2012-2013 - University of Rochester


2012-2013 - University of Rochester
University of Rochester
University of Rochester
Department of Chemistry
404 Hutchison Hall
RC Box 270216
Rochester, NY 14627-0216
(585) 275-4231
Table of Contents
Chemistry Department Faculty and Staff
Letter from the Chair - Robert Boeckman, Jr.
Meet the New Chair - Todd D. Krauss
Todd D. Krauss Elected APS Fellow
Donors to the Chemistry Department
Alumni News
Richard Eisenberg Receives William H. Nichols and
Fred Basolo Medals
Thieme Chemistry Journal & Pfizer Green Chemistry Awards
Terri Clark
John Bertola (B.A. ’09, M.S. ’10W)
Terri Clark
Lynda McGarry
Terrell Samoriski
Barbara Snaith
Breanna Eng (‘13)
Sheridan Vincent
Department Faculty
Breanna Eng (‘13)
Terri Clark
Select Alumni
UR Communications
John Bertola (B.A. ‘09, M.S. ‘10W)
Ria Casartelli
Sheridan Vincent
Thomas Krugh
Breanna Eng (‘13)
Terri Clark
UR Friday Photos from
various contributors
Sloan Research Fellow Dan Weix
Harrison Howe : Sunney Xie
Nanomaterials Symposium 2013
The 2013 Chemistry-Biology-Biophysics Cluster Retreat
Two Teaching Awards - Frontier & Hafensteiner
ACS on Campus at Carlson Library
Student Awards and Accolades
Faculty News
Chemistry Welcomes Ignacio Franco
Faculty Publications
Postdoctoral Fellows
Commencement 2013
Student Awards
Seminars and Colloquia
Staff News
Departmental Funds
Alumni Update Form
Faculty and Staff
Kenneth Simolo
Arlene Bristol
Kirstin Campbell
Deb Contestabile
Robin Cooley
Valerie Fitzhugh
Lynda McGarry
Terrell Samoriski
Barbara Snaith
Marina Tokina
Donna Dolan
Marguerite Weston
William Brennessel
William Herkstroeter
Eric Lobenstine
Terry O’Connell
Jalil Shojaie
Peter Serrino
Sandip Sur
Ray Teng
Anna Kuitems
Randi Shaw
Diane Visiko
Doris Wheeler
Robert K. Boeckman, Jr.
Kara L. Bren
Joseph P. Dinnocenzo
Richard Eisenberg
James M. Farrar
Rudi Fasan
Ignacio Franco
Alison J. Frontier
Joshua L. Goodman
Patrick L. Holland
William D. Jones, Jr.
Todd D. Krauss
Thomas R. Krugh
David W. McCamant
Michael L. Neidig
Bradley L. Nilsson
Oleg V. Prezhdo
Lewis J. Rothberg
W. Udo Schröder
Ching W. Tang
Douglas H. Turner
Daniel J. Weix
Benjamin Hafensteiner
David Hickey
Bruce Toder
John R. Huizenga
Andrew S. Kende
Robert W. Kreilick
John S. Muenter
William H. Saunders, Jr.
Esther M. Conwell
Samir Farid
Paul Liberatore
Kate Reinhardt
Elly York
Paul Merkel
Jan Tõke
Terri Clark
Sue Cardinal
From the Chair
Greetings to all Department of Chemistry
Alumni! We enjoyed a busy and productive 2012-2013 year
in the department and at the University. As I complete my
tenth and final year as chair of the Department of Chemistry, I
am happy to share with you some of the developments within
the department and University from the past year.
The economic stress that the US has been experiencing since
2008 continues to have an impact on the University and to a
lesser extent the department. The University has made sustaining the quality and distinction of our undergraduate programs
one of its highest priorities and is devoting a considerable
proportion of available resources to help students and their
families weather the continuing difficult economic times with
respect to achieving a college education. The primary impact
on the department has been seen in a somewhat restrained rate
of growth of the faculty.
Four types of financial support drive our academic programs:
tuition, sponsored research, gifts, and endowment distribution. The University Endowment has largely recovered from
the events of 2008, but the College’s (including the Schools of
Arts & Sciences, and Engineering & Applied Sciences) draw
on their portion of the unrestricted endowment had been
historically too high for overall fiscal prudence and has been
scaled back to a sustainable level near ~5.5%. Most of the
UR’s academic divisions in The College of Arts, Sciences, and
Engineering, including the chemistry department, are tuition
driven. The very good news is that we experienced another
record year of applications to the undergraduate program at
the College and the ten year growth plan is on track. We have
over 5100 matriculated undergraduate students for 2013-2014.
Since the chemistry department anticipates that a proportionate
number of incoming freshmen will participate in the chemistry
curriculum, to sustain the growth in enrollment and maintain
acceptable class sizes, we need to grow our tenure-track faculty.
We have added one new tenure-track faculty member, Ignacio
Franco, a theoretical physical chemist, this July 2013. Regrettably, we have had one departure as Patrick Holland accepted a
position at Yale University.
New research initiatives, such as those in systems biology,
nanotechnology, renewable energy (particularly fuel cell and
hydrogen production), big data science, and identification of
gene function, are clearly areas of critical importance to the
nation. As a central science, chemistry has an essential part
to play in the nation’s research enterprise. Despite the potential impact of the sequester and projected decrease in Federal
research support, the department increased its sponsored
research expenditures to $6.0M in 2012. UR chemistry faculty
have successfully applied, and will continue to apply, for federal
funding as well as other state and foundation programs. Last
year our faculty received both new and renewed funding for
their various research programs from agencies such as the
DOE, NIH, and NSF; junior faculty were successful in competing for funding from the ACS, NIH, NSF, and the Provost’s
Multidisciplinary Research Award as well as others. However,
given the fiscal stress which the federal government is experiencing and the obvious need to reduce federal deficits, the
future of government supported science research is cloudy.
Science research is funded out of the discretionary portion
of the federal budget and likely to come under unprecedented pressure in the coming few years as entitlement and other
mandated programs take up a larger and larger portion of
taxes and other revenue. The percentage of NIH and NSF
grant applications funded are already at or near historic lows;
the coming years are going to present enormous challenges
for academic science to find ways to fund their programs with
fewer federal research dollars. This translates to greater reliance
on foundations, other private sector support, and alumni. We
are pleased to see that our loyal UR chemistry alumni have
continued their strong, generous support of the department
through contributions to the Alumni Research Fund.
Several chemistry faculty received notable awards this year.
Todd Krauss was named a Fellow of the American Physical
Society, Richard Eisenberg received both the Fred Basolo
Medal and the ACS William H. Nichols Medal, and Dan Weix
received an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship and Thieme Chemistry Journal Award. In addition, two of our faculty received
teaching awards: Alison Frontier the 2012 Goergen Award
for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate Teaching and Ben Hafensteiner the UR Professor of the
Year in Natural Sciences. These kinds of recognitions help
to sustain our efforts to recruit and retain high quality faculty
and students, and enhance the reputation of the department
and the University. Faculty innovation in research, coupled
with excellence in teaching, comprise the core of our Ph.D.
program, providing a rich environment for student knowledge
and research that is fundamental to science education in the
21st century. Chemistry students, too, received a large number
of awards, opportunities, and fellowships last year, including
one international NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award
and two NSF GRF Honorable Mentions. Katherine Garner,
B.A. ‘11/T5 ’12, received a Carnegie Junior Fellowship, the
first ever for the University of Rochester. Efforts to remain
on the cutting-edge of research and education are ongoing, as
you will read about in the rest of the newsletter.
Meliora and thank-you! Best wishes to all for a
successful and happy year in 2013-2014.
The University is more than halfway through a major gift
campaign to help raise funds for new endowed professorships
and needed infrastructure improvements, including new or
renovated buildings for science. Through the generous gifts of
our alumni and other university and unrestricted funds, we will
continue the staged renovation of chemistry’s research laboratories over the next several years. We are hopeful that funds
will also become available to continue the urgently needed
upgrades to our teaching laboratories and to the infrastructure
of Hutchison Hall. Hutchison Hall is now 40 years of age,
and is showing the wear and tear of its 40 years of fine service.
Owing to increasingly stringent environmental and safety regulations, major renovations of the central building infrastructure are required that will return what is otherwise a sound and
serviceable structure to a modern facility meeting all current
and anticipated near-term needs.
