front page 2


front page 2
New Openings to Expand Our Network of Support
“Now a leading name in the disability sector, Sunnyfield was started by the passion of
one family seeking to find a safe haven for their son. Not only does Sunnyfield provide vital
support for people with an intellectual disability, it also gives them the ability to contribute to
the community by providing them with skills for life.” Premier Mike Baird.
Orchards Hills Community
Services Hub
McCabe Community
Services Hub
Mt. Druitt Enterprises
Belmont Client Services
The 3rd October was an
exciting day with the Premier
of NSW, The Hon. Mike Baird
MP, Minister for Western
Sydney officially opening the
Hub. His words of support
were very much appreciated
and clients and families loved
spending quality time with
him. Clients are thoroughly
enjoying the peaceful rural
setting and community based
activities including site visits.
Our thanks to Clayton Utz
Foundation’s donation for soft
play and sensory equipment.
The central location supports
other Sunnyfield services and
supports the ongoing need in
Western Sydney.
In partnership with
Newcastle Permanent
Charitable Foundation, three
new innovative sensory
spaces were officially opened
on 10th October at McCabe
Community Services Hub.
Their generous support
in providing funding made
the spaces possible. The
addition of a beautiful garden,
trampoline area, a sensory
courtyard and indoor sensory
room has been well received
by clients.
Our sincere thanks to
the Newcastle Permanent
Charitable Foundation.
The new Enterprises at Mt
Druitt was opened on 15th
October by Senator the Hon.
Mitch Fifield, Asst Minister for
Social Services and Senator the
Hon. Marise Payne, Senator for
Western Sydney and Minister
for Human Services.
The move signifies the
growth and success of
Sunnyfield’s Western Sydney
The site will provide career
opportunities for supported
employees and support future
expansion of Sunnyfield’s
Supported Employment and
Transition to Work Programs.
The supported employees
enjoyed sharing their new
workplace with the guests.
The new Client Services at
Belmont were opened 17th
October by Jill Hall MP, Federal
Member for Shortland, in
partnership with Belmont
Neighbourhood Centre.
These services will
complement Sunnyfield
services to expand within the
Lake Macquarie and Hunter
regions. Clients are enjoying
the wide range of activities
including cooking, gardening,
art and sports.
The partnership with the
Centre provides opportunities
within the local community,
providing worthwhile
experiences for everyone
Tanya Davies MP and The Hon. Mike Baird
MP, Premier of NSW with clients Nathan
and Chantal
Staff Juita Mariner and Katherine Dunbar
with client, Keely
Despina Karlsson - Youthconnections,
Caroline Cuddihy, Senator the Hon. Mitch
Sheena Harvey, Jill Hall MP, Elder Noel Date,
Jason Burke & CEO Mike Slater - Newcastle
Fifield, Senator the Hon. Marise Payne, Dean Jeff Forbes with Sunnyfield’s Sonia Fowler,
Permanent Charitable Foundation, Sunnyfield’s
& Stephen Robb
Caroline Cuddihy, Wayne Curry & John
Caroline Cuddihy, Sonia Fowler & Wayne Curry
McCabe Sensory Space
Senator the Hon. Mitch Fifield, Senator the Hon. Clients and staff show Jill Hall MP the garden
at Belmont
Marise Payne, Caroline Cuddihy and clients
Message From the Chairman & CEO
Dear Clients, Members and Families,
In August the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014
passed the Parliament of NSW, replacing the NSW
Disability Act (1993). This new Act is based on a human
rights inclusion framework and includes new powers
for the NSW Ombudsman. The NSW Carers Strategy
was also released which focuses on employment and
education, health and wellbeing, information and
community awareness, engagement, and improving
the evidence base. Sunnyfield welcomes government
initiatives to create a robust disability services sector
that uses a human rights approach and supports
On 29 October Sunnyfield held its Annual General
Meeting and presented the Annual Report and financial
results for the 2014 financial year to Members. Thanks
to all who attended and contributed to the evening.
