Commencement Program, 5-22-2011 - Carroll Collected


Commencement Program, 5-22-2011 - Carroll Collected
John Carroll University
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Commencement Program, 5-22-2011
John Carroll University
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Mace Bearer
Elizabeth V. Swenson, Ph.D.
Chief Mar hal
James H. Krukones, Ph.D.
Candidates for Degree in
The College of Art and Science
The Boler School of Bu ine s
Graduate Studie
Alumni Marshals
Peter R. Bernardo, M.S.
Theresa K. Spada, B.S.B.A. '04
Representatives of the Classes of
1936 to 2010
Faculty Marshal
PaulL. Shick, Ph.D.
Members of the Faculty
Admini trators of the University
Sherri A. Crahen, Ph.D.
Recipients of Facul ty and Alumni Awards for 2011
The Vice Presidents
The Academic Deans of the University
The Board of Directors
The Chairperson of the Board of Directors
The Commencement Speaker
The President of the University
Mace Bearer
Elizabeth V. Swenson, Ph.D.
Chief Mar hal
James H. Krukones, Ph.D.
Candidates for Degree in
The College of Art and Science
The Boler School of Bu ine s
Graduate Studie
Alumni Marshals
Peter R. Bernardo, M.S.
Theresa K. Spada, B.S.B.A. '04
Representatives of the Classes of
1936 to 2010
Faculty Marshal
PaulL. Shick, Ph.D.
Members of the Faculty
Admini trators of the University
Sherri A. Crahen, Ph.D.
Recipients of Facul ty and Alumni Awards for 2011
The Vice Presidents
The Academic Deans of the University
The Board of Directors
The Chairperson of the Board of Directors
The Commencement Speaker
The President of the University
Master of Ceremoni es
Joh n T. Day, Ph .D.
Academic Vice President of the Universily
Rev. Robert L. Ni ehoff S.J .
Docto r of Humane Letters
Rev. Timothy P. Ke. icki , S.J .
Led by members of rhe Universiry Chorus
Direcror, Cynrhia Caporel/a, Ph.D.
Oh, say can yo u see by th e daw n's earl y li ght
Wh at so proudl y we hail ed at the twi li ght's last glea ming?
Wh ose broad stri pes and bri ght stars through the peril ous fig ht,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so ga ll antl y streamin g?
And the ro ket' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proo f through the night that our Oag was still there.
Oh , say docs th at star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Lauren L. Bowen, Ph .D.
Associate Academic Vice President fo r Academic Programs and Faculty Dive rsity
Rev. Robert L. Niehoff S.J. , Ph.D.
President of the Unive rsity
Very Rev. Timothy P. KesiclU , S.J . ' 84
Pro vincial Superior of the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus
ln honor of the late Rev. William J. Millor, S.J. , who erved the Univer ity in a variety of
posts over 28 year , representatives of the Senior Cia each year designate a member of the graduating clas to make a presentation at the annual commencement. The peaker selected for today's
ceremony is:
Presented by:
Paul V. Murphy, Ph .D.
Assistant to the President fo r
Uni ve rsity Mission a nd Iden tity
Directo r of the In stitute of
Catholic Studies
Since the day t.hey were born
from that fiery re elati on in Manre. a
Je uits have traveled the world
seekin g new fronti er ,
intellectu al, social. spiritual.
And you have foll owed in their steps.
Long ago yo u walked the pathways of John Ca rroll
and lea rned at the feet of leaders like Joe Schell ,
pl ayed Beethoven on the pi ano,
rna tered political cience,
joined the Circle K Fraternit y,
and, perh ap mo t importantl y,
rappelled by rope one ni ght from the clock tower.
But greater fronti er aw aited you.
You entered the Society of Jes us
and your . tudies took you to hi cago
and Berkeley, to Columbia and Oxford .
You were ord ained ,
and yo ur service led you to Uganda,
a fronti er you could not have imagined
as a young man strolling the John Carroll quad.
From th ere the journey took you
to another fronti er, a place so wild and strange
Uganda must have eemed tame in co mpari so n:
as president of St. Ignatiu High School
you were a man for other , who inspired
one student to write on RateMyProf ,
"Thi s guy should be canoni zed for being incredibl y . weet,''
and another wrote, "He' great," whil e yet another wrote,
"I'm pretty sure he run s the world from an und erground bunker. "
othing could have prepared you be tter
for your newest frontier: Provincial Superi or
of the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus.
Such a long way from here, at Lhi s gath ering place tod ay,
where your lon g and marvelous journ ey began .
John Carroll Univer ity i honored to honor you,
leader and ervant, and confer upon you
the degree of Doctor of Humane Letter , honoris causa.
Ariel Nicole Johnson
Master of Ceremoni es
Joh n T. Day, Ph .D.
Academic Vice President of the Universily
Rev. Robert L. Ni ehoff S.J .
Docto r of Humane Letters
Rev. Timothy P. Ke. icki , S.J .
Led by members of rhe Universiry Chorus
Direcror, Cynrhia Caporel/a, Ph.D.
Oh, say can yo u see by th e daw n's earl y li ght
Wh at so proudl y we hail ed at the twi li ght's last glea ming?
Wh ose broad stri pes and bri ght stars through the peril ous fig ht,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so ga ll antl y streamin g?
And the ro ket' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proo f through the night that our Oag was still there.
Oh , say docs th at star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Lauren L. Bowen, Ph .D.
Associate Academic Vice President fo r Academic Programs and Faculty Dive rsity
Rev. Robert L. Niehoff S.J. , Ph.D.
President of the Unive rsity
Very Rev. Timothy P. KesiclU , S.J . ' 84
Pro vincial Superior of the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus
ln honor of the late Rev. William J. Millor, S.J. , who erved the Univer ity in a variety of
posts over 28 year , representatives of the Senior Cia each year designate a member of the graduating clas to make a presentation at the annual commencement. The peaker selected for today's
ceremony is:
Presented by:
Paul V. Murphy, Ph .D.
Assistant to the President fo r
Uni ve rsity Mission a nd Iden tity
Directo r of the In stitute of
Catholic Studies
Since the day t.hey were born
from that fiery re elati on in Manre. a
Je uits have traveled the world
seekin g new fronti er ,
intellectu al, social. spiritual.
And you have foll owed in their steps.
Long ago yo u walked the pathways of John Ca rroll
and lea rned at the feet of leaders like Joe Schell ,
pl ayed Beethoven on the pi ano,
rna tered political cience,
joined the Circle K Fraternit y,
and, perh ap mo t importantl y,
rappelled by rope one ni ght from the clock tower.
But greater fronti er aw aited you.
You entered the Society of Jes us
and your . tudies took you to hi cago
and Berkeley, to Columbia and Oxford .
You were ord ained ,
and yo ur service led you to Uganda,
a fronti er you could not have imagined
as a young man strolling the John Carroll quad.
From th ere the journey took you
to another fronti er, a place so wild and strange
Uganda must have eemed tame in co mpari so n:
as president of St. Ignatiu High School
you were a man for other , who inspired
one student to write on RateMyProf ,
"Thi s guy should be canoni zed for being incredibl y . weet,''
and another wrote, "He' great," whil e yet another wrote,
"I'm pretty sure he run s the world from an und erground bunker. "
othing could have prepared you be tter
for your newest frontier: Provincial Superi or
of the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus.
Such a long way from here, at Lhi s gath ering place tod ay,
where your lon g and marvelous journ ey began .
John Carroll Univer ity i honored to honor you,
leader and ervant, and confer upon you
the degree of Doctor of Humane Letter , honoris causa.
Ariel Nicole Johnson
Candidates will be presented by
Jeanne M. Colleran , Ph.D.
Doctor of Humane Leiters
Rev. Charles L. Currie, S.J.
Presented hy:
Nicholas R. Santil li, Ph.D.
Associate Academic Vice President
for Planning, Assessment, and
lnstitiutional Effectiveness
Bachelor of Arts in Classics
t Samu el Dav id Amos
A leader. A man fo r oth ers.
summa cum laude
Adam Todd oley
magna cum laude
Jocelyn Patric ia Ralutz
Kenne th Richard Tubbs
cum laude
W hen the pri ests were as assinated in El Salvador,
when they died with their ho usekeeper and her daughter,
you came to he lp. You were there.
When the o ldier who killed them were tri ed ,
you were there to bear witnes
Bachelor of Arts
A leader. A man fo r others .
On the anni versary of the killing
of the fo ur Ameri can chu rc h wo men in El Salvador,
you were there to ho nor them .
W hen Katri na flooded New Orleans
a nd 1600 Loyola tudents needed a home
at other Jesuit schools, you were there to pave the way.
A leader. A man fo r others.
In the wo rd s of John Quin cy Adams,
"If your acti ons in spi re o thers
to dream mo re, learn more, do more and beco me mo re,
you are a leader."
A man fo r others.
As the "natio nal" has beco me the "global,"
and Jesuit educa ti o n ha reached out to C hin a,
to Cuba, to Latin Ame rica and Vi etn am,
you have been there, leading the way.
Yo u have to uched the li ves of so many
in the "Jesuit 28"- tud ents, faculty,
sta ff, and volunteer . You have served
in so many ways, as pres ident , co ll eague,
m entor, pri est and fri end.
You have become uch a towering champi o n
for hi gher edu cati o n on Capitol Hill
th at they ca ll you "the Po pe of Dupont C irc le ."
Alway there, always leading, alway in spi rin g.
Jo hn Carro ll Uni versity i honored to hono r you,
a man fo r others, and confers upon you
th e deg ree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.
Laura Ann Abounader
Megan Marie A b raham
magna cum laude
Duche s Dorea Adjei
cum laude
ic holas Jacob A l berstad t
cum laude
Ka ra Jean A llocco
Li a Christine A nderso n
Ke ith Willi am A p ery
Alexan dra Th e r esa Audi
Christopher Law r e nce Axelrod
Brian na Lynn e B acchus
Ivonne Enid Baez
Mi chael-Patri ck G erald Bagnowski
M ichael Robert B a ke r
Sarah Kri stin e B a l
Ro bert Banov ic
Ali so n Mari e B ar an
As hley ico le B a uer
Mo ll y Mari e B axendale
cum laude
Timoth y Jay B each
Co lin James B e i sel
Katherin e Marj a B e nne tt
Mark Bruno B e r a rd i
magna cum laude
atali e Marie Bl a ke
Eve M ari e Bla in ky
magna cum laud e
Autumn M arie Bl ay lock
Philip Andre w B o kovitz
Dea nna Nicol e B o uchahine
Britta ny Anne Brockl esby
Brian Chri sto phe r Bross mann
Ri chard Anthony Buehner
M eghan Kathi e n Bujn ak
Steph an D avid Burdette
cum laude
James Robert Burry
cum laude
E rin Lynne Byrne
Ste phen Chari
Calde rone
cum laude
Joseph Andre w Cannavino
icholas Antho n y Cannav ino
A lpha Sigma u: T he ati ona l J esui t Honor Society
Scheduled to Complete Degree R e quirement A ugu. t 3 1. 20 II
A lex i Ma rie Cash
cum laude
Ke ll y Ann Cas ell a
Iizabeth Hope Ca. tell ano
cum laude
Tim oth y Cellin o
Tim Yueh-Luen Chai
mag11a cum laude
Kri. tin E lyn C lark
cum laude
Lauren Jill Co hen
magna cum laude
Ryan A. Cole man
Alexa ndra Ch ri tine Coley
Jam ie Sue Coll ey
Bill y Joseph Collins
Conor Patric k Conne ll
Sarah Elizabeth Co ntinenza
Meli s a Kee ley Cooga n-Wylc
Aaron Spencer Copeland
Chad Robert Cotter
cum laude
Caitlin Ann C raig
Beth any G . C ross
E mil y Rose C urran
cum laude
Sonya Steph ani e Dabrow ny
Matthew John Dado
Chante l M. Dav is
cum laude
Peter Stri cke r Davis
cu111 laude
Dany Gustavo Di az Mej ia
cum laude
Alexa nder J. Dib bin
Pamela Di mo
mag na cum laude
Sa ll y Ann Dinall o
Audra Juli ana Distefano
K.ri tin Elizabeth Duns
Patri ck Edw ard Durkin
Ju stin Stewart Ekin
Timothy Karl Ertle
Kathleen Fallon Fibbi
cum laude
Jami e Eli zabeth Fili cko
Candidates will be presented by
Jeanne M. Colleran , Ph.D.
Doctor of Humane Leiters
Rev. Charles L. Currie, S.J.
Presented hy:
Nicholas R. Santil li, Ph.D.
Associate Academic Vice President
for Planning, Assessment, and
lnstitiutional Effectiveness
Bachelor of Arts in Classics
t Samu el Dav id Amos
A leader. A man fo r oth ers.
summa cum laude
Adam Todd oley
magna cum laude
Jocelyn Patric ia Ralutz
Kenne th Richard Tubbs
cum laude
W hen the pri ests were as assinated in El Salvador,
when they died with their ho usekeeper and her daughter,
you came to he lp. You were there.
When the o ldier who killed them were tri ed ,
you were there to bear witnes
Bachelor of Arts
A leader. A man fo r others .
On the anni versary of the killing
of the fo ur Ameri can chu rc h wo men in El Salvador,
you were there to ho nor them .
W hen Katri na flooded New Orleans
a nd 1600 Loyola tudents needed a home
at other Jesuit schools, you were there to pave the way.
A leader. A man fo r others.
In the wo rd s of John Quin cy Adams,
"If your acti ons in spi re o thers
to dream mo re, learn more, do more and beco me mo re,
you are a leader."
A man fo r others.
As the "natio nal" has beco me the "global,"
and Jesuit educa ti o n ha reached out to C hin a,
to Cuba, to Latin Ame rica and Vi etn am,
you have been there, leading the way.
Yo u have to uched the li ves of so many
in the "Jesuit 28"- tud ents, faculty,
sta ff, and volunteer . You have served
in so many ways, as pres ident , co ll eague,
m entor, pri est and fri end.
You have become uch a towering champi o n
for hi gher edu cati o n on Capitol Hill
th at they ca ll you "the Po pe of Dupont C irc le ."
Alway there, always leading, alway in spi rin g.
Jo hn Carro ll Uni versity i honored to hono r you,
a man fo r others, and confers upon you
th e deg ree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.
Laura Ann Abounader
Megan Marie A b raham
magna cum laude
Duche s Dorea Adjei
cum laude
ic holas Jacob A l berstad t
cum laude
Ka ra Jean A llocco
Li a Christine A nderso n
Ke ith Willi am A p ery
Alexan dra Th e r esa Audi
Christopher Law r e nce Axelrod
Brian na Lynn e B acchus
Ivonne Enid Baez
Mi chael-Patri ck G erald Bagnowski
M ichael Robert B a ke r
Sarah Kri stin e B a l
Ro bert Banov ic
Ali so n Mari e B ar an
As hley ico le B a uer
Mo ll y Mari e B axendale
cum laude
Timoth y Jay B each
Co lin James B e i sel
Katherin e Marj a B e nne tt
Mark Bruno B e r a rd i
magna cum laude
atali e Marie Bl a ke
Eve M ari e Bla in ky
magna cum laud e
Autumn M arie Bl ay lock
Philip Andre w B o kovitz
Dea nna Nicol e B o uchahine
Britta ny Anne Brockl esby
Brian Chri sto phe r Bross mann
Ri chard Anthony Buehner
M eghan Kathi e n Bujn ak
Steph an D avid Burdette
cum laude
James Robert Burry
cum laude
E rin Lynne Byrne
Ste phen Chari
Calde rone
cum laude
Joseph Andre w Cannavino
icholas Antho n y Cannav ino
A lpha Sigma u: T he ati ona l J esui t Honor Society
Scheduled to Complete Degree R e quirement A ugu. t 3 1. 20 II
A lex i Ma rie Cash
cum laude
Ke ll y Ann Cas ell a
Iizabeth Hope Ca. tell ano
cum laude
Tim oth y Cellin o
Tim Yueh-Luen Chai
mag11a cum laude
Kri. tin E lyn C lark
cum laude
Lauren Jill Co hen
magna cum laude
Ryan A. Cole man
Alexa ndra Ch ri tine Coley
Jam ie Sue Coll ey
Bill y Joseph Collins
Conor Patric k Conne ll
Sarah Elizabeth Co ntinenza
Meli s a Kee ley Cooga n-Wylc
Aaron Spencer Copeland
Chad Robert Cotter
cum laude
Caitlin Ann C raig
Beth any G . C ross
E mil y Rose C urran
cum laude
Sonya Steph ani e Dabrow ny
Matthew John Dado
Chante l M. Dav is
cum laude
Peter Stri cke r Davis
cu111 laude
Dany Gustavo Di az Mej ia
cum laude
Alexa nder J. Dib bin
Pamela Di mo
mag na cum laude
Sa ll y Ann Dinall o
Audra Juli ana Distefano
K.ri tin Elizabeth Duns
Patri ck Edw ard Durkin
Ju stin Stewart Ekin
Timothy Karl Ertle
Kathleen Fallon Fibbi
cum laude
Jami e Eli zabeth Fili cko
Adrienne Marie Fischer
magna cum laude
Shaina !lyse Fishman
cum laude
Erin Marie Flaherty
Maria Anne Fleming
Brennan Daniel Fox
Alison Marie Frantz
Carlos E. Garcia ruz
magna cum laude
Maria Elisabeth Gazzo
cum laude
Manic Marie Geary
cum Laude
Alicia Marie Giannell
cum laude
Nicolette Elizabeth Gill ota
Michelle Lynn Gittinger
summa cum laude
Kat ie Ly nn Goffos
Nicho las A. Grady
Kev in James Grande
cum Laude
icolc As hley Green
magna cum laude
Matthew Joseph Greene
Mark Wi lli am Grieco
Ke lly Ann Grieve
As hl ey icolc Gristwood
Michelle Therese Grossman
Christopher Cirnoro ni Guerrieri
summa cum laude
Megan An n Hagli n
Carm en M. Hall Shorts
H. Tcrec' Anthony Harri s
Co nor Sulli van Hartnett
John Anthony Hasti ngs
cum laude
Timoth y Joseph Heffern an
Alexandria Rae Heinonen
Kevin Anth ony Henderson
magna cum laude
Maggie Nord que t Henderson
magna cum laude
Zachary Keith Hesketh
Phili p Timoth y Hewitt
Alli son Faye Hibbard
cum laude
Dav id Ca rl Hickey
Patri ck Anthony Hi ggi ns
Edwa rd William Hoceva r
Vin cent M ichael Hostoffer
Mary Ca therin e Hummer
Jo eph Chukubu ezc lhea ma
Kri ten Laura Jantoni o
magna cum laude
Christin e Ann Jaqueth
magna cum laude
Liana Joi Jennin gs
Rac hel Lynne Jimenez
Maura Fallon Jochum
cum laude
Ari el Ni co le John on
cum laude
Ashl ey Nicole Jorl ando
magna cum. laude
Mi chael Reill y Joseph
magna cum laude
Jay Michael Joslin
El iL.abeth Ann Kaczmarek
Hannah Christine Karn
summa cum laude
Alison Jane Karolczak
Melissa Marie Kawkabany
Erin Eileen Kelley
Aidan Thomas Kelly
cum laude
Kel ly icole Kern
Joanne S. Kim
summa cum laude
Philip Chadwick King
Holl y Nicole Klcese
Kev in Joseph Klonowski
summa cum laude
Gabriel le Ly nne Koenig
Kristen Alise Ko lenz
magna cum laude
Nata li e Jane Kolkmeyer
cum laude
Ma leana An n Kondrat
Michae l Chester Krause
Kara Eli zabeth Krawiec
magna cum laude
AdamS. Kriwinsky
Jacq ueline Ann Kr ume l
SaraJane Tere a K.u kawka
cum Laude
Anthony R. Kullm an
Andrea Nicole Laby k
summa cum laude
Timoth y Patri ck Lamb rt
Jenn ifer Michell e Lampare ll i
cum laude
oah Wolfga ng Lamprecht
cum laude
Alyso n Mari e Lewis
Chri stopher Patri ck Lew is
Chri stine Frances Liebrecht
magna cum laude
Matthew J. Lindenberger
Sean Mi chael Lofg ren
cum laude
Ji ltian Cathe rin e Lowry
Danie ll e Lynn e Manco
Robert Libori o Mangiarell i
Ciara Eli zabeth Mas tin
summa cum. laude
Kaitlin Mari e Math ws
Bri an Jo. eph McCa ll
Brendan Patri ck McC reary
magna cum laude
Rya n Patri ck McC ull ough
Meredith Mari e McDiarmid
Matthew McDonald
Jennifer A. McGee
Jani ce M<u·ie Wi se McGowa n
summa cum laude
Michael James Mcwhinney
Adam Michae l Mill er
James Willi am Mille r
Pesha Ro e Mille r
Anasta ia Mitc hell
Jack Law rence Morton
cum laude
Desmond Javonte Motl ey
Molly Anne Mull aney
Taylor Sue agy
summa cum laude
t Sarah An ne Nark in
summa cum laude
* Anne Aly e ewman
cum laude
Ash ley Marie ich us
magna cum laude
Wi ll iam Spear owel
Marc Robert owicki
ora Jane Oakley
summa cum laude
* Mic hael Vern on O' Keefe
Mo ll y Mahoney O'Neil
Ed mund John Orr III
t Kelsey Mary Ott
cum laude
an Edward Overberger
Juana Jose Padill a Cuervo
Caitlin Ni cole Palella
* Lucille Pannell
t Amand a Marie Papa
cum laude
Juli a Catherine Papaleo
*i' Stephanie Mari a Pentz
summa cum laude
Hannah Rose Petko
cum laude
Li nd ay Mi chelle Pickut
cum laude
Co imo Polino lil
Kyle Alexander Poney
cum laude
t Mary Jane Ponyik
magna cum laude
am Donovan Powers
Jamie Lynn Preseren
Bryan Christopher Puckett
* Michael John Rink
Melissa Lynn Ritchey
magna cum laude
Margaret Roark Roche
Anthony Joseph Rodano
John Albert Radell a IT
Jadiri Rodri guez
Alex Henry Roethel
John Patri ck Rogers
cum laude
Jeri ca Ashl ey Roman
Karl Kenneth Roshong, Jr.
Jonathan Peter Ross
* Jonathan Michael Rost
Richard Anthony Rozewski , Jr.
Patri ck Conor Rus ell
Evan Thomas Sander
magna cum laude
Roberto E. Santosdi az, Jr.
cum laude
Clarissa Michelle Sarsa ma
Rachel Lynn Scava
Anna Margaret Schade
Eli zabeth Marie Schaffner
Eli zabeth M. Schappert
Michael John Thoma Schmitt
summa cum laude
Al exa Ray Schuele
magna cum laude
Marissa Anne Schultz
Patrick Richard Schultz
summa cum laude
Robert Franci Secholzcr
Matthew David eeman
magna cum laude
Bryan Jo eph Segarra
Victoria Marie helton
cum laude
Ky le Gallagher Shepard
Kathryn Lea Sheridan
Brianna Kri . tine Skrtic
cum Laude
Katelyn Mae Slo onic
Steven Robert Sl uzyn ky
Em iIy icole Smith
magna cum laude
Kaitryn Aileen Snider
Ki mberl y An n Soeder
magna cum laude
Alicia Wi nnifred Sova ool
Aly a E. Spi ge lberg
Kri tin a Dwa n Spoto
cum laude
Marga ret Rose Spri nkl e
Christopher Carson Starl ing
Gi llian Ange la Steiger
magna curn laude
Gregory Ru do lph Stolfer
Samuel Ray Stoll
Timoth y Jo eph Straub
Nath ani el David Strin ger
Ali on Christine wink
Natalie Ivana Tali s
Gi ze lle Mi lia Tohme
Harvey A. Toll ey
Te Dara h Tray lor
magna cum laude
Taylor Marie Vaina
cum laude
Nathali a Vega
magna cum laude
Dav id Everett Colagiovanni Vin ci
cum laude
Amanda Marie Walden
Brittany Edessa Loui e Di xon Watkins
Sean Colin Webster
magna cu m laude
Thomas Juliu s Weinandy
Alex Chri sti an West
cum laude
April Lee Wetzel
Margaret There e Whitm ore
Lu ke Anthony Whitworth
Sco tt Bl air Willi am
Bri an William Wismer
Brian Todd Wi niewski
Chri stin a Jean Woods
Ni coletta Cynthia Yuki ch
Rachel Ida Zaccardelli
cum laude
Zachary Richard Zielin ski
Jo eph R. Zucker
cum laude
Tayl or Ri chard Zupancic
Adrienne Marie Fischer
magna cum laude
Shaina !lyse Fishman
cum laude
Erin Marie Flaherty
Maria Anne Fleming
Brennan Daniel Fox
Alison Marie Frantz
Carlos E. Garcia ruz
magna cum laude
Maria Elisabeth Gazzo
cum laude
Manic Marie Geary
cum Laude
Alicia Marie Giannell
cum laude
Nicolette Elizabeth Gill ota
Michelle Lynn Gittinger
summa cum laude
Kat ie Ly nn Goffos
Nicho las A. Grady
Kev in James Grande
cum Laude
icolc As hley Green
magna cum laude
Matthew Joseph Greene
Mark Wi lli am Grieco
Ke lly Ann Grieve
As hl ey icolc Gristwood
Michelle Therese Grossman
Christopher Cirnoro ni Guerrieri
summa cum laude
Megan An n Hagli n
Carm en M. Hall Shorts
H. Tcrec' Anthony Harri s
Co nor Sulli van Hartnett
John Anthony Hasti ngs
cum laude
Timoth y Joseph Heffern an
Alexandria Rae Heinonen
Kevin Anth ony Henderson
magna cum laude
Maggie Nord que t Henderson
magna cum laude
Zachary Keith Hesketh
Phili p Timoth y Hewitt
Alli son Faye Hibbard
cum laude
Dav id Ca rl Hickey
Patri ck Anthony Hi ggi ns
Edwa rd William Hoceva r
Vin cent M ichael Hostoffer
Mary Ca therin e Hummer
Jo eph Chukubu ezc lhea ma
Kri ten Laura Jantoni o
magna cum laude
Christin e Ann Jaqueth
magna cum laude
Liana Joi Jennin gs
Rac hel Lynne Jimenez
Maura Fallon Jochum
cum laude
Ari el Ni co le John on
cum laude
Ashl ey Nicole Jorl ando
magna cum. laude
Mi chael Reill y Joseph
magna cum laude
Jay Michael Joslin
El iL.abeth Ann Kaczmarek
Hannah Christine Karn
summa cum laude
Alison Jane Karolczak
Melissa Marie Kawkabany
Erin Eileen Kelley
Aidan Thomas Kelly
cum laude
Kel ly icole Kern
Joanne S. Kim
summa cum laude
Philip Chadwick King
Holl y Nicole Klcese
Kev in Joseph Klonowski
summa cum laude
Gabriel le Ly nne Koenig
Kristen Alise Ko lenz
magna cum laude
Nata li e Jane Kolkmeyer
cum laude
Ma leana An n Kondrat
Michae l Chester Krause
Kara Eli zabeth Krawiec
magna cum laude
AdamS. Kriwinsky
Jacq ueline Ann Kr ume l
SaraJane Tere a K.u kawka
cum Laude
Anthony R. Kullm an
Andrea Nicole Laby k
summa cum laude
Timoth y Patri ck Lamb rt
Jenn ifer Michell e Lampare ll i
cum laude
oah Wolfga ng Lamprecht
cum laude
Alyso n Mari e Lewis
Chri stopher Patri ck Lew is
Chri stine Frances Liebrecht
magna cum laude
Matthew J. Lindenberger
Sean Mi chael Lofg ren
cum laude
Ji ltian Cathe rin e Lowry
Danie ll e Lynn e Manco
Robert Libori o Mangiarell i
Ciara Eli zabeth Mas tin
summa cum. laude
Kaitlin Mari e Math ws
Bri an Jo. eph McCa ll
Brendan Patri ck McC reary
magna cum laude
Rya n Patri ck McC ull ough
Meredith Mari e McDiarmid
Matthew McDonald
Jennifer A. McGee
Jani ce M<u·ie Wi se McGowa n
summa cum laude
Michael James Mcwhinney
Adam Michae l Mill er
James Willi am Mille r
Pesha Ro e Mille r
Anasta ia Mitc hell
Jack Law rence Morton
cum laude
Desmond Javonte Motl ey
Molly Anne Mull aney
Taylor Sue agy
summa cum laude
t Sarah An ne Nark in
summa cum laude
* Anne Aly e ewman
cum laude
Ash ley Marie ich us
magna cum laude
Wi ll iam Spear owel
Marc Robert owicki
ora Jane Oakley
summa cum laude
* Mic hael Vern on O' Keefe
Mo ll y Mahoney O'Neil
Ed mund John Orr III
t Kelsey Mary Ott
cum laude
an Edward Overberger
Juana Jose Padill a Cuervo
Caitlin Ni cole Palella
* Lucille Pannell
t Amand a Marie Papa
cum laude
Juli a Catherine Papaleo
*i' Stephanie Mari a Pentz
summa cum laude
Hannah Rose Petko
cum laude
Li nd ay Mi chelle Pickut
cum laude
Co imo Polino lil
Kyle Alexander Poney
cum laude
t Mary Jane Ponyik
magna cum laude
am Donovan Powers
Jamie Lynn Preseren
Bryan Christopher Puckett
* Michael John Rink
Melissa Lynn Ritchey
magna cum laude
Margaret Roark Roche
Anthony Joseph Rodano
John Albert Radell a IT
Jadiri Rodri guez
Alex Henry Roethel
John Patri ck Rogers
cum laude
Jeri ca Ashl ey Roman
Karl Kenneth Roshong, Jr.
Jonathan Peter Ross
* Jonathan Michael Rost
Richard Anthony Rozewski , Jr.
Patri ck Conor Rus ell
Evan Thomas Sander
magna cum laude
Roberto E. Santosdi az, Jr.
cum laude
Clarissa Michelle Sarsa ma
Rachel Lynn Scava
Anna Margaret Schade
Eli zabeth Marie Schaffner
Eli zabeth M. Schappert
Michael John Thoma Schmitt
summa cum laude
Al exa Ray Schuele
magna cum laude
Marissa Anne Schultz
Patrick Richard Schultz
summa cum laude
Robert Franci Secholzcr
Matthew David eeman
magna cum laude
Bryan Jo eph Segarra
Victoria Marie helton
cum laude
Ky le Gallagher Shepard
Kathryn Lea Sheridan
Brianna Kri . tine Skrtic
cum Laude
Katelyn Mae Slo onic
Steven Robert Sl uzyn ky
Em iIy icole Smith
magna cum laude
Kaitryn Aileen Snider
Ki mberl y An n Soeder
magna cum laude
Alicia Wi nnifred Sova ool
Aly a E. Spi ge lberg
Kri tin a Dwa n Spoto
cum laude
Marga ret Rose Spri nkl e
Christopher Carson Starl ing
Gi llian Ange la Steiger
magna curn laude
Gregory Ru do lph Stolfer
Samuel Ray Stoll
Timoth y Jo eph Straub
Nath ani el David Strin ger
Ali on Christine wink
Natalie Ivana Tali s
Gi ze lle Mi lia Tohme
Harvey A. Toll ey
Te Dara h Tray lor
magna cum laude
Taylor Marie Vaina
cum laude
Nathali a Vega
magna cum laude
Dav id Everett Colagiovanni Vin ci
cum laude
Amanda Marie Walden
Brittany Edessa Loui e Di xon Watkins
Sean Colin Webster
magna cu m laude
Thomas Juliu s Weinandy
Alex Chri sti an West
cum laude
April Lee Wetzel
Margaret There e Whitm ore
Lu ke Anthony Whitworth
Sco tt Bl air Willi am
Bri an William Wismer
Brian Todd Wi niewski
Chri stin a Jean Woods
Ni coletta Cynthia Yuki ch
Rachel Ida Zaccardelli
cum laude
Zachary Richard Zielin ski
Jo eph R. Zucker
cum laude
Tayl or Ri chard Zupancic
Bachelor of Science
ranees Adkins
summa cum laude
Stacy Marie Albin
Jared Andrew Albury
Jacq ueline Marie Allen
Mauriza T. Allen
Marie Joa nna Alnadi
cum laude
Andrea Gina Antloga
Jose Manuel Aroca Gon zalez
Lindsay Moriah Ashba
Anam Shafqat Ashiq
athan James Austin
Samantha Marie Barsa
David William Beach
cum laude
Ryan Bebawi
Christopher Luke Bcj
cum laude
Brian Patrick Benander
Heidi Marie Benson
Gina Bitonte
cum laude
Kelsey Linden Black
Brandon Grant Bolsar
Chanda Lynn Brennan
Cassandra Marie Brown
Meghan Sokal ki Brown
magna cum laude
Sarah Elizabeth Buranich
cum laude
Gene Michael Cahill
Melanie Summer Cao
Brooke Aly sa Carmen
cum laude
Keelin Therese Carrocia
Pamela Joyce Castricone
summa cum laude
Joseph Peter Catanese
cum laude
Ray mond George Chahoud
cum laude
Li sa Marie Chiappone
magna cum laude
William Lawrence Clark
Jasmine Monique Coad
Heather Anne Colonna
cum laude
Tiffany Crumb y
Benedict Salvatore Curatolo, Jr.
magna cum laude
Meli sa Catherine D'Ambrosio
cum laude
Dav id Alan Davenport
magna cum laude
Jilli an Marie Day
cum laude
Vincent Guerrero DeGeo rge
magna cum laude
Katie Marie Dem ya n
Michae l Edward Detri ck
Andria Marie DiBacco
cum laude
Stephen Paul Donaldson, Jr.
Kelly Mari e Donovan
Jo eph Salvatore Douore
Kel sey Lynne Downing
Thoma · Joseph Dresc her
Alina Dukstansky
magna cum laude
Jacob Morgan Dunton
Mega n Leah Duval
Michael Gregory Eden
cum laude
Michael Thomas Elia
Jasmine Delana El li s
Kathleen Ann Eu tace
Magdalena Juli a Feliciano
Kyle Davis Fenner
Tamika Nichole Field
John Maximi ll ian Figueroa
Daniel Ryan Fitzmaurice
cum laude
Lind ey Michelle Flanick
cum laude
Kathryn Dorothy Foote
magna cum laude
Jon athan James Friedman
Marcu Jame Gerbic
Lauren Cayla Good on
Karen Marie Grabiec
Mol ly Ann Gradowski
Amy Elizabeth Gunderman
magna cum laude
Elizabeth Tere a Haigh
magna cum laude
Mollie Louise Halko
Maggie Marie Hantak
Amanda Marie Hardy
magna cum laude
ichola. Carl Hermez
Mark Jo ep h Johnson
cum laude
Boban Josipovic
cum laude
Devon Richard Jurczak
Megan J. Kali zewski
cum laude
Byron J. Kazek
Kate Ann Kearney
* Nichola Michael Orlando
Mitchell Damian Kearney
cum laude
can Patri ck Kennedy
cum laude
Dani el B. Klufa
summa cum laude
Kathryn Mi chelle Kn ox
magna cu m laude
Valerie Rose Korb
cum laude
Mi chael David Lajeunesse
summa cum laude
Anthony Martin Lanese
Kri sten Michelle Lecerf
summa cum laude
Jay Liuhong Liu
magna cum laude
Kelly Liufen Liu
Grace . Mahfouz
summa cum laude
Daniell Elizabeth Maholtz
magna cum laude
Lauren Anna Maline
Ryan J. Marek
cum laude
Alynn Marie Martin
cum laude
Andrew Micah Mathay
Brillany Ann Matu ska
Meghan Eileen May
cum laude
Kathleen Mary McCormick
cum laude
Kri stin Michelle McDonald
Maebh B. McGowan-Doyle
magna cum laude
Gregory Thomas Measer
magna cum laude
Michael William Mi ll er
magna cum laude
icole Leigh Miller
Aaron Donald Ros Minshall
Matthew Joseph Mivsek
cum laude
John Lawrence Moonan III
cum laude
Elizabeth Mary Mulvaney
Sindhura Nandigam
Chel ey Lea euhau
Griffin Scott Nieman
Peter William Nigra
magna cum laude
Michelle Morgan Nigro
Amy Caro line Norri
Christina Barbara O'Keefe
Alex Preston Payne
cum laude
Angela Frances Petitto
icole Lynn Phelps
Peter Ellison Rembusch
icolc Ann Rid er
Rox ana Rivera
Brittany Ann Rop p
cum laude
Ash ley Marie Rupp
cum laude
Reem G. Sarki s
magna cum laude
Michael John Schirra
Samantha Lynne Sheppard
cum laude
Craig Alan Sidol
Troy E. Simmon
Robert Charles Si ka
cum laude
Kathryn Marie Skelly
Nicole Rae olida
Iizabeth Marie So ic
Katrina Elizabeth Spohn
cum laude
Vanes a Jean Stagliano
summa cum laude
Samantha Marie Larkey
Sean P. Stccnbcrge
magna cum laude
Caroline France. Stevens
Aly a Marie trand
Franci co Juli an ueiro Alvarez
Shannon Elizabeth ullivan
cum laude
Kayl ee Brianne Sutton
Ta ha Monique Sykes
Paul Richards Tagliamonte
Christopher Joseph Thomas
Janelle Ta heena Thorpe
Ali . sa Ryan Tillman
Lisa Ann Vitlip
Andrew Ryan Vogel
cum laude
Ashley Marie Wallace
magna cum laude
Kirsty Navi Watkins
Rachel Elizabeth Widman
cum laude
Michael Ju tin Young
Kaitlin Adele Zalew ky
Amelia Suzanne Zes in
cum laude
Bachelor of Science
ranees Adkins
summa cum laude
Stacy Marie Albin
Jared Andrew Albury
Jacq ueline Marie Allen
Mauriza T. Allen
Marie Joa nna Alnadi
cum laude
Andrea Gina Antloga
Jose Manuel Aroca Gon zalez
Lindsay Moriah Ashba
Anam Shafqat Ashiq
athan James Austin
Samantha Marie Barsa
David William Beach
cum laude
Ryan Bebawi
Christopher Luke Bcj
cum laude
Brian Patrick Benander
Heidi Marie Benson
Gina Bitonte
cum laude
Kelsey Linden Black
Brandon Grant Bolsar
Chanda Lynn Brennan
Cassandra Marie Brown
Meghan Sokal ki Brown
magna cum laude
Sarah Elizabeth Buranich
cum laude
Gene Michael Cahill
Melanie Summer Cao
Brooke Aly sa Carmen
cum laude
Keelin Therese Carrocia
Pamela Joyce Castricone
summa cum laude
Joseph Peter Catanese
cum laude
Ray mond George Chahoud
cum laude
Li sa Marie Chiappone
magna cum laude
William Lawrence Clark
Jasmine Monique Coad
Heather Anne Colonna
cum laude
Tiffany Crumb y
Benedict Salvatore Curatolo, Jr.
magna cum laude
Meli sa Catherine D'Ambrosio
cum laude
Dav id Alan Davenport
magna cum laude
Jilli an Marie Day
cum laude
Vincent Guerrero DeGeo rge
magna cum laude
Katie Marie Dem ya n
Michae l Edward Detri ck
Andria Marie DiBacco
cum laude
Stephen Paul Donaldson, Jr.
Kelly Mari e Donovan
Jo eph Salvatore Douore
Kel sey Lynne Downing
Thoma · Joseph Dresc her
Alina Dukstansky
magna cum laude
Jacob Morgan Dunton
Mega n Leah Duval
Michael Gregory Eden
cum laude
Michael Thomas Elia
Jasmine Delana El li s
Kathleen Ann Eu tace
Magdalena Juli a Feliciano
Kyle Davis Fenner
Tamika Nichole Field
John Maximi ll ian Figueroa
Daniel Ryan Fitzmaurice
cum laude
Lind ey Michelle Flanick
cum laude
Kathryn Dorothy Foote
magna cum laude
Jon athan James Friedman
Marcu Jame Gerbic
Lauren Cayla Good on
Karen Marie Grabiec
Mol ly Ann Gradowski
Amy Elizabeth Gunderman
magna cum laude
Elizabeth Tere a Haigh
magna cum laude
Mollie Louise Halko
Maggie Marie Hantak
Amanda Marie Hardy
magna cum laude
ichola. Carl Hermez
Mark Jo ep h Johnson
cum laude
Boban Josipovic
cum laude
Devon Richard Jurczak
Megan J. Kali zewski
cum laude
Byron J. Kazek
Kate Ann Kearney
* Nichola Michael Orlando
Mitchell Damian Kearney
cum laude
can Patri ck Kennedy
cum laude
Dani el B. Klufa
summa cum laude
Kathryn Mi chelle Kn ox
magna cu m laude
Valerie Rose Korb
cum laude
Mi chael David Lajeunesse
summa cum laude
Anthony Martin Lanese
Kri sten Michelle Lecerf
summa cum laude
Jay Liuhong Liu
magna cum laude
Kelly Liufen Liu
Grace . Mahfouz
summa cum laude
Daniell Elizabeth Maholtz
magna cum laude
Lauren Anna Maline
Ryan J. Marek
cum laude
Alynn Marie Martin
cum laude
Andrew Micah Mathay
Brillany Ann Matu ska
Meghan Eileen May
cum laude
Kathleen Mary McCormick
cum laude
Kri stin Michelle McDonald
Maebh B. McGowan-Doyle
magna cum laude
Gregory Thomas Measer
magna cum laude
Michael William Mi ll er
magna cum laude
icole Leigh Miller
Aaron Donald Ros Minshall
Matthew Joseph Mivsek
cum laude
John Lawrence Moonan III
cum laude
Elizabeth Mary Mulvaney
Sindhura Nandigam
Chel ey Lea euhau
Griffin Scott Nieman
Peter William Nigra
magna cum laude
Michelle Morgan Nigro
Amy Caro line Norri
Christina Barbara O'Keefe
Alex Preston Payne
cum laude
Angela Frances Petitto
icole Lynn Phelps
Peter Ellison Rembusch
icolc Ann Rid er
Rox ana Rivera
Brittany Ann Rop p
cum laude
Ash ley Marie Rupp
cum laude
Reem G. Sarki s
magna cum laude
Michael John Schirra
Samantha Lynne Sheppard
cum laude
Craig Alan Sidol
Troy E. Simmon
Robert Charles Si ka
cum laude
Kathryn Marie Skelly
Nicole Rae olida
Iizabeth Marie So ic
Katrina Elizabeth Spohn
cum laude
Vanes a Jean Stagliano
summa cum laude
Samantha Marie Larkey
Sean P. Stccnbcrge
magna cum laude
Caroline France. Stevens
Aly a Marie trand
Franci co Juli an ueiro Alvarez
Shannon Elizabeth ullivan
cum laude
Kayl ee Brianne Sutton
Ta ha Monique Sykes
Paul Richards Tagliamonte
Christopher Joseph Thomas
Janelle Ta heena Thorpe
Ali . sa Ryan Tillman
Lisa Ann Vitlip
Andrew Ryan Vogel
cum laude
Ashley Marie Wallace
magna cum laude
Kirsty Navi Watkins
Rachel Elizabeth Widman
cum laude
Michael Ju tin Young
Kaitlin Adele Zalew ky
Amelia Suzanne Zes in
cum laude
Candidates wilt he presented hy
Karen Sc huele, Ph.D.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Jacob Charles Adamczyk
cum laude
Alyssa Rae Adamo
Carmen Francesco Albino
Anthony David Anderson
Daryl J. Anderson
cum laude
Benjamin G. Angelo
Kri sten E. Antle
Robert A. Armagno
Michael D. Babin ki
Blaine Robert Balderston
Christopher Andrew Beck
Brandon E. Bell ar
Valerie Anne Belz
Eric Andrew Bcnzino
Leslie Victoria Bissell
cum laude
Dani I Patrick Blackburn
cum laude
Kelly Jon Blair
Brittany Anne B laszczak
cum laude
Ch ristopher M. Boldan
Lau ra Elaine Bove
cum laude
Andrea Bovenzi
Jenn ifer Kathryn Breitenbach
Reed Christopher Brenner
alv in H. Buerkle
Erin B. Burn.
Kyle Richard Buxman
Paulin Gakumba Byusa
Dana Samaritan Calleri
Dzenan Campara
Bethany Wai Chan
Joseph D. Ciacchi
Victor Michael Cianci
Lind ey Rae Clifford
Jonath an Gale Cooley
Chri topher Owen Coyle
cum laude
Stephen Spencer Crea
Mary Clare Cullivan
Kelly Elizabeth Cybul ki
cum laude
Erika Marie D'A iesio
Brittany Mari e D'Amico
Ignacio E. Davila Bustelo
Yarlenn y De La Cruz
Jeffrey Martin Deal
Alexa ndria Maria Dellatorre
Matthew James Demarchi
[ I 01
Dani el John Dempsey
Alona Dobson
magna cum laude
Regina El izabeth Dombrosky
John C. Eble
Kasey M. Eckman
James Devin Eicher
Mark A. Elsae ser
hloe E. Emerli ng
Anthony Alex Evanko
Thomas B. Everette
magna cum laude
Brian D. Faehnrich
Gene is Z. Fair
Ryan Patrick Fawks
Christina Domenica-Marie Fedeli
Christopher Joseph Ferrino
Michael James Fin issi
Chaz G. Fiscella
Timothy Fontaine
Stephen Rocky Frabotta
Louis Salvatore Galiano
Steven R. Gallagher
Amanda Marie Gambatese
Rachel Lauren Gatalica
Ronald Kenneth Glover, Jr.
Michael James Goda
Gregory Allen Gramc
George Gran ville Ill
Peter Jame Greb
Hall ie Gromek
Jamie Elizabeth Hakim
Andrew Allen Hall
Nicholas Andrew Halla!
