crops, mulching, successful introduction of agro-forestry systems and effective use of organic wastes are the components of environmentally sustainable farming system. Various field studies in continuous intensive cropping systems depicted that crop yield loses and fertility decline have been recorded due to imbalance chemical fertilizer applications. Long-term fertility trials carried out in different agro-climatic conditions of Nepal confirmed that combination of organic and inorganic sources of fertilizers have sustained crop productivity and maintained soil fertility in the long-run. Secondary macro-nutrients (calcium, magnesium and sulphur) and micro-nutrients (boron, zinc, molybdenum) deficiencies have been recorded in cereals (rice, maize and wheat) as well as in legumes (lentil and chickpea), oilseeds, vegetable crops (cauliflower, cabbage and radish) and fruit crops particularly citrus in the acidic soils of Nepal. Deficiencies of these nutrients can be corrected with the amendments of agricultural lime and/ or organic fertilizer as well as application soil or spray of micro-nutrient compounds for eN hancing crop productivity. Keywords: Agro-forestry system, crop productivity, degradation of soil resources. Introduction Soil is a dynamic natural body on the surface of the earth and is a critical resource for supporting plant growth. It is composed of minerals, organic materials and living forms and provide the necessary nutrients to the growing plants. Mismanagement and indiscriminate use of soil and water resources result in land and environmental degradation and may prove disastrous for humankind as well as animals. Therefore, 26 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop judicious management and conservation of soil and water is essential for sustainable productivity and environmental benefit. Soil degradation through the loss of top soil is one of the major factors of low and unstable crop yields. The middle mountain region (mid-hills) is the largest, occupying about 30% of the total land area, and has the highest population density per unit of cultivated land (Carson 1992 Maskey 2003). Much of the country’s land base is environmentally fragile and susceptible to erosion and degradation. Cultivated on sloping and terraced land is a common feature of Nepalese hill agriculture. The agricultural land holding in the hills is very small-about 45% of the population owning less than 0.5 ha of land- and highly fragmented with about 4 parcels per holding (CBS 2004). Crops are cultivated mainly on rainfedupand, locally called Bari land. Bari land constitutes 64% (1,717,000 ha) of the cultivated land in Neal, of which 61%lies in the middle hills alone (Carson 1992). Maintaining of Bari land is, therefore, critical to the Nepalese population. Moreover, Bari soils are decreasing in fertility and vulnerable to soil losses through a combination of natural factors, such as sloping topography, heavy seasonal rainfall and predominance of erosion prone soil; and human factors such as intensive cultivation of land erosion-prone farming practices (Sherchan and Gurung 1992, Tripathi 1997). Various studies conducted in Nepal show that soil loss through surface erosion from agricultural land in the hills varies from less than 2 t ha-1 yr-1 to as high as 105 t/ha/yr (Gardner and Gerrard 2003). However, Gardner et al. (2000) revealed that nutrient losses through leaching exceed those in runoff and soil erosion, in contradiction to the widely held believe that erosion losses are the major reason for declining soil fertility and crop productivity in the Middle Hills of Nepal (Carson 1992, Turton et al. 1995; Vaidya et al.(1995). Several studies have established that farmers in the middle hillsof Nepal possess good knowledge about soil and water-related ecological processes and they often make rational use of them to devise practice to combat the problem of soil erosion and declining soil fertility (Gill 1991, Tamang 1991and 1992, Carson 1992, Joshi et al. 1995, Nakarmi 1995, Shah 1995, Subedi and Lohar 1995, Joshy 1997, Turton et al. 1995, Turton and Sherchan 1996. However, Gardner et al. (2000), Gardner and Gerrard (2003) and Pilbeam et al. (2004) suggest that the soil erosion is not a major loss of soil nutrients. Pilbeam et al. (2004) concurred and suggested that from a fertility standpoint, the farming systems were sustainable, for a low level of productivity, as losses in erosion were compensated by inputs from fodder recycled through livestock. One of the major contributing factors to decline soil fertility in Nepal is soil acidification (Turton et al. 1996) and covers approximately 49% of the total geographical area (Sherchan and Gurung 1996b). Tripathi (1999) reported that there are five major causes of development of soil acidity in Nepal. 27 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Types of Soil Degradation Nepalese hill ecosystem The followings are the types of soil degradation: i. Soil erosion by water: This is removal of soil particles by action of water, usually seen as sheet erosion or gully erosion. One important feature of soil erosion by water is the selective removal of finer and more fertile fraction of soil. A total of 55.3 million ha land is affected by water erosion in south Asia region, out of which 18.2 million ha with light erosion, 23.7 million ha with moderate, and 13.5 M ha strong erosion excluding dry zone and humid zone of this region. In Nepal, 34% of the total land is affected by erosion (Young 1994). (a) Soil Loss: Mean soil losses of three years (1997-1999) from different plots were 1.53 t, 7.29 t and 1.32 t ha-1 with mean of 3.38 t ha-1 at Bandipur, 4.21 t, 2.26 t, and 0.97 t ha-1 at Landruk with mean of 2.48 t ha-1and 4.36 t, 3.09 t, and 0.20 t ha-1 with mean of 2.55 t ha-1at Nayatola site, respectively (Table 2), but ranged from 0.54 to 15.39 t ha-1, 0.64 to 5.86 t ha-1and 0.09 to 10.42 t ha-1at Bandipur, Landruk and Nayatola sites, respectively. The largest soil lossof 35.40 t ha-1at Bandipur site in 1998 was due to collapse of terrace riser with high volume water in the infertile soil of maize-fingermillet cropping system. The above result showed that soil losses are not very alarming in the western hills. However, it is noted that water run-on, slope angle, soil type, ground cover and soil fertility status play an important role for soil losses in the hill slopes of Nepal. Degree of Degradation: (a) light: Some what reduced agricultural productivity, (b) moderate: Greatly reduced agricultural productivity, (c) strong: Un-reclaimed the farm level major engineering works are required. Table 1: Mean soil losses (t ha-1) in three different sites for 1997 to 1999. Year Bandipur, Tanahu 1997 1.53 1998 7.29 1999 1.32 Mean 3.38 Range 0.54-15.40 Source: Tripathi et al. (2001) Landruk, Kaski 4.21 2.26 0.97 2.48 0.64-5.90 Nayatola, Palpa 4.36 3.09 0.20 2.5 0.10-10.4 (b) Nutrients loss dissolved in run-off water: : Mean losses of NO3-N, P and K dissolved in run-off water were 1.15 kg, 3.45 kg, 7.36 kg-1 in Bandipur site; 0.62 Kg, 1.46 kg, 7.54 kg-1 in Landruk site; and 0.23 kg, 0.89 kg and 3.01 kg-1 in Nayatola site (Table 3) 28 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Mean losses of nitrogen, phosphors and potassium (kgha-1) in dissolved run-off water in three different sites from 1997 to 1999. Nutrients Bandipur, Tanahu Landruk, Kaski Nayatola, Palpa NO3-N 1.15 0.62 0.23 P 3.45 1.46 0.89 K 7.36 7.54 3.01 Source:Tripathi et al. (2001) (c) Leaching loss of nutrients): Mean leaching losses of NO3-N, P and K in three years were 10.20 kg, 21.10 and 44.90 kg-1in Bandipur; 53.00 kg, 8.70 kg and 114.50 kg1 in Landruk; and 34.00 kg, 9.70kg, and 70.00 kg-1in Nayatola site (Table 4). Variation of run-off and leaching losses of these nutrients were recorded within and among sites in all the years. Leaching losses of above nutrients were quite high as compared to run-off losses. Table 3: Mean leaching losses of nitrate nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium (kgha-1) three sites from 1997 to 1999. Nutrients Bandipur, Tanahu Landruk, Kaski Nayatola, Palpa NO3-N 10.20 53.00 34.00 P 21.10 8.70 9.70 K 44.90 114.50 70.00 Source: Tripathi et al. (2001) Measured concentrations of nutrients in eroded material and in the soil were not comparable. For organic carbon C, total N, available P and exchangeable K, concentrations were higher in the eroded sediments than they were in the bulk soil (Table 5). It is apparent that the higher nutrient levels in the eroded sediments were as a result of preferential erosion of finer silt particles, and the higher nutrient sorption on such particles (Brady and Weil, 2002). Looking at the variation in particle size distribution (texture) within plots, there was an accumulation of silt at the bottom of the plots, resulting in higher sand and clay contents in the middle and at the bottom of the slopes (Table 6). Table 4: Nutrient content of soils and eroded sediments in 2002 in Nayatola, palpa, Nepal. Organic (g ha-1) Total (g kg-1) Available (mg kg-1) Exch. (mg kg-1) Maiza+ Ginger Soils Maize + Legume SED Maiza+ Ginger Eroded Sediments Maize + Legume Control Control SED 10.90 11.60 10.95 1.40 16.60 15.20 2.50 1.40 1.30 1.32 0.10 2.20 1.90 28.80 31.40 27.30 1.00 37.30 29.70 42.10 6.91 160.80 127.70 165.70 8.90 232.40 216.00 264.30 125.70 C 13.00 N 2.20 0.20 P K Source: Acharya et al. (2008) 29 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 5: Variation of soil texture with plot portion in 2002 in Nayatola, Palpa. Top Middle Bottom SED Sand (g kg-1) 387.30 389.40 371.10 9.70 Silt (g kg-1) 392.50 395.10 417.50 9.30 Clay (g kg-1) 220.20 215.60 209.40 5.30 Source: Acharya et al. (2008) ii. Soil erosion by wind: This is the removal of soil particles by wind action. Usually this is sheet erosion, where soil is removed in thin layer. Wind erosion most easily occurs with fine to medium size sand particles. iii.Soil fertility decline: This is degradation of soil physical, biological and chemical properties. Erosion leads to reduced soil productivity: a. Reduction in soil organic matter with associated decline in soil biological activity’ b. Degradation of soil physical properties as a result of reduced organic matter (structure, aeration and water holding capacity may be affected). c. Changes in soil nutrient leading to deficiencies or toxic level of nutrients essential for healthy plant growth. d. Build up of toxic substances, for example pollutions or incorrect application of fertilizers. Macro-nutrients Deficiency in Continuous Cereal system Long-term experiment conducted in rice-rice-wheat system in the alkaline soil (pH >8)of Bhairahawa since 1978 indicated sharp yield decline in the absence of phosphorus particularly in early rice and yield came down to zero by5th year of the experiment. In later years, potassium also became limiting and yield reduced in minus K treatment to greater extent in all the three crops (Regmi et al. 2004). Micro-nutrients Deficiency Karki et al.(2005) reported that soil contained high amount of Mn, and Zn but low amount of Cu, Fe and B in high Himalaya region of Nepal. In mid hills of western region, all of these elements were except Fe. In inner Teari (Chitwan), B and Zn contents were low, whereas Cu, Fe and Mn were high. In the Terai, Cu, Zn and Mn contents were low to medium but Fe content was high. Boron in the eastern Terai has been found creating sterility problem in wheat. 30 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop In chitwan valley, deficiency of micro-nutrients (B, Mo, zn) were found in legume crops (chickpea, lential and pigeon pea) and oil seed crop (mustard). Yield responses were widespread but variable, but responses up to 560% in chickpea and 360% in mustard were recorded. Responsiveness decreased with increasing soi organic matter content (Srivastava et al. 2004). Micronutrients particularly B and Mo deficiency were found in cauliflower. Adding 20 kg B ha-1 increased 45% higher yield of cauliflower (Regmi et al. 2004). Nutrient status in mandarin growing pockets: In the hills of Nepal, mandarin is cultivated in the form of kitchen garden as well as in the form of orchards from 650 to 1400 m above sea level . It is successfully grown in 47 districts out of 75 districts of Nepal and every year there is increase in the cultivated area and fruit production. Survey of mandarin growing areas and leaves analysis result revealed that majority of the trees had deficient content of N and adequate contents of P and K. Among micronutrients, Fe and Cu were found medium to high and very high ranges. At almost all sites, the trees had deficient content of B and Zn (Tripathi and Harding 2001). Management of Soil Degradation The followings are the different soil management options, which can be adopted by farmers depending on the availability of the locally available resources: • Soil erosion can be minimized by diverting rainwater to the streams by making ditches. • There is practice of diverting pre-monsoon rainwater in the rice fields to add organic matter and nutrients, which are coming from the fertile uplands. • Addition of Farm Yard manure (FYM)/ compost made from the waste materials and forest leaf litters.The quality of FYM/compost can be eN hanced by covering them with locally available materials for protecting them from volatilization losses through direct exposure to sun and leaching losses. FYM can be used for producing bio-gas as fuel and its slurry rich in nutrients can be used as organic fertilizer to different crops.Vermi-composting is another way of producing organic fertilizers, which is becoming popular in Nepal in recent years. • Integration of green manure crops in the cropping system adds organic matter and other nutrients in soil. • Planting hedge row in the uplands minimizes water runoff and biomass of hedge row crops can be incorporated in the soil for adding organic matter. • Mulching with locally available organic materials acts as barrier not allowingrainwater to come to direct contact of soil and decreases soil loss during raining season as well as slowly decomposes the mulching materials and adds organic matter and other plant nutrients in the soil. • Use of bio-fertilizers 31 24-25 March 2015 • • • • • • • Proceedings of the workshop Planting of cover crops Strip cropping of maize and legume crops Integration of legume crops in crop rotation/mixed cropping Balanced use of Chemical fertilizers Combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers Use of agricultural lime in the acidic areas Use of different micro-nutrient compounds for correcting micro-nutrients deficiencies. Conclusion • Variation of soil loss due to soil erosion • Losses of nutrients high in sediments (organic molecules) • Leaching losses of nutrients more then runoff • Macri-and micronutrients deficiencies in cereals, legumes, oilseed crops and citrus trees • Soil acidity is one of the major problem • Farmers have good knowledge of soilloss assessment • Different options of soil management practices recommended References Acharya GP, BP Tripathi, RM Gardner, KJ Mawdesley and MA McDonald. 2008. Sustainability of sloping land cultivation systems in the mid-hills of Nepal. Land Degrad. Develop. 19: 1-12 (2008). Brady NC and Weill RR. 2002. The Nature and Properties of Soil (13 edn.). Prenticehall, New Jersey. 960 p. Carson B. 1992. The land, the farmer and the future: a soil management strategy for Nepal. ICIMOD Occasional Paper No. 21, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. CBS. 2004. Nepal Living Standards Survey Report, 2003/4. Volume 2. Central Bureau of Statistics: Kathmandu, Nepal. Gardner R, K Madewsley, BP Tripathi, SGaskin and S Adams. 2000. Soil erosion and nutrient loss in the mid hills of Nepal (1996-1998). ARS Lumle, Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar and Quen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK. 57 p. Gardner RAM and AJ Gerrard. 2003. Runoff and soil erosion on cultivated rainfed terraces in the Middle Hills of Nepal: Applied Gography 12: 23-45. Gill GJ. 1991. Indigenous erosion control technquesin the Jhikhukhola watershed. In Soil Fertility and Erosion Issues in the Middle Mountains of Nepal. PB Shah, H Schreier, SJ Brown, KW Riley (eds.). ICIMOD: Kathmandu, Nepal. Pp. 152-164. Joshi KD, JK Tuladhar and BR Sthapit. 1995. Indigenous soil classification systems and their practical utility: a review: Pp. 36-42. In: Proc. of Workshop. Formulating a strategy for soil fertility research in the hills of Nepal. Held at Lumle. Joshi KD, AK Vaidya, BP Tripathi, B Pound (eds.). Agricultural Research Centre, Nepal. 17-18 August. 32 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Joshy D.1997. Indigenous technical knowledge in Nepal. Indigenous technical knowledge for land management in Asia. Paper presented at the assembly for the Management of Soil Erosion Consortium, (Nan, Thailand, 28 January-2 February 1997). Bangkok, Thailand: IBSRAM, 1998. Issues in Sustainable Land Management. Karki KB, JK Tuladhar and SL Maskey.2005. Distribution of plant available micronutrients in different ecological regions of Nepal. Pp. 17-29. In : Proc. of an International Workshop. P Andersen, JK Tuladhar, KB Karki and SL Maskey (eds.). Micronutrients in South and South East Asia. Held 8-11 September 2004, Kathmandu Nepal. ICIMOD/NARC/ Bergen University, Norway. Maskey RB. 2003. Options for sustainable land management in the mid-hills of Nepal: Experiences of testing and demonstration of contour hedgerow intercropping technology. In: Proc. of an International Symposium held from May 21 to 24, 2001 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Pp79-84. Tang Ya and Pradeep M. Tulachan (eds). International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD),Nepal. Nakarmi G. 1995. Indigenous water management systems in the Andheri Khola subwatershed. In Challenges to Mountain Resources Management in Nepal: Processes, Trends and Dynamics in the Middle Mountain Watersheds, Shreier H, Shah PB, Brown S (eds). Workshop proceedings, JhikhuKhola watershed. April 22-25, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. Pp. 211-225. Pilbeam CJ, PJ Gregory, RC Munankarmy and BP Tripathi. 2004.Leaching of nitrate from cropped rainfed terraces in the mid-hills of Nepal. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystem. 69: 221-232. Regmi BD,C Paudel, BP Tripathi, S Schulz and BK Dhital 2004.Managing soil fertility problems in marginal agricultural lands through integrated plant nutrient management systems: experiences from the hills of Nepal. Pp. 109-119. In : Proc. of an International Workshop. P Andersen, JK Tuladhar, KB Karki and SL Maskey (eds.). Micronutrients in South and South East Asia. Held 8-11 September 2004, Kathmandu Nepal.). ICIMOD/NARC/ Bergen University, Norway. Scheierh H, PB Shah and S Brown. 1995. Challenges to mountain resource management in Nepal: processes, trends and dynamics in the middle mountain watersheds. Workshop Proceedings, JhikhuKhola watershed, April 22-25, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. Shah PB. 1995. Indigenous agricultural and soil classification. In Challenges to Mountain Resource Management in Nepal: Processes, Trends and Dynamics in the Middle Mountain Watersheds. Pp. 203-210. In: Proc. of an international Workshop. Scheier H, Shah PB, and Brown S (eds.). ICIMOD/UBCIDRC Workshopproceedings, Kathmandu. Sherchan DP and GB Gurung. 1992. Soil and nutrient losses under different crop husbandry practices in the hills of East Nepal. Paper presented at the National Workshop of watershed management, Bhopal, India from August 24-27, 1992. Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, Dhankuta, Nepal. 33 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Sherchan DP and GB Gurung. 1996b.Sustainable soil management issues in the eastern hills of Nepal. The experience of PAC. In: Proc. of the workshop on soil fertility and Plant Nutrient Management held at Godawari Resort, Lalitpur, Nepal from 19-20 December 1996. Srivastava SP, C Johansen, RK Neupane and M Joshi. 2004.Severe boron deficiency limiting grain legumes in the inner terai of Nepal. Pp. 67-76. In : Proc. of an International Workshop. P Andersen, JK Tuladhar, KB Karki and SL Maskey (eds.). Micronutrients in South and South East Asia. Held 8-11 September 2004, Kathmandu Nepal.). ICIMOD/NARC/ Bergen University, Norway.6776. Subedi PP and DP Lohar. 1995. Methods of soil fertility management for perennial fruit crops. In Formulating a strategy for Soil Fertility Research in the hills of Nepal. KD Joshi, AK Vaidya, BP Tripathi (eds.). Pp. 30-35. In: Proc.of Workshop held in Lumle Agricultural Research Centre, Nepal.17-18 August. Tamang D. 1991. Indigenous erosion control technquesin the Jhikhukhola watershed. Soil Fertility and Erosion Issues in the Middle Mountains of Nepal. Pp. 135151. In: Proc. of workshop. PB Shah, HSchreier, SJ Brown, KW Riley (eds.). ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tripathi BP. 1997. Present soil fertility research status and future research strategy in the western hills of Nepal. LARC Seminar Paper No. 92/2, Lumle Agricultural Research Centre, Kaski, Nepal. Tripathi BP. 1999. Review on acid soil and its management in Nepal. Lumle Seminar Paper No. 99/1. Kaski, Nepal. Agricultural Research Station, Lumle. Tripathi BP and AH Harding. 2001. Nutrient status of mandarin trees in some mandarin growing pockets in Lamjung and Gorkha districts of Nepal. J. of the Ind. Soc. of Soil Sci.. Vol. 49 (3): 503-506. Tripathi BP, GP Acharya, K Madesley, S Gaskin and and S Adams. 2001. Assessment of soil and nutrient losses from rainfe uplands (Bariland)terraces in the Western Hills of Nepal. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Mountain Agriculture in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya Region, 21-25 May 2001.ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. Turton C, GB Gurung and DP Sherchan 1995. Traditional farming systems of red soil areas: the eastern hills of Nepal. PAC Technical Paper No. 164. Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, Dhankuta, Nepal. Turton CN, A Vaidya, JK Luladhar, KD Joshi. 1996. Towards sustainable soil fertility management in the hills of Nepal.Published by Lumle Agricultural Research Centre, P.O. Box 1, Pokhara, Nepal and Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue, Catham Maritime Kent, ME4 4TB, UK. Turton C and Sherchan DP. 1996. The use of rural people’s knowledge as a research tool for soil survey in the eastern hlls of Nepal. PAC Occasional Paper No. 21.Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, Dhankuta, Nepal. Vaidya AK, C Turton, JK Tuladhar, KD Joshi. 1995. An investigation of soil fertility issues in the hills of Nepal with system perspective. Pp. 83-103. In: Proc. of Workshop. Formulating a strategy for Soil Fertility Research in the hills of 34 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Nepal. Joshi KD, Vaidya AK, TripathiBP and Pound Bary (eds.). Held at Lumle Agricultural Research Centre, Kaski, Nepal. 17-18 August. Young A. 1994. Land Degradation in South Asia: its severity, causes and effects upon the people, World Soil Resource reports, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome (available free on-line at http:www.fao.oeg/docrep/v4360E/v4360E00.htm#contents). 35 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop TH-4 Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life: Research Efforts and its Challenges Shree P Vista and Bishnu H Adhikary Soil Science Division, Nepal Agricultural Research Council Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Abstract Soil and society are two inseparable entities on this planet Earth. Soil Science provides eyes and ears to the society to translate dreams into reality. Without soil, there is no life and without life, there is no soil. Soil is the foundation of all living entities and the fertility of the soil corresponds to human health. Better the fertility of soil, healthier is the society and healthy society always maintains fertility to attain higher production and productivity. But the quality of soil in recent decades has been declining due to haphazard use of agro-chemicals, erosion, increase in soil acidity and inadequate remedial measures. Soil has been polluted with contaminants, high use of pesticides and rapid urbanization. National policies on land act and phyto-sanitary measures are very weak to address these problems. In order to detoxify all these toxic chemicals, phytoremediation or bioremediation, which involves use of microorganisms in association with plant host, soil amendments and agronomic techniques rendering soil less contaminated should be the research priority in maintaining healthy soils. Soil Science Division, NARC, with its limited resources has been facilitating researcher to broaden their vision but the number of projects in soil science across the country are diminishing with slight increment in budgets. However, recently the importance of soil has been aptly addressed in Nepal by UN and honorable Prime Minister of India posing considerable challenges to the Soil Scientists of Nepal. Future focus of research should address micronutrient replenishment, nanotechnology and sustainable soil fertility management. Keywords: Agro-chemicals, bioremediation,healthy soils, pollution, toxic chemicals. Overview The soil is where food begins. Soil is the basis of all food production. The qualities of food we consume are reflected to our health. Human health status corresponds to the status of soil quality or fertility. Before 1400 BC, it was believed that for the well being of the people fertile soil was essential. That is why soil was classified on the basis of fertility status in earlier days. Soil is a natural resource. A country is known by its resources. Value of soil was aptly pointed out by Franklin D Roosevelt through the statement “A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself”. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi stated the importance of soil nurturing through his statement “To forget how to dig the earth and to tend soil is to forget ourselves” emphasizing more to keep our soil healthy for long run. Recently, the importance of soil has been aptly addressed in Nepal by UN by declaring International Year of Soils and Mr. Narendra Modi, honorable Prime Minister of India by his statement on soil health card, posing considerable challenges to the soil scientists of 36 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Nepal. The ultimate user of all natural resources is the human being. Soil entities will dictate what society can do from it. A soil scientist has to understand both human made and natural soil process and develop strategies for appropriate remedial action to meet the need of the society. Soil and Society Soil science provides ears and eyes to the society in translating dreams into reality of what nature will allow. Soil Scientist must understand the potential and limitation about carrying capacity of the soil, its productivity, potential of soil and its constraints. We must also get answers to soil related issues including land degradation and restore its productivity. The relationship of soil, environment and society is intimate and depends on soil quality and its management. Those who develop or manage soil often control the fate of societal visionaries. Soil is a living factory where millions of life is ceaselessly working day and night. Soil is made favourable by living organisms. That is why without life, there is no soil and without soil, there is no life in this planet earth. We are quite aware about the importance of soil and life. Astronauts landing on moon or any other planet first take soil samples for test for evidence of life on it. Nepal has various agro ecological zones and depending on it there are variations in soil types and characteristics. If properly explored, Nepal can be a museum of world soils. We are exploiting it to make our living luxurious. Soils of Nepal have the potential to harvest diamond from it. We can explore soils having similar or better quality as that of Multani mitti which is sold freely everywhere. It is in the hand of soil scientists to explore and discover it. Current threat to soil Soil and society are inseparable entities but human greed has reached such an extreme that agrochemicals are excessively used to meet the needs. In recent years, pesticide havoc has occupied every corners of newspaper. Due to excessive use of agrochemicals, the soil health is deteriorated. Soil is bound to be sick. Another major problem in the country is the mining of soil fertility due to inadequate replenishment of nutrients due to high uptake of nutrients by HYVs and increase in cropping intensity. There is a big gap between removal of plant nutrients and replenishments. Soil degradation is a major threat to our food and environmental security. Many thriving civilizations have vanished in the past because of inadequate attention to land care. Government has been characterizing soil resources for drawing up land use and land developmental plans. More focus should also be given to control soil degradation. Soil erosion is another form of land degradation that has been substantially increasing every year in Nepal. Devastating earthquake of this year followed by landslide in many 37 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop areas has affected human life in Nepal. Proper precautionary policies should be formulated in time to save thousands of human and animal life. Soil acidity has emerged as another problem to soil management. Due to increase in acidity, micronutrients especially Mo and B are not available to crops. Microbial diversity ad population can’t flourish for proper decomposition and nitrification. The harmful effect of soil acidity on leguminous plants seems to be caused by Mo deficiency rather than Al toxicity. Degree of tolerance of crop species to acidity varies. We can explore industrial waste as amendments for acid soils. Climate change has serious effect on soils of Nepal. There is decline of population and diversity of soil microorganisms. There are several reports on the losses of biodiversity, which affect the soil health. This may be due to the combined effect of climate change as well as use of toxic agrochemicals. Decline in organic matter is another threat today. Soil is a natural resource and it needs proper policies to manage it. Organic matter (OM) is what makes the soil a living, dynamic system that supports all forms of life in this planet. SOM is the key to N economy and soil quality. Arresting the fall in OM is the most important weapon to fight soil degradation and to ensure sustenance of soil quality and agricultural productivity. Soil Science Research and Research Scientists in NARC In earlier days, Soil Science Division, NARC focused more in soil survey. Till date soils of 56 districts of Nepal has been surveyed and it is hoped that within few years all districts will be covered. In recent years, research projects are more focused on soil fertility and nutrient management. Most of the generated technologies are soil fertility oriented. Till date more than 200 soil science related technologies has been generated and very few technologies has reached the farmers and it is expected for its rapid dissemination in future through outreach or through DoA. Most of the research technologies are of soil fertility and nutrient management and very limited works on soil physics could be browsed. In recent years, researches on micronutrients have also been a focus. Analyzing five years soil science research projects in NARC (Figure 1), it is clear that research is inadequate and there is declining trend of research projects. One of the reasons for decreasing research project is inadequate budget and manpower. Only 1.26% of the total research budget of NARC is allocated for soil science research. 38 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 35 31 30 30 25 28 23 19 20 15 Project no. 10 5 0 66/67 67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 Figure 1: Trend of Soil Science Research Projects in NARC. Human resource is one of the big assets of any organization. Everywhere in the world, there is 40% lack of soil scientists and Nepal cannot be an exception. There are only 30 Soil scientists in NARC (Figure2). With this limited manpower, high level research covering all across Nepal cannot be expected, yet we are doing the best to generate technologies and innovations. Existing Manpower 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 8 4 Existing Manpower 1 CSS SSS SSc STO TO Figure 2: Current status of human resources in soil science research. In order to carry out soil science research, there must be good laboratory facilities. NARC has ten soil science laboratories throughout the country but only three are functional at the moment. Rest seven laboratories are not functional because of old and damaged laboratory equipments and also due to lack of skilled laboratory staffs in the research station. It is envisaged that in near future, more scientists will be recruited for effective and smooth running of the soil laboratories. 39 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Future Strategies Strengthening soil laboratories and manpower Strengthening laboratory is mandatory for research. Laboratories should be established or strengthened with high quality automated equipments. Strengthening and functioning of laboratory must start right from educational institutions. Students should have the capacity to handle and run laboratory independently in academic institutions. All laboratories of Research as well as Developmental sectors should have the facilities to analyse micronutrients, heavy metals and soil pollutants. Analysis methodologies should be homogenous throughout all laboratories of Nepal. Human resources should also be strengthened and updated. At present, there is scarcity of soil scientist and NARC should recruit enough soil scientists to carry out adequate research. Existing Scientist should be trained, given opportunity for exposure at international arena. Those scientists working in the laboratory should get proper incentive to boost his morale and competency. Future research strategies At the beginning, research should address the existing problems of soils in Nepal such as soil acidity, nutrient mining or increasing efficiency of nutrients, micronutrients, organic nutrient sources, enhancing efficacy of biofertilizers, land degradation/erosion, climate change, etc. Works on bioremediation, soil genomics, soil hybridization, soil resilience, nanotechnology, etc. should be initiated immediately. Biofertilizer research should be enhanced and promoted. Research must not be limited to Azolla, Rhizobium and Azotobacter but also must explore Azospirillum, VAM, BGA, OM decomposers, Frankia, PGPR, etc. Bioremediation is another aspect which research should promote. In agricultural practices of crop production, many harmful chemicals are used to control insects, pest, diseases and weeds. These chemicals are applied to plants and soils. The micro-organisms in the soil detoxify the chemicals at certain time period. Applications of such pesticides depress the microbial activities and sometimes reduce the microbial population. Studies on soil genomics is another frontier we have to look into for the effective bioremediation. Coordination and linkages There must be strong coordination between scientist, academician and development workers for effective dissemination of identified technologies. Though researchers have developed more than 200 soil science technologies, only few technologies are found at farmers’ field. Therefore, strong coordination between research, extension and education is the need of the day. Development of National Soil Museum Though Nepal is virtually a museum of world soil, till date a national level soil museum has not been established. The importance of soil at policy level has been felt this time with the declaration of International Year of Soils, 2015 by United Nation and 40 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop at this moment a national soil museum should be developed to know more about soils of Nepal. Summary Soil is a limited and non renewable resource. It is critical for agriculture, food security, nutritional security, environmental safety and quality of life. Soil is habitat for numerous living things and without soil, life cannot be expected. Proper policies and guidelines should be formulated to keep it living for long run and it is the duty of all citizens to contribute in making soils healthy for our healthy and wealthy living. 41 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 2. SF-1 Soil Fertility Status of Nepal: Report from Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples of Five Developmental Regions Durga P Dawadi and Manita Thapa Soil Management Directorate, Department of Agriculture, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal Abstract Soil Management Directorate along with Regional Soil Testing Laboratories Region under Government of Nepal to test soil sample across the country. A report on soil fertility status of Nepal was prepared based on the result obtained from seven soil testing laboratories in the fiscal year 2070/71. In this FY, a total of 1700 soil samples were analyzed to determine the status of soil nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5), potash (K2O), Organic Matter (OM) and pH. The results revealed that majority of the soil samples were found to be acidic (53%). Similarly, OM range from low to medium and majority of the samples have low content of soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. While comparing the soil fertility status of five development Regions of Nepal, soil pH was found to be dominated by acidic condition except for FarWestern Developmental Region. The organic matter content of the majority of the low. sample from Eastern Development and Far-Western DevelopmentRegion was While the OM content of other Region range from low to medium. The nitrogen results also range from low to medium across all the Regions. The status of phosphorus and potash is low in Eastern Region whereas low to high in other Regions. The paper also explored the average status of soil fertility of 38 districts which were mapped by Soil Management Directorate in coordination with respective District Agriculture Development Office. The status of soil nutrient content is declining throughout the nation but the rate of declining is higher in eastern part of Nepal. In this context the fertility statusshould be disseminated throughout the nation. technologies to manage The Government should facilitate to develop its manpower and appropriate technologies. Keywords:Acidic condition, organic matter, phosphorus and potash, soil fertility. Introduction Nepal’s economy largely depends on its agriculture as it contributes one third of Gross Domestic Production. Farming in Nepal is characterized by a close relationship between crop production, livestock and forestry. Nowadays the linkage between forests, livestock, and cropping systems is becoming weak. Soil fertility is largely maintained by the application of compost and farm yard manure, but in recent years a decline in soil fertility has been reported. Historical trends of increasing crop intensification, decreasing livestock numbers, increasing use of chemical fertilizers, reduced labour availability, and change in the climate over the last few decades showed decline in soil productivity as well. 42 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop There is a school of thought that food production can be increased by expandingcultivable area. Out of the total land in Nepal, 21% is cultivated and there is very little chance of expansion. So the food crisis in Nepal must be solved by raising the productivity of existing arable land. Among the different means of increasing productivity of crop, ‘soil fertility improvement' is one of the key factors. In Nepal Soil Management Directorate under Ministry of Agriculture Development is an authorized organization to implement overall soil management programs. Besides five Regional Soil Testing Laboratories at five different development regions there is one more Soil Testing Laboratory at the Surunga of Jhapa district mandated for the soil sample analysis of industrial crops, especially for tea and cardamom. Staffs working in this directorate or in different laboratories under this directorate assess problems with the farmers regarding soil and then develop and carry out programs to solve them. The major programs conducted through Soil Management Directorate include soil, fertilizer and micronutrient analysis along with Integrated Plant Nutrient Management System (IPNS), Nutrient Deficiencies Study, Soil Fertility Maps of Different Districts, training related to soil management and laboratory procedures, FYM and Compost Management Programs etc. Nepal is facing a serious problem of soil quality decline.As a result of there have been recent changes in agricultural practices and thereby increasing resource constraints. Many researcher documented several constrains in soil fertility management in Nepal because of deforestation and other land use changes. These changes include nonagricultural uses of fertile land, land fragmentation and cultivating marginalized areas, cultivation on the steep slopes, overgrazing, burning of crop residues, imbalanced use of agrochemicals, and decline in use of organic manure. In South and South-East Asia, the principal soil degradation processes associated with land use changes include accelerated erosion by water and wind, salinization, flooding, water logging, and soil fertility. The pace of soil degradation issue is the highest in mountains because of the fragile environment and the steep slopes cultivation. Moreover, due to rugged mountainous topography, active tectonics and concentrated monsoon precipitation, Nepal is naturally highly vulnerable to soil erosion in hill slopes and flooding in the low-lands. Increasing gap between soil management and soil fertility decline became a big challenge for sustainable soil management program and great concern for agricultural production. Due to lack of soil fertility information of the district or of a particular area, fertilizer application is unscientific and overall soil fertility improvement attempts have been unsuccessful. Therefore, to recover the deteriorated fertility status of the soil and harness the maximum productivity, it is essential to know the existing soil fertility status and manage them on the basis of soil test results. The practical way to know the existing soil fertility status is the collection and analysis of soil samples in the laboratories. However, farmers have been applying fertilizers randomly without their soil test result because of limited soil testing facilities. 43 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP, 1995) and different periodic plan has put emphasis on boosting up agriculture production through the use of chemical fertilizers and irrigation in high production potential areas. Soil fertility management is an important requirement for sustainable farming. Traditional agriculture is based on organic source of input and largely depends upon the forest resources and livestock raising practices for soil fertility management. Sustaining soil fertility is essential for agricultural growth in Nepal. Fertility status of soil can be increased by judicious application of both organic and inorganic fertilizers with other good soil management practices. Nowadays, organic inputs are gradually being supplemented by inorganic sources. Efforts have been made to develop research and development programs both by government and non government institutions to address the problems related to soil fertility, however, achievement is not up to the expected level. In context of growing number of commercial farmers in Nepal, the demand for soil testing and maintaining soil health is also increasing. To meet this demand there is limited number of soil testing laboratories and technical manpower in the country. Those technicians who are involved in laboratory analysis are not well trained and equipped with the lab equipments. Besides these there is lack of sufficient laboratory equipments to provide services. Status of Soil Fertility in Nepal The following data figure out the status of soil in Nepal based on the soil sample analysis from the Soil Management Directorate and its laboratories. In the fiscal year 2070/71, 17000 samples (on an average) were tested.Result consist of analysis from laboratories, soil campaign and the samples tested for mapping 5 districts namely Lamjung, Kalikot, Jajarkot, Mustang and Myagdi. Table 1: Result obtained from the tested samples in the FY 2013/14 Soil Condition pH Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash OM SMD RSTL, Hetauda RSTL, Jhumka RSTL, Pokhara RSTL ,Khajura RSTL, Sundarpur STL, Surunga Total Acidic 541 2593 1308 2393 1516 439 242 8790 Neutral 513 586 846 1713 1218 681 124 5557 Alkaline 257 188 203 867 141 582 44 2238 Low 831 2323 1783 1766 1182 1309 280 9194 Medium 326 894 468 1568 1174 391 122 4821 High 207 206 109 1323 365 120 5 2330 Low 661 1782 1849 855 1088 695 205 6930 Medium 325 940 465 1320 988 532 156 4570 High 333 662 46 2738 793 523 36 5095 Low 681 1949 1747 1870 965 988 253 8200 Medium 420 965 427 1332 623 512 100 4279 High 221 470 186 1536 1211 299 47 3923 Low 162 581 453 634 374 339 153 2543 Medium 140 353 130 872 782 61 44 2338 High 22 64 17 584 139 11 0 837 Source: Annual report 2070/71, SMD Laboratory and Soil Campaign Samples and Soil fertility Map Samples (Lab=3890, Campaign samples= 12000, Mapped Samples=1684) 44 24-25 March 2015 Note: Proceedings of the workshop Nitrogen: Low :< 0.1%; Medium: 0.1-0.2%; High: >0.2%; Phosphorus: Low: <26kg/ha; Medium: 26-55kg/ha; High: >55kg/ha; Potash: Low: <110kg/ha; Medium: 110-180kg/ha; High: >280kg/ha (STL: Soil testing Laboratory, RSTL: Regional Soil Testing Laboratories) Status of soil pH In fiscal year 2070/71 16585 soil sampleswere tested by SMD and its related laboratories to determine pH level. About 53% of the samples were found to be acidic followed by Neutral (33.51%) and alkaline (13.49%). Status of Soil pH FY 2070/71 Sample Size: 16585 13.49% Acidic Neutral Alkaline 33.51% 53.00% Figure 1: status of soil pH in FY 2070/71 (2013/14). Source: Annual report 2070/71, SMD, DoA. On acid soils, the pH can be raised by adding lime (calcium carbonate). The amount to add depends on the cation exchange capacity (nutrient-holding capacity) of the soil, which is based on the soil’s clay content and its buffering capacity. Soil higher in clay will have a higher cation exchange capacity and will require more materials to raise the soil pH. Status of Soil Organic Matter Out of 5718 tested soil samples 44.47% of the soil sample contains low organic matter followed by medium (40.89%) and high (14.64%). Soil organic matter includes all living soil organisms together with the remains of dead organisms in their various degrees of decomposition.Organic carbon content of a soil is made up of heterogeneous mixtures of both simple and complex substances containing carbon. The sources for organic matter are crop residues, animal and green manures, compost and other organic materials. A decline in organic matter is caused by the reduced presence 45 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop of decaying organisms, or an increased rate of decay as a result of changes in natural or anthropogenic factivities. Organic matter is regarded as a vital component of a healthy soil; its decline results in a soil that is degraded. Status of Soil Organic Matter FY 2070/71 Sample Size: 5718 Percentage 50.00 40.00 30.00 44.47% 40.89% 20.00 14.64% 10.00 0.00 Low Medium High Source: Annual report 2070/71, SMD Note:Low :< 2.5%; Medium: 2.5-5%; High :> 5% Figure 2: Status of Soil Organic Matter. A good supply of soil organic matter is beneficial in crop production. Consider the benefits of this valuable resource and how we can manage our operation to build, or at least maintain, organic matter in our soil. Proper fertilization encourages growth of plants, which increases root growth. Increased root growth can help build up or maintain soil organic matter, even if we are removing above ground part of crops. Status of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash in Soil Nitrogen, phosphorus and Potassium are the essential elements for growth and development of plant. Nitrogen is an integral part of all proteins, and is one of the main chemical elements required for plant growth and photosynthesis. Phosphorus is vital for strong growth. Insufficient phosphorus in the soil will cause stunted, spindly crops. Phosphorus, when combined with water, breaks in to separate ions that can be absorbed by the plant’s root system. Potassium aids in water absorption and retention, also encourages strong roots, sturdy stems, and healthy, full grown crops that have longer shelf life. While considering the result of 17000 sample analysis in the FY 2070/71 (2013/14), nitrogen content in the soil ranges from low to medium. Similarly phosphorus and potash content also ranges from low to medium. However, the percentage of sample falling on higher range is declining year by year (source: Various report of SMD). 46 24-25 March 2015 60.00 Percentage 50.00 Proceedings of the workshop 56.25% Nitrogen Status of Soil N,P,K FY 2070/71 Sample Size :17000 Phosphorus 49.99% Potash 41.76% 40.00 29.50% 30.00 30.7% 27.54% 26.09% 20.00 23.92% 14.25% 10.00 0.00 Low Note: Medium High Nitrogen: Low :< 0.1%; Medium: 0.1-0.2%; High: >0.2%; Phosphorus: Low: <26kg/ha; Medium: 26-55kg/ha; High: >55kg/ha; Potash: Low: <110kg/ha; Medium: 110-180kg/ha; High: >280kg/ha Figure 3: Status of soil NPK (Source: Annual report 2070/71, SMD). Balanced fertilization with phosphorus and potassium, to replenish harvested nutrients and to build up and sustain soil tests at optimum levels, it is a proven best management practice to improve phosphorus and potassium status in soil thereby increasing nitrogen used efficiency. Regional Distribution of Soil Analysis result (FY 2013/14) Soil Management Directorate along with its five regional soil testing laboratories and a soil testing laboratory has analyzed 17000 soil samples in the FY 2013/14. The test result is tabulated according to five development regions. Table 2: Soil test result of five developmental regions. Soil Condition pH Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash OM Acidic Neutral Alkaline Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High Regional Distribution of Soil test Results of FY 2070/71 EDR CDR WDR MWDR Sample Sample no: Sample no: Sample no: no:2767 4787 4973 2875 No. % No. % No. % No. % 1550 56.02 3134 66.99 2393 48.12 1516 52.73 970 35.06 1099 23.49 1713 34.45 1218 42.37 247 8.93 445 9.51 867 17.43 141 4.90 2063 74.56 3154 65.89 1766 37.92 1182 43.44 590 21.32 1220 25.49 1568 33.67 1174 43.15 114 4.12 413 8.63 1323 28.41 365 13.41 2054 74.50 2443 51.95 855 17.40 1088 37.92 621 22.52 1265 26.90 1320 26.87 988 34.44 82 2.97 995 21.16 2738 55.73 793 27.64 2000 72.46 2630 55.89 1870 39.47 965 34.48 527 19.09 1385 29.43 1332 28.11 623 22.26 233 8.44 691 14.68 1536 32.42 1211 43.27 606 76.04 743 56.20 634 30.33 374 28.88 174 21.83 493 37.29 872 41.72 782 60.39 17 2.13 86 6.51 584 27.94 139 10.73 47 FWDR Sample no: 1800 No. % 439 25.79 681 40.01 582 34.20 1309 71.92 391 21.48 120 6.59 695 39.71 532 30.40 523 29.89 988 54.92 512 28.46 299 16.62 339 82.48 61 14.84 11 2.68 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Note: EDR: Eastern Development Region; CDR: Central Development Region; WDR: Western Development Region; MWDR: Mid Western Development Region; FWDR: Far Western Development Region Graphical Representation of Soil pH of different region The following graph represents the pH condition of the soil at different region. The graph clearly represent that the pH in majority of the sample from all the regions except far western development region is found to be acidic followed by neutral. Percentage Regional Distribution of Soil pH (2070/71) 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Acidic Neutral 66.99 Alkaline 56.02 48.12 35.06 34.45 23.49 8.93 EDR 40.01 34.20 25.79 42.37 17.43 9.51 CDR 52.73 4.90 WDR MWDR FWDR Note: EDR: Eastern Development Region; CDR: Central Development Region; WDR: Western Development Region; MWDR: Mid Western Development Region; FWDR: Far Western Development Region Figure 4: Soil pH status at different Region. Graphical Representation of Soil Organic Matter of different region The organic matter content of the majority of samples from Eastern developmental and far western development region was found to be criticallylow. While the OM content of other region ranges from low to medium (Figure 5). 48 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Regional Distribution of Soil OM (FY 2070/71) 90.00 80.00 70.00 Percentage 82.48 76.04 Low 60.00 56.20 50.00 40.00 41.72 37.29 30.00 21.83 20.00 CDR WDR Medium High 28.88 14.84 10.73 6.51 2.13 EDR 30.33 27.94 10.00 0.00 60.39 MWDR 2.68 FWDR Note: EDR: Eastern Development Region; CDR: Central Development Region; WDR: Western Development Region; MWDR: Mid Western Development Region; FWDR: Far Western Development Region (OM: :< 2.5%; Medium: 2.5-5%; High :> 5% ) Figure 5: Soil OM status of different Region. Graphical Representation of Soil Nitrogen of different region Percetage Regional Distribution of Soil Nitrogen (2070/71) 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 74.56 71.92 65.89 37.92 21.32 25.49 33.67 CDR 43.15 13.41 8.63 4.12 EDR 28.41 WDR Low Medium High 43.44 MWDR 21.48 6.59 FWDR Note: EDR: Eastern Development Region; CDR: Central Development Region; WDR: Western Development Region; MWDR: Mid Western Development Region; FWDR: Far Western Development Region (Nitrogen: Low :< 0.1%; Medium: 0.1-0.2%; High: >0.2%;) Figure 6: Soil nitrogen status of different Region. Graphical Representation of Soil Phosphorus of Different Region In majority of the sample from eastern part of Nepal the condition of phosphorus was found to be very low. 49 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Regional Distribution of Soil Phosphorus (2070/71) 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Percent agee 74.50 55.73 51.95 26.90 22.52 26.87 21.16 17.40 37.92 39.71 34.44 30.40 29.89 27.64 Low Medium High 2.97 EDR CDR WDR MWDR FWDR Note: EDR: Eastern Development Region; CDR: Central Development Region; WDR: Western Development Region; MWDR: Mid Western Development Region; FWDR: Far Western Development Region (Phosphorus: Low: <26kg ha-1; Medium: 26-55 kg ha-1; High: >55 kg ha-1) Figure 7: Soil phosphorus status of different Region. Graphical Representation of Soil Potash of different region The following graph (Figure 8) shows that the potash condition is also low in eastern Central and far western part of Nepal and the rest of the regions show mediumlevel. Percentage Regional Distribution of Soil Potash (2070/71) 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Low 72.46 55.89 29.43 19.09 8.44 EDR 14.68 CDR 39.47 32.42 28.11 WDR 54.92 43.27 34.48 22.26 MWDR Medium High 28.46 16.62 FWDR Note: EDR: Eastern Development Region; CDR: Central Development Region; WDR: Western Development Region; MWDR: Mid Western Development Region; FWDR: Far Western Development Region (Potash: Low: <11o kg ha-1; Medium: 110-180 kg ha1 ; High: >280 kg ha-1) Figure 8: Soil potash status of different Region. 50 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil fertility status of different district Soil Management Directorate have prepared soil fertility map of the following listed 38 districts in coordination with its regional laboratories and respective District Agriculture Development Office. The average soil fertility status is shown in the following table. Figure 9: Soil fertility mapped districts by SMD. Conclusion The status of soil nutrient content is declining throughout the nation but the rate of declining is higher in eastern part of Nepal. Assessing soil fertility decline is difficult because most soil chemical properties either change very slowly or have large seasonal fluctuations; in both cases, it requires long-term research commitment. Soil fertility is of fundamental importance for the development of agricultural production. Deficiencies of plant nutrients are often limiting yields, and improved management of plant nutrients is crucial for enhancing productivity. In this context technologies to manage the fertility status of the soil should be disseminated throughout the nation. The government should facilitate to develop its manpower and appropriate technologies. 51 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3 : Average fertility status of mapped districts of Nepal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Jhapa Sunsari Nuwakot Kanchanpur Bardiya Kailali Parbat Banke Parsa Syangja Mahottari Nawalparasi Kavre Chitwan Okhaldhunga Surkhet Bhaktapur Dhading Gulmi Rupandehi Dolakha Dang Sindhuli Baglung Jumla Arghakhanchi Dadeldhura Palpa Panchthar Soil test result Nitrogen – Low-Medium Medium Low Low Low Medium Low Low Medium Low Low Low – Medium Low Medium – High Medium – High – Medium Medium – High Low Very High Very Low Low Medium High Medium Medium High Medium 30 Ramechhap Medium 31 32 33 Khotang Dailekh Jajarkot Medium Medium Medium 34 Kalikot Medium 35 36 37 38 Lamjung Myagdi Makwanpur Mustang Medium High Low – Medium High S.N. District Phosphorus – Low-High Medium Medium-High Low Medium Medium Low – Medium Medium Low – Medium Low Low Low Low High High – Medium Medium Low Very High Medium – High Medium – High Very High Medium Medium Medium – High Low High High – Very High High High Low High – Very High Medium – High Very High Very High High Potash – Medium Medium-High Low Medium Medium Medium – High Medium Low Medium Low Low – Medium Medium Low Medium High – Medium Medium Medium – Low Medium Medium Low – Medium High – Medium High Medium High Medium Very High Organic Matter – Very Low-Low Medium Low Low Low Medium Low Low Medium Low Low Low – Medium Low Medium Medium – Medium Medium Low Medium Medium Low Medium Medium Medium Low – Medium Medium Medium pH Acidic Acidic Acidic Slightly Acidic Neutral-Alkaline Neutral-Alkaline Acidic Neutral Slightly Acidic – Neutral Acidic Slightly Acidic Acidic Slightly Acidic – Neutral Slightly Acidic – Neutral Acidic Neutral – Acidic Neutral – Slightly Acidic Slightly Acidic Acidic Neutral Acidic Slightly Acidic Acidic Slightly Acidic Acidic Neutral Slightly Acidic – Neutral Slightly Acidic Acidic Very High Medium Slightly Acidic High High High Medium Medium Medium Slightly Acidic Acidic Acidic High – Very High Medium Slightly Acidic Medium Medium Medium Very High Medium High Low – Medium High Acidic Slightly Acidic Acidic – Slightly Acidic Alkaline References: (Not cited in the text). 52 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-2 Evaluation of Soil Properties and Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) Productivity Influenced y Nitrogen Levels and Sowing Dates under Zero Tillage condition in Chitwan, Nepal Ran B Mahato1, Keshab R Pande2and Anant P Regmi3 1 2 District Agriculture Development Office, Gulmi, Nepal Department of Soil Science, Institue of Agriculture and Animal Sciences,(TU), Chitwan, Nepal 3 Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Khumaltar, Lalitpur Abstract experiment was conducted on a farmer field at Torikhet Chitwan, Nepal, during the soil properties and wheat productivity influenced by 2011/2012 in order to nitrogen levels and sowing dates under zero tillage. The experiment consisted four nitrogen levels (60, 100, 140 and 180 N kg ha-1) and three sowing dates (Nov. 25, Dec. 10 and Dec. 25) and laid out in split plot design. The plant characters, soil physical and chemical properties, yield attributes and yields were significantly influenced by different treatments. The result showed that the highest grain yields (4.84 t ha-1 and 4.97 t ha-1, respectively) were obtained from the crop sown on Nov. 25 and from the application of value was recorded on the crop sown on 140 N kg ha-1. The highest and from the application of 140 N kg ha-1. Nitrogen dynamics including total nitrogen uptake, total soil N, residual N and unaccountable N were found highest on the crop sown on Nov. 25 and from the application of 180 N kg ha-1 but was the lowest (30.59 N kg ha-1). The highest total phosphorus uptake, total soil phosphorus, residual phosphorus and unaccountable phosphorus were observed on the crop sown on Nov. 25. The net income were highest (NRs. 49,640 ha-1 and NRs. 52,510 ha-1, respectively) on the crop sown on Nov. 25 and from 140 N kg ha-1. Keywords: Chlorophyll value, grain yield nitrogen levels phosphorus uptake sowing dates zero tillage. Introduction After rice and maize, wheat is the third important cereal crop of Nepal in terms of cultivated area, production and productivity (MoAD 2012). It is grown in winter season in Nepal and is cultivated from the Terai (66 masl) to high mountain (2300 masl). At present, wheat sown area in Nepal is 765,317 ha with a total production of 1,846,142 mt and productivity of 2.412 t ha-1. In Chitwan, wheat is cultivated on total area of 8750 ha with the total production of 27,125 t ha-1 and productivity of 3.1 t ha-1 (MoAD 2012). The concept of zero or reduced tillage isbecoming important as a part of tillage management, which causes zero or minimal disturbance of soil. Zero tillage is one of the alternatives for timely planting of wheat in traditional wheat areas (rice-fallow) under the rice-wheat cropping system to increase wheat production. This method can 53 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop eliminate yield reduction due to delay planting caused by depletion of moisture, poor draft power, lack of mechanization, delay transplantation of rice and unavailability of labor etc (Giri 1995). Nitrogen (N) is the most yield-limiting nutrient for no-till wheat. Application of proper amount of nitrogen is considered key to obtain bumper production of wheat. Nitrogen supply favors the conversion of carbohydrates into proteins, which in turn promotes the formation of protoplasm (Arnon 1972). Besidesits role in formation of proteins, it is an integral part of chlorophyll, which is the primary absorber of light energy needed for photosynthesis. An adequate supply of nitrogen is associated with high photosynthetic activity, vigorous vegetative growth and a dark green color. Sowing date of wheat is one of the limiting factors for the sustainable production of wheat. Data from many experiments have shown that wheat yields decline by 0.7– 1.5% per day of delay from optimum planting time ( Randhawaet al. 1981 and OrtizMonasterioet al. 1994). Late sown wheat is exposed to low temperature during early vegetative phases (Singh et al. 1999) and high temperature during the reproductive phases (Nainwal and Singh 2000). Timely sowing also saves crop from high temperature, high wind velocity and low humidity at grain filling stage and untimely rains do not interfere with harvesting-threshing operations (Chaudhary et al. 1993). Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the residual soil properties and wheat productivity and also to address the optimum dose of nitrogen and sowing time of wheat under resource conservation technology i.e. zero tillage. Materials and methods The experiment was carried out at Torikhet, Chitwan, Nepal, during 2011/2012. The experiment consisted four nitrogen levels (60, 100, 140 and 180 kg N ha-1) and three sowing dates (Nov. 25, Dec. 10 and Dec. 25) and was laid out in split plot design and had twelve treatments. The combinations of sowing dates were put in mainplots and nitrogen levels in subplots. Shallow furrows were made by using a pointed hoe where seeds and fertilizers were placed continuously side by side. ‘Vijay’ variety of wheat was used at the rate of 120 kg ha-1. Half dose of nitrogen and full dose of Phosphorus @ 50 kg ha-1 and Potassium @ 50 kg ha-1 were applied as basal doses and remaining half dose of nitrogen was applied at CRI stage before first irrigation (25 DAS). Soil and plant samples were analyzed in the laboratory by required analyzing methods. Biometrical observations yield and yield attributing observations and soil related data were recorded. The collected data were compiled and analysis of the variance for all the parameters was done by using the M-STAT computer software program. Ducan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to compare the means within the different parameters at 5% level of significance. 54 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and discussions Effect of sowing dates and nitrogen levels on yields of wheat Grain yield Grain yield was significantly influenced by the different sowing dates. Wheat crop sown on Nov. 25 gave the highest (4.835 t ha-1) grain yield and it was consistent with the crop sown on Dec. 10. The lowest grain yield (3.897 t ha-1) was obtained from the crop sown on Dec. 25 (Table 1). The higher grain yield from early sown crop may be attributed to better plant growth leading to significantly more plant height, tillers m-2, grains spike-1, bold grains, higher test weight and better partitioning of photosynthates compared to delayed sown crop (Sardana et al. 2002). Effect of nitrogen on grain yield of wheat was highly significant. There was an increasing trend of grain yield with the increasing levels of nitrogen to 140 kg ha-1 but decreased after increased applications of nitrogen. The highest grain yield (4.973 t ha-1) was obtained from the application of 140 kg N ha-1 followed by 180 kg N ha-1 (4.709 t ha-1) and 100kg N ha-1 (4.316 t ha-1). The lowest grain yield (3.753 t ha-1) was obtained from the application of 60 kg N ha-1 (Table 1). Higher grain yield with increasing nitrogen levels might be due to stimulation of growth and development of root, carbohydrate utilization within plant and stimulation of utilization of other nutrients (Brady and Weil 2005). Bhattarai (2012) also reported the similar results that highest grain yield (3.103 t ha-1) was obtained from the application of 150 kg N ha-1. Straw yield As similar to grain yield, the straw yield was significantly influenced by the sowing dates of wheat. Crop sown on Nov. 25 produced the highest straw yield (5.998 t ha-1) and was similar with the crop sown on Dec. 10 whereas the lowest (5.114 t ha-1) was on Dec. 25 sown crop (Table 1). Higher straw yield of the early sown crop might be due to the effective and efficient utilization of soil moisture and nutrients. Wajid et al. (2004) also reported similar results that early (Nov. 10 or Nov. 25) sowings significantly increased straw yield than the late (Dec. 10) sowing. The highest straw yield (6.076 t ha-1) was observed from the application of 180 kg N ha-1 and it was at par with 140 kg N ha-1. The lowest straw yield (5.193 t ha-1) straw yield was obtained from the application of 60 kg N ha-1 (Table 1). Increased straw yield with increasing levels of nitrogen might be due to better vegetative growth and development of plant by better utilization of nutrients and production of more tillers m-2, higher plant height and increased biomass production. Harvest index There wasnon-significant effect on harvest index due to sowing dates but nitrogen levels significantly influenced the harvest index (Table 1). There was an increasing trend of harvest index with increasing levels of nitrogen up to 140 kg N ha-1 and it was decreased at 180 kg N ha-1. The decrease in HI might be due to decrease in grain yield at higher level of nitrogen application. 55 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Effects of sowing dates and nitrogen levels on grain yield, straw yield and HI of wheat under zero tillage at Torikhet, Chitwan, Nepal, 2011/2012. Treatments Yields Grain yield, t ha-1 Straw yield, t ha-1 HI,% Date of Sowing Nov. 25 4.835a 5.998a 44.71 Dec. 10 4.581a 5.913a 43.66 Dec. 25 3.897b 5.114b 43.14 LSD (P=0.05) 0.3226 0.1802 0.03584 SEm ± 0.08216 0.04589 0.009129 N levels (kg ha-1) N60 3.753d 5.139b 41.94c 4.316c 5.531ab 43.85b N100 4.973a 5.90a 45.81a N140 4.709b 6.076a 43.76b N180 LSD (P=0.05) 0.1172 0.5287 0.0099 SEm ± 0.03994 0.1780 0.0033 Values given in a row followed by same letter(s) do not differ at 0.05 level of significance according to DMRT. Effect on nitrogen dynamics Nitrogen uptake Effect of sowing dates on N uptake by wheat grain and straw as well as total N uptake was significant. The highest N uptake by grain (98.85 kg ha-1) and straw (13.55kg ha-1) as well as total N uptake (112.4 kg ha-1) was observed from the crop sown on Nov. 25 and N uptake by grain and total N uptake were at par with the crop sown on Dec. 10 (Table 2). Effect of nitrogen on N uptake by wheat grain, straw and total N uptake was highly significant. The highest N uptake by grain (106.0 kg ha-1), straw (16.08 kg ha-1) and total N uptake (122.1 kg ha-1) was observed from the application of 180 kg N ha-1 (Table 2). The lowest N uptake by grain (81.97 kg ha-1), straw (6.642 kg ha-1) and total (88.62 kg ha-1) was observed from 60 kg N ha-1. Mishra et al. (2011) also reported similar results. Residual nitrogen Residual soil nitrogen after the harvest of the wheat was significantly different due to different dates of sowing. The highest residual soil nitrogen (153.3 kg ha-1) was observed from the wheat sown on Nov. 25 followed by Dec. 10 (146.8 kg ha-1) and the lowest (139.3 kg ha-1) on Dec. 25 (Table 2). Higher residual soil N on early dates of sowing might be due to sufficient nitrification and adequate soil moisture. Significantly highest residual soil N (164.6 kg ha-1) was observed from the application of 180 kgN ha-1) followed by 140 kg N ha-1 (153.6 kg ha-1). The lowest residual soil N (127.8 kg ha-1) was observed from 60 kg N ha-1(Table 2). The highest residual soil N with the application of 180 kg N ha-1 might be due to higher dose of nitrogen application. 56 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Unaccountable N Unaccountable N with regard to sowing dates was significant. The highest unaccountable N (89.30 kg ha-1) was observed from the crop sown on Dec. 25 followed by Dec. 10 (75.15 kg ha-1) and the lowest (64.88 kg ha-1) was observed from the plot sown on Nov. 25 (Table 2). The highest unaccountable N observed from the plot in which wheat was sown on Dec. 25, might be due losses by de-nitrification and/or volatilization. Effect of nitrogen on unaccountable Nwas highly significant. The highest unaccountable N (103.0 kg ha-1) was observed from the application of 180 kg Nha-1 followed by 140 kg N ha-1 (79.3 kg ha-1) and that of the lowest (53.39 kg ha-1) was observed from 60 kg N ha-1 (Table 2). Higher unaccountable N with higher dose of N application might be due inefficient utilization of applied nitrogen, reduced C:N ratio and increased mineralization. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) There was a significant difference on nitrogen use efficiency due to sowing dates. The highest NUE (34.79%) was recorded from the crop sown on Nov. 25 followed by Dec. 10 (33.48%). The lowest NUE (32.44%) was observed on the crop sown on Dec. 25 (Table 2). The highest NUE on Nov. 25 might be due to adequate soil moisture and temperature which are the key factor for efficient utilization of applied nitrogen. Effect of nitrogen on nitrogen use efficiency was highly significant. Nitrogen use efficiency decreased with the increasing levels of nitrogen (Table 2). Significantly the highest NUE (37.02%) was observed from the application of 60 kg Nha-1 followed by 100 kg N ha-1 (34.69%). The lowest NUE (30.59)% was observed from the application of 180 kg Nha-1. The lowest NUE from the application of 180 kg Nha-1 might be due to high loss via de-nitrification or volatilization as compared to low nitrogen application. Rahman et al. (2011) also reported that with increasing rate of N application from 80 to 120 kg ha-1 there was decrease in NUE. Table 2:Effects of different sowing dates and nitrogen levels on Nitrogen dynamics of wheat under zero tillage at Torikhet, Chitwan , Nepal, 2011/2012. Treatments Grain Straw Nitrogen dynamics N uptake (kgha-1) Total soil N N residual, Total kgha-1kgha-1kgha-1 Unaccountable N NUE(%) Dates of sowing Nov. 25 98.85a 13.55a 112.4a 329.9a 153.3a 64.88c 34.79a Dec. 10 96.50a 11.30b 107.8a 326.3b 146.8ab 75.15b 33.48b Dec. 25 91.31b 9.85b 101.2b 324.1c 139.3b 89.30a 32.44b LSD (P=0.05) 3.509 1.748 4.604 0.599 7.938 7.255 1.312 SEm ± 0.8937 0.4453 1.172 0.1525 2.022 1.848 0.3342 N levels (kg ha-1) N60 81.97d 6.64d 88.62d 266.9d 127.8d 53.39d 37.02a N100 90.84c 8.93c 99.77c 306.7c 139.9c 70.08c 34.69b N140 103.4b 14.62b 118.0b 346.6b 153.6b 79.30b 31.98c N180 106.0a 16.08a 122.1a 386.7a 164.6a 103.0a 30.59d LSD (P=0.05) 1.090 1.297 1.873 0.7285 3.730 3.009 0.6193 SEm ± 0.367 0.4364 0.6303 0.2452 1.225 1.013 0.2084 Values given in a row followed by same letter(s) do not differ at 0.05 level of significance according to DMRT. NUE= Nitrogen use efficiency 57 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Effect on phosphorus dynamics Phosphorus uptake Effects of sowing dates on phosphorus uptake by grain, straw and total uptake by wheat crop was not significant. However, the highest phosphorus uptake by grain, straw and total uptake (21.8, 4.76 and 26.56 kg ha-1, respectively) was observed from the crop sown on Nov. 25 and the lowest (20.26, 3.76 and 24.01 kg ha-1, respectively) from the crop sown on Dec. 25 (Table 3). Phosphorus uptake was significantly affected by nitrogen levels. There was an increasing trend of phosphorus uptake with the increasing level of nitrogen (Table 3). The total amount of phosphorus uptake by wheat crop was 35.15, 31.34, 19.04 and 15.6 kg ha-1withthe application of 180, 140, 100 and 60 kgN ha-1, respectively. The highest phosphorus uptake by grain and straw (28.88 and 6.27 kg ha-1) was observed from the application of 180 kgN ha-1. The increasing trend of P2O5 uptake with the increasing level of N might be the synergistic effect of nitrogen. Khan et al. (2008) also reported that phosphorus uptake by wheat was eN hanced with the increased dose of nitrogen from 90 to 180 kg ha-1. Residual phosphorus Residual soil phosphorus was not affected by sowing dates. Effect of nitrogen on residual soil phosphorus was significant. The highest residual soil phosphorus (60.43 kg ha-1) was observed from 60 kg N ha-1 followed by 100 kgN ha-1 (57.78 kg ha-1). The lowest residual soil phosphorus (44.10 kg ha-1) was observed from the application of 180 kg N ha-1 (Table 3). This might be due to synergistic effect of phosphorus with nitrogen in which increasing levels of nitrogen influenced the better growth of crop and removal of higher amount of phosphorus from the soil. Similar results were concluded by Selles et al. (2011) that the residual phosphorus treatments fertilized with N and P was smaller than for the only P fertilized treatments where yields were limited by lack of nitrogen. Table 3: Effects of different sowing dates and nitrogen levels on Phosphorus dynamics of wheat under zero tillage at Torikhet, Chitwan , Nepal, 2011/2012. Treatments Phosphorus dynamics,kg ha-1 Phosphorus uptake Total soil P2O5 Residua P2O5Unaccountable P2O5 Grain Straw Total Dates of sowing Nov. 25 21.80 4.76 26.56 93.53 52.66 10.32b Dec. 10 21.19 4.09 25.28 93.42 52.29 10.58ab Dec. 25 20.26 3.76 24.01 93.62 51.87 11.21a LSD (P=0.05) NS NSNSNSNS 0.671 SEm ± 1.223 0.366 1.363 0.242 1.411 0.171 N levels (kg ha-1) N60 13.37d 2.23d 15.60d 93.44 60.43a 11.91a N100 15.91c 3.13c 19.04c 93.53 57.78b 11.34b N140 26.16b 5.18b 31.34b 93.74 46.79c 9.97c N180 28.88a 6.27a 35.15a 93.40 44.10d 9.60c LSD (P=0.05) 1.878 0.491 1.771 NS 1.359 0.460 SEm ± 0.632 0.165 0.596 0.419 0.457 0.155 Values given in a row followed by same letter(s) do not differ at 0.05 level of significance according to DMRT. 58 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Unaccountable P2O5 There was a significant effect on unaccountable P2O5with regard to sowing dates. The highest unaccountable P2O5 (11.21 kg ha-1) was from the crop sown on Dec. 25 and the lowest (10.32 kg ha-1) was from the crop sown on Nov. 25 (Table 3). Higher unaccountable P2O5 on late sown wheat might be due to adverse climatic conditions. Effect of nitrogen on unaccountable P2O5 was also significant. The highest unaccountable P2O5 (11.91 kg ha-1) was observed from 60 kg N ha-1 (Table 3). The lowest unaccountable P2O5 (9.59 kg ha-1) was observed from the application of 180 kgN ha-1 and it was at par with 140 kg N ha-1. Lower unaccountable P2O5 with higher levels of nitrogen might be efficient utilization of available soil phosphorus by the wheat crop. Economic analysis Cost of cultivation Significantly higher cost of cultivation (NRs. 57.54 thousand ha-1) regarding with the sowing dates was recorded from the crop sown on Dec. 25 and the lowest (NRs. 55.55 thousand ha-1) on Nov. 25 (Table 4). Nitrogen levels had also significant effect on cost of cultivation. The highest cost of cultivation (NRs. 61.72 thousand ha-1) was recorded from the application of 180 kgN ha-1 and the lowest (NRs. 51.37 thousand ha-1) was from 60 kgN ha-1. Net income Significantly highest net return (NRs. 49.64 thousand ha-1) was obtained from the crop sown on Nov. 25 followed by crop sown on Dec. 10 (NRs. 44.09 thousand ha-1) and the lowest (NRs. 30.58 thousand ha-1) was from the crop sown on Dec. 25. There was an increasing trend of net return up to 140 kg N ha-1 and decreased when increased to 180 kg N ha-1. The highest net return (NRs. 52.51 thousand ha-1) was from the application of 140 kgN ha-1 followed by 180 kg N ha-1 (NRs. 47.62 thousand ha-1) and the lowest (NRs. 28.08 thousand ha-1) was from the application of 60 kg N ha-1 (Table 4). Higher net return associated with 140 kgN ha-1 and sowing date on Nov. 25 was due to higher grain and lower cultivation cost. Benefit cost ratio (B:C) Significantly highest B:C ratio (2.11) was observed from the crop sown on Nov. 25 followed by Dec. 10 (2.02) and the lowest (1.741) was from the crop sown on Dec. 25. Regarding the nitrogen levels, highest B:C ratio (2.31) was observed from the application of 140 kg N ha-1 followed by 180 kg N ha-1 (2.19). The higher B:C ratio associated with 140 kg N ha-1 and sowing date on Nov. 25 was due to increased grain yield and lower cost of cultivation. Similar results were also revealed by Manandhar (2008). 59 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 4:Economic analysis of wheat cultivation through the sowing dates and nitrogen levels of wheat under zero tillage at Torikhet, Chitwan, Nepal, 2011/2012. Treatments Cultivation cost (× 000 NRsha-1) Gross income (× 000 NRsha-1) Net return (× 000 NRsha-1) B:C Dates of sowing Nov. 25 55.55c 104.9a 49.64a 2.139a Dec. 10 56.56b 100.5b 44.09b 2.002b Dec. 25 57.54a 88.21c 30.58c 1.741 LSD (P=0.05) 0.4149 2.901 2.901 0.1189 SEm ± 0.1057 0.7388 0.7388 0.0303 N levels (kg ha-1) N60 51.37d 72.29c 28.08d 1.573d 54.79c 92.22b 37.53c 1.775c N100 58.32b 110.7a 52.51a 2.308a N140 N180 61.72a 109.3a 47.62b 2.186b LSD (P=0.05) 0.1213 1.939 1.939 0.0626 SEm ± 0.0408 0.6527 0.6527 0.0211 Values given in a row followed by same letter(s) do not differ at 0.05 level of significance according to DMRT. Conclusions The results obtained from the investigation indicated that November 25 is the optimum sowing date and 140 kgN ha-1 is the optimum dose of nitrogen for maximum yield of wheat. Further it is advised that zero tillage is the alternative tillage system and suitable resource conservation technology (RCT) to minimize the production cost and increase net income. Soil nutrient (NPK) content increasedand soil physicochemical properties improved on zero tillage system in rice-wheat cropping system. Acknowledgement Cereal System Initiatives for South Asia (CSISA-NP), Rampur, Chitwan is highly acknowledged for providing financial support for this research. I am greatful to Dr. Keshab Raj Pande (Chairman of advisory committee), Dr. Anant Prasad Regmi and Prof. Dr. Shree Chandra Shah (members of advisory committee). My special thanks go to all who directly and indirectly helped during the research period. References Arnon I. 1972. Plant population and distribution patterns in crop production in dry regions. Vol. 1. Islamabad, Pakistan: National Book Foundation. Pp. 359–456. Bhattarai D. 2012. 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Field experiments were conducted in light textured soil to assess the effect of Boron and Molybdenum on grain yield and yield components of soybean during summer season of 2012 and 2013 at the field of Grain Legumes Research Program, Rampur Chitwan. The experiment was laid out in ompletely andomized lock esign with four replications. The fertilizer treatments were control, 20:40:20 N P2O5 K2O ofkg ha-1 (recommended dose), 20:40:20 N P2O5 K2O of kg ha-1+1 kg ha-1 ofBoron soil application, 20:40:20 N P2O5 K2O of kg ha-1 + 1% Borax as foliar spray at pre flowering stage, 20:40:20 N P2O5 K2O of kg ha-1 + 500 g Molybdenum ha-1, 20:40:20 N P2O5 K2O of kg ha-1 + 1 kg ha-1 of Boron + 500 g Molybdenum ha-1, 20:40:20 N P2O5 K2O of kg ha-1 +1 kg ha-1 of Boron +500 g Molybdenum ha-1+ 5 t ha-1 of FYMand 5 t ha-1 of FYM. The results showed that the year effect was non-significant on grain yield, whereas the effects of different fertilizers and the interactions effect of year and fertilizers were significant. The grain yield and hundred seed weight was significantly affected by treatments. Application of Boron increased 21 to 30% grain yield and increased seed size by13 to 18% over control. Application of 20:40:20 N P2O5 K2O of kg ha-1 + Boron 1 kg + Molybdenum 500 gm ha-1+5 t ha-1 of FYM produced highest grain yield (2753kgha-1) in comparison to other treatments. The application of the combinations of these fertilizers substantially increase the yield of soybean. Keywords: Effect of boron and molybdenum, randomized complete black design, yield component of soybean. Introduction Soybean is an important legume of mid hill, grown as intercrop with maize or in paddy bund. In terai and inner terai, soybean cultivation as a sole crop is gaining popularity due to high demand of soya meal in poultry industry and its diversified use of grains in terms of livestock feeds and human food. Being legume, soybean cultivation improves soil health through addition of fixed nitrogen and organic matter. However, for optimal growth and development 17 essential nutrients are required by crop plants. While micronutrients are required in relatively smaller quantities for plant growth, they are as important as macronutrients as they are involved in the key physiological processes of photosynthesis and 62 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop respiration (Marschner 1995, Mengelet al.2001) and their deficiency can impede these vital physiological processes thus limiting yield gain. Boron (B) is one of the essential micronutrients for soybean plant; it has good effect on the yield and yield quality of soybean. Oplinger et al.(1993) reported soybean yield increase of 13 %t by spraying 0.28 kg B per hectare in soils with low B content. Molybdenum (Mo) is also important micronutrients, involved in nitrogen nutrition and assimilation. In legumes, Mo serves an additional function: to help root nodule bacteria to fix atmospheric N (Campo et al.2000). Mo deficiency symptoms are often similar to N deficiency. In legumes, the nitrogen-fixing ability of soil micro-organisms is severely hampered by Mo deficiency, rendering them N-deficient. Soil analysis conducted by Khatri- Chhetri (1982) indicated wide occurrence of micronutrient deficiencies in the Chitwan valley in the inner Terai; a region of acid soils. Hence an experiment was conducted to study the response of soybean to the application of Boron and Molybdenum on the yield and yield components. Materials and methods Field experiments were conducted to study the effect of Boron and Molybdenum on the yield and yield components of soybean at National Grain Legume Research Program(NGLRP), Rampur Chitwan, during summer season for two consecutive years 2012 and 2013. The soil of experimental site was sandy loam with slightly acidic reaction (pH 6.1-6.2), organic matter content 1.69%-2.14%, Nitrogen content 0.09%0.10%, Phosphorus content 124.30-220.03 kg ha-1 and Potassium content 268-316 kg ha-1 before planting. There were eight treatments comprised of control, 20:40:20 kg NP2O5K2O ha-1 (recommended dose), 20:40:20 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+1 kg Boron ha-1 soil application, 20:40:20 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 + 1% Borax as foliar spray at pre flowering stage, 20:40:20 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 + 500 g Molybdenum ha-1 , 20:40:20 kgN:P2O5:K2O ha-1 + 1 kg Boron ha-1 + 500 g Molybdenum ha-1, 20:40:20 kgN:P2O5:K2O ha-1 +1 kg Boron ha-1 +500 g Molybdenum ha-1 + 5 t FYM ha-1 and 5 t FYM ha-1. The treatments were tested in Completely Randomized Block Design (RCBD) with four replications keeping gross plot size as 4 m x 3 m and net harvest area was 8m2 per plot. Soybean variety Puja was sown on 28th June 2012 in first year and on 30th June 2013 in second year at spacing of 50cm x 10cm. All fertilizer combinations were applied as basal dose except treatment with foliar spray in which 1% borax was sprayed at pre flowering stage of soybean. Weeding, hoeing and pesticide application were done when needed. Five plants were randomly selected from each plot to measure plant height, number of pods per plant and seed per pod. Seeds were sun dried and grain yield was recorded. Data were analyzed using Genstat Discovery Edition. Results and Discussion Plant height Effect of treatments on plant height was not significant in both years (Table 1). However, the highest plant height of 59 cm was recorded from treatment 6 (20:40:20 63 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1+ 1 kg Boron ha-1 +500 g Molybdenum ha-1) followed by treatment 4 (20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 + 1% Borax as foliar spray at pre flowering stage) 58 cm in 2012. In the second year, highest plant height 73 cm was recorded from treatment 6 (20:40:20 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1+ 1 kg Boron ha-1 +500 g Molybdenum ha-1) followed by treatment 4 (71 cm). On combined analysis, the treatments effect were significant (p = 0.01). Treatment 6 produced the highest plant height of 66 cm. Interaction between treatments and year was not significant. Pods per plant Number of pods per plant was affected significantly (p = 0.01) in first year (Table 1). The highest number of pods per plant (124) was recorded from the treatment 3 (20:40:20 kg NP2O5K2O ha-1+1 kg Boron ha-1 soil application). Application of Boron increased 20 to 32% in pod number as compare to control. In second year, there was not significant effect on number of pods per plant. On combined analysis, the highest number of pods per plant (110) was observed in plot treated with Boron with NPK (treatment 3). interaction between treatment and year was not affected significantly. Nodulation Treatments effect on nodulation was not found significant in both years. Availability of Molybdenum was one factor considered, since the soils are acidic but no response was observed on nodulation. On combined analysis, application of molybdenum increased slightly on nodulation but not affected significantly. The highest number of nodule per plant (40) was observed in treatment 6 (20:40:20 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 + 1 kg Boron ha-1 + 500 g Molybdenum ha-1) and 7(20:40:20 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 +1 kg Boron ha-1 +500 g Molybdenum ha-1 + 5 ton FYM ha-1) (Figure 1). Table 1:Effect on plant height and pods per plant with application of different fertilizer combination. SN Treatments 1 2 Control 20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 + Boron one kg ha-1 soil application 20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 + Boron foliar spray 20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 + Molybdenum 500 gha-1 20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 + Boron+ Molybdenum 20:40: 20kg N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 + Boron 1 kg ha-1 + Molybdenum 500 kg ha-1 soil application+ 5t ha-1 FYM Compost 5 t ha-1 Mean F value LSD (<0.05) CV, % YxT 3 4 5 6 7 8 Plant height, cm 2012 2013 55 67 55 58 61 56 Pods plant-1, nos. 2012 2013 94 82 103 66 Mean Mean 90 87 58 65 61 124 92 110 58 71 64 123 71 100 52 63 58 113 77 97 59 73 66 121 88 107 53 70 62 112 80 99 53 55 0.249 66 67 0.217 11.5 9.8 59 61 0.017 5.5 8.8 ns 113 113 0.011 16.2 8.7 102 82 0.742 45.5 31.6 ns 109 100 0.13 18.8 18.5 ns 8 64 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Nod per plant 40 Nodule per plant 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Treatments Figure 1: Nodule per plant for different treatments. Grain yield There was positive response of soybean to Boron in terms of yield increase in both years. Similar effects on grain yield have been reported by Malla et al. (2007) and Adhikari et al. (2008). In first year, highest grain yield (2620 kg ha-1) was observed when the crop was treated with Boron with NPK from treatment 4 (20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2Okg ha-1 + 1% Borax as foliar spray at pre flowering stage) followed by treatment 6 (2604 kg ha-1) when crop was treated with Boron and Molybdenum with NPK. Treatments effect on grain yield was highly significant over control (Table 2). In second year, the highest grain yield of 2912 kg ha-1was recorded when the crop was treated with Boron and Molybdenum with NPK plus FYM (treatment 7) followed by treatment 4 (2798 kg ha-1). On combined analysis, effect of treatment on grain yield was observed highly significant. The highest mean grain yield of 2753 kg ha-1 was recorded from the plot treated with Boron and Molybdenum with NPK plus FYM (treatment 7). Hundred seed weight There was significant effect of treatment on hundred grain weight in both years (Table 2). In the first year, treatment 3 (20:40:20 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 + 1 kg Boron ha-1 soil application) produced the highest hundred seed weight (15.68 g) followed by treatment 6 (15.25 g). On combined analysis, the highest hundred seed weight was recorded from treatment 3 (15.98 g) followed by treatment 4 (15.60 g). Application of Boron increased seed size from 13 to 18% (two years mean data) as compared to control. Similar findings have been reported by Adhikari et al. (2008). 65 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2:Effect on grain yield and hundred seed weight with application of different fertilizer combination. SN Treatments 1 2 Control 20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 Grain yield, kg ha-1 Mean 100 seed weight, g Mean, g 2012 1840 2529 2013 2371 2202 2116 2376 2012 12.4 14.8 2013 14.4 14.4 13.4 14.6 3 20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 + Boron one kg ha-1 soil application 2557 2547 2562 15.7 16.2 16.0 4 20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 + Boron foliar spray 2620 2798 2719 15.2 16.2 15.6 5 20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 + Molybdenum 500 gm/ha 2316 2275 2306 13.9 14.5 14.2 2604 2682 2653 15.3 15.6 15.5 2572 2912 2753 14.9 15.3 15.1 2397 2429 2293 2510 2356 2480 14.6 14.6 15.2 15.2 14.9 14.9 0.056 < 0.001 0.002 493.1 11.2 252.6 10 0.04 1.4 1.7 6 7 8 20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 + Boron+ Molybdenum 20:40: 20kgNP2O5K2O kg ha-1 + Boron 1 kg ha-1 + Molybdenum 500 kg ha-1 soil application+ 5t ha-1 FYM Compost 5 ton ha-1 Mean F value Treatment LSD (<0.05) CV, % YxT < 0.001 330.0 3.1 0.05 4 1.4 5.3 <0.001 0.9 6.1 ns Conclusion The result showed that grain yield and seed size were affected significantly by the application of Boron at Rampur condition. The highest grain yield (2753 kg ha-1) was observed from the crop treated with 20:40:20 kgN:P2O5:K2O ha-1 + Boron 1 kg + Molybdenum 500 g ha-1+ 5 t FYM ha-1. Judicious use of chemical fertilizers (macro and micro nutrients) in combination with Farm Yard Manure performed better crop growth and increased production in sustainable way. Acknowledgements The authors thank to Mr DB Gharti, Co-coordinator GLRP, and Rampur for his valuable suggestions and guidance during research period. Technical officers; Mr BP Wagle and Mr Surendra Yadav, and all staff of GLRP, Rampur are highly acknowledged for their untiring support during the experiment. 66 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Adhikari BH and G Sunar. 2008. Response of Boron to yield and yield components in Mungbean at Rampur. In: Annual Report 2008/09, National Grain Legume Research Program, Rampur Chitwan. Campo RJ, UB Albino and M Hungria. 2000. Importance of molybdenum and cobalt to the biological nitrogen ixation. Nitrogen Fixation: From Molecules to Crop Productivity. FO Pedrosa, M Hungria, G Yates and WE Newton (eds.). Springer, Netherlands. Pp. 597–598. Khatri-Chhetri TB. 1982. Assessment of soil test procedures for available Boron and Zinc in the soil of Chitwan valley. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. Marschner H. 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, 2nd ed. Academic Press, London, UK. Mengel K, EA Kirkby, H Kosegarten and T Appel. 2001. Principles of Plant Nutrition. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Oplinger ES, RG Hoeft, JW Johnson and PW Tracy. 1993. Boron fertilization of soybeans: A Regional summary Pp. 7–16. 67 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-4 On-Farm Monitoring of Improved Management of Farmyard Manure and Soil Nutrient Fertility in the Middle Hills of Nepal Bishnu K Bishwakarma1, Richard Allen1, Juerg Merz2, Bishnu K Dhital, Niranjan P Rajbhandari1,Shiva K Shrestha1 and Ian C Baillie3 1 Sustainable Soil Management Programme (SSMP), HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2 HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Nepal, 3 National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK Abstract Programmes to improve traditional soil management on the very small farms in the mid-hills of Nepal have previously recommended inorganic fertilizers as the main means of eN hancing soil fertility. Farmyard manure (FYM) mainly to improve soil physical properties. Since 2000, the Sustainable Soil Management Programme has promoted sustainable soil management practices giving greater prominence to FYM as a nutrient fertilizer by promoting improvements in its management and quality. FYM improvement involves: careful collection, layering, turning and moistening of the manure; shading heaps from sunlight to minimize N-volatilization; protecting heaps from rainfall to reduce nutrient loss through leaching; and the systematic collection and admixture of cattle and buffalo urine. The technologies have been adopted by more than 100,000 farmers in the middle hills. Nitrogen content in FYM and available nutrients in topsoil have been monitored on farms over periods of one to three years. Results from 327 farms showed that FYM quality was significantly but inconsistently improved, with mean N content increased from 0.89 % to 1.13 %. There were significant increases of 3.32 % to 3.77 % and 0.17 to 0.19 % in topsoil contents of organic matter and total N, after the adoption of SSM practices. Topsoil content of available P also increased but the effect was inconsistent. There were no significant changes in topsoil pH. Topsoil available K showed a significant decrease of about 10% overall. The practices have been investigated under farm conditions, and the most positive and important feature of the study was that participation by farmers and field level extension workers imparted a sense of ownership in the implementation of the research as well as the results. Keywords: Farm yard manure (FYM), nutrient loss through leaching, organic matter, soil- nitrogen, topsoil. 68 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Introduction The farming systems in the Middle Hills of Nepal are characterized by close integration of crop, livestock, forestry and grassland management. The traditional farming systems included crop rotation, fallows, grazing of crop residues, stall feeding and cut and carry systems, and the application of the resultant farmyard manure (FYM). Part of the livestock fodder came from browsing or lopping of woodland, and some off-site nutrients were imported via the FYM. In recent years arable cropping has extended into more marginal lands but farm sizes have decreased, fallows have shortened, and cropping has intensified. Woodlots have shrunk and water sources are now further away, and the quantities of FYM and its imported nutrients have decreased relative to the enlarged arable areas (Shah 1996). Although an integral part of the traditional system, the FYM was haphazardly managed, with bedding casually laid, FYM stored in the open, and spread when convenient. This style of management resulted in deterioration in the FYM and nutrient losses by erosion, N-volatilisation, and leaching. As a result of these pressures on land resources, soil fertility has declined and become a national issue (Joshi et al. 1995). Jaishy and Subedi (2000) found that total nitrogen to be low in about half of 9800 topsoil samples from across the country. Organic matter levels were low in about two thirds of the samples, and available phosphorous and available potassium in about one third. Further, more recent data from SMD (2014) found low organic matter in 60% and acidic pH in 69% of 2100 topsoil samples from across the country. Since 2000 the Swiss-funded Sustainable Soil Management Programme (SSMP) has promoted a flexible package of environmentally and socially appropriate sustainable soil management (SSM) techniques to farmers in the Middle Hills (SSMP 2009). The package for the rainfed arable lands includes: improved FYM management, integrated plant nutrient and pest management; integration of legumes, forage, fodder and vegetable cash crops into traditional cropping systems; and better use of crop residues. SSMP puts particular emphasis on improving the quality of FYM as an effective way of maintaining soil fertility. SSMP (2009) recommendations to eN hance FYM quality include: improved design and management of cattle sheds to facilitate the handling of FYM; collection systems for cattle and buffalo urine; urine mixture into FYM; systematic laying and turning of bedding materials so as to adsorb the added urine; shading of FYM from direct sunlight at all stages - in the shed, pile, pit and field - so as to minimise N volatilisation and prevent desiccation; shelter against direct rainfall and runoff to minimise erosion and leaching; and moderate moistening of heaps when necessary. In order to monitor the uptake and effects of its recommendations, SSMP established from the outset a network of benchmark farms, on which FYM and soils are periodically sampled and analysed. The data are aimed at facilitating management and planning, and also at motivating extension workers and farmers (SSMP 2010). This study uses these data to examine the effects of SSM practices on FYM quality and soil nutrient fertility. 69 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Materials and methods Study area and farming systems In the past fifteen years SSMP has worked in 20 districts throughout the Middle Hills of Nepal. The data used in this study come from 11 districts (Figure 1). Most SSMP farms lie between 800 m to 2000 m asl, although some are as high as 2,400 masl. The climate is warm temperate, with temperatures ranging from mean minima of 12.5 0C to mean maxima of 25.5 0C (Gautam et al. 2004). Three quarters of theaverage annual precipitation of about 2000 mm falls during the summer monsoon in June – September. Pre- and early monsoon rainfall can be intense and erosive. The topography is rugged, with local relief of up to 1000 m and most slopes steeper than 30%. Combined with high intensity rainfall, the steep gradients make slopes prone to surface erosion and mass movements (Shrestha 1992, Pariyar 2008). The soils are mostly freely drained, stony, shallow to moderately deep, residual or colluvial Dystrudepts. Textures ranges from sandy loam to clay loam and many soils have high contents of silt and fine sand. FYM and soil analyses SSM practices have been adopted by over 150,000 farming households since 2000. About 2,500 of the SSM participant farms have been selected for monitoring. Resource constraints preclude sampling and analysis on non-SSM farms as controls. This study is based on the data from about 350 monitored farms on which SSMP practices have been fully adopted. Data from farms with procedural errors, gaps or inconsistencies were excised.The FYM and soils were sampled and analysed before the start of SSM to establish baselines, and to indicate FYM and soil conditions under traditional practices. The farms were re-sampled and analysed after one, two or three years of SSM. FYM heaps were sampled at about six randomised points, thoroughly mixed, and bulked. A subsample was analysed for moisture content by oven drying at 1050C, and was then air-dried, pestle-ground, and analysed for Total N by Kjeldhal (Subedi et al. 2008, Bajracharya 2009). Topsoils (0 – 15 cm) were hoe sampled on a randomised ‘W’ pattern of 5–10 points and bulked (Subedi 2000, Jaishy and Subedi 2000). An air-dried and ground pestle-subsample was analysed for: pH in a 1:2.5 suspension in water; organic matter by Walkley–Black; total nitrogen by Kjeldahl; available phosphorus was extracted with sodium bicarbonate (Olsen) and assayed colorimetrically with molybdenum blue; and available potassium was extracted with ammonium acetate and assayed by flame photometry (Bajracharya 2009). Statistical analyses Inter-annual differences in the pre-SSM contents of N in the FYM and pre-SSM nutrient contents of the soils were examined by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pre- and post-SSM comparisons were by‘t’ tests for dependent samples. Associations between variables were examined by Pearson correlations. Because some data have somewhat non-normal distributions, effects were retested using Wilcoxon for comparison of dependent samples, and Spearman for rank correlations. All statistical analyses used Statistica Version 9. 70 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and discussion FYM and soilnutrients Preliminary indications of temporal drift in some baseline variables were tested by oneway ANOVA of the pre-SSM data. There were highly significant (p < 0.001) differences between the pre-SSM N contents of FYM sampled in different years with markedly lower pre-SSM values for 2000. There are also significant (p < 0.01) interannual differences in 2001-2006 pre-SSM data, but these appear to be more stochastic than clinal. ANOVA of pre-SSM topsoil pH, organic matter, N and P showed no significant inter-annual variations, but pre-SSM contents of K in soils sampled in 2000 were significantly higher than for other years (Table 1). The inter-annual difference in pre-SSM K between topsoils sampled 2002 and 2003 was not significant. Figure 1: Location of study areas, highlighting districts where topsoil monitoring was undertaken between 2000–2006. 71 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Inter-annual variation in pre-SSM baseline Total N in FYM and Available K in monitored topsoils. FYM-N Topsoil Available K (K2O) Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 Significance of inter-annual ANOVA n 161 15 41 22 p< 0.001** Mean, % 0.795a 1.124b 1.018b 1.339c n 261 16 50 p< 0.01** Mean, mgkg-1 474b 363a 334a - Values with different letter superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05 N contents of FYM increased substantially and significantly in three of the five series and also in aggregate (Table 2). The most marked increase was for the series starting in 2000, and this may be exaggerated by unduly low pre-SSM values. The SSM effects in the series starting in 2003 and 2006 were smaller and non-significant. There were marked increases in topsoil contents of organic matter (SOM), total N and, to a lesser extent, available P after SSM (Table 3). The largest and most consistent effect was for topsoil SOM, which increased in all series and in aggregate. In four of the six data sets the increases were significant (p<0.05), as confirmed by Wilcoxon. The pattern for topsoil total N was similar but slightly less consistent, with significant increases in aggregate and in three series, a non-significant increase in one series, and a small but significant decrease in the fifth. The effects on topsoil available P were inconsistent, with significant increases in aggregate and in two series and insignificant decreases in the other three. Table 2: Increases in total N in FYM after SSM. Series Interval N of Total N, % (y) sites Start End mean mean 2000 – 1 1 129 0.761 0.994 Increase % and % sites with significance increase 31*** 69 2000 – 3 65*** 2003 – 6 2006 – 7 All 3 3 1 1–3 32 41 22 225 0.976 1.018 1.339 0.895 1.610 1.094 1.348 1.138 ‘t’ test significance of differences between means 7 ns ns <1 27*** ** p < 0.001 81 51 50 67 ns p > 0.05 Soil pH values varied little, with no significant SSM effects (Table 4). This was expected, as the addition of high quality FYM is likely to increase SOM respiration, 72 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop and the associated acidity will tend to offset the addition of bases. Also pH is measured on a logarithmic scale, and is intrinsically less variable than the other variables (Bakeret al. 1981). There were significant decreases in soil K in three series and in aggregate, a non-significant decrease in the fourth, and a small but significant increase in the fifth (Table 4). The decreases may be exaggerated by inflated pre-SSM values in 2000 (Table 1). However, the decreases in the other series were similar to those for 2000, suggesting that the differences are real. Soil physical properties Nutrient availability and uptake are affected by the physical structure of the soil, which can thus modify fertiliser benefits. The farmers were asked whether they noticed differences in soil physical characteristics after adopting SSM practices. About two thirds reported easier tillage, increased moisture availability, better soil aggregation, and decreased crusting and clodding. Some particularly mentioned improved crops in drier periods. Discussion This study exemplifies some recurrent methodological features of on-farm research in developing countries. The most positive and important is that participation by farmers and field level extension workers imparts a sense of ownership in the implementation and the results. Another positive feature is that the practices are investigated under farm conditions and with the resources available in everyday life. As most field operations are done by the farmer, the research is relatively cheap, enabling large numbers of cases. The improved confidence imparted by large ‘n’ values helps offset the inevitably high inter-operator variability. One of the disadvantages is the skewing of participation towards better educated and more successful farmers. Even if the group is initially representative, it often ends up weighted towards the more accessible, enterprising, aware, and wealthy farmers, because poorly-resourced farmers are disproportionately affected by logistical problems and are more likely to drop out. The wastage means that the researcher has limited control of the statistical and spatial distributions in the final data set. The other disadvantage particular to this study is the lack of samples from non-SSM farms as controls. We use the pre-SSM data for comparison, but this is less satisfactory than synchronous controls. Another concern in this study is the possible drift in the laboratory analyses of N in FYM and K in soils. The inter-annual variability of preSSM N contents in FYM and particularly the low values for samples collected in 2000 may reflect fluctuations in climate, crop growth and the litter quality of crop residues from preceding years, but there may be some methodological drift. This may also contribute to the elevation of the 2000 pre-SSM topsoil K values for 2000. Despite these caveats, our results show convincing responses to SSM. The protection of the FYM heaps may reduce losses and slightly increase the volume of FYM, but the substantial effects observed are attributed mainly to improved FYM management and quality. Total N in the FYM is improved by SSM but the effect is erratic when 73 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop allowance is made for the low baseline levels in 2000. The clearest SSM effect in topsoils is for SOM but the increases for topsoil total N are almost as high and consistent, as is to be expected from the strong and long-known association between these attributes (Bishwakarma et al. 2014, Jenkinson 1990). SSM has a positive effect on topsoil concentrations of available P overall, but the effect is erratic. The small but significant and more or less consistent decrease in soil K after SSM was unexpected, as the FYM contains K, and its incorporation should result in an enlargement of the K pool in the soil. K is readily adsorbed on to organic matter (Krauss and Johnson 2002), and the elevated SOM may adsorb some of the existing K as well as that added in the FYM. However, this explanation is not corroborated by the positive correlation between SOM and available K. The high positive correlation between SOM and N confirms expectations that N status is largely determined by the organic matter. The lower but still significant correlations of P and K with SOM suggest that these nutrients benefit from the improved quality of the FYM as well as from its quantity. 74 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table3:Increases in topsoil OM, N and P after SSM. Interval (y) Series 2000 1 2000 2 2000 3 2002 5 2003 6 – – – – – Overall nos. of sites Soil organic matter,% Available P205, mg kg-1 Total N, % Start mean end mean Increase % and significance % sites with increase start mean end mean Increase % and significance % sites with increase start mean end mean Increase % and significance % sites with increase 1 88 2.82 3.44 22*** 65 0.143 0.179 25*** 59 26.21 39.02 49*** 66 2 130 3.65 3.91 7ns 56 0.194 0.201 4ns 54 35.37 36.21 2ns 55 3 43 3.04 3.86 27*** 72 0.157 0.225 43* 63 21.59 17.64 –18ns 53 3 16 3.34 3.39 1ns 62 0.179 0.169 – 6* 25 26.88 24.46 – 9ns 31 3 50 3.59 4.05 13* 66 0.181 0.202 12** 70 28.73 37.51 31** 62 1–3 327 3.32 3.77 14*** 63 0.172 0.197 16*** 62 29.77 34.16 15* 56 ’ test significance of differences between means *** p < 0.001 75 ** p < 0.01 * p < 0.05 ns p > 0.05 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 4: Changes in top-soil pH and available K after SSM. Series Span (years) nos. of sites Available K20, mg kg-1 pH (1:2.5 water) Start mean End mean 2000–2001 2000 – 2002 2000 – 2003 2002 –2005 2003 – 2006 1 2 3 3 3 88 130 43 16 50 5.99 5.94 5.41 5.87 5.77 5.94 6.04 5.94 5.74 5.67 Increase % and significance – 1ns 2* 10*** – 2 ns – 2 ns All 1–3 327 5.85 5.93 1ns t’ test significance of difference between means % sites with increase 51 57 86 25 48 Start mean End mean Increase % and significance % sites increase 481 472 468 363 334 388 501 373 309 235 – 19** 6ns – 20* – 15ns – 30** 30 51 28 56 30 56 448 404 – 10* 38 *** p < 0.001 76 ** p < 0.01 * p < 0.05 with ns p > 0.05 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion Despite their limitations, large on-farm studies can contribute to our understanding of the effects of changes in soil management. In the Middle Hills of Nepal, this study indicates that management of FYM to improve its quality has beneficial effects on topsoil contents of organic matter, total N and possibly available P. Acknowledgements We would like to thank staff of local NGOs and the Sustainable Soil Management Programme for field sampling, the Agricultural Technology Centre Laboratory for chemical analyses; the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for long term funding, and HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation for management support and guidance; and of course the farmers with whom we work. References Bajracharya DL. 2009. Soil Analysis Manual. Agricultural Technology Centre, Lalitpur. Baker AS, S Kuo, and YM Chae. 1981. Comparison of arithmetic average soil pH values with pH values of composite samples. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 45: 828 – 829. Bishwakarma BK, NR Dahal, R Allen, NP Rajbhandari, BK Dhital, DB Gurung, RM Bajracharya and IC Baillie. 2014. Effects of improved management and quality of farmyard manure on soil organic carbon contents in small-holder farming systems of the Middle Hills of Nepal. Climate and Development. Accessed in 5 March 2014 from Gautam RP, S Vaidya and HB Sharma. 2004. District Development Profile of Nepal 2004. Informal Sector Research and Study Center, Kathmandu. Jaishy SN and TB Subedi. 2000. Procedures for Soil Sampling and Analysis. Soil Testing and Service Section, Lalitpur. Jenkinson DS. 1990. Turnover of organic matter and nitrogen in soil. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, B 329. Pp. 361–368. Joshi KD, A Vaidya, PP Subedi, SP Bhattarai, KD Subedi, DP Rasali, MRS Suwal, JK Tuladhar, U Phuyal, and CN Floyd. 1995. Soil fertility system analysis in relation to temperate fruit crops in high hills and inner Himalayan region of Western Nepal. Working Paper 94/50, Agricultural Research Centre, Lumle. Krauss A and AE Johnston. 2002. Assessing soil potassium, can we do better? 9th International Congress of Soil Science, Faisalabad. Pariyar D. 2008. Country Pasture and Forage Resource Profile. FAO, Kathmandu. Accessed in 26 February 201 4 from Nepal.pdf Shah PB. 1996. Soil fertility and erosion based unsustainability concerns in Nepal. In: Proc. of soil fertility and plant nutrition management workshop. Soil Science Division, Kathmandu. SSMP. 2009. Farmer profiles from the Mid-hills of Nepal. Volume 1. Sustainable Soil Management Programme, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. 77 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SSMP. 2010. Farmer profiles from the Mid-hills of Nepal.Volume 2. Sustainable Soil Management Programme, Kathmandu. Shrestha RK. 1992. Agro-ecosystem of the Mid-Hills. In:Sustainable livestock production in the mountain agro-ecosystem of Nepal. Animal Production and Health Paper 105. JB Abington (ed.). FAO, Kathmandu. Accessed in 26 February 2014 from Subedi K, S Jaisi, TB Subedi, SN Mandal and BK Dhital. 2008. Sampling techniques of farmyard manure and compost manure. Soil Management Directorate, Agriculture Department, Kathmandu. Subedi K. 2000. Soil sampling techniques. Sustainable Soil Management Training Manual. Sustainable Soil Management Programme, Kathmandu. SMD. 2014. Annual Report 2070/71 (2013/014). Soil Management Directorate, Department of Agriculture, Harihar Bhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal. 78 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-5 Use of Optical Sensor for In-Season Nitrogen Management and Grain Yield Prediction in Maize Bandhu R B and Parbati A National Maize Research Program (NARC), Rampur, Chitwan Abstract Precision agriculture technologies have developed optical sensors which can determine plant’s normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI).To evaluate the relationship between maize grain yield and early season NDVI readings, an experiment was conducted at farm land of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan during winter season of 2012. Eight different levels of N 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 N kg ha-1 were applied for hybrid maize RML 32 X RML 17 to study grain yield response and NDVI measurement. Periodic NDVI was measured at 10 days interval from 55 days after sowing (DAS) to 115 DAS by using Green seeker hand held crop sensor. Periodic NDVI measurement taken at a range of growing degree days (GDD) was critical for predicting grain yield potential. Poor exponential relationship existed between NDVI from early reading measured before 208 GDD (55 DAS) and grain yield. At the 261GDD (65DAS) a strong relationship (R2 = 0.70) was observed between NDVI and grain yield. Later sensor measurements after 571 GDD (95DAS) failed to distinguish variation in green biomass as a result of canopy closure. N level had significantly influenced on NDVI reading, measured grain yield, calculated in season estimated yield (INSEY), predicted yield with added N (YPN), response index (RI) and grain N demand. Measuring NDVI reading by GDD (261–571 GDD) allow a practical window of opportunity for side dress N applications. This study showed that yield potential in maize could be accurately predicted in season with NDVI measured with the Green Seeker Crop Sensor. Key ord :GDD grain N demand INSEY NDVI, response index. Introduction Nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient for crop production and has the greatest effect on grain yield. Crop response to applied N is an important criterion for evaluating crop N requirement for maximum economic yield (Fageria et al. 2005). The management of N plays a key role in improving crop quality (Campbell et al. 1995) and optimal N management will be influenced by crop type and crop rotation (Grant et al. 2002). Previous research has shown that nitrogen (N) availability depends on seasonal changes in soil water content, temperature, soil structure, and organic matter distribution (Ranells and Wagger 1992). Fageria et al. (2005) stated that improving nitrogen use efficiency is desirable to improve crop yields, reduce cost of production, 79 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop and maintain environmental quality. Determination of the extent to which the crop will respond to additional N can help the farmers to apply only what is needed. There have been numerous studies that showed high correlations between certain vegetation indices developed from spectral observations and plant stand parameters such as plant height, percent ground cover by vegetation, and plant population (Raun et al. 2005 and Stone et al. 1996). NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is used widely for mapping plant growth. NDVI is defined as (NIR - Red) / (NIR + Red). The Red and NIR values represent the reflectance in the Red and NIR bands, respectively. Researchers at Oklahoma State University have developed an algorithm for maize nitrogen fertilization based on optical sensors. The N fertilizer rates depends on making an in-season estimate of the potential or predicted yield, determining the yield response to additional nitrogen fertilizer, and finally calculating N required obtaining that additional yield (Raun et al. 2005). Materials and methods The experiment was conducted at the farm land of National Maize Research Program (NMRP), Rampur, Chitwan. NMRP is located in between 27⁰40’ N latitude and 84⁰19’ E longitude and an altitude of 228 m above mean sea level in the inner terai (Siwalik Dun Valley). The experiment was carried out during the September to February of 2013. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Eight different levels of N (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 kg N ha-1) were applied for grain yield and NDVI measurement. Hybrid maize RML32 X RML-17 was planted in 12 sq. m plot with the row to row spacing 60 cm and 25 cm plant to plant spacing. Soil sampling was done before sowing and analyzed for total N, available P, available K, Soil Organic matter and pH. The soil type was Ustic Psamments (USDA classification) and was alluvial sandy loam in texture. The initial total N content was low (0.052%), available P was high (254 kg ha-1), available K was medium (155 kg ha-1), soil organic matter was low (1.57%) and very strongly acidic in pH (5.2). Plant Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was measured in each plot using a Green Seeker hand held Crop Sensor (NTech Industries, USA). Previous research showed that NDVI is an excellent measure of plant growth and N requirements (Raun et al.2005). In order to generate the algorithm, planting and emergence dates were recorded and used to compute the number of days from planting to sensing in each zone. For this method, we eliminated those days where Growing Degree Days (GDD) were equal or less than zero. The GDD values were calculated as: GDD = [(Tmin + Tmax)/2] – 10°C; where, Tmin and Tmax are the minimum and maximum temperatures, respectively. In Season Estimated Yield (INSEY), which is the yield with no added N, was calculated by dividing the plant NDVI by the number of days from planting to sensing (where GDD > 0). The Response Index (RI) was calculated by dividing the average NDVI readings from the high N plots by the average NDVI readings in the plots without N application. The predicted yield with added nitrogen (YPN) and grain N demand was calculated as described by Raun et al. (2002). 80 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Linear and nonlinear regression models were used to determine the relationships between grain yield and NDVI using Genstat. Results and Discussion N level, NDVI and grain yield Grain yield was significantly increased with applied N fertilizer (Table 2). Maximum grain yield was produced with 180 kg N ha-1 which indicated that increased in more than 180 kg N ha-1 had no yield benefit. The grain yield and NDVI measured in periodic interval showed a good correlation with grain yield and NDVI reading measured (Table 1 and Figure 1a). The NDVI reading was higher with increased N applied treatment (Figure 1b). The sensor reading taken at different date from planting to sensing date were calculated and described here as GDD. The NDVI measured at 261 GDD (65 DAS) showed a better fit among different GDD with r2 =0.78 (Figure 2). Measured higher NDVI reading to a limit had increased grain yield in RML-32 X RML-17 hybrid variety of maize at Chitwan condition. High correlations of early season NDVI readings with the plant biomass were also shown in the research conducted by Stone et al. (1996). Growth stage was a major factor in predicting yield potential. Regression analysis showed that weak exponential relationships occurred between NDVI and grain yield when sensor measurements were taken too early or too late (Table 1). This was probably a result of the failure in distinguishing the NDVI reading. However, a strong relationship between yield and NDVI was achieved at 261 GDD (Figure1a) with an r2 value of 0.70. Later sensor measurement (at 571 GDD and later) relationships with grain yield were similar to earlier (before 208 GDD) comparisons, where yield potential was not accurately determined (Table 2). Due to canopy closure influence on the sensor field of view, the later NDVI readings were unable to distinguish variation, similar to research findings for other remote sensing techniques measuring NDVI (Vin˜a et al. 2004). 81 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 7 y = 12.43x1.228 R² = 0.70 6 Grain yield (t ha-1) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 NDVI Figure: 1(a): Relationship between NDVI and grain yield y = -7E-06x2 + 0.002x + 0.291 R² = 0.61 0.6 0.5 NDVI 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 30 60 90 120 N kg ha-1 applied Fig. 1(b): nitrogen doses applied and NDVI 82 150 180 210 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Correlation between NDVI measured at different days after sowing and otherParameters. GY NDVI -115 NDVI -105 NDVI -95 NDVI -85 NDVI -75 NDVI -65 NDVI -55 DM105 DM75 0.17 0.48 0.03 GY NDVI-115 0.39 NDVI-105 0.71 0.12 NDVI-95 0.60 -0.10 0.65 NDVI-85 0.78 0.07 0.52 0.43 NDVI-75 0.74 -0.08 0.78 0.75 0.63 NDVI-65 0.78 0.05 0.56 0.60 0.54 0.70 NDVI-55 0.42 -0.09 0.41 0.60 0.27 0.62 0.56 DM-105 0.73 0.40 0.51 0.42 0.14 0.60 0.57 0.31 DM-75 0.10 -0.12 0.15 0.31 -0.15 0.07 0.17 0.17 SY 0.74 0.26 0.30 0.43 0.51 0.37 0.59 0.38 Predicted grain yield, response index and grain N demand The predicted grain yields, INSEY, response index and grain N demand were significantly varied with N levels. The established relationship between the harvested grain yields and calculated INSEY showed a high correlation between yields and INSEY in this study (Figure 2).The INSEY index estimates the plant biomass produced per day when growth was possible. Furthermore, Raun et al. (2002) showed that the plant NDVI readings and calculated INSEY can be used to predict grain yields. The INSEY was increased with increased N doses upto 120 kg N ha-1 after that not much varied (Table 3). The highest INSEY was recorded at 447 GDD which revealed that maximum greenness was obtained during that growth period. At early stage and later stage (before 261 GDD and after 571 GDD) the INSEYs were low and not much varied with N levels. This might be due to poor canopy cover and low chlorophyll content in leaves. The response index is the ratio of NDVI to without N and N rich plot. The RI indicates the fertilizer response to added N fertilizer and was explained by Johnson and Raun (2003). The RI was significantly affected with the N level and maximum RI was recorded at 120 kg N ha-1 applied and followed by 180 kg N ha-1 applied treatment. The maximum RI value of 1.84 indicated that 84% more grain yield can be obtained in comparison to without N fertilizer treatment with 120 kg N ha-1 with NDVI reading prediction (Table 2). The predicted grain yield was calculated with the RI. The Predicted grain yield was consistent only up to 120 kg N ha-1 after that inconsistent with applied N to the soil which indicates that the N applied was not used 83 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop efficiently or poor N use efficiency which indicated that major applied N lost to the environment and we should improve N application in time or methods or rate. The grain production N demand was significantly affected with N level; however, it was based on predicted grain yield production. This results showed that for the maximum grain yield of 4.75 ton ha-1 production requires 59.8 kg N ha-1 available during in season. That amount was only for grain N demand but not for stover. Table 2: Nitrogen level, measured grain yield, predicted grain yield, response index and grain N Demand. S.N N level, Measured Predicted grain Response GrainN demand, kg ha-1 grain yield, yield (YPN), index (RI) kg ha-1 -1 -1 t ha t ha 1 0 2.21 2.61 0.00 2 30 3.43 3.23 1.25 17.32 3 60 4.47 4.29 1.65 47.00 4 90 4.24 3.70 1.42 30.51 5 120 5.04 4.75 1.84 59.80 6 150 5.24 4.07 1.58 40.66 7 180 5.55 4.70 1.80 58.35 8 210 F-test 5.45 ** 4.57 * 1.77 * 54.65 ** LSD 1.00 0.85 0.37 23.9 CV,% 12.8 12.2 12.1 35.5 **=Highly significant, *= significant and ns= non-significant. 84 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 8 Grain yield (t ha-1) 6 y = 598.6x0.935 R² = 0.21 y = 1730.x1.230 y = 4E+12x5.951 R² = 0.61 y = 4107.x1.397 R² = 0.70 R² = 0.52 340GDD 4 261GDD 2 208GDD y = 3E+08x3.853 R² = 0.42 571GDD 0 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.011 INSEY Figure 2: Relationship between in season estimated yield (INSEY) calculated at different GDD and grain yield. Table 3: Effect of nitrogen level on in-season estimated yield (INSEY) measured at different GDD. S.N. N INSEY level, kg ha-1 208 261 340 447 571 696 840 GDD GDD GDD GDD GDD GDD GDD 1 0 0.0042 0.0050 0.0054 0.0092 0.0079 0.0076 0.0068 2 30 0.0048 0.0063 0.0066 0.0096 0.0086 0.0079 0.0066 3 60 0.0055 0.0083 0.0075 0.0100 0.0090 0.0081 0.0068 4 90 0.0051 0.0071 0.0074 0.0097 0.0091 0.0081 0.0068 5 120 0.0059 0.0092 0.0076 0.0102 0.0091 0.0081 0.0068 6 150 0.0044 0.0079 0.0075 0.0100 0.0089 0.0082 0.0071 7 180 0.0052 0.0091 0.0087 0.0103 0.0091 0.0083 0.0068 8 210 0.0060 0.0094 0.0087 0.0101 0.0090 0.0081 0.0068 F** * * * * * ns test LSD 0.0012 0.0016 0.0010 0.0005 0.0005 0.0002 CV, 12.4 12.3 8.4 2.9 5.3 1.7 3.3 **=Highly significant, *= significant and ns= non-significant. 85 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion Measuring NDVI reading by GDD (261–571 GDD) allow a practical window of opportunity for side dress N applications. This study showed that yield potential in maize could be predicted in season with NDVI measured with the Green Seeker crop sensor. References Campbell CA, RJK Myers and D Curtin. 1995. Managing nitrogen for sustainable crop production. Fert. Res. 42: 277–296. Fageria NK, VC Baligar and BA Bailey. 2005. Role of cover crops in improving soil and row crop productivity. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36:2733-2757. Grant CA, GA Peterson and CA Campbell. 2002. Nutrient considerations for diversified cropping systems in the Northern Great Plains. Agron. J. 94: 186-198. Johnson GV and WR Raun. 2003. Nitrogen response index as a guide to fertilizer management. J. Plant Nutr. 26: 249–262. Ranells NN and MG Wagger. 1992. Nitrogen release from crimson clover in relation to plant growth stage and composition. Agron. J. 84:424-430. Raun WR, JB Solie, GV Johnson, ML Stone, RW Mullen, KW Freeman, WE Thomason and EV Lukina.2002. Improving nitrogen use efficiency in cereal grain production with optical sensing and variable rate application. Agron. J. 94 (4): 815-820. Raun WR, JB Solie, ML Stone, KL Martin, KW Freeman, RW Mullen, H Zhang, JS Schepers, and GV Johnson. 2005. Optical sensor based algorithm for crop nitrogen fertilization. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36: 2759-2781. Stone ML, JB Solie, WR Raun, RW Whitney, SL Taylor and JD Ringer 1996. Use of spectral radiance for correcting in-season fertilizer nitrogen deficiencies in winter wheat. Trans. ASAE . 39 (5): 1623–1631. Vin˜a A, AA Gitelson, DC Rundquist, G Keydan, B Leavitt and J Schepers.2004. Monitoring maize (Zea mays L.) phenology with remote sensing. Agric. J. 96: 1139– 1147. 86 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-6 Effect of Long-term Application of Organic Manures and Inorganic Fertilizers on Soil Properties and Yield of Rice and Wheat under RiceWheat System Narayan Khatri, Ram D Yadav, Nawal K Yadav, Surya N Sah and Kulananda Mishra NARC, Abstract A long-term fertility experiment in rice-wheat system was initiated in 1997/98 to study the effects of application of different combinations of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on soil properties and crop yield of rice and wheat in at National Rice Research Program, Hardinath, Dhanusha. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with twelve treatments replicated three times. Recent two years statistical analysis revealed that the use of 100:30:30 kg ha-1of N:P2O5:K2O produced significantly higher grain yield of rice (3.02 t ha-1) followed by 150:45:45 N:P2O5:K2O of kg ha-1 (3.00 t ha-1) and 100:30:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O +25 kg ZnSo4 (2.99 t ha-1). But, in case of wheat significantly higher grain yield was found with the application of FYM @10 t ha-1 (2.59 t ha-1) followed by 100:50:30 kg ha-1 of N:P2O5:K2O (2.02 t ha-1) and 150:75:45kg ha-1 of N:P2O5:K2O (1.99 t ha-1). A sharp decline in rice and wheat yields was noted in minus Nand P K treatments during recent years. The findings showed that the productivity of the rice and wheat can be increased and sustained by improving nutrient through the judicious use of organic and inorganic manures in long in Nepal. Keywords: Judicious use of organic manures, long-term soil fertility, rice and wheat, yield. Introduction Rice-wheat system is one of the major cropping systems in Nepal whereas rice and wheat occupy 1.5 and 0.76 Million ha, respectively and are grown in succession on more than 0.56 Million ha which accounts 37 % of the rice and 85 % of wheat area in Nepal (Tripathi et al. 2002). Rice – wheat system occupies one fourth of the total cropped area and provides food, income and employment to Nepalese people. Wheat is the third important food grain crop in Nepal after rice and maize. Since fertilizer is an expensive and precious input, determination of an appropriate dose of application that would be both economical and appropriate to enhance crop productivity, soil health and consequent profit of the grower under given situation needs intensive study. Farmers use chemical fertilizer in different doses in different methods. The application of fertilizer either in excess or in less than optimum rate affects soil health, yield and quality of crop to remarkable extent, hence proper management of both organic and inorganic fertilizer is of immense importance (Meena et al. 2003). In most long-term 87 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop experiments, a combination of mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure has generally given the best crop yield and soil quality (Wang et al.2004, Chalk et al. 2003). Since, the beneficial effects of long run use of organic manure incorporation and detrimental effects of imbalance fertilizers have been reported by several workers, elsewhere. Therefore, one of the most promising means for increasing yield and improving soil quality in the rice-wheat system is to develop alternative nutrient management practices. Keeping in the view of above facts, this long-term fertility trial in Ricewheat system was initiated to assess the effect of long-term application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on grain yield of rice and wheat under rice-wheat system. Materials and Methods A long-term fertility trial under rice-wheat-fallow cropping pattern has been carrying out since 1997/98 at Research Farm of NRRP, Hardinath. In this paper, the record of recent two year data are presented and interpreted. The experiment was carried out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) consisting of twelve treatments with three replication in each year. Details of treatment are given in Table 1. Urea, DAP, MOP and ZnSo4 as inorganic fertilizer were taken for study whereas sources of organic manures was FYM only. Varieties used in rice and wheat were Sabitri and Bhrikuti respectively. As regards to the fertilizers use, whole dose of P2O5, K2O, ZnSo4 and half dose of N2 were applied as basal dose and remaining half N was top dressed at 30-35 days after planting crops whereas FYM was applied about two weeks before planting. Rice was planted at a spacing of 20 cm X 20 cm while wheat was sown in rows of 25 cm apart. Each individual plot size was of 25 m2. All the required cultural practices i.e. irrigation, weeding, and plant protection measures were adopted as per need. The plant height, tillers no/m2, grain yield and straw yield of each treatment were recorded. After recording data, data were put in Microsoft excel and analyzed by using Genstat program. Table 1:Treatment details of long-term fertility experiment. Treatments Rice Wheat T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 00:00:00 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:00:00 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:30:00 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:00:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:30:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:30:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 50:15:15 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 150:45:45 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 FYM @ 10 t ha-1 100:30:30 +25 kg ZnSO4ha-1 FYM @ 10 t ha-1+50 kg Nha-1 Wheat stubble (15 cm) +50 kg ha-1 88 00:00:00 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:00:00 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:50:00 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:00:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:00:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:50:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 50:25:15 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 150:75:45 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 FYM @ 10t ha-1 100:50:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:50:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 100:50:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and Discussion Analysis of two mean year data showed (Table 2) that tillers number m-1, grain yield and straw yield except plant height were significantly differed with different treatments in rice. The highest tillers number m-1 (174) was recorded in treatment T8 (150:45:45 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1), T5 (100:30:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) which was at par with T6 (100:30:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1). Table 2: Plant height, tillers no/m2, grain yield and straw yield of rice in a long term fertility experiment conducted at NRRP, Hardinath (Mean of 2013/14 and 2014/15). Grain yield, Treatments Plant height, cm Tillers no sq.m-1 Straw yield,t ha-1 t ha-1 T1 159 143 1.71 2.37 T2 177 154 2.25 3.59 T3 215 152 2.53 3.91 T4 148 164 2.45 3.71 T5 176 174 2.81 4.11 T6 207 173 3.02 4.20 T7 167 142 2.34 3.01 T8 192 174 3.00 3.61 T9 152 143 2.77 3.51 T10 192 159 2.99 3.48 T11 167 162 2.88 3.49 T12 165 143 2.08 2.78 F test ns ** ** ** LSD 0.05 61.68 4.01 0.41 0.65 CV, % 20.5 1.5 9.3 11.7 Grand mean 176 157 2.57 3.49 Statistical analysis showed that the highest grain yield of rice (3.02 t ha-1) was produced with the application of 100:30:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1(T6), which was differed significantly over many treatments, having imbalance fertilizers. The grain yield obtained from treatment T6 was found at par with the yield of T8 (3.00 t ha-1) and T10 (2.99 t ha-1). Significantly, highest straw yield was recorded with the application of 100:30:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1in rice. In case of wheat, heading days, maturity days, grain yield and straw yield were significantly influenced due to different treatments (Table 3). Heading days was found significantly earlier of 90 days in treatments T6 (100:50:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) and T9 (FYM @ 10 t ha-1) but maturity days was found significantly longer of 122 days in treatment T9 (FYM @ 10 t ha-1). Significantly the highest grain yield of (2.59 t ha-1) was produced with the application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1 followed by 100:50:30 89 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 (2.04 t ha-1). Highest straw yield of 2.81 t/ha was also recorded with the application of 10 t ha-1FYM. Table 3: Heading days, maturity days, plant height, tillers no/m2, grain yield and straw yield of wheat in a long term fertility experiment conducted at NRRP, Hardinath (Mean of 2012/13 and 2013/14). Treatments Heading, days Maturity, days Plant height, cm Tillers nos. m-1 Grainyield, t ha-1 Straw yield,t ha-1 T1 91 120 78 171 0.9 1.33 T2 91 120 80 183 1.19 1.50 T3 93 121 84 181 1.37 1.69 T4 91 119 83 193 1.66 2.25 T5 91 120 84 174 1.34 1.88 T6 90 121 94 193 2.02 2.18 T7 92 121 87 171 1.75 2.05 T8 92 121 97 213 1.99 2.14 T9 90 122 95 212 2.59 2.81 T10 91 121 88 225 2.04 2.50 T11 T12 92 120 88 177 1.78 2.01 F test LSD 0.05 CV, % Grand mean 91 121 85 178 1.38 1.83 * ** ns ns ** ** 1.88 1.25 0.54 0.55 1.20 0.70 17.2 16.2 91 121 1.67 2.01 7.8 15 87 189 -1 -1 The lowest yield of rice (1.71 t ha ) and wheat (0.9 t ha ) were produced in the control plot (no fertilizer). Combined effect of NPK was highly significant over N, N+P and N+K in both rice and wheat. However, nitrogen alone yielded at par with N+P and N+K treated plots. Conclusion In Baniniya, Hardinath conditon, application of fertilizers @100:30:30 N:P2O5:K2O kgha-1 produced significantly highest grain yield of rice but highest grain yield of wheat was obtained with the application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1in rice-wheat system. Aknowledgement We would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to Mr. N.K. Yadav, coordinator of NRRP, Hardinath for his guidance and providing technical input for conducting this experiment. The contributions made by all related scientists and personnels in carrying out the experiments are highly acknowledged. 90 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Reference Chalk PM, LK Heng and P Moutonnet.2003. Nitrogen fertilization and its environmental impact. In: Proc.of 12th International World Fertilizer Congress. Beijing, China. Pp. 1-15. Meena SL, SSurendra, YS Shivay and S Singh. 2003. Response of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa) to nitrogen and potassium application in sandy clay loam soils. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 73(1): 8- 11. Tripathi J, D Bhandari, Scott Justice, NK Shakya, TP Kharel and R Sishodia. 2002. Resource Conservation Technologies for Wheat Production in Rice-Wheat System. In: Proc. of 25th National Winter Crops Workshop. Wang KR, Liu X, Zhou WJ, Xie XL, Buresh RJ.2004. Effects of nutrient recycling on soil fertility and sustainable rice production. J. of Agro-Environ. Sci. 23: 10411045. 91 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-7 Nutrient management experiment in wheat – common bean system at high hills condition in Nepal Laxman Lal Shrestha1, Gautam Shrestha2 1 NARC, Agricultural Research Station, Vijayanagar, `Jumla 2 Regional Agricultural Research Station, Khajura, Banke Abstract The long-term experiment in wheat (Triticum aestivum) – common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cropping system was initiated in Vijayanagar, Jumla since 2010. With six different doses of nutrient and three replications, research was designed in randomized complete blocks. Results showed that there was no significant change in soil chemical properties due to different nutrient treatments during the four years period. Plant height (p value <0.02) and grain yield (p value <0.001) were significantly different among the treatments in both wheat and common bean. Number of tillers per square meter was significant (p value = 0.000) in wheat crop. Pods per plant and pod length (cm) was significant (p value = 0.000) in common bean crop. Trend analysis results showed that there was significant (p value <0.01) decline (slope > – 0.50) of soil organic matter content from soil in all treatments except treatment with application of farmyard manure 30 t ha-1. There was significant (p value <0.01) decline (slope > – 250.0) in wheat grain yield in all treatments. Regression analysis revealed there was significant (p value = 0.000) decrease (slope = – 57.3) in soil available phosphorus with increase in soil pH. Increase in soil organic matter content caused significant increase (p value = 0.004, slope = 18.40) in soil available phosphorus but significant decrease (p value = 0.022, slope = – 26.30) in soil available potassium. From the results, a sustainable option from soil productivity perspective was application of farmyard manure 30 t ha-1. Keywords: high hills domain, soil fertility, integrated nutrient management experiment. Introduction Long term experiments are continued in different ecological domains of Nepal. Different fertiliser doses for wheat crop were revealed to be not a sustainable increase in grain yield and maintaining soil fertility (Regmi et al. 2002, Gami et al. 2001, Shrestha and Chaudhary 2015). Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is known by different names such as Rajma or French bean or Green bean or Kidney bean or Snap bean or Haricot bean or Navy bean. It is a staple grain legume crop in Karnali region, Nepal (Bhujel et al. 2014)used 92 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop for soup (daal) purpose. Rajma bean is a summer crop in high hills cultivated after wheat harvest. As both crops are staple food crops in high hills, increase in productivity of both crops can contribute in the food security in the Karnali region. This experiment was conducted in Jumla to get optimum grain yield from wheat and common bean cropping system in long-term. Though, Jumla is regulated as organic district – knowledge of different nutrient requirements will help in combining different organic manures to fulfil the crop demand to get optimum yield. Materials and methods Research domain This research was conducted in Agriculture Research Station, Vijayanagar, Jumla which is located in the mid-western development region. It represents high hill region, and located at an altitude of 2290 meters above sea level (masl) in the country and use to get snowfall during the winter. With temperate climate, there was total annual rainfall of 650 mm in 2014 (Tutiempo-Network, 2015). Maximum temperature of 28.5°C occurred in the month of June and minimum temperature of -1.9°C happened in the month of February. There was highest amount of rainfall (201.17 mm) in the month of July and no raindrop in the month of November. Similarly, highest humidity was in the month of July (75.3%) and minimum humidity occurred in the month of December (36.2%). Experimental setup With six treatments (Table 1) and three replications, research layout design was randomized complete block (RCB). The plot size was 5 m x 2 m. In wheat (Triticum aestivum) – common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cropping system, wheat variety; Annapurna-1 was sown during the month of Kartik at the row to row distance of 25 cm. Due to snowfall wheat remained dormant during months of Poush and Magh. It took on an average 150 days to initiate heading and 180 days to get ready for harvest. Wheat was harvested during the month of Asar. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) variety PB0001 was sown during the month of Asar. The crop geometry was maintained 50 cm x 10 cm. Common bean was harvested in the month of Aashwin. It started flowering within 60 days of sowing and was ready for harvesting on an average 100 days after sowing. Farmyard manure was prepared locally collecting crop residue and application of effective micro-organisms (EM) solution to quicken the composting process. For wheat, half amount of nitrogen and full dose of phosphorus and potassium was applied as a basal dose and half amount of nitrogen was top dressed in the mid – tillering stage. In the case of common bean, half amount of nitrogen and full dose of phosphorus and potassium were applied as a basal dose and half dose of nitrogen during flowering period. 93 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil texture of the experimental site was sandy loam. Initial soil chemical analysis in 2010 revealed soil pH 5.5, organic matter content 3.103%, soil available phosphorus 102 kg P2O5 per hectare and soil available potassium 175 kg K2O per hectare. Table 1:Fertiliser dose for wheat and french bean at ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla. Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fertiliser dose (nutrient kg ha-1) Wheat N P2O5 K2O FYM t ha-1 ----100 50 25 6 120 55 30 6 130 60 35 6 140 65 40 6 ---30 Common bean N P2O5 --100 60 120 65 130 70 140 75 --- K2O -40 45 50 55 -- FYM t ha-1 -6 6 6 6 30 Data collection Data on agromonic parameters were collected for each crop. Parameters like days to heading/flowering, days to maturity, plant height (cm), plant per m2, panicle/pod length (cm), thousand/hundred grain weight (g) and grain yield (kg ha-1) were common for both wheat and common bean. Additionally, data on grains per panicle was collected for wheat and pods per plant and grains per pod were collected for common bean. The Soil samples were analysed to determine soil pH (1:1 soil:water solution), soil organic matter content (modified walkley black method), soil available phosphorus (spectrophotometer) and soil available potassium (ammonium acetate method). Data analysis Data were analysed using statistical software Rstudio version 0.98.1102. One way analysis of variance was conducted to determine effect of different treatments in agronomic parameters and soil characteristics. For significant results, posthoc analysis was done using highly significant difference (HSD) at 0.05 level of significance. Agronomic parameters and soil analysis results were performed trend analysis. Regression analysis was conducted to determine the role of soil parameters in grain yield. Similarly, regression analysis was performed to determine the role of soil organic matter in soil pH, soil available phosphorus and soil available potassium. Role of soil pH in soil available phosphorus and soil available potassium were also determined. Graphs were plotted using Sigmaplot version Results and discussion Soil properties There was no significant effect of treatments in the soil properties during 2011 to 2014 (Table 2). Compared with initial soil properties, soil pH, soil organic matter content and soil available potassium were increased in all treatments whereas soil available phosphorus was declined in all treatments. These results were on par with Rai and Khadka (2009), which revealed no significant effect of treatments in soil chemical properties except soil organic matter content (%) in the long-term experiment in paddy 94 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop – wheat cropping system at Khumaltar, Lalitpur initiated in 1993, data analysed from 1998 – 2002. Table 2: Soil properties in the wheat – common bean cropping system at ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla during 2012 to 2014. 6.3±0.1 Soil organic matter, % 3.23±0.21 Soil available P2O5, kg ha-1 59.3±8.2 Soil available K2O, kg ha-1 263.4±20.8 6.3±0.1 3.42±0.21 90.6±14.1 274.2±30.9 6.2±0.2 3.52±0.18 83.2±15.3 253.4±17.8 6.3±0.1 3.19±0.17 79.5±11.3 294.0±23.3 6.2±0.1 3.65±0.22 86.5±12.9 242.3±17.6 6.4±0.2 3.95±0.17 72.7±12.2 263.3±20.5 0.94 -8.3 0.074 -21.5 0.54 -61.4 0.68 -32.2 Treatment Soil pH 00-00-00 *100-(50,60)(25,40) + FYM 6 t ha-1 120-(55,65)-(30,45) + FYM 6 t ha-1 130-(60,70)-(35,50) + FYM 6 t ha-1 140-(65,75)-(40,55) + FYM 6 t ha-1 FYM 30 t ha-1 p value HSD value CV% *N-(P,P)-(K,K) in the nutrient dose, nitrogen amount is common for wheat and common bean; numbers in bold is for wheat crop and numbers in normal format is for common bean. Agronomic performance Wheat Among treatments, the highest dose of chemical fertiliser (140-65-40 kg N-P2O5-K2O + FYM t t ha-1) application produced highest grain yield of 2490 kg ha-1 which was 60% higher than control (Table 3). From application of FYM 30 t ha-1, mean grain yield of 2250 kg ha-1 was obtained compared to the highest chemical fertiliser dose. In Khumaltar, Lalitpur condition, for wheat variety Annapurna-2,Rai and Khadka (2009)revealed significant high grain yield of 2929 kg ha-1 with the application of 10040-30 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1. In Pakhribas, Dhankuta condition, Annapurna-1 variety produced 5010 kg ha-1 with the application of 60-30-30 kg N-P2O5-K2O + FYM 15 t ha-1 (Sherchan et al. 1999). Common bean There was a significantly higher grain yield (1490 kg ha-1) in the treatment with the highest chemical fertiliser dose (140-75-55 kg + FYM 6 t ha-1) and comparable yield with application of FYM 30 t ha-1(1250 kg ha-1). In contrast to these results Deibert (1995) found no significant difference in common bean variety 'C-20' grain yield due to phosphorus fertiliser application of either 0 or 90 kg ha-1 at Fargo, North Dakota, USA condition in different years. 95 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop In Rampur, Chitwan condition, Shrestha et al. (2015) found common bean variety PDR-14 produced grain yield of 662 kg ha-1 with the application of 120-40-40 kg NP2O5-K2O ha-1. Table 3: Wheat agronomic characteristics in wheat - common bean cropping system at ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla during 2011 to 2014. Treatment Number m-1, nos. Panicle length, cm Grains panicle-1 1000 grains wt, g Grain Yield,kg ha-1 62.0±1.8b 214.4±19.1b 7.2±0.4 33.1±2.7 38.9±2.2 1515.1±161.6b 64.7±1.9ab 255.7±5.4ab 8.0±0.3 34.1±2.4 37.7±2.7 2308.0±229.0a Plant cm 00-00-00 100-50-25 + FYM 6 t ha -1 -1 ht, 68.0±1.6ab 265.3±10.7ab 8.1±0.3 36.6±2.2 37.1±2.5 2366.3±208.6a 130- 60-35 + FYM 6 t ha-1 65.7±1.7ab 297.8±17.3a 8.2±0.3 40.0±2.7 33.0±2.3 2363.5±180.5a 140-65-40 + FYM 6 t ha-1 67.9±1.7ab 297.8±11.1a 8.5±0.3 39.8±2.0 34.7±2.5 2489.5±153.3a 69.9±1.3a 267.9±11.3a 7.6±0.2 33.5±3.1 37.8±2.2 2251.7±130.6a p-value 0.024 0.000 0.069 0.2 0.51 0.003 HSD value 7.0 51.3 -- -- -- 728.7 CV, % 9.4 19.77 14.8 24.83 22.7 30.86 120-55-30 + FYM 6 t ha FYM 30 t ha -1 Table 4: Common bean agronomic characteristics in wheat – french bean cropping system at ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla during 2010 – 2013. Treatments 00-00-00 100-60-40 + FYM 6 t ha-1 120-65-45 + FYM 6 t ha-1 130-70-50 + FYM 6 t ha-1 140-75-55 + FYM 6 t ha-1 FYM 30 t ha-1 Plants, m-1 28.5±3.3 27.6±3.3 29.1±3.5 28.2±2.6 28.6±4.0 28.8±3.5 Plant ht, cm 28.1±1.6b 39.3±1.9a 39.3±1.9a 44.1±1.6a 42.9±1.8a 37.4±1.9a Pods plant-1 5.2±0.2b 8.8±0.9a 10.0±1.1a 11.8±0.9a 11.8±0.5a 9.5±0.8a Pod length, cm 10.7±0.2b 11.1±0.3a 10.8±0.4a 11.7±0.3a 11.4±0.2a 10.9±0.3a Grains pod-1 3.8±0.2 4.1±0.1 4.1±0.1 4.3±0.1 4.1±0.1 4.2±0.2 100 grain wt, g 39.6±0.8 40.8±1.6 42.2±1.5 39.1±0.7 39.6±0.8 40.1±0.6 Grain yield, kg ha-1 759.2±140.9b 953.5±124.3ab 1220.7±124.3ab 1229.2±114.4ab 1490.0±155.7a 1252.9±124.4ab p - value 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.330 0.380 0.005 HSD value -- 7.4 3.3 1.3 -- -- 551.2 CV,% 39.8 20.400 36.800 9.800 13.000 9.100 42.900 Trend analysis Soil properties Among soil properties, there was significant soil organic matter content decrease during 2010 to 2014 in all treatments (Table 5). Soil organic matter decline rate was highest in the treatment with application of 100:50:25 kg N:P2O5:K2O + FYM 6 t ha-1 in wheat and 100:60:40 kg N:P2O5:K2O + FYM 6 t ha-1 in common bean. It was maybe due to with availability of phosphorus and potassium, microbial activities had accelerated in the soil and required extra nitrogen was fulfilled from breakdown of soil organic matter content. It was supported by results that with increased nitrogen supply, soil organic matter decline rate has decreased (Table 5). 96 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil available potassium content trend line was inclined in all treatments while the effect was significant in control and the treatment with application of 100:50:25 kg kg N:P2O5:K2O + FYM 6 t ha-1 in wheat and 100:60:40 kg N:P2O5:K2O + FYM 6 t ha-1 in common bean (Table 5). Table 5: Regression results of fertiliser treatments in soil characteristics in wheat – common bean cropping system at NARC, ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla during 2012 to 2014. 00-0000 *100-(50,60)(25,40) + FYM 6 t ha-1 120-(55,65)(30,45) + FYM 6 t ha-1 130-(60,70)(35,50) + FYM 6 t ha-1 140-(65,75)(40,55) + FYM 6 t ha-1 FYM t ha-1 Adjusted R2 value -0.045 -0.061 -0.076 -0.071 -0.051 0.002 slope -0.136 -0.069 0.026 -0.0548 -0.105 -0.0794 p value 0.538 0.669 0.903 0.787 0.58 0.281 0.513 0.455 0.360 0.308 0.087 -0.790 -0.636 -0.539 -0.650 -0.339 0.002 0.004 0.011 0.019 0.151 Adjusted R2 value -0.002 Slope -6.04 p value 0.377 Soil available potassium -0.071 5.1 0.797 -0.027 -16.4 0.443 -0.016 13.5 0.392 -0.041 -11.8 0.514 0.007 -17.0 0.314 Adjusted R2 value 0.183 0.329 0.194 -0.043 -0.032 0.127 Slope 50.2 95.1 44.7 20.6 18.1 41.9 p value 0.063 0.015 0.057 0.528 0.463 0.000 Soil characteristics 30 Soil pH Soil organic matter Adjusted R2 value 0.293 Slope p value -0.568 0.000 Soil available phosphorus *N-(P,P)-(K,K) in the nutrient dose, nitrogen amount is common for wheat and common bean; numbers in bold is for wheat crop and numbers in normal format is for common bean. Crop yield Treatments had significant negative effect in the wheat grain yield (Table 6). In the case of wheat, fertiliser dose of 100:13:25 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1(Gami et al. 2001) or 100:18:25 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 or FYM 4 t ha-1 on dry matter basis (Regmi et al. 2002) or 100:30:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 or FYM 10 t ha-1(Shrestha and Chaudhary 2015) or 120:35:33 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1(Yadav et al. 1998) were revealed to be not a sustainable practice. Regmi et al. (2002) revealed yield decline of 50 kg ha-1 in Bhairahawa, Rupendehi condition and Yadav et al. (1998) found 62 kg ha-1 in Masodha, Uttar Pradesh, India condition. At Khajura, Banke condition Shrestha and Chaudhary (2015) showed 60 kg ha-1 yield decline in treatment with 10 t ha-1 and with the application of 100:30:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 yield decline of 71 kg ha-1.In high hills area, Nepal, wheat grain yield decline rate exceeded 350 kg year-1 even with the application of 140:65:40 kg N:P2O5:K2O + FYM 6 t ha-1. The decline rate was least (373 kg ha-1) in FYM application of 30 t ha-1 treatments among nutrient treatments (Table 6) with comparable yield of 2250 kg ha-1 (Table 3). 97 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 6: Regression results of crop grain yield in wheat – common bean cropping system at NARC, ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla during 2010 to 2014. Wheat grain yield 00-0000 *100-(50,60)(25,40) + FYM 6 t ha-1 120-(55,65)(30,45) + FYM 6 t ha-1 130-(60,70)(35,50) + FYM 6 t ha-1 140-(65,75)(40,55) + FYM 6 t ha-1 FYM 30 t ha-1 Adjusted R2 value 0.429 0.453 0.390 0.467 0.713 0.057 slope -268.7 -482.0 -413.0 -384.0 -390.9 -373.4 p value 0.012 0.010 0.018 0.009 0.000 0.003 Adjusted R2 value 0.232 -0.040 -0.080 -0.088 -0.099 0.126 slope -202.7 -86.1 -49.4 -36.1 -16.7 190.0 p value 0.064 0.465 0.678 0.742 0.911 0.139 Common bean *N-(P,P)-(K,K) in the nutrient dose, nitrogen amount is common for wheat and common bean; numbers in bold is for wheat crop and numbers in normal format is for common bean. Regression analysis Role of soil pH In high hills condition, increase in soil alkalinity caused significant (p value = 0.000, slope = – 57.306) decline in soil available phosphorus (Figure 1). It was maybe due to less rainfall in the research site, basic cations (e.g. Ca2+, Mg2+) are not leached down from the surface. With increase in soil pH these cations rapidly fixed soil available phosphorus into unavailable form. There was no significant effect of soil pH in soil available potassium in high hills condition. Figure 1: Regression relation between soil pH and soil available phosphorus) in wheat – common bean cropping system at NARC, ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla. 98 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Role of soil organic matter content From Figure 2.a, soil organic matter content had acidifying effect in the soil. Hence, with increase in soil organic matter content, soil available phosphorus content increased (Fig 2.b) whereas soil available potassium decreased (2.c). (a) (b) (c) Figure 2: Regression relation between soil organic matter content and soil pH (a), soil available phosphorus (b) and soil available potassium content (c) in wheat – common bean cropping system at NARC, ARS, Vijayanagar, Jumla. Conclusions Decline in soil organic matter content maybe the reason for decline in wheat grain yield. However, at this stage of experiment – there were no significant regression effect of soil organic matter content in wheat grain yield was found. Application of FYM 30 t ha-1 has caused no significant decline in the soil organic matter content. Additionally, this treatment produced comparable wheat (2250 kg ha-1) and common bean (1250 kg ha-1) grain yield to that of highest chemical fertiliser dose treatment. Furthermore, yield decline rate was least (-373 kg ha-1) in the treatment with FYM 30 t ha-1. Hence, in high hills condition increasing available quantity of organic manure and improving the quality of organic manure can be the sustainable nutrient management option for wheat – common bean cropping system. Acknowledgements Authors are indebt to Nepal Agricultural Research Council for providing fund support to the project. Authors acknowledge the moral support provided by station chief, Ram Chandrika Prasad, for this research project. Authors are also grateful to Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Vijayanagar, Jumla personnel for logistic support. References Bhujel RB, CB Rana, PM Mahat, S Subedi andLL Shrestha. 2014. Evaluation of bean (Phaseolous vulgaris) as an important pulse and cash crop in Jumla and similar high hill region of Nepal. In: Proc. of 27th national summer crops workshop. National Maize Research Program (NARC), Rampur, Chitwan. Deibert E J. 1995. Dry bean production with various tillage and residue management systems. Soil and Tillage Research. 36: 97-109. 99 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Gami S, J Ladha, H Pathak, M Shah, E Pasuquin, S Pandey, P Hobbs, D Joshy and R Mishra . 2001. Long-term changes in yield and soil fertility in a twenty-year rice-wheat experiment in Nepal. Biology and Fertility of Soil. 34: 73-78. Rai SK and YG Khadka. 2009. 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PDR 14) as post rainy season crop in central terai of Nepal. In: Proc. of 28th Summer Crops Workshop. National Rice Research Program, Hardinath, Dhanusha: Nepal Agricultural Research Council. Tutiempo-Network 2015. Climate Jumla. Tutiempo Network, S.L. Yadav R, D Yadav, R Singh and A Kumar. 1998. Long term effects of inorganic fertilizer inputs on crop productivity in a rice-wheat cropping system. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystem. 51: 193-200. 100 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-8 Utilizing nvasive lant pecies, Eupatorium for Increasing and roductivity Through Making iochar in Nepal Naba R Pandit , Bishnu H Pandit and Hans-Peter Schmidt NMBU, Norway, Landell Mills Limited, thaka nstitute for arbon ntelligence Abstract The majorities of poor people in Nepal rely mostly on agriculture for employment and spend a high proportion of their income on food. Population densities continue to increase and resource available for maintaining people’s livelihood is becoming increasingly scarce. The available lands have decreased their productivity, which has not been able to address livelihoods and food security issues. Thus sustainable increase in land productivity in agriculture, through effective use of underutilized resources such as crop residues, rice husk, animal left over and biomass of invasive plant species (such as Eupatorium) continue to be crucial means through which both poverty reduction and economic growth are sought. In order to address this issue, ADB funded project, Sustainable Rural Ecology for Green Growth has tested the feasibility of using biomass of Eupatorium species for making biochar that refers to materials produced through Pyrolysis. It means exposing biomass to high temperatures with little or no oxygen. A total of 500 kg dried Eupatorium produced 100 kg of biochar through kon-tiki kiln. Farmers of Dhading district are selling biochar @ NRs. 20 kg-1, which means NRs. 2000 can be earned from 500kg of dried Eupatorium. The result of cost benefit analysis shows that the net benefit from biochar production is 50% through raw biochar sale. When used in agricultural land, the result with the application of biochar in acidic soil showed that maize production was (pH <4.5). This land was completely barren or abandon prior to biochar application. In the second years of application, maize yield increased significantly with the increase of biochar dose. Keywords: Biochar application, cost benefit analysis, invasive plant species, pyrolysis, sustainable rural ecology for green growth. Introduction Biochar is an agricultural grade charcoal rich in carbon product produced when biomass is heated in low oxygen environment or absence of oxygen commonly known as “pyrolysis” (Lehmann 2007). Biohcar application has received a growing interest as a sustainable technology to improve sandy acidic, highly weathered marginal lands (Singh et al. 2010). A key physical feature of most biochars is their highly porous structure and large surface area providing a habitat for beneficial soil microorganism (mycorrhizae and bacteria) and moreover, helps in binding essential nutrient cations and anions (Atkinson et al. 2010). Biochar quality depends on various types of feedstocks being used and the processing circumstances under which they were generated(Downieaet al. 2011). The research findings put forward that biochar 101 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop (biomass-derived black carbon) influence microbial populations and soil biogeochemistry. Both biochar and microbial associations are potentially important in various terrestrial ecosystem for improving soil leading to sustainable plant production and soil carbon sequestration (Warnocket al.2007). Black carbon considerably increase nutrient retention and CEC in soil (Liang et al. 2006) and in addition, increase water holding capacity through its physical features(Lehmann and Rondon 2006). Conservation farming practice carried out with 4 t ha-1 of biochar in maize field of Kaoma, Zambia characterized with sandy acidic soils results in strong increases in crop yield. This was attributed to an increased base saturation (from <50% to 60%–100%), CEC (from 2–3 to 5–9 cmol/kg), increased plant-available water (from 17% to 21%) (Cornelissen et al. 2013). Application of biochar (Acacia bark charcoal) at 10 l per sq.m.along with NPK mineral fertilizers (50g sq.m-1) in maize, cowpea and peanut field showed a significant yield almost doubled compared with control plot (without biochar and NPK) in South Sumatra, Indonesia (Yamato et al. 2006). A single application of 0, 8 and 20 t per hectare of biochar for four years (2003-2006) under maize-soyabean rotation did not result in significant increase in maize yield in the first year but increases of 28, 30 and 140% for the application rate of 20 t per ha in 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. In addition, increase in soil pH, Ca and Mg as well as reduction of exchangeable acidity has been observed in the soil where biochar was applied (Majoret al. 2010). Large volume application of biochar (30 t ha-1and 60 t ha-1) in cereal crop (wheat) field resulted yield of 32.1% and 23.6% larger than the control plot (Vaccari et al. 2011). In Nepal, soils are often acidic and have low C, N, P and exchangeable bases (Schreieret al. 1994). Biochar is a potential method for increasing soil fertility, farm production and sequestering carbon (Steiner et al. 2007). Moreover, biochar application in soil encompasses biomass waste management, bio-energy generation, soil health and productivity benefits (Chanet al. 2008). Nepal is an interesting case for trying the concept since the country contains large variation of soil, crop and land use types. The aim of the research was to assess the characteristics of biochar produced from the invasive species “Eupatorium” and eventually explores its effect on naturally grown field crops and livelihood economy. Materials and Methods Study area The experimental sites (Research field trials) are located in Dhading and Rasuwa district highlighted with red colour in the map (Figure 1) with an altitude of 1300 m and 1378 m above sea level. Dhading is 74 km south west from capital city Kathmandu valley comprising an area of 1926 Likewise Rasuwa is 115 sq. km north from Kathmandu covering an area of 1512 The study area receives 2121.2 mm and 1850 mm average annual rainfall in Dhaiding and Rasuwa, respectively 102 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop receiving highest precipitation in June/July and lowest in November/December. More than 75% annual precipitation occurs during monsoon followed by remaining during post monsoon, winter and pre monsoon season. Likewise, mean annual temperature in Dhading and Rasuwa is 20o C and 15.4 o C. Both district lies in central development region, a part of Bagmati zone, where common agronomic cereal and legume crops encompasses maize, millet, black gram and wheat. Under this study, agronomic effect of biocharon legume and cereal crop (maize) was assessed via research field trials. Feedstocks and Biochar production Raw feedstock was selected based on their natural occurrence, growth habit and importance from economical and environmental point of view. Eupatorium species was identified as one of the most effective feedstock for the preparation of biochar in context of Nepal. Eupatorium species with local name “Banmara” is an invasive plant species (forest killer) commonly found in forest provinces, farm uplands/lowlands and bank of the river. Moreover, Eupatorium species is naturally regenerated; hence, biochar can be produced continuingly every year in a sustainable way. In general, biochar production through effective use of invasive plant species “Eupatorium” could be an outstanding approach for increasing soil fertility, farm production and carbon sequestration. For this study, Eupatorium feedstock was collected from the bank of the Trisuli river and community forestry provinces in Dhading and Rasuwa district respectively. Euaptorium was harvested during its maturity phase, hence, already in dry conditions; however, still kept for sun drying for two days to reduce its moisture content. In single run, 100 kg of dry Eupatorium was burnt in 1cu.m hole and the hole was covered with corrugated tin plate without letting oxygen to pass inside the hole. This allows the burnt eupatorium to undergo thermo-chemical decomposition at elevated temperatures in absence of oxygen for 12 hours. In one run, 20 kg of black solid biochar was harvested next day i.e. 20 % dry biochar generated from traditional hole method with dry Eupatorium feedstock. 103 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 1: Map showing study district. Figure 2: Dry Eupatorium (upper left), burning Eupatroium in hole (upper middle), hole covered with corrugated tin plate (upper Right), Biochar harvested (lower right), Biochar yield and stored in Sacs (lower middle) and biochar application in research field trials (lower left). 104 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Research field trials design Research farmer trials were established in Dhading and Rasuwa with various biochar doses deployed in completely randomized block design (RCBD) and completely randomized design (CRD), respectively. Composite soil sample from top soil (0-15cm) and sub soil (15-30 cm) was collected and analyzed in the laboratory to identify the preliminary soil status (pH, CEC, C, N, and P) of the study site. Soil with low pH, CEC and reduced fertility was selected for biochar research field trials. Research field comprised legumes (blackgram) and cereal crop (maize) in Dhading and Rasuwa, respectively. There were sixteen treatment plot in Dhading district with the application of 0, 5, 10, 15 ton/ha of biochar in four farmer blocks (replications). In Rasuwa district, two more treatment with high (25 t ha-1) and very high dose biochar (40 t ha-1) was included keeping other treatment similar to Dhading with four replications. Each plot occupies 10 sq. meters consisting 16 treatment plots in Dhading and 24 plots in Rasuwa. Thus the prepared biochar was applied on marginal/degraded sandy acidic soils in Dhading and Rasuwa to assess the agronomic effect of biochar on legume and cereal crop. Biochar and FYM (farm yard manure) were broadcasted during land preparation phase following tillage and harrowing practices in individual plot. FYM was added 8 t ha-1 in Dhading soil for legume and 30 t ha-1 in Rasuwa for maize crop (Arun variety) based on farmers traditional maize farming practices. Likewise, biochar was applied at the rate of 0, 5, 10, 15 t ha-1 in Dhading and 0, 5, 10, 15, 25 and t ha-1 in Rasuwa soils. Moreover, mineral fertilizer (Urea) was applied @ 1 teaspoonfulplant-1 during 1st weeding time (30 DAS) of maize crop. On the contrary, FYM and only biochar was applied in legume field without nitrogen fertilizer (Urea) as legume plant is meant to fix nitrogen in soil from air. All other agronomical practices and plant protection measures were applied uniformly to all treatments during the course of study. Assessment of Biochar influence on maize crop yield was investigated under this study. Maize and legume was harvested manually with harvesting equipment (sickle) from the whole plots of respective block. After harvesting, all the aboveground biomass was removed and measured for grain and biomass yield with the help of digital weighing machine. Biochar characterization Biochar sample was collected and analyzed in the laboratory of Norwegian university of life sciences (NMBU), Norway. pH of unwashed biochar was extracted with H2O and CaCl2. Likewise CEC was measured with the extraction of 1 M NH4NO4. Statistical analysis Research field trials was arranged in randomized complete block design (one block refers one replication) and completely randomized design (CRD) in Dhading and Rasuwa respectively. Two tailed t-test (less than 30 observations) was performed for the analysis of agronomic effect of various doses of biochar deployment in Dhading and Rasuwa field trials. 105 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and Discussion Biochar characterization Biochar produced from traditional hole method was found highly alkaline in nature with pH 10.4 (extraction with H2O) and pH 9.30 (extracted with CaCl2 ). Likewise, total carbon (53.6%) and nitrogen (0.47%) content along with exchangeable cations (Ca: 21C mol kg-1, Mg: 14C mol kg-1, Na: 0.17C mol kg-1, K: 41C mol kg-1) was also found significantly higher as shown in table 1 below. On the contrary, acid cation (H+) was null. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) ranged from 180-210 as which is a good index in enhancing soil fertility. Thus, it can be concluded that the acidic soils blended with biochar results in increased soil pH and CEC of the particular sites thereby increasing farm productivity. Table 1: Characterization of produced biohcar. Run 1 2 3 pH H2O CaCl2 10.37 10.37 10.38 9.29 9.29 9.30 TC,% TN,% 53.68 53.36 53.67 0.46 0.46 0.47 CEC 1 M NH4NO3unwashed biochar mg l-1 Cmol kg-1 Ca K Mg Na Ca K 22 91 9.2 0.13 18 39 23 84 9.3 0.13 19 36 25 97 10 0.23 21 41 CEC Mg 13 13 14 Na 0.094 0.094 0.17 H+ 0 0 0 192.11 184.20 208.23 Note:TC (total carbon), TN (total nitrogen), CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity), Ca, K, Mg, Na and H+ are the ions of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium and hydrogen respectively. Crop yield Legume and maize yield with various treatments of biochar, FYM, and mineral fertilizer was assessed in Dhading and Rasuwa field trials respectively. Hence, the agronomic effect of biochar both on legumes and cereals was investigated under this study. Legume yield Application of higher dose (15 t ha-1) of biochar showed tremendous effect on legume yield in sandy acidic soils of Dhading field trials even in absence of mineral fertilizer. Average Legume yield increased gradually with increasing amount of biochar in all the plots within a block as shown in table 2 below. Moreover, Average yield of legumes grain was found significantly higher in high dose of biochar treatment (2.06 t ha-1) that was almost doubled compared with control plot (1.38 t ha-1) that was calculated with ttest (two tailed t-Test, P<0.05). In addition, average legume biomass yield was observed significantly higher in 15 ton/ha plot (two tailed t-Test, P<0.01 compared to control plot. 106 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Legume yield with different amount of biochar treatment in Dhading soils Treatments and yield Block Control Biochar 5 t ha-1 Biochar 10 t ha-1 biochar 15 t ha-1 GY BY GY BY GY BY GY BY Block 1 1.32 1.83 1.35 1.68 1.65 2.3 1.98 2.34 Block 2 0.85 1.87 1.14 1.54 1.34 1.73 1.76 2.26 Block 3 1.64 2.26 1.65 2.45 1.97 2.75 2.13 2.52 Block 4 1.69 1.85 1.85 2.26 1.97 2.49 2.38 2.73 N= 4 Average= 1.38 4 1.95 1.50 4 1.98 1.73 4 2.32 2.06** 2.46*** ** Significant at P < 0.05 level of significance with reference to control plot *** Significant at P < 0.01 level of significance with reference to control plot Note: GY: Legume grain yield t ha-1and BY: Legume Biomass Yield t ha-1, N: Number of plot/observation in each block Significant effect of biochar on legume yield may be that the legume fixes nitrogen, one of the scarce nutrients from air that boost up soil nutrient and fertility in the soil. Moreover, biochar binds this nutrient and water thus preventing nutrient and water leaching from the soil that helps in plant available water and nutrient for longer time. Thus, the result revealed that biochar was observed to be a strong fertility booster for legume plants. Maize Yield A strong effect of biochar (higher dose) was observed on maize yield about the same that of legumes (almost doubling of yield) in Rasuwa soils. Average maize yield increased progressively with increasing amount of biochar dose however, in some plot decline in yield was observed even in high dose compared with lower due to shade effect of the respective plot. Shade effect was observed in 25 t ha-1 treatment plot (2 plots) and 5 t ha-1 plot (one plot). Other plots (21 plots) within one farmer block are uniform, not affected with shade. Average maize grain yield was observed significantly higher (two tailed t-Test, P<0.01) in high dose of biochar treatment (5.9 t ha-1) that was almost doubled compared with control plot (3.46 t ha-1). Likewise, biomass yield was also higher at 0.01 significance level (two tailed t-Test, P<0.01) for higher biochar treatment plots (40 t ha-1). 107 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3: Maize yield with different amount of biochar treatment in Rasuwa soils. Treatments and yield Control (no biochar) Block 1 Biochar 10 t ha-1 Biochar 15 t ha-1 Biochar 25 t ha-1 Biochar 40 t ha-1 GY BY GY BY GY BY GY BY GY BY GY BY 3.19 9.2 4.19 11 4.9 11.9 6.55 14.5 4.82 13 5.79 12 4.1 10.4 1.99 9.5 3.97 9.8 4.15 11.3 5.9 13.7 6.1 14.9 2.74 8.5 4.79 5 4.49 11.3 5.08 12 2.03 7 6.42 15 3.81 9 4.13 7 3.61 8.5 3.95 12 2.72 13.8 5.6 12 N= Average = Biochar (5 t ha-1) 4 3.46 4 9.27 4.5 4 8.2 4.25 4 10.3 5.0 4 12.4** 3.9 4 11.9 5.9** * 13.5* ** ** Significant at 0.05 level with reference to control plot yield *** Significant at 0.01 level with reference to control plot yield Note: GY: Maize grain yield t ha-1 and BY: Maize Biomass Yield t ha-1, N: Number of plot/observation in each block Biochar farming economy Traditional hole method is one of the low cost technology to produce biochar at local farm level. Beside application of Biochar in their own private farmland, some farmers in Dhading are selling raw biochar to nearby community people and cooperatives. Farmers want to sustain their livelihood economy and sell the surplus biochar. Thousand kilogram of Eupatorium (below 12% moisture content) was burnt with hole method (1cu.m) in five run (200 kg biomass per run) to produce approx. 200 kg dry biochar (20% biochar yield). After each batch, biochar was harvested quenching with soil and continued next run. Total production cost incurred for this five run was NRs. 2600 (labour charge and packaging in containers). Biochar was sold @ Rs 20 per kg fetching the benefit of Rs. 4000 for the produced biochar (200 kg) making a net profit/margin of Rs. 1400. Hence, the benefit cost analysis showed that biochar enterprise can make 35 % net benefit through sale of 200 kg biochar generated from1000 kg dry eupatorium per day with simple/low cost biochar production technology. Since the B:C ratio is positive (1.53) and greater than one, it can be concluded that biochar production and marketing is economically viable in rural areas with dry eupatorium feedstocks. Conclusion Biochar is a gaining popularity as a sustainable technology worldwide boosting soil fertility to enhance crop production, sequestering carbon for addressing climate change issues, reducing use of mineral fertilizer, improving water quality etc. Biochar is most effective in sandy acidic, highly weathered and low CEC soils where yield is enhanced 108 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop with increase amount of biochar. In Nepal, the sustainable increase in farm production and soil fertility impacted from effective use of natural underutilized invasive forest species “Eupatorium” producing quality biochar continue to be a crucial means to combat poverty, hunger and food insecurity issues. Furthermore, agronomic effect of biochar on various soils needs to be explored to be able to provide an overall assessment of effectiveness of biochar in diverse Nepal soils. As biochar farming proved to be environmentally and economically viable, supplementary feedstocks in addition to Eupatorium such as corn cobs, crop residues, rice husk, and animal left over and other locally available organic waste is necessary to consider for generating sufficient amount of biochar. Biochar farming, as such, should probably be kept in an important area to alleviate poverty/hunger by increasing yield as well as raising some monetary income by selling the surplus biochar. This research concluded in prioritizing biochar production/farming; hence, more experimental research on biochar and its quality assessment from various academic institutions, I/NGOs, government body need to be undertaken in developing countries like, Nepal. Acknowledgements This research study was conducted with the financial support from NGI (Norweigien Geotechnical Institute), Norway as a part of PhD study under the collaborative agreement between NGI and NAF Nepal. I am grateful to NGI, NAF and ADB (Asian development Bank) team for the financial and technical assistance for this study. As such, I would like to thank Dr. Gerard Cornelissen (Ph.D Supervisor), Dr. Sarah Hale, Dr. Schimdt Hans-Peter, Dr. Bishnu Hari Pandit, Miss Shova Shrestha (NARC) for their technical contribution under this study. Last but not the least; I am equally thankful to the research farmer of Dhading and Rasuwa without whom the study would not has been possible! References Atkinson CJ, JD Fitzgeraldand NA Hipps. 2010. Potential mechanisms for achieving agricultural benefits from biochar application to temperate soils: a review. Plant and Soil.337(1-2): 1–18 Chan K, LVan Zwieten, I Meszaros, A Downie and S Joseph. 2008. 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Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.52(4): 489–495. 110 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-9 Potential Options for Sustainable Land Management and Intensified Agriculture Bajracharya RM1, K Atreya1, N Raut1, BM Dahal1, HL Shrestha1, NR Dahal1, DK Gautam2 and P Karmacharya1 1 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Science, Kathmandu University 2 Nepal Agroforestry Foundation, Gwarko, Lalitpur Abstract The soil and land resources play a vital role in the local livelihoods of rural communities as well as in the national economy. With much of the arable land already under cultivation and the ever-increasing demands for food and fiber, agriculture has already moved towards intensification. Yet, producing greater numbers of crops and quantities of food, fibre and other materials on the same parcel of land often leads to soil fertility and productivity decline with overall degradation of soil quality. Therefore, ways and means to intensify agriculture to eN hance productivity without degrading the soil and land resource base have become imperative. To this end, agro-forestry, agro-slivi-pastoral systems, and the adoption of a variety of crop, soil and water management and conservation practices offer potential to deliver multiple benefits without sacrificing the very resource upon which the human population depends. This paper presents findings on approaches to sustainable land management and intensification of agriculture related to soil OM management and C sequestration for multiple benefits, and, agro-forestry as a crop diversification strategy with both livelihood, and climate mitigation/ adaptation benefits. Results of various studies indicated that sustainable soil management practices could lead to significant C accumulations (4-8 t ha-1 over 6 yrs). SOC and soil C stocks tend to increase with elevation due to cooler climate and slow decomposition rates. Carbon stocks for the 3 LU types was in the order CF>AF/LH>AG, suggesting that diversified cropping practices such as agro-forestry has good potential sequester C while providing livelihood opportunities and climate adaptive capacity to local farmers. Biochar amendment increased growth of both coffee plants and radish with mixed grass/weed biochar being most effective. Biochar application also decreased emission of GHGs, especially N2O. Keywords: Agro-forestry, biochar, carbon sequestration, crop diversification, soil quality. Introduction Soil and land resources have been the backbone of human civilization ever since prehistoric communities established permanent settlements and began settled agriculture some 10,000 years ago (Darlington 1969). Historical records show that past civilizations (such as the ancient settlements of the Tigris-Euphrates and Nile River valleys), flourished because of access to fertile soils and likewise they declined as a result of land degradation and loss of fertility of agricultural lands (Hillel 1992). Yet over the millennia, through traditional practices handed down over the generations, previous human communities learned to manage soils and cultivate their lands, even in 111 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop harsh climates and terrains like the arid region of Egypt and mountainous regions of South Asia (Hillel 2007). Following the industrial revolution in the 1800s the world population has grown tremendously, surpassing 7 billion and growth is still rapid in LDCs of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Arable land has essentially reached the limits of expansion but pressures on land resource base continue to increase, with ever-greater demands for settlements, food and fibre production. Clearly then, the need for producing more food on the same amount of land has fuelled agricultural intensification. Moreover, the impending climate change poses major challenges to production and human wellbeing. Hence there is an urgent need for “sustainable” intensification of agriculture as well as land management. Agricultural intensification is regarded as any change in the cropping or livestockrearing practices that makes use of a fixed area of land more frequently or intensely than previous traditional or conventional practices. Therefore, an increase in the number of crops grown per annual cropping cycle, increase in the stocking rates of livestock grazed on a parcel of land, or change in types or sequences of crops grown (for example intercropped or relayed) are all forms of agricultural intensification (Boserup 1965, Carswell, 1997, Dahal et al. 2008). Agricultural intensification can have both beneficial and adverse impacts on the environment and human societies. While intensified production systems provide higher yields, and therefore, returns, it is often achieved through the use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, which have far-reaching and long-term consequences for ecological balance and human health. But with proper balance of inputs and an integrated, holistic approach to farming and land management, it is possible to achieve production goals with while minimizing adverse impacts to the environment and human health (Brookfield 2001, Linquist et al. 2007, Dahal et al. 2009). Soil is an essentially non-renewable resource upon which natural ecosystems and agriculture depend. It forms the interface and acts as a buffer between terrestrial systems and aquatic systems as well as the atmosphere. Soil organic matter (SOM) can be regarded as a bio-physical property of soil and perhaps the single most important constituent determining soil quality. It has a profound influence on many soil properties and is a dynamic and complex entity having major implications for soils. Soil degradation is known to have major consequences for environmental quality along with food security (Lal 2007, Lal et al. 2011). Sustainable land management and intensified agriculture involves three key components, namely, sustainable soil management practices, crop improvement and diversification, and, water and runoff management. Sustainable soil management revolves around organic matter management and integrated nutrient/fertility management. Crop management includes improved hybrid varieties as well as diversified cropping patterns. Water or runoff management involves water harvesting and recharge, careful disposal of excess water, and, water conservation along with 112 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop micro-irrigation. This study presents a few approaches to sustainable land management and intensification of agriculture focusing on: SOM management and C sequestration for multiple benefits; and, agro-forestry as a crop diversification strategy with both livelihood and climate mitigation/adaptation benefits. Sustainable soil management (SSM) practices were introduced by Helvetas of the SDC in 15 mid-hill districts of Nepal. These SSM are centered on SOM management and integrated fertility management. They include farmer practices such as: Improved cattle sheds for separate collection of urine and manure; improved composting with protection from sun light and rain leaching (roof or cover); application of cattle/human urine as N source; legumes, fodder plants, vegetables and cash crops (Bajracharya and Atreya 2007). Agro-forestry along with diversified cropping has potential as a sustainable land use practice, particularly in hilly regions that do not support intensive food crop production. Such practices offer opportunities for poor rural communities to generate income from high value crops such as medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) and fruit tree under unpredictable climate conditions and hence are good climate change adaptive strategies. Moreover, permaculture can, over time, lead to increased carbon capture and storage over conventional agriculture, thus also serving as a climate mitigative approach. Studies have shown these systems to be well suited to hill regions with marginal and steeply sloping land and can lead to improvement of farmers’ livelihoods and adaptive capacity (Tacio 1993, Zhu et al. 2000, Pandit et al. 2012 and 2014). Biochar as a soil amendment has numerous benefits that could eN hance soil quality and productivity, especially on marginal lands. Biochar is a pyrolysis product of vegetative biomass combusted under low oxygen conditions. It has the potential to eN hance the carbon storage and longevity in soils while simultaneously increases soil productive capacity (IBI 2012). It has been known to be used by ancient civilizations in the Amazon, North West Europe and the Andes (Sombroeck et al. 1993, Sandor and Eash 1995, Downie et al. 2011). The unique structural, porosity, and nutrient retention characteristics of biochar enables it to acts as a catalyst for microbial activity. Highly stabile and resistance to microbial breakdown biochar acts as sites for increased water and nutrient retention (Sohi 2012). Materials and methods Study conducted on farmer fields under SSMP Programme of SDC This study was conducted in order to estimation of the total SOC sequestration potential in SSMP farm areas (Bajracharya and Atreya 2007). Four replicate farm fields in 4 districts with SSMP interventions were selected, namely, Baglung, Syangja, Kavrepalanchok and Sindhupalchowk. Comparison of SOC in farm fields over 6 years of SSM practices (mainly improved compost/FYM) were conducted by sampling 4 replicate farms in each district and comparing values with baseline soil organic C data. 113 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop The soils on upland farms in each of the districts were sampled in four depth increments: 0-15, 15-30, 30-60 and 60-100 cm to determine total soil C stocks. Calculation of the SOC stocks were done as follows: Total SOC stock (t ha-1), Doc = SOC x Bd (i) x H x (104 m-2 ha-1) ----------- (1) Where, Doc = Soil organic carbon density (t ha-1) SOC = Average soil organic carbon content of soil (%) Bd = Average bulk density of soil samples (t m-3) H = Thickness of the plow layer = 0.15 m Further, the determination of the SOC increase rate (t ha-1 y-1) was done using the following equation: SOC = βY + C ------- (2) Where, β = Slope of the regression line Y = Year (independent variable) C = Regression constant Finally, estimation of the total SOC sequestration potential in SSMP farm areas across the Nepal hills (in millions of tons) was done by extrapolation of average SOC increase over the period in the four districts to the entire area in all 15 SSMP districts. Moreover, the hypothetical payments to farmers for eN hancing soil C accumulation under a carbon trading scheme was determined. The calculation of total monetary benefits under carbon trading as per the Kyoto Protocol using nominal payments of $2.50 and $5.00 per ton of C sequestered in soil were presented. Study on land management impacts on SOC & soil quality Three districts in central Nepal representing 3 agro-ecological zones: Chitwan (200300 m); Gorkha (1000-1100 m); and, Rasuwa (1600-1700 m) were selected for the study. In each district, plots were chosen on three land management regimes, namely, community forests (CF), Agro-forestry or leasehold forests (AF/LH), and upland agriculture (AG). Four replicate plots in each LM type for each location (500m2 forest plots; farm fields) were randomly chosen for quantification of total C stocks. The above-ground biomass carbon (AGB-C) was calculated by measuring diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height and applying the allometric equation by Chave et al. (1985). The below-ground biomass carbon (BGB-C) was estimated as 20% of the AGB-C. The leaf-litter, herbs and grass carbon (LHG-C) was determined by destructive sampling and dry-ashing in a muffle furnace at 550 ⁰C. The soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks was derived from the soil organic matter content by loss on ignition and the dry bulk density (BD) of the soil. Baseline soil properties such as soil texture, pH, BD, SOC, and total nitrogen (TN) were determined by standard methods according to the USDA-ASA Monograph No. 9, Parts 1 and 2 (Page et al. 1982, Klute 1986). 114 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Effects of biochar on growth of coffee/vegetable plants and GHG emissions from soil. Field trials to examine the effect of biochar application on coffee plant growth and the growth performance of vegetables were established at two locations during 2013 and 2014. At Panchkhal in Kavre district, a coffee nursery trial with different rates and types of biochar was conducted to determine the effect of different combinations and rates of application of biochar on coffee plant growth. Biochar made from coffee pulp/husk or grass/weeds were applied at 2 t ha-1 and 4 t ha-1 with and without cattle urine addition. In a separate field trial at Saraswatikhel, Bhaktapur, an agroforestry trial using coffee planted in rows with vegetables (radish) planted between the rows was established. Here a constant rate of 4 t ha-1 of biochar made from grass/weed feedstock was applied to both the coffee and radish plants. In both trials, the growth rate (height of plants) was monitored over a period of several months. Results and discussion The key findings and notable results of each of the studies are summarized in the tables and figures below and discussed in light of sustainable management of soils for eN hancing productive capacity of the land. Effect of sustainable soil management practices on SOC accumulation This study revealed that in the fours study districts, the average soil organic matter contents, and hence SOC amounts, increased significantly compared to baseline values at each of the farm fields where SSM practices, such as improved composting and application of cattle urine, were adopted by the local farmers (Table 1). The mean SOC contents at the SSM farms in the four districts ranged from two to three times the baseline amounts over a period of six years. The results clearly indicated that total carbon accumulation in soils and the corresponding amounts of carbon sequestered in agricultural lands in the mid-hills region of Nepal could be significantly increased through the use of such SSM practices. This has beneficial implications for the fertility and productivity of these hill soils as well as for climate change mitigation through carbon capture and sequestration. Table 1: Mean SOC contents (%) of upland soil before and after 6 years of SSMP in four districts of Nepal. District Baseline 3-year mean 6-year mean Baglung Kavre Sindhupalchowk Syangja Mean ±Std.Dev. 1.60 0.68 1.19 2.29 1.44 ± 0.86 3.72 1.36 1.31 2.97 2.34 ± 1.20 4.96 2.99 2.45 6.37 4.19 ± 1.81 Using low and high carbon accumulation scenarios based on Table 1, the SOC increase trends for each case are depicted in Figure 1. The mean SOC accumulation over 6 years for the low carbon accumulation scenario was 2.72 % SOC, while that for the 115 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop high C accumulation scenario was 4.19% SOC. Based on these C accumulation rates, the total carbon stocks accumulated over the 6-year period for each case over the entire agricultural land area (67,000 ha) of the 15 SSMP districts would be 2.7 million tons of carbon (low scenario) and 4.6 million tons carbon (high scenario), respectively (Table 2). Upland agricultural soils have considerable potential to accumulate carbon in cool climates at higher elevations where farmers apply high amounts of farmyard manure as reported by other researchers (Shrestha and Singh 2008, Dahal and Bajracharya 2012, Dahal and Kafle 2013). Then, taking nominal carbon trading values of $ 2.50 t-1 C in the low scenario case and $ 5.00 t-1 C in the high scenario case, the value of SOC accumulated in 6 years over the 15 SSMP districts of the Nepal mid-hills would range from about USD 2 million to a high of USD 13.5 million. Or on average, a total of USD 6.6 million could be received as compensation for carbon accumulated due to farmers adopting SSM practices in the mid-hills over a period of 6 years (Table 2). Such returns for climate mitigative actions by local farmers would offer good incentives for them to conserve their soils through adopting sustainable farming practices for improving the fertility and productivity of their lands. Table 2: Estimated C stocks, annual accumulation, and potential C-trading benefits due to SSMP. Scenario Baseline Low scenario High scenario Average increase Avg. SOC, % 1.44 2.72 4.19 1.83 Bulk density, g cm-3 C density, t ha-1 SOC stock*, million t 1.43 1.18 1.18 1.18 30.9 41.4 74.2 57.8 1.9 2.7 4.6 3.65 C-trade value, millions $ 2.0§ 13.5† 6.6‡ *Extrapolated across total area of agricultural land (67,000 ha) in 15 SSMP districts of midhills Nepal. §C-trade valued at US$ 2.50 t-1; †C-trade at US$ 5.00 t-1; ‡C-trade at US$ 3.75 t-1 of carbon accumulated. 116 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Low C accumulation scenario 3.50 3.00 y = 0.2975x + 0.7708 R2 = 0.8414 SOC% 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 Years High C accumulation scenario 7.00 6.00 y = 0.4592x + 1.279 R2 = 0.4852 SOC % 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Years Figure 1. Soil organic carbon increase for low and high carbon accumulation scenarios compared to baseline SOC contents over a 6-year period. Land management impacts on SOC and soil quality As shown in Figures 2 and 3, land use type had an effect on the total SOC contents, soil pH and total nitrogen. The one-way analysis of variance (Table 3) indicated, however, that soil bulk density did not differ according to land use and that SOC differed significantly only in Gorkha district, total N differed significantly only in Chitwan, while soil pH was significantly different among land uses in Chitwan and Gorkha. For Rasuwa district all soil quality parameters did not differ significantly among the land use types. The SOC contents and total N were highest for all land uses in Rasuwa district owing to the cool climate located at elevations of 1700 to 1800 m asl. Under these conditions, the soil organic matter decomposition rates are slow and a net accumulation of SOM tends to occur. Moreover, it was noted that farmers relied more on organic manures and compost in Rasuwa compared to Chitwan and Gorkha where chemical fertilizers are more readily available. The soils were more acidic in Rasuwa compared to Chitwan or Gorkha, which likely reflects the nature of the geology and rocks/parent material from which the soil was derived. Contrary to 117 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop expectations, however, in both Chitwan and Gorkha, soil pH was higher in agricultural soils compared to community or leasehold forests. This may be due to the use of agricultural lime by farmers to ameliorate soil acidity (Atreya et al. 2008, Bajracharya and Sherchan 2009). 4 SOC %; BD (Mg m-3) 3.5 3 2.5 2 Chitwan 1.5 Gorkha 1 Rasuwa 0.5 0 CF LHF AG CF Soil Organic Carbon LHF AG Bulk Density Land Use Figure 2:Soil organic carbon contents and bulk densities under different land uses (CF = community forest, LHF = Leasehold forest, and AG = agriculture) at the three study districts. 118 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil pH; Total N (g kg-1) 8 7 6 5 4 3 Chitwan 2 Gorkha Rasuwa 1 0 CF LHF AG CF Soil pH LHF AG Total Nitrogen Land Use Figure 3: Soil pH and total nitrogen under different land uses (CF = community forest, LHF =Leasehold forest, and AG = agriculture) at the three study districts. Table 3:One-way ANOVA of soil properties by land use for each location (Agroecological Zone). Soil Property Chitwan F-test value Signif. Gorkha F-test value Signif. Rasuwa F-test value Signif. SOC % 0.89 ns 12.92 *** 1.66 ns Bulk density 1.32 ns 0.81 ns 0.01 ns Soil pH 11.86 *** 6.85 ** 2.41 ns Total N 4.12 * 0.24 ns 0.72 ns C-Stock 0.59 ns 15.28 *** 1.63 ns Note: *, **, *** indicate significance at 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 level of P, respectively. As expected, the total carbon stock in soils of the three study districts were highly correlated with the SOC content of the soils as shown in Table 4. Soil organic carbon content was also highly correlated with total nitrogen and negatively correlated with 119 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop soil pH. Similarly, soil carbon stock was positively correlated with total nitrogen and negatively correlated with soil pH (Table 4). Bulk density plays a crucial role in total soil C stocks as higher density leads to greater total carbon amounts per unit volume of soil. Thus, soil of relatively low SOC content may have significant total C stocks when considering the entire soil profile to depths of 1 m as reported by other workers (Bajracharya et al. 2004, Shrestha et al. 2004). Table 4: Pearson’s correlation matrix for soil properties across land uses and locations. Soil property BD C-stock pH TN SOC -0.77 0.96*** -0.39** 0.75*** BD 0.16 0.24* 0.05 C-stock -0.34** 0.77*** pH -0.14 TN 1 *, **, *** indicate significance at the 5%, 1%, 0.1% levels of probability, respectively. Calculation of the total carbon stocks under each land use in each of the three study districts (Figure 4) revealed that, expectantly, community forests had the highest total C stock due to the presence of trees, resulting in a high above-ground biomass carbon (AGB-C). However, it should be noted that the below-ground (root) biomass and soil organic carbon components were also high and contributed significantly to the total C stocks in forests. Moreover, with the exception of Gorkha, leasehold agroforests (LHAF) also had comparatively high total carbon stocks. In agricultural land use, it is only the soil OC that contributed to the total C stocks as above ground biomass (crops) are harvested annually and cannot be counted in the total carbon stock. Hence, leasehold or agroforestry systems offer potentially sustainable options for meeting the production and income needs of farm households while simultaneously contributing to sequester carbon. Forest type, tree density, age and climatic factors all affect the total AGB-C as pointed out by numerous researchers (Ranabhat et al. 2000, Shrestha and Singh 2008, Bhattarai et al. 2012). 120 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Chitwan Site 200 SOC 150 LHG-C 100 BGB-C AGB-C 50 0 CF LHAF AG Land Use Category Gorkha Site 400 350 C stock (t ha-1) C stock (t ha-1) 250 300 250 SOC LHG-C BGB-C AGB-C 200 150 100 50 0 CF LHAF Land Use Category 121 AG 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Rasuwa Site 600 C stock (t ha-1) 500 400 SOC LHG-C BGB-C AGB-C 300 200 100 0 CF LHAF AG Land Use Category Figure 4: Total carbon stocks in biomass and soil for different land uses in the three study districts. Note: CF = community forest, LHF = Leasehold forest, and AG = agriculture; SOC = soil organic carbon, LHG-C = leaf-litter, herbs and grasses carbon, BGB-C = below ground (root) biomass carbon, and AGB-C = above ground biomass (tree) carbon. Effect of biochar amendment on growth of coffee and vegetables Biochar applied to the soil in nursery trials at Panchkhal produced a mixed response in the growth of coffee seedlings as seen in Table 5. Compared to the control treatment, which received only vermi-compost according to the usual farmer practice, the mixed (weed/grass) biochar gave the best response as seen in overall plant height and growth rate (Table 5 and Figure 5). The higher application rate of 4 t ha-1 (20% of FYM) gave the better responses for both mixed and coffee pulp biochar. Other combinations and lower rate (2 t ha-1) of biochar application including cattle urine application did not have improved growth over the control treatment. 122 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 5:Mean height of coffee plants in the coffee nursery trial at Panchkhal, Kavre. Days after planting Treatment 73 91 122 139 172 201 245 Control 2.1 2.7 6 7.7 9.9 13.3 14.1 MB-20 2.4 2.9 6.3 8.4 10.6 13.3 15 CB-20 2.6 3.1 6.1 7.8 10.6 11.9 14.6 3 3 5.6 7.4 9.1 12 14.2 Control 2.3 3.3 5.6 7 9.6 11.5 13.9 CB-10+U 2.8 3.6 6.3 8.6 10 12 13.6 CB-20+U 2.5 3.2 6 8 9.9 11.6 11.9 MB-20+U 16 Platn Height (cm) 14 12 10 Control MB-20 8 CB-20 6 MB-20+U 4 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Days After Planting Figure 5:Coffee plant growth following emergence at about 70 days after planting at the Panchkhal nursery trial. In a separate field plot trial at Saraswatikhel, Bhaktapur, the growth rate of coffee plants with mixed grass/weed biochar applied at a rate of 4 t ha-1 also exhibited a higher growth rate (Table 6). Although the overall mean height of coffee plants was higher for non-biochar plants, the increase in height was more for the biochar applied plants at 5.4 cm over a 30 day period compared to 4.8 cm increase for non-biochar plants. The higher overall plant height in the latter was due to the transplanting of 123 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop older and taller coffee plants in the non-biochar treatment as compared to the biochar treatment. As with the coffee plants, radish planted in rows between the coffee trees showed a positive response to biochar application, as shown in Table 7. Radish plants that received biochar application (at a rate of 4 t ha-1) grew to an average height of nearly 24 cm compared to non-biochar plants, which only reached an average of about 19 cm. This difference in height was statistically significant at the 5% level of probability. Thus, biochar application appears to have potential to improve crop performance and yields as reported by other workers (IBI 2012, Sohi 2012). The application of biofertilizers and other organic amendments have been shown to improve soil quality while eN hancing productive capacity of soils (Sherchan and Karki 2006, Bajracharya and Sherchan 2009). Furthermore, diversified cropping systems such as agroforestry and inter-cropping have been noted to be effective for soil quality maintenance and sustainable production (Sharma and Sharma 2004, Dahal et al. 2008). Table 6:Coffee plant growth during a thirty day period for biochar applied and nonbiochar treatments at Saraswatikhel, Bhaktapur. Treatment* Plant Growth, cm Height (11/10/14) Height (10/12/14) Ht. Increase (30-day), cm w/ biochar Std. Dev. No biochar Std. Dev. 36.8 2.2 49.5 8.6 42.2 1.9 54.3 9.7 5.4 1.2 4.8 4.7 -1 *Biochar applied in two doses of 2 t ha for a total of 4 t ha-1 Table 7: Growth rate of radish plants in rows between the coffee agroforestry plots at Saraswatikhel, Bhaktapur during October to December 2014. Plant No Biochar, cm Non-Biochar, cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean* Std. Dev. 24 27 32 18 23 30 18 28 23 17 23.9 5.4 15 25 17 24 20 18 15 20 20 15 19.1 3.7 *Means statistically significantly different at P < 0.05. Apart from plant growth rates, biochar influenced the emissions of greenhouse gases from the agroforestry trial plots at Saraswatikhel, Bhaktapur. The flux of GHGs 124 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop measured at weekly intervals during April and May 2014 showed a general trend of lower emissions for the biochar applied treatment (Table 8). Although the values were not statistically significantly different for carbon dioxide and methane, nitrous oxide flux exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) lower values in the biochar amended soil as compared to soil without biochar. This finding is especially relevant for agricultural soils which are the main source of N2O emission to the atmosphere, particularly with the application of chemical nitrogen fertilizers. Crop types and tree species have been reported to influence GHG flux in soils among other soil and climatic factors (Raut et al. 2012, Ramesh et al. 2013). Table 8: Fluxes of greenhouse gases (µg CO2 m-2 h-1) from biochar applied and nonbiochar plots at Saraswatikhel, Bhaktapur. GHG CO2 N2O CH4 Treatment Min. Max. Mean biochar 10.5 432 225.4 non-biochar 40.8 589 298.5 biochar 5.12 370 89.0 non-biochar 6.30 523 157.2 biochar 1.58 22.9 12.1 non-biochar 0.86 39.8 16.0 Signif. ns P<0.05 ns Conclusion The findings of the above studies may be summarized as follows. Sustainable soil management practices can lead to significant C accumulations (4-8 t ha-1 over 6 yrs) in mid-hill districts of Nepal. The SOC contents and soil C stocks tend to increase with elevation due to the cooler climate and slow rates of organic matter decomposition. The total carbon stocks for three land use types, namely, community forest, leasehold/agroforestry, and agriculture followed the trend: CF>LH/AF>AG. However, agroforestry practices also had high total carbon stocks comparable to community forestry, making them a potentially suitable option for eN hanced livelihoods of rural communities while helping to sequester carbon in the hill regions of Nepal. Similar findings have been reported by other workers in Nepal and the region (Pandit et al. 2012 and 2014, Ramesh et al. 2013). Application of biochar to soil at low rates (2-4 t ha-1) increased growth of both coffee plants and radish. Mixed grass/weed biochar gave the best results for coffee seedlings grown on nursery beds. Application of diluted cattle urine did not have a notable effect on coffee seedlings. Biochar amended soil generally had reduced emission of GHGs. This reduction was significantly lower for N2O flux. Hence, agroforestry systems in combination withbiochar application to soils, offers a potentially viable option for sustainably eN hancing agricultural production, while also helping to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. This conclusion, however, needs further research and verification. 125 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Bajracharya RM and K Atreya. 2007. Carbon sequestration in upland farming systems of the Nepal midhills. Paper presented at the National Conference on Environment. Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. 22-24 June, 2007. Boserup E. 1965. The conditions of agricultural growth: the economics of agrarian change under population pressure. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 108 p. Brookfield H. 2001. Intensification and alternative approaches to agricultural change. Asia-Pacific Viewpoint, Blackwell Publications.Vol. 42, No. 2/3. Pp. 181-192. Carswell G. 1997. 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The maximum 185 siliqua per plant was recorded by the treatment in which recommended dose of N, P2O5 and K20 (100%) + Boron (1kg ha-1) were applied. Similarly the maximum 13.6 and 13 seed per siliquae were recorded in which recommended dose of N, P2O5 and K20 (100%) + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) and N, P2O5 and K20 (100%) + Boron (1kg ha-1) were applied respectively. Results on seed yield revealed that maximum 1313 kg seed per ha was recorded when recommended N, P2O5 and K20 (100%) + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) were applied followed by N, P2O5 and K20 (50%) + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) + Boron (1kg ha-1) which yielded 1247 kg ha-1. In second activity titled liming of acidic soil for improving soil reaction and contribution in toria seed yield, seeded on Kartik 10, fertilizer was applied @60:40:20 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K20 in all the treatments. Data on siliqua per plant, seeds per siliqua, 1000 seed mass and seed yield were statistically significant. The maximum 148 siliquae per plant was produced by the treatment in which 2 tons agri-lime was applied. Also the same treatment recorded maximum 12.3 seeds /siliqua. Similarly, the same treatment obtained maximum 1000 seed weight of 3.01 gm. The result revealed the highest seed yield of 918 kg ha-1 was recorded when applied lime @2.0 t ha-1 followed by lime @2.5 t ha-1 (778 kg ha-1). Again in third activity response of toria to different levels of nitrogen and sulphur, seeded on Kartik 3 was studied with an objective to see the effect of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) levels on plant height, secondary branches per plant, siliqua per plant, seeds per siliqua and 1000 seed weight were found statistically non-significant. However the effect of nitrogen level on primary branches per plant was significant. The maximum 3.8 primary branches per plant was recorded when 90 kg ha-1 N was applied. The data on seed yield for N level was found non-significant. However the effect of sulphur was found significant. The maximum seed yield of 837 seed kg ha-1was recorded when 90 kg ha-1 N and 45 kg ha-1 S were applied followed by N 30 kg ha-1 and S 45 kg ha-1 (760 kg ha-1). Keywords: Acidic soil, integrated nutrient management, liming, rapeseed yield. Introduction Oilseed crop plays a crucial role in Nepalese economy. It has high domestic demand as well as export potential. Oilseed crops, Rapeseed(Brassica campestrisvartoria L.), Rayo (Brassica juncea), and Sarson (Brassica campestrisvar yellow sarson) are the 128 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop most important edible oil producing crops of the country. The production of rapeseed and mustard seeds meet the major requirements of oil being consuming. RapeseedMustard is the dominant oilseed crop of Nepal. It is mainly grown as rainfed with limited use of fertilizer. Yield of Rapeseed-Mustard has declined in past few years. The reasonsforlowrapeseed-mustardyieldaretheuseof low yield potential varieties, poor soil fertility and nutrientmanagementpractices.Among the agronomic factors, nutrient stands first and is one of the most important inputs in agriculture for increasing productivity which must be addressed sooner than later. With increase in intensive cropping system in agriculture with high yielding varieties, soils are becoming depleted in nutrients. Indiscriminate use of the chemical fertilizer for the supply of major nutrients and limited use of other nutrients and organic sources of input over time have led to deficiency in soil and plants. Farmers rarely recycle the plant residues tothefield and help build up soil organic matter. Besides, only a handful of farmers seem to be aware of increasing soil acidity problem and take steps to address them. Particularly micro-nutrients like Boron and Zinc are emerging as one of the major constraints for sustainable production in rainfed areas. There is a need for efficient consumption of chemical fertilizers and increase use oforganic manure, crop residuesincorporation andbio-fertilizers application (De and Sinha2011).On the other hand, continuous use of organics manure helps to build up soil humus and increase beneficial microbes besides improvingsoilphysio-chemical properties. Therefore,a substitutionand/orsupplementationofmajornutrients withaconsiderableproportionfromorganicmanures for sustaining higher yield, is of urgent need (De et al.2009). To study on sustainable soil fertility management on Rapeseed production, the following three activities were carried out by Oilseed Research Program, Nawalpur, Sarlahi during 2007-08. • Integrated Nutrient Management practice for sustainable rapeseed seed yield. • Liming of acidic soil for improving soil reaction and contribution in rapeseedgrainyield. • Response on rapeseed yield and yield attributing parameters to different levels of Nitrogen and Sulphur. Materials and methods The research was carried out Oilseed Research Program, NawalpurSarlahi during 2007-08. The farm is situated at 26° 19' 86" N latitude and 89°23'53"E longitude and at an altitude of 143meters above the meansealevel. The soil type was Sandy loam. The experimental details of three activities are shown below. SN Design Treatment Replication Plot Size RR*PP Variety Activity 1 RCB 10 3 4m*3m 30 cm*cont. Preeti Activity 2 RCB 5 5 4m*3.6m 30 cm*cont. Preeti Activity 3 RCB 12 3 5m*2.4m 30 cm*cont. Preeti 129 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Integrated Nutrient Management practice for sustainable rapeseed seed yield In order to evaluate the rapeseed seed yield under different nutrient management practice, 10 treatments were set up comprising a combination of 50% and 100% of recommended doses @60:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1with FYM @10 t ha-1, Boron @1kgha-1 and Sulphur @30 kg ha-1.Trial was seeded in Kartik 3, 2064 and harvested on Magh 3, 2064. Other cultural practices were done as required. Liming of acidic soil for improving soil reaction and contribution in rapeseed seed yield It comprised of 5 treatments, RDF with different levels @ 0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 ton/ha of agri-lime. Trial was seeded at Kartik 10, 2064 and harvested on Magh 5, 2064. Fertilizer was applied @ 60:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 in all the treatments.Other cultural practices were done as required. Response on rapeseed yield and yield attributing parameters to different levels of Nitrogen and Sulphur It comprised of 3 levels of Nitrogen (30, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1) and 4 levels of Sulphur (0, 15, 30 and 45 kg ha-1 treatments. Trial was seeded at Kartik 3, 2064 and harvested on Magh 2, 2064. Preeti variety of tori was used in the experiment. Other cultural practices were done as required. All the recorded data were subjected to analysis of variance and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for mean separations using MSTAT-C. ANOVA was done at 5% significance level. Results and Discussions Integrated nutrient management vs. yield components The data on siliqua per plant, seeds per siliqua and seed yield were statistically significant (Table 1). The maximum siliqua per plant (185) was recorded on the treatment recommended dose of NPK (100%) + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) applied. Similarly the maximum 13.8 seed per siliquawere recorded for treatment with NPK (50%) + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) + Boron (1 kg ha-1) followed by 13.6 under recommended dose of NPK (100%) + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1). Results on seed yield showed that maximum 1313 kg ha-1 on recommended NPK (100%) + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) applied followed by NPK (50%) + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) + Boron (1kg ha-1) which yielded 1247 kg ha-1. 130 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Effect of nutrient management on agronomic and yield parameters of rapeseedduring 2007-08, ORP, Nawalpur. TN 1 2 Plant Height , cm 77.6 Name of Treatments Control (0:0:0 NPK kg ha-1) 100% NPK (60:40:20 N:P2O5:K2Oha-1) kg lant-1 2.9 4 Siliqua/ plant Nos. 90 11.8 1000 SW, gm 3.5 86 3 4.2 105 11.3 3.2 806 985 Seeds/ siliqua Seed Yield,kg 733 87 3 4.3 140 12.6 3.4 85.3 3 4 135 13 3.2 838 82 3 4.4 185 13.6 3.3 1313 100% NPK + Boron + Sulphur 87.3 3.4 4.2 165 12.6 3.8 1242 50% NPK + FYM (10 t ha-1) 89.6 2.6 3.9 140 12.5 2.8 866 88 3.2 4.6 155 12.1 3.1 965 92.6 2.6 4.4 165 10.8 3 958 93.3 3.5 4.6 175 13.8 3.7 1247 -1 3 100% NPK + FYM (10 t ha ) 4 100% NPK + Boron (1.0 kg ha-1) 5 100% NPK + Sulphur (30 kg ha-1) 6 7 8 50% NPK + FYM + Boron 9 50% NPK + FYM + Sulphur 50% NPK + FYM + Boron + Sulphur 10 plant-1 F-test ns ns ns * * ns * CV,% 10.7 14.3 25.8 17.1 10.6 14.6 19 The different nutrient management combinations showed increase in seed yield over absolute control. As though the highest seed yield was seen in 100% NPK + 30 kg ha-1 of Sulphur, it would not be wise choice of sustainable production. The treatment with 50% NPK + FYM + Boron + Sulphur which was just as high yielding and with the highest value for seeds/ siliqua and second highest for siliqua/plant is the best option due to its mix of organic, inorganic and presence of micronutrients. Liming vs. yield components Liming the field @2.0 t ha-1 with agri-lime resulted in the highest seed yield of 918 kg ha-1, 27.1% more compared to that of the control plot, followed by lime @2.5 t ha-1 which yielded 778 kg ha-1. The yield attributes and seed yield increased with increase in amount of lime but tended to decline above the rate of 2.0 t ha-1 in Nawalpur, Sarlahi conditions. This amount of liming was most relevant and economical to bring the soil to the optimum pH, thus giving higher yields in Nawalpur, Sarlahi. 131 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Effect of lime on yield and yield attributing characters of rapeseed during 2007-08, ORP, Nawalpur. T N Plant Height, cm Name of Treatments Control plant-1 plant-1 Siliqua/ plant Nos. Seeds/ siliqua 1000 SW, gm Seed Yield,k g 1 RDF lime) (no 68.4 3.1 4.2 110.6 10.9 2.64 722 2 RDF + 1.5 lime t ha-1 70.6 2.9 4.6 125 11.4 2.74 776 3 RDF + 2.0 lime t ha-1 71.2 3 4.6 148.2 12.3 3.01 918 62 2.7 4.4 130.8 11.6 2.81 778 -1 4 RDF + 2.5 limet ha -1 5 RDF + 3.0 lime t ha 68.2 3.2 4.8 115.6 11.4 2.88 734 F-test ns ns ns * * * * CV, % 11.2 22.1 16 12.4 11.2 10.5 13.9 LSD 0.05 - - - 12.1 0.2 0.1 91 Seed yield/ cost 25 yield (qt/ha) cost ('000) 20 15 10 5 0 RDF Control RDF + 1.5 t RDF + 2.0 t RDF + 2.5 t RDF + 3.0 t (no lime) lime/ha lime/ha lime/ha lime/ha Figure1: Seed yield of rapeseedon various doses of lime and their incurred costs, 2007-08, Nawalpur. Nitrogen and Sulphur vs. yield parameters The effect of N level was found non-significant on seed yield, however the highest seed yield was when Nitrogen was applied @ 90 kg ha-1. Researchers have found Nitrogen to increase yield upto 120 kg ha-1 level of application (Rashid et al. 2007). The effect of Sulphur was found significant only for the seed yield. The maximum seed yield of 837 seed kg ha-1 was recorded when 90 kg ha-1 N and 45 kg ha-1 S were applied. Khan et al. (2002) found similar results, where he found pods plant-1 and seed yield to be significant but the seeds pod-1 and 1000 SW were not significant, meanwhile yielding significantly higher for the highest doses of both nitrogen and sulphur. 