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CUELINES Newsletter of the Ohio Community Theatre Association July 2016 V olum e LXIV —Iss ue 4 September 2-5 Annual Conference Greeting OCTA Members! Friday night: OCTA, Jr. excerpts NorthEast welcome party Saturday night: Tech rodeo Sunday night: Banquet Costume contest—wear your favorite Westernthemed outfit Workshops, workshops, and more workshops: Responder training Finding Foundation support Vocal workshops Scenic design Sound design Monday morning roundtables Wow...what a whirlwind. It seems like summer just got started and then we had five weekends of regional festivals and now it’s time for OCTA, Jr. Talented kids from all over Ohio will perform in ten excerpts during the 11th annual festival on August 6 at the O.J. Work Auditorium, 151 Main Street, Wadsworth, Ohio. Festivities start at 8:00 and continue all day. $10 will get you a wonderful day of theater. And then just when summer starts winding down and school bells are ringing, it’ll be time for Wild, Wild OCTA September 2-5 at the Holiday Inn Independence. Check out www.ohiocommunity for registration information and call the hotel at 216-524-8050 to make your reservations. As this OCTA year heads to a Wild, Wild weekend, we’re already looking forward to the new year starting in September. Delegates will be meeting on Sunday morning for their annual meeting and to elect new Board members who will then vote on new officers on Monday morning. The 2017 and 2018 Conference Chairs are putting on their thinking caps and coming up with even more fun ways to celebrate community theater in Ohio and new ideas for workshops to help our over 110 member theaters. Congratulations to all the theaters who participated in the festivals and to all those who will be showcasing at Conference. It’s always fun to excerpt in front of your peers and this year, being an AACTfest year, is even more special with the possibility of going to Illinois in the spring for Region III and maybe on to Minnesota next June. Inside this issue: Dawna’s Dispatch Dawna’s Dispatch 1 Shout Out, Welcome! 2 Wild Playbill Roundup, and Congrats to Wayne Kirsch Be sure to thank all the Board members and Regional Reps and those volunteering at Conference as they are the ones that help make community theater the GREATEST in Ohio. Regional Reports 4 Division Reports 5 And I’d like to thank all the Board members and Regional Reps and theater volunteers who helped make this another great theater season. Conference Excerpt Schedule 5 Here’s to a Wild, Wild weekend in Independence! CallBoard 6-7 Dawna Kornick 2015-16 OCTA President CUELINES EDITOR Christi Thomas 439 Apollo Street, Sidney, OH 45365 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Aara Wise 464 Sherwood Downs Road S Newark, OH 43055 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dawna Kornick President Wayne Kirsch 1st Vice-President Jesse Bernal 2nd Vice-President Harley Antesky 3rd Vice-President Susan Barzda Secretary John Falkenbach Imm Past President Michelle Dolciato Conference Chair AT-LARGE BOARD MEMBERS Millie Butts Sheila Cochran CJ Jamison Michelle Johnson Peggy Kenney Dan Maloney Tahrea Maynard Dianne Pytel Leigh Sandmann Amy Waldfogle Jerry Zimmerman REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES CENTRAL Kate Charlesworth-Miller NORTHEAST Sue Cohen Johnetta Harris Gary Maher Stayce Nabors Autumn Ridler Sue Snyder NORTHWEST Mitch Antesky Joe Barton Inge Klopping Linda McClure JR Smith SOUTHEAST Joe Balding Billie Harmon Jane Mancini Sally Holmes SOUTHWEST Kathie Brennan Ray Lebowski John Masterson Kevin Noll Robert Weidle WEST Christi Thomas HISTORIAN—Fred Wise Shout Out! To the new theater in the West Region who decided to excerpt for their first season and will be showcasing at State Conference Labor Day weekend. Welcome again to The Perennial Theatre Company and congrats! Welcome! OCTA welcomes new member theatre Children’s Theatre Workshop from Toledo. Klopping Wins Wild Playbill Roundup! (submitted by Michelle Johnson, MM/PR) The MM/PR Division challenged Regional Reps and Board Members to kick off a great festival season this year by jumping into their boots and hitting the road to see as many shows produced by our OCTA member theatres as they could between January and July this year. Participants posted photos of themselves with a show playbill