Catholic Community Radio - Center of Jesus the Lord
Catholic Community Radio - Center of Jesus the Lord
Center of Jesus the Lord at Our Lady of Good Counsel Need Intercessory Prayer?... Call 504-529-HOPE (4673) Thank You to Patrick Mallinson Donations to the Homeless Ministry Magnificat Center of the Holy Spirit The Magnificat center is a retreat house that offers a serene environment for all kinds of retreats. Located in the beautiful pines of Ponchatoula, LA. We can house up to 78 overnight guests and offer much more. Call Cindy Scardina @ 1-225-773-9583 for more info or to book your retreat today. 1307 Louisiana Ave. New Orleans, Louisiana 70115 (504) 529-1636 Fax: (504) 529-5003 Prayer Request Line: (504) 529-HOPE (4673) E-mail: Web Site: NEED ONGOING HEALING AND FOLLOW UP? Inner Healing Prayer Spiritual Direction Schedule your appointment through the office Catholic Community Radio "Mighty 690 AM" now broadcasting as WIST. It also comes with an FM translator on 104.9 FM. Stewards of Mercy Provides a mercy meal after funeral for grieving families If you or someone you know have a need for this services please call the Center of Jesus the Lord at 504-529-1636 Join CBIB ~ Compassionate Burial of Indigent Babies This ministry assists families who have lost babies to unexpected complication or circumstances. Please call Lise Naccari at 202-3111 for info Governing Body: Joe Polito, Nanette Hery, Dottie DiBella, Allen Richard Pastoral Council Members: Peter Bianchini, Susie Hebert, Naomi Kim, Danny Munna Mike Murray, Philip Marino,Joe Polito, Allen Richard Chaplain: Fr. George Roy O.M.I., In Residence: Fr. Denzil Perera Sacristan: Perry Terragano Deacon: Dcn. Rod Fonseca Staff Business Manager: Tanya Wright Administrative Assistant: Helen Owens Clerical Assistant: Penny Martin Magnificat Center Manager: Cindy Scardina The Center of Jesus the Lord is a Catholic Charismatic retreat center and worshiping community. We seek to minister to all in need through the powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit offering healing and renewal. THE CENTER’S WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY Rosary 9:45 AM, Praise and Worship ;10:15 AM; Eucharistic Celebration 10:30 AM; Healing Prayer after Mass; Fellowship follows in dining hall Children’s Liturgy during 10:30 AM Mass Ministry to the Hungry at 5:00 PM TUESDAY Praise and Worship 10:30 AM; Eucharistic Celebration 11:00AM; Healing Prayer following Mass; Lunch is served (1307 Louisiana Avenue) FIRST FRIDAY Eucharistic Adoration 7pm followed by Praise and Worship and Mass Sunday February 14, 2016 First Sunday of Lent STATIONS OF THE CROSS No doubt, the Blessed Mother and the Apostles held the sites of our Lord’s sorrowful passion in esteem. We might even think of the Blessed Virgin going to visit the places where she met Christ on the way to Calvary and even praying at the very hill of our redemption. Early Christians in the Holy Land remained devoted to these various stations. The stairs and praetorium where Christ was tried by Pontius Pilate was well known as was the place of our Lord’s Crucifixion and Resurrection. Pilgrims coming from the West desired to see these places and desired to know how Christ traveled from the place of His unjust condemnation to His Crucifixion – the Via Dolorosa or Via Sacra. The Stations of the Cross, then, have their origin in the actual locations in Jerusalem. Pilgrims wishing to bring this moving devotion home with them. In the 400s, Saint Petronius erected a series of chapels dedicated to the important shrines of Jerusalem in Bologna, Italy. During the Crusades, when pilgrimages and travels to the Holy Land resumed, there was a renewed interest among Europeans in the Via Sacra. By the 11th century, pilgrims had popularized the devotion. The Franciscans, who were granted administration of the Christian holy places in Jerusalem in 1342, increased its popularity. In the 1400s, the Stations of the Cross became extremely popular in Europe; however, they were usually an series of outdoor shrines. In 1686, Pope Innocent XI granted to the Franciscans the right to erect Stations of the Cross within their churches. It was only as late as 1862 that the right to erect the Stations of the Cross without a Franciscan was extended to bishops throughout the Catholic Church.** **History of the Stations (Taylor Center of Jesus the Lord Upcoming Events: Sunday , February 14, 2016 Jeannine Bianchini (Memory) Margie Montet (Memory) Inez Eiermann (Memory) Tuesday February 16, 2016 Carl J. Clark (Memory) Sanctuary Candle: Souls in Purgatory Tuesday February 16, 2016 Praise and Worship 10:30 AM; Eucharistic Celebration 11:00AM; Healing Prayer following Mass Lunch is served Ministry Fair Sunday February 21, 2016 Healing Mass Friday March 4, 2016 (anointing of sick) To schedule Mass Intentions or Sanctuary Candle Memorials call Penny at 529-1636 Serve the Lord in 2016! Looking for something new to do for the new year? Come help out at the Center Please remember to pray for those you love this is a spiritual work of mercy! Do you wish to know more about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal? The Southern Regional Conference for the Charismatic Renewal is scheduled for April 1-3 at the Best Western Landmark Hotel in Metairie. Mark your calSmall Christian .Community endars and Our plan to attend You will not will be beginning a new study by be disappointed Father !! Robert Barron. Call Helen to join a group near you. 504-529-1636 Also, have any questions right now, see Joe Polito after Mass Our quarterly Movie Night will be on Saturday February 20, 7pm at the AMC Elmwood Palace 20, 1200 Elmwood Park Blvd. Harahan, La 70123 RISEN IS A MOVIE TOLD FROM THE EYES OF A NON BELIEVER WHO WITNESSED THE RESURRECTION Please join us in praying for our catechumen, Liliana Martinez who will be welcomed into our Catholic faith on Easter. Next Week’s Readings February 21, 2016 Second Sunday in Lent Week Ending February 10, 2016 Envelopes & Loose Deficit Collection Total 1st Reading: Gen: 15:12,17-18 Responsorial Psalm: 27:1,7-8,8-9,13-14 2nd Reading: Phil: 3:17-4:1 Gospel: LK: 9:28b-36 Mercy Fund Homeless
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Catholic Community Radio - Center of Jesus the Lord
Join CBIB ~ Compassionate Burial of
Indigent Babies
This ministry assists families who have lost babies to unexpected complication or
Please call Lise Naccari at 202-3111 for info