Picture - ABATE of Louisiana, Inc.
Picture - ABATE of Louisiana, Inc.
Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 HA PP Y NE WY 20 16 EAR Ruston Toy Run Christmas 2015 Magnolia Gift Run Christmas 2015 Freedom of the road is NOT Free Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 2 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 On the cover: It’s the season for Christmas events, and A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana and Santa Claus have been vey busy. The BBN Staff wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. RUSTON TOY RUN 2015 4 GNO CHAPTER’S MAGNOLIA GIFT RUN 6 ASK OUR LAWYER 10 MAGNIFICENT MONOGRAMS HOSTS BIKE DAY 15 SE LOUISIANA WAR VETERANS HOME CHRISTMAS PARTY 16 IF IT CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU 20 A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the goals of motorcycle safety, awareness and realistic motorcycle legislation. We are NOT a club. Membership is open to all motorcyclists from all walks of life, riding all types of bikes. A.B.A.T.E. is an acronym for American Bikers Active Toward Education. BAYOU BIKIN’ NEWS is the official publication of A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc. and published bimonthly. Editorial mailing address is: P.O. Box 25 Garyville, LA 70051. The BBN is distributed via direct email, postal service, and through the A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc. website, www.abateoflouisiana.org And has a readership of over 20,000 a month. La. Motorcycle Fatality Crashes As of December, 2015: 79 lahighwaysafety.org/motorcychttp:// datareports.lsu.edu/Reports.aspx? yr=2015&rpt=H7A&p=ci le.html 3 Ollie “Laddie” Elkins NCOM Board of Directors Region V: AR, KY, LA, MS, TN NCOM Rep for A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana laddiee@eatel.net Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 RUSTON RUSTON CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS TOY TOY RUN RUN 2015 2015 T “Mom, there’s Santa on a Motorcycle!” All the children I saw on the route were smiling and waving to Santa, wishing secretly that they could have been riding on Santa’s Harley with him. What a nice Christmas wish for a child. he Ruston Toy Run 2015 riders began to gather on Saturday, December 12th. Santa arrived early as the wonderful toys and all trimmings donated by friends and riders all from the surrounding area began to find their way into Santa's bag. There was a great turnout as this event unfolded. Everyone had a great time seeing old and new friends, sipping coffee donated by Starbucks and donuts donated by Daylight Donuts of Ruston. As we rode through the North Louisiana winding roads, bikes in perfect uniform, all I could hear was "vroom vroom". The couple next to me had Jingle Bells rockin on their awesome Harley sound system. We saw laughter and lots of hugs as the time grew nearer for the much anticipated Ruston Toy Run. At 10:30 we had the ride meeting, followed by prayer. At 11 a.m. everyone could hear the roar of 135 Motorcycles fire up, The roar could be heard for miles around. Santa took the highway with all in tow. The ride was on...we were off, in the wind. We were escorted through town by RPD, then out of town by LPSO. The ride was nonstop as everyone twisted their throttles making everyone aware that we were coming through. After our 21-mile ride we returned to a HUGE pot of chili and all the fixings donated by Campatori Catering of Ruston. The line was very long, so while I waited for it to thin out, I sat back and enjoyed some wonderful music provided by Roses and Revolvers. Everyone had a huge bowl of chili as they sat at round tables, crackers blowing in the wind, talking about their Christmas Spirit this year, so many smiles and laughter. As the music continued we started getting together the anticipated contingency prize drawings. Our Chapter President and Vice President started pulling tickets and calling numbers. What a great year this year was. All the tickets in the bucket were called and still there were gifts remaining on the table. During our ride, their were many bystanders saying, Then came the also-anticipated cake and cookie auction. I will not say who the ones with the sweet tooth were, you know who you are. As the bids grew and grew, we all had a wonderful laugh during the auction. Cakes and cookies were shared amongst all friends. All the local businesses were so generous. Roses and Revolvers commenced to playing and singing as the event started to wind down. I saw some tears and lots of hugs as many had to depart to attend other Christmas events and rides later that day. As we said our goodbyes to all our friends, what a 4 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 great day, ride, bikes, food, fellowship, and laughter. There was a truckload of toys and canned goods collected for Lincoln Achieve, Community action. Thanks to the local chapter C.M.A. for