Issue 7 - 22nd May - Wattle Grove Primary School


Issue 7 - 22nd May - Wattle Grove Primary School
22 May 2014
The Official Newsletter of Wattle Grove Primary School
Term 2, Issue 7
In this Issue:
School Volunteers
DATES - Term 2
From the Principal
Early Close
Early Close
Room 23
P&C President, Tania Oliver in the Canteen
Early Close
13 & 19
Early Close
Last week was National Volunteers Week
and, as such, it is an opportune time to
acknowledge the incredible work of the
many volunteers that contribute their time
and effort to our school. Each year, we are
most fortunate to have a large group of
committed parents and grandparents who
are actively involved in our school and their
children’s education as volunteers, despite
their hectic lives. This involvement is seen in
a wide range of activities including –
assisting in the library, helping in the
organising and helping with fundraising,
coordinating the book club, making things
for the school, assisting in the canteen,
covering books, representing parents on the
School Board and P&C, assisting with
sporting events, organising school uniforms,
assisting on excursions and many more.
Without our volunteers, these elements of
our school would be seriously impacted.
Each one of these contributions is equally
important to fostering a supportive school
community, which is greatly valued and
appreciated by the staff and the children of
our school. It certainly makes an enormous
difference and makes our school quite
special and unique.
As we continue to grow in enrolments, it is
now more important than ever that we
highlight the need for continuing parent
volunteers. I invite all parents to find a way
in which you can volunteer within our school.
If every parent volunteered for just 1 hour
per term, we would have over 2000 hours of
volunteer support in the year. What an
amazing difference that would make!
Volunteering is mutually rewarding with
volunteers gaining as much as they give. If
you would like to be a volunteer in our school,
please contact me or your child’s classroom
Once again, many thanks to all our volunteers
for the wonderful contribution that you make.
Acknowledgement Slips
Thank you also to those parents who have
been making very kind acknowledgements to
the staff, students, parents and programmes of
our school. Your acknowledgements are most
appreciated by all the recipients. We have
many, many things to be proud of within our
school, as we have many people - children,
staff and parents, who work extremely hard to
make the school such a wonderful place for our
students to learn each and every day. Please
take the time to write a simple message of
acknowledgement to someone who you
consider is doing a great job or conducting a
wonderful programme. Then, place your
acknowledgement in the Acknowledgement
Box in Administration. You will make a big
difference to someone’s day.
Principal’s Challenge
Congratulations to Room 15 for winning the
first Principal’s Challenge for 2014. This is a
competition in which all Year 6 and 7 students
participate, based upon basic tables, basic
number facts, spelling and general knowledge.
We’re all looking forward to seeing which class
will be the Champion Class for Term 2!!
Children in classes from Years 1-5 also
participated in the Term 1 Year Level
Challenges and I would like to congratulate
those children who achieved 100% and also
those who were the Top 5 students at each
year level. This requires a lot of hard work and
children are to be encouraged to keep up the
great effort. This term, we will also be looking
for the most improved students.
Assembly News:
Thank you to Miss Heppener and the students from
Room 21 for last week’s wonderful assembly. The
fabulous students informed and entertained us with
some great facts and a wonderfully catchy song, all
about water and the water cycle. Congratulations to all
the students for your wonderful performance and very
confident presentation, and thank you to Miss Heppener.
Congratulations to the following Merit Certificate winners:
Rm 1:
Rm 2:
Rm 3:
Yr 1,
Yr 1,
Yr 1/2,
Yr 1,
Yr 2,
Yr 1,
Yr 2,
Rm 4:
Rm 5:
Rm 7:
Rm 8:
Rm 12:
Rm 13:
Rm 17:
Rm 19:
Rm 21:
Sports Awards:
Science Award:
Music Awards:
LOTE Awards:
Art Award:
Alice, Gagan Gupta, Steven,
Matthews, Edlyn, Shwetha
Blayd, Olivia, Riley, Saxon
Jessica, Brandon, Eisha, Georgia,
Deep, Neve
Alek, Tariq, Jedidiah
Xander, Reshen, Tane
Steffani, Melissa, Logan
Raymond, Bonnie, Seth
Toby, Shayla, Chloe
Jorja, Sharon, Jai
Lincoln, Chelsea, Angelo
Brooke, Logen, Holly
Merrick, Sacha, Alexia
Charlotte—Rm 21, Angelo—Rm 17,
Shayla—Rm 12
Sandra—Rm 21
Room 7
Congratulation to the Values winner for Respect:
George and Naznin from Room 21
Professional Learning
The staff at Wattle Grove regularly participate in
learning which increases our professional expertise,
benefitting all students. In the last month, staff have
participated in a 2 hour Kagan workshop, which
further developed our skills in cooperative learning.