132 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3: Effect of nitrogen and sulphur application on agronomic and yield parameters of rapeseed during 2007-08, ORP, Nawalpur. Level of plant-1 plant-1 Siliqua plant-1 nos. Seeds/ siliqua 1000 SW, g Seed yield,kg plant-1 TN Nitrogen Sulphur 1 30 kg/ha 0 kg/ha 63.3 3.06 4.4 41 12.1 1.67 474 2 30 kg/ha 15 kg/ha 69.6 2.8 5.7 39.3 13.4 1.86 577 3 30 kg/ha 30 kg/ha 64.3 2.7 5.2 42.6 12.2 1.51 565 4 30 kg/ha 45 kg/ha 71 3.2 4.5 54.6 12.8 1.92 760 5 60 kg/ha 0 kg/ha 70 3.2 4.9 48 11.2 1.58 680 6 60 kg/ha 15 kg/ha 69 3.1 4.2 41 10.4 1.54 605 7 60 kg/ha 30 kg/ha 70 3.6 5.8 49 12.4 1.58 530 8 60 kg/ha 45 kg/ha 67.7 3.3 5.2 51.6 13.1 1.73 747 9 90 kg/ha 0 kg/ha 69 3.8 6.1 47.6 13 1.51 470 10 90 kg/ha 15 kg/ha 76 3.3 4.8 52.6 12.3 1.67 620 11 90 kg/ha 30 kg/ha 75 3.4 4.2 43 13.6 1.74 743 12 90 kg/ha 45 kg/ha 74.3 3.6 6.5 57.6 13.7 1.5 837 CV,% 13.7 16.9 33.8 27.8 11.5 12.3 28 F-test Nitrogen A ns * ns ns ns ns ns F-test Sulphur B ns ns ns ns ns ns * LSD 0.05 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Conclusion The problem of low yield in Rapeseed is mainly associated with decline in soil fertility. The judicious use of nutrients along with plenty of organic sources, with emphasis on Sulphur and Boron for rapeseed is seen vital. The incorporation of farm yard manure is equally important. The soil acidity problem is increasing in trend, which needs attention and awareness to be raised among the farmers. Building the soil organic matter is the only way for a sustainable production. Acknowledgement The work is supported and funded by Nepal Agricultural Research Council. Oilseed Research program, Nawalpur, Sarlahi. 133 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Rashid R, F Karim and M Hasanuzzman. 2007, IDOSI Publications.Middle-East J. of Scien. Research. 2 (3-4): 146-150. De B and AC Sinha. 2011.Integrated Nutrient Management on Rapeseed (Yellow sarson).Lambert Academic Publisher, Germany. De B, AC Sinha and PS Patra. 2009.Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on rapeseed (Brassica campestrisL.) under terai region. J. Crop Weed. 5: 281-84 Khan N, J Amanullah, Ihsanullah, IA Khan and N Khan. 2002. Asian J. of Plant Sci.1(5): 516-518 134 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-11 Study on Soil Fertility Status of Vegetable Growing Pocket Areas of Dhading District, Nepal Binita Thapa, Dinesh Khadka and Shree P Vista Soil Science Division (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur Abstract A study was conducted for assessing nutrient status of vegetable growing area in Naubise, Jeevanpur and Kebalpur VDCs of Dhading district. These sites are pocket areas popularly for the vegetable production. A total of 36, 20 and 26 soil samples were collected from farmers’’ field at 0-20 cm depth by using soil sampling auger from Naubise, Jeevanpur and Kebalpur, respectively. Laboratory analysis for the determination of soil pH, OM, N, P2O5 and K2O was done following standard method in the laboratory of Soil Science Division, Khumaltar. The soil test data revealed that mean soil pH (5.95±0.061) of Naubise site was slightly acidic, low in organic matter (OM) (2.45±0.15%), medium in total nitrogen (0.11±0.004%), very high in phosphorus (372.6±43.26 kg ha-1) and medium in potassium (245.3±59.3 kg ha-1). Correspondingly, the mean soil pH (5.07±0.117) of Jeevanpur site was very acidic, low in organic matter (1.82±0.094%), low in total nitrogen (0.09±0.003%), very high in phosphorus (165.95±35.97 kg ha-1) and low potassium (55.1±13.13 kg ha-1). Similarly, at Kebalpur site soil pH (5.77±0.171) was moderately acidic, low in organic matter (1.89±0.207%), low in total nitrogen (0.09±0.006%), very high in phosphorus (353.1±53.54 kg ha-1) and low in potassium (133.7±37.1 kg ha-1).The soil at these site should be maintained properly through application of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients to make vegetable farming sustainable. In additions, the soil ; therefore, application of agricultural lime reaction of Jeevanpur site was found very practices to is recommended to manage soil while n the other sites proper manage in maintain soil reaction is recommended for sustaining vegetable production. OM recommended to add OM for all three sites is low is sustaining profitable production. Keywords: vegetable growing area. Introduction Soil fertility is the inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in adequate amounts and in sustainable proportions. Soil fertility is a prerequisite to its productivity. It is the capacity of soil to produce crops of economic value and to maintain health of the soil without deterioration. Dhading is a nearby district of the Kathmandu valley; especially Naubise, Jeevanpur and Kebalpur very popular site for the vegetable production. The testing of soil and recommendation based on the result to maintain soil health is a necessity in such vegetable growing area. 135 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Therefore, considering this factor soil science division started to work in the vegetable growing especially nearby side of the Kathmandu valley especially for the soil health diagnosis and improvement through the soil and plant testing. Materials and methods The different materials and method used for an assessment of nutrient status are described under the following headings: Collection of soil and plant samples The soil samples were collected from the vegetable farming area of the Dhading district namely Naubise (Kanakot), Jeevanpur (Kumaikhola) and Kewalpur (Dharke). The soil samples were collected from the 0-20 cm depth. Figure 1: Research sites of plant samples diagnosis. Analysis of soil samples The pH (1:2), Soil organic matter (Walkely 1934), total nitrogen (Bremner and Mulvaney 1982), available phosphorus (Olsen et al. 1954) and extractable potassium (Jackson 1967) content in the collected samples were determined by standard method in the Soil Science Division. Results and discussion Soil Fertility Status of the Naubise (Kanakot) The soil fertility status of the vegetable growing area of the Naubise (Kanakot) of Dhading district is shown on the Table 1. 136 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Soil Fertility Status of the Naubise (Kanakot). S.N. Particular pH OM,% TN,% Av. P2O5, kg ha-1 1. Mean 5.95 2.45 0.11 372.6 Ext. K2O, kg ha-1 245.3 2. Standard Error 0.061 0.153 0.004 43.26 59.3 3. 0.375 0.921 0.025 259.57 355.5 4. Standard Deviation Range 5.1-6.8 0.56-4.46 0.06-0.17 53-1206 7-1769 5. Count 36 36 36 36 36 Soil pH The mean pH of the tested samples of this site was 5.95. The maximum and minimum observed pH of this site was 5.1 and 6.8, respectively. The majority (58.3%) were slightly acidic while, remaining 33.3%, 5.6% and 2.8% of the analyzed samples were moderately acidic, nearly neutral and very acidic, respectively. Organic Matter (OM) The mean OM of tested samples of this site was 2.45%. The maximum and minimum observed OM of this site were 0.56% and 4.46%, respectively. In organic matter, 8.3%, 36.1% and 55.6 % of the analyzed samples were low, medium and high in the range, respectively Total Nitrogen The mean nitrogen of the tested samples of this site was 0.11%. The maximum and minimum observed nitrogen of this site were 0.06% and 0.17%, respectively. Total nitrogen, among the tested samples 83.3% was low while, remaining was medium. Low to medium range of nitrogen was observed on the tested samples of this site. Available phosphorus The mean phosphorus among the tested samples of this site was 372.6 kg ha-1. The maximum and minimum observed phosphorus of this site were 53 and 1206 Kg ha-1, respectively. In available phosphorus, 94.4% samples were very high whilst, remaining equal (2.8%) samples were medium and high in status. Extractable Potassium The mean potassium of the tested samples of this site was 245.3 kg ha-1. The maximum and minimum observed potassium of this site were 7 and 1769 Kg ha-1, respectively. In 137 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop extractable potassium 30.6%, 19.4%, 22.2% and 11.1% of the samples were very low, low, medium and high in the category, respectively. Soil Fertility Status of the Jeevanpur (Kumaikhola) The soil fertility status of the vegetable growing area of the Jeevanpur (Kumaikhola) of Dhading district is shown on the Table 2. Table 2: Soil Fertility Status of the Jeevanpur (Kumaikhola). S.N. Particular pH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mean Standard Error Standard Deviation Range Count 5.07 0.117 0.521 4.0-6.1 20 OM,% 1.82 0.094 0.421 0.98-2.8 20 TN,% 0.09 0.003 0.013 0.07-0.12 20 Av. P2O5, kg ha-1 165.95 35.97 160.85 29-681 20 Ext. K2O, 55.1 13.13 58.73 10-234 20 Soil pH The mean soil pH content of the study area was 5.0. The maximum and minimum value was 4.0 and 6.1, respectively. The 65%, 30% and 5% of the analyzed samples were very acidic, moderately acidic and slightly alkaline in reaction, respectively. In overall, high variation on soil reaction was also observed on this site. Organic Matter (OM) The mean OM among the tested samples was 1.82%. The maximum and minimum value was 0.98% and 2.89%, respectively. In overall, majority (95%) are low while, remaining 5% are very low in content. Total Nitrogen In total nitrogen, the mean content was 0.11%. The maximum and minimum content was 0.06% and 0.17%, respectively. In overall, 70% of the analyzed samples were medium while, remaining was medium in status. Available phosphorus In available phosphorus, the mean content was 165.95 kg ha-1. The maximum and minimum amount was 29.0 and 681 kg ha-1, respectively. In overall, 45% and 35% samples contains very high and high range, respectively; while, others samples each contains equal (10%) low and very low status. Extractable Potassium In extractable potassium, the mean content was 55.1 kg ha-1. The maximum and minimum content was 10 and 234 kg ha-1, respectively. In overall, 65% of the analyzed samples were very low, 20% was low and remaining 15% was medium in status. 138 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil Fertility Status of the Kewalpur (Dharke) The soil fertility status of the vegetable growing area of the Kebalpur (Dharke) of Dhading district is shown on the Table 3. Table 3: Soil Fertility Status of the Kewalpur (Dharke). S.N. Particular pH OM,% TN,% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mean Standard Error Standard Deviation Range Count Av. P2O5, kg ha-1 Ext. K2O, kg ha-1 5.77 0.171 0.874 1.89 0.207 1.056 0.09 0.006 0.031 353.1 53.54 273.0 133.7 37.1 189.176 4.4-7.03 26 0.2-4.46 26 0.04-0.17 26 20-877 26 11-940 26 Soil pH The mean pH of the tested samples of this site was 5.77. The maximum and minimum content of this site were 4.4 and 7.0, respectively. Among the tested samples, 38.5%, 19.2% and 5.4% were very acidic, moderately acidic and slightly acidic in reaction, respectively while, others 19.2% and 7.7% samples were nearly neutral and slightly alkaline, respectively. Organic Matter The mean OM of the tested samples of this site was 1.89 %. The maximum and minimum observed OM of this site was 0.2% and 4.46%, respectively. In organic matter, 23.1%, 57.7% and 19.2% samples were very low, low and medium in the range, respectively. Total Nitrogen The mean nitrogen of the tested samples of this site was 0.09%. The maximum and minimum observed nitrogen of this site was 0.04% and 0.17%, respectively. In total nitrogen, very low, low and medium status was observed on the 3.8%, 53.8% and 42.3% of the total analyzed samples, respectively. Available phosphorus The mean phosphorus of the tested samples of this site was 353.1 kg ha-1. The maximum and minimum observed phosphorus of this site were 20 and 877kg ha-1, respectively. In available phosphorus, 80.8%, 15.4% and 3.8% of the total samples were very high, high and low in the range, respectively. Extractable potassium The mean potassium of the tested samples of this site was 133.7 kg ha-1. The maximum and minimum observed potassium of this site were 11 and 940 kg ha-1, respectively. In 139 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop extractable potassium, 34.6%, 26.9%, 19.2% and 11.5% of the tested samples were very low, low, medium and high in the range, respectively. Conclusion In overall (based on the mean value) soil fertility condition for the vegetable growing is satisfactory in the tested soil parameters in Naubise, Dhading. Similarly, Soil pH, organic matter, nitrogen and potassium is below the optimum for the most of the vegetable growing areas of Jeevanpur. In Kewalpur site, soil pH (slightly below), organic matter, nitrogen and potassium is below the optimum for the most of the vegetable growing. Reference Bremner JM and CS Mulvaney. 1982. Nitrogen total. In: Methods of soil analysis. Agron. No. 9, Part 2: Chemical and microbiological properties, 2nd ed. AL Page. (ed.). Am. Soc. Agron. Madison, WI, USA. Pp. 595 – 624. Jackson ML. 1967. Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Olsen SR, CVCole, FS Watanabe and LA Dean. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U. S. Dep. Agric. Circ. 9, USA. 39. Walkley A. 1934. A critical examination of a rapid method for determining organic carbon in soils. Effect of variations in digestion conditions and inorganic soil constituents. Soil Sci. 63:251-263. 140 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-12 Effect of Different Sources of Organic and Inorganic Nutrients in Wheat under Terai Condition Sabina Devkota, Shova Shrestha and Shree P Vista Soil Science Division (NARC), Khumaltar Abstract An experiment was conducted at RARS, Parwanipur in rice wheat cropping system for two years from 2012 to 2013with nine treatments and four replication with an objective to compare the effect of different sources of organic manure and high analysis chemical fertilizer. Results of the combined analysis revealed that wheat yield and yield attributing parameters such as plant height and panicle length differed significantly with the treatments of the experiment. The highest grain yield (2599 kg ha-1) of wheat was obtained from the plot treated with recommended dose of chemical fertilizer followed by combined application of chemical fertilizer (half of the RDF) and poultry manure @ 10 t ha-1 (2435 kg ha-1). Parameters no. of tillers and test weight w non-significant. Unexpected obtained in combined application of vermicompost, FYM and poultry manure. Keywords: Chemical fertilizer farm yard manure (FYM), poultry manure and vermicompost. Introduction The demand of organic manure is increasing day by day as the farmers are getting more used to with the high yielding crops, but still there is lack of knowledge on soil organic matter management. Rice and wheat are the major food crops of Nepal and the yield of these crops can be improved using the organic manure. The crop yields especially of rice and wheat crops are stagnant or declining for the last decade in Nepal. The use of organic manures and composted organic materials along with chemical fertilizers may be effective for further increasing crop yield. Organic manure addition in the soil is major source to increase microbial activities which are necessary to render less productive soil into highly productive soil due to their role in mineralization and mobilization of applied manures and fertilizers. No soils can be set fertile without microbial activities. Hence, improvement of soil fertility with organic manure supplement is the aim of this study. Materials and Methods The experiment was carried out in RARS, Parwanipur with 9 different treatments and 4 replications in wheat variety Aditya. The field trial was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design. The details of treatments in the said experiments are presented in Table-1. Wheat seed was seeded continuously in lines of 25 cm apart in individual plot of 4 X 3 =12 m2. Half N and full amount of P and K were applied 141 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop during last field preparation, just before seeding. Remaining half of N was top dressed at about 30 days after seeding. Soil samples were collected from each plot before seeding and after harvesting of wheat for laboratory analysis. The crop was monitored regularly and raised with best possible management. Table 1: Treatments composition applied in the field experiment. SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Treatmentscombination Control NPK (100:40:30 kg ha-1) NPK (50:20:15 kg ha-1) + FYM 10 t ha-1 NPK (50:20:15 kg ha-1) + Poultry manure 10 t ha-1 NPK (50:20:15 kg ha-1) + Vermicompost 10 t ha-1 FYM 10 t ha-1 Vermicompost 10 t ha-1 Poultry manure 10 t ha-1 FYM 10 t ha-1+ Vermicompost 10 t ha-1+ Poultry manure 10 t ha-1 Results and Discussion Results of the combined analysis of two years revealed that wheat yield and yield attributing parameters such as plant height and panicle length differed significantly with the treatments of the experiment (Table-2). The highest grain yield (2599 kg ha-1) of wheat was obtained from the plot treated with recommended dose of chemical fertilizer followed by combined application of chemical fertilizer (half of the RDF) and poultry manure @ 10 t ha-1 (2435 kg ha-1). Parameters no. of tillers and test -1 weight w non-significant. Application of FYM at 10 ton ha alone could not show good results in terms of yield. However, application of vermicompost and poultry manure along with FYM showed good response. Amongst the three organic sources of nutrients, poultry manure was found better comparatively followed by vermicompost. Unexpected obtained in combined application of vermicompost, FYM and poultry manure. Combination of organic sources of nutrients produced good grain yield of wheat. This shows that even among the various sources of organic nutrients, combined application showed synergistic effect on yield. Controlled treatment showed least grain yield (959 kg ha-1) which shows that nutrients is required to get optimum yield. Moreover, combined applications of different sources have shown response in the present study. 142 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Effect of various sources of nutrients on yield and yield attributing parameters of wheat. Treatments 1 2 3 4 Plantheight, cm 65.50 86.23 83.93 87.83 Tillers m-2, nos. 223.9 244.6 234.5 250.6 Panical length, cm 6.475 8.775 8.050 8.813 Grain yield, kg ha-1 959 2599 2113 2435 Test weight, g 36.78 39.95 39.24 37.40 5 84.31 265.6 8.300 2333 32.23 6 7 8 9 G mean Lsd F- test CV, % 75.90 75.30 78.60 85.75 80.37 5.067 <.001 6.3 206.9 227.4 257.0 220.9 236.8 56.99 0.528 24.1 7.200 7.375 8.075 8.475 7.949 0.6800 <.001 8.6 1254 1257 1796 2117 1875 392.5 <.001 20.9 37.56 39.29 36.94 40.19 37.73 5.190 0.101 13.8 Conclusion Application of FYM at 10 ton ha-1 alone could not show good results in terms of yield. However, application of vermicompost and poultry manure along with FYM showed good response. Amongst the three organic sources of nutrients, poultry manure was found better comparatively followed by vermicompost. Application of full dose of chemical fertilizer produced higher yield followed by half dose of chemical fertilizer and poultry manure. Combined application of nutrients was also observed to produce good yield. Therefore, both organic and inorganic sources of nutrients should be applied for increased wheat production. Acknowledgement Authors highly acknowledge the organizing committee of Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop for accepting this paper for poster presentation. We would like to thank Regional Director of RARS, Parwanipur and other support staffs of RARS. Support from Chief and other staffs of Soil Science Division for effective and timely support in implementing diverse activities of the research is also due acknowledged. Reference: (Not cited in the text) 143 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-13 Sustainability of Long-term Soil Fertility Management in Rice Wheat Cropping Pattern n Eastern Mid Hills of Nepal Parashuram Bhantana1, Shree P Vista2 and Ram B Katuwal 1 Agricultural Research Station (NARC), Pakhribas, Dhankuta, Nepal 2 Soil Science Division (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Abstract A long-term soil fertility trail on rice wheat crop rotation was studied in Agricultural Research Station Pakhribas since 2054. There were seven different treatments replicated four times. The treatments allocated were (a) full control (b) full inorganic (c) full organic (d) 50% organic plus 50% inorganic (e) 50% inorganic (f) 50% organic (f) 25% organic plus 25% inorganic. Data on plant height, no. of tillers, no. of filled grain or unfilled grain per panicle, panicle length, biomass, straw weight, grain yield etc. were recorded. Most of the were not significant whereas few were significant. Five years data (2067-2071) that the highest rice yield was recorded in the year 2068, whereas the highest wheat yield was recorded in the year 2069. There is decline in the yield of rice and wheat after 2068 and 2069, respectively. Similarly the highest yield for both crops was recorded in the treatment with application of 50% organic plus 50% inorganic treatment. This treatment differed significantly from the control. Keywords: Inorganic fertilizer, long-term soil fertility, organic manure. Introduction Farming system in Nepal is an integrated farming system, whereas livestock, crop and horticulture are judiciously mixed into each other. Resources from one enterprise are utilized into other enterprise and so on. For the supply of organic nutrients farm yard manure, compost, green manure, various oil cakes and waste products of animal origin has been used. But now a days these materials are not available in sufficient quantity. This is because of disintegration of the farming system. Also attempts have been made towards incorporation of leguminous plant to enrich soil fertility (Swaminathan 1996). And there is increasing use of chemical fertilizer along with organic.Thus to develop a sustainability of farming system is pinpoint of this study. Rice-Wheat cropping pattern is one of the predominant cropping patterns in Nepal. Total area under rice wheat production is 0.6 M ha contributing 71% of total cereal production (Timsina and Connor 2001). Rice is the first and wheat is the third most important staple food crop in Nepal. However there is huge yield gap between potential and actual yield (Timsina and Connor 2001). Such yield gap needs to be narrowed 144 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop down. However rice yield of best fertilized treatments remain unchanged for 10-25 years (Ladha et al. 2000). There are two central issues on rice-wheat management. One is due to diverse soil system and agronomy between rice and wheat crop. Development of hard plough pan below the root zone which hampers wheat root proliferation and penetration. And the other is declining soil organic matter (SOM). The real challenges of the rice wheat cropping system are to develop high yielding cultivar includingsustainable production system (Timsina and Connor 2001). Knowledge transfer to the rural life is one of the major issues for the development. New technology can be such that it can be adopted by the small, poor and illiterate farmer. Do we have such technology? It is a question of discussion. Yes it is possible for the transformation of rural life with zeal and devotion. Mainly extension agents are responsible for the transfer of available technologies to the farmers. Moreover there are global communication network for the transfer of appropriate technology. But what is urgently needed is such a communication network at the service of the poor farmer in our country. It is not only knowledge that is needed but an approach which will be able to supply the right knowledge and tools to the right people at the right time and place (Swaminathan 1996). Sustainability is the key characteristics in the traditionally driven agriculture like Nepal. Sustainability is a favorable interaction among social, economic and ecological factors. But in this article more emphasis is given to ecological factors. The ability of an agro-ecosystem to remain productive at a constant or increasing level without degrading natural resource based upon which future productivity will depend is called sustainable (Ellis and Wang 1997). This is how a study for the sustainability of long term soil fertility management of rice wheat cropping pattern is taken into account. Materials and Methods The study location was situated at latitude 27°03’ N, longitude 87°17’ E and 1680 masl elevation in the Eastern Development Region of Nepal. The rice variety Khumal-4 and wheat variety WK-1204 were chosen for cultivation. Table 1: Treatments details. Treatment No. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 Symbols a b c d e f g Per cent nutrients Inorganic = 0, Organic = 0 Inorganic = 100, Organic = 0 Inorganic = 0, Organic = 100 Inorganic = 50, Organic = 50 Inorganic = 50, Organic = 0 Inorganic = 0, Organic = 50 Inorganic = 25, Organic = 25 There were seven different treatments replicated four times in a plot size of 16 m2. The treatments allocated were (a) full control (b) full inorganic (c) full organic (d) 145 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 50%organic plus 50% inorganic (e) 50% inorganic (f) 50% organic (g) 25% organic plus 25% inorganic. Agronomic operation: Sowing of rice in a seedbed was done for rice crop. Agronomic operation such as transplanting of rice was done on the 15th of Ashadh each year. Harvesting of rice and data collection was done for rice crop in 8th of Mangsir every year. Similarly sowing and harvesting of wheat was done on the Mangsir and Baisakh every year. Data recorded Data recorded were plant height, no. of tillers, no. of filled grain or unfilled grain per panicle, panicle length, biomass, straw weight, grain yield etc. Recorded data were analyzed with astatistical software M-Stat. Results and Discussions Mean, ±standard deviation of rice biomass kg plot-1 is shown in the Figure 1. As seen in the figure treatment with 50% inorganic and 50% organic showed the highest yield. Whereas control treatment showed the least. The respectives values for rice biomas are 16.48 kg plot-1and 8.8 kg plot-1in the year 2067. Similarly the highest and the lowest values for the rice biomass in the year 2068 was 17.2 kg plot-1 and 8.5 kg plot-1. Moreover 13.18 and 6.2 , 14.24 and 7.5 kg plot-1, and 12.37 and 6.08 were recoded as maximum and minimum values for the rice biomass in the year 2069, 2070 and 2071, respectively. Among the five years data presented, in the year 2068 showed the best. Similar pattern is observed for rice straw yield, rice grain yield as shown in the Figure 2 and 3, respectively. 2067 2068 2069 2070 25 20 15 Rice Biomass (kg plot-1) 10 5 0 Treatments Figure 1: Mean ±standard deviation of Rice biomass kg plot-1. 146 2071 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 25 20 15 Straw weight (kg plot-1)) 10 5 0 Treatments Figure 2: Mean±standard deviation of Rice Straw weight kg plot-1. 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 3.5 3 2.5 Rice Grain 2 yield kg 1.5 plot-1 1 0.5 0 Treatments Figure 3: Mean±standard deviation of Rice Grain yield weight kg plot-1. 147 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Likewise, rice biomass, rice straw yield and rice grain yield, wheat biomass, wheat straw yield and wheat grain yield are presented in the Figures 4, 5 and 6, respectively. All of these three parameters recorded were significant over the control treatment. Wheat biomass showed the highest in a treatment number (d) i.e. application of 50% organic and 50% inorganic and the least in the treatment number (a) i.e. control. Also other data such as wheat straw yield and wheat grain yield showed similar pattern. The highest and lowest value of wheat biomass were 9.83 to 2.42 kg plot-1, respectively in the year 2069. Similarly the highest and lowest values for wheat straw yield recorded in the year 2069 were 5.21 and 1.06 kg plot-1, respectively. Also in the year 2069 the highest and the lowest values for wheat grain yield were 2.74 to 0.615 kg plot-1, respectively. The yield records of the rest of the year are presented in the Figures 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Highest value among the five years data on wheat biomass, wheat straw yield and wheat grain yield was in the year 2069. It is possibly due to climatic factors favorable for the rice and wheat growing environments in the year 2068 and 2069 respectively. 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 20 Wheat Biomass kg plot-1 15 10 5 0 Figure 4: Mean±Standard deviation of wheat biomass kg plot-1. 148 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 8 7 6 5 Wheat straw yield kg plot- 4 1 3 2 1 0 Figure 5: Mean±Standard deviation of wheat straw yield kgplot-1. 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 4 3.5 3 Wheat grain yield kg plot1 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Figure 6: Mean±Standard deviation of wheat grain yield kg plot-1. 149 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion Among the seven tested treatments number four (d) with application of 50% organic plus 50% inorganic showed best over others. Thus application of inorganic fertilizer along with organic manures proved to be sustainable for the rice and wheat production in the ARSP condition of mid hill of eastern Nepal.Among the five years of data, the year 2068/2069 was recorded better than other years. Rice crop showed best yield in the year 2068 and wheat crop showed best in the year 2069. References Ellis EC and SM Wang. 1997. Sustainable Traditional Agriculture in the Tai lake region of China. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 61:177-193. Ladha JK, KS Fischer, M Hossain, PR Hobbs and B Hardy. 2000. Improving the productivity and sustainability of Rice-Wheat syste ms of the indo gangetic plains: A synthesis of NARS-IRRI partnership research. Discussion Paper No. 40. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines. Swaminathan MS. 1996. Sustainable agriculture towards an evergreen revolution.Konark publishers Pvt. Ltd. A-149, Main Vikas Marg, Delhi 110092. Timsina J and DJ Connor. 2001. Review on Productivity and management of ricewheat cropping systems: issues and challenges. Field Crop Research. 69:93132. 150 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-14 Effects Drought the Mobility Arjun Shrestha 1 Foliar-Applied Boron Thomas Eichert Plants 2 1 Agro-enterprises Centre, FNCCI, Kathmandu 2 University of Bonn, Germany Abstract Boron is a unique micronutrient with narrow margin between deficiency and toxicity. It is considered to be phloem immobile or to have only limited phloem mobility in many higher plant species, where it is transported along the transpiration stream and accumulates in the margins of leaves. However, one would expect a phloem transport of boron if the back diffusion into the xylem in some way be prevented. The back diffusion into the xylem may only be possible under reduced transpiration. In the present research, the distribution of foliar-applied B in green gram plants (Vigna radiata L.) under varying transpiration rates was evaluated in the Plant Nutrition greenhouse at the University of Bonn, Germany, between July and September 2009. The experiment was laid out in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) comprising three moisture levels (75, 50 and 25 % WHC), two boron levels (100 and 0 mM B). The top of the second trifoliate leaf was immersed in 100 mM boric acid solution for one hour. The plant samples were digested in pressure digestion and B concentration of digested samples were determined by miniaturized cucurmin method. Results showed that most of the B absorbed from the foliar application was accumulated in the treated leaf. There was no evidence of phloem B movement out of the leaves under reduced transpiration. The transpiration rates affect the foliar-B uptake in plants. However, the reduced transpiration did not support the phloem B transport out of the leaves. Correction of B deficiency is directly affected by B mobility (or immobility) in plants. It has generally been assumed that boron is relatively immobile in dicotyledonous plants and that a continuous supply of this element in the substrate is required for normal growth. In those species in which B is immobile, foliar-applied B will not be translocated from the site of application. This B cannot supply the B requirements of tissues not yet formed. Keynotes: Boron dicotyledonous plants, foliar-application, mobility, transpiration rate. Background Boron is a unique micronutrient with narrow margin between deficiency and toxicity. It is considered to be phloem immobile or to have only limited phloem mobility in most of the higher plant species (Brown and Hu 1996, Brown and Shelp 1997). Evidence suggests that the principal factorthat confers phloem B mobility to a plant species is the synthesisof sugar alcohols and the subsequent transport of the Bsugaralcohol complex in the phloem to sink tissues such as vegetative or reproductive meristems (Anonymus 2006, Brown and Hu 1998a, Brown and Hu 1996, Brown and Shelp 1997, Hu et al. 1997. In species, where boron is phloem mobile, a polyol-Bpolyol complex is formed in the photosynthetic tissues as shown in the following equation: 151 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Adopted from Masrchner (1995). The polyols are single sugers, as sorbitol, manitol and dulcitol present in many plants (Zimmermann and Ziegler 1975), but not present in several dicotyledonous plants. A steep gradient in B concentration has often been found such that B concentration in petioles and midribs is always lower than margins and tips (Oertli and Rechardson 1970). This pattern of distribution coincides with the appearances of deficiency symptoms in young parts and toxicity symptoms in the margins of developed leaves of plants (Brown and Jones 1971, Miwa and Fujiwara 2009). The occurrence of higher B concentrations in old or matured leaves in comparison to younger leaves is evidence of B immobility (Brown and Shelp 1997). If B is immobile in a species, then application of foliar B fertilizers will results in enrichment of the treated leaf, but will not result in enhanced B content of leaves formed after treatment or of tissues supplied primarily by the phloem (Brown and Shelp 1997). It has generally been assumed that boron is relatively immobile in dicotyledonous plants and that a continuous supply of this element in the substrate is required for normal growth (Gauch and Dugger 1954). Correction of B deficiency is directly affected by B mobility (or immobility) in plants. In those species in which B is immobile, foliar-applied B will not be translocated from the site of application. This B cannot supply the B requirements of tissues not yet formed. In species that do not produce significant quantities of polyols, boron is transported along the transpiration stream and accumulated in the margins of leaves (Brown and Hu 1998) and thus becoming immobile. Oertli and Richardson (1970). They also emphasized since that the transport capacity of the xylem normally exceeds the capacity of the phloem, the influx of boron into the leaf should exceed the efflux. Their hypothesis states that B is phloem immobile because it can move out of the phloem easily due to the high membrane permeability of boric acid (small, uncharged and therefore membrane permeable molecules). High membrane permeability of B is thought to induce a rapid efflux of B out of the phloem and its subsequent and immediate retranslocation into the source leaf by the transpiration stream which prevents the long distance phloem transport. The distribution of B is related to the loss of water from shoot organs, suggesting that it is primarily xylem-mobile with limited re-translocation in the phloem (Miwa and Fujiwara 2009 and Shelp et. al. 1995). The consequence of the hypothesis of Oertli and Richardson (1970) would be that, a low transpiration rate would reduce the xylem flux (influx) and thus the re-transport of B into the leaf that ultimately increases the distance which B can be transported out of 152 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop the leaf. Based on this assumption, the hypothesis of this research is “Under the condition of reduced transpiration boron translocation in the phloem is enhanced”. Materials and Methods Plant material and growth conditions The green gram plants (Vigna radiate) were grown till third true leaf stage with B deficit condition but with sufficient amount of water and other nutrients.When the plants reached third true leaf stage (40 DAS), three different moisture levels were induced for one week: high moisture level (75% WHC), medium moisture level (50% WHC) and low moisture level (25% WHC) considering low moisture level creates drought stress to the plants. The moisture levels were maintained accordingly during the treatment application. In order to add equal amounts of nutrients to all pots, the amount of nutrient solution required for the lowest water level was added to all pots. Then, the additional amount of water was added to pots for the medium and high water levels in order to maintain the calculated standard pot weight. After the induction of three different water levels, transpiration rates were measured only under different soil moisture levels in the second true leaf of each selected plant by using a Steady State Porometer LI 1600 (LI-CoR, Inc.). All other factors like light intensity and duration, relative humidity, air temperature and air humidity remained constant. After a week of drought stress, the top of the second trifoliate leaf was immersed into 100 mM boric acid solution for one hour. The samples were collected one week after boron treatment. During the sample collection, each plant was separated into six different parts comprising the top of the trifoliate treated leaf including the sub-petiole, the rest of the trifoliate treated leaf including the petiole, the parts above the treated leaf including the third true leaf and growing tips, the first true leaf including the petiole, the stems below the treated leaf and the roots (Figure 1). After harvest, all the samples were oven dried at 600C for three days. Figure 1: Illustration of different plant parts harvested in the experiment: top of the trifoliate treated leaf including the sub-petiole (1), rest of trifoliate treated leaf including the petiole (2), parts above the treated leaf including the third true leaf and growing tips (3), first true leaf including the petiole (4), stems below the treated leaf (5) and roots (6). 153 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Tissue boron concentration The plant material was dried at 600C for 3 days and subjected to a pressure digestion. Tissue B concentration in the digested samples was then determined by miniaturized curcumin method (Wimmer and Goldbach 1999). Statistics Data obtained from the experiments were analyzed by SPSS for Windows Version 18.0 using the General Linear Model (GLM). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine significant effects of the treatments. Tukey-test was used to determine significant differences between treatments. All graphs were plotted using Sigma plot version 11.0. All results are given as means of three replicates ± standard error of the mean. Results Transpiration characteristics The transpiration rates of plants under low moisture level was significantly lower than higher and medium MLs in both B treated and B controlled plants (Figure 2). The transpiration was 2.6±0.5 mmol m-2 s-1 at high ML, 2.2±0.5 mmol m-2 s-1 at medium moisture level and 1.4±0.4 mmol m-2 s-1 at low moisture levelin B treated plants. It was 3.0±0.6 mmol m-2 s-1 at high ML, 2.3±0.5 mmol m-2 s-1 at medium moisture level and 1.6±0.4 mmol m-2 s-1 at low moisture levelin B controlled plants. Total Boron uptake Water supply and foliar-application of boric acid differentially affected the total B uptake and B content in roots, stems, leaves and shoots. The effects varied with sampling time (immediately or one week after B treatments). Comparing the B content of B treated and untreated plants separated after soil moisture level gave a significant difference at high and low moisture levels (Figure 3). The mean B content was 118.7±8.2 µg at high, 96.5±5.7 µg at medium and 92.7±6.1 µg at low moisture levels in treated plants, respectively. It was 75.4±2.2 µg at high, 72.0±11.0 µg at medium and 68.8±5.5 µg at low moisture level, respectively, in untreated control plants. 154 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 2: Transpiration rates (mmolm-2s-1) of 6 week-old Vigna radiata L. plants after treatment application. Black bars and grey bars represents the B treated and untreated controls, respectively. Measurement was taken by using the Steady State Porometer LI 1600 (LI-CoR, Inc.) in the second true leaves of each selected plants. Figure 3: Total B content (µg) in 6 weeks-old B treated Vigna radiata L. plants (black bars) and in untreated control (white bars) one hour after foliar B application (a) and one week after foliar B application (b) as boric acid solution (100 mM). Before B application, plants were exposed to different moisture conditions for a week. Asterisks indicate significant differences between B-treated and untreated control plants at the respective moisture levels (t-test, n=3, *: p≤0.05, **: p≤0.01, ***: p≤0.001). Vertical bars indicate standard errors of the means. 155 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Boron Distribution Plants showed a significant difference between the B content of treated leaf of B treated plants and corresponding leaves of untreated control plants at all moisture levels (Figure 4a). Total mean B content of B treated leaf was 28.5±2.3 µg at high ML, 27.1±3.9 µg at medium moisture level and 21.6±5.0 µg at low moisture levelin B treated plants, and it was 4.3±0.6 µg at high ML, 4.4±0.9 µg at medium moisture level and 4.3±1.0 µg at low moisture level in the corresponding leaves of untreated control plants (Table 3). The increment of B was 24.2 µg at high, 22.7 µg at medium, and 17.3 µg at low moisture level, which account for 558, 511 and 400 % of the total B content of the corresponding leaves of control plants, respectively. 156 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 4: B content (µg) in treated leaf (a), surrounding leaflets of treated leaf (b), first true leaves (c), parts above treated leaf (d), stem (e) and roots (f) one week after foliar B application as boric acid solution (100 mM) to 6 weeks-old Vigna radiata L. plants (black bars) and in untreated control (white bars). Before B application, plants were exposed to different moisture levels for a week. Asterisks indicate significant differences between B-treated plants and control at the respective water level (t-test, n=3, *: p≤0.05, **: p≤0.01, ***: p≤0.001). Vertical Bars indicate standard errors of the means. Plants showed a significant difference between the B content of rest of treated leaf of B treated plants and corresponding leaves of untreated control plants only at a high moisture level (Figure 4b). Total mean B content in the surrounding leaflets of treated leaf was 11.8±1.4 µg in treated plants and 7.4±0.7 µg in untreated control plants. The increment of B content was 4.4 µg, which account for 60% of total B content at high moisture level in rest of treated leaf of untreated control plants. There was no significant difference between the B content of parts above the treated leaf (Figure 4c), first true leaf (Figure 4d), stem below the B treated leaf (Figure 4e) and roots (Figure 4f) of B treated and untreated control plants at all moisture levels. Discussion The foliar application of B had a highly significant effect on total plant B content. Plants grown under high moisture level resulted in highest B uptake and low moisture level resulted in lowest B uptake. It might be due to the fact that plants grown under low moisture level might have received lower amount of water from the soil compared to plants grown under medium and high moisture levels. Because of the water scarcity to transpire, there might be the formation of waxes in the cuticle layer of the transpiring leaves of the plants grown under low moisture level to minimise the water loss from the transpiration which might prevent the foliar-applied B to enter inside the leaf. The significant effect of the B treatment on total plant B content under different soil moisture levels indicates that the plants were able to take up foliar-applied B. Similarly, high moisture level resulted in the highest B content, followed by the medium and low moisture levels, irrespective of the boron levels. Within the moisture 157 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop levels, there was a significant difference of B content in B treated plants at medium and low moisture level one hour after treatment and at high and low moisture level one week after treatment (Figures 3). It is well known that B transport into shoot parts exposed to the atmosphere is predominantly driven by transpiration flow in the xylem (Brown and Shelp 1997). The significant correlation between transpiration and total B uptake indicates that transpiration rates affected the total B uptake of the plants. The correlation coefficient was higher in B control plants (r2 = 0.99, Figure 3b) than in B treated plants (r2 = 0.71, Figure 3a). This is comparable to the results of Kohl and Oertli (1961) found in Easter lily. They concluded that boron moves passively in the transpiration stream. Eichert and Goldbach (2010) after an experiment in Richinus communis L. under controlled environment suggested that mobility of foliar-applied B could increase not only during humid conditions reducing the transpirational water loss of leaves but also during dry soil conditions reducing water availability. Hu and Brown (1997) reviewed several experimental studies and concluded that B uptake in higher plants is a passive process and one of the influencing factors of which is transpiration rates. The lower the correlation coefficient in the B treated plants compared to control plants (as stated above) might be due to the additional B from foliar application and not due to transpiration. Boron level had a highly significant effect on leaf B content of treated leaf. There was a significant difference between the leaf B content from treated leaf of B treated plants and corresponding leaf of untreated control plants (Figure 4a). Most of the foliarapplied B accumulated in the treated leaf and did not show the movement from treated leaf towards surrounding leaflets (of treated leaf). Boaretto et al. (2007) found the similar findings in citrus. They concluded that the foliar fertilization increased the leaf B content. However, the B content did not occur difference in the leaves and fruit developed after the spraying. Comparatively lower the B content in B treated leaf at low moisture level indicates that the absorbed B in the source leaf was moved out towards the other plant parts. However, other plant parts including rest of the treated leaf did not received B from the source leaf. It was expected that reduced transpiration could reduce the re-transport of B into the source leaf and thereby increase the distance that B can be transported out of the leaf, resulting in increased amounts of B in untreated plant parts, e.g. the newly growing shoots. But the result did not support the assumption. High B concentration at high moisture level might be due to high transpiration. Under the condition of low moisture level, the surface of transpiring leaves become thicker by the formation of wax layer in the cuticles to minimise the water loss from transpiration. And, this thick wax layer might prevent to enter the foliar applied boron into the leaves. The B levels had a significant effect on leaf B content of rest the treated leaf. The significant difference in B content in rest of treated leaf from B treated plants and untreated control plants indicated that part of foliar-applied B, absorbed from the treated leaf moved towards the surrounding leaflets of the treated leaf (Figure 4b). 158 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Movement of B from treated leaf towards surrounding leaflets (of treated leaf) indicates that the absorbed B in the source leaves was able to move out towards the other plant parts. However, the movement of B was detected only at high moisture level. It might be due to high B concentration in the B treated leaf. At extremely high concentrations, some boron moves in tissues other than the xylem (Oertli and Richardson 1970). Oertli (1993) conducted an experiment on tomato seedlings and examined the symptoms expressions of B deficiency. He concluded that little B was mobilized and transported into the tops, whereas small but adequate amount was remobilized and transported to the roots. It is important to note, however, that even though the data obtained support the view that B moves in the xylem, the complications arising from differential transport mechanisms (influx and efflux) and accumulation in transit (petiole) must be underlined. The lateral leaflets of the treated leaf acquired B not only from the B treated leaf but also from the roots. At the same time, it lost parts of acquired B together with the treated leaf to rest of other (younger) parts. The B content of the treated leaf in the B treated plants significantly correlated with transpiration (Figure 6). It might be due to the accumulation of foliar-applied B in the treated leaf and transported B from the roots in the treated leaf. The high transpiration rate increased the amount of B in the treated leaf (highly transpiring organ). This result suggests that B moves with transpiration streams in the non-living xylem tissue and accumulated in the highly transpiring organs (older leaves). The high rate of transpiration might prevent the efflux of B out of the leaf with increasing capacity of xylem flow rate. Once B transported into the leaves in the xylem and as water is lost through the transpiration, it is concentrated in the margin of the leaf (Oertli and Richardson 1970). The lateral leaflets of the treated leaf probably received B both from 159 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop the treated leaf via phloem transport and from the roots via transpiration. B might be loaded into the phloem in the margin of treated leaf to equilibrate the concentration and transport towards the basal areas of the leaf with the concentration gradient as suggested by Oertli and Richardson (1970). They hypothesized that part of the phloem loaded B in the leaf is lost into the adjacent tissues in the basal areas of the leaves and petiole where concentration is low. It was expected that reduced transpiration decrease the xylem flux and reduce the re-transport of B into the source leaf. This ultimately, increase the distance that B can be transported out of the leaf. Shelp et al.(1995) reviewed several experimental evidences and concluded that the distribution of B is related to loss of water from shoot organs, suggesting that it is primarily xylem mobile. Conclusion The present study confirms the well-known fact that plants have a capacity to take up foliar-applied B. The total B uptake depended on the moisture levels in the root zone of the plants as well. The uptake (total B mass) and translocation (B in rest of treated leaf) of B in the plant was related to the amount of water consumed and consequently to the transpiration rates of the plants. However, all of the plant parts do not participate to the same extent in B distribution. Movement of B from treated leaf towards surrounding leaflets indicates that the absorbed B in the source leaves was able to move out towards the other plant parts. However, the movement of B was detected only at high moisture level. It was expected that reduced transpiration could reduce the re-transport of B into the source leaf and thereby increase the distance that B can be transported out of the leaf, resulting in increased amounts of B in untreated plant parts, e.g. the newly growing shoots. However, the increase in the B content of the parts above the B treated leaf may not only come from the older leaves but could also be due to the increase in dry weight of biomass. Increase in the biomass due to the plant growth also increased the B uptake from the roots which interfered in the present study with B translocation from the treated leaf. B content in the newly growing plant parts cannot be separated whether it come from B treated leaf or from the roots. The results showed no evidence of phloem B movement out of the leaves under reduced transpiration. The suggested conclusion is that the transpiration rates affect the foliar-B uptake and distribution in plants. However, the question of phloem B transport under reduced transpiration is still to be answered. To answer this question it is necessary to analyse the phloem flux too, which is still lacking in this research. Analysis of rubidium (Rb) as a phloem marker may verify the findings of this research. The reduction of transpiration rates by low soil water availability might have not been sufficient to allow the export of the foliarabsorbed B out of the treated leaf. It could thus be better to reduce the transpiration by further lowering the moisture levels below 25 % WHC for clearer results. It is necessary to quantify the amount of B that plant received from the soil before and after the B treatment. It would be better to use B isotopes (10B and 11B) to quantify the trace amount of B. 160 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Annonymus. 2006. Is boron mobile or immobile? Agrichem Liquid Logic (0005) Retrived from Liquid%20Logics%205.pdf Boaretto RM,T Muraoka,MF Gine and AE Boaretto. 2007. Absorption of foliar sprayed boron and its translocation in the citrus plants when applied at different phonological phases. Pp. 25-31. In: Proc. of third International symposium on all aspects of plant and animal boron nutrition. F Xu , HE Goldbach, PH Brown, RW Bell,T Fujiwara, CD Hunt,S Goldberg and L Shi (eds.). Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Springer. The Netherlands. Brown JC and WE Jones. 1971. Differential transport of boron in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Physiol. Plant. 25: 279-82. Brown PH and H Hu. 1996. Phloem mobility of boron is species dependent: evidence for boron mobility in sorbitol-rich species. Ann. Bot. 77: 497-505. Brown PH and H Hu. 1998a. Boron mobility and consequent management in different crops. Better Crops 82: 2. Brown PH and B J Shelp. 1997. Boron mobility in plants. Plant Soil 193: 85–101. Eichert T and Goldbach H E. 2010. Transpiration rate affects the mobility of foliarapplied boron in Ricinus communis L. cv. Impala. Plant Soil. 328(1-2): 165174. Gauch HG and Jr. WM Dugger.1954.The physiological action of boron in higher plants: A review and interpretation. Maryland Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. A80. Hu H and PH Brown. 1997. Absorption of boron by plants. Plant Soil 193: 49-58. Hu H,SG Penn,CB Lebrilla and PH Brown. 1997. Isolation and characterization of soluble boron complexes in higher plants: The mechanism of phloem mobility of boron. Plant Physiol. 113: 649-655. Kohl HC and JJ Oertli. 1961. Distribution of boron in leaves. Plant Physiol. 36: 420424. Marschner H. 1995. Boron. Marschner H. (ed.) Mineral nutrition of higher pants. Academic Press, London. Pp. 379-396. Miwa K and T Fujiwara. 2009. Boron transport in plants: coordinated regulation of transporters. UC Davis: The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI. (Retrieved from: Oertli JJ. 1993. The mobility of boron in plants. Plant Soil 155/156: 301-304. Oertli JJ and WF Richardson. 1970. The mechanism of boron immobility in plants. Physiol. Plant. 23: 108-116. Shelp BJ, E Marentes, AM Kitheka and P Vivekanandan. 1995. Boron mobility in plants. Physiol. Plant. 94: 356-361. 161 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Wimmer MA and HE Goldbach. 1999. A miniaturized curcumin method for the determination of boron in solutions and biological samples. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 162:15-18. Zimmermann MH, HZiegler. 1975. List of sugars and sugar alcohols in sieve-tube exudates. MH Zimmermann and JA Milburn. (eds.) Encyclopedia of plant physiology (new series) vol. 1, transport in plants I. Phloem transport. Springer, Berlin. Pp. 480-503. 162 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-15 Efficacy of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Rice under Rice-Tomato Cropping System at Central Terai Region, Nepal Shova Shrestha1, Sabina Devkota1, Bishnu H Adhikary and Sahabuddin Khan 1 Soil Science Division ( ) Khumaltar Agricultural Research Station (NARC), , Nepal Abstract Field experiments were conducted during the rice seasons for two consecutive years (2070 and 2071) in ARS, Belachapi to evaluate the optimal level of nutrient for better and sustainable rice grain production under Rice-Tomato cropping system. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used with twelve treatments of four N levels (0, 80, 120 and160 kg ha-1) and three level of P (0, 40 and 80 kg ha-1). The plot size was 12 sq. m. and rice variety Hardinath-1 was for the study. The highest rice grain yield (4854 kg ha-1), plant height (108.23 cm) was recorded in 160:80:40: N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1. Statistically, both grain and straw yield were significantly higher as compared to other (P) treatments. Two-years results revealed that recommended dose (K)could be increase for sustainable rice production under rice-tomato cropping system in light textured soil of ARS, Belachapi. The experimental results also indicated a depletion of inherent soil organic matter. Keywords: Crop productivity, grain yield, rice-wheat system sustainable rice production. Introduction Rice is the most important crop of Nepal. The area and production of the crop is increasing but productivity is still not satisfactory. Inadequate plant nutrients supply has been the major factor contributing to the decreased crop productivity (Gami and Sah 1998, Dobermann et al.). 2002. Similarly, increased use of unbalanced fertilizer without considering the native soil fertility and decline trend in organic matter incorporation by farmers are some of possible factors affecting productivity and soil fertility (Balasubramanian et al. 1999. Furthermore, nutrient management is the key factor for deciding the productivity of crop. The method of N application is also important for reducing N losses and improving the nitrogen use efficiency the crop. Rice crop absorbs an average of 20 kg N:11 kg P2O5:30 kg:K2O, 3 kg S, 7 kg Ca, 3 kg Mg, 675 g Mn, 150 g Fe, 40 g Zn, 18 g Cu, 15 g B, 2 g Mo and 52 kg Si. Out of the total uptake, about 50 percent of N, 55 percent of K and 65 percent of P are absorbed at early panicle-initiation stage. About 80 percent of N, 60 percent of K and 95 percent of P uptake is completed at heading stage ( down loaded on 13.6.2013). 163 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Materials and Method The field experiment was initiated since August 2012 on Rice -Tomato cropping system with an objective to enhance the socioeconomic condition of Nepalese farmers through the adoption of optimum level plant nutrient application appropriate technologies in rice and tomato cultivation.The experiment was conducted in RCBD design with twelve treatments and three replications at ARS, Belachhapi. Hardinath 1 variety of rice was transplanted. Treatments consisted of four rates of N fertilizers (0, 80, 120,160 kg ha-1) and three rates of P fertilizers (0, 40, 80,160 kg P2O5 kg ha-1) and constant level of K fertilizer (40 kg ha-1). Half dose of N and full dose of P and K were applied as basal dose. Remaining half dose of N was applied in two splits doses. Required parameters were recorded and analyzed statistically to observe the treatment differences. Collected data were compiled and subjected to analysis of variance by using MSTAT-C package. Mean was separated at 5% level of significance using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Table 7: Nutrient treatments applied for paddy – tomato cropping system in ARS, Belachapi. Treatments Rice(N:P2O5:K2O), Tomato(N:P2O5:K2O), kg ha-1 kg ha-1 1 0:0:0 0:0:0 2 80:0:40 100:0:80 3 120:0:40 150:0:80 4 160:0:40 200:0:80 5 0:40:40 0:100:80 6 80:40:40 100:100:80 7 120:40:40 150:100:80 8 160:40:40 200:100:80 9 0:80:40 0:200:80 10 80:80:40 100:200:80 11 120:80:40 150:200:80 12 160:80:40 200:200:80 Result and Discussion Combined data reveal that the highest rice grain production found 4882 kg ha-1 and plant height 108.23 cm was recorded highest in 160:80:40: N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 which was found at par with 120:0:40: N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 was 4854 kg ha-1 (Table 2). Statistically, both grain and straw yield were found significantly higher as compare to control. The optimal supply of P and K is required for high yields, even during periods of water stress. Tiwari 2002 reported that the current general use of P and K is very low in India and the recommended fertilizer dose 120:60:60: N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1for 6.87 t ha-1. 164 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 8: Agronomic performance of paddy Belachapi from 2013 to 2014 Treatments Yield, kg Plant height, -1 ha cm 0:0:0 2774d 94.77a 80:0:40 4387 abc 105.5a 120:0:40 4854a 106.1a abc 160:0:40 4285 102.7a bcd 0:40:40 3184 98.53a 80:40:40 4323 abc 104.7a abc 120:40:40 4316 103.9a 160:40:40 4502ab 106.2a cd 0:80:40 3083 97.63a abcd 80:80:40 4077 103.3a 120:80:40 4579ab 101.7a a 160:80:40 4882 108.2 a Mean 3917.35 108.889 CV,% 16.80 5.36 F- value 2.8288 3.4755 in paddy – tomato system in ARS, Number of tiller 209 b 266 ab 284 ab 292 ab 220ab 270 ab 292 ab 298 ab 246ab 309a 255 ab 262 ab 260.056 13.92 3.8051 Panicle length, cm 26.03a 25.7a 27.23a 27.23a 26.83a 26.8a 26.98a 26.3a 26.5a 27.03a 26.72a 27.1a 27.467 3.95 2.0853 Conclusion The timing of N applications is very important for improving the efficiency of the Nitrogen fertilizer. The split applications are especially for where total N requirement is high in order to avoid leaching losses. The site specific nutrient management technology would be useful for increasing the rice production. Phosphorus and potash recommendation dose could be increased for sustainable rice production under Rice Tomato cropping system in light textured soil under Belachapi condition. References BalasubramanianV,JK Ladha, and GL Denning. 1999.Resource management in Rice System. Nutrients:167-180. Dobermann A, C Wiltand and D Dawe.2002. Performance of Site-Specific Nutrient Management in Intensive Rice Cropping Systems of Asia. Better Crops International Vol. 16, No. 1 Gami SK, and MP Sah.1998. Long-term soil fertility experiment under Rice-wheat cropping system. In: Proc. of first national workshop on long-term soil fertility experiments. Tiwari KN. 2002. Better Crops International Vol. 16, Special Supplement. Website :( down lode 13.6.2013 165 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-16 Long-term Soil Fertility Experiment Under Rice – Wheat Cropping System in Regional Agricultural Research Station, Parwanipur, Bara, Nepal Shova Shrestha1, Gautam Shrestha2, Maheshwor P Sah3, Kailash P Bhurer and, Bishnu H Adhikary 1 Soil Science Division Khumaltar Regional Agricultural Research Station 3 Regional Agricultural Research Station 2 , Nepal , Khajura, Banke , Pawanipur Abstract Due to over mining of plant nutrients, soil in the Terai region have been depleted and to overcome th problem, it is necessary to add additional elements in the field. Long-term soil fertility experiment in Parwanipur was started since 1980/1981 to evaluate the longterm effect of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer on crop yield and soil properties. experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and twelve treatments. Analysis of both and wheat grain yield, straw yield, thousand grain variance revealed weight, number of tillers, panicle length and plant height were significant (p value <0.001) between treatments. Wheat grain yield (2533 kg ha-1 ),straw yield (5323 kg ha-1), grain yield (3835 kg ha-1 ) and straw yield (6061 kg ha-1) were significant high in the plots with the treatment applied at 10t ha-1 of FYM +50 kg ha-1 of N in Rice and 100:30:30 kg ha-1of N:P2O5:K2O in Wheat). Regression analysis showed that wheat thousand grain weight significant (p value <0.05) (adjusted R squared value > 0.20) the time line in all the treatments. From these results, farmers are recommended to use farm yard manure for increase the long-term productivity and to enrich the soil with plant nutrients and organic matter. Keywords: Cropping system, grain yield, long-term soil fertility, nutrient management straw yield. Introduction Paddy - wheat cropping system is a predominant cropping system in the Terai and mid hills of Nepal. However, inherent fertility constraints have resulted in the lower productivity(Fischer 1998). Long term experiments are valuable for evaluating the effects of continuous cropping on the cropping system and the soil capacity to sustain nutrient supply and the productivity. In long term soil fertility experiment started in 1972, application of FYM 20 t ha-1 resulted in higher yield of both paddy and wheat than full dose of chemical fertilizer (120-30-30 kg N-P2O5-K2Oha-1) in Panjab, India condition (Rasool et al. 2007). 166 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop The Parwanipur long term experiment was started in 1980/81 to evaluate the effect of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers on crop yields as well as on soil properties and to study the effect of N with or without P and K in the long run under paddy –wheat system. A past paper by Gami and Sah (1998) has already published the 15 years research results in Parwanipur. They revealed that application of100-30-30N-P2O5K2Okg per hectare produced the highest grain yield with production of 3.16 t ha-1 paddy and 3.106 t ha-1 wheat. They also mentioned that addition of zinc (25 kg per hectare) could increase the grain yield in the long term. However, there is increased concern about the yield decline in long term fertilizer experiments(Dawe et al. 2000).Hence, this paper tries to affirm the present condition of crop production in long term soilfertilityexperiment at RARS, Parwanipur, Bara Nepal. Materials and Methods The field experiment was initiated since June 1980 on paddy -wheat cropping system. A randomized complete block design was used with three replications. The plot size was 24square meter(6 ×4 sq.meter). There were 12 different treatments (Table 1). Rice was transplanted at 20 by 15 cm spacing and wheat was continuously sown in row 25cm apart. All phosphate and potassium fertiliser and one half of nitrogen was applied in the form of urea,triple super phosphate (TSP),Diammonium Phosphate (DAP), Complexal, Murate of Potash (based on the availability of fertilizer material) .Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4)at the rate of 10 kg Zn ha-1was applied according to the treatments. The remaining half dose nitrogen was top dressed 30-35 days after planting. At harvest, agronomic parameters were measured. Collected data were compiled and subjected to analysis of variance by using R package. Table 1: Nutrient treatments applied for paddy – wheat cropping system in RARS, Parwanipur. Treatments Paddy (kg N:P2O5:K2O) Wheat(kg N:P2O5:K2O) 1 0:0:0 0:0:0 2 100:0:0 100:0:0 3 100:30:0 100:30:0 4 100:0:30 100:0:30 5 100:30:30 100:30:30 6 100:0:0 100:0:0 7 50:0:0 50:0:0 8 50:20:0 50:20:0 9 FYM10t ha-1 FYM10 t ha-1 -1 10 100:30:30+25kg ZnSO4 ha 100:30:30 11 FYM10t ha-1+ 50:0:0 100:30:30 12 50:0:0+ chopped straw 10 t ha-1 100:30:30 167 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and Discussion Paddy agronomic characteristics In paddy, the highest plant height (95 cm), panicle length (25 cm) and thousand grain weight (21 g)were observed in100:30:-30 kg N:P2O5:K2O + 25kg ZnSO4 ha-1 in paddy (Table 2). At par with Gami and Sah (1998), effect of zinc sulphate application was distinct in plant height.The highest grain yield (3835 kg ha-1) and straw yield (6061 kg ha-1) were obtained with 50:0:0 N:P2O5:K2O + FYM 10 t ha-1 (Table 2).However, Gami and Sah (1998) reported that 15 years the result of by highest grain yield in 100:30:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1. Whereas Shrestha and Chaudhary (2015) obtained higher rice grain yield (3730 kg ha-1) with the application of FYM 10 t ha-1 than in 100:30:30 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1.The result also revealed that FYM use is essential for long term increase the soil fertility and crop productivity. However, FYM alone was not meeting the nutrient requirement of the crop.The addition of 50 kg ha-1 with FYM was needed to increase the paddy production. 168 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Agronomic performanceof paddyin paddy – wheat system in RARS, Parwanipur from 2000 to 2014. Treatment(N-P2O5-K2O kg ha-1) 0-0-0 100-0-0 100-30-0 100-0-30 100-30-30 100-0-0 50-0-0 50-20-0 FYM 10 t ha-1 100-30-30 + 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 50-0-0 + FYM 10 t ha-1 50-0-0 + 10 t ha-1 chopped straw P - value HSD value CV,% Plant height, cm 73.9±3.2d 85.9±1.6bc 88.5 ±1.4abc 88.2 ±1.6abc 92.2±1.5ab 92.3 ±1.4ab 83.5±1.5c 85.4±1.4bc 84.2±1.4c Number of tillers 180.5±6.5e 248.2±5.6abc 244.2±5.7abcd 249.0±5.0ab 263.3±6.7a 255.9±4.9a 221.0±4.5cd 225.1±4.8bcd 216.8±7.0d Panicle length, cm 20.295±0.4d 23.157±0.4abc 23.286±0.3abc 23.233±0.5abc 24.262±0.4ab 24.252±0.5ab 22.31±0.4c 23.024±0.4abc 22.538±0.4bc Thousand grain weight, g 19.8±0.2c 20.5±0.2abc 20.6±0.2abc 20.7±0.2ab 20.8±0.2a 20.9±0.2a 20.3±0.2abc 20.4±0.2abc 19.9±0.2bc Straw yield, kg ha3272.5±200.0g 5240.1±158.3bcd 5501.8±166.3abc 5533.4±189.6abc 5972.9±168.7abc 5686.5±186.8abc 4299.0±180.8f 4447.6±114.7ef 4480.8±162.4def 1929.7±109.5h 3058.1±119.7def 3330.4±10.5bcd 3128.8±106.5cdef 3571.2±88.6abc 3494.3±123.7abcd 2527.6±92.4g 2746±100.0fg 2808.7±109.5efg 94.911±1.24a 262.0±5.7a 24.6±0.5a 21.1±0.2a 6000.7±163.5ab 3706.2±103.8ab 92.73±1.1ab 245.8±7.4abc 24.443±0.4ab 20.9±0.2a 6061.4±183.3a 3835.2±101.6a 88.4 ±1.6abc 242.4±6.6abcd 23.629±0.4abc 60.9±40.1a 5174.7±155.9cde 3276.6±110.9bcde <0.001 6.8 9.32 <0.001 29.6 13.53 <0.001 2.0 8.01 <0.001 0.9 80.43 <0.001 793.1 16.1 <0.001 497.1 21.2 169 Grain yield, kgha-1 1 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3: Regression results of different treatments in paddy grain yield along the years (2000 to 2014). Treatments Intercept p-value 0:0:0 100:0:0 100:30:0 100:0:30 100:30:30 100:0:0 50:0:0 50:20:0 -90389.0 0.064 -1321.0 0.937 -15854.9 0.707 -48955.1 0.288 18275.3 0.719 -91374.4 0.101 -57020.2 0.156 -33836.6 0.424 4900.7 0.967 -50802.8 0.261 -68104.0 0.145 -90389.0 0.074 -1 FYM 10 t ha -1 100:30:30 + 25 kg ZnSO4 ha -1 FYM 10 t ha + 50:0:0 -1 50:0:0 + chopped straw 10 t ha Wheat agronomic characteristics In wheat, highest grain yield (2530 kg ha-1) was obtained in the plots applied with 50 kg nitrogen plus FYM 10 t ha-1 in paddy and 100:30:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 in wheat (Table 4). There were no significant differences in after-effect of paddy nutrient treatments in wheat agronomic characteristics (Table 4). Regression analysis of paddy grain showed neither significant negative trend line nor positive trend line for paddy grain yields (Table 3). 170 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 9: Wheat agronomic performance in paddy – wheat system in RARS, Parwanipur from 2000 to 2014. Treatment(NP2O5-K2O kg ha-1) 0:0:0 100:0:0 100:30:0 100:0:30 100:30:30 100:30:30 50:0:0 50:20:0 FYM 10 t ha-1 100:30:30 100:30:30 100:30:30 P - value HSD value CV,% Plant height, cm Number of tillers 63.0 ± 2.1e 69.1±1.7de 79.0±1.5bc 74.6 ±1.0cd 88.9 ± 2.0a 86.5 ± 2.3ab 72.5± 1.5cd 77.9 ± 1.67 c 77.3 ± 1.9cd 90.2±2.0a 89.4±1.7a 89.3±1.8a <0.001 8.64 9.67 145.2±10.3e 169.8±13.5de 206.6±13.1abcd 189.8±11.6bcde 240.2±11.9ab 231.2±9.4abc 169.6±9.8de 186.8±9.5cde 173±8.8de 249.7±10.7a 242.2±11.4a 235.7±9.8abc <0.001 51.278 22.56 Panicle length, cm 7.0±0.8b 8.7±0.4ab 9.8±0.3a 10.1±0.4a 10.2±0.2a 10±0.16a 9.13±0.1a 9.6±0.2a 9.3±0.2a 10.5±0.1a 10.3±0.0a 10.3±0.3a <0.001 1.78 4.71 Thousand grain weight, g Straw yield, kg ha-1 36.7±1.8a 35.5±1.7a 33.6±1.7a 38.5±1.8a 38.6±1.7a 38.2±1.7a 35.1±1.6a 34.9±1.7a 40.4±2.0a 38.1±1.6a 38.8±1.9a 38.6±2.2a <0.001 8.5 20.55 1253.87±104.8d 2077.07±156.8cd 3449.18±260.8bc 2753.38±214.1cd 4750.07±425.9ab 4317.07±360.0ab 2192.48±186.1cd 2815.06±244.7c 2435.67±192.4cd 5050.66±450.7a 5323.938±506.9a 5291.96±457.5a <0.001 1508.2 35.34 Regression analysis showed no significant trend lines in wheat grain yield (Table 5). 171 Grain yield, kg ha-1 577.2± 28.8e 944.1±66.4de 1614.6±112.3b 1449.6±70.8bc 2454.9±107.8a 2258.8±114.5a 1128.4±58.1cd 1358.7±88.3bcd 1203.3±55.6bcd 2398.8±126.9a 2533.8±113.1a 2478.7±121.5a <0.001 434.99 29.62 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 5: Regression results of different treatments in wheat yield along the years (2000 to 2014). Treatments 0:0:0 100:0:0 100:30:0 100:0:30 100:30:30 100:30:30 50:0:0 50:20:0 FYM 10 t ha-1 100:30:30 100:30:30 100:30:30 Intercept -12499.5 -67064.9 -133815.0 42952.8 -58659.5 -46599.3 -43503.4 -94614.1 -53202.0 -55134.5 -120919.0 -47619.3 p-value 0.446 0.075 0.34 0.316 0.333 0.467 0.186 0.057 0.089 0.13 0.059 0.498 Conclusion The Farm Yard Manure should be applied to maintain the soil fertility. However, FYM alone cannot be expected to give economic returns and it is essential that it should be applied in combination with inorganic fertilizer to obtain the optimum economic yield. The integrated use of farm yard manure and inorganic fertilizers was found to increase the sustainable crop productivity and soil fertility Use of FYM at the rate of 10 t ha-1 + 50 kg N ha-1in paddy and 100-30-30 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1showed the best combination for the sustainability of paddy – wheat cropping system. The response of yield to applied phosphorus is greater in wheat than in paddy. The balance dose of NPK in wheat is essential to sustain the productivity in R-W system. Acknowledgements Authors are grateful to late Mr. Maheshwor P Prasad Sah who initiated as well as conducted this long term soil fertility experiment in RARS, Parwanipur. We thank the Regional Director, RARS Parwanipur Mr. Kailash Prasad Bhure rfor providing logistics support to continue this experiment. References Dawe D, A Dobermann, P Moya, S Abdulrachman, B Singh, P Lal, SY Li, B Lin, G Panaullah, O Sariam, Y Singh, A Swarup, PS Tan and QX Zhen. 2000. How widespread are yield declines in long-term rice experiments in Asia? Field crops research. 66:175-193. Fischer K. 1998. Toward increasing nutrient-use efficiency in rice cropping systems: the next generation of technology. Field Crops Research. 56:1-6. Gami SK and MP Sah. 1998. Long-term soil fertility experiment under rice-wheat cropping system. National long-term soil fertility experiments workshop. Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar. Pp. 12-28. 172 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Rasool R, S Kukal and G Hira. 2007. Soil physical fertility and crop performance as affected by long term application of FYM and inorganic fertilizers in rice– wheat system. Soil and Tillage research. 96:64-72. Shrestha G and RD Chaudhary. 2015. Agronomic performance of paddy-wheat system under long term soil fertility trial: a guide-line for fertilizer recommendation in mid-western terai region. In: Proc. of the 28th summer crops workshop. Nepal Agricultural Research Council, National Rice Research Programme (NRRP). 173 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-17 Biochar: ts ole in oil anagement and otentiality in Nepalese Agriculture Shree P Vista , Ananta G Ghimire , Schmidt Hans Peter , Simon Shackley and Bishnu H Adhikary1 Soil Science Division, (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Ithaka Institute for Carbon Intelligence Landell Mills Limited Abstract Biochar, the final product of pyrolysis of biomass, can be used as a soil amendment to increase plant growth, yield, improve water quality, increase soil moisture retention and availability to plants, reduce soil emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), reduce leaching of nutrients, reduce soil acidity, and reduce irrigation and fertilizer requirements. These properties of soil are very dependent on the properties of the biochar, and may depend on site specific ecological conditions including soil type, condition (depleted or healthy), temperature, and humidity. Biochar can be used in the reclamation of degraded and spoiled lands (acidic, alkaline, sodic and saline soils).It can sequester massive amounts of carbon (C) in the soil for hundreds to thousands of years. Originally, biochar was promoted primarily by the soil community, who were drawn by its remarkable soil eN hancement properties. Now, however, the significance of the climate change benefits offered by biochar is becoming the key driver. Biochar is now acknowledged as one of the main ways of decarbonising the atmosphere. In the developing regions of the world, where the bulk of the land and the best climatic conditions for biomass production exist, policy incentives to drive carbon (C) removals may be expected to result in the widespread adoption of biochar. It has multiple complementary and often synergistic effects on soil which may motivate biochar applications for environmental management, namely soil improvement, water and waste management, energy production and climate change mitigation. Very recently, biochar has gained its popularity in Nepalese Agricultural Research with the inception of Biochar Project in Nepal and Soil Science Division (NARC) as an implementing body of the project, has initiated scientific research in three agro-ecological zones tested in six different crops. Results of the research can be obtained with different soil nutrient analysis after completion of the project. Preliminary studies show that there is tremendous potentiality of biochar production and utilization in Nepalese agriculture. Keywords: Biochar, degraded and spoiled lands, Nepalese agriculture tremendous soilpotentiality management. Background Production and use of charcoal in everyday life is not a new story in Nepal. Charcoal production from cooking has been a major feature for thousands of years. The use of these produced charcoals in the field is not in practice. Charcoal is used by blacksmith 174 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop for heating iron and in common, it was used for cleaning the teeth in past days. However, with the advancement of science and technology, its use has been widening and the process of making charcoal has also been coming up with modification. The placement of charcoal in soils is what we say biochar in recent days. This is only a practice of application of charcoal in soil with the intention of soil improvement and it is our ancestral way of life that modern science is trying to understand and replicate.Biochar is a fine grained charcoal high in organic carbon and highly resistant to decomposition. It is produced by the thermal decomposition of organic feedstock/ biomass generally known as pyrolysis,generally at low heating rates under oxygen limited condition. It has significant carbon content, high internal surface area and adsorption properties. It has high cation exchange capacity, better fertilizer retention and less field runoff. It also has significant synergisms with soil microbes over time. Important sector of biochar use 1. As a Soil Amendment 2. Closing nutrient cycles in agriculture (animal farming) 3. Waste water treatment, sewage sludge pyrolysis 4. Remediation of contaminated soils 5. Carbon sequestration 6. Mitigating Climate Change Biochar and environmental management There are four complementary and often synergistic objectives which may motivate biochar applications for environmental management, namely soil improvement, waste management, energy production and climate change mitigation. They need to have either a social or a financial benefit, or both and as a result, there are a number of very different biochar systems of different scales. Originally biochar was promoted primarily by the soil community, who were drawn by its remarkable soil enhancement properties. Now however the significance of the climate change benefits offered by biochar is becoming the key driver. Biochar is now acknowledged as one of the main ways of decarbonising the atmosphere. There has been much discussion in the press and the literature regarding the scope for Carbon Capture and Storage – that is sequestering CO2 gas. The scope for carbon sequestration with biochar however may be just as significant. In the developing regions of the world, where the bulk of the land and the best climatic conditions for biomass production exist, policy incentives to drive Carbon removals may be expected to result in the widespread adoption of biochar soil improvement based on pyrolysis technologies. The potential role of biochar for the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and storage in soil of very large quantities of Carbon appears to lie mainly in developing countries. 175 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Biochar and the soil Biochar can be used as a soil amendment to increase plant growth yield, improve water quality, increase soil moisture retention and availability to plants, reduce soil emissions of GHGs, reduce leaching of nutrients, reduce soil acidity, and reduce irrigation and fertilizer requirements. These properties are very dependent on the properties of the biochar, and may depend on regional conditions including soil type, condition (depleted or healthy), temperature, and humidity. Modest additions of biochar to soil were found to reduce N2O emissions by up to 80% and completely suppress methane emissions. Conservation of energy is achieved through the avoidance of energy incurred in the production of excess fertilizers. Biochar can be used in the reclamation of degraded and spoiled lands (Acidic and Alkaline soils). Biochar and Nepal Research on biochar production and its use in agricultural soil is very limited in Nepal. Very recently, this concept has been gaining importance and popularity. However, only few projects in biochar are running in Nepal and there has been a rapid change in the concepts of biochar use. Earlier, biochar itself was considered as a substitute of fertilizer and now it has been commonly agreed that it is just a carrier of the nutrients. Use of only biochar in soil did not improve crop yield, it locked the nutrients and therefore, in recent years, mixing of nutrients with biochar has become a practice. Biochar Research in NARC Very recently, biochar has gained its popularity in Nepalese agricultural research with the inception of Biochar Project in Nepal and NARC as an implementing body of the project, has initiated scientific research in three agro-ecological zones tested in six different crops. Biochar was prepared with three different kilns using different feedstock in four locations and with six crops. In Hill Crop Research Program, barley and potato were grown using biochar at 4t ha-1 and with seven different treatments. This research represents mid hills condition and for terai condition, research was carried out at RARS, Parwanipur. Onion and maize were grown with seven different treatments. Similarly, one more trial was conducted in sugarcane crop at SRP, Jitpur. To represent foothills, another trial was carried out at Spice Development Center, Panchkhal with ginger crop. All the treatments were replicated five times. One hundred and ten farmers field trial were also carried out side by side to know their perception on biochar. Soil Science Division as a implementing body of the research trial has also started doing some basic research on biochar in green house condition. Pot culture with tomato is undergoing with eight different treatments and five replications. Intensive study is on the way with biochar to test its potentiality in Nepalese agriculture. Results of the research can be obtained with different soil nutrient analysis after completion of the project. Preliminary studies show that there is tremendous potentiality of biochar production and utilization in Nepalese agriculture. Farmers involved in field trial are giving positive response to biochar application. 176 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Some recommendations Though biochar research in NARC is still in preliminary stage, however following points have come up while working in biochar as way forward. 1. Study and assess the nature of the local feedstocks and based on it develop a National Biomass Resource Atlas. 2. Different pyrolysis stove designs could then be tested to establish the optimum solutions in the different agroecological zones. 3. Determination of the optimum way of accounting for, and being credited for the carbon sequestration in the soil. 4. Dose of biochar with respect to location, soil types and climatic variation is a must in near future. Reference: (Not provided) 177 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-18 Effect of Organic Matter and Iron Slime on Changes in Soil Properties S P Vista1 and Dipankar Saha2 1 2 Soil Science Division (NARC), Khumaltar, Nepal Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, BCKV, West Bengal, India Abstract Iron-ore-slime is the waste product of iron and steel industries which has the particle size of below 15µm and is being discarded as waste during the mining and processing stages to of iron ore. Laboratory incubation experiment was conducted in the laboratory investigate the effect of organic matter (OM) on soil physico-chemical properties amended with iron- slime with four different treatments replicated four times. Results of characterization study of iron-slime revealed that it is neutral in reaction, contains considerable amount of available plant nutrients and is fairly good enough its fertility status. Addition of iron-slime influenced soil reaction in maintaining towards neutrality as that of organic matter. Iron- slime has proved to have more or less similar effect like - EC and organic that of organic matter (OM). Addition of iron-slime improved pH, carbon (OC) content of the soil. Combined application of iron-slime and organic matter increased organic carbon in soil. Application of organic matter increased the amount of available N, total N, available P and available K in soil. Use of iron-slime with organic matter resulted better availability of these nutrients in soil. Keywords: Better availability, iron-slime, organic matter, physico-chemical properties Iron ore slime is the waste product of iron and steel industries which has the particle size of below 150µm and is being discarded as waste during the mining and processing stages of iron ore and it will be stored at the tailing dam. It is estimated that 15% - 20% of tailing will be generated during the processing of iron ore. The major compositions of iron ore slime are hematite, quartz, alumina, mica and kaolin. The iron ore slime is discarded due to its particle size and chemical composition which are not suitable to feed the blast furnace. Although the fines can be sintered to larger particle, the alumina to silica ratio which is normally more than one pose serious problem during sintering process and subsequent smelting in blast furnace. The alumina content in the slime needs to be reduced in order for it to be used as the feed for blast furnace. On the other hand, the concept of value adding the industrial waste into value added product has received considerable attention recently. Among the product that can be developed through beneficiation of this waste are feed for blast furnace, ceramic tile floor, wall tile body, additional material to cement raw mix, glass ceramics and soil modifier ( India ranks fourth largest producer of iron ore in the world with more than 25 billion tonnes (IBM, Nagpur). The current practice of washing of iron ore in India results in 178 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop the generation of huge quantity of tailings (around 14 million tonnes per year). For the production of one ton of steel, about 200 to 400 kg of by-products is liberated during processing of iron ore mines. Globally, about 400 million tons of these by- products are generated annually. India alone produces about 14 million tons of by- products of which 15-20% is iron slime ( The relevant physical, chemical and physico-chemical properties of the said iron slime are pH 7.2, moisture holding capacity 33.40%, particle density 2.78 g/cc, bulk density 1.45 g/cc, electrical conductivity 0.164 dSm-1, Cation exchange capacity1.86 cmol (P+) kg-1, Organic carbon 0.08%, Total Nitrogen 0.027%, exchangeable NH4 167.93 mg kg-1, soluble nitrate 32.00 mg kg-1, available K2O 60 kg ha-1 and available P 28.40 mg kg-1(Vista, 2014). Based on the test report, it appears that the iron slime may act as one of the agricultural inputs in soil health and nutrients as well. In the present study, the utilization of iron ore fines and slimes has been dealt with. Various proportions of iron slime are amended to soil and its changes on chemical, physical and physico-chemical properties of soil have been studied. Experimental findings based on laboratory experiment are discussed in detail. Objectives of the investigation Researchers are on the work for successful utilization of the iron slime by converting it to value added products like building materials as mentioned. However, till date, the prospect of utilization of the slime for agricultural purposes particularly with respect to qualitative improvement of soil has not been studied. It is evident that iron slime might be exhibited problem for growing any type of crop on it because of its composition not conducive for crop establishment. Therefore, the present study is being undertaken for its effective utilization in agricultural sector with the following objective to improve the soil conditions with respect to physical, chemical and physico-chemical attributes amended with iron slime Materials and Methods Laboratory incubation experiment was conducted in the laboratory to investigate the effect of organic matter on soil physico-chemical properties amended with iron slime. Soil sample was collected (0-15 cm depth) from the Instructional farm of Jaguli, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya main campus (22.930N latitude and 88.530 E longitudes), Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal. Collected soil sample was air dried, ground with a wooden pestle and mortar, sieved through nylon sieve (80 mesh) and carefully preserved in the laboratory to avoid any contamination. Relevant physical and chemical properties of the soil are presented in Table 2. Methods followed Physical analysis Bulk density, particle density and water holding capacity of the soil was determined by Keen (Rackzowski) box technique as described by Baruah and Barthakur (1997). 179 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Mechanical Analysis Mechanical analysis of the soil samples was done by Hydrometer method (Bouyoucos 1927) as described by Black (1965). Physico-chemical analysis The pH of the soil was determined with the help of a pH meter in 1:2.5 soil: water suspension ratio. The electrical conductivity of the soil was determined at the room temperature in a soil water suspension ratio of 1:2.5 with the help of conductive bridge.The CEC of the soil was determined by the method of ammonia saturation (Black, 1965). Chemical analysis Total N content of the soil was determined by modified Kjeldahl method. Exchangeable NH4+ and soluble NO3-, together termed as available N, were estimated according to the method developed by Bremner and Keeney (1966). Organic carbon content of the soil was estimated by following the method suggested by Walkley and Black. Available P was extracted from soil with Olsen’s extractant (0.5M sodium bicarbonate) and analyzed calorimetrically (Jackson 1973). Available K content of the soil was determined by flame photometer after extraction with neutral one normal ammonium acetate solution as described by Jackson (1973). Experimentation The incubation study was conducted in the laboratory with the following experimental set up. Amount of soil/iron slime per pot : Five kg Period of incubation : Ninety days Number of treatments : Four Number of replications : Four Sampling stages : 30th, 60th and 90th day of incubation Treatments adopted In order to ascertain the effect of mixing iron slime with soil at different proportion and in different combinations in presence and absence of added organic matter, the following treatment combinations were followed. Table 1: Treatments used in the experiment. Treatments Details T1 Soil T2 Soil + iron slime (1:1) T3 Soil + Organic matter (1%) T4 Soil + iron slime (1:1) +Organic matter (1%) 180 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and Discussion Practically no research work has been carried out to use iron slime for agricultural purposes. Most often, research thrust was put in engineering perspectives. Iron slime samples were collected from Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur for the study. The collected iron slime samples were brought to laboratory and characterised in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya. Some important physical and chemical characteristics of the iron slimes are summarized below: Table 2: Physical, chemical and physico –chemical properties of Iron Slimes used for the experiments. S. Parameters Iron Slime- I Iron Slime- II No 1 pH 7.44 6.90 2 EC (dSm-1) 0.164 0.580 3 Max. Water Holding Capacity (%) 53.35 56.39 + 4 Cation Exchange Capacity (Cmol p kg 4.32 6.44 1 ) 5 Organic Carbon (%) 0.08 0.357 6 Total Nitrogen (%) 0.027 0.029 7 Exchangeable ammonium (mg kg-1) 112.00 138.00 8 Soluble Nitrate (mg kg-1) 44.80 47.50 1 9 Available Nitrogen (mg kg- ) 156.80 185.50 10 Available Phosphorus (mg kg-1) 4.50 112.50 11 Available Potassium (mg kg-1) 15.40 97.30 12 Available iron (mg kg-1) 158.98 85.00 13 Available Cu (mg kg-1) 12.02 2.24 14 Available Zn (mg kg-1) 58.60 17.08 1 15 Available Mn (mg kg- ) 5.75 15.64 The iron slime-I is neutral in reaction (Table 2). Results further showed that the amount of total N, available N, exchangeable ammonium, available K and available P are recorded as 0.027%, 156.8 (mg kg-1), 112 (mg kg-1), 15.4 (mg kg-1) and 4.5 (mg kg1 ), respectively. Low organic carbon content (0.08 %) and CEC (4.5 Cmol (p+) kg-1) reveal that the supplied iron slime- I material, a by-product of Tata Steel Ltd, is fairly good enough with respect of its fertility status where agricultural crops can be grown successfully with some sorts of appropriate management practices. 181 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3: Effect of organic matter on changes in pH in soil amended with and without iron slime. Treatments Incubation Period, days 30 60 90 Mean Soil 7.67 7.61 7.69 7.64 Soil+ Iron Slime 7.51 7.89 7.79 7.73 Soil+ Organic matter 7.58 7.95 7.61 7.71 Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter 7.80 7.79 7.75 7.78 Mean 7.64 7.81 7.71 Statistical Analysis Treatments Incubation Treatments X Incubation SEm CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (±) (p=0.05) 0.0009 0.0025 0.00075 0.0022 0.0015 0.0044 Changes in pH in soil amended with or without iron slime due to addition of organic matter is presented in Table 3. Irrespective of treatments, in general, pH of the soil increased over 90 day period of incubation (Table 3). Combined application of organic matter and iron slime maintained soil pH neutral over 30 day of incubation. The increase in pH of the soil due to addition of iron slime is due to higher pH of the iron slime (Table 2). The slight increase in pH might be due to the soil moisture as well as reduction of iron and manganese (Das, 2011). The pH differs significantly with the treatments. The addition of iron slime increased soil pH significantly upto 60 days and then showed a slight decreasing trend upto 90th day of incubation. The results thus showed that iron slime influences soil reaction in maintaining towards neutrality as that of organic matter. Table 4: Effect of organic matter on the changes in EC (dSm-1) of soil amended with and without iron slime. Treatments Incubation Period, days 30 60 90 Mean Soil 0.140 0.185 0.182 0.169 Soil+ Iron Slime 0.209 0.201 0.192 0.201 Soil+ Organic matter 0.195 0.190 0.188 0.192 Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter 0.152 0.219 0.196 0.189 Mean 0.174 0.199 0.189 Statistical Analysis Treatments Incubation Treatments X Incubation SEm CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) (±) 0.0006 0.0018 0.00053 0.00155 0.00105 0.00309 Changes in EC in soil amended with or without iron slime due to addition of organic matter is presented in Table 4. Statistical analysis of the results revealed that electrical conductivity differs significantly with the treatments, period of incubation as well as 182 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop interaction of treatments and incubation. A gradual decreasing trend of EC was observed in both the slime and organic matter treated soil over the initial stage till the end of the experiment. This shows that iron slime has more or less similar effect like that of organic matter in influencing electrical conductivity. Results in Table 4 revealed that irrespective of treatments, electrical conductivity of the soil decreased except iron slime treated system over 90 day period of incubation. Critical analysis of the results showed that soil treated with iron slime resulted highest electrical conductivity on 30th day of experiment. Slight increase of EC of the soil amended with iron slime might be due to the release of soluble salts (Das, 2011). Addition of iron slime improves the EC value of the soil. Table 5:Effect of organic matter on the changes in OC content (%) of soil amended with and without iron slime. Treatments Soil Soil+ Iron Slime Soil+ Organic matter Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter Mean Statistical Analysis Treatments Incubation SEm CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) (±) 0.00 0.0083 0.00348 4 Incubation Period, days 30 60 90 0.79 0.88 0.89 1.00 1.21 1.29 1.10 1.29 1.35 1.40 1.35 1.39 1.07 1.18 1.23 Mean 0.85 1.17 1.25 1.38 CD (p=0.05) Treatment X Incubation SEm (±) CD(p=0.05) 0.00722 0.007 0.0144 Changes in the amount of organic carbon in soil amended with or without iron slime due to addition of organic matter is presented in Table 5. Data in Table 5 revealed that combined application of iron slime and organic matter increased organic carbon content in soil compared to single application of either iron slime or organic matter. The result thus suggests that iron slime has some favourable characteristics for binding organic carbon in the iron slime matrices. The treatments and the period of incubation differ significantly with each other. The interaction of treatments and incubation was also highly significant. Results further showed that irrespective of treatments, the organic carbon content increases with the increase in period of incubation. The slight increase in organic carbon content in soil amended with iron slime might be due to the reduction of soil resulting decomposition of organic matter due to the soil moisture. Further enhancement of organic carbon content in soils amended with both iron slime and organic matter might be due to additive effect of organic matter causing a greater magnitude of organic carbon content (Das 2011). Therefore, iron slime has some positive effects just similar to that of organic matter in improving properties of soil. 183 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results of the effect of organic matter on changes in the amount of available N in soil amended with and without iron slime are presented in Table 6 and Figure 1. The result (Table 6) shows that the amount of available N was found to increase with the application of organic matter. Although a higher amount of available N was recorded in soil+ organic matter treatment but the highest value was recorded in soil+ iron slime + organic matter treated system. It may therefore be concluded that the use of iron slime mixing with normal soil and organic matter may be beneficial in enhancing soil fertility and in turn crop production. Table 6:Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of available N (mg kg-1) in soil amended with and without iron slime. Treatments Soil Incubation Period, days 30 60 90 46.0 41.0 40.0 Soil + Iron slime (1:1) Soil+ Organic matter Soil+ Iron Slime (1:1) +Organic Matter Mean 39.0 51.0 69.0 51.2 37.0 49.0 61.0 47.0 36.0 46.0 57.0 45.6 Mean 43.4 37.3 48.7 62.3 Statistical Analysis Treatments SEm (±) 0.000056 Incubation CD (p=0.05) 0.0002 SEm (±) 0.0000481 Treatment X Incubation CD (p=0.05) 0.0001411 SEm (±) 0.0000962 CD (p=0.05) 0.0003 Available N (mg kg-1) Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of available N (mg kg-1) in soil amended with and without iron slime 80 60 40 20 0 30 day Soil Soil+ Iron Soil+ Organic Soil+ Iron Slime matter Slime +Organic Matter 60 Day 90 Day Treatments Figure 1: Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of available N (mg kg-1) in soil amended with and without iron slime. 184 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results of the effect of organic matter on changes in the amount of total N in soil amended with and without iron slime are presented in Table 7 and Figure 2. Results presented in Table 7 showed that the amount of total N increased with the application of organic matter. Although a higher amount of total N is recorded in soil+ organic matter treatment but the highest value is recorded with soil+ iron slime + organic matter treated system. The result thus pointed out that mixing of iron slime with normal soil and organic matter is beneficial in enhancing soil fertility. Table : Effect of Organic matter on the changes in the amount of total N (%) in soil amended with and without iron slime. Treatments Incubation Period, days 30 60 0.044 0.045 0.050 0.054 0.047 0.048 Soil Soil+ Organic matter Soil+ Iron Slime Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter 0.050 Mean 0.050 Statistical Analysis Treatments Incubation 0.059 0.050 90 0.043 0.058 0.049 Mean 0.040 0.050 0.050 0.062 0.050 0.060 Treatment X Incubation SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) 0.0001 0.0037 0.0001 0.00312 0.0002 CD (p=0.05) 0.0062 Results of the effect of organic matter on changes in the amount of total P in soil amended with and without iron slime are presented in Table 8 and Figure 3. The amount of total P increased with the application of organic matter (Table 8). Although a higher amount of total P is recorded in soil+ organic matter treatment but the highest value is observed in soil+ iron slime + organic matter treated system. Results thus further pointed out that use of iron slime with normal soil and organic matter enhanced P content in soil. 185 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Total N (%) Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of total N (%) in soil amended with and without iron slime 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 30 day 60 Day Soil Soil+ Organic matter Soil+ Iron Slime Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter 90 Day Treatments Figure 2: Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of total N (%) in soil amended with and without iron slime. Table 8: Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of total phosphorus (%) in soil amended with and without iron slime Treatments Incubation Period, days Soil 30 0.061 60 0.065 90 0.064 Mean 0.060 Soil+ Organic matter 0.072 0.077 0.079 0.080 Soil+ Iron Slime 0.075 0.078 0.077 0.080 Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter 0.090 0.098 0.097 0.100 Mean 0.070 0.080 0.080 Statistical Analysis Treatments Incubation Treatment X Incubation SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) 0.0005 0.0074 0.00038 0.0068 0.0008 0.0136 186 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Total P (%) Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of total phosphorus (%) in soil amended with and without iron slime 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 30 day Soil Soil+ Organic matter Soil+ Iron Slime Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter 60 Day 90 Day Treatments Figure 3: Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of total phosphorus (%) in soil amended with and without iron slime. Results of the effect of organic matter on changes in the amount of available K in soil amended with and without iron slime are presented in Table 9 and Figure 4. Data in Table 9 showed that the amount of available K increased with the application of organic matter. Again, although the amount of available K is of higher order in soil+ organic matter treatment but the highest value is recorded in soil+ iron slime + organic matter treatment. The results thus lead to conclude that the use of iron slime with normal soil and organic matter improves soil fertility. Table 9: Effect of organic matter on the changes in the amount of available potassium (mg kg-1) in soil amended with and without iron slime. Treatments Incubation Period, days Soil 30 43.70 60 39.26 90 38.76 Mean 40.57 Soil+ Organic matter 48.00 45.42 44.89 46.10 Soil+ Iron Slime 50.30 48.74 47.73 48.92 Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter 50.90 49.63 48.32 49.62 Mean 48.23 45.76 44.92 Statistical Analysis Treatments Incubation Treatment X Incubation SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) SEm (±) CD (p=0.05) 0.0048 0.0134 0.0042 0.0127 0.0084 0.0254 187 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Effect of organic matter on the changes in available K (mg kg-1) in soil amended with and without iron slime Available K (mg kg-1 60 50 40 30 30 day 20 60 day 10 90 day 0 Soil Soil+ Organic matter Soil+ Iron Slime Soil+ Iron Slime +Organic Matter Treatments Figure 4: Effect of organic matter on the changes in available K (mg kg-1) in soil amended with and without iron slime. Conclusion A completely new venture on utilisation of iron slimes for agricultural purposes was taken up to explore its utility. The results of the experiment conducted to investigate the effect of iron slime on physical, chemical and physico-chemical properties of soil are point wise summarised below. 1. 2. 3. Characterisation study of iron slime revealed that it is neutral in reaction, contains considerable amount of available plant nutrients and is fairly good enough with its fertility status. Therefore, it is concluded this material can be utilised in soil to grow rice and cabbage without any adverse effect on these crops at any growth stage. Addition of iron slime influences soil reaction in maintaining towards neutrality as that of organic matter. Iron slime has proved to have more or less similar effect like that of organic matter. Addition of iron slime improves pH, EC and organic carbon content of the soil. Combined application of iron slime and organic matter increased organic carbon in soil. Application of organic matter increased the amount of available N, total N, available P and available K in soil. Use of iron slime with organic matter resulted better availability of these nutrients in soil. 188 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Reference: Baruah, T.C. and Barthakur, H.P. (1997). A Textbook of Soil Analysis.Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. Black, C.A. (Ed.) (1965). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part I and II. American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Publishers, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Bouyoucos, G.J. (1927). The hydrometer as a new method for the mechanical analysis of soils. Soil Sci.23: 343-353. Bremner, J. M. and Keeny, D. R. (1966). Determination of exchangeable ammonium nitrate and nitrite by extraction distillation methods. Soils Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 30 : 577-587. Das, D.K. (2011). Introductory Soil Science. Kalyani Publishers. GenStat Discovery Edition 4, Copyright 2011, VSN International Ltd. (Rothamsted Experimental Station) viewed at http// http// http// Jackson, M. L. (1973). Soil Chemical Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Vista, Shree Prasad (2014). Utilisation of Iron Slime for Agricultural Purposes. A Thesis submitted to Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, 2014. World Steel Association, 2010. (n.d.) Available from 189 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-19 Efficacy of Fertilization Levels and Genotypes on the Grain Yield of Winter Maize (Zea mays L.) in the Acidic Soils of Chitwan Valley Bishnu H Adhikary1, Bandhu R Baral2, Jiban Shrestha2 and Robinson Adhikary3 1 Soil Science Division (NARC),NARI, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal National Maize Research Program (NARC), Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal 3 Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Lamjung Campus, Tribhuvan University, Lamjung, Nepal 2 Abstract Maize crop is one of the heavy feeder of plant nutrients. Different varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) have different potentiality and requirements of plant nutrients. Hybrids require high dose of mineral fertilizers and manures as compared to those of open pollinated improved varieties (OPV) and the locals. In order to investigate the effects of different rates of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassic fertilizers) and farmyard manures on grain yield and yield attributing traits of different maize varieties, field experiments were conducted at the farm of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during winter seasons of 2009/10 and 2010/011 employing randomized complete block design with three replications. Five levels of fertilization; Control (zero fertilizer), Farm yard manure (FYM) 10 t ha-1 60:30:20 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1, 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1, 180: 90: 60 N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1plus FYM 10 t ha-1 and 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1 were applied to four maize varieties (Rampur Composite, Manakamana-4, Across9942 × Across 9944 and S99TLYQ-B) in the experiments. The results of the experiments showed that grain yield was non-significant for maize genotypes but the fertilization rates were highly significant for grain yield. Rampur Composite produced the highest grain yield (5195 kg ha-1), followed by Manakamana-4 (5074 kg ha-1), Across9942 × Across9944 (5052 kg ha-1) and S99TLYQ-B (4789 kg ha-1) with application of N, P2O5 and K2O at 180: 90: 60 kg ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1. The information obtained from these experiments might be useful in generating suitable fertilization packages for obtaining higher grain yield of winter maize varieties. Key words: Fertilizer and manures, grain yield, maize genotypes, yield attributing traits. Introduction Maize (Zea mays L.) has the highest productivity per unit area as compared to other cereal crops. It ranked third among the cereal crops in the world after wheat and rice. In Nepal, it is the second most important staple food crop in terms of both area and production after rice but it is the first staple crop for hills. In Nepal, it is the food for more than 14 million people in the hills and is playing a vital role in the livelihood of rural people in Nepal. It is used for food and feeds, fodder, and fuel. More than 87% maize production is used for direct human consumption; 12% for poultry and animal feeds and 1% is for different purposes. Maize is highly nutritive and its seed contains; 190 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 78% starch,10 % protein, 4.8 % oil, 8.5 % fibre, 3.1 % sugar and 1.7 % ash (Chaudhary, 1983). The productivity of maize in Nepal is very low (2.2 t ha-1) as compared to the world average of 4.3 t ha-1 (Joshy 1997). It can be improved or increased through adequate nutrient management practices. Inappropriate crop nutrition management and poor soil fertility are the most important factors responsible for the low yield in Nepal. Soil fertility can be enhanced through the application of mineral fertilizers as well as with the addition of organic matter to the soil. The judicious management of fertilization must attempt to ensure both an enhanced and safeguarded environment. Manures and fertilizers both play important role in the maize cultivation. Hybrids and composite varieties exhibit their full yield potential only when supplied with adequate quantities of nutrients at proper time. Requirement of nutrients by hybrids is the higher because of its greater potentiality for grain production. Growing local material at a high nutrient level need not result in higher grain yield. But on the contrary, a high level of nutrients for hybrids and composites proves beneficial. N is usually applied in 3 equal splits at sowing, knee high stage and tasseling stage. Nitrogen level in the range of 100-120 kg/ha is applied with a view to obtain 4-5 t ha-1 of grain yields and likewise, it can be reduced or increased as per its expected yield. Phosphorus (P) is the next most important plant nutrient after N which is found difficult in most soils. It has beneficial effect on root growth and plant health. This nutrient should be applied initially at the early stage because of its low solubility in water. It should be applied in moist zone to be transformed quickly for early absorption by plant. The dose of phosphorus (P) should be balanced with the dose of N applied. Potassium (K) is considered to be the 3rd most essential fertilizer element, it is not found deficient in most of the soils. It is essential for vigorous growth of the plant and for so many other metabolic activities. Placement of 30-40 kg ha-1 of K2O is generally found adequate; however, this can be increased with increased rate of nitrogen (N) to balance the nutrient status of soil for better uptake of total essential nutrients (Dayanand 2002). Potassium (K) application through fertilizers has been responding satisfactorily (Regmi et al. 2002). Maize being a high nutrient mining crop it needs higher amount of NPK for its economic production. Farmers applying 20-25 t ha-1 of compost/FYM (manures) are not sufficient to replenish the harvested nutrients and hence need sufficient amount of mineral fertilizers addition with heavy manure application (Joshy 1997). Adhikary et al. (2001) reported that the highest maize grain yield (4.65 t ha-1) could be obtained when the crop is fertilized by 20 t of compost plus 100: 75: 40 kg ha-1 of N: P2O5 : K2O in the acidic soils of Malepatan, Pokhara. Adhikary and Ranabhat (2004a) studied the economics of manures and fertilizer application on maize production and concluded that most economic dose of fertilizer was 100: 75 : 40 kg ha-1 N:P2O5 : K2O from inorganic sources and 20 t ha-1 of compost that contained 280 kg N, 184 kg P2O5 and 216 kg K2O. Similarly, Adhikary et al. (2004b) reported the efficacy of nitrogen (N) rates on maize planted at varying densities at Rampur condition. Adhikary et al. (2007) studied the effect of fertilizer and agricultural lime on grain yield of different maize genotypes in the Western hills of Nepal and reported that improved maize 191 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop variety (Manakamana-1) did not differ in grain production with the local variety when supplied with fertilizers at 60: 30: 30 kg N:P2O5 : K2O ha-1 and 4 t ha-1 of agri-lime. Adhikary (2008) also studied the effects of nitrogen on maize inbred (NML-1) and reported that grain yield (2.9 t ha-1) was obtained when supplied with 180 kg N and crop planted at the density of 66,666 plants ha-1 and crop fertilized along with the recommended dose of P and K fertilizers. Adhikary et al. (2010) reported that application of 180:90:60 kg N: P2O5 : K2O ha-1 produced the highest grain yield (7.4 t ha-1) by the Rampur Composite variety when applied along with 10 t ha-1 of compost in Chitwan Valley soil. Series of experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of fertilizers on different maize genotypes during the years 2009/10 and 2010/11. The results revealed that the highest grain yield of 6.3 t ha-1 was produced by the S99TLYQ-B when the crop was fertilized with 120: 60: 40 kg N: P2O5:K2O ha-1 and 10 t ha-1 of compost (NMRP 2006, NMRP 2010). Hence, balanced dose of fertilizers are needed to increase the crop yield of maize in acid soils. The amount of fertilizers to be applied in maize depends largely on genotypic makeup of plants. The objective of this experiment was to study the response of fertilizer nutrients at different levels on the different maize genotypes in the soil condition of Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Materials and Method The experiment was conducted at the farm of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during the winter season of the year 2009/10 and 2010/11.The site was located in central Nepal at 27° 40’ N latitude and 84° 19’ E longitude with an elevation of 228 m above mean sea level and had a sub tropical climate (NMRP 2010). Maize was planted on sandy silt loam, acidic soil (pH 5.5). Fertilizer was applied in the form of Urea, di-amonium phosphate (DAP), and murate of potash (MoP). Entire dose of DAP and MoP was applied at the time of sowing while half of urea was first top dressed at knee high stage and second top dressed at tasseling stage. The average data derived from both years on maximum temperature ranged from 21.95 (January) to 36.35 0C (April), the minimum temperature varied from 9.4 (January) to 24.65 0C (October). There is no rainfall in November and January, minimum rainfall (1.1 mm) occurred in January and maximum rainfall occurred in 99.35 mm (April). Similarly, average data on relative humidity showed that minimum humidity (76.8%) occurred in April and maximum relative humidity (99%) was occurred in December. The details of weather data of individual year was shown in Table 2. The crop was planted in October and harvested in April. Twenty four treatment combinations consisting of six levels of fertilization and four maize genotypes were replicated three times and laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The details of the treatment combinations are given in Table 1. Row to row spacing 75 192 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop × 25 cm was maintained. The net harvested area was 7.2 sq. m. The gross plot size was 12 sq.m. At maturity central two rows from each plot were separately harvested and the fresh ear weight was measured in each plot. Grains were shelled from five randomly selected cobs to observe the percent grain moisture at harvest for each plot. Thousand grain weight and grain yield were recorded at 15% moisture level. Table 1: The details of the treatments used in experiment in 2009/10 and 2010/11 winter seasons at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Genotypes V1= Rampur Composite V2= Manakamana-4 V3=Across9942 x Across9944 V4= S99TLYQ-B Fertilizer rates F1=Control (zero fertilizer) F2= FYM @ 10 t ha-1 F3= FYM @ 10 t ha-1 plus 60:30 20 kg ha-1 of N:2O5 : K2O F4=FYM @ 10 t ha-1 plus 120: 60: 40 kg ha-1 of N: P2O5 : K2O. F5=FYM @ 10 t ha-1 plus 180: 90: 60 kg of N:P2O5: K2O . F6= 120: 60: 40 kg ha-1 of N:P2O5 : K2O. Table 2: Monthly mean weather condition during crop growing season (OctoberApril) in2009/10 and 2010/11 winter seasons at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Month October November December January February March April Maximum temperature, 0C 2009/10 31.4 27.1 24.0 20.0 25.4 33.1 38.1 2010/11 31.4 27.1 24.0 23.9 26.1 31.1 34.6 Minimum temperature,0C 2009/10 26.5 21.6 16.0 10.3 11.9 19.1 23.3 2010/11 22.8 17.0 9.1 8.5 15.1 18.9 19.6 Rainfall, mm 2009/10 101 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 165 2010/11 48.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.9 34.4 33.7 Relative humidity, % 2009/10 97.0 99.0 99.0 94.6 89.5 82.2 75.4 2010/11 97.5 98.8 99.0 100.5 96.3 83.2 78.2 Source: (NMRP, 2010/11) Observations were taken on plant height, ear height, cob length, no. of Kernel rows per cob, no. of kernels per rows, and grain yield. Plant height and ear height was recorded at just near to harvesting and rest of data were recorded after harvesting. All these parameters were statistically analyzed. Analysis of variance for all data was analyzed using MSTAT computer program. Results and Discussion The interaction between different fertilizer levels and varieties on grain yield showed that the highest grain yield (5195 kg ha-1) was obtained in Rampur Composite followed by Manakamana-4 (5074 kg ha-1) and Across9942 × Across 9944 (5052 kg ha-1) with the application of 180: 90: 60 kg N: P2O5:K2O ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1. Similarly, 193 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop S99TLYQ-B produced the second highest grain yield (4789 kg ha-1) in the same level of fertilization (Figure 1). 2000 4789 4210 2105 3002 3940 4560 2920 3000 1959 Grain yield (GY), kg/ha 2152 2960 4000 4077 4910 5052 4530 5000 1732 2657 6000 4337 4899 5074 4260 3944 4852 5195 4682 7000 1000 0 V1F1 V1F3 V1F5 V2F1 V2F3 V2F5 V3F1 V3F3 V3F5 V4F1 V4F3 V4F5 GY, 2009/10 Fertilization:non significant Varieties: Highly significant F x V:Non significant GY, 2010/11 Figure 1: Effect of different level of manures and fertilizers and different maize genotypes on maizegrain production in 2009/10 and 2010/11 winter seasons at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. The highest yield attributing traits namely cob length, no. of kernel rows per cob and no. of kernels per kernel rows were found in 180:90:60 kg N:P2O5 : K2O plus 10 t ha-1 of FYM in Rampur Composite, Manakamana-4, Across 9942 × Across 9944. The interaction effect between genotypes and fertilizers was not obtained F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 5000 4000 Variety V1 V2 V3 V4 3000 2000 5000 F ertilizers F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 4000 3000 2000 V1 V2 V3 V4 Figure2: Schematic diagram for interaction effect between maize genotypes and fertilizer levels at Chitwan valley soils. 194 24-25 March 2015 Table 3: Treat ments V1F1 V1F2 V1F3 V1F4 V1F5 V1F6 V2F1 V2F2 V2F3 V2F4 V2F5 V2F6 V3F1 V3F2 V3F3 V3F4 V3F5 V3F6 V4F1 V4F2 V4F3 V4F4 V4F5 V4F6 Grand mean CV, % F-test (V) (F) (V × F) LSD0.0 5 Proceedings of the workshop Effect of different level of manures and fertilizers on different maize genotypes in 2009/10 and 2010/11 winter seasons at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Cob length, Kernel rows per Kernels Grain yield, cm cob, nos. per kernel kg ha-1 row, nos. 2009/ 2009/1 2010/1 2009/10 2010/ 2009/10 2010/ 10 2010/11 0 1 11 11 11.4 9.6 10.7 10.4 22.6 14.9 2860 1443 12.2 11.6 12.0 11.9 24.2 17.5 3740 2180 13.8 14.1 12.8 13.6 31.1 28.3 4960 2927 14.1 14.4 13.0 13.9 30.5 30.4 5840 3863 14.2 15.1 13.1 14.0 31.9 30.8 6260 4130 13.8 13.8 12.6 13.7 29.1 29.5 5630 3733 10.4 9.1 11.5 10.0 21.1 15.5 2240 1677 11.7 11.6 13.3 11.7 25.3 21.9 3830 2010 13.8 14.6 15.2 13.4 28.5 30.2 5340 3333 14.3 14.7 15.3 13.9 30.2 31.0 5960 3837 14.9 14.8 15.5 14.3 31.7 31.7 5990 4157 14.2 13.0 15.1 13.0 30.7 27.2 5280 3240 9.7 8.3 11.7 9.2 19.7 13.8 2300 1163 11.6 10.8 13.7 11.5 25.5 21.1 3360 1953 12.6 13.2 15.7 12.0 29.3 30.4 5120 3033 13.3 13.6 15.7 13.3 28.8 29.0 6190 3630 13.4 13.9 16.3 13.4 30.9 29.5 6280 3823 13.2 13.2 15.1 13.2 29.1 28.2 5770 3290 9.9 7.2 11.6 9.3 20.7 12.7 2750 1460 11.7 10.2 13.5 10.1 25 20.1 3920 2083 14.3 13.5 14.9 12.3 28.3 25.4 4990 2890 14.9 13.7 15.2 12.1 32.5 29.7 5740 3380 13.9 13.1 14.9 12.5 30.5 26.1 5760 3817 14.1 13.4 14.9 12.0 29.1 28.6 5280 3140 13 12.5 13.9 12.3 27.8 25.1 4810 2925 4.6 ** ns ** ns 9.4 ** ns ** ns 7.5 ** ns ** ns 8.0 ** ns ** ns 6.3 ns ns ** ns 15.0 ns ns ** ns 15.3 ns ns ** ns 17.4 ns ns ** ns 0.40 2 0.788 0.701 0.658 1.428 2.468 605 419 **Highly significant at 0.01 level, *significant at 0.05 level and ns, non-significant. 195 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop In 2009/10 and 2010/11, the effect of genotypes was non-significant where as the effect of fertilizers was found highly significant. In 2009/10, grain yield was increased with the increased levels of fertilizers. The highest grain yield (6068 kg ha-1) was obtained at highest level of fertilization (180:90:60 kg N: P2O5 : K2O ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1). The variety Rampur composite produced highest grain yield (4882 kg ha-1) followed by Across 9942 x Across 9944 (4837 kg ha-1) and Manakamana-4 (4773 kg ha-1) Similarly in 2010/11, grain yield was increased with the increased level of fertilization. The highest grain yield (3873 kg ha-1) was obtained at highest level of fertilization (180:90:60kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1). The variety Rampur composite produced highest grain yield (3046 kg ha-1) followed by Manakamana-4 (3042 kg ha-1) and Across 9942 x Across 9944 (2816 kg ha-1) (Table 4). Table 4 : Grain yield under different fertilizer levels and genotypes in 2009/10 and 2010/11 winter seasons at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Treatments Grain yield, kg ha-1 Fertilizer levels 2009/10 2010/11 F1 (Control) 2538 1436 F2 (FYM 10 t ha-1) 3713 2057 F3 (60:30:20 N,P2O5 and K2O kg ha- 5103 3046 1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1 F4 (120:60:40 N,P2O5 and K2O kg 5938 3787 ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1 F5 (180:90:60 N,P2O5 andK2O kg 6068 3873 ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1 F6 (120:60:40 N,P2O5 andK2O kg 5490 3351 ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1 CV,% 15.32 17.4 F-test ** ** LSD0.05 221.5 419.1 Genotypes V1 (Rampur Composite) 4882 3046 V2 (Manakamana-4) 4773 3042 V3 (Across9942 × Across9944) 4837 2816 V4 (S99TLYQ-B) 2795 4740 CV,% 15.32 17.4 F-test ns ns LSD0.05 605 342.2 196 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion On the basis of the results of two years experiments, it can be concluded that maize genotypes namely Rampur Composite, Manakamana-4, Across 9942 × Across 9944 and S99TLYQ-B produced higher grain yield of 5195, 5074, 5052 and 4789 kg ha-1, respectively with application of 180: 90: 60 kg N:P2O5 : K2O ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1. The highest grain yield (4970 kg ha-1) was observed when the crop was fertilized with 180:90:60 kg ha-1 of N:P2O5 : K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1. Similarly, the highest grain yield (3964 kg ha-1) was recorded in the Rampur Composite variety.The yield attributing traits namely cob length, no. of kernel rows per cob and no. of kernels per kernel rows were found higher at the fertilization rate of 180: 90: 60 N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1. It can be concluded that maize varieties need high dose of chemical fertilizers and organic manure for obtaining high yield of maize. References Adhikary BH, S Upadhya, BR Pandey, J Gaire and BR Baral. 2010. Enhancing maize productivity through the use of manures and fertilizers on the grain yield of different maize varieties under acidic condition. Pp. 344-350. In: Proc. of the 26th National Summer Crops Research Workshop. Summer crops research in Nepal, organized by Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) and NMRP, held 3-5 March, 2010, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Adhikary BH and DB Ranabhat. 2004a. An economic perspective of manures and fertilizer application on maize. Pp.287-290. In: Proc. of the 24th National Summer Crops Research Workshop on maize Research and Production in Nepal. Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) and NMRP, held June 28-30, Kathmandu, Nepal. Adhikary BH, DP Sherchan and DD Neupane. 2004b. Effects of N levels in the production of maize planted at varying densities in the Chitwan valley.Pp.216219. In: Proc. of the 24th National Summer Crops Research Workshop on maize research and production in Nepal. National Maize Research Programme, NARC, June 28-30, 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal. Adhikary BH, BR Pandey and DD Neupane.2007.Increased productivity of maize genotypes through the use of inorganic fertilizers and agricultural lime in the Western hills of Nepal.Pp.225-230. In: Proc. of the 25th National Summer Crops Research Workshop. NARI, NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, held 21-23 June,2007. Adhikary BH, RC Gauli and BB BC. 2001. Effects of manures and fertilizers on the grain production of maize in rotation with cowpea in acid soils of Malepatan, Pokhara. Pp. 160-162. In: Proc. of an International Maize Symposium. Sustainable maize production Systems for Nepal, held December 3-5, 2001, Kathmandu, Nepal. Adhikary BH. 2008. Effect of nitrogen on inbred maize seed production planted at varying densities in the acidic soil at Rampur, Chitwan.Pp.19. In: Proc. of the Abstracts. The Fifth National Conference on Science and Technology. Nepal 197 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nov. 10-12, 2008. Kathmandu, Nepal. Chaudhary AR. 1983. Maize in Pakistan. Pb. Agri. Res. Coordination Board, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Pp. 289-304. Dayanand. 2002. Maize. Techniques and management of field crops production. P.S.Rathore (ed.). Rajasthan Agri. University, Bikaner 334006, Agro-bios (India), Agro House, Jodhpur, India. Pp. 41-61. Joshy D. 1997. Soil fertility and fertilizer use in Nepal. Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. 1997. 82 p. NMRP. 2006. Soil fertility research highlights. In: Annual Report for the year 2005/06. National Maize Research Programme (NMRP), NARC, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. NMRP. 2010. Soil Fertility Research Highlights. In: Annual Report for the year 2009/10. National Maize Research Program, Rampur (NMRP), NARC, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Regmi AP, JK Ladha, E Pasuquin, H Pathak,PR Hobbs, LL Shrestha, DB Gharti and E Duveiller. 2002. The role of potassium in sustaining yields in a long-term rice-wheat experiment in the Indo-Gangetic plains of Nepal. Biol. Fert. Soils. 36 : 240-247. 198 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-20 Sowing Time and Nutrient Management in Cowpea Under Light Textured Acidic Soil of Central Chitwan Valley, Rampur Renuka Shrestha , Bhim N Adhikari and Ramesh Shrestha Agronomy Division, , Nepal Hill Crops Research Program (NARC), Dolakha, Nepal National Grain Legumes Research Program (NARC), Khajura , Nepal Abstract Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata L. Walp), a short-day plant when sown in rainy season produced excessive vegetative growth and less grain, and usually high incidence of insect pests. Introduction of short duration cowpea variety makes possible to grow cowpea in post rainy season under subtropical climate of central inner terai. As a legume, cowpea fixes its own nitrogen, however, there has not been any fertilizer recommendation for short duration cowpea variety in Nepal. Field experiments consisting of four sowing dates starting from first week of August at 10 days intervals, and three nutrient management: chemical fertilizers @ 20:40:20 N:P2:O5:K2O kg ha-1, farmyard manure 10 t ha-1 (FYM), and half dose of chemical fertilizer + 5 t ha-1 FYM were carried out in determinate cowpea var. Surya to evaluate the optimum time of sowing and nutrient source under subtropical climate of Rampur from 2008 to 2010. Growth, grain yield, number of pods per plant and seed size were significantly affected by sowing dates, while nutrient management had no effect on these parameters. There was a significant variation among years on those attributes whereas none of interaction effects except sowing date year were significant. Mean grain yields recorded were 1.49 t ha-1 in 2008, 1.60 t ha-1 in 2009 and 0.89 t ha-1 in 2010. Overall, there was reduction in grain yield by 12-22% when sowing was delayed after first week of August (1.5 t ha-1). Plant height, number of pods and plant stand were affected as sowing was delayed. However, seed weight increased with subsequent delay in sowing. Depending upon the availability, nutrient management could be done. Reasonable mean grain yield of 1.3 t ha-1 with improved seed size (up to 20% increase) could be achieved even when sowing was delayed until the last week of August under Rampur condition. Keywords: Cowpea grain yield nutrient management, sowing time, tropical climate. Introduction Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.), also know as black-eyed pea, southern pea is a warm-season an annual legume originated from Africa, well adapted to many areas of the humid tropics and temperate zones, and more drought resistant than common bean (Davis et al 1991). Cowpea is grown as a grain crop, animal fodder, green manure and green pods as vegetable. Dry grain is also commonly milled and consumed in numerous traditional main dishes (porridge and breads) in Africa, used as weaning food for young children, and also eaten as processed snack food (Cisse and Hall 2010). Grain contains 23-25% protein, 50-67% starch, 1.3% fat, 1.8% fibre, B vitamins such 199 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop as folic acid, and essential micronutrients such as iron, calcium, and zinc (Cisse and Hall 2010, TJAI 2010). In world, cowpea (dry) is cultivated in about 11.93 million ha with production of 6.22 million tons during 2013 (FAOSTAT 2015). The primary cowpea producing countries in West Africa are Nigeria, Niger, Burkina FasoMali, Cameroon. Significant area is also grown with cowpea in East African countries such as Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Average world yield of cowpea grain is 522 kgha-1, low yield is due various biotic, abiotic and socioeconomic factors. In Nepal, the estimated area under cowpea is 8,000 ha with production of 5,660 t and yield of 700 kgha-1(Yadav et al 2004). With the availability of high yielding short duration cowpea varieties area has been increasing drastically in the recent years. Cowpea is a short day plant and flower bud initiation occurs when day length plus twilight becomes less than 12.5 hours (Cisse and Hall 2010). Sowing at the beginning of the rainy season in July produced excessive vegetative growth, less grain and show high incidence of insects (pod eating borer and aphids). As a legume, cowpea fixes its own nitrogen, however, potassium and phosphorus needs have not been studied for improved varieties of cowpea in Nepal. Therefore, this study was carried out to evaluate the best nutrient source and optimum date of sowing under post rainy season under inner Terai condition. Materials and Methods Four sowing dates: 1 August (17 Shrawan), 11 August (27 Shrawan), 21 August (5 Bhadra) and 31 August (15 Bhadra) in 2008 and 2 August, 12 August, 22 August and 1 September in 2009 and 2010 and three nutrient management: 20:40:20 N:P2O5 :K2O kg ha-1, 10 t Farmyard manure (FYM) ha-1 and 10:20:10 N:P2O5:K2O kgha-1+ 5 t FYM ha1 were evaluated at Rampur. The soil of experimental plots was light textured sandy loam. The soil pH of the experimental plot was 5.8 and medium in organic matter (2.4%) and total nitrogen (0.115%). The experimental design was split plot with three replications. Sowing dates were assigned to main plot and fertilizer combination to sub plots. Gross plot size was 4 m x 3 m (8 rows of 3 m length), and yield and yield components were recorded from net plot area of 3 m x 3 m (6 rows of 3 m length) in 2008, 2009 and 4 m x 2 m (four rows of 4 m length) in 2010. Dual purpose (fresh pod and grain type) cowpea variety Surya was sown with spacing of 50 cm between rows and 10 cm between plants in a row. Chemical fertilizers (urea, diammonium phosphate and muriate of potash) and FYM were thoroughly mixed with soil prior to sowing. One hand weeding was carried out about 2 weeks after sowing (DAS). Crops were sprayed with insecticide Thiodan @ 2 mll-1 water 4-6 times, at about 10 day intervals during crop growth period in 2008 and 2009, while twice in 2010. In 2008, matured pods were harvested four times in about a week interval for crops sown in first and second dates starting from last week of September (first date) and first week of October (second date), while 2-3 pickings at an interval of 1-3 weeks were carried out for third and fourth sown crops. In 2008, crop in the first sowing date had about 60% (first picking) insect damage. In 2009 and 2010, 200 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop only two pickings were carried out at about 60 and 75 DAS for all sowing dates. Matured pods were harvested twice beginning from first week of October (first date) to third week of November (fourth day). Five plants were randomly selected from each plot to measure the number of pods per plants, plant height, and pod length. Number of seeds per pod was recorded from 10 pods. Seed yield and straw biomass were estimated from 9 m2 area (6 rows of 3 m long). Seeds were sun-dried, and fresh straw subsamples weighed and sun-dried to estimate the straw dry matter yield. Data were analyzed using Genstat Discovery Edition 3. Results and Discussion There was a significant year to year variation in parameters under studied. Temperatures and rainfall Mean maximum and minimum temperatures showed declining trends after October. (Figure 1). Rainfall more or less evenly distributed during monsoon period in 2008 as compared to 2009 and 2010. Year 2010 was much drier than the previous two years. Figure 1: Weekly mean maximum and minimum temperatures and total rainfall during cowpea growing period in Rampur. Effect of sowing dates on establishment, growth and yields of cowpea Plant population Plant stand at harvest differed significantly among planting dates except for year 2009 (Table 1). Plant stand reduced with subsequent delay in sowing, except for 2008 where second sowing date had high plant count. There was no difference in plant stand 201 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop among nutrient combinations. None of the interaction effects (data not shown) except sowing date x year were significant. Days from sowing to flowering The time from sowing to 50% flowering ranged from 34 to 38 days, with the first harvest of matured pods was in about 60 days after sowing, and the final picking in about 80 DAS (data not presented). Plant height In the year 2008, there was a slight decrease in plant height with delay in sowing, while plants were taller with subsequent delay in sowing in year 2009 (Figure 2). Rainfall during flowering time of third and fourth sowing dates had resulted in vigorous growth, while crops sown on first and second dates already had pod at physiological maturity. Figure 2: Plant height of cowpea var. Surya at varying dates of sowing in Rampur. 202 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Final stand (m2) of cowpea var. Surya as affected by sowing dates and nutrient management at Rampur (2008-2010). Year S Treatment N 2008 2009 2010 Mean Sowing dates (D) 1. 1-2 Aug 20 20 18 20 2. 11-12 Aug 30 20 18 23 3. 21-22 Aug 19 20 15 18 4. 31 Aug-1 Sept 22 20 15 19 Mean 23 20 17 20 P value: D <.001 0.809 0.013 <.001 LSD (<0.05) 2.2 2.5 1.0 Nutrients (N) 1. 20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 23 20 17 20 2. FYM 10 t ha-1 22 20 16 19 10:20:10 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1+ FYM 3. 20 5 t ha-1 23 20 17 P value - N 0.45 0.57 0.631 0.486 Year (Y) <.001 LSD (<0.05) 0.893 DxY <.001 CV, % 7 3 16 10 High plant population in second sowing date during 2008 had resulted in taller plants and thus greater reduction numbers of pods and seeds) (Table 2). Grain yield and yield components In 2008, mean grain yield was the highest (1.8 t ha-1) in early sowing (1 August) and thereafter grain yield reduced with subsequent delay in sowing (Figure 3). In year 2009, there were no significant differences in grain yield (mean grain yield ranged 1.11.9 t ha-1) among sowing dates (Figure 3), while grain yield ranged from 0.621-1.12 t ha-1 in 2010. Over all delayed sowing reduced grain yield by 17-44%. Straw biomass increased with subsequent delay in sowing (Figure 3b). Greater numbers of pods per plant, seeds per pod and high harvest index contributed to higher grain yield (Tables 2, 3). Total rainfall recorded during 1-15 August 2009 was 555 mm, i.e., 60% greater as compared to the same period in 2009 (Figure 1). Heavy rainfall during that period might have affected crop growth as indicated by large coefficient of variation, and hence greater reduction in grain yield (Figure 3). In 2007, reducing trend of grain yield with delayed planting after the first week of August was reported (Yadav et al.2008). Effect of sowing dates on number of seeds per pod was not consistent between years (Table 2). 203 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 3: Grain yields and straw dry matter of cowpea var. Surya as affected by sowing dates under Rampur condition. 204 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Number of pods and seeds of cowpea var. Surya as affected by sowing dates and nutrient management at Rampur (2008-2010). S N Pods plant-1 Seeds pod-1 Treatments 2008 2009 2010 Mean 200 8 2009 2010 Mean 10 8 6 8 13 13 13 13 5 8 5 6 11 13 14 13 8 8 6 7 12 14 13 13 7 8 5 7 12 15 11 13 7 8 7 12 14 13 13 0.003 0.99 6 0.46 4 0.017 0.23 <.001 <.001 0.669 1.6 - 1 - 0.6 1.1 0.344 0.13 0.67 0.941 Sowing dates (D) 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1-2 Aug 11-12 Aug 21-22 Aug 31 Aug-1 Sept Mean P value: D LSD (<0.05) P value Fertilizer (F) 0.38 0.26 0.55 7 Year (Y) <.001 LSD (<0.05) DF 0.735 <.001 0.86 0.5 0.32 0.93 6 0.699 0.63 0.27 0.077 0.988 DxY FxY 0.005 0.751 <.001 0.743 DxFxY CV, % 0.915 26 0.643 13 29 18 29 10 7 9 Seed size (100 seed weight) increased by delay in sowing time (Figure 4). Similarly, in 2007 not the number of pods per plant and seeds per pod but the large seed contributed to higher grain yield (Yadav et al. 2008). Overall, there was 14-27% increment in seed weight when delayed after 2 August. Effect of nutrient management on yields of cowpea Fertilizer treatments did not show any significant effect on yield and yield components study (Figure 5, Table 4 ). On the contrary, experiment conducted in Rampur during 2007 had shown that application of 10 t FYM ha-1 produced greater yield, higher numbers of pods per plant, seeds per pod, and seed size as compared to chemical fertilizers of 20:40:20 kg NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 (Yadav et al 2008). Also, studies elsewhere had shown that combined effect of N:P2O5:K2O and FYM increased both grain yield and macronutrients uptake (Purohit 2003). 205 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3: Pod length and harvest index of cowpea var. Surya as affected by sowing dates and nutrient management at Rampur (2008-2009). S N 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Treatments Sowing time 2 August 12 August 22 August 1 September Mean P value LSD (<0.05) Fertilizers (F) 20:40:20 NPK kg/ha 10 t FYM/ha 10:20:10 NPK kg/ha+5 t FYM/ha P value DxF CV, % 2008 Pod length, cm HI 2009 Pod length, cm HI 17 17 17 19 17 0.018 1 0.67 0.52 0.44 0.38 0.5 0.002 0.1 18 17 17 19 18 0.027 1 0.42 0.3 0.33 0 .3 8 0.36 0.092 0.1 18 17 0.51 0.5 18 18 0.35 0.37 17 0.5 18 0.35 0.45 0.4 4 0.61 0.53 7 0.26 0.01 2 0.2 0.27 10 Figure 4: Seed weight of cowpea var. Surya as affected by sowing dates. 206 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 4: Pods per plant and seeds per pod of cowpea var. Surya as affected by fertilizer management at Rampur. S N 1. 2. 3. Treatments 2008 Nutrients management (N) 20:40:20 NP2O5K2O kg ha-1 FYM 10 t ha-1 10:20:10 NP2O5K2O kg ha1 + FYM 5 t ha-1 P value - Pods plant-1 2009 2010 Mean 2008 Seeds pod-1 2009 2010 Mean 7 8 7 8 6 6 7 7 12 12 14 14 13 13 13 13 8 8 7 13 14 13 13 0.38 0.26 5 0.55 7 0.344 <.001 0.86 0.13 0.67 0.941 0.735 <.001 Year (Y) LSd (<0.05) Figure 5: Grain yield and seed weight not affected by nutrient management. Conclusion Under light textured soil in subtropical condition, yield and yield parameters not affected by nutrient management. Highest grain yield when sown during first week of August. Reasonable grain yield and improved seed size during late sown crop indicated the possibility of delaying sowing date until the last week of August. Seed size was improved with the subsequent delay in sowing time, thus increase market value. The non significance effect among fertilizer treatments on grain yield suggest that half of 207 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop the nutrient requirement of the crops could be supplied from farmyard manure. However, additional year data is required for the final confirmation of the results. Acknowledgement Sincere thanks to Director, Crops and Horticulture, NARC for his valuable support and guidance. The authors would like to acknowledge the hard work of field technician Mr KN Ghimire, technical officer Mr BP Wagle and all staff of NGLRP Rampur for their support in smooth conduction of the experiment. References FAOSTAT. FAOSTAT | © FAO Statistics Division. Rome, Italy. Cisse N and EA Hall. 2010.Traditional Cowpea in Senegal, a Case Study. sse_e.htm Davis DW, EA Oelke, ES Oplinger, JD Doll, CV Hanson and DH Putnam. 2010. Alternative Field Crops Manual. Purohit HS, LL Somani and V Sharma. 2003. Integrated nutrient management in cowpea-wheat crop sequence. Intern. J. of trop. Agric. 21:119-131 ( Yadav NK, A Sarker, R Darai and BN Adhikari. 2004. Food legumes Research and production in Nepal. Poster presented in 4th IFLRC held on 18-22 Oct 2005, New Delhi, India Yadav NK, R Shrestha and R Sah. 2008.Response of sowing dates and fertility management on cowpea varieties at Rampur. In: Annual Report. 2007/08, National Grain Legumes Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan TJAI. 2010. Cowpea A Versatile Legume for Hot, Dry Conditions. Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute, Columbia, access 2010. ( 208 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-21 E m Roshan B Ojha Himalayan College of Agricultural Science and Technology (HICAST) Abstract Farm Yard Manure (FYM) is an integral component of agricultural input in small holder Nepalese farming communities where mixed cropping system (agriculture and livestock integration) is practiced. Despite of quality of FYM produced in farm level appropriation of right dose in farmers' field is not achieved yet. So, to quantify appropriate level of FYM in farmer field this experiment was conducted at research farm of IAAS from October 2012 to May 2013 catching major two crop growing seasons i.e. winter and spring season in which broccoli and Mung bean were cropped, respectively. Six treatments (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 t ha-1 FYM) were replicated four times. In each plot 100 earthworms were released in one square meter earthworm inoculation unit. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and earthworm growth rate was significantly influenced by FYM levels of 30 t ha-1 in both seasons. EC1:5, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen also achieved highest at this dose in winter and spring seasons. Hence, once application of 30 t ha-1 FYM is sufficient to maintain earthworm population and soil properties in the field growing cole crops followed by legumes in rotation. Keywords: Earthworm population, farm yard manure (FYM), soil organiccarbon. Introduction Farm Yard Manure is a chief source of fertilizer applied by Nepalese farmers. Along with other chemical fertilizers blending of farm yard manure (FYM) is a common practice. In case of small farmholder FYM is ultimate source of fertilizer in their field. Apart from the quality of FYM prepared in farmers' field, right amountof FYM is not quantified in order to achieve maximum productivity via eN hancing soil properties. Soil properties like physical (bulk density, porosity, infiltrability hydraulic conductivity), chemical (pH, EC, available nitrogen, soil organic carbon, available phosphorous and potassium) plays very crucial role in soil fertility and hence productivity. In our context appropriate dose of FYM in relation tosoil properties at farmers' level is not studied. Hence, this study was carried out to access the soil chemical properties at different farm yard manure levels applied in the field. Materials and Methods Field experiment was carried out in research farm of Institute of Agriculture and AnimalScience (IAAS)in 2012/13 Six treatments (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 FYM t ha-1) were applied in the field with four replications. Experiment was designed in a simple randomized complete block design. Moisture content of FYM was 75%. FYM was 209 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop applied on the field on fresh weight basis. Two season trials were conducted covering winter season (Oct – Jan) and dry-wet transitional period (Feb – June). In the first season broccoli was planted whereas in second season Mung Bean . In every plot 100 earthworms were also released by making small 1 sq.m earthworm inoculation unit. Soil of 15 cm depth was sampled and its chemical properties were analyzed in lab by using standard procedure. EC1:5, NH4+ and NO3- were analyzed by using vernier sensors. Earthworms were manually counted after each season. No additional FYM was added in second season. To maintain moisture and temperature for earthworm, mulching and irrigation was regulated daily. Data were analyzed by using MSTAT version C. Data were first subjected for testing homogeneity and linearity in SPSS version 16. All data were found linear and homogenous and then after two-way ANOVA was carried out for significance test at 5% level of significance. Means were separated by using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Results and Discussions Different level of FYM in the field shows pronounced effect on soil chemical properties. Changes in some of the chemical parameters were observed. Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity did not differ significantly with the levels of FYM. The lowest value (28.5 µS cm-1) of EC was obtained from 0 FYM t ha-1 and the highest value (61.50 µS cm-1) of EC from 30 t ha-1 in winter season. In spring season the lowest (41.25 µS cm-1) EC was obtained from 20 FYM t ha-1 and the highest (61.75 µS cm-1) was recorded from 30 FYM t ha-1. Electrical Conductivity (µS cm-1) 80 y = -0.026x2 + 1.719x + 28.44 R² = 0.899 EC1 (µS/cm) EC2 (µS/cm) Poly. (EC1 (µS/cm)) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Farm Yard Manure (t ha-1) Figure 1: Electrical conductivity as affected by different levels of Farm Yard Manure at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal 2012/2013.Length of solid bar in the graph represents the error bar with standard error. 1 and 2 in the graph indicates winter and spring seasons respectively. 210 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Electrical conductivity, in the winter season, increased with FYM doses but it started to decreaseafter 30 t ha-1 of FYM application. In the spring season EC was almost constant with FYM levels. EC was only increased at 30 FYM t ha-1.Increase in EC of the soil might be due to the decomposition of larger organic fragment and other intermediate products during decomposition of FYM. Production of acid and acid forming substance during decomposition of OM may have reacted with sparingly soluble salts already present in the soil and converted these into soluble forms and hence increased their solubility. Parvathi et al. (2013) noted that soil EC did not significantly differ with the application FYM and other source of organic manures during the first year of experiment. Values of EC did notdiffer significantly with the application of different sources and doses of organic manures, including FYM (Chawala and Chhabra 1991, Stalin et al. 2006). In contrast, Yilmaz and Alagoz (2010) reported a significant increase in the electrical conductivity with increase in doses of FYM. They use four levels of FYM dose i.e. 0, 10, 20, and 40 t FYM ha-1 and observed the increase in EC level from each treatment significantly. Sarwar et al. (2008) also observed an increasing trend of EC in sole composting (FYM) than with chemical treatments. Nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen Nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen are the available forms of the nitrogen in the soil. Change in the total nitrogen pool might results from change in the available nitrogen pool of the soil. Mineralization of nitrogen from FYM via various modes depends upon the time of application of FYM (Gupta and Laik 2002). Relative content of available nitrogen in the soil depends upon several factors such as temperature during mineralization, microbial activity, C:N ratio of decomposable substances, soil organisms and so on. Nitrate-nitrogen and ammonium-nitrogen were not significantly affected by the levels of FYM applied. The highest 115.75 ± 2.074 mg kg-1 and 136.22 ± 2.502 mg kg-1 nitrate-nitrogen was found from 30 t FYM ha-1 in winter and spring seasons respectively which were not significantly different from other doses of FYM (Table 1). This was in line the findings of Gupta and Laik (2002) that higher mineral nitrogen was found from the treatments 30 t FYM ha-1 than 5 and 45 t FYM ha-1. But Iqbal et al. (2012) found the highest nitrate-nitrogen from an application of 50 t FYM ha-1. 211 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1:Effects of Farm Yard Manure on nitrate nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen in winter and spring seasons at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, 2012/2013. Treatments NO –- N NH + – N 3 4 (FYM -1 (mg kg ) (mg kg-1) t ha-1) winter season spring season winter season spring season 0 114.2 135.4 730.0 794.0 10 110.7 129.2 715.4 780.2 20 114.7 129.4 767.3 775.0 30 115.7 136.2 705.2 746.9 40 112.2 131.9 728.7 762.8 50 112.5 129.3 778.1 797.4 LSD ns ns ns ns CV, % 3.66 3.79 5.55 5.99 SEM (±) 2.0748 2.5026 20.4735 23.2445 The highest (778.1 ± 20.10 mg kg-1) ammonium-nitrogen was obtained from 50 t FYM ha-1 in winter season, but that did not significantly differ from the other treatments. In spring season also treatment 50 t FYM ha-1 recorded the highest (797.4 ± 23.24 mg kg-1) ammonium-nitrogen content in the soil. That ammonium content was higher than the nitrate in the FYM applied soil might be due to formation of humic acid during mineralization which reduced the volatilization loss of NH3. Nitrate is one of the most mobile ions in the soil which can be easily leached (Lee and Jose 2005) from the upper layer (15 cm depth) and accumulated in the lower soil profile (Rnoal et al. 2006). So, leaching of nitrate ions might cause the lower nitrate concentration than ammonium ion. Additionally, in the aerobic condition plants absorb nitrogen in the nitrate form. So, the activity of plant roots and microbes (Iqbal et al. 2012) was greater in the upper layer. Hence, nitrate nitrogen was in lower concentration than ammonium. Plants absorb only 50% of N applied to the soil (Craswell and Godwin 1984) and large amount of nitrogen are leached out. Ammonium content of the soil was relatively higher as compared to the Nitratewhich contradicts with the findings of Gupta and Laik (2002). He observed the highest mineralization of NO3--N from 30 t FYM ha-1 applications, which was at par with the release of NH4--N in two seasons, summer and winter. Another possible reason for higher content of ammonium than nitrate was the secretion from earthworms. Earthworms secrete ammonium (Syers and Springet 1984) and uric acid was estimated to be 18-92 kg ha-1 annually. Earthworm population increased with the increase in FYM dose. Hence, available nitrogen pool was also affected. Also, the ammonium content of the soil was found higher than nitrate in the control plots over the treated plot. In the control plot also earthworms were released. Uptake of 212 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop nitrate nitrogen by the plant roots and earthworm secretions might be the possible reason to found the higher ammonium nitrogen than nitrate nitrogen. Soil Organic Carbon With respect to the initial soil OM there was an increase in the OM content in both the seasons but overthe two successive seasons there was a decrease in organic matter content in each treatment. 60 % OC in winter seasony rate = -1.505x - 4.129 Change in organic carbon levels (%) R² = 0.187 % OC in spring season 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 -20 -40 Farm Yard Manure (t ha-1) Figure 2: Percent changes in soil organic carbon in winter and spring seasons with respect to initial organic matter at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal (2012/2013). There was an increase in the Organic C content with the application of FYM and composts in each year but organic C decreases as the applied fertilization with FYM and composts in successive years. Decrease in Organic C content was noted (Gondek and Filipek-Majur 2006) in the soil of every organic manures application (FYM and other composts) after third year with the experiment.Decrease in organic matter content in two successive seasons might be due to rate of decomposition of active pool of organic carbon (Brady and Weil 2008);as there was no addition of the FYM in the successive season. Earthworm Growth rate Earthworm growth rate increases with increasing doses of FYM. Compared with first season, earthworm growth rate increases in second season. First season is winter season; temperature is not favorable for earthworm growth. Regular supply of moisture and favorable temperature eN hance earthworm growth rate. Negative growth rate was observed in control plot in both seasons, also found from treatment 10 t FYM ha-1 in 213 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop first season but positive growth rate was observed in second season. In control plot earthworm did not get any food results decrease in earthworm population. Either mortality rate of earthworm is higher in control plot or earthworms were migrated to nearby field. 12 Earthworm growth rate (first season) Earthworm growth rate (second season) 10 y second season= 1.989x - 2.114 R² = 0.887 Linear (Earthworm growth rate (first season)) 8 Linear (Earthworm growth rate (second season)) 6 yfirst season = 1.859x - 3.552 R² = 0.962 4 2 0 0 t/ha 10 t/ha 20 t/ha 30 t/ha 40 t/ha 50 t/ha -2 -4 Figure 3: Earthworm growth rate influenced by different levels of FYM at Rampur, Chitwan (2012/13). Conclusion Observed soil chemical parameters show good response at 30 t FYM ha-1. The highest level of nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen also found at treatment 30 t FYM ha-1. Earthworm growth rate increases with increasing level of FYM however no significant difference obtain between treatment 30, 40 and 50 t FYM ha-1. Electrical conductivity shows linearity from treatment 30 t FYM ha-1 in either season. Hence, once application of 30 t FYM ha-1in first season and its residual level in second season is sufficient to eN hance soil chemical properties and helps to maintain earthworm growth rate and finally soil fertility for two cropping seasons. Moisture and temperature management in field is very crucial for earthworm growth and it is very tedious management practice in the field which cannot be maintained at farm level. So, earthworm inoculation in field should be verified further. 214 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Brady NC and RR Weil. 2008. 14th edition. Nature andProperties of Soils. Pearson Education Inc. Prentice Hall. India. New Delhi. Chawala KL and R Chabbra. 1991. Physical properties of gypsum amended sodic soil as affected by long-term use of fertilizers. J. Ind. Soc. Soil Sci. 39:40-46. Craswell ET and DC Godwin. 1984. 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Effects of short-term amendments of farm yard manure on some soil properties in the Mediterranean region – Turkey. J. Food, Agric. Environ. 8:859-862. 215 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-22 Phosphorus Speciation in Nitisol from Ethiopian Highlands Hari R Upadhayay1,3, Soraya C França2 and Pascal Boeckx3 1 Isotope Bioscience Laboratory (ISOFYS), Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium 2 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal 3 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium Abstract Phosphorus (P) is considered as a primary limiting nutrient for faba bean (Vicia faba L.) production in Nitisol (Western and South-western Ethiopian highlands) due to strong adsorption of P to Al and Fe (hydr)oxides. The objective of this research was to differentiate the P into various pools on the basis of its plant availability with respect to different depths. The soil was collected in the bulk as well as at three depths from an agricultural field. A modified Hedley sequential P fractionation was carried out to differentiate phosphorus into different fractions. Sum of all the P fractions [Pt(sum)] ranged from 648 to 1024 mg P kg-1 at 25 and 5 cm depth, respectively. Concentration of Fe in the soils extracted via dithionite-citrate (Fed) ranged from 37 to 41 g kg-1. The amounts of Al extractable by dithionite-citrate (Ald) and ammonium-oxalate (Alox) were not different with depth and had an average value of 3.13 and 2.31 g kg-1 respectively up to 30 cm depth. For all soil layers largest P fractions were found in slowly available pool (SAP) (57-57%) followed by the less readily available pool (LRAP) (28-37%) and readily available phosphorus (RAP) (5-6%). Sum of organic phosphorus (sum-Po) accounted 20-24% of Pt(sum) that decreased with depth and the amount of NaHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po part of LRAP contributed 11 to 14% and 44 to 48% of that sum-Po, respectively, suggesting that NaOH-Po was the dominant fraction. The soil has high concentration of RAP 32 to 59 P mg kg-1. This research showed that the amount of available P is well above the optimum concentration for adequate faba bean production in Nitisols of Ethiopian highland. Keywords: Inner-sphere complex, phosphorus adsorption capacity (PAC), phosphorus pool, Sesquioxides. Introduction Nitisols is one of the most productive soils of Ethiopia. It accounts for about 13.5% of the total identified soil types and 12% of the total area coverage of the country which rank first (23%) in terms of area converge of arable lands (Regassa 2009). This soil is dominant in Western and Southwestern Ethiopian highlands where rainfall intensity is high. Several authors have reported that between 70 and 75% of the agricultural soils of the highlands plateau region of Ethiopia is P deficient due to strong adsorption of H2PO4- to Al, Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides. Under low P fertilizer inputs, soil P availability is usually the major factor limiting the rate of N2-fixation in legumes and in the 216 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop absence of AMF infection, supplementary P fertilization is generally necessary for the maintenance of N2-fixation rates by Rhizobium at the level of required to economically viable legume crop production. On the other hand, most of the phosphate fertilizer in Nitisols ends up in fixed pools, having a recovery of only approximately 10-20%. In this perspective, the use of phosphate fertilizer is not sustainable to overcome the P deficiency in the soil and to secure future food supply. Therefore improved use efficiency of low P fertilizer inputs and recycling of soil P are important for resource conservation and environmentally safe agriculture. Availability of P for plant utilization is not a function of its concentration in the soil, but rather on the rate of its release from the soil surface into the soil solution. The ability of soil P to meet plant demand depends on the release of phosphate ions by desorption or dissolution form the solid phases of the soil. The term available-P is often used to express the amount of soil P in solution that can be extracted or mined by plant roots and utilized by the plant for growth and development during its life cycle. In soil without recent P application, it is estimated that 98% of the P taken up by plants is released from soil particles during the growth period (Fardeau 1996). The concept that water-soluble P added to soil in fertilizers or mineralized P and not used by the crop to which it was applied became mostly fixed in soil in forms unavailable to future crops was not supported by work after 1950s. The new concept ‘P equilibria in soil’ which explains the changes in the extractability of soil and fertilizer P and the decrease in plant availability of added P with time (Syers et al. 2008). These equilibria primarily involve adsorption and absorption processes that may be largely reversible with time. For P, which in the short- and long-term will be plant available; the current concept is that this P is held by soil components with a continuum of bonding energies i.e. P pools. Phosphorus in the soil solution, the first pool, is immediately available for uptake by plant roots and is present in solution in ionic forms. The second pool represents Pi that is only weakly bonded to the surfaces of soil components. This Pi is readily available because it is in equilibrium with Pi in the soil solution and is readily transferred to the soil solution as plant roots take up Pi. The P in the third pool is less readily available for plant uptake, but it can become available over time. This P is more strongly bonded to soil components, or is present within the matrices of soil components as absorbed P (i.e. P adsorbed on internal surfaces). Pi in the fourth pool is only very slowly available, often over periods of many years. It has a low or very low extractability. It is P that is very strongly bonded to soil components, or is P that has been precipitated as slightly soluble P compounds, or it is part of soil mineral complex, or it is unavailable due to its position within the soil matrix. When the P removal by the plant exceeds the amount of applied or mineralized P, this labile (readily and less readily) Pipool become the main source of available P for plants. However, the availability of soil P fractions for plant uptake varies with soil types and the type of plant, and even the so-called recalcitrant P fraction can be depleted by cropping (Pheav et al. 2003, Vu et al. 2008, Wang et al. 2007). 217 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Low-input systems rely on mineralization of soil organic P (Po) or dissolution and release of P from soil minerals to provide a small amount of soluble P over the growing season. Increasing plant access to decreasingly available P resources may significantly improve P nutrition in these systems. However, it is critical to understand the physical and chemical properties of Nitisols that control the dynamics of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) tie-up and supply. The major soil Pi transformations are the fixation of P in sparingly soluble forms by precipitation and sorption reactions and the solubilization of P by mineral dissolution and desorption reactions. Soil Po transforms primarily mineralization-immobilization reactions mediated by soil microorganisms and P uptake by plant roots alone or in association with mycorrhizal fungi. Better understanding of these processes lead to better P management and better maintenance of soil quality in Nitisols. Therefore in this research we differentiate the soil phosphorus into different fractions and pools to test the hypothesis that phosphorus is limiting nutrient for faba bean production in Nitisols of Dedo , Ethiopia. Methodology Soil sampling Soil was collected on 23 June 2009 from an agricultural field at Dedo latitude 07° 28’48’ N and longitude 36° 52’ 19’’ E in South-Western Ethiopia. The field is located at the elevation of 2160 masl. Geologically, the area is associated with JimmaVolcanics with abundant rhyolites and trachybasalt (Solomon et al. 2002). The mean annual temperature in the region is 20.2°C while an average yearly rainfall is around 1920.4 mm with bimodal distribution. Soil samples were collected at three replicates within the fields. In each replicates, soil samples were collected from three depths 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm along with bulk soil. The soil was tentatively classified as Nitisolsaccording to World Reference Base classification. The air-dried soil sample was taken to Isotope Bioscience Laboratory (ISOFYS), Gent University, Belgium. According to analytical protocols the soil was grinded to sieve through a 0.5 mm sieve (32 meshes) for the soil pH measurement, sequential phosphorus fractionation and textural analysis but passed through 0.15 mm (100 meshes) sieve for other analysis. Soil Analyses Particle size distribution was determined by pipette method. The percentage of sand (> 50 μm), silt (2-50 μm) and clay (<2 μm) were calculated on a dry weight basis. A textural class was identified according to USDA textural triangle.Soil pH in water (1:2 wt/vol) and 0.01 M CaCl2 (pHCaCl2) (1:2 wt/vol) was measured by immerging the electrode in clear supernatant solution.Total carbon (TC) and N analysis was done in Elemental Analyzer-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS) . Fe, Al and Mn were extracted from 0.5 g soil by using dithionite-citrate (DC) method of Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture 1972. Acid ammonium oxalate Fe (Feox), Al (Alox) and Mn (Mnox) were estimated after extraction with 10 ml of acid oxalate solution (pH 3) added to 0.25 g of soil in a 50 ml centrifuge tube, 218 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop shaken on a reciprocal shaker for 4 h in the dark. The extracted solutions were analyzed using Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) (VRIAN Vista MPX with SPS5 Sample preparation system). The concentration was expressed in g kg-1 soil. Determination of the total phosphorus (PT) in soil requires the solubilization of P through the decomposition or destruction of mineral and Po containing materials in the soil. Wet acid digestion procedure developed by Bowman (1988) was used to determine PT. Phosphorus fractions that take part in both short and long-term transformation can be examined with sequential extractions, which first remove labile P and then the more stable forms. The sequential P fractionation followed the flow diagram of Figure 1 based on Tiessen and Moir (1993) with some modification. For Resin-Pi, two strips (1×6 cm) of BDH no. 55164 2S anion exchange membrane were shaken in 30 ml of deionized water in centrifuge tube containing soil. The resin strips were soaked in 20 ml of 0.5 M HCl after removing them from the centrifuge tube and shaken for 16 h. The soil containing tubes were ultra-centrifuged (21191× g) at a temperature 0 to 2°C. The supernatant was discarded and 30 ml of 0.5 M NaHCO3 was added to the residues, shaken (16 h), centrifuged again and the supernatant were kept in clean polyethylene bottles in a refrigerator prior to P measurement. The procedures for NaHCO3 were repeated with 0.1 M NaOH and with 1 M HCl. After extraction in the 1 M HCl, 10 ml of concentrated HCl (32%) was added to the reside and allowed to react for 10 minutes at 80°C, whereupon another 5 ml of concentrated HCl was added and the mixture was hand shaken every 15 min and kept at room temperature for 1 h. The samples were centrifuged, and the supernatant was decanted in a 50-ml volumetric flask. The soil was washed with 10 ml deionized water, centrifuged, and washed twice with deionized water. Deionized water was added to reach total volume of 50 ml. Inorganic P in the extracts was determined colorimetrically with the molybdate-ascorbic acid methodology (Tiessen and Moir 1993) but Pi in the NaHCO3 and NaOH extracts was determined after acidifying 10 ml aliquot in a 40 ml centrifuge tube with 6 ml and 1.6 ml respectively of 0.9 M H2SO4 at 4°C for 30 min to precipitate OM. Total P in extracts (Pt) was also determined using the method of molybdate-ascorbic acid after digestion of the NaHCO3, NaOH and conc. HCl extracts by ammonium persulphate (Tiessen and Moir 1993). For each extract, the amount of organic P (Po)was calculated as the difference between total and Pi. The soil residue after extraction with concentrated HCl was transferred to 75 ml digestion tubes containing 5 ml concentrated H2SO4, first dispersing the soil by 10 ml deionized water. When temperature reached 360°C, the tubes were removed from heat and cooled down. 0.5 ml H2O2 was added before reheating for 30 min. H2O2 addition was repeated until liquid was clear. P was determined in clear solution after shaking. Phosphorus fractions can be grouped mainly into three different pools (Figure 2). Readily available phosphorus (RAP) is defined as the sum of resin-Pi and NaHCO3-Pi fractions. Less readily available phosphorus (LRAP) is the sum of NaHCO3-Pi, NaOH-Pi and Po and diluteHCl-Pi. Similarly slowly available phosphorus (SAP) accounted for HClc-Pi and 219 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Po and residual Pi. Both phosphorus fractions and pools were expressed as fraction (part of sum of total P fractions (Pt(sum)) and as concentration (mg P kg-1 soil). Phosphorus Adsorption Capacity by pedotransfer function The soil phosphate adsorption capacity (PAC) can be estimated from a pedotransfer function (PTF). The underlying assumption of using a pedotransfer function is that hydrous oxides of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) are significant components of tropical soils and they are usually highly reactive because they have large specific areas with a high proportion of reactive sites. Acid ammonium oxalate extractable aluminium (Alox) and iron (Feox) together with dithionate-citrate extractable iron (Fed) in mmol kg-1 were used as input parameters in a pedotransfer function. Thus, PAC was estimated by using the following formula: Equation 1 PAC cal = (0.22 ± 0.03) × Alox + (0.12 ± 0.03) × Feox + (0.02 ± 0.01)(Fed − Feox ) Results and Discussions Soil texture The result of particle size analysis showed that soil had a high clay content varying from 42 to 53% while silt varied from 40 to 48% (Table 1). The clay content in the 2030 cm layer was 25% higher than the 0-10 cm layer. The clay content in the studied soil increased with the depth indicates the clay migration from the upper layers. This result is consistent with the result of Solomon et al. (2002) and Fritzsche et al.(2007) in Ethiopia. High Clay content in the soil is obvious since the soil is developed on basaltic parent rock. The basic basaltic parent rocks have capability to produce up to 80% clay. Soil pH The pH is a “master variable” and knowledge of pH in soil is needed to understand important chemical process such as phosphate mobility, metal ion equilibria, and rate of precipitation and dissolution reactions. The pHH2O ranged from 5.5 to 5.6. The pHCaCl2 was found around 5 but it was an average 0.5 pH unit lower than pHH2O (Table 1). However, pHH2O is subject to large variation within the field owing to seasonal changes in soil moisture and ionic concentration of soil solution. Therefore, measurement of soil pH in the solution of 0.01 M CalCl2, is preferred since it is less affected by seasonality, soil to solution ratios junction potential or long-term storage of air-dried soils than pHH2O. Total Carbon and Nitrogen Apparently, soil fertility is intimately linked to soil organic matter (OM) content, which influences soil physical, chemical and biological properties, as well as indigenous soil nutrient supply. Total carbon (TC) ranged from 3.0 to 3.6% (Table 1). TC significantly correlated with the RAP and LRAP (S1). We found overall values of 220 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop TC to be high in the soil possibly due to association of OM via mineral-organic associations (MOAs). Sorption of dissolved organic matter derived from the oxidative decomposition of lignocellulose to Al and Fe oxyhydroxides involves strong complexation bondings between surface metals and acidic organic ligands, particularly with those associated with aromatic structures. This fraction is also less biodegradable than the polysaccharide-derived hydrophilic fraction. However, value of TC can be compared with the OC (2.65-4.50%) in the eutricNitisol in Southern Ethiopia. Additionally, nitrogen content is constant up to 15 cm (0.34%) and thereby decreased to 0.30% at 25 cm. There is no significant effect of depth on the carbon and nitrogen. Extractable Fe, Al and Mn Concentration of Fe in the soils extracted via dithionite-citrate (Fed) ranged from 37 to 41 g kg-1 (Table 2). There is no significant difference of Fed with the soil depth. Fed values of the soil were within the range of Thai Ultisols developed on basalt (26-74 g kg-1) (Wiriyakitnateekul et al. 2005) and Nitisols in Ethiopia (27-59 g kg-1) (Fritzsche et al. 2007), however, higher than HumicNitisols from southern Ethiopian highland (2.5-6.7 g kg-1) (Solomon et al. 2002). Moreover, oxalate-extractable Fe (Feox) ranged from 9.7 to 10.0 g kg-1 (Table 2). The values of Feox/Fed ranged from 0.26 at the surface 10 cm layer to 0.24 at the 20-30 cm layer in the soil. In this soil, the amount of Fed is larger than that of Feox because of the nature of extractants. Dithionite-citrate method removes organically complexed Al, Fe, and Mn, amorphous inorganic Al, Fe, and Mn compounds, non crystallinealumino-silicates as well as finely divided hematite, goethite, lepidocrocite, and ferrihydrite(Fox et al. 1990). On the other hand, acid-oxalate reagent is known to dissolve allophane and gels, ion and aluminum organic complexes, hydrated oxides of iron, and aluminium (ferrihydrite, ferroxyhite) through the processes of protonation, complexation and reduction. In addition, the ratio of Feox/Fed has been taken as an indicator of the maturity or crystallinity of free ion oxides in soil. This ratio is higher than Thai Ultisols and Oxisols developed on basalt (median Feox/Fed = 0.06) (Wiriyakitnateekul et al. 2005) but within the range of soil from central Ethiopia (0.10-0.47) (Fritzsche et al. 2007). Decreasing Feox/Fed with increasing depth reflects the transformation of ferrihydrite to better crystalline oxides. The higher ratio of Feox/Fed in the top layer indicates the effect of organics in impeding the crystallization of Fe oxides. Similar trends was found in Kuantan series from Malaysia (Anda et al. 2008), they also concluded that the OM impede the crystallization of Fe-oxides in the soil.The amounts of Al extractable by dithionitecitrate (Ald) and ammonium-oxalate (Alox) were not different with depth and had an average value of 3.1 and 2.3 g kg-1 respectively up to 30 cm depth (Table 2). Extractable Aldmay be present in the structure of iron oxides, in kaolin, or other clay minerals and Al-OM complexes. These values were similar to the soil developed on basalt (median Ald 3.5 and Alox 1.3 g kg-1) in Thailand, highly weathered Alabama Ultisols (average Ald 0.31 and Alox 0.15%) (Shaw 2001) and central Ethiopian Nitisols (Alox 2-4 g kg-1) (Fritzsche et al. 2007). Mn concentrationsextracted by using three selective dissolution methods namely dithionite-citrate (Mnd), ammonium-oxalate (Mnox) and acid hydroxylamine (Mnhyd) 221 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop was shown in Figure 3. The total Mnhyd, Mnd and Mnox content of present study in the range of 3.0-3.3, 3.4-3.7 and 2.0-2.2 g kg-1 soil respectively. Mnhyd and Mnox are significantly correlated with the different P fractions (S1).Mn extracted by acid hydroxylamine and ammonium oxalate methods is similar to the Mn concentration (0.9-2.9 g kg-1) reported in the Brazilian Latosols Schaefer et al. 2008) and Mnd and Mnox were within the same range of Nitisols in Ethiopia (Regassa 2009). The total Mn content of most soils ranges between 0.2 and 5 g kg-1(Chon et al. 2008). However, Guest et al.(2002) found that DC extractions removed between 31 and 45% of the total-extractable Mn from the moist and well-aerated Indiana Ultisols and Alfisols. Mnd, Mnox and Mnhyd were in general, very similar and well correlated (S1)Similar result was found by Chon et al.(2008) in Korean soil. Dithonite is a strong reductant that reduce and extract Mn oxides in more recalcitrant Mn oxide minerals, perhaps those in small concretions or accumulations, as well as any Mn substitute in Fe oxide minerals (O (Chon et al. 2008). Only 88-90% of DC extractable Mn was extracted by NH2OH-HCl, suggesting the presence of NH2OH-HCl resistant Mn oxides, because this extract is weaker reductant than DC (Chon et al. 2008). Moreover, acid hydroxylamine method that we followed is similar to that used by Neaman et al.(2004) who achieved nearly total Mn dissolution (85-100%). The presence of greater than 9.5 g kg-1 amorphous iron oxides in the studied soil as well as lower Mnhyd than Mnd indicate the abundance of lithiophorite or other more recalcitrant Mn minerals in the soil. In the opinion of Dixon and Skinner (1993), lithiophorite is typical of highly weathered soils. Lithiophorite formed on basalt eluvium and including numerous black Mn-containing nodules was revealed in dark red soil in Hawaii (Vodyanitskii 2009). Prediction of PAC from pedotransfer function Phosphorus adsorption capacity can be predicted from much cheaper and less time consuming pedotransfer function based on data obtained from dithionate-citrate and ammonium oxalate extractable Fe and Al (Table 2). PAC estimated from the pedotransfer function varied from 1550 to 1590 mg P kg-1 soil which is an average 1.5 times higher than the total phosphorus. Estimated PAC increased up to 20 cm. The estimated PAC using pedotransfer function is higher than cultivated Oxisols and Ultisols (400 mg P kg-1 ) in Hawaii to maintain 0.10 mg P L-1 in the equilibrating solution which they believe to be adequate for most crop production. Similarly, Agbenin (2003) found total P sorbed by the soils ranged from 103 mg kg-1 in the top soil to 460 mg kg-1 in the subsoil, in the savannaAlfisols. Several authors have observed significant correlation between total Fe2O3 and P adsorption (Richter et al. 2009, Singh and Gilkes 1991, Torrent et al. 1992), but Quang et al.(1996) has not found any correlation between Fed and P adsorption. The recognition of the importance of gibbisite or related Al-hydroxides in P adsorption is patchy in tropical soils, have been reported mostly from Brazilian Oxisols (Fontes and Weed 1996). However, this PTF does not consider the clay minerals and Mn oxides as input parameters but we found significantly strong correlation of P fractions with clay and Mn oxides (S1) 222 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil Phosphorus and pools Total P measured after wet digestion of soil ranged from 844 to 1242 mg P kg-1 soil (Table 2). The total P concentration in the 20-30 cm layer is 32% less than the top layer (0-10). The total P contents of the studied soils are comparable to the levels found in different soil orders and in different ecosystems from Cameroon, 1025.6 ± 23.1 mg kg1 soil (Tchienkoua and Zech 2003), the United States, 240-1200 mg kg-1 soil (Bowman et al. 1998) and Ethiopia, 874-1426 mg kg-1 soil (Solomon et al. 2002). Bowman (1988) found the precision and accuracy of wet acid digestion method that we followed is similar to that of HClO4 method and gives soil PT values that are approximately 94% of those obtained with Na2CO3 fusion. Moreover, when phosphoantimonylmolybdanum blue complex is measured at a wavelength of 712 nm, color interference from the yellow organic matter is negligible (Tiessen and Moir 1993). The P fractionations data (Table 3) obtained from the modified Hedley procedure by Tiessen and Moir (1993) suggested that P was mainly associated with occluded or precipitated P compounds or the part of soil mineral complex. For all soil layers, the largest P fraction was found in slowly available pool (SAP) (57-67%) followed by the less readily available pools (LRAP) (28-37%) (Figure 4).The RAP pool accounted for little (5-6%) of the Pt(sum). RAP proportions are similar to those found in Latosol in Brazil (1-7%) (Araújoet al. 2004), humicNitisols in Ethiopia (2% except resin-Pi) (Solomon et al. 2002) and A horizon of an acidic Brazilian Oxisols (3%) (Cardoso et al. 2006). The resin extractable Pi fraction is regarded as freely exchangeable P and thus easily accessible to plants. Hence, resin-Pi could reasonably be used as an index of P bioavailability. Resin-Pi fraction ranged from 4.5 to 14.3 mg kg-1 and the NaHCO3-Pi from 27.6 to 44.7 mg kg-1 soil. Moreover, NaHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po decreased with soil depth and the amounts of NaHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po contributed 12 and 47% of the total Po respectively, suggesting that NaOH-Po was the dominant fractions. NaHCO3-Po is important buffering fraction for resin-Pi. This fraction is the most labile of organic P fractions and Tiessenet al.(1984) had reported that resin-Pi was largely controlled by the mineralization of Po and that 80% of the availability in resin-Pi was accounted for by variations in bicarbonate Po (S1). In addition, both discrete annual burning of biomass during land preparation that converts a fraction of organic P into mineral forms and repeated tillage which also accelerates organic-matter decomposition affect NaHCO3-Pi concentration in the soil. Sum total Po (Sum-Po) fractions varied from 20 to 24% of Pt(sum) while on average, 33 to 44% of LRAP was organic (NaHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po). The ratio of TC to Po ranged from 177 at the top layer (0-10 cm) to 215 at the bottom layer (20-30 cm). The Pi associated with Ca (dilute HCl-Pi) contributed 5 to 8% of Pt(sum). Moreover, in acid soil, it is more likely that the extraction solution pH, buffered to 8.5 like in our NaHCO3 procedure, promotes desorption of P. In soils, containing Al- and Fe bound P, the concentration in solution increases as the pH increases because at high pH, the higher concentration of OH- ions decreases the ability of PO4-P to compete for sorption sites. Nevertherless, the combined resin and bicarbonate extracts, and the chemical nature of their action, help to define the readily 223 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop plant available phosphorus pool. They reflect the ligand exchange (with HCO3-) and dissolution reactions which regulate soil solution P. Thus, RAP is P that can most readily transfer to the soil solution to replace P taken up by crop roots. Value of NaOH-Pi, part of the LRAP represented third largest fraction following HClcPi and residual-Pi in the soil. This is an agreement with the data of Tiessen and Moir(1993) for BrazalianOxisols but disagreement with the result of Lilienfeinet al.(2000) from the cerradoOxisols where largest proportions of P have been found in fractions extracted with NaOH and Rheinheimer and Anghinoni (2001) also had observed similar proportion in subtropical soils. These fractions (NaOH-Pi and Po) are supposed to be bound to Fe and Al oxides, kaolinite and organic P associated with humic and fulvic acids (S1). These fractions denote the P reserve (135-266 mg P kg-1 soil) that is plant available when converted to RAP through biological and chemical transformation. However, Buehler et al.(2002) claimed that the NaOH-Pi fraction was in dynamic equilibrium with RAP even in the short term. Similarly, Beck and Sanchez (1994) also concluded that NaOH-Po was the dominant source of plant available P in the non-fertilized Peruvian Ultisol. Moreover, NaOH-Po contributed large part of total Po in this study. Both NaHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po are not significantly different with depth since under crop cultivation residues mixed well in the soil. However, the TC:Po of this soil is < 200 in upper 15 cm (Table 3), mineralization of Po could readily occur leading to increase in the level of available Pi, provided that P thus released is not fixed in unavailable forms by Fe, Al and Mn oxides and hydroxides or clay. The top layer had lower C:Po ratios than the deeper ones, a reflection of the lower accumulation of organic matter in the surface layer. Moreover, the fractions of RAP and LRAP significantly correlated with TC so that the management of organic carbon could be sustainable way to supply P requirement for legume prouction. The low input subsistence agriculture practiced in Dedo area of Ethiopia depends on the continuous supply of P from soil reserves along the production cycle. The common crops (maize, teff, bean etc.) take up a variable amount of P, depending on the biomass accumulation, which varies according to rainfall, but on average P absorption is around 5 kg ha-1 in each growing cycle (Araújo et al. 2004). However, the soil has high concentration of RAP 32 to 59 mg kg-1 corresponding to 96 to 177 kg ha-1, respectively calculating from the depth 30 cm and 1 g cm-3(Fritzsche et al. 2007, Solomon et al. 2002) density of soil. This amount of P is well above the optimum concentration (12-34.4 kg P ha-1) for adequate faba bean production in Ethiopia (Agegnehu and Fessehaie 2006). Assuming that these quantities would be available for plant uptake, the soils could be cropped for a few years before the supply depleted. An even longer period of cultivation without fertilizer would be possible if the deeper layers and the replenishing of RAP by LRAP were considered. As the supply of available P to crops in tropical soils not under fertilization has been reported to come largely from organic pools (Beck and Sanchez 1994), both NaHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po fractions buffer the resin-Pi to a large extent thought mineralization. However, the magnitude of the contribution of this pool to available P might depend on other soil factors such as Fe and Mn oxides (S1), as well as the ability of the crop to utilize P 224 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop from fractions normally not available. Specially, SAP is thought to be a non-available fraction for plants and normally do not undergo short-term changes under cropping. This includes more resistant inorganic and organic P forms. The large amount of P in the SAP followed by LRAP emphasize the need to develop sound management strategies to utilize native soil P more effectively, which can perhaps be achieved by manipulation of plants, such as mycorrhizal annual plants (Cardoso and Kuyper 2006) as well as agro-forestry system, associated with micro-organisms (Richardson 2001). Extraction Fraction name Extracted P 0.5 g of soil Resin Strip Resin-Pi Freely exchangeable P 0.5M NaHCO3 NaHCO3-Pi NaHCO3-Po Weakly adsorbed P 0.1M NaOH NaOH-Pi NaOH-Po P associated in Fe and Al hydrous oxides 1M HCl Dilute HCl-Pi Stable Ca associated Pi Conc. HCl HClc-Pi HClc-Po Stable Fe and Al associated Pi and stable Po H2SO4+H2O2 Residual-Pi Highly recalcitrant Pi Figure 1: Flow diagram of modified Hedley P fractionation method modified by Tiessen andMoir (1993). P Watersoluble P in fertilizer and Losses P in Soil solution Resin-Pi NaHCO3-Pi NaOH-Pi & Po NaHCO3-P0 Dilute HCl-Pi Readily available pool Less readily available pool 225 HClc-Pi & Po Residual-Pi Slowly available pool 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 2:Simple schematic representations of phosphorus pools in the plant-soil systems. Soil analysis to estimate P in the readily available pool includes that in the soil solution (Partially adapted from Syers et al. 2008). 4.0 d d cd bcd 3.5 bc b Mn (g kg-1 soil) 3.0 2.5 a a a 2.0 1.5 1.0 Mnd Mnox 0.5 Mnhyd 0.0 0-10 10-20 20-30 Depth (cm) Figure 3:Comparison of extractable Mn concentration by dithionite-citrate (Mnd), ammonium-oxalate (Mnox) and acid hydroxylamine (Mnhyd) methods with the function of depth. Bars headed by same letter(s) are not significantly different (p<0.05). 226 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop P fractions and pools (%) 100 RAP 90 LRAP 80 SAP Resin-Pi 70 NaHCO3-Pi 60 NaHCO3-Po 50 NaOH-Pi 40 NaOH-Po 30 Dilute HCl-Pi 20 HClc-Pi 10 HClc-Po Residual-Pi 0 0-10 10-20 Depth (cm) 20-30 Figure 4: Percentage of inorganic and organic P fractions and P pools in three different soildepths. Table 1: Physical and chemical characteristics (mean± SE; n=3) of the soil with depth. Within rows, numbers followed by the same letter (s) are not significantly different (p<0.05) by Tukey HSD test. Parameters Clay, % Silt, % pHH2O (1:2) pHCaCl2 (1:2) TC, % TN, % Depth, cm 10-20 49 ± 1.8ab 43 ± 1.3a 5.58 ± 0.02a 4.99 ± 0.01a 3.4 ± 0.21a 0.34 ± 0.03a 0-10 42 ± 2.5a 48 ± 2.9a 5.57 ± 0.05a 5.06 ± 0.03a 3.6 ± 0.09a 0.34 ± 0.03a 227 20-30 53 ± 2.5b 40 ± 1.9a 5.65 ± 0.06a 5.00 ± 0.04a 3.0 ± 0.23a 0.30 ± 0.04a 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Dithionate-citrate and ammonium oxalate extractable Fe and Al with soil depth. Comparison of total phosphorus (PT) and predicted PAC from Fed, Feox and Alox. Within columns, values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Tukey HSD test. Depth (cm) 0-10 10-20 20-30 Fed 38.57 ± 1.12a 40.37 ± 2.82a 41.10 ± 4.71a Concentration, g kg-1 Feox Ald 9.94 ± 3.12 ± 0.29a 0.07a 9.95 ± 3.23 ± 0.49a 0.06a 9.69 ± 3.06 ± 0.65a 0.12a Alox Feox/ Fed PAC, mg kg-1 1548 ± 6.5 a 2.25 ± 0.04a 0.26a 2.33 ± 0.03a 0.25a 1589 ±6.4b 2.35 ± 0.13a 0.24a 1587±11.3 b PT , mg kg-1 1242 ± 137.4a 1006 ± 149.1a 844 ± 152.8a Table 3:Concentration of phosphorus (P) (mean ± SE; n=3) in the various extracts and ratio readily available P (RAP): sum Po and sum of all the P fractions (Pt(sum)) at three depths in Dedo Ethiopia Depth, cm P fractions (mg P kg-1soil±SE) 0-10 10-20 20-30 Resin-Pi 14.3 ± 2.5a 8.7 ± 3.3a 4.5 ± 2.3a NaHCO3-Pi 44.7 ± 16.5a 31.3 ± 14.0a 27.6 ± 13.7a NaHCO3-Po 28.0 ± 4.2a 24.5 ± 5.7a 16.5 ± 4.1a NaOH-Pi 168.8 ± 28.2a 103.6 ± 28.3a 69.0 ± 15.4a NaOH-Po 97.9 ± 11.6a 94.5 ± 20.7a 66.9 ± 19.1a Dilute HCl-Pi 81.6 ± 6.1b 55.0 ± 7.4ab 33.3 ± 5.6a HClc-Pi 255.1 ± 9.6b 211.4 ± 8.7a 196.4 ± 7.0a HClc-Po 78.0 ± 5.1a 75.5 ± 9.0a 65.5 ± 8.2a Residual-Pi 255.5 ± 8.8b 203.8 ± 10.0a 168.8 ± 10.6a Pt(sum)1 1023.9 ± 38.2b 808.3 ± 42.2a 648.5 ± 32.7a PT 1242 ± 137.4a 1006 ± 149.1a 844 ± 152.8a Sum-Po2 203.9 ± 19.0a 194.5 ± 24.2a 148.9 ± 30.3a RAP3 59.1 ± 18.7a 40.1 ± 16.5a 32.8 ± 14.3a RAP: Pt(sum) 0.06 ± 0.02a 0.05 ± 0.02a 0.05 ± 0.02a TC:Po 177 ± 12.2a 178 ± 13.6a 215 ± 26.8a 1. Pt(sum) = sum of fractional P; 2. Sum-Po = NaHCO3-Po+ NaOH-Po+ HClc-Po; 3. RAP = Resin-Pi+ NaHCO3-P i For a given P fraction, significant differences are indicated by different letters (p<0.05, HSD, with sequential Tukey corrections) among the depths for a given fractions (rows); n=3. 228 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 4: Correlations matrix of P fractions and soil parameters. Number indicated in the matrix are values of the Pearson correlation coefficient, r Variables (mg kg-1) pHCaC Clay (%) Fed Feox Ald Alox Mnd Mnox Mnhyd Fed-Feox 0.22 0.85** -0.67* -0.74* 0.78* -0.09 -0.29 0.45 0.70* 0.66 -0.76* 0.53 0.75* -0.24 -0.65 0.50 -0.45 -0.19 0.23 0.60 0.64 -0.64 0.40 0.91** -0.57 -0.77* 0.76* -0.14 -0.17 0.44 0.76* 0.70* -0.78* 0.33 0.83** -0.67* -0.69* 0.69* -0.09 -0.39 0.48 0.65 0.69* -0.70* -0.11 0.91** -0.54 -0.87** 0.84** -0.23 0.17 0.39 0.93** 0.72* -0.87** 0.40 0.76* -0.94** -0.56 0.35 0.07 -0.27 0.72* 0.71* 0.88* -0.54 0.70* 0.57 -0.66 -0.34 0.08 -0.02 -0.61 0.61 0.40 0.82* -0.31 0.07 0.53 -0.30 -0.46 0.28 -0.17 0.23 0.29 0.56 0.68* -0.44 0.38 0.66 -0.82** -0.49 0.43 0.13 -0.37 0.59 0.52 0.72* -0.49 0.48 0.83** -0.41 -0.75* 0.65 -0.34 -0.21 0.33 0.70* 0.71* -0.75* (1:2) Resin-Pi NaHCO3-Pi NaHCO3-Po NaOH-Pi NaOH-Po DiluteHClPi HClc-Pi HClc-Po Residual-Pi RAP Fe, Al and Mn oxides, g kg-1 TC (%) l2 *, ** significance atp<0.05 andp<0.01 respectively. Conclusion Soil analysis indicated that the soil is at the margin for faba bean production with respect to soil pH. In addition, abundance of manganese equal to Al was found in the soil and believed that the Al(OH)3 preserved in the lithophorite could contribute substantial phosphorus sorption in the soil. The phosphorus sorption capacity calculated on the basis of Fed, Feox, and Aloxindicated that the soil can absorb 1.5 times more phosphors than the total phosphorus. The soil contains high total P concentration irrespective of consensus that soil is low in phosphorus. Readily available P was found 5 to 6% of Pt(sum) which is sufficient for faba bean production for few more years. It also showed that sum-Po decreased with depth and the amount of NaHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po part of LRAP contributed 11 to 14% and 44 to 48% of that sum-Po, respectively, suggesting that NaOH-Po was the dominant fraction. Moreover, the fractions of RAP and LRAP significantly correlated with TC so that the management of organic carbon is very important for sustainable faba bean production. Finding large amount of P in the SAP followed by LRAP emphasize the need to develop sound management strategies to utilize native soil P more effectively, which can perhaps be achieved by manipulation of plants, such as mycorrhizalfaba bean as well as agroforestry system, associated with micro-organisms. Transfer of P from subsoils through biocycling may sustain adequate P levels in surface soil and provided that P export is not high, low-input systems in this soil may be sustainable. References Agbenin JO. 2003. Extractable iron and aluminum effects on phosphate sorption in a savanna Alfisol. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 67: 589-595. Agegnehu G and R Fessehaie. 2006. Response of faba bean to phosphate fertilizer and weed control on Nitisols of Ethiopian highlands. Italian J. 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In the original treatments, the recent data revealed that the use of FYM @10 t ha-1 gave significantly higher yield of 3243 kg ha-1 in normal rice and 2091 kg ha-1 in wheat whereas control plot gave the lowest grain yield of 563 and 447 kg ha-1 in rice and wheat respectively. Similarly, in the modified treatments, the recent data indicatedthat the use of FYM @10 t ha-1 along with inorganic N and K2O @50 kg ha-1 each produced significantly highest yield of 4061 kg ha-1 in normal season rice, 3094 kg ha-1 in wheat and 2071 kg ha-1 in early rice. The control plot with an indigenous nutrient supply only supported normal rice, wheat and early rice yields of 563, 447 and 267 kg ha-1, respectively after 36th year completion of rice-rice-wheat system. A sharp decline in rice yields was noted in minus P treatment in normal season rice whereas in early rice it was almost zero whereas wheat yield decline was noted in both P and K missing plots. The application of P2O5 and K2O caused a partial recovery of yield in phosphorus and potassium deficient plots. The soil analysis data showed an improvement in soil pH (7.7), soil organic matter (3.87%), total nitrogen content (0.14%), available phosphorus (409 P2O5kg ha ) and exchangeable potassium (133 K2O kg ha ) with the use of FYM @10 t ha-1 along with inorganic N and K2O @50 kg ha-1. The findings showed that the productivity of the crops can be increased and sustained by improving nutrient through the integrated use of organic and inorganic manures in long-term in Nepal. Keywords: Early rice, farm yard manure (FYM), long-term soil fertility, soil fertility wheat yield. Introduction Rice and wheat are the most important food crops of Nepal and they are mostly grown in sequence especially in Terai region of Nepal. In Nepal, most of the land is under the rice and wheat, mostly in the Terai plain, meets about 75% of the country’s total food demand. Productivity and profitability are quite low. A doubling of the crops production in the next 25 years is needed to meet Nepal’s estimated population growth. Increasing the productivity of land through intensive cropping depletes nutrient reserves of the soil at a faster rate. An unbalanced fertilizer application may disturb 233 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop nutrient availability to crops, leading to a reduction in yield. Improving productivity and increasing cropping intensity is required to meet future food needs. Adequate soil fertility will be essential to improve and sustain yields.The productivity of land under such a system is unlikely to be sustained unless new merging nutrient deficiencies or imbalances are identified and corrected promptly. Example can be cited of zinc deficiency in rice and boron in wheat. Long-term experiment is valuable for evaluating the effects of continuous cropping on the capacity of a system to sustain nutrient supply and the productivity. The long term experiment was initiated under rice-ricewheat system in 1978/79 at National Wheat Research Program (NWRP), Bhairahawa to evaluate the effects of long term application of mineral fertilizer and organic manure on soil properties and grain yield of the crops in the long run under rice-rice-wheat system. The major objectives of long term soil fertility experiment were as follows: • To study effects of continuous application of mineral fertilizer and organic manure on crop yields • To examine and explain yield trends of rice and wheat • To analyse soil fertility status after 36 years of the experiment Materials and Methods Site, treatments and crop management The experimental site is situated at Bhairahawa in the western Terai region of Nepal at the latitude of 27°32’ and the longitude of 83°28’ with an elevation of 120 masl. Temperature ranges from a minimum of about 7°C in winter to the maximum of about 45 0C in summer season. In general, the site receives ample rainfall during the rainy season, which starts from June and continues up to September. The mean annual rainfall is about 1800 mm. The soil of the experiment plot was silty loam with a pH of 8.0, organic matter (OM) of 1.783%, Olsen P of 9.75 ug-1, exchangeable K of 126 ug g1 soil and bulk density of 1.6 g cc-1and there is a hard pan just below the plow layer. The soils in the experiment area are classified as Typic Heplaquepts. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with 9 treatments which were replicated 3 times. The plot size was 6 X 4 m2 up to 1990. From 1990 onwards, periodic modifications have been made in all the treatments splitting the plots in two equal halves of 4m x 3m leaving one half as original (Table 1). Wheat was sown in rows of 25 cm apart and rice was transplanted at 20cm x 20cm plant to plant spacing. Farm yard manure was applied at 7-10 days before seeding. Half dose of N and full dose of P and K were applied as basal. Remaining 50% nitrogen was top dressed at 21-25 days after seeding in wheat and 25-30 days after transplanting in rice. 234 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Original and modified treatments of LTSFE (R-R-W)at NWRP, Bhairahawa 1 Original treatment N:P2O5 :K2O: kg ha-1 0: 0:0 - R & W 2 100:0:0- R & W 3 100:30:0 - R 100:40:0 - W 4 100:0:30- R & W 5 100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W 6 100:0:0 – R 100:40:30 - W 100:30:0 - ER 7 50:0:0 - R & W+ 30 cm stubble incorporation 50:20:0 - R & W +30 cm stb. incorporation 8 50:20:0 - R & W+ 30 cm stubble incorporation 9 F Y M 10 t ha-1 - R & W 50:20:20 - R & W + 30 cm 50:20:0 - R & W+ 30 cm stubble incorporation stubble incorporation F Y M 10 t ha-1+ 50 kg N - F Y M 10 t ha-1+ 50 kg N + 50 R&W kg K20 - R & W Tr. No. Modified Tr. (1991) N:P2O5 :K2O: kg ha-1 0: 0:0 - R & W 100:30:30 - R 100:40:30- W 100:30:0 - R 100:40:0 - W 100:100:30 One time - ER 100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W Modified Tr.(1995 onward ) N:P2O5 :K2O: kg ha-1 100:50:100- R & W 100:30:30 - R 100:40:30- W 100:30:30- R 100:40:30 - W 100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W 100:30:100 – R 100:40:100 - W 100:0:0 – R 100:40:30 – W 100:30:0 - ER 50:20:0 - R & W +30 cm stb. incorporation Measurement of crop parameters Data were recorded on days to heading, days to maturity, spikes m−1, grains spike−1, spike length, 1000 grain weight, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index. Number of spikes in one meter square area at four different places were counted in each subplot and converted into number of spikes sq.m. Number of grains spike−1 was recorded by counting the number of grains of 5 randomly selected spikes from each subplot and average number of grains spike−1 was calculated. A random sample of 1000 grains from each treatment was collected and weighed with digital balance for 1000 grain weight. For biological yield, 6 sq.m area from each sub- plot was harvested, sun dried, and weighed into kgha−1. For grain yield, the biomass of 6 sq. marea from each subplot was sun dried, threshed, cleaned and grains were weighed into kgha−1. Soil sampling and analysis Soil samples were collected from each of the experimental plots. Each soil sample was randomly collected from the 0 to 20 cm deep plough layer using an auger. For this, the air-dried samples were crushed and passed though a 2mm sieve. Soil pH was determined by a pH meter after extraction from a soil: water ratio of 1:2. Organic matter was determined using the Walkley and Black dichromate method (Nelson and Sommers 1982) and total N using Kjeldhal’s method (Bremner and Mulvaney 1982) For available P determination, modified Olsen’s (Olson and Sommers 1982); exchangeable K (Knudsen et al. 1982) was estimated by 1M ammonium acetate extraction followed by flame photometric determination. 235 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Statistical analysis Recorded data were compiled and tabulated in Ms-Excel. Data for each parameter over two year period was subjected to analysis of variance using a randomized complete plot design according to MSTATC (Steel and Torrie 1980) and GENSTAT. Treatment means were compared using least significant difference (LSD) test at P ≤ 0.05. Results and Discussion Grain yields of wheat and rice in rice-rice-wheat system were affected by the application of different combination of manures and fertilizer treatments. In the original treatments, the recent data revealed that the use of FYM @10 t ha-1 gave significantly higher yield of 3243 kg ha-1 in normal rice and 2091 kg ha-1in wheat whereas control plot gave the lowest grain yield of 563 and 447 kg ha-1in rice and wheat respectively. Similarly, in the modified treatments, the recent data indicated that the use of FYM @10 t ha-1 along with inorganic N and K2O @50 kg ha-1each produced significantly highest yield of 4061 kg ha-1in normal season rice, 3094 kg ha-1 in wheat and 2071 kg ha-1in early rice. The control plot with an indigenous nutrient supply only supported normal rice, wheat and early rice yields of 563, 447 and 267kg ha-1, respectively after 35th year completion of rice-rice-wheat system. Yield trend of normal season rice and early rice A severe yield decline was observed with the advancement of the year in treatments T2 and T4. Grain yield fell to almost zero in early rice, indicating severe P deficiency in the soil. Phosphorus deficiency clearly reduces yield. The results show that yield trends for the NK treatment (T4) were similar to the control (no-fertilizer treatment) by year 35 of the experiment. In both treatments in which P was included (T3 and T5) and in the FYM treatment (T9), grain yield declined up to 2008/09 and then slightly increased then after. This trend is difficult to explain. Possibly it could be the result of changes in P dynamics (sorption and desorption of P in the soil). Grain yield (kg/ha) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2003/042004/052005/062006/072007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Year T1=0: 0:0 - R & W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W T9=F Y M 10 t/ha - R & W Figure 1: Effect of long term application of T1, T5 and T9 on early rice. 236 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Grain yield (kg/ha) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 T2=100:0:0- R & W Year T4=100:0:30- R & W T3=100:30:0 - R 100:40:0 - W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W Figure 2: Effect of long term application of T2, T3, T4 and T5 on early rice. Grain yield (kg/ha) The results show that neither the present dose of NPK nor FYM can sustain productivity in this system. These results corroborate those of Flinn and Datta (1984), who reported a yield decline under the full recommended dose of fertilizer. In many fertilizer experiments, Nambiar and Abrol (1989) have also found a declining trend with adequate NPK. FYM alone could not supply N and K requirement of rice crop. The response of P was not clearly seen in early rice, although the combined analysis showed that the NPK treatment resulted in a better yield than the NP treatment. There was residual effect of P applied to wheat seen in early rice. Generally 15–20% of applied P is utilized by the rice crop, and the remainder gradually becomes available to the succeeding crop. Similar result also has been reported by Regmi (1991). 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Year T4=100:0:30- R & W T6=100:0:0 – R 100:40:30 - W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W Figure 3: Effect of long term application of T4, T6 and T5 on early rice. 237 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Grain yield (kg/ha) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 T1=0: 0:0 - R & W Year T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W T9=F Y M 10 t/ha - R & W T9M=F Y M 10 t/ha + 50 kg N + 50 kg K20 - R & W Figure 4: Effect of long term application of T1, T5, T9 and T9 on normal rice. Grain yield (kg/ha) The results indicated that yield trends for the NK treatment (T4) were similar to the control (no-fertilizer treatment). Compared to yields of early rice, yields of normalseason rice were affected less by the fertilizer treatments but recommended dose of NPK and FYM treatments gave the higher yield than other treatments (Figure 4). Yield trends were similar to early rice, however, even thoughthe magnitude of the yield decline was less severe in normal-season rice. A severe yield decline was observed in the treatment without P (T4); grain yield fell to zero by year 35 similar to early rice. A residual effect of P applied to wheat was seen in normal season rice. The P applied to wheat was not fully utilized by the subsequent early rice crop, so the normal-season rice crop also obtained some benefit from the P application in wheat. Significant differences in grain yield were seen between the NPK and NP treatments, indicating that the yield reductions in this experiment were also due to the K deficiency. 6000 4000 2000 0 Year T2=100:0:0- R & W T3=100:30:0 - R 100:40:0 - W T4=100:0:30- R & W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W Figure 5: Effect of long term application of T2, T3, T4 and T5 on normal rice. 238 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Grain yield (kg/ha) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Year T4=100:0:30- R & W T6=100:0:0 – R 100:40:30 - W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W Figure 6: Effect of long term application of T4, T6 and T5 on normal rice. With the increase in potassium level there was increase in the grain yield of normal rice. Both the NPK (recommended dose) and FYM treatments could not sustain grain yields in the long run. The yield increase with the modified (T9M) possibly resulted from replacement of the original (T9). A increase of 818 kg/ha grain yield of normal ricewas observed due to the application of 50 kg ha-1both N and K2O to FYM treatment in the latest year 2013/14. Yield trend of wheat After 35 years of the experiment, significantly higher yield of wheat was found in T5, T9 and T9M as compared to other treatments. There was fluctuation in grain yield of wheat which could be due to variation in rainfall, temperature, etc. during crop growing period. The data revealed that the grain yield of wheat was higher in case of treatment T9M (FYM 10 t ha-1 and nitrogen and K2O 50 kg ha-1 each which is followed by FYM application alone (T9) and the recommended fertilizer dose (T5). The results shows that yield trends of wheat for N treatment (T2), NK treatment (T4) and NP treatment (T3) were similar to the control (no-fertilizer treatment) by end of 35 years of the experiment. There was very low grain yield in all P missing treatments (T1, T2, T4, and T7). This shows P is one of the most limiting factors in wheat crop. In all treatments in which one or more primary nutrients were lacking, resulted decline in wheat grain yield. 239 Grain Yield (Kg/ha) 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Year T1=0: 0:0 - R & W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W T9=F Y M 10 t/ha - R & W T9M=F Y M 10 t/ha + 50 kg N + 50 kg K20 - R & W Figure 7: Effect of long term application of T1, T5, T9 and T9M on wheat. Grain Yield (Kg/ha) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Year T4=100:0:30- R & W T6=100:0:0 – R 100:40:30 - W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W Figure 8: Effect of long term application of T4, T6 and T5 on wheat. 240 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop The grain yield of wheat was found higher in T5 (recommended dose in both rice and wheat) followed by T6 (recommended dose in wheat only). The significant differences in grain yield were seen between the NPK and NP treatments, indicating that the yield reductions in this experiment were also due to the K deficiency.With the increase in potassium level, there was increase in the grain yield of normal wheat. The results show that neither the present dose of NPK nor FYM can sustain productivity in this system. These results corroborate those of Flinn and De Datta (1984), who reported a yield decline under the full recommended dose of fertilizer. Nambiar and Abrol (1989) have also found a declining trend with adequate NPK. FYM alone could not supply N and K requirement of wheat crop. The yield increase with the modified (T9M) possibly resulted from replacement of the original (T9) due to balance dose of NPK and other micronutrients contained in FYM. 3500 Grain Yield (kg/ha) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Year T2=100:0:0- R & W T3=100:30:0 - R 100:40:0 - W Figure 9: Effect of long term application of T2, T3, T4 and T5 on wheat. 241 Grain yield (kg/ha) 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1011 2012 2013 2014 Year T2=100:0:0- R & W T5=100:30:30 – R 100:40:30 - W T5M=100:30:100– R 100:40:100 - W Figure 10: Effect of long term application of T2, T3, T4 and T5 on wheat. Soil fertility status There was a significant effect of manures and fertilizers on soil pH, soil organic matter, nitrogen content, available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. Table 2: Effects of manures and fertilizer on pH, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of soil after 36 years of experiment, NWRP, Bhairahawa, Nepal. Treatme nts T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 F test LSD (0.05) CV, % Initial (1978/79 AD) pH Organic Matter, % Nitrogen, % P2O5, kg ha-1 K2O, kg ha-1 Origin al 8.25 8.25 8.16 8.23 8.21 8.20 8.23 8.18 7.87 ** 0.16 Modifi ed 8.11 8.18 8.17 8.14 8.16 8.21 8.17 8.15 7.95 ns - Origin al 1.27 1.67 2.15 1.67 2.30 2.15 2.02 2.06 4.10 *** 0.89 Modifi ed 1.89 2.18 2.33 1.89 2.39 1.65 2.13 1.86 4.12 ** 0.99 Origin al 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.16 *** 0.03 Modifi ed 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.93 0.16 ** 0.03 Origin al 11.5 11.7 93.7 14.7 44.4 10.7 12.3 38 503.5 *** 45.63 Modifi ed 123.8 50.0 70.5 40.8 57.2 34.0 28.8 34.4 403.7 *** 49.86 Origin al 94.3 76.0 34.9 103.4 71.5 62.3 76.0 71.5 117.1 * 40.57 Modifi ed 117.1 80.6 76.0 53.2 103.4 62.3 66.9 76.0 137.8 * 40.67 1.1 1.1 23.9 25.2 14.7 15.8 32.1 30.8 29.8 28.4 8.0 1.025 0.088 242 9.8 126 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion The control plot with an indigenous nutrient supply still supported rice yield of 563 kg/ha and wheat yield 447 kgha-1 in normal season after 36 year completion of ricerice-wheat system. There was very low grain yield in all P missing treatments (T1, T2, T4, and T7) in rice. This shows P is one of the most limiting factors in rice. The deficiency of both P and K was clearly seen in P and K missing plots. FYM alone could not supply N and K requirement of rice crop. Addition of 50 kg N and 50 kg K2O ha-1in FYM treatment (T9) increased 818, 1003 and 537 kg/ha grain yield of normal rice, wheat and early rice respectively. A fertilizer management strategy that ensures sufficient nutrient supply with the use of organic and inorganic sources for high and stable overall productivity of rice–rice-wheat system is needed. Acknowledgments I would like to thank the Wheat Coordinator, NWRP, Bhairahawa for providing facilities and proper guidance during the course of this research. The authors express deep appreciation to all the staffs of NWRP, Bhairahawa who had contributed in continuing this experiment in the past. Thanks also goes to the present staffs of NWRP without whose assistance, the experiment would not have reached this stage. References Bremner JM and CS Mulvaney. 1982. Nitrogen Total. In: Page AL, Miller RH, Keeney DR (eds.). Method of soil analysis. Chemical and microbiological properties. Agronomy no.9. Part 2, 2nd edn. ASA& SSSA, Madison, WI. Pp. 595–622. Flinn JC and SK Datta. 1984. Trends in irrigated rice yields under intensive cropping at Philippine research station. Field Crops Research.9: 1-15. Knudsen D, GA Peterson and PF Pratt. 1982. Lithium, sodium and potassium. In: Page AL, Miller RH, Keeney DR (eds.) Method of soil analysis, chemical and microbiological properties. ASA &SSSA, Madison. Pp. 228–238 Nambiar RKM and IP Abrol. 1989. Long-term fertilizer experiments in India: An overview. Fertilizer News. 34: 11-20. Nelson DW and LE Sommers. 1982. Total carbon, and organic carbon, and organic matter. In: Page AL (ed.). Method of soil analysis, chemical and microbiological properties. ASA & SSSA, Madison. Pp. 539–579. Olson SR and LE Sommers. 1982. Phosphorus. In: Page AL, Miller RH, Keeney DR (eds.) Method of soil analysis. Chemical and microbiological properties. ASA and SSSA, Madison. Pp. 403–430 Regmi AP. 1991. Long-term fertility trial under rice–rice–wheat rotation. Paper presented at the 14th Winter Crop Seminar, Khumaltar, Nepal. Steel RGD and JH Torrie. 1980. “Principles and Procedures of Statistics” McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York. 243 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SF-24 Long-term oil ertility rial in ice - heat ystem in egional gricultural esearch tation, Khajura, Banke: esults of oil nalysis ata from 1998 to 2006 and 2014 AD Gautam Shrestha Regional Agricultural Research Station, NARC, Khajura, Banke Abstract Long-term soil fertility trial (LTSFT) was initiated in the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Khajura, Banke since 1978. The experiment was designed in Randomized which consisted nine treatments with different fertilizer Complete Block Design doses and with three replications. Soil analysis results from rice – wheat system collected through 1998 to 2006 and 2014 were used. Results revealed treatments had significant effect in soil organic matter (p value = 0.0046) and soil available phosphorus (p value = 0.013) content. Soil pH trend long-termwas significant (p value < 0.05) positive in all treatments except two i.e. control and only nitrogen (100 kg ha-1) applied treatments Soil organic matter (SOM) trend line along the time was significantly positive for all treatments (p value<0.001) except (100:00:30 N P2O5 K2O kg ha-1), (100:30:30 N P2O5 K2O kg ha-1) and (50:00:00 N P2O5 K2O kg ha-1). With negative R squared value, to fit along the time line. Soil soil available phosphorus content showed non-linear available potassium trend line was falling-off along the time line in all treatments except control treatment. Soil organic matter had significant (p value<0.001) positive contribution in soil pH, soil available phosphorus and soil available potassium content. Soil pH had significant (p value<0.001) negative contribution in soil available phosphorus and positive contribution in soil available potassium content. increase the current dose of potassium fertilizer in rice – wheat system in Khajura condition. Keywords: Cropping system current dose of potassium, long-term soil fertility, nutrient management. Introduction Rice – wheat is one of the main cropping systems followed in South and East Asia (Timsina and Connor 2001). As both crops are main diets (FAO 2014), these crops are cultivated for centuries and will continue for many generations ahead. So, sustainable maintenance and increase in the productivity of these crops determine the food security of this region (Ladha et al. 2000). Different studies have been conducted on different aspects of rice – wheat cropping system to increase productivity including method of planting (Sudhir et al. 2011), water management (Lin et al. 2006), fertiliser application (Gami et al. 2001, Yadav et al. 1998), weed management (Pittelkow et al. 2012), tillage methods (McDonald et al. 2006, Saharawat et al. 2010) and combination of these factors (Sudhir et 244 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop al.2014,Timsina et al. 2001, Wade et al. 1998, Zhao et al. 2013). Additionally, greenhouse gas emission from the rice – wheat system has received concern in the context of climate change (Bhatia et al. 2010). Long-term experiments are conducted in different countries to monitor the effect of different soil nutrient management practices in the local soil fertility and productivity (Gami et al. 2001, Han et al. 2010, Poulton 2006, Regmi et al. 2002, Vanlauwe et al. 2005). Furthermore, release of nutrients, carbon sequestration (Shibu et al. 2010) and possible build-up of toxic elements in the soil are slow process, so need long-term experiments (Diacono and Montemurro 2010). Long-term experiments are continued in rice – wheat cropping system at different stations of Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC). Gami et al. (2001) did data analysis of soil analysis results from 1994 to 1999 from rice – wheat experiment at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Parwanipur, Bara, Nepal. Soil organic carbon did not change with the application of 100 kg nitrogen, 13.1 kg phosphorus, and 25 kg potassium per hectare. In contrast, with similar amount of chemical fertiliser application at National Wheat Research Programme (NWRP), Bhairahawa in rice – rice – wheat cropping system, soil organic carbon content increased during 1988 to 1998 (Regmi et al. 2002). Furthermore, at Masodha, Uttar Pradesh, India, data analysis from 1977 to 1996 revealed soil organic carbon content increased by 44% in the field with 120 kg nitrogen, 35 kg phosphorus and 33 kg potassium per hectare (Yadav et al. 1998). Similarly, in Punjab intensive farming with application of 120 kg nitrogen per hectare resulted 1.1% increase in soil carbon content during 1981 to 2006 (Benbi and Brar 2009). In contrast, at Nashipur, Bangladesh soil analysis results from 1994 to 1997 revealed decrease in the soil organic carbon content in all treatments including with 135 kg nitrogen per hectare in both irrigated and rainfed condition (Timsina et al. 2001). At Panjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, from long-term experiment started since 1971, soil analysis in 2005 revealed application of 120 kg nitrogen, 30 kg phosphorus and 30 kg potassium nutrient per hectare resulted into 1.7 to 5.3 g soil organic carbon per kg soil (Kukal and Benbi 2009). In rice – wheat system, soil pH decreased over time in all treatments at Nashipur, Bangladesh condition (Timsina et al.2001). Similarly, in Punjab, India, soil pH declined from 8.5 in year 1981 to 7.7 in the year 2006 (Benbi and Brar, 2009). Furthermore, Choudhary et al. (2011) found declining soil pH trend line with canal water application at Ludhiana, India condition. In contrast, soil pH was increased from 7.0 to 7.3 with farmyard manure application at Parwanipur condition (Gami et al. 2001). Soil available phosphorus content was higher in farmyard manure treated plots compared to 100:13.1:25 kg N:P:K per hectare at Parwanipur (Gami et al. 2001) and Bhairahawa (Regmi et al. 2002) condition. In contrast at Masodha, India soil available phosphorus increased by five fold in phosphorus applied (dose of 35 kg phosphorus per hectare) plots (Yadav et al. 1998). 