GOLD COUNTRY WOODTURNERS NOVEMBER – DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 2014 ____________________________________________________


GOLD COUNTRY WOODTURNERS NOVEMBER – DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 2014 ____________________________________________________
Newsletter Editor: Rod Ferreira
OCTOBER BOARD MEETING will be held in NOVEMBER on Thursday the 13th, 12 NOON conference
room at the conference room at Autometrix, 12098 Charles Dr, Grass Valley (near the Airport, across
from UPS)
No November meeting due to Thanksgiving.
No December meeting due to Christmas Party.
Woodturners Event at CalEXPO in Sacramento.
Friday, November 7 thru Sunday, November 9, 2014
The AAW will continue to offer scholarships for quality woodturning
instruction. This year, twenty-eight scholar- ships will be awarded for selected AAW chapter members to
attend classes at either John C. Campbell Folk School (, or Arrowmont School of Arts and
Crafts (
To qualify for a scholarship, nominees must be AAW members and be chosen by a process authorized by
their AAW chapter officers. All scholarship awards will be for courses in 2015. Recipients of scholarships
will be notified by December 1, 2014. Watch for the complete announcement in the October issue of
American Woodturner journal.
To nominate chapter members, chapter officers must provide the names of nominees, along with the
total number of chapter members and the number of AAW members in their chapter to Phil McDonald
not later than November 15, 2014 by completing the online application.
will be on December 10th. Similar to last year, there will be a family potluck,
social hour, raffle, silent auction, brown bag turned gift exchange. Start thinking about your turned gift
to bring. The demonstration by Neal Devore at the October meeting of ornaments and gift ideas can be
a great start. All of our mentors are willing to assist with these projects as well any of them.
GCW Officers for 2015
At the September meeting by unanimous voice vote the following officers were elected for a one year
President: Bill Juhl Vice, President: Karl Miller, Secretary: Edson Holmes, Treasurer: David Nelson
Director -- Member at large: Peter Voskes, Director -- Member at large: Arnie Lund
Director -- Member at large: John Palmer, Director -- Member at large: Eva Ruben
Director -- Member at large: Dana Ruben Director -- Member at large: Carlos Angulo
Director -- Member at large Dave Peters
Appointed/Volunteer Positions. In addition to elected officers, we have a number of jobs that need
doing and the following individuals have volunteered to take those roles. They all can use help from
time to time so don’t hesitate to make known your willingness to assist.
GCW Positions (volunteers appointed)
Primary Alternate Audio Visual: Carlos Angulo & Marco Del Rio
Publicity: Ed Holmes (as secretary), Dick Fay & Marco DelRio (graphic design)
Webmaster: Ed Larson & Bill Juhl
Newsletter Editor: Rod Ferreira
Equipment Manager: Ed Holmes, Tim Cacy & Jack Johnson
Library manager: Ed Holmes & Arnie Lund
Raffle manager: Peter Voskes, Larry Skinner & Dave Peters,
Refreshments coordinator: Karen Paustell & Arnie Lund
Wood Gathering Chair: John Palmer & Carlos Angulo
Summer Picnic Chair: Open, Larry Skinner, Dave Peters, Carlos Angulo, Karl Miller
County Fair Coordinator: Open, Dave Peters, Nancy Fisher (fairgrounds)
Christmas Party: Karl Miller, Carlos Angulo & Nancy Fisher
Safety Officer: Larry Skinner
President: Bill Juhl 530/265-0203 (home) or 530/263-6602 (mobile) email:
Vice President: Peter Voskes 530/268-2030 (home) email:
Treasurer: Milt Schmidt (530) 274-7399 (home) email:
Secretary: Edson Holmes 530-274-9852
Past President: Nancy Fisher (530) 798-9997 (mobile) email:
Director: Karl Miller 530-432-2402 Director: Arnie Lund 530/346-2513 Director: John Palmer 530-265-4966 Director: Dick Fay
Mentors are available for lessons, problem solving, tool trials, or any other woodturning matter. Feel
free to contact them and set up a time. Non-members interested in trying out woodturning to see if it is
of interest are welcome as well.
Neil Devore 916-253-7208 — Lincoln
Jerry Hall 530-913-8614— everything. Lincoln
Phil Sargent (916) 660-5267— Roseville natural edge, interesting wood
Tom Castaldo — Granite Bay. Ornaments and other things (916) 791-7544
Bill Juhl (530) 265-0203 Nevada City. Fundamentals, bowls, natural edge bowls, harvesting wood,
working with burls email:
Norm Hinman (530) 673-5056— Saturday workshops twice each month at his Yuba City shop (3 lathes)
… all day, $20, bring your lunch . Call him to book.
----------------------------------------- AAW
2015 AAW Symposium in Pittsburgh
I’d like to call your attention to the following updates regarding the 2015 symposium in Pittsburgh:
We plan to open early registration for the 2015 symposium in Pittsburgh by Thanksgiving weekend.
We anticipate that attendance will be high this year and encourage everyone to make registration and
lodging arrangements as early as possible.
Because we expect a larger crowd, plans are underway to increase the number of rotations.
We currently have two hotels under contract, and the Westin Convention Center Hotel will be our host
We are building the symposium section of the AAW website and will continually add more information
as it becomes available.
We will bring back the AAW symposium mobile app (Guidebook) that was introduced last year.
Instructions on how to download the app will be posted on our website.
Please let your club members know that we are seeking videographers for our Symposium in
Pittsburgh. Applicants should have experience with video camera equipment and be able to make
decisions regarding lighting, shooting angle, placement of microphone, etc. Videographers selected for
six rotations will receive a free symposium registration. Candidates may apply on our website before
January 15, 2015.
Pre-symposium activities will begin on Thursday, June 25, 2015.
I would like to acknowledge the ongoing efforts of David Dudney, our local lead liaison. David has made
informational visits to chapters throughout the region and has made contacts about recruiting local
volunteers. If you have interest in volunteering during the Pittsburgh symposium, I encourage you to
contact David at
Youth Membership Program
The new youth membership program, Turning to the Future, is now fully in place. The program features
reference material and project resources designed specifically to aid teachers, schools, instructors, and
other educators (including AAW chapter and regional symposium instructors) in their development of
programs to teach woodturning skills and inspire passion for woodturning for a new generation.
Project resources have been reviewed and reformatted. New best practices have been added for safety
and teaching. Soon, we will present a teaching unit on manufacturing, which describes how to start a
pen-turning business, developed by Kip Christensen, professor at Brigham Young University.
Upcoming Regional Symposia
The AAW is extremely supportive of all regional symposia. Due to the broad geographic coverage of
regional symposia, these events offer virtually all AAW members a convenient opportunity for a high
quality learning experience.
Tennessee Association of Woodturners ~The Tennessee Association of Woodturners (TAW) will
present their 27th Annual Symposium January 30 -31, 2015, at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs
in Franklin, TN. The symposium will feature some of the world's leading woodturners, including
Nick Cook, J. Paul Fennell, Ashley Harwood, Todd Hoyer, and Dennis Paullus. Early registration is
open on the TAW symposium website.
Florida Woodturning Symposium ~The Florida Woodturning Symposium will run January 9 -11,
2015, at the scenic Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center in Leesburg, FL. National demonstrators
include Alan Lacer, Trent Bosch, John Jordan, and Bob Rosand. Additionally, regional
demonstrators include Richard Morris, Lee Sky, Bruce Hoover, and Patrick Sikes. Workshop
leaders include Dixie Biggs, Rudolph Lopez, James McClure, Don Geiger, and Walt Wager. Early
registration is open and more information about the event is available on the Florida
Woodturning Symposium website.
Chapter Collaborative Challenge
AAW will announce details of the 2015 Chapter Collaborative Challenge(C3) in the December American
Woodturner and on the AAW website. The C3 project is intended to highlight the work of our chapters in
the fulfillment of the AAW’s educational and charitable missions.
Although participation in the C3 project has dwindled over the past few years (with an all-time low last
year in Phoenix), we are making the commitment to support it again for 2015. We plan to revisit the
goals of the C3 program in the coming year and explore whether to revise it, replace it, or discontinue it
after the 2015 Pittsburgh Symposium.
If you have strong opinions either way about the future of the C3 and/or ideas for ways to better
accomplish our objective, you are invited to contact me at or 651-444-1200.
October 22 Meeting in Review
Show & Tell, Turning Christmas Ornaments and CPR. (Photos courtesy of David Nelson)
Chuckle for the Month:
Bob goes to see his supervisor at the woodturning shop.
"Boss," he says, "we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to
help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff."
"We're short-handed, Bob," the boss replies. "I can't give you the day off."
"Thanks boss," says Bob, "I knew I could count on you!"
Happy Thanksgiving to all….see y’all at the Christmas Party.