on a group Facebook page. Fourteen Reps and Board Members reported their visits. Inge Klopping, NW Regional Rep, wrangled her way into nine theatres to watch productions earning a registration package for our State Conference in Independence over Labor Day Weekend. Right behind her were Peggy Kenney (SW) and Michelle Johnson (NW) with six each, and Tahrea Maynard-Johnson (C) and Christi Thomas (W) with four each. Congrats to Wayne Kirsch... Every year, ACT of Greater Cincinnati presents the Art Rouse Award to an ACT theater member who has shown exceptional commitments and dedication to community theater. This year’s honoree was OCTA 1st Vice-President Wayne Kirsch, our favorite tri-state thespian. In a nutshell, Wayne has served on our Board for many years as well as numerous other theater boards and theater-related organizations’ boards. He is also currently a member of the Kentucky Theatre Association state board. His nomination noted that “no” is not part of his vocabulary. He travels hundreds of miles each year to meetings and meetings and shows and more shows. Not to mention the shows he performs in or works on and the plethora of awards he has received on the local and state levels. He also received the OCTA President’s Award in 2012 along with the Spirit of Community Theatre Award; and Special Recognition as the OCTAFest Chair in 2014. Wayne has said “I’m devoted to community theatre because the people involved are my chosen family.” Congrats to the best big brother ever!! Cuelines is published online five times per year as the official newsletter of the Ohio Community Theatre Association. Material for publication should be submitted by the third Monday of January, March, May, and October, and by December 10, and will be printed as space permits. Send Callboard listings to both the Newsletter Editor and Webmaster. Submissions without names will not be published. Page 2 Page 3 July 2016 Regional Reports (from the July meeting) Central Region: The Central Region OCTAFest took place on June 4 at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, hosted by MTVarts. Seven excerpts were presented, and a workshop entitled “Integrating Individuals With Disabilities Into Your Theatre Community” was also presented. The two shows invited to the state conference were LTOB’s Escanaba in da Moonlight and Alcove’s Saving Up For Saturday Night. The alternate was MTVarts The Miracle Worker. There was a brief delegates meeting, but the official election of next year’s regional reps was put off to an email vote later in the summer, as there was not a majority of the delegates present. —Kate Charlesworth-Miller NorthEast Region: The regional festival was held on June 18 with six theaters excerpting, 78 participants, and 20 walk-ins. A workshop on “Deaf Theatre ins and outs” was lead by Bill Morgan. The two invitees are: Hudson Players’ 1776 and Chagrin Valley Little Theatre’s End Days. Sue Snyder, Sue Cohen, Autumn Ridler, and John Haller will be the 2016-17 regional reps. Our theater of the year awards went to Hudson Players (1st), Western Reserve Playhouse (2nd) and Aurora Community Theatre (3rd). —Sue Snyder Northwest Region: The Northwest region held their annual OCTAfest on June 11-12, 2016 at Amil Tellers/Lima Encore, Lima, Ohio. There were eleven theatres excerpting with over 230 attendees. The invitees to OCTA state conference were 3B Production's Jesus Christ Superstar, Amil Tellers' Making God Laugh, and Black Swamp Players' The Black Bonspiel of Wullie Maccrimmon, the alternate was Playmakers Civic Theatre's Tuesdays With Morrie. At the Saturday delegate lunch, new regional reps were elected. Returning lead rep Mitch Antesky, Linda McClure and Inge Klopping are joined by Crystal Bowers, Denver Henderson, Matt Richardson, Sara Ledzianowski and Zac Gilley. The voting delegates approved a long term plan that has been in the making for some time, a permanent home for the festival. The Owens Community College Center for Fine and Performing Arts is going to be the Home of Northwest OCTA for the years 2017-2019. A rotating committee of members from various theatres will coordinate the shared duties of hosting the festival. This state-of the-art facility is conveniently located just minutes from the popular state conference site, the Holiday Inn French Quarter. As corporate sponsors, they are very excited to be in