Spring 2015
Spring 2015
SENTARA FOUNDATION–HAMPTON ROADS Spring 2015 Newsletter Nightingale teams up with the Navy to keep our active military safe Nightingale Teams Up With the Navy ...............................Pg 1 It was Monday, March 24, 2014 when we heard of the active shooter on the Norfolk naval base. This was the day that trucker Jeffrey Tyrone Savage drove onto Naval Station Norfolk and forcibly took a gun from the petty offi er on guard. Sadly, it led to the death of Petty Officer 2nd Class Mark Mayo, a 24-year-old serviceman who threw himself in front of the assailant to save the lives of four military personnel at the scene. This chilling event was one of several such tragedies that occurred last year throughout the nation. Hospice - Finding Joy Through Serving Others.....................Pg 3 List of Contributors........Pg 2-6 Kevin McNeeley Overcomes Family Predisposition to Cardiac Disease ..................................Pg 4 Sentara Nurses: Portraits of Those Who Put their Heart into Your Care ..............................Pg 6 Sentara Cancer Network: Your Gifts Hard at Work ...........................Pg 8 Following these incidents, the Navy began conNaval personnel respond to the Tributes and Memorials ...Pg 9-11 ducting annual drills in an effort to ensure the mock active shooter highest level of preparedness. The program is Ways to Give..........................Pg 12 aptly named “Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield” and is now conducted on most of our country’s military centers. Part of this exercise includes the joint efforts of local emergency teams, including our very own Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance. In the event of an active shooter, injured victims would need the fastest rescue from the scene and emergency care on the way to reaching the hospital. That’s where the Nightingale team plays a critical role doing what they do best, saving lives. February’s drill proved to be a success in identifying and subduing the suspect and engaging our community resources in responding to such a disaster together. Your contribution to Nightingale has made the Hampton Roads community safer and our military more secure. Thank you for your gift of health. To support the Nightingale program contact us at 757455-7976 or log onto www.sentara.com/foundation Nightingale at Little Creek Military Base CONTRIBUTORS The following individuals, corporations, civic groups and organizations made gifts or pledge commitments to the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads of $100 or more from July 1 2014 – December 30, 2014. Donations were made to the following programs. We thank you for your generous contributions. Behaviorial Health Telemedicine Program Fund Breastfeeding Support Group Cancer Reseach Cancer Resource Fund Cancer Services at Sentara Hospitals Cardiac Research Cardiac Tech Program Cardiac Tech Scholarships Heart Transplant Mr. Scott D. Abbey Ms. Mary F. Abbitt Ms. Danene P. Abdallah Mr. Ronald L. Ackerman Ms. Teresita C. Adamos Ms. Carol J. Adams Ms. Eileen L. Alewine Ms. Aleyamma Alexander Anonymous Ms. Shannon P. Alexander Ms. Esther K. Allen Mr. Earle A. Allison Mr. Rudy Almanzor Dr. Jennifer J. Altman Ms. Rahel T. Amare Mr. Joseph B. Hearst & Ms. Meril Amdursky Ms. Nancy L. Amundson Ms. Debra K. Anderson Ms. Monica Anderson Dr. Robin N. Anderson Mr. Stuart D. Anderson Mr. W. Leigh Ansell Mr. & Mrs. Chris Anuswith Mr. Frederick P. Appleton Ms. Vernell T. Archie Mr. Carl D. Armstrong Ms. Gloria B. Artajo Ms. Camilla H. Ashby Mr. Malcolm G. Ashe Ms. Maria I. Astudillo Ms. Mary R. Babb Ms. Suzanne Babb Ms. Mary Elizabeth N. Baber Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bacon Mr. Eugene H. Bagwell Ms. Sharon Elaine Baker Ms. Janet Balius Bank Street Memorial Baptist Church Ms. Tanya D. Banks, RN Mr. Lawrence J. Barclay Ms. Annette A. Barnes Ms. Cheryl Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Barresi Ms. Sue E. Barrientes Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Barry, III Ms. Torie B. Bashay Ms. Janie C. Bateman Ms. Erin M. Bates Mr. Joseph Bauernfeind Ms. Angela M. Beale Ms. Caren Beasley Ms. Joyce T. Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beauchamp Ms. Jane K. Bechtel Mr. Martin Becker Ms. Gretchen E. Bedenbaugh Ms. Aerin M. Beecher Ms. Tonya Beeman Mr. James J. Behen, III Ms. Diana J. Behling Mr. Greg Bell Mr. Raymond Bell Ms. Patricia G. Berkley Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bernd Ms. Brenda E. Berry Mr. Joseph Berryman, Jr. Mr. Karl R. Bethea Ms. Barbara J. Beverage Mr. Eric Beyer Ms. Kyra D. Bice Mr. Lewis F. Bidle Ms. Jennifer Bieder Mr. Stephen Biles Mr. Bruce R. Bischoff Mr. Taylor E. Blair Dr. & Mrs. David Blais Ms. Brenda Bland ‑ 2‑ Dr. & Mrs. Aaron D. Bleznak Ms. Deborah L. Blotkamp Ms. Mary Blunt Ms. Patricia Bobb Ms. Cindy Bocrie Mrs. Shareena R. Bond Ms. Regina A. Bonds Ms. Nelda J. Booker Ms. Reagan M. Boomer Ms. Patricia L. Boone Ms. Margaret Booth Mrs. Annabeth C. Borg Ms. Meredith A. Boswell Ms. Margaret Bouffard Ms. Tracy Bowdish Ms. Berlinda Elizabeth Bowdwin Mr. Shawn L. Bowman Ms. Judy L. Bowyer Mr. Emery W. Braa Ms. Lillian P. Branch Mr. Donald L. Bray Ms. Karen C. Bray Ms. Karen J. Bray Mr. Robert C. Bray Ms. Teresa C. Breeden Mr. Raymond M. Brett Mr. R. William Brewster Ms. Shelia M. Brickhouse Ms. Amy Brock Joan & Macon Brock Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brock, Jr. Mr. Robert Broermann Mr. Jonathan F. Bromberg Ms. Bonnie J. Brooks Ms. Ginger L. Brooks Ms. Debbie Brown Ms. Elizabeth T. Brown Mrs. Noelle Brown Ms. Elizabeth A. Broxton Mr. Gary Brumley Ms. Pamela J. Brunner Ms. Vivian A. Bryan Ms. Kelly V. Bryla Mr. Michael Buckley-Sharp Ms. Debra J. Buckner Builders Mutual Insurance Company Ms. Kathryn A. Bullwinkel Dr. Joel Bundy Ms. Penny J. Burd Burdette Beckmann, Inc. Mr. William H. Burdon Mr. Matthew L. Burgess Ms. Margaret A. Burke Mr. & Mrs. William R. Burnette Ms. Judy S. Burris Ms. Helen D. Busby Mr. Kevin M. Bussiere Mr. Robert Butcher, Jr. Mr. Robert M. Butler, Jr. Ms. Joyce B. Bynum Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Cabacoy Ms. Mia D. Cajayon Ms. Dian T. Calderone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Calogrides Mr. Tony Calogrides Mr. John Campbell Ms. Jodi L. Canfiel Ms. Lueda Canuela Mr. Howard Carr Mr. James M. Carr Ms. Michelle M. Carr Dr. John S. Carrick Ms. Jaime L. Carroll Ms. Jaqueline M. Carson Mr. Garland Carter Ms. Judy A. Carter Mr. Jason M. Casteen H.O.P.E. Fund Kidney Transplant Krueger Foundation Lois Kercher Nursing Research Grant Fund Mobile Meals Program Music and Medicine Program Neuro ICU at Sentara Hospitals Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance Patient Assistance at Sentara Hospitals Ms. Jessica L. Cave CB Richard Ellis of Virginia, Inc. Ms. Kim Chafee Ms. Barbara A. Chalk Mr. Raymond M. Challoner, III Ms. Cheryl F. Chambers Ms. Jo Ella Chappell Ms. Linda Chelmow Dr. & Mrs. Kamal R. Chemali Mr. & Mrs. J. Whiting Chisman Ms. Brenda E. Cicero City National Bank of West Virginia City of Hampton City of Newport News Ms. Sarah M. Clark Dr. & Mrs. John P. Clarke Ms. Ashley G. Clary Ms. Mary D. Claudio Ms. April Clements Ms. Diane Clifton Ms. Angie C. Clinedinst Mr. David A. Cochran Mr. Daniel A. Cohen Ms. Shelly Cohen Mr. Steven Cohen Ms. Krystle T. Coldiron Ms. Daisy D. Cole Ms. Brandy L. Coles Mr. Boyd F. Collier Communications for Research, Inc. Ms. Joanne P. Conaty Ms. Lisa L. Conaway Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Connor