May 8, 2016 - St Luke Catholic Church
The Church of Saint Luke 818 MAIN STREET STROUDSBURG, PA 18360 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 8, 2016 Pastoral Staff PASTOR Father Carmen J. Perry DEACONS Thomas Hogan Philip F. Zimich Schedule of Liturgical Celebration Saturday Evening--------------------------4:30 pm Sunday ----------------------8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am Sunday Afternoon ------2:00 pm (Polish Mass) Daily Liturgy: As Published Weekly Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday Afternoon ----------------------3:30 pm and anytime by appointment Pastoral Support Staff Lynn Kucharski-------------------Office Manager Noreen Grivner------------------ Office Assistant Maria Stuppiello----------------- Office Assistant Carol Silvoy------------------Religious Education Gary Raish ---------------------------------Organist Michael Yasenchock---------- Cantor/Leader of Song/Choir Director Al Compoly -----------------------------Operations “How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord God of Hosts.” PSALM 84:1 Sacrament of Baptism The Christian Community joyously welcomes new members to our parish of all ages. Parents who wish the Sacrament of Baptism for their children are reminded of the required instructions for this Sacrament. Instructions are held on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month in the Father Barrett Center. Saint Luke’s celebrates Baptism within the Liturgy on the First Saturday of the month at the evening 4:30 pm Liturgy, and again during the 11:00 am Liturgy on the third Sunday of the month. Please call the office to make arrangements. Religious Education (CCD) St. Luke’s is pleased to offer a full program of instruction for students in public schools from grades 1-12 as well as a pre school program. Catholic School St. Luke’s parish shares in a cooperation plan with neighboring parishes in sponsoring Notre Dame Elementary School, Notre Dame High School, and Msgr. McHugh School. For details on the schools and their policies please call the principal. Elementary: Sister Mary Alice Kane, I.H.M., 421-3651 High School: Mr. Jeffrey Lyons, 421-0466 Msgr. McHugh: Mrs. Nicole M. Romano, 595-7463 A STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY TIME, TALENT, TREASURE The Father Francis Barrett Center Office Hours -------Monday - Friday, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm 4:00 - 5:30 pm by appointment Phone -------570-421-9097 Fax -------- 570-421-6015 Email ----------------------- On the web --------- Mission Statement St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church is a parish in the Diocese of Scranton serving the greater Stroudsburg area by bringing Christ, in Word and Sacrament, to a diverse community, while inviting and drawing all into the unity of Christ. A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS His Word Today by Rev. William J. Reilly .Seventh Sunday of Easter May 8, 2016 “As they were stoning Stephen he called out ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice, ‘Lord do not hold this sin against them’, and when he had said this, he fell asleep.”… “Lifting his eyes to heaven, Jesus prayed saying: ‘Holy Father, I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word.’” The prayer of Stephen and the prayer of Jesus offer great lessons for us. The former had great confidence, echoing the words Jesus uttered from the cross, to turn self over to the Father. His prayer, teaches us the gift we can always offer to others, forgiveness. How special to use it in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. The prayer of Jesus, perhaps directed to the apostles and disciples, is also the prayer He continues to offer for us. Think for a moment. In these words of John’s gospel, I find Jesus praying for me, right now, at this moment. Wow! I ask that I can be as prayer filled and forgiving as was Stephen. I ask that the prayer of Jesus for me, will bear fruit today. May is the month of Mary Let us come together and pray the Rosary every Wednesday @ 6:00 PM in the Church. Vacation Bible School 2016 Sponsored by the Stroudsburg Council of Churches Where: St. J ohn’s Evangelical Luther an Chur ch, 9 N. 9th Street Stroudsburg, PA Pentecost Vespers Sunday, May 15th @ 5:00 PM THE HOLY SPIRIT NOVENA We once again join in commemoration of God’s “Spirit” among us with the observation of the “Novena” in its honor. It is the oldest of all Novenas in the church and takes its origin from the words of the Lord Himself. For He told his disciples to “go back to Jerusalem and