For those who would like a copy of these reports, they
are available on our website at
au under publications. Thank you to all long serving
Supported Employees and staff who were recognised
for their contribution to Sunnyfield. Congratulations to
Jonathan Casson, Lloyd Draney and Brien Mendham
OAM who were awarded Life Membership for their
hard work and dedication to Sunnyfield.
As discussed on the front page, we have had a
number of exciting service openings in the past few
months. Optimising the use of our facilities is an
important initiative of Sunnyfield to ensure that our
venues are appropriate for the clients who access
them and the supports provided. It is also important
that these properties represent value for money. As
part of upgrade work on our support service centres,
a number of facilities have undergone a fire safety
upgrades. The planning for stage 1 of the devolution
of the 2 large residential centres at Allambie Heights
has commenced with ADHC and we will keep residents
and families updated as work progresses.
Sunnyfield is investing in upgrading Business IT
Systems to improve our internal systems for the future.
Work on the Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) system is underway. A new payroll and Human
Resource management system is also progressing. The
strategy is being implemented for the future to ensure
clients only need to give their information once to
Sunnyfield, to maximise the consistency of information
and the quality of the supports provided.
As the next edition of Sunnyfield Matters will not
land in your mailboxes until February 2015, and 2014
draws to a close, we wish you a safe and happy festive
season. 2015 will be a positive year at Sunnyfield
and we look forward to another year of providing
high quality supports for people with a disability
and keeping you informed about the significant and
promising changes to improve the lives of people with
disability in Australia.
Best regards,
Mal Park - Chairman
Caroline Cuddihy - CEO
Congratulations to these award recipients:
Long Service Employees:
15 years:
Shahjahan Akhan
Kerry Brokman
Tim Harrison
Jordan Murphy
Faisal Rais
Matthew Sestich
Kate Smith
20 years:
Stephen Sorich Janet Chang
Luke van Schie Norman Hunter
Adam Vukovic
Ross Whitely
Danielle Wiegold
Craig Winter
In This Issue:
• Keeping you in the Loop
• With a Little Help From our Friends
• Client News
25 years:
David Crabb
Denise de Britt
Peter Dent
Chris Payne
Life Members:
30 years:
Craig Calwell
Jonathan Casson
Lynden Hollis
Lloyd Draney
Karen Lyons
Brien Mendham OAM
Antonio Pasquariello
3 • Supported Employment Vacancies
4 • Thank you to Corporates
5 • HSC Artwork Illustrates Equality
November 2014
Keeping you in the Loop
NDIS - Q & A’s
When will NDIS be available for me?
How do I apply for NDIS funding?
NDIS funding is currently available
If you do not live in one of the initial
to people living in the Newcastle and
sites, then your current arrangement
Maitland local government areas, and
will remain in place until the NDIS
the ACT. From July 2015 people living
is available in your area. You will be
in Maitland will start to be transitioned advised when this will occur. If you are
to the scheme. The timetable for
interested to check your eligibility now,
people living in the rest of NSW has not you can use the ‘My Access Checker’ on
yet been decided but is expected to
the NDIS website to see if you meet the
commence from mid 2016.
To send a question to be included in upcoming editions of Sunnyfield Matters,
please email or call 8977 8827
How much funding will I receive?
Each person will have their own plan
developed based on their individual
goals and support needs. Funded
supports will need to be reasonable
and necessary and will not cover
personal expenses such as rent or
clothes. As each individual will receive
their own plan, average funding
packages are not a good indication of
what you will receive as everyone has
different support needs.
Information for all Congratulations to Brien & Gaye
The Sunnyfield Information
Sessions have commenced. The
feedback has been very positive
in terms of providing useful and
relevant information.