Ms. Juanita Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Cooper, III Ms. Olivia Y. Copes Ms. Katherine C. CottenMeunier Ms. Jacqueline S. Cotton Mr. John Craig Ms. Robin C. Crane Ms. Catherine A. Credle Mr. Dennis M. Cruff Mr. P. Daniel Crumpler, III Ms. Bettie B. Cuddyer Mr. William S. Cummings Mrs. Lisa E. Curling Ms. Susan D. Cutrell Ms. Lucie G. Damato Dana Fund, LLC Ms. Kathy J. Dangerfiel Ms. Thecla Daniels Ms. Betty J. Danner Mr. Ramon C. Darcey Ms. Sarah L. Darwin Davenport & Company, LLC Ms. Darline Davilmar Mr. Willie M. Davis Ms. Debra Davison Mr. Lewis A. Dawson Ms. Susan M. De Abate Mr. Niel Dealteriis Ms. Elizabeth R. Dean Mr. Kenneth Deaton Ms. Pamela S. Deehan Mr. & Mrs. John DeGruttola Ms. Linda M. Dekker Leo & Amy DeLeon Ms. Vivikka DeLoach Mr. Frederick Demella Ms. Sheila G. Denson Ms. Helen Deutermann Ms. Regina Diacopoulos Ms. Jane A. Diana Mr. & Mrs. Dan D. Dickenson Dr. & Mrs. W. Andrew Dickinson, Jr. Dr. Deborah M. DiCroce Digestive & Liver Disease Specialists Ms. Nelia M. Dio Mr. & Mrs. Vernon C. Dockery Ms. Diane Dofflemeye Mr. & Mrs. James Dolney Ms. Kelly A. Doloresco Mrs. Windy B. Dongarra Ms. Connie Donovan Ms. Letitia Doxie Mrs. Courtney Railey Doyle Ms. Patricia M. Dressler Ms. Tawanda D. Drone Dr. John G. Duckett Ms. Elizabeth Dudley Ms. Virginia Dudley Mr. Wesley C. Dudley Ms. Staci A. Dugan Ms. Stephanie P. Dukes Ms. Mahnaz A. Duncan Ms. Yvonne Durham Mr. Donald P. Durkee Mr. & Mrs. William Durr Ms. Kimberley K. Dustin Mrs. Renee Duval Fairchild Dyeing To Stitch Eastern Alliance Insurance Group Ms. Janice Edgar Dr. Teresa Edge Ms. Echoe O. Edmond Ms. Donita L. Edwards Mrs. Teresa L. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. William Edwards, Jr. Edwin S. Webster Foundation Dr. Michael S. Eggert Mr. David M. Eich Electronic Systems, Inc. Mr. William B. Eley Ms. Ninpha M. Elicerio Ms. Rhonda Elliott Ms. Joan M. Ellis Ms. Latisha R. Ellis Emergency Physicians of Tidewater, PLC Mr. Samuel D. Encabo Ms. Jeannine M. Engle Ms. Ruth A. Enlow Epic Systems Corporation Ms. Kimberley Eskelund Mr. James E. Estes Mr. Jeffrey O. Eubank Ms. Melissa G. Eubanks Mr. David E. Evans Ms. Pamela S. Evans Exel Associates Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Faella Ms. Anna M. Farach Mr. Douglas W. Farley Ms. Deborah R. Farmer Ms. Patrice J. Faulcon Mr. & Mrs. Cecil R. Faulk Fein, Such, Kahn & Shepard, P.C. Ms. Suzanne M. Felber Ms. Joanne M. Ferraioli Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Zeb Holt Ms. Ellen Fiero First Colonial Family Practice Center, Inc. Ms. Tenecia L. Flippen Ms. Tammy Flippin & Family Ms. Rita A. Flowers Ms. Virginia B. Fly Mrs. Carol Via Flynn Ms. Janice Foreman Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Fort Richendollar Scholarship Fund SANE–Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Sentara Cardiac Research Institute Sentara Heart Sentara Hospice House Sentara Hospice Services Special Care Nursery Sentara Leigh Upgrade Project Virginia Beach Cardiac Excellence Capt. & Mrs. Thomas N. Fortenberry Mr. Albert H. Francis, Jr. Mr. Vernon R. Francis Ms. Deena M. Franklin Ms. Mazie Franklin Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Auxiliary Berkley No. 795 Ms. Zinnerias K. Freeman Friendship Life Group Ms. Betty J. Frierson Ms. Thyra Frink Ms. Maria A. Fronteras Mr. John R. Frye & Ms. Cheryll Chew Ms. Mikel J. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. F. Dudley Fulton Ms. Louise Funaiock Ms. Stacy R. Fuqua Ms. Donna M. Gagnon Dr. Andrew D. Galbreath Dr. & Mrs. A. Randolph Garnett, Jr. Ms. Janet G. Garrett Mr. Robert E. Garris, Jr. Ms. Ruby F. Garris Ms. Velma J. Garris Ms. Josephine S. Garrison Mr. L. Alvin Garrison, Jr., CPA Ms. Diane M. Gaskin Gastroenterology, Ltd. Ms. Carolyn Gates Mr. Dale T. Gauding Ms. Karen R. Gearin Ms. Ezmin George Mr. Robert C. George, III Mrs. Elizabeth Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gerwe Ms. Najwa Ghazale Ms. Susan M. Gibbons Ms. Junko T. Gibson Ms. Barbara Gilbert Ms. Christine M. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gildea Mr. Mark Whitney Gilkey Mr. Howard Gill Ms. Sarah A. Gilliam Ms. Lenore C. Giovanelli Mr. Tim J. Glebus Ms. Jean Godfrey Ms. Lafran C. Godwin Ms. Roben J. Goff Ms. Jillanne L. Gohr Mr. & Mrs. William H. Goines Mr. Cordell H. Gomez Ms. Kathleen Gonzalez Ms. Katheryn T. Gooch Ms. Jackie W. Goodrich Ms. Kelly Hudgens Goodwin Ms. Joyce M. Gordon Dr. Maruthi V. Gottimukkala Ms. Ilham C. Grant Ms. Nancy J. Grant Mr. Walter Grantz Mr. & Mrs. McChesney Gray Ms. Cheryl D. Carrington Green Ms. Alisa C. Greene Ms. Allison K. Greene Ms. Evelyn Green-Gunter Mr. Terrence A. Greenquist Ms. Beverly R. Greenwood Ms. Anita W. Gregory Mr. Byron J. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gresham Ms. Barbara A. Griffi Ms. Barbara E. Griffi Ms. Bonnie Griffi Ms. Julienne Griffi Mr. & Mrs. Donald Griffith Ms. Karen Y. Grigsby Dr. & Mrs. George L. B. Grinnan Group for Women Ms. Nekisha C. Guity Mr. Christopher W. Gunderson Mr. Andrew S. Gurkin Mr. Keith B. Gustafson Mr. Edwin L. Gutshall Mr. Dereje Haile Ms. Patti F. Haley Mr. James Stephen Hall Ms. Denise N. Hamilton Ms. Teresita M. Hammond Dr. Edward S. Hanna Ms. Holanda Harding Ms. Kimberly R. Hargrave Ms. Gale H. Hargroves Ms. Gail Harker Ms. Mike M. Harkins Ms. Bonnie S. Harlow Ms. April K. Harrington Harris Charitable Trust Eleanor & Sandy Harris Ms. Imani Harris Ms. Shelley Harris Ms. Donna M. Hart-Becker Mr. Steven M. Hartline Ms. Vivian P. Harvey Ms. Catherine E. Haven Ms. Mary E. Hawkes Ms. Markeeta D. Hawkins Ms. Susan F. Hay Mr. Donald J. Hayes Ms. Sarah L. Hayes HDR Architecture Ms. Rebecca E. Hearring Mr. Scott R. Hedrick Ms. Lorene E. Helke Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Hendricks Dr. Patrick Hennelly, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. James R. Henry Ms. Bellene Henshaw Ms. Sheryl H. Hernandez Ms. Alexis Hertzog Ms. Linda G. Heydn Highland Associates Inc. Mr. Philip D. Hightower Mr. Andy Hilbert Mr. David E. Hill Ms. Gay V. Hill Ms. Grace R. Hines Ms. Phyllis A. Hines Ms. Colleen A. Hochstetler Estate of Barbara O. Hodge Dr. & Mrs. E. Beaumont Hodge Mr. Linwood E. Holden Ms. Channen M. Holland Dr. Clarence Holland Ms. Denise Holland Ms. Margaret Holland Mr. & Mrs. Oral V. Holland Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home Ms. Susan I. Holston Mr. G. Zeb Holt Ms. Patti E. Holt Ms. Ava L. Hom Ms. Ann Homan Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Homer, Jr. Ms. Susan M. Hon Ms. Latonya Y. Hooks Ms. Suzanne J. Hopkins Ms. Monique K. Hopson Ms. Cynthia M. Horan Ms. Janet D. Horton Mrs. Nancy Hoy Mr. Paul G. Hudgins Finding joy through serving others how Bob Partridge lived his life Robert “Bob” Partridge enjoyed a life fi led with the joy of simple pleasures and family togetherness. Born with special needs, Bob looked forward to his job at McDonald’s. Each day at 4 am, he arose with a smile on his face, and enthusiasm to serve his many customers breakfast and a cup of coffee. He loved the Redskins and NASCAR. When his sister asked where he would most like to visit in the entire world, he chose Yorktown, Virginia. He never complained about anything and when he finally told his mother, Linda, that he did not feel well, cancer had already spread throughout his body. Bob was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma (Bile Duct Cancer) in March of 2014. Sadly, he lost his battle on November 5th 2014. Bob’s journey during that time was made easier with the help of