Last week, we were introduced to the new platform for
Lexile Pro. This new software delivers more
informative data about your child’s progress in this
online reading programme.
School Board News:
congratulate our
Term 2 Board Award
Recipients who was
awarded with a framed
certificate at last week’s
junior assembly;
Mrs Gloria Fletcher for
excellence in teaching
and learning over the
past 10 years at Wattle Grove Primary School.
It is very important that we recognize the outstanding
commitment made by our staff and community members
and the Board looks forward to receiving many more
nominations from our school community.
I would also like to acknowledge the children , parents
and teachers in Years 3 , 5 and 7, for the wonderful way
they prepared and participated in last week’s NAPLAN
testing. This testing assists in giving us valuable school
data to assess future teaching and learning directions at
our school.
Last week, saw the first class, Kindy Room 1 receive
the new Board Uniform Award. This was presented by
Board member, Mr. Adam Kew and will remain with
Room 1 until the next assembly, when it will be
presented to the class earning the most points for
children wearing Full School Uniform Each Day.
Thank you to the Student Representatives who visit
classrooms daily to monitor which classes are wearing
full school uniform, and to parents for supporting the
school policy and ensuring their children are wearing
correct uniform at all times.
Mrs. Doretta Lavery attended the
last Board meeting to outline the
school’s implementation of Kagan
Strategies . It was a very
informative session and outlined an
strategy that our staff are using to
enhance learning at WGPS.
Deputy Principal Corner:
The Importance of Being a Dad
Children thrive in a loving and supportive home but
can develop a range of problems if they experience
issues such a serious conflict, unrealistic expectations
or indifference within their family.
The benefits of positive father involvement for children
are universal and can have many positive effects
through all stages of a child’s life.
General Tips for Fathers
Try to ensure that the one-on-one time you spend
with your children occurs without disruptions or
external distractions (eg without the TV on). This time
is important to help you to develop a unique
relationship with your child.
Be consistent, set boundaries and discuss the limits
with your children, partner/children’s mother and
follow through.
Be honest, if you don’t know the answer, get back to
them later.
Talk with your child about their favourite things,
friends and things you can do together.
Participate in proud parent moments, make time
to watch a school assembly, sporting game or dance
or music performance.
Show emotion and provide comfort for your child
when it all gets a bit much.
Active or rough tumble play is good. Both girls and
boys develop the ability to regulate emotions through
this kind of controlled play with fathers.
These suggestions are taken from the Department of
Local Government and Communities’ Parenting WA.
This group offers free information and support to
parents, carers, grandparents and families with
children from pre-birth to 18 years of age. The website
Mens Advisory Network web address is
Louise Grainger
Deputy Principal
Kindy & PP Enrolments:
We are now taking applications for Kindy for children
whose date of birth is between 1/7/2010 and
30/5/2011. Please feel free to come to the front office
to obtain application forms.
Students who are entering Pre-Primary in 2015 will
also need to re-enrol, so please complete an
enrolment application and return to the front office by
Friday 4th July, 2014.
Therapy Focus:
This term, the students of Wattle Grove Primary
School have been invited to participate in the Therapy
Focus, Help a Child Grow, Art Competition.
The students will be creating pictures to illustrate the
story, ‘Jake’s First Sleepover’. This is a state-wide
school art activity that aims to help educate children
about disability; encouraging better understanding,
acceptance and inclusion of children with special
needs. ‘Jake’s First Sleepover’ is written by
accomplished author and mother of two children with
autism, Bec Oakley and will be launched as the third
title in the popular ‘Jake’ trilogy.
100 finalists will be selected from entries across the
state and go on display at Westfield Carousel,
Whitford City and Innaloo shopping centres in the July
school holidays. The public will then be invited to vote
and help select 20 winning artworks to feature as the
illustrations in the published storybook.
We look forward to seeing the children’s interpretation
of the text and creativity, as they design their
illustration of a selected page of the story.
P&C News:
Expression of interest sought for the position of Canteen
Manager at Wattle Grove Primary School. 2 days a
week, Tuesday & Wednesday. Approx. 15 hours per
Please contact: or
Tanya Oliver on 0409 047 007, for copy of the job
description. Applications close 5pm Friday 6th June.
QUIZ NIGHT—Friday, 4th July 2014
How much trivia do you know?
Join in the fun for an adult’s only fun night at Hartfield
Country Club, (tables of 10). A letter and registration
form will be out soon.
BOUNCE—27th June 2014
In lieu of an upper school Disco, this year the P&C have
booked BOUNCE in Cannington for Years 5, 6 & 7. So
save the date and keep an eye out for details and costs
which are soon to follow.