all the help they provided. Also want to thank all the wonderful group of people to helped do this and especially the ones that rode Ruston Toy Run 2015. See you all next year. Psst...I hear Santa will be coming again next year. A huge shout out to North Central Chapter A.B.A.T.E. members for all the hard work. D 5 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 GNO GNO CHAPTER’S CHAPTER’S MAGNOLIA MAGNOLIA GIFT GIFT RUN RUN G NO Motorcyclist Charity Foundation and ABATE of Louisiana’s GNO Chapter put on its 34th Annual Gift Run for the Magnolia ommunity Services in Jefferson, La. December 6, 2015 it was a beautiful summer day for December, typical for New Orleans, right? It was in the mid 70s, a little Hot for Santa. Whew !!! We lined up at Avondale Truck stop on Hwy 90 for 10:00 am, left there at 12:00 and headed out for the Magnolia Community Services Center with over 200 bikes behind Santa and Ms. Claus. Such a beautiful site, and many thanks to all the support the biker community gives to this event all these years. Its a 22 mile escorted ride with the help of Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office and other municipal officers who come out to make this a safe event. We had lunch with the clients while Santa and his elves gave out gifts to the 136 people at the center. They love to see Santa and all those bikers and when they hear all those police sirens all those smilimg happy faces they know they not forgotten by Santa. I want to think Glen McGovern for all he done to make this event happen , and Harry Delaune, Dennis Melancon and Terri Key for their hard work and dedication on putting this event together. Thanks also to my elves Jessica Scarborough, Barbara (Mouse) Powell, Elania McGovern for there help om passing out the gifts...and to Elania on the outstanding job on the calling out the clients names. I also want to thank these bike clubs for there on going support as well: Red Knights, Blue Knights, Wego Riders, Gold Wing Riders, CMA Reedemed Riders 608 Chapter for their many years of support with this event, and to all you bikers who came out for the ride; you all have blessed the clients at the school and me for the past 8 years I have been Santa. I thank you from the bottom of my heart its been a pleasure being Santa and doing this run. God bless one and all you. David (Santa Claus) Key GNO Chapter 6 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 7 Bayou Bikin’ News September-October 2015 A.B.A.T.E. OF LOUISIANA SUPPORTS NCOM Law Offices of Richard M. Lester Founder,• 110 AidOffices to Injured Motorcyclists Throughout North America • Free Legal Consultation • No Recovery = No Fee • We Make House Calls • Attorneys in Every State & Providence Who Ride • No Fees on Motorcycle Damage Recovered • Also Auto Accidents 24 HOURS -TOLL FREE (800) ON-A-BIKE We are endorsed by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists and more than 2,000 motorcycle We are endorsed the National Coalitionand of groups throughoutby the United States Motorcyclists and more than 2,000 motorcycle Canada, and serve as Legal Counsel for the groups throughout the United States and Confederation of Clubs. Canada, and serve as Legal Counsel for the Confederation of Clubs. Not Just Just ONE ONE Attorney Attorney -- The The A.I.M. A.I.M. Team Team To To Help Help You You Not ATTENTION A.B.A.T.E. A.B.A.T.E. OF OF LOUISIANA LOUISIANA MEMBERS: MEMBERS: OUR OUR NATIONWIDE NATIONWIDE NETWORK NETWORK ATTENTION OF A.I.M. A.I.M. ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS DONATE DONATE AA SIGNIFICANT SIGNIFICANT PORTION PORTION OF OF THEIR THEIR FEES FEES FROM FROM OF MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT ACCIDENT SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENTS BACK BACK INTO INTO MOTORCYCLING MOTORCYCLING BY BY MOTORCYCLE BEING THE THE SOLE SOLE FINANCIAL FINANCIAL SPONSOR SPONSOR OF OF THE THE NATIONAL NATIONAL COALITION COALITION OF OF BEING MOTORCYCLISTS. MOTORCYCLISTS. Visit us us on on the the web web at at www.onabike.com www.onabike.com Visit 2 24 HO TOLL (800) O BIKE Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 Robert “Doc” Wagner 261 Larry Henry Rd, West Monroe, LA 71292 318-789-2111 rwrevdoc@gmail.com www.hellfighters.org ACADIANA CHAPTER 2015 OFFICERS (L TO R) Earline Richard, Vice President James Howse, Advocate Cheryl Stelly, President Georgia Tauzin, Secretary/Treasurer Ronald Dugas, Road Captain Jerome Tauzin, Sergeant At Arms NORTHEAST CHAPTER WASHINGTON PARISH CHAPTER 2015 OFFICERS (L TO R) Bruce Roberts, President Barbara Langlois, Secretary Michael “Spike” Walle, Sergean at Arms Lisa Falgoust, Advocate Bob Walton, Vice President 2014 OFFICERS Bobby Murphy, President Marc Jolly, Vice President Bebe Martin, Secretary/Treasurer Troy Pardue, Sergeant-at-Arms 9 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 ASK OUR LAWYER charge. HOW TO DEAL WITH A TRAFFIC TICKET THAT IS WRONG