await the Holy Spirit.” This celebration counts those days. Beginning on May 6th and concluding on May 14th When: Sunday, J une 12th thr ough Thur sday, June 16th 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Who: Childr en Ages 3 thr ough finishing 6th grade. We Need And Welcome Volunteers! We will be holding a training session for volunteers on May 22nd at 3:00 PM at St. John’s Lutheran Church. THE CHURCH OF SAINT LUKE Featured Bulletin Sponsor of the week: WEEKEND OF May 7– 8 2016 Knights of Columbus Council 4084 Announces 3rd Annual Golf Tournament. Benefits Dale & Frances Hughes Cancer Center Friday, May 20, 2016 Cherry Valley Golf Course Information is located at the doors of the church or call (570) 421-1435 or see a Knight All golfers are welcome and if you would like to help please call or see a Knight KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FR. JOHN T. BUTLER COUNCIL 4084 Grand Knight: C. Eugene Halterman Deputy Grand Knight: Bill Jones Meetings are held in the Barrett Center. We thank Monroe Hearing Aid Center for their continued support of our parish bulletin. Please patronize our sponsors. If you would like to advertise in our bulletin, Contact Connie Poremba at 1-800-364-0684 ext. 88 MOCKTAILNIGHT Saturday, May 14, Inviting all Young Adults 18 and Up ! Featur ing: Tag DJs GITM Productions . Spend a night with other young adults dancing, enjoying mocktails and hors d’ oeuvres! No cover charge, but canned good donations appreciated! First 30 guests receive their own personalized glass! Where: McCawley Hall, Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, 1402 Route 209, Gilbert, PA For more information please contact: Angelina Carbone (570) 807-1865 First Monday of the month: Business Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Third Monday of the month: Social Meeting at7:30 p.m. Confirmation Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 4:00 pm with Bishop Timlin Workshop September 29th & October 5th at 6:30 pm in the church. Rehearsals October 13th Students Only at 6:30 pm October 15th Students & Sponsors at 10:00 am THE SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND IS FOR: CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS NEXT WEEKS SECOND COLLECTION WILL BE FOR: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GRADUATES MASS ! It is a long standing tradition at St. Luke’s to recognize our graduating high school students. Mass will be celebrated for them, their family and friends as well as the whole Church community. The date is May 22, 11:00 A.M. Mass followed by a luncheon for graduates and their families. PARISH FINANCIAL NOTES The Parish Council and Finance Committees have asked that we post our weekly collection: Weekly Collection for May 1, 2016 Will be posted next week. THE CHURCH OF SAINT LUKE WEEKEND OF May 7- 8 2016 RCIA RCIA meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the Driebe Ministry Center. If you are an adult who has never been baptized or needs to receive other Sacraments, please call the parish office FAITH SHARING Faith Sharing meets every Monday in the Driebe Center from 7:15 p.m. to approximately 9:00 p.m. Share your faith with other Catholics while reflecting on and discussing the Mass readings for the following Sunday. All are welcome! For more information, please contact Linda Chesko at 570-4971638. ULTREYA There will not be an Ultreya for the month of May . The next meeting will be on June 5th in the Jacques Center from 2 to 4 pm . For more information or questions , please call Tim @ 570– 369-6417 ADS ARE FREE FOR MEMBERS OF SAINT LUKE’S, AND ARE PLACED AS SPACE IS AVAILABLE For Sale: 2 travel-lite bifold pet ramps with tether straps. Holds up to 150 lbs. Used for 3 months, in very good condition. $35.00 each Call 570– 2423991 For Sale: Brass 3-way floor lamp $20.00, 1 floor lamp wood base $ 20.00 Call 570-839-8203 Experienced professional carpenter including all phases of electrical, plumbing, masonry, etc. No job too big or small . Call 570-424-1709 Spring clean-ups - lawn cutting, mulching , top soil, trimming & bush removal call 570– 656-1765 For Sale: Used Medical Equipment - Rolling Walker w/ seat & Backrest, Lightweight Transport Chair, Shower Seat, Standard Walker. Call (570) 421-4131 Viking Riverboat Cruise– November 17-25, 2016 Budapest to Passau. Sail on the Danube River through Germany, Austria, Czech republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Explore Budapest’s imperial delights, take in Bratislava’s baroque wonders and admire Passau’s ancient fortress. Discover why Austria’s Vienna