partnership with OCTA and look forward to a long term relationship. —Mitchell Antesky Southeast Region: The Southeast Region met on Sunday, July 10 during its Regional Festival. Regional Reps for 2016-17 are Sally Holmes, Jane Mancine, and Joe Balding. The delegates voted to make a $200 donation to Ohio Valley University Department of Theatre for their help with the regional festival. It was also voted to give a $100 scholarship to The Riverby Theatre Guild to help with their expenses as they move on to represent the SE Region at State Conference with their excerpt from Steel Magnolias. Congratulations to the cast and crew of Charlottes Web from The Little Theatre of Tuscawarus County for being chosen as the alternate. Thanks also to The Mid Ohio Valley Players and The Athenian Berean Community Players for bringing their excerpts to the regional as well. —Joe Balding Southwest Region: The Southwest Regional festival was held on June 23-24-25. Congratulations to The Drama Workshop’s Unnecessary Farce, CenterStage Players’ Acapulco, and Sunset Players’ Clybourne Park who were invited to showcase at State Conference. —Ray Lebowski West Region: The 2016 West Regional was held on July 9 in Bellefontaine at The Holland Theatre with five theaters excerpting and 82 attendees. Excerpts were from Dayton Theatre Guild, Windmill Productions, Troy Civic Theatre, The Perennial Theatre Company, and Xenia Area Community Theatre. DTG’s excerpt of The Columnist and Perennial’s excerpt of Veronica’s Room will represent the West at the Annual Conference in Independence Labor Day weekend with Windmill Productions’ Young Frankenstein as the alternate. —Christi Thomas Before you head to Conference...check out for the schedule. We are also looking for a few more Board Members. Get more information on the website. AND, don’t forget to bring your baskets for the Silent Auction room. Delegates: You do not have to come and register for the Conference to attend the annual meeting/delegates’ breakfast at 7:30 on Sunday morning at the Holiday Inn Independence. Cuelines Page 4 Division Reports (from the July meeting) •Administrative Division is still looking for some additional Board candidates. If you have any interest, check out the website. The Executive Committee has also contracted for conference hotels for the next two years. The 2017 and 2018 Conferences will be in Columbus and the 2018 Conference will be co-hosted by the West and Southeast Regions. The Regional Reps met and discussed their regional festivals. Highlights included discussing online registration forms for each festival that could be filled out electronically; the necessity of submitting three scripts; little more housekeeping for the host theaters (clear backstage, dressing rooms, and load-in area); utilizing a Responder round table; and communicate, communicate, communicate! •The Finance Division talked about the logo table at Conference. Paypal will be available and they will no longer be writing down credit card numbers. Lots of new things to choose from. All theaters and regions are encouraged to bring a basket for the silent auction. •The Programming Division discussed the Guide/Respondent Program which they would like everyone to promote. For the next year, Programming would like to see several costume entries as there are none for this year. The OCTA Script Library is accepting donations and is putting together a “wish list” of plays that are requested and not currently in the library and maybe someone could donate them. Conference is coming up quickly. OCTA, Jr. is scheduled for August 6 from 8 am and running all day. More than 300 young actors will be participating. •The Membership/Marketing/Public Relations Division discussed an activity to be held at Conference with members of the committee spreading the good word of OCTA for the next gens and announced the winner of the “Wild Playbill Roundup.” They are also working on an idea to continue this with next year’s theme. 