Sentara Hospice. Twice he was admitted into the Sentara Hospice House because he was not stable enough to stay at home. This, however, did not dampen Bob’s spirit; he made friends with the nurses and caregivers at the facility, so he never felt lonely. He also cherished the visits from the Hospice House therapy dogs and any other canine visitor that made their way down those halls. Bob looked forward to time with his family until the very end. One of his two sisters came from North Carolina to spend the last several weeks by Bob’s side. They would play cards on the patio and just talk. Linda said she does not have words to express the appreciation she feels for those who took care of Bob. She reflects back to one day when his Hospice House nurse, Wanda, gave him a footbath. Bob Bob Partridge in Yorktown asked why would she give him a footbath and Wanda’s reply was, “You have served me for so many years at McDonald’s, it’s now my turn to serve you.” I asked Linda what she missed most about Bob and she said, “Everything.” After work, he would help her around the house or they would just enjoy each other’s company. Linda wanted to show her gratitude to all of the staff who had taken care of Bob; from Wanda at the Hospice House, to Amy his nurse, and June, his aide with Sentara Home Hospice, so she sent a contribution to honor the care they provided to her beloved son. Her generous donation is a tribute to Bob, a man who loved animals, football, Yorktown and life. He will be sorely missed. If you would like to share your time, talents or treasures in support of families saying goodbye through hospice, contact the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads at 757-455-7976 or email us at foundation@sentara.com ‑3‑ Kevin McNeeley overcomes his family predispostion to cardiovascular disease with the help of team at Sentara Heart Hospital What does it take to beat the heart attack called “the widow maker?” Is it about knowing your family history? Is it about understanding the signs and symptoms of a cardiac event? How about your proximity to the Sentara Heart Hospital and its state-of-the-art technology? Maybe it’s karma or just dumb luck? Kevin McNeeley will tell you it’s a little bit of each combined with a select group of amazing doctors, nurses, and family members that he credits with saving his life. And your contributions to the Sentara Heart program helped make ALL of this a reality. A signifi ant blockage in the left anterior descending artery (LAD) can cut off blood supply to the heart. It often results in a massive heart attack and even death, which is the rationale behind the widow maker name. Surviving this attack is all about recognizing the symptoms as quickly as possible. Once the blockage occurs, you may only have minutes to get medical attention to avoid a catastrophic result. Originally from Ohio, Kevin McNeeley came to Sentara to open a new program and lab called The Sentara Neuromuscular and Autonomic Center at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. The lab is one of only 15 in the country. Kevin uses highly specialized equipment—including a new state-of-the-art sweat chamber—to help provide answers to patients who have been repeatedly told, “It’s all in your head.” Oddly enough, it was Kevin’s own autonomic nervous system (his sweat glands in particular) that helped save his life. Throughout the Labor Day weekend of 2014, Kevin had not been feeling all that great. On his way to work that Tuesday, he noticed that his briefcase seemed a little heavier than normal. He felt like he had pulled a muscle in his arm just from carrying it. Arriving at the elevator to go to the sixth floor of the Sentara Heart Hospital, Kevin began to sweat profusely. Did I mention that Kevin runs the brand new state-of-theart sweat chamber in the autonomics lab? Kevin knew that a pulled muscle in your arm should not cause profuse sweating. He immediately made his way to the Emergency Room and was promptly admitted. Kevin McNeeley is one of eight children. His father died at age 47 from his 26th heart attack (25 went unnoticed). His six brothers all had stents or bypass surgery prior to Kevin’s cardiac episode. Kevin has a 26-year-old daughter and would have had a 21-year-old son if were not for a heart defect that tragically caused his stillbirth. The first few tests the doctors ran on Kevin showed nothing out of the ordinary, but because of his family history, the cardiac team of clinicians recommended that Kevin go to the catheterization lab for further testing. Once in the lab, Kevin’s heart images showed over 90% blockage as well as a leak in the artery. Right then, his cardiologist and cardiothorasic surgeon determined that he needed an emergency triple bypass. Kevin replied, “Ok, but you have to call my wife and let her know because if you don’t, even if the surgery is a success, I’m a dead man.” Kevin’s surgery was a success and he was remarkably back at work in just two months. How does one beat the widow maker? With exceptional care provided by Sentara Heart doctors and clinicians and with your charitable support of these efforts. For more information on donating to superior cardiac care in Hampton Roads, log onto www.sentara.com/foundation or contact the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads at 757-455-7976. ‑ 4‑ Kevin McNeeley, Autonomic Lab Coordinator CONTRIBUTORS Mr. John E. Huff Ms. Michele A. Hughes Ms. Marilou Huling Mr. Hammond Hunt Mr. Alexander Q. Hunter, Sr. Ms. Grace J. Hyatt Ms. Ronalyn Ibanez Ms. Christina L. Issaev Mr. & Ms. Cecil Jackson Mrs. Lynn R. Jackson Ms. Pharnethia G. Jackson Ms. Stephanie Jackson Ms. Diane L. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Janes Mr. Noel G. Janolino Ms. Aisha Jarvis Mr. Paul R. Jarvis Ms. Robin L. Jefferson Ms. Denise P. Jeffries Dr. Mark W. Jenison Ms. Kathleen Jenkins Ms. Lori L. Jenkins Ms. Michelle A. Jenkins Ms. Sallie G. Jenkins Ms. Constance Jennette Mr. Timothy S. Jennings Ms. Ellyn R. Jett Ms. Rachel Jiral Ms. Doris Johnson Mr. Melvin L. Johnson Mrs. Nan Johnson Mr. Thomas O. Johnson Mr. Michael J. Johnston Ms. Patricia A. Joines Ms. Aleatha F. Jones Ms. Beryl D. Jones Ms. Debora L. Jones Ms. Ellen M. Jones Ms. Jennifer M. Jones Ms. Julie Jones Mr. & Mrs. Kareem A. Jones Ms. Michelle A. Jones Ms. Paula D. Jones Mr. Thomas R. Jones Ms. Tonya Jones Mr. William Jones Ms. Grace A. Jordan Ms. Portia J. Joseph Ms. Alfredtina N. Joyner Dr. & Mrs. J. Steve Julian, Jr. Ms. Sylvia R. Kalagayan Ms. Natalie A. Kaszubowski Ms. Kimberly Katula Mrs. Cheryl Katz Mrs. Linda H. Kaufman Ms. Jane E. Kay Ms. Linda Kearney Mr. Michael B. Keaton Mrs. Debra M. Keeling Ms. Carol L. Keiser Ms. Jennifer L. Keiser Ms. Anita B. Kelly Mr. Robert J. Kelly Ms. Shanna M. Kemp Mr. Tonza B. Kemp Drs. John G. Kenerson & Lisbet M. Hanson Ms. Sally B. Kenyon Mr. Steve D. Keogh Dr. Lois L. Kercher Mr. Howard P. Kern Mr. Charles A. Kessler Ms. Janna Kestenbaum Dr. Dana J. KeysFrezzell Mr. David G. Kidd Ms. Janet Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. George Kincaid Mr. Jeffrey P. King Ms. Dianne S Kinkead Ms. Jennifer R. Kirk Mr. Raymond Kirkbride Ms. Audrey L. Kirkwood Ms. Phyllis Kitchin Ms. Tracie Knight Ms. Tisa L. KnightChandler Ms. Lori Koltuniak KPMG LLP Capt. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Kraine Mr. Kenneth M. Krakaur Ms. Jennifer Kreiser Mrs. Ola Krueger Ms. Alyssa B. Kuhn Ms. Deborah C. Kurtz Ms. Janine M. Lackey Mr. Joshua D. Lagasse Ms. Sarah A. Lamb Mr. Michael E. Landis Ms. Lageia N. Lane Mr. Robert L. Langley Ms. Leslie E. Larkin Ms. Cheryl E. Larner Ms. Beverly A. Larson Ms. Shannon W. Lavender Ms. Augustine Lawrence Ms. Carolyn M. Lawrence Ms. Frayer E. Lawrence Ms. Shellie R. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Lee Ms. Sue A. Lee Ms. Torea P. Lee Legal Resources of Virginia, Inc. Ms. Mary C. Lehman Ms. Elaine H. Lehr Ms. Jennifer Leigh Ms. Terri W. Leitner Ms. Kirsti A. Lenzi Ms. Nora E. Leonard Ms. Lisa L. Letchworth Ms. Joyce M. Liles Ms. Elizabeth A. Lilliston Mr. William J. Lindner, Jr. Ms. Molly Lingua Ms. Kay Loebel Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Lohafer Ms. Phyllis F. Lonergan Mr. & Mrs. Don Long Ms. Naomi K. Long Ms. Patricia R. Long Mr. & Mrs. Billy Longgrear Dr. & Mrs. Bruce I. Longman Ms. Katherine T. Longmire Mr. & Mrs. Adam Longoria, Jr. Ms. Brenda C. Loper Ms. Ann Lovelace Ms. Mary E. Loyd Mr. Thomas G. Lundquist Ms. Antoinette Lyles Capt. David MacClary, USN Ret. Ms. Penny J. Madden Mr. Brian G. Maher John & Harriet Malbon Ms. Vivian Ruth Manlove Dr. Jonathan R. Mann Mr. Robert J. Margolin Ms. Judy W. Marlow Ms. Evelyn Marr Ms. Beth B. Martin Mr. Zachary T. Martin Ms. Vickie Mason Mr. David J. Masterson Suzanne & Vince Mastracco MATH Mechanical, Inc. Ms. Stephanie L. Mathis Ms. Cheryl Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Matthews Ms. Valerie T. Matthews Mr. Alexander W. Mayes Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Mazzeo Ms. Donna M. McClellan Mr. David Kelso McConnell Ms. Linda M. McCormick Ms. Anna S. McDaniel McDonald Garden Center Mrs. Jill McElhiney Mr. Matthew Mceneaney Ms. Genemarie W. McGee Ms. Rhonda A. McGhee Ms. Linda McKee Ms. Annie Lenore Mcquillen Ms. Tracy A. McRacken Ms. Angelic Meadows Ms. Jessica M. Means Ms. Tamara Mears Ms. Mirna G. MedinaGonzalez Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Meek, USN Mr. R. Boyd Melchor Mr. John J. Mellon Ms. Carole A. Meola Mr. John Mercogliano III Ms. Kathleen E. Merkh Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Smith, Inc. Ms. Judy Merring Mr. Gerald S. Meyer Mr. Paul Michels Ms. Stephanie V. Middleton Ms. Cynthia M. Miller Mr. Ernest B. Miller Mr. Kurt G. Miller Ms. Lisa M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller, III Ms. Stacy L. Miller Ms. Tawana Miller Ms. Paulette V. Mills Ms. Jimi N.Mingee Mr. & Mrs. G. Gilmer Minor, III Ms. Shelly W. Minor Ms. Candace Sampson Minter Mr. Steven L. Minter Ms. Jacque L. Mitchell Mrs. Shirley R. Mitchell Ms. Janet L. Moberg Ms. Janet G. Moffett Mr. William Moncrief Mr. Alan Monfalcone Ms. Patricia A. Montes Mr. Robert Mooney Mr. Barry R. Moore Mrs. Kimberly Moore & Family Ms. Melanie S. Moore Ms. Maxine L. Morales Mr. Bruce Morgan Mr. Chad W. Morgan Ms. Henrietta R. Morman Ms. Barbara R. Morris Ms. Lisa B. Morris Ms. Marjorie M. Moss Mrs. Tracy Mounie Mr. Andrew T. Moynahan Ms. Dyphinah J. Mueller Mr. Paul Muick Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Mulford Mr. James A. Mulligan Dr. William Mulligan Ms. Rachel Munoz Mr. James Murdoch Ms. Sheena T. Murry Ms. Michelle F. Myrie Ms. Jeanette Nash Mr. Wayne A. Nast Mr. Jesro M. Nesbitt Ms. Kathy M. Nestor Dr. Bogdan I. Neughebauer Mr. David Neuwirth Ms. Gail New Dr. John B. Newman Mr. Albert L. Nichols Mr. Timothy F. OBoyle Ms. Judith Ocampo Ocean Site Development, Inc. Ms. Kathleen C. O’Connor ODU Institute for Learning in Retirement Ms. Darlene R. Oduyelu Ms. Rachel Helen Okun Ms. Olukemi A. Olatunji Mr. Fred Olds Ms. Evelyn M. Olenick Ms. Ashley M. Oliver Oncology Solutions, LLC Mr. & Mrs. William S. Overton Ms. Sarah Owens Ms. Alyce Oxton Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Padden Richel Palanca Ms. Pamela Palmer LTC(R) Toby M. Papas Mr. Lawrence G. Parham Ms. Cheryl Parker Dr. John P. Parker Ms. Kimberly Parker Mr. Ray Parker Parklawn-Wood Funeral Home Mr. Joseph Pascarosa Pasquotank-Camden Emergency Medical Services Mr. Charles A. Passarelli Ms. Lori A. Patten Mrs. Kathleen Z. Payne Mr. Stephen M. Payne Ms. Phyllis C. Pearce Dr. & Mrs. Steven D. & Susan Blalock Pearman Dr. Thomas R. Pecsok Mr. Glenito L. Pelegrino Ms. Karen A. Pelham ‑5‑ CONTRIBUTORS Peninsula Community Foundation of Virginia Mr. Anthony Peterson Ms. Rhonda Petitjean Ms. Jessica Phelps Ms. Jennifer P. Phillips Dr. Fletcher N. Pierce Ms. Amanda A. Piper Ms. Alysia H. Pirrone Ms. Leah S. Pixley Mr. Josh J. Plauny Mr. & Mrs. David Plum Mr. Scott Plum Pocahontas Pancakes Polk Family Charitable Fund Ms. Deborah H. Poor Ms. Julie L Porter Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Porter Mr. Robert Potter Ms. Doris V. Poulos Ms. Deborah L. Powell Ms. Helen P. Powell Mr. & Mrs. David C. Pribble Ms. Debra S. Price Ms. Jean M. Price Ms. Valerie K. Price Ms. Kathy D. Price-Ward Ms. Barbara M. Prudoff Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Pyles Ms. Patti A. Quick Ms. Nikosha Quinerly Ms. Peggy M. Rader Radman Radiological, Inc. Ms. Kathy A. Radoor Akulin Ms. Bryant Ramirez Ms. Margaret M. Rau Ms. Katherine R. Rawls Dr. & Mrs. Orren L. Rayford Mr. Gerald E. Reason Ms. Linda J. Reddington Mr. David Reed Dr. Jennifer M. Reed Ms. Joyce A. Reed Mr. Wilmer Reed, III Ms. Janet E. Reitman Ms. Kerri L. Revill Ms. Doris M. Reynolds Mrs. Jeanette B. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Doug Richendollar Ms. Teresa S. Riddick Ms. Jonuanita R. Riddle Ms. Judy Ridgeway Ms. Doris M. Ridley Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Rinehart Ms. Belinda Risher Mr. Bruce S. Robertson Ms. June H. Robertson Ms. Barbara T. Robinson Ms. Denise M Robinson Ms. Latisha A. Robinson Mr. T. Vernon Robinson Mr. Alexander T. Rodriguez Ms. Melissa Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. David C. Rogers Ms. Marsha A. Rooks Ms. Norma Rosenberry Mr. Mark A. Ross Ms. Ann I. Rossik-Hatton Ms. Lasharita E.A. Rountree Ms. Betty S. Rouse Ms. Leslie A. Routon Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Rowley Ms. Leasha N. Roy Ms. Yetta D. Roy Ms. Susan T. Ruetzel Ms. Kelley S. Russell Ms. Melinda G. Russell Mr. John M. Ryder Dr. Ghandi M. Saadeh Cmdr. & Mrs. Harold Sacks Sam & Omie’s Restaurant Ms. Bethsheba S. Samudre Ms. Andrea R. Samuel Ms. Patricia M. Sanderl Ms. Irene D. Sanderlin Ms. Leslie A. Santiful Ms. Katherine Savage Ms. Delma A. Sawyer ‑ 6‑ Rev. Uwe C. Scharf, Ph.D. Ms. Virginia L. Schepleng Mr. Peter A. Schiffle Mr. Andrew Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Schneider Ms. Cindy A. Schon Mrs. Judith Scofiel Dr. Maria M. Scotece Mr. Kenneth R. Scott Ms. Clarissa D. Sedgwick Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Seger Ms. Sally L. Sekowski Ms. Senegal Senghor Sentara Healthcare Staff Sentara Princess Anne Hospital - Medical Staff Sentara Print Services Staff Sentara Resource Management Center Staff Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital Auxiliary Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital Medical Staff Ms. Joan A. Sexton Ms. Georgia Seymour Mr. Marc B. Sharp Mrs. Barbara W. Shepherd Ms. Delores R. Shields Mr. Michael L. Shields Ms. Maria Elisa S. Shores Ms. Sharon D. Short Ms. Sarah S. Sidar Ms. Darla Simmons Ms. Belvadere R. Simon Ms. Elisa D. Simon Mr. Lewis B. Simon Ms. Pamela J. Simon Ms. Jikerkhoun Simou Ms. Erin M. Smith Ms. Jessica L. Smith Dr. R. Lawrence Smith Mr. Lawrence Smith Ms. Paula Smith Mr. Robert J. Smith Ms. Viola A. Smith Ms. Amy Smith-Peard Ms. Sharon R. SmithRayner Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Snader Ms. Roella L. Snider Mr. Jeff C. Snyder Ms. Corina A. Soles Ms. Robin