The last session for the year will be
held on November 25 at the Central
Coast - please come along. If you
would like to receive an information
pack, contact us on 02 8977 8827 or
Congratulations to Brien Mendham
and Gaye Fleming and who both
received The Rotary Club of Brookvale’s
Community Service Award. The awards
are for their outstanding contribution
to Sunnyfield and the community over
the years. Brien has been volunteering
with Sunnyfield for over 19 years and
Gaye has made a tremendous impact on
the lives of people with disability with
Sunnyfield’s Community Culture and
Arts Program. Sunnyfield is very proud
of Brien and Gayes’s achievements.
Brien Mendham OAM and Gaye Fleming
Sunnyfield is Recognised
CEO Caroline Cuddihy with Eddie Reginato and
Katherine Bornstein from NSW Business Chamber
November 2014
The annual NSW Business
Chamber Regional Awards celebrates
and recognises business excellence.
This year Sunnyfield is excited to
announce that we were awarded
Finalist in the Excellence in Business
Category within the North Eastern
Sydney region.
The Excellence in Business
award recognises a business that
has attained significant growth
and is able to demonstrate the
specific strategies and processes
implemented to achieve sustainable
growth over the previous 12 – 24
In addition, Sunnyfield was
named Finalist in the NSW Disability
Industry Innovation Awards 2014.
These awards recognise excellence in
the disability sector.
Well done!
Shane and his mother Sandra
“Each of the winners and finalists
showcased in the 2014 Innovation
Awards are leading the way in
the delivery of innovative personcentred services.”
The Hon. John Ajaka MLC, Minister for
Ageing, Minister for Disability Services
With a Little Help From our Friends
Supported Employees Buddy up!
Supported employees at
Chatswood Enterprises were
delighted to join with over 70
volunteer “buddies” from Efic for
over 4 days. Efic staff, including
the CEO, enthusiastically worked
alongside supported employees in
their work activities.
Efic is an initiative of the
Australian Government to
support the growth of Australian
businesses internationally. Working
at a Sunnyfield Enterprises site was
quite a change for the volunteers
and they found it to be a rewarding
experience. For the supported
Efic Volunteers at Sunnyfield
“It was wonderful to
see how much the
Sunnyfield employees
enjoyed their work
and valued their
jobs” - Efic volunteer
employees it was an opportunity
to meet and have fun working with
new people, introduce them to their
workplace and share in a day’s work.
Thank you for your contribution Efic.
Successful Grants
Our sincere thanks to the following organisations for awarding Sunnyfield much needed grants Warringah Council’s Community
and Cultural Development Grant
for $5,000. This money will be used
for Sunnyfield’s Hatch Multi Arts
Development Mentoring Program.
Petersham RSL’s Club Grant for
$4,000. This money will be used
to create a multi-media room at
Marrickville Day Program.
Campbelltown RSL’s Club Grant for
$3,000. This money will be used to
purchase equipment for Sunnyfield’s
Campbelltown Centralised
Community Hub.
Breaking Barriers with Youth
Scots College Bellevue Hill held
a fundraising BBQ for Sunnyfield.
Marrickville client Basil, presented
to the school assembly about his
Day Options and Arts programs.
The presentation is part of the
school’s Community Services
program where Sunnyfield
and Scots College are working
together to break the barriers of
disability starting with younger
members of our community. The
students were highly engaged
by the presentation. Students
from the college will participate
in volunteering activities in
December at Allambie Enterprises
where they will buddy up with
supported employees. As a long
term initiative, Sunnyfield and Scots
College are working towards regular
volunteering opportunities for
students and their families.
“The relationship with Sunnyfield
has been cultivated over the last
18 months and provides important
social interactions for Scots boys challenging them to look beyond their
own circumstances and demonstrate
compassion to others. As a result, our
partnership has helped break down
barriers surrounding the issue of
disability and provided a meaningful
and rewarding experience for everyone
- David Oswell – English teacher and Community
Service program coordinator
Staff Sandy and Pauline with clients Mina, Basil
and John
Scots College’s David Oswell with students
November 2014
Client News
No Limits for Peter
Armidale client, Peter, is in
Sunnyfield’s Independent Living
Support Initiative (ILSI) and Active
Ageing programs in the New
England region. Prior to accessing
Sunnyfield’s services, Peter was shy.