245 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop In the case of soil available potassium content, in Parwanipur condition it was declining in plots with 100:13.1:25 kg N:P:K application per hectare application compared to farmyard manure applied (4 t ha-1on the basis of dry weight) plots with positive balance (Gami et al. 2001). At Bhairahawa soil available potassium declined over the period in all treatments including plots with only farmyard manure treatement (Regmi et al. 2002). In contrast, at Masodha, soil available potassium increased in all treatments including potassium fertiliser not applied plots as well (Yadav et al. 1998). This work focused on determining influence of different fertiliser doses in rice – wheat system in the soil chemical properties. It will help to make models and predict future soil fertility at Khajura condition. Additionally, future guidance to improve soil productivity will be gained. Materials and Methods Long-term experiment was initiated in Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Banke since 1978. Long-term experiment was conducted in paddy – wheat system. Different nine doses of chemical fertiliser treatments were applied to determine the influence on soil properties. Soil chemical parameters were determined from the soil sampled after each crop harvest. Agronomic practice In rice-wheat cropping system, a released rice variety seedling was transplanted at the 20 cm x 20 cm cropping distance. During the winter, a released wheat variety seed was sown at 25 cm row to row distance. Each plot was 25 square metres in size. The land remained fallow in between two crops. There were total nine treatments with three replications arranged in Randomized Complete Block (RCB). Nutrient treatment details for both paddy and wheat are given in the Table 1. Goat manure from goat shed in the farm was used as farmyard manure and applied before land preparation. For chemical fertilisers, phosphorus and potassium were applied as basal dose. Half dose of nitrogen was applied as basal dose and other half was applied as top dressing after first irrigation. Irrigation was applied as per the crop, climate and environmental conditions. Table 1: Nutrient treatment details for paddy and wheat crop. Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Treatment kg per hectare 1 0 0 0 2 100 0 0 3 100 30 0 4 100 0 30 5 100 30 30 6 50 20 20 7 50 0 0 8 50 20 0 9 Farm Yard Manure (FYM) application of 10 ton per hectare 246 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil analysis Soil was analysed for soil pH, soil organic matter content (modified Walkley black method), soil available phosphorus (sodium bicarbonate method), and soil available potassium (ammonium acetate method). Initial soil fertility status of the plots before planting rice in 1998 is given in Table 2. Table 2: Initial soil properties measured before planting rice in 1998 in rice – wheat system. Treatment Soil Soil organic Soil available Soil available (N:P2O5:K2O kg pH, matter phosphorus, potassium, ha-1) Units content,% P2O5 kg ha-1 K2O kg ha-1 00:00:00 7.8 1.976 56.6 37.6 100:00:00 7.4 1.842 30.9 32.3 100:30:00 7.4 1.675 100:00:30 7.2 1.809 25.7 100:30:30 7.4 2.010 36.0 35.9 50:20:20 7.6 1.976 56.6 50:00:00 7.5 1.842 30.9 50:20:00 7.5 1.239 123.6 FYM 10 t ha-1 7.4 2.345 72.1 Data analysis Statistical analysis was done using Rstudio software version 0.98.1102. Role of different treatments in the crop performance were determined using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Post hoc analysis was performed using highly significant difference (HSD).Trend lines were drawn for each soil characteristics. Further, regression analysis was conducted among soil parameters. Graphs were drawn using Sigmaplot version Results and discussion Analysis of variance Treatments had no significant effect on soil pH (Table 3). Similar, results were shown by Gami et al. (2001) in Parwanipur condition with pH difference of 0.6 units between full dose of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium nutrients application from chemical fertiliser and only Farm Yard Manure applied plots. According to Timsina et al. (2001), compared to initial soil pH (Table 2), soil pH declined in all treatments (Table 3). Timsina et al. (2001) studied different level of nitrogen (0, 90,135 kg nitrogen nutrient per hectare) and water management (rainfed and irrigated) in rice – wheat system in Nashipur, Bangladesh from 1994 to 1997. They found that soil pH declined over time in all treatment combinations. It was may be due to flood irrigation which contain carbonates (CO3 ) which need to be buffered by soil (Timsina and Connor 2001). Additionally, use of urea and diammonium phosphate as nitrogen source causes release of hydrogen ion (H+) during uptake of ammonium ion (NH+4) by plants (Wei et al. 2006). Similarly, harvest of crops from the field removes base cations with 247 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop remaining net effect of increase in soil acidity (Allison 1973). Furthermore, plant roots release though weak organic acids contributes to decrease in soil pH (Jones 1998). Soil organic matter content was significant high in treatment with only Farm Yard Manure applied plots (10 t ha-1) i.e. 27% more than in control (no fertiliser) plots (Table 3). In contrast, Yadav et al. (1998) reported 70% higher soil organic matter content in treatment with 120 kg nitrogen, 35 kg phosphorus and 33 kg potassium application compared to control (no fertiliser), The result showed only 5% higher soil organic matter content in treatment with 100 kg nitrogen, 30 kg phosphorus, and 30 kg potassium applied through chemical fertilisers as compare without fertiliser input (Table 3). While comparing Table 2 and Table 3, soil organic matter content decreased 1998 to 2014. It was on par with Shibu et al. (2010) who revealed decreased organic matter content in different long-term experiments in India and through Yang's model prediction as well. In accordance with Gami et al. (2001), soil available phosphorus content was significant high in only Farm Yard Manure applied plots (10 t ha-1) about 40% high compared to no fertiliser (Table 3). In agreement with Gami et al. (2001) and Regmi et al. (2002) Farm Yard Manure applied plots contain 20% more soil available phosphorus than full dose of chemical fertiliser applied (100 kg nitrogen, 30 kg phosphorus and 30 kg potassium nutrient ha-1). It might be due to addition of Farm Yard Manure which contributed to phosphorus balance in the system due to microbes which got food from Farm Yard Manure (Hedley et al. 1982). Soil available phosphorus content increased during 1998 to 2014 as obtained in Table 2 and Table 3. Treatment had no significant effect on soil available potassium content (Table 3). Similar results were shown by Gami et al.(2001) and Yadav et al.(1998) at Parwanipur condition, most probably due to application of insufficient amount of potassium fertilizer . Table 3: Analysis of variance for soil data from 1998 to 2006 and 2014 and mean ± SE for each treatment. Treatment (N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) 00:00:00 100:00:00 100:30:00 100:00:30 100:30:30 50:20:20 50:00:00 50:20:00 FYM 10 t ha-1 p- value HSD value CV,% Soil pH Soil organic matter content, % 7.0 ± 0.06 7.0 ± 0.05 7.0 ± 0.06 7.0 ± 0.06 6.9 ± 0.06 7.0 ± 0.06 7.0 ± 0.06 7.0 ± 0.05 7.0 ± 0.05 0.8936 -6.06 1.101 ± 0.098 b 1.173 ± 0.063 ab 1.169 ± 0.069 ab 1.198 ± 0.089 ab 1.150 ± 0.054 b 1.202 ± 0.078 ab 1.097 ± 0.051 b 1.227 ± 0.099 ab 1.518 ± 0.110 a 0.013 0.354 52.19 248 Soil available phosphorus, P2O5 kg ha-1 57.50 ± 6.55 b 62.37 ± 7.14 b 73.09 ± 6.47 ab 65.02 ± 7.12 b 75.13 ± 6.87 ab 71.38 ± 6.64 ab 59.31 ± 6.47 b 68.93 ± 6.66 ab 94.83 ± 6.69 a 0.0046 29.62 73.9 Soil available potassium, K2O kg ha-1 106.59 ± 4.63 98.33 ± 4.19 102.86 ± 4.87 105.99 ± 3.32 106.00 ± 4.17 103.26 ± 4.32 108.55 ± 5.32 103.55 ± 4.83 118.00 ± 4.61 0.159 -32.18 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Trend analysis of different nutrients Soil pH Though looking at Table 2 and Table 3, soil pH declined over time, on an average soil pH had increasing trend in all treatments (Table 4). Gami et al. (2001) obtained 0.3 units increase in soil pH during five years in organic manure applied plots compared to initial soil pH of 7.0 in 1994. Organic manure addition contributed 16.5% of increase soil pH. Soil pH increase might be contributed by the ground water containing calcium salts which was applied as irrigation water. Table 4:Linear model fit and descriptive values of soil pH in different treatments. Treatment (N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) 00:00:00 100:00:00 100:30:00 100:00:30 100:30:30 50:20:20 50:00:00 50:20:00 FYM 10 t ha-1 Adjusted Rsquared 0.011 0.021 0.092 0.085 0.077 0.157 0.101 0.054 0.165 Linear model fit along the years (x) y = 0.02x – 31.96 y = 0.02x – 36.74 y = 0.04x – 69.75 y = 0.04x – 68.38 y = 0.04x – 67.45 y = 0.05x – 92.39 y = 0.04x – 67.45 y = 0.03x – 52.56 y = 0.05x – 82.34 Soil pH p- value 0.210 0.140 0.012 0.015 0.020 0.001 0.009 0.043 <0.001 Maximum Minimum 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.1 7.7 7.9 6.1 6.1 5.9 6.0 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 Soil organic matter content At Khajura, Nepalgunj condition Farm Yard Manure application significantly (p value < 0.001) contributed 23% increase in soil organic matter from 1998 to 2014 (Table 5). These results were similar to Regmi et al. (2002) who did find significant soil organic matter build up in control (without fertiliser input). It is because atmosphere is source of carbon for plants not soil (Marschner and Marschner, 2012) however Gami et al.(2001) got contrast result with the application of 4t Farm Yard Manure per ha. Organic matter might have increase due to addition of crop residue stubbles which are left and incorporated in the soil. Additionally, no excessive mechanical tillage prevents organic matter loss as carbon dioxide. Because of the small size of the plots, no mechanical tillage was used only manual spade tillage was performed. The possible contribution in soil organic matter content was least in 100 kg nitrogen application per hectare plots because with availability of nitrogen, soil carbon is used more by microorganisms which is released as carbon dioxide (Fog 1988). In the case of 50 kg nitrogen and 20 kg phosphorus application per hectare, possible build-up of soil organic matter was the highest amongst others, might be due to lesser availability of nitrogen nutrient for micro-organisms with lesser input and phosphorus input increases the plant biomass including root. In contrast, Shibu et al. (2010) based on Yang's model study predicted decline in soil organic carbon content in India condition. 249 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 5: Linear model fit and descriptive values of soil organic matter in different treatments. Treatment (N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) 00:00:00 100:00:00 100:30:00 100:00:30 100:30:30 50:20:20 50:00:00 50:20:00 FYM 10 t ha-1 Soil organic matter,% Adjusted Rsquared Linear model fit along the years (x) p-value 0.272 0.258 0.281 - 0.002 - 0.017 0.224 -0.017 0.382 0.230 y = 0.11x – 217.14 y = 0.07x – 135.09 y = 0.08x – 153.58 y = 0.02x – 44.58 y = 0.003x – 4.25 y = 0.08x – 157.44 y = 0.01x – 6.41 y = 0.13x – 258.09 y = 0.11x – 225.21 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.353 0.858 < 0.001 0.791 < 0.001 < 0.001 Maximum Minimum 5.2 3.6 3.5 4.4 2.8 4.1 2.8 5.3 5.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.4 Soil available phosphorus There is no significant linear model fit of soil available phosphorus in different years (Table 6). The negative R squared value reveals non-linear model fit. In contrast, Regmi et al. (2002) revealed significant increase of soil total phosphorus content over time in full dose of chemical fertilisers input and Farm Yard Manure treatments. Table 6: Linear model fit and descriptive values of soil available phosphorus in different treatment. Treatment (N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) 00:00:00 100:00:00 100:30:00 100:00:30 100:30:30 50:20:20 50:00:00 50:20:00 FYM t ha-1 Adjusted R-squared Linear model fit along the years (x) 0.004 – 0.017 – 0.018 – 0.015 – 0.005 – 0.012 – 0.017 – 0.018 – 0.008 y = 2.00x – 39510.80 y = 0.60x – 1136.56 y = 0.22x – 356.94 y = 0.83x – 1582.98 y = 1.59x – 3112.11 y = 1.11x – 2148.70 y = 0.37x – 685.70 y = – 0.15x – 363.87 y = 1.34x – 2594.86 pvalue 0.273 0.765 0.906 0.680 0.405 0.551 0.834 0.937 0.471 Soil available phosphorus, P2O5 kg ha-1) Maximum Minimum 164.9 9.2 195.8 9.2 175.2 9.2 195.8 9.2 206.1 15.5 206.1 9.2 164.9 9.2 175.2 9.2 247.3 20.6 Soil available potassium Soil available potassium content declined in all treatments except no fertiliser applied plots (Table 7). Regmi et al.(2002) got significant increase of available potassium with 100 kg nitrogen, 30 kg phosphorus and 30 kg potassium per hectare and with Farm Yard Manure (10 t ha-1). In contrast to these findings, Gami et al.(2001) revealed declining soil available potassium in 120 kg nitrogen, 13.1 kg phosphorus and 25 kg potassium per hectare whereas increment of soil available potassium in Farm Yard Manure (4 t ha-1 dry weight) . Furthermore, Yadav et al.(1998) reported soil available potassium increase to in all treatments including treatments without potassium fertiliser 250 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop input. A possible reason for the decrease in the soil potassium availability is simultaneous application of ammonium based and potassium fertiliser in the soil. It causes more fixation of ammonium in the soil which is used by heterotrophic microorganisms. Moreover, these organisms also need potassium for their metabolism hence both nutrients are less available for plant uptake (Allison 1973). Additionally, use of 100 kg nitrogen and 30 kg phosphorus demands for higher amount of potassium fertilisation than 30 kg potassium applied. It is because plants need almost equal amount of potassium for growth and development as nitrogen need (Marschner and Marschner 2012). Hence, potassium was extracted from the soil (Samra and Swarup 2002) and was declining. Table7: Linear model fit and descriptive values of soil available potassium in different treatment. Treatment (N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) 00:00:00 100:00:00 100:30:00 100:00:30 100:30:30 50:20:20 50:00:00 50:20:00 FYM 10 t ha-1 Adjusted Rsquared Linear model fit along the years (x) - 0.018 - 0.017 - 0.008 0.003 0.064 0.025 0.010 0.046 0.103 y = 0.12x – 124.73 y = – 0.28x + 661.15 y = – 1.00x – 2112.46 y = –1.52x + 3147.54 y = – 2.44x + 4994.10 y = – 1.85x + 3808.82 y = – 1.82x + 3763.18 y = – 2.51x + 51339.34 y = – 3.30x + 6723.19 pvalue 0.929 0.811 0.461 0.099 0.032 0.126 0.218 0.061 0.008 Soil available potassium, K2O kg ha-1) Maximum Minimum 281.6 37.6 196.3 32.3 249.1 40.8 158.4 48.4 166.6 10.1 212.3 53.7 307.2 50.4 223.1 59.1 223.1 11.0 Regression analysis Role of soil pH Soil pH had significant negative contribution in soil available phosphorus (slope = 24.66) (Figure 1). As soil acidity decreases, the phosphorus species concentration changes from higher concentration of H2PO4-and HPO4-2 to higher concentration of PO4-3. However, PO4-3 is not taken up by the plants but H2PO4- and HPO4-2(Marschner and Marschner, 2012). Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) extraction method easily removes H2PO4 from soil colloidal surface and less easily HPO4-2. Soil pH had significant positive contribution in the soil available potassium (slope = 12.22) (Figure 1). With decreasing soil acidity, colloidal exchange surfaces are free from hydrogen ion hence, more possible to adsorb potassium ion. At lower soil pH, exchange surfaces are held by hydrogen ions (H+) which causes loss of potassium ion from soil surface (Brady and Weil, 1999). 251 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop (a) (b) Figure 1: Regression relation between soil pH and soil available phosphorus (a) and soilavailable potassium (b) Role of soil organic matter content Soil organic matter content had significant positive contribution in soil pH (slope = 0.17, soil available phosphorus (slope = 12.90) and soil available potassium (slope = 10.88) (Figure 2). As a buffering agent soil organic matter prevents increment of hydrogen ion concentration in the soil solution. As a source of plant nutrients it provides nutrients like phosphorus (Shen et al. 2011) and potassium. Additionally, organic matter, as a colloidal surface, holds nutrient ions formed from breakdown of chemical fertiliser inputs which become available for plant use later on (Allison 1973). 252 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop (a) (b) (c) Figure 2: Regression relation between soil organic matter content and soil pH (a), soil available phosphorus (b) and soil available potassium (c) content. 253 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion and recommendations Soil organic matter content plays significant role in soil pH maintenance and soil nutrient availability (especially soil phosphorus and soil potassium). Hence, to maintain soil organic matter content, farmers should apply adequate amount of farmyard manure before planting each crop. Declining soil potassium content can be improved by application of higher amount of potassium fertiliser. Alternately, potassium fertiliser and ammonium based fertiliser should be applied at different time. Addition of crop biomass also contributes potassium content in soil. Acknowledgements Author acknowledges the contributions made by Late Dr. Ek Mohan Bhattarai and other scientists who have initiated and continued Long-term experiment in Khajura, Banke. Author is obliged to former Regional Director, Dr. Yam Raj Pandey for providing all the support for carrying out the research in RARS Nepalgunj . Author is indebt to Regional Director, Dr. Ishwori Prasad Gautam for encouragements to preparing this paper. Author is also grateful to Mr. Sher Bahadur Ale for assisting to carryout field experiment in Khajura for more than a decade. References Allison FE. 1973.Soil organic matter and its role in crop production, Elsevier scientific publishing company. Amsterdam, London, New York. 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Plant height and tuber yield were observed highest in the soil treated with recommended dose of NPK plus 20t FYM ha-1, followed by full dose of chemical fertilizer plus Tribeni organic complexal (TOC) @675 kg ha-1. High dose of TOC (1800 kg ha-1) applied without chemical fertilizer showed less response to yield and other yield attributing parameters.High doses of TOC (1800 kg ha-1) produced 54.7 % higher tuber yield (13.35 t ha-1) compared to those produced by non-treated control crop (7.31 t ha-1). However, its use with chemical fertilizer showed good response to crop yield and rest of the parameters. Similarly, plant height, no. of tillers, grain and straw yield of rice differed significantly with the treatments. Application of 900 kg ha-1 of TOC along with recommended dose of chemical fertilizer recorded higher yield of both grain and straw of rice. Hence, this revealed that 900 kg of TOC can substitute FYM equivalent to10 ton. But sole application of TOC did not show good result in rice grain production (3.68 t ha-1), it is almost at par with the control plot (3.45 t ha-1). Keywords: Chemical fertilizer, rice production, tribeni organic complexal, tuber yield. Introduction Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers has resulted to soil acidity and deterioration of the soil physical and chemical properties in the present context(Karki and Dacayo 1990). Well decomposed organic manure is said to be as good as lime to buffer soil acidity as it improves soil physical and chemical properties(Haynes and Naidu 1998, Yang et al. 2004). Therefore, Ministry of Agriculture Development, Government of Nepal is promoting organic based fertilizers to restore soil fertility in long run. In this line, this report is being prepared after testing organic manure supplied by Tribeni BioEnergy for their permanent registration. The product supplied by this agency was tested initially with potato crop and later with rice crop to study the effect of the product on these two crops. Organic matter is the heart of the soil and it is the foundation of all living entities in soil. 257 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Materials and Methods The recommended dose of the product Triveni Organic Manure (TOM) supplied by Tribeni Bio Energy for potato and rice was 30 kg kattha-1. An experiment was carried out with 8 different treatments and 3 replications in both potato and rice. The field trial was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design in the silt loamsoils of Khumaltar, Lalitpur. The details of treatments in the said experiments are presented in Table-1. Table 1: Treatments composition applied in the field experiment. TN Potato 1 Control Rice Control -1 2 100:100:60kg N:P2O5:K2O ha +20 t FYM 100:30:30kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+10 t FYM 3 100:100:60kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+900 kg TOMha-1 100:30:30kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+900 kg TOMha-1 4 100:100:60kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+1125 kg TOMha-1 100:30:30kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+1125 kg TOMha-1 5 100:100:60kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+1350 kg TOMha-1 100:30:30kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+1350 kg TOMha-1 6 100:100:60kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+675 kg TOMha-1 100:30:30kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+675 kg TOMha-1 7 50:50:30kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+1575kg TOMha-1 50:15:15kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1+1575 kg TOMha-1 8 1800 kg TOMha-1 1800 kg TOMha-1 For potato, Janakdev variety was used for the trial. It was planted on 5thFalgun, 2069 (February 16, 2013) and harvested on 22 Baisakh, 2070 (May 5, 2013). Plant spacing and population were maintained as per the standard. The crop was raised with the best management practices and all required observations were made as per time and requirements.Similarly for rice, Khumal-11 variety was planted in the experiment. Seedlings of 32 days old were transplanted on 14thAshad, 2070 (June 28, 2013) and harvested on 24thKartik, 2070 (November 10, 2013). All parameters were observed as per requirements and the data were analyzed using MSTAT statistical packages. Results and Discussion Data of potato and rice are presented in Table2 and Table3, respectively. Plant height, no. of stem per plant and tuber yield differed significantly with the treatments. 258 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table2: Effect of TOM on yield and yield attributing parameters of potato (2069/70). Treatments Plant ht, cm Tubers sq.m-1, Stem plant-1, Tuber yield, nos. Nos. t ha-1 d 1 16.67 112.667 4.133 7.310c a 2 37.33 211.333 4.667 26.93a 3 28.80bc 174.667 5.667 20.26ab b 4 30.13 181.000 5.933 19.22ab bc 5 29.07 185.667 5.667 19.17ab ab 6 33.67 235.667 5.667 22.73ab cd 7 21.93 156.667 5.667 12.55bc d 8 21.27 142.667 5.133 13.35bc Grand Mean 27.36 175.042 5.317 17.69 LSD 9.671 ----6.876 P- Value ** ns ns ** CV,% 14.35 23.77 22.36 31.22 Plant height and tuber yield were observed highest in the soil treated with recommended dose of NPK plus 20t FYM ha-1, followed by full dose of chemical fertilizer plus Tribeni organic manure (TOM) @675kgha-1. High dose of TOM (@1800 kgha-1) applied without chemical fertilizer showed less response to yield and other yield attributing parameters (T8). High doses of TOM (1800 kgha-1) produced 54.7 % higher tuber yield (13.35 t ha-1) compared to those produced by non-treated control crop (7.31 t ha-1). However, its use with chemical fertilizer showed good response to crop yield and rest of the parameters (Table 2). Similarly, plant height, no. of tillers, grain and straw yield of rice differed significantly with the treatments. Application of 900 kgha-1 of TOM along with recommended dose of chemical fertilizer recorded higher yield of both grain and straw of rice (T3). Hence, this reveals that 900 kg of TOM can substitute 10 t of FYM. Application of NPK fertilizer enhances mineralization organic matter and availability of readily available nutrients for the potato. Similar results on sweet potato has been reported by Agbede(2010).But sole application of TOM (T8) did not show good result in rice grain production (3.68 t ha-1), it is almost at par with the control plot (3.45 t ha-1) (Table 3). It could be that the nutrient content in the TOM is slowly available to the crop. Overall Economic Analysis One kg of TOM cost NRs 20.00 on retail. Farmers can purchase at NRs. 20.0 at any place within Nepal. Cost of 900 kg of TOM is about 18000 and the cost of FYM per doko is NRs. 40.0 for 25 kg. Ten ton of FYM will cost around NRs. 16000.0 but additional labour cost for transportation will exceed NRs. 4000.0 Therefore, TOM can be comparatively labor efficient to FYM. Hence, it can be recommended for wider distribution. 259 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table3: Effect of TOM on yield and yield attributing parameters of rice (2070/71). Treatments Plant ht,cm 86.20c 95.47a 95.40a 95.47a 93.53a 95.53a 91.60ab 87.53bc 92.592 Panicle length, cm 19.73 20.40 20.47 20.33 19.80 20.27 20.13 19.53 20.08 Tillers sq.m-1, nos. 185.7b 284.3a 291.0a 273.0 a 274.7 a 267.0 a 236.3ab 185.3b 249.67 Grain Yield,t ha-1 3.450c 6.920a 6.843a 5.757ab 6.670a 5.780ab 4.740bc 3.687c 5.48 Straw yield, t ha-1 8.937c 15.38a 16.34a 14.16ab 14.33ab 14.76ab 10.98bc 9.433c 13.04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Grand Mean LSD P- Value CV,% 4.32 ** 2.66 ----Ns 2.52 61.43 ** 14.05 1.459 ** 15.64 3.841 ** 16.82 Conclusion Since the quantity of FYM in the present context is also a question as well as TOM response to crop as a supplement with chemical fertilizer showed better response. Low dose of TOM (900 kgha-1) applied along with recommended dose of NPK fertilizer is suggested to apply in rice for increased economic rice production. Research evidence showed that it is not only applicable for increased rice production but also for tuber production of potato. It does have good effect in crop yield vis-a-vis economical and hence, it is recommended for wider dissemination and adoption. References Agbede TM. 2010. Tillage and fertilizer effects on some soil properties, leaf nutrient concentrations, growth and sweet potato yield on an Alfisol in southwestern Nigeria. Soil and Tillage Research.110: 25-32. Haynes RJ andR Naidu. 1998. Influence of lime, fertilizer and manure applications on soil organic matter content and soil physical conditions: a review. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.51: 123-137. Karki KB and JB Dacayo. 1990. Assessment of Land Degradation in Southern Lalitpur of Nepal-Extended Summary. 14th Congress of International Society of Soil Science. Kyoto, Japan. Yang C, L Yang, Y Yang and Z Ouyang. 2004. Rice root growth and nutrient uptake as influenced by organic manure in continuously and alternately flooded paddy soils. Agricultural Water Management.70: 67-81. 260 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 3. SM-1 Nematodes and Soil Fertility Pradipna R Panta Natural Resource and Agriculture Management Centre, Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal Abstract Nematodes can be used as bio-indicators of soil health because they are ubiquitous and have diverse feeding behaviors. A handful of soil contains 50 different species of nematodes residing in soil nematodes and millions of individual can occupy in 1 sq.m that do not feed on higher plants some feed on fungi or bacteria; others are carnivorous or omnivorous. It is common belief that nematodes are pathogenic but most nematodes are non-pathogenic and a rich source of organic carbon in marine, freshwater and terrestrial agricultural practices; they eN hanced microbial activity in soil and play a pivotal role in decomposition of soil organic matter, mineralization of plant nutrients and nutrient cycle Bacterial feeding nematodes have a higher carbon: nitrogen (C: N) ratio and while preying bacteria they take N proportion excessively high than their body structure. The excess in turn excreted as ammonia The excreted amount is later available in the soil for uptake by plants and microbes. research was conducted in 1993- 1995 while doing a master thesis on plant nematodes as well as research on pest disease / Plant quarantine. Soil sample were collected in the top 15cm of a field soil mineralized. Nematodes were identified using Baerman Funnel and floatation and sieving method and soil nematodes were classified on the basis of colonizer-persister (c-p) then determined the rates of N mineralization by bacterial feeding nematode species of different body size In two years of field experiment in vegetable and in particularly tomato field of Kathmandu, it is found that N availability in tomato field eN hanced by an abundance of microbial feeding nematodes. However, the constraining factor is soil moisture availability. If soil moisture through irrigation or other means continue we can increase microbial activity and decomposition of crop residues.There are other constraints and vary with cropping system and climatic condition but management of soil to enhance activity of bacteria and fungal feeding nematodes can eN hance soil fertility. Keywords: Bacteria, bio-indicators of fungi, nematodes, soil fertility, soil health. Introduction Nematodes can be used as bio-indicators of soil health because they are ubiquitous and have diverse feeding behaviors. A handful of soil contains 50 different species of nematodes and millions of individual can occupy in 1sq m. Of the nematodes residing in soil that do not feed on higher plants some feed on fungi or bacteria; others are carnivorous or omnivorous. It is common belief that nematodes are pathogenic but most nematodes are nonpathogenic and a rich source of organic carbon in marine, freshwater and terrestrial agricultural practices; they enhanced microbial activity in soil and play a pivotal role in 261 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop decomposition of soil organic matter, mineralization of plant nutrients and nutrient cycle (Ingham et al.1985, Hunt et al 1987, Griffiths 1990). Bacterial feeding nematodes have a higher carbon: nitrogen (C: N) ratio and while preying bacteria they take N proportion excessively high than their body structure. The excess in turn excreted as ammonia (Lee and Atkinson 1977, Rogers 1989). The excreted amount is later available in the soil for uptake by plants and microbes. Soil sample were collected fromfield soil mineralized. Nematodes were identified usingfloatation and sieving methods and soil nematodes were classified on the basis of colonizer -persister (c-p) then determined the rates of N mineralization by bacterial feeding nematode species of different body size (Ferris et al. 1996, Ferris andLau 1995). Infield experiment in vegetable and in particularly tomato field of Kirtipur and Thimi, it is found that N availability in tomato field enhanced by an abundance of microbial feeding nematodes. However, the constraining factor is soil moisture availability. If soil moisture through irrigation or other means continue we can increase microbial activity and decomposition of crop residues. There are other constraints and vary with cropping system and climatic condition but management of soil to enhance activity of bacteria- and fungal feeding nematodes can enhance soil fertility. Decomposed organic materials release nutrients essential for plant uptake. The soil and food web includes three energy pathways, i.e., root, bacterial and fungal. Energy flow via living roots rely on herbivores; energy flow via litter and detritus are through a decomposer food web depending on microorganisms and microbivores. After decomposition, solid web food divided into either bacterial channel or fungal channel. Bacterial channel tend to have a faster rates of decomposition than those of fungal channel. Soil nematodes occupy key positions and most trophic level in soil food webs and can be identified easily to trophic groups by morphological and anatomical characteristics. Bacterivores, fungivores and herbivores are key intermediaries and are representing distinct pathways. Decomposition channels based on soil ecosystem type and nutrient forms (C: N ratios) (Ferris et al.1996, Ingham et al. 1985). Although the bacteria and fungi are primary decomposers, microbes too can immobilize inorganic nutrient in the soil (Hunt et al 1987). When the bacteriovores and fungivores prey these microbes, they give off carbon-di-oxide and Ammonia, affecting C and N mineralization (Ingham et al 1985). Nematodes disseminate microbial population throughout the soil (Freckman 1998) that assists the colonization of substrates and mineralization of nutrients. Nematode metabolic activities may also stimulate specific bacterial growth by releasing growth limiting nutrients such as nitrogen and vitamins. However overgrazing of bacterial or 262 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop fungal population by nematodes can result the reduction of decomposer activities but predators prey on these bacteriovores and fungivores nematodes, improving nutrient cycling and allowing more nutrients to be released (Yeates 1994). Therefore Nematode play a crucial roles in soil nutrient cycling. Nematode do excretion may contribute up to 19 per cent of soluble N in soil. This is due to the fact that nematodes (C: N ratio of 8 -12) have a lower N content than the bacterial (C:N ratio of 3 -4) they consume (Wasilewska 1985). In addition the growth efficiency of nematode (<25%) is smaller than those of the bacteria (>30 %) (Hunt 1987). Therefore, nematode excretes a majority of both the assimilated C and N and they consumed from the bacterial. Bacteria on the other hand, usually respire most of the assimilated C, but immobilized most of the assimilated N. Therefore, the contribution made by nematodes to N mineralization is relatively high compared to bacterial soil ecosystem. Besides its role in N mineralization, the abundance of many free-living nematodes especially bacteriovores, omnivores, and predatory nematodes, also were found to be correlate with concentration of many other soil nutrients in fallow field (Wasilewska and Bienkowski 1995), suggesting the possibility of nematodes mineralizing many other soil nutrients. The abundance of many bacteriovores genera followed predators and omnivorous and correlated significantly (p<_ 0.10) with the most soil nutrient concentration. However, a few significant correlations occurred with genera in fungivore and herbivore groups. Materials and Methods Field description The research was conducted at Kirtipur of Kathmandu district and Thimi of Bhaktapur district. The experimental was design as a split plot with either tillage on bare soil or tillage followed by surface mulch as wheat straw as main plots and soil amendments including fertilizers, Dhaicha, barley hay, and swine manure. Soil amendments treatments were different in Kirtipur and Thimi. Description of data source, number of study sites and number of samples: Ecosystem Number of sites Plot 1. Cropland (Kirtipur) Plot 2. Cropland(Thimi) 6 Number of Samples 42 4 16 263 Reference As per the prescribed book of De Goede& Bongers (1992) 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Nematode extraction and analysis Nematodes were extracted from 500 cm3 of soil, using a combination of a,Oostenbrink elutriator with 400 mesh sieve and sugar centrifugation (Byrd et al .1976). Total numbersof nematodes/500 cm3 of soil were identified from each treatment–replicate combination and nematodes wereidentified to trophic group using esophageal and general morphology (Bongers and Ferris 1989). Once trophic groupanalyses were accomplished, samples were preserved, using the hot formalin technique, for identification to genus. Maturity indices were calculated (Bongers 1990)MI = __vifi_ /n, Where viis the C-P value for the nematode family i, fi is the frequency of the nematode family of the nematodei, and n is the total number of individual nematodes in the sample Bio- diversity richness Nematode diversity, andrichness, wasmeasured with following indices: The Shannon diversity index (H_ = −_Pi (ln Pi ), where Pi is the proportionof the genus n in the total nematode community,n); the Margalef formula for nematode communityrichness {Margelef = G−1/ln n}, where G is the totalnumber of genera in sample, Thus for all indices, genera were used ratherthan species for calculation. Soil Energy Pathway To measure the soil energy pathways of crop land ecosystem, percentage of abundance and percentage of biomass of the bacterivorous, frugivorous and herbivorous nematodes were calculated. The sum of the percentages of the trophic groups of each soil sample equals 100%. The calculation of mean nematode biomass (fresh weight, μg) of each genus in each sample was as follows: B= D2/L 1.6*106 Where B is the mean biomass per individual, D is the greatest body diameter (μm) and L is the nematode length (μm). The values of D and L were measured directly using Bongers scale.Nematodes were monitored in a decomposition experiment in a tomato field from planting to harvest. Results and Discussion Nematode Identification Bacterivorous nematodes were predominant in these tomato field soils (Table 1) Fungivorous nematodes included the genera A phelenchoidesspp.,Aphelenchusspp., Filenchusspp., and occasionallyPsilenchus. Omnivorous nematodes Eudorylaimus, Prismatolaimus, Aporcelaimus, Mesodorylaimus, observed and occasionally Tylencholaimus, also reported. Predatory nematodes were rare, and included Mylonchus. Plant parasitic nematodes were mainly of M. incognita, Pratylenchus, 264 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Tylenchorhynchus, Hoplolaimusand occasionally Trichodorus, andXiphinema (Table 1) Table 1: Effect of Sites (Kirtipur and Thimi ) on nematode population. Plot 1(Kirtipur) Bacterivores Rhabditis Heteroceph alous Acrobelus Plectus Diplogaster oidesDiplos caster Plant Parasites Meloidogyne Heterodera Tylenchorhy nchus Xiphinema Paratylenchus Plot 2(Thimi) Fungivores Omnivores Predators Mylonc Eudoryl Aphelenc hus aimus hoides Monon Mesodor Filenchus chus ylaimus Tylencho laimus Plant Bacteriv Parasites ores Meloido Rhabditis gyne Heteroce Heterod phalous Acrobelus era Tylenchorhy Plectus Diplogas nchus Xiphine teroides ma Diplosca Paratyle ster nchus Fungi vores Aphel encho ides Filen chus Omnivores Eudorylai mus Mesodoryl aimus Tylenchola imus Predators Mylonchus Mononchus Number of specific genera change over time soil amendments. Rhabditid and cephalobid nematode populations were higher initially after amendment of soils with Hay or swine manure (Table 2 and 3). Populations of Diploscapter spp. were more abundant in soils amended with swine manure than hay and fertilizers (Tables 2 and 3). Most of the common bacterivorous nematodes in the Rhabditidae and Cephalobidae decreased from planting time to harvest in both plots (Tables 2 and 3).Soil fertility amendments affected gall indices caused by root-knot nematode on tomato roots. Numbers of bacterivorous nematodes were initially more numerous after soil amendment with swine manure in soils amended with fertilizers. Soil amendments Nematodes were monitored in a decomposition experiment in a tomato field from planting to harvest. Litter bag containing decomposition materials were buried underneath soil and biological diversity and nematode richness were compared to before bag burial (Table 2). Bacterial feeding nematode population were reached a peak after 3 weeks of bag burial and N content in the litter bag was reduced, indicates a period that were available for plant uptake. Thus barely hay, and swine manure enriched the soil ecosystem, ensuring active nutrient cycling. 265 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 7000 No. of Bacteriovores nematode/500 cm 3 6000 5000 4000 Barley Hay swine manure 3000 fertilizers 2000 1000 0 Plot iPlantation Plot1, Harvest Plot2, Plantation Plot 2, Harvest Figure 1: Impact of Soil Amendments. The incidence of fungivores reached its peak in 10 weeks after bag burial, indicating residues with a mixture of C:N ratios were available inside the bag initially. 2000 No. of Fungivores nematode/500 cm 3 1800 1600 1400 1200 Barley Hay 1000 swine manure 800 fertilizers 600 400 200 0 Plot iPlantation Plot1, Harvest Plot2, Plantation Plot 2, Harvest Figure 2: Impact of Soil Amendments. 266 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop The omnivores population increased significantly but predatory species remain constant indicates the nutrient and energy transferred to a higher level in the food web. The succession of nematode in different level after barley hay burial is consistent with enhanced soil nutrient cycling and energy flow. Thus the amended soil not only furnish nitroger for plant uptake but also play a role in boosting nematode grazers that can further mineralize other residues in soil with greater C:N ratios. The herbivores nematode in the experiment was found significantly lower. Table 2: Effects of Soil Amendments. Plot 1(during plantation) Nematode c-p Group Value Bacterivores Rhabditidae 1 Cephalobidae 2 Others Fungivores 2 Aphelenchoides Omnivores Eudorylaimus 4 Mesodorylaimus 5 Others Parasites Meloidogyne 3 Tylenchidae 3 Others parasites 3 Fertilizers Swine manure Barley hay Plot 1 (during harvest) Fertilizers Swine Barley manure hay 85 235 2 170 2180 1669 143 505 884 717 36 1078 80 114 12 56 278 230 35 157 122 202 9 207 17 18 160 39 60 29 82 9 102 15 64 12 1 105 31 4 80 17 9 190 29 1820 1500 64 1903 1410 205 1922 1180 208 Table 3:Effect of Soil Amendments. Plot 2(Plantation) Nematode Group Bacterivores Rhabditidae Cephalobidae Acrobeloides Others Fungivores Aphelenchoides Othhers Omnivores Eudorylaimus Mesodorylaimus Others Parasites Meloidogyne Tylenchidae Others parasites c-p Value Fertilizers Animal manure Dhaicha Plot 2 (Hharvest) Fertilizers Animal manure Dhaicha 1 2 30 140 610 940 60 240 350 162 460 335 240 212 2 20 113 10 215 10 287 30 137 22 219 38 244 4 5 70 18 90 36 102 43 116 19 130 33 205 87 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 30 0 33 24 53 103 37 12 19 24 3 267 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Percentage of nematodes in two plots The ability of amendments to enhance nematode involved in nutrient cycle was examined in two plots. The total number of bacterivores nematodes were increased and more less similar by ammendments (barley hay) in plot 1 (from 11% to 48%) with relatively short history of vegetable crop rotation and in plot 2 (12% to 47%) with long history vegetable production. It was also observed that the percentage of fungivorous nematode were the greatest in plot 2 than plot 1(Table 4). Table 4: Effects of amendment and time on the percentage of nematodes in different trophic groups. Plot 1. Total Community % Planting Amendments Bacteriovore Fungivore Plant Others parasites (Omnivorous etc) Fertilizers 48.49 25.60 20.63 5.27 Swine 83.21 10.52 2.10 4.14 manure Hay 53.68 35.79 7.5 2.9 Harvest Fertilizer 5.51 1.49 90.55 2.43 Swine 8.4 5.2 84.43 1.92 Manure Hay 12.52 3.62 81.15 2.69 Plot 2 Bacterivores Fungivores Plant Others Planting Parasites Fertilizer 47.38 28.17 0 24.43 Animal 82.06 11.30 0 6.6 Manure Dhaicha 39.74 36.79 4.87 18.58 Harvest Fertilizer 62.22 15.72 6.54 15.49 Animal 58.69 15.73 13.86 11.70 Manure Dhaicha 39.75 24.87 5.60 29.76 268 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Fertilizers Swine Manure Hay 83 53 48 36 26 21 10 2 Bacteriovores Fungivores 8 5 Plant parasites 4 3 Others Figure 3: Percentage of Abundance of Nematode in Different Trophic Group. Fertilizers Swine Manure 90 6 8 84 Hay 81 13 Bacteriovores 2 5 4 2 Fungivores Plant parasites 2 3 Others Figure 4: Percentage of Abundance of Nematode in Different Tropic Group (Harvest). 269 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Nematode populations were affected by amendments. In this research, rhabditid nematodes comprised the majority of bacteriovores nematodes after planting but population decline significantly over ime.Diploscapster population increased significantly in soils amended with swine manure. Fungivores nematodes were found in soil with swine and animal manure and barley hay, thus suggesting a bacteria dominated decomposition food web. Table 5: Probability values for nematode composition in plot 1 and plot 2. Trophic Group Probability>F (Plot 1) Amendment Time Amendment by Time Probability>(Plot 2) Amendment Time Bacteriovores Fungivores Omnivores Predators Combined Maturity Indexa Diversity Index2 Richness3 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.31 0.04 0.01 <0.01 0.28 0.02 0.08 0.01 <0.01 0.30 <0.01 0.032 0.04 <0.01 <0.01 0.22 0.02 <0.01 <0.74 <0.01 0.49 0.14 <0.01 <0.02 0.67 0.19 0.02 <0.01 0.24 <0.01 0.06 0.16 <0.01 0.09 0.79 0.23 0.53 0.44 <0.01 0.03 Amendment by time Abundance of M.incognita species occurred with the addition of organic amendments. This research result is obtained from very short period of time and the susceptibility of the tomato crop to M.incgnita as majority of researchers have observed that pratylenchus and M.incognita were not affected by organic soil amendments.Plant parasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne) unaffected by soil amendmentsTillage did not affect the nematode community as tillage occurred in both plots twice in a year. But omnivore’s populations were decreased by cultivation.The patterns of soil energy pathways were similar whether expressed as relative abundance or relative biomass. However, the percentage values of bacterivorous biomass in each type of ecosystem exceeded the percentage values of their abundance. Specifically, both the percentages of nematode abundance and biomass results suggest that energy pathways are bacterial-dominated in crop land ecosystems. In summary, the author identified nematodes associated with crop land of Kirtipur and Thimi. Also, researcher documented the abundance of nematode in crop land after soil amendments and bacterial fungal energy pathways. Moreover, the research result suggests that soil amendments increase omnivorous and predatory nematodes which are natural enemies to plant parasitic nematodes. Increased predatory nematodes also increase cycle of plant nutrients. Increased plant growth following manure and hayamendments observed during the course of research. 270 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion The concept of soil ecosystem management is still at a developmental stage in Nepal. While the research furnishes the importance of specific nematode genera to ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, the bacteriovores responded quickly after amendments. It is possible of maintaining a healthy soil ecosystem through the proper management of nematodes. This research utilized information about below-ground processes in agro ecosystems. The uses of below-ground ecosystem biodiversity indices are especially appropriate for agro ecosystems. By utilizing diversity indices, useful information about the soil food web can be obtained. However, much information still be added to advance our understanding of soil health for ecosystem management. So there is a need to combine the nematode research with soil quality parameters and greater efforts are needed to identify soil amendments that will provide suppression of plant parasitic nematodes while not reducing population of bacteriovores and fungivores nematodes important for nutrient cycling. References Bongers T.1990. The maturity index: an ecological measure of environmental disturbance based on nematode species composition. Oecologia. 83: 14–19 Bongers T and H Ferris. 1999. Nematode community structure as a bio-indicator in environmental monitoring. Trends Ecol. Evol. 14: 224–228. Byrd JD, KR Barker, H Ferris, CJ Nusbaum, WE Griffin, RH Small and CA Stone.1976. Two semi-automatic elutriators for extracting nematodes and certain fungi from soil. J. Nematol.8: 206–212. Ferris H and S Lau. 1995. Respiration and metabolic rates based on carbon dioxide production. Soil Biol. Biochem. 27: 319-330. Ferris H, M Eyre, RC Venette and SS Lau. 1996. Population energetics of bacterialfeeding nematodes: Stage-specific development and fecundity rates. Soil Biol. Biochem. 28: 271-280. Freckman DW. 1998.Bacteriovorous nematodes and organic matter decomposition.Agr.Ecosyst.Environ.24:195-217 Griffiths BS. 1990. Microbial-feeding nematodes and protozoa in soil: Their effects on microbial activity and nitrogen mineralization in decomposition hotspots and the rhizosphere. Plant and Soil. 164: 25-33. Hunt HW, DC Coleman, ER Ingham, RE Ingham, ET Elliott, JC Moore, SL Rose, CPP Reid and CR Morley. 1987. The detrital food web in a shortgrass prairie. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 3: 57-68. Ingham RE, JA Trofymow, ER Ingham and DC Coleman. 1985. Interactions of bacteria, fungi and their nematode grazers: Effects on nutrient cycling and plant growth. Ecological Monographs. 55: 119-140. Lee DL and HJ Atkinson. 1977. Physiology of Nematodes. Columbia University Press, New York. 215 pp. R Marchant and WL Nicholas. 1974. An energy budget for the free-living nematodePelodera (Rhabditidae). Oecologia. 16: 237-252. 271 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Rogers WP. 1989. Nitrogenous components and their metabolism: Acanthocephala and Nematoda. In: M. Florkin, and B. T. Scheer (Editors), Chemical Zoology Vol. III. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 379-428. WasilewskaL and P Bienkowski. 1985. Experimental study on the occurrence and activity of soil nnematodes in decomposition of plant material. Pedobiologia.28:41-57 Yeates GW, T Boigers, RGM DeGoede, DW Freckman and SS Gerogieva. 1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera – An outline for soil ecologists. J.Nematol. 25:101-313 272 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SM-2 Efficacy of Azolla pinnata in Rice (Oriza sativa L.) Production in the Central Region of Nepal Bishnu H Adhikary , Sanukeshari Bajracharya , Robinson Adhikary2, Kailash P Bhurer3and Shree P Vista Soil Science Division (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal IAAS, Lamjung Campus, Tribhuvan University, Sundabazar, Lamjung, Nepal 3 Regional Agricultural Research Station (NARC), Parwanipur,Nepal 2 Abstract Azolla pinnata, a floating water fern and wi dly found in both hills and tropical Terai of Nepal, has unique character of fixing di-nitrogen (N2) in association with Anabaena azollae that can be utilized as a nitrogen substitute or sometimes can replace chemical nitrogen required to rice crop. A number of past research evidences prove that Azolla has been found beneficial for increasing rice yields. Most recently, this species of Azolla has been collected from different parts of the country and maintained in the Soil Science Division, NARI, Khumaltar , Lalitpur district and Regional Agriculture Research Station (RARS), Parwanipur, Bara district of Nepal. Field experiments of Azolla on rice were carried-out during the year 2014/15 in Parwanipur, Bara and Khumaltar, Lalitpur with different rice varieties in two different agro-ecological zones to evaluate the effects of Azolla pinnata in rice production. Experiments were conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and replicated three times with the plot size of 10 sq. m. Different six treatments such as combination of Azolla and PK fertilizers, Azolla application with or without incorporation, NPK fertilizers alone and crop without any Azolla and fertilizers (control) and with the compost application. --The results indicated that rice yields were increased with Azolla application. Highest rice yield (8.07 t ha-1) was produced when the crop was inoculated with Azolla pinnata (incorporation) along with P2O5 and K2O fertilizers at 40 and 30 kg ha-1 in Khumaltar condition in Khumal-4variety which was approximately 25 % higher over the non-treated crop (control plot). Similarly, highest rice yield (4.4 t ha-1) was produced by Sabitri variety when the crop was fertilized with 100:40:30N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 followed by the crop inoculated with Azolla (non-incorporation) and 40:30P2O5:K2O kg ha-1 (3.35 t ha-1) which was almost 25 % higher grain yield to those produced by nontreated crop (2.68 t ha-1) in Parwanipur, Bara. The combined analysis of the two sites result revealed that approximately 12 % yield increment over then on-treated crop (control) was observed when the crop was inoculated with Azolla pinnata (incorporated) applied along with 40:30 kg ha-1of P2O5 and K2O. Similarly, application of Azolla pinnata (non-incorporation) produced approximately 14 % higher grain yield at the same level of P and K 273 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop fertilization over the control plot. also This paper discusses and highlights the importance of Azolla in rice farming in detail. Keywords: Azolla pinnata, chemical nitrogen, di-nitrogen, incorporation, rice yield. Introduction Nitrogen (N) as a plant nutrient is generally considered a basic and vital nutrient for increased growth and grain production of rice (Oriza sativa L.) crop. Nepalese rice farmers generally use urea-N [ CO. (NH2)2] or ammonium sulphate [(NH4)2.SO4)] to nurish and fertilize their crops. Nepal imports chemical fertilizers, including Nfertilizer every year from outside the country and pay millions of Dollars for purchasing them. These fertilizers moreoften difficulty to reach the farmers and sometimes not available in the cropping season and also, are very costlier. To overcome from such problems Azolla could be an alternative source of fertilizer-N which is also considered as Natural source of N-fertilizer which can help replace the fertilizer-N to some extent and if managed properly it can supplement a big amount of nitrogen (N) as high as 50 kg N ha-1 with a single crop of Azolla just within a month or two (Adhikary et al.1997 b). Research evidences have proved that it can increase rice yields by 50 % only by the use of Azolla alone. Azolla is considered as a natural N-factory because it can fix atmospheric di-nitrogen (N2) with the help of Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis. It can be used as a green manure in rice paddies. It is raised in-situ or ex-situ application and incorporated. It also can be grown as a dual crop with rice and incorporate at weeding time or non-incorporated till the rice harvest (Lumpkin and Plucknett 1980). Evidences show that it can accumulate as high as 10.5 kg N ha-1day-1.Other reports indicated that 2.7 kg N ha-1 day-1 could be easily produced by Azolla under field condition (Talley et al.1977). Ladha and Watanabe (1987) studied bio-chemical basis of Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis. Nitrogenase enzyme which occur in heterocystous cells of Anabaena is capable of reducing di-nitrogen (N= N) to ammonia (NH3) which is taken-up by the Azolla and after its incorporation this nitrogen is supplied to the growing rice plants. Lumpkin and Plucknett (1982) reported that Azolla contains 1.96-5.3 % nitrogen (N), 0.16-1.54 % phosphorus (P) and 0.31-5.97 % potash (K). Adhikary et al. (1996, 2003) reported that it can enrich the soil with organic matter (OM) 2.8-2.9 % and 0.19-0.27 % N in soil after Azolla incorporation. They further reported that Azolla microphylla, a species of Azolla, can produce as high as 59.2 kg N ha-1from a single crop of Azolla. In Nepal, Azolla pinnata and Azolla filiculoides are available species which are found wildly grown across the country which have the potentiality of producing as high as 30.1 kg and 39.1 kg N with a single crop of Azolla, respectively.In past, several experiments with Azolla on rice were conducted by Soil Science Division (SSD), NARC, Khumaltar during the years 1991-1994 and reported that application of Azolla increased rice yields satisfactorily. The experimental results revealed that 57 kg of 274 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop urea-N combined with 10 t ha-1 of Azolla (30 kg N from Azolla) produced the similar yield to that obtained from 87 kg urea-N (SSD 1993).Split application of phosphorus (P) on Azolla greatly determines the nitrogen (N) fixation and N content of Azolla (Adhikary et al 1997a, 1997b). FAO (1988) reported that an extensive survey on Azolla was conducted in Nepal in the year 1982 and reported that Azolla pinnata was found wildely occurring in all the mid-hills and Terai regions of Nepal. Experimental results revealed that Azolla pinnata application increased rice yields by 25 % which was equivalent to 30 kg urea-N, rice yields increased by 40 % over the control when the Azolla was incorporated twice during the rice growing period. Adhikary et al. (2014) reviewed and reported the Azolla production technologies and its utilization in rice farming in Nepal in detail. Talley et al. (1977) achieved rice yields increased by 112 % over the control crop by incorporating one 60 kg N ha-1 layer of Azolla filiculoides into the paddy soils.The objective of this experiment was to study and evaluate the efficacy of Azolla pinnata, an indigenous species to Nepal, in rice in the two different agro-ecological regions of Nepal. Materials and Methods Field experiments were conducted in the Agronomy farm, Khumaltar and Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Parwanipur during the year 2014/15 to study and evaluate the effects of Azolla pinnata and its application methods to the rice crops (Oriza sativa L). A total of six different combination treatments were taken into the study. The details of treatments has been shown in the Table 1. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications was employed in the experiment. Plot ize of 10 sq.m (2 m x 5 m) and spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm (PP x RR) was maintained. All amount of compost and PK fertilizers were applied basally in the concerning plots but nitrogen fertilizer (N) was splitted 2 times, one as basal dose and the other as topdress to the rice crop. Azolla @ 300 kg ha-1 was inoculated after transplanting of rice and was either incorporated at the weeding time (40 days of transplanting) or not incorporated depending upon the treatments used in the concerning plots. Khumal-4 variety of rice was used in Khumaltar, Lalitpur and Sabitri variety in Parwanipur, Bara. Plant growth parameters and yield components were taken into the study. All the studied parameters were analysed statistically following MSTAT package. Azolla plant samples, soil samples before crop planting and after crop harvest were analysed at Soil Science Division laboratory at Khumaltar, Lalitpur. Kjeldahl Distillation, Olsen’s method and Flame Photometer methods were employed for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potash (K) analysis. 275 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Different treatment combination used in the field experiment. Treatm -ents Azolla pinnata use Fertilizer and compost Remark use T1 T2 Control (no Azolla). Azolla applied @300 kgha-1 and incorporated after one month of inoculation. (nonAzolla @300 kgha-1 incorporation). Azolla applied @300 kgha-1 and incorporated after one month of inoculation. Azolla not applied. Azolla not applied. No fertilizers. 40: 30 kgha-1 P2O5: K2O. T3 T4 T5 T6 40: 30 kgha-1 P2O5: K2O. No fertilizers applied. 100:40:30 kgha-1 is the recommended dose of fertilizer for rice. 100:40:30 kgha-1N:P2O5: K2O. Compost 10 t ha-1 Results and Discussion Azolla response in Khumaltar condition Growth and grain production of rice were observed greatly affected by the use of different treatments in Khumaltar condition. Plant heights, tiller number, panicle length, straw yield and grain yields were significantly affected. The highest plant height of 142.5 was observed when the crop was supplied with Azolla (nonincorporated) along with only P and K fertilizer at 40 and 30 kg ha-1 (T3) followed by Azolla incorporation at the same level of P and K fertilizers (140.1 cm) (T2). Control plot produced only 127.4 cm of plant height (T1). The longest panicle (26.4 cm) was produced by the crop treated only with compost (T6) followed by Azolla incorporation (T4) but lacked NPK fertilizers (26.3 cm). The shortest panicle length was produced (24.1 cm) by non-treated control crop (T1). The highest thousand grain wt. (22.7g) were produced by the crop treated with Azolla (incorporated) applied along with P and K fertilizer at 40 and 30 kg ha-1 followed by the crop treated with recommended dose of N:P2O5:K2O fertilizers at 100:40:30 kg ha-1 (20.0 g) (T5). Highest straw yield of 13.4 t ha-1 was produced by the crop treated only with NPK fertilizers (100:40:30 kg ha-1 N:P2O5:K2O) (T5) followed by the crop treated with Azolla (incorporated) along with P and K fertilizers at 40:30 kg ha-1 (T2). Lowest straw yield (10.4 t ha-1) was produced by control crop (T1) (Table 2). On the contrary, the highest grain yield (8.07 t ha-1) was produced by the Azolla treated crop (incorporated) fertilized along with P and K fertilizer (T2) at 40:30: kg ha-1 followed by the crop (7.92 t ha-1) treated only with full dose of NPK fertilizers (100:40:30 kg ha-1) (T5). Lowest grain yield (6.97 t ha-1) was produced by the control crop. No significant differences were observed between Azolla treated crop, compost or NPK treated crops but were significantly different to that produced by the control crop. Azolla response in rice in Parwanipur, Bara condition The trend in the growth and grain production of rice in Bara was found quite different in most of the parameters. The highest plant height (108.1 cm) was observed when the 276 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop crop was supplied with full dose of NPK fertilizers (100:40:30 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) (T5, Table 3) followed by treated with the Azolla (incorporated) applied along with P and K fertilizers at 40:30 kg P2O5:K2O ha-1 (100.3 cm) (T2) and where Azolla was used but not incorporated at the same level of P and K fertilizers (99.3 cm) (T3). The highest tiller numbers (260.7) were produced by the compost treated crop (T6) followed by the crop treated only with 100:40:30 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1. Table 2: Response of treatments on the plant growth and grain yield of rice at Khumaltar, Lalitpur during the year 2014/15. Treatments Plant Tillers Panicle 1000 Straw Grain height, per hill, length, grain yield, yield, -1 cm nos. cm weight, g t ha t ha-1 T1 127.4 c 365.0 d 24.1 b 18.0 a 10.4 b 6.97 b T2 140.1 ab 373.3 c 25.3 ab 22.7 a 12.4 ab 8.07 a T3 142.5a 391.0 ab 26.1 a 19.5 a 11.8 ab 7.72 a 137.7 393.0 a 26.3 a 19.7a 11.3 ab 7.55 ab T4 abc 391.0 ab 25.3 ab 20.0 a 13.4 a 7.92 a T5 135.8 384.7 b 26.4 a 18.8 a 11.1 ab 7.70 a T6 abc 129.9 bc Grand mean 135.57 383.0 25.61 19.81 11.79 7.66 CV, % 4.68 0.940 2.91 15.12 10.87 4.42 F-test ns ** * ns ns * LSD (0.05) 11.54 6.53 1.35 5.45 2.33 0.614 Means in a column with a common letter(s) are not significantly different at 95 % level of confidence. Table 3: Response of treatments on the plant growth and grain yield of rice at Parwanipur,Bara during the year 2014/15. Treatments Plant Tillers Panicle 1000 Straw Grain height, per hill, length, grain yield, yield, cm nos. cm weight, g t ha-1 t ha-1 T1 95.1 b 173.7 c 24.0 b 21.0 b 4.2 b 2.68 c T2 100.3 ab 245.7 a 26.4 ab 23.9 a 5.0 b 2.71 c T3 99.2 ab 240.3 ab 25.3 ab 25.0 a 6.0 b 3.35 b 96.6 b 193.3 bc 25.0 ab 25.5 a 5.6 b 2.81 c T4 108.1 a 253.7 a 27 5 a 26.3 a 9.1 a 4.40 a T5 96.2 b 260.7 a 24 2 b 25.2 a 4.7 b 3.06 bc T6 Grand mean 99.27 227.8 25.42 24.51 5.81 3.17 CV, % 3.94 11.78 6.43 5.44 16.08 7.66 F-test * ** ns ** ** ** LSD (0.05) 9.14 48.85 2.97 2.42 1.70 0.441 Means in a column with a common letter(s) are not significantly different at 95 % level of confidence. 277 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Application of Azolla (incorporated) along with P and K fertilizer (T2) produced 245.7 tillers and Azolla (not incorporated) along with same level of P K fertilizers produced 240 tillers per hill in the rice crop (Table 3). The longest panicle (27.53cm) was produced by the application of full dose of NPK fertilizers alone (T5) followed by the crop (26.5 cm) treated with incorporated Azolla applied along with P and K fertilizers at 40:30 kg ha-1 (T2). The shortest panicle was produced by the compost treated crop (24.9 cm) (T6) followed by the control crop (24.1 cm) but they were not observed significantly different in each other for panicle length (Table 3). Highly significant differences were observed among the treatments in the weight of 1000 grains. The highest 1000 grain weight of 26.3 g were recorded by the application of NPK alone (T5) followed by Azolla alone (incorporated) (25.5 g). Highly significant effect of treatments was observed in straw production. The highest straw yield (9.1 t ha-1) was produced by the crop treated only with NPK full dose (T5) followed by the crop treated with Azolla (not incorporated) (6.1 t ha-1)(T3). Non- significant difference was observed among the treatments in straw production except with the crop treated with full dose of NPK fertilizers (Table 3). The trend was found quite similar to grain production too. The highest grain production (4.4 t ha-1) was recorded when the crop was supplied with full dose of NPK fertilizers (T5) followed by the crop treated with Azolla (non- incorporated) along with PK fertilizers at 40:30 kg ha-1 (3.4 t ha-1) (T3) (Table 3). The lowest grain yield (2.7 t ha-1) was produced by the control crop followed by the crop treated with Azolla (incorporated) applied along with P and K fertilizers (2.7 t ha-1). Two sites combined results There was no significant difference in straw production among the treatments except the crop treated with full dose of NPK fertilizers. The highest straw yield (11.3 t ha-1) was produced with full dose of NPK fertilizers (100:40:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1) followed by the crop treated with Azolla (not incorporated) applied along with PK fertilizers at 40:30 kg ha-1 (Table 4). The lowest straw yield (7.4 t ha-1) was obtained in control treatment (T1) followed by the crop treated only with 10 t ha-1 of compost (8.0 t ha-1), (T6, Table 4). This trend was quite similar to grain yield. The highest grain yield of 6.2 t ha-1 was produced by the application of 100:40:30 kg N: P2O5: K2O alone (T5) followed by the crop treated with non-incorporated Azolla along with P and K fertilizers at 40:30 kgha-1 (5.5 t ha-1). The lowest grain yield (4.8 t ha-1) was produced by non-treated crop followed by incorporated Azolla (5.2 t ha-1)(T4) (Table 4). The highest yield increment of 27.8% over the control crop was observed followed by Azolla (non-incorporated) applied along with P and K fertilizers (14.7%). Application of Azolla (incorporated) along with PK fertilizers produced only a yield increment of 11.8% over the non-treated control crop followed by the crop treated only with 10 t ha-1 of compost (11.6%) (T6, Table 4). Soil test results indicated that Khumaltar soils are found better in nutrient and OM content to those of Parwanipur soils (Table 5). 278 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 4: Combined analysis for the response of treatments on straw and grain yield of rice during the year 2014/15 (means of Parwanipur and Khumaltar) Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Grand mean CV, % F-test LSD (0.05) Straw yield, t ha-1 7.38 b 8.74 b 8.95 b 8.52 b 11.30 a 7.95 b 8.80 12.74 ** 1.49 Grain yield, t ha-1 4.82 c 5.39 b 5.53 b 5.18 bc 6.16 a 5.38 b 5.41 5.44 ** 0.502 Yield increment, % 00.00 11.82 14.73 7.46 27.80 11.61 Means in a column with a common letter(s) are not significantly different at 95 % level of confidence. Table 5: Soil Test results of the experimental plots before crop Planting and after crop harvest at Khumaltar and Parwanipur, Bara. Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Composite sample Azolla plant Organic matter, % 2.99 (1.42) 2.95 (0.82) 3.41 (1.21) 3.91 (0.76) 3.12 (1.02) 3.50 (0.91) NA NA Nitrogen, % 0.13 (0.07) 0.13 (0.06) 0.14 (0.07) 0.15 (0.07) 0.13 (0.07) 0.13 (0.07) 0.125 (0.06) Phosphorus, kgha-1 149.3 (115.3) 174.3 (112.6) 170.6 (111.6) 133.3 (98.0) 129.3 (132.6) 150.6 (111.3) 146 (191) Potassium, kgha-1 344.3 (142.3) 272.3 (137.6) 294.6 (169.6) 335.3 (169.3) 353.0 (209.6) 320.3 (160.3) 358.0 (277.0) Conclusion The results of this investigation revealed that Azolla could be an alternative supplementary source of fertilizer-N. Further, Azolla alone can increase rice yield at least by 12-14% without any additional fertilizer-N but recommended dose of P and K fertilizers are needed to meet the nutrient requirement of the crop. Results also indicated that applications of 10 t ha-1 of compost alone on rice was comparable with Azolla applied rice crops either incorporated or non-incorporated at the recommended level of P and K fertilizers. Research from this experiment and other evidences indicated that farmers are advised to apply Azolla in their rice fields along with 50% of recommended dose of N and full dose of P and K fertilizers. Azolla could play a vital role as a natural -nitrogen source in organic rice farming which is better than other green manuring crops for paddy under adequate water management. Acknowledgement Authors are very grateful to Renuka Shrestha, Chief, Agronomy Division, NARC for her sincere support in conducting the experiment in Khumaltar. Similarly, the staffs of RARS Parwanipur site who were involved in this experiment are highly acknowledged 279 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop for their tireless work in completing overall works of this experiment. Mr. Shree Krishna K.C. (Technical Officer) from SSD Khumaltar, Lalitpur is highly appreciated for his dedicated works in conducting and supervising the field works of this investigation. References Adhikary BH, RC Gauli, BB Baniyahhetri and DB Ranabhat. 2003. An overview of Azolla utilization and its importance in rice production. Pp. 247-253. In: Proc. of the 23rd National Summer Crops Research Workshop. Rice Research Reports. National Rice Res. Program, NARC, Hardinath, Dhanusha, Nepal held on 2-4 July, 2002. Adhikary BH, T Attananda, P Swatdee, S Vangnai and P Sripichitt.1996. Enhancing effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on Azolla microphylla in rice production in a acid sulphate soil. Kasetsart J. (Nat.Sci.). 30 (4): 539-546. Adhikary BH, T Attananda, P Swatdee, S Vangnai and P Sripichitt. 1997b. Effects of Azolla cultivation methods and phosphorus on Azolla microphylla and its effect on rice. Pp. 215-225. In: Proc. of the 35th Kasetsart University Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. Adhikary BH, T Attananda, P Swatdee, S Vangnai and P Sripichitt. 1997a. Growth and nitrogen production rates of Azolla microphylla as affected by its cultivation methods. An economic perspective in rice cultivation in Thailand. Kasetsart J. (Nat.Sci.). 31:134-140. Adhikary BH; MK Thakur; Robinson Adhikary and Santosh Neupane. 2014. A review on Azolla production and utilization in rice farming in Nepal. Pp. 266-276. In: Proc. of the 27th Nat. Sum. Crops Res. Workshop. Giri et al. (eds.), NARC held on 18-20 April 2013 held at National Maize Research Program, Chitwan, Nepal. SSD. 1993. Soil microbiology and bio-fertilizer programme. Pp. 44-50. In: Annual Report for the year 1992/93. Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. FAO.1988. Biofertilizers: Azolla.Bio and organic fertilizers: prospects and progress in Asia. RAPA, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand. Pp. 37-42. Ladha JK and I Watanabe. 1987. Biochemical basis of Azolla-Anabaena azollae symbiosis. Pp 47-57. In: Proc. of the workshop on Azolla use. Azolla utilization. Held on 31 March – 5 April, 1985. Fujian, China. Lumpkin TA and DL Plucknett. 1982. Azolla as a green manure use and management in crop production. 230 p. Talley SM, BJ Talley and DW Rains. 1977. Nitrogen fixation by Azolla in rice fields. In Alexander Hollaender (ed.), Genetic Engineering for nitrogen fixation, plenum press, Newyork. Pp. 259-281. Lumpkin TA and DL Plucknett. 1980. Azolla: Botany, physiology and use as a green manure. Eco.Bot.34: 111-153. 280 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SM-3 Symbiotic Characterictics of Nepalese Bradyrhizobium Isolates from Soybean (Glycene max) and Mungbean (Vignaradiata) Crops Chandra P Risal1 and Balaram Rijal 2 1 Senior Soil Scientist, Soil Management Directorate, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur 2 Soil Scientist, Soil Management Directorate, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur Abstract Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is the main route for sustainable input of nitrogen into ecosystems. Nitrogen fixation in agriculture can be improved by inoculation of legume crops with suitable rhizobia. Knowledge of the biodiversity of rhizobia and of local populations is important for the design of successful inoculation strategies. Soybeans and mungbeans are major nitrogen-fixing crops in many parts of the world including Nepal. The strains with vigor symbiotic characteristics and efficiencies are more important for inoculation from sustainable agricultural perspectives. The subject of symbiotic effectiveness and competitiveness of rhizobia in Nepalese context assumes more significance as it has diverse topographic and climatic describe the symbiotic effectiveness of native conditions. In this study, soybean and mungbean nodulating Bradyrhizobium from different agro-ecological regions in Nepal. We found 10 genotypes among the soybean Bradyrhizobium strains and 11 genotypes among the mungbean Bradyrhizobium strains in different Regions of Nepal. Of all the population of Bradyrhizobium strains studied, we found 28 % strains produced novel phylogenetic origin. Furthermore, 80 % of the novel strains originated from the Hill and Mountain regions with more than 1500 m asl altitude level. We found native B. yuanmingense strains isolated from mungbean (Vigna radiata cv. Kalyan) plant root nodules were effective symbiotic partner of mungbean plant. However, the same species isolated from soybean (Glycine max cv. Cobb) root nodules were not effective symbiotic partner of soybean plant. Keywords: Bradyrhizobium, mungbean, nitrogen fixation, soybean symbiotic efficiency. Introduction Soybean and mungbean are the main legume crops in Nepal. However, the average yield is much lower than the world average, and improving crop performance is a major challenge. The effectiveness of symbiotic N2 fixation might be an important factor for increased productivity through successful management of the soybean and native bradyrhizobia symbiosis. Vinuesa et al.(2008) characterized Bradyrhizobia from soybean cultivated at two sites in the humid temperate climate zone in Nepal, and showed that all isolates were members of highly epidemic and well differentiated B. japonicum of the DNA homology group Ia. In thispaper, we describe the symbiotic characteristics of native soybean and mungbean nodulating Bradyrhizobium from different agro-ecological regions in Nepal. We suppose our results will be useful for the development of effective bio-fertilizers. 281 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop The symbiosis between rhizobia and legume are a cheaper and usually more effective agronomic practice for ensuring an adequate supply of N for legumebased crop (Zahran 1999, Risal et al 2010) and thus can play a significant role in improving the fertility and productivity of soils. Identification and selection of effective rhizobial strains are important for preserving them for future research. Since, the host– Rhizobia relationship is more complicated (Lohrke et al 1995) and is affected by several factors, the variation in the Inoculants performance is often encountered.Differences between Bradyrhizobium strains regarding their effectiveness with different soybean genotypes have been reported by several workers (Okereke et al. 2001, Tien et al. 2002, Mahna 2006). Better N2 fixation can be achieved by selecting superior rhizobia. However, selection of these rhizobia would need to take into consideration not only their N2-fixing capacity, but also competitive ability against native rhizobia which are frequently ineffective in N2-fixation. Superior N2-fixing strains have to compete with native rhizobia and occupy a significant proportion of the nodules. For this to be achieved, rhizobia have to be selected under natural conditions in competition with the native rhizobia. The subject of symbiotic effectiveness and competitiveness of rhizobia in Nepalese context assumes more significance as it has diverse topographic and climatic conditions in a relatively confined spaces. However, in Nepal, most of the rhizobial research has been confined to the fast growing rhizobia (Maskey et al. 2001, Neupane 2003) while little attention has been paid to the studies on slow growing Bradyrhizobia of soybean and mungbean despite being an important summer legume crop. As a consequence, symbiotic potential of the Bradyrhizobia autochthonous to different soybean and mungbean growing regions of Nepal is still unexploited. In the context of these views, in the current investigation, collection of soil samples from soybean and mungbean cropping fields from different agroecological regions of Nepal was carried out, and Bradyrhizobia were isolated and authenticated. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate symbiotic effectiveness of native Bradyrhizobial isolates from Nepal by performing greenhouse experiment. Materials and Methods Soil samples were collected in 2009 from seven areas in which soybean and mungbean had been cultivated previously. These seven areas were located in three agro-ecological regions with contrasting climates (Figure 1). Each soil sample was a composite mixture prepared by mixing soils obtained from 0–20 cm depth of at least eight places at each sampling field. No bacterial inoculations have been carried out in these areas, and therefore the strains were considered to be native to Nepal. The details of the sampling sites and chemical properties of the soil samples are shown in Table 1. Nepalese local cultivar Cobb of soybean and Kalyan of mungbean has been used as a trap plant. 282 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop N CHINA NEPAL Sample 6 Sample 5 Sample 4 Sample 3 Sample 2 Sample 0 Sample 1 INDIA Figure1: Map of Nepal showing the location of soil sample collection sites. Seeds of Glycine max cv. Cobb and Vigna radiata cv. Kalyan (local Nepalese varieties) were surface-sterilized by immersion in 70% ethanol for 30 s, and then in 3% sodium hypochlorite solution for 3 min. Seeds were then exhaustively washed with sterile water. We used five-fold dilutions of soil suspensions as inoculants. Inoculant (5 ml jar-1) was applied to sterilized vermiculite medium in 300-ml glass jars prior to sowing two surface-sterilized seeds. After sowing seeds, the jars were transferred to a growth chamber. Sterilized N-free nutrient solution was added to the jar up to the 60% moisture level and was maintained at this level throughout the growth period. Plants were grown for 4 weeks in the growth chamber under a 16 h lights (28 °C)/8 h dark (18 °C) photoperiod. After 4 weeks, whole plants were removed from the medium, washed in running tap water to remove vermiculite, and the root nodules were harvested. Root nodules were surface-sterilized by immersion in 70% ethanol for 30 s and then in 3% sodium hypochlorite for 3 min, and then were washed five times with sterile water. Each nodule was crushed in 200 µl glycerol solution (15% v/v) to obtain a turbid suspension. An aliquot (10 µl) of the suspension was streaked onto 1.5% Yeast Extract Mannitol (YEM), agar plates and incubated for 1 week at 28 °C. Well separated single colonies were restreaked onto fresh plates to obtain pure cultures. These isolates were reinoculated onto the host plant to verify their nodulation ability. List of Bradyrhizobium strains, from different agro-ecological regions of Nepal, used in this study has been listed in Table 2. Isolates were grown in 15 ml YEM broth for 1 week with shaking. Bradyrhizobia cells at a density of 1.2 × 1010 CFU were applied to sterilized vermiculite medium containing respective host seeds. Plants were grown in axenic conditions in the growth chamber as described above. 283 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: List of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from native legumes and gene sequencing performed. Strain name C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 C6, C7, C8, C9 C10, C11, C12 C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18 C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24 T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16 H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 H7, H8, H9, H10, H11,H12, H13, H14, H15,H16 M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12 M13, M14, M15, M16 Host plant Glycine max cv. Cobb '' " '' " '' " '' " Vigna radiata cv. Kalyan '' " '' " '' " '' " Agro-ecological regions Sub-tropical Hill (1935 m asl) Sub-tropical Hill (1780 m asl) Sub-tropical Hill (1512 m asl) Temperate-Mountain (2660 m asl) Temperate-Mountain (2420 m asl) Tropical-Terai (100 m asl) Sub-tropical Hill (1780 m asl) Sub-tropical Hill (1935 m asl) Temperate-Mountain (2420 m asl) Temperate-Mountain (2660 m asl) After harvesting root nodules, nodule number, nodule fresh weight, and shoot weight were determined. Plant shoots and root nodules were dried at 80 °C for 48 h to determine dry weight and were powdered for analysis of total N by the indophenol method. The ability of a plant to fix N2 was assessed by acetylene reduction activity (ARA)to determine the presence of an effective nitrogenase enzyme. Plants grown at growth chamber as described before were uprooted after four weeks. Roots were washed with running tap water to remove vermiculites in the roots. The root portion separated from shoot was placed into 300 ml air tight glass jar. Acetylene was injected into each 284 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop jarcontaining root intact nodules to give a final concentration of 10% v/v.Jars were incubated for one hour at 28°C. After one hour, 1 ml air sample from the glass jar was sampled and analysed for ethylene (C2H4) content. Ethylene was analysed by standard flameionisation N-porapak column gas chromatography (Shimadzu GC8A) standardised with pureethylene and results expressed as μmol of C2H4 produced per hour per gram of dry nodules. The nodules detached just after ARA measurement were dried at 80°C for 48 hours to measure the nodule dry weights. Results and Discussions All soybean and mungbean isolates produced root nodules when inoculated onto seeds of their original host plants to verify nodulation ability. No nodules were found on the uninoculated plant roots. For accessing the nodulation characteristics of the isolates, we determined nodule numbers per plant and their dry weights. The results of nodule number per plant and their dry weights produced by soybean isolates in their original host plant have been shown in Figure. 5.1 and Figure. 5.2, respectively. Result shows, different isolates have different ability to form root nodules. The average nodule number per plant was 22.2 (Figure. 5.1). The highest nodule number, 48 nodules per plant, was obtained from C18 strain inoculated plant. And, the lowest nodule number, 14 nodules per plant, was obtained from C3 and C12 strain inoculated plant. Result of nodule dry weight per plant was also different for different isolates with average of 35.4 mg plant-1 (Figure. 5.2). The highest nodule dry weight, 65.5 mg plant-1, was obtained from C14 strain inoculated plant. And, the lowest nodule dry weight, 12.3 mg plant-1, was obtained from C12 strain inoculated plant. The results of nodule number per plant and their dry weights produced by mungbean isolates in their original host plant have been shown in Figure. 5.3 and Figure. 5.4, respectively. The average nodule number per plant was 60.4 (Figure. 5.3). The highest nodule number, 110 nodules per plant, was obtained from T16 and M16 strain inoculated plant. And, the lowest nodule number, 17 nodules per plant, was obtained from H3 strain inoculated plant. Result of nodule dry weight per plant was different for different isolates with average of 27.3 mg plant-1 (Figure 5.4). The highest nodule dry weight, 53.0 mg/plant, was obtained from T16 strain inoculated plant. And, the lowest nodule dry weight, 13.2 mg plant-1, was obtained from H3 strain inoculated plant. Nitrogen fixation by Nepalese Bradyrhizobia All soybean and mungbean isolates produced effective root nodules when inoculated onto seeds of their original host plantsand they showed various levels of atmospheric nitrogen fixation. No nodules were found on the uninoculated plant roots. For accessing the nitrogen fixation characteristics of the isolates, we determined Acetylene Reduction Activity (ARA) of the nodules and shoot Nitrogen content of the plant. The shoot N content of the soybean plant inoculated with Bradyrhizobium strains from the same host has been shown in Figure. 5.5. Result shows, different isolates produced different levels shoot N content. The average was 3.28% N. The 285 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop highest shoot N content (3.79%) was produced by C15, and the lowest N ( 2.05%), was produced by C21. Isolate C21 showed it’s affiliation with B. yuanmingense, with well differentiated nifD genes. Symbiotic efficiency of the soybean isolates were derived as shown in Figure. 5.6. Result shows, different isolates have different levels of symbiotic efficiency. The highest symbiotic efficiency (43.7 %) was obtained from C1 strain inoculated plant. And the lowest(14.0 %) was obtained from C12 strain inoculated plant. The results of shoot N content of mungbean plant and the ARA of root nodules by mungbean bradyrhizobia in their original host plant have been shown in Figure. 5.7 and Figure. 5.8, respectively. The average ARA of mungbean bradyrhizobia was 51.5μmol hr-1g-1 dry nodule. The highest ARA, 84.8 μmol hr-1g-1 dry nodule, was obtained from H10 strain inoculated plant. And the lowest ARA was 14.9μmol hr-1g-1 dry nodule, obtained from M3 strain inoculated plant (Figure 5.8). Symbiotic effeciency of Nepalese Bradyrhizobia We arranged the symbiotic efficiency of Nepalese soybean bradyrhizobia in the descending order to describe theie symbiotic effectiveness (Figure. 5.9). The top five better performers are as follows: C2, isolated from sub-tropical Hill region. C16, isolated from temperate Mountain region. C1, isolated from sub-tropical Hill region. C24, isolated from temperate Mountain region. C19, isolated from temperate Mountain region. We also arranged the ARA and total shoot N accumulation in mungbean plant inoculated with different Nepalese mungbean bradyrhizobia, in the descending order, to describe theie symbiotic effectiveness (Fig. 5.10). The top five better performers are as follows: H10, isolated from sub-tropical Hill region. H12, isolated from sub-tropical Hill region. T15, isolated from tropical Terai region. H2, isolated from sub-tropical Hill region. M11, isolated from temperate mountain region. Host specificity of Nepalese bradyrhizobia We used mungbean (Vigna radiata), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), soybean (Glycine max), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), and wild soybean (Glycine soja) plant to test the host specificity of mungbean bradyrhizobia. All of them could not nodulate alfalfa plant. However, we found some strains nodulated G. soja while some could not. 286 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 287 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 288 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 289 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 290 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion The results of the plant test suggested that expression of different symbiotic genes in these isolates resulted in different degrees of symbiotic performance. Our results suggest that B. japonicum and B. elkaniiare more efficient symbiotic partners than B. yuanmingense for the local soybean cv. Cobb. Similarly B. yuanmingenseand novel strains are more efficient symbiotic partners than B. elkanii for the local mungbean cv. 291 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Kalyan, cultivated at high altitudes of Nepal. However, symbiotic performances in legume-Rhizobium symbioses have been reported to be cultivar-dependent (Shutsrirung et al. 2002, Sarr et al. 2009). Therefore, further investigations including different cultivars and reference strains are required. Such data will be useful for selecting the best candidate for bio-fertilizer inoculants suitable for soybean and mungbean cultivation at different agro-ecological regions in Nepal. References Jones JB. 2001. Laboratory Guide for Conducting Soil Tests and Plant Analysis. Pp. 191-239. Jordan DC. 1982. Transfer of Rhizobium japonicum Buchanan 1980 to Bradyrhizobium gen. nov., a genus of slow growing root nodule bacteria from leguminous plants. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 32: 136-139. Lohrke SM, JH Orf, E Martinez-Romero, MJ Sadowsky. 1995.Host-controlled restriction of nodulation by Bradyrhizobium japonicumstrains in serogroup 110. Appl.Environ. Microbiol.61: 2378–2383. Mahna SK. 2006. Individual Partner Report. INCO-DEV ResearchProject on Soybean BNF and Mycorrhization for ImprovedProduction in South Asia. Department of Botany, MaharshiDayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer, India. Maskey S, S Bhattarai, MB Peoples, DF Herridge. 2001. On-farm measurement of nitrogen fixation by winter and summer legumes in the Hill and Terai regions of Nepal. Field Crop Res. 70:209–221. Neupane RK. 2003. Highlights of summer grain legumes research 2000-2002,Pp 1-5. In: Proc.23rd National Summer Crops Research Workshop (Grain Legumes),held at NARC, Khumaltar on 2-3 June 2002. National Grain LegumesResearch Programme, Rampur, Nepal. Okereke GU,C Onochie, E Onyeagba. 2001. Effectiveness offoreign bradyrhizobia strains in enhancing nodulation, dry matterand seed yield of soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars in Nigeria.Biology and Fertility of Soils. 33: 3–9. Risal CP, T Yokoyama, N Ohkama-Ohtsu, S Djedidi, H Sekimoto. 2010. Genetic diversity of native soybean bradyrhizobia from different topographical regions along the southern slopes of the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 33:416-425. Sarr PS, T Yamakawa,S Fujimoto, Y Saeki, HTB Thao, AK Myint. 2009. Phylogenetic Diversity and Symbiotic Effectiveness of Root-Nodulating Bacteria Associated with Cowpea in the South-West area of Japan, Microb. Environm. 24: 105–112. Shutsrirung A,P Sutigoolabud, C Santasup, K Senoo , S Tajima, M Hisamatsu, A Bhromsiri,. 2002. Symbiotic efficiency and compatibility of native rhizobia in northern Thailand with different soybean cultivars. Soil Sci. Plant Nutri. 48: 491-499. Tien HH, TM Hien, MTSon, D Herridg.2002. Rhizobialinoculation and N2 fixation of soybean and mungbean in theEastern region of South Vietnam. In: 292 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Proc.ofACIAR. Inoculantsand Nitrogen Fixation of Legumes in Vietnam. Pp. 29–36. Vinuesa P, K Rojas-Jiménez, B Contreras-Moreira, SK Mahna, BN Prasad, H Moe, SB Selvaraju, H Thierfelder, D Werner. 2008. Multilocus sequence analysis for assessment of the biogeography and evolutionary genetics of four Bradyrhizobium species that nodulate soybeans on the Asiatic continent. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 74:6987–6996. Zahran, HH.1999.Rhizobium–legume symbiosis and nitrogenfixation under severe conditions and in an arid climate. Microbiologyand Molecular Biology Reviews. 63:968–989. 293 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SM-4 The Trichoderma spp.: A Biological Control Agents from Nepalese Soil Ram D Timila, Shrinkhala Manandhar, Chetana Manandhar, and Baidhya N Mahto Plant Pathology Division (NARC) , Nepal Abstract Soil-borne diseases are the cause of severe losses of economically important crops. Chemical pesticides have been widely used for several decades to control soil-borne pathogens. As far as health and environment concerns, application of biological control agents is one of the eco-friendly alternative approaches to chemical pesticides. In this context, soil is the reservoir of different biological control organisms. Trichoderma spp. are the most commonly using biological control agents iN habiting in various types of soil. Efforts have been made for isolation of Trichoderma spp. from soil samples collected from the fields cultivated with different crops. Ninty isolates of Trichoderma spp. have been isolated either by direct soil plating or by serial diluton plate technique on potato dextrose agar medium. Of them, twenty three isolates were tested for their biological control efficacy against Rhizoctoniasolani and Sclerotiniasclerotiorum in dual culture. Four isolates showed bio-control efficacy with zone of inhibition formation with S. sclerotiorum and two with R.solani. Most of the isolates showed masking effects with both pathogens.Two local isolates, T. harzianum and T. asperellum found to be effective to reduce club-root disease in the field. However with other isolates, in vivo/field testing is required to confirm their degree of efficacy. Exploration of such potential BCAs from soil of different cropping system should be continued as the strategic plan, in addition to mass multiplication and field efficacy testing of promising Trichodermaspp. identified to discourage the use of chemical pesticides. Keywords: Biological control agent club-root disease, soil-borne diseases, Trichoderma. Introduction Soil microorganisms are the most abundant of all the biota in soil and responsible for driving nutrient and carobone cycle, soil fertility, soil restoration, plant health and ecosystem.The microbial communityis an important parameter of soil health. Microbial community contain both pathogenic as well as beneficial microbes. Beneficial microorganisms include those that create symbiotic associations with plant roots (rhizobia, mycorrhizal fungi, actinomycetes, diazotrophic bacteria), promote nutrient mineralization and availability, produce plant growth hormones, and are antagonists of plant pests, parasites or diseases (biocontrol agents). Reduction of chemical pesticide usage, including chemicals for control of soil-borne plant pathogens, is widely recognized as a desirable goal for agriculture.Many of these organisms are already naturally present in the soil, although in some situations it may be beneficial to increase their populations either by inoculation or by applying various agricultural management techniques that enhance their abundance and activity.Deteriorated soil health may have high population of soil borne pathogens, 294 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop however it may depend on cropping pattern and tillage practices. Fungal populations dominate in untilled or no till soilswhile bacteria and actinimycetes in tilled soil (Hoorman and Islam 2010). As soil is the reservoir of potential biological control agents (BCAs) which play a key role as the basic component insuppressiveness of the soil, which is the healthy soil.Suppressive soil basically contain enough beneficial micro-organisms with enough organic matter. Soil suppressive phenomenon explains the biological control mechanism (Mehrotra et al. 1997) which is one of the promising tools for integrated disease management. It is an ecofriendly alternative approach to the chemical pesticides. The Biological control mechanism involves: • • • • • Mycoparasitism and hyphal lysis Antibiosis and inactivation of pathogens’ enzymes Competition Enhancement of root development Induced resistance The ecological equilibrium between pathogen and BCAs suppress soil-borne diseases. Certain organisms have received considerable research attention as potential biocontrol agents. One of the most well studied and documented of these is the fungal genus Trichoderma. Some documented BCA candidates for plant pathogens • Trichodermaspp., T. viride, T. harzianum,T. hamatum, T. koningii Gliocladiumvirens, G.roseum, Paecilomycesliiacinus, Heteroconiumsp., Coniothyrumminitans. Pythiumolygandrum, Bacillus subtilis, B. polymyxa Pseudomonas fluorescens Trichoderma spp. as BCA Trichoderma spp. have received considerable attention as potential biological control agents against a wide range of soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi. It is also effective against seed-borne diseases of various crops. It is a free-living well documented antagonistic fungus which is common in soil and root ecosystems. It is highly interactive in root, soil and foliar environments. It reduces growth, survival or infections caused by the pathogens through different mechanisms like competition, antibiosis, mycoparasitism, hyphal interactions, and enzyme secretion (Singh 2010). It is highly ecologically successful fungi and have been used increasingly in commercial agriculture (Knudsenand Dandurand 2014). For health hazards and adverse effect on environment concerns, application of biological control agents have been appeared as 295 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop one of the ecofriendly alternative approaches to chemical pesticides to combat soil and seed- borne diseases. In this context, testing of Trichoderma for disease management have been attempted since last many years at Plant Pathology Division. But a regular work has been started on biological control with the establishment of 'Biological Control Unit ' at the Division during the fiscal year 2068/69 BS (2011/012). Emphasis has been given on the exploration of native Trichoderma spp. for biological control of important soil-borne pathogens Materials and methods Soil sample collection Soil samples were collected from the fields with different crops, especially vegetable crops. Rhizospheric region of the crop plants wastargeted for collecting soil from 0- 10 cm depth. Samples were put in plastic bags and were brought in the laboratory. The samples were preserved in refrigerator until use. Isolation of Trichoderma spp. Each sample was made fine by grinding. Fifty five and fifty two soil samples were processed during 2012/13 and 2013/14, respectively. Similarly 31 samples were processed during 2011/12 for the isolation ofTrichoderma spp. Direct soil plating Direct soil plating was done by dusting small amount of the fine sample on the surface of potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium with or without antibiotic (Streptomycin sulphate, 100 ppm )or modified Trichoderma selective medium (TSM) (Elad et al. 1981). The ingredient namely p-dimethylaminobenzenediazo sodium sulfonate was excluded in TSM medium. The plates were incubated at 24oC at inverted position for 4 - 6 days. Serial dilution Serial dilution methods was adopted for some of the samples. In this method 10 g of fine soil from the sample was mixed in 90 ml sterile distilled water and shaken in conical flask for half an hour. An aliquots of 1ml of the suspension was drawn and mixed with 9 ml sterile distilled water from where 1 ml mixed with another 9 ml sterile distilled water. In this way a series of dilution was prepared to give the concentration of 10-1,10-2,10-3 and 10-4 . From each dilution, aliquot of 0.1 ml was dispended on PDA or TSM medium plates and spread to dry by means of triangular head glass rod. Two plates per each dilution were used as replicates. The plates were incubated at 24oC26oC at an inverted position for 4 - 6 days. Isolation and maintaining pure cultures of selected soil-borne pathogens Plant samples of cauliflower, cabbage and tomato infected by Sclerotiniasclerotiorum, Rhizoctoniasolani and Fusariumsolani respectively with typical symptoms were collected. The pathogens were isolated using 2% water agar and pure culture maintained and preserved in PDA slants at 5oCfor further use. 296 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Efficacy Testing of Trichoderma against S. sclerotiorum, R. solani, F. Solani Dual culture method was adopted to study efficacy of Trichodermaspp in PDA. Five mm disc size of both Trichoderma spp. and respective pathogens from pure culture were simultaneously inoculated in opposite sides of the PDA plates in about 3 cm distance and incubated at24oC-26oC for 5 days. A total of 24 Trichoderma isolates were included in twoconsecutive years (2012/13 and 2013/14). Observation was taken for biological control mechanisms after 5 days. Results and discussion Of the 138 soil samples processed, Trichoderma spp. were isolated from 59 samples during two years (Figure 1). During 2011/12, Trichoderma spp.were isolated from all the 31 processedsoil samples. Thus a total of 90 isolates of Trichoderma spp. were isolated and preserved. Trichodermaspp. isolating soil samples were mostly from the hills with vegetable farming. Ofthe 24 isolates of Trichodermaspp. tested against soilborne pathogens, S. sclerotiorum, R. solani and F. solani, most of the isolates showed over growth or masking effect with R. solani and F. solaniwhereas with S. sclerotiorum zone of inhibition reaction was also observed (Table 1 and 2). In overall observation, 9 isolates found to form clear zone of inhibition exhibiting potential biocontrol efficacy against S. sclerotiorum and 9 isolates grew fast masking the growth of the pathogen and 6 were shown competitive growth with the pathogen. Those 6 isolates may not possess enough biocontrol efficacy. In case of R. solani and F. solani, almost all the Trichoderma spp. isolates showed the masking effectswhich is also one of the good biocontrol mechanism (Figure 2). Four isolates showed competitive reaction to F. solaniand one toR.solani. Besides, 9 isolates were tested in seedling assay against Rhizoctonia root rot, of which three identified Trichoderma spp. were found effective to reduce root rot thereby increasing survival percent of the seedlings by 42%, 50% and 75% by the application of T69 (T. harzianum), TS (T. asperellum), and TS20 (Trichoderma sp.) respectively compared to 17% in control under screenhouse conditions(PPD, unpublished data). Similarly, two native Trichodermas, i.e.T. harzianum (T69), T. asperellum (TS) and one from commercial product of T.harzianum (T22) were effective to reducedclubrootdisease severity by 35-40 percent in the fieldconditions at Palung (Timila 2011). Soil biodiversity plays a key role in the sustainability of agriculture systems and indicates the level of health of soil, especially when considering the richness of microorganisms that are involved in biological control of soilborne diseases (Gil et al. 2009).The most of the success stories of biological control are from the studies conducted under controlled conditions or environment.Their efficacy reduced or not enough for disease control in the field conditions. The efficacy of biological control agents may be influenced by other microbial communities present in the soil, 297 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop fluctuating temperature, humidity, air movement, survival and establishment of BCA itself in the given field conditions. Table 1: In vitro Biocontrol mechanism of different isolates of Trichoderma spp. Against Sclerotiniasclerotiorum, Rhizoctoniasolaniand Fusariumsolani (2012/13). S. No. Trichoder ma isolates 1. TS17 2. TS19 3. TS 28 4. 5. TS29 TS 33 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 TS34 TS37 TS18 TS57 TS38 S. sclerotiorum Overgrowth (Masking effect) zone of inhibition zone of inhibition overgrowth zone of inhibition overgrowth overgrowth overgrowth overgrowth overgrowth Reaction to R. solani F. solani Crop/location/Agro-eco Zone Overgrowth (Masking effect) Overgrowth (Masking effect) Cauliflower/Marpha/high hill overgrowth overgrowth Rice, Khudi competitive overgrowth Cauliflower/Naubise/hill overgrowth overgrowth overgrowth competitive Cauliflower/Naubise/hill Cauliflower/Katunje/hill overgrowth overgrowth overgrowth overgrowth overgrowth competitive overgrowth overgrowth competitive competitive Cauliflower/Katunje/hill Carnation/Saanga/hill Rayo/ Ghalegaoun/hill Eggplant/Tarahara/terai Tomato/Kapan/hill Table 2: In vitro Biocontrolmechanism of different isolates of Trichodermaspp.againstSclerotiniasclerotiorum, Rhizoctoniasolaniand Fusariumsolani(2013/14). S. No Trichoderma isolates 1. TS 22 2. 3. 4. Reaction to Crop/location/Agro-eco Zone Rhizoctoniasolani Fusariumsolani TS 12 Sclerotiniascleroti orum Overgrowth (Masking effect) Zone of inhibition Overgrowth (Masking effect) Overgrowth Overgrowth(Mas king effect) Overgrowth TS 14 TS 32 competitive Zone of inhibition Overgrowth competitive Overgrowth Overgrowth Cabbage/Dhungkharka/hill Cauliflower/Naubise/hill 5. 6. 7. TS 20 TS 21 TS 16 Zone of inhibition competitive competitive Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth, Overgrowth Cabbage/Sidhuwa/hill Cabbage, Bhajuwa Asparagus/Bhaktapur/hill 8. TS 31 competitive Overgrowth competitive Cauliflower/Naubise/hill 9. TS 9 Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth 10 11. 12 TS 6 TS 23. TS 30 competitive Overgrowth Zone of inhibition Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth Cabbage/Chaughare/hill Continued…C Cauliflower/Futung/hill Dhankuta/hill, Rice/ Naubise/hill 13 TS1 Zone of inhibition Overgrowth Overgrowth Rayo/ Marpha/high hill 14 TS 15 competitive Overgrowth Overgrowth Rice/ Bhaktapur/hill 298 Cabbage/Sidhuwa/Hill Pepper/hill 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 60 50 40 Samples processed 30 Trichoderma isolating samples 20 10 0 2012/13 2013/14 Figure 1: Number of soil samples processed and Trichoderma isolating samples 25 20 15 Zone of inhibition Masking effect 10 Competitive 5 0 S. sclerotiorum R. solani F. solani Figure 2: Different antagonistic effects of tested Trichoderma isolates to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani. Conclusions Biological control could be one of the promising parameter of integrated disease management of the crops. It has potential role in disease management speciallyin organic farming.Trichoderma isolates from Nepalese native soil have the high efficacyof biological control against soilborne pathogens such as S. sclerotiorum, R. solani,F. solani. However the results from laboratory or from screenhouse conditions urgently need to be tested in the field conditions for verification.The native isolates, T. harzianumand T. asperellumcould be utilized for the integrated management of clubroot disease of brassica vegetables.Those isolates and one more isolate (TS20) 299 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop effective to reduce root rot caused by R. solani. Native Trichoderma spp. should be emphasized as bio control agents.Exploration of such potential native BCAs from soil of different cropping system need to be continued as the strategic plan to discourage the use of chemical pesticides. Future strategies Enhancement of exploration of native BCAs from soil of different cropping system with different agroecological zones will be continued.Laboratory testing, seedling assay and verification in the field conditions (on station and on farm) will also be continued.Testing of substrates for mass multiplication of effective Trichoderma spp. for field delivery will be emphasized. Acknowledgements The authors express their thanks to their colleagues of Plant Pathology Division for their helps and suggestions. They extend their thanks to them who helped in laboratory and screenhousework as well. References Elad Y, I Chet and Y Henis. 1981 . A selective medium for improving quantitative isolation of Trichodermaspp. from soil . Phytoparasitica. 9(1): 59-67. GilSV,SPastor and GJMarch. 2009. Quantitative isolation of biocontrol agents Trichoderma spp.,Gliocladium spp. and actinomycetes from soil with culture media. Microbiological Research.Vol 164, Issue 2, 2009. Pp. 196–205 Knudsen GR and Louise-Marie C Dandurand. 2014.Ecological Complexity and the Success of Fungal Biological Control Agents.Advances in Agriculture. Vol. 2014 (2014),Article ID 542703. Hoorman James J and Ratif Islam. 2010. Understanding soil microbes and nutrient recycling. Fact Sheet .Agriculture and Natural Resourceshe Ohio State University. Mehrotra RS, KR Aneja and A Aggarwal. 