is the “Waltz Capital” and the spectacular Wachau Valley is a wine lover’s dream. You’ll enjoy an included visit to magnificent Melk Abbey and an included full day excursion to Cesky Krumlov. From $ 2,650.00 per person. Call (570) 350-2809 for more information For Sale: Stainless Steel Steam Table- Made by ADMAR of L.I.C. 17 “ W x 32” L propane ready , 2 handles, 5 compartments, 4 legs , 4 extra cups, mustard cup, napkin holder $ 200.00 call 570-476-7693 One bedroom upstairs apartment , all remodeled with full bath . Located @ 29 N. 9th St. Prefer single person, non-smoker, no pets. $900 per month, must pay own utilities. Call (570) 236-6031 Notice Regarding Reporting Sexual Abuse of a Minor It is the policy of the Diocese of Scranton to report any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor to law enforcement. If you are a victim of sexual abuse committed by a priest, deacon, religious or lay employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Scranton, you are encouraged to immediately report the matter to law enforcement. If any priest, deacon, religious, lay employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Scranton has cause or reason to suspect that a minor has been subjected to any form of abuse, including child sexual abuse, the nnatter will be reported to law enforcement. In accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Child Protective Services Laws, reports of suspected child abuse should also be made immediately by phone to the 24-HourChiId Abuse hotline (ChildLine) at 1-800-932-0313 or electronically at It is also the policy of the Diocese to adhere to all civil and state regulations. To this end, the Diocese is equally committed to adhering to the norms of the Code of Canon Law and to upholding the tenets of the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, which includes supporting victims of sexual abuse in their pursuit of emotional and spiritual well-being. As such, information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor should also be reported to the Victim Assistance Coordinator, Joseph DeVizia at (570-862-7551) or to Diocesan officials, including the Vicar General, Monsignor Thomas M. Muldowney, V.G., at (570207-2269). THE CHURCH OF SAINT LUKE WEEKEND OF May 7– 8 2016 Lorraine Albertson Kevin Finn Fran Pallozolo Linda Anderson Joseph Gebhardt Gary Palmer Geovanny Bautista Gordon Family Teresa Pastula Joe Bell Charlie Guerriere Leona Peters Robert Bennett David Hart Joseph B. Peters Tina Berwick Anthony India Lydia Rose Peters Pat Bolcar Sister Janice Joaquim Pires Marian Burns Howard Jenkinson Abigail Possinger Ralph Bush George Kiger Jerry Price Charles Campbell Sebastian Lattuga Thomas Pye Danica Chacon Mary Lear Cecilia Robl Ellen Confer Roseann Lopiano Anita Seminaria Richard Creo Mary Ludlow Agnes Shamp Ceil Crowe Joe Lynch Bob Sledzinski Paul Crowe Frank MacKinney Ted Stevens Sr. Kitty Culnane Jennifer Matlock Melissa Strand Mary Alica Darlington Fr. Thomas McLaughlin Donald T. Strong Mark Davenport Ed McMaster Charlotte Surenko Lida Davenport Marlene Murphy Audrey Toranzo Jack Dempsey Glen Neihart Corrine Volpe Corrine Desterdick Monica Oates FenoVolpe Dolores Dzydzora Maureen O' Laughlin Jim Yoost Sandy Ferrario Bernadette O'Reilly Joan Ferretti Daniel Ortiz We are very proud of our May 2016 Communion Class: Kimberly Acker John Amhurst Brynn Butler Isabella Cameron Chelsea Castellanos Julian Castellanos Davyton Chambers II Alyssa Chromey Grace Coyne Christopher Demilta Andrew Espitia Isabella Farda Kacy Farrell Joel Ferrer Matthew Flannery Joshua Gonzalez Ian Jakubowski Nelly Kolakowski Mikaela Lipitz Marinellys Marte Isabella Masache Cameron Mcllvaine Lucas Medina Sarah Molina Chloe Morris Liam Munian Collin O’ Connor Lucas Pelaez Rick Pendzick Nicolas Petroff Nevaeh Ramirez Alexis Ramos Jayden Vanwhy Aryanna Vidaic SANCTUARY FLOWERS MAY BE DONATED IN MEMORIUM, OR OTHER INTENTION, FOR $75.00 FOR EACH FLORAL ARRANGEMENT. YOU MAY DONATE ONE, TWO OR THREE ARRANGEMENTS. THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IN MEMORY OF GABRIEL PROCACCINO BY MARY, MARK & DANIEL PROCACCINO Sponsor our Saturday Soup Kitchen for $ 250.00 OUR LITURG IES FOR MONDAY, May 9 7:30 A.M. Larry D’ Amico, Sr. by Robert Heller & Family TUESDAY, May 10 7:30 A.M. Special Intentions for all Mothers WEDNESDAY, May 11 7:30 A.M. Joseph Maenza by Claire Coleman SATURDAY, May 14 4:30 P.M. James Hansen by Family Brianna Bunyan by The Blad Family SUNDAY, May 15 8:00 A.M. Jean McLaughlin by The Chester Family Sophie Phillips by Bob & Mary Lou Phillips THURSDAY, May 12 