Living with his elderly father, who is
not able to drive, made it difficult for
him to access appointments.
Since joining Sunnyfield, Peter
has really “come out of his shell”.
He catches transport to his
appointments using Visual Aids
such as photos. There is a new
communication board at his home
so he can see what activities he
has each day. His health has vastly
improved as Sunnyfield support him
to attend health appointments. Peter
enjoys painting and has recently
entered his work in the local art
competition in Armidale.
Clients Shine at Recruitment Day
Kristine and staff member, Patty
Sunnyfield held a Northern Staffing
Pool Casual Recruitment day for
prospective casual support workers.
To give the attendees an insight
into a ‘day in the life of clients’,
Sunnyfield clients, Helen from Fisher
house and Kristine from Friends
house, presented to the attendees.
This was no mean feat as they both
get nervous talking to groups and
had never done it before.
Their house staff assisted to
prepare them for the speeches by
practicing at home and helping them
to put the presentation together.
Helena and Kristine talked about
daily routines, their favourite
activities and what they like in a
support worker.
At the end, the audience asked the
ladies questions, which made them
feel that they had done a wonderful
job. Their presentations provided an
invaluable insight into their lives and
gave prospective staff a critical point
of view - the clients!
An Adventure of a Lifetime
November 2014
including the shows.
The highlight for Christian was the
dolphin pool where he was able to
pat the dolphins.
On day two, we went to Movie
World. All the characters made
Christian feel so special, we couldn’t
wipe the smile from his face.
The memory of this trip will remain
with Christian for years to come.
It’s an experience that he would
not have had without the help of
Sunnyfield’s staff.
To hear your child say “it was the
best day I have ever had” melts a
parent’s heart.
Thank you Sunnyfield from
Brendon, Caroline and Christian.
Our son, Christian, is wheelchair
bound and attends Sunnyfield
Disability Services at St Marys.
Through his Flexible Respite
funding package we were able
to have a family holiday with the
support of Sunnyfield.
Christian’s adventure started at the
airport. He was treated so well by
staff and everyone kept the holiday
destination a surprise.
You can imagine his excitement
as the airline crew announced onboard the plane that Christian was
travelling to Sea World on the Gold
On day one, we went to Sea World
which is fully wheelchair accessible
Supported Employment Job Vacancies
Packaging & Assembly Workers
Employment opportunities are now
available in Assembly, Packaging and
Pharmaceutical (TGA) businesses
located at our new facilities at Mt
Druitt and sites at Chatswood and
Allambie Heights.
We are looking for enthusiastic
employees who pride themselves on
learning new skills, producing quality
products on time and contributing to a
successful commercial enterprise.
To be eligible for supported
employment you will need to be:
• Enthusiastic, reliable and keen to
• Willing to undertake on the job
training and career development
• Eligible for a Disability Support
• Able to preferably work 5 days a
week from 8am to 4pm
• Able to work safely in a
commercial factory
• Keen to work as part of a team
For further information, please contact:
Sharon Dale: (02) 8977 8884
or email:
Sunnyfield’s Mission is to enrich the lives of people with intellectual
disability by creating choice, opportunities and skills for life.
Want to win a car?
Enter the ASX Thomson Reuters Charity Foundation Art Union raffle.
Tickets can be purchased online by going to:
Every dollar raised from ticket sales goes directly to Sunnyfield.
Thank you to Swiss Re
In 2014, Swiss Re’s generosity has
enabled Sunnyfield to build its Active
Support Program.
The funds have provided training
to staff, development of a training
module and provided support for 70
clients to attend “Skills for Life” courses.
