Mr. and Mrs. John Smith 10 Main Street Anytown, NJ 12345


Mr. and Mrs. John Smith 10 Main Street Anytown, NJ 12345
End of Summer Party
84 Mercer Road
Fort Hancock, NJ 07732
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
10 Main Street
Anytown, NJ 12345
at the BEACH
End of Summer Party
to benefit the
Sandy Hook Foundation
and the
American Littoral Society
Caring for our National and Natural Treasures
End of Summer Party
Wendy and Matt Cambria
Cami and Dan Colella
Dorothy Adler
Michelle and Chris Barber
Cayley and Jordan Bazant
Ginny Boileau
Heather and Scott Boyle
Laurie and Paul Bratone
Bonnie and Jeffrey Buchner
Michelle and Dan Buckley
Kristen and Chris Canavan
Becky and Jay Cosgrove
Cathryn and Marc Danielczyk
Meghan and Mark DelPriore
Liz and Corbett Donato
Joyce and Rick Donovan
Debi and Doug Douty
Elizabeth and John Ferguson
Kristy and Doug Finnegan
Linda and Mike Gesell
Megan Gula
Lisa and Jason Halikias
Michele and Body Hedgecock
Terry Ingram
Betsy and Chris Kaeli
Courtney and David Kemler
Suzanne and Jim Lizotte
Arline and John LoGioco
Amanda Martinelly
Anne and Bob McGinty
Jennifer and Tom Mullins
Margot and Joe O’Conner
Kim and John O’Neill
Jenni and Paul O’Toole
Ellen and Rich Phillips
Jane Preziosi
Jeniene and Cory Pulice
Adrianne and Brian Raphalian
Maureen and Chris Schmid
Rita and Michael Seaman
Jeanne and Frank Shanley
Sara Stein
Claire and Geoff Taylor
Jeanne Marie and Pim Van Hemmen
Michaele and Jamie Wark
Sandy Hook Foundation
2015 Board of Trustees
Betsy Barrett, President
Doug Rossbach, Vice President Finance
Ellen Bollinger
Gerry Glaser
David Hoder, Vice President Special Projects
Rich Eittreim, Secretary
Dick Lilleston
Patricia Alcaro, Treasurer
Lucy Matchett
Rich Phillips
American Littoral Society
2015 Board of Trustees
Kathleen Gasienica, President - Gregory Quirk, EdD, CPA, Treasurer
Samuel G. Huber, Vice President and Secretary
David J. Chapman
George Kowallis, MD
Denise O’Donnell, Esq.
Angela Cristini, PhD
Richard G. Lathrop, PhD
Jennifer Samson, PhD
Don Abrams
Doug Douty
Tally Blumberg
Peter Hetzler, MD, FACS
Julia LeMense, Esq. -
Andres Simonson
Mark Mauriello
Cindy Zipf
End of Summer Party
to benefit the
Sandy Hook Foundation
and the
American Littoral Society
Friday, September 11, 2015
6:30 - 11:30pm
North Beach Pavilion
Sandy Hook
Dancing to the live Bobby Lynch Band
Lusty Lobster Raw Bar and Chilled Maine Lobsters
Grilled Buffet and Salads
Dining Under the Stars
Amazing Auction
Casual Attire
R.s.v.p. by September 6
Caring for our National and Natural Treasures
With thanks to Invitation Underwriters Trudy and Charlie Parton
The Sandy Hook Foundation is the Official Friends Group of the National Park
Service at Sandy Hook and supports the park in many ways including the
preservation of the historic Sandy Hook Lighthouse and
Keeper’s Quarters, one of the state’s and the nation’s
most recognizable icons.
The American Littoral Society empowers people to care for their coast through
advocacy, conservation, and education. Since 1961, the
Littoral Society has worked to restore miles of New Jersey coastal and
wetland shores to healthy, resilient habitats.
With Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Wickberg Marine Contracting
Sandy Hook Foundation, Tax ID 22-1994056
84 Mercer Road
Fort Hancock, NJ 07732
(732) 291-7733
American Littoral Society Tax ID 22-1731073
Coordinating Volunteers
Maren Morsch - CJ Gutch
Invitation Artwork
Laurie Bratone
18 Hartshorne Drive, Suite 1
Highlands, NJ 07732
(732) 291-0055
End of Summer Party
c/o Sandy Hook Foundation
84 Mercer Road
Fort Hancock, NJ 07732
End of Summer Party 2015 - REPLY CARD
____ $5,000 BIG FISH Sponsor (8 tickets, name at event)
____ $1,000 OSPREY Sponsor (2 tickets, name at event)
____ $500 HERON Sponsor (1 ticket, name at event)
____ $100 TURTLE Sponsor (name at event)
____ # of INDIVIDUAL Event Tickets @ $140 Each
After 9/8 please call or email to make
your reservation
____ # 50/50 RAFFLE Tickets @ $50 each (only 200 sold, 1 winner)
Purchase Tickets Online at
CREDIT CARD #:______________________________________
___ AMEX ___ VISA ___ MC ___/___ EX. DATE ____ SCode
___ Check Enclosed - make payable to:
Sandy Hook Foundation and mail to:
84 Mercer Road, Fort Hancock, NJ 07732
Questions? (732) 291-7733
$50 per event ticket is deductible
Tax ID 19-94056
Programs and Projects
History House
Salt Marsh Restoration
Free Concerts on the Beach
Oyster Reef Construction
Observation Deck Restoration
Shorebird Protection
Lighthouse Keepers Quarters
NIKE Missiles
Osprey and Piping Plover Videos
Handicap Beach Wheelchairs
North Beach Green Classroom
Oral History Transcriptions
Keeper’s Barn A/V Equipment
Marine Science
Camps for Kids
Shell Recycling
Beach Grass Plantings
Tag Fish for Science
Resilient Shoreline Creation
Coastal Clean Ups
Clean Water Projects
Osprey Protection
Invasive Plant Removal
Caring for our National, and Natural Treasures