Rose Perry by JC & Marchena Family 9:30 A.M. Deceased Members of the Haycock Family By Ruth Michniewicz Andrew Silock by Family FRIDAY, May 13 7:30 A.M. Special Intentions for all Mothers 11:00 A.M. For the Parish PULA FUNERAL HOME, Inc. Joseph J. Pula, Supervisor Specializing In New York & New Jersey Burials Catholic Parishioners 570-421-7760 23 N O R T H 9 T H S T R E E T · S T R O U D S B U R G , PA 18360 24 Hour KMB Emergency Service PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL INC. LAUREL BEVERAGE Soda • Beer 421-2091 Eye Examinations • Quality Eyewear 1036 North Ninth Street, Stroudsburg (570) 421-2680 830 Monroe Street Behind Saint Lukes A family friendly restaurant with a full menu that will satisfy all tastes. Work 100% Guaranteed 3492 Route 611 Bartonsville PA Traditional & Cremation Services • Pre-Planning Visit us: 570-517-2400 401 N. 5th Street, Stroudsburg PA 18360 “Your Complete Plumbing & Electrical Needs” • Well Pump Service FREE ESTIMATES • Water Conditioning FULLY INSURED • Sewer/Grinder Pump Service P.O. Box 664 • Complete Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling • Boilers/Heating Systems Installed and Repaired (Oil & Gas) Stroudsburg, PA 18360 • Electrical Service (New & Renovations) • Loader/Backhoe Service • Air Conditioning Sales & Service For our full menu and hours ONLY ON LABOR ONLY *Excludes alcoholic beverages and kids meals. Cannot be combined with any other coupons or offers. 570-460-0111 10% OFF FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 10% OFF YOUR ENTIRE CHECK* EARLY HOURS CALL FOR DETAILS 570-424-7474 528 Seven Bridges Road (Route 209) • Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-421-2999 Bring in this coupon to redeem at Mountain Creek Grill “Where Honesty and Integrity Meet” Thursday-Monday • 10:00am-5:00pm Caring, Compassion & Personal Service is our Tradition. We Treat Your Family as if You Were Our Family. MICHAEL J. McKEOWN, INC. REALTORS Fisher’s 570-424-2762 Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC 956 N. 9TH STREET • STROUDSBURG, PA 18360 2625 ROUTE 115 • EFFORT, PA 18330 Tom McKeown Fax 570-424-2755 610-681-4654 1-800-331-6008 Sales/Service: Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor, Bryant/Mitsubishi Ductless, Rinnai Tankless Hot Water Heaters, Rinnai Propane Heaters Sciota, PA 18354 · Express Towel · Exterior Wash · Exterior Turbo Air Dry Lic. # PA001854 $17.95 Per Month Plus Tax Wash as often as you’d like! 570-421-8199 385 N. Courtland St, East Stroudsburg, PA Orthodontics for Children & Adults Dr. Jean Seibold McGill Route 611 • Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (570) 629-5110 Custom Insignia Braces Invisalign Damon Braces 062B (CK) - St. Luke’s, Stroudsburg 1170 West Main Street Stroudsburg 570-424-8166 Contact Allen Blad 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL FOR YOUR V.I.P. APPOINTMENT @ 570-421-6930 EXT. 145 1741 PARADISE TRAIL · ROUTE 447 · EAST STROUDSBURG VISIT US AT: WWW.HALTERMANS.COM For Ads Call: 1-800-364-0684 BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Left W.S. PEENEY, Inc. STROUDSBURG GRANITE CO Heating Oil • Kerosene 24-Hour Burner Service SERVING THE POCONOS SINCE 1944 COLBY BURNETT THIRD GENERATION MEMORIAL CRAFTSMEN All Types of Cemetery Memorials 570-421-9080 1045 Dreher Avenue • Stroudsburg 1745 West Main Street · Stroudsburg QUALITY REPAIRS AT A PRICE THAT’S FAIR MICHELE HORN-ALSBERGE, PH.D. Licensed Psychologist 814 Monroe Street · Suite 105 · Stroudsburg, PA 18360-1590 570-421-3591 O: 570-420-9494 • • C: 570-350-0135 ’s YORK 570-421-6868 We Will Beat Any Written Repair Quote Vinny DNEW DELI AND CATERING · STRAWBERRY FIELDS PLAZA · 730 MILFORD ROAD · EAST STROUDSBURG, PA 18301 484-821-7445 570-801-6022 570-517-0442 565 BANGOR MOUNTAIN ROAD · STROUDSBURG We Are A Business Route 209, Snydersville Full Service Jewelry Store Independently Owned & Operated 308 LEARN ROAD Expert Repair Of Gold, Silver, Watches Superior Craftsmanship 570-872-9797 254 STADDEN ROAD · TANNERSVILLE · 570-730-4142 Ray Price Ian R. Jensen Sales & Leasing 570-421-2000 Are You Ready To Hear Better Again? The Original Serving Friends & Neighbors Since 1972 570-223-2248 / monroe-carbon-counties Restaurant & Catering CASH FOR GOLD 2997 Rte. 611 · Ste. 102 Tannersville 570.619.5510 TANNERSVILLE, PA Honda • Mazda • Volvo 570-992-4003 AUDIOLOGIST ON STAFF 98 H ENRY S TREET · E AST S TROUDSBURG , PA 514 Main Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 MONROE HEARING AID CENTER 4735 Route 447 Canadensis, PA 18325 BrightStar Care® of Stroudsburg Tom & Maureen (Mullins) Modzelewski Proprietors Pizza & Grille 570-595-2636 MONDAY-SATURDAY 9AM-6PM · SUNDAY 10AM-5PM PA STATE INSPECTION ACE AIRPORT & CAR SERVICE Medical & Non-Medical Home Care O: 570-730-4037 · C: 570-977-8655 F: 570-730-4087 2997 R OUTE 611 · T ANNERSVILLE , PA 18372 MAKE YOUR AD STAND OUT FROM THE REST! UPGRADE TO A FULL COLOR AD! Contact Connie Poremba For More Inf o! 1-800-364-0684 X88 ~Serving Area Airports~ 570-476-4327 or 570-424-5580 11 LINDEN STREET · STROUDSBURG, PA NEW YORK · NEW JERSEY · PENNSYLVANIA 570-223-1902 Triplets Family Restaurant Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Dessert Alex & Vicky Kotretsos • Host & Hostess Gift Certificates & Take-Out Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 6AM TO 10PM 570-421-6566 Business Route 209 • 1947 West Main Street • Stroudsburg PA 062B (CK) - St. Luke’s, Stroudsburg For Ads Call: 1-800-364-0684 BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Right Sacrament of Matrimony Religious Education Arrangements for marriages are to be made at least six Our Religious Education program is a collaborative effort be- months in advance with the Parish. One Party to the marriage tween our religious education staff and volunteer coordinators. must be a member of St. Luke’s Church. A detailed “Outline” Religious Education Administration-Carol Silvoy of marriage preparation is available by calling the PARISH OFFICES at 421-9097. Volunteer Coordinators Pre-school-Second Grade and First Communion-Patty Murphy Third Grade-Fifth Grade-John Karolchyk Sixth Grade-Twelfth Grade and Confirmation-Terry Talbott Youth Ministry Youth Ministry is a special concern to our parish. Each week RCIA - Roseann Lopiano activities are offered to our grade school students as well as Religious Articles Store those in high school . Youth activities are open to all parish In an effort to serve those of our parish and community who students. have a need for religious articles and books, St. Luke’s has a Please watch the listing of activities in our Youth Corner in small store for such items available (on a donation basis) in the the Bulletin. Father Barrett Center. Call the Parish Office at 421-9097. High School Education Becoming a Catholic/RCIA All high school students not enrolled in a Catholic School are Each year our parish welcomes men and women to Faith. The required in our parish to participate in religious formation activity. Sessions are held each week on Sunday. Call the Parish Office at 421-9097. Funeral Services program known as RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the means. If you would like information about becoming a Catholic or deepening your Faith commitment. Call the Parish Office at 421-9097. are conducted at the Parish Church for all registered members of the parish. It is our desire to Hospital Visitation Our parish ministry visit the Hospital on a regular basis. Com- assist you in planning a Celebration of the Resurrection that munion is available almost daily at Pocono Hospital from Eu- is most fitting for your circumstance and spiritual need. Times charistic Ministers. It is most helpful that a family member ad- for Funerals are determined by the Church in consultation vise the parish office when you are going into any Hospi- with the proper members of the family. We encourage funer- tal. Anointing of the Sick is offered for all who wish to re- als to be conducted at the Church. Viewing may also be held ceive it. Contact: Parish Office @ 570-421-9097 in the Church. Parish Outreach If you are homebound and would like to receive communion in your home, please contact the Parish Office at 421-9097. Bible Study gathers each Thursday during the months of September through April. The gathering takes place at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Jacques Center. Check the bulletin for current sessions. Parish Membership We encourage your membership in the family of St. Luke’s Church. In our effort to serve your needs a complete Registration as well as a listing of your particular needs will help us. You may use the following form to request parish membership forms to be sent by mail. Mail to: St. Luke’s Church , 818 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Family Name __________________________________________________________ First Name__________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ Phone #____________________________ St. Luke’s is a Stewardship Community requesting that all members be involved in sharing Time, Talent and Treasure. Your 5% Tithe is welcomed.
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