In keeping with the Active Support
theme, Swiss Re staff participated in
the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival
helping to raise much needed awareness
about Sunnyfield.
Sunnyfield would like to thank
Swiss Re for becoming part of the
The inaugural Bullivants Golf
Day was held at Stonecutter’s Golf
Course in October. Seventy players
and sponsors sourced predominantly
from Bullivants’ clients enjoyed the
Greg Norman designed course which
proved challenging for even the best
in the group.
Sunnyfield had the privilege of being
the charity chosen by Bullivants
where the winning team won
the perpetual ‘Sunnyfield Shield.’
Sunnyfield was a natural choice for
Bullivants as the brother of one of
their employees’ receives services
from Sunnyfield.
Bullivants which is a part of the
Wesfarmers Group look forward to
continuing their support towards
Sunnyfield through the Golf Day
which will become an annual event
and help to raise awareness.
Sunnyfield family and look forward to an
exciting 2015.
Golfers Teed Up
Bullivants Brett Stewart and Sabene Ramrajan,
Sunnyfield Board Director Dr John Carter,
Sunnyfield’s Shivani Jayasinghe and Wesfarmers
Alan Watkins
Generosity Shows no Boundaries
RBS corporate volunteers and Sunnyfield clients
This year, Sunnyfield celebrates 12
years of support from The Royal Bank
of Scotland (RBS) who generously
give time and donations. Sunnyfield
is one of two charities supported
by RBS nationally and in 2014, in
addition to workplace giving, their
teams have led volunteering efforts
at Sunnyfield homes helping to
revitalise backyards and outdoor
areas. The residents and staff are
delighted by the final result and are
grateful for the hard work put in by
RBS staff. Following on from last year,
RBS Christmas elves will source gifts
for Sunnyfield’s Christmas giving
The partnership with RBS has
been an outstanding success and
a wonderful example of corporate
philanthropy making a significant
difference in the lives of people
with intellectual disability. The
relationship has not only injected
much needed funds but allowed
opportunities for Sunnyfield clients
to engage with members of the
“These working bees are an excellent way for RBS to demonstrate real commitment to
Sunnyfield. A complete engagement with a charity partner, like Sunnyfield, involves RBS staff
being prepared to give up their time as well as money.“ - Peter Chiswell, Head of Tax, Asia RBS
Active August huge success
Thank you to clients and staff
who participated in Active August
events raising funds for Sunnyfield, in
particular Natalie Cowley and Ralph
Schubert. Executive General Manager,
Mark Clayton walked with a group of
clients and staff in the Pub 2 Pub - “Jo’s
November 2014
legs don’t work perfectly and she suffers
from back pain. She never missed a step
or even looked like giving up. Jo was a
great example of someone who gets out
and has a go.” Our sincere thanks to the
Rotary Club of Brookvale for including
Sunnyfield as a recipient charity.
Dr Mark Clayton, Helen, Patty Foulds, Bob
Pritchard and Jo
HSC Artwork Illustrates Equality
different to me”, I have captured
with photograhs the similarities
between every human and the
characteristics that people possess.
My journey working with the
Sunnyfield clients has allowed
me to further understand who
people really are as well as further
my appreciation of peoples
characteristics and uniqueness. It’s
been a beautiful journey.
Thankyou Sunnyfield.
My name is Jessica Musgrove
and this year I have undertaken
my HSC journey as a Year Twelve
student at Mackillop Catholic
College, Warnervale.
Through the inspiration of
my mother, Ann, who is a
community support worker at the
Sunnyfield Day Option Program
in Charmhaven, I decided to
communicate the way I see people
who are considered by society as
‘different’. Thanks to my mother
I have been able to see and
understand that every human is
equal and we each have our own
weaknesses and abilities. Through
my work, entitled “They don’t look
Jessica and her HSC artwork
What’s On?
Bexley Information Session
Marrickville & Gunnedah Information
Tamworth Information Session
Nthn Sydney Information Session
Central Coast Auxiliary meeting and
Information Session
International Day of People with Disability Day
International Volunteer Day
Enterprises Mt Druitt Christmas party
Enterprises Chatswood Christmas party
Enterprises Allambie Christmas party
Enterprises Christmas closure
Supported Living Christmas party
Day Programs Christmas closures from 22 Dec*
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
New Years Day
Day Programs re-open from 5 Jan*
Enterprises re-opens
Australia Day
ASX tickets close
*Check dates with the service manager.
Feedback, good or bad, is a
great way to help us improve
our services. If you would
like to provide feedback to
Sunnyfield, please call:
(02) 8977 8899
or email our dedicated and
confidential feedback address:
For any complaints which
you have not been able to
resolve with us please contact
the external Whistleblower
We welcome your enquiries:
T: (02) 8977 8888
F: (02) 9975 5833
© 2014 Sunnyfield
How do you Feel
About our Services?
1300 30 45 50
185 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights NSW 2100
PO Box 6432
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
ABN: 72 000 415 127
Charity Fundraising No: 13 915
Sunnyfield & Central Coast Mariners
Sports Challenge
On the afternoon of Friday 7 November 2014, 34 excited Sunnyfield supported employees, along with
volunteers, boarded a coach headed to Camp Break Away on the Central Coast joined by 10 Day Program
clients for the much anticipated Woolworths sponsored Sunnyfield and Central Coast Mariners Sports Day.
After settling in at Camp Breakaway, the group enjoyed a roast dinner followed by an evening of
recreational games, music and dancing!
On Saturday morning, following a lovely Sensory walk, the games began! The Mariners, on an inflatable
soccer pitch, took the group through soccer drills and activities as well as a Mariners trivia quiz with
Mariners t-shirts and memorabilia as prizes. The CEO of the Mariners Bruce Stadler stated that the Central
Coast Mariners Soccer team and Sunnyfield share similar values including ‘a passion for the community and
the intent to enrich the lives of a wide variety of people’. Following a delicious BBQ lunch, the group played
relay races including 3–legged, running and egg and spoon races. The day ended on a high note with an
exciting match of tug of war!
Following a closing address by Sunnyfield CEO Caroline Cuddihy, the group departed Camp Breakaway
to return to Allambie, taking with them wonderful memories of warmth, camaraderie and new found
friendships. The trip helped to facilitate the inclusion of people with disability, bolstered the self-esteem of
participants and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
8 November 2014
© Sunnyfield 2014
“I love going away for the night with my work
friends. It was so much fun playing soccer
games with the Mariners and I really liked the
hat & poster they gave me.”
Chris Knapman, Sunnyfield client
“I am happy I scored all the goals.”
Tony Cashmere, Sunnyfield client
“I am going to give the boys a run for their
money in the racing games. I am very excited
to be playing with the Mariners.”
Damien Imbruglia, Sunnyfield client
“I love meeting new people and having fun
with new activities especially soccer.”
Sammy Paciente, Sunnyfield client
“I just wanted to thank you for the great day on Saturday. Myself and Tyson couldn’t stop talking about
the positive vibe of the day brought on by the smiles of everyone on board. I was also very happy with
the involvement of everyone on the day and we spoke about the potential do similar days further down
the track. It really put into perspective, the real reason we do what we do in football. The ability to use
football to connect people. Thanks again!”
Jesse Canning, Ticketing and Events Assistant Central Coast Mariners
“Thanks to Woolworths Sponsorship for the overnight trip and stay that
was accessible for many who never get the chance and enjoyed by all.
Many thanks to all staff from across Sunnyfield, particularly Enterprises and
Central Coast, who volunteered their time and talents generously to create
and support this once a year special experience for Sunnyfield clients.”
Caroline Cuddihy, Sunnyfield CEO
8 November 2014
© Sunnyfield 2014