2016 Conference Excerpt Schedule Saturday, September 3: 9:00 Almost, Maine, Aurora Community Theatre 10:00 Escanaba in Da Moonlight, LTOB 11:00 End Days, Chagrin Valley Little Theatre 2:30 Making God Laugh, Amil Tellers 3:30 The Columnist, Dayton Theatre Guild 4:30 Jesus Christ Superstar, 3B Productions 7:30 Unnecessary Farce, Drama Workshop 8:30 Savin’ Up for Saturday Night, Alcove Theatre 9:30 Acapulco, Center Stage Players Sunday, September 4: 9:00 Clybourne Park, Sunset Players 10:00 Veronica’s Room, The Perennial Theatre Co. 11:00 Steel Magnolias, Riverby Theatre Company 2:30 The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon, Black Swamp Players 3:30 1776, Hudson Players Page 5 Round up that Western gear and plan on spending Labor Day weekend at the Holiday Inn Independence. You won’t be bored or disappointed. NorthEast conferences are always a GREAT time. Even if you are not involved with an excerpt, there will be plenty of networking, workshops, networking, social time, and networking to keep you busy all weekend. Hope to see ya’ll there! July 2016 Callboard Callboard items should be sent to the Cuelines Editor Christi Thomas and Webmaster Jesse Bernal for publication. The July issue has postings through October. Central Region 09/02-09/25 09/16-09/25 09/23-10/09 10/07-10/15 10/01-10/09 10/14-10/16 10/21-10/30 Alice in Wonderland, Jr Little Shop of Horrors The Bat Death by Chocolate Barefoot in the Park The Odd Couple Shrek, the musical MTV Arts Mansfield Playhouse Little Theatre Off Broadway Roundtown Players Bucyrus Little Theatre Chillicothe Civic Theatre Mansfield Playhouse NorthEast Region 09/08-09/25 09/30-10/09 09/23-10/08 10/21-11/05 Dearly Beloved Workshop Players 440-988-5613 Fox on the Fairway Carnation City Players 330-821-7812 Camping w/Henry & Tom Olde Towne Hall Theatre Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Chagrin Valley Little Theatre 440-247-8955 Northwest Region 09/09-09/30 09/15-09/24 09/16-09/25 09/16-09/25 09/16-09/25 09/22-10/02 09/28-10/02 09/30-10/09 10/07-10/16 10/07-10/16 10/06-10/16 100 Stories Toledo Repertoire Theatre The Mousetrap Fort Findlay Playhouse Sylvia Black Swamp Players Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike Village Players Night Must Fall Amil Tellers of Dramatics The Addams Family Van Wert Civic Theatre Let’s Murder Marsha Williams County Comm Theatre Complete works of Wm Shakespeare Toledo Repertoire Theatre Young Frankenstein Fremont Community Theatre Elvis People Ritz Players The Minister’s Wife Fort Findlay Playhouse 419-243-9277 419-422-4624 419-472-6817 800-944-1441 419-238-9689 888-569-9228 419-243-9277 419-332-0695 419-448-8544 419-422-4624 Southeast Region 08/09-08/28 09/16-09-25 10/21-10/30 Shrek, the musical Mousetrap The Uninvited Cambridge Performing Arts Centre Actors Guild of Parkersburg Zane Trace Players 304-485-1300 740-453-8481 Southwest Region 08/05 08/12 09/08 09/09 09/23 09/23 09/28 10/06 10/07 10/07 10/14 10/14 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/29 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 08/13 08/28 09/24 09/25 09/25 10/02 10/08 10/09 10/15 10/23 10/22 10/22 10/29 10/29 10/29 11/06 The Wizard of OZ Beechmont Players Noises Off Drama Workshop Hair Footlighters, Inc. Beau Jest Mariemont Players The Addams Family Acting Up The Rainmaker Fairfield Footlighters The Wedding Singer Sunset Players The Addams Family Greater Hamilton The Faculty Lounge Village Players The Lion in Winter Drama Workshop Murder’s Bad, but Monday… Mason Comm. Players Story Theatre Tri-County Players And Then There Were None Beechmont Players Death of a Salesman CenterStage Players Murder by Natural Causes Milford Theatre Guilde Catch Me if You Can Stagecrafters 513-233-2468 513-598-8303 859-652-3849 513-684-1236 513-494-6062 513-867-5348 513-588-4988 513-737-7529 859-392-0500 513-598-8303 513-398-7804 513-471-2030 513-233-2468 513-588-4910 513-575-9351 513-909-6918 West Region 08/19-09/04 08/20-08/21 08/26-09/04 09/09-09/18 09/16-09/24 09/16-10/02 10/07-10/23 10/28-11-06 The Last Lifeboat To Kill a Mockingbird Nine The Great Gatsby Almost, Maine Camelot The Outgoing Tide Eating Raoul Dayton Theatre Guild Windmill Productions Beavercreek CT Xenia Area CT Troy Civic Theatre Dayton Playhouse Dayton Theatre Guild Beavercreek CT 937-278-5993 937-592-9002 937-429-4737 937-372-0516 937-339-7700 937-424-8477 937-278-5993 937-429-4737 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Cincinnati, Ohio Permit #1481 Ohio Community Theatre Association 464 Sherwood Downs Road South Newark, OH 43055 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED September 2-5, 2016 Holiday Inn Independence check out: for more information The Ohio Community Theatre Association is proud to be associated with: