لسالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته 786/110/313 Page 1 of 9 NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER SYDNEY EDITION RAMADHAN 1435 AH / 2014 AD Blessed is He Who made the constellations in the heavens and made therein a lamp and a shining moon. (The Holy Quran - Surah Al-Furqan: 61) The sun and the moon run with ordained precision. (The Holy Quran - Surah Ar-Rahman:5) The sun and the moon are steadily moving by Allah’s SWT Will. (Imam Ali ibn Abu Taleb a.s.: Nahjul Balagha Sermon 89) Glory be to Him (Allah SWT)! He has made thee (O Crescent) the key to a new month for a new situation. (Imam Zainul Abideen a.s.: Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah Dua 43) Also published: Melbourne, Brisbane & International Editions For best results, please print with landscape setting. THE HOLY PROPHET (SAWS) HAS SAID: “Reciting one verse of the Holy Quran in the holy month of Ramadhan shall bring the reward of reciting the entire Holy Quran in other months.” IMAM ALI AR-RIDA A.S. HAS SAID: “If a person observes fasting on the last three days of Shaban and continues it with the wajib fasting of the holy month of Ramadhan, Allah swt will grant that person the sawab of fasting for two continuous months.” ANNUAL RAMADHAN (1435 AH) COMPETITIONS FOR CHILDREN: 1.Holy Quran Recitation ▪ 2. Surah Memorisation Please see MWA website and bulletin board for details. In this NEWSLETTER . 1. Moonsighting data 2. Aamal upon sighting the new moon 3. Important dates of Ramadhan 4. Significance of the holy month of Ramadhan and some Aamal 5. Qamar dar Aqrab 6. Know ALLAH swt, the Creator of the UNIVERSE 7. Great Personalities of Islam: Sheikh Kulayni 8. TAQWA and GUNAHAN-E-KABIRA 9. General Aamal ● Compiled by Mir Altaf Hussain ● Email: THE HOLY MONTH OF RAMADHAN MUBARAK !!! IMAM ZAINUL ABIDEEN A.S HAS SAID: “And praise belongs to God who appointed His month of Ramadhan among those paths (to achieve His beneficence), ▪the month of fasting ▪the month of submission ▪the month of purity ▪the month of putting to test ▪the month of standing in prayer in which the Qur'an was sent down as guidance to the people, and as clear signs of the Guidance and the Separator! Then He made one of its nights surpass the nights of a thousand months and named it the Night of Decree (Qadr).” Dua number 44 of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah Treatise on Rights ‘Risalat al-Huquq’ of Imam Zainul Abideen a.s.’ (Continued from previous edition) 31. The Right of the Neighbour (jar) is that you guard him when he is absent, honour him when he is present, and aid him when he is wronged. You do not pursue anything of his that is shameful; if you know of any evil from him, you conceal it. If you know that he will accept your counsel, you counsel him in that which is between him and you. You do not forsake him in difficulty, you release him from his stumble, you forgive his sin, and you associate with him generously. And there is no strength save in Allah swt. To be continued WHO IS A ‘MUJADID?’ A hadees states: "God sends a person in every century with the responsibility for spreading and strengthening His Deen." ● Imam Muhammad al-Baqir a.s. was the Mujadid of the 1st century AH ● Mujadid for the 2nd century AH was Imam Ali ar-Ridha a.s. ● Mujadid for the 3rd century AH was Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Yaqub al Kulayni (See Page 8) (Jami al-usul in kitab al nabuwwah by Ibn Athir) NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 2 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is highly recommended to see the new moon every month. Please organize for your whole family to look for the RAMADHAN new moon on 29 Shaban (28 June 2014) and if necessary on 30 Shaban (29 June 2014). 1. MOONSIGHTING DATA Birth of New Moon Sunset Best Viewing Time Age of Moon Day:Hour 28 Shaban 4:55 PM 5:23 PM 29 Shaban 4:56 PM 4:56 PM Date 1435 AH 27 June Fri 28 June Sat 30 June Mon 27 June 2014 Last Daylight Date 2014 AD 29 June Sun 28 Shaban 1435 AH 1 RAMADHAN if new moon sighted on 29 Shaban (OR) it is 30 Shaban PLEASE CONFIRM WITH YOUR LOCAL ISLAMIC CENTRE 1 RAMADHAN if new moon not sighted on 29 Shaban PLEASE CONFIRM WITH YOUR LOCAL ISLAMIC CENTRE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6:09 PM Moonset Difference Between Sunset & Moonset (H:MM) New Moon Visibility (Naked Eye) N/A 5:02 PM 0:07 Not visible 5:24 PM 5:22 PM 00D:23H 5:55 PM 0:59 (If clear conditions) 5:24 PM 5:45 PM 01D:23H 6:48 PM 1:52 Visible Visible Visible ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF ASCERTAINING THE FIRST DAY OF A MONTH Fatwa No. 1739 of His Eminence Ayatullah Al-Uzma Al-Sayyid Al-Seestani: (For more information, please refer to Ay. Al-Seestani’s Tauzihul Masael.) The 1st day of a month is established in the following four ways: 1. If a person himself sights the moon. 2. If a number of persons confirm to have sighted the moon and their words assure or satisfy a person. Similarly, every other thing which assures or satisfies him about moon having being sighted. 3. If two just (Adil) persons say that they have sighted the moon at night. The first day of the month will not be established if they differ about the details of the new moon. This difference can be either explicit or even implied. For example, when a group of people goes out in search of a new moon and none but two Adils claim to have seen the new moon, though, among those who did not see, there were other Adils equally capable and knowledgeable, then the testimony by the first two Adils will not prove the advent of a new month. 4. If 30 days pass from the first (of the current ongoing month), the 1st (of the next month) will be established; eg. If 30 days pass from the first of Sha'ban, the 1st of Ramadhan will be established, and if 30 days pass from the 1st of Ramadhan, the 1st of Shawwal will be established. NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 3 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. RECOMMENDED AAMAL & ETIQUETTES UPON SIGHTING THE NEW MOON (CHAND RAATH) i) Upon sighting the new moon (chand raath of every month) read the Dua number 43 of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah by Imam Zainul Abideen a.s. (See links provided in this news letter; this dua is also in Tohfatul Awam & Wazaeful Abrar). ii) After reciting the above dua, look intensely at the charts below. Inshallah, the whole month will be peaceful and tranquil. iii) UPON SIGHTING THE NEW MOON OF RAMADHAN : ● It is recommended by Imam Jaffar as-Sadiq a.s. to see any holy book or an aalim. ● Other scholars have recommended to also see a sword, Surah Mohammed or family members. iv) It is also highly recommended to do ‘salam’ and respectfully greet your parents and elders after the above aamal; and offer words of ‘mubarak’ to each other except for the months of Moharram and Safar. NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 4 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. THE IMPORTANT DATES OF RAMADHAN Date 1 shab Event Chand Raath (Sighting the new moon) 12 Sahifa-e-Ibrahim a.s. revealed 9 AH/630 AD Battle of Tabouk ▪ Tawraith (Torah) revealed to Moosa a.s. ▪ 201 AH/817 AD Imam Ali Ridha a.s. appointed crown prince. 4 BH/619 AD Wafath of Hazrath Abu Taleb Wiladath of Bibi Maryam a.s. (mother of Prophet Eisa a.s.) 4 BH/619 AD Wafath of Bibi Khadijah Injeel (New Testament) revealed to Isa a.s. 15 3 AH/625 AD Wiladath of Imam Hasan a.s. 17 2 AH/624 AD Victory in Battle of Badr 1 6 7 10 18 18-19 shab 20 20-21 shab 21 22-23 shab 23 Last Friday Last day Recommended Aamaal Perform the aamaal mentioned above and other recommended aamaal Read Dua number 44 of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah ‘Supplication for the Coming of the Month of Ramadhan’ Offer fateha for H. Abu Taleb as he served Islam to the maximum. Offer fateha for Bibi Maryam a.s. Offer fateha as she served Islam to the maximum ▪ Read ziarath of Imam Hasan a.s. ▪ Recommended to give charity ▪ Recommended to give charity Zuboor (Psalms) revealed to Dawood a.s. Shab-e-Qadr (1st Qadr Night) 8 AH/630 AD Conquest of Makkah Shab-e-Qadr (2nd Qadr Night: more meritorious than 1st Qadr Night) 40 AH/661 AD Shahadath of Imam Ali a.s. ▪ Holy Quran revealed to our Holy Prophet (saws) ▪ Shab-e-Qadr (3rd Qadr