The faculty, staff, and students celebrated Bob’s ten years with an afternoon get together in the Green Carpet
Lounge on Friday, June 21, 2013.
Everyone enjoyed the fun, friendship
and food culminating in giving Bob his
very own “Bob”blehead!
Robert Boeckman, Jr.
This was followed by a dinner at the beautiful Woodcliff Hotel
and Spa on Monday night, June 24th, where Bob and his wife,
Mary, enjoyed a dinner with faculty and friends. Bob was
toasted and lightly “roasted” by Todd Krauss, Rich Eisenberg,
and Pat Holland.
Mary and Bob Boeckman
Let me close by thanking all of you, both alumni, faculty, staff,
and students for your personal support and assistance during
my 10 year tenure as Chair of Chemistry. I have been gratified by the progress we made during this time, and I am most
grateful to the faculty and staff of the Chemistry Department
for making my term as Chair so personally rewarding. I can
honestly say that the Department is a wonderful place to work
and that I work with a truly remarkable group of people. I
will be ably followed by Todd D. Krauss as Chair. Todd is a
vigorous young leader who will take the Chemistry Department to new heights. Please welcome him and accord him the
same strong support in the coming years.
I am also extremely grateful to our alumni for your continuing support of the Department over the years. The support
and advice of our alumni is an invaluable resource. We continuously endeavor to establish and nurture our collegial atmosphere and sense of community with our alumni. We are
happy to receive news and are proud of your achievements in
your respective fields. Please let us know how you are doing by
using the reply form at the back of this newsletter or online at
http://www.chem.rochester.edu/alumni/submitnews.php and
we will pass the word on in next year’s edition. We encourage
you to stay in touch through the newsletter, through attending events, and through our website at www.chem.rochester.
edu. We want our current students to appreciate the legacy of
our extended “Chemistry Family” through a bond with their
We appreciate all
your hard work and
dedicated service
as Chair for the past
ten years.
Meet the New Chair
Greetings to all Chemistry Department
students, faculty, staff and especially our
alumni! The Chemistry Department at Rochester is entering
a year of transition as after 10 years as Chair, Bob Boeckman
has returned to the “ordinary” faculty life of teaching and
research. The Department has had much positive change
under Bob’s leadership and I list a few examples here:
The number of undergraduate Chemistry majors has
grown by 175 % to a total of 50 in the last year.
The graduate program has grown significantly as well
from 72 students in 2003 to a total of 120 students today.
A cohort of talented young faculty have matured
and are poised to lead their fields, leaving the Department
with the lowest percentage of untenured faculty in over two
On behalf of the entire Chemistry Department we want to
thank Bob for 10 years of selfless service and offer hearty
congratulations on a job well done. As I begin my term as
Chair I already have a deep appreciation for the challenges
of this position, and hope that I will be able to continue the
momentum that Bob has brought to the Department this last
We want to extend a warm welcome into the Department to
Ignacio Franco, who started as an Assistant Professor in July
of 2013. Ignacio is a theoretical chemist who will work on
the behavior of molecules under mechanical, optical or electrical stress. He received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemical
Physics from the University of Toronto Canada, after which he
joined Northwestern as a postdoctoral fellow, and then took a
position as group leader and Humboldt research fellow in the
Theory Department of the Fritz Haber Institute in 2011. We
expect that going forward Ignacio, along with Oleg Prezhdo,
will form the basis of a strong core theoretical group in the
As we look ahead to the academic year 2013-2014 I wanted to
share some of the goals and objectives of the Department. In
the last five years or so University has seen a 20% increase in
undergraduate enrollment bringing the total matriculated undergraduate students to over 5100. What has not kept pace
with the growth in the University as a whole is the growth
in the number of tenure-track Chemistry faculty. As a result,
Chemistry faculty are teaching well over 25% more students
than 10 years ago, yet the number of tenure-track faculty has
not increased even by one. Further, as the field of Chemistry diversifies into a rich set of interdisciplinary areas, we have
been struggling to keep up due to the constrained size. Thus,
one of our critical goals as a Department is to obtain the resources, both internal and external to the University, such
that we can reach a faculty size of 25 within 6 years by hiring
at least 10 new faculty over that time period. In addition to
strengthening the core areas of physical, inorganic and organic
chemistry with our hires, we look to build on our strengths in
emerging areas of chemistry such as chemical biology, supramolecular systems, materials, and nanoscience/nanotechnology. This hiring plan is an ambitious goal and we look forward
to working with all the stakeholders to ensure that it comes to
fruition. Having a larger faculty size will allow Chemistry at
Rochester to remain competitive with our peer institutions and
allow us to recruit to Rochester the best and brightest faculty
and students.
Where possible, our current and future research activities will
be focused on three “grand challenges” facing society today
that can be directly and significantly impacted by chemistry: (1)
Energy: meeting global energy needs while responsibly maintaining environmental resources; (2) Sustainability: meeting
the needs of a growing worldwide population given limited
global resources; and (3) Human Health: enhancing global
human health through disease prevention and treatment and
by enabling a healthy lifestyle. As the “central science,” Chemistry is uniquely positioned to address these three challenges
through interdisciplinary research initiatives. Indeed, already
this year two major proposal efforts have been submitted to
the National Science Foundation to support Centers of Excellence around the areas of “sustainable catalysis,” “topologically
switchable soft materials,” and “multifunctional carbon-based
We are looking to also broaden our undergraduate course offerings to include several “fun” classes (not that sophomore
Organic chemistry was not fun). Already being offered is a
course on Energy Science, Energy Technology and Energy
in Society being taught by Udo Schröder, which aims to give
students a scientific-technological knowledge base concerning conventional and novel energy production and distribution technologies such that they can critically evaluate existing
and proposed energy policy scenarios. In development is a
course by Alison Frontier on the chemistry and biochemistry
of poisons, and the relationship of these poisons to both recreational drugs and pharmaceuticals. Over the longer term,
I would like to develop a course on the Art and Science of
Cooking. Challenges remain as to their eventual adoption,
such as how does one teach a cooking course laboratory in
Hutchison Hall, but nonetheless we look forward to moving
ahead quickly and expect these courses to be quite popular
once offered.
Finally, I look forward to engaging our chemistry alumni around
the country over the coming years in a discussion of how to
best advance Chemistry at Rochester. These conversations
take on additional importance as we enter what seems like an
era of ever decreasing federal resources and serious questions
at all levels of government about the costs of a higher edu-
Todd D. Krauss
cation and whether an institution such as Rochester provides
a reasonable “value” to the student. To that end I wish to
extend a personal invitation to return to Rochester for Meliora
Weekend, with events running October 10th through the 13th.
In particular, please note that this year we will have the annual
Chemistry Department Gates Happy Hour on campus in the
Susan B. Anthony Residence Hall’s Friel Lounge on Saturday,
October 12th, from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. The Gates Happy Hour
is hosted by Ginny and Rob Searl, family of the late Professor
and Chair, Marshall D. Gates, Jr. I look forward to meeting you
Best wishes for a healthy and rewarding next
12 months. Meliora!
Todd D. Krauss
Todd D. Krauss Elected APS Fellow
Todd D. Krauss, professor of chemistry
and optics, has been elected a Fellow of
the American Physical Society (APS) in recognition for outstanding contributions to the field of
nanoscience, especially the photophysics of nanoscale
semiconductors, including groundbreaking discoveries
of the fluorescence properties of single carbon nanotubes and individual semiconductor nanocrystals. Todd’s
postdoctoral advisor, Louis Brus of Columbia University, commented that Todd “has a sense for putting things
and people together from available resources, so that significant research gets done. Krauss has become a major
member of the US nano-science community. . . . and his
work is quite novel. He will be productive for many years
to come.”
Todd and his group have established an innovative and
interdisciplinary research program focusing on understanding the fundamental optical properties of nanomaterials and integrating them into new technologies for
biology, optics and electronics. More than of interest
to specialists, their research has tried to address challenging problems that capture the attention of generalists, and that also has ramifications across several fields.
Specifically, they have distinguished themselves in three
distinct areas of nanomaterials science: carbon nanotube
photophysics, semiconductor nanocrystal photophysics,
and semiconductor nanocrystal synthetic mechanisms.
Altogether, Todd’s research is by its very nature highly
interdisciplinary, and has made significant impacts in
chemistry, applied physics, physics, biophysics, optics
and materials science.
