March 2016p.1 - Nwsltr_MAR_APR-16 - Fjelldalen Lodge #6-162


March 2016p.1 - Nwsltr_MAR_APR-16 - Fjelldalen Lodge #6-162
MARCH PROGRAM: Contemporary Danish Issues
The March 18 and April 22 lodgemeetings will be held at Atonement Lutheran Church, Inca Parkway
and Baseline Road at 7:00pm.
The March program will be given by Mathias Nordvig, PhD, who is a visiting assistant professor at the
Nordic section at the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literature. He teaches
subjects such as introduction to Modern Nordic Culture and Society, Nordic Literature in the 19th and
20th Century, and J.R. Tolkienʼs use of Nordic Sources, Vikings, and Danish Language.Nordvig has
a Ph.D. in Scandinavian language and literature from Aarhus University in Denmark. He will speak
about contemporary Danish issues such as the Danish Social Welfare System.We are very fortunate
to have Dr. Nordvig giving our March program.
APRIL PROGRAM: Nederlandʼs Frozen Dead Guy
The April 22 program (7:00 PM) will be presented by Bo Shaffer, the author of Coloradoʼs Iceman and
The Story of the Frozen Dead Guy. The Frozen Dead Guy was once just a regular Norwegian named
Bredo Morstoel.When he died in 1983, his family cryogenically preserved his body and placed it in a
permanent holding facility in Nederland, Colorado to wait until technology might allow it to be
defrosted and resurrected. His caretaker was Bo “Iceman” Shaffer who had transported ice to the
facility and represented the Frozen Dead Guy for over seventeen years. Here he chronicles one of
Coloradoʼs strangest and most colorful attractions, one that draws travelers from around the globe to
tour the site, and attend the annual Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland. Aud Morstoel was a
member of Vesterheim Lodge and her son, Trygve Bauge, was a frequent visitor. This should be a
very interesting and fun program!
The Book Club will meet March 30 at 10:00am at the Egg and I in Boulder. The Egg and I is on
Baseline Road across from CU. For March we are reading “The Almost Nearly Perfect People” by
Michael Booth. This book is described as Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia and is a
mixture of intriguing and revealing facts. It is a witty travelogue about the Scandinavian countries and
from someone who has lived among the Scandinavians for more than ten years. Michael Booth has
grown increasingly frustrated with the rose-tinted view of this part of the world described by the
Western media. He explains who the Scandinavians are, how they differ and why. Not everyone may
agree with this book but we should have a great discussion! Again, all who love to read and have
read this book are very welcome.
On April 27 we will again meet at the Egg and I in Boulder at 10:00am.Our April selection is “Dinaʼs
Book” by Herbjorg Wassmo, a Norwegian author. She was born in Vesteralen and worked as a
teacher in northern Norway until she began her writing career. Her first published work was a
collection of poems, “Beating of Wings”. “Dinaʼs Book” was set in Norway in the mid-nineteenth
century and presents a beautiful, eccentric, and tempestuous heroine who carries a terrible burden: at
the age of five she accidentally caused her motherʼs death. Blamed by her father and banished to a
farm, she grows up untamed and untaught. Dinaʼs Book was made into a film titled “I Am Dina” in
motivated to fill the void. Secretary Kerry and
the Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende
seem to have an exceptional relationship, which
makes the absence of an ambassador less felt.
Still, without a U.S. ambassador in Norway, the
efforts to promotecultural, educational and
business ties are likely to decrease.
Norway has never gone this long without an
American ambassador. The USA has not sent a
replacement for the latest American
Ambassador to Norway, Barry White, who
completed his posting in 2013. Now, Norway
risks having to wait until spring 2017.
Source: Agenda Magasin 23 Jan, 2016
In last monthʼs column, we saw that
three people purchasing a $100,000
whole life policy could pay very
different premiums depending on their
ages and health.
The 29 year old
female with excellent health and good driving record
would pay $53.38 per month for life. The 49 year
old male of good health would pay $158.19 per
month and the male who waited until he was 69 to
purchase the plan would pay $464.95 per month.