I’m being investigated by the local cops. The allegations are bogus, but they won’t tell me who made the charge. [ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends are notorious illinformants] The police will only say it was confidential information. Is there anything I can do? — ABATE MEMBER. David Hendy, long time ABATE member, got a ticket on his 94 Dyna Glide. He called for advice and here is his story. While heading down a Chicago street with three travel lanes but two of which were not marked, David notice a police officer writing a ticket up ahead and off to his right. He was aware of the rule to make way for the police officer. He slowed to a safe speed, moving as far left as he could safely, to give the officer more room. That officer stopped writing the ticket and stepped out in front of him and cited him for not moving into the unmarked adjacent lane which was occupied by another vehicle. David believed that the ticket was wrongfully issued as he did all he could do safely to give way to the officer (I wonder if louder pipes had anything to do with it?) A Probably not. In most cases, the identity of informants can be kept confidential unless and until formal charges have been brought and that informant is identified as a witness. Until then, it is difficult, if not impossible, to learn the identify of that person. That does not mean, however, that there are no limits on what an informer can do. If the identity of the informant is known, and the information given to the police is false, the informant can be sued for defamation. And if the informant is lying, the prosecutor can bring charges against the informant for providing false information to the police. David requested our advice as to how to defend the ticket as he did not want to plead guilty since he believed he was in the right and did not want points assessed against his license. Even though he protested vigorously at the scene, the officer did not accept his explanation, but did seem somewhat perplexed when the non marking of lanes was raised as an issue. DOGS HAVE SEARCH LIMITS TOO Q I've seen on several occasions that a police officer will use a dog to sniff a car or bike that has been stopped for a traffic stop to see if there are any drugs. I would like to know if there is any research determining if drug sniffing dogs employed by police during traffic stops are actually detecting drugs or whether they are doing what their handlers want them to do. Do you have any thoughts? ABATE MEMBER Even though you may not have time to screw with it, my stock advice to all is to never, ever pay a wrongfully issued ticket for a lot of reasons - principles, points, adverse impact on CDL holders etc. Same here, even though David could have paid it or sought deferral which would have nixed any points and saved him a lot of time and trouble. Dealing with the court system in downtown Chicago is not for the faint of heart. David wanted to fight it and good for him. We armed him with the basics; list the facts chronologically for the court, bring photos of the area and tell your story to the judge. And if you have a perfect driving record bring a copy of it to parade before the court. It is usually thought not to be relevant, but most judges will let you have your say. He went to traffic court fully armed with a defense to the citation, but the police officer failed to show, which happens in cases where the police officer facts are thin. When the officer failed to show the judge threw ticket out. Many officers will not show up for trial regarding questionable traffic citations. In those cases the court will almost always dismiss the ticket as they can usually read between the lines. In this case, the day was won by David, his principles and the facts. A You've raised an interesting issue. I haven't seen any cases on this question lately but if a person has been arrested on a drug possession charge in a case like that, they could file a request to see the training records for the dog that did the sniffing. Records of training for the dogs should be available to see if we have a real drug dog or a plant. Some cases have held that the police can use a dog during a traffic stop, but cannot prolong a stop just to bring a dog in. In other words, the police have to have a reasonable cause to detain you past the period necessary to deal with a traffic stop, and so would have to have probable cause before the dogs can be brought in. However, if the dog is already on the scene, the officer can have the dog sniff the car while the traffic stop is in progress. That is if he is really a drug sniffer. COPS JUST DOING THEIR JOB; THE BAD IS YOUR EX Q continued on page 18 I’m being investigated by the local cops. The allegations are bogus, but they won’t tell me who made the 10 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 TECHE AREA CHAPTER 2015 OFFICERS (L to R) Ed Oubre, President James Landry, Vice President Debbie Oubre, Secretary/Treasurer Debbie Blanchard, CoC Representatiive Greg Solomon 1618 Marshall St. Shreveport, LA 71101 Phone: 318-673-1006 Fax: 318-673-1056 gosolomon@bellsouth.net 11 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 12 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 “The only real motorcycle hearse in the Tri-State Area.” Griffin Funeral Home, LLC. 7427 Cypress Street West Monroe, Louisiana 71291 Telephone: 318-396-3191 TITAN BOBBER www.griffinfuneralhome.net (Built by Squirrel & Sherry’s Motorcycle Shop, Same Day Service……………………………………………………………………………………...$4,575.00 This price includes: Your choice of 20 Gauge Non-Gasketed Steel Casket (Blue, Grey, Coppertone, Pink, or White), Basic Services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and staff for visitation, staff for funeral services, transfer of remains to funeral home within 100 miles, use of motorcycle hearse or regular hearse within 100 miles, utility vehicle, embalming, other preparations of body, register book, thank you cards, programs, DVD tribute, and temporary grave marker. Direct Cremation………………………………………………………………...................….........$1,895.00 This price includes: Basic Services of Funeral Director and staff, transfer of remains to funeral home within 100 miles, Coroner Authorization Fee, Crematory Fees, and Temporary Urn. Direct Cremation with Memorial Service……………………..….................…………….…….....$2,595.00 This price includes: Basic Services of Funeral Director and staff, transfer of remains to funeral home within 100 miles, Coroner Authorization Fee, Crematory Fees, and Temporary Urn, Use of facilities for visitation and funeral service (Monday-Friday), Coroner Authorization Fee, Crematory Fees, and Temporary Urn . NOT INCLUDED: Newspaper Obituary, Sales Tax, Cemetery Charges, and other merchandise. “Always The Affordable Choice” ****Prices Subject to Change Without Notice Photo- 13 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 SABINE PARISH CHAPTER 2015 OFFICERS (L TO R) Larry Alford, President Don Case, Delegate Willie-Jean Cannon, Secretary Freddie Grappe, Vice President MEMBERSHIP NEWS If you have a change of address please email it to barb1106@yahoo.com Barbara Sikes Membership Coordinator D Patriot Guard Riders Standing for Those Who Stood for Us 14 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 MAGNIFICENT MONOGRAMS HOSTS BIKE DAY M agnificent Monograms held its Grand Opening ON August 8, 2015, and Stacey Knapp (the owner) invited motorcyclists to the festivities. BACA and Fallen Riders set up tents, as well as Thunder Roads magazine and several vendors. ABATE's tent was there as well, represented by 4 chapters (GNO, Northlake, Washington Parish, and Acadiana). The Fallen Riders provided Jambalya for all, and a rocking three piece band played in the afternoon. Riders came in and out all day, starting at about 10AM. Magnificent Monograms sells (among other items) biker related jewelry, vests and shirts, 15 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 SE LOUISIANA WAR VETERANS HOME CHRISTMAS PARTY S pecial thanks to all ABATE Chapter members that participated in the Veterans Christmas Party. Thanks to all CMA and American Legion members for their participations and sharing this special event with us along with each and every individual person that attended and provided help. Thanks to Curtis for getting the band “Light Alibi” to donate their Sunday and playing for the Veterans, and they even danced. It was a great turn out and the desserts by Ms. Barbara, Washington Parish ABATE Chapter, and our very own Barb, were fantastic. Again, thank you all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each and every one of you and your family. May God bless you and keep you safe. See ya’ll next year. Sue Stoiltz North Lake Chapter 16 TITAN BOBBER Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 Narrow sidecar... ...Get me outta here!! D 17 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 continued from page 10 ASK OUR LAWYER WHERE THERE’S A WILL, THERE’S A WAY - HENRY GELDMEIER PASSED AWAY AND GAVE TO ABATE recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24-hour toll-free telephone number. Call us at 1-(800) -25-RIDER. Questions? Submit them to: RodTaylor@abatelegal.com © 2016.] Henry Geldmeier took the ABATE RIDER COURSE many years ago. Did not know him well but knew that he was an owner of a grain elevator. He lived alone, with his motorcycles. And he saved his money - more money that most. And he was good hearted to those that made a difference in his life . Henry’s will directed that five thousand dollars of his estate be set aside to ABATE in remembrance of the good they do. D MOREHOUSE PARISH CHAPTER So do you want to remember your favorite motorcycle rights organization like Henry did? When you make out your will, you can include a gift to your favorite MRO. Whether it's your state ABATE organization or some other MRO, your support in your will ensure that your love of motorcycling is carried on. So set aside an amount that you can afford. Even if it is a $100.00 or $1,000.00 or just your favorite bike, you help insure the future of motorcycling in America. 2015 OFFICERS (L to R) Ride Safe & Free, Scott Barr, Treasurer Kristi Morrison, Secretary Greg Morrison, Sergeant at Arms Lisa Barmore, President Rod Taylor ABATE Legal Services abatelegal.com [All questions from ABATE members are answered confidentially unless otherwise authorized and only after the matter is concluded, except when authorization for publication anonymously or otherwise is given for pending matters. Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conforming to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 ⅓%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. ABATE members are not charged for Does your chapter have a member who deserves special mention? Send us a name and a picture, and tell us about him or her. 18 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 BOSSIER PARISH CHAPTER 3199 TERRACE AVENUE, SLIDELL LA (985) 641-3401 or (888) 300-2999 STORE HOURS 10 AM - 6 PM MONDAY thru SATURDAY 2015 OFFICERS (L to R) Jack Klorik, President Rick Lindsey, Vice President Courtney Boynton, Secretary Greg Solomon, Treasurer Tommy Breedlove, Sergeant At Arms Motorcycle & Sport Bike Jackets / 2nd Chance Vests Scorpion, Daytona, DOT & Snell & Novelty Helmets Men’s and Ladies Vests / Hugger Gloves Leather Chaps / Gloves / Wallets / Backpacks Double-H, Chippewa, & Milwaukee Boots Over 1000 Patches in stock sewn on FREE while you wait Saddlebags and T-packs Tool Bags / Helmet Mohawks / Windshield Bags Children’s Leathers / Kruzer Kaddys Battery Tenders / Wind Chimes Flag Poles & Replacement Flags TAKE OLD SPANISH TRAIL OFF I-10, EXIT 263, AND GO ONE MILE WEST, TURN NORTH BEHIND JACKS JANDY IMPORTS IS ON THE LEFT BIKE NITE Every Wednesday 7 pm ET D! FOO K BUC CIALS! E P S WE ARE 0UR BROTHERS’ AND SISTERS’ KEEPERS 19 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 IF IT CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU M quickly to the yield and not appearing as if he would stop, so she stopped. My job in the biker world is to protect the back doors of friends, and believe me, I am extremely protective. A few of them, but especially my friend Ginger, have told me they always feel much safer when I’m behind them. I have ridden behind Ginger multiple times, including all over the state of Louisiana behind Ginger and her husband, John. Let me stop here and say I always check, double check, and even triple and quadruple check for my biker brothers and sisters. The best and truest friends I have are bikers; I have always watched out for them. I wasn’t texting; my phone was in my purse in the passenger seat; I wasn't even talking on the phone; I wasn’t tired; I was totally aware…or so I thought. arch 14, 2015 will be embedded in my mind for the rest of my life. I would love to forget and pretend it never happened, but I can’t forget and won't let it happen. Saturday, March 14, 2015 is a day that has impacted both of our lives. I drove to Ginger’s the night before to have some girl time and catch up as we hadn’t had much time together in the last several months since she and John lived in Donaldsonville, but she was living back in the CenLa area putting her a lot closer to me. We had so much fun the night of Friday the 13th.. John was down south working so it was just the two of us. According to an app on Facebook, Ginger was supposed to die March 12th; we had a good laugh about that. Two sisters who hadn’t been able to see each other in a while having a blast is the best way to describe the night. Arriving back at her house, we visited more before we finally went to bed. We had the A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc State Board meeting Saturday Morning; I had finally talked her into going to a state meeting with Ginger & me, 11/15/15 me. We got up the next morning still laughing, drinking coffee, and being silly before we started getting ready. Ginger was excited to be riding her bike, a beautiful Sportster 883 she hadn’t been able to ride in a while due to all of the heavy rains we had been having and the 14 th was a beautiful day. We rode into Alexandria from Pineville on Hwy 165 with me riding behind Ginger, “protecting her” as I always do. When I ride behind Ginger it is always to the front of my mind: protect her, don’t let anyone hurt her! The ride so far had been great, then we were on MacArthur Drive, turning onto Louise to England Drive to go to AmVet's. We had the only right of way at the intersection. Ginger disappeared and I was looking to see where she was, I came almost a complete stop, looked to my left when I saw a car jumping as if it wasn't sure if he should go or not. My thought was do not let him get behind Ginger so I started