Q2 2014 - Arizona Woodturners Association


Q2 2014 - Arizona Woodturners Association
Our Motto: “All The News That Fits ... Gets Printed”
Quarterly Newsletter 3Q14
Volume 3 Number 2
arizona woodturners association
A Chapter of the
American Association of Woodturners
July 2014
Next Meeting:
Lawrence Hurst
July 19th, 2014
Tempe AZ 12-3:30pm
President’s Challenge:
Jason Clark - torus
Next Month Meeting
“Hands On” Demo
Pres Challenge Apr:
Pyle Center
655 E. Southern Ave
Tempe, AZ
Inside This Issue
Making Good Shavings
Treasurer’s Report
Beginner’s Corner
AAW Report
From the Editor
Hands-On Demos
Gallery Photos
“This month’s newsletter is dedicated to the 2014 National Symposium held in Phoenix last month. If your are a missed it, you
missed an amazing amount of art and many good demonstrations
and ideas. Our club really stepped up and had an amazing group
of volunteers. Many of which were recognized at the banquet
dinner. A special thanks goes to Ana-Marie Lappegard and Jason
Clark for without them this symposium would not have been a
success. - Chip Hidinger”
President’s message
... making
by Jason Clark
This issue of the
newsletter is
different than
any other issue
we’ve done. Inside
you’ll find the a large
portion dedicated to the
2014 AAW Symposium
held last month here in Phoenix. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when
I say that this event was one of the most
important things that the AWA has ever
I received an unexpected email and subsequent phone call back in April 2012
from Kurt Hertzog about our club supporting the national symposium here in
Phoenix. It was clear from that conversation that Phoenix was their top choice for
2014 but that they needed our support. I
spent the next 4-5 days on the telephone,
speaking to officers of the other Arizona
based clubs, talking with officers of clubs
that had previously supported the national symposium, particularly John Ellis
in Albuquerque. With everyone on board
I gave Kurt the thumbs up and committed
our support to the 2014 symposium.
Making that commitment also altered
my commitment to the club. I initially
planned on being president for 2 years,
through the end of 2013. With the news
that Phoenix had secured the 2014 symposium it was important to me to maintain the same leadership team and avoid a
new slate of officers taking over mid-way
through planning and shortly before the
largest event we’ve ever taken part in.
Therefore I altered my plan and committed to a third term as President. The rest 2
of the officers saw the benefit of consis-
tent leadership and also
committed to a third
Looking back over the past
28 months, from the initial
commitment to the post symposium results, I’m immensely proud
of the job that we did and the outcome of
the symposium. Feedback has been extremely positive, attendance was on par
with expectations, and while the raffle
proceeds and Empty Bowls proceeds were
slightly below expectations the totals are
very respectable. These results would not
have been possible without the scores of
volunteers from our clubs, the other Arizona based clubs and other symposium
attendees and for that we owe a debt of
On a personal note I’m happy to announce
that our Chapter Collaborative Challenge
entry took first place in the artistic category and best of show. I had my silent
auction donation (a torus) get upgraded
to the EOG live auction where it sold for
$800 and as a result I sold another torus
to the same collector. I also had another
torus selected for inclusion in the Instant
Gallery critique.
Would I commit to doing it again? Yes,
but not immediately; at least 5 and preferably 10 years because of the size of the
commitment. I hope to be caught up on
my sleep by then.
Jason Clark - President
Arizona Woodturners Association
Tom Wirsing
AAW 2014 Symposium Volunteer
Thank You!