Obviously, it does not pay to wait to buy life
This month we look at the cash value and
the death benefit of each these people when they
are at age 75. Assuming the interest rate we are
paying today does not go lower, the 69 year old will
have a death benefit of $106,060 at age 75 and a
cash value of $19,946. At age 75, assuming the
interest rate of today, the 49 year old will have a
death benefit of $117, 204 and a cash value of
$60,135. Maybe he has no one to leave the death
benefit to so he converts it to an annuity and collects
a monthly payment instead of paying in.
The 29 year old, who is still only paying
$53.38 per month, will have a $124,693 death
benefit and $66,260 in cash value if the interest
stays the same. She would have paid a total of
$29,463 in premiums over the 46 years since she
was 29. Such a deal for the young folk.
Another issue has come up this month that I
will mention. If you older (85 or so) and you have a
universal life policy where the cost of insurance is
increasing faster than your cash value, do not panic
or feel frustrated. We can make adjustments to your
premium or the face value or other combinations to
make you feel comfortable. Just call me and we will
figure something out.
In September 2013, Obama nominated the
Greek-American businessman George Tsunis to
succeed Barry White. Tsunis managed to show
shocking lack of knowledge about Norway. Not
only did he offend one of the parties in
government, but also referred to the country as
a r e p u b lic r u n b y a p r es id e nt (i tʼ sa
Constitutional Monarchy, where the king is the
Head of State and the government is run by a
Prime Minister), and admitted that he had never
visited Norway. The negative publicity that
followed soon made it clear that he would never
become ambassador, and he withdrew his
name in late 2014.
Last May, Obama nominated Minnesotan Sam
Heins to become the new ambassador, but that
is still being held up in the Senate. Heins, a
Minneapolis lawyer, was a big donor to the
Obama campaign in 2012. Former ambassador
White backs up Obamaʼs choice for
The American Embassy in Oslo is staffed by
capable diplomats and experienced locals.
Together,they ensure that the relationship
between Norway and the U.S. remains strong.
The recently arrived Chargé appears very
Mike Johaneson
720 971-0130 or
the Minnesota Steinway dealer. A few months
later, I began an exploration of Norwegian
composers and chose Paul as my Special
Auditor for all recordings in that category. So far,
his most enthusiastic response has been to
Norwegian composer Geirr Tveitt's 'Concertos
For Hardanger Fiddle' (BIS -CD 1207). BIS
Records is a company in Stockholm, Sweden.
If this title makes you think of two-ton male
bovines snorting and pawing the earth, I've
misled you. Not intentionally, however. The Ole
and Storm I have in mind were both Norwegian
musicians. Ole was a fiddler in Norway and
Storm was a pianist born in Chicago.
Most impressive and relevant is that Paul was
once a student of Professor Storm Bull at CU
Boulder. I did not learn of this until after I had
supplied him with numerous recordings. So if
anyone is intrigued by the connection, I urge
you to stop by the Boulder Piano Gallery on
East Walnut in Boulder.
Let's start with Ole Bull. If
ever you've walked
through Loring Park in
Minneapolis, you may
have seen Ole perched
atop a concrete pedestal,
fiddle poised in the air.
He's been there since
1897. Born in Bergen,
Norway in 1810, he
became fa mous as a
violinist and composer.
Eventually, he came to
Minnesota and traveled
there extensively. As late
as 1920, the Minneapolis
Tribune paper called him a Minnesota violinist,
even though he never lived there. Ole died in
1880, so this shows his popularity in that state.
It's my hope that these Norwegian musical
figures from history will whet your appetite for
more details. Look them up on a variety of
Internet sites. All information given above was
obtained from such sites.
Bess Holloway
Boulder, Colorado
What about Storm? Well, he once lived in
Boulder and worked at the University of
Colorado as a professor of music and Head of
the Piano Department, retiring in 1977 as
Professor Emeritus. Was he related to Ole Bull?
Yes! Storm was born in 1913, a descendent of
grandfathers who were nephews of Ole Bull-and also first cousins of Norwegian composer,
Edvard Grieg. Lots to brag about! Later he
moved to Mesa, Arizona and lived there until his
death at age 93 in 2007.
Several years ago, I urgently needed a piano-had not owned one in 17 years--and headed to
our local emporium, Boulder Piano Gallery. My
dream instrument was in stock, so in minutes I
was doing a transaction with owner/manager,
Paul Jarvis. I then told him about an old baby
grand I had owned while living in Minneapolis.
He replied that Minneapolis was once his place
of employment for 18 years with Schmitt Music,
Weaving with Norwegian design
Folk Art Exhibit
The Folk Art Registration is from 12:00 noon 5:00 pm on Sunday June 19th and from 7:30 8:15 am on Monday June 20th.
Bring your items to the Snowberry Room bythe
Rotunda and across from the Convention Desk.
The exhibit room will be open only during
breaks and lunch, a volunteer will remain in the
room, and it will be locked at all other times.
All District 6 Sons of Norway members are
eligible enter the Folk Art Exhibit and
Competition to be held during the District 6
Convention in June. The more exhibits our
members submit, the better, so please donʼt be
shy. Entry forms are due in June 1st, and can
be downloaded from the D6 Convention
website: “Events” tab.
Pick up is on Wednesday from 1-4 pm.
Having the convention so close to home gives
us all the opportunity to attend with much less
cost and fuss. Letʼs all take advantage of this!
4 Levels within each entry category:
CHILDREN - children and grandchildren of
District Six members, 15 years old and under,
are eligible for exhibition only. (They will
receive a certificate of participation.)
YOUTH - ages 16-20
ADULT AMATEURS - persons who engage in
the activity as a pastime or hobby only. They do
not sell or teach their skill for financial gain.
engage in the activity for financial gain, i.e.
sales and/or instruction.
You can attend in several ways.
As a DELEGATE: Elected by their lodge to
voiceopinionsand to vote on resolutions
andnominations for district office. Vesterheim
will send four delegates and cover the cost for
the Convention Package. The delegates will pay
for their own rooms.
Youmay attendany or all
convention functions but may only observe. No
Meaning: more free time + less
responsibilities = more fun! You will need to
pay your own Convention Package of $270 and
your own rooms. You can come for as short or
as long a time as you wish, commute, or choose
to stay at the hotel for as many or as few nights
as you like. Consider sharing a room.
Categories of Entry:
Bentwood/Tine box or other Woodworking with
Norwegian motif
Chip Carving
Crocheting and Tatting
Figure Carving with Norwegian motif
Hand knitting with Norwegian design
Hardanger embroidery
Klostersom, Diamantsom and other traditional
Norwegian needlework
Painting with Norwegian theme
Photography with Norwegian theme
Relief Carving with Norwegian motif
As a HOST/VOLUNTEER: Includes option of
individual meal and/or event attendance. You
pay only for the meals you want.
Registration forms for these positions are on the
Convention Website:
under “Registration”.
I n t e r n at i o n a l l y a c c l a i m e d
Sw e d i s h A c a p e l l a
a S wed en -bas ed ac apel l a g r o u p
wh o h as s u n g t o g et h er
pr o f es s io n al l y s in c e 1 9 8 4 .
“ t h e g r o u p ma n a g es t o c o n v ey b o t h
emo t io n an d n a r r at iv e t h r o u g h
v o c al r h yt h ms an d s o u n d s .”
“ ma s t er s o f t h eir c r af t ”
“ t h e b es t a c appel l a g r o u p in t h e
wo r l d ! ”
Embassy Suites, Loveland .
Convention rates guaranteed until May 15th.
$152/night single or double room plus tax
$167 for triple, $182 for quad occupancy
Includes Free Internet, Parking, Breakfast
(including cooked to order items), Indoor Pool,
Guest room types (kings, double/doubles, etc)
cannot be guaranteed and will be reserved on a
first-come basis.
SAT U RDAY A PRI L 2 @ 7 p m
w i t h B o u ld e r ’s l o c a l f a vo r i t e FACE
Fa i r v ie w Hi g h Sc h o o l ,
1 5 1 5 Gr e e n b r i a r B lv d
B o u l d e r, CO
For more details about the hotel go to: and click on “hotel”
For reservations go to the website above and
click on the reservations link on the “hotel”
t ic k et s: $30
h t t ps ://www.f air v iewh s .o r g /s it es /
c h o ir /pa g es /t ic k et s
(“I have seen the Convention Center and it is
very impressive.” Cathy Allen)
Norwegian consumer confidence has fallen to a
24-year low in the yearʼs first quarter, according
to the financial lobby group Finance Norway
(FNO). In the oil capital of Stavangar, housing
prices continue to fall while unemployment
rises. Throughout Norway housing prices have
stalled. Unemployment reached its 10 year high
of 4.6%, still low by global standards. The
kroner is weakening, down almost 20% since
mid 2014, (a good time for Americanʼs to travel
Investment levels have dropped by
about one third since the drop in oil.