Night: most probable & most meritorious of the Qadr Nights) This day is also as significant as ‘Shab-e-Qadr’ Jummah tul Wida Night aamaal Night aamaal Read ziarath of Imam Ali a.s. and mourn his shahadath Whole night aamaal Perform ibadath, read the Holy Quran & Duas ▪ Highly recommended to attend Jumah congregation prayers ▪ Read Dua of Jummatul Wida in Tohfatul Awam Read Dua number 45 of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah ‘Supplication in Bidding Farewell to the Month of Ramadhan’ Note: Please refer Mafateh al-Jinan and Tohfatul Awam for more information on recommended aamaal and Duas. NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 5 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE HOLY MONTH OF RAMADHAN The Holy Prophet (saws) has said about Ramadhan (selections from his sermon): Ramadhan is the month of blessings, mercy and forgiveness It’s days are the best days, it’s nights are the best nights, it’s hours are the best hours You are invited to the hospitality of Allah swt Your breaths in this month are glorification of Allah swt Your sleep in this month is an act of worship Your good deeds are accepted Your prayers and duas are answered Give charity to the poor and needy among you Respect your elders Have mercy on those who are younger Honor your ties with your relatives Protect your tongue from obscenities Don’t look at what is unlawful to you and close your ears to what is unlawful to you Treat orphans kindly Repent for your sins Provide food to a fasting person Behave politely and you shall (easily) pass the Bridge ‘pul-e-sirath’ to Paradise Relieve some burden of your servants and your reckoning on the Day of Judgment will be easy Stop bothering others and you shall be saved from Allah swt’s anger Recite salawath on my name and your good deeds will be multiplied several times Imam Jaffar as Sadiq a.s. has said: Fasting is not (merely) abstinence from food and drink; when you observe fasting, also: protect your tongue from uttering falsehood protect your eyes from seeing the forbidden do not engage in disputes or quarrels do not envy do not swear do not insult do not backbite NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 6 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOME GENERAL AAMAL FOR RAMADHAN: By reciting Dua-e-Ifthetah, the angels will pray for the forgiveness of the reciter. It is a Dua prescribed by Imam-e-Zamana al-Mehdi atf. By reciting Dua-e-Sahr (Dua al-Baha), all your legitimate desires will be fulfilled, Inshallah. It is a gift of Imam Baqir a.s. to all momineen. By reciting Dua-e-Ifthar, you achieve the reward (sawab) totalling to the reward of all those who have fasted that day. By reciting Surah Qadr (Inna-anzalna) at sahar and at ifthar, you achieve the reward (sawab) of a sacrificing everything and serving Allah swt between sahar and ifthar. IMPORTANCE OF ALWAYS OFFERING SALATH (NAMAZ) AT FAZILATH TIME (PRIME TIME) It is befitting that we should offer prayers punctually. It is mustahab (highly recommended) that we should offer salath at the fazilath time (prime time) prescribed for it, and great emphasis has been laid on it; alternatively, the nearer the salath is to it’s fazilath time, the better, except where there is good reason for delay, like, waiting to join the prayers in congregation (Namaz-e-Jamaat). (Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Husaini Sistani) As our Holy Imam-e-Zamana ATF offers his salath at the fazilath time, many scholars have stated that if we offer our salath at fazilath time, our salath are equal to prayers under the imamath of Imam-e-Zamana ATF. Also if we offer our salath at fazilath time, our salath will be accepted by Allah SWT due to the barakath (blessings & bounties) of the salath of Imam-e-Zamana ATF. (Grand Ayatollah Makerem Shirazi) 5. QAMAR DAR AQRAB It is the period when the moon is in the constellation of Scorpio. It is an inauspicious period and Nikah (marriage ceremony) SHOULD NOT be performed when the moon is in the constellation of Scorpio. (Imam Jaffar as-Sadiq a.s.). DURING THIS MONTH OF RAMADHAN : 7 July 2014 : Moon enters Scorpio at 5:33 AM 9 July 2014 : Moon exits Scorpio at 11:24 AM NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 7 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. KNOW ALMIGHTY ALLAH SWT, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE And Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and Allah has power over all things. (The Holy Quran - Surah Aal-e-Imraan : 189) Most surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are signs for men who understand. (The Holy Quran - Surah Aal-e-Imraan : 190) Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Our Lord! Thou hast not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee; save us then from the chastisement of the fire: (The Holy Quran - Surah Aal-e-Imraan : 191) SIGNS & REFLECTION: ATOMS IN ALLAH SWT’S CREATIONS How large is the world we cannot see in comparison to the world we can see. (Imam Ali ibn Abu Taleb a.s.) Everything (solids, liquids, gases) in the universe is made up of atoms. Atoms combine to make molecules. Atoms are made up of neutrons, protons and electrons which we cannot even see with our naked eyes The electron has a negative charge and is the least massive of these three particles at 9.11×10−31 kg or 911 divided by 1000000000000000000000000000000000 kg ! When electrons flow, we call it electricity. Such a small particle which we cannot even see makes our light bulbs, air-conditioners, microwave ovens, trains work, TVs, computers, cars work ! Protons have a positive charge and have a mass of 1.7×10−27 kg or 17 divided by 10000000000000000000000000000 ! Neutrons have no electrical charge and have a free mass same as that of a proton. The Earth contains approximately 1.33×1050 atoms or 133000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 atoms ! Atomic energy is ENORMOUS HEAT ENERGY produced from atoms by nuclear reactions (among the tiny protons and neutrons) from very small quantities of material like uranium or hydrogen. It is used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants. We all know Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 where E is energy, m is mass and c is the velocity of light. Hence Energy (heat) from these tiny atomic particles = Their mass x 300,000,000 m/sec x 300,000,000 m/sec ! Substances which have the same type of atoms are known as elements. There are 118 types of elements known to man, for eg., oxygen, hydrogen, gold, silver, alumininium, copper, iron. If you take atoms of oxygen or any one element from Earth or Mars or Sun or anywhere in the universe, they would all be identical. And remember there are billions and billions and billions of atoms of each element everywhere ! And they are all identical ! And imagine the amount of atomic energy locked in all the tiny atoms in the universe ! Surely, this cannot be by chance or an accident! The One & Only ALLAH swt is their Creator and has power over all things ! To be continued NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 8 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. GREAT PERSONALITIES OF ISLAM Sheikh “al-Mujaddid” Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Ya‘qūb Kulaynī (In the last four newsletters, we wrote about the four representatives or ‘safirs’ of the Holy Twelfth Imam a.s. It is befitting that the next great personality of Islam in this newsletter is Sheikh Kulayni, may Allah swt grant him Paradise). Sheikh Kulayni was born in Kulayn village in Fashāfuya, in the region of Rey (Iran / Iraq) in 250 AH / 864 AD during the caliphate of the ‘Abbasid Mu‘tamid. His teachers were scholars from Qum, Rey, Kūfa, and Baghdad. He died in 329 AH / 941 AD and is buried in Baghdad. Sheikh Kulayni lived throughout the full Ghaybat-e-Sughra of the Holy Twelfth Imam from 260 AH / 874 AD to 329 AH / 941 AD and he is reported to have been in contact with the Imam through his safirs. One of his titles is ‘Mujaddid’ (reviver of Islam) of the third century AH. Earlier, this title was held by Imam Muhammad al-Baqir a.s. (First century AH) and Imam Ali ar-Ridha a.s. (Second century AH). Sheikh Kulayni was a pious jurist scholar who was known for his authenticity in narrating hadith and is best known for his work