January 2004 - Rocky Mountain Woodturners
January 2004 - Rocky Mountain Woodturners
Rocl(y Mountain W oodtumers A Chapter of the American Association of Wood turners January,2004 Newsletter Vol. 10 - No.1 Officers, Director's & Committees Calendar of Events President: Bruce Cohen (303) 440-4838 Vice President: David Nittmann (303)449-7179 Rotoremotion@eartblink,net SecretarylNewsletter': Vacant January 8 March 4 Steve Sinner Treasurer: Drew Nichols (970) 224-4850 dcn ichol s@mind spring.co ll1 Program Director: David Nittmann (303) 449-7179 Rotorem otio n@earthJink.net Librarian: Mike Davis (970) 484-9190 MLDAVIS @JYMIS. COM Media Director: Bruno Melli (970) 674-9365 bruno@ fc.hp .com Symposium Director: Mark Kurzmack (970) 490-2297 Ku rzmack@Webaccess. net April 8 Daniel Strawn May 6 Cindy Drozda February 5 Keith Gotchell Doc Thode Rocky Mountain Woodturners January 2004 A Chapter of the American Associatioll of Wood turners Thursday-Oll 08/ 04 Agenda: Keith Gotchell Industrial Science Building Room 105 Colorado State University Ft.Collins, CO. Meeting Minutes: The annual Christmas party was held at Mountain Range Shadows. This year Ornament auction: This year the club David Nittmann donated to the club a had an ornament auction at the Christmas party. The auction brought in large mahogany platter with all of the names of past presidents inscribed $438.00 dollars for the clubs account. A around the outside rim. The outgoing lot of lucky people took home nice president is presented with the platter to ornaments. pass on to the next out going president. auctioned. Dues: The dues for 2004 are going up. If you pay your dues in January, the dues will be $20.00. From February 1 on the dues will be $25.00. A family or couples rate will be $35.00 in 2004. Please note this change! These are some the ornaments that were auctioned off. Treasures Report: The treasures report was not available at time of printing. Instant Gallery: A lot of nice things were brought in for the instant gallery this month. January Challenge: The challenge for January will be bowls. 2 Rocky Mountain Woodturners January 2004 A Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners Front Range (F.R.W.T.) Club President: John Montague (303) 794-] 679 jamoIltJ 12@ao1.com Sectary/ Newsletter: Alisa Limvere (303) 648-3414 limvere@fgn.net Pikes Peak (P.P.W.) Club President: Tony Bevis (719) 660-8305 Asawyerb@adelphia.net Meeting at Woodcraft Supply on North Academy and Vickers in Colorado Springs . Meetings are held the First Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. These are some ofthe hollow forms that were brought to the party. Members Info. Exchange If you have sold your item listed let me know so that it can be removed. For Sale: 26 inch Woodmaster Drum Sander. 5hp-lph motor. $800.00 OBO . Call Allen Jensen at (970) 663-1868 For Sale: Glass tubes, inserts for flower vases. $.55 each. Call John Loftus 970 586-6961 Pens, wls and miniature furniture were a few ofthe other items. Wood Suppliers: Duane Dillow nd 1120 W. 2 Ave. CheyerU1e, WY 82001 Hardwood supplier The Wood Emporium 618 N. Garfield Ave. Loveland, C080537 Hardwood. Turning Supplies, Bowl Blanks, Finishes Sears Trostel 351 Linden Ft.Collins, CO 80524 Hardwood, Turning Supplies 3 Rocky Mountain Woodturners January 2004 A Chapter of the American Association of Wood turners Curt Theobald Workshop: Workshops designed to further your abilities in segmented turning . Classes run typically Thursday thru Saturday. January 15,16,and 17 February 19,20,and 21 March 18,19,and 20 The classes run throughout the year in southeast Wyoming in Curt ' s well equipped shop. Three meals a day will be provided with Curt and his family. A list of nearby accommodations will be sent upon registration. You can contact Curt at. Curt Theobald 495 C.R.164 Pine Bluff, WY 82082 (307) 245-3310 cwtheobald@wyoming.com Date Activity January 6,7,8 Basic Woodturning Cost $230.00 January 13,14,15 Turning Talc/Alabaster Products combined With Exotic wood Inlays Cost $230.00 January 27,28,29 Turned Boxes Inlaying and Threading Lids Cost $230.00 February 10,11,12 Intermediate Woodturning Cost $230.00 February 17,18,19 Mini Lathe Production Product Turning Cost $230.00 March 2,3,4 Basic Woodturning Cost $230 .00 March 23,24,25 Advanced Woodturning Cost $230.00 The Rocky Mountain School of Woodturning: The winter session classes at Rocky Mountain School of Woodturning will begin on Tuesday, January 6, 2004, with a Basic Woodturning Class. Due to current space limitations, you are encouraged to register early for the classes that you desire during the winter quarter. Weekday classes start at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 4:45 p.m. Saturday classes start at 9:00 a.m . and conclude at 5 :00 p .m. All classes are based on " hands-on " activities Contact Lee Carter at 970-221-4382 or Send an E-mail to LLJTC4X4149@CS.COM for further information. 4