Thursday, 4th September 2014 TERM 3 WEEK 8
Thursday, 4th September 2014 TERM 3 WEEK 8
Thursday, 4th September 2014 KEY DATES: SEPTEMBER 9 Paint Storm Incursion - whole school (new) 10 School Council Sub-Committees Meeting 6.30pm 12 No Assembly (new) Summer Sport - Level 4 (new) Grade 2 Sleepover Prep/Foundation 2015 Storytime 2.15 - 3.00pm 17 School Council Meeting 7pm 18 The Wonderful Wizard - Matinee Performance - 1pm Kel Watson Theatre The Wonderful Wizard - Evening Performance - 7pm Kel Watson Theatre 19 No Assembly (new) Footy Day END OF TERM 2.30pm TERM 3 WEEK 8 patella and severed a tendon. Lee had immediate surgery and after being released from hospital on Monday, will now spend 7-10 days in rehab. I’m sure the school community joins with staff in sending Lee our best wishes during her challenging recovery period. Lee will not be able to resume work for at least two months. It is not surprising, knowing Lee, that she has been answering emails from her hospital bed! The Level 3 students have been busy cooking honey joys this week to raise money for the Love Your Local Challenge. This competition is organised by Healesville Sanctuary to create awareness of the plight of endangered, local animals. Our students chose the helmeted honeyeater as it is native to Victoria and there are only approximately eighty left in the wild. FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL What a joy it was on Tuesday afternoon to see the delighted faces of our Grade One students at their special afternoon tea. This activity is the first stage of our six-year camping program, providing a taste of school activities out -of-hours. The students made pikelets, ate some other delicious snacks in the frog bog area, danced, sang and played in the sunshine. We thank the Level 2 staff for making this possible. It was with a slight case of Mondayitis that I arrived at school at the beginning of the week after eight weeks in Europe, however this was very short-lived. The wonderful, warm welcome I received made me reflect on how hard it will be to finally leave this place in October. As usual, lots of things have been happening this term and there is certainly a buzz in the Level 4 area about their upcoming performance of “The Wizard’. Extra tickets have now become available so make sure you don’t miss out. On Wednesday, fifty-three students from Years 3-6 competed in the District Athletics Carnival at the Knox Athletics Track. We achieved some outstanding results, which will be published in the newsletter next week. Thank you to Kiralee Molnar for organising the Orchard Grove competitors and to Tanya Lovett and Shelley Hart for volunteering their time to help on the day. As we have become accustomed, the behaviour of our students was exemplary. We had some very upsetting news last Thursday morning when a message arrived that Lee King was on her way by ambulance to hospital. Lee fell at home and shattered her Spring is in the air – how wonderful. OCTOBER (new) 6 Term 4 Starts - 8.50am 8 Canteen open School Council Sub-Committees Meeting 6.30pm 10 Prep/Foundation 2015 Storytime 2.15 - 3.00pm ______________________________________ Jo Regester School Philosophy Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth and wellbeing for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences. DEECD and Orchard Grove P.S. do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by DEECD for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. PARENTS’ CLUB Family Portraits Advanced Life will be taking family portraits on Saturday 25th October at school. A flyer will be coming home soon with booking details. Stationery Drive - 25th August - 7th September JCI Eastern is collecting stationery to distribute to indigenous children in remote towns. We are seeking new and pre-loved writing materials (that are in great condition) such as pens, pencils, crayons, exercise books, loose leaf paper etc. There is a box in the office foyer for any donations. Next meeting - Wednesday, 10th September at 2.45pm in the staffroom. Bronwyn McIlroy Coordinator NEWSLETTER ROSTER Wednesday, 10th September Kim Williams Alison Cooke SICK BAY ROSTER Friday, 5th September Julie Bradley - 2MA PAYMENTS DUE AT THE OFFICE Year 2 Sleepover - $6.00 - Friday due 5th September Paint Storm Incursion - whole school - $5.00 - due 9th September Footy Day Lunch - due Wednesday 10th September JO REGESTER FAREWELL MONDAY 13th OCTOBER Invitations for Jo’s farewell afternoon tea went out this week to the eldest child. Current, past students and families are most welcome to attend. Please RSVP by 8th October to SPANISH CORNER MEXICAN FIESTA There is a further update with more details on the Mexican Festival in Federation Square on Sunday 14th September. There will be a Mexican cultural immersion for school-aged students from 11:30 to 13:30. Then, especially for children there is “Canta, baila y juega con VATS” (Sing, Dance and Play with the Victorian Association of Teachers of Spanish) from 12:30 to 13:00. Get along if you can and live in Mexico for the day! CANTEEN NEWS Sophie is making good progress in her recovery and should be back in Term 4. The Canteen will re-open for lunch orders on Wednesday 8th October. CIRCUS PERFORMANCE DVD There are 3 - Night 2 DVDs still available which can be purchased for $12.00 from the office. THE MUSIC BOX! It is wonderful to see an enormous amount of talented musicians at Orchard Grove Primary, who are eager to perform to their peers. Students now have the opportunity to perform outside during lunchtimes on a Tuesday. Please write your name on the list in the music room and show Mrs Setford your performance item on a Monday morning at recess. Musicians will then be allocated a Tuesday when they can perform. Jayne Setford PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE UPDATE Congratulations to our students who have already completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge and I know there are many more who are well on their way to finishing. When students complete the PRC their books must be entered online using the instructions that were sent home early in the year. If there are any problems entering the books, or if you need another instruction sheet, please let your classroom teachers know as soon as possible. The Premier’s Reading Challenge ends on the 12th of September but we would like all of our students to have their books entered on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website, and their booklists returned to school, by Friday, September 5th. This will allow classroom teachers time to check and verify each student’s booklist. Happy reading everyone. The Library Team OGPS GOLF DAY & MINIGOLF DON’T MISS OUT!! There are still spots available for this fun event. Registrations must be made at the office before Wednesday 10th September. OSH CLUB Kathi is going away to Greece on Sunday and won't be back until Monday 29th September. We hope she has a fantastic time! Please come back safe :) AASC is available on Wednesdays with circus skills and Thursdays with netball. Could we ask of all families to keep donating any recycling materials, including, but not limited to: boxes; shoe, tissue, anything, books, games, clothes for dress ups, cushions, blankets. **A BIG HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Izzi's mum, Jacci, for the generous donation of toys, bean bags and pillows! We love them :)** We have received our notification from the Department advising us of the NQF assessment and ratings process is to start 29th September. Woo hooo. We can't wait for them to tell us how great we are too! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the program on 0438 565 727. Calls will be answered/returned between 7-9am and 3-6pm. Also, please remember to book your children into the program online to avoid the casual fee surcharge and assist the program to be appropriately staffed to comply with regulations. We continue to reach capacity on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, so please book in early :) as refusal may offend. Have a great week, OSHClub Team
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