Todd was inducted as an APS Fellow during the March,
2013 meeting held in Baltimore, Maryland. In the Chemistry Department, he joins his colleagues, James Farrar,
John Huizenga, John Muenter, Oleg Prezhdo, Lewis
Rothberg, and Udo Schroeder as Fellows of the APS.
The APS is a non-profit membership organization
working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics
through its outstanding research journals, scientific
meetings, education, outreach, advocacy and international activities. APS represents over 50,000 members, including physicists in academia, national laboratories and
industry in the United States and throughout the world.
Society offices are located in College Park, MD (Headquarters), Ridge, NY, and Washington, DC. The Division
of Chemical Physics (DCP) within the APS exists to
provide a forum for those who work to understand a
broad range of chemical systems, from atomic collisions
to complex materials, in terms of the behavior of the
individual atoms and particles that make up the system.
Donors ’12-’13
Includes donations received between July 2012 and
June 2013.
GIFTS OF $100,000+
Barbara J. Burger (B.S. ’83)
GIFTS OF $50,000+
Yuh-Geng (M.S. ’75), (Ph.D. ’77) and Margaret H. Tsay
GIFTS OF $10,000+
Thomas J. Blacklock (Flw ’80)
William B. Guenther (M.S. ‘50), (Ph.D. ‘54)
George Geoffrey Stanley (B.S. ’75)
GIFTS OF $5,000 - $9,999
Bruce David Roth (Flw ’82)
Prof. Douglas H. Turner
GIFTS OF $2,500 - $4,999
Judith Bieber and Alvin Bieber
Prudence K. Bradley (M.S. ’84), (Ph.D. ’88)
Robert George Eilerman (M.S. ’71), (Ph.D. ’75)
Steven J. Lee (Ph.D. ’73)
Norman P. (B.A. ’52) and Mary G. Neureiter
Dr. Ronald C. Newbold (M.S. ’87), (Ph.D. ’90)
Thomas J. Perun (Ph.D. ’63)
Seymour Siwoff
Joseph P. Smith (B.S. ’72)
Margaret May-Som Wu (M.S. ’74), (Ph.D. ’76) and
Wuu-Yong Wu (Ph.D. ’74)
GIFTS OF $1,500 - $2,499
Edwin D. (B.S. ’52) and Suzanne Becker
Satenik Farid (B.S. ’79), (M.B.A. ’83S) and Prof. Samir Farid
Anne Kampmeier
John Samuel Kruse (B.A. ’82), (Ph.D. ’89M), (M.D. ’90M)
Mark M. Rochkind (B.S. ’62) and Patricia Rochkind
Mark Marshall (B.S. ’79) and Helen Leung
GIFTS OF $500 - $1,499
Jody C. Asbury (Ed.D. ’94W) and Robert F. Asbury
(Flw ’79M)
Karen Hill Brown (B.A. ’61), (Ph.D. ’72)
Paula Brownlee (Flw ’61), (Hnr ’92) and Thomas Brownlee
(P.h.D ’61)
Chiu Shan Chang (Ph.D. ’71)
Lloyd H. Conover (Ph.D. ’50)
Walter Cooper (Ph.D. ’57)
Marcia Eisenberg and Prof. Richard S. Eisenberg
Thomas J. Hall (Ph.D. ’53)
Thomas Allen Henderson (M.S. ’83), (Ph.D. ’86)
Lori C. Josephson (B.A. ’78) and Richard Alan Josephson
(B.A. ’77)
Ravider Kaur
Fei-Fei Lee (M.S. ’70)
Norman Leister (P.hD. ’58)
Frederick DunB.A.r Lewis (Ph.D. ’68)
Lanny Steven Liebeskind (M.S. ’74), (Ph.D. ’77) and Diane
Gordon J. Miller, Jr. (B.S. ’82)
Kenneth P. Simolo (M.S. ’83), (Ph.D. ’85)
Thomas Neil Thompson (B.S. ’77), (M.S. ’81M),
(Ph.D. ’85M), (M.D. ’85M)
Nancy Ellen Weinreb (B.A. ’64) and Steven M. Weinreb
(Ph.D. ’67)
Joseph Weinstock (Ph.D. ’52)
George Eastman Statue
Carillon Bells of Rush Rhees
GIFTS OF $250 - $499
Virginia B. (Ph.D. ’64) and Edward A. Caress (Ph.D. ’63)
Richard P. English (B.S. ’65)
Richard Michael Fantazier (Ph.D. ’67)
Wei Fu (M.S. ’01) and Jing Zhang (M.S. ’98), (Ph.D. ’01)
Henry Havel (B.S. ’76)
Letitia Elizabeth Hillsman (B.A. ’97)
Julie A. Eklund and Scott M. Kampmeier
Martin Kunstmann (Ph.D. ’62)
Roy Alan Leckonby (M.S. ’74), (Ph.D. ’76)
Ronald M. Levinson (B.S. ’56)
William Linn (Ph.D. ’53)
Margaret Logan (M.S. ’72), (Ph.D. ’82), (Flw ’88)
Doris W. (B.A. ’50) and George W. Luckey (Ph.D. ’50)
Dean Curtis Marvin (B.A. ’73)
Matthew R. Robinson (B.S. ’97) and Melissa Summers
Brian Rohrs (B.S. ’83)
Bruce Stokes (M.S. ’75), (Ph.D. ’77)
Zachary K. Sweeney
Patricia Tata (M.S. ’84) and James Tata (M.S. ’84), (Ph.D. ’88)
Sanford T. (Ph.D. ’63) and Margaret Young
Cameron Ainsworth (Ph.D. ’49)
Bruce Armitage (B.S. ’88)
Peter Bernstein (B.S. ’73)
Nathaniel Brown, Jr. (B.S. ’13)
Robert Brown (B.A. ’57) and Gail Brown (B.A. ’57)
Melissa Cardona (B.S. ’13)
Michael De Bergalis (M.S. ’76), (Ph.D. ’79)
Kenneth Fahrenholtz (Ph.D. ’60) and Susan Fahrenholtz
(M.S. ’60)
Hyman Gesser (Flw ’53) and Esther Gesser
Edward Gordon (M.S. ’83), (Ph.D. ’87) and Janet Gordon
(M.D. ’85)
Deborah Graves (B.S. ’82), (M.S. ’84), (Ph.D. ’88) and
Jeffery Wood (M.S. ’82), (Ph.D. ’86), (Flw ’88)
Alison Hamlin (B.S. ’13)
Eve Hamlin and Ronald Hamlin
Maxwell Hecht (B.S. ’13)
Richard Jaffe (B.S. ’68), (Flw ’74) and Annette Jaffe
(Flw ’74)
Nicole Ketterer (B.S. ’03)
Kathryn Leach (M.S. ’05), (Ph.D. ’09)
Matthew McLaughlin (M.S. ’08), (Ph.D. ’12)
Moriah Nissan (B.S. ’08) and David Nissan (B.A. & B.S. ’08)
Mikael Olezeski (B.S. ’13)
Anish Patel (B.S. ’13)
Jessamyn Perlmutter (B.S. ’13)
Paul Sleezer (B.S. ’58)
Albert Soloway (Ph.D. ’51)
Alan Steinbach (B.A. ’62)
Frederick Wight (M.S. ’70)
Michelle Wrobleski (M.S. ’94), (Ph.D. ’98) and Stephen
Wrobleski (M.S. ’93), (Ph.D. ’97)
Emily Wyckoff (B.A. ’13)
Jack A. Kampmeier
Anne Kampmeier
Richard P. English (B.S. ‘65)
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Program
Chevron Phillips Corporation
ExxonMobil Corporation
Merck & Co., Inc.
Pfizer Corporation, Inc.
Roche Labs
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Texas Instrument, Inc.
Alumni News
KATHERINE GARNER (B.A. ‘11/T5 ’12) left for
Washington, D.C. this August to participate in the
Carnegie Junior Fellows program. She is among ten
students and recent college
graduates selected to provide
research assistance in 201314 to senior scholars working
on Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace (CEIP)
programs. The Carnegie Junior Fellowship is a highly selective program that accepts
just five percent of its applicant pool. Candidates must be
nominated by their college or
university, Rochester having joined the list of ~ 400
participating institutions in 2004. Garner is the first
candidate to be selected.