1997. Fungal Control Agents. In Environmentally safe Approaches to crop disease control.Agriculture and Environment Series.Edt. Nancy A. Reechcgil and Jack E. Rechcigl. Singh RK. 2010.Trichoderma: A bio-control agent for management soil born diseases. Agropedia.http://www. Timila RD. 2011.Evaluation of Some Trichoderma spp. for Clubroot Disease Management. Nepal Agric.Res.J.Vol.11. 300 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SM-5 Efficacy of JeevatuJho Mal (JJM) to Radish (Raphanussativus L.)Production in the Central Valley of Kathmandu Sanu K Bajracharya, Bishnu H Adhikary and Sri K KC Soil Science Division (NARC), , Nepal Abstract To evaluate the efficacy of Jeevatu Jhol Mal (JJM) in Radish field experiment was conducted with three replications and six treatments in a Randomized Complete Block Design in Hatiban farm of Potato Research Program, Khumaltar during the year 2070 and 2071. The plot size was 3m x 2m with total plot size of 6 sq. m. The crop was sown in lines with spacing of 30 cm x 10 cm (RR x PP).The main objective of the experiment was to study the effect of Jeevatu Jhol Mal supplied by Nepalese Natural Bio-products Pvt. Ltd.The treatment comprised of control (fertilizer not applied), Jeevatu treated compost (30 t ha-1), compost (30 t ha-1), Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) plus half dose of recommended chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1), compost (20 t ha-1) plus full dose of recommended chemical fertilizer (100:50:50 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) and Jeevatu compost (30 t ha-1) plus JM no. 1 & no. 2. Two years mean result showed an encouraging effect of Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) plus half dose of chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) on tuber diameter (10.88 cm), tuber yield (12.58 t ha-1) and leaf yield (7.24 t ha-1) of radish (Raphanussativus L). However from soil health, economical, qualitative and quantitative point of view, Jeevatu compost (15 t ha-1) plus half dose of recommended chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) was found significantly effective for radish production. Ke words: Chemical fertilizer, jeevatu jholmal, jeevatu treated compost, tuber yield of radish. Introduction Continuous and unbalanced use of chemical fertilizer for long time without adding any organic fertilizer leads to change in soil chemical and physical characters and soil becomes acidic (Bajracharya et al. 2007). Acidification of soil is very harmful to beneficial soil microorganisms and enzyme. Consequently the availability of beneficial soil microbes and essential macro and micronutrients decrease sharply and soil health becomes deteriorated in the present context in one hand. According to Gupta and Singh (2006), indiscriminate and excessive use of chemical fertilizer has not only deteriorated the soil health but has also impaired the health of human beings and animals. In other hand, chemical fertilizer is very expensive, not manufactured in our country and not available in time. Therefore, Ministry of Agriculture Development (MoAD) Government of Nepal is promoting organic based fertilizers to restore and sustain soil fertility. In this circumstance, organic liquid fertilizer the Jeevtu Jhol Mal (JJM) supplied by Nepalese Natural Bioproducts Pvt. Ltd. was tested to study its effect in radish production in two seasons. 301 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Beneficial microorganisms play vital role in Nitrogen fixation, Phosphorus solubilization and Production of hormone, vitamins, antibodies, organic acids, aminoacids etc. Jeevtu Jhol Mal is consortium of natural beneficial microorganisms (Adhikari et al.2013). This organic liquid fertilizer may be one of the appropriate alternative substitutes of chemical fertilizer to some extent in agriculture sector in our Nepalese context. Materials and Methods Compost was prepared by using of Jeevtu Jhol Mal (JJM) 10% and without using of JJM but using same amount of water. Duration of compost preparation was one month and turning was done in every 15 days interval. The two seasons experiment was carried out in Hatiban farm Potato Research Program during the year 2013 and 2014 following Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD) with six treatments and replicated three times. Plot size was 3m x 2m with total plot size of 6 sq.m .and total area was 300 sq. m. Row to row distance was 30 cm. Seed to seed distance was 10 cm. Two seeds per hole were sown. The Chalisedine (40 days) Mula variety of radish was used for this experiment. The treatments details are given below: T1 T2 T3 T4 = = = = T5 = T6 = Control (Fertilizer not applied) Jeevatu treated compost (30 t ha-1) Compost (30 t ha-1) Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) + half dose of chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) Compost (20 t ha-1) + full dose of chemical fertilizer (100:50:50 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) Jeevatu compost (30 t ha-1) + JM no. 1 & no. 2 Jeevatu Jholmal no. 1(25 kg compost + 25 liter cattle urine + 25 litre water + 1 litre Jeevatu for drenching in soil as top dressing) & Jholmal no. 2 (37.5 litre cattle urine + 37.5 litre water + 1 litre Jeevatu for spraying) were supplied by Nepalese Natural Bioproducts Pvt. Ltd. and were used in the experiment. The plants were harvested at 40 days after sowing for agronomic characters and yields from two center lines (1.5 sq.m). All the parameters were recorded as per requirement and the data was analyzed using MSTAT statistical packages. Soil and compost analysis Prior to the establishment of experiments, composite soil sample from 0-15 cm depth was collected from the field before planting and after harvesting from all the plots. All collected soil, Jeevatu Jhol Mal, Jeevatu treated compost and normal compost to be used were analyzed for physiochemical properties. The soil pH was measured by method using pH meter in 1:1 soil and water ratio. Organic matter was determined by modified Walkey and Black Method. Phosphorus was analyzed by Olsen’s Bicarbonate method. Potassium was analyzed by Flame Photometer method. Total nitrogen was analyzed by Micro Kejeldhl’s method. Texture was analyzed by soil Hydrometer 302 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop method .Compost nitrogen was analyzed by Micro Kejeldhl’s method and Phosphorus and Potassium by Bicarbonate Fusion method (Table 1). Results and Discussion Physico-chemical properties of composite soil, Jeevatu jhol, Jeevtu treated compost and ordinary compost before radish planting are presented in Table 1. Physicochemical properties of soil after radish harvesting are presented in Table 2. The soil of field of experimental site was sandy loam with pH 6.3, organic matter 4.5 %, low in available nitrogen (0.15%), high in available P2O5 (578 kg ha-1) and high in available K2O (134.4kg ha-1) ( Table 1). Jeevatu treated compost (JTC) contained high value of nitrogen (3.25%), Phosphorus (2.73%), potassium (0.71 kg ha-1) (Table 1). These values were higher over ordinary compost. Soil test results after the harvesting of radish indicated that soils are found better in nutrients and OM content (Table 2). Jeevatu Jhol Mal (JJM) response in radish The mean plant height and plant population, tuber diameter and leaf and tuber yield are presented in Table 3. The combined statistical analysis of the data revealed that plant height, tuber diameter and plant population were significant and leaf yield and tuber yield were highly significant. Plant height was found higher (10.3 cm) in treatment 5 (T5) followed by T4, T3 and T6. These values are higher over the control plot. Plant population was more or less similar in T3 and T6 treatments. Tuber diameter was found higher (10.9 cm) in T4 and more or less similar in T5 and T6. Proper supply of plant nutrients as well as deep and loose soil is essential for proper expansion of radish root. Similar finding was also reported by Parraga et al (1995). They reported that application of organic manure with chemical fertilizer increased root diameter of radish which supports the finding of present study. Highest leaf yield (8.5 t ha -1) was given by plot treated with Jeevatu treated compost (30 t ha-1) plus Jhol Mal no. 1 & no. 2. Second highest of leaf yield (7.2 t ha -1) was observed in treatment 4 comprising Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) plus half dose of chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1). Two years mean result revealed that highest tuber yield (17.7t ha -1) was produced by plot (T5) which was treated with compost (20 ha-1) + full dose of chemical fertilizer (100:50:50 N: P2O5:K2O Kg ha-1) followed by T4, T6, T3 and T2, respectively. Table 1: Physico-chemical properties of composite soil, Jeevatu Jhol Mal, Jeevtu treated compost and ordinary compost before radish planting. Type sample pH OM,% N,% P2O5 K2O -1 1. Composite soil (CS) 6.3 4.5 0.15 578 kg ha 395 kg ha-1 2. Jeevatu Jhol Mal (JJM) 1.6 0.15% 0.40 3. Jeevatu treated compost 3.25 2.73% 0.71 (JTC) 4. Ordinary compost (OC) 1.39 2.41% 0.98 303 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Physico-chemical properties of soil after radish harvesting Treat ments Treatment Details pH OM,% N,% P2O5, kg ha-1 K2O, kg ha-1 T1 T2 T3 T4 Control (Fertilizer not applied Jeevatu compost (30 t ha-1) Compost (30 t ha-1) Jeevatu compost (15 t ha-1) + half dose of chemical fertilizer(50:25:25 N:P205:K2O Kg ha-1) Compost (20 t ha-1) + full dose of chemical fetilizer (100:50:50 N:P205:K2O Kg ha1 ) Jeevatu compost (30 t ha-1) + JM no. 1 & no. 2 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.4 5.0 5.0 4.4 4.9 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.17 582.3 566.3 555.3 535.6 465.0 371.0 393.6 541.0 6.5 5.1 0.16 599.0 483.0 6.1 4.8 0.18 441.6 483.0 T5 T6 Table 3: Treatment effect of Jeevatu Jhol Mal (JJM) on plant height, population, tuber diameter and yield of Radish. Treat ment Treatment details T1 Control (Fertilizer not applied Jeevatu treated compost (30 t ha-1) Compost (30 t ha-1) Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) + half dose of chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) Compost (20 t ha-1) + full dose of chemical fertilizer (100:50:50 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) Jeevatu treated compost (30 t ha-1) + JM no. 1 & JM no. 2 Mean CV% F test Treatment Year x Treatment LSD (at 0.05) T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Means of two years data (2013 and 2014) Plant Plant tuber Leaf height population, diameter Yield, pl1,cm nos. pl1,cm t ha-1 B B B 6.9 30.6 6.87 2.2D Tuber yield, t ha-1 4.5C 8.9A 34.8A 9.52A 3.9CD 9.5BC 9.9A 9.9A 36.8A 33.0AB 9.72A 10.88A 4.2CD 7.2AB 7.9C 12.5AB 10.3A 34.5AB 10.54A 5.4BC 17.7A 9.6A 36.5A 10.52A 8.5A 12.2AB 9.3 17.8 34.4 9.0 9.67 19.26 5.3 38.2 10.8 46.9 * * 2.0 * ns 3.7 * ns 2.2 ** ** 2.4 ** ** 6.0 ns = non significant, * = significant, ** = highly significant at 95% confident. Means followed by the same letter within columns are not significantly different according to Ducan,s Multiple Range Test at P = 0.05 304 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Maximum leaf yield increment of 284.8% over the control was noticed with the full dose of Jeevatu treated compost along with JM no.1 and JM no. 2 (Figure 1). The increment of 227.5% leaf yield of radish was observed second highest when half dose of Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) combined with half dose of chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) was applied (Figure 1). Maximum increment of radish tuber yield was observed with full dose of chemical fertilizer (100:50:50 N: P2O5:K2O Kg ha-1) (285.5%) over control (Figure 2). Application of half dose of Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) along with half dose of chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N: P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) produced second highest percent increment (173.7%) over control (Figure 2). Correlation of the plant parameters Correlation matrix among the leaf yield, tuber yield, plant population, tuber diameter and plant height has been presented in the Table 4. The correlation of leaf yield and tuber yield (r = 0.52) was observed highly significant but non – significant with rest of the parameters. Similarly, the correlation of tuber yield with plant population (r = 0.38), tuber diameter (r = 0.84) and plant height(r = 0.74) was significant. Similarly, the correlation of plant population was significant with tuber diameter (r = 0.45), while non – significant with rest of the parameters. Correspondingly, tuber diameter was highly significant with plant height (r = 0.94) Figure1:Leaf yield increment over control, % . 305 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 2. Tuber yield increment over control, %. Table 4: Correlation matrix between different parameters of the radish plant. Leaf yield Tuber Plant Tuber Plant height yield population diameter Leaf yield 1 0.52** 0.15 0.35 0.18 Tuber yield 0.52** 1 0.38* 0.84** 0.76** Plant 0.12 0.38* 1 0.45** 0.52** population Tuber 0.35 0.84** 0.45** 1 0.94** diameter Plant height 0.18 0.76** 0.52** 0.94** 1 ** = Highly significant and * = significant Conclusion It was found that Jeevatu treated compost (15 t ha-1) plus half dose of chemical fertilizer (50:25:25 N, P2O5:K2O kg ha-1) (T4) and Jeevatu compost (30 t ha-1) + Jhol Mal no. 1 & no. 2) (T6) has good effect on better yield of radish tuber and radish leaves. From soil health, economical, qualitative and quantitative point of views the above result was found effective for increased radish yield. It can be concluded that Jeevatu treated compost compost has positive Jeevatu treated compost effect in radish production and is found more effective when supplied along with half dose of the recommend chemical fertilizers. Acknowledgement The authors express their cordial thanks to Dr. Buddhi P Sharma, Potato Research Program providing experimental land for conduction of this research. We would like to give special acknowledgement to Dines Khadka for analyzing soil, Jeevatu Jhol mal, 306 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop jeevatu treated compost and ordinary compost. We also would like to thank to Laxman Lakhay and other concern staff of Soil Science Division for their cooperation in conducting the experiment. Mr. Duryodhan Chaudhari (Technical Officer) from Potato Research Program is also highly acknowledged for his involvement in works in supervising the field of this investigation. References Adhikari SR, KB Poudel, K Pokhrel and A Poudel. 2013. Effect of microbial (Jeevatu) treatment on rice (Oryza sativa L.) production. Int. J. Appl Sci Biotechnol. 1(4): 184 - 188. Bajracharya SK, DP Sherchan, S Bhattarai. 2007. Effect of vermicompost in combination with bacterial and mineral fertilizers on the yield of vegetable soybean. Korean J.Crop Science . 52(1): 100-103. Gupta, RD and H Singh (2006). Indiscriminate use of fertilizer poses health hazards. Farmer's Forum. 9 (6): 20–24. Parraga MS, AL Pereira, JL Medeiros and PFP Carvalho. 1995. Effect of organic matter on quantity and quality of roots in carrot (Daucus carrota L.) harvested at three dates. Semira (Londrina).16: 80-85. 307 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 4. Geographical Information System ( ) and GSS-1 Soil Types and Fertility Status in Western Terai Region of Nepal: A Case from the BankatawaVDC of the Banke District Krishna R Tiwari Institute of Forestry, Pokhara, Nepal. Abstract Soil has a crucial role in addressing some of the key issues in the present context such as food security, and climate change and provide a key natural resources asset underpinning sustainable development. Land use change, soil degradation are the major problems for agriculture production and food security in Nepal. To address the issue of these problems National Land Use Project, Ministry of Land Reform and Management, Government of Nepal has implemented the project to prepare land use plan at VDC level. Soil survey and classification as well as soil fertility analysis for land use planning was done to classify the different soil types and fertility status of the area. The study was chosen Bankatawa VDC of the Banka District of Nepal. A Semi-detailed soil survey was conducted in February 2014, to delineate and map the existing soil types supported by remote sensing technique and geographical information system (GIS) analysis. Soil were collected from each mapping unit. Soil types were classified based on USDA soil taxonomy system and soil fertility such as pH, SOM, Total N, Available P Kwere analyzed using standard methods. Soil survey and data analyzed showed that soil is formed homogeneous flat area with young soil (alluvial plain) to old alluvial complex and very gentle slope. Dominant soil are Inceptisols (74%) followed by Alfisols (24%) in the area. Similarly, fertility status found low level of nutrient content such as SOM (0.8 to 1.5%), otal N (0.06 to 1%).Whereas, vailable P (42.6 to 116 ppm), and Ex K (40 to 915.5 ppm) were found medium to high. Soil pH slightly acidic to alkaline nature. Field survey and soil analysis report showed that the land is highly suitable for intensive agriculture production by improving soil fertility and irrigation facility. However, the recent trend of urbanization particularly along the East-West highway resulted change in fertile land into settlement threat for agriculture production and food security in future. Keywords:Cropping pattern nutrient content, soil classification and soil profile. Introduction Information of the soil types and fertility status is useful for land-use planning and land management, from large agricultural development projects and extensive farming to precision agriculture and intensive farming, as well as for non-agricultural applications (Bassols 2009).Interrelation between the environment protection and economic development can lead to sustainable development. Despite of development efforts in the past decade in agriculture food insecurity is increasing in various districts of Nepal.It provides employment opportunities to 66 percent of the total population and contributes about 34 percent in the GDP (Economic Survey: 069/70) Therefore, the development of agriculture sector is key for the development of national economy 308 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop (DOA 2014). Furthermore, the interim constitution of Nepal has mentioned "food sovereignty" as fundamental right in its constitution(Interim Constitution of Nepal18.3). This statement tries to protect people from the negative consequences of increasing food insecurity, unequal food distribution and no access to food. All of these planning processes attract a range of stakeholders that are interested in the activities that take place in their communities. In this context, soil survey, and land capability classification is an important task to increase food security and sustainable land management. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the majority of people in Nepal and is considered as the primary engine of growth of the economy. Despite the fact that it is declining, agriculture still contributes nearly 34 percent to Nepal’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and crop production is the largest component of the agricultural GDP (MOAD 2013). Maintenance, and indeed eN hancement, of soil fertility is essential to meet the basic food and resource needs of Nepal's rising population (Brown et al.1995). As a result of rapid population growth (at a rate of approximately 2.5 per annum,agricultural stagnation and a range of institutional failures, the threat of a serious food crisis in Nepal is substantial. Nepal’s most recent (2010) Global Hunger Index (GHI) score is 20, which places it at 27th out of 84 ranked countries; moreover, western regions of the country score far lower (Hollema and Bishokarma 2009). As the world’s population continues to expand, maintaining and indeed increasing agricultural productivity is more important than ever, though it is also more difficult than ever in the face of changing weather patterns that in some cases are leading to aridity and desertification. The absence of scientific soil inventories, especially in arid areas, leads to mistaken decisions about soil use that, atthe end, reduce a region’s capacity to feed its population, or to guarantee a clean water supply. Greater efficiency in soil use is possible when these resources are properly classified using international standards. In recent years, Nepal faces the unmanaged land utilization and urbanization particularly agriculture production area resulted the decreasing land quality and threatening food security in future. In this context, Ministry of Land Reform and Management, National Land Use Project (NLUP), Government of Nepal has undertaken an initiative to study soil survey, land resource mapping and capability classification at present land use report and map at VDC level. To address the land use planning at the VDC level it is essential to understand the soil types and fertility status in the area and hence this study carried out. 309 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Materials and Methods Study area Banakatawa Village Development Committee (VDC) lying in Banke district, Mid Western Tarai Region of Nepal, covers a total area of 41.04 square kilometers (4104.42 ha). Banakatawa VDC shares its border with Bageshoweri and Raniyapur VDC to the south, Titihiriya VDC, Banke and Mankhola of BardiyaDistrictin west, Rajhena and Samsergunj VDC to the east and Naumasta VDC to the north. The VDC lies in the north-western part of Banke district. The maximum north-south extent is about 10.7 km whereas east-west extent is about 6.2 km. This VDC is about 18 km far from the district headquarter, Nepalganj. Economic condition of the people of this VDC largely depends on agriculture. Land is the main source of income and capital accumulation and also the major source of employment. VDC area forming the southernmost part of Nepal is a part of the northern end of the Indo- Gangetic Plain and range in elevation from 128 to 150 m above msl.The study area is located in the sediments of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Most of the study area falls in the Bhabharand Middle Terai zones. Soil survey Soil survey was conducted in the months of January 2014 to delineate and map the existing soil types as baseline data supported by remote sensing technique and geographical information system (GIS). The methodology adopted for the present soil survey was based on integrated use of visual interpretation and computer aided technology and integrated use of GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. Numbers of 35 profiles were described in detail in the field through the excavation of pits within the various land use categories to cover the entire VDC. At each pit location, soil profile was studied in each horizon with surface and subsurface diagnostic horizons. Soil morphological characteristics and properties such as texture, structure, consistency, mottles, porosity, compactness, pH, colour, slope, and drainage minutely analyzed in each pit and recorded at the soil profile description sheet developed by National Land Use Project. Additionally, soil sample was taken from the surface horizon, for further laboratory analysis of physical and chemical properties at the soil lab using standard techniques. Analysis included weretexture (sand, silt, and clay), pH, Total N, Available P, availableK, and Organic matter. 310 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 1: Map of the study area. Soil mapping units were demarcated based on the land units that also identified capturing the local topography variation. The description of soil mapping unit and the symbol was formed with the integration of land system, landform, land type and geological map and land use/land cover (Shahid 2013). Results and Discussion Climatic Condition Climate is one of the major soil forming factors affecting the soil formation directly and indirectly. The data showed that Pre-monsoon season (April-May), that corresponds to the summer naturally has the highest mean maximum temperature (37 0 C) while mean minimum temperature is 70C in the months of January. The total average temperature analysis showed 24.5 oC in the survey area. Based on the temperature data, this VDC falls under the Thermictemperature regime. 311 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Rainfall data showed that (Figure 2.2) VDC receives annually on an average 1542 mm precipitation on the basis of a decade data (2002-2012) with each of the month receiving some amount of precipitation. The maximum rainfall recorded in the month of July (522 mm) and minimum rainfall in the month of November and December (about 2 mm). Rainfall data showed that more than 80 % rainfall received in three rainy season months (June, July and August). Precipitation datashowed that study area can be classified under Ustic moisture regime. Agricultural Land use Agricultural land of the Bankatuwa VDC is classified as Terai cultivation based on the physiographic region. This VDC contains all of its agricultural land use dominantly under rice based cultivation. The rice field is further divided into lowland khet and upland. The cropping pattern of the VDC varies according to agricultural land types, irrigation and precipitation. The upland cultivation comprises of crops such as rice, wheat, pulses, mustard, and vegetables. Rice is the dominant summer crop whereas wheat, pulses (lentil), oilseed are cultivated in the winter season. In the upland area pigeon pea cultivation is also common practice in the VDC. The total agriculture land of the Banakatawa VDC was found to be 3769.17 hectares in which rice-wheat cropping pattern was pre-dominated with 75.62 percent share proportion among all crop combinations. It is followed by rice-pulses crop combination. The area under other crop combination was less dominant cropping pattern of agricultural land. Most of the agricultural land in the VDC was categorized as intense and moderate based on the cropping intensity in which intense has dominated cropping intensity. Soil types from order to sub-group level Soils of Bankatuwa VDC of Banke district are classified based on the information of soil derived from soil pits and soil mapping unit level. This soil classification is based on the Great Soil Groups of Soil Taxonomy (USDA 2010) with LRMP (1986) report. In this system, the soils are grouped according to Soil Orders, Sub-Orders, Great Groups, Sub-Groups and Soil Family level. Table 1 presents Soil Taxonomy classification for the soils of Bankatuwa VDC. Table 1: Soil Taxonomy Classification of Bankatuwa. Anthrepts Haplanthrepts Dystrusepts 3 Ustepts 4 14 Utisols Hydrography Total Ustults Haplustepts Humustepts Haplustults Source: Soil Survey (2014). 312 TypicHaplanthrepts TypicDystrustepts VerticDystrustepts TypicHaplustepts VerticHaplustepts TypicHumustepts TypicHaplustults 879.12 217.05 62.93 979.39 196.32 97.85 10.85 24.46 3301.42 26.63 6.57 1.91 29.67 5.95 2.96 0.33 0.74 100.00 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Bankatuwa VDC formed homogeneous flat area with young soil (alluvial plain) to old alluvial complex and very gentle slope. Physical properties such as texture found loamy, clay loam,silty loam and silty clay loam were recorded. Soil pH data showed that slightly acidic, neutral and slightly alkaline. Soil fertility status found OM, and total N found low level in all sampled areas. In case of Phosphorus and Potassium generally reported high, medium and low level availability. Additionally, Micronutrients such as Zinc in ppm reported low level where as Boron was found greater than critical level.Soil survey team explored four Order, six Sub-orders, nine Great soil groups and Sub Great group are explored from the soil survey investigation in Bankatuwa VDC of Banke district (Table 1). Two orders Inceptisols, , and Ultisols were reported from the soil survey. Soil survey and mapping of the Bankatuwa VDC showed that soil is old alluvial toyoung soil profile development with sufficient depth for cultivation. About 99% soil order found was Inceptisols, and 1% soil found some mature soil profile (Ultisols) in the area of this VDC. Soil map of Bankatuwa VDC of Banke District is prepared by integrated use of Geo-science technology consisting of RS, GIS and GPS and soil mapping unit identified with landform and land type units. Most of the land types and soil mapping units are under 1° slopes. Terrain classification is done to represent micro-relief of the area represented by land type units and land use/land cover. Furthermore, cropping pattern is also considered to differentiate the soil mapping unit. These parameters helped to characterize the unique features of physio-soil relationship. Based on land type, over 90% of total geographical area of the VDC is found having alluvial fan and depositional plain. General Fertility Status of Soils Soil organic matter (SOM) is at low range in most of the area (1.5 to 2.9 %). But in the some moist area, SOM is found 2.5 %, which could be due to accumulation of plant litters. The total nitrogen follows the SOM trend (0.05 to 0.14). Both Available P and AvailableK are at medium range, which indicate poor soil fertility status. Soil pH values are towards acidic to neutral side ranging from 4.9 to 7.5. However, the majority of soil pH is at 6.3 to 6.6 (Table 2). Therefore, these nutrients status indicate that overall soil fertility status of theareas are low level of nutrients status particularly organic matter and total N. Continuous crop cultivation with low level of soil organic matter content indicates decreased soil quality in this area. Previous research articles also support that decreasing the soil fertility due to intensive farming with low application of organic matter (Trapathi et al. 2010, Brownet al. 1999). Area found highly suitable for intensive cultivation if irrigation is available and improve soil fertility. 313 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Soil nutrients parameter. SNo 1 Soil Properties pH Result (range) 5.5 to 7.5 2 OM (%) 1.5 to 2.9 Interpretation Moderately acidic to slightly alkaline Low to medium 3 TN (%) 0.05 to 0.14 Low to medium 4 P2O5 (ppm) 11 to .4211 Low to high 5 K2O (ppm) 55 to 341.8 Low to high Remarks Majority of the areas are slightly acidic soil More than 75 % areas having low level More than 75 % areas having low level Majority area having medium level Majority area having medium level The result showed thatthere should be increased organic matter content and application of lime to increase soil fertility and improve soil quality in the area.Present study strongly felt the need of the soil survey and mapping of all the VDCs of Nepal for optimum land use planning and sustainable development of VDCs in future. Based on the analysis of nutrient status it can be recommended to supply recommended dose of fertilizers as well as increased organic matter content in the soil Conclusion Soil survey and mapping of the Bankatuwa VDC showed that soil is old alluvial toyoung soilprofile development with sufficient depth for cultivation. About 99% soil is covered by soil order found Inceptisols and the rest is by Ultisols. Soil fertility status showed that low level of nutrients particularly total N and organic matter. It is recommended that addition of Organic matter with recommended dose of chemical fertilizer to increase the agriculture production for long term sustainability. Acknowledgement I would like to thanks for Rajdevi Consultancy, Kathmandu and their staffs RagendraTandon,RashilaKhadaka and Raju Rai to provide data and necessary help in the field work and data management. References Bassols B, JA Zinck and Evan Ranst. 2009. Participatory soil survey: experience in working with a Mesoamerican indigenous community.Soil Use and Management. 25: 43–56. Brown S, H Shreier, PB Shah and L Lavkulich. 1995. Modeling of soil nutrient budgets: an assessment of agricultural sustainability in Nepal. Soil Use Manage.15:101-108. DOA 2014. Annual Report, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agricultural Development, Kathmandu, Nepal. MOAD. 2013. Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture, Government of Nepal Ministry of Agricultural Development Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division Agri statistics Section Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal. 314 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Hollema S and M Bishokarma. 2009.A sub-regional hunger index for Nepal. Kathmandu:World Food Programme, Nepal food Security Monitoring System (NeKSAP). LRMP. 1986.Land Capability Report.Land Resource Mapping Project,Nepal.Kenting Earth Sciences Limited, Ottawa, Canada. Tripathi BP and JE Jones. 2010. Biophysical and socio-economic tools for assessing soil fertility: A case of western hills, Nepal. Agron. J. Nepal. 1:1-9. USDA. 2010. Soil Taxonomy a Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys, Soil Survey Staff, Agriculture Handbook No 436, Soil Conservation Service, U.S.D.A. 315 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-2 Soil Fertility Evaluation of Middle Mountain of Nepal: a case of Shikharpur Municipality, Kathmandu District Raju Rai, Rajendra P Tandan and Krishna B Karki Rajdevi Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., New Baneshwor Abstract An attempt is made to evaluate Soil fertility of Shankharapura recently announced Municipality in the Kathmandu District and map them. LRMP maps of land system, geology and land use are overlayed on the recent satellite images and polygons are developed and sampling points are marked with their GPS points to sample. Top soil based on these land use polygons are collected and analysed in the laboratory following methods generally adapted by DoA and NARC. They are classified to the soil taxonomy, grouped into different slopes, land use and land capability classes and prepare different soil fertility maps using ArcGIS software. This municipality occupies arable and non- arable Land. The land systems of this Middle Mountain Range fall on 9a, 9b 10a, 10b, 11 and 12 systems. The lands are south facing with slopes ranging from 1 to 45% (32% gentle terrace, 28% very high and the rest flat and very gentle terrace). Soils of higher percentage of slopes are highly erodible aggravated by light sandy texture. The soils are dominated by different subgreat groups of Inceptisols (48%) and Entisols (52%). Top soils are light textured dominated by sandy loam to loamy sand with well to excessive surface and internal drainage. Soil organic matter is high (>5% OM) with strongly acidic pH (5.5).These soils contain low to medium P2O5 and higher K2O. Higher amount of K2O is due to the higher silt content in the texture. Soil fertility rating ranges from medium to high to high. Fertility evaluation shows 23% high, 19% medium and low 27% and 31% non-arable Soils on the higher slopes and with lighter texture and higher infiltration rate are not recommended for rice cultivation where upland crops with legumes are suggested. In the lower valleys with abundant water availability all arable crops including vegetables are suggested. Keywords: GPS points, higher infiltration rate, satellite images and soil fertility maps. Introduction Soil productivity depends on adequate nutrient and water supply. Although total production has increased marginally,the productivity of most existing lands in Nepal has been declining(Joshi and Karki 1993). Improving soil fertility could trigger rural and national economic development, achieve long-term food security and improve farmers’ standards of living, mitigating environmental degradation and minimize rural migration for these reasons, soil fertility and productivity enhancement have to be supported by policies with regard to credit facilities, produce and input prices, access to markets and secure land tenure(Jaisy and Manandhar 2004). In this context, this paper presents soil-fertility evaluation and mapping of Shankharapur Municipality of Kathmandu District. 316 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Methods and Materials Study Area: Shankharapur Municipality is situated in between 3067204 to 3075752 north latitude and 641030 to 654555 east longitude. Its’maximum east-west length is13 km and north south width is7.5 km. The elevation of Shankharapur Municipality ranges from 848 to 2353 meter. This Municipality is located in eastern part of the Kathmandu. Bajrayogini, Lapsiphedi, Nanglebhare, Pukhulachhi, Indrayani and Suntol VDCs were merged to form this Municipality in 2014. Particularly, the Municipality bordered withMelamchi Municipality (Sindhupalchowk District) in the east, KageshwariMunicipality in the west, Bhotechaur VDC (Sindhupalchowk) in the north and Changunarayan and Mahamanjushree Municipalities (Bhaktpur District) in south (Figure 1). The Municipality occupy 60.25 km2 area of the District. Figure 1: Location of the study area, Shankharapur Municipality. Soil Polygon Soil polygons were developed by overlaying existing land system, land use and geological maps developed by LRMP in 1986 over the recent high resolution satellite image (GeoEye-2). Seventy eight polygons were delineated and on each polygon one soil profile was located and its GPS points were noted. Soil profiles were opened and described following FAO soil profile description guidelines. Surface soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis. Soil samples were air dried and passed through 2 mm sieve, stored for physical and chemical analysis following DoA/ NARC approved procedures. Analysis included texture (sand, silt, and clay fraction), pH, N, P, K, Boron and Zinc, as well as organic matter. The procedure adopted while analyzing soil samples is presented in Table 1. 317 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil Mapping Based on shape, size, tonal variation and color variation and relative height, the landform and land types of the study area were identified on satellite imagery and Digital Terrain Model. Individual soil unit to the Great Group level were classified following Soil Taxonomy 2010 (eleventh edition). Soil FertilityMapping Soil analytical results were grouped based on high, medium and low categories of soil nutrients as suggested byDeo and Joshi (1976). MCE and WCS methods were used to calculate weighted average of the important soil nutrients and final fertility status was developed and map is presented in Figure 3-5. Table 1:Methods adopted in soil sample tests in laboratory. Soil Sample Tests Texture pH Organic Matter content Phosphorous (P2O5) Potassium (K2O) Nitrogen (N) Zn (ppm) Boron (ppm) Analysis Method Hydrometer & Texture Classification following USDA system 1:2 soil water paste Modified Walkley and Black wet digestion methods Modified Olson Sodium Biocarbonateextraction and color developed with ascorbic acid blue color and detected in colorimeter in 546 nm. Flame photo metric method extraction with 1 N, N Ammonium Acetate Microjeldahlmethod of using K2Cr2O7 as oxidizing agents with Conc. H2SO4 digestion and back tritrated with dilute HCl. DPTA Extraction & AAS detection as explained by (Lindsay and Norvell, 1978) Hot water Extraction, colorimetric detection with color developed using Carmine, as explained in FAO Bulletin No.19 Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) MCE is a decision support tool aiding a choice to be made between alternatives. The basis for a decision is known as a criterion. In a Multi-Criteria Evaluation, an attempt is made to combine a set of criteria to achieve a single composite index for a decision according to a specific objective. Decision need to be made about what areas are the most capable for specific land use type development. In this analysis, criteria or factors affecting capability of crops production include edaphic factors such as soil depth, drainage condition, permeability and soil fertility factors like pH, Organic matter and total Nitrogen (N) available Phosphorus (P) and available Potassium (K). Land capability maps were generated from the MCE process in which parameter weight was derived from the expert knowledge given below Table 2. 318 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Parameters and given weightage for MCE. SN 1 Parameters Soil Depth Weightage 4 2 3 pH OM 3 3 4 Drainage 3 5 K2O 2 6 P 2O 5 2 7 Nitrogen 1 8 Permeability 1 Weighted CompositeScore (WCS) Weighted Composite Score (WCS) is a systematic procedure for developing factor weights required for preparing capability map. The weights assigned to different factors were obtained by subjective to expert judgment. The larger the weight, the more important is the criterion in the overall capability class (Malczewski 1999). In developing the weights, an individual factor were ranked as low, medium, and high and very high weight are assigned as 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively as given below. Factors or criteria were rated according to the following 4-point scale. Weighted Composite Score (WCS) was employed based on parameter weight and individual weighted value as4, 3, 2 and 1 corresponding to very high, high, medium and low rank of concerned factor respectively. The final value of weighted composite score (WCS) for each soil mapping unit was calculated by summing all individual factors value obtained by multiplying individual factor weight rank value with their corresponding weight of parameters. The equation of calculation of WCS are given below: Weighted Composite Score (WCS) = Soil depth weightage value*4+pH weightage*3+ Drainage weightage value*3+ OM weightage value*3+ K2O weightage value*2+ P2O5 weightage value*2+ Nitrogen weightage value*1+ Permeability weightage value*1 (Table 3). Table 3:Rank, Weightage and Different Parameters for Fertility Calculation. Rank Weightage Value Soil Depth, cm Low 1 <20 Medium 2 21-30 High 3 31-50 Very High 4 >51 pH, units Highly Acidic/ Alkaline Medium Acidic/ Alkaline Slightly Alkaline/ Acidic/ Neutral ‒ OM, % Nitrogen % K20 kg ha-1 P2O5 kg ha-1 Drainage Fertility <2.5 <0.10 <110 <30 Poor <35 2.5-5 0.100.20 110280 3055 Imperfect 36-45 >5 >0.20 >280 >55 Well/Moderate >46 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 319 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and Discussion Soil Great Group This study foundtwo soil orders, they areInceptisoil and Entisols withtengreat groups.Ustarentsoccupiedabout 46.91 percent of the study area.Similarly 0.12 percent soil is covered by Dystochrepts group.Hydrography covered by1 percent of the total land of the Municipality. Figure 2 presents the soil great group percentage and figure 2 shows position of soil great groupin ShankharapurMunicipality. Soil Texture Texturerefers to the size of the particles that makes up the soil. Soil texture is an important soil characteristic that influences stormwater infiltration into the soil and aeration. The soilsin this Municipality aredivided intofive textural classes. About one third (33%)of soil is sandy loam and one fourth (25.80 percent)isloamy sand indicating light textured soils. Only 4.35 percent is loam (Figure 3). These soils are highin infiltration and aeration whereas they are poor in moisture and nutrients retention(Shepherd 1996). To retain the plant nutrients in soil when they are cultivated with conservation tillage and maintaining higher humus in the soil (Chan et al. 2003). Organic Matter Organic matter plays a great role in agriculture. It builds stable aggregates and soil structure. Higher soil organic carbon is needed for good structure and water stable aggregates (Bronick and Lal 2005 Six et al. 1999). In the present study, most of the soil samples are low to medium range.Only a few samples could be classified as high (7.46%) at higher altitude of the Municipality due to lower temperature where decomposition of applied organic manure is low (Kirschbaum 1995 Von Luetzow and Koegel-Knabner 2009). Around one third area has been found as low and nearly 29 percent inmediumsoil organic matter content. The rest 31.78 percent is occupied by public use like residential area, hydrography etc. (Figure 4). [CATEGOR Ustorthen Y NAME] [VALUE] % ts Ustochrep 2% ts 26% Ustipsam ments 2% Figure 2: [CATEGOR Haplanthr Y NAME] epts Humudept Humustep s [VALUE] % 2% ts Hydrograp 4% 12% hy Plagganthr 1% epts 4% Ustarents 47% Percentage distribution of Soils Great Group Levelin Shankharapur Municipality 320 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 3:Distribution of Soil Great Group and TextureinShankharapur Municipality. 321 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure4: Distribution of Availability of OM and Nitrogen in Shankharapur Municipality. Nitrogen Nitrogen (N) is one of the key nutrients for crop growth and development. It is needed in larger amount for protein building in plant system. In general there is lower content of total nitrogen in Nepalese soil but in this case majority of soil content medium level (33%) but 15.60 % is found high, and 11.72% is low level. Overall Nitrogen level is goodas farmers in this area use higher amount of Farm Yard Manure and compost 322 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop which has contributed to the increase in total soil N. But in sloppy terraces soil erosion is high and hence Nitrogen losses through erosion, leaching and runoff(Wang and Alva 1996) though in rainfedcrop land the level of leaching is much lower (Dalal and Chan 2001). The amount of Nitrogen has found medium (33.16%), low (19.46%), and high (15.60) in the study area (Figure 4). Phosphorus Available Phosphorous (P) has great importance for crop production. Phosphorus is essential for the maturity of crops and for root growth. The soil conditions that made phosphorus available to plants varied greatly in the area. However, most of the soil samples were in the medium range 36.64% (Figure5) and availability of P is not a problem (Hinsinger 2001). Only a few soil samples had a low P levels. High content of soil organic matter improves general soil condition and suppliesa part of P to the soils. Because of sandy soils the applied P could have been lost through leaching (Ozanne et al. 1961)or with soil erosion. Potassium Potassium is a primary plant nutrient that plays a major role to achieve higher productivity. Most potassium (K) in plants is found in the above-ground portion, mainly in straw. Therefore, if crop residues are returned to the soil, a good proportion of the potassium is added for crop availability (Rosolem et al. 2005). Soils, potassium is found as part of the mineral structure of many clay minerals particularly micas and silt (Mengel et al.and Dou 1998). Soil tests have shown that availableK content in the soil was generally high (Figure 5). Only 1.35 percent was found low. Soils that have high clay content can retain high levels of Potassium reserves. Availability of the Potassium depends on the type of clay and several other factors(Sadusky et al. 1987).However, in sandy soils, soil K is lost through leaching (Jalali and Rowell 2003, Rosolem et al. 2005). Soil pH Soil pH is an important factor for crop production. It measures the degree of acidity or alkalinity of soil, both of which plays a vital role. The range of soil pH in the study area has been found between 4.7 to 7.7. Since soil pH is controlled by several factors such as clay and organic matter content in the soillime requirement, study should be conducted before adding any lime (Karki 1987). However, well decomposed organic manure is as good as lime since it buffers soil pH (Bagayoko et al. 2000, Karki 2006) either lime or higher amount of manure is needed. Table 4 shows distribution of pH in soil in Shankharapur Municipality. 323 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 5: Availability of P2O5 and K2O in Shankharapur Municipality. Table4: pH of Soils in Shankharapur Municipality. SN pH Rating Area (km2) 1 N/A 19.15 2 Highly Acidic 17.72 3 Slightly Acidic 5.34 4 Medium Acidic 7.07 5 Neutral 1.17 6 Very Highly Acidic 9.81 Total 60.25 324 Percent 31.78 29.41 8.86 11.73 1.95 16.28 100.00 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Present Land Use The present land use mapping was carried out from high resolution of satellite images constellation along with visual interpretation and extensive field verification. In this study, present land use were grouped into five categories. More than two thirds (68 %) of land is covered by agriculture. The second largest (28%) area is covered by forest. Similarly, residential area, public use and commercial area are covered by less than 2 percent each (Figure 6). Figure6: Spatial Distribution of Present Land Use of Shankharapur Municipality. Soil Fertility Status Soil fertility refers to the ability of soil to supply essential plant nutrients and soil water in adequate amounts and proportions for plant growth and reproduction in the absence of toxic substances. Evaluation of soil fertility is calculated on the basis of weightage average of soil nutrient. Soil fertility is grouped into three categories. Present study shows that 23.79 percent land has high, 25.97 percent medium and 18.45 percent low fertility level (Figure 7).Of the total land 31.78 percent land in Shankharapur Municipalitycovered by nonagricultural use. 325 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure7:Spatial distribution of Soil Fertility in Shankharapur Municipality. Land Capability The arable soils are grouped according to their potentialities and limitations to sustain production of the common cultivated crops that do not require specialized amendment. Non-arable soils are grouped according to their potentialities and limitations for the production of permanent vegetation as per their risks of soil damage. Land capability classes comprise of seven classes ranked in order of increasing degree of limitation and in decreasing order of adaptability for agricultural use. Class I land is identified as the best suited land and it can produce wider range of crops and pastures at higher levels of production with lower costs and/or with less management requirements and/or less risk of damage to land compared to other higher class II, III, IV and V. Land capability classification of the land type units has done on the basis of WCS and MCE criteria of soil and other parameters. In this study, land capability classes are found I to VI. More than one third area (34.42 percent) land is found of class I, 32.85 percent in class III. Similarly, 13.56, 10.40, 5.25, 3.51 percent found of class II, VI, V, IV respectively (Figure 8). 326 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 8: Spatial Distribution of Land Capability in Shankharapur Municipality. Conclusion On the whole soil fertility of this Municipality can be regarded as good. Ten different great groups of soil taxonomy of twosoil orders which are Inceptisols and Entisols arefound in this area. Analyzed surface soils exhibit sandy loam and loamy sand domination which is highly susceptible to erosion. Soil reaction is dominated by strongly to slightly acidic, total N and P2O5 is at the medium level and K2O is high. Soil organic matter content is medium. Nearly seventy percent land is arable which has 26 percent is medium in soil fertility rating and 24 percent land high in this Municipality. The use of land resources without proper management can result in accelerated loss of soil nutrients, soil erosion, floods, landslides andultimately land degradation and desertification. More than one third area (34.42 percent) land is found of class I, 32.85 percent in class III. Similarly, 13.56, 10.40, 5.25, 3.51 percent found of class II, VI, V, IV respectively.Proper land use based agriculture on the basis of land’s capability and application of conservation measures to preserve capability requires careful planning. Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge theNational Land Use Project (Government of Nepal) for the use of the data. We also are thankful toProf. Dr. Hriday L. Koirala, Associate Professor Dr. BhojrajKareriya and Mr. Umesh Kumar Mandal (TU, Central Department of Geography) for their encouragement and supports. Similarly, the group thanks Laxmi Basnet (GIS Expert and Geographer) for her help in maps preparation 327 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop and Rajdevi Engineering Consultant P.Ltd., Baneshwor, Kathmandu for the facilitiesin preparing this article. Reference Bagayoko M, S Alvey, G Neumann and A Buerkert. 2000. Root-induced increases in soil pH and nutrient availability to field-grown cereals and legumes on acid sandy soils of Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Plant and Soil. 225:117-127. Bronick CJ and R Lal. 2005. Soil structure and management: a review. Geoderma. 124:3-22. Chan KY, DP Heenan and HB So.2003. Sequestration of carbon and changes in soil quality under conservation tillage on light-textured soils in Australia: a review. Australian J. Expt. Agric..43:325-334. Dalal RC, and KY Chan. 2001. Soil organic matter in rainfed cropping systems of the Australian cereal belt. Soil Research. 39:435-464. Deo GP and D Joshi. 1976. Fertilizer recommendation to major field crops. 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Kinetics and Mechanisms of Potassium Release from Sandy Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Soils1. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 51:1460-1465. Shepherd MA. 1996. Factors affecting nitrate leaching from sewage sludges applied to a sandy soil in arable agriculture. Agric. Eco. Environ.58:171-185. Six J, ET Elliott and K Paustian. 1999. Aggregate and Soil Organic Matter Dynamics under Conventional and No-Tillage Systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 63:13501358. Von Luetzow M and I Koegel-Knabner. 2009. Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition-what do we know? Biology and Fertility of Soils. 46:115. Wang FL and AK Alva. 1996. Leaching of Nitrogen from Slow-Release Urea Sources in Sandy Soils. SoilSci. Soc. Amer. J. 60:1454-1458. 329 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-3 Assessment of Soil Fertility Status and Preparation of Their Maps of National Wheat Research Program (NWRP), Bhairahawa, Nepal Dinesh Khadka1, Sushil Lamichhane1, Binita Thapa1, Nabin Rawal2, Dev R Chalise2, Shree P Vista1, and Laxman Lakhe1 1 Soil Science Division (NARC), Khumaltar, Nepal National Wheat Research Program (NARC), Bhairahawa 2 Abstract A study to examine soil fertility status and preparation of their maps of the National Wheat Research Program, Bhairahawa was conducted. The research farm is situated within latitude 27º31’49”N and longitude 83º27’36”E at altitude 82 masl. Fifty eight samples were collected randomly at depth 0-20 cm. The specific locations of various soil sampling points were identified using Global Positioning System (GPS). Soil samples thus collected were analyzed for their texture, pH, OM, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn status following standard methods in the laboratory of SSD, Khumaltar. The soil fertility status maps of each nutrient were prepared on Arc-GIS 10.1 software platform. Evaluation of soil test data showed that the soil was silt-loam in texture, slightly to moderately alkaline in pH (7.11- 8.34) and low to high in Organic Matter (0.86-3.6%). acronutrients low to high total N (0.04 - 0.18%), low to very high available phosphorus (16-195 kg ha-1), very low to high extractable potassium (21- 309 kg ha-1), low to high extractable calcium (740 - 3580 ppm), low to high extractable magnesium (24 -581 ppm) and very low to high available Sulphur (1- 25.5 ppm) were observed. Similarly, the status of micronutrients was found to be medium to very high in DTPA-Zinc (1.1-7 ppm), very high in DTPA-Iron (40-155.8ppm), medium to very high in DTPA-Copper (1-3ppm), very low to high in DTPA-Manganese (2.414ppm) and very low to very high in hot water Boron (0.01 - 2.5 ppm). The overall evaluation of the research farm revealed very high variation on the fertility status, which might be due to the heterogeneity on the management practices for various research purposes within the farm. Considering this variation in fertility status, application of the fertilizer dose to each crop based on the soil test rather than on a blanket approach is highly advisable to make research works more consistent and the farm more sustainable. Nutrient categories depicted on the prepared soil fertility maps can serve as an important aid in this regard. Keywords: Extractable magnesium, global positioning system (GPS), soil fertility maps soilfertility status. Introduction Soil being the natural medium for plant growth has a direct impact on yield and quality of crops growing on it. It plays a major role in determining the sustainable productivity of an agro-ecosystem. Sustainable productivity of soil mainly depends upon its ability 330 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop to supply essential plant nutrients to the ongoing crops. Soil fertility is defined as the ability of a soil to supply essential elements for plant growth without a toxic concentration of any element (Foth 1990). It is determined by the presence or absence of essential nutrients. The success or failure of agriculture is closely related to the existing soil conditions. A shortage of nutrients can cause serious restrictions to crop growth, thereby decreasing soil fertility and crop productivity. Soil fertility evaluation is a central feature of modern soil management. The fundamental purpose of soil fertility evaluation has always been to quantify the ability of soils to supply the nutrients required for optimum plant growth. Knowing this, we can optimize nutrient management practice needed to achieve economically optimum plant performance. Soil testing is a key tosoil fertility evaluation. It includes evaluation,interpretation, fertilization and amendment recommendations based on the result ofphysio-chemical analyses and other considerations (Peck and Soltanpour 1990).Describing the spatial variability of soil fertility across a field has been difficult until new technologies and tools such as Introduction of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). These tools have helped us in collecting, storing, retrieving, transforming and displaying spatial data (Burrough and McDonnell 1998). National Wheat Research Program (NWRP) was established in western region of Nepal to run the wheat research efficiently. Soil fertility conditions of this research farm aredeteriorating gradually because of blanket application of macro-nutrients regularly. Crop performance in the farm is also not satisfactory due to the problems caused by soil infertility. The assessment of nutrient status ofthe farm as well as preparation of nutrients status maps are not been done yet and hence this study conducted. Materials and methods Description of the study area National Wheat Research Program (NWRP) lies in Bhairahawa of Rupandehi district. This research farm is geographically situated within latitude 27º31’49”N and longitude 83º27’36”E at altitude 82 m above sea level (Figure 1). It has a total of 35 hectares of land area out of which 25 hectares isutilized for wheat research and production activities.Rest 10 hectares isoccupied by farm roads drainage, office and residence facilities. The climate at NWRP is sub-tropical. It has total 6 blocks namely, A, B, C, D, E and F (Figure1). Soil Samples Collection Total Fifty eight Soil samples were collected randomly at 0-20 cm depth during October 2013based on the variability of the land on each block. Distribution of soil samples points from each block are shown on the fig 2. Specific locations of various soil sampling points were identified using Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. 331 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 1: Location of National Wheat Research Program (NWRP) Bhairahawa, Nepal. Figure 2: Distribution of soil sample points in National Wheat Research Program (NWRP) Laboratory analysis of samples The collected samples were dried at room temperature and ground to pass through 2mm sieve and stored in a plastic container. They are analyzed in the laboratory for the determination of different physic-chemical properties in SoilScience Division, 332 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Khumaltar. The different methods adopted for Physical and chemical properties determinations are listed under the Table 1. Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics (mean, range, standard deviation, standard error) of soil parameters were computed from the Microsoft office excel 2007 and employed to compare the results of each block. Rating is done as low, medium andhigh of determined value. Geostatistical analyst extension of ArcGIS 10.1 software platform was used to prepare soil fertility maps. Soil sample points were fitted with different semivariogram models for different soil parameters in order to achieve optimum surface prediction using Kriging technique. Alternative semivariogram models were compared based on various prediction errors, viz. root-mean-square, mean standardized, root-mean-square standardized and average standard error. Physical Parameter Soil Texture Texture is the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay in a soil. Texture is an important property of soils because it determines the surface area of solids per unit volume or mass of soil. The study area revealed,majority area have silt loam to silty clay loam textural classin the farm. Chemical Parameters Soil pH Soil pH is very important property as it relate to nutrient availability, microbial activity and physical condition of the soil. Result of this study area showed, soil was moderately alkaline in the reaction (Figure 3). The range of soil pH was 7.11-8.34. Mean value 8.0 was observed on the Block-A while,the lowest meanvalue (7.7) was recorded on the four blocks namely; C, D, E and F (Table 2). Table 1: Parameters and methods adopted for the laboratory analysis. S.N. 1. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.4 Parameters Physical Soil Texture Chemical Soil pH Soil organic matter (SOM) Macro-nutrients Total nitrogen Available P2O5 Extractable K2O Extractable calcium (Ca) Extractable calcium (Mg) Available Sulphur (SO4-S) Micro-nutrients Methods Hydrometer (Bouyoucos 1927) USDA Soil textural groups Potentiometric 1:2 (Jackson 1973) Walkely and Black (Walkely 1947) Kjeldahl (Bremner and Mulvaney 1982) Modified Olsen’s (Olsen et al.1954) Ammonium acetate (Jackson 1967) EDTA Titration EDTA Titration Turbidimetric(Verma 1977) 333 24-25 March 2015 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 Proceedings of the workshop Available Boron Available Iron Available Zinc Available Manganese Available Copper Hot water (Berger and Truog 1939) DTPA (Lindsay and Norvell 1978) DTPA (Lindsay and Norvell 1978) DTPA (Lindsay and Norvell 1978) DTPA (Lindsay and Norvell 1978) Table 2: Soil fertility status of the National Wheat Research Program, Bhairahawa. Blocks D (n=10) Parameters A (n=9) B (n=11) C (n= 11) Soil Texture (Class) Silt Loam to Silty Clay Loam Silt Loam To Silty Clay Loam Silt Loam to Silty Clay Loam Silt Loam to Silty Clay Loam 8.0 7.5-8.3 0.20 0.047 7.9 7.2-8.3 0.27 0.06 7.7 7.2-8.0 0.23 0.06 1.7 0.9-2.4 0.32 1.9 1.4-2.2 0.25 0.08 0.05 Soil pH Mean Range StDev. Standard Error SOM % Mean Range StDev. Standard Error E (n=9) Silt Loam to Silty Clay Loam F (n=8) 7.7 7.1-8.1 0.30 0.07 7.7 7.2-8.1 0.26 0.06 7.7 7.4-8.0 0.18 0.04 2.5 2.1-3.0 0.28 2.3 1.4-3.6 0.52 2.1 1.4-2.8 0.53 2.2 1.5-2.9 0.42 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.11 Silt Loam to Silty Clay Loam Soil Organic Matter It is now widely recognized that SOC plays an important role in soil biological (provision of substrate and nutrients for microbes), chemical (buffering and pH changes) and physical (stabilization of soil structure) properties. Study revealed that soil organic matter of this farm is medium (Figure 3)thoughthe range of soil organic matter was 0.87-3.6%. The mean of 2.5% was observed on the block-C while, lowest mean 1.7% was on the Block-A (Table 2). Total Nitrogen Nitrogen is the most important plant nutrient for crop production. It is a constituent of the building blocks of almost all plant structures. In the past 50 years, increased N fertilizer use and better N management were the major contributors to large increases in global food production (Smil, 2001). Soil analyzed data revealed, mediumstatus in the total nitrogen on the majority of the study area (Figure 4). The range of total nitrogen determined was 0.04-0.18%. The mean of 0.14% was observed on the block-C while, lowest 0.08% was observed on the block- B (Table 3). 334 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 3: Soil pH and organic matter status of National Wheat Research Program. 335 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3:Macronutrient status of National Wheat Research Program, Bhairahawa. Parameters A (n=9) B (n=11) Blocks C (n= 11) D (n=10) E (n=9) F (n=8) Total Nitrogen % Mean Range 0.09 0.06-0.11 0.08 0.04-0.17 0.14 0.10-.18 0.12 0.08-0.17 0.09 0.05-0.17 0.11 0.05-0.16 StDev. 0.017 0.039 0.029 0.027 0.04 0.045 Standard Error 0.006 0.012 0.009 0.009 0.012 0.016 Av. P2O5 kg ha-1 Mean 61.99 73.95 66.71 61.44 99.75 97.61 Range 34-100 16-113 18-96 31-112 42-195 59-157 StDev. 16.37 29.36 18.11 6.49 45.76 24.90 Standard Error 3.86 6.41 3.70 5.13 10.79 6.22 Mean 106 109 107 84 105 184.8 Range 62-186 62-309 21-199 34.9-144.5 62.3-144.5 103.4-281.6 StDev. 32.4 56.1 54 27.6 26.1 47.9 Standard Error 7.64 12.24 10.96 6.17 6.16 11.96 Mean 1911.1 1983.64 2270.9 1070.0 868. 9 1097.5 Range 1580-2260 1280-3580 1920-2620 920-1280 740-1140 760-1440 St.Dev. 230.02 590.78 227.40 124.81 131.19 247.83 Standard Error 76.67 178.128 68.56 39.47 43.73 87.62 Mean 250.6 249.7 209 209.3 135.79 133.1 Range 72.6-484 145.2-387.2 121-399.3 96.8-338.8 24.2-580.8 72.6-229.9 St.Dev. 122.75 70.20 81.37 60.92 168.94 51.74 Standard Error 40.92 21.16 24.53 19.26 56.31 18.29348 Mean 6.57 10.79 10.09 5.77 7.59 9.88 Range 2.5-16.5 1.34-16.5 1-16.67 1-10.83 2.17-12 2-25.5 St.Dev. 4.33 3.88 5.77 3.29 3.71 7.43 Standard Error 1.44 1.17 1.74 1.04 1.24 2.63 Ex. K2O kg ha-1 -1 Ext. Ca mg kg Ext. Mg mg kg-1 Av. SO4-S mg kg-1 Available Phosphorus Phosphorus is also one essential nutrientfor plant growth. Its functions cannotbeperformed by any other nutrient, andanadequate supply of P is required for optimumgrowth and reproduction.The highamount of the available phosphorus was observed in the majority of the study area (Figure 4). The range of available phosphorus recorded was 16.1-195.0 kg ha-1. The mean value99.75 kg ha-1 was highest 336 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop observed on the block-E while, lowest mean value 61.44 kg ha-1 was on the BlockD(Table 3). Extractable Potassium Potassium (K) is one of the three major elements that play important roles in plants, such as maintaining turgor of cells, promoting activation of enzymes, and improving efficiency of photosynthesis. The lowest amount of extractable potassium was observed in the majority of the study area (Figure 4). Extractable Calcium Calcium acts as a structural component of plant cell walls, which is most abundant in plant leaves. It is involved in cell growth, both at the plant terminal and at the root tips, and apparently enhances uptake of nitrate-N. The analyzed data depicted, medium status of extractable calcium on the majority of the study area (Figure 5). The range of extractable calcium determined was 740-3580 mg kg-1. Comparing the means among the soil analysis results the highest mean (2270.9 mg kg-1) was observed in the block-C while lowest (868. 9 mg kg-1) in the block-E (Table3). Extractable Magnesium Magnesium is a primary constituent of chlorophyll, and chlorophyll usually accounts for 15 to 20% of the total Mg+2content inplants (Havlin et al. 2010). Medium to high status of extractable magnesium was observed in the majority of the study area (Figure 5). The range of magnesium determined was 24.2-580.8 mg kg-1. Among the Blocks the highestmean(250.6 mg kg-1) was observed in the block-A whereasthe lowest (133.1mg kg-1) was in the block-F (Table3). Available Sulphur Sulphur is the most abundant element on the earth’s crust (Havlin et al.2010). It is required for synthesis of S containing amino acids cystine, cysteine and methionine which are building blocks of proteins and is an important constituent of vitamins and hormones (Sylvia et al. 2005). The analyzed data showed,low to medium status of available sulphur on the majority of the study area (Figure 5). The range of available sulphur was 1-25.5mg kg-1. Among the blocks the highest mean (10.79 mg kg-1) was observed in the block-B whereas the lowest (5.77 mg kg-1)in the block-D(Table3). Available Boron Boron is a non-metal occurs in low concentrations on the earth’s crust. it is neither an enzyme constituent nor is there convincing evidence that it directly affects enzyme activities. Very low status of available boron was observed in the majority of the study area (Figure 6). The range of available boron content was 0.01-2.47 mg kg-1. The highest blockmean (0.47 mg kg-1) was observed on the block-A while the lowest (0.07 mg kg-1) was in the two blocks namely; E and F (Table4). 337 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Available Zinc Zinc is an essentialelement for the normal growth and metabolism ofplants that plays very important role in enzymeactivation and was also involved in the biosynthesisof some enzymes and growth hormones (Ranja andDas, 2003).Mediumstatus of available Zinc was observed on the majority of the study area (Figure 6). The range of available Zinc was 1.1-7.0 mg kg-1.The highestmean (4.6mg kg-1) was observed in the blockEwhile, lowest mean (1.58mg kg-1) was in the block- C (Table 4). Figure 4: Primary nutrient status of National Wheat Research Program. 338 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 5: Secondary nutrient status of National Wheat Research Program. 339 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 6: Micronutrient status of National Wheat Research Program. 340 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 7: Micronutrient status of National Wheat Research Program. 341 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 4:Micronutrient status of National Wheat Research Program, Bhairahawa Parameters A (n=9) B (n=11) C (n= 11) Mean 0.47 0.21 0.43 Range 0.081.01 0.01-1.02 St.Dev. 0.35 Standard Error Blocks D (n=10) E (n=9) F (n=8) 0.12 0.07 0.07 0.01-2.47 0.020.54 0.03-0.13 0.03-0.1 0.29 0.72 0.19 0.03 0.03 0.12 0.09 0.21 0.06 0.01 0.01 Mean 49.07 65.16 86.36 76.36 79.39 94.0 Range 40-60.27 51.47-86.6 44.67138.67 52.1120.2 53.33-133.2 59.93-155.8 St.Dev. 6.32 11.96 31.94 25.40 29.90 32.13 2.11 3.61 9.63 8.03 9.97 11.36 Mean Range St.Dev. 1.86 1.5-2.67 0.37 1.60 1.2-2.13 0.25 1.85 1.2-2.3 0.412 2.14 1.73-2.8 0.330 1.54 1.0-2.2 0.39 2.23 1.47-3.0 0.60 Standard Error Av. Zn mg kg-1 0.12 0.075 0.124 0.10 0.13 0.21 Mean 2.2 4.54 1.58 2.22 4.60 2.53 Range St.Dev. 1.5-2.87 0.47 3.6-5.6 0.66 1.1-2.47 0.437 1.67-2.8 0.42 2.8-7 1.50 1.6-4.8 0.99 Standard Error 0.17 0.20 0.132 0.13 0.50 0.35 Mean 3.9 4.2 7.48 9.79 8.86 7.00 Range 2.5-6.13 2.47-7 2.4-13.4 4.4-14.2 3.47-9.8 St.Dev. 1.158 1.51 3.035 4.3313.2 2.52 3.79 2.67 Standard Error 0.39 0.46 0.92 0.80 1.26 0.94 Av. B mg kg-1 Av. Fe mg kg-1 Standard Error -1 Av. Cu mg kg Av. Mn mg kg-1 Available Iron Iron is probably the most abundant element in the world.Iron is important in the activation of several enzyme systems in plants including: fumaric hydrogenase, catalase, oxidase, and cytochrome.Very high status of available Iron was observed on 342 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop the majority of the study area (Figure 6). The range of available iron was 40-155.8 mg kg-1.The highestmeanamong the blocks(94.0mg kg-1) was observed in the blockFwhile, lowest mean (49.07mg kg-1) was in the block-A (Table 4). Available Manganese Manganese in nature is found as oxides, carbonates, and silicates.Manganese is important in activating many plant enzymes in the metabolism of organicacids, phosphorus, and nitrogen.Low status of available Manganese was observed in the majority of the study area (Figure 7). The range of manganese content was 2.4-14.2 mg kg-1.The highestmean (9.79mg kg-1) was observed in the block-Dwhile, lowest mean (3.9 mg kg-1) was in the block-A (Table 4). AvailableCopper Copper is found in nature in the form of sulfates, sulfides, sulfosalts, carbonates and othercompounds.Copper plays an important role in plant enzymes and enzymesystems. Copper deficiencies can affect photosynthesis, respiration, carbohydratedistribution, N metabolism, cell wall metabolism, water relations, seed production anddisease resistance. High status of available copper was observed on the majority of the study area (Figure 7). The range of available Copper content was 1.0-3.0 mg kg-1.The highestmean(2.23 mg kg-1) was observed in the block-F while, lowest mean (1.54 mg kg-1) was in the block-E(Table 4). Conclusion An attempt is made to study Soil analysis of National Wheat Research Farm analysis 58 soil samples from the surface horizon (0-20 cm). Soil analysis revealed that the soil texture of the farm is silty clay loam with mildly alkaline in nature. Among the macronutrientssuch as total N, available P2O5, extractable K2O, extractable Ca, extractable Mg and available S are observed in varied amount. Obviously themacronutrients content as residue is observed as medium to high as they are applied to every crop grown in the farm and the soil pH is high. Among the micronutrients copper and iron content was found as higher level, zinc content as medium but manganese and boron low. From this study it can be concluded that due to presence of varied amount of nutrients in soil regular monitoring of residual soil nutrients is necessary and apply only the required amount of macro and micronutrients. Acknowledgement Authors are very much thankful to National Wheat Research Program, Bhairahawa forproviding support for the soil samples collection. Similarly, Soil Science Division, Khumaltar for providing laboratory facilities to analyze the soil samples and preparation of soil fertility maps. 343 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Berger KC and E Truog. 1939. Boron determination in soils and plants. Ind. Eng. Anal. Ed. 11: 540 – 545. Bremner JM and CS Mulvaney. 1982. Nitrogen total. Methods of soil analysis. Agron. No. 9, Part 2: Chemical and microbiological properties, 2nd ed. AL Page. (ed.), Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI, USA. Pp.595 – 624. Burrough PA and RA McDonnell. 1998. Principlesof Geographical Information Systems. OxfordUniversity Press, New York. Foth HD. 1990. Fundamentals of soil science. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Havlin JL, JD Beaton, SL Tisdale and WL Nelson. 2010. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers: An Introduction to Nutrient Management. 7th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey. Jackson ML. 1967. Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Lindsay WL and WA Norvell. 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 421 – 428. Olsen SR and LE Sommers. 1982. Phosphorus. Methods of soil analysis, Agron. No. 9, Part 2: Chemical and microbiological properties, 2nd ed. (A. L. Page, ed.), Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI, USA. Pp.403 – 430 Olsen SR, CV Cole, FS Watanabe and LA Dean. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U. S. Dep. Agric. Circ. 9, USA. 39. Peck TR and PN Soltanpour. 1990. The principles of soil testing.Soil testing and plant analysis, 3rd ed. (R.L. Westerman, ed.). Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.3:1-9. Smil V. 1999. Nitrogen in crop production: an account of global flows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 13. Pp.622-647. Sylvia DM, JJ Furhmann, PG Hartel and DA Zuberer .2005. Principles and Application of Soil Microbiology. 2nd ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey Verma BC. 1977. An improved turbidimetric procedure for the determination of sulphate in plants and soils. Talanta. 24: 49 – 50. 344 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-4 Preparation of VDC Level Land Use, Soil and Land Capability Maps of Chaumala VDC,Kailali Chalise1, Abhasha Joshi1, Chet R Bam2, Bikesh Twanabasu3, Nabin Rawal1 and Saroj Amgai3 D 1 National Wheat Research Programme (NARC), Bhairahawa Survey Department, Ministry of Land Reform and Management, Minbhavan, Kathamandu 3 Cube Info Company Pvt. Ltd, Lalitpur 4 Lamjung Campus, IAAS (TU), Lamjung 2 Abstract A research was conducted to characterize soils of different land uses to prepare VDC level land use map, soil and land capability maps in August, 2014 in Chaumala VDC of Kailali district. A total of 87 soil pits from different land uses were studied and soil samples from surface soils (0-20 cm soil depth) were analysed for different physico-chemical . Altogether seven land uses were found in the project VDC viz. agriculture, residential, commercial, industrial, forest, public services and others category with forest pH covering 66.53% and commercial area covering only 0.12% of total land use area. range 6.2 (slightly acidic) to 7.8 (moderately alkaline). Total nitrogen ranged from 0.02% (very low) to 0.35% (low), whereas available phosphorus from 36 kg ha-1 (medium) to 751 kg ha-1 (very high). Available potassium was low (81 kg ha-1) to medium (349 kg ha-1). A total of thirteen land capability classes were observed in the project area with IAu/1 covering 26% and IIAu/1R covering only 0.07% of the area. Keywords: Available potassium, land capability, land use, soil pH and total nitrogen. Introduction Land use planning is the systematic assessment of the land and water potential, alternatives for land use and economic and social conditions in order to select and adopt the land use options (FAO, 1993). Land is the only natural resource that is at the centre of all economic activities. An inventory of skilfully classified land, according to various economic uses, has been an important database for governments, planners and policy makers. At the country level, these databases are being produced using available resources and reflecting local needs. Studies have shown that there remain only few landscapes on the Earth that is still in their natural state. The land use/land cover pattern of a region is an outcome of natural and socio–economic factors and their utilization by man in time and space. Land is becoming a scarce resource due to immense agricultural and demographic pressure. Hence, information on land use / land cover and possibilities for their optimal use is essential for the selection, planning and implementation of land use schemes to meet the increasing demands for basic human needs and welfare. This information also assists in monitoring the dynamics of land use resulting out of changing demands of increasing population. Land use and land cover change has become a central component in current strategies for managing natural resources and monitoring environmental changes. The advancement in the concept of 345 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop vegetation mapping has greatly increased research on land use land cover change thus providing an accurate evaluation of the spread and health of the world’s forest, grassland, and agricultural resources has become an important priority. Viewing the earth from space is now crucial to the understanding of the influence of human activities on the natural resource base over time. In situations of rapid and often unrecorded land use change, observations of the earth from space provide objective information of human utilization of the landscape. Over the past years, data from Earth sensing satellites has become vital in mapping the Earth’s features and infrastructures, managing natural resources and studying environmental change. One concept that has much merit is that land use refers to, "man's activities on land which are directly related to the land" (Clawson and Stewart 1965). Land cover, on the other hand, describes, "vegetational and artificial constructions covering the land surface" (Burley 1961). In almost any classification process, it is rare to find the clearly defined classes that one would like. In determining land cover, it would seem simple to draw line between land and water until one considers such problems as seasonally wet areas, tidal flats, or marshes with various kinds of plant cover. Decisions that may seem arbitrary must be made at times, but if the descriptions of categories are complete and guidelines are explained, the inventory process can be repeated. The classification system must allow for the inclusion of all parts of the area under study and should also provide a unit of reference for each land use and land cover type (Anderson 1971). Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) are now providing new tools for advanced ecosystem management. The collection of remotely sensed data facilitates the synoptic analyses of Earth - system function, patterning, and change at local, regional and global scales over time; such data also provide an important link between intensive, localized ecological research and regional, national and international conservation and management of biological diversity (Wilkie and Finn 1996). Therefore, attempt is being made to map out the present status (updated) of land use, land capability, soil and map theme at the VDC level using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing. Materials and Methods The study VDC lies in northern-most part of Kailali district along East-West Highway covering 143.38 square meters as shown in the Figure 1. A total of 87 surface soil samples from different land uses were collected. The collected soil samples were air- dried and sieved through 2 mm and a portion is passed through 0.2 mm sieves for soil organic matter analysis. The soil samples were labelled and kept in cool and dry place for physico-chemical analyses. The geographic coordinates of the pit locations were recorded on the spot using portable GPS receiver. Soil analyses for different properties were carried out by following standard methods (Table1). 346 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 1: Location of study VDC in Kailali district. Results and Discussion General land use pattern Altogether seven land uses were recorded in the project VDC viz. Agriculture, forest, residential, commercial, industrial, public service and others category with forest covering the highest (66.53%) and commercial area covering the lowest (only 0.12%) of total land use area. Table 1:Laboratory analysis techniques for different soil physical and chemical properties. S.N. Soil parameters Method 1 Particle size fraction and texture Hydrometer and Texture classification/USDA Texture triangle 2 pH 1:2.5 soil water paste 3 Organic matter content (OM %) Walkley and Black 4 Total Nitrogen content (Total N Kjeldahldigestion and distillation %) 5 Available Phosphorus (P2O5 Olsen Sodium bicarbonate extraction for kg/ha) alkaline soil & Bray P1 for acidic soils 6 Available Potassium (K2O kg/ha) Flame photometric method 347 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 7 Boron (B) Hot water extraction method 8 Zinc (Zn) DTPA extraction method All soil samples were analysed in the Regional Soil Testing Laboratory, Pokhara. Figure 2: Present Land Use Map. Agricultural land use pattern Terai cultivation is the sole type of agriculture in this VDC covering a total of 2944.68.02 ha of area. 91.45% (2629.94 ha) of agricultural land is under wetland cultivation whereas 9.17% (270.12 ha) of land is under mixed-land cultivation. Analysis of cropping pattern shows that Rice-Wheat is the dominant one followed by Rice-Fallow and Rice- Pulses (Table 2) Table2: Area Coverage of Different Cropping Patterns. Cropping Pattern Area, ha Rice-Fallow 247.76 Rice-Wheat-Maize 33.49 Rice-Wheat 2313.02 Rice-Wheat/Pulses/vegetables 161.06 Rice-Oilseed 9.50 Rice-Pulses 179.85 348 Percentage, % 8.42 1.14 78.55 5.46 0.32 6.11 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Residential area Residential area (292.38 ha) of this VDC belong to sparsely and moderately populated class. Commercial area This VDC has very small proportion of commercial area, i.e. 16.13 ha only. All of this area is Market under the Business area. Forest area Majority of the area is covered by forest and bushes. There are total 16 community forests managed by forest user groups and 2 religious forests in this VDC. Public services area Hydrographic features cover most of the public service area. Other classes in public services are: Transportation, Educational and security services. Soil maps The soil profile was dug around 80 cm deep or more until two or more natural soil horizons are clearly detected. However, in the places of fresh channel bank-cuts, where information of soil horizons at greater depth was available, was also considered as sample location. The location of the sampling pits is given in following figure. Figure 3:Location of soil sampling pits. Soil pH Majority of soils collected fromthe first horizon ofthe soil profiles in the VDC have pH value in the range of 6.2 to 7.8, which indicates acidic to alkaline. In general, soils with near neutral reaction (pH 6.0-7.0) are the most fertile (LRMP 1986) 349 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 4: Soil pH at Chaumala VDC, Kailali. Soil organic matter In the VDC, the organic content is very low to high. The amount of organic matter in a soil is highly dependent on a range of ecological factors (climate, soil type, vegetative growth, topography) in which it occurs as well as land use and management and tillage of the soil. Figure 5: Soil organic matter, %. 350 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium: These soil nutrients play an important role in limited crop production in Nepal. The level of soil nutrients in the order of rank is summarized in Table 3. Table3: Organic Matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium rating. S.N. Nutrients Soil Total Available rating Organic nitrogen,% phosphorus, Matter,% kg ha-1 1 Very low <1.0 < 0.05 <10 2 Low 1.0-2.5 0.05-0.1 10-30 3 Moderate 2.5-5.0 0.1-0.2 30-55 4 High 5.0-10.0 0.2-0.4 55-110 5 Very high >10.0 >0.4 > 110 Available potassium, kg ha-1 <55 55-110 110-280 280-500 > 500 Source: Soil Science Division, Khumaltar, Lalitpur It is evident that the soil nitrogen in the VDC varies from 0.02 to 0.41%, indicating that it is at the concentration of very low to very high. Figure 6: Soil Nitrogen , %. Likewise, the phosphorous content in the soil ranges from around 36 to 751 kgha-1 (Figure 7). Dominant part of the VDC has medium to high phosphorous content. Similarly, the potassium content in the soil of the VDC varies from 81 to 349 kg/ha (Figure 7). Majority of the sample location shows the concentration between low to very low values. 351 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Land Capability of the Study Area Land Capability Classification Hierarchy Capability class Capability classes are groups of capability subclasses or capability units that have the same relative degree of hazard or limitation. The risks of soil damage or limitation in use become progressively greater fromclass I to class VIII. The capability classes are useful as a means of introducing the map user to the more detailed information on the soil map. The classes show the location, amount, and general suitability of the soils for agricultural use. Only information concerning general agricultural limitations in soil use are obtained at the capability class level.Capability classes are the highest order in the hierarchical structure. Capability classes are directly derived from Land System Map units. They represent the physical characteristics and reflect the management options. Following land capability classes have been defined for land capability mapping: Class I lands nearly level (slopes 1 degree) and soils are deep. There are few limitations for arable agriculture or forestry. Class II lands are gently sloping (1-5 degree slopes) and soils are deep and well drained. Terracing or contouring is necessary to control erosion when used for arable agriculture and maintenance of ground cover is required for forestry related use Class III lands are moderately to strongly sloping (slope 5-30 degree) and soils are 50100 cm deep and well drained. There are few limitations to traditional forest use provided adequate ground cover is maintained. Terracing is mandatory to control erosion when used for arable agriculture. Class IV lands are too steep to be cultivated or (>30 degree slope) or lie above the altitude limit for arable agriculture. Soils are more than 20 cm deep and well to imperfectly drain. These lands are suitable for fuel wood, fodder and timber production provided a good permanent vegetative cover is maintained to minimize erosion. Class V lands have soils more than 20 cm deep and slopes are less than 30 degree or lands which are alpine (above tree limit) or are river terraces that are frequently flooded. Class VI land includes areas with slopes 40-50 degree or gentle slopes with soils less than 20 cm deep. These lands are considered fragile because of extreme erosion hazard and or poor regeneration potential. Class VII consists of rocks and ice. Similarly irrigation suitability classification is used following LRMP (1986). Land Classification is used in part to identify the arable lands in Capability class I and II according to their suitability for irrigation agriculture. 352 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure7: Soil Phosphorus,kgha-1. Figure 8: Soil potassium, kgha-1. 353 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Sub-Class Subclasses are groups of capability units which have the same major conservation problem, such as: E = Erosion and runoff w = Excess water s = Root-zone limitations c = Climatic limitations The class and subclass together provide the map user information about both the degree of limitation and kind of problem involved for broad program planning, conservation need studies, and similar purposes. Land capability subclasses are defined on the basis of distinct temperature and moisture regime according to LRMP as described in the previous section. Hence two categories of subclasses are defined (Table 4 and Table 5). Table 4: Temperature sub-classes. S.N. Sub-classes 1 2 3 4 5 Mapping Symbol Sub-tropical Warm temperature Cool temperate Alpine Arctic A B C D E Table 5: Moisture regime sub-classes. S.N. Sub-classes 1 Semi-arid 2 Sub-humid 3 Humid 4 Per-humid Mapping Symbol a u h p Similarly, irrigation suitability subclasses are used to indicate deficiencies in soils, topography and drainage. Table 41 briefly describes the irrigation suitability and map symbols. Table 6: Irrigation suitability classes and map symbols. Land characteristics Irrigation suitability Diversified crops-arable Highly irrigable Moderately irrigable Wetland rice-arable Highly suitable for rice cultivation Moderately to fairly suitable for cultivation Non-arable Subject to seasonal flooding and inundation 354 Map Symbol 1 2 1R 2R 5 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Shallow or impervious soil with 6 coarse texture and low water holding capacity There is high level of contrast in capability classes of this VDC. Land capability class IVAu/ 1 (17.39%) and IAu/2 covers maximum area (16.93%) of the VDC. Next significant capability class is of IAu/1 (16.39%). IAu/1 16.39% VIAu River Channel 1.20% IVAu 7.59% 17.39% IAu/1R 6.97% IIIAu 1.07% IAu/2 16.93% IIAu/5 10.27% IIAu/2 15.16% IIAu/1R IIAu/1 IAu/5 IAu/2R 0.07% 1.69% 3.41% 1.85% Figure 9:Area under various land capability classes. Figure 10:Land capability map of the study area. 355 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion Present land use map reveals that a large part of the study area is under cultivated area and forest and shrubs/bush. Human pressure on the forest is high particularly in proximity to settlement and highway as evidenced by the shrubs and grazing land developed at the fringe of the forest in piedmont area. Residential areas although located at the upper terrace and on the elevated areas made by human for residential purpose, their encroachment on the flood prone areas or on highly arable areas cannot be encouraged in the future.Analysis of soils characteristics shows that most of land in the VDC is suitable for production cereals and vegetables crops throughout the year under irrigation conditions and appropriate land/soil management practice. Results of soils tests clearly show that most of the cultivated areas are poor in organic matter contents and available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash is also below desired level. Due to continuous tillage and absence of organic matter without compensating nutrient supply from natural and artificial sources has led to low level of soil nutrient content. Majority soils sample have pH value within the acidic range.The land capability map of the studied VDC has been prepared considering various factors and it is observed that this VDC has high contrast in land capability classes as compared to other nearby VDCs. Land capability class IAu/ 1covers maximum area of the VDC.Prepared land use map should be made in access to the concerned stakeholders that can be used for various purpose, especially in resource management. It is necessary to update the land use map within certain interval of time so that it will be useful and relevant for planning various sectors like agriculture, forestry, urban and physical infrastructure development, watershed management and so on. There is need to raise public awareness towards sustainable utilization of land resources. It can be achieved through displaying the land use maps of various time interval and explaining the changes (positive and/or negative) so that the local people visualize the scenario, accept the causes and effects thereby easing for implementation of the plans. It is necessary to review the land capability mapping approach and currently prepared capability maps in order to develop the viable maps. Acknowledgement Our sincere thanks go to all the government officials of National Land Use Project/Ministry of Land Reform and Management providing opportunity for working in the project. References Anderson JR. 1971. Land use classification schemes used in selected recent geographic applications of remote sensing: Photogramm. Eng. 37(40):379-387 Burley TM.1961. Land use or land utilization? Professional Geographer. 14(5): 18-20 Clawson M and CL Stewart. 1965. Land use information. A critical survey of U.S. statistics including possibilities for greater uniformity: Baltimore Md, The Johns Hopkins Press for Resources for the Future Inc. 402 p. 356 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop FAO.1993. Guidelines for LandUse Planning. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Italy. LRMP. 1986. Land Utilization Report. Land Resources Mapping Project. Government of Nepal/Government of Canda – Kenting Earth Sciences Limited. Kathmandu. Wilkie DS and JT Finn. 1996. Remote Sensing Imagery for Natural Resources Monitoring. Columbia University Press, New York. 295 p. 357 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-5 Soil Nutrition Distribution in Eastern Tarai of Nepal:A Case Study of Jhorahat VDC of Morang District Rajendra P Tandan, Raju Rai, Laxmi Basnet and Krishna B Karki Rajdevi Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., New Baneshwor Abstract Food deficit, declining productivity of land and environmental degradation are directly related with the soil nutrition and its properties. In this context, the role of soil properties is considered as basis for sustainable land resource management and planning. The National Land Use Project (NLUP) is preparing land resource map at VDC level and The UN HABITAT is lunched Participatory Land Use Project (PLUP) as pilot resource mapping to prepare quality of land resource mapping with cost effective and effective implementation of resource mapping result. Jhorahat VDC lies in the eastern part of Morang District and occupies 982 ha area. They are classified based on their morphological, physical and biological properties. In this VDC single soil order Inceptisols is found with three sub orders, four great groups and five subgroups. The majority of area is covered by AridicUstochrepts which is 57 percent followed by TypicDystrustepts with 22%. Soil pH ranged from 5.3to 6.9, total N is found in the range of 0.05 to 0.12%. Similarly available P2O5 ranged from 5 to 94 kg ha-1andK2O 18 to 154 kg ha-1.Amount of soil organic matter (OM) is low range from 0.7 to 2.33% and loam is soil texture. Keywords: GIS, Jhorahat VDC, land use, soil classification, soil fertility. Introduction Study of soils and classifying them into Soil Taxonomy and mapping is the process of grouping soil, based on their physical, chemical, biological and morphological properties.Geo-encoding of such information is employed in soil classification which draws heavily from geomorphology, theories of soil formation, physical geography and analysis of vegetation and land use patterns. Primary data for the soil survey are acquired from the field survey and sampling design using remote sensing techniques (Chang et al. 2001, Johnson et al. 2005). Now-a-days, remote sensing using high spatial resolution in soil survey and digital techniques is gaining popularity. Previously soil surveyor used hard copy of aerial photographs, topo-sheets, and mapping keys into the field with them. Today, a growing number of soil scientists use computer aided program and GPS in field and map the soils. The computers are loaded with digital satellite image, topography, soil geo-databases, mapping keys, and more (Dijkshoornand Huting 2009, Zhu et al. 2001). Practically it helps in providing information needed for developing optimum land use plans. It brings new areas under various uses like irrigation water supply, drainagedevelopment, evaluating soils suitability for irrigation for agricultural crops, demarcating the problematic soils and waste lands. Areas subject to erosion, soil fertility maintenance and in suggesting soil and water conservation measures to overcome these problems can be easily delineated 358 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 1: Study Area of Jhorahat VDC Morang District. (Thompson et al. 2001). And hence a soil survey of Jhorhat VDC of Morang District was undertaken and soils fertility evaluated. JhorahatVillage Development Committee (VDC) is situated in the Morang District of eastern Tarai, Nepal between 2936804 to 2931744 north latitude and 531502 to 534880 east longitudes. It has extended northsouth length5.08 km and eastwest width 3.22 km (Figure 1). This VDC is located in eastern part (near about 11 km) from the district headquarter of Biratnagar, Morang district. The area of thisVDC is 928.40 hectares. This VDC is iN habited by different castes and ethnic groups. Economic condition of the people of this VDC largely depends on agriculture, government service, NGOs and private industries. Materials and Methods Before going to the actual field work a preliminary reconnaissance survey was carried out to get insight of ground situation of project area regarding the association of landform and soil. In addition the LRMP (Land Resource Mapping Project) data of the areas and other relevant publications from DoA and SSD of NARC were studied. Polygons were demarcated by overlaying land system, land use and geology maps of that areas and compared with recent high resolution Geo-Eye Satellite image. Field work was carried out to study the physiography, landform and their associated soils based on the soil profiles on each polygon. In all 25 soil profiles were opened and surface soil sample were collected from each soil profiles. Soil of each horizon in the profile was described following FAO soil description guidelines. Soil sample from surface horizon thus collected is analyzed for primary soil nutrients and analyzed for 359 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop fertility status. Morphological and on site information of the soil profiles opened on the field was recorded in profile description sheet. Soil pH in the field was checked with pH indicator; texture was checked with hand feeling and consistency was also noted. Other profile morphology such, structure, porosity, mottles, cutans, roots, crotovinas were observed through visual symptoms using expert knowledge. Based on morphological and chemical analysis soils are classified according to Soil Taxonomy (USDA 2010). Laboratory Soil Analysis The soil samples collected from the field were sent to Soil Testing Laboratory to examine the chemical properties of soil including soil texture following procedures as presented in Table 1. Soil properties provided by the soil surveyors were verified with the laboratory analysis data and the classified to Great Group levels. Table 1:Methods adopted in soil sample tests in laboratory. Soil Sample Tests Analysis Method Hydrometer and Texture Classification using USDA soil textural Texture sizes groups 1:2.5 water suspension(soil water paste) using combined pH electrodes Organic Matter Walkley and Black methods using H2SO4 wet digestion and Content K2Cr2O7 as oxidizing agents Available Olson sodium bicarbonate extraction and blue color developed Phosphorous(P2O with ascorbic acids and detected in spectrophotometer in 560 nm 5) 1 N neutral ammonium acetate 5 min shaking and filtered Available through Watman No 42 filter paper and detected through flame Potassium(K2O) ignition Total Microjeldahl digestion and distillation Nitrogen(N) Results and Discussion Based on their physical, chemical and morphological including biological properties they were grouped into different categories and classified as per Soil Taxonomy. The fivesubgroups thus classified were AericEpiaquepts, Lithic Haplustepts, AridicHaplustepts, TypicDystrustepts and AridicUstochrepts. Dominant Subgroup being AridicUstochreptsoccupying57% of the study area followed by TypicDystrustepts with 22.7 %of the land of this VDC (Table 2). The spatial distribution of these classified soils and the map is presented in figure 2. Other Subgroups coveredcomparatively smaller area. Water body covered 3% (28.9 ha) of the total land of the VDC. 360 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2:Distribution of Soils in Jhorhat VDC. SN Order Inceptisols Sub Order Aquepts Subgroup AericEpiaquepts Area (ha) 45.03 Percent 4.58 Haplustepts Lithic Haplustepts 97.70 9.95 AridicHaplustepts 27.05 2.75 Dystrustepts TypicDystrustepts 223.66 22.77 Ustochrepts AridicUstochrepts 560.04 57.01 28.92 2.94 982.40 100 Ustepts 1 Ochrepts 2 Great Group Epiaquepts Water body Total Soils from this study area are of light groups with only 8.3 % clay particles which is rather low from the points of nutrients and water holding capacity(Burke et al. 1989). Percentage of silt is high and limited sand particles. These soils are good for rice cultivations (Kang et al. 1985, Stewart and Letey 1985). To improve water holding capacity as well as retaining nutrients from leaching higher amount of organic manure is needed to apply. It is known that manure application improves soil physical, chemical and biological properties of soil and increase crop production (Kang et al. 1985, Mylavarapua and Zinati 2009). Nitrogen Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrients for crop growth.Spatial distribution of Nitrogen is presented in map and table 3 (Figure 3), about 75 % (734.9 ha) of area has low distribution of N. Similarly 22.2 % (218.5 ha) land has medium Ndistribution in this Jhorahat VDC. Rest of soil falls under lownitrogen level. Table 3:Distribution of Nitrogen and Phosphorous. SN Rating P2O5 (Area ha) P2O5, % 1 High 283.26 28.83 N (Area ha) 0.0 2 Medium 274.01 27.89 218.53 22.24 3 Low 396.21 40.33 734.95 74.81 4 Water Body Total 28.92 982.40 2.94 100.00 28.92 982.40 N, % 0.0 2.94 100.00 Phosphorous Distribution of Phosphorous (P2O5) is displayed in the map(Figure 5), about 40.3 % (396.7 ha) percent area has low distribution of P2O5, 27.8% (274 ha) percent land 361 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop medium and 28.8% (283.2 ha) percent land has high P2O5 distribution in this Jhorahat VDC. Since the soils in this VDC is of recent alluvial origin, soil P2O5 in most of the Nepalese soils contained high level(Karki 2003, Karki 2006). Potassium and Organic Matter Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient that affects most of the biochemical and physiological processes including plant growth and metabolism. It also contributes to the survival of plants exposed to various biotic and abiotic stresses.The distribution of Potassium (K2O) and Organic matter(OM) is shown in map(Figure 5 and 6), about 90.4% (888.7 ha) of area has low distribution of K2O and 6.6 % (64.7 ha) has medium K2O distribution in this VDC. For the soil potassium some authors have indicated that potassium reserve if Nepalese cultivated soils is decreasing (Adhikary and Karki 2006, Karki 2003). Organic matter serves as a reservoir of nutrients and water in the soil, aids in reducing soil compaction and surface crusting. It also increases water infiltration into the soil. The distribution of Organic Matter (OM) is low all over the VDC ranging from 0.74 % to 2.33 %. Organic matter in the Terai Region is low because of low level of organic manure application by the farmers. In general farmers in the Terai apply less than a ton of FYM ha-1(Joshi and Karki 1993) which decreases over time because of oxidation and reduction due to higher temperature in this region(Hart and Brookes 1996). Soil pH The distribution of salt and Alkaline,about 65% (643 ha) area has medium acidic land and 21 percent land has low acidic and 11 percent land has neutral pH distribution in this Jhorahat VDC. Soil pH fluctuates due to cultivation. Generally in upland cultivation soil pH decreases (Snyder 2002). This decrease may be due to the loss of Ca and Mg from leaching and plant uptake. But in rice soils soil pH increases because of formation of OH- (Morales et al. 2010). When soils are flooded, acidic soils tend to change to neutrality. Similarly alkaline soils come to acidity and hence buffer the soils. Therefore care should be taken to apply lime to the flooded soils (Karki 1987). Soil Texture The distribution of soil textureis shown in the table 4, the large area 42.8% land of this VDC has Silty Loam (SIL) which is followed by sandy Loam 31.9% and 22.6% with 420.8, 313.9 and 218.7 ha respectively. Most of the soils contain has more than 60 % sand. Likewise the clay content in soils is around 10% high. More than 55.7% soils have higherSilt content. Since this area is under the command of Morang –Sunsary Irrigation Project and the irrigation is highly loaded with silt which ultimately land on cultivated field. 362 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 2: Soil distribution of Jhorahat VDC. Table 4:Distribution of Soil Texture. SN Soil Texture 1 Loam (L) Area Ha 218.72 Percent 22.26 2 Silt Loam (SIL) 420.80 42.83 3 Sandy Loam (SL) 313.96 31.96 4 Water Body 28.92 2.94 Total 982.40 100.00 Soil Fertility The evaluation of soil fertility of the Jhorahat VDC is calculate on the basis of above mention soil nutrients followed up of Multi-criteria Evaluation and weighted Composite Score analysis.In this study, about 55 percent land has medium fertility. Likewise 29% area has low fertility capacity and 13 percent land belongs to non-arable land(Table 5). 363 24-25 March 2015 Figure 3:Distribution of N2. Figure 5:Distribution of K2O. Proceedings of the workshop Figure 4:Distribution of P2O5. Figure 6:Distribution ofOrganic Matter. 364 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 5:Distribution of Soil Fertility of Jhorahat VDC. SN Fertility Rating Area Ha 1 Medium 540.52 Percent 55.02 2 Low 289.99 29.52 3 High 18.64 1.90 4 Non Arable 133.25 13.56 982.40 100.00 Total Present Land Use The general land use pattern of Jhorahat VDC at the broad hierarchical classification has been provided in figure 7.Agriculture land has been found as dominated land use categories and its coverage area is 894.15 hectares with 84.447% of the total spatial extent. Similarly, residential area is observed as second important land use type representing 58.64 hectares (5.97 %) which is followed by public use 5.89 percent areathe remaining land use types are commercialand Industrial areaconsisting of1.7 % geographical area. The existing agricultural land in this VDC was found in the category of Tarai cultivation which is situated in Tarai plain as physiographic unit. Representing cropping pattern rice-wheat and fallow with medium cropping intensity. Such cropping pattern was also replaced rice by pulse seed. Intense cultivation was observed only in the areas of vegetable farming. Industrial 1% Public Use 6% Residential Area 6% Commercial 1% Agriculture 86% Figure7: Distribution of Present Land Usein Jhorahat VDC. 365 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion In this study one soil order Inceptisols is found with three sub order, four Great Group and five Sub Great Group AericEpiaquepts, Lithic Haplustepts, AridicHaplustepts, TypicDystrustepts and AridicUstochrepts. The soil AridicUstochreptsoccupiedabout 57% land which is followed by TypicDystrustepts with 22.7 Percent and the water body is in 3% (28.9 ha) of the total land of the VDC. About 75 percent land has low Nitrogen (N) distribution.The distribution of Phosphorous (P2O5) is high, medium and low 28.8 % 27.8% and 40.3% respectively. But the distribution of Potassium (K2O) is found low which is about 90.4 of the total land. Almost whole VDC has Organic Matter deficiency range from 0.74percent to 2.33 percent. Silt Sand, Sandy Loam and Loam soil is found in this study area as soil texture.The distribution Information on soil classification of Jhorahat VDC of Morang District has been completed. The morphological, some physical and chemical soil properties are presented but sufficient soil properties for classification were not available especially some subsoil samples analysis for pH and texture including Cations Exchange Capacity (CEC). Therefore, the taxonomical classification is tentative. Since soil map at the district level is not yet available, availability of these soils are inter-relatively existed. And hence their associations have been mapped. For the use of general readers the soil association makes little difference but the use of these soils with regards to agricultural and other uses are more important which this report provides only an idea for planning. Acknowledgement The authors would like acknowledge the support received from Jhorahat VDC (Morang) without which this articles would not have written. Similarly, supports and suggestions provided by Dr. S.P. Vista (Soil Scientist, NARC), Dr. Bhagwat Rimal (Geographer), Soil sample collectors, GIS Experts ofRajdevi Engineering Consultant is highly appreciated. References Adhikary BH and KB Karki. 2006 Effect of Potassium on Potato Tuber Production in Acid Soils of Malepatan, Pokhara. Nepal Agriculture Research J.7: 41-48. Burke IC, CM Yonker, WJ Parton, CV Cole, DS Schimel and K Flach. 1989. Texture, Climate, and Cultivation Effects on Soil Organic Matter Content in U.S. Grassland Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J.53: 800-805. Chang CW, DA Laird, MJ Mausbach and CR Hurburgh. 