Ryan Mitchel l Harnocz
Ste-Aira C. Hatchett
Jacob D. Heacox
cum laude
Dav id J. Hearty
Justin T. Heegan
Gregory John Hovan
cum laude
Robert H. Howells
Nichola. Paul Hu ml
Kevi n Duane Huyghe
Jo eph Anthony fann ucci
Nicholas Wi lliam John on
Caitl in M. Kahl
cum laude
Suhail S. Kayya li
Daniel D. Kehoe
Samuel D. Knezevic
Gregory Scott Koren
Aleksandr A. Korzhiletskiy
Jeffrey Joseph Kosek
Sanja Krista
Ju tina Amber Krzemien
Po ja Kumar
Dmitriy Labun kiy
cum laude
Kelsey E. Langton
Elizabeth Rose LaPcrch
Chri topher D. Larry
Thoma J. Lavelle
Su an Elizabeth Lewis
Denn i J. Love III
Meli sa J. Love
magna cum laude
Ashley Elizabeth Mack
Matthew D. Madej
Gabriel Abraham Malemud
Eric Allen Maurer
William Q. McDonnel l
Colin Jeffrey Me ulty
Sandra Marie Melaragno
Mollie J. Meloni
Brian J. Mendelsohn
Paul Carver Merri ll fii
Bi hoy M. Mickael
Irena Mijic
Andrew Martin Mi noff
Robert Thomas Mi encik
Lindsey Nicole Mistretta
Gregory Christopher Monaco
Louis Michael Monaco
Bryan James Mo cato
Kelly Kathleen Murphy
cum laude
ichola John Nardi
magna cum laude
Sarah A. Navarro
Ah med awash
Miles H. Nevin
Zachary T. ewcom b
Elizabeth Reill y O'Connor
Brittany Ann Oliveri
Michael James Patrick 0 ' eal
Norah Mary 0 ' eil
Christine Marie Ostrander
Kenneth Jay Owen
Theodore Padezanin lV
Athena Pappis
Kelly Lynn Patch
Di vya Dhansukh Patel
Lind ay Anne Pautler
Corey Thoma Pender
Maria Anna Perossa
Ash ley Marie Peuibon
cum laude
Yelizaveta Pipkin
Megan M. Plunkett
[ ll]
Kell y A. Pol.lak
cum laude
Mi hael John Pry lak
magna cum laude
Jo eph Patrick Pyne
Jo hua Thomas Rentz
Adam Joseph Rizla
Jo eph P. Rizzuto
H. Connor Robbin
arty hri tine Roby-Escafio
Dex ter Emile Rodriguez
Chri topher Rosario Romeo
Heather Ro en berger
J hn . Ru o
Juliana Beth Rybak
Joseph S. amer
cum laude
Phi lip Chart . brocca
Th mas . Schaber!
cum laude
Kate M. Schafer
summa cum laude
Kyle Robert Scheerer
Ro ario B. cibona Ill
Angelique Deni e Shelby
Sarah Marie Showalt r
Edward Jo eph Siebolt IV
Brad ley Jon Sien iawski
Kevi n Robert Simon
Rebecca Ann S.irk
magna curn laude
Erin i ole Smi th
Harri on M. teinwald
Daniel S. Strnad
Cheri Lyn n tuart
Suela Sulaj
Caitlin Ro e Sykes
Bryan Michael Sytve ter
Vincent P. Tarant ino
cum laude
Michael John Telzrow
Craig Edward Thomas
Benjamin A. Tomi ns
Mark Anthony Toplak
Caroli ne Alexandra Umo ella
Adam E. Waller
Nicholas Mallhew Ward
Courtney Elizabeth Weisenberger
arah Lynne Whalen
Alexandra N. White
Max Wilberding
Sade E. Williams
Daniel Jame Woj ti la
Meli a Zapata
Eric Charle Ziegler
Michael E. Zumerli ng
Candidates wilt he presented hy
Karen Sc huele, Ph.D.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Jacob Charles Adamczyk
cum laude
Alyssa Rae Adamo
Carmen Francesco Albino
Anthony David Anderson
Daryl J. Anderson
cum laude
Benjamin G. Angelo
Kri sten E. Antle
Robert A. Armagno
Michael D. Babin ki
Blaine Robert Balderston
Christopher Andrew Beck
Brandon E. Bell ar
Valerie Anne Belz
Eric Andrew Bcnzino
Leslie Victoria Bissell
cum laude
Dani I Patrick Blackburn
cum laude
Kelly Jon Blair
Brittany Anne B laszczak
cum laude
Ch ristopher M. Boldan
Lau ra Elaine Bove
cum laude
Andrea Bovenzi
Jenn ifer Kathryn Breitenbach
Reed Christopher Brenner
alv in H. Buerkle
Erin B. Burn.
Kyle Richard Buxman
Paulin Gakumba Byusa
Dana Samaritan Calleri
Dzenan Campara
Bethany Wai Chan
Joseph D. Ciacchi
Victor Michael Cianci
Lind ey Rae Clifford
Jonath an Gale Cooley
Chri topher Owen Coyle
cum laude
Stephen Spencer Crea
Mary Clare Cullivan
Kelly Elizabeth Cybul ki
cum laude
Erika Marie D'A iesio
Brittany Mari e D'Amico
Ignacio E. Davila Bustelo
Yarlenn y De La Cruz
Jeffrey Martin Deal
Alexa ndria Maria Dellatorre
Matthew James Demarchi
[ I 01
Dani el John Dempsey
Alona Dobson
magna cum laude
Regina El izabeth Dombrosky
John C. Eble
Kasey M. Eckman
James Devin Eicher
Mark A. Elsae ser
hloe E. Emerli ng
Anthony Alex Evanko
Thomas B. Everette
magna cum laude
Brian D. Faehnrich
Gene is Z. Fair
Ryan Patrick Fawks
Christina Domenica-Marie Fedeli
Christopher Joseph Ferrino
Michael James Fin issi
Chaz G. Fiscella
Timothy Fontaine
Stephen Rocky Frabotta
Louis Salvatore Galiano
Steven R. Gallagher
Amanda Marie Gambatese
Rachel Lauren Gatalica
Ronald Kenneth Glover, Jr.
Michael James Goda
Gregory Allen Gramc
George Gran ville Ill
Peter Jame Greb
Hall ie Gromek
Jamie Elizabeth Hakim
Andrew Allen Hall
Nicholas Andrew Halla!
Ryan Mitchel l Harnocz
Ste-Aira C. Hatchett
Jacob D. Heacox
cum laude
Dav id J. Hearty
Justin T. Heegan
Gregory John Hovan
cum laude
Robert H. Howells
Nichola. Paul Hu ml
Kevi n Duane Huyghe
Jo eph Anthony fann ucci
Nicholas Wi lliam John on
Caitl in M. Kahl
cum laude
Suhail S. Kayya li
Daniel D. Kehoe
Samuel D. Knezevic
Gregory Scott Koren
Aleksandr A. Korzhiletskiy
Jeffrey Joseph Kosek
Sanja Krista
Ju tina Amber Krzemien
Po ja Kumar
Dmitriy Labun kiy
cum laude
Kelsey E. Langton
Elizabeth Rose LaPcrch
Chri topher D. Larry
Thoma J. Lavelle
Su an Elizabeth Lewis
Denn i J. Love III
Meli sa J. Love
magna cum laude
Ashley Elizabeth Mack
Matthew D. Madej
Gabriel Abraham Malemud
Eric Allen Maurer
William Q. McDonnel l
Colin Jeffrey Me ulty
Sandra Marie Melaragno
Mollie J. Meloni
Brian J. Mendelsohn
Paul Carver Merri ll fii
Bi hoy M. Mickael
Irena Mijic
Andrew Martin Mi noff
Robert Thomas Mi encik
Lindsey Nicole Mistretta
Gregory Christopher Monaco
Louis Michael Monaco
Bryan James Mo cato
Kelly Kathleen Murphy
cum laude
ichola John Nardi
magna cum laude
Sarah A. Navarro
Ah med awash
Miles H. Nevin
Zachary T. ewcom b
Elizabeth Reill y O'Connor
Brittany Ann Oliveri
Michael James Patrick 0 ' eal
Norah Mary 0 ' eil
Christine Marie Ostrander
Kenneth Jay Owen
Theodore Padezanin lV
Athena Pappis
Kelly Lynn Patch
Di vya Dhansukh Patel
Lind ay Anne Pautler
Corey Thoma Pender
Maria Anna Perossa
Ash ley Marie Peuibon
cum laude
Yelizaveta Pipkin
Megan M. Plunkett
[ ll]
Kell y A. Pol.lak
cum laude
Mi hael John Pry lak
magna cum laude
Jo eph Patrick Pyne
Jo hua Thomas Rentz
Adam Joseph Rizla
Jo eph P. Rizzuto
H. Connor Robbin
arty hri tine Roby-Escafio
Dex ter Emile Rodriguez
Chri topher Rosario Romeo
Heather Ro en berger
J hn . Ru o
Juliana Beth Rybak
Joseph S. amer
cum laude
Phi lip Chart . brocca
Th mas . Schaber!
cum laude
Kate M. Schafer
summa cum laude
Kyle Robert Scheerer
Ro ario B. cibona Ill
Angelique Deni e Shelby
Sarah Marie Showalt r
Edward Jo eph Siebolt IV
Brad ley Jon Sien iawski
Kevi n Robert Simon
Rebecca Ann S.irk
magna curn laude
Erin i ole Smi th
Harri on M. teinwald
Daniel S. Strnad
Cheri Lyn n tuart
Suela Sulaj
Caitlin Ro e Sykes
Bryan Michael Sytve ter
Vincent P. Tarant ino
cum laude
Michael John Telzrow
Craig Edward Thomas
Benjamin A. Tomi ns
Mark Anthony Toplak
Caroli ne Alexandra Umo ella
Adam E. Waller
Nicholas Mallhew Ward
Courtney Elizabeth Weisenberger
arah Lynne Whalen
Alexandra N. White
Max Wilberding
Sade E. Williams
Daniel Jame Woj ti la
Meli a Zapata
Eric Charle Ziegler
Michael E. Zumerli ng
Bachelor of Science in Economics
Ashl ey M. Besong
Ross Campbell Li vengood
Brock J. Malinows ki
Stephen G. McLea n II
cum laude
Kris ta M. Cefalu
William Christopher D'A ntonio
Cory James Fl owers
Kev in J . Guin ane
Owen David Harnew
Meahar K. Kh anduj a
Erin Elaine Lint
Master of Arts
Aleks Jane Quenn ev ille
cum laude
Jonathan Jo eph Soond
Kri stin a Marie Tarach
Rachel Irene Victoria Thompson
To merit the di sti nction cum laude, th e Baccalaureate candidate must attain a quali ty poin t average
or 3.5; magna cum laude, 3.7; summa cum laude, 3.9. These hono rs are in scribed on the dip loma.
The fo llowing groups of students are graduates, respectively, of our
Honors Program, A rrupe Program, and Leadership Program.
All of them can be distinguished by the golden cord they wear.
Kev in Anthony He nderson
Ariel Nicole John son
Aidan Thomas Kell y
Joanne S. Kim
Kathryn Michelle Knox
Michael Dav id Lajeun esse
Kri sten Michell e Lecerf
Christin e Frances Liebrecht
Danielle Elizabeth Maholtz
Meghan Eil ee n May
Sarah Anne Narkin
Amand a Mari e Papa
Stephani e Maria Pentz
Heather Rosenberger
Kate M. Schafer
Alexa Ray Schu ele
Robert Charl es Siska
Andrew Ryan Vogel
Ashley Marie Wallace
Sean Colin Webster
Thomas Ju lius Weinand y
Joseph R. Zucker
SaraJane Teresa Kukawka
Christin a Barbara O'Keefe
Kel ey Mary Ott
Juana Jose Padill a Cuervo
Clari ssa Michelle Sar ama
Mari ssa Anne Schultz
Kaitryn Aileen Snider
Shannon Elizabeth Sulli van
Caitlin Rose Sykes
Rac hel Irene Victori a Thompson
Mega n Ma ri e Abraham
Colin James Beisel
Caitlin Ann Crai g
James Devin Eicher
Erin Marie Flaherty
Moll y Ann Gradowski
* Chri stopher Alan Olee
Unde rgradua te Honors
Samantha Mari e Bar. a
Dani el Rya n Fitzmauri ce
Moll y Ann Gradowski
Amy Elizabeth Gunderm an
Elizabeth Tere. a Haigh
Jean ne M. Colleran, Ph .D.
cum laude
cum laude
Megan Marie Abraham
Samuel David Amo
Kelsey Linden Bl ack
Meghan Sokalski Brown
Pamela Joyce Castricone
Bened ict Salvatore Curatolo, Jr.
Dav id Alan Davenport
Dany Gustavo Di az Mej ia
Lindsey Michelle Flani ck
Amy Eli za beth Gunderman
Eliza beth Teresa Haigh
Candidates will be presented by
Mega n Ann Hag lin
Ariel icole Johnson
Paul Carver Merrill Ili
Chel ey Lea Neuh aus
Corey Thoma Pender
John Albert Rodell a II
[ 12]
Sarah Marie Showalter
Gregory Rudolph Stoffer
Francisco Julian Sueiro Alva rez
Ali so n Christin e Swink
Laura lme ly
Suzanne Kay Johnson
Karen Lynn Katz
Rev. H. Paul Sunglae Kim
Carroll LaRo e
Mark Adam Leva nd
t Bridget Ann Lind
* Rachael Liscoc
* Matthew Dav id Majesky
Candice Patrice Markl e
Kri tina Katherine Ma rkovic
Carl Henry Ma. ey
Kelly Ly nn McC ullough
Tanya Joi Midd let n
t* Kri ten Ann Muthig
Gabriela D. Nappo
* Jana Longsworth Na sif
Nicole Michelle Neima n
Kindel A. Nelson
Mae Odell -Scott
A hley Ly nn Orti z
Alicia Kathleen Pascoe
Laura M. Pe kin
t Mi chael Joseph Piero
Susan Faye Quinn
Andrea Razav i
Chaitanya Reddy
* Kri tyn Kay Riemer
Chalitha Nicole Robin on
* Patrick Anth ony Santilli
Ryan Ada m Schoonmaker
Lori A. Sebulski
Ari elle Deni se Si mpson
Jenni fer Ro e Sinclair
Michael J. Skoda
* Chl oe Magdalene Taricska
Raluca Tutu le co
Nicodemus Christi an Urassa
Daniel Joseph Vermil ya
* Jonath an Paul Washin gton
* Moll y MaRita Williams
t Courtn ey Suzanne Wolf
Xiaoya n Zhou
Orvi lle Arthur Antram IV
Sarah Renae Auger
* Rachel Marie Ball
Sakeenah Bari-Harold
* To ngchan Boo nyapataro
Mark A. Bartholet
Jes ica Caitlin Brady
Sharo n Ram ey Bramante
Dav id Sean Bre lin
Loretta Ann Buell
* Robert Bu rg
t Carol Jean Burhenne
* Au'Dree Marie Calhoun
t Lauren Kathleen Caswell
Dani el Francis Cicora
Yael Rose nfe ld Cohen
Jess ica Rose Corey
* Susa n Edn a Dav id on
Tricia Leigh Dituro
* Cara Mia Duncan
Robert Willard Duns
* Stephanie Su an Dziemi anzuk
Megan Ann Eadeh
* Shane M. Edw ards
Bryan Willi am Evans
t Michael William Fashinpaur
Casey Marie Forgrave
* Susan Eli zabeth Francis
i"* Michele Stopera Frey hauf
Sara Lynn Gafford
Ellen Dorothea Gerges
Danielle Ashley Goldstein
Katie Anne Goodhu e
Eli zabeth A. Goodwin
* Lisa Graham
Marcy Lynn Gray
Michelle Lori Greene
Beth Holzheimer Halli sy
Matthew Hastings
Lawrence Heil
Kimberly Marie Hetzel
* Rory Ru ell Hill
Ashley Eli zabeth Hovancsek
Joseph Dominic Iarocci
[ 13]
Bachelor of Science in Economics
Ashl ey M. Besong
Ross Campbell Li vengood
Brock J. Malinows ki
Stephen G. McLea n II
cum laude
Kris ta M. Cefalu
William Christopher D'A ntonio
Cory James Fl owers
Kev in J . Guin ane
Owen David Harnew
Meahar K. Kh anduj a
Erin Elaine Lint
Master of Arts
Aleks Jane Quenn ev ille
cum laude
Jonathan Jo eph Soond
Kri stin a Marie Tarach
Rachel Irene Victoria Thompson
To merit the di sti nction cum laude, th e Baccalaureate candidate must attain a quali ty poin t average
or 3.5; magna cum laude, 3.7; summa cum laude, 3.9. These hono rs are in scribed on the dip loma.
The fo llowing groups of students are graduates, respectively, of our
Honors Program, A rrupe Program, and Leadership Program.
All of them can be distinguished by the golden cord they wear.