Al-Kāfī in Baghdad, which he took twenty years to compile. Sheikh Kulayni took a great risk by compiling Al-Kafi whose political and religious content could be taken as a serious threat by the oppressive Abbaside rulers who were alarmed by the Shi’ites’ continuous struggle against oppression and injustice. The Shi‘a began their effective and long-lasting political-scientific role with Al-Kāfī. This book was taught and used as a source of religious principles for several centuries and many commentaries and annotations were written on it by great scholars such as ‘Allāmah Majlisī. Al Kafi is counted among the four most important books of hadith of the Shias. If the true and original doctrines of Shi‘a Islam were not compiled in a book like Al-Kāfī by the considerable efforts of Sheikh Kulayni, the evolutionary course of Shi‘a history could never have developed as it did especially culminating in the Islamic revolution of Iran by Ayatullah Khomeini who was a true follower of Sheikh Kulayni. 8. TAQWA AND GUNAHAN-E-KABIRA WHAT IS TAQWA? Taqwa is submission to the command of Allah SWT, and not going near what Allah SWT has prohibited. (Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq a.s.) Hence Taqwa consists of : ● Compulsory obedience to Allah SWT in fulfilling the compulsory duties (Wajibāt) and not leaving even a single duty unperformed. ● Abstaining from what Allah SWT has prohibited (made haram). NAZARA-ILAL-HILAL (MOONSIGHTING) NEWS LETTER Page 9 of 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT ARE THE GUNAHAN-E-KABIRA (GREATER SINS)? (Continued from previous edition) GUNAH NO. 8: USURPING THE PROPERTY OF AN ORPHAN This is categorized as a Greater sin by the Holy Prophet (S), Imam ‘Ali (a.s.), Imam Riďa (a.s.), Imam Kadhim (a.s.) and Imam Taqi (a.s.). It is a sin the punishment of which is fixed by Allah (S.w.T.) to be the fire of Hell. The Qur’an says, “(As for) those who swallow the property of the orphans unjustly, surely they only swallow fire into their bellies and they shall enter burning fire.” (Surah an-Nisā’ 4:10) Punishment for usurping the orphan’s property is meted out in this world. It is recorded from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that Allah (S.w.T.) has ordained two penalties for mis-appropriating the wealth or property of an orphan: “The first punishment is in the Hereafter, and that is the fire of Hell. The second one is in this world itself.” Injustice and oppression to the orphans brings severe punishment in this world as well as Hereafter. In the same way, kind and gentle behaviour towards them earns countless rewards in this world, as well as the Hereafter. Hazrat Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says: “One who maintains the orphans, Allah makes Paradise Wajib upon him, in the same way as he makes Hell Wajib upon those who usurp the property of the orphans.” The caressing of an orphan’s head removes callousness from the heart. There are many traditions which indicate this. From the confirmed GUNAHAN-E-KABIRA list compiled by Ayatollah Sayed Abdul Husain Dastghaib Shirazi. 9. Fasting is recommended on first Thursday, last Thursday and one Wednesday in between every lunar month To be continued. GENERAL AAMAL Imam Ali ibn Abu Taleb a.s. has said: “We fast the first Thursday, last Thursday and one Wednesday between them every month, because Allah created Hell on Wednesday. Seek Allah’s protection from Hell. Fasting three days every month results in sawab of fasting all your life.” FREE APP TO HELP LOCATE THE NEW MOON ON THE WEST HORIZON ! Download the APP ‘Sky Map’ on your mobile phones & tablets. It shows the location of the sun, moon and stars. SEE THESE VERY USEFUL WEBSITES The holy book Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah by Imam Zainul Abideen a.s.: The noble book Mafateh al-Jinan by Sheikh Abbas al-Qummi: DISCLAIMER: No responsibility/liability, expressed and or implied, is undertaken and accepted for the contents of this newsletter which is compiled after extensive research solely as a service to the community on a non-commercial nonprofit basis.
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