“I Heart Soil” coloring book - Soil Science Society of America
“I Heart Soil” coloring book - Soil Science Society of America
> I Heart Soil Coloring Book and Activity I H e a r t S o i l .o rg > I Heart Soil Coloring Book and Activity www.iheart soil.org TM TM www.iheartsoil.org www.iheartsoil.org TM www.iheartsoil.org TM Soil Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd. | Madison, WI 53711-5801 Do You Soil? Unscramble each of the clue words. LSIO 7 2 RWTEA RAI 1 NUS 5 DOOF 3 LOSHETC 8 4 HESUO 6 V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Copy the letters in the numbered boxes to boxes above with the same number. 2 Soils Support Life 3 What’s in Your City? Find the words about city life. Look up, down, across, and diagonally. F P R O A S U O H K D L O H C S R K T Z N D N D T W A R R E C U S H Z F E C Y O N O T M P E R G I L R M C I T Y A D A F S G A P L L S N S F T Y H R O S P I U D O O A Z G B S M A B E P R L C X N I T R B N L E P Y D D T L T T X P O D E C A BUS PLAYGROUND CAR ROAD CITY SCHOOL COMPOST SOIL GARDEN STORE GRASS TRAIN HOUSE TREE LIBRARY OFFICE PARK 4 G R Soils Support City Life 5 It’s Breakfast Time For breakfast you have an egg, milk, orange juice, toast and jam. Draw a line to match the breakfast food with one of the boxes below to show where your breakfast comes from. 6 Soils Support Agriculture 7 We Love Clean Water Connect the dots to find animals that love clean water, filtered by soil. 9 12 13 8 11 10 7 14 15 6 5 16 4 17 3 18 19 20 2 11 8 Soils Clean and Capture Water 9 Soils Support Buildings Find the words about soils and buildings. Look up, down, across, and diagonally. L B Q D L K A R I E L T S V D D D R L J S O I L L E Y C A T M T B R R F R L D J R F M O N O G E C F I R A P M B O P C M R E Y B R M E O G O K I K Z N O Y I I F M P D V O A D K O Y S A R R L E R W G V H D I M A R Y P E A P A R T M E N T P A G N I D L I U B F D K L R K L C E M N T W S E www.WordSearchMaker.com ADOBE LIME adobe MINERALS home APARTMENTairport PYRAMID lime BARN apartment ROAD minerals BRICK barn SAND pyramid BRIDGE brick SOIL road BUILDING bridge STEEL sand CLAY WOOD soil ZOO steel AIRPORT CEMENT DAM building cement clay wood dam zoo 10 L Soils Support Buildings 11 Let’s Play Help the boys and girls find their way to the center of the maze! 12 Soils Support Recreation 13 Things That Don’t Belong Circle the word that doesn’t belong in each group. Mouse Trees Rabbit Flowers Shoe Clown Groundhog Plants Worms Car Snake Sand Snail Silt Fish Clay 14 Soils are Living 15 Healthy Soil = Healthy Earth = Healthy Kids 3 Reasons Healthy Soil is important to you: 1._____________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________ 16 Soils Support Health 17 Environments There are many different environments all over the world. Write the word that matches the environment picture. Desert Forest Tropical Island Wetlands Polar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 Soils Protect the Natural Environment 19 Things that come from the soil. Things that come from Soil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 www.CrosswordWeaver.com ACROSS ACROSS 5 What you play with at the beach 5 What you play with at the beach is made from 6 Ketchup 6 Ketchup madeisfrom ______ fromistrees useda to make 7 Wood 7 Wood from trees is used to make this this sports equipment from this 8 Wood comes 8 Woodare comes from a ______ grown in this 9 Plants 9 What Plants are grown in______ houses are made of 10 10 What some houses are made of DOWN DOWN 1 Type of fruit used in jelly 1 used to this make jelly A cupofisfruit made from type of soil 2 Type 2 cup soil is made fromfrom this type What captures rain of soil 3 A 3 frommade rain out of yourcaptures clothes are 4 What soil 47 Your clothes areform made fromto______ Leather comes cows make this 7Leather comes from cows to make this round item ______ WORD BANK Ball, bat, clay, cotton, grapes, sand, soil, tomato, tree, water, wood WORD BANK: Ball, bat, clay, cotton, grapes, sand, soil, tomato, tree, water, wood. 20 Soils and the Products We Use 21 Soil and Climate Help the boys and girls find their way to the sunshine! 22 Soils and Climate 23 Soils and Art—We Love to Paint! Find the words about soils and art. Look up, down, across, and diagonally. E V B W O L L E Y T D H R R O L O C I E N E U I J C K H R U E O S L A W L G S E A H N A B C W K B R O W N G F E G N A R O S W T X P A I T G Y R K C BLACK ORANGE BLUE PAINT BROWN RED BRUSH SOIL CANVAS WHITE CLAY YELLOW COLOR GREEN 24 V L G A B N G Soils, Culture, and People 25 Draw why you 26 soil. Do You Heart Soil?–pg. 2 Soils Support Buildings–pg. 10 Things thatthat come from soil–pg. Things come from Soil 20 Solution: G C R W L C S A N D A T O M A T O P B A T Y T R E E A E T S O I L R W O O D L N Soil and Climate–pg. 22 Let’s Play Maze–pg. 12 What’s in Your City?–pg. 4 F P R O A D E S H C K D L Z N D N U O H S R K T D T W A R R E C A O O C U S H Z F E G C Y O N O T M P E R G I L R M C I T Y A D A F S G A T Y O R E L L S N S R H R O P S P I U D O A Z G B S M A B E P L C X N I T R B N L P Y D T L T X P D T We Love Clean Water–pg. 8 F We Love to Paint!–page 24 E V Things That Don’t Belong–pg. 14 Shoe Clown Car Fish Tropical Island Desert Wetlands Polar Forest 27 L L E Y T D H R R O L O C I E E H R U U I J C K E O S L A C S E A H N A B C W K Y R K V L B R O W N G G A B F E G N A R O S W T X G P A I T W L Environments–pg. 18 B W O N G N G S il Science Society of America 2015 © Design: Patricia Scullion Have you ever tried to dig a hole? If so, you were digging in something amazing – Soil! Soil is very important to us! Why? Our food comes from plants grown in soil, our clothes are made with fibers from plants, our water is cleaned by soil, we breathe oxygen that comes from plants growing in soil, and almost everything we build is built on soil and with parts of soil. But, did you know, soil is not dirt! Dirt is what gets on our clothes or under our fingernails and isn’t used. Soil has been formed over many years and has layers, like a cake, made up of rock, minerals, soil, and decomposing materials (like leaves). It’s made up of sand, silt and clay and has many different colors, depending on where you are in the world. Many critters live in the soil, keeping it healthy and growing. And there are different soils all over the world from farms to prairies, polar regions to tropical islands, and wetlands to deserts and forests. Soil is very important to all of us. We need healthy soil to live healthy lives. So, be good to your soil! S il Sci nce Society e of Americ a