Kev in Anthony He nderson
Ariel Nicole John son
Aidan Thomas Kell y
Joanne S. Kim
Kathryn Michelle Knox
Michael Dav id Lajeun esse
Kri sten Michell e Lecerf
Christin e Frances Liebrecht
Danielle Elizabeth Maholtz
Meghan Eil ee n May
Sarah Anne Narkin
Amand a Mari e Papa
Stephani e Maria Pentz
Heather Rosenberger
Kate M. Schafer
Alexa Ray Schu ele
Robert Charl es Siska
Andrew Ryan Vogel
Ashley Marie Wallace
Sean Colin Webster
Thomas Ju lius Weinand y
Joseph R. Zucker
SaraJane Teresa Kukawka
Christin a Barbara O'Keefe
Kel ey Mary Ott
Juana Jose Padill a Cuervo
Clari ssa Michelle Sar ama
Mari ssa Anne Schultz
Kaitryn Aileen Snider
Shannon Elizabeth Sulli van
Caitlin Rose Sykes
Rac hel Irene Victori a Thompson
Mega n Ma ri e Abraham
Colin James Beisel
Caitlin Ann Crai g
James Devin Eicher
Erin Marie Flaherty
Moll y Ann Gradowski
* Chri stopher Alan Olee
Unde rgradua te Honors
Samantha Mari e Bar. a
Dani el Rya n Fitzmauri ce
Moll y Ann Gradowski
Amy Elizabeth Gunderm an
Elizabeth Tere. a Haigh
Jean ne M. Colleran, Ph .D.
cum laude
cum laude
Megan Marie Abraham
Samuel David Amo
Kelsey Linden Bl ack
Meghan Sokalski Brown
Pamela Joyce Castricone
Bened ict Salvatore Curatolo, Jr.
Dav id Alan Davenport
Dany Gustavo Di az Mej ia
Lindsey Michelle Flani ck
Amy Eli za beth Gunderman
Eliza beth Teresa Haigh
Candidates will be presented by
Mega n Ann Hag lin
Ariel icole Johnson
Paul Carver Merrill Ili
Chel ey Lea Neuh aus
Corey Thoma Pender
John Albert Rodell a II
[ 12]
Sarah Marie Showalter
Gregory Rudolph Stoffer
Francisco Julian Sueiro Alva rez
Ali so n Christin e Swink
Laura lme ly
Suzanne Kay Johnson
Karen Lynn Katz
Rev. H. Paul Sunglae Kim
Carroll LaRo e
Mark Adam Leva nd
t Bridget Ann Lind
* Rachael Liscoc
* Matthew Dav id Majesky
Candice Patrice Markl e
Kri tina Katherine Ma rkovic
Carl Henry Ma. ey
Kelly Ly nn McC ullough
Tanya Joi Midd let n
t* Kri ten Ann Muthig
Gabriela D. Nappo
* Jana Longsworth Na sif
Nicole Michelle Neima n
Kindel A. Nelson
Mae Odell -Scott
A hley Ly nn Orti z
Alicia Kathleen Pascoe
Laura M. Pe kin
t Mi chael Joseph Piero
Susan Faye Quinn
Andrea Razav i
Chaitanya Reddy
* Kri tyn Kay Riemer
Chalitha Nicole Robin on
* Patrick Anth ony Santilli
Ryan Ada m Schoonmaker
Lori A. Sebulski
Ari elle Deni se Si mpson
Jenni fer Ro e Sinclair
Michael J. Skoda
* Chl oe Magdalene Taricska
Raluca Tutu le co
Nicodemus Christi an Urassa
Daniel Joseph Vermil ya
* Jonath an Paul Washin gton
* Moll y MaRita Williams
t Courtn ey Suzanne Wolf
Xiaoya n Zhou
Orvi lle Arthur Antram IV
Sarah Renae Auger
* Rachel Marie Ball
Sakeenah Bari-Harold
* To ngchan Boo nyapataro
Mark A. Bartholet
Jes ica Caitlin Brady
Sharo n Ram ey Bramante
Dav id Sean Bre lin
Loretta Ann Buell
* Robert Bu rg
t Carol Jean Burhenne
* Au'Dree Marie Calhoun
t Lauren Kathleen Caswell
Dani el Francis Cicora
Yael Rose nfe ld Cohen
Jess ica Rose Corey
* Susa n Edn a Dav id on
Tricia Leigh Dituro
* Cara Mia Duncan
Robert Willard Duns
* Stephanie Su an Dziemi anzuk
Megan Ann Eadeh
* Shane M. Edw ards
Bryan Willi am Evans
t Michael William Fashinpaur
Casey Marie Forgrave
* Susan Eli zabeth Francis
i"* Michele Stopera Frey hauf
Sara Lynn Gafford
Ellen Dorothea Gerges
Danielle Ashley Goldstein
Katie Anne Goodhu e
Eli zabeth A. Goodwin
* Lisa Graham
Marcy Lynn Gray
Michelle Lori Greene
Beth Holzheimer Halli sy
Matthew Hastings
Lawrence Heil
Kimberly Marie Hetzel
* Rory Ru ell Hill
Ashley Eli zabeth Hovancsek
Joseph Dominic Iarocci
[ 13]
Master of Education
Andrea Alicia Anderson
Lauren Rachel Anderson
Vanessa Young Ayers
Mia . Bourdakos Yost
Lindsey Anne Brandel
Rachel Kathleen Brod
Juli e Suzanne Butler
Kathl een Eli zabeth Campopiano
Steven Charles Cavolo
Jess ica Lynn Chumney
Paul Scott Clapp
Juana Jose Cuervo
Ashley Heather Dascoli
Jami e Lee Davi.
Patrick Mills DeChant
Thomas Joseph Deiotle, Jr.
Daniel Willi am DeJohn
Adam Joseph DiCristofaro
Carmil la Driscal
Je se Rae Ebner
Elizabeth Rose Eganhouse
Kel sey Helene Evans
Valarie Nico le Falvey
Kelly Lee Fishman
Patrick Ryan Frazier
John David Fullerman
Cara Christine Gaffney
Kendeigh Marie Gardner
Laura Jean Gibson
Pamela Marie Gibson
Emi lie Marie Gravett
Sandra Yolanda Hahn Millard
Katie Lynn Harkelroad
Jennifer Kristin Hollender
Rachel Alexandra Horwood
ichol as Mark Huebner
Faith Olivia Hurley
Nicole Marie Huzl
Elizabeth Louise Jmmarino
Daniel Kalleres
Holly Jo Kaprosy
Thomas Patrick Kenigan
Cameron Randal Kis el
Laura Katherine Krueger
Kristopher Raymond Lake
Thomas Fredrick Lennon
Jennifer Ni haun Lewi
Debra Ann Long
Emily Rose Macko
Jill Marie Makee
Chri stina Marie Malinow ki
Megan Kathlee n Maloney
Mary Bridget Mathews
Robert Allen McCai n
Ti sh Me eal
Deni e Freeman Milner
Eileen A. Mole
Victoria Eli zabeth Morl ey
Jarrod Lee Mulheman
ora Jea n Murphy
Peter Andrew Nalepa
Yolanda R. Parker
Suzana Petkovic
Douglas Adam Phillips
Meli ssa Lynn Pukay-Young
Danielle Marie Ricchino
Jennifer Christin e Rice
Sarah Beth Rivera
Allison Eli zabeth Rodak
Elisabeth Eve Ruiz-Flint
Robert Loui s Ryan Ill
Hayley Jessica Ryshen
Katherine Patricia Saporito
Jennifer Lynn Shantz
Anna Siuda
Shawn Loui Smith
Madi son Leigh Snow
Melanie Rae Soster
Kathryn Anne Stevens
Joshua David Stone
Phoebe Lorraine Stulz-DeYoung
Elaine Suster ic
Michelle Marie Swiatkow ki
Nancy Kathleen Szilagyi
Cary M. Szucs
Matthew David Taylor
Laura Susan Temming
Mary There e Te ke
Markita C. Thompson
Jill ian Marie Townley
Eriksen Stockwell Van Etten
Andrea Vron Velotta
Alexander R. Voigt
Kristina Hen on Waner
Alison Marie Wynne
Candice Marie Zablotny
Thomas Michael Zagar ki, Jr.
Ca ndidates will be presented by
Karen Schuele, Ph .D.
Master of Business Administration
Erica Marie Ab r
lkechukwu Agusiobo
Jame Anthony Anter, Jr.
Aly on Austin
Matthew Robert Bader
Jonathan Thoma Barker
John Jo eph Barta
Anna Elizabeth Benade
Ryan Andrew Berg
David John Bi gacki
John M. Blakeslee
Chadi G orge Boumitri
Cynthia Evelyn Burroughs
Michael Anthony Carbo
James Michael Cocita, Jr.
Madalina Nicol eta Croitoru
Caleb Christopher Cro s
Stefano D'Agru ma
Daniel Jose Dennehy-Rodriguez
Brandon Alexander Detzel
John Robert DiGeronimo
Karli s Imants Dindzans
Michael Brian Fakler
Christine Ann Fisher
Lily Yat Lai Fong
Blake C. Furger on
Meagan Colette Gambone
Matthew Michael Gentile
Angelica Noelle George
James Michael Gilchrist
Antonio Decarlo Golston
William R. Go drich
Mark Michael Greisberger
Kara Cea Groff
Mason Stevens Hall
Travis Edward Hammer
Katie Genell 1-I drick
Steven Loui Hennes y
Matthew D. Hodges
Phillip Alexander Hogan
Lauren Diane Houdek
Anthony Lawrence Janicki
Je sica Theresa Jarmu z
Stephen Alan Kam
H. Curt Kas igkeit
Jennifer May Kirallah
Corey Mi chael Klein
Erica Lauren Koenig
Jennifer Ann Ko ek
Chri tin e Marie Kuilder
Jes ica Lynn Lau
Frank Jo eph Lauria
Kenneth Michael Leighton
Ash ley Marie Lewi s
Meli ssa Anne Lucak
Kyle Robert McCiear
Eric Craig Megla
Irena Mijatovic
Lisa Maria Molitori
Ja. on Douglas Monaco
Stacy Marie Morabito
Tendai Tami sai Mukered zi
Meaghan Ann Murphy
Lauren Colle n Murtaugh
Yonatan Necoechea
Jelena Penclina
Tri goc Pham
Phillip Ian Pinter
Jonathan David Polick
Devon Kovi Racz
Deena Marie Rini
Michael C. Roberto
Olesya Rozen htraukh
Matthew Gregory Rufo
Kyle Joseph Schafer
Bjorn Olaf Schantz
Laura Jane Schoenfeld
Katherine 0 wald Schultz
Khrystyna Skabyk
John Ward Skomra
Alan John Spalding
Kristin Michelle Spilker
Robert James Strnad
Megan icole Svat
Michael John Veneri, Jr.
An gela Loui e Vi stocco
Jennifer Ann Waggoner
Wei Wei
Master of Science
Master of Science
Donella Sue Bolen
Roy Matthew Bower
Marie Nicole Dailey
Michael James Joseph
Kadi e Marie Ondrus
Karina Osorio-Santos
Louis Basil Paumier
Amy J. Shafqat
Melissa Ann Vaccarino
Andrew Jame Holodnak
Claire Antoinette Stani law ki
Joshua Paul Charlillo
Matthew Albert Comer
Alyssa Tere e Heitmann
N.B. Becau se printing deadlines mu st so me limes be met before a final graduation li tis co mpiled. it is possible that the contents of the above roster
may not be entirely acc urat e. Thi s prograrn is not an offic ial University document and does not co nstitute a certification that all of those whose
name appear here have actually co mpleted degree requireme nt
[ 15]
Master of Education
Andrea Alicia Anderson
Lauren Rachel Anderson
Vanessa Young Ayers
Mia . Bourdakos Yost
Lindsey Anne Brandel
Rachel Kathleen Brod
Juli e Suzanne Butler
Kathl een Eli zabeth Campopiano
Steven Charles Cavolo
Jess ica Lynn Chumney
Paul Scott Clapp
Juana Jose Cuervo
Ashley Heather Dascoli
Jami e Lee Davi.
Patrick Mills DeChant
Thomas Joseph Deiotle, Jr.
Daniel Willi am DeJohn
Adam Joseph DiCristofaro
Carmil la Driscal
Je se Rae Ebner
Elizabeth Rose Eganhouse
Kel sey Helene Evans
Valarie Nico le Falvey
Kelly Lee Fishman
Patrick Ryan Frazier
John David Fullerman
Cara Christine Gaffney
Kendeigh Marie Gardner
Laura Jean Gibson
Pamela Marie Gibson
Emi lie Marie Gravett
Sandra Yolanda Hahn Millard
Katie Lynn Harkelroad
Jennifer Kristin Hollender
Rachel Alexandra Horwood
ichol as Mark Huebner
Faith Olivia Hurley
Nicole Marie Huzl
Elizabeth Louise Jmmarino
Daniel Kalleres
Holly Jo Kaprosy
Thomas Patrick Kenigan
Cameron Randal Kis el
Laura Katherine Krueger
Kristopher Raymond Lake
Thomas Fredrick Lennon
Jennifer Ni haun Lewi
Debra Ann Long
Emily Rose Macko
Jill Marie Makee
Chri stina Marie Malinow ki
Megan Kathlee n Maloney
Mary Bridget Mathews
Robert Allen McCai n
Ti sh Me eal
Deni e Freeman Milner
Eileen A. Mole
Victoria Eli zabeth Morl ey
Jarrod Lee Mulheman
ora Jea n Murphy
Peter Andrew Nalepa
Yolanda R. Parker
Suzana Petkovic
Douglas Adam Phillips
Meli ssa Lynn Pukay-Young
Danielle Marie Ricchino
Jennifer Christin e Rice
Sarah Beth Rivera
Allison Eli zabeth Rodak
Elisabeth Eve Ruiz-Flint
Robert Loui s Ryan Ill
Hayley Jessica Ryshen
Katherine Patricia Saporito
Jennifer Lynn Shantz
Anna Siuda
Shawn Loui Smith
Madi son Leigh Snow
Melanie Rae Soster
Kathryn Anne Stevens
Joshua David Stone
Phoebe Lorraine Stulz-DeYoung
Elaine Suster ic
Michelle Marie Swiatkow ki
Nancy Kathleen Szilagyi
Cary M. Szucs
Matthew David Taylor
Laura Susan Temming
Mary There e Te ke
Markita C. Thompson
Jill ian Marie Townley
Eriksen Stockwell Van Etten
Andrea Vron Velotta
Alexander R. Voigt
Kristina Hen on Waner
Alison Marie Wynne
Candice Marie Zablotny
Thomas Michael Zagar ki, Jr.
Ca ndidates will be presented by
Karen Schuele, Ph .D.
Master of Business Administration
Erica Marie Ab r
lkechukwu Agusiobo
Jame Anthony Anter, Jr.
Aly on Austin
Matthew Robert Bader
Jonathan Thoma Barker
John Jo eph Barta
Anna Elizabeth Benade
Ryan Andrew Berg
David John Bi gacki
John M. Blakeslee
Chadi G orge Boumitri
Cynthia Evelyn Burroughs
Michael Anthony Carbo
James Michael Cocita, Jr.
Madalina Nicol eta Croitoru
Caleb Christopher Cro s
Stefano D'Agru ma
Daniel Jose Dennehy-Rodriguez
Brandon Alexander Detzel
John Robert DiGeronimo
Karli s Imants Dindzans
Michael Brian Fakler
Christine Ann Fisher
Lily Yat Lai Fong
Blake C. Furger on
Meagan Colette Gambone
Matthew Michael Gentile
Angelica Noelle George
James Michael Gilchrist
Antonio Decarlo Golston
William R. Go drich
Mark Michael Greisberger
Kara Cea Groff
Mason Stevens Hall
Travis Edward Hammer
Katie Genell 1-I drick
Steven Loui Hennes y
Matthew D. Hodges
Phillip Alexander Hogan
Lauren Diane Houdek
Anthony Lawrence Janicki
Je sica Theresa Jarmu z
Stephen Alan Kam
H. Curt Kas igkeit
Jennifer May Kirallah
Corey Mi chael Klein
Erica Lauren Koenig
Jennifer Ann Ko ek
Chri tin e Marie Kuilder
Jes ica Lynn Lau
Frank Jo eph Lauria
Kenneth Michael Leighton
Ash ley Marie Lewi s
Meli ssa Anne Lucak
Kyle Robert McCiear
Eric Craig Megla
Irena Mijatovic
Lisa Maria Molitori
Ja. on Douglas Monaco
Stacy Marie Morabito
Tendai Tami sai Mukered zi
Meaghan Ann Murphy
Lauren Colle n Murtaugh
Yonatan Necoechea
Jelena Penclina
Tri goc Pham
Phillip Ian Pinter
Jonathan David Polick
Devon Kovi Racz
Deena Marie Rini
Michael C. Roberto
Olesya Rozen htraukh
Matthew Gregory Rufo
Kyle Joseph Schafer
Bjorn Olaf Schantz
Laura Jane Schoenfeld
Katherine 0 wald Schultz
Khrystyna Skabyk
John Ward Skomra
Alan John Spalding
Kristin Michelle Spilker
Robert James Strnad
Megan icole Svat
Michael John Veneri, Jr.