“It is a tremendous accomplishment for Kate Garner
to have been selected as the first-ever Carnegie Junior
Fellowship finalist and winner from Rochester this
year,” said Belinda Redden, director of fellowships at
Rochester. “Her year at the Endowment will be a transformative experience. Not only will she obtain a keener
understanding of the politics of climate change and
energy issues, but she will also gain greater insight into
how she can best marshal her talents and commitment
to science, public policy, and effective public outreach
in the realm of environmental challenges and sustainable solutions.”
A native of Cheshire, Conn., Garner will spend one
year working under senior associate Deborah Gordon
through the Carnegie Energy and Climate Program, researching the policies and regulations surrounding unconventional oils and water usage. It’s a subject that has
always been of interest to Garner. As an undergraduate, she enrolled in Physical Hydrology, which explored
how water is used as a resource for human consumption and touched on governmental regulation of water.
This sparked a curiosity in policy for Garner, who said
the Carnegie Junior Fellowship will be an opportunity
to delve deeper into the subject. She’ll assist Gordon
in creating a database that tracks the total carbon footprint of unconventional oils. Pending funding, she also
may research how states currently regulate water usage,
as a way to benchmark the best way to regulate water
use for producing unconventional oils.
Two University of Rochester students and eight alumni
have been named recipients of the National Science
Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. Additionally, 13 current students and recent alumni were given
honorable mentions by the NSF. The fellowship, which
is part of a federally sponsored program, provides up
to three years of graduate study support for students
pursing doctoral or research-based master’s degrees.
Since the program’s inception in 1952, it has supported
nearly 50,000 students conducting research in science,
technology, engineering, mathematics, and selected social science disciplines. Of the more than 12,000 applicants, only 2,000 were awarded fellowships. The fellowship includes a three-year annual stipend of $30,000, a
$12,000 educational allowance to the institution, and
international research and professional development
opportunities. Two chemistry alums received Honorable Mention - MATTHEW D. DEMARS II (B.A. ‘12
- Fasan/B.S. ‘12 BIOCHEMISTRY) a graduate student in chemistry at the University of Michgan, and
JONATHAN M. GOLDBERG B.S. ‘12 - Holland) now
a graduate student in chemistry at the University of
JENNIFER CIESIELSKI (PH.D. ‘12), from Alison
Frontier’s group, defended her Ph.D. thesis last summer and was awarded a National Science Foundation
(NSF) International Research Fellowship. The objective of the International Research Fellowship Program
(IRFP) is to introduce scientists and engineers in the
early stages of their careers to international collaborative research opportunities, thereby furthering their
research capacity and global perspective and forging
long-term relationships with scientists, technologists
and engineers abroad. These awards are available in any
field of science and engineering research and education
supported by NSF.
Jennifer is working at the
ETH (Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology) in Zurich,
Switzerland for Professor
Erick M. Carreira. Prof. Carreira’s research is focused on
synthetic organic chemistry,
organometallics and asymmetric catalysis, and medicinal chemistry.
TRAVIS J. HEBDEN (B.S. ‘04, M.S. ‘05) and his
wife, Michelle Cataldo Hebden, welcomed their second
daughter, Isadora, earlier in 2012. Travis, who received
his Ph.D. in Chemistry under D. Michael Heinekey at
the University of Washington in 2009, finished his
postdoc at MIT and is now working for Portland Technology Development
group’s Thin Films division of Intel in Hillsboro, Oregon. PTD
Module Engineers are
responsible for leading
scientific research and
enabling manufacture
of innovative device
architectures coupled
with the realization of
these architectures.
KAREN CHIANG (PH.D. ‘12) moved to San Diego last
year after defending her thesis to join her then fiance, now
husband, ABDALLAH BITAR (M.D./PH.D. ‘09). Dr. Bitar is a resident in the physician-scientist track of Scripps
Clinic’s Internal Medicine Residency Program and recently
joined as a KL2 Scholar at STSI. Dr. Bitar has a passion for
drug development and design, hoping to continue this line
of work with the Scripps Translational Science Institute.
Karen is now a part-time
post-doctoral researcher
and undergraduate mentor at the University of
San Diego with Professor
Timothy Clark. The Clark
research group focuses on
the applications of organometallic chemistry to organic synthesis.
Karen has a special interest in becoming involved with organizations that share the mission to promote understanding of the sciences in youths and adults. She mentions that
her time in graduate school (Pat Holland’s group) made
her realize that there is a large need for communicating
science to the general public by using fun and interactive
methods to make science more palatable.
On October 23, 2012, Norman P. Neureiter (B.A. ‘52)
was awarded the Austrian Cross of Honor in Science and
Art 1st Class, in the name of the President of Austria and
presented by the Austrian Minister of Science and Research
at a gala dinner event celebrating the 40th Anniversary of
IIASA—an international organization whose mission is to
address the major problems facing mankind, such as energy, food, water, population, and climate change.
Dr. Neureiter was born in Illinois and grew up near Rochester, New York. After receiving his B.A. degree in chemistry from the UR, he completed his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Northwestern University in 1957. He spent a
year (‘55-6) as a Fulbright Fellow in the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Munich then joined
Humble Oil and Refining (now part of Exxon) in Baytown, Texas as a research chemist. On leave from Humble in 1959, he served as a
guide at the U.S. National
Exhibition in Moscow,
subsequently qualifying as
an escort interpreter for
the Department of State.
Thus began many years in
government service both
here and abroad. He left
government service in
1973 and joined Texas InMinister Töchterle (left) awardstruments (TI), where he ing Norman Neureiter the Ausheld a number of staff and trian Cross of Honor for Science
management positions.
and Art 1st Class.ACS
Norman retired from TI in 1996, and worked as a consultant until being appointed as the first Science and Technology Adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State from 2000-2003.
He was then made a Distinguished Presidential Fellow for
International Affairs at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). In 2004, he joined the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to become
the first Director of the newly established AAAS Center
for Science, Technology and Security Policy (CSTSP). Although he stepped down as the Director of CSTSP in
2009, he remains as Senior Advisor both to CSTSP and
the recently formed AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy
(CSD). Dr. Neureiter is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in 2008, he was
elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences and also was a recipient of the National Academy
of Sciences’ Public Welfare Medal, considered the highest
honor of that institution. In 2010, he received from the
Emperor of Japan the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and
Silver Star, for contributions over many years to furthering
scientific cooperation between the U.S. and Japan. He is
presently also a member of the NAS Committee on International Security and Arms Control (CISAC). Dr. Neureiter is married with four children and speaks German,
Russian, and Polish.
JOHN K. BORCHARDT (Ph.D. ‘73), 66, an oil and energy
consultant, technical writer, and ACS career consultant,
died in January, 2013 while attending an ACS Leadership Institute meeting in Dallas. A native of Chicago,
Borchardt earned a B.S. in
chemistry from Illinois Institute of Technology in
1968 and a Ph.D. in organic
chemistry from the UR in
1973. He worked at Halliburton Services from 1977
until 1984, when he moved to Shell Chemical. In 1999,
he moved to Tomah Products, where he served as a technical manager for three years. In 2005, he began working
as a technical writer and volunteer career consultant with
ACS. He authored the ACS/Oxford University Press
book “Career Management for Scientists and Engineers”
and authored or coauthed more than 1,500 career-oriented articles published in magazines, newspapers, and
“John had an enormous impact in the lives of hundreds
of students and chemists,” says David Harwell, assistant
director for career management at ACS. “He devoted
himself to service and was a foundational and ever-present volunteer,” he adds. Indeed, John visited Rochester in the fall of 2010 and presented “Managing Your
Job Search” at our annual SYCAM (Synthesis, Catalysis,
& Mechanism) cluster retreat. He also held individual
meetings with students to review their resumes and give
suggestions for intervieweing. John is survived by two
ELLIS R. GLAZIER (Ph.D. ‘57), 83, passed away in La Paz,
Mexico in April, 2013. Born in Allentown, NY, he was
the son of the late Harry A. and Clara Glazier. Ellis was
a graduate of Allentown High School, Cornell University, and received his doctorate in chemistry from the
University of Rochester. He served in the U.S. Army Air
Corps during the Korean War. Ellis had been living in
Mexico for the last 24 years working in his second career
as an author’s editor of scientific papers. He stated just
this past fall that “it has been a great educational experience, especially in marine science, because La Paz is
situated on the Mar de Cortes. Ellis also worked with a
group at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
(UNAM) and the Universidad de Puebla. He is survived
by his wife, Eileen; brother, Leonard; sons, Charles and
Jonathon; and five grandchildren.
JAMES G. SMITH (B.S. ‘53), who passed away in January,
2013 at the age of 84, was a retiree of Eastman Kodak
Co., with 42 years of service. Jim also did IRS tax preparation for seniors and was an usher at Eastman Theater
for many years. In addition, Jim volunteered with the
Monroe County Cooperative Extensive whose mission
is to provide research-based information and education
programs to address local priority needs in the areas of
4-H Youth Development, Agriculture, Horticulture, and
Nutrition, Food Safety & Health. Jim is survived by his
wife, Doris, and son, Keith.
The Department of Chemistry also mourns the passing
 Ernest
Royal Hanna (Ph.D. ’59)
 Arthur
Gene Krohn (B.A. ’59)
 William
L. Lehn (Ph.D. ’58)
 Charles
A. Manuele (B.A. ’35)
 Robert
James Scott (B.S. ’48)
Interfaith Chapel (Photo Courtesy of Bruce Benerofe)
Feature Articles
Richard Eisenberg Receives William H. Nichols and
Rich receiving the William H. Nichols Medal from Philip Mark,
Fred Basolo Medals
Chair of the NY Section of the ACS
Congratulations to Rich Eisenberg who
was named the 2013 William H. Nichols
Medal award winner “for contributions to Inorganic Photochemistry” and the 2012 Fred
Basolo Medal Award winner for “outstanding
research in Inorganic Chemistry!”
Richard Eisenberg, Tracy Harris Professor of Chemistry,
received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from
Columbia University. In 1973, he joined the faculty of
the University of Rochester after six years as Assistant
and Associate Professor at Brown University in Providence, RI. He served as Chair of the UR Chemistry Department from 1991-1994 and was named to the Harris
Chair in 1996. Rich served as the Editor–in-Chief of Inorganic Chemistry, the leading journal in its field, during
the period 2001-2012.
Eisenberg’s research interests are in inorganic and organometallic chemistry, photochemistry relating to solar
energy conversion, and catalysis. Some of Eisenberg’s
specific research activities include the photogeneration
of hydrogen from water, luminescent square planar complexes and their incorporation into molecular assemblies
for photoinduced charge separation, the development of
parahydrogen induced polarization for hydrogen addition
reactions, luminescent gold and copper complexes for
application in electroluminescent. He has won numerous
awards including the 2003 ACS Award for Distinguished
Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry and
shared the 2011 ACS Nobel Laureate Signature Award
in Graduate Education with his student Ping-wu Du.
In 2010, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award
for Graduate Education from the University of Rochester. Eisenberg was elected a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science in 2005, a
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
in 2009, and a Member of the U. S. National Academy of
Sciences in 2010.
nation. He maintained a deep commitment to research
and development and to the importance of supporting
science education and students of chemistry. To date,
16 recipients of the Nichols Medal have also received
the Nobel Prize. The Nichols Medal was presented to
Professor Eisenberg in March of 2013 and was coupled
with a symposium in which Harry Gray, Cliff Kubiak,
Bill Jones and Marcetta Darensbourg all participated.
The William H. Nichols Medal Award, the oldest award
presented by a local section (New York) of the ACS, recognizes outstanding achievement in chemical research.
Dr. William H. Nichols, a charter member of the
American Chemical Society and its president in 1918 and
1919, was a pioneer in the development of the chemical
industry in the United States and an early champion of
the importance of chemistry in the future growth of the
Rich was presented the Basolo medal in October, 2012
at Northwestern University where he spoke on “The Reductive Side of Water Splitting: Recent Progress in the
Photo-driven Generation of Hydrogen from Water.”
The Basolo medal was particularly meaningful because
Rich is a “scientific grandson” of Fred’s and knew Fred
for many years.
The Fred Basolo Medal was established by the former
students of Fred Basolo in appreciation for his contributions to inorganic chemistry at Northwestern University.
Internationally recognized for his original contributions
to the syntheses and reaction mechanisms of transitionmetal Werner complexes, Basolo did some of the seminal
work in the developing fields of organometallic and bioinorganic chemistry. Fred was a member of the National
Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences, and received ACS Awards for Research and
for Service in Inorganic Chemistry, the Pimentel Award
in Chemical Education and the 2001 Priestley Medal.
Sloan Research Fellow Dan Weix
Thieme Chemistry Journal & Pfizer Green Chemistry Awards
We want to congratulate Dan Weix, Assistant
Professor of Chemistry, for a great year! He
was named a 2013 Sloan Research Fellow,
received a 2013 Thieme Chemistry Journal
Award and a 2012 Green Chemistry Award
from the Pfizer-Groton Green Chemistry
Dan Weix has made a tremendous start in his research and
teaching career since joining our faculty as a tenure-track
faculty assistant professor on July 1, 2008. Dan came to
Rochester with an extremely strong background in synthetic
and organometallic chemistry, focusing on the development
of new methods for C-C bond formation used in organic
synthesis. He earned his B.S. in Chemistry at Columbia University in 2000, and his Ph.D. degree under the direction of
Professor Jonathan Ellman at the University of California,
Berkeley in 2005. He spent three years as a postdoctoral
fellow with Professor John Hartwig at Yale University and
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prior to
joining our department.
According to Chemistry Chair Robert Boeckman, Jr., “There
is no question the breadth and depth of Dan’s research
program, developed in a mere four years, ranks him at the
very top of his cohort of young faculty working in the area
of organometallic synthesis methodology.” Dan notes that
it is “a real honor to receive these honors on behalf of my
research group. Their hard work and insights have made this
possible and enjoyable. These honors, both from academia
and industry, reflect the conceptual and practical advances we
have been able to make in Cross-Electrophile coupling these
past few years.”
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a philanthropic, not-forprofit grantmaking institution based in New York City. Established in 1934 by Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr., then-President
and Chief Executive Officer of the General Motors Corporation, the Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. Nominated by their fellow researchers and
chosen by a distinguished panel of senior scholars, the Sloan
Research Fellows represent the next generation of leaders
in the natural sciences, economics, and mathematics. These
two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers in
recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field. Past
Dan Weix (left) with undergraduate student David George
(B.S. ‘12 - center), and group member, Dan Everson at the
Undergraduate Research Expo, spring 2013
recipients of Sloan Research Fellowships have gone on to
win 38 Nobel prizes, 14 Fields Medals (mathematics), and
eight John Bates Clark awards (economics).
Dan Weix was also the recipient of a 2013 Thieme Chemistry
Journal Award - established in 1999 with the aim to encourage young scientists. This award is granted to prospective
chemists who have been recognized as high-potential researchers in the field of synthetic organic chemistry by the
editorial board members of Synthesis, Synlett and Synfacts.
Lastly, the Weix group was chosen for a Pfizer Green Chemistry Award. Pfizer Worldwide Research & Development
in Groton, Connecticut, actively promotes the twelve principles of green chemistry amongst their staff. One of the
key components of the program facilitated by their Green
Chemistry Team is internal recognition through the “Groton
Labs Green Chemistry Award.” Annual awards are presented
to Pfizer scientists who demonstrate outstanding performance by incorporating green chemistry into pharmaceutical
research and development activities. As part of the award,
the winners of the Groton Green Chemistry Award receive
a $5,000 cash award for a university scientific department
selected by the winner(s). The 2012 winners have chosen to
donate $5,000 to the Weix research group in the Department
of Chemistry at the University of Rochester to recognize the
group’s notable contributions to the increasingly important
field of Non-Precious Metal Catalysis.
Harrison Howe Award: Sunney Xie
The 2012 Harrison Howe Award of the
Rochester Section of the American Chemical Society was presented to Professor
Xiaoliang (Sunney) Xie, on October 2, 2012 during
the Northeastern Regional Meeting (NERM) of the ACS
held in Rochester at the RiverFront Radisson. The Harrison Howe Award is dedicated to the memory of Harrison E. Howe, 1881—1942, a cofounder of the ACS Rochester Section and a well-known
chemist, editor, and author. The
award was established to recognize a scientist who has made
outstanding contributions to
chemistry or closely related fields
and who shows great potential
for further achievement. There
have been 67 Harrison Howe
Award winners, twenty-six of
whom subsequently won a Nobel Prize (39%). Professor
Brad Nilsson is the current chair of the Harrison Howe
Award Committee, which also includes Professors Todd
Krauss and David McCamant as committee members.