From our CU Norwegian
Ski Student, Camilla
H ello Cheryleand all of Vesterheim Lodge,
T hank you so much for your warmth and
support! T his weekend I have been to
Winter Park with the team- perfect skiing
conditions. I appreciated your Christmas
gifts so much and look forward to opening
my birthday present from all of you. I hope
you had a beautiful Valentine's D ay and
are enjoying the warm weather the next
days here in B oulder. I am very
overwhelmed by your kindness. Y ou do not
know how much it makes my day to receive
all the care from all of you- it makes me feel
very special. A gain, happy Valentine’s
D ay and thank you.
Household debts have reached more than
200% of annual disposable income, making the
Norwegains one of the most indebted people in
Europe. Much of this came from favorable tax
rules for mortgages and low interest rates.
Most mortgages are on a floating rate, which
can have significant impact when interest rates
start to rise.
“With a weakening currency, an $800 billion
wealth fund and the potential for more
reductions in interest rates, Norway can
gradually diversify from oil and gas output,
which makes up more than a fifth of GDP,” says
Prime Minister Erna Solberg. She is predicting
growth aluminum, healthcare, farming and
fisheries. Currently 4.5kg of salmon, packaged
and processed, is worth more than a barrel of
Camilla, your Norwegian skiing student at
Sources: BBC News Feb 10, 2016; Reuters
Feb 16, 2016; The Foreigner Jan 20, 2016
Norway can no longer rely on oil to fuel its
economy. Since 2014 oil prices have constantly
been on the decline, from USD 110 per barrel to
todayʼs under USD 30. Statoilʼs losses are
deepening. It reported a net loss of 37 billion
kroner for 2015 (USD 4,328,245,570.) It has
axed thousands of jobs and cut back its
contracts with suppliers. Norwayʼs Sovereign
Wealth Fund has acted as a buffer during times
of economic trouble, but with the continuing
drop in oil costs Norway will have budget
challenges for the future.
There are a number of scholarships available
from the Sons of Norway at this website:
Over the course of 2015 new member recruiters
throughout Sons of Norway competed for the
top spot in their district.
The contest, called “The Norwegian Experience
2015”, was sponsored by Sons of Norwayʼs
Travel Partner Borton Overseas. Recruitment
numbers were tracked from each district. Two
plane tickets to Norway were awarded for the
top recruiter in each SON district.
District 6 campership applications and
scholarships can be found on this website: for the following:
1. Undergraduates attending a 4 year college
2. Concordia Language Camp
3. Trollfjell Høgskule
4. Camp Trollfjell
Our very own Cheryle
Kapsak is the District 6
A Note of Gratitude:
Through our combined
ef f orts, vibrant lodge programs, activit ies and
gat herings, we added t en new Vest erheim
members in 20 15, marking the largest number of
new lodge members in many years. !Sons of
Norway of fered a national incentive for new
member recruitment during t his period. Imagine
my surprise and delight when the Minneapolis
of f ice called to inform me that I had won two
tickets to Norway as t he result of successf ul
recruiting ef forts. I am so gratef ul and am
looking for ward to seeing t he place where my
Grandfather and his f amily were born for the
very f irst time when Dan and I travel to Norway
in the f all. Continued membership growth is on
the minds of all of us as we invite f riends, family
members and neighbors to explore their cultural
roots and int erests with us as Vesterheim lodge
members. Aren’t we all so fort unate to have such
a rich heritage to explore and share in so many
Thank you,
Cheryle Kapsak
~norway/ Background & how to start. Free
service from
index.html. Comprehensive source. Search by
Norwegian county, links to cemeteries,census,
m a r r i a g e s , m i l i t a r y, p a s s e n g e r l i s t s ,
geneological societies. Free. Search life events and
relationships by name. Free.
WWII Norwegian
h t t p : / / ww w. d o k p r o . u i o . n o / r y g h _ n g /
rygh_form.html. To search Norwegian Farm
names. In Norwegian with some English.
passenger lists and ships.