An gela Loui e Vi stocco
Jennifer Ann Waggoner
Wei Wei
Master of Science
Master of Science
Donella Sue Bolen
Roy Matthew Bower
Marie Nicole Dailey
Michael James Joseph
Kadi e Marie Ondrus
Karina Osorio-Santos
Louis Basil Paumier
Amy J. Shafqat
Melissa Ann Vaccarino
Andrew Jame Holodnak
Claire Antoinette Stani law ki
Joshua Paul Charlillo
Matthew Albert Comer
Alyssa Tere e Heitmann
N.B. Becau se printing deadlines mu st so me limes be met before a final graduation li tis co mpiled. it is possible that the contents of the above roster
may not be entirely acc urat e. Thi s prograrn is not an offic ial University document and does not co nstitute a certification that all of those whose
name appear here have actually co mpleted degree requireme nt
[ 15]
The Silver Circle is campo ed of those dedicated members of the John Carroll Univer ity faculty and taff
who have served the University community for 25 or more years. This year's inductees are:
The Curti W. Miles Faculty Award for Community ervice wa establi ~ hed to recognize a member of the
faculty who has made a significant contribution to the Cleveland community through ervice that i con ~ istent
with the University' · mission and goals. The recipient of the award this year is:
George Alaimo
Kimberly Balk
Peter Bernardo
Robert Bloom, Ph.D.
Lindsay Calkins, Ph.D.
Thomas Fanning
Frederick Fuglister, Ph.D.
Graciela Lacueva, Ph.D.
Matthew Lenhart
Jame Martin, Ph.D.
Beth Martin, Ph.D.
Scott Moore, Ph.D.
Ronald Strazar
Gerald Wein tein, Ph.D
The Distingui hed Faculty Award is presented each year to a member of the faculty selected by a committee
of faculty, students, administrator , and alumni for excelle nce in clas room teaching, scholarship, advisement and
leadership of students, together with participation in civic and community affair . The recipient of the award this
year 1 :
JohnS. McBratney, Ph.D.
The Lucrezia Culicchia Award for Teaching Excellence is awarded annual ly to a faculty member in the
College of Arts and Sciences who ha made significant contributions to activities such as model classroom teaching, pioneering teaching methodology, and creative course development. This year's recipient, elected by a committee of faculty and tudents, is:
Michael A. Nichols, Ph.D .
The Wa mer Outstanding Teaching Award was established to recognize teaching excellence and is awarded
annually to a faculty member in the Boler School of Bu iness. The recipient is chosen from the five candidate
receiving the mo t votes for the Student Bu iness Advisory Council's Outstanding Teaching Award. The recipient of the award this year is:
Brent G. Bro mann, Ph.D.
Faculty fellowship for profe sional development are awarded each year in memory of the late Dr. George
Grauel, member of the faculty and administration of John Carroll University, 1933-67. The fellowship are awarded
for 20 I 1-2012 to:
Thoma Nevin, Ph.D.
Mariana Ortega, Ph.D.
Carl Anthony, Ph.D.
Gerald Guest, Ph.D .
Paul Lauritzen, Ph.D.
The following ful1-time faculty are retiring from John Carroll after a combined total 68 year of servic
to the University. We salute and thank them for their effort on behalf of our student and wish them well in
their future eneavors.
Frederick J. Fuglister, Ph .D.
Gwendolyn M. Kinebrew, Ph .D.
David C. Schirm, Ph.D .
In honor of the late Robert Beaudry of the Class of 1950, a plaque is annually awarded to the senior tudcnt
who has contributed most significantly in the areas of academic achievement, Christian life, leadership, and service
to the university or civic community during the preceding school year. The recipient of the awa rd thi ~ year is:
Andrew Ryan Vogel
Paul R. Murphy, Ph.D.
The Silver Circle is campo ed of those dedicated members of the John Carroll Univer ity faculty and taff
who have served the University community for 25 or more years. This year's inductees are:
The Curti W. Miles Faculty Award for Community ervice wa establi ~ hed to recognize a member of the
faculty who has made a significant contribution to the Cleveland community through ervice that i con ~ istent
with the University' · mission and goals. The recipient of the award this year is:
George Alaimo
Kimberly Balk
Peter Bernardo
Robert Bloom, Ph.D.
Lindsay Calkins, Ph.D.
Thomas Fanning
Frederick Fuglister, Ph.D.
Graciela Lacueva, Ph.D.
Matthew Lenhart
Jame Martin, Ph.D.
Beth Martin, Ph.D.
Scott Moore, Ph.D.
Ronald Strazar
Gerald Wein tein, Ph.D
The Distingui hed Faculty Award is presented each year to a member of the faculty selected by a committee
of faculty, students, administrator , and alumni for excelle nce in clas room teaching, scholarship, advisement and
leadership of students, together with participation in civic and community affair . The recipient of the award this
year 1 :
JohnS. McBratney, Ph.D.
The Lucrezia Culicchia Award for Teaching Excellence is awarded annual ly to a faculty member in the
College of Arts and Sciences who ha made significant contributions to activities such as model classroom teaching, pioneering teaching methodology, and creative course development. This year's recipient, elected by a committee of faculty and tudents, is:
Michael A. Nichols, Ph.D .
The Wa mer Outstanding Teaching Award was established to recognize teaching excellence and is awarded
annually to a faculty member in the Boler School of Bu iness. The recipient is chosen from the five candidate
receiving the mo t votes for the Student Bu iness Advisory Council's Outstanding Teaching Award. The recipient of the award this year is:
Brent G. Bro mann, Ph.D.
Faculty fellowship for profe sional development are awarded each year in memory of the late Dr. George
Grauel, member of the faculty and administration of John Carroll University, 1933-67. The fellowship are awarded
for 20 I 1-2012 to:
Thoma Nevin, Ph.D.
Mariana Ortega, Ph.D.
Carl Anthony, Ph.D.
Gerald Guest, Ph.D .
Paul Lauritzen, Ph.D.
The following ful1-time faculty are retiring from John Carroll after a combined total 68 year of servic
to the University. We salute and thank them for their effort on behalf of our student and wish them well in
their future eneavors.
Frederick J. Fuglister, Ph .D.
Gwendolyn M. Kinebrew, Ph .D.
David C. Schirm, Ph.D .
In honor of the late Robert Beaudry of the Class of 1950, a plaque is annually awarded to the senior tudcnt
who has contributed most significantly in the areas of academic achievement, Christian life, leadership, and service
to the university or civic community during the preceding school year. The recipient of the awa rd thi ~ year is:
Andrew Ryan Vogel
Paul R. Murphy, Ph.D.
Presented by
F. Eric Jochum
Class of 1983
Alumni Medals, the highest award of the Joh n Carroll University Alumni A ociation, are presented ann uall y
to alumni and others who have, through the di tinguished conduct of th ir live , either brought extraordinary credit
to the University or contributed conscientious serv ice to the Alumni Association, or both. The recipient of the
award thi year are:
Charles A. Byrne
Class of 1950
More than 60 years after attending John Carrol l University, Charles Byrne still recognizes what quality education is all about.
Even before his John Carro ll days, Charlie understood fir 't-hand the concept of ervice, which is a corner tone
of Je uit philosophy. He served bravely with the U.S. Marine in the Philippines and Guam during the latter
part of World War II, and sub eq uentl y pur ued hi coll ege degree via the G.l. Bill.
He married Josephine Ward, his cia smate from Euclid Central High School. They settl ed in Cleveland Height
and raised seven children . Charlie and Jo ephine- who now boast 17 grandchildren -will celebrate 61 years of
marriage later this year.
Charlie wo rked as a manufacturer's rep for a number of companie pecializing in die-cast and pia tics products.
At 85, he is essenti all y retired, although he still maintains one client.
Whil e pur uing hi career, Charlie also maintained an ongoing commitment to the educational ystem on a
local, state, and natio nal level. He was a member of the Cleveland Heights-University Hei ghts Board of
Education from 1977 to 1980, and a member of the Ohio Board of Education from 1996 to 2000. Throughout
th at time, he wrote numerous op-ed pieces about education reform for The Plain Dealer and other local and
regional newspapers. He even launched his own community new paper, the Heights Conservative Pre , in 2005.
John W. Magn tto
Class of 1960
John Magnotta's journey ha. taken him from hi s hom town of Farrell, Penn ylvania, to John Carroll Uni versity
in Cleveland, where he wa a hi tory major, and ultimately to Phoenix, Arizona - wi th numerou stop 1n
between. Despite the miles, hi s commitment to John Carroll and the Je uit philo ophy i resolute.
After eight years in Cleveland in sales, John and his wife, Lynne, moved to St. Jo. eph, Michigan, and then
Fargo, North Dakota in 1973, where he opened a who lesale appl iance di . tributorship. He bought the company
three years later, and then bought a econd distributorship in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1989. He helped deve lop the
Hjemkom t Center in Fargo and co-founded the national Independent Distributor A. sociation in 1991.
All the whil e, John continued to give back. ln addition to their five chi ldren, he and Lynne ra ised hi . 14-yearold sister after his parents died in 1970. During the '80s, they opened their home to two Vietname e boys who
were brought to the United State by Lutheran Soc ial Services. In the late '80s, the Magnottos took in a young
Peruvian burn victi m.
Over the years, John and Lynne have provided spiritual and fi nancial support to the ati vity Schoo l of San
Jose, the Ursuline Nun of Cleveland and to Padre Juan Davi , a missionary from Fargo, who ha worked in
Peru fo r many years. They have made several trips to Peru to a si t Padre Davis in hi work .
Insp ired by Rev. Joseph 0. Schell , S. J., during hi college yea r , John helped estab li sh the Fr. Schell Chair,
whi ch brings a Jes uit to John Carroll to li ve in a residence hall and provide spiritual guidance to tuden ts.
John is immensely proud of JCU and the Class of 1960. He served as JCU Alumni Association ecretary in
J969 and 1970, and on the 1995, 2000, and 20 I 0 reunion com mitt es. In 2009, he and Lynne jump-started John
Carro ll al umni activity in Arizona by hosting a reception at the Arizona Biltmore.
John attributes his ability to balance career, family, and communi ty service to the support of his wife, and to the
values that were instill ed in him at home and during hi s co llege years.
For hi s out tanding serv ice to John Carroll and for hi s co ntributi ons to educational and mi ss ionary efforts
internationall y, the John Carroll Alumni Association i plea ed to award our 20 ll Alumni Medal to John W .
Charlie served for 18 years as John Carroll magazin e class scribe for the Class of 1950, and served on the 1995
and 2005 JCU reunion committees.
Ever the savvy businessman, Charlie thinks of a John Carroll education in marketing terms. "There's a phrase
in busin ess that's popular the e days: value added," he say . "I think John Carroll provides that. In addition to
training young people for a career, the added value at John Carroll is the Jesuit dimen sion that train them
for life.
For hi out tanding service to his fellow alumni , and hi s ongoing commitment to improving the educational
system in his community, in the State of Ohio, and throughout the country, the John Carro ll Alumni Association
i plea ed to award our 2011 Alumni Medal to Charles A. Byrne.
[18 ]
Presented by
F. Eric Jochum
Class of 1983
Alumni Medals, the highest award of the Joh n Carroll University Alumni A ociation, are presented ann uall y
to alumni and others who have, through the di tinguished conduct of th ir live , either brought extraordinary credit
to the University or contributed conscientious serv ice to the Alumni Association, or both. The recipient of the
award thi year are:
Charles A. Byrne
Class of 1950
More than 60 years after attending John Carrol l University, Charles Byrne still recognizes what quality education is all about.
Even before his John Carro ll days, Charlie understood fir 't-hand the concept of ervice, which is a corner tone
of Je uit philosophy. He served bravely with the U.S. Marine in the Philippines and Guam during the latter
part of World War II, and sub eq uentl y pur ued hi coll ege degree via the G.l. Bill.
He married Josephine Ward, his cia smate from Euclid Central High School. They settl ed in Cleveland Height
and raised seven children . Charlie and Jo ephine- who now boast 17 grandchildren -will celebrate 61 years of
marriage later this year.
Charlie wo rked as a manufacturer's rep for a number of companie pecializing in die-cast and pia tics products.
At 85, he is essenti all y retired, although he still maintains one client.
Whil e pur uing hi career, Charlie also maintained an ongoing commitment to the educational ystem on a
local, state, and natio nal level. He was a member of the Cleveland Heights-University Hei ghts Board of
Education from 1977 to 1980, and a member of the Ohio Board of Education from 1996 to 2000. Throughout
th at time, he wrote numerous op-ed pieces about education reform for The Plain Dealer and other local and
regional newspapers. He even launched his own community new paper, the Heights Conservative Pre , in 2005.
John W. Magn tto
Class of 1960
John Magnotta's journey ha. taken him from hi s hom town of Farrell, Penn ylvania, to John Carroll Uni versity
in Cleveland, where he wa a hi tory major, and ultimately to Phoenix, Arizona - wi th numerou stop 1n
between. Despite the miles, hi s commitment to John Carroll and the Je uit philo ophy i resolute.
After eight years in Cleveland in sales, John and his wife, Lynne, moved to St. Jo. eph, Michigan, and then
Fargo, North Dakota in 1973, where he opened a who lesale appl iance di . tributorship. He bought the company
three years later, and then bought a econd distributorship in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1989. He helped deve lop the
Hjemkom t Center in Fargo and co-founded the national Independent Distributor A. sociation in 1991.
All the whil e, John continued to give back. ln addition to their five chi ldren, he and Lynne ra ised hi . 14-yearold sister after his parents died in 1970. During the '80s, they opened their home to two Vietname e boys who
were brought to the United State by Lutheran Soc ial Services. In the late '80s, the Magnottos took in a young
Peruvian burn victi m.
Over the years, John and Lynne have provided spiritual and fi nancial support to the ati vity Schoo l of San
Jose, the Ursuline Nun of Cleveland and to Padre Juan Davi , a missionary from Fargo, who ha worked in
Peru fo r many years. They have made several trips to Peru to a si t Padre Davis in hi work .
Insp ired by Rev. Joseph 0. Schell , S. J., during hi college yea r , John helped estab li sh the Fr. Schell Chair,
whi ch brings a Jes uit to John Carroll to li ve in a residence hall and provide spiritual guidance to tuden ts.
John is immensely proud of JCU and the Class of 1960. He served as JCU Alumni Association ecretary in
J969 and 1970, and on the 1995, 2000, and 20 I 0 reunion com mitt es. In 2009, he and Lynne jump-started John
Carro ll al umni activity in Arizona by hosting a reception at the Arizona Biltmore.
John attributes his ability to balance career, family, and communi ty service to the support of his wife, and to the
values that were instill ed in him at home and during hi s co llege years.
For hi s out tanding serv ice to John Carroll and for hi s co ntributi ons to educational and mi ss ionary efforts
internationall y, the John Carroll Alumni Association i plea ed to award our 20 ll Alumni Medal to John W .
Charlie served for 18 years as John Carroll magazin e class scribe for the Class of 1950, and served on the 1995
and 2005 JCU reunion committees.