Sunney Xie, considered a founding father of singe-molecule
enzymology, received a B.S. from Peking University in 1984,
and a Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego
in 1990, followed by a short postdoctoral experience at the
University of Chicago. In 1992, Xie joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he later became a Chief
Scientist. In 1999, he was appointed Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. He is now the Mallinckrodt
Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard.
His honors include the E.O. Lawrence Award in Chemistry, the Leibinger Innovation Prize, the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, and the Sackler Prize for Physical Sciences.
Xie is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Xie’s group is working at the interface of several disciplines, striving to develop new physical and chemical
tools to solve compelling biological problems. Xie has
made major contributions to the emergence of the field
of single-molecule biophysical chemistry and its application to biology. Recently, they have developed a
new DNA sequencing method that offers potentially
low cost and fast turnaround time for genome analyses.
They are exploring single cell genomics, which allows
the determination of the genome of an individual cell.
His team also pioneered the development of coherent
Raman scattering microscopy. With a wealth of physical and chemical tools, Xie’s group is excited to make
both scientific and technological contributions to life science as it is becoming a data-rich, quantitative science.
To celebrate the event, an afternoon symposium, entitled
“New Frontiers in Imaging” was organized by Profs. Brad
Nilsson and David McCamant. The symposium included a
seminar by X. Sunney Xie, entitled “The Quest for Nonlinear coherent optical imaging for biology and medicine”.
This was followed by Prof. Ed Brown, of the University
of Rochester Medical Center, who described his work using second-harmonic generation with femtosecond lasers
to probe collagen in breast cancer tissue. Two alums, Haw
Yang (Princeton) and Peng Chen (Cornell), from the Xie
lab were also in attendance. Prof. Haw Yang, from Princeton’s Department of Chemistry, discussed his recent
microscopy work investigating conformational dynamics
of enzymes and temperature gradients in single cells. Prof.
Peng Cheng, from Cornell’s Department of Chemistry,
spoke about his single particle studies of catalysis by metallic nanoparticles. The evening award ceremony began
with a delightful reception overlooking the Genessee river
and dinner, followed by the award ceremony and public
lecture by Prof. Xie, in which Prof. Xie described his work
investigating single molecule enzymology and imaging.
Attendance at the public lecture was estimated at over 200.
Dave McCamant and Sunney Xie (right)
Nanomaterials Symposium 2013
On Monday, May 20, 2013, the Rochester
Advanced Material Program (RAMP) hosted
the Nanomaterials Symposium 2013 on Frontiers in Materials Science for the 21st Century: Novel Materials for
Sustainable Catalysis. This event was co-sponsored by
the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences,
the School of Arts & Sciences and the UR Integrated Nanosystems Center. The symposium committee
faculty members were Professors Todd Krauss and Oleg
Prezhdo. The event coordinator was Lynda McGarry,
with special thanks to Breanna Eng ( ‘13) for the design
and publication of the symposium web page and program
One of the great synthetic challenges for the 21st century
is the design of materials and chemical fuels of all
types utilizing sustainable and/or green processes. The
one-day “Gordon conference” style symposium had an
overarching theme of innovation in materials science and
engineering that will be necessary in order to advance
catalytic applications in the coming decades. Keynote
speakers addressed the problem from several perspectives, including discussions of photocatalysis, multifunctional nanoparticle catalysts, materials for water splitting,
and novel fuel cell materials.
The day began with opening comments by Symposium
Chair and Materials Science Program Director Todd
Krauss. The first talk of the morning, “Rational Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles for Catalytic Applications,”
was given by Dr. Shouheng Sun. Professor Sun joined
the Chemistry Department of Brown University in 2005,
and currently serves as the Co-Director of Brown’s Institute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation (IMNI)
and as an associate editor to the journal “Nanoscale”
(the Royal Society of Chemistry). The second seminar
of the day, “Catalysis synthesis: Beyond art, but a highly
underexplored [and non-linear] science” was presented
by Dr. Robert M. Rioux. Robert Rioux is currently the
Friedrich G. Helfferich Assistant Professor of Chemical
Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. The
morning program ended with the talk “Stable and functional hybrid interfaces via bilayered molecular systems”
by Dr. Alexander Shestopalov, an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Rochester. Alex started his academic career at the
University of Rochester in early 2010, and his research
interests include studying the properties of hard and soft
From left (back): James Muckerman, Oleg Prezhdo, Robert Rioux,
From left (front): Todd Krauss, Shouheng Sun, Peng Chen
material interfaces and how they can be modified and
structured using organic and polymeric materials.
The afternoon program kicked off with Dr. James Muckerman, Deputy Chair for Strategic Planning, and Senior
Chemist in the Chemistry Department of Brookhaven
National laboratory in Upton, New York. He spoke
about a very popular topic: “Photocatalytic water oxidation at the GaN (10¬10) – water interface.” By creating
a new catalyst capable of converting hydrogen gas and
carbon dioxide to liquid formate at room temperature,
this storage system could revolutionize the ways in which
hydrogen is transferred and stored. As a continuation of
this topic, the next speaker, Alexey V. Akimov, presented
his research on “Non-adiabatic dynamics of photoholes
during initial steps of the photocatalytic water splitting
on GaN(10-10) surface: Charge localization governs
splitting efficiency.” Alexey has been working with Prof.
Oleg Prezhdo’s group at the University of Rochester,
and in 2012 he joined a collaborative project with Dr.
James Muckerman at the Department of Chemistry at
Brookhaven National Laboratory. The final speaker of
the day was Dr. Peng Chen, a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell
University. The topic of his presentation was “Singlenanoparticle catalysis at single-turnover and nanometer resolution.” Professor Chen began his faculty appointment at Cornell University in 2005 and his research
focuses on single-molecule imaging of nanoscale catalysis, as well as of metal homeostatic machineries both in
vitro and in vivo.
The 2013 Chemistry-Biology-Biophysics Cluster Retreat
This year, the Retreat started on the afternoon of June 6 with a
talk by Prof. Eric Kool (George and Hilda Daubert Professor
of Chemistry, Stanford University) to an audience of about
100 people in Lander Auditorium in Hutchison Hall. The
talk was titled: “Designer DNA Bases as Probes for Biological
Molecules and Processes.” Dr. Kool first described the organic
chemistry and combinatorial screening approach for discovering DNA tetramers with combinations of unnatural “bases”
that produce novel fluorescence and binding properties. He
then described applications to imaging in cells and to detection of ions. Thus, his talk encompassed the Retreat’s theme
of interdisciplinary research combining chemistry, biology, and
ranging from synthesis to computations, with a wide variety of
studies in between. This was followed by a buffet lunch, six
scientific talks, and a very informative “Career Panel Discussion,” that included Eric Kool, Payel Das (IBM), Sina Ghaemmaghami (Assistant Professor, UR Biology), Josh Blose (Assistant Professor, SUNY Brockport), Brian Edelbach (Assistant
Professor, Monroe Community College), and Hal Ebetino
(retired from Proctor and Gamble and currently involved with
biotechnology start-ups). Drs. Edelbach and Ebetino received
their Ph.D.s from UR’s Department of Chemistry and Dr.
Blose did his Ph.D. research with Prof. Phil Bevilaqua at Penn
State. Phil did his Ph.D. research at UR. The participants
provided interesting histories of how they made career choices.
Valuable advice was given on what employers look for when
hiring. Many questions from students pertained to academic
positions. Three graduate students gave talks on their research.
The students represented the Department of Chemistry, the
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, and the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology. Fifteen students and
postdocs presented posters on their research in a lively poster
session in which poster presenters interacted with students and
faculty from many different departments and groups as well as
with the visiting scientists.
Prof. Kool started his independent research in 1990 as a faculty
member in UR’s Department of Chemistry and moved to
Stanford in 1999. This was his first return to Rochester and,
therefore, the first opportunity for biological groups to hear
about applications of his new materials.
Much information was exchanged throughout the two days
and new connections were made that can enhance research
and training at the Chemistry-Biology-Biophysics Interface at
UR. Several attendees were undergraduates participating in
summer Research Experience for Undergraduates programs.
The Retreat reconvened at the Staybridge Suites Hotel at 9:30
AM the next day with 84 attendees. The day started with fruit,
juice, coffee and breakfast pastries and a session of 15 posters
The Retreat gave all participants a broad overview of research
related to biology and an appreciation of interdisciplinary approaches.