A. Sorensen Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Souders Mr. David A. Spain Ms. Paula E. Sparrow Mr. Michael L. Speckhart Ms. Linda M. Spellman Ms. Cornelia Ha Spencer Dr. Marianne Springer Mr. Robert E. Spruit Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sterling Mr. William E. Stevens Mr. David J. Stewart Ms. Vanessa D. Stewart Ms. Karen T. Stokes Ms. Cheryl A. Stolz Ms. Phyllis C. Stoneburner Mr. John D. Stratton Mr. Dale J. Strickland Mr. Leonard D. Strider Ms. Janet L. Stump Mr. Cecil Sublett Mr. & Mrs. David L. Suiter Dr. Neil M. Sullivan Ms. Monica H. Sumler Ms. Tammy Susko Mrs. Marion V. Swaim Ms. Florence A. Sweet Ms. Mary S. Sykes Ms. Rosemary S. Tacy Ms. Sharon Tanner & Mr. Bill Sherwin Ms. Susan M. Tarkenton Ms. Sheila A. Tarnovsky Ms. Kathy H. Tate Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. R. Dawson Taylor Ms. Vanita R. Taylor Ms. Dinah S. Tenhagen Ms. Judith Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Randall Tharp The Treasure Shop The Virginian-Pilot Mr. Bobby O. Thomas Mr. Eric Thomas Ms. Terrina Thomas Mr. Douglas M. Thompson Thompson, Siegel, & Walmsley, LLC Mr. Clarence Thornton Ms. Ellizabeth A. Thur Tidewater Jewish Foundation Mr. Barry L. Tiedemann Mr. Donald N. Tillman Dr. Terryl D. Times Mr. Lance Torcom Mr. Michael W. Toth TowneBank Foundation Mr. John Miller Trimble Ms. Mary O. Trosien Ms. Giorgi Tserediani Mr. Franklin Turner Ms. Lucille E. Turner Ms. Kathryn C. Turrittin Dr. Kathleen M. Tylman Mr. William J. Umphlett Mr. William Umphlette United Way of Greater Nashua United Way of South Hampton Roads Ms. Patricia A. Vajda Ms. Noma G. Van Ms. Elodie C. Vandemark Ms. Jennifer S. Varbero Ms. Bernadette M. Varnes Mr. Carnell D. Vaughan Sr. Ms. Ada L Vega-Diamantis Ms. Zoraida Velez Ms. Patricia Ver Schneider Ms. Joanne Vigenski Ms. Barbara N. Villers Ms. Karen Vincent Ms. Lucille Vinck Lynne M. Virgili, RN Virginia Beach Obstetrics & Gynecology Virginia Center for Health Innovation Ms. Virginia Virkler Mr. Abdelmoaty S. Wahba Ms. Cathy A. Walker Mr. Robert C. Walker Ms. Janice D. Wallace Ms. Latonya M. Wallace Ms. Elisabeth E. WallSmith Mr. George S. Walsh Walsingham Academy Sisters of Mercy Ms. Hua Wang Mr. Robert C. Ward, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William B. Warden Mr. Richard Wardlow, Jr. Ms. Stephanie W. Warren Ms. Diane M. Washburn Terese Wasilewski Ms. Susan S. Waters Ms. Dale C. Watson Ms. Michele A. Watson Mr. Shelton S. Webb, Jr. Mr. William L. Weber III Mr. Andrew J. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Weddle Ms. Cheryl Weimer Mr. David E. Weimer Dr. Todd A. Weisman Wesley Fellowship Class - Charity United Methodist Church Ms. Deborah B. West Ms. Rosemarie M. West Ms. Kelly D. Westling Ms. Elizabeth A. Weston Mr. John C. Whistler Ms. Jennifer White Dr. & Mrs. Rolfe White Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitehorne Mr. John R. Whitemore Ms. Barbara J. Whitmore May Espana, Scholarship Recipient Ms. Linda S. Whitt Mrs. Dixie L. Wickre Ms. Mary A. Wigfiel Ms. Carrie Wiggins Ms. Daisy M. Wilder Dr. Charles E. Wilhelm Willcox & Savage Mrs. Elizabeth F. Willcox Ms. Chelsie Williams Ms. Linda G. Williams Dr. Melvin H. Williams Ms. Nancy Williams Ms. Patricia W. Williams Ms. Theresa Williams Ltc Wesley R. Williams & Kenna L. Rockey Ms. Wilmouth S. Williams Ms. Angel N. Williamson Mr. Scott C. Williamson Ms. Joanne WilliamsReed Mr. Allister Wills Ms. Gayle E. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas G. Wilson, III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson Ms. Vernita Wilson Ms. Athylone H. Winfiel Ms. Deborah M. Winn Ms. Betty J. Winslow Mr. Matthew M. Winston Ms. Patricia Winters Ms. Kimberly K. WisdomWallace Mr. Carl E. Witten Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Wolf Ms. Felicia M. Wolf Ms. Sandy J. Wolff Ms. Amy L. Wood Ms. Debbie Wood Mr. John D. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Wood Mr. Tillman F. Woodard, Jr. Ms. Judy Woodruff Ms. Anne Flaherty Worrell Mr. Jeff J. Wright, Jr. Ms. Mary Wright Ms. Mary L. Writesel Dr. Christopher J. Wrubel Ms. Sabrina A. Wyche Dr. & Mrs. Gary R. Yates Mrs. Ann M. Young Ms. Claudia J. Young Mr. Eric Young Lt. Col. & Mrs. Eugene G. Younger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yurso Ms. Angela Zahn Ms. Janet M. Zwirner Sentara Nurses Portraits of those who put their heart into your care Nurses are front and center to the care that is delivered at Sentara. Whether you are admitted to a hospital, visiting your primary care physician, or having an outpatient procedure, nurses are committed to keeping you safe and comfortable. At the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads, we support our nursing staff with scholarships for their educational advancement to attain their bachelor’s degree in nursing. But for the generosity of our community, many of these nurses could not afford to go back to school. “They [patients] are like family and I feel joy when I am able to bring a smile to their faces. Many of them have few other visitors, so I hope that they know I truly care.” Meet May Espana, a nurse at Sentara Princess Anne Hospital. May grew up knowing that nursing would be her career of choice. Born in the Philippines, May helped take care of her grandparents when they became frail and unable to live independently. She moved to the United States when she was 19 years old and began her training as a Certified Nursing Assistant. That’s when she started working with the patients at the Sentara Nursing Center on Newtown Road in Norfolk. After five years, she decided to begin her work in the hospital setting. She smiles when she talks about how she continues to visit those patients she tended to over 13 years ago. She tells me, “They are like family and I feel joy when I am able to bring a smile to their faces. Many of them have few other visitors, so I hope that they know I truly care.” May is certain that her recent educational achievements—attaining her registered nursing diploma (RN) and currently working on her bachelor’s degree—would not have been possible without the various scholarships she received. She was ecstatic when she found out that she had been selected for a merit scholarship this year. “I thought it was a mistake, that I couldn’t be that lucky. When I found out for sure, I was jumping up and down and laughing for joy,” May recalled. I asked May what she has already learned during her coursework that has impact on the patients she serves. Without hesitation she replies, “My pathophysiology class has helped me more clearly understand symptoms that my patients may show and why. This allows me to understand disease progression and consider treatment options that I can review with the physician.” May continued, “We took a community class and I found out that there are many who can’t afford to pay for a visit to the doctor and have no insurance. I toured the Chesapeake Care free clinic and hope to volunteer my time once I have finished my degree. It’s so important to give back when you have been helped so much. Obtaining my bachelor’s degree has opened my eyes to the power of medical research, informatics, and community health. Most importantly, it has taught me how to provide even better care for my patients.” A gift of education is an investment in the care that you and your loved ones receive. Join us in offering a helping hand to the nurses who help us every day. For information on supporting nursing scholarships, call us at 757-455-7976 or log onto: www.sentara.com/foundation. ‑7‑ Sentara Cancer Network Genetics Counseling Your gifts hard at work Laura Seeley was not yet 40 when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. The disease runs in her family, having claimed the lives of her mother, two uncles and her maternal grandparents. Seeley’s cancer was discovered early through a screening colonoscopy and surgery removed it without radiation or chemotherapy. Seeley’s gastroenterologist read her family history and asked if she had been screened for Lynch Syndrome. “I’m a nurse and I had never heard of Lynch Syndrome,” said Seeley. A blood test revealed the hereditary link to the colon cancers in her family. “It was kind of scary,” Seeley recalls. “I didn’t know the implications.” That’s where Jessa Blount, with the Sentara Cancer Network, can make a profound difference in a patient’s life as well as their family. As a certified genetics counselor, she reviews family histories to determine if a cancer was caused by a hereditary cancer syndrome. These syndromes are caused by an inherited gene mutation, which places family members with the mutation at higher risk for certain cancers. A diagnosis of Lynch Syndrome is linked to an 80% risk of developing colon cancer for both men and women. Lynch Syndrome also raises women’s risk of developing uterine, ovarian and breast cancers. With early screenings and preventative measures, avoidance of these cancers is highly increased. If you are diagnosed with colon cancer and show any of the following “red fl gs,” ask your doctor if you have been tested for Lynch Syndrome. • • • • Cancer diagnosed at an early age (colon or uterine cancer before 50) Several generations on one side of the family affected by cancer Multiple primary cancers in one individual (colon and uterine cancer or two separate colon cancers) Ten or more colon polyps Genetic counseling is one of the many advances provided through the Sentara Cancer Network. Your generous donations make a difference in helping your friends, neighbors and loved ones fight cancer. Consider an investment in health; give to the Sentara Cancer Network today. Contact the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads at 757-455-7976 or log onto www.sentara.com/foundation Jessa Blount, Genetics Counselor ‑ 8‑ TRIBUTE GIFTS In Honor Mr. Billy Acorn Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hodgin, Jr. Mr. Keith Bangel Ms. Frances Bangel Mr. Jack Barton Mr. Jack L. Barton Dr. David Blais Mr. Jonathan F. Bromberg Ms. Becky Born Ms. J. Castle Craddock The Boyce Family Ms. Eleanor Powell Mr. Herbert Brown Ms. Naomi Johnson Ms. Linda Chisman Mrs. Nan Johnson Mr. Derwood Cobb, II Ms. Wanda M. Sannicandro Ms. Bettie Minette Cooper Mr. Charles Cooper Mr. George Copeland Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gibson Dr. Eric Feliberti Mr. John Campbell Mrs. Reba Finney Mr. Patrick H. Weakland Dr. Kirk Fleischer Mr. Robert J. Ewald Dr. Mark Fontana Clyde & Hank Pryce Mr. Joseph Gentry Ms. Deborah J. Gentry Ms. Rose Girasek Mr. Raymond M. Brett Mr. Czar Gonzales Ms. Sharon Tanner & Mr. Bill Sherwin Mr. Paul Graebner Ms. Betty Renaldi Dr. John Griffi Ms. Dorothy M. Spiker Ms. Victoria Gumapas Ms. Sharon Tanner & Mr. Bill Sherwin Dr. Joan Harrold Mr. Bruce R. Cherry Dr. Pedro Hasas Mr. David E. Hill Jesse Inge Ms. Ella Inge Dr. Sarah Joyner Mr. & Mrs. R. Lanier Halterman, Jr. Mr. Rex Kent Mrs. Mary H Kent A. J. Lamb Mr. Anthony P. Penczak Mr. Joshua Leitner Ms. Terri W. Leitner Mrs. Virginia Lewis Ms. Cecelia Malloy Ms. Carrie Lewis Ms. Beatrice Harrell Dr. Eric Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Geiger Ms. Brenda Maximini Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Lee Dr. Richard McDearmont Mr. Boyd F. Collier Ms. Genemarie McGee Ms. Susan Winslow Mr. Walter McKoy Ms. Joan McKoy Ms. Joyce Meiggs Mr. & Mrs. Merious Whitehurst Mr. Jack Melton Ms. Diane Daniel Dr. Jaime Murillo Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Graves, Jr. Dr. John Newman Mr. & Mrs. Bob Macklin Dr. Richard Norton Ms. Carol Norton The following individuals, corporations, civic groups and organizations made gift or pledge commitments to the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads in honor or in memory of a staff member or loved one from July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014. Ms. Rita Wade Mrs. Annabeth C. Borg The Walke Family: Walke, Somerville, & Greene Ms. Alice W Somerville Ms. Florence Walker Ms. Brenda Wilson Dr. Paul Wenzel Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Lee Mrs. Chari Wilhelm Ms. Diane Clifton Department of the Air Force Manpower & Organization Division Mrs. Cheryl Katz Ms. Kimberly Parker Dr. Jeff Willis Ms. Senegal Senghor Dr. Stephen Wohlgemuth Clyde & Hank Pryce Ms. Elizabeth Woodruff Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas G. Wilson, III Mr. McConnell Baker Ms. Lula L. Baker Dr. Henri Barnwell Ms. Minnie C. Thomas Mrs. Lillian Bellamy Mr. Horace Bellamy Ms. Joan Benham Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Benham Mr. Bradley Benton Ms. Cynthia Bullard Ms. Linda Berhal Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Connor Ms. Maureen Best Mr. Roger G. Best Mr. Wayne Blair Ms. Bettie F. Blair Ms. Margaret Block Mr. William Block Mr. Willis Blondino, Sr. Mr. W.D. Blondino Mr. Gary Bramble Mrs. Karen Bramble Nightingale Team Ms. Marsha Owens Ms. J. Castle Craddock Dr. John Parker Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bacon Ms. Raylene Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Paul Janka Mr. Corbin Robbins Mrs. Susie E. Robbins Sentara CarePlex Orthopaedics Department Ms. Patricia Fletcher Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center Magnet Nurses Ms. Susan Winslow Dr. Gary Snider Ms. Melba P. Old Dr. Richard Sokol Dr. Melvin H. Williams Ms. Iesha Spence Mrs. Nan Johnson Ms. Susan Stemple Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sonn Ms. Liz Turner Mr. Cecil W. Gwaltney, Jr. Mr. Eddie Vannoy Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bernd In Memory Ms. Dorothy Adams Bowman Mr. Richard Adams Ms. Pamela Ames Mr. Dennis Ames Ms. Bette Anderson Mr. John Anderson M. H. Anderson Ms. Victoria Champlin Mr. Walter "Wally" Ansell, Jr. Mr. W. Leigh Ansell Mr. John Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Woods Mr. James Backus Mr. & Mrs. Dave Howell Mr. Joel Kaufmann Ms. Carolyn Jane Keene Mr. Timothy F. O’Boyle Ms. Michele A Speight Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. George Vranas Mrs. Jackie Brooks Mr. Eugene H. Brooks Ms. Rosalie Brown Ms. Jo-Ann Chicoine Ms. Phyllis Kitchin Ms. Elizabeth R. Medlen Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Motley Mr. Steven L. Schaefer Mr. Tillman F. Woodard, Jr. Mr. Carter Bryant Ms. Virginia D. Bryant Ms. Heidi Bullard Ms. Jacqueline J. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Lennon Carmichael Mr. Leonard Carmichael Ms. Lisa Chilson Ms. Peggy M. Rader Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Morris Clark Mr. Howard Clark, Sr. Ms. Shun Shun Clark Mr. Doug Connell Mrs. Arlene D. Connell Mr. Don Conover Mrs. Ruth F. Conover Mr.Charles Conover Mrs. Ruth F. Conover Ms. Carrie Cooke Ms. Carol Kearns Ms. Josephine Copeland Ms. Jo Ella Chappell Mrs. Susan Cotten Ms. Katherine C. CottenMeunier Dr. Daniel Crabtree Ms. Mary L. Rivera Mr. James Crocker, II Mrs. Anne B. Addington Ms. Suzanne Babb Joan & Macon Brock Mr. Robert Butcher, Jr. Mr. Howard Gill Hair by Alex Mr. Hammond Hunt Mr. Jeffrey P. King John & Harriet Malbon Mr. Joseph R. Newell, Jr. Mr. C. Edward Russell, Jr. Sentara Corporate Offic Ms. Elizabeth H. Shannon Mr. Lawrence Smith Mr. & Mrs. R. Dawson Taylor Ms. Judith Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Randall Tharp Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Watson Mrs. Carole Crouse Mr. David Crouse Mr. Lawrence Cullen Ms. Helle K. Cullen Mr. Robert Culpepper Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DBene, Jr. Ms. Mildred Cunningham Mr. Paul Cunningham Mrs. Marjorie Cupit Mr. Calvin J. Cupit Mr. Davis Dalby Ms. Dolores M. Dalby Mr. Lester Darrow Ms. Judith Goodwin Mr. Mark Davis Mr. & Mrs. William Carson Mrs. Helen Davis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Grozen Lt. Cmdr. Richard Helm, USN Ret. Capt. David MacClary, USN Ret. Mr. David Kelso McConnell Mr. Andrew Schmitz Edward & Jean Williams Ms. Vivian Davis Ms. Debra E. McDuffi Ms. Claudia Deans Mr. Richard J. Deans ‑9‑ TRIBUTE GIFTS Mr. John Deihl Ms. Geraldine Deihl Ms. Henriette Dewitt Ms. Janet Kiefer Ms. Annie M. Matthis Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Mulford Dr. John Dittrick, Jr. Ms. Carolyn Dittrick Mrs. Ruby Doughtie Mr. Walter Doughtie Ms. Eula Belle Drewery Mr. Arthur F. Drewery Ms. Lorraine Duck Mr. & Mrs. George Duck Ms. Helen Dudley Mr. Steve S. Dudley Dr. Everette Duke Mrs. Ruth W. Duke Ms. Lillian Dumford Mr. & Mrs. William Edmundson Mrs. Laurel Duplessis Ms. Lynette V. Tucker Mr. John D. Yakaitis Ms. Mary Edgar Mr. Charles G. Edgar Mrs. Andrea Edwards Mr. & Mrs. David Barner Ms. Dolores Burback Burdette Beckmann, Inc. Ms. Mary Denny Mr. & Mrs. William Edwards, Jr. Ms. Tammy Flippin & Family Ms. Fern Gallond Ms. Suzanne M. Genz Drs. Spencer and Tara Johansen Ms. Laverne Kingsley Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lampella Mrs. Kimberly Moore & Family Ms. Ruth M. Page Ms. Margery L. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Neal Quinn Ms. Denise M. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sterling Ms. Ann Sutliff The Virginian-Pilot Ms. Marian B. Ticatch Ms. Linda Walker Mrs. Lesley Wicks Ms. Judy Woodruff Mr. Gary Elkins Ms. Pauline A. ElkinsMarshall Ms. Anna Enoch Mr. John T. Enoch Dr. G. Espejo Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Faella Mr. Robert Essink Ms. Celeste B. Essink Mr. Samuel Estey Mrs. Dolores Estey The following individuals, corporations, civic groups and organizations made gift or pledge commitments to the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads in honor or in memory of a staff member or loved one from July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014. Ms. Carol Evans Ms. Mary Ann Bridges Ms. Beverly Evans Mr. Elton Evans Mr. Terry Ferraro Ms. Cathy Myers James & Pearl Ferrell Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Caldwell Dr. L. Jerome Fink Ms. Mary Fink Ms. Sharon Fischer Ms. Cynthia A. Schofiel Mr. Frank Flierl Ms. Hazel M. Koehler Mrs. Hazel Flierl Ms. Hazel M. Koehler Mr. Raymond Fox Mrs. Janet Fox Mr. Aloysius Frangenberg Mr. Greg Bell Ms. Diane M. DevlinPiskor Mr. Leonid Godunov Ms. Mildred Garris Ms. Miriam L. Horton Mr. William Gerber Mrs. Elizabeth Gerber Mrs. Mary Gertrude Gildea Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gildea Mr. James Gildea Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gildea Mr. George Gockel Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Gockel Capt. Robert Gohr Ms. Jillanne L. Gohr H.O.P.E Fund for the Holidays During the holiday season, Sentara Leaders celebrate and honor their staff and co-workers by making donations to the H.O.P.E. fund; which helps our fellow employees in need. Thank you for your gift of HOPE! Mr. David Bernd Ms. Mary Blunt Ms. Nelda Booker Mr. Robert Broermann Mr. Michael M. Dudley Mr. Lester R. Eljaiek Ms. Vicky Gray Ms. Natalie A. Kaszubowski Mr. Howard Kern Mr. Jeffrey P. King Ms. Jennifer Jones Mr. Bruce Robertson Mr. Michael Taylor Dr. Gary Yates ‑ 10‑ Ms. Agnes Goodison Ms. Patricia Riggleman Dr. and Mrs. R. Bryan Grinnan, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George L. B. Grinnan Mrs. Enid Guice Ocean Site Development, Inc. Mr. Gordon Gulick Mr. & Mrs. Scott Suddeth Ms. Geraldine Hall Ms. Judith W. Neal Ms. Nora Halme Glenn Ms. Margaret E. Halme Ms. J. Sylvia Hamtil Mr. & Mrs. Paul Janka Mrs. Gloria Harris Dr. George Harris Mr. Jack Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wagner Ms. Margo Heath Ms. Willie Doris Hunter Ms. Muriel Heckmann Ms. Ellen A. Gaskey Mr. George Heckmann Ms. Ellen A. Gaskey Mrs. Susan Hedgepeth Mr. & Mrs. Billy Burgess Mrs. Rachel Hightower Mr. Philip D. Hightower Mr. Robert Hill Ms. Gay V. Hill Ms. Lois Hill Ms. Mary H. Corbin Mr. Herbert Lee Hoffman Ms. June Hoffman Dr. Jesse Hogg, Jr. Mrs. Ann Hogg J. D. Holland Ms. Jeanette Wilkerson Ms. Ann Hollander Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ferguson Jr. Ms. Margaret Hubbard Ms. Pamela McClelland Dr. Kenneth Hyatt Ms. Grace J. Hyatt Donice James Ms. Madge Rhoades Ms. Vanessa Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Willie C. Laws Ms. Ora Johnson Ms. Christine Wilborne Mr. Chris Jones Lt. Cmdr. & Mrs. Jack L. Jones Mr. Klaus Jones Mr. William Jones Mr. Howard Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Farmer Mr. Howard Jones Ms. Dianne S. Kinkead Ms. Barbara Jordan Ms. Christine Wilborne Ms. Billie Jean Keen Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Hendricks Ms. Sarah Keidan Mr. Erich Graf Ms. Bette Kirkbride Mr. Raymond Kirkbride Mr. John Landrum, Jr. Ms. Patty L. Landrum Ms. Eula Lankford Ms. Ruthe Wallace Ms. Joe Ann Lawrence Ms. Jessica Harvey Ms. Elizabeth Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Vaughan Mr. Ralph E. Lawrence Ms. Virginia Lawrence Mr. Harry Lee Mr. Harry C. Lee, Sr. Ms. Wanda Lee Mr. Harry C. Lee, Sr. Mr. Fred Lee Mr. Harry C. Lee, Sr. Ms. Phyllis Lee Ms. Rosa C. Wilson Mr. John Letarte Ms. Carolyn T. Little Ms. Maura Linden Mr. Charles E. Linden Ms. Glenna Linkhous Ms. Carolyn L. Akers Mr. Thomas Linkous Ms. Carolyn L. Akers Anita Lynn Litton Mr. & Mrs. George W. Poston, Jr. Ms. Augusta Loftus Ms. Kristyn Swingle Bao Ly Mr. Thu Ly Mrs. Janet MacLeay Mr. Ronald E. MacLeay Mr. Gregory Maier Mr. Robert Maier Mrs. Anna Majette Mr. Grover Majette Mr. Benjamin Martin Ms. Elsie Martin Mrs. Helen Martin Ms. Elsie Martin Ms. Lucille Mauldin Mr. Robert E. Mauldin Mr. Robert McBroom Ms. Juanita McBroom Mrs. Barbara McCarthy Home Maintenance Service, Inc. Mrs. Mary Ann McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hall Ms. Seatta McSwain Mr. Dewitt McSwain Mr. Hank Means Ms. Virginia Virkler Mr. Tommy Meeks Ms. Marian Davis Mr. Robbie Merritt Mr. Anthony R. Peluso Ms. Teresa Metivier Mr. John R. Frye & Ms. Cheryll Chew Mrs. Laurel Midura-O'Brien Ms. Elizabeth Linale Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Murphy TRIBUTE GIFTS Mr. Eugene Mitchell Ms. Lillian W. Robinson Mr. Mark Mitchem Mr. William Mitchem Mr. Richard Mizelle Ms. Linda McKee Mr. Bill Monette Ms. Michelle Beistle Ms. Sandra Boudreaux Ms. Martha W. Filer, Treasurer Cypress Point Commons Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson Ms. Joyce Kirkwood Mr. & Mrs. Donald Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Donald McKean Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moschelle Mr. Norman B. Osborn Mr. & Mrs. James Tardio Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Williams Ms. Margaret Wynn Mr. Shayon Monk Ms. Evelyn C. Monk Ms. Mary Mooney Mr. Robert Mooney Mr. Damon Moore