Search Census 1865 & 1910,
Oslo address books 1903-1950. Old registers.
Mostly in Norwegian, in process of being
translat ed.
Some English direct ions .
Government free service.
DNA testing for known Norwegian heritage.
DONALD TRUMP has been nominated for
th e Nobel Peace Pr ize.
Kristian Berg
Harpviken, Nobel watcher and Director of the
Peace Institute in Oslo, said that he is
“committed to not reveal the nominatorʼs name”
but can confirm Trump is on the 2016 nominee
list which also includes Pope Francis, actress
Susan Sarandon and NSA whistleblower
Edward Snowden. The anonymous U.S.
nominator selected the GOP frontrunner for “his
vigorous peace through strength ideology, used
as a threat weapon of deterrence against
radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist
China.” Fox Business Feb 5, 2016
Did you know that we have an ongoing
Vesterheim Lodge fundraiser through reloadable King Soopers gift cards? Each special
gift card comes pre-loaded with $5.00 which
any member may then purchase for $5.00. You
then load it with any amount up to $500 you
wish to use when shopping at any King Soopers
store for gas or groceries. When you reach a
low or 0 balance, just reload again. SENATE confi rms American ambassadors to
Sweden and Norway, after Ted Cruz lifted his
months long hold on nominations.
(In the
Senate, any one Senator can put a hold on a
nomination.) Legislation still needs to pass the
House. Refer to article on p.4 of the newsletter
for more details. NBC News Feb 12, 2016
Your card is registered to Vesterheim for the
benefit of our lodge. Each time you re-load and
use your gift card Vesterheim receives a
percentage of what you spend. (Note: if your
card has a 0 balance and is unused for 90 days
it becomes inactive and cannot be reactivated.) US MIL ITARY sen d in g m o r e t r o o p s t o
Norway to train. The US wants to increase
cooperation with Norway and other allies in the
region, and develop military capabilities in the
challenging arctic environment. With the help of
the Norwegian Home Guard, Marines are
prepositioning tanks, artillery and logistics
equipment inside climate controlled caves, left
over from the Cold War era, which are located
throughout central Norway. This comes as
tensions arise between NATO and Russia. The
US Air Force will be sending six F-15s to
Finland this spring to operate in a base one
hundred miles from the Russian border.
CNN Feb. 19, 2016
In 2014 Vesterheim earned $552.80 through
this program, in 2015 we earned $818.50 and
already in 2016 we will soon receive a check for
$277.91. That is an amazing total of $1649.21
for our lodge! Please consider buying a $5.00 King Soopers
gift card from Cheryle Kapsak at any of our
lodge meetings or book club breakfasts.
Hooray for Vesterheim Lodge and thank you to
all of our loyal gift card users. Wonʼt you help
us too?
MICHAEL MOORE portrays the progressive
Norwegian prison system, where prisons are
more like hotels, in his new documentary,
“Where to Invade Next.” In this film he visits a
number of countries in order to learn how the
US could improve itself.
Cheryle Kapsak, financial secretary for our
Lynne Anderson
Jo Kirkenaer
Vice Pres.
Caryl Stalick
Tina Ramp
Activity Rep. Esther Mills
Financial Sec. Cheryle Kapsak
Bryan Johnson
Adopt-a-Sch. Addy Martinez
Dan Kapsak
Counselors Garry Gorsuch
John Erickson
Cultural Dir. Addy Martinez
Cathy Allen
Foundation Donna Stockton
Fundraising Erik Peters
Garry Gorsuch
Ailie Swanson
Esther Mills
Julie Horan & Erik Peters
Ruth Ann Fullner
262 Spruce Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Terra Rafael
Donna Stockton
Dan Kapsak
Bill Gjestvang
Ron Grunzweig
Lynne Anderson
Miles Olson
Cathy Allen
Road Cleanup Lynne Anderson
Social Com. LaVonne Peterson
Arla Olson
Joan Grunzweig
Kay Peters
Dave Rogers
Gary Grabau
Youth/Sports Erik Peters
Cathy Allen
Privacy Disclosure: This information is for official Sons of Norway
business only. Use of this information for solicitation or commercial
purposes is a violation of the Sons of Norway privacy policy and is
strictly prohibited.