Mike Abels, Ron Ainge, Beau Alexander, Robert Allen, Richard Altenhofen, Elizabeth
Amigo, Elwood Anderson, Janice Andrews, Patricia Apt, Ron Bahm, Marian Bailey, Don
Baker, Jeanette Baker, Chris Bannister, John Barany, Bob Barbieri, Beads of Courage
Volunteers, Pat Beatty, Judy Beckwith, Terry Behm, Ray Berry, Louis Berson, Louisa Berson, JoAnn Beschenbossel, Pete Beschenbossel, David Betler, Salli Betler, Dixie Biggs,
Tom Bittman, Betty Bluml, Rich Boehike, Jim Breeden, Sally Breeden, Kelly Bresnahan,
Jeff Brockett, Ron Browning, Rob Caleton, Bruce Campbell, Greg Campbell, Rob Carleton,
Gary Carlson, Penny Carter, Craig Chambers, Jim Christiansen, Jason Clark, Judy Clark,
Clayton Cochran, Andy Cole, Bob Congdon, Cathy Cook, Nick Cook, Steve Cook, Paul
Courtright, Carol Ann Crucitt, Matt Crucitt, Blain Dalrymple, Peter D’Attomo, Ginger Dennis, Tom Dinardo, Jack Dohallow, Sylvia Dohallow, Kristian Doherty, Henry Doolittle, Jan
Eander, Ken Easley, Scott Eckstein, Carol Ellis, John Ellis, Bill Engelstad, Cindy English,
Danny English, Hilde Ewing, Marvin Ewing, Bob Fain, Peter Faklis, Debbie Farnam, Bill
Fieszel, Julie Fisher, Joe Fleming, Richard Foa, Michael Foster, Kelly Fowke, Rick Fowke,
Gary Frank, Dave French, Marilyn French-St. George, Dennis Fuge, Martha Gammon,
Ron Gammon, Dale Gillaspy, Girl Scouts-Phoenix Area, Barry Gray, Jerry Greenberg, Bob
Haarer, Steve Harris, Bill Haskell, Kay Haskell, B.J. Hatcher, Stephen Hatcher, Kristin
Haugan, Wally Haugan, Mike Hausman, Mark Hepburn, Don Herman, Caren Hidinger,
Chip Hidinger, Chris Hill, Dave Hill, Lyle Hill, Sheri Hockenbery, Robin Hoff, Mike Holland,
Larry Hudson, Tom Huffman, Dean Humphery, Bob Hunt, John Hunter, Martha Hunter,
AAW 2014 Symposium Volunteer Thank You! continued.....
Mike Hunter, Joe Johnson, Ed Jones, Jeanne Jovag, Bill Juhl, George Kabacinski, Bill Kalb, Michael Kehs, Allen Kisling, Kathy Knorr, Bill Kram, Ed Krump, Lin Kwis, Ana Marie Lappegard,
Ken Lappegard, Chuck LaRue, Lendell Layman, Frank Lench, Brian Lensink, Jack Lewis, David
Long, Karen Long, Jerry Longbothan, LeeAnn Longbothan, Mike Lucckino, Jeff Luedloff, Mike
Magrill, Ed Malesky, Phil Jr. Mannino, William Mantelli, Kathy Marshall, Edgar Martinez, Brian
Mason, Doug Mason, Wendy Mason, Pat McCartney, Richard McCartney, Damon McIntyre, Danny McKeen, Shirley McKenzie, Dennis McManaman, Bill Mellberg, Hal Metlitzky, Lilian Metlitzky,
Allen Miller, Karl Miller, Larry Miller, Mark Miller, Wayne Miller, Michael Mocho, Vern Monson,
Lea Montaire, Ed Morabito, Steve Morman, John Mydock, Vic Myers, Cindy Navarro, Lorie Newberry, Kendall Northern, Ed Otero, Ed Pabst, Scott Paris, Gene Perryman, Tom Peter, Mike Phillips, Don Powell, Graeme Priddle, Jim Quarles, Tanya Radda, Leslie Ready, Norris Ready, Carey
Reed, Robert Reisman, Jim Rinde, Dan Robbins, Jack Rolison, Bob Rotche, Carol Ruminski,
Joe Ruminski, Richard Rust, Barbara Santarossa, Mary Schick, Joe Schiele, Jason Schneider,
Jeffrey Schnell, Greg Schramek, Peter Schulthiess, Joe Schumacher, Seeds for Autism Volunteers, Buster Shaw, Jay Shepard, Jim Sibley, Vince Sichmellin, John Simon, Bill Simpson, Anne
Sinner, Carl Smith, Lynda Smith-Bugge, Mike Souter, Walt Spencer, Chris Stauff, Dave Stetson,
Lars Stole, Rita Story, Andi Sullivan, Bob Summers, Liz Summers, Paul Swane, Merina Theobald, Karlyn Theobald, Don Thompson, Al Tingley, Hy Tran, Bruce Troja, Floyd Trujillo, Wanda
Umber, Hal Usher, Louis Vadeboncoeur, Steve Van Ooteghem, Cal Vander Kooi, Peter Vandermeer, Dick Veitch, Vince Sichmeller, Mark Wachal, Charles Waggoner, Dick Wagner, Louise
Wagner, Ken Waller, Ken Walston, Pamela Walukas, Karen Waninger, Mark Waninger, Ralph
Watts, Virginia Weaver, Derek Weidman, Jane Wessels, Charles Wieters, Melinda Wirsing,
Jerry Witt, Jan Zander, Malcolm Zander, Bill Zerby, David Zurek.
Photos from the AAW National Symposium
Hal Metlizky
Alan Trout
Photos from the AAW National Symposium
Sally Burnett
Stephen Kennard
- Rain Drop
Neil Scobie
Douglas Fisher
Paul Hedman
John Wessels
from the Editor
Dewey Garrett
Youth Demo
We are lucky in Arizona and all the woodworking opportunities we have. Even in the summer,
as tonight we had a monsoon shower. I look
forward to these storms as the potential to
find some downed tree’s to
make into new bowls. I was
lucky to be able to take a 5
day table making class with
Michael Fortune in Phoenix
in May. I thought the national symposium in Phoenix
in June was crazy, but alas, all was in doors and
the weather did not impact the success of the
conference. Although I am not sure the nonlocals enjoyed the beautiful 90 degree plus
weather as much as we appreciate it, as we all
know how hot it could have been! We could not
be successful without all the volunteers. My
wife came back into town and volunteered many
hours as did numerous others family members.
I had to drag my 10 year old to the conference
youth turning events. After the first class she
was elated. She took three classes during the
conference and in the last made a Christmas
ornament that she then entered in the kid’s
instant gallery. As a dad, it was a proud moment seeing her tell numerous adults about her
ornament and having them vote for her. At
the nationals the tools in the youth room are
contributed by Jet (lahtes and stands), Easy
Wood Tools, Robust (tool rest), Nova (chucks)
and Woodcraft (faceshields). We were very
blessed that Erica was drawn 24th out of 25
lathes given away. She is now excited about
wood turning as actually said “Dad I don’t want
to go to club meetings with you, but I will come
out in the garage and turn with you.” She now
has a gallery owner talked into letting her consign some of her work. I have just come back
from Kona and we made our annual day trip to
Kapaau and the Dunn Gallery. I found another
How did they turn that? by Mike Foster
fantastic Kelly Dunn piece and a piece made
in Arizona, so it’s making a round trip. It’s a
must trip if you’re on the Big Island and after
you need to hike to the black sand beach in Polulu Valley. I am truly inspired with the AAW
National Symposium and the Hawaiian Turning
art. Now if it would just cool
down enough so I can spend the
day in my shop.
Erica HW
Our Winning Club Entry
Powermatic Lathe Theme Painted
Symposium Registration
Terry Martin
Jim Christiansen
Binh Pho
Kailee Bosch
John Beaver
NOTE: The Regular Monthly Meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month at the Pyle
Center, 655 E. Southern Ave., Tempe, Arizona. All meetings start at 12:00 pm and end at 4:00
pm unless otherwise posted.
Knight Dental Light - needs reflective
lens and bulb replaced. $200. Call
Chip 602-677-3529
E-mail Chip Hidinger at
chiphidinger@netzero.net to
place an advertisement in the
newsletter. Advertisements are
free for club members.
Meetings typically start out with club business, followed by the featured demonstration, and then
the raffle and prize drawings. Board meetings are open to all club members and are held every
other month one hour prior to the regular meeting.
Date Demonstrator Topic President’s Challenge Due
August 16th, 2014
Hands On - Various Instructors
September 20th, 2014
John Armstrong - Nick Agar type burnings,
carvings and coloring
Nov 15th, 2014
Keith Thomkins -
935 E. Southern Ave, Mesa AZ 85204
Rules for advertisements: Free ads
are available only to AWA members.
The deadline for submission or
cancellation of an ad is the 10th of the
month to be placed in that month’s
newsletter. Ads will only run for one
issue unless notified otherwise. If you
wish to continue running an ad for
more than one month, please advise
the editor, Chip Hidinger, by the 10th
of the month. Also, if you decide to
cancel an ad, please notify the editor
by the 10th of the month.
Board of Directors
President – Jason Clark
Home phone 480-688-9291
Vice President – Dale Gillaspy
Treasurer - Ana Lappegard
Librarian – Pete Beschenbossel
Secretary & Newsletter – Chip
chiphidinger@netzero.net, Cell
The Arizona Woodturners Association
newsletter is published quarterly.
Inputs are due to the editor by the
tenth of each month for inclusion in
that month’s newsletter.
AWA gives permission to all other AAW
woodturning chapters, woodworking
magazines, and newspapers to use
any text material and accompanying
photos or drawings contained
herein for the benefit of woodturners
everywhere. We ask that credit be
given to the source of the material.
AWA logos and graphics may not be
copied without permission.
Copyright 2012,
Arizona Woodturners Association