2001. Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy: Principal Components Regression Analyses of Soil Properties Journal Paper no. J-18766 of the Iowa Agric. and Home Econ. Exp. Stn., Ames. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.J.65: 480-490. Dijkshoorn JA and JRM Huting. 2009. Soil and terrain database for Nepal.ISRIC Report Wageningen. 2009/01. 30 p. 366 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Hart MR andPC Brookes. 1996. Soil microbial biomass and mineralisation of soil organic matter after 19 years of cumulative field applications of pesticides. Soil Biol. Biochem.28: 1641-1649. Johnson CC, N Breward, EL Ander and L Ault. 2005. G-BASE: baseline geochemical mapping of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 5: 347-357. Joshi D and KB Karki. 1993. Soil fertility and fertilizer use in Nepal. Soil fertility and fertilizer use in Asia. HL S Tondon (ed.). New Delhi.: Development Consulting Services. Kang BT, H Grimme and TL Lawson. 1985. Alleu cropping sequentially cropped maize and cowpea with Leucaena on a sandy soil in Southern Nigeria. Plant and Soil.85: 267-277. Karki KB. 1987. Use of Lime and Organic Manure in Increasing Productivity of Some Acid Soils of Nepal. First Review/Working Group Meeting on Bio-fertiliser Technology. Soil Science Division, Khumaltar. Pp. 87-97. Karki KB. 2003. Status of potassium in intensively cultivated soils from Kathmandu Valley. Nepal J. Sc. and Tech.5: 83-89. Karki KB. 2006. Impact of cropping intensification on nutritional balance in Nepalese soils.In International Seminar on Environmental and Social Impacts of Agricultural Intensification in Himalayan Watersheds. RM Bajracharya and BK Shitaula (eds.). Kathmandu, Kathmandu University, Nepal. Pp. 27-33. Morales LA, Paz-Ferreiro, J Vieira, SR and Vázquez EV. 2010. Spatial and temporal variability of Eh and pH over a rice field as related to lime addition. Bragantia. 69: 67-76. Mylavarapua RS and GM Zinati. 2009. Improvement of soil properties using compost for optimum parsley production in sandy soils. Scientia Horticulturae.120: 426-430. Snyder CS. 2002. Effects of Soil Flooding and Drying on Phosphorus Reactions. A regional newsletter published by the Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI) and the Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada (PPIC). Pp. 3. Thompson, JA, JC Bell and CA Butler. 2001. Digital elevation model resolution: effects on terrain attribute calculation and quantitative soil-landscape modeling. Geoderma.100: 67-89. USDA.2010. Keys to Soil taxonomy (ed. USDA/NCRS).Washington: USDA. USA.Pp. 34. Zhu AX, B Hudson, J Burt, K Lubich and D Simonson. 2001. Soil Mapping Using GIS, Expert Knowledge, and Fuzzy Logic. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.65: 1463-1472. 367 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-6 Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Estimation and Mapping by Using Geographic Information Systems in Rautahat District Kamal Sah,Shushil Lamichhaneand Binod Silwal Soil Science Division, Khumaltar, NARC Abstract Agriculture is the backbone of Nepal and more than 60% people are involved in agriculture for their livelihood. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is depleting day by day from the agricultural lands due to human activities and soil erosion. SOC is the prime component of soil which governs the soil fertility, soil health, crop productivity and climate change. Conventional methods of determining SOC by farmers interviews and eye estimation is time consuming and less authentic. The application of geographic information systems (GIS) and field survey for SOC estimation and mapping is more soil samples collected from Rautahat accurate and less time consuming. district from 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil depth for determining the soil organic carbon and bulk density in 2013 year. The aim of this study was to estimate and map SOC stocks within the different farming systems and other land use types and recommend suitable options to raise SOC stocks in that area. The majority of the soil samples were under class ha-1. 15-30 kg Keywords: Crop productivity, field survey, GIS, mapping organic carbon, soil fertility. Introduction Agriculture is the backbone of the Nepal and more than 60% people are involved in agriculture for their livelihood. Past 10 to 20 years have brought disturbing evidence that human activities contributes to high atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations causing significant changes in future global climatic conditions (IPCC 2007, Wallington et al. 2004). These anticipated changes in climatic conditions have potential social, economic and environmental consequences worldwide (Robert 2001). However, through the establishment of the Kyoto Protocol, global efforts are being directed towards biological systems (forests and soils biomass) for carbon sequestration (Dersch and Bohm 2001, Freibauer et al. 2004). Furthermore, because soils hold more carbon than the atmosphere and vegetation combined,and can hold it longer, the focus has increasingly shifted to soil carbon as an opportunity to both mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as the provision of ecosystem functions. Carbonsequestrationsrefer to the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into a long-lived stable form that does not affect atmospheric chemistry (Miller et al. 2004). Agriculture is associated with the provision of food but at a cost to many ecosystem services including carbon sequestration (Tilman et al. 2002). In addition, degraded 368 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop ecosystem services also affect agricultural productivity (Albrecht and Kandji 2003, Dale and Polasky 2007). Agricultural activities such as forest harvesting, livestock related nitrogen and methane emissions, paddy rice related methane emissions, and poor land management practices have become a major contributor to CO2 emissions in the atmosphere (Lal and Bruce 1999, Miller et al. 2004). Consequently, agriculture contributes immensely to carbon induced climatic changes as well as inducing changes in soil properties (Yao et al. 2010). Changes in agricultural land use management can increase or decrease soil organic carbon (West and Post 2002). Promotion of tree based systems, agroforestry, cover crops, residue retention, manure application, irrigation, conservation, zero/minimum tillageand other agrarian practices are options that may greatly reduce carbon loss and eN hance soil organic carbon levels (Batjes and Dijkshoorn 1999, Marland et al. 2004). EN hanced SOC has favourable effects on physical, chemical and biological activities of the soil for better crop yields. SOC provides options for improving soil fertility and ensuring food security (Marks et al. 2009). The land use/land cover change pattern introduces spatial variability in the SOC content and an understanding of such variability is important for developing management practices for a particular land use (Wang et al. 2010). In Rautahat district, prevailing cropping pattern was rice-wheat, rice-lentil, rice-maize, rice-sugarcane, rice-mustardandrice-vegetables. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content in these cropping patterns was low due to low application of organic matter and intensive cultivation. Therefore, this study aims to determine the SOC content and map the spatial variability of SOC in the soil of the district. Materials and Methods The study was conducted in Rautahat district and in different copping pattern land use in 2013 year.Topo map was used for the location of soil sample point in the district. Therewere 40 soil sample points taken for the soil sample collection from two depths 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm(Figure 1). Each soil sample point was marked with GPS(Global Positioning System) to record the latitude and longitude. The sample points were located randomly at 3 by 3 Kilo meter grid. Two soil samples were taken from each depth, one sample for routine analysis and one for soil bulk density analysis. After taking the soil samples from the field, the samples were analyzed in the laboratory of Soil Science Division, Khumaltar. The soil organic carbon was analyzed in laboratory by using wet combustion method (Walkely-Black Method).Soil bulk density was determined on an oven dry (105o C) for 48 hours and calculated by using the formula BD=(oven dry weight of soil/Volume of core) g/cm3.The soil texture was analyzed by hydrometer method. Soil pH was measured by a pH meter by using 1:2.5 soil water ratio method. The soil organic carbon stock was calculated by using the formulaSOC=Organic carbon% X Bulk Density X Depth X10 (t ha-1). In ArcGIS V10, the Krigging approach was used to develop the spatial distribution map of the soil organic carbon content (Wang et al. 2010). Each sampling point was assigned the actual SOC value during the interpolation process. 369 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 1:Distribution of soil sample points. Results and Discussions Soil Organic Carbon The distribution of soil organic carbon content for the top and sub-surfacelayers is shown in the Figure 2 and Table 1. The majority of the soil organic carbon content area comes under the SOC class 200- 300 t ha-1. In the top layer, the area covered is 16075.04 ha and in sub-surfacelayer 20527.04 ha. The lowest area covered in SOC class 60 – 100 t ha-1 in both depth,208.4 ha in top layer and 0 ha in bottom layer. The second highest area covered in SOC class 300 – 400 t ha-1 in both depth, top layer is 10221.84 ha and bottom layer is 13522.36 ha. Table 1:SOC content distribution in top & bottom layer. SOC Classes (t ha-1) 60 - 100 100 - 200 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 -500 500 - 600 600 - 700 Total Area ha (0-20 cm depth) 208.4 9359.93 16075.04 10221.84 6934.92 7102.05 3496.6 53398.82 370 Area ha (20-40 cm depth) 0 8139.28 20527.04 13522.36 10770.12 440.01 8139.28 53398.82 24-25 March 2015 Figure 2: Proceedings of the workshop Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) distribution at different depths of Rautahat district. The total mean value of soil organic carbon content of top layer is 262.52 t ha-1 and 211.54 t ha-1 of sub-surface layer, so it indicate that the top layer has higher SOC content than the sub-surface layer (Figure.3.and Table 2, 3). 600.000 500.000 400.000 300.000 200.000 SOC(t/ha) (0_20cm) 100.000 SOC(t/ha) (20-40 cm) 0.000 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 Figure 3:SOC content in top and sub-surface layer. 371 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Relation between soil texture with SOC and BD Table 2:Relation of soil texture with SOC and BD (0-20 cm). Texture Mean SOC(t ha-1) No. of sample Mean BD (gcc) Clay loam 3 258.79 1.46 Loam 4 225.39 1.48 Silty clay loam 8 245.57 1.36 25 320.34 1.45 40 262.52 1.43 Silt loam Total Table 3. Relation of soil texture with SOC & BD (20-40 cm) Texture Mean SOC(t ha-1) No. of Sample Clay loam Mean BD (g cc) 10 181.5 1.52 Loam 2 212.72 1.42 Loamy sand 1 157.14 1.44 Silty Clay loam 11 145.6 1.56 Silt Loam 16 360.74 1.55 40 211.54 1.49 Total From the above table, it shows that the silt loam texture has the highest SOC content than other soil texture in both the soil depth. The total mean bulk density of top layer is 1.43 g cc-1and 1.49 g cc-1 for bottom layer, so it indicates that the soil bulk density of top layer is lower than the bottom layer. Conclusions For increasing the SOC in the soil, following appropriate crop management practices should be adopted by the farmers.Incorporate sufficient amount of FYM in the agricultural fields, incorporate crop residues in the fields, follow agro-forestry practices where it is possible, use bio-char to increase the SOC in soil, follow minimum tillage in the fields, follow soil mulching practices for conserving nutrients and moisture loss. The level of SOC content in top layer is higher than bottom layer and the soil bulk density of top layer is lower than the bottom layer.Soil texture Silty Loam has the higher SOC. With the application of GIS the SOC stocks can be estimated and mapped. 372 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References Albrecht A and ST Kandji. 2003.Carbon sequestration in tropical agroforestry systems.Agriculture, Ecosystems &Envieonment. 99 (1-3): 15-27. Batjes NH and JA Dijkshoorn. 1999.Carbon and nitrogen stocks in the soils of the Amazon Region.Geoderma. 89 (3-4): 273-286. Dale VH and S Polasky. 2007. Measures of the effects of agricultural practices on ecosystem services.Ecological Economics. 64(2): 286-296. Dersch G and K Bohm. 2001.Effects of agronomic practices on the soil carbon storage potential in arable farming in Austria.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 60(1): 49-55. Freibauer A, MD Rounsevell, P Smith and J Verhagen. 2004.Carbon sequestration in the agricultural soils of Europe.Geoderma. 122(1): 1-23. IPCC. 2007. Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Working Group II contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report. Lal R and JP Bruce. 1999. The potential of world cropland soils to sequester C and mitigate the greenhouse effect. Environmental Science and Policy. 2(2): 177-185. Marks E, GKS Aflakpui, J Nkem, RM Poch, M Khouma,K Kokou, Sagoe R and MT Sebastia. 2009. Conservation of soil organic carbon, biodiversity and the provision of other ecosystem services along climatic gradients in West Africa.Biogeosciences. 6: 1825-1838. Marland G, CTJ Garten, WM Post and TQ West. 2004. Studies on eN hancing carbon sequestration in soils. Energy. 29(9-10): 1643-1650. Miller PR and R Bricklemyer. 2004. Soil carbon sequestration in agriculture: Farm Management Practices Can Affect Greenhouse Gas emissions. Montana State university Ext. Service,MT(4). Robert M. 2001.Soil carbon sequestration for improved land management. Rome: FAO. Tilman D, KG Cassman, ,PA Matson, R Naylor and S Polasky. 2002. Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices. Nature. 418(6898): 671-677. Wallington TJ, S Jayaraman, JN Ole and JH Ellie. 2004. Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming.Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Wang ZM, B Zhang, KS Song, DW Liu and CY Ren. 2010. Spatial variability of Soil Organic Carbon Under Maize monoculture in the Song-Nen Plain, Northeast China. Pedosphere. 20(1): 80-89. West TO and WM Post. 2002. Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Rates by Tillage and Crop Rotation: A Global Data Analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 66: 1930-1946. Yao M K, PKT Angui, S Konate, JE Tondoh, Y Tano, L Abbadie and D Benest. 2010. Effects of Land use types on soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in Mid-West Cote d’Ivoire. European J. Scientific Res. 40 (2): 211-222. 373 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-7 Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing (GIS and RS) Supported Soil Fertility Mapping Ragindra M Rajbhandari and K B Karki NEST Pvt. Ltd., Shankhamul, Kathmandu, Nepal Abstract Deteriorating soil fertility and low crop productivity are some of the reasons behind food insecurity in Nepal. The only possible way out to meet this challenge is to increase food production. Soil fertility, fertilizer application and soil moisture play major roles in improving crop production.Hence, study of soil fertility status is in itself a major domain in this regards. The application of a geographical information system (GIS) and Remote sensing (RS) technology offers an efficient and cost effective tool inanalyzing soil fertility status of an area. The flexibility nature of these tools offers scalable spatial representationof status of soil fertility from parcel level to regional –national to global level. This paper presents methods and analysis performed in GIS and RS supported soil fertility mapping project conducted by Irrigation and water Resources Management Project (IWRMP) in the four food vulnerable districts of Eastern and Mid-Western Development Regions of Nepal (Taplejung and Tehrathum in the east and Rolpa and Salyan in mid-west). Various maps and report published by Land Resources Mapping Project (LRMP), such as Land system and Land use maps; Topographic maps published by Department of Survey are compared with the recent Satellite Imaginary. These maps were analyzed and overlaid developing polygons of cultivable area which were the basis for soil sampling. The stratified random sampling using simple rejection algorithm based on a bivariate uniform random distribution method is used to locate the sampling pit per dominant soil type per VDC.Field Enumerators were trained in identifying sampling pit in the field. In all 1400 soil samples (350 sample each districts ) were collected and analyzed for organic matter (OM), soil pH, texture (particle sizes), total nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P2O5) and potash (K2O), Plant available zinc (Zn) and boron (B) following standard analytical procedure. The existing cultivation areas in these districts were extracted using object based recent satellite image classification using its spectral and contextual property. The spatial location of soil sample pits were then overlaid over these cultivation area and its to produce soil fertility status/map of individual individual lab observations were district in Geo-statisticmodeling environment. The lab observation of all soil sampling pit per district were also presented using descriptive statistic of R Software. The fertilizer nutrients requirements for all the four project districts were calculated based on the recommendations made by Pandey and Joshi, 2000. Keywords: GIS, kriging object based image classification, soil fertility, stratified random sampling. 374 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Introduction Nepal is a land of extremes with high variability of climatic condition. In such landscapes, topography is an overruling soil forming factor and responsible for a large variability in soil characteristics, distribution and soil depth. Due to extreme soil depth variability traditional soil survey is considered less meaningful. Soil fertility in Nepal is declining despite tremendous efforts made by the Soil Management Directorate (SMD) of Department of Agriculture (DOA) in development aspect and Soil Science Division (SSD) of NARC in research. Farmers in remote areas have been fertilizing their crops by using traditional manure that is sustainable (Karki 1986). However heavy soil erosion and unscientific cultivation practice has deteriorated soil fertility especially in the mid-hills of Nepal (Maskey and Joshi 1991, Shrestha 1997). Site specific fertilizer has been recommended to increase crop production. Similarly, mineral fertilizer has been recommended in the mid-hills but limited availability of mineral fertilizer has been the stumbling block and hence crop production in Nepal has remained stagnant or declined (Joshi 1997). Furthermore, fertilizer is not easily accessible in the remote areas of Nepal and even in region where fertilizer is easily available, farmers deviate from the advisory dose and apply their own rates of fertilizer creating imbalance in soil fertility (Joshi and Karki 1993, Karki 2008). Fertilizers are the most essential plant nutrients that increase the bio-mass and improve the quantity, market quality, value and nutritional quality of plant. So fertilizers are indispensable elements for plant growth, development and reproduction. Intensive crop production in agriculture over the years has resulted in soil mining. It can be seen in many areas but particularly in old settlement of Terai and some valleys in the MidHills with the intensive agricultural practices (Karki 2008). These areas are already facing the negative balance in the soil nutrient (Ghani and Brown 1997) which is alarming. Chemical fertilizers play a significant role in maintaining the soil fertility at lower cost. These are increasingly used by Nepalese farmers because of intensified cropping system, adoption of high fertility technologies for higher yield per hectare. Any compromise on increasing use of chemical fertilizers will inevitably result in steep decline in food grain production and affects the food security in the country. The results of 10,000 soil samples (soil testing and service division of DOA) indicate that 70 % of soils in Nepal are low in organic matter (especially in old settlement areas), nitrogen and phosphorus. The application of one kilogram use of nutrients produces seven kilogram of extra grain (SMD 2064). Under the provision of supporting essential inputs, additional financing is made by World Bank under the name of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project (IWRMP) to scale up community managed seed program and soil management. The objective of the program is to give a stereoscopic status of nutrient deficiency, sufficiency and toxicity and indicate their status in the map namely soil fertility mapping for Terathum, Taplejung, Salyan and Rolpa districts. This enables farmers to 375 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop know their soil and help to achieve sustainable production. These maps support the policy maker in the soil management and crop production policy, identify amount of seeds and fertilizer needed for the optimum crop production and hence make the district food secured. Methodology Selecting and locating sampling pits Initial selection of each sampling pit was based on different secondary spatial data sources that provide information about likely variation in soil properties across the study area. Cultivation area was extracted from three independent data sources as per nature of the project: land cover data from Department of Survey, GoN; land use data and potential land use data from National Land Use Project (NLUP). The common cultivation area from these data sources was then used to extract corresponding dominant soil type of the individual project district (land system data base of NLUP). Land system data was further spatially merged with the corresponding VDC boundary to ascertain soil sampling pit in every VDC of the district. This database was then aggregated and analyzed to distribute soil sampling pit per district. The stratified random sampling method was used to locate the sampling pit per dominant soil type per VDC. The stratified random sampling points were generated using a simple rejection algorithm: potential points are generated within the polygon (i.e. Dominant Soil type per VDC) boundary based on a bivariate uniform random distribution principle. 350 soil sample pits location were generated for individual districts. These soil sampling pit locations were verified in topographical maps of Department of Survey and in Google image. The identified soil sampling pit was located in the ground with the aid of printed Google image and GPS. The composite soil sample was taken from different soil pits dug at 15cm to 20cm depth (As adopted in Soil fertility maps of various district, published by Soil Management Directorate, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur in the year 2063/64 BS along with the soil data adopting guidelines for Soil Profile (FAO 1977) and/or Soil Survey Manual (USDA National Soil Survey Handbook, Revised 2005). The collected soil samples were then labeled in the filed with pit number, date of sampling, name of sampler, GPS coordinates, elevation, landform, vegetation, climate and tentative soil classification. These samples were preserved in airtight plastic bags while transporting from the field. Laboratory analysis These samples were dried in shade and powdered to be used in reagent for chemical analysis. The laboratory testing was done for various physical and chemical properties. The lab results were carefully analyzed for its quality assurance. 5-10 randomly selected samples were re-analyzed and its results were compared with its original result. The doubt sample results were re-analyzed for its verification. The following routine analysis of soils was done in the laboratory: 376 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Analysismethodapplied for variousphysical and chemicalproperties. Soil Sample Tests Analysis method Texture Hydrometer & Texture classification (USDA) pH 1:2.5 soil water paste using combined electrode Organic Matter Walkley and Black Method (OM) Available P2O5 Bray and Kurtz method (0.03M NH4 F/0.1M HCL Extraction) Available K2O 1N Neutral Ammonium Acetate extraction and K detected by Flame Ignition Total Nitrogen (N) Micro Kjeldahl method Available Zn Extracted by DTPA extracting solution following procedure outlined by Lindsay and Norvel (1978) and detected in AAS Available Boron Hot water extraction and detection in AAS Extracting cultivation area Ortho-rectified medium resolution (5m) Rapid Eye multispectral (5 bands: Red, Green, Blue, Near Infrared and Rededge) were acquired and classified to extract cultivated area using object based image classification technique in e-Cognition software. Multi resolution image segmentation was done at appropriate levels with different scale, compactness and smoothness parameters. Spectral information together with Shape and morphometric characteristics was used in different level to separate land cover/ land use class. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) value close to statistical mode of the image was used to discriminate dense forest, Sparse Vegetation, Nonvegetation and River feature. From all these class all false positives were sequentially extracted using different criteria. NIR band have zero or very low spectral reflectance. Thus sand area and water body was separated using NIR band ratio threshold from river feature Class. Moderate to gentle slopes terrain are often converted to terraces for agricultural activity. These terraces are parallel to contours, and width of such terraces is largely uniform. This feature of the terrace offers a unique texture in the image and can thus serve as diagnostic feature. The frequency of combination of grey levels, i.e. texture in an image, was calculated using grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). Mean GLCM of the red band discriminates the terrace pattern clearly and was thus used in combination with slope and NDVI to classify agricultural land. A built-up area was extracted from Non-vegetation class based on the Haralick texture measure GLCM Contrast. However, texture values were not calculated on the basis of original spectral bands, but using specially transformed image, namely Red Band filtered with the use of Laplacian Edge Detector (Type 1). The applied transformation enhanced edges of objects representing built-up land. In addition, in order to increase accuracy of class recognition the Standard deviation of Red band together with GLCM Homogeneity of Red band and slope of terrain were used. The detail rule set used for extraction of different class parameter are given in Figure 1. 377 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Image Pixel Level Multi Resolution Segmentation River (NDVI<-0.02) Water Body Ratio NIR<=0.16 Non-Vegetated Area -0.02<=NDVI<0.05 Bare Land MEAN Slope > 30° Sparse Vegetation 0.05<=NDVI<0.35 Dense Vegetation NDVI<=0.2 Bare Cultivation Area 118<=GLCM MEAN RED<=135 NDVI<=0.18 Mean Slope <=30 Brightness>=4600 Green Cultivation Area Brightness>=4600 Sand Area Ratio NIR>0.16 Grass Land/Shrub Area Cultivation Forest Built up GLCM Contrast of Laplecian Edge of Red Band >=2000 0.02<=GLCM Homogeneity RED<=0.035 MEAN Slope <=12 Standard Deviation RED>=300 Figure 1: Rule set used for extraction of different class parameter. The cultivated area extracted using object based image classification method was then used to prepare fertility map of corresponding district. The analyzed chemical properties of the spatially correlated sample soil pit were stored in database in GIS environment. Various literature and scientific publication recommend Kriging in place of Inverse Weighted Distance, (IDW) for fertility mapping of soil chemical element (Kravchenko et al, 1999; Hengl et al, 2007; Yasrebi et al 2009; Zandi et al 2011; Omran, E, 2012; Chen et al). Thus Kriging interpolation method was implemented to produce the soil fertility map of the cultivation area in the district in Geo-statistical environment of ArcGIS software application. Soil Fertility Rating Soil fertility rating developed by Soil Science Division of NARC and Soil Science Directorate, Department of Agriculture was adopted in the analysis of lab result and Soil Fertility Mapping of the district. Soil Chemical Results and Discussion Soil pH The Scatter plot of pH plotted against the number of samples along horizontal axis and corresponding pH value shows that the maximum cluster of samples for Taplejung lies between pH value of 5.0 and 6.0, 5.5 and 6.5 for Terathum; 6.0 and 7.0 for Salyan; 6.0 and 7.5 for Rolpa. The Bar Chart of pH of soil samples categorized according to the rating specified above shows that around 200 soil samples are moderately acidic and 100 soil samples are slightly acidic in Taplejung; 120 soil samples are moderately 378 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop acidic and around 115 soil samples are slightly acidic in Terathum; more than 120 soil samples are nearly Neutral and around 120 soil samples are slightly acidic in Salyan and above 100 soil samples are Slightly Acidic and around 70 soil samples are Nearly Neutral in Rolpa. The histogram plot shows that mean and median of the pH for all districts are quite similar. The distribution is similar to the typical normal distribution curve except for Rolpa which is negatively skewed. Further, In Normal Q-Q plot also called as normal probability plot, which is the plot of ordered data against what would be expected if the data were drawn from a normal distribution, the majority of the points lie approximately on the theoretical line in case of Taplejung suggesting normally distributed whereas for the case Terathum, Salyan and Rolpa, most points depart from the theoretical line; this suggests that they are not normally distributed. The box plot of the pH also shows that the mean and median of the data are quite close to each other for Taplejung, whereas the mean is slightly higher than median in case of Terathum, Salyan and Rolpa. Taplejung Terathum Salyan Rolpa Figure 2: Scatterplot, Bar chart, Histogram, Normal Q-Q plot, Box Plot for four districts. The soil’ pH analysis for these districts shows that pH below 5.5 is very limited and organic matter content is only 3.58% for Taplejung and 2.55% for Salyan. Also only 68 and 29 soils samples out of total samples (19% and 8.3%) in Terathum and Rolpa respectively are acidic hence lime requirement study is not done in these districts. However, the soil pH below 5.5 could be recommended a blanket recommendation of 2-3 t ha-1. Moreover, lime application in the paddy cultivated soils should be done very cautiously since the application decreased nutrient uptake and yield of paddy (Singh and Singh 1980 Whalen et al. 2000) . Therefore to buffer the soil pH, well decomposed organic manure (FYM / compost) would be the best (Wong et al. 1998). Some soil 379 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop samples of Rolpa show slightly alkaline pH which could be due to low precipitation and high evaporation in those area. Also there could be limestone deposit in vicinity. In such pH micronutrient deficiency is common and need amelioration. Amelioration of high pH soil could easily be done through increasing application of well decomposed organic manure. The pH status in Taplejung, Terathum, Salyan and Rolpa is presented in figure below. a. b. d. c. Figure 3: Maps of PH Status in four districts a. Taplejung, b. Terathum, c. Salyan, d. Rolpa. 380 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Organic Matter percentage (OM) The Scatter plot of OM shows that the maximum cluster of samples lies between 3.0% and 5.0% in Taplejung, 2.0% and 4.0% in Terathum; 2.0% and 3.0% in Salyan; 2.0% and 4.0%. inRolpa. The Bar Chart of OM of soil samples categorized according to the rating specified above shows that more than 200 soil samples have medium range of Organic Matter content in Taplejung and Terathum; more than 150 soil samples have Low range of Organic Matter content in Salyan; more than 250 soil samples have Medium range of Organic Matter content in Rolpa. The histogram plot, box plot and normal Q-Q plots show normal sample distribution for Taplejung whereas skewed distribution for rest of the district. The low amount of organic matter in soil could be due to the problem of livestock maintenance in the hill districts as a result of manpower shortage (Bhandari and Grant, 2007) and also loss of organic matter through erosion (Dregne 1987, Gardner and Gerrard 2003). In addition, green manuring in the remote areas of Nepal is rarely practiced. Moreover, there is a concept among Nepalese farmer that green manure is only applicable in submerged soil. Soil organic matter could be increased by the addition of crop residues and also green manure plant incorporation even in upland condition (Azmal et al. 1996). Other sources of biological N fixation and incorporation of these materials in soil could significantly contribute to soil organic matter (John et al. 1992). Various efforts has been extend towards improved compost making by several government and non-governmental organization but only very limited farmers has implemented these in real practice. Legumes are cultivated but in practice while harvesting these are uprooted, even the root biomass is removed thereby reducing root decomposition. These are the some of the reasons for low organic matter content in soils in these districts. Figure 4:Map of Organicmatter distribution in Terathum district. 381 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Total Nitrogen percentage (TN) The Scatter plot of Total Nitrogen shows that the maximum cluster of samples lies between 0.05% and 0.125% in Taplejung, 0.05% and 0.1% for Terathum; below 0.05% in Salyan and below 0.03% in Rolpa. The Bar Chart of Total Nitrogen of soil samples categorized according to the rating specified above shows that more than 200 soil samples have low range of Total Nitrogen content in Taplejung and Terathum; more than 150 soil samples have Very low range of Total Nitrogen content in Salyan whereas more than 150 soil samples have high range of Total Nitrogen content in Rolpa. The histogram plot, normal Q-Q plot and box plot suggests that sample data are not normally distributed in all district. Joshi and Karki1993, Ladha et al.(2003) and Karki(2006a) has also shown low rating of Total Nitrogen for the hills area of Nepal. Nitrogen does not remain in soil for long time after it is mineralized from the organic sources. Nitrogen enters via atmospheric deposition and by application of fertilizer or organic manures, and is lost through denitrification, leaching, volatilization and removal in the crop at harvest. In Nepalese mid-hills only 25% of the applied nitrogen is utilized as grain, straw and roots and 65% of it is unaccounted i.e. it does not remain in soil (Ghani and Brown 1997, Pilbeam et al. 2002). It could have been lost in leasing, soil erosion and evaporation; and even consumed by microorganisms. Monsoon enters into Nepal through eastern sector and precipitates in that region more than the west (Dahal and Hasegawa 2008) resulting in high loss of Total Nitrogen due to leaching in these part of the country. Hence, there is a low Total Nitrogen content in the soil of cultivation field in these areas. The cropping pattern shows that 15% of the crops are grown following maize/cowpeas/peas. These legume crops could fix little amount of nitrogen but does not remain for long time. In addition, there is a practice that legume crops are uprooted at the time of harvest and even the root biomass is taken out from the soil. Thus, very little organic matter and N is added into the soil. Available phosphorus in kg per ha (P2O5) The Scatter plot of available phosphorus (P2O5) shows that the maximum cluster of samples lies between 0 kg ha-1 and 100 kg ha-1for Taplejung, 0 kg ha-1and 50 kg ha-1for Terathum, above 100 kg ha-1for Salyan and below 50 kg ha-1for Rolpa. The bar chart of available phosphorus (P2O5) of soil samples categorized according to the rating specified above shows that 120 soil samples have very high range of Available Phosphorus (P2O5) and 80 soil samples are in high as well as in Low rating for Taplejung; more than 120 soil samples have Medium range of Available Phosphorus (P2O5) and around 115 soil samples are in high rating for Terathum; more than 250 soil samples have very high range of available phosphorus (P2O5) and around 50 soil samples are in medium rating for Salyan and more than 150 soil samples have Medium range of available phosphorus (P2O5) and around 150 soil samples are in high rating for Rolpa. The histogram plot shows, Normal Q-Q and box plot shows the distribution to be positively skewed for all district. 382 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 5:Map of Nitrogen distribution in Terathum district. Available P2O5 in Tapljung District is found to have high rating. Only 29% of the samples analyzed shows lower rating. In the soil sample of Terathum 41 (11%) soil samples are low to very low groups. Available Phosphorus (P2O5) in Salyan District is found in very high rating. The mean value is 278.50 kg per ha. Only 11% of the samples analyzed show lower rating 71% are in very high rating. In the soils of Rolpa only 6.3% of soil samples are in low to very low rating. 48% fall under medium level and 42% on higher category. It shows that the P in soil samples is not related to any of other soil properties. If we say it is related to organic matter which contains also phosphorus, the number of high phosphorus containing soil samples are not that much high in number. Similarly low organic matter and low P2O5 could not be correlated. Likewise relation with total nitrogen content is also not well related. But there could be some relation with available K2O which cannot be supported by any literature. In the plant system there is synergisms in the uptake of P and K by plant (Jungk and Claassen 1986). The higher amount of P2O5 is also observed in their soil analysis by Soil Science Division, Khumaltar(SSD 2003) . Available Potash in kg per ha (K2O) The Scatter plot of available potash (K2O) shows that the maximum cluster of samples lies between 200 kg ha-1and 300 kg ha-1for Taplejung; 200 kg ha-1and 300 kg ha-1for Terathum, below 200 kg ha-1 for Salyan and Rolpa. The bar chart of available potash (K2O) of soil samples categorized according to the rating specified above shows that 250 soil samples have Medium range of available potash (K2O) and 70 soil samples are in high rating for Taplejung; around 150 soil samples have high range of available potash (K2O) and around 130 soil samples are in medium rating for Terathum; around 140 soil samples have Medium range and around 80 soil samples are in high rating for 383 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Salyan; more than 150 soil samples have Medium range and around 90 soil samples are in high rating for Rolpa. The histogram plot, Normal Q-Q and Box plot shows samples are normally distributed in Taplejung and Terathum whereas mean is higher than median for Salyan and Rolpa. Figure 6:Map of Phosphorus distribution in Salyan district. In all district, the soil K shows higher level. This could be due to the reasons that the textures of soil in Taplejung are generally light that contain silt and sand more than clay contents. Sand and silt are the source of potassium in soil. Abundance of K2O in the clay fractions were from the breakdown of the structural units of the expansible minerals, micas and feldspars (Igwe et al. 2005) Soil Texture The Scatter 3D plot shows that majority of the sample has dominant proportion of Sand in all districts. The comparative box plot of the Sand Clay and Silt also shows that Sand occupy higher composition and Clay occupy lower composition in these district. The composition of Sand, Clay and Silt form the basis of Texture nomenclature. The Bar Chart of the texture classification of soil sample of Taplejung shows to have Sandy loam texture in more than 150 samples and Sandy Clay loam texture in very minimum (around 10) samples; Sandy loam texture in more than 150 samples and loam texture in more than 100 samples for Terathum, Loam texture in more than 150 samples and Sandy loam texture in around 150 samples for Salyan; Loam texture in more than 150 samples and Clay loam texture in around 100 samples for Rolpa. Soil texture and soil structure are both unique properties of the soil that will have a profound effect on the behavior of soils, such as water holding capacity, nutrient retention and supply, drainage, and nutrient leaching. In soil fertility, coarser soils generally have a lesser ability to hold and retain nutrients than finer soils. However, 384 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop this ability is reduced as finely-textured soils undergo intense leaching in moist environments. Sandy loams are productive soil but their capacity to hold nutrients and moisture is limited (Silver et al. 2000). These soils have good aeration and water movement. Infiltration will be higher, increasing higher drainage class (Bronick and Lal 2005). These soils dry up fast and for good crop production frequency of irrigation should be high and water should be supplied via control irrigation system (Phene and Sanders 1976). Heavy amount of organic manure is needed for nutrient maintenance (Schjnning et al. 2002). Figure 7:Map of Potash distribution in Rolpa district. Figure 8:Map of Soil Texture in Taplejung district. 385 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Available zinc in mg per kg (Zn) The Scatter plot of available zinc (Zn) shows that the maximum cluster of samples lies between 0.5 to 1 mg per kg and between 2.5 to 3.5 mg per kg for Taplejung, less than 1mg per kg for Terathum, lies between 0.5 to 1 mg per kg for Salyan and scattered between 0.3 to 4.48 mg per kg for Rolpa. The bar chart of available zinc (Zn) of soil samples categorized according to the rating specified above shows that more than 250 soil samples have zinc deficiency and more than 50 soil samples are in sufficiency rating for Taplejung; all soil samples have zinc deficiency for Terathum and Salyan, around 250 soil samples have zinc deficiency and remaining 100 samples have sufficient zinc composition for Rolpa. The histogram plot, Normal Q-Q and box plot shows normally distributed sample for Salyan whereas skewed distribution in case of Taplejung, Terathum and Rolpa. Figure 9:Map of Zinc distribution in Taplejung district. Boron in mg per kg (B) The Scatter plot of Boron (B) shows that the maximum cluster of samples lies below 1 mg per kg for Taplejung; between 0.5 to 1.5 mg per kg for Terathum, well scattered between 0.5 to 1.5 mg per kg for Salyan and well distributed between 0.25 mg per kg and 1.0 mg per kg for Rolpa. The bar chart of Boron (B) of soil samples categorized according to the rating specified above shows that more than 150 soil samples have sufficient Boron rating and 150 samples have deficiency rating for Taplejung, around 250 soil samples have sufficient rating and around 60 samples have deficiency rating for Terathum, around 250 soil samples have sufficient Boron content and more than 60 Samples have Deficiency rating for Salyan; around 200 soil samples have sufficient Boron content and more than 125 samples have deficiency rating for Rolpa. The histogram plot, Normal Q-Q and box plot shows positive skewed distribution for Taplejung, Terathum and Rolpa whereas normal distribution for Salyan. 386 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Fertilizer (mt) Figure 20:Map of Boron distribution in Rolpa district. 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 375.08 307.84 268.86 115.90 89.43 Taplejung 87.0471.65 Terathum Total Nitrogen (TN) 131.81 78.8779.14 Rolpa 112.13 70.21 salyan Available Phosphorus (P2O5) Available Potassium (K2O) Figure 11: Comparative barchart for fertilizerrequirement. The comparative bar chart for the fertilizer requirement shows that Total Nitrogen requirement is high in all four districts with highest in Salyan and Taplejung district. However, available phosphors and potassium requirement is within the similar range in all four districts. Among all four districts, deficiency of all kind of fertilizer is high in Taplejung whereas it is least in Rolpa. 387 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion Soil fertility of Taplejung, Terhathum, Salyan and Rolpa districts are evaluated by collecting soil samples and analyzing them in the laboratory. The maps were prepared based on the lab results of the sampling pit applying Kigring interpolation method in GIS environment. On the whole for all four districts, majority of soils are loamy in texture, slightly acidic to near neutral in soil reaction, low in total nitrogen, available zinc and boron. Soil organic matter falls under medium to low categories. Available phosphorus and potassium varies and fall under all the categories. Total nitrogen which is mainly associated with the organic matter is also low. Since nitrogen is a mobile element; even if found in higher amount in soil, farmers are advised to apply full rate of nitrogen to their crops. Available P2O5 and K2O vary and the calculation of fertilizer requirement is done mainly based on the P2O5 and K2O. Plant available Zn and B are mostly deficient. Where these elements are found in higher amount care should be taken to apply these elements to the soil. The range of toxicity, sufficiency and deficiency is so narrow, if Zn and B is applied in its higher containing soil, it could prove to be toxic and amelioration would be very difficult. The soil fertility of these four districts could be rated as medium to low categories. Farming is based on organic manure produced in their yard. Although farmers use heavy amount of FYM massive soil loss by water erosion washes away the applied manure and soil fertility is deteriorated. Farmers are found using mineral fertilizer only in the accessible area that too is not proportionally balances. Timely and adequate amount of fertilizer availability is being a major constraint in the remote districts and technical advice by qualified manpower is also very limited. In the hills soil moisture is always deficit and gravity irrigation is only feasible in the valleys, and hence application of soil moisture conservation and adapting water harvesting technology to improve crop production is very much needed for these hill districts. The fertility maps produced in the study are based on Kigring interpolation method. These methods have a tendency to overestimate and underestimate the extreme value. This is in fact not a problem for the district level fertility status. However, for field level application, it is advised to test the field soil chemical property before application of the fertilizer. Further, the GIS database prepared is extendable for future monitoring of soil fertility of the district. This will help to prepare different time series fertility data of the district which can be used to analyze the fertility tendency of soil in the district. Thus will help is long term agriculture planning of the district. Acknowledgement We acknowledge our sincere gratitude to Government of Nepal/Ministry of Agriculture Development, Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Resource Management Project (IWRMP), for entrusting us with the project assignment’; IWRMP Project Manager Mr. Satya Narayan Mandal and senior Agriculture Engineer of IWRMP Mr. 388 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Chaittya Narayan Dongol for their cooperation, support and valuable suggestions; NGC lab and WETC for their hard work and continuous dedication in chemical analysis of the soil which is the core part of the study. 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Soil Sci. and Pl.Anal.29: 2927-2937. 392 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-8 Preparation of ata ase and Soil Map of Nepal using WRB 2010 Classification System Subhasha N Vaidya ( ) Kamal Sah , Nepal Abstract A cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSCAS) and the Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) .The main objective was to prepare a Soil Map of Nepal using the World Reference Base (WRB) 2010 soil classification system at 1:1000,000 scale in ESRI Shapefile format and also to prepare national soil data base containing soil profile information .Working on behalf of the NARC the Soil Science Division has prepared a Soil Map of Nepal using WRB 2010 classification system at a scale of 1: 1000,000 scale and also prepared soil profile data base exactly in the standard format that fits into the Harmonized World Soil Data Base (HWSD). For this purpose Soil profile information from Land Systems Reports of the LRMP (Land Resources Mapping Project) were extensively used along with some other soil information available with the Soil Science Division.As per the HWSD, the physico-chemical properties have been converted into two layers in each profile viz 0 -30 and 30 -100. For this purpose the Batjes formula has been used. Land systems comprise the soil mapping unit within each of which occurrence of major soils have been shown with minor association. Calcaric Fluvisols (FLca), Eutric Gleysols (GLeu), Calcaric Phaeozems (PHca), Gleyic Cambisols (CMgl), Hapli cPhaeozems (PHha), Eutric Gleysols (GLeu), Chromic Cambisols (CMcr), Dystric Regosols (RGdy), Chromic Luvisols (LUcr), Chromic Cambisols (CMcr), Eutric Cambisols (CMeu), Humic Umbrisols (UMhu), Leptic Umbrisols (UMle), Leptic Regosols (RGle) along with some minor soils as well. The data base also contains a complete set of physic-chemical properties of each layer (030) and (30-100) viz, Soil texture, WHC, BD, pH H20, pH CaCl2, OM, total N, C/N ratio, otal CaCO3, Ca,Mg, Na, K, P, CEC, BS and EC. Keywords: HWSD, physico-chemical World Reference Base (WRB). Introduction Located between 26o 22’ to 30o 27’ north latitude and 80o 4’ to 88o 12’ east longitude, and having an area of 147181 sq. km with rectangular shape , Nepal is a country of extremes. Climate ranges from sub-tropical to arctic. Physiography includes vast alluvial plains to permanent snow covered rugged peaks. Vegetation includes tropical Sal forests to arctic like tundra Nival zones. So diverse is the country that one easily encounters banana and apple ripening in the same season within a few kilometer distances from south to north. With more than a dozen spoken languages and as many dialects, people of Nepal are also diverse as land.Since Climate, Physiography, Parent materials, Vegetation are some of the characteristic features closely associated with Soils, they are briefly discussed below. 393 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Though small in size, the country has extreme diverse climates, subtropical to arctic temperature regimes and arid to per-humid moisture regimes. High relative relief and pronounced wet and dry monsoon seasons are the characteristic features of this country that can be considered responsible for the present state of diversity in terms of ecosystem, flora and fauna. Physiography and Geology Five physiographic regions have been recognized based primarily on the bedrock and surficial geology. They are briefly discussed below: Tarai Considered as the bread basket, this southern flank of the country is mostly flat to gently sloping and has the elevation range between 60 to 330 m above mean sea level. The geology consists of recent and post-Pleistocenealluvium predominantly loamy textured and stone free. Drainage, texture, natural vegetation and present land-use vary with change in relief. (Sherchan and Vaidya 1983). Siwaliks Located at the northern end of the Tarai, the Siwaliks consist predominantly north dipping, semi consolidated inter bedded tertiary to quaternary sandstones, mudstones, siltstones and conglomerates. The landscapes is quite rugged and steep slopes with weakly consolidated bedrock and are very vulnerable to severe surface erosion. The region also includes some structurally controlled valleys whose outlets in the past were blocked by rapid tectonic uplift of the Siwalik hills. Agriculture and settlements in the Siwaliks region are centered around these inner valleys.(SSD 1998). Middle Mountain Considered as the homeland of most native people, the region consists of Cambrian to pre cambrianphyllites, schistss, and quartzites and also granites and limestones of different ages. Diverse climate and landscapes support year round diverse agricultural production on the river valleys, sloping terraces and level terraces. High Mountains The region has more highly metamorphosed phyllites, schists, gneisses and quartzites.All valleys in the region have been glaciated. The relief is very high(>3000m). The climate is very cool and hence less suited to chemical weathering. Consequently soils are shallower. High Himal The elevation range from around 3000mto 8848m (Mt.Everest).and hence most snow peaks are located in this region. The region has gneisses, limestones and shales of different ages. Over 86 percent of the region has bedrock at or near the surface. However there are few small pockets where agriculture is done. 394 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Materials and Methods Land Resources Mapping Project (LRMP) maps and reports published in 1986 have remained to date the most comprehensive data base with regards to Land and Soils resources of the country, though sporadic soil surveys have been conducted by different national institutions. And moreover they contain comprehensive physicochemical laboratory analysis data and have geo-referenced information as well. Hence,the present soil map and data base preparation were heavily based on them. Along with whatever sporadic information we have with regards to soils and lands have also been for the present work as references. (KESL 1986).The Land sat interpretation based on Nelson’s(FAO 1980) recognition of Physiographic regions with minor alterations formed a sound base and it was guided by intensive aerial photographic interpretation and extensive field surveys based on which further recognition and delineation of different land systems and land types within each of the physiographic regions were accomplished . Though LRMP had made about 6000 profile inspections, 158 geo-referenced representative soil profiles were analyzed for physic-chemical properties and they have been used for the present purpose.T he LRMP has followed USDA soil classification system. (USDA 1999).The original profile physico-chemical laboratory data were converted to suit to the requirement of the HWSD using the standard formula and were expressed in terms of the Surface soil (0-30 cm) and Subsoil (30-10 cm). An example of an original profile depth. Similar conversion exercises were done to calculate all the parameters right from % sand to electric conductivity. Depth, cms 0-15 15-40 40-80 80-120 Ph, units 8.5 7.2 7.5 6.0 For the surface soil 0-30 cm 8.5 x ( 15/30) + 7.2 x(15/30) = 7.85 For the subsoil 30-100 cm 7.5x(10/70) + 7.5 x (40/70) + 6.0 x(20/70) = 7.03 Results and Discussion Soils have been mapped with reference to the recognized land systems units. In what follows is a brief description of the mapping units and occurrence of dominant soils as per the WRBS in each of the mapping units. 395 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Calcaric Fluvisols (FLca) Depth,cm Sand% Silt% Clay% USDA_tex Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % Ph_h2o CEC_soilcmol kg-1 BS,% TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % Ds m1 ece 0-30 26 66 8 Silt loam 1.51 0.52 8.00 14.20 100.00 20.30 6.70 0.00 0.20 77 20 3 Loamy sand 1.60 0.17 8.00 9.90 100.00 17.40 7.00 0.00 0.17 30-100 Eutric Gleysols (GLeu) Depth,cm Sand% Silt% Clay% 19 21 50 50 31 29 0-30 30-100 USDA_tex Silty clay loam Clay loam Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % Ph_h2o 1.30 1.32 0.76 0.37 7.22 8.03 CEC_soilcmol kg-1 11.11 9.55 BS, % TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % Ds m1 ece 79.90 85.94 6.50 6.54 1.28 1.40 1.25 1.03 0.06 0.06 Calcaric Phaeozems (PHca) Depth,cm 0-30 30-100 Sand% 24 48 Silt% 62 45 Clay% 14 8 USDA_tex Silt loam Loam Ref bulk density g cc-1 1.43 1.56 Oc % 1.00 0.15 396 Ph_h2o 7.70 8.07 TEB CEC_soilcmol BS, cmol kg-1 % ,kg-1 15.30 95.80 17.96 11.40 100.00 20.41 CACO3, % 3.22 5.69 ESP, % 0.00 0.00 Ds m1 ece 0.28 0.24 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Gleyic Cambisols (CMgl) Depth,c m 0-30 30-100 Sand% 24 Silt% 48 Clay% 28 83 14 3 USDA_tex Clay loam Loamy sand Ref bulk density g cc-1 1.33 Oc % 1.44 Ph_h2o 7.81 1.65 0.18 8.07 Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % CEC_soilcmol kg-1 21.13 12.44 TEB BS, cmol % ,kg-1 100.00 27.57 CACO3, % 3.71 ESP, % 0.00 Ds m1 ece 0.26 100.00 18.97 5.44 0.00 0.13 Haplic Phaeozems (PHha) Depth,c m Sand% Silt% Clay% 38 42 20 58 39 3 USDA_te x Ph_h2o CEC_soilcmol kg-1 BS, % TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % Ds m1 ece 0-30 30-100 Loam Sandy loam 1.40 2.18 5.90 15.10 55.00 8.25 1.15 0.00 0.11 1.57 0.70 5.99 10.64 64.14 6.81 0.30 0.00 0.09 Chromic Cambisols(CMcr) Depth,cm Sand% Silt% Clay% 0-30 17 52 31 10 51 39 30-100 USDA_tex Silty clay loam Silty clay loam Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % Ph_h2o CEC_soilcmol kg-1 BS, % TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % Ds m1 ece 1.30 1.33 5.24 8.08 53.53 4.34 0.43 3.26 0.06 1.25 0.75 5.20 8.30 55.00 4.60 0.50 3.61 0.04 397 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Dystric Regosols (RGdy) Depth,cm Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % Ph_h2o 1.57 0.65 6.23 0.76 6.85 Sand% Silt% Clay% 66 25 9 USDA_tex Sandy loam 65 26 10 Sandy loam 1.56 USDA_tex Loam Ref bulk density Oc g cc-1 % 1.38 0.72 0-30 30-100 BS, % TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % 7.03 100.00 10.22 1.53 5.69 0.21 9.24 100.00 23.19 1.72 3.48 0.29 Ph_h2o 4.57 CEC_soilcmol kg-1 5.89 BS, % 28.67 TEB cmol ,kg-1 1.73 CACO3, % 0.10 ESP, % 0.17 Ds m1 ece 0.02 6.09 10.18 43.71 3.47 0.40 2.83 0.21 CEC_soilcmol kg-1 Ds m1 ece Chromic Luvisols (LUcr) Depth,cm 0-30 30-100 Sand% 31 Silt% 47 20 36 Clay% 22 45 Clay 1.25 0.40 USDA_tex Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % Ph_h2o CEC_soilcmol kg-1 Chromic Cambisols (CMcr) Depth,cm Clay% BS, % TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % Ds m1 ece Sand% Silt% 44 40 16 Loam 1.45 0.73 5.93 10.67 39.33 4.17 0.13 0.00 0.06 38 43 18 Loam 1.42 0.53 5.83 9.51 46.57 4.46 0.07 0.00 0.06 0-30 30-100 398 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Eutric Cambisols (CMeu) Depth,cm 0-30 Sand% 34 Silt% 49 30-100 34 47 Clay% 17 19 USDA_tex Loam Loam Ref bulk density Oc g cc-1 % 1.42 0.28 1.40 Ph_h2o 5.48 0.23 5.40 CEC_soilcmol kg-1 4.76 4.60 BS, % 53.60 TEB cmol ,kg-1 2.48 CACO3, % 0.78 ESP, % 4.20 Ds m1 ece 0.04 58.00 2.60 0.70 4.35 0.04 BS, % TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % Ds m1 ece Humic Umbrisols (UMhu) Depth,cm Sand% Silt% Clay% USDA_tex Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % Ph_h2o CEC_soilcmol kg-1 0-30 25 49 26 Loam 1.34 4.94 5.28 13.96 27.63 3.81 0.31 1.91 0.09 51 38 11 Loam 1.52 0.04 6.01 4.51 53.94 2.41 0.37 4.43 0.10 30-100 Leptic Umbrisols (UMle) Depth,c m Sand% Silt% Clay% 83 12 5 USDA_tex Loamy Sand 75 20 5 Sandy loam 0-30 Ref bulk density g cc-1 Oc % Ph_h2o CEC_soilcmo l kg-1 1.69 1.80 5.60 7.30 1.68 0.75 5.70 3.50 30-100 399 BS, % 88.00 100.0 0 TEB cmol ,kg-1 CACO3, % ESP, % Ds m1 ece 6.40 0.80 2.74 0.08 3.70 0.50 5.71 0.07 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 1. The active alluvial plains of the Tarai Physiographic region which are subject to variable seasonal flooding. Calcaric Fluvisol (FLca) is the major soils in the active alluvial plains followed by some Gleyic Fluvisols (FLgl) andEutric Cambisols (CMeu) . This unit comprises of significant area under river and sand bars 2. Recent alluvial plains with dominant slope ranging from less than ½ to 1 degree slope with dominantly poor to imperfect drainage class with some area have moderately well drained drainage class. Eutric Gleysols (GLeu) is the major soils in the recent alluvial plains followed by some GleyicFluvisols(FLgl) ,Eutric Cambisols (CMeu) and some minorHaplicPhaezomes(PHha),HaplicArenosols (ARha) and Chromic Cambisols (CMcr). 3. The upper piedmonts with considerable relief variations (at some places about 20 degree slopes) have Calcaric Phaeozems (PHca) and Haplic Phaezomes (PHha). Other soils in this mapping unit are Haplic Umbrisols (UMha), Luvic Phaeozems (PHlu), EutricCambisols (CMeu), Dystric Cambisols (CMdy) and Calcaric Cambisols (CMca). 4. The active and recent alluvial plains of the Siwalik Physiographic region: Gleyic Cambisols (CMgl) is the major soils with some EutricCambisols(CMeu) . Minor inclusions are Calcaric Fluvisols (FLca) and Eutric Gleysols (GLeu) This mapping unit comprises significant area under river and sand bars. 5. Ancient river terraces with varying relief conditions have dominantly Haplic Phaeozems (Phha) with some Luvic Phaeozems (PHlu), Eutric Cambisols (CMeu) Rhodic Alisols (ALrh) and some minor inclusions of Dystric Cambisol sand Chromic Lixisols (LXcr). 6. The depositional basins with varying relief conditions range from depressional , gently rolling to highly dissected terrain. Eutric Gleysols (GLeu) is the dominant soils in association with Humic Acrisols (AChu), Chromic Alisols (ALcr) and Humic Umbrisols (UMhu). 7. The moderately to steeply sloping hilly terrain of the siwaliks. Chromic Cambisols (CMcr) is the major soils in association with Chromic Luvisols (LUcr). 8. Steep to very steeply sloping mountainous terrain of the siwaliks. Dystric Regosols RGdy) is the major soils in association with minor Haplic Luvisols (LUha) 9. Depositional alluvial plains and fans of the middle mountain Physiographic region. GleyicCambisols (CMgl) is the major soils with minor inclusions of Chromic Luvisols (LUcr), Calcaric Cambisols (CMca), Eutric Fluvisols (FLeu), Eutric Gleysols (GLeu), Dystric Gleysols (GLdy) and Sodic Gleysols(GLso) The unit comprises of significant areas under rivers and sandbars. 10. Ancient lake and river terraces with varying degree of dissections. Chromic Luvisols (LUCr) is the major soils in association with Gleyic Cambisols 400 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop (CMgl) with minor inclusions of Chromic Alisols (ALcr)and Chromic Acrisols (ACcr) 11. Moderately to steeply sloping mountainous terrain of the middle mountains. Chromic Cambisols (CMcr) is the major soils in association with Dystric Cambisols (CMdy) with minor inclusions of Chromic Luvisols (LUcr), Humic Umbrisols (UMhu), Gleyic Cambisols (CMgl), Leptic Umbrisols (UMle), Haplic Regosols (RGha), Gleyic Regosols (RGgl), Haplic Acrisols (ACha), Leptic Regosols (RGle). 12. Steeply to very steeply sloping mountainous terrain of the middle mountains. Eutric Cambisols (CMeu) is the major soils in association with Leptic Regosols (RGle) with minor inclusions of Haplic Arenosols (ARha), Humic Umbrisols (UMhu), Leptic Cambisols (CMle), Chromic Alisols. 13. The alluvial plains and fans of the high mountain physiographic region. Gleyic Cambisols (CMgl) is the major soils in association with Leptic Cambisols (CMle) with minor inclusions of Eutric Cambisols (CMeu) and Haplic Fluvisols (FLha) This unit comprises some area under rivers and boulders . 14. The post glaciated mountainous terrains with varying degree of steepness lying below altitudinal limit for arable agriculture. Eutric Cambisols (CMeu) is the major soils in association with Leptic Cambisols (CMle) and Leptic Regosols (RGle) with minor inclusions of Humic Umbrisols (UMhu), Dystric Cambisols (CMdy), Calcaric Luvisols (Luca) Calcaric Phaeozems (PHca) Chromic Cambisols (CMcr) This unit comprises of some bare rocks as well. 15. The post glaciated mountainous terrains with varying degree of steepness lying above altitudinal limit for arable agriculture. Humic Umbrisols (UMhu) and Leptic Umbrisols (UMle) are the major soils with minor inclusion of Entic Podzols (PDen) 16. The alluvial, colluvial and morainal depositional surfaces with high relief conditions.Leptic Umbrisols (UMle) is the major soils with minor inclusions of Leptic Cambisols (CMle), Leptic Regosols(RGle), Leptic Podzols(Pdle), Entic Podzols (PDen), Histic Gleysols (GLhi) 17. Steeply to very steeply sloping mountainous terrain of the high Himalayas. This unit comprises mostly rockland with minor Leptic Regosols (RGle) 18. Lake 19. Glaciers 20. Gravel Beds Mapping units 4, 9 and 13 have been combined as they have GleyicCambisols (CMgl) as the dominant soils, though they have different proportions of minor soils. 401 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Figure 1: Physico-Chemical Characteristics of the major soils of Nepal. A comprehensive soil database of Nepal has been prepared that fits into HWSD. This database is available in the Soil Science Division Khumaltar. References Kenting Earth Sciences Limited .1986. Land Resource Mapping Project,Land Systems Report, The Soil Landscapes of Nepal. SSD. 1998. Soils of Okhaldhunga district. Soil Science Division, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khumaltar. Nepal Sherchan DP and SN Vaidya. 1983. General Soil Survey Report of Dailekh District, Bheri Zone. Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry.Department of Agriculture Khumaltar Nepal. USDA. 1999. Soil Taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. Natural Resources Conservation Service.http:/ / United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, USA. 402 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop GSS-9 Modeling of Soil Organic Matter Content from World View-2 Sensor in Nayavelhani VDC of Nawalparasi District, Nepal Umesh K Mandal Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University, Nepal Abstract Soil organic matter (SOM) is one of the fundamental soil properties affecting productivity of crops by controlling nutrient budgets in agricultural production systems. Visual and qualitative interpretation of air-photos is still the base of mapping of SOM as most common method. Quantitative estimation of soil organic matter content (SOM) is essential when there is scanty of soil test laboratories, its strong spatial dependence and its measurement is a time and labor-consuming procedure and emerging geographical science information technology. In the present attempt, soil organic matter content is modeled by using airborne world view-2 reflective remote sensing methodology and it was tested in Nayavelhani (62.31 VDC of Nawalparasi district of Nepal. SOM was found to be measured ranging from 0.14 % to 4.96 %, with a mean of 1.57 %. Multiple correlation analysis was performed between the SOM content of 38 soil samples and the corresponding digital number (DN) of seven multispectral bands (bands 2-8) of World View-2 Star trackers imagery. Based on correlation analysis, multiple regression model was built to estimate the soil organic matter content based on MS bands as explanatory variables andPrincipal component analysis has thus facilitated the selection of a more effective set of bands for the prediction of mean SOM content it was found significant explaining 31 percent spatial variability of SOM. Visible bands (V) have shown higher significance in estimating the SOM than the Near-Infrared bands (NIR). Among the visible bands, Blue and and Infrared NIR-2 were found having the greater strength to determine the SOM in decreasing order of magnitude. Remotely sensed data such as World View-2 Star trackers imagery have the potential as useful auxiliary variables for estimating SOM content. Key words: Digital number, World View-2, coefficient of the estimator, correlation, soil organic matter content. Introduction Soil organic matter is vital to precise agriculture and soil evaluation and essential macronutrient for increase soil fertility, plants growth and development that is extremely influential on soil physical, chemical, and biological processes. Not only this, water and nutrient holding capacity are enhanced and soil structure is improved with increasing SOM but it is one of the most deficient soil nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems. Proper and efficient management soil organic matter can enhance productivity and environmental quality along with reduction of the severity and costs of natural disasters, such as drought, flood, and disease (Chen and Aviad 1990 and Stevenson and He 1990). Apart from this, increasing SOM can reduce atmospheric CO2 levels contributing to prevention of global warming (Yadav and Malanson 2007). 403 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Remote sensing application has become a subject of wider interest for soil scientists. Remote sensing has been playing a significant role in both soil survey and mapping of soil nutrient applications after the development of methods using optical remote sensing in combination with field measurements studies during the last decade (Ben-Dor 2002, Dehaan and Taylor 2002). Continuous cropping and its rotations can produce more biomass and cover and ultimately, it results greater amounts of soil organic matter (Gerritse and Robert 1988). Many remote sensing methods were studied to map soil organic matter in the past decades. Soil moisture, soil organic material and soil nitrogen in Australia were predicted using NIR spectral method. Organic matter has a strong influence on soil reflectance. Spectral reflectance generally decreases over the entire short wave region as organic matter content increases (Stoner and Baumgardner 1980). This study was designed to evaluate the potential of spectral analysis of World View2 Star trackers reflective data as an approach for mapping soil organic matter content in sub-tropical regions. This shows how principal components analysis as a multivariate statistical technique can be readily adapted to soil nutrient mapping in reconstructing a multiple regression model for estimating the magnitude of soil organic content in Nayabhelhani VDC of Nawalparasi District of Nepal. Figure 1: location map of study area. Materials and Methods Study area The study area is Nayabelhani VDC lying in central part of Nawalparasi district, Nepal (Figure1), covering total area of 62.31 The study area is ranging from 100 meter elevation from mean see level to 500 m with an average of 265 m and from less than 1° to greater than 30° slope predominated by 1-5°. Geologically the study area is originated in two different geological period as Pleistocene to middle Miocene and recent and Pleistocene. Arun Khola is the major river draining 1096 sq km of the total geographical area.The average maximum and minimum temperature of 5 years period (2006-2010) is found to be 30.78 °C and 18.99°C, respectively with the average annual mean temperature of 24.89 °C. The average annual rainfall is 2851.44 mm out of which seventy percent of annual total rainfall (2015.70mm) is received during the months of rainy season. 404 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop World View-2 image acquisition and processing In order to model/predict soil organic matter content(SOM) in the study area using remotely sensed data as auxiliary variables, World View-2 image was acquired on 4 April, 201123 .8-channel World View-2 imagery of Star trackers was obtained covering the study area from National Land Use Project (NLUP), Nepal. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), as widely used as vegetation spectral index in Remote Sensing was used for showing abundance of vegetation cover (Chen and Brutsaert 1998). Negative NDVI values were dominant in the study area indicating that the study area was comprised mostly of bare soil when the image was acquired. Soil Survey and Analysis Table 1: Technical specification of World View-2 Band No 8 Spectral range (nm) 400-1040 Spatial Resolution mss (m) 1.85 Image Swath (km) 16.4 A total of 65 soil samples from epipedon Figure 2: Distribution of soil samples were collected from different land use collection pits. mainly from agriculture fields in January 6, 2013. Walkley-Black is one of three methods used for organic matter content determination. The calculation of organic matter assumes that 77% of the organic carbon is oxidized by the method and that soil organic matter contains 58% C. Since both of these factors are averages from a range of values, it would be preferable to omit them and simply report the results as "easily oxidizable organic C." (Schulte and Bruce 2009). Multivariate Statistical Analysis Multivariate statistical analysis used in the present investigation includes correlation, regression and principal component analysis (PCA). Multivariate correlation and regression analysis was performed to calculate the nature, direction and strength of association between soil organic matter content and selected spectral band digital number (DN) as variables respectively. Relationship between spectral bands as independent or predictor variables and SOM as a dependent or criterion variable was characterized. Multiple regression model was built establishing the correlation between SOM and World View-2 satellite data. Multiple linear regression was conducted for SOM of the 60 soil samples with DN of Bands 2–8 of the World View-2 Star trackers (raw and natural log-transformed) as the independent variables. Principal component 405 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop analysis (PCA) was performed using same bands to compute underlying set of independent orthogonal component eliminating all redundant bands arising the problem of multi-collinearities while operating multiple regressions. PCA was applied to isolate visible and Near-Infrared (NIR) dimensions, because initial multiple regression was seen unsatisfactory by presence of multi-colinearities among spectral bands. The component extracted from PCA was then used as basis for reformulating the previous multiple regressions to provide a means of predicting or modeling the magnitude of soil organic matter content in Nayabelhai VDC of Nawalparasi district. Results and Discussions Spectral behavior of soil organic matter content The paper is embedded by theoretical consideration of Remote Sensing application in soil nutrient estimation by specifying the spectral behavior of soil organic matter. Organic matter has a strong influence on soil reflectance. Spectral reflectance of soil generally decreases over the entire short wave region as organic matter content increases (Stoner and Baumgardner 1980). The spectra of soils with organic-matter contents greater than 5 % often Figure3: Spectral characteristics of soil derived from have a concave shape Stoner and Baumgardner (1981). between 0.5 and 1.3 μm. Organic-matter content greater than 20% depend on the decomposition of the organic material. Spectra of fully decomposed (sapric) materials resemble curve A of Figure. 3, whereas spectra of partially decomposed (hemic) materials resemble curve D of Figure. 3 (Stoner and Baumgardner 1981). The spectral reflectance of minimally decomposed (fibric) organic matter is high in the near infrared and is similar to the spectral reflectance of senescent leaves (Stoner and Baumgardner 1981). Curve E in Fig 3 represents the spectra of soils with high iron-oxide content (greater than 4 %) such as the tropical soils (oxisols) observed by Stoner and Baumgardner (1980). Iron absorption in the middle infrared by these soils can be strong enough to obliterate the water-absorption band at 1.4 μm (Stoner and Baumgardner 1981). As soil moisture increases, reflectance of soil decreases at all wavelengths. Texture of soil will cause increased reflectance with decreased particle size as the bigger particles like rocks, sand, and soils basically cast a larger shadow and a large number of soil properties such as, soil moisture, organic matter, particle size distribution, iron content and surface conditions, influence the soil reflectance (Stoner et al. 1980, Stoner and Baumgardner 1981).Bare rock and soil reflect strongly in the mid-infrared region – a 406 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop region corresponding to Landsat’s band 7, while green vegetation reflects strongly in the region corresponding to Landsat’s band 4. Relationship between world view-2 Sensor’s DN value and soil organic matter content Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis was performed between the seven independent bands from 2–8 and the soil organic matter content(SOM) as dependent variable The correlation coefficient was revealed positive low correlation except for the DN of NIR-1, which may have been influenced by the presence of moisture in some regions of the study area (Table 2). Soil organic matter (SOM) content was found significantly correlated only with the DN of Blue Band (r = 0.305) and NIR-2(r = 0.328) at 0.05 significant level and with Yellow Band at 0.01 significant level(Table 2). Such significant correlation coefficient was investigated after removal of outliers found in two observations and data transformation did not enhance the correlation coefficient rather decrease . Thus it is not required because of already having symmetric distribution of variate as usually being done in skewed distribution. Table 2: Pearson’s correlation coefficient between soil organic matter (SOM) and DN value of World View-2 spectral bands Blue Green Yellow Red Edge red NIR-1 NIR-2 0.305 0.293 0.461 0.064 0.302 -0.031 0.328 SOM Multiple regression analysis was performed to test the spatial dependency of soil organic matter content on DN value of World View-2 sensor. A t-test showed that regression coefficient of seven bands were found insignificant even though an ANOVA reported that the model is significant at the 2 percent level indicating that using the model is better than guessing the mean. As a whole, the regression does a good job of modeling soil organic matter content (SOM). Nearly forty-five percent the variation in SOM is explained by the model (R2. = 0.449) .Although multiple correlation coefficient was found moderate (R=0.67), individual bands as predictors are suffering from multi-collinearties problem indicated by low value of percentage of Tolerance and high value of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) in the regression analysis (Norusis 1993).Thus, the small tolerances show that more than 70% of the variance in a DN value of bands can be explained by the other factors as soil moisture, particle size and iron-oxide. Geometric technique, stepwise multiple regression, orthogonalization process and principle component analysis (PCA) are various ways of tackling the problem of multicollinearity (Frisch 1934). Among them, PCA is the most suitable eliminating all redundant factors and produces an underlying set of orthogonal variables/dimensions. Principal component analysis is then applied to isolate visible and NIR dimension of Nayabelhani VDC, because of initial multiple regression analysis did not produce so satisfactory result. The components extracted by PCA are then used as a basis of reformulating the previous/initial regression equation to provide means of predicting magnitude of SOM in Nayabelhani VDC of Nawalparasi district 407 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Interpretation of Components Two important components were extracted considering Bartlett's test of Sphericity and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) to measure of sampling adequacy. Both statistical measure of sampling adequacy were required in order to assess the factorability of the data and their respective values: p< 0.05 and 0.86 shows farther than the minimum level for a factor analysis to be considered appropriate. Table 3 summarizes the percentage of total variance extracted by the two components. Component I and II together account for more 90 percent of the total variance and covariance of original seven bands implying that the variance between the seven bands can be attributed to two major components. The degree of association between a band and a component is indicated by the factor loadings as the same meaning of correlation coefficient outlined in Table3. Principal Component –I, which accounts for 67.77 percent of the total variance, obviously is the most significant factor. The bands which are significantly correlated with this component are: Red, Blue, Red Edge and Green (Table 4). These relationships agree with the high associations found in the correlation analysis. Among the Visible Bands, it can be observed that Red, Blue, Red Edge and Green are collinear. Simple correlation coefficients between Band Blue and the three Bands- Red, Red Edge, Green –respectively are 0.914, 0.986 and 0.973 while that between NIR-1 and the same bands are 0.963, 0.793, and 0.827. It is obvious that Blue and NIR1 are are collinear. They suggest that component I represents size dimension. The correlation coefficients between SOM and visible bands (blue, green, red, red edge and yellow) were higher than that between SOM and NIR bands except NIR-2 of World View-2 imagery in study area. This is consistent with the results of Wu et al. (2009) in case of relationship between SOM and ETM sensor. NIR dimension except NIR I is clearly revealed in component II, which accounts for 26.97 per cent of the total variance. The variables that are highly associated with this component are: NIR2 and Yellow (Table 4). The remaining component has hardly any significant factor loadings. This component accounts for 5.26 per cent. Perhaps this might best be designated as a term comprising random covariations. The significant inverse relationship was found between both of the components and Near Infrared (NIR) dimension. Similarly insignificant inverse relationship was observed between SOM and NIR-I. This is not consistent with the other results who reported there was no absorption apex caused by organic matter in the NIR region (800–2400 nm), and SOM content was better measured with visible bands than NIR bands. It might be the cause of slight difference of NIR I towards visible wave length (770895nm). Reformulated Multiple-Regression Analysis for Predicting SOM content Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicates that two bands that are orthogonal and at the same time related to mean SOM content are: Blue and Near infrared II (NIR II). The former is a member of dimension 1(Visible band) and the latter of dimension 2(NIR). These two bands are now used as surrogates for the two basic dimensions to reconstruct the initial multiple regression equation. 408 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Where SOMi is the mean content of Soil Organic Matter (SOM). V is the Blue visible band; N is NIR 2 the Near infrared band and a, b and c are numerical constant of the regression equation. In this equation, soil organic matter (SOM) content is said to be a function of two orthogonal dimensions: Visible and NIR spectral band reflectance. The resulting least square fit has the form: A t-test shows that both the regression coefficients for Blue(X1) band and NIR 2(X2) band are highly significant at the 96 percent and 95 percent confidence level respectively. The multiple correlation coefficient was found of 0.556 while the coefficient of determination, R2 was investigated of 0.31 , implying that 31 percent of the variation in the mean soil organic matter content of Nayabelhani Village Development Committee of Nawalparasi District, Nepal can be accounted for by the combination of two bands alone, namely blue visible and NIR 2 near infrared or more generally, by the two spectral basic dimension- visible and near infrared band. Table-3: Percentage of total explained variance Components Eigen value % of total explained variance 1 4.74 2 1.88 total 6.62 67.77 26.97 94.74 Table-4: Varimax Rotation of Components Components 1 Blue Red Red_Edge Green .980 .964 .955 .940 .004 .193 .125 .314 NIR1 .928 -.081 NIR2 -.134 .965 .422 .893 2 Yellow Table 5: Analysis of variance for the multiple regression Source of variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Due to regression 2.635 2 1.317 4.034 .022 Deviation about 10.776 58 .327 regression Total 13.411 60 F-ratio of multiple regression coefficients is highly significant and ANOVA, doubtless, verifies the power of the model which is significant at 0.02 % significant level. A summary of the analysis of the variance for the multiple regressions is given in Table 5. 409 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop The magnitude of soil organic matter content can be determined with the just two explanatory bands: Blue and NIR II even though it was moderate degree of estimation. The R2 of the reconstructed regression model (R2. = 0.31) is found less as compared to the original initial R2 (R2. = 0.45) in which seven independent bands were used. The reformulated multiple regression equation is found more precise in comparison to previous one. It is because of the multi-colinearity problem that initial regression equation suffered, has now eliminated, and much simpler, for few bands are used in the reformulated regression analysis. The highly significant values of regression coefficients in the new regression equation clearly reflect the estimating power of the model. This is consistent with the results of several studies made by different scholars during different time-periods. Wu et al. (2009) reported that the reflectance of visible wavelengths (0.425–0.695 mm) had a strong correlation with SOM content. Conclusions Principal component analysis has thus facilitated the selection of a more effective set of bands for the prediction of mean SOM content in Nayabelhani VDC of Nawalparasi District, Nepal. With the elimination of redundancies of a battery of independent bands among visible and near Infrared two independent components of Blue and NIR 2, it has provided a sound rationale for reformulation of initial multiple regression equation. It also noted that there exits inverse relation between both of components with the NIR bands-NIR-1 and NIR-2. However, the correlation coefficients were only moderate in this study. This may be attributable to the differences in soil parent material, moisture, and land use/land cover conditions at the time the World View-2 imagery was acquired. Improving soil quality and agricultural production, soil management options should be developed to enhance SOM content in this area. Predicting and mapping SOM content based on Remote Sensing Technology used in this study can provide useful information for improving soil quality and managing nutrient budgets for agricultural production in the region. References Ben-Dor E. 2002. Quantitative remote sensing of soil properties. Advances in Agronomy. Israel. Chen Y and T Aviad. 1990. Eff ect of humic substances on plant growth P 161–186. P. Maccarthy et al. (ed.) Humic substances in soil and cropsciences: Selected readings. ASA, Madison, WI. Chen D and W Brutsaert. 1998. Satellite-sensed distribution and spatialpatterns of vegetation parameters over a tallgrass prairie. J. Atmos. Sci. , 55:1225–1238. 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SE-1 Carbon Dioxide Emission from Soil Grown to Wheat Crop at Khumaltar, Lalitpur Saraswoti Kandel , Shree C Shah Ananda K Gautam Nepal Agricultural Research Council . Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal Abstract Changes in farming practices could be an effective way to reduce carbon (CO2-C) emissions from agricultural lands thereby sequestering more carbon in the soil. A field experiment was conducted on an acidic silt loam upland soil of Khumaltar, Nepal during the dry season of 2011/2012. The study evaluated soil CO2 - C emission from a wheat field as influenced by tillage, mulch, and nitrogen (N) application. The factorial experiment laid-out on a split-split plot design consisted of three replications of 12 treatment combinations, i.e., two types of tillage (zero and conventional) on a main-plot, two levels of mulch (zero and 4 t ha-1 of rice straw) on a sub-plot and three levels of N application (zero, 100 and 150 kg ha-1) on a sub-sub plot. The crop growing season in this region is relatively longer primarily due to the effects of low temperature and high elevation (1300 masl); therefore, wheat (var. WK-1204) planted on December 6 of 2011 matured in six months (harvest date June 2 of 2012). Wheat was planted @120 kg ha-1 on plots of 4m x 3m size. Major nutrients, viz., phosphorus and potassium were applied @50 kg ha-1each, and nitrogen was applied as a treatment. The test crop received irrigation at the crown root initiation stage, maximum tillering stage; and heading stage. A closedchamber (25cm high and 20cm radius) technique was employed to collect CO2 gas samples inserting the iron channels 3 cm below the soil surface, and used CO2 monitor to estimate its concentrations (conc.) in the sample. Gas samples were collected from the chamber for initial 6 minutes at 10 different dates, keeping a constant time interval of 16 days until crop harvest. This interval is generally accepted for a single growing season measurement where rainfall and other factors, such as residue and soil disturbances, are minimal. The CO2-C conc. values obtained for each date were converted into the flux of C emission. Trend lines were then constructed for each factor’s C fluxes separately within the growing season. The most efficient treatment in terms of C emission reduction was evaluated by separating C flux values for each date using least square difference (LSD) significant at 0.05 probability level. Results showed that within the season variability in the CO2-C emission (mg sq.m. hr-1) was high in all treatments, as indicated by mean values ranging between 123 and 264 on tillage plots, 89 and 306 on mulch plots, and 58 and 389 on N plots. ero tillage, no mulch, and lower rates of N application treatments were in variably superior in terms of reducing C emission relative to conventional tillage, mulched, and higher rates of N application treatments. Lower C emission may also imply that part of the applied carbon is sequestered in the soil and immobilized as microbial tissues. A closer observation of the trend lines revealed CO2-C emission spikes during the early growing stage and towards the maturation stage under tillage and mulch treatments. This was likely associated with the 412 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop increased soil wetness due to irrigation and, or rainfall events preceding the CO2 gas sampling. The rates of N application from zero to 150 kg ha-1 in this study consistently maintained higher C emissions (p = 0.01) through all data collection dates until crop harvest, differing from the highest CO2-C emission seen in the early stage of treatment application observed by several incubation and field studies. In this short-term study, results were encouraging in terms of keeping the C emission lower, such as zero tillage, no mulch and lower N rate treatments; but some results still appeared inconsistent and complex. Therefore, extensive field experimentation of carbon decomposition is warranted to develop a better understanding of carbon dynamics in soil and in the environment. Keywords: Carbon dynamics,CO2 emission, mulching, zero tillage. Introduction Global warming has led to a significant interest in sequestration of atmospheric carbondioxide (CO2) in terrestrial ecosystems (Spargo et al. 2008). Land use and land cover changes and agricultural practices contribute about 20% of the global annual emission of CO2 (IPCC 2001).There is a strong synergism between crop residue management and no-till farming. Another route by which elevated CO2 may impact on soil biological processes is by intensifying competition between soil microbes and plants for N (Bardgett, 2005). Resource Conservation Technologies such as zero tillage, residue management and appropriate use of nutrients have shown potential to improve productivity of wheat as well.The resources conservation technologies help in improving soil properties, nutrient use efficiency and reduce environmental pollution (Halvorson et al. 2002, Lal 2008). Because of the high rate of CO2-C emission from the land surface we need to develop agricultural technologies that minimizes the CO2C emission. Tillage practices, residue management and application of fertilizer nutrients to a minimum and properly can play a vital role to minimize the CO2-C emission in our condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cultivation practices, residue management and higher use efficiency of plant nutrients appliedin a minimal level to the crop plants so that CO2-C emission can be minimized. Materials and Methods The factorial experiment laid-out on a split-split plot design consisted of three replications of 12 treatment combinations, i.e., two types of tillage (zero and conventional) on a mainplot, two levels of mulch (zero and 4 t ha-1 of rice straw) on a sub-plot and three levels of N application (zero, 100 and 150 kg ha-1 ) on a sub-sub plot. The experiment was conducted in the farmland of NARC, Khumaltar.Wheat was planted @120 kg ha-1 on plots of 4m x 3m size. Major nutrients, viz., phosphorus and potassium were applied @50 kg ha-1each, and nitrogen was applied as a treatment. Crop received irrigation at the crown root initiation stage, maximum tillering stage; and heading stage. Collection of gas samples was carried out by closed chamber techniques. The iron rings were inserted 3 cm inside the soil. A 3- way stop cork and air tight toddler bags were fixed in the cover of chamber to collect gas sample. The chamber was thoroughly flushed several times with a 50 ml syringe. Gas samples were drawn with the help of syringe. Head space volume inside the chamber was recorded, which was used to calculate CO2 flux. Gas samples at 0 and 6 minute time were 413 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop collected from the chamber at 10 different dates from all the twelve treatments of three replications at 16 days intervals. Carbon dioxide concentration in the gas samples collected from the field was estimated or analyzed by carbon dioxide (CO2) monitor (AEU 2010). Result and Discussion Influence of tillage management on soil CO2-C emission Tillage is among the most important primary sources of CO2 emission. The zero-tillage practice had lower soil CO2-C emissions than conventional tillage (Figure 4). The effect of tillage on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field is presented in Table 3. A comparison between zero and conventional tillage at different dates showed that, the lowest CO2-C emission from zero-tillage was 45.27 mg/m2/hr at 64 DAS. The lowest CO2-C emission might be due to the reduced exposure of soil in no tillage. The highest CO2-Cemission from conventional tillage was 300.16 mg/m2/hr at 144 DAS. Lal (2008) reported that excessive tillage practices disturbed soil and caused rapid oxidation of soil organic matter, thereby increased flux of C to the atmosphere. Influence of mulch management on soil CO2-C emissions There was a significant effect of mulch on soil CO2-C emissions at 48 DAS, 64 DAS and 144 DAS but its effect was nonsignificant for rest of the periods. 350 Tilled Untilled 300 CO2 (mgCm-2hr-1) 250 200 150 100 50 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 at harvest Days after seeding Figure 1: Effects of tillage management on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, 2011/2012. 414 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3: Effects of tillage on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, 2011/2012. CO2-C (mg/m2/hr) Days After Seeding 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 At harve st CT 136.61 207.05 129.94 156.16a 185.55 147.50 129.83 168.11 300.16a 206.3 3 ZT 132.94 154.72 125.83 45.27b 157.83 127.22 122.61 166.66 264.05b 173.8 3 SEm 6.6105 31.8229 12.7857 1.7378 10.9359 17.6389 12.7476 19.3523 1.0460 28.90 81 LSD ns ns ns 5.21 ns ns ns ns 6.365* ns CV,% 12.31 19.97 13.75 9.51 24.65 13.32 15.20 24.14 8.56 11.42 TN Tillage Means followed by the same letter(s) in a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance as determined by DMRT. Without mulch 350 CO2 (mgCm-2hr-1) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 at harvest Days after seeding Figure 5: Effects of mulch management on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, 2011/2012. A higher soil CO2-C emission was noted from the treatment in which rice straw was applied @ 4 t ha-1 than from the field without rice straw mulch. This might be due to decomposition of rice straw mulch that caused higher CO2 emission. As organic matter decays, CO2 is among the immediate breakdown products. The mulched soils had significantly higher amount of CO2-C emissions (112.16 mg/m2/hr) than no mulch soil (89.27 mg/m2/hr) at 48 DAS. Similar result was also found at 44 DAS and 144 DAS. The significant higher soil CO2-C emissions at 48 DAS, 64 DAS and 144 DAS from mulched soil might be due to higher oxidation of mulch derived carbon from tillage soils. As the tillage intensity increases, soil contact of crop residue is increased and incorporated residues are placed into more moist condition than those left on the soil surface (Halvorson et al. 2002). 415 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Influence of nitrogen management on soil CO2-C emissions Nitrogen fertilizer has major influence on soil CO2-C emissions. The amount of the nitrogen fertilizer applied to the field determines the soil CO2-C emissions from the soil. 450 N0 N100 64 80 N150 CO2(mgCm-2hr-1) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 16 32 48 96 112 Days after seeding 128 144 at harvest Figure 3: Effects of nitrogen management on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal (2011/2012). Higher the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied in the field more soil CO2-C emissions was found during the experiment. This might be due to the application of higher amount of nitrogen enhanced more soil carbon mineralization caused more CO2-C emission from soil. Korschens (1998) reported that mineral fertilization increased carbon by only 0.1% but mineralizable carbon was 21 to 49% of total carbon. Means followed by the same letter(s) in a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance as determined by DMRT N0= No nitrogen, N100= 100 kgNha-1, N150= 150 kgNha-1 Tillage and mulch interaction effects on soil CO2-C emissions There were no significant effects of tillage and mulch interactions at all dates but significant variations in soil CO2-C emissions were found at 16 DAS, 64 DAS, 96 DAS and 144 DAS. 416 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 4: Effects of mulch on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, 2011/2012. TN Mul ch M0 Mw SEm LSD CV, %, 16 32 48 64 134.89 134.67 7.8589 ns 12.31 179.33 182.44 9.8179 ns 19.97 106.27b 149.50a 7.4314 39.15* 13.75 89.27b 112.16a 1.9618 5.882* 9.51 CO2-C (mg/m2/hr) Days After Seeding 80 96 157.33 186.05 9.0029 ns 24.65 129.16 145.55 4.2852 ns 13.32 112 128 144 At harvest 116.22 136.22 5.2760 ns 15.20 149.55 185.22 26.4159 ns 24.14 258.38b 305.83a 1.8663 7.328* 8.56 187.05 193.11 13.4839 ns 11.42 Means followed by the same letter(s) in a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance as determined by DMRT Table 5: Effects of nitrogen on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal (2011/2012). CO2-C (mg/m2/hr) Days After Seeding Treatm ents Nitrog en N0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 At harvest 101.25c 128.58c 91.083c 57.91c 121.91c 103.16c 96.00c 120.50c 194.33c 145.91c N100 138.00b 176.33b 121.16b 92.91b 171.50b 138.16b 129.41b 166.08b 262.58b 184.83b N150 a a a a a a a a 239.50a SEm 165.08 237.75 171.41 a 151.33 221.66 170.75 153.25 215.58 389.41 4.7898 10.4285 5.0744 2.7649 12.2153 5.2835 5.5403 11.6634 2.7263 6.2670 LSD 14.36** 31.26** 15.21** 36.62** 15.84** 16.61** 34.97** 20.90** 18.79** CV,% 12.31 19.97 13.75 8.289* * 9.51 24.65 13.32 15.20 24.14 8.56 11.42 Tillage and nitrogen interaction effects on soil CO2-C emissions The effects of tillage and nitrogen interaction are given in Table 7. The interaction effects of tillage and nitrogen management were significant at 64 DAS, 144 DAS and at harvest. Mulch and nitrogen interaction effects on soil CO2-C emissions The interaction effect of mulch and nitrogen management was significant at 64 DAS, 144 DAS and at harvest. Tillage, mulch and nitrogen interaction effects on soil CO2-C emissions Variation in the soil CO2 flux can result from the interaction of many factors. There were significant effects of tillage, mulch and nitrogen interactions on soil CO2-C emissions at 64 DAS, 144 DAS and at harvest but at rest of seven different dates it was not significant. 417 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 6: Interaction effects of tillage and mulch on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal (2011/2012). CO2-C (mg/m2/hr) Days After Seeding 16 CT ZT SEm LSD CV, % M0 153.88a 115.89b 64 Mw 119.33b 150.00a 96 M0 138.44b 40.11d 5.531 16.58* 12.31 Mw 173.88a 50.44c 2.774 8.318* 9.51 144 M0 152.33a 106.00b Mw 142.66a 148.44a 6.060 23.80* 13.32 M0 311.88a 204.88c Mw 288.44b 323.22a 5.049 19.83** 8.56 Means followed by the same letter(s) in a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance as determined by DMRT CT= Conventional tillage, ZT= Zero tillage M0= Without mulch, Mw= With mulch Table 7: Interaction effects of tillage and nitrogen on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal(2011/2012). CO2-C (mg sq.mhr-1) Days After Seeding 64 CT ZT SEm LSD 144 At harvest N0 N100 N150 N0 N100 N150 N0 N100 N150 93.83c 22.00f 3.910 11.72** 9.51 139.83b 46.00e 234.83a 67.83d 173.83e 214.83d 9.861 29.56** 8.56 266.50c 258.66c 460.16a 318.66b 175.50c 116.33d 8.863 26.57* 11.42 203.00b 166.66c 240.50a 238.50a CV (%) Means followed by the same letter(s) in a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance as determined by DMRT. CT= Conventional tillage, ZT= Zero tillage N0= No nitrogen, N100= 100 kg N ha-1, N150= 150 kg N ha-1 418 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 8:Interaction effects of mulch and nitrogen on soil CO2-C emissions from wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal (2011/2012). CO2-C (mg sq.mhr-1) M0 Days After Seeding 64 N0 N100 52.50e 86.33d Mw 63.33e SEm 3.91 11.72** 9.51 LSD 99.50c N150 129.00b 144 N0 149.00d N100 223.50c N150 402.66a At harvest N0 163.00c 173.66a 239.66c 301.66b 376.16a 128.83d 9.86 29.56** 8.56 N100 182.8 3c 186.8 3c N150 215.33b 263.66a 8.86 26.57** 11.42 CV % Means followed by the same letter(s) in a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance as determined by DMRT. M0= Without mulch, Mw= With mulch N0= No nitrogen, N100= 100 kg N ha-1, N150= 150 kg Nha-1 Table 9:Interaction effects of tillage, mulch and nitrogen on soil CO2-C emissions of wheat field at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal (2011/2012). CO2 – C (mg sq.mhr-1) Nitrogen management Days After Seeding 64 Tillage Mulch 144 N0 N100 88.00de 99.66d 17.00j 27.00ij 133.33c 146.33c 39.33hi 52.66gh N150 N0 At harvest N100 N150 N0 194.00b 148.00f 249.33d 538.33a 192.00cd 275.66a 199.66e 283.66cd 382.00b 159.00de ZT 64.00fg 150.00f 197.66e 267.00d 134.00ef 71.66ef 279.66cd 319.66c 370.33b 98.66f SEM 5.53 13.95 LSD 16.58** 41.81** CV, % 9.51 8.56 Means followed by the same letter(s) in a column are not significantly different at 5% CT M0 Mw M0 Mw N100 N150 221.00bc 185.00cd 144.66e 188.66cd 238.00b 243.00b 192.66cd 284.33a 12.53 37.58** 11.42 level of significance as determined by DMRT. Conclusion The results were encouraging in terms of keeping the C emission lower at zero tillage, no mulch and lower N rate treatments. The rates of N application from zero to 150 kg ha -1 in this study significantly maintained higher C emissions (p = 0.01) through all data collection dates until crop harvest. The ability of soils to sequester C in a high CO2 world is likely to be increased substantially by reducing decomposition of soil organic matter and the activities of invasive species. Thus, proper agricultural technologies provide a window of opportunity for reduction of CO2 emission from our soils. 419 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop References AEU. 2010. Annual Report. Agricultural Environmental Unit (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. Pp. 1-24. Bardgett R. 2005. The biology of soil. Oxford University Press, New York. 242 p. Halvorson AD, B J Wienhold and AL Black. 2002. Tillage, nitrogen and cropping system effects on soil carbon sequestration. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.J.66: 906-912. IPCC.2001.Climate Change.The Scientific Basis. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge University Press, NY. Korschens M. 1998. Effect of different management systems on carbon and nitrogen dynamics of various soils. R Lal, JM Kimble, RF Follett and BA Stewart (eds.). Management of carbon sequestration in soil.CRC Press.US. Pp. 297304. Lal R. 2008. Carbon management in agricultural soils.Mitigation Adop.Strategies global change. 12: 303-322. Spargo JT, M M Alley, R F Follett and J V Wallace. 2008. Soil carbon sequestration with continuous no-till management of grain cropping systems in the Virginia coastal plain. Soil Till. Res. 100: 133-140. 420 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 6. RCT-1 Enhancing Soil Fertility and Crop Production Through Promoting Conservation Agriculture Production Systems (CAPS) in the Mid Hills of Western Nepal Bir B Tamang1, Keshab Thapa1, Roshan Pudasaini1, Bikash Paudel2, Susan Crow2, Jacklene Halbrendt2,Ted Radovich2 and Catherine Chan2 1 2 Local Initiative for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), Nepal Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Hawaii, USA Abstract Conservation tillage improves the soil physical, chemical and biological properties to make the soil nutrients easily available to the crops. Therefore, it is a viable solution for challenges faced by farmers in arid and semi-arid zones and who are dependent in sloping land agriculture. Chepang tribal communities in the Dhading, Gorkha and Tanahun districts of Nepal face excessive soil and nutrient loss, structural degradation, and consequent production loss in the maize based farming system. Research was conducted to test three conservation agriculture production systems in three villages viz. Hyakrang of Dhading district, Thumka of Gorkha district, and Kholagaun of Tanahun district to understand the implications of the production systems on soil quality as well as crop production on the sloping agricultural land. A set of experiments included two seasons i.e. maize grown under conventional tillage(CT) and strip tillage(ST) in the first season, followed by legume and finger millet in the form of Conservation Agriculture Production System (CAPS) in second season. The composition of the three CAPS were: i) legume in CT (CAPS1) ii) legume mixed with finger millet in CT(CAPS2),and iii) legume and millet in strip tillage (CAPS3). The control was conventional tillage (CT) with maize millet rotation. The three years experiment in CAPS showed that the leguminous crop CAPS1 and CAPS3 improved soil pH, organic matter, nitrogen content, bulk density, and water stable aggregates as compared to the control. In CAPS3, the soil nitrogen content increased by 0.10 to 0.18% at the 0-5 cm depth and by 0.09 to 0.14% at the 5-10 cm depth over the periods. Water stable aggregate stability of the soil was also changed by 20% however there is no any significant change in water stable aggregate due to high variability. Tillage did not have significant effect on yields of maize, millet and legumes. other Yet, maize yield from the CAPS1 (2194 kg ha-1) was significantly higher than all treatments. The results provide evidence for improving soil fertility and productivity through conservation agricultural production systems focused on minimum tillage and legumes integration in the maize based farming system in mid hill of Nepal. Keywords: Conservation agriculture, nitrogen, slopping land, soil properties, strip.Tillage. 421 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Introduction More than 50 percent farmers in Nepal are smallholders who have less than 0.5 ha landholding. Large population the Nation depends on slopping land agriculture in midhill region. Such rain-fed terrace agriculture lands are characterized by excessive drainage, shallow soil depth, moisture deficit and acidic reactions. Maize and millet grown during the summer season in the mid hill region is prone to soil erosion, which is a serious problem through time. Due to excessive soil loss, plant nutrients are lost, soil structure deteriorates and the production capacity of the soil is reduced (Troeh et al. 1980). The annual loss of soil from agricultural land ranges from a mere 0.1 t ha-1 level to a very high of 105 t ha-1 in Nepal (Chalise and Khanal 1997). The soil loss from surface soil from agriculture land is highly related to slope gradient in the hills (Shrestha et al. 2004).Such continuous soil loss is adversely affecting crop productivity as well as the environment specifically the quality of downstream water resources in the mid-hills of Nepal (Atreya et al.2005 and Tripathi et al. 1999). Agriculture land in mid hills of Nepal is highly exploited with intensive cultivation of crops with conventional tillage practices. Nepalese rural farmers have little awareness of crop rotation, tillage and nutrient management systems to match the soil type for long-term sustainability. They follow the cropping system which is mostly baled on sole cropping with limited integration of legume crops. Reducing soil loss from sloppy mid hills needs to be one of the top priorities of Nepalese agriculture. Because the declining situation of agriculture land in the mid hill makes it clear that current farming practices are inadequate to sustain these agricultural systems. Declined soil fertility status of maize growing areas in the mid hills is one of the major constraints for increased productivity and sustainability. Conservation agriculture (CA) technologies are the suggested methods to address the problem of soil degradation in slopping agriculture lands. CA technology offers optimal growth conditions to crops for increased yield along with a balance between long term agricultural, economic and environmental benefits (Lal 1983). The concept suggests that the combined environmental and economic benefits gained from reduced input, soil erosion and optimal cropping pattern are more sustainable than current production practices. CA follows three principles viz. no or minimum tillage, cover crops and crop rotation. Crop which have greatest potential to protect and enhance soil and yield productivity in the mid-hills of Nepal. Conservation or minimum tillage enhances crop production by decreasing soil bulk density, increasing infiltration, decreasing surface runoff and conserving soil moisture (Licht and Al-Kaisi 2005). The second and third components of CA are intercropping and optimal crop rotation. Compared to conventional agriculture, CA offers the potential to increase crop productivity (Sayre 2010), reduce production costs, increase soil organic carbon (Lal et al. 2010) and decrease soil salinity in the long run. At the same time, in spite of the lower yield performance initially due to reduced tillage methods, they are essential to reduce soil erosion on highly erodible, sloping silt-loam soils like the mid-hills of Nepal (Howard 1998). 