One goal of the Chemistry-Biology-Biophysics
Interface Training Cluster is to increase interactions
between groups doing Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, and
Biophysics at the University of Rochester. The Cluster currently has research groups from the Departments of Chemistry
(13), Biology (3), Biochemistry & Biophysics (10), Microbiology (5), and Pharmacology (1). The main medium for achieving
the Cluster’s goals is an annual Retreat that is largely funded by
the University Committee for Interdisciplinary Studies (UCIS).
Doug Turner, Hal Ebetino, Kara Bren, Eric Kool, Brian Edelbach, Sina Ghaemmaghami, Payel Das, Alan Grossfield
Two Teaching Awards - Frontier & Hafensteiner
Professor Alison Frontier received the 2012
Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in recognition for her excellence in teaching the large organic chemistry course, CHM
204, in addition to the other classes she has taught since
joining the faculty at UR. Along with classroom performance, the award recognizes
in course design and
methods and style, integration of research and
teaching, and the ability
to create a rigorous and
relevant environment in
the classroom, where
students of all abilities
and experiences with
chemistry are stimulated and challenged.
Alison joined our faculty in January 2002 after completing
her Ph.D. in 1999 (Organic Chemistry, Columbia University) and postdoctoral work at Stanford University (19992001). Professor Frontier has been exceptionally productive during her time here, publishing numerous articles in
premier journals, attaining significant results in a science
that is often characterized as incremental in nature, and
has, additionally, acquired significant, external funding
from both the NIH and the NSF. Robert Boeckman,
chemistry department chair, says “Alison is rapidly being
recognized as one of the outstanding chemists in her
cohort in the field of synthetic methods development
and complex molecule synthesis. She is an engaging and
exciting lecturer, a thorough and dedicated mentor, an accessible and knowledgeable instructor.”
Established in 1997 by University Trustee Robert Goergen
and his wife, Pamela, the Goergen Award for Excellence in
Undergraduate Teaching (formerly the Goergen Award for
Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate
Teaching) recognizes the distinctive accomplishments and
skills of individual teachers in undergraduate courses in
the College. The Award aims to recognize the full scope
of educators’ work that contributes to excellence in undergraduate education. The award was presented to Professor
Frontier at a special luncheon and award ceremony held
in the Multi Activity Center (Goergen Athletic Center)
during Meliora weekend, Friday, October 12, 2012.
Dr. Ben Hafensteiner was named Professor of the Year in the Natural Sciences, an
award bestowed on behalf of the University of Rochester Students’ Association who determined, after a careful
screening of the pool of nominations, that Ben best fulfilled the criteria for this high honor.
The Students’ Association Professor of the Year Award
was created in 1981 to increase awareness of the importance of undergraduate instruction. The program recognizes faculty members for their achievement purely as an
undergraduate professor. The award is given annually to
recognize a faculty member in each academic division of
the College (Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences,
and Social Sciences) who makes a positive and lasting
impact on undergraduate student life at the University through dedication to developing relationships with
students, creation of an engaging and challenging classroom atmosphere, as well as inspiring the further pursuit
of knowledge.
Ben received his B.A.
degree in Chemistry
here at the UR in 2003
and his Ph.D. from The
Scripps Research Institute in 2008. He and
his wife moved to the
Rochester area two years
ago when Ben began
lecturing in general and
organic chemistry each
Students raved about Ben’s ability to make any class feel
small even though they were generally large lectures. They
also explained how supported they feel by Ben as a mentor
outside of the classroom. It’s clear Ben’s students have a
profound respect and appreciation for his knowledge and
enthusiasm. To honor Ben, he was invited to attend the
Undergraduate Research Expo on Friday, April 19, 2013
where he was presented with this award.
ACS on Campus at Carlson Library
The American Chemical Society (ACS)
has an outreach program called ACS on
Campus “dedicated to helping students, post-docs, and
and John Kratunis (M.S. ‘83) from CAS, who discussed the
current version of SciFinder in “The SciFinder® Advantage for Your Career”.
faculty members advance in their careers”. A planning
committee of Sue Cardinal, Chemistry Librarian, James
Shanahan, president of the Undergraduate Chemistry
Council (UCC), Michael Baranello, graduate student in
chemical and biomedical engineering, Dr. Will Eckenhoff,
postdoc and member of the Younger Chemist Committee (YCC), Prof. Udo Schroeder, faculty, Robin Cooley,
administrative assistant, and Jennifer Taylor Howell, from
ACS worked together to plan this event.
After a brief boxed lunch, Dr. Sonja Krane returned to introduce us to the recently released ACS ChemWorx, a fully
featured reference manager in “ChemWorx Presentation:
From Inception to Collaboration to Publication.” There
are plans to add project management software and links to
ACS Paragon Plus, the publishing platform for ACS. An
iPhone app can now be downloaded.
On Monday, April 15, at MacGregors in Henrietta, we held
a Science Café networking reception for students, faculty
and the local science community. The next day, April 16,
sixty-five chemists, librarians and entrepreneurs from University of Rochester and beyond came to Carlson Science
& Engineering Library for a full day program. One librarian joined us from Lithuania! Sue Cardinal, Chemistry Librarian and Dr. Robert K. Boeckman, Jr., the chair
of the UR Chemistry Department and Associate Editor
for the Journal of Organic Chemistry, welcomed everyone to
Next, Prof. William D. Jones, UR faculty and Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society,
covered the “Basics in Scholarly Publishing”. This was a
Bill Jones, UR Chemistry
heart to heart talk to students about how to thoughtfully
prepare their papers from the context of what will happen
once your paper is submitted. This was followed by Dr.
Sonja Krane, Managing Editor of Journal of the American
Chemical Society, who spoke about “Copyright and Ethics
in Scholarly Communication: What You Need to Know”
Dr. Duncan Moore, Vice Provost of Entrepreneurship
from the UR, Michael Riedlinger, Rochester BioVenture
Center Program Manager from High Tech Rochester, Mark
Palvino (B.S. Optics) from Optimax and Rami Katz, Chief
Operating Officer of Excell Partners, Inc. participated in
an engaging panel discussion about the numerous opportunities available to the University of Rochester community. The program was called “Entrepreneurship in Upstate
New York: What You Need to Know to Start Your Own
Venture.” Right before the closing reception, Dr. Patrick
Gordan from ACS presented a hands-on program called
“ACS Career Pathways: Finding Your Path In Industry and
Special Note:
We invite you
to come visit
Carlson Library
to see the second
This past summer, in
order to create space
the circulation desk
was cut in half and
refinished to feature
an oval shaped table
with two large back
to back displays.
One to four people
can connect their
laptops to each
display. Colorful and playful seating was added in front of
the desk. Clean windows, new paint on the walls and in
the stairwell and fresh carpet complete the new look.
Student Awards and Accolades
Pictured with Professor Brad Nilsson (left below) is the John
McCreary Memorial Prize winner, NATHANIEL BROWN, JR.
(B.S. ’13). This prize was established in 1985 in tribute to the
high academic and scientific standards, and the personal dedication of John James McCreary who received his B.S. degree
in Chemistry in 1975. Nate, who graduated with the chemistry
department’s highest distinction honors and was elected to Phy
Beta Kappa, has now started graduate studies in chemistry at
Princeton University.
This year there were two recipients of a Carl A. Whiteman,
Jr. Teaching Award - NATHANIEL BROWN, JR. (B.S. ’13)
- pictured above - and BENJAMIN HYERS (B.A. ’13). This
award recognizes exemplary teaching by an undergraduate
student in the department of chemistry. Ben, Phi Beta Kappa
and highest distinction honors in chemistry, worked with Professor Alison Frontier and is attending medical school.
MICAH BROWN (B.S. ’13) also graduated with chemistry
department highest distinction honors and is a member of
Phi Beta Kappa. Micah was the recipient of the Dr. E.W. and
Maude V. Flagg Award. This award was established in 1982 as
an endowed fund by Dr. John J. Flagg to recognize outstanding performance and promise in chemistry by a graduating
senior. Micah completed undergraduate research with Professor David McCamant, studying computational methods and
Raman spectroscopy. He is now attending the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill to pursue a doctorate in analytical chemistry.
JOSEPH COLARUOTOLO (B.S. ’13), received the 2013 ACS
Rochester Section Award given to a senior with an outstanding
academic record. He was recognized during the ACS Annual
Rochester Section Undergraduate Research Symposium and
his name is now displayed on a plaque in the department.
Joe enjoyed working with Professor David McCamant on the
excitation dynamics of P3HT and graduated with chemistry
highest distinction honors. He is attending the University of
Chicago to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry.
Each year the American Chemical Society (ACS) gives an Inorganic Chemistry Award to a student who is selected by the
faculty on the basis of outstanding academic achievement in
inorganic chemistry. LUXI SHEN (B.A. ’13), this year’s award
winner, worked tirelessly in Professor Richard Eisenberg’s lab
on the development of catalysts for proton reduction. Luxi is
pursuing a Ph.D. at Cornell University. New this year from the
ACS, is an Organic Chemistry Award, won by senior JARED
NESVET (B.A. ‘13) - highest distinction and Phi Beta Kappa.
Jared worked with Professor Mike Neidig synthesizing and
spectroscopically analyzing various iron-based catalysts and is
continuing to pursue these spectroscopic interest in biological
systems with Professor Ed Solomon at Stanford University.
Chemistry Department awards went to JOSHUA BIELEMEIER, (B.A. ’13), ALISON HAMLIN, (B.S. ’13), BENJAMIN
’13). These awards are given to seniors in recognition of outstanding scholarship in the study of chemistry.
ALISON HAMLIN (B.S. ’13) also received the Janet Howell
Clark Prize. Established by the University, this award is given
to the senior woman who has shown the greatest promise in
creative work in one of the following fields - Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Astronomy - and has shown outstanding versatility in the mastery of allied fields. Alison graduates with
the highest distinction chemistry honors and was elected to
Phi Beta Kappa. She had previously been awarded the Merck
Index Award for Outstanding Achievement in Organic
Chemistry. Alison spent three
semesters conducting research
on solar hydrogen production
in Professor Rich Eisenberg’s
lab, as well as studying abroad
one semester in Kenya where,
for one month in the field,
she studied the social and
economic impact of biogas
digester use.
Rising senior HEE YOUNG (RACHEL) received the Catherine
Block Memorial Fund Prize. This University award is given to
a woman in the Junior class in recognition of her outstanding
ability and achievement in the field of science. The student
award winner is recognized during the first fall chemistry department get together.
The Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence in Teaching
by a Graduate Student is a University wide competition given
to exceptional teaching assistants. KIMBERLY MANBECK,
now in her fourth year in Professor Jone’s lab, was among the
graduate students across the University who received the 2012
award. The nomination includes letters of support from the
chair, faculty and students. The comment heard from students
many times about Kim is that “she is an excellent teacher, kind,
considerate, and fully invested in her students. She is helpful,
approachable, and wants her students to succeed.”
YICK CHONG LAM (B.S. ‘13) was chosen to receive the CRC
Press Chemistry Achievement Award for a Senior based on
outstanding accomplishment in chemistry. Yick
graduates with the department’s highest distinction
of honors. Yick conducted research with Professor Fasan on designing
alternative strategies for
synthesizing Macrocyclic
Organo-Peptide Hybrids
(MOrPHs). Yick began
his graduate studies in
chemistry this fall at Yale
As noted in an interview for the Career & Internship Digest of
the UR Gwen M. Greene Center Yick mentions that “during
freshman honors organic chemistry, I became interested in designing molecules with therapeutic properties . . . “My one
piece of advice: Always pursue your interests and keep learning
in any and every environment. Do not hesitate to ask professors for research opportunities or even to ask questions during
class,” he says.
The department gave five W.D. Walters Teaching Awards
this year: ADAM FEINBERG (M.S. ‘13), JEFFREY KEHL,
(M.S. ‘13), and JAMES VIRNELLI, III (M.S. ‘13). This
award, memorializing the late Professor Walters, recognizes
outstanding undergraduate teaching by graduate teaching assistants and their commitment and achievements.
BREANNA ENG (B.A. ‘13) received a special chemistry department award to honor her outstanding effort and contributions on behalf of the department. Breanna has been
a student office assistant specifically for the Undergraduate Studies and Development
Administrators where she has
used her design and computer
skills to create most of the
posters, brochures, covers
and other artwork seen and
used throughout the department - including the cover of
this newsletter! Throughout
her four years here, Breanna
was very involved in student activities, Track & Field, Campus
Crusades, VP of Marketing for the Riverview Hall Council,
and took a semester to study abroad in New Zealand as a
Gilman scholar. Breanna is attending the Warner School here
at the UR to earn her Master’s degree in secondary education
in chemistry with a certification to teach children with disabilities in an inclusive classroom.
RUJA SHRESTHA (PH.D. ‘12) , was selected to receive a
commendation in the Outstanding Dissertation Award competition for the natural sciences,
a testament to her exceptional work as a graduate student
at the UR with Professor
Dan Weix. Ruja is now at
the University of California,
Berkeley, in the John Hartwig
group to further her skills
in organometallic chemistry
and is currently investigating
oxidative olefination of
Congratulations to rising seniors SARAH KONISKI (Bren
group) and LOUIS PAPA (Fasan group) who spent their
summer conducting research in German laboratories through
the German Academic Exchange Service-Research Internships in Science & Engineering Scholarship (DAAD-RISE)
program. Louis plans to graduate from Rochester and pursue
a doctoral degree in chemical biology and medicinal chemistry
and hopes to teach at the university level. He interned at the
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry at the University of Jena, while Sarah spent her time at the
Jülich Research Center (Forschungszentrum Jülich) adding to
her general knowledge of computation chemistry while testing
different computation methods for radionuclide-bearing molecules. While her post-graduation plans are still undecided,
she is interested in enrolling in a master’s degree program in
chemistry or pursuing an industry career.
David George with President Joel Seligman at award ceremony
DAVID GEORGE (B.S. ’13) won the President’s Award for
Undergraduate Research in the Natural Sciences at the spring
Undergraduate Research Symposium. David worked in Professor Dan Weix’s lab under the direction of graduate student
Dan Everson, investigating the synthesis of a naturally occurring molecule found in the fungus Cephalosporium recifei.
George is attending the University of California, Irvine to
pursue a Ph.D. in organic chemistry.
In the college writing contest, YICK CHONG LAM (B.S.
’13) (Fasan group, pictured on pg 21), received an Honorable
Mention in the Natural & Applied Sciences Division for his
paper entitled “Evolution of Nuclear Drug Delivery” written
for CHM 440 (Nilsson).
See also Commencement beginning on page 60
Masters Degree recipients at the 2013 Commencement Ceremony (not all are pictured here)
Stephanie Daifuku, Gilbert Reynders, Adam Feinberg, Megan Reesbeck, Malik Al-Afyouni, Nicholas Arnet, and Jared Kneebone
Faculty News
Robert K. Boeckman, Jr.
Marshall D. Gates, Jr. Professor of Chemistry and Chair
Ph.D. 1971, Brandeis University
Total synthesis of alkaloids, terpenes, antibiotics, and antitumor agents; development
of new synthetic methodology including the asymmetric synthesis methods involving
the Diels-Alder reaction, the Claisen-retro-Claisen and other reactions; applications of
conformational theory to the development of stereocontrolled organic reactions.
During the 2012-2013 academic year, ROBERT K.
BOECKMAN, JR. completed his tenth and final year as
the chair of the chemistry department. He continues his
duties as associate editor of the Journal of Organic Chemistry, and is now President and Chair of the Board of Directors of Organic Syntheses, Inc.
Bob Boeckman’s research group continues their efforts
directed toward the development of new synthetic methodology and the application of that methodology to
problems of current interest in complex molecule synthesis, particularly molecules possessing important biological
activity. Significant progress has been made in the past
year toward FK-506, as well as projects directed toward
Apoptolidin. New aza-[3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement
methodology has been developed, which has now been
published, and attention is now focused on application of
this chemistry to the antitumor Manzamine class alkaloid
Nakadomarin A. Work is continuing toward an asymmetric variant of a shelf-stable chromium(III) complex
that serves as a precatalyst for Nozaki-Hiyama and Takai
type chromium-mediated allylations of aldehydes and for
a wide variety of chromium(II) mediated reactions, and
on asymmetric vinylogous Mukaiyama aldol reactions
catalyzed by chiral oxazaborolidines. The group has also
completed their first efforts in organocatalysis with the
development of catalