1. August 15, 2013, Issue #1 for IBS Academic Year


1. August 15, 2013, Issue #1 for IBS Academic Year
RADIO • TV • Webcast
Volume. 21, No. 1, August 2013
News & Resources for IBS Members
Photo by Allen Myers
Fall 2013: Over 600 delegates coast-to-coast will pack IBS Chicago
•IBS Boston•IBS Los Angeles IBS Radio, TV, Music, and Webcast
IBS Coast-To-Coast Conferences! IBS Chicago is pictured above continued on page 2
Washington July 6, 2012, U. S. Court of
Appeals (DC Circuit) in IBS v. CRB
(Case 11-1083) agrees with IBS that the
Copyright Royalty Board is unconstitutional and as a result the Court vacates
the $500 minimum fee CRB rate decision as it applies to IBS Members.
Chicago, Saturday, September 28, 2013:
IBS Columbia College Chicago - Conference - Headliners
Internet Radio Fairness Act
Terri Hemmert - WXRT Leon Rogers and Tony Sculfield Hosts on WGCI
Ray Flores ESPN
Gains support in House/Senate.
Support the National Association
of Broadcasters (NAB); stop Big
Music from taxing FCC licensed
stations to benefit major (mostly
foreign) music companies.
Keynote: Terri Hemmert - WXRT 93.1 FM Chicago, an award winning broadcaster for over 30 years. Terri, an inducted member of
the National Radio Hall of Frame, will help YOU be an award
winning broadcaster!
Featured: Leon Rogers and Tony Sculfield, Morning Show Hosts
of The Morning Riot, Chicago's Top Rated Morning Show help
YOU better On-Air Hosts continued on page 2
IBS Golden Microphone
IBS helps you apply for YOUR FCC
LPFM license during the limited
October 15-29, 2013, filing window!
continued on page 3
Chris Thomas, IBS President,
announces the 2013 - 2014 IBS
Golden Microphone Trophy
Award rules, application forms,
deadline dates for these outstanding awards! Enter TODAY!
continued page 4
October 1, 2013, World College Radio
Day! Join the celebration with Rob
Quicke, College Radio Day founder
and IBS Members Worldwide!
IBS Fall Saturday Coast-to-Coast Conferences (only $45 per person includes lunch)
continued from Page 1
IBS Columbia College Chicago Conference
Saturday, September 28 - Register YOUR delegates TODAY!
Register Online with a credit card at
Walter DcDonough
Tom Gibson, IBS Executive
Attorney, Law Professor, CoVice President for
Founder Future of Music
Coalition, SoundExchange
IBS Board Member
Board Member
Photography of Chicago by Dawn Mikulich
Barbara Calabrese, Radio Chair
Columbia College Chicago
IBS Chicago Conference
Chair and Organizer
IBS Columbia College Chicago Conference
HOT Session Topics
• How to Find and Secure a Radio Job in ANY Market!
• Make a Difference at YOUR High School or College Station!
• Sports Reporting for the New Millennium with:
Ray Flores, Anchor/Report, ESPN Radio - Chicago
Jordan Bernfield, Sports Anchor at WGN - Chicago
John Gregory, Sports Anchor - IRN - Chicago
Len Mailloux, IBS Chair
Simmons College Faculty,
Hosts IBS Fall Coast-toCoast Conferences
from the IBS
Chairman of
the IBS Board
Welcome to the 2013/2014 academic year.
I know these first few weeks of classes
are crazy and you've got to get the new
air staff trained, schedules adjusted, promos cut and so much more. But I wanted
to urge you to keep IBS in mind as you
develop this year's broadcast product.
We will be including some hands-on sections in the news letter with tips on promotion, programming, engineering and
more. We'd like to start sharing ideas
among members so that all of us in the
IBS family can help each other.
• Generating BUZZ in Digital Era (Social Networking)
• Voice-Over Techniques (Earn Money NOW!)
• What Broadcast Stations look for in YOUR DEMO
• Start a Radio Station - Get an FCC FM (LPFM) license NOW!
• Produce high audience impact using Production Techniques!
• How to build audience with News that matters to the audience
If you have any short pieces, examples of
special programming, photos, or anything you would like to share through the
IBS newsletter, send it to me at:
Please check the website for our fall conference lineup. We begin September 28 at Columbia College in Chicago, next
we're in Boston at Simmons College on November 16 and in Van Nuys, CA. (Los Angeles) at Champs Charter School on
Dec. 7. Please start making plans now to join us.
There are many benefits awaiting you and your staff at our Fall Regional Conferences. You get a chance to meet some of
the top media professionals from each of the host cities and make valuable contacts. Several internships. Independent
studies and even the occasional first job have resulted from contacts made at these events over the years.
You also have the chance to meet, share and work with other academic broadcasters from colleges and high schools all
over the country. You'll pick up great ideas and have all your questions answered by experts in the industry.
Save March 7-9, 2014, for the upcoming 74th Annual IBS International Radio & Webcasting Conference at the Hotel
Pennsylvania in New York City. It's a weekend you'll never forget and a chance to meet some of the top people in radio
and media from around the country.
Have a great year and let IBS know how we can help make your station even better!
Respectfully, Len Mailloux, IBS Chairman of the IBS Board of Directors
IBS helps IBS Members file
for FCC LPFM licenses!