Mr. & Mrs. William J. Allsbrook Ms. Margaret Moore Ms. Frances Ingrassia Mr. Chase Moore Pierce Electrical Company Ms. Goldie Morris Ms. Beverly M. Whittaker James & Carrie Moss Mr. & Mrs. David J. Moss Ms. Olivia Naylor Mersing Ms. Susan Drewery Ms. Carol Foster Philip Richardson Co., Inc. Ms. Jane Sieger Cdr. Michael Nickolson, USN Ret. Mr. Stephen J. Olzinski Mr. Jack Oliver Mrs. Betty Oliver Ms. Jean O'Malley Ms. Michiko Mellott Charlotte Parish Virtue Mr. George R. Parish Ms. Gloria Parker Ms. Catherine M. Wallis Mrs. Mary E. Parrish Ladies Auxiliary Post 4809 Mr. Robert Partridge Mr. James Drewiske Ms. Ann Robbins Mr. Corlonus Patillo Ms. Mary Lee HolmesPatillo Mrs. Addie Patterson Mr. George W. Patterson Mr. Robert Patterson Ms. Kathleen Alexander Ms. Helena Payne Ms. Donna M. McClellan Ms. Margaret Payne Mr. Garland G. Payne Dr. Thomas Pellegrino Mrs. Jane Pellegrino Mr. Ronald Perry Mrs. Jill McElhiney Ms. Virginia Spell-Perry Ms. Marjorie Peters Ms. Carol Ryland Ms. Patricia Pittman Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel District Mrs. Frances Ponson Mr. Pierrre Ponson Mrs. Morene Potter Mr. Robert Potter Mr. Melvin Press Ms. Bertha Press Mrs. Irene Reed Mr. Stanton K. Reed, USN Ret. Mrs. Mary Reed Mr. Wilmer Reed, III Ms. Eleanore Reisner Mr. Arthur Reisner Ms. Antonia Reyes Mr. Cesar Reyes Ms. Kelly Richendollar Ms. Maria Elisa S. Shores Mr. Ernest Roberson Exel Associates Capt. Hollis Robertson Mrs. Mary C. Robertson Ms. Georgia Robinson Mr. Frank L. Robinson Mr. Edward Romm Ms. Sheila Romm Mr. Richard Rosenberry Ms. Norma Rosenberry Mr. James Ross Ms. Shirley L. Ross Ms. Juanita Rouhlac Ms. Patricia W. Andrews Ms. Shirley Rowe Mr. Keith Rowe Mr. William Rutledge, Jr. Ms. Cassandra P. Ostrowski Ms. Linda Saunders Mr. Robert Saunders Ms. Marion Schultz Anonymous Ms. Bette Schwartz Mr. Jacob R. Schwartz Roger & Betty Scofiel Mrs. Judith Scofiel Ms. Deborah Sebastian Ms. Ruby F. Garris The following individuals, corporations, civic groups and organizations made gift or pledge commitments to the Sentara Foundation – Hampton Roads in honor or in memory of a staff member or loved one from July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014. Ms. Gladys Shacklock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitehorne Mr. Mervin Shearer Mr. Richard Lee Shearer Ms. Barbara Shepherd Mrs. Barbara W. Shepherd Ms. Gloria Short Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Hedelund Mr. O. Earl Shortt Mrs. Dorothy P. Shortt Major Sidney Ms. Catherine T. Sidney Mrs. Ruth Cooper Sims Mr. Walter W. Sims Ms. Cresie Smith Ms. Blanche Earley Ms. Carolyn Smith Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr. Ms. Gertrude Smith Ms. Marilyn D. Hillman Mr. Joshua Smith Mr. Garland Carter Ms. Carolyn Snow Mr. & Mrs. Jon S. Wilson Ms. Gerald Snyder Ms. Wilda M. Snyder Ms. Mildred Spivey Mrs. Dolores D. White Ms. Ellen Spruit Mr. Robert E. Spruit Capt. Anna Steenburgen Ms. Virginia Armstrong Mrs. Mary Stemple Mr. & Mrs. Howard Reynolds Ms. Antoinette Strider Mr. Leonard D. Strider Mr. Jack Stryker Mr. & Mrs. David Plum Mr. Scott Plum Mr. Frank Summers Williams Mrs. Carolyn Williams Ms. Lena Ann Swann Cusce Mr. Mauro J. Cusce Mr. Mark Swanson Mr. & Mrs. William Bertell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hicks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Billy Longgrear Ms. Rachel Helen Okun Ms. Cheryl Swift Ms. Debra E. McDuffi Ms. Frances Sykes Ms. Mary S. Sykes Mrs. Jane Thomas Mr. John S. Thomas See any problems? If your name or your loved one’s name is misspelled or otherwise incorrect, please give us a call at 757-455-7976 and we’ll make sure to fix it right away. Mr. Bobby Thomas Mrs. Celilia Thomas Mrs. Jeanne Tiedemann Mr. Barry L. Tiedemann Mr. Morgan Trimyer, Jr. Ann P. Stokes Landscape Architects Builders Mutual Insurance Company City National Bank of West Virginia Ms. Angie C. Clinedinst John D Cox, Eastern Alliance Mr. Scott Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Parks Ms. Prudence Salasky Mr. George Tripp, Sr. Mr. George W. Tripp, Jr. Ms. Sarah Unterbrink Mr. & Mrs. Neal Quinn Ms. Reathie Vance Ms. Fern Gallond Ms. Dorothy Vanderploeg Mr. Richard Vanderploeg Mr. Randall Vannoy Ms. Wanda Vannoy Mr. Clinton Varner, Sr. Ms. Eleanor V. Rathbun Mr. Hector Velazquez Mr. & Mrs. Courtenay Wood Ms. Iris Vergakis-Murdoch Mr. James Murdoch Ms. Esther Vrolyk Ms. Patricia Bobb Ms. Rita P. Butler Ms. Carolyn Gates Mrs. Janet Hamilton Ms. Judith Henty National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 2819 Mr. James Wagenbach Ms. Joanne E. Tocce Ms. Pam Weatherman Mrs. Brenda Buckingham Ms. Helen Weber Mr. Robert T. Alexander Mr. Duane Weber, Jr. Ms. Carol F. Hodges Ms. Musette Weber Mr. William L. Weber, III Clare Weisel Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Weisel Ms. Laurel Westmont Mr. Robert W. Westmont Ms. Sara Wetherbee Ms. Betty Fowler Dr. Forrest White Ms. Senegal Senghor Ms. Laverne White Mr. Irving White Mr. Samuel White Mrs. Dolores D. White Mr. Herbert Wickre Mrs. Dixie L. Wickre Ms. Diane Wiele Mr. James A. Wiele Ms. Barbara Williams LTC Wesley R. Williams and Kenna L. Rockey Mr. Robert Williams Ms. Janet R. Noe Mr. Robert Williams Ms. Mazie Williams Mr. Lindbergh Williford Ms. Patricia W. Andrews Mr. C. Dean Wilson Mr. Dallas Wilson Mr. Paul Wilson Ms. Shirley Wilson Ms. Leigh Ann Wilson Ms. Carol Ann Wilson Mr. George Wimbish Mrs. Barbara Newby Mr. Lloyd Winchester Mr. Thomas D. Tuite Mr. Vernon Winfield Sr. Ms. Athylone H. Winfiel Ms. Helen Wisner Mr. Stephen L. Mitchell Mrs. Dorothy Wood Mr. John D. Wood Mr. William Wood Mr. James F. Sharp Ms. Roxanna Woodson Mr. Earle A. Allison Mr. William Wright Mr. William Moncrief Robert & Lola Wright Ms. Elizabeth Blake Mr. William Douglas Wright Ms. Barbara O. Wright Ms. Felicia Wright Mr. Kenneth Wright Mr. Michael Yahia Mrs. Carolyn Yahia ‑11‑ SENTARA FOUNDATION–HAMPTON ROADS Responding to community need Meril Amdursky–Executive Director Ryan Livingston–Foundation Application Systems Analyst Sue Stemple–Senior Development Consultant Sharon Stakofsky-Davis–Foundation Specialist Janet Johnson–Foundation Assistant Vicky Gray (not pictured)–Senior Vice President of System Development Photo by Melanie Wasko (L-R): Janet Johnson, Sharon Stakofsky-Davis Meril Amdursky, Ryan Livingston, Sue Stemple Sentara Foundation–Hampton Roads 6015 Poplar Hall Drive, Suite 308 Norfolk, VA 23502 (757) 455-7976 foundation@sentara.com www.sentara.com/foundation WAYS TO GIVE Designate your gift in support of numerous community care programs or give directly to a specific hospital within the Sentara system. •Tribute Gifts •Planned Giving •Outright Contributions •Remember a •Bequests in your •Cash Contributions loved one will •Stock and securities •Celebrate an •Gifts in trust •Real estate achievement •Life insurance policies •Retirement plans •Honor a friend designation •Your company’s or caregiver matching gift program •Recognize an event or holiday ‑ 12‑ To explore an inside look into some of our patients’ lives, visit www.sentara.com/foundation or scan the QR code. Hear from our patients personally how YOU have helped change their lives! Sentara Foundation–Hampton Roads is a division of Sentara Healthcare, a 501(c)3 charitable entity. All gifts to Sentara are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. To be removed from future mailings, please call the Sentara Healthcare Privacy Contact Line at (800) 981-6667 or (800) 736-8272, or email us at foundation@sentara.com.