Ever the savvy businessman, Charlie thinks of a John Carroll education in marketing terms. "There's a phrase
in busin ess that's popular the e days: value added," he say . "I think John Carroll provides that. In addition to
training young people for a career, the added value at John Carroll is the Jesuit dimen sion that train them
for life.
For hi out tanding service to his fellow alumni , and hi s ongoing commitment to improving the educational
system in his community, in the State of Ohio, and throughout the country, the John Carro ll Alumni Association
i plea ed to award our 2011 Alumni Medal to Charles A. Byrne.
[18 ]
Robert A. Valente
Class of 1969
Robert Valente keeps a plaque on his desk that reads: "What we extend to other , we trengthen within our elves."
Bob is founder and CEO of RAY Financial Service , a wealth-management firm that provide, financial pl anning
for individuals and families. ince 1982, Bob ha helped people understand there' more to wealth than just
money, and there' more to life than just wealth .
"Money i · temporal, and it doesn ' t provide happiness," he say . . " o matter how much people accumulate,
whether it's money or things, it's not going to make them happy. Their piritual quest is much more important."
Bob 's own piritual quest has involved a combination of his p hilanthropic expertise with the ense of service
that was insti lled in him a a John Carroll student. Much of hi community ervice has been with T he
Gathering Place, a local organi zation that provides free programs and ervices to upport, educate, and empower people touched by cancer. Bob has been a member of TGP's board of trustees and several committees,
including chairman of the planned giving comm ittee.
Simi larly, Bob i a member of the Magis Legacy Society at John Carroll and i the inaugural chair of the Magi
Advisory Group, which invites accounting, legal, financial , in urance, real e tate, and other professionals to
advocate for the University and help advance John Carroll's planned-giving efforts visibi lity, and reputation.
Bob is a Master Member of the JCU Entrepreneurs Associati on, which includes sponsorship of Carroll students
for EA-related activities . Hi s prior service to the U ni versity include the JCU ational Alumni Association
Board 2007-2009.
He e rves on planned giving committees and ad vi ory groups for the Cuyahoga Chapter of the American
Cancer Society, Uni versity Hospi tals Health System , The C le veland Museum of Art, and The Cleveland
His commitment to health-related organization
Jame. M. Mackey
Class of 1971
In the four decade ince he graduated from John Carroll, James Mackey has har d hi. va t experti e in
busines and business Jaw with hi fellow alumni.
J im graduated in 1971 with a bachelor's degree in hi tory. He earned a law degree from Cleveland State
Univer ity in 1974. He practiced law at Chattman, Gaine & Stern for 25 year before assuming his current
po ition at Walter & Haverfield, where he specialize in busine s law and e tate planning. He i. recognized a a
speciali tin trust and e tate planning by the Ohio Bar As ociation.
Since the 1970s, Jim has channeled much of hi time and profe sional expertise to aid John Carroll and its
alumni. He was the first president of the Cleveland Club, and was in trumental in kicking off the spring
reunion program, serving three year as chair of the ini tial planning committee. Jim also . erved a president of
the alumn i as ociation from 1986 to 1988 - a position that also included service on the JCU board of director .
He also served on the presidential selection committee that re ulted in the appointment of Rev. Michael
Lavelle, S.J ., in 1988.
As a member of the executive committee of the JCU Entrepreneurs A sociation (EA), Jim helped provide networki ng and continu ing education opportunities for entrepreneurs- alum ni or otherwi e. Although no longer
on the executi ve committee, Jim is an EA Master Member, which includes ponsor hip of Carroll tudents for
EA-related activities.
Beyond John Carroll, Jim has served as a board member of the local chapter of the National Hemoph ilia
Association and the Center for Mental Retardation. He wa a charter member and a four-year board memb r
of Leadership Geauga County, a civic organization dedicated to developing current and future leader . He i. a
former president of hi parish council at St. Joan of Arc Church in Chagrin Fall , and he co-chaired the parish'
bui ld ing and capital planning committee during a fundraising campaign that re ulted in a $3 million fam ily
center and church renovation.
terns in part from caring for his parents in their fi nal years.
"My fam il y life was devoted to taking care of my parents," he say , "and making ure that I reciprocated their
care for me."
Jim and h is wife, Laura, raised four children , and coached numerous CYO programs for 17 year . Jim and
Laura currently enjoy seven grandchi ldren.
For his out tanding efforts in promoting philanthropy as a community service throughout Northeast Ohio and
within the John Carroll commu nity for more tha n three decades, the John Carroll A lumni Association is pleased
to award our 2011 Al umni Medal to Robert A. Valente.
In recognition of hi pa t and present support of alumn i efforts, out tanding professional leadership, and
exemplary community ervice, the John Carroll Alum ni Association i pleased to award our 20 II Alumni
Medal to James M. Mackey.
[2 1]
Robert A. Valente
Class of 1969
Robert Valente keeps a plaque on his desk that reads: "What we extend to other , we trengthen within our elves."
Bob is founder and CEO of RAY Financial Service , a wealth-management firm that provide, financial pl anning
for individuals and families. ince 1982, Bob ha helped people understand there' more to wealth than just
money, and there' more to life than just wealth .
"Money i · temporal, and it doesn ' t provide happiness," he say . . " o matter how much people accumulate,
whether it's money or things, it's not going to make them happy. Their piritual quest is much more important."
Bob 's own piritual quest has involved a combination of his p hilanthropic expertise with the ense of service
that was insti lled in him a a John Carroll student. Much of hi community ervice has been with T he
Gathering Place, a local organi zation that provides free programs and ervices to upport, educate, and empower people touched by cancer. Bob has been a member of TGP's board of trustees and several committees,
including chairman of the planned giving comm ittee.
Simi larly, Bob i a member of the Magis Legacy Society at John Carroll and i the inaugural chair of the Magi
Advisory Group, which invites accounting, legal, financial , in urance, real e tate, and other professionals to
advocate for the University and help advance John Carroll's planned-giving efforts visibi lity, and reputation.
Bob is a Master Member of the JCU Entrepreneurs Associati on, which includes sponsorship of Carroll students
for EA-related activities . Hi s prior service to the U ni versity include the JCU ational Alumni Association
Board 2007-2009.
He e rves on planned giving committees and ad vi ory groups for the Cuyahoga Chapter of the American
Cancer Society, Uni versity Hospi tals Health System , The C le veland Museum of Art, and The Cleveland
His commitment to health-related organization
Jame. M. Mackey
Class of 1971
In the four decade ince he graduated from John Carroll, James Mackey has har d hi. va t experti e in
busines and business Jaw with hi fellow alumni.
J im graduated in 1971 with a bachelor's degree in hi tory. He earned a law degree from Cleveland State
Univer ity in 1974. He practiced law at Chattman, Gaine & Stern for 25 year before assuming his current
po ition at Walter & Haverfield, where he specialize in busine s law and e tate planning. He i. recognized a a
speciali tin trust and e tate planning by the Ohio Bar As ociation.
Since the 1970s, Jim has channeled much of hi time and profe sional expertise to aid John Carroll and its
alumni. He was the first president of the Cleveland Club, and was in trumental in kicking off the spring
reunion program, serving three year as chair of the ini tial planning committee. Jim also . erved a president of
the alumn i as ociation from 1986 to 1988 - a position that also included service on the JCU board of director .
He also served on the presidential selection committee that re ulted in the appointment of Rev. Michael
Lavelle, S.J ., in 1988.
As a member of the executive committee of the JCU Entrepreneurs A sociation (EA), Jim helped provide networki ng and continu ing education opportunities for entrepreneurs- alum ni or otherwi e. Although no longer
on the executi ve committee, Jim is an EA Master Member, which includes ponsor hip of Carroll tudents for
EA-related activities.
Beyond John Carroll, Jim has served as a board member of the local chapter of the National Hemoph ilia
Association and the Center for Mental Retardation. He wa a charter member and a four-year board memb r
of Leadership Geauga County, a civic organization dedicated to developing current and future leader . He i. a
former president of hi parish council at St. Joan of Arc Church in Chagrin Fall , and he co-chaired the parish'
bui ld ing and capital planning committee during a fundraising campaign that re ulted in a $3 million fam ily
center and church renovation.
terns in part from caring for his parents in their fi nal years.
"My fam il y life was devoted to taking care of my parents," he say , "and making ure that I reciprocated their
care for me."
Jim and h is wife, Laura, raised four children , and coached numerous CYO programs for 17 year . Jim and
Laura currently enjoy seven grandchi ldren.
For his out tanding efforts in promoting philanthropy as a community service throughout Northeast Ohio and
within the John Carroll commu nity for more tha n three decades, the John Carroll A lumni Association is pleased
to award our 2011 Al umni Medal to Robert A. Valente.
In recognition of hi pa t and present support of alumn i efforts, out tanding professional leadership, and
exemplary community ervice, the John Carroll Alum ni Association i pleased to award our 20 II Alumni
Medal to James M. Mackey.
[2 1]
Patti Rosenfeld
Class of 1987
Patti Rosenfeld 's record of erv ice is extensive in politi cs and the private sector. Her commitment in both
arenas has taken her from her hometown of Shaker He ight , Ohio, to Oklahoma City and Washington , D.C.
Patti he lped plan th e 1989 Pre. idential Inaugural cere moni es for George H.W. Bu h and served in the White
House Offi ce of Per onnel and Political Affairs from 1990 to 1993. She worked for Ronald Kaufmann , deputy
a si tant for political affairs under John Sununu from 1991 to l 995. She worked on special events for
Chri tm as in April SA , an organi zation that provides assistance to low-income homeowners. She also wa
director of . pec ial project in the offi ce of Oklahoma's First Lady, Cathy Keating , and was involved with the
publi shing of two books: Our Governors' Mansions and In Their Name based on the OkJahoma City tragedy.
Patti has devoted much of her personal time and talent to civic projects. She was a director of the Fulbright
Association , and vice president of the Foundation for The National Archives in 2006.
Patti al o serves on the board of Georgetown University Hospital and the Foundation for the National Archive .
She and her hu sband, Ron , generously upport a variety of other organization , including the Jewish Federation
of Greater Wa hington, the Washington Ho pita] Center, and the Smith onian.
She was appointed to the JCU Board of Regents in 2006, and currently serve on the Univer ity ' Board of
Directors. She supports two scholarship initiative. at John Carroll - the Ohio Access Initiative, which was
recently renamed the John Carroll Acce s Initiative, to assi st student from low-income families, and the
Ro enfeld Communications Scholarship. Patti also funded the Communication Conference Room in the
O ' Malley Center.
Rev. Thomas L. Schubeck, S.J ., Ph.D.
Prof esso r, Departm ent of Th eology and Rehgious Studies
Led by members of the Unive rsity horus
Director, Cynthia Capo relfa, Ph .D.
Hail to Carroll , gather near her,
L et your j oy ful anthem ring;
Sound yo ur M other ' praise, revere her.
Her fair name full proudly sing.
Loyal ever, brave and true,
Daughters, sons of Carroll ,
Pl edge our love to Alm a M ater,
To the Gold and Blue;
Pl edge our love to Alm a M at r,
To the Gold and Blue.
She continues to draw on valuable lessons he learned at John Carroll and apply them to her various pursuits.
She credit Jacqueline Schmidt, Ph.D. , and Joseph Miller, Ph .D. , of the communication department, for
encouraging her to continue her studies in the 1980s as a non-traditional student. More recently, she has been
greatly influenced by the friendship and support of Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, S.J.
For her continuing ervice to the John Carroll community and to civic initiatives on a national level, the John
Carroll Alumni Association is plea ed to award our 2011 Alumni Medal to Patti Rosenfeld.
Music by Cleveland Lyri c Bra s
H onorary degree citati ons written by George Bil gere, Department of Engli sh
Patti Rosenfeld
Class of 1987
Patti Rosenfeld 's record of erv ice is extensive in politi cs and the private sector. Her commitment in both
arenas has taken her from her hometown of Shaker He ight , Ohio, to Oklahoma City and Washington , D.C.
Patti he lped plan th e 1989 Pre. idential Inaugural cere moni es for George H.W. Bu h and served in the White
House Offi ce of Per onnel and Political Affairs from 1990 to 1993. She worked for Ronald Kaufmann , deputy
a si tant for political affairs under John Sununu from 1991 to l 995. She worked on special events for
Chri tm as in April SA , an organi zation that provides assistance to low-income homeowners. She also wa
director of . pec ial project in the offi ce of Oklahoma's First Lady, Cathy Keating , and was involved with the
publi shing of two books: Our Governors' Mansions and In Their Name based on the OkJahoma City tragedy.
Patti has devoted much of her personal time and talent to civic projects. She was a director of the Fulbright
Association , and vice president of the Foundation for The National Archives in 2006.
Patti al o serves on the board of Georgetown University Hospital and the Foundation for the National Archive .
She and her hu sband, Ron , generously upport a variety of other organization , including the Jewish Federation
of Greater Wa hington, the Washington Ho pita] Center, and the Smith onian.
She was appointed to the JCU Board of Regents in 2006, and currently serve on the Univer ity ' Board of
Directors. She supports two scholarship initiative. at John Carroll - the Ohio Access Initiative, which was
recently renamed the John Carroll Acce s Initiative, to assi st student from low-income families, and the
Ro enfeld Communications Scholarship. Patti also funded the Communication Conference Room in the
O ' Malley Center.
Rev. Thomas L. Schubeck, S.J ., Ph.D.
Prof esso r, Departm ent of Th eology and Rehgious Studies
Led by members of the Unive rsity horus
Director, Cynthia Capo relfa, Ph .D.
Hail to Carroll , gather near her,
L et your j oy ful anthem ring;
Sound yo ur M other ' praise, revere her.
Her fair name full proudly sing.
Loyal ever, brave and true,
Daughters, sons of Carroll ,
Pl edge our love to Alm a M ater,
To the Gold and Blue;
Pl edge our love to Alm a M at r,
To the Gold and Blue.
She continues to draw on valuable lessons he learned at John Carroll and apply them to her various pursuits.
She credit Jacqueline Schmidt, Ph.D. , and Joseph Miller, Ph .D. , of the communication department, for
encouraging her to continue her studies in the 1980s as a non-traditional student. More recently, she has been
greatly influenced by the friendship and support of Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, S.J.
For her continuing ervice to the John Carroll community and to civic initiatives on a national level, the John
Carroll Alumni Association is plea ed to award our 2011 Alumni Medal to Patti Rosenfeld.
Music by Cleveland Lyri c Bra s
H onorary degree citati ons written by George Bil gere, Department of Engli sh
Biography of Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki, S.J. , '84
As a John arroll alumnus, Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki , S.J. , ' 84, is not only one of our own, but, as the former
president of Saint Ignatius High School, he is a beloved member of the Greater Cleveland community. Heal o
served on John Carroll's Board of Directors from 2000 to 2010.
Fr. Kesicki i. the Provincial of the combined Chicago-Detroit Province. He was appointed Provincial of the
Detroit Province by the Very Rev. Adolfo Nicolas S.J. , superior general of the Society of Jesu ·, in February
2008 and, additionally, was named Provincial of the Chicago Province in 2009. Hi s dual roles are part of a
reorganization of the provinces. The two province. were officially united in January 2011.
Fr. Kesicki wa born in 1962 to Robert and Carmella (Adorante) Kesicki in Erie, Pennsy lvania. In 1984, after
attending Catholic school s in rie, Fr. Kesicki received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from John
Carroll University in Univer ity Heights, Ohio. His sister, Mary McDermott '87, is a former Beaudry Award
recipient and past member of the John Carroll University Alumni Board.
That same year, Fr. Kesicki entered the Society of Jesu s at Loyola House Je uit Novitiate in Berkley, Michigan .
Hi s formation as a Jesuit included philosophical studies at Loyola University Chicago, theological tudie at
Jesui t School of Theology in Berkeley, California, and stu die in educational administration at Teacher's
College-Columbia University in New York.
From 1988 to 1991, Fr. Kesicki worked at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy, where he
taught Theology, directed the ervice program, and served on the pastoral team.
He decided to become a Jesuit during hi senior year at John Carroll, and wa ordained to the priesthood in
1994. After his ordination, Fr. KesiciG worked for a year at the Jesuit Refugee Service in Uganda, and then
taught theology at Loyola High School in Detroit, until 2000, when he moved to Saint Ignatius and erved until
his Provincial appointment in 2008.
"I love that the Jesuit order i a worldwide order," Fr. Kesicki aid a fall 2009 John Carroll magazine interview.
"I didn't enter just this province. I entered the whole international society. John Carroll can leverage an international religious order to help broaden the world view of students and to help directly engage them in the affairs
of the world. "
Biography of Rev. Charle L. Currie, S.J.
Rev. Charle L. Currie, S.J ., a Philadelphia native, has studied at Fordham Univer ity, Bo ton College, and
Woodstock College, earning graduate degrees in philosophy and theology, and at the Catholic Univer ity of
America where he obtained a doctorate in phy ical chemi try before pur uing po t-doctoral re earch at
Cambridge Univer ity, the Canadian National Research Council, and the National Bureau of Standards in
He served on the chemistry faculty at Georgetown University, a president of Wheeling College (now
Wheeling Jesuit University), and as pre ident of Xavier Univer ity, before returning to Georgetown to direct the
Univer ity ' Bicentennial Celebration from September 1988 through Septemb r 1989.
Active throughout his career in various profe sional, educational, and civic organizations at the lo al, regional,
and national levels, he has erved on numerou of boards of college , high chools, and organizations and
Fr. Currie has had exten ive international experience. In November 1989, he traveled to Vietnam to arrange
cooperative program between Georgetown and Vietnamese universities. Later that year, after the a a sination
of the Jesuit priests in El Salvador, Fr. Currie was named special assistant to the president of Georgetown to
coordinate th.e university 's response to that tragedy.
In August 1991 , Fr. Currie was appointed rector of the Je uit community at Saint Jo eph's Univer ity in
Philadelphia. During 1996-97, he coordinated university-wide "Conver ation on Ignatian Identity," involving
faculty, staff, and student in di cussions of how to make Ignatian ideal effectively present within the
In 1997, Fr. Currie became president of the Association of Jesuit College and Universities. He ha been a
catalyst for internationalization of AJCU campuses, traveling to five continents to pursue collaborative effort .
As a strong advocate for access to higher education, Fr. Currie has testified before Congres on the importance
of federal student aid. He has reached out to members on both ides of the aisle, encouraging them to increase
funding for higher education programs that benefit student across the country.
Fr. Currie was al o deeply involved in discussions concerning the application of the Vatican document on
Catholic higher education, Ex corde Ecclesiae, in the United States.
Last fall, Fr. Currie announced that he will step down as AJCU president on June 30, 2011. At that time, he will
have served 14 years in his post, the longest tenure of any AJCU president in history.
Biography of Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki, S.J. , '84
As a John arroll alumnus, Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki , S.J. , ' 84, is not only one of our own, but, as the former
president of Saint Ignatius High School, he is a beloved member of the Greater Cleveland community. Heal o
served on John Carroll's Board of Directors from 2000 to 2010.
Fr. Kesicki i. the Provincial of the combined Chicago-Detroit Province. He was appointed Provincial of the
Detroit Province by the Very Rev. Adolfo Nicolas S.J. , superior general of the Society of Jesu ·, in February
2008 and, additionally, was named Provincial of the Chicago Province in 2009. Hi s dual roles are part of a
reorganization of the provinces. The two province. were officially united in January 2011.
Fr. Kesicki wa born in 1962 to Robert and Carmella (Adorante) Kesicki in Erie, Pennsy lvania. In 1984, after
attending Catholic school s in rie, Fr. Kesicki received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from John
Carroll University in Univer ity Heights, Ohio. His sister, Mary McDermott '87, is a former Beaudry Award
recipient and past member of the John Carroll University Alumni Board.
That same year, Fr. Kesicki entered the Society of Jesu s at Loyola House Je uit Novitiate in Berkley, Michigan .
Hi s formation as a Jesuit included philosophical studies at Loyola University Chicago, theological tudie at
Jesui t School of Theology in Berkeley, California, and stu die in educational administration at Teacher's
College-Columbia University in New York.
From 1988 to 1991, Fr. Kesicki worked at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy, where he
taught Theology, directed the ervice program, and served on the pastoral team.
He decided to become a Jesuit during hi senior year at John Carroll, and wa ordained to the priesthood in
1994. After his ordination, Fr. KesiciG worked for a year at the Jesuit Refugee Service in Uganda, and then
taught theology at Loyola High School in Detroit, until 2000, when he moved to Saint Ignatius and erved until
his Provincial appointment in 2008.
"I love that the Jesuit order i a worldwide order," Fr. Kesicki aid a fall 2009 John Carroll magazine interview.
"I didn't enter just this province. I entered the whole international society. John Carroll can leverage an international religious order to help broaden the world view of students and to help directly engage them in the affairs
of the world. "
Biography of Rev. Charle L. Currie, S.J.
Rev. Charle L. Currie, S.J ., a Philadelphia native, has studied at Fordham Univer ity, Bo ton College, and
Woodstock College, earning graduate degrees in philosophy and theology, and at the Catholic Univer ity of
America where he obtained a doctorate in phy ical chemi try before pur uing po t-doctoral re earch at
Cambridge Univer ity, the Canadian National Research Council, and the National Bureau of Standards in
He served on the chemistry faculty at Georgetown University, a president of Wheeling College (now
Wheeling Jesuit University), and as pre ident of Xavier Univer ity, before returning to Georgetown to direct the
Univer ity ' Bicentennial Celebration from September 1988 through Septemb r 1989.
Active throughout his career in various profe sional, educational, and civic organizations at the lo al, regional,
and national levels, he has erved on numerou of boards of college , high chools, and organizations and
Fr. Currie has had exten ive international experience. In November 1989, he traveled to Vietnam to arrange
cooperative program between Georgetown and Vietnamese universities. Later that year, after the a a sination
of the Jesuit priests in El Salvador, Fr. Currie was named special assistant to the president of Georgetown to
coordinate th.e university 's response to that tragedy.
In August 1991 , Fr. Currie was appointed rector of the Je uit community at Saint Jo eph's Univer ity in
Philadelphia. During 1996-97, he coordinated university-wide "Conver ation on Ignatian Identity," involving
faculty, staff, and student in di cussions of how to make Ignatian ideal effectively present within the
In 1997, Fr. Currie became president of the Association of Jesuit College and Universities. He ha been a
catalyst for internationalization of AJCU campuses, traveling to five continents to pursue collaborative effort .
As a strong advocate for access to higher education, Fr. Currie has testified before Congres on the importance
of federal student aid. He has reached out to members on both ides of the aisle, encouraging them to increase
funding for higher education programs that benefit student across the country.
Fr. Currie was al o deeply involved in discussions concerning the application of the Vatican document on
Catholic higher education, Ex corde Ecclesiae, in the United States.
Last fall, Fr. Currie announced that he will step down as AJCU president on June 30, 2011. At that time, he will
have served 14 years in his post, the longest tenure of any AJCU president in history.
When universities and parliaments about the world gather together in solemn a embly, the way i often
led by a mace bearer carrying an ornamental shmt staff that is the symbol of the authority of the gathering body.
The ymbol's early predecessor wa the Rom an fasces, a bundle of rods bound together and carried in front of
magistrates; crowd in the streets seeing thefasces would give way to the magi trate's authority. The medi eval
mace wa originall y a blunt weapon favored by clergy who were forbidden to usc the sword . [t also evolved into
a symbol of authority; crowds quickly made way for anyone carrying such a symbol.
The design at the top of the Uni versity Mace derive from the coats of arm on the University sea l,
emblems of [gnatiu s Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Surmounted by a cross, two bronze wolve on either ide of
a brass cauldron sta nd for the Loyolas. The Onaz clan, hi s maternal side, is signified by fourteen alternating red
and gold band of enamell ed copper, set at an angle around the head of the mace. Beneath is the in cription in
Latin: John Carroll University 1886. From the cro sat the top to the horn button at the base the mace is 46 inche tall ; it weigh I00 ounces. The main shaft of the mace is ebony in the form of a fas ces of fourteen rod , with
a slight taperin g at either end. The bindings of the rods, and the head and base of the mace are all silver. A node
on the ba. e i engraved with the episcopal seal of Archbi shop John Carroll , the first bishop of the United States
and the eponym of the University. ft depicts the Blessed Virgin with scepter and crown holding the Christ Child;
thirteen star fo r the thirteen states are around them, the crossed key of St. Peter beneath, and the inscription in
Latin : John , Bishop of Baltimore 1790. Inside the base is a copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the
University, it charter, granted by the State of Ohio in 1890 in time to authorize the University 's fir t degrees.
The University Mace was crafted for John Carroll by the late Solve Hallqvist, a well known local ilvermith, as his Ia t commi ion; it wa de igned by Fr. Peter Fennessy, S.J., former University marshal, and Dr.
Roger Welchans, retired professor of Art History. The Univers ity Mace wa a gift of the Executive Board of the
John Carroll Alumni Association; it was given in memory of Fr. Michael J. Lavelle, S.J., twenty-first president of
the University ( 1934-1995).
Immediately following the exercise , all are welcome to refreshments
in the Reunion Tent on the Hamlin Quadran gle.
Adnuizistration Buildzizg End of the Tent
Graduates of the John M. and Mary Jo Boler School of Busine s
Dolan Center for Science and Technology End of the Te111
Graduate of the College of Art and Science.
One of the more triking aspects of academic ceremonies is the co lorful dre s of the participants. An
understanding of the traditions determining style and color of costumes can enrich one's attendance at such
event . The di sti nctive academic dre s has its origin in the universities of the Middle Ages where cold building
and ton sured head made warm gow ns and protective hood a matter of necessity. Individual institutions such as
Cambridge and Oxford adopted special rules governing the kind of dres that was to be permitted, and the cu tom was repeated throughout Europe. It is for this reason that some of the mo t eye-catching gown are tho e
mandated by European schools.
In America, the practice has been somewhat less venturesome. Although the custom of wearing di tinerive attire had existed since the time of the colonial colleges, present usage seems to date from a conference held
at Columbia in 1895. From that meeting carne a resolution calling for the regulation by code of what was generally to be worn at academic events. That code, revised in 1932 and again in 1960, make recommendations as to
the pattern , material , color and trimmings to be used on academic gown .
The bachelor's gown, with long pointed sleeve, i worn clo ed. The master's gown , which can be worn
open, have a distinct oblong sleeve with an arc cut in the front. Doctors wear the bell haped sleeved robes which
are marked with velvet facing in front and velvet bars on the sleeve. Although these gowns are all ordinarily
black, in recent years there have been exceptions made in color.
Hoods for the various degrees differ in length. Bachelors wear three foot hoods; Masters, three and a half;
and Doctors, four feet. They are bound by velvet or velveteen in colors which designate the wearer 's area of specialization, and they are lined with the colors of the institution granting the degree. At John Carroll, the lining i
The colors
blue and gold. Many institution , however, have di pensed entirely with the bachelors' hoods.
associated with the more common academic discipline are: white for Arts and Letters; drab for Busine s; light
blue for Education; purple for Law; dark blue for Philosophy; golden yellow for Science; and scarlet for
The cap traditionally worn is the black mortar board, although the tam and the Elizabethan will be seen
on some of the faculty. The ta el is most often black, Doctors frequently wear gold, and lawyers wear purple.
When universities and parliaments about the world gather together in solemn a embly, the way i often
led by a mace bearer carrying an ornamental shmt staff that is the symbol of the authority of the gathering body.
The ymbol's early predecessor wa the Rom an fasces, a bundle of rods bound together and carried in front of
magistrates; crowd in the streets seeing thefasces would give way to the magi trate's authority. The medi eval
mace wa originall y a blunt weapon favored by clergy who were forbidden to usc the sword . [t also evolved into
a symbol of authority; crowds quickly made way for anyone carrying such a symbol.
The design at the top of the Uni versity Mace derive from the coats of arm on the University sea l,
emblems of [gnatiu s Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Surmounted by a cross, two bronze wolve on either ide of
a brass cauldron sta nd for the Loyolas. The Onaz clan, hi s maternal side, is signified by fourteen alternating red
and gold band of enamell ed copper, set at an angle around the head of the mace. Beneath is the in cription in
Latin: John Carroll University 1886. From the cro sat the top to the horn button at the base the mace is 46 inche tall ; it weigh I00 ounces. The main shaft of the mace is ebony in the form of a fas ces of fourteen rod , with
a slight taperin g at either end. The bindings of the rods, and the head and base of the mace are all silver. A node
on the ba. e i engraved with the episcopal seal of Archbi shop John Carroll , the first bishop of the United States
and the eponym of the University. ft depicts the Blessed Virgin with scepter and crown holding the Christ Child;
thirteen star fo r the thirteen states are around them, the crossed key of St. Peter beneath, and the inscription in
Latin : John , Bishop of Baltimore 1790. Inside the base is a copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the
University, it charter, granted by the State of Ohio in 1890 in time to authorize the University 's fir t degrees.
The University Mace was crafted for John Carroll by the late Solve Hallqvist, a well known local ilvermith, as his Ia t commi ion; it wa de igned by Fr. Peter Fennessy, S.J., former University marshal, and Dr.
Roger Welchans, retired professor of Art History. The Univers ity Mace wa a gift of the Executive Board of the
John Carroll Alumni Association; it was given in memory of Fr. Michael J. Lavelle, S.J., twenty-first president of
the University ( 1934-1995).
Immediately following the exercise , all are welcome to refreshments
in the Reunion Tent on the Hamlin Quadran gle.
Adnuizistration Buildzizg End of the Tent
Graduates of the John M. and Mary Jo Boler School of Busine s
Dolan Center for Science and Technology End of the Te111
Graduate of the College of Art and Science.
One of the more triking aspects of academic ceremonies is the co lorful dre s of the participants. An
understanding of the traditions determining style and color of costumes can enrich one's attendance at such
event . The di sti nctive academic dre s has its origin in the universities of the Middle Ages where cold building
and ton sured head made warm gow ns and protective hood a matter of necessity. Individual institutions such as
Cambridge and Oxford adopted special rules governing the kind of dres that was to be permitted, and the cu tom was repeated throughout Europe. It is for this reason that some of the mo t eye-catching gown are tho e
mandated by European schools.
In America, the practice has been somewhat less venturesome. Although the custom of wearing di tinerive attire had existed since the time of the colonial colleges, present usage seems to date from a conference held
at Columbia in 1895. From that meeting carne a resolution calling for the regulation by code of what was generally to be worn at academic events. That code, revised in 1932 and again in 1960, make recommendations as to
the pattern , material , color and trimmings to be used on academic gown .
The bachelor's gown, with long pointed sleeve, i worn clo ed. The master's gown , which can be worn
open, have a distinct oblong sleeve with an arc cut in the front. Doctors wear the bell haped sleeved robes which
are marked with velvet facing in front and velvet bars on the sleeve. Although these gowns are all ordinarily
black, in recent years there have been exceptions made in color.
Hoods for the various degrees differ in length. Bachelors wear three foot hoods; Masters, three and a half;
and Doctors, four feet. They are bound by velvet or velveteen in colors which designate the wearer 's area of specialization, and they are lined with the colors of the institution granting the degree. At John Carroll, the lining i
The colors
blue and gold. Many institution , however, have di pensed entirely with the bachelors' hoods.
associated with the more common academic discipline are: white for Arts and Letters; drab for Busine s; light
blue for Education; purple for Law; dark blue for Philosophy; golden yellow for Science; and scarlet for
The cap traditionally worn is the black mortar board, although the tam and the Elizabethan will be seen
on some of the faculty. The ta el is most often black, Doctors frequently wear gold, and lawyers wear purple.