IBS Board of Directors
Len Mailloux - Chair
Chris Thomas - President
Barbara Calabrese
Tom Gibson
Robert Herklotz
Fritz Kass
John Murphy
Allen Myers
Chuck Platt
IBS International
School/College Radio •
TV • Webcasting • Music
March 7 - 9, 2014, at Hotel
Pennsylvania, across from
Madison Square Garden
IBS Headquarters Office:
367 Windsor Highway
New Windsor, NY 12553
Phone: 845-565-0003
Fax: 845-565-7446
Washington, DC Have you longed for an FM
broadcast station at your school or in your
community? The Federal Communications
Commission has announced that a filing window for new Low Power FM (LPFM) stations
will be open from October 15 – 29, 2013. These
noncommercial stations, operate with 100 watts
of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) and transmit
for about a 3 ½ mile radius. This is the only
foreseeable opportunity to apply for a new FM
broadcasting station.
If you intend to submit an application during
the filing window, there is much that you must
do in a short period of time. The first thing is
to go to the FCC’s LPFM channel finder tool at
via email:
on the web:
© Contents copyright 2013 by the
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc.
By Allen Myers, IBS Executive Vice President
FCC Licensing and Regulatory Matters
Chris Thomas - IBS President
Chris invites YOU to Submit
YOUR Session ideas Now!
What session topic would you like to lead
or hear about at IBSNYC2014?
Over 1,200 Faculty & Students will attend for
over 150 broadcast & webcast sessions tours.
For 2014 IBS has tripled the size of session
space by leasing the entire 18th of the Hotel
PENN in addition to the six conference
rooms on our 6th floor conference center.
2,000 delegates can sit down for 11 sessions
at a time.
New: Plus this year IBS has a 50 person
classroom set up for special hands on
Let YOUR Voice be heard!
• You are the voice of students everywhere!
• You are the future of our country!
By entering the coordinates for your proposed
station’s transmitter into the tool, you will be
told if a frequency or frequencies are available.
However, the tool only indicates that an LPFM
station on the shown frequencies will not cause
interference to any currently operating full-service broadcasting station. LPFM stations must
protect these stations from interference but are,
themselves, not protected from interference
received from full-service stations. To determine the amount of interference your proposed
station might receive, you will need the services of an engineering technical consultant.
In many metropolitan areas, the only available
frequencies will require a waiver of the interference that may be caused by the LPFM station to a full service station. The FCC’s rules
set forth specific situations under which these
waivers may be granted. Applications that
request a waiver must be “letter perfect” or
they will be dismissed without the opportunity
to amend or appeal.
Because the expected demand for these stations
will be high, it is possible that your application
will have to compete with another applicant
for the same frequency. To resolve these conflicts, the FCC has established a point-based
I am available to assist any IBS member that
may desire to submit an application for an
LPFM station during the filing window. But
you need to start the process now!
• You are the voice of USA students, heard
around the world!
You are school/college radio
Allen Myers - IBS Executive Vice President
IBS Technical Tips
by Tom Gibson, ExecutiveVice President
IBS Book Reviews
FCC Staff inspects college NCE
Washington, DC The FCC issued all
new self inspection guides for FM,
LPFM, and AM radio stations.
Remote Broadcast - Quick and Easy
PDF copies of all these guides to your
PUBLIC FILE and everything you need
to know to renew or maintain your FCC
License are on the IBS Website.
Is your remote budget
minimal or nonexistent?
Here are a few ideas for inexpensive remote
broadcasts. Purchase or borrow an inexpensive or used laptop computer with a
modem, network jack and wireless access,
add an audio input mixer or better yet an
inexpensive USB mixer, and you have a
complete remote broadcast system.
If your remote site does not have wireless
or network access, you can send audio back
to the station digitally encrypted on a standard phone line for much improved audio
quality, especially if you encode AAC+.
You say your remote location doesn't even
have a standard phone line? Simply connect the laptop to a cell phone with internet
service, and you have complete wireless
remote capability from almost anywhere.
You can record spots, promotional
announcements, stingers and voice-overs
right on the computer and play everything
from the remote site.
That is all for this issue, please send me
your engineering tips for inclusion in a later
IBS Newsletter.
Allen Myers, Executive Vice President of
IBS, previously on the FCC Staff for 37
years is available to further assist you.
Beyond Powerful Radio
by Valerie Geller
Valerie Geller is a frequent IBS coast-to-coast
conference speaker.
Powerful Radio lets the
reader own ideas that
make for effective
broadcasting content in
all audio mediums.
IBS Student Radio Network
by Backbone
Jeff Tellis
IBS Executive, Publisher, and friend to
IBS SRN is very
all IBS Members for over three decades.
simply the world’s
September 15, 1941 - March 14, 2006
best webcast radio
IBS and all of radio misses you!
This IBS Newsletter is dedicated in
Memorial to Jeff Tellis. Jeff founded
and published the IBS Newsletter
IBS International New York City Radio/TV/Webcasting Conference and IBS Awards
If you missed this year’s March 2013 conference, you honestly missed one of the best ones in years. Be sure
to mark your calendars now so you can be at the 74th Annual IBS International Conference, March 7-9,
2014. Highlights for 2014 include:
More space! With attendance growing each year, IBS has heard our members call for more room and
have more than doubled the room for the annual conference, including a ballroom for our keynote speakers
and awards!
Speaking of awards, our 5th Annual IBS College Radio Awards are also in a new space in the grand
ballroom on the 18th floor! This will ensure everyone will be able to participate & attend our awards ceremony.
Chris Thomas - IBS President ·
Scheduled guests for our conference so far include speakers from ESPN, MTV, several New York City
radio stations and possibly even you! IBS is looking for new and exciting sessions. Go to www.collegeradio.tv and visit the conferences pages to submit your session proposal.
Start making plans now to attend the 74th Annual IBS International Conference March 7-9, 2014. You will be so glad you did! If you
have any questions, please contact Chris Thomas, IBS President and Conference Chair at cthomas@wltl.net