422 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conservation Agriculture Production System (CAPS) supports CA. CAPS is supposed to help smallholder marginal farmers sustainably by to addressing the soil fertility depletion from their land. Following CAPS, farmers can use various options like crop relay farming, crops rotation, mulching, dibbling practices etc. to get greater benefit from the cultivated land. Integration of legume crops like rice bean, cowpea, soybean in mid-hill terrace farming which has maize-millet based cropping system. Chepang are marginalized people who cultivate on marginal land especially following shifting cultivation in sloping and steep land in the mid hills of central and western Nepal (Regmi et al.2004). The main territory of Chepang lies along the Mahavarat range from south of Trisuli river, North and west of Rapti river and east of Narayani river one of the indigenous nationality of Nepal (Maharjan et al. 2010). They have their own traditional system of farming and followed the traditional farming system from the very beginning. They have followed the conservation system on their own which are more traditional and less effective to the modern farming system. They are less influenced by the government activities and other non government agencies due to inaccessible places. Often they are living in sloping land nearby forest and they are more close to the nature. By this study we have tried to assess the effectiveness of various CAPS combinations against traditional way of cultivation practice in terms of soil fertility and crop production. Conventional tillage and strip tillage as well as legume crops as relay crop in maize-millet cropping system are the main comparisons. The research has been believed to contribute to enhance the soil health and efficiency of agro-economic status of smallholder farmers in mid hills of Nepal through the application of conservation agriculture production system. Materials and methods The study was conducted in three villages of Chepang community viz. Thumka in Gorkha, Hykrang in Dhading and Kholagaun in Tanahun. These three sites were purposively selected on the basis of conservation agriculture production system in Chepang tribal community with sloping terraces land. All three sites were located on same agro ecological zone and the altitude was rangedfrom 600-800 meter above the sea level. In Thumka of Gorkha site was dominated by red soil and other two sites were found grayish brown soil with sandy loam. Thumka and Kholagaun were located in the southern aspect and Hykrang of Dhading was faced to the northern aspect. The average rainfall was ranged from 1200 to 2000 mm per year in the study sites. Trial was designed on RCBD method with four treatments including control in each plot. In each plot the number of farmer’s field was replication of the trial and there were eight farmers selected for the trial in each site. The area of a treatment was 20 square meters with 50 cm gap in between the treatment plots. The treatments in the study were as follows: 423 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 1: Treatment allocation in the experiment. Treatments Tillage 1st crops system T1 (Farmers practice: CT Maize Control) CT Maize T2 (CAPS 1) CT Maize T3 (CAPS 2) Strip Maize T4 (CAPS 3) tillage 2nd crops Millet Black gram Millet mixed black gram Millet and black gram T= treatment, CT = conventional tillage, CAPS = conservation agriculture production system During the crop plantation the farm yard manure(FYM) was applied according to farmer’s practice in all treatment. There was no any application of synthetic manure/fertilizer in the treatments. Soil sample collection and analysis In total 192 soil samples were collected for analysis of soil properties each year for three years. 64 soil samples were collected from each study sites from fallow land after designing treatment plots. SoilpH, organic matter, nitrogen, available potassium, available phosphorus, texture, bulk density, and water stable aggregate wereanalyzed. Water Stable Aggregate (WSA) was analyzed by using 250um and 53um size of sieves mesh by washing with water and dispersion solution. The final result shows total percentage of water stable aggregate.The data obtained in the study were analyzed using MSTAT, Excel and Duncan Multiple Range Test as a measurement of inferential statistical for data analysis. Results and Discussion The overall result of soil analysis data was compiled and analyzed over three years. No significant difference was found innutrient retention among the treatments in short run or within one year. However, the result shows that there is significance difference in soil potassium content in second year as well as total soil nitrogen in thethird year (Table 2). Soil parameters Organic matter content in the soil was found to be increased by adopting CAPS but the result was not significantly different. Similarly in case of pH, it has been increased in the II year butdecreased in the IIIyear. Bulk density of the soil has also been decreased from Y1 to Y3 at higher degree in case of CAPS as compared to the traditional practice, though variation is not significantly different (Table 3) 424 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 2: Change in Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium content in soil over three years. Treatment Nitrogen, % Y1 Phosphorus, ppm Y2 Y3 Y1 75.3 72.97 45.43 75.7 73.62 46.86 0.091 0.169 0.182 T2 0.113 0.186 0.188b 0.156 0.157 c a 0.113 Potassium,ppm Y3 b T1 T3 Y2 77.4 68.59 40.39 Y1 Y2 Y3 73.6 70.3 b 73.29 79.5 77.8a 91.16 92.5 56.9 c 66.25 b 82.29 T4 0.100 0.163 0.234 71.8 84.56 47.81 78.4 71.9 ±SEM 0.011 0.012 0.017 4.18 5.23 11.72 9.14 4.09 9.01 LSD NS NS 0.049** NS NS NS NS NS CV,% 15.3 10.3 23 36.2 33.8 56.6 64.4 12.0* * 24.6 35.1 Table 3: Change in soil Organic matter, pH and bulk density in soil over three years. Treatment Organic Matter, % Bulk density gcc - pH(1:2.5) 1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y1 Y3 T1 2.69 3.12 2.76 6.21 6.47 6.08 0.801 0.72 T2 2.82 3.32 2.81 6.26 6.32 6.03 0.784 0.59 T3 T4 2.73 2.64 2.99 3.27 2.45 2.83 6.39 6.33 6.29 6.48 6.09 6.18 0.846 0.815 0.69 0.61 ±SEM 0.122 0.147 0.171 0.071 0.104 0.057 0.048 0.033 LSD NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS CV,% 23.2 14 19 4.00 5.6 6.65 14.7 10.6 Especially in case of pH, the data was recorded from two different soil depths viz. 05cm and 5-10cm in each trial. In both of the soil depth, pH was found to be increased in higher degree as compared to other tillage systems (Figure 1). 425 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop pH(0-5cm) pH(5-10cm) 6.52 6.55 6.50 6.50 6.48 6.45 pH(2:2.5) 6.46 pH(1:2.5) T1 6.40 6.44 T1 6.42 T2 T3 6.40 T3 T4 6.38 T4 T2 6.35 6.30 6.25 6.36 6.20 6.34 2012 2013 2012 2014 2013 2014 Figure 1: Soil pH values in different treatments within three years in two soil depths. Soil organic matter is more important parameters of soil health and it has dynamic properties to conserve the living soil. It affects the various properties of soil positively such as water holding capacity, soil porosity, cation exchange capacity, soil pH and nutrient availability in soil. Soil organic matter was also increased over the year in strip tillage and transferred from the lower level of organic matter to medium and high level.Similarly soil nitrogen is more correlated with soil organic matter (Figure 2). Organic matter Nitrogen Organic matter Nitrogen Figure 2: Organic matter and nitrogen content in two different layer of soil changed year by year 426 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop In conservation agriculture farming, physical properties of soil were enhanced due to minimum disturbance of soil and accumulation of carbon and moisture content. The moisture content was increased along with soil compactness viz. soil bulk density which plays the important role to plant growth. The result showed soil bulk density also decreased in strip tillage in 0-5cm depth and5-10cm soil depth in third year.Analysis of water stable aggregate(WSA)was done in the soil samples form depth of 0-5cm and 5-10cm for all the treatments. Figure 3 shows that the WSA was highly changed in increasing trend on basis first year. Both in 0-5cm and 5-10cm depth the increasing trend of water stable aggregate over the year in all trial plots has been clearly seen. However the improvement in WSA of soil is in higher rate in case of CAPS (T2, T3 and T4) as compared to conventional practice (T1) (Figure 3). Water stable aggregate (5-10cm) 75 Water stable aggregate (0-5cm) 65 % WSA 55 % WSA 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 45 35 25 2012 Year 2012 2014 Year 2014 Figure 3: Water stable aggregate analysis over the year 2012 and 2014. Crop Yield The result of crop yield for different treatments is shown in the following table (Table 4). The treatments CAPS1 and CAPS3 were higher in terms of yieldduring 2nd and 3rd years. Overall maize equivalent yield was higher in CAPS 3 (T4) in the 3rd year. Table 4: Result of crop yield on different treatments by years. Year 2012 2013 2014 CAPS treatment(n=24) Traditional(T1) CAPS1(T2) CAPS2(T3) CAPS3 (T4) Traditional (T1) CAPS1(T2) CAPS2(T3) CAPS3(T4) Traditional(T1) CAPS1(T2) CAPS2(T3) CAPS3(T4) Maize (t ha-1) 1.77±0.12b 2.07±0.17a 1.90±0.13ab 1.69±0.14b 1.95±0.11b 2.12±0.11a 1.75±0.13b 1.80±0.14b 1.74±0.10c 2.15±0.13a 1.93±0.11b 2.06±0.09ab Millet (t ha-1) 0.86±0.10a 0.66±0.09b 0.67±0.10b 1.02±0.10a 0.62±0.08b 0.57±0.07b 1.19±0.10a 0.72±0.07a 0.83±0.07b 427 Black gram (t ha-1) 0.34±0.04a 0.12±0.03b 0.17±0.02b 0.44±0.04a 0.34±0.03b 0.31±0.02b 0.75±0.09a 0.45±0.06b 0.51±0.06b Maize equivalent yield ((t ha-1) 2.45±0.17b 2.83±0.1ab 2.88±0.18a 2.60±0.21a 2.84±0.11b 3.13±0.17a 3.09±0.14ab 3.02±0.16ab 2.75±0.16b 3.88±0.23a 3.59±0.16a 3.93±0.15a 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conservation agriculture production system is a sustainable practice in sloping terraces land with different tillage system and leguminous crop intervention. The results from the experiment reveal that it does not show a huge difference in the beginning.Howeverthe effect of adopting CAPS (stripe tillage and legume integration) is seen with years of implementation. In the case of nitrogen content in soil, the significant increment in third years of implementationhas been found. The result is supported by Lopez-Fando and Pardo (2009), Khan et al. (2010) and Wienhold and Halvorson (1998). This is mainly due to increase in organic matter, as well as legume crop integration in the cropping system. Generally small holder farmers in the mid hills of Nepal use leaf litter and farm yard manure for improving soil fertility. They don’t use synthetic fertilizer for their field due to inaccessible and paying for high price. Research suggested that the use of organic manure is inevitable for sustained agricultural production by reducing dependence on inorganic fertilizers and to build the soil fertility and improve the soil biological activity(Vijaymahantesh et al.2013). Along with the availability of organic matter in the soil can improve the soilpH towards the neutralization within the treatments but there is less improvement in pH over the each year due to increase in organic matter and low leaching with minimum tillage. But pH showed the increasing trend in each year on both conventional and strip tillage. The tillage system plays the importance role in conserving soil moisture and its subsequent beneficial effect on crop productivity has long been recognized. Dograet al.2002 reported that the adequate tillage operations controlled weeds and resulted higher crop productivity, but caused more soil loss and were more capital intensive. Soil nitrogen is key to crop performance. The two parameters,soil organic matter and soil total nitrogen, have been found positively correlated throughout the years. The soil analysis report shows low level of total nitrogen ranges from 0.08% to 0.18% in the soil (Figure 2). Soil organic matter has also been increased in second and third years as compared to first year and relatively higher in CAPS adopted conditions. Nitrogen content also positively increases in both depths (0-5cm and 5-10cm) each year in strip tillage as compared to first year. Bulk density is the major component of soil that shows the compaction of soil that is measured by bulk density. Bulk density does not vary with other soil properties because it is measured on dry soil basis. Bulk density mainly relates with pore size distribution that plays the important role in water holding capacity and aeration in the soil. Bulk density of soil is also decreased over the year due to influence of organic matter and tillage system. The lower soil bulk density produced by higher level ploughing could be attributed to the loosening effects of tillage (Lal 1997 and Hulugalle et al.1985). Regmi et al. 2004 also supported the management of bulk density with presenceof organicmatter and soil tillage practices.Increase in bulk density limits the root penetration in soil and decline the root development. Bulk density declines gradually in the soil with added organic matter each year as well as reduced tillage. Soil structure is an importance feature of the soil which is defined as the mutual arrangement of primary mineral and organic particles into larger formation of various 428 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop sizes and shapes.The increase in water stable aggregate improve more water space or porous in soil. Consequently the increasing trendin WSA due to CAPS has been shown by the experiment which means CAPS has positive effect on soil structure of continued over years. Overall crop performance has been found superior in the case of CAPS 3 (strip tillage along with legume integration mixed with millet) followed by CAPS 1 (Conventional tillage along with legume integration replacing millet). The production in these case was supported by improved soil nutrient supply especially N by legume crop. Strip tillage helped the soil to retain soil nutrients and moisture consequently helping crop production (Paudel et al. 2014). Conclusion Overall findings of the experiment suggested that, among the four different combinations of tillage and crop rotation, stripe tillage along with legume integration as the most effective system in regards to the soil physical properties, nutrient holding and crop production. The stripe tillage helps to trap water in the soil by providing shade, which reduces water evaporation. It also helps to slow runoff and increases the opportunity for water to soak into the soil. Similarly once adopted, stripe tillage, will increase soil particle aggregation making it easier for plants to establish roots which is directly related with the plant growth and development. All of these ultimately help to sustainably increase crop production. Effect of tillage and crop combination as various treatments was varied year to year. Mostly, the effect of CAPS found positively changed over the years. Therefore, after this experiment, it has been revealed that such experiments requires at least few years of study to see the real effect of conservation agriculture practices, for example reduced tillage. Resource poor farming households from the hill area of Nepal, who follow slopping land agriculture and have restricted access to chemical fertilizer can adopt stripe tillage together with legume as relay crop with maize/millet to increase crop return and make the system sustainable for the long term. In the sloping hills of Nepal, where maize is cultivated as the main crop, this technology could help to sustain production by restricting soil degradation, which is perhaps the most serious threat to the agriculture system as a whole. Additional research and on farm demonstrations should be pursued in order to encourage regional farmers to take benefit from these new ideas. References Atreya K, S Sharma and RM Bajracharya. 2005. Minimization of soil and nutrient losses in maize-based cropping systems in the mid-hills of central Nepal. Kathmandu Unv. J. Sc. Eng. Tech. 1 (1). Chalise SR and NR Khanal. 1997. Erosion processes and their implications in sustainable management of watersheds in Nepal Himalayas. Regional hydrology: concepts and models for sustainable water resource management. IAHS publishing no. 246. 429 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Dogra P, BP Joshi and NK Sharma. 2002. Economic analysis of tillage practices for maize cultivation in the Himalayan humid subtropics. Indian J. Soil conserv. 30(2):172-178. Howard DD and ME Essington. 1998. Effects of surface-applied limestone on the efficiency of urea-containing nitrogen sources for no-till corn. Agron. J. 90: 523-528. Hulugalle NR, R Lal and OA Opara-Nadi. 1985. Effect of tillage system and mulch on soil properties and growth of yam (Dioscorearotundata) and cocoyam (Xanthosomasagillifolium) on an ultisol. J.Root Crops. 11: 9-22. Khan NI, AU Malik, F Umer and MI Bodla. 2010. Effect of tillage and farm yard manure on physical properties of soil. Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. 1 (4):75-82. Lal R. 1997. Long-term tillage and maize monoculture effects on a tropical Alfisol in western Nigeria on crop yield and soil physical properties. Soil Tillage Res. 42: 145-160. Lal R. 1983. No-till farming: Soil and water conservation and management in the humid sand sub-humid tropics. IITA Monograph No. 2, Ibadan, Nigeria. Lal R, DC Reicosky, and JD Hanson. 2010. Evolution of the plow over 10,000 years and the rationale for no-till farming. Soil and Tillage Res. 93(1): 1-12. Licht MA and M Al-Kaisi. 2005. Corn response, nitrogen uptake and water use in strip-tillage compared with no tillage and chisel plow. Agron. J. 97:705-710. Lopez-Fando C and MT Pardo. 2009. Changes in soil chemical characteristics with different tillage practices in a semi-arid environment. Soil Tillage Res. 104: 278–284. Maharjan KL, L Piya, NP Joshi. 2010. Annual subsistence cycle of the Chepangs in mid-hills of Nepal: An integration of farming and gathering, Himalayan J. Socio. and Antropo.Vol. IV. Paudel B, Theodore, Adovich, C Chan-Halbrendt, SCrow,BB Tamang, J Halbrendt and KThapa. 2014. Effect of conservation agriculture on maize-based farming system in the mid-hills of Nepal, Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact 2014, HumTech2014.Procedia Engineering. 78:327 – 336. Regmi BR, ASubedi, KP Aryal, BBTamang. 2004. Documentation of Shifting Cultivation in the Eastern Himalayas: Case Studies from Nepal.Report prepared for ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. Sayre KK and P Hobbs. 2010. The raised-bed system of cultivation for irrigated production conditions. Pp. 337-355. In: Proc.of conference on International Research on Food Security. National Resource Management and Rural Development. Performance of maize under CA on salt-affected irrigated croplands in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Devkota, MK, C. Martius, KD Sayre, O. Egomberdiev, KP Devkota, RKGupta, AM Manschadi, JPA Lamers (eds). Shrestha DP, JA Zinck and EVan Ranst. 2004. Modeling land degradation in the NepaleseHimalaya. Catena.57 (2): 135-156. Tripathi BP. 1999. Review of acid soils and its management in Nepal. In:Proc. of III national conference on science and technology Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (RONAST) (ed.), March 8-11, 1999. 430 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Troeh FR., JA Hobbs and RL Donahue. 1980. Soil and Water Conservation: for productivity and environmental protection. Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA. Vijaymahantesh, HV Nanjappa and BK Ramachandrappa. 2013. Effect of tillage and nutrient management practices on weed dynamics and yield of fingermillet (EleusinecoracanaL.) under rainfedpigeonpea (CajanuscajanL.) fingermillet system in Alfisolsof Southern India, Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Wienhold BJ and AD Halvorson. 1998. Cropping system influence on several soil quality attributes in the northern Great Plains. J. Soil Water Con. 53: 254-158. 431 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop RCT-2 Tillage Affects the Soil Properties and Crop Yields Tika Karki1 and Jiban Shrestha2 1 National Maize Research Program (NARC), Rampur, Chitwan 2 Nepal Agricultural Research Council Abstract With the aim of consolidating the information of soil tillage and its effect on soil properties and crop yields, a brief review of the works being done within and outside the country was carried out. The review revealed that conventional agriculture system with intensive tillage practices deteriorated the soil quality and affected the crop yields. Tillage decreased the soil organic carbon, the crucial store house of soil-plant system and the major nutrient nitrogen over longer run. Conservation tillage (CT) also called the minimum or no tillage where soil is covered with crop residue, significantly improved the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. CT increased the soil aggregates of more than 2 mm by 134%, increased water availability by 36-45 %, and porosity. Similarly, higher thermal conductivity in CT soils produced the lower increase in soil temperature in the upper soil profile. In CT, soil pH was higher in surface but lower in sub surface. CT had higher organic matter along with the increased amount of mineralizable organic forms of plant nutrients and microbial activities. CT increased the soil N (24%) and P over conventional tillage in 9 years period and also increased their availability at soil depth of 5 cm. Several studies revealed that soil flora and fauna are more abundant under CT than conventional tillage. Soil microbes play an integral role in nutrient cycling, soil stabilization, and organic matter decomposition. Despite having some of the contracdictory results, many workers reported firmly that CT improves soil moisture, regulates soil temperature and minimize weed pressure, increases organic matter and hence crops yield. Therefore, in Nepal studies are to be convergent towards the generation, verification, and scaling up of conservation tillage based technologies for various agro-ecologies and cropping systems. Keywords: Conservation tillage, soil properties, yields. Introduction Agriculture is an engine of economic development and is integral to any agenda for addressing global issues of the twenty-first century (e.g., food and nutritional security, climate change, growing energy and water demands, and biodiversity). Nepalese agriculture sector have also moved off course onto a path of declining productivity and increasing negative externalities, a path that is considered to be unsustainable ecologically as well as economically and socially. Indeed, the intensive tillage-based farming with its high and addictive dependence on manual labor in the hills and sloppy terrain to heavy machinery in the Terai and flat lands is no longer fit to meet the 432 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop agricultural and rural resource management needs and demands. It seems to us who deal with agricultural production systems that with intensive tillage as a basis of the current agriculture production and intensification paradigm we have now arrived at a “bit dangerous” point in agro-ecosystem degradation globally (Figure 1). Worldwide, more than 10 million hectares of productive arable land are severely degraded and abandoned each year (Pimentel et al. 1995). Therefore, an attempt has been made in this article to highlight briefly the significance of conservation tillage in terms of soil restoring and improving soil properties and crop yields. Figure 1.How tillage degrades the soil consequently soil organic carbon. Materials and methods A review work on the performance of tillage and residue management methods on soil properties and grain yield was carried out from within and outside the country. Results of a factorial design having two factors of tillage and residue management each with two levels i.e. with or without tillage and with or without residue under rice-maize system carried during 2010 to 2013, in Rampur, Chitwan are also presented in the paper. 433 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Results and Discussions Bulk density of soil as affected by tillage and residue Tillage alters the physicochemical and biological properties of soil and provides the congenial condition for better growth of maize. Four different till system, viz., conventional tillage (CT), zero tillage (ZT), raised bed (RB) and ridge and furrow (RF) were tried with two mulch viz. no mulch (NM) and paddy straw mulch (PSM at 4.0 t ha−1). Bulk density of soil at different soil depths were lower in RF followed by RB. Soil organic carbon (SOC) changed with tillage and higher SOC was recorded on ZT at top 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil depths but below 20 cm there was no significant difference. Consequently, all the physical and chemical parameters were better with PSM over NM. The measured growth and yield attributes of maize depended on soil properties like bulk density, porosity, water potential, texture, aggregation and soil organic carbon (Table 1). Table 1. Bulk density (mg m3) of soil as affected by tillage and residue at different soil depths. Tillage Residue 0-10cm 10-20cm 20-30cm CT NM 1.21 1.30 1.44 PSM 1.18 1.38 1.13 ZT NM 1.24 1.40 1.45 PSM 1.20 1.39 1.44 RB NM 1.15 1.35 1.42 PSM 1.13 1.33 1.42 Source: Chaudhary et al. (2013) Soil moisture storage as affected by tillage and residue The long-term effects of no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) on soil properties and crop yields were investigated in annual double cropping system of winter wheat–summer maize in the Gaocheng in Hebei, North China Plain over an 11year period (1998–2009). Long-term NT significantly (P < 0.05) increased soil organic matter, available N and P in the top 10 cm by 16.1%, 31.0% and 29.6% as compared to CT treatment. Soil water storage (0-30cm soil depth) at the time of winter wheat seeding in CT soils from 1999-2009 was 55.8mm, while in NT soils it was higher (60 mm). In the dry years of 2001(annual rainfall: 347mm, 2004 (373mm), 2006 (400mm) and 2009 (389mm), particularly, soil water storage in NT were higher representing a mean improvement of 19.43% in NT treatments (Table 2). Table 2:Soil water storage (mm) in Wheat at 0-30cm soil depth (1999-2009). Treatment Annual rainfall (mm) NT 1999 583 601 2001 347 409 2003 614 725 2005 521 586 2007 521 773 2009 389 459 CT 613 403 706 558 749 343 434 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Total soil porosity (%) Soil porosity In general macro and mesoporosity were greater in no-till soils, but microporosity was less than that in ploughing soils. In the 0-10cm soil depth macro and mesoporosity on NT plots were 51.2% and 4.6% greater, but microporosity was 3.8% less than on CT plots. In deeper soil layers NT treatment also had 61.6% higher macroporosity in the 10-20cm soil depth, and statistically greater (17.8%) mesoporosity in the 20-30cm soil layer, but mean microporosity in the 10-30 cm soil layer was 18.3% less. Consequently, mean total porosity was 9.0% greater in NT (47.9%) than that in CT (43.9%) largely due to an increase in macroporosity on the NT plots. Mean percentage of macro-aggregates (>0.25 mm, +8.1%) and macroporosity (>60 μm, +43.3%) was also enhanced statistically (P < 0.05) in the 0–30 cm soil layer (Figure 2). 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 0-10cm 0-10cm 10-20cm 10-20cm 20-30cm 20-30cm CT NT CT NT CT NT Figure 2: Soil porosity as affected by tillage methods at different soil depths. An experiment of tillage with two levels (NT: no till planting of maize and direct seeding of rice and CT: Conventional tillage for both the crops) and residue management with two levels (RK: Residue Kept i.e. maize residue anchored at 40cm above the ground for rice planting and rice residue anchored at 30cm for maize planting and RR: Residue Removed) under maize-rice system was carried out at Rampur, during 2010 to 2013. The effect of tillage and residue on the soil organic matter, N, P2O5 and K2O content was found to be significant. No tillage and residue kept plots had higher amount of soil organic matter, N, P2O5 and K2O compared to conventionally tilled and residue removed plots (Table 3). Conventional tillage practices cause change in soil structure by modifying soil bulk density and soil moisture content. In addition, repeated disturbance by conventional tillage gives birth to a finer and loose-setting soil structure while conservation and no-tillage methods leave the soil intact (Rashidi and 435 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Keshavarzpour 2007). This difference results in a change of characteristics of the pores network. The number, size, and distribution of pores again control the ability of soil to store and diffuse air, water, and agricultural chemicals and, thus, in turn, regulate erosion, runoff, and crop performance (Khan et al. 2001). Losses of soil organic C (SOC) and deterioration in other properties exaggerated where conventional tillage was employed (Powlson et al. 2012). With time, conservation tillage, on the other hand, improves soil quality indicators (Plaza et al. 2013) including SOC storage (Sharma et al. 2013). It was observed that the total N (%) content gradually increased in ZT and MT with progressing time. In 2011 and 2012, the highest phosphorus content (18.54 and 20.32mgkg−1 for 2011 and 2012, respectively.) was found in ZT which was significantly higher than the other tillage practices. The lowest phosphorus content (13.76 and 14.32mg kg−1) was recorded in DT. ZT showed the highest concentration of K in all the years and the minimum was in DT. During the first 4 years of tillage, (Rhoton 2000) determined a 10% loss of initial soil organic matter content with plough tillage.Positive impact of residue retention on soil quality is partly due to the nutrient recycled into the soil. On an average crop residue contains 0.8% N, 0.1% P and 1.3% K. Consequently the long term impact of residue retention on soil quality is both due to elemental cycling and to providing food and habitat for soil biota especially for microorganisms and earthworms (Lal 2005). Table 3: Effect of tillage and residue methods on soil chemical properties in rice field at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal(2010-2013). Soil organic matter, N, P and K content in soil Treatments OM % N% P2O5kg ha -1 K2O kg ha-1 Tillage b CT 3.994 b 0.172 a NT LSD SEm± Residue 4.886 0.275 0.129 3.155 0.193 0.008 0.004 LSD SEm± 5.725 0.292 0.137 93.3 a 107.5 5.01 2.35 94.0 4.60 2.16 b b 90.7 a 0.190 0.009 0.004 b a b 0.176 a RK 93.6 a b RR b 83.5 a 110.3 5.31 2.49 a 103.8 4.88 2.29 No of tillers, thousand grain weight and grain yield of rice The effect of tillage and residue was evident on the number of effective tillers and grain yield of rice. It might be due to the effect of improved soil qualities as presented 436 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop in the previous tables (Table 4). Similarly, the effect of tillage on the grain yield of maize was obvious (Figure 3) and the reasons might be the same for rice. Table 4: Effective tillers, thousand grain weight and grain yield of rice as affected by tillage and residue, 2013, Rampur. Treatments Effective tillers , 1000 grain weight, Grain yield, Sq.m,nos g t ha-1 b 123.0 CT 19.8 2.281b a 168.3 NT 20.2 3.668a 18.2* LSD NS 0.476* 3.27 SEm± 0.2 0.935 123.1b 20.1 2.225b RR a 168.3 RK 19.9 3.723a 22.18** LSD ns 0.084* 2.77 SEm± 0.3 0.043 Figure3. Grain yield of maize as affected by tillage and residue levels, 2013, Rampur. Conclusion Conservation Tillage (CT) = no tillage+ residue kept improves soil’s physical (porosity, bulk density and water holding capacity) and chemical properties (organic matter, N, P and K in the longer run.Crop yields and related parameters are comparable or higher than conventional tillage system.The CT technology being new frontier as well as a low cost and climate smart agriculture in Nepalese agricultural research and 437 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop development, needs to back by strong policy and collaboration between research and extension. Acknowledgement Authors are highly thankful to NARC management and NMRP family for their continuous support rendered during the course of this study period. They are also thankful to Second National Soil fertility Workshop organizing committee and Soil Science Division, NARC for providing the opportunity to present this paper. References Khan FUH, AR Tahir and IJ Yule. 2001.Intrinsic implication of different tillage practices on soil penetration resistance and crop growth.Int. J. Agric. Biol. 1: 23–26. Lal R. 2005. World crop residues production and implications of its use as a biofuel. Environ. Int. 31(4):575-84. Pimentel D, C Harvey, P Resosudarmo, K Sinclair, D Kurz, M McNair and S Crist. 1995. Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits. Science New Series Vol 267 No 5201 : Plaza C, D Courtier-Murias, JM Fernández, A Polo and AJ Simpson. 2013. Physical, chemical, and biochemical mechanisms of soil organic matter stabilization under conservation tillage systems: a central role for microbes and microbial by-products in C sequestration. Soil Biol.Biochem. 57: 124–134. Powlson DS, A Bhogal and BJ Chambers. 2012. The potential to increase soil carbon stocks through reduced tillage or organic material additions in England and Wales: a case study. Agric. Eco. Environ.146 (1): 23–33. Rashidi M and F Keshavarzpour. 2007. Effect of different tillage methods on grain yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.), Int. J. Rural Devel.2: 274–277. Rhoton FE. 2000. Influence of time on soil response to no-till practices. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.J. 64 (2): 700–709. Sharma KL, J K Grace, R Milakh. 2013. Improvement and assessment of soil quality under long-term conservation agricultural practices in hot, arid tropical aridisol. Comm.Soil Sci.Pl. Anal. 44 (6): 1033–1055. 438 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 7. SP-1 Soil cientists ngaged in esearch, evelopment and cademic nstitutions in Nepal: Where o e o? Keshav R Adhikari Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences (IAAS), Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal Abstract Nepalese soil scientists have come from diverse socio-cultural settings and largely share a common rural agricultural background. From this perspective, the term ‘soil’ was not new as we made our career in the field of soil science. Our common future lies in continued fostering of the principles and practices of this subject and use this knowledge to support programs and activities leading to sustainable soil resource development. Today, we are engaged in diverse research, development and academic institutions in the country and abroad. Nevertheless, it appears that we are still far behind our potentials to contribute to agricultural and environmental objectives of the 21st century. Complying with this global agenda and local circumstances of Nepal, we have to come forward from our respective corners and play several key roles to promote interinstitutional cooperation and make these institutions more vibrant for this cause. While food , it is soil scientists’ role is primary for improved soil fertility to also necessary to shift priority on the environmental issues in areas of food sufficiency. It would not be surprising to foresee that the current management level of related institutions ) in Nepal will not sustain long-term. Therefore, the question is to what (public extent soil scientists (or, our institutions) are prepared to transform conventional production system. It would be agriculture into eco-agriculture to hard to realize these achievements without an appropriate decision-making policy to produce capable human resources for the future. More importantly, agricultural universities, NARC, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment should venture for developing local and national partnership, networking, coordination and sharing information to work as a team. New policies should evolve such that farming communities and agro-based entrepreneurs are benefited from these institutions and intellectual contributions including that of Soil Science Society of Nepal. No doubt, for the next generation, concentrations will have to go to develop a suit of interdisciplinary approaches to protect soil resources and maintain environmental quality. Keywords: Institutional networking, intellectual contribution, inter-disciplinary approaches, partnership Why learning soil science is so important? Nepal is predominantly an agrarian country. Over 70% of population is still engaged in this sector accounting for about 40% of the GDP. Nepalese agriculture is said to be rich in a number of so called good indigenous practices sustaining rural livelihood since time immemorial. However, taken evidences from the historical trend, this sectoralone 439 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop could not drive the national economy. Nevertheless, Nepal government pours a large share of national budget to produce an adequate supply of food for the growing population. But it is often said that farmers have continuously faced limited access to support services, such as improved seeds, irrigation, fertilizers, new technologies, transportation, off-season storage facilities, crop insurance, extension education and market opportunities and so on. Accepting to what has been said would mean that agricultural production system in Nepal is dwindling leaving rural economies depressed and hunger, malnutrition, unemployment and urban migration increased. However, not going into the details behind these consequences, I would safely argue that science on which agriculture develops succumbed to receive low priority in the country. Drawing on regional and global experiences, it appears that only consistent and sincere efforts of generations could perpetuate into scientific development of agriculture. Have we done that? And, as said earlier, we are rich in traditional cultures but a blend of these two would work only after advancing the scientific domain of agriculture. This requires modernization of traditional cultures which must be supported by scientific principles of agriculture. Not underestimating the role of other fields of agricultural science, it is widely accepted that the science on which the whole spectrum of agriculture sustains is the soil science –the physical reality and a basis of whole ecosystem functions providing all kinds of services to the mankind. It is therefore, very important that unless a value is placed on soil, agriculture will remain backward as we have been facing today. It would be helpful to learn from the history. “Great civilizations collapsed because they failed to prevent soils from degradation on which they were founded,” Wits University Professor Mary Scholes and Dr. Bob Scholes write in ScienceDaily on November 4 of 2013. It is not uncommon with the national government that development of plans and programs and resource allocation are often made on narrow and ad-hoc approaches most likely leading to slip off the target. Therefore, it is still hard to figure out when the value of soil science and the art of using soil will emerge in the mainstream of national priority. Based on these premises and current national development contexts, this paper aims to put forward some ideas helpful for taking benefits of this vast resource by utilizing knowledge and expertise of Soil Science developed in the country. Emphasize the Role of Soil Scientists Agricultural development As pointed out earlier, agriculture sector alone cannot drive the national economy but still demands more investment ontechnological innovations to the extent that food security is maintained in the country. This then would help to meet a necessary condition to relieving from a painful food deficit. Once the food security is maintained, agriculture would serve as a precursor for furthering the economy. From this perspective, agriculture could be said a basic pillar of national economy.Conversely, a target of very high return would also ruin the land and water resources quickly. 440 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Let me go in a bit detail into this point. Most farmers in Nepal have now switched over to the use of improved crop varieties but suffer economic losses partly due to low or imbalanced input (fertilizer, irrigation, seed etc.)rates. Nation must be prepared to grow more food tofeed ever growing population. In the name of sustainable food production or sustainable agriculture or organic agriculture, Nepal cannot keep starving while neighboring countries have skyrocketed their economy, advanced technologically and improved amenities of living standards.Soilsare dynamic bodies in nature but Nepalese farmers are still using the same age-old fertilizer recommendation rates of the government (just an example). Why can’t we review those age-old fertilizer rates and provide farmers with current rates of fertilizer application? Similarly, despite plenty of water resources in Nepal, irrigation is highly a matter of luck for most farmers. Being a student of soil science, we have studied topics of soil-water relationships or soil-plant relationships. These courses have taught us that irrigation alone can increase crop productivity by 50%. To what extent do the Nepalese farmers know if there are any irrigation technologies available to meet their local needs? Soil scientists are the most appropriate professionals who should take a lead role to untiringly carry out field and laboratory research activities to answer these questions. To contribute to this goal, Soil Science Division of NARC and University must work jointly on long term basis. But do we have enough number of soil scientists and resources developed in NARC and universities in Nepal? If the commitment comes from the political sphereto eradicate food insecurity which we are looking forward;in the next few years, we need over one hundred of soil scientists with the highest university degree (PhD) and same number of research staff (half from MS degree and half post-doctoral) to advance fundamental and applied research with target of attaining food security.A significant restructuring of NARC system willthen be needed to bring in more infrastructures, stringent manpower hiring policy for qualified soil science experts, encourage advanced research and equipment, and more importantly introduce regulations and monitoring for better work-ethics and accountability. National Parks and Forest Development It is a well-established fact that protection of natural environment (plant, animals, water and the landscapes) is the key to successful tourism in any country. Principles and practices of soil and water conservation including nutrient enrichment in watershed management are the major areas that soil scientists must undergo through detailed training courses for university graduation. This knowledge and experience earned through rigorous and expensive training is wasted in most of the current areas in the government system where soils scientists are given placement. Let us be more flexibleand go beyond the traditional boundary of ministry of agriculture and development for the use of soil scientists’ expertise in nation building process. For example, using advanced knowledge of the subject matter, they can successfully model the environment and demonstrate as to what kind of scenario we would like to choose for future nature conservationprogram. Not just conservation, by virtue of their professionalism, they are supposed to successfully work in restoration of wetlands and degraded lands which could be a good contribution to develop government managed 441 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop forest,protected areas under national parks and those scattered and ruined areas in Chure mountain range. It is increasingly important that a technical wing consisting of a team of soil scientists be deputed under the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation to promote the tourism component of the Ministry. Similar teams of soil scientists forming technical units should be provisioned to serve Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation. It is pathetic to learn that there is not even a single high level soil science professional in any of these five departments under this Ministry. As far as my knowledge goes, each of these departments (dept. of forest, research and survey, soil conservation, plant resources, and dept. of national parks and wildlife conservation) need at least two high level soil science professionals and at least 5 mid-level technicians without delay to help meet the national park, forest and tourism development objectives of the government. Irrigation Development In Nepal, Irrigation and Agriculture (especially paddy rice) are almost synonymous terms. Ministry of Irrigation is the competent government authority to develop irrigation facility for increased food production in the country. There are specialized irrigation engineers in the ministry who design, and develop physical infrastructures to provide farmers with access to supply of irrigation water. But then, questions arise how much, how long, how fast, and how often farmers need water to irrigate their crops. When irrigation canals were built, they were made under certain design principles and engineers might have donetheir jobs well. But when farmers ask as to when, why, and how much to irrigate, soil-water and plant relationships drive the principles. The answers usually involve a combination of soil characteristics, plant growth stage and weather conditions; however, how fast to apply water is based solely on soil type. There are good and bad points with each soil types with respect to retain, loose or supply water. Soil physics and soil conservation are two major branches of Soil Science that cover theories and practices of irrigation for different soil types, times and supply quantities in detail. No doubt irrigationand water conservation also involves some engineering principles and in some cases, advanced mathematical models used to quantify the flow of water in and through the soil. Moreover, Soil Scientists also study ‘Statistics and Mathematics for Soil Science.’ It is also certain that they study in more details about physical, chemical, and biological dimensions of soil science and have dealt with cultural practices of several kinds of field crops, horticultural and flower plants. So, when it comes to the point of water management of any specific crop, soil scientists should have more expertise and professionalism developed in this field than do the engineers.Therefore, here comes the role of soil scientists – as an appropriate professional who could contribute greatly to this function of Ministry of Irrigation (MOI). I doubt MOI has any hiring and recruiting policy and directives for Soil Scientists. Well, Ministry of Agriculture and NARC have positions for soil scientists, would be an easy answer for many.I don’t think blaming each other helps much. Definitely, MOI will be better served given that they strengthen their own technical 442 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop team of Soil Scientists working in harmony with agricultural engineers just like social scientists are doing in MOI since over two decades. Maintaining Environmental Quality It is globally accepted that soil plays a great role not only to provide support for plant growth, but also decompose waste materials, filter, transform and to regulate the risk and effects of climate change. Some professionals who have learnt about the soil resource in detail are the most appropriate candidates required by the Department of Environment of Nepal. This department was established in Nepal in 2012 under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. It clearly says that the Department will be instrumental in dealing with environment related problems such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, sound pollution and so on. I understand that there should be clear and attractive policies and directives for hiring scientists in the department, among others, to recognize and make use of soil scientists’ expertise in maintaining environmental quality of Nepal. We often say that brain-drain is a great problem in Nepal, but at the same time, government policies have always remained passive to attract those capable high level technical manpower in the country. Therefore, we will be glad to see if there is a team of soil scientists officially deputed to study soils pollution (collect soil samples, analyze, report, present, and publish related information) for the department. Soil scientists could, for example, help monitoring of polluted soils due to potentially harmful materials such as heavy metal and/or persistent organic pollutants and the impacts, and study of amendments for crop production thus improving the environmental quality and enhancing farmers’ income. Land Survey for Land Resource Utilization Some soil scientist are more specialized to deals with the preparation of land use classification maps and planning of land uses by utilizing the basic soil map, LANDSAT data, and GIS system databases. Exposure to recent advances in science have made the younger soil scientists capable of evaluating soil-vegetation-water continuum system of a wide variety of terrestrial ecosystems and landscapes produced by regionality and humanity. All these help in evaluation, conservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of the terrestrial environment, closely related with soils. Land survey is done for better utilization of land resources. It is therefore, also important to analyze the vegetation cover changes from past to present, and to provide necessary data for predictions, and future preventions and amendments.Sustainable utilization of soil resources is also studied through mapping of soil units and evaluation of potential utility for agriculture and forestry. People are mostly confused with the terms ‘land’ and ‘soil.’ Land is a collective term denoting kinds of soils distributed in a given area as seen from a vantage point. But we must scale down ifwe want to make a detailed observation of the land. Then, we collect soil samples representing different land systems. Land survey department of Nepal under Ministry of Land Reform and Management provides,land maps for various purposes. One of those is for agricultural purpose, such as those with legal parcel 443 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop boundaries of farmers’ fields.In this process, soil scientists could play a great role to improve the scope of Ministry’s work by providing soils data. Based on scientific learning, soil scientists have abilities to analyze and delineate boundaries between different types of soils suited to different purposes. This would then help in developing quality data from which more reliable inferences could be drawn. Department of Land survey of Nepal could be in a stronger position to have its own team of soil scientists to serve this purpose. Energy Development In the modern context, the energy sector comprises the totality of all industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including hydropower, solar power, fuel extraction, manufacturing, refining, distribution, and marketing. Modern society consumes large amounts of fuel, and the energy sector is a crucial part of the infrastructureto maintain society in almost all countries.Government’s petroleum supplying sector of Nepal is weak and often fails to meet the fuel demand of Nepal. There is doubt that imported petroleum quality meets the current environmental standards. Likewise, being one of the largest hydropower potential country. Nepalese spend half of their time in the dark. We have a full-fledge Ministry in the name of Energy. This ministry is responsible for the production and sale of hydropower per se. If we have to develop our nation, the question is to what extent, Nepalese will tolerate these situations? Time has come we must think forward, be fast and bring in modern science and technologies, invest on research and serve the energy need of society. Due to many technical, political and treaty reasons, it appears that Nepal can’t grow just on hydropower and also should not depend on oil imports. Government must speed up with alternative approaches, such as go for a massive scale of solar power production, which is very successful in most of Nepal Mountains. Similarly, it is important that part of oil/fuel demands be met increasingly from exploring and processing local plant resources which we call ‘green energy.’ A number of technologies are available in the international market. For example, Kathmandu urban waste could be used to produce energy and at the same time, also produce environmentally sound manure for urban horticulture/flower production. Both Ministry of Energy and Petroleum sectors of the Government should forge ahead for a joint-renewable energy production program. Universities could help in initial research phase. Soil scientists could be very instrumental in this initiative. For example, their expertise could be used in producing bio-fuels. This can be derived directly from plants, or indirectly from agricultural, commercial, domestic, and/or industrial wastes. Renewable biofuels generally involve contemporary carbon fixation, such as those that occur in plants or microalgae through the process of photosynthesis. Similarly, bioethanol is another approach in which an alcoholis made by fermentation, mostly from carbohydrates produced in sugar or starch crops such as corn, sugarcane or sweet sorghum. Cellulose biomass derived from non-food sources, such as trees and grasses, 444 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop is also being developed as a feedstock for ethanol production.Bio-diesel produced from oils or fats could be an example of biofuel. A lot of chemistry, soil quality and plant factor and growing environment affect the oil production. Past project-based and piecemeal types of research works carried out by some individuals or NGOs failed to contribute to this end because they were not driven by the cause of sustainability. Hence, government must drive a new vision, and come forward with a longrangingsustainable policies. New Frontiers Facing Soil Scientists and Academic Institutions Historically, soil scientists were confined to research related to agricultural production. More recently, they are involved in several kinds of disciplines and do the research in cross-cutting areas including the role of soils in dry and wet-land ecology, hydrology, and biogeochemistry of diverse landscapes, environmental interactions in energy transformations and many others. Since soils form the interface of these environmental interactions, soil scientists should take an initiative to advance interdisciplinary research for climate change impact mitigation, developing green energy technology, and develop greater understanding of soil as an importantproduct of nature constituting diverse ecosystem functions and multitudes of services.Moreover, they should be actively engaged in research, teaching, extension, consulting, and formulating regional and national levelpolicy and regulations for protecting soil resources.Similarly, food security and environmental protection are serious overarching challenges of 21st century where soil scientists should trigger trade-off between them so that technologies are in place to increase production to the extent of attaining food security while keeping the negative environmental impacts low. All this led to widening of the soil science education to various directions of scientific and humanistic area. A review and updating of old academic curricula would be imperative so that future scientists are capable of delivering modern theories, tools and practices successfully. A bitter truth is that number of soil science students at all levels is decreasing in the universities globally with time. This point had pulled attention of the participants during 20th World Congress of Soil Science in S. Korea back in 2014. It was concluded that the subject be reviewed and made more friendly, broaden the teaching to include environment and human health aspects. As one of the effective ways to development attraction into the subject of soil science, the congress also agreed to discusswith respective government line agencies to develop policies forintroducing soils education at lower levels of schooling. Summary Through this paper, I think I have tried to express sincerelyand straightforwardly my observations and experiences accumulated over two decades of working as a teacher of soil science in the university in and outside the country. Let me summarize by making four points: First,although much remains to learn about the soils’ role in humanity, it has played a vital role in history and will be more important for survival and maintenance of our living environment in the future. So, it should be understood that 445 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Soil Scientists’ role in drawing agricultural and environmental benefits utilizing soil resources will be imperative. Second, Soil Scientists in Nepal should be prepared to accept new challenges by expanding their scope of work from traditional agricultural sector to many others areas including national park and forest development, irrigation management, maintaining environmental quality, land surveying for improved land resource utilization, energy development and university teaching with broadened soil science curricula. Three, the related line ministries in Nepal would be better served if they develop policies and programs to strengthen their own technical manpower involving a team of soil scientists to address soils and environment related issues. Four, these Soil scientists will then trigger an effective coordination plan across Ministries natural resource management and sustainable development programs in the country. References: (Not cited in the text). 446 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop SP-2 Chemical Pesticide Application: An Impending Threat to Soil-Health Maintenance Ram Babu Paneru, Sunil Aryal and Yagya P Giri Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Entomology Division, Khumaltar, Lalitpur PO Box 976, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: Abstract The use of chemical pesticides has become a common practice to manage pest problems in commercial farming in Nepal. The chemical pesticides are becoming popular because of their quick knock-down effect on targeted pests and its easy availability in the market. They are generally applied in the form of foliar sprays as well as directly to the soil. Due to such application of pesticides leave considerable quantities of pesticides and their degraded products accumulated in the soil ecosystem. The soil needs to be healthy and productive to produce more food. Chemical pesticides cause harmful effect to soil microbials, soil respiration and soil fertility. Soil microflora, mainly bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa make valuable contribution in making the soil fertile through their primary catabolic role in the degradation of plants and animal residues in the cycling of the organic and inorganic nutrients content of soil. Effects of different pesticides in soil have been studied abundantly in elsewhere but very less in Nepal. Few evidences show presence of organophosphate (OP) and organochlorine (OC) on soil of Nepal though import of chemical pesticides has been increasing over the year in Nepal. It would be better to use selective toxic substances which effect only to the target organisms; which is readily biodegradable and undesirable residue would not affect nontarget surfaces. The fate of the pesticides in the soil environment in respect of pest control efficacy, non-target organism exposure and offsite mobility has to be given due consideration. So it is very important to monitor the persistence, degradation of pesticides in soil and also the effect of pesticide on the soil quality or soil health by in depth studies. It would be better to give emphasis on integrated pest management (IPM) approach through reducing pesticide use, using pesticides judiciously and promoting technology other than the use of chemical pesticides for crop pest management. Key words: Pesticide, soil, microflora, toxic, residues, biodegradable, micro organisms, ecosystem. Background Pesticide is any chemical used to control pest. It includes a wide range of substances that kill insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides), rodents (rodenticides), nematodes (nematicides) slug and snails (molluscicides), weeds (herbicides) and others. This is 447 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop any component of organic or inorganic origin which is used in order to reduce the growth of any limiting factor which affects the growth of a particular crop thereby facilitating better growth. Some pesticides may break down quickly when applied to soils, while others may persist for longer periods. The type of soil and the type of pesticide can also affect pesticide persistence. Soil is a “living and life-giving” natural resource. The soil needs to be healthy and productive to produce more foods. Soil health will have a great role in national productivity enhancement. Major components of organic matters are present in Table 1 below. Table 1: Major Components of Organic Matters. Type Humus Fats, resins and waxes Components Degradation-resistant residue from plant decay, largely C, H and O. Lipids extractable by organic solvents Fats, resins and waxes Lipids extractable by organic solvents Saccharides Cellulose, starches, hemicellulose, gums Phosphate esters, phospholipids Phosphorus compounds Significance Most abundant organic component, improves soil physical properties, exchanges nutrients, reservoir of fixed N. Generally, only several percent of soil organic matter , may adversely affect soil physical properties by repelling water, perhaps phytotoxic Generally, only several percent of soil organic matter , may adversely affect soil physical properties by repelling water, perhaps phytotoxic Major food source for soil microorganisms, help stabilize soil aggregates. Source of plant phosphate Once a pesticide has been released into the environment, it can be broken down by: • exposure to sunlight (photolysis) • exposure to water (hydrolysis) • exposure to other chemicals (oxidation and reduction) • microbial activity (bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms) • plants or animals (metabolism) Indiscriminate, long-term and over-application of pesticides will have severe effects on soil ecology that may lead to alterations in or the erosion of beneficial or plant probiotic soil microflora. Weathered soils lose their ability to sustain enhanced production of crops/grains on the same land. Soil can be degraded and the community of organisms living in the soil can be damaged by the misuse or over use of pesticides. Some pesticides are more toxic to soil organisms than others. Scientists have done several experiments to determine how long pesticides last in various environments. They apply pesticides to soils, leaves or other surfaces and measure the time it takes for half of the pesticide to break down called the half-life. After one half-life, half of the chemical may be broken down. Following another half448 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop life, half of the 50% remaining may be broken down, leaving 25% of the original amount and so on. The half-life can be a useful measure of how long a pesticide may last, but studies have found a wide range of half-lives for the same pesticide under different environmental conditions. In Nepal such studies are lacking.Several reports indicate that farmers are using various types of pesticides at dosage and frequency higher than their recommendations. They do apply chemical pesticides mixing two or many types without considering compatibility, waiting period and precautionary measures for application. Overview of Chemical Pesticide Use Until 1950s, Nepalese farmers remained unaware of modern chemical pesticides. By that time, traditional techniques were only the means for the management of insect pests and diseases of agricultural importance. The evidence shows that chemical pesticides were first entered from USA to Nepal in 1952. The Ministry of Health/Nepal Government introduced DDT for the first time in Nepal in order to eradicate malaria in the country (Kandel and Mainali 1993). The DDT was profusely used under USAID aided malaria control program. Nepalese farmers started to use DDT against crop pests as well on the basis of what were recommended elsewhere. The understanding of insecticidal properties of DDT was soon followed by the development of other synthetic organochlorines (in 1950s), organo phosphates (in 1960s), carbamates (in 1970s) and synthetic pyrethroids (in 1980s) (Table 2). During 1960s, the government line agencies encouraged the use of pesticides in order to achieve higher yields from the cultivation of new crop varieties in location specific basis. Table 2:Era of Pesticide Introduction in Nepal. Year Pesticide groups Common name of major pesticides Toxicity humans to Persistence food chain 1950s Organochlorines Organophosphates High due to long residues High High 1960s 1970s 1980s Carbamates Synthetic pyrethroids DDT, BHC, Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin Methyl parathion, Nuvan, Malathion Sevin, Thimet, Furadan Sumicidin, Decis, Ficon High Low Low Low in Moderate Source: Baker and Gyawali (1994). The use of toxic pesticides to manage increasing pest problems has become a common practice in commercial farming in Nepal because of their quick knock-down effect on targeted pests and its easy availability in the market. They are generally applied as foliar sprays as well as directly to the soil. In Nepal, 8 types of pesticides with 117 common names and 1561 trade names have been registered to use (Table 3). 449 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 3:No of Pesticides Registered in Nepal. S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pesticides Insecticides Acaricides Fungicides Bacteriacides Herbicides Rodenticides Molluscicides Biopesticedes Total Common name (No.) 47 6 34 1 20 2 1 6 117 Trade name(No.) 889 19 408 11 168 23 1 42 1561 Source: PRMD (2014) The government agencies took part for the import, distribution and use of pesticides.Import of pesticides is increasing over the year though has fluctuated in some years. The Fungicides contained the highest quantity of active ingredients import followed by insecticides, herbicides, others and public health. The detail is presented below (Figure 1 and Table 6 and Table 7). Pesticide residues on soil and water There are few evidences of the analysis of pesticide residue on soil and water in Nepalese context. Less than 1.0 ppm γ-BHC existed in water and fish of Phewa, Rupa and Begnas lakes of Pokhara, Kaski district (ED, 1998). Altogether, six composite soils– three from Kathmandu, one from Kavre and two from Bhaktapur) showed some indications of Lindane at detection level (0.001 to 0.002 ppm) but far below the US EPA (1999) standard values for DDT (0.053 ppm) and Lindane/BHC (0.023 ppm) (Anonymous 2005).Giri (2010) analyzed 15 soils samples at 10cm depth and 4 soils samples at 3 different depths (10 cm, 30 cm and 50 cm) from farmer’s field of neighboring districts of Kathmandu. The equipment used to analyze was Agilent 1100 HPLC, LC/MS-MS Triple Quadrupole mass spectrometry and the extraction method adopted for extraction was QuEChERs (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe). She found that soil samples were contaminated with different pesticides (Chloropyrifos, Metalaxyl, Methyl Parathion, Omethoate, Dimethoate, Dichlorovous and Imidacloprid) at different concentrations. Similarly, Manandhar (2002) reported the presence of Persistence Organic Pollutants (POP) residues in the soil collected from different location of the Kavrepalanchowk, Dhading, Chitwan and Bhaktapur districts. Out of 21 soil samples analyzed, γ-BHC was detected in 13 samples whereas α-BHC was detected in 7 soil samples. The maximum level of γ-BHC detected was 0.001 ppm and that of α-BHC was 0.0003 ppm. Aldrin was also detected on one sample. 450 Proceedings of the workshop 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Insecticides Fungicides Herbicides 1997 1998 1999 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Qty. of Pesticides AI in Kg or L. 24-25 March 2015 Years Figure 1:Pesticides (active ingredient in kg or l) imported in Nepal from 19972012/13. Nepal government has banned persistence and hazardous chemical pesticides on human health and environment. So far, 15 Pesticides have been banned to import and use (Table 4). Table 4: Pesticides Banned in Nepal. S.N. Name of Pesticides 1. chlordane 2. DDT, 3. dieldrin, 4. endrin, 5. aldrin, 6. heptachlor 7. mirex, 8. toxaphene 9. BHC 10. linden 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. phosphamidon organomercury compound methyl parathion monocrotophos endodulfan Group Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Organochlorine Year 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 organophosphate 2001 2001 2007 2007 2012 organophosphate organophosphate organochlorine Source: PRMD (2014) 451 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Pesticide Residues on Vegetables Paneru et al. (2012) reported that residues of insecticides continually decreased with the increasing time period of their application with varied rate of degradation. According to him, residues of monocrotophos, dimethoate and chlorpyriphos in tomato fruits were higher than their acceptable daily intake (ADI) level up to 15 days of last application and residue of methyl parathion was higher than its ADI level up to 7 days of its last application. Similarly, residues of cypermethrin, dimethoate and fenvalerate in the cauliflower curds were found higher than their ADI level up to 15 days of last application whereas residues of endosulfan, fenvalerate and cypermethrin were higher than their ADI level in cauliflower up to 25 days. The residue levels of these insecticides in the tomato fruits and cauliflower curds at commercial growing areas could be higher than this because farmers usually apply such insecticides frequently in higher doses than recommended. Effect of Pesticides on Soil Health Effects on Soil Process The use of pesticides on the crop fields contaminate soil ecosystem and pose threat to the balance equilibrium among various groups. Important process of soil such as mineralization, nitrification and phosphorus recycling are dependent much on the balanced equilibrium existing among various groups of organisms in the soil. They disturb the presence of soil enzymes which are very essential for the above processes and for matter turnover. Effects on Soil Microorganism Soil has millions of tiny organisms including fungi, bacteria and a host of others. These microorganisms play a key role in helping plants in utilizing soil nutrients needed to grow and thrive. Microorganisms also help soil store water and nutrients, regulate water flow and filter pollutants. The growth and beneficial activities of soil microflora such as algae and bacteria are hampered by pesticide application. Healthy levels of soil microorganisms are important for maintening soil fertility and soil structure. Soil algae, fungi , actenomycetes and cyanaobacteria all help to decompose organic residues and release nutrients including phosphorus which will enhance plant growth and contribute to pollution control. Non target effects of some pesticides on soil microorganisms are presented below (Table 5). 452 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Table 5:Effects of Pesticides on Soil Microorganisms. Pesticides 2, 4-D-iso-octyl ester (H)* Bromopropylate (I)* Organisms Culturable soil bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes Azospirillumbrasilense Captan (F)* Culturable soil bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes Azospirillumbrasilense Diazinon (I)* Fenamiphos (I)* Fenpropimorph (F)* Glyphosate (H)* Imazaquin (H)* Metsulfuron methyl (H)* Methidathion (I)* Simazine (H)* Algae and Cyanobacteria Actinomycetes, Pseudomonas sp., active fungi Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum Heruncolagrisea and Alternoniaterins Culturable soil bacteria and fungi Pseudomonas sp., Azospirillumbrasilense Azotobacterchroococcum Effects Reduced soil populations No effect on growth or N2 Fixation Reduced soil populations No effect on growth or N2 Fixation None Active fungi reduced, no effect on others Reference Schjonning et 2003 Schjonning et 2003 Schjonning et 2003 Schjonning et 2003 al. al. al. Schjonning 2003 et al. Schjonning 2003 Schjonning 2003 Schjonning 2003 Schjonning 2003 et al. et al. et al. et al. Inhibition, death Death No effect Growth inhibition Reduced nitrogen fixation No effect on growth , high concentration increased N2 fixation Source: Schjonning et al. 2003, *F, fungicides; *H, herbicides; I, Insecticide 453 al. Proceedings of the workshop 24-25 March 2015 Table 6:Pesticides (active ingredient in Kg or L) imported in Nepal from 1997-2004/05. SN Pesticides 1997 1998 1999 2000/01 2001/02 1 Insecticides 31818 28728 43465 62439 60324 2 Fungicides 17438 37679 54531 102773 75445 3 Herbicides 6123 9566 2679 14943 3259 4 Others 793 1883 7753 15909 7125 5 Public Health Total 56173 77857 108428 196065 146152 2002/03 60391 90570 6844 19786 2003/04 85610.9 55199.0 11239.0 24323.9 2004/05 43993.8 97036.0 6386.4 5259.4 1406.3 177591 176372.8 154082.1 Source:PRMD (2014) Table 7 : Pesticides (active ingredient in Kg or L) imported in Nepal from 2006/07-2011/12. SN Pesticides 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 1. Insecticides 65113.6 46553.3 60282.4 105814.6 61615.8 96115.3 114717.7 138761.7 2. Fungicides 47702.0 74368.5 237372.2 203392.0 129567.0 183893.0 166815.43 163890.8 3. Herbicides 11030.0 5701.7 6574.1 11124.3 15683.1 46696.0 53476.66 100833.3 4. Others 4047.5 2104.2 40562.9 33204.0 2613.1 6693.2 9848.89 5. Public Health 3377.3 2556.8 2703.0 2811.0 1600.0 2276.0 174 131270.4 131284.6 347494.6 356345.6 211079.3 335673.5 345032.7 Total Source:PRMD (2014) 454 2012/13 6841.8 410327.6 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Effects in Successive Food Chains Pesticide destroys beneficial insect species, soil microorganisms, and worms which naturally limit pest populations and maintain soil health; reduce concentrations of essential plant nutrients in the soil such nitrogen and phosphorous. Some pesticides can be biomagnified when it enters into one trophic to higher trophic level (Figure. 2). Figure 2: Effects in successive food chains in the soil food web. Effect on ground and surface water There is potential risk of ground water contamination with pesticides due to very simple carelessness during tank filling, chemical mixing, spraying, re-filling, hand or utensil washing, tank emptying and cleaning, disposal of pesticides especially near the ground water sources (tube well, well, deep boring etc.). Even accidental spell of pesticides poses dangerous threat to ground water contamination.If ground water is contaminated it will be a chronic problem. It will take years before such chemicals are degraded because it remains away from active microbial zone.There are chances of abuse and misuse of persistent chemical pesticides because of ignorance and lack of knowledge on their effects on soil and environment as whole.Even if fields are left fallow and not sprayed with pesticides, the chemicals can still get into the soil through groundwater or irrigation systems.There are chances of abuse and misuse of persistent chemical pesticides because of ignorance and lack of knowledge on their effects on soil and environment as whole. 455 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Conclusion • Study on the fate of the pesticides in the soil environment in terms of – Pest control efficacy, – Non-target organism exposure, – Offsite mobility (leaching effect). • Monitor the persistence and degradation of chemical pesticide in soil. • Study the effect of chemical pesticides on the soil quality and health. • Encourage farmers to adopt IPM methods for controlling pests which can reduce the need for pesticides application to soils. • Promote technology other than the use of chemical pesticides for controlling soil pests. • Encourage to use selective pesticides which effects only to the target organisms; which is readily biodegradable and which has no undesirable residue on non-target surfaces. • Review the "Environmental hazards" section of the product label of pesticides, and always follow the label directions (waiting period, MRL value) . References Anonymous. 2005. Identification of a POPs hotspot: examination of DDT and Lindane (BHC) residues in potato and farm soil. The International POPs Elimination Project, Pesticide Watch Group, Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists, Kathmandu, Nepal. Baker SL and BK Gyawali. 1994.Promoting proper pesticide use: Obstacle and opportunities for an integrated pest management program in Nepal. HMGN/MOA/WINROCK International, 1994. E D. 1998. Annual technical report, 2053-54 (1996-97). Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Entomology Division, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. Giri N. 2010. Pesticide use and food safety in Kathmandu valley/ Nepal. An Master thesis. Institute of Soil Research University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). 48 p. Matthew EBand JA McLachlan.2007. Pesticides reduce symbiotic efficiency of nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and host plants.In: Proc. of National.Academy of Sciences. USA, 2007, Doi: 10.1073/pnas.0611710104. Kandel KR and M Mainali. 1993. Playing with poison. NEFEJ, Kathmandu, Nepal. Manandhar DN. 2002. Analysis of POP pesticide residues on soil and water samples collected from vegetable growing fields of Bhaktapur, Kavre, Chitwan and Dhading districts. Status of POP and PIC related pesticides in Nepal. DN Manadhar and S Bista (eds). Entomology Division. Nepal Agricultural Research Council.Khumaltar.Lalitpur. P.O.Box 976, Kathmandu, Nepal. June 2002. 456 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Paneru RB, S Aryal and YP Giri. 2012. Insecticide residue analysis in tomato fruits and cauliflower curds. Entomology Division, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal .Nepal Agric. Res. J. Vol.12. Schjønning PS, BT Elmholt and Christensen. 2003. Technology & Engineering.Nontarget effects of pesticides on soil microorganisms.... n=085199850X. PRMD.2014.Updated list of registered pesticides upto 2071/3/32 f Ubuoh EA, SMO Akhionbare and WN Akhionbare. 2012. Effects of pesticide application on soil microbial spectrum: Case study- Fecolart Demonstration Farm, Owerri-West, Imo State, Nigeria. Int.J.Multidis. Sci.Engin.3(2): 34-39. US EPA. 1999. EDQL (Ecological Data Quality Level), MRL values for all media. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago,IL, 0604-3590. [Accessed dated June 11, 2012]. 457 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 8. Workshop Recommendations The Second National Soil Fertiity Research Workshop was held during 24-25 March, 2015 (10-11 Chaitra, 2071) at NARI Hall, NARC Khumaltar Lalitpur. On the second day, the participants were divided into 3 groups to develop recommendations based on the research papers presented in the Workshp. The group developed recommendation on soil science policies, soil science education and strengthening the research in the field of Soil Science in Nepal. A detailof the recommendations is given below. Some of the recommendations of the workshop are: 1. Policy Development Group Problem on declining soil fertility and shrinking productive arable land. a. Soil health policy: Subsidy based on soil health report/card or analysis- (agricultural inputs like manures/fertilizers) Human resource (Soil scientists and technicians) and modest laboratory facilities at least in 35 commercial districts Strengthen/Upgrade existing 5 regional soil labs (Hitech training to the existing resources and recruitment) b. Enforce policies for Protection of Arable Land c. PPP model Encourage to establish soil labs in Pvt. Sectors Subsidy for equipment, and MSTL in private sectors d. Use of ICT (Mobile apps.) in soil fertility management e. Collaborative soil fertility research among DoA, NARC and Academic institutionsDefine scale of collaboration at local, regional and central level. f. Management (Recruitment) of soil scientists across the various line ministries (Ministry of land reform, Ministry of Science and technology, Ministry of Irrigation, Ministry of Tourism etc.) g. Encourage use of Organic sources of plant nutrients, Bio-pesticides, Botanicals h. Scale up Subsidy for SSM practices 2. Soil Science Education Group Problems of soil science education sector In national context, there is lack of textbooks and study materials on soil science (higher secondary and university level). 1. Lack of practical skills on soil analysis among students with higher education. 2. Lack of updated knowledge; age old curriculum unable to deliver updated knowhow in the field. 3. Lack of collaboration and co-operation among Universities, NARC, DoA and private sector. 4. Teaching quality and coverage is very limited. 5. NARC and DoAD should ask applicants for ‘No objection letter’ from university 458 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Recommendation from the Group 1. Preparation of textbooks by scientists, scholars, readers. 2. Strengthen the laboratory facilities in the university and colleges to support practical work. 3. Revisit the old curriculum and develop new curriculum based on current state of knowledge (standardize the curriculum in the SAARC level. 4. Develop the multilateral collaboration among different universities, MoAD and NARC organisations. 5. Teaching methodology should be improved by conducting training, visits and research activities. 6. Recognise the NARC scientists as teaching personals in university. 7. Providing space for elite scholars, researchers working in foreign countries. 8. Reemployment / Extension scheme for retired prof. scientists, etc. should be enforced. 3. Research Strengthening Group Problems Soil fertility decline Soil erosion Soil acidity – fertilizer pollutant – agrochemicals, chemical pesticides Decreasing of OM Nutrient mining Declining of soil beneficial microorganisms Soil scientist critically lacking in different programs and research station Recommendation from the Group: Functional Analytical facility extend- heavy metals, micronutrients, pesticides residues and GHGs- Methodology validation and harmonization Soil microbiology- active (PLFA, Genomics )and biomass- biological control agents, pathogenic organims exploration, pesticides effect on beneficial soil micro-organisms Soil physics- SWCC- terminal drought Central laboratory concept Manpower development Laboratory security and incentives Separate soil science form agronomy- Status of the soil before application of nutrients – Multidisciplinary research – academic type of research also very important to address the national problem GIS use in soil Science Soil sampling Variogram modeling and map Validation- via training 459 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Research priorities on the basis of Agroecology intensive cultivation in terai Conservation agriculture Minimum tillage Soil ammendment- biochar, FYM, another soil (deposited soil ), Vermi-compost, biofertilizer, crop residues managemnt Use local materials Future Focus National Nuclear Technology Center- stable isotope use in agriculture Bioremediation Soil Genomics Nano-technology- e.g. coated fertilizer National soil museum General Recommendations 1. Mobile soil Testing laboratory should expanded in the regional soil testing lab of DOA and SSD, NARC. 2. In long term, in sloppy hill ecology, the ST could have more beneficial environmental and economical services than CT. 3. 10 ton/ha FYM along with 50 N and K2O each kg/ha is recommended for sustainable yield in rice-rice-wheat in Western terai condition 4. Application of biochar to soil at the rate 2-4 t ha-1 showed good performance in coffee and radish. 5. Soil fertility status map of National wheat research program showed low status in soil organic matter, potassium and Boron. Therefore, proper care should have to adopt for manage research farm. 6. Use of Azolla to rice was found beneficial so it should be promoted and disseminated and should reach to the rice farmers. 7. Application of micronutrients such as Boron@1 kgha-1 and Mo @ 500 gha-1 has been recommended for acidic soils for soybean crop. 8. Productivity of rice and wheat can be increased and sustained by improving nutrient content in the soil through the judicious use of organic and inorganic manures in long run. 9. Design of experiments should be made considering the soil fertility status map of concerned stations. 10. Location of soil samples should be recorded in the soil testing laboratories. If possible note the geographic coordinates, otherwise name of VDC, ward no and local place name should be noted. 11. Use of Trichoderma should be promoted and should be made available to the farmers to discourage use of chemical pesticides. 12. Application of 180:90:60 kg NPKha-1 should be used for increased productivity of OPV maize. 13. Application of 30 t ha-1 FYM is recommended for maintaining earthworm population and soil properties in field where cole crops and legumes are grown in rotation. 460 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Way forward and Future Consideration • Soil survey works and GIS programmes should be promoted and reached to the farmers’ level for assessing information by the farmers. • Soil fertility map should be prepared representing all types of Nepalese soils at periodic interval. • Fertilizer recommendation based on sites, crop, and variety should be prepare and revised. • Laboratory extraction method should be identified based on the suitability in Nepal. • Use of Optical Sensor for In-season Nitrogen Management and Grain Yield Prediction in Maize 461 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 9. Questions and Answers Some comments and answers and suggestion during the oral, poster presentation and discussion in 2nd soil fertility research workshop are mentioned below. Question: Dr. Tej Bahadur K. C to Rita Amagain Did you analysis boron in Rampur? Ans: No, lab facility is not available there. Q. Dr Tej Bahadur K.C to B.B Tamang Did you mention in your presentation which size water stable aggregate were there? Ans: Soil aggregate size was analyzed with the method adopted at Hawai University. Q. Dr. Keshab Raj Adhikary suggestions to all Farm yard manure is very complex and its reaction is very complicated then we should include quality of FYM, sources of FYM, and nutrient content of FYM, total soluble salt necessary to see the function in the soil and environment aspect. Q. Dr. Krishna Tiwari to B. B. Tamang Bulk density was decreased with minimum tillage why? FYM can be replaced with alternative option? Ans: Farmers only apply FYM and less tillage may be the cause. There is no option for alternative to FYM. They cannot afford chemical fertilizer. Q. Dr. K. B, Karki to B.H. Adhikari What was the uptake of P in plant with azolla application? P analysis of plant is still remaining, P was applied basal. Split application of P showed good result in N uptake in rice. Q. Dr K.B. Karki to Dr. Renuka Shrestha Are the cowpea and Masang are similar legume? then it would be better to include masang in research. Masang is very useful soil conservation point of view. Ans: No cowpea and Masang are different species. Cowpea is dual purpose crop. But grain legume research program focuses on pulse crop not for vegetable or oil pupose. Q. Dr.K. B Karki to Dr. R. D Timila What type of technology did you seek? Ans: In farmers field farmers can apply trichograma in FYM or compost. Commercial formulation is not yet in the market. It remains to work on this aspect. Media use research is still going on. 462 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Suggestion from Dr. Tej Bahadur K.C.: Soil type and soil borne diseases may be better to see in this aspect. Soil life how to make healthy by this kind of microorganism inoculation. Collaboration with others would be better. Q. Deepak Rijal three suggestions -Research approach multilocation or multi environment? Or district different ecosystem, can we develop for wide adoption outcome -Agrometrologist also include in the research -High input and low input, for controlled environment , how we go research strategies? Q. Tej Bahadur Subedi to B.H Adhikari Use of azollea in rice is already proven technology not new one adoption is problem. Ans. Still more research before going to the farmers field in different environmental condition is limited. We will go adoption process. Q Dr. Dhruba Joshi suggestions and comments No change in my time and present research pattern. As Deepak Rijal said but no one present such kind of research, use of information technology (IT) and modeling for short time and resources conservation. One of the challenges is to grow more food and other is to preserve soil. We should combine these things. Research for research is nothing. Modern technology adoption coming research should focus on new technology. We have not strong regulatory mechanism for different fertilizer product. Storage of product has not been done properly. If those product use then farmer will be reluctant due to its ineffectiveness. Therefore quality control is another most important issue. Conservation agriculture (CA) has different limitation as population is increasing exponentially then how to tackle with this by increasing food production. We should emphasize were to focus. 463 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop ANNEXES Annex 1: Authors Index Manandhar S, 295 Maskey KH, 6 Merz J, 68 Mishra K, 88 Ojha RB, 210 Pande KR, 53, 413 Pandit BH, 102 Pandit NR, 102 Panta PR, 262 Rai R, 317, 359 Rajbhandari NP, 68 Rajbhandari RM, 375 Raut S, 258 Rawal N, 234, 331, 346 Regmi AP, 53 Rijal B, 6 Risal CP, 6 Sah K, 394 Sah MP, 167 Sah SN, 88 Saha D, 179 Schmidt HP, 102, 175 Shackley S, 175 Shah SC, 413 Shrestha A, 152 Shrestha G, 167, 245 Shrestha J, 191, 433 Shrestha R, 62, 200 Shrestha S, 129, 164, 167 Shrestha SK, 68 Tandan RP, 317, 359 Thapa B, 136, 331 Thapa KB, 234 Thapa M, 42 Thapa TB, 6 Timalsina HP, 129 Timila RD, 295 Tripathi BP, 26 Twanabasu B, 346 Upadhayay HR, 217 Vaidya SN, 394 Vista SP, 36, 136, 142, 145, 175, 179, 258, 274, 331 Yadav NK, 88 Yadav RD, 88 Adhikari BN, 200 Adhikari KR, 440 P, 80 A Adhikary BH, 36, 164, 167, 175, 191, 258, 274, 302 Adhikary R, 191, 274 Allen R, 68 Amgai S, 346 Amgain R, 62 Baillie IC, 68 Bajracharya S, 274 Bajracharya SK, 302 Bam CR, 346 , 80, 191 B Basnet L, 359 Bhantana P, 145 Bhurer KP, 167, 274 Bishwakarma BK, 68 Boeckx P, 217 Chalise DR, 234, 331, 346 Chaudhary BP, 129 Chaudhary ON, 129 Dawadi DP, 6, 42 Devkota KP, 433 Devkota S, 142, 164 Dhital BK, 68 Eichert T, 152 França SC, 217 Gautam A, 413 Ghimire AG, 175 Joshi A, 346 Kandel S, 413 Karki KB, 317, 359, 375 Karki T, 433 Katuwal RB, 145 KC SK, 302 Khadka D, 136, 234, 258, 331 Khan S, 164 Khatri N, 88 Lakhe L, 258, 331 Lamichhane S, 331 Mahato BR, 53 Mahto BN, 295 Malla R, 129 Manandhar C, 295 464 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Annex 2: Keywords Index acidic condition, 42 acidic soil, 129, 136 a , 136 agro-chemicals, 36 agro-forestry, 112 agro-forestry system, 26 available potassium, 346 Azolla pinnata, 275 bacteria, 262 better availability, 179 biochar, 112, 175 bio-indicators of fungi, 262 biological control agent, 295 bioremediation, 36 boron, 152 Bradyrhizobium, 282 carbon dynamics, 414 carbon sequestration, 112 chemical fertilizer, 142, 258, 302 chemical nitrogen, 275 club-root disease, 295 CO2 emission, 414 component of soybean, 62 conservation agriculture, 422 conservation tillage, 433 cost benefit analysis, 102 cowpea, 200 crop diversification, 112 crop productivity, 26, 164, 369 cropping pattern, 309 cropping system, 167, 245 current dose of potassium, 245 degraded and spoiled lands, 175 dicotyledonous plants, 152 di-nitrogen, 275 early rice, 234 earthworm population, 210 effect of boron and molybdenum, 62 extractable magnesium, 331 farm yard manure (FYM), 68, 142, 210, 234 fertilizer and manures, 191 field survey, 369 foliar-application, 152 GDD, 80 GIS, 359, 369, 375 global positioning system (GPS), 331 GPS points, 317 grain N demand, 80 grain yield, 164, 167, 191, 200 healthy soils, 36 higher infiltration rate, 317 HWSD, 394 incorporation, 275 inner-sphere complex, 217 inorganic fertilizer, 145 INSEY, 80 institutional networking, 440 integrated nutrient management, 129 intellectual contribution, 440 inter-disciplinary approaches, 440 invasive plant species, 102 iron slime, 179 jeevatu jhol mal, 302 jeevatu treated compost, 302 Jhorahat VDC, 359 judicious use of organic manures,, 88 kriging, 375 land capability, 346 land use, 346, 359 liming, 129 long-term soil fertility, 145, 167, 234, 245 ong-termsoil fertility, 88 maize genotypes, 191 mapping, 369 mobile soil testing laboratory ( ), 6 mobility, 152 mulching, 414 mungbean, 282 NDVI, 80 nematodes, 262 nepalese agriculture, 175 nitrogen, 422 nitrogen fixation, 282 nitrogen levels, 53 nutrient, 68, 200 nutrient content, 309 nutrient management, 167, 257 object based image classification, 375 organic manure, 145 organic matter, 42, 68, 136, 179 partnership, 440 phosphorus, 42 phosphorus adsorption capacity (PAC), 217 phosphorus pool, 217 physico-chemical, 394 physico-chemical properties, 179 pollution, 36 potash, 42 potentiality, 175 poultry manure, 142 465 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop pyrolysis, 102 randomized complete black design, 62 rapeseed yield, 129 rice and wheat, 88 rice production, 258 rice yield, 282 rice-wheat system, 164 satellite images, 317 sesquioxides, 217 slopping land, 422 soil classification, 309, 359 soil fertility, 42, 234, 262, 359, 369, 375 ,6 soil fertility aps, 331 soil fertility status, 331 soil health, 403 , 394 soil nitrogen, 68 , 136 soil organic carbon, 210, 369 soil pH, 346 soil productivity, 101 soil profile, 309 soil properties, 422, 433 soil quality, 112 soil-borne diseases, 295 sowing dates, 53 sowing time, 200 soybean, 282 straw yield, 167 sustainable, 164 symbiotic efficiency, 282 toxic chemicals, 36 tribeni organic complexal, 258 tropical climate, 209 unbalanced use of chemical fertilizer, 6 uptake, 53 vermicompost, 142 wheat yield, 234 WRB, 394 yield, 53, 62, 93 yield attributing traits, 200 yields, 433 zero tillage, 53, 414 466 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Annex 3: List of Participants S.N. 1 2 Name Mr. Nabin Poudel Dr. Shambhu Dhital Designation Chief Chief 3 4 5 Dr. SP Khatiwada Dr. Ananda Gautam Mr. Hari Pd. Parajuli 6 7 8 9 10 Dr. Bhaba P. Tripathi Dr. Bharatendu Mishra Dr Shyam Kishor Sah Mr Surya P Poudel Mr Manas Kadel Director Chief Hon, Agriculture Minister Soil Scientist Member Officiating Secy DDG Chief 11 12 13 14 Mr. Bibek Sapkota Dr. Giridhar Subedi Mr. Dayananda Mandal Dr. Hira Kaji Manandhar 15 16 Dr. Keshav Raj Adhikari Dr. Krishna B. Karki 17 Dr. YG Khadka Scientist Chief Senior Scientist Country Representative Associate Professor Ex. Chief, Soil Scientist Director, NARI 18 19 Dr. Krishna R Tiwari Mr.Ram B Bhujel Professor Senior Scientist 20 Mr. Juerg Merz 21 Dr. Ram B K.C. International advisor Director, Finance 22 23 Dr. Ram Devi Timila Dr. Ramananda Yadav Senior Scientist Chief 24 25 26 27 Dr. Ramita Manadhar Dr. Renuka Shrestha Dr. Shree Prasad Vista Dr. Sudha Sapkota 28 Dr. Surya Laxmi Maskey 29 Dr. Surya P. Pandey 30 31 32 33 Dr. Krishna P Timsina Dr. Tej Bahadur K.C. Mr. Shanker Bhattarai Dr. Tika Karki Joint Secretary Chief Senior Scientist Master of Ceremony Former Executive Director Ex. Senior Soil Scientist Scientist Ex. Dean Advisor Senior Scientist 34 35 36 37 Mr. Umesh K Mandal Dr. Baidya Nath Mahato Dr. Krishna Pd. Poudel Dr. Yagya Prasad Giri Associate Professor Chief Chief Chief 467 Office Admin, NARC National Potato Research Program, NARC Crop and Horticulture, NARC Agri. Environment Division, NARC Ministry of Agricultural Development IRRI, Nepal Country Office National Planning Commission Ministry of Agricultural Development DoA Internal Audit, NARC SARPOD, NARC Horticulture Division, NARC NARI AFACI IAAS, TU Soil Science Division, NARC National Agricultural Research Institute (NARC) Institute of Forestry Campus, Pokhara Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) SNV Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Plant Pathology Division, NARC Dept. of Soil Science and Agri. Engineering, IAAS Ministry of Agricultural Development Agronomy Division, NARC Soil Science Division, NARC Monitoring Division, NARC Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Soil Science Division, NARC SARPOD, NARC IAAS, Rampur SNV, Nepal National Maize Research Program, Rampur Central Dept. of Geography, TU Plant Pathology Division, NARC CPDD, NARC Entomology Division, NARC 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 38 39 Mr. Dhruva N Manandhar Dr. YR Pandey Chief Scientist Executive Director 40 41 42 Dr. Yubak Dhoj G.C. Mr. Ananta G Ghimire Mr. Anil Khadka Director General Consultant 43 44 Mr. Arjun Shrestha Mr. Balaram Rijal Scientist 45 Mr. Bandu Raj Baral Senior Soil Scientist 46 Mr. Beni B. Basnet 47 48 49 Ms Sharada Joshi Mr. Binod Silwal Mr. Bir Bahadur Tamang Mr. Nunulal Uraw Mr. Bishnu Das Joshi Mr. Bishnu H. Adhikary Deputy Director General Senior Scientist Technical Officer Programme Officer 50 51 52 54 Mr. Bishnu K Bishwakarma Dr. Chandra Prasad Risal Sr. Soil Scientist Senior Scientist Chief Soil Scientist, Workshop Coordinator Senior Program Officer Senior Officer 55 56 Ms. Reena Sharma Mr. Dev Raj Chalise Assist Prof Scientist 57 58 Mr. Anish Sapkota Mr. Dhruba Joshy 59 Mr. Dila Ram Bhandari 60 61 Mr. Dinesh Khadka Mr. Durga Prasad Dawadi 62 63 64 Mr. Gautam Shrestha Ms. Rashila Khadka Thapa Mr. Hari R. Upadhayay 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Mr. Udaya Subedi Mr. Janma Jaya Tripathi Mr. Kamal Sah Mr. Ram Dular Yadav Mr. Kulananda Mishra Mr. Laxman Lakhey Mr. Laxman Lal Shrestha 72 73 Mr. Shanker Shrestha Mr. Naba Raj Pandit 53 Former Executive Director Crop Development Directorate Technical Officer Chief Scientist GIS Expert Chief Senior Soil Scientist Senior Soil Scientist Technical Officer Technical Officer Senior Technical Officer Technical Officer Research Scholar 468 NARC Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Department of Agricultural Development Landell Mills Limited Cereals Initiatives for South Asia, Nepalgunj Agro Enterprise Center, FNCCI Soil Management Directorate, Department of Agricultural Development National Maize Research Program, Rampur Department of Agricultural Development NARC Soil Science Division, NARC LIBIRD RSTL, Sunderpur Soil Science Division, NARC Soil Science Division, NARC HELVETAS Soil Management Directorate, Department of Agricultural Development IAAS, TU National Wheat Research Program, Bhirahawa IAAS, TU Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Ministry of Agricultural Development Soil Science Division, NARC Soil Management Directorate, Department of Agricultural Development RARS, Khajura Banke Rajdevi Consultancy Dept. of Environmental Sc. and Engineering, KU IAAS, TU ABD, NARC Soil Science Division, NARC RSTL, Soil Management Directorate NRRP, Hardinath Soil Science Division, NARC Agriculture Research Station, Jumla SRP, Jitpur NMBU, Norway 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop 74 Mr. Nabin Rawal Technical Officer 75 76 77 78 79 80 Mr. Narayan Khatri Mr. Padma Raj Shakya Mr. Parashuram Bhantana Ms. Laxmi Basnet Mr. Kumar Mani Dahal Mr. Bishnu P Bhattarai Scientist Ex. Soil Scientist Scientist GIS Expert JT Head, Agri Program 81 82 83 84 Mr. Subash Bhandari Mr. Gyaneshwor Khanal Mr. Ragindra Man Rajbhandari Mr. Razan Malla 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Mr. Rajendra P Tandan Mr. Deepak Rijal Mr. Raju Rai Ms. Srijana Phuyal Mr. Ram Babu Panerpu, Mr. Ram C. Munankarmy Mr. Ran B. Mahato 92 93 94 95 Mr. Rishi Ram Adhikary Ms, Parbati Chapagain Mr. Roshan Babu Ojha Mr. Roshan Man Bajracharya Mr. Sambhu Raut 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Mr. Sankar Bastola Mr. Shree K K.C. Mr. Shreemat Shrestha Mr. Subhasha N Vaidya Mr. Sukraraj Shrestha Mr. Surendra.P. Srivastava Mr. Sushil Lamichhane Mr. Udaya C. Thakur Mr. HKUpreti Mr. Shyam K Chaulagain Ms. Binita Thapa Ms. Niru Dahal Ms. Rashila Manandhar K.C. Ms. Rita Amgain Ms. Sanu Kesari Bajracharya Ms. Sarala Sharma Ms. Saraswoti Kandel National Wheat Research Program, Bhirahawa Rice Research Program, Hardinath Soil Science Division, NARC Agriculture Research Station, Pakhribas Chure MoAD HICAST SFCCSN NEST Pvt. Ltd. Journalist Technical Officer GIS expert Program Officer GIS expert Technician Senior Scientist Senior Soil Scientist Agriculture Extension Officer Technical Officer Farmer Assistant Professor Professor National Oilseed Research Program, Nawalpur Rajdevi Engineering Consultancy LIBIRD Rajdevi Engineering Consultancy Soil Science Division, NARC Entomology Division, NARC Soil Science Division, NARC District Agriculture Development Office, Gulmi CPDD, NARC Kalanki Sewa Kendra HICAST KU Senior Technical Officer Account Officer Technical Officer Chief Soil Scientist Scientist Ex. Chief Soil Scientist Scientist Joint Secretary Chief Farmer Technical Officer Chief, Agro Extension Directorate Technical Officer Soil Science Division, NARC Technical Officer National Maize Research Program, Rampur Soil Science Division, NARC Senior Technical Officer Senior Scientist Scientist 469 Soil Science Division, NARC Soil Science Division, NARC Agri. Engineering Division, NARC RARS, Tarahara Soil Science Division, NARC Soil Science Division, NARC Ministry of Agricultural Development Seed Science Division, NARC Bhumi thumka Krishi Samuha, Lalitpur Soil Science Division, NARC Department of Agricultural Development Soil Science Division, NARC Plant Pathology Division, NARC National Grain Legume Research 24-25 March 2015 114 115 116 117 Dr. Madan Raj Bhatta Ms. Shova Shrestha Mr. Pradeep Yadav Mr. Tej Bahadur Subedi 118 Mr. Buddhi Bahadur Pant Mr. Jiban Shrestha Mr. Kailash Bhurer Mr. Pramesh Pokharel Mr. Hem Chandra Pokharel Mr. Dinesh Thapa Magar Dr. Binesh Man Sakha Mr. Arjun Prakash Poudel Mr. Prakash Chapagain Mr. Suraj Kunwar Mr. Manohar Neupane Mr. Rajesh Verma Mr. Suman Panha Mr. Sanjay Luitel Mr. Arjun Pokhrel Mr. Gopal Saud 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Proceedings of the workshop Chief Scientist Chief Regional Agri. Director Technical Officer Programme, Nepalgunj Gene Bank, NARC Soil Science Division, NARC Commercial Crop Division, NARC Eastern Region Soil Science Division, NARC Scientist Director Personal secretary Personal secretary NMRP, NARC RARS, Parwanipur MoAD MoAD Scientist Senior Scientist Scientist Journalist Subeditor Cameraman Sub-editor Journalist Cameraman Journalist Journalist SARPOD Biotechnology Division, NARC ORD, NARC Sahara news and hellokantipur Pvt Ltd Kantipur daily AICC Annapurna Post Kantipur TV 470 Ujjyalo 90 Network 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Annex 4: Workshop Programme Schedule Day 1: Chaitra 10, 2071 (24 March 2015) Master of Ceremony: Dr. Sudha Sapkota Time Activity 8:30-9:00 Breakfast and Registration of the Participants 9:00-11:40 INAUGURAL SESSION 9:10-9:20 9:20- 9:30 9:25-9:55 9:55- 10:15 10:1510:35 10:3511:05 11:0511:20 11:2011:30 11:3012:00 12:0012:50 12:50-1:30 1:30-1:50 1:50-2:10 2:10-2:30 2:30-2:50 Chief Guest: Mr. HP Parajuli, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Agricultural Development Chairperson: Dr. YR Pandey, Executive Director, Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Special Guest: Dr. Bharatendu Mishra, Member, National Planning Commission (NPC) Other Guest: Dr. Shyam Kishor Sah, Officiating Secretary, Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) Dr. Yubak Dhoj G.C. Director General, Department of Agriculture (DoAD) Mr. Udaya Chandra Thakur, Joint Secretary, MoAD Dr. S P Khatiwada, Director, Crop and Horticulture, NARC Dr. Ram Bahadur K.C., Director, Finance, NARC Dr. Krishna Prasad Poudel, Director, National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) Dr. Bhoj Raj Joshi, Director, National Animal Science Research Institute (NASRI) Mr. Bishnu Hari Adhikary, Chief, Soil Science Division, NARC Mr. Durga Prasad Dawadi, Chief, Soil Management Directorate, DoAD Mr. Beni Bahadur Basnet, Deputy Director General, DoAD Mrs. Niru Dahal, Chief, Agri.Extension Directorate, DoAD Mr. Dilaram Bhandari, Crop Development Directorate, DoAD National Anthem Welcome Address: Dr.S P Khatiwada, Director, Crop and Horticulture, NARC Inauguration Remarks: Mr. HP Parajuli, Honorable Minister, MoAD Strategic paper on soil and food production: Mr. D Joshy Few Words: Dr. YD GC, Director General, DoAD Dr. Shyam Kishor Sah, Officiating Secretary, MoAD Dr. Bharatendu Mishra, Member, NPC Honouring program by Dr. Bhartendu Mishra , Member , NPC (Awarded to IRRI Principal Scientist, Dr. JK Ladha ; Ex Chief Soil Scientist, Mr. Bidur Kumar Thapa and Mr. Dhruva Joshy, Ex ED, NARC) Vote of Thanks: Mr. Bishnu Hari Adhikary, Chief, SSD, NARC Closing Remarks: Dr. YR Pandey, Executive Director, NARC Poster Presentation Lunch Break Plenary Session Chair Person – Dhruva Joshy, ex-ED, NARC Strategic paper from Dr. Krishna Bahadur Karki, Ex-SSD Chief Strategic paper from Mr. Anil Khadka,CEISA Strategic paper from Dr. Bhaba Prasad Tripathi, IRRI, Kathmandu Office Strategic paper from Mr. Durga Prasad Dawadi, SMD (DoA) 471 24-25 March 2015 2:50-3:10 3:10-3:25 3:25-3:35 3:35-3:45 3:45-3:55 3:55-4:05 4:05-4:15 4:15-4:25 4:25-4:40 4:40-4:50 4:50-5:00 5:00-5:10 5:10-5:20 5:20-5:45 6:30-9:00 Proceedings of the workshop Strategic paper from Dr. Shree Prasad Vista, SSD, Khumatlar Closing and Tea Break Technical Session 1 ( Soil Fertility) Chair Person – Prof. Tej Bahadur K.C. Ex Dean, IAAS, TU Soil Fertility Status of Nepal: Report from Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples of five Developmental Regions Yield trend and soil fertility status after a 36 years rice-ricewheat experiment Sowing time and nutrient management in cowpea under light textured soil of Rampur, Chitwan Sustainability of long-term soil fertility management in rice wheat cropping pattern in eastern mid hills of Nepal Potential Options for Sustainable Land Management and Intensified Agriculture Determination of different level of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash and Farm yard manure (FYM) in wheat – French bean system in Jumla condition Discussion, Tea and Closing Chairperson: Mr. Tej Bahadur Subedi, Regional Director, Eastern Development Region Response of soybean to the application of Boron and Molybdenum in Rampur condition. On-Farm Monitoring of Improved Management of Farmyard Manure and Soil Nutrient Fertility in the Middle Hills of Nepal Use of optical sensor for in-season nitrogen management and grain yield prediction in maize Biochar: its role in soil management and potentiality in Nepalese Agriculture Discussion and Closing Dinner at Hotel Himalaya Day 2: Chaitra 11, 2071 (25 March 2015) 8:30-9:00 Registration and Breakfast Technical Session 2 (Soil Microbiology and RCT) Chair Person: – Prof. Tej Bahadur K.C. Ex Dean, IAAS, TU 9:00-9:10 9:10-9:20 9:20-9:30 9:30-9:40 9:40-9:50 9:50-10-15 Efficacy of Azolla pinnata in Rice (Oriza sativa L.) Production in The Central Region of Nepal Symbiotic Characterictics of Nepalese Bradyrhizobium Isolates from Soybean (Glycene max) and Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Crops The Trichoderma spp.: A Biological Control Agents from Nepalese Soil EN hancing soil fertility and crop production through promoting conservation agriculture production systems(CAPS) in the mid hills of western Nepal Evaluation of Conservation Agriculture based Practices under Rice-Wheat Cropping System in inner Terai region of Nepal Discussion and Closing Technical Session 3 (Soil Survey, GIS and Policy) 472 Rapporteur Dr. KR Adhikary Mr. S Lamichanne Durga Prasad Dawadi N Rawal R Shrestha Parashuram Bhantana RM Bajracharya, Laxman Lal Shrestha Rita Amgain BK Bishwakarma BR Baral SP Vista Rapporteur Mr BR Baral Ms R Amgain BH Adhikary Chandra Prasad Risal RD Timila BB Tamang A Khadka Rapporteur Dr. CP Risal 24-25 March 2015 Proceedings of the workshop Chairperson : Dr. S P Khatiwada, Director, Crop and Horticulture, NARC 10-15:10:25 Soil Types and Fertility status in Western Terai region of Nepal. A case from the BankatawaVDC of the Banke District 10:25-10:35 Assessment of soil fertility status and preparation of their maps of National Wheat Research Program (NWRP), Bhairahawa, Nepal 10:35-10:45 GIS and RS Supported Soil Fertility Mapping 10:45-10:55 Soil organic carbon stocks estimation and mapping by using GIS in Rautahat district 10:55-11:05 Modeling of soil organic matter content from world view to satellite imagery in Nayavelhni VDC of Nawalparasi district, Nepal 11:05-11:15 Preparation of data base and soil map of Nepal using WRB 2010 classification system 11:15-11:35 Discussion and Tea 11:35-11:45 Soil scientists engaged in research, development and academic institutions in Nepal: Where do we go? 11:45-11:55 Soil health and future research strategies in Nepal 11:55-12:05 Effects of pesticides in soil health: Areas of study Ms. Shova Shrestha Krishna R Tiwari D Khadka Ragindra Man Rajbhandari K Sah Umesh K Mandal SN Vaidhya Keshav Raj Adhikari Sarala Sharma RB Paneru, YP Giri 12:05-12:30 Discussion and Closing 12:30-1:10 1:10-2:50 2:50-3:05 3:05-3:20 3:20-4:30 Lunch Break Group Formation : Facilitator : Dr. KB Karki Group formation and recommendation (1st group for technology recommendation and 2nd group for policy/strategy recommendation/way forward : Discussion within groups and recommendation compilation for presentation Closing Session Chair Person : Dr. YD G.C., Director General, Dr. SP Khatiwada, Director, Crop and Horticulture, NARC Chief guest: Mr. Udaya Chandra Thakur, Joint Secretary, MoAD Presentation from Group 1 (Technology Recommendation) Presentation from Group 2 (Policy recommendation) Award - Certificate Distribution by the chairperson to awardees of 3 posters Main author collect their certificate of participation Few words: Dr. SP Khatiwada, Director, Crop and Horticulture, NARC Mr. Udaya Chandra Thakur, Joint Secretary, MoAD Vote of Thanks: Mr. BH Adhikary, Chief, SSD, NARC Closing Remarks: Dr. YD G.C., Director General, DoA Announcement for the National Level meeting of Soil Scientist for next day (Society of Soil Science Nepal) Refreshment: Snacks and Tea/cold drinks 473 Rapporteur Mr. BD Joshi Mr. N Rawal