to go. Ginger had seen the same car coming I heard it before I saw it. I had bumped Ginger on her bike. I saw Ginger’s arms go up in the air the way a ref will do for touchdown… then my friend disappeared. As soon as I heard it, I put on my brakes and put the car in park. Thank you, God for giving me enough sense to do that without thinking or hesitating!! I remember throwing the door open and screaming her name, I just knew I had killed my best friend. There is no feeling in the world like thinking you have just killed someone you love; I hope and pray to never have that feeling again or that any of you have to feel it. The best news of all, my friend was alive!! But then I was worried about her back or neck being broken or a concussion or anything truly serious. So what do I do? She starts to photo by Frosty raise up and I holler at her, "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO MOVE, LAY DOWN!" & push her back down. Yeah, true story. Thank you, Lord again because immediately a lady biker with a Combat Vet patch came up telling us she was trained and told Ginger not to move; she took over and had someone call 911. She was also headed to the State Board meeting; many heading to the meeting stopped to checked on Ginger. Ginger had no broken bones; she had a gash on her leg, about 3 inches long, an inch and a half deep. She hurt but she’s alive. I sent a text to our State VP, Rob Breedlove telling him I quit; I’m out of the biker world because I “ran over” my best friend. I told Ginger, our A.B.A.T.E. friends at the hospital with us, and Ginger’s husband, John I was out. How could I “run over” my best friend and continue, to be a part of (out of all organizations) A.BA.T.E.? All of them told me I wasn't allowed to quit. I type this part with a big Continued on page 26 20 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 GNO CHAPTER NORTHLAKE CHAPTER OFFICERS 2015 ((L to R) Glenn McGovern, Vice President Harry Delaune, Secretary Dennis Melancon, President David Key, Treasurer 2015 OFFICERS (L to R) TANGIPAHOA CHAPTER Steve Howardell, Delegate-at-Large Barbara Carlin, Secretary Mel Stoltz, President Kelly Smith, Treasurer Carl Hursky, Vice President NORTHWEST CHAPTER 2015 OFFICERS (L to R) Blasko, President Hogin, Vice President Misfire, Secretary/Membership Coordinator Mad Mike, Chaplain/Sergeant at Arms 2015 OFFICERS Jim Lindsey, President Clint Furgason, Vice President Richard Tate, Treasurer Anita Furgason, Secretary Lonnie Thacker, Sergeant at Arms Laura Postlethwait, Membership Coordinator Patriot Guard Riders Standing for Those Who Stood for Us 21 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 NCOM CONFERENCE 2015 N ovember 14th marked the opening of the National Coalition of Motorcyclsts in Metairie, LA. A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana members far outnumbered those of other organizations, and Laddie, our NCOM representative, voiced his pride at the good showing. Speakers included Laddie, AIM and other lawyers, Several subjects were discussed, including proposed legislation and the Waco incident.I was a very informative presentation, and our members should plan to make a future conference when possible. D 22 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 NORTH CENTRAL CHAPTER NATCHITOCHES CHAPTER NO PHOTO AVAILABLE OFFICERS 2015 2015 OFFICERS (L TO R) Rob Breedlove, President Penny Houston, Vice President/Membership Coord. Roger Farrar, Treasurer Tonya Duran, Secretary Jeff Ferguson, Sergeant-at-Arms Gene Murphy, Chaplin Duffy Houston, Advocate Rick Young, Public Relations Officer Casey Jones, Delegate Tammy DeDon, Vice President Phillip Mitchell, President Theresa Mitchell, Secretary/Treasurer Jason Lindsey, Sergeant-at-Arms Debbie Oswald, Secretary (not in photo) UNION PARISH CHAPTER CENTRAL CHAPTER 2015 OFFICERS (L to R) Beverly Polk, La. Freedom Fighter Coordinator Marion Polk, Sergeant-at-Arms Steve Bouton Debbie Bouton, Secretary/Treasiurer President, Darron Hartley Lori Splawn, Brenda Ramo, Activity Coordinator Lynn Stoneman,Vice President 2015 OFFICERS (L to R) Donnie Brown, President Randy Almond, Vice President Anita Harper, Treasurer Charles Payne, Delegate Lucita Foster, Secretary (not in photo) 23 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 STATE PRESIDENT STATE VICE PRESIDENT STATE SECRETARY Randy Postlethwait Rob Breedlove Anita Furgason 318-871-6409 318-680-0269 318-294-8414 statepresident@abateoflouisiana.org statevp@abateoflouisiana.org statesecretary@abateoflouisiana.org STATE TREASURER LEGISLATIVE COORDINATOR LEGISLATIVE COORDINATOR Jim Lindsey Cecil Crawford Theresa Neff 318-286-8226 318-255-8096 318-564-2765 statetreasurer@abateoflouisiana.org legislative@abateoflouisiana.org legislative@abateoflouisiana.org SHARE THE ROAD COORDINATOR STATE PUBLIC RELATIONS (S) STATE PUBLIC RELATIONS (N) Dennis Melancon Stacey “Snoopy” Conly 318-294-8414 504-450-0521 318-510-1941 mapc@abateoflouisiana.org pr@abateoflouisiana.org pr@abateoflouisiana.org STATE ADVOCACY COORDINATOR STATE GROWTH COORDINATOR NCOM REPRESENTATIVE Bobby Murphy Bobby Murphy Ollie “Laddie” Elkins 318-348-9508 318-348-9508 225-305-7436 advocacy@abateoflouisiana.org voter@abateoflouisiana.org laddiee@eatel.net STATE STORE MANAGER MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR WEBMASTER Clark McClendon Barbara Sikes Chris “Blasko” Bigner Clint Furgason 318-294-8414 225-698-9070 abatestatestore@gmail.com membership@abateoflouisiana.org 985-507-4689 webmaster@abateoflouisiana.org BAYOU BIKIN’ NEWS EDITOR Harry Delaune D 985-415-3468 newsletter@abateoflouisiana.org D Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 ACADIANA CHAPTER BOSSIER PARISH CHAPTER CENTRALCHAPTER Cheryl “Patches” Stelly Jack Klorik Darron Hartley Chapter President Chapter President Chapter President 337-290-0482 318-455-1456 318-623-0054 vpacadiana@abateoflouisiana.org bossierchapter@abateoflouisiana.org centrallouisiana@abateoflouisiana.org Meets on 3rd Saturday of the month at 10 am Meets on 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 pm Meets on 1st Tuesday of the month Café Josephine 818 Napoleon Ave Sunset, LA VFW Post #5951 1315 Northgate Rd. Bossier City, La. AMVETS Post #7 3409 England Drive Alexandria, LA GNO CHAPTER MOREHOUSE CHAPTER NATCHITOCHES CHAPTER Dennis Melancon Lisa Barmore Phillip Mitchell Chapter President Chapter President Chapter President 504-450-0521 318-348-2922 318-581-4454 gnochapter@abateoflouisiana.org mhpchapter@abateoflouisiana.org natchitoches@abateoflouisiana.org Meets on last Saturday of month at 10 am Meets at 10 am, see web page for dates Meets on 2nd Friday of the month at 7 pm New Orleans Harley-Davidson 6015 Airline Dr. Metairie, LA Skeeter’s Social Club (21 or over to enter) 3482 New Monroe Rd Bastrop, LA Cane River Bar & Grill 61125 Washington St. Natchitoches, LA NORTH CENTRAL CHAPTER NORTHEAST CHAPTER NORTHLAKE CHAPTER Rob Breedlove Bobby Murphy Mel Stoltz Chapter President Chapter President Chapter President 318-4527604 318-348-3036 985-892-8775 northcentral@abateoflouisiana.org northeast@abateoflouisiana.org northlake@abateoflouisiana.org Meets on 4th Thursday of the month at 7 pm Meets 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm Meets on 1st Sunday of the month at 10 am VFW Hall 200 Memorial Dr. Ruston, LA Big Top 2055 Old Natchitoches Rd West Monroe, LA Ya-Ya’s Daquiri Depot Hwy 190 & Hwy 25 Covington, LA NORTHWEST CHAPTER SABINE CHAPTER TANGIPAHOA CHAPTER Jim Lindsey Larry Alford Chris “Blasko” Bigner Chapter President Chapter President Chapter President 318-286-8226 318-508-0633 985-507-4689 northcentral@abateoflouisiana.org Meets on 3rd Saturday of month at 10 am Chimi V’s 2050 Old Minden Rd. Bossier City, LA tangipahoa@abateoflouisiana.org Meeting Tuesday at 6:30 pm Fox's Pizza Many, LA Meets on 2nd Sunday of the month at 2 pm AMVets Post #68 26890 Hwy 42 Springfield, LA TECHE AREA CHAPTER UNION PARISH CHAPTER WASHINGTON PARISH CHAPTER Ed Oubre Donnie Brown Bruce Roberts Chapter President Chapter President Chapter President 337-229-1518 318-245-3790 985-773-3554 unionpresident@abateoflouisiana.org washingtonparish@abateoflouisiana.org Meets on 1st Thursday of the month at 7pm Meets on 1st Saturday of month at 10:30 am Ol’ Hickory Café 807 S. Main St. Farmerville, LA Masonic Lodge 901 Cleveland St. Franklinton, LA Meets 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm Bailey Sports Bar & Grill 101 N. Main St. Loreauville, LA 25 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 IF IT CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU Continued from page 20 GINGER & JOHN WILLIAMS & ME August 2, 2015 smile on my face knowing they still love and want me. 14th, but I told her absolutely not! I keep being told “everything happens for a reason” and Ginger keeps saying “if it happened to you, it could happen to anyone.” I have been told I have to tell our story, so here I am. I sat down the day after the accident and wrote this. Ginger & I both were so blessed, so lucky; the most serious physical thing was a gash on her leg. I still relive the accident through nightmares at times, but they are less frequent thankfully! It really bothered me that I didn’t see Ginger even though she was there, I couldn’t understand how I didn’t see her as careful as I always am….always! We have since learned the section between the windshield and the door is a major blind spot plus there are frequent accidents at that intersection. I just want everyone to know, “IF IT HAPPENED TO ME, IT CAN ALSO HAPPEN TO YOU!!!” Those are Ginger’s words for me to use and guess what, she still trusts and loves me and wants me protecting her back door! Eight months, 1 day after the accident I finally rode behind Ginger again. She wanted me to ride behind her the day before, which just happened to be another Saturday the D 26 Bayou Bikin’ News January - February 2016 A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc. STRATEGIC PLAN VISION: A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc. is the organization that represents motorcyclists’ interests by providing leadership to achieve safety, individual freedom and rights. MISSION: Initiate, endorse and sponsor educational programs through rider education, public awareness, legislative and affirmative action. Create and promote a positive image of motorcyclists groups. Encourage good will and mutual understanding among motorcyclists, law enforcement personnel and the general public. Serve as an information source pertaining to current laws, pending legislation, personnel rights, political inclinations of elected officials and their constituents, ABATE lobbying and endorsements, and voter awareness. Act as a central responsive agency to devise and coordinate recreational, legislative, educational and charitable activities. THE BBN IS YOUR A.B.A.T.E. NEWSLETTER Thanks to those who contribute SEND US YOUR IDEAS AND ARTICLES! newsletter@abateoflouisiana.org 985-415-3468 CORE VALUES: Motorcyclists are dedicated to freedom of the road. Motorcycles serve as a legal means of transportation be it primary or recreational. Motorcycles are environmentally friendly when it comes to fuel consumption and wear/tear on roadways. Motorcyclists are community minded as shown and represented by all the events participated in, in the name of charities and benefits. BAYOU BIKIN’ NEWS ADVERTISING FEES Published Bi-Monthly Business Card $10.00 per Issue / ¼ Page $20.00 per Issue / ½ Page $40.00 per Issue / Full Page $80.00 per Issue Ads pre-paid for one year get 1 issue FREE and a sponsor spot on our website! KEY STRATEGIC GOALS: Promote the continued use of motorcycles on the public highways and byways. Continue gaining support of the public and policy makers to enable A.B.A.T.E. to fulfill its mission. To increase partnerships with other groups and allies that will help accomplish the mission of A.B.A.T.E. Assess all activities, programs and operations of A.B.A.T.E. in order to strive for continual improvement of our organization. Business Card $50.00 per Year / ¼ Page $100.00 per Year / ½ Page $200.00 per Year / Full Page $ 400.00 per Year Send check or money order to: A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc. Newsletter, P.O. Box 25, Garyville, LA 70051 Bayou Bikin’ News Deadline: 15th day of even numbered months Bayou Bikin’ News Editorial Guidelines- A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana Inc. welcomes your news, opinions, comments, complaints and suggestions on motorcycle-related issues. All articles must include your name and address, and may be edited for contents and clarity. Any articles from any other publication must include the name of the publication, page number and issue number. We do not accept slanderous, accusing letters, profanities or nonABATE of LA related letters. A.B.A.T.E. of LA reserves the right to refuse or edit any article, photo, letter or advertisement that is determined not to be in the best interest of the organization or it’s members. A.B.A.T.E. of LA accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions from reprinted materials contained within this publication. A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc Newsletter P.O. Box 25 Garyville, LA 700051 harryluc1@aol.com 985-415-3468 A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc State Office 27 Signed ____________________________ I agree to comply with A.B.A.T.E. rules for motorcycle events. I understand that all benefits become effective upon receipt of my membership card. I agree not to hold A.B.A.T.E. responsible for accidents that may occur at A.B.A.T.E. events. Membership dues and donations are NOT tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Legislaive Donation (Optional) ______$5 ______$10 ______Other (Enter Amount) Voter Registration Number________________________ Chapter __________________ Amount Enclosed _______________ Referred By ______________________ Emergency Contact Name ________________________ Emergency Contact Number __________________ Email _________________________________________ Date of Birth____________ Phone: (____) _______________________________________ City __________________________ St _____ Zip __________ Address ____________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ New ___ Renew ___ Date ____________________ RETURN ADDRESS: ABATE of Louisiana, Inc, Newsletter P.O. Box 25 Garyville, LA 70051 A.B.A.T.E. of Louisiana, Inc. P.O. Box 541, St. Amant, LA 70774 Mail to: Make check of Money Order to A.B.A.T.E. of LA., Inc. of Louisiana A.B.A.T.E. Membership Application New Members/Renewals Only $20.00 each Youth Membership: $5.00 Life Membership: $150.00 single, $225.00 couple January - February 2016 Bayou Bikin’ News 28
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