Entertainment books are now on sale so get in quick for
your copy. Each book or digital membership (which can
be downloaded to 4 smart phones) cost $65 of which
$13 to go towards resources for our school. Huge
amounts of savings can be made or a fantastic gift idea.
http:// or
fill in an order form (available at the front office).
Enquiries are welcome by email to attention Tanya Oliver.
Girls’ Jazz pants are on order and will be in stock
soon. Faction shirt order form coming out shortly, in
readiness for Term 3
Student Rep Profile:
My name is Demi. I have been at Wattle Grove for four
years and I am really excited to have the role of being a
Student Rep for this term! I own three horses and I have
been riding for seven years. I love riding and competing
on my horse, Dream. Owning horses is a really big
responsibility and I spend many hours caring for them!
In my spare time, I am usually helping my
Mum look after my four brothers and my
little sister. My hobbies include reading,
hanging out with my friends and going to
the horses. I really love Wattle Grove and
I am looking forward to helping out with
jobs and I also love helping out younger
children! I am happy being part of this
amazing school!
Student Rep Profile:
My name is Dontae and I am a Student
Rep for Term 2. I have been at Wattle
Grove for two years. My favourite X-Box
game is ‘Halo Reach’. ‘The Lego Movie’,
‘World War Z’, ‘War of the World’ and
‘Captain America – the Winter Soldier’,
are some of my favourite movies. I am
looking forward to being a Student Rep
for the challenges I will face.
Student Rep Profile:
My name is Harmony and I am 11 years old. I am a
Student Representative of Wattle Grove Primary School
and I love it. My first duties were putting up the flags
every morning and lining up the cute little children in
Room 13 after recess and lunch. My
favourite book series is ‘Pony Pals’, as I
adore horses. My favorite hobbies are
horse riding (I been selected to go the
‘Nationals’), basketball and netball. I am
looking forward to attending Student
Rep meetings and the Year 6 camp.
This is a great opportunity to show off
my leadership skills.
Maths Challenge:
At Wattle Grove, we are encouraging the students to
have a go at more problem solving. For many students,
mathematics is something they find challenging. To
improve this, we have devised a competition for
students to enter. In each School newsletter, there will
be a Junior and Senior maths problem to be solved.
Students may work with their parents or older siblings to
find the answer, however the answers need to be
completed by the student. They then need to drop their
answers, together with their working out and any
diagrams, into the Maths Problem Solving boxes in the
Front Office We encourage you to talk to your child
about how to solve the problem and prompt them if they
get stuck. This could be a step in making students more
enthusiastic about mathematics. The first correct entry
from each box, with workings out, will win a prize each
Student Rep Profile:
My name is Jaclyne and I am a Student Rep for Term
2. I have a lot of responsibilities, like talking at the
assemblies and also lining up classes.
My hobbies are netball and swimming.
My favourite TV shows are ‘The Next
Step’ and ‘House Rules’. I have one
dog - it is a golden Labrador called
Rocky. My favourite food is pizza. I
am very proud to be a Student Rep
and I am looking forward to reading
out the Rep Report at the assemblies
and working with different people.
Student Rep Profile:
My name is Riley and I have been a
Wattle Grove for nearly five years. My
hobbies are playing Basketball and
Soccer. My favourite video games are
‘The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim’ and
‘Terraria’. My favourite roles of being a
Student Rep are paper recycling and
flags. When I grow up, I want to be a
detective, as I enjoy solving problems
and puzzles.
Student Rep Profile:
My name is Claire. This is my eighth year at Wattle
Grove and I am looking forward to being a Student Rep
for this term. I am lining up the wonderful kids in Room
19 and enjoying it! I really love dogs and I have a little
puppy named Lu-Lu. She is a big responsibility and can
be very naughty! Outside of school, I
love to dance. I am part of a ballet
school and have been going there for
five years now. I think I would make a
good Student Rep because I am
responsible, reliable and trustworthy. I
really love helping the younger students
in the school. I love being part of Wattle
Grove Primary and am really excited
about being a Student Rep!
Maths Problems:
Junior—Years 1-3
David found a model rocket in the toy shop. It came in 4
sections. The first section was 48cm long. The second
section was half the length of the first, the third half the
length of the second and the fourth half the length of the
third. How tall was the rocket?
Senior—Years 4-7
Out of 40 students, 14 are taking English Composition
and 29 are taking Chemistry. If 5 students are in both
classes, how many students are in neither class? How
many are in either class? What is the probability that a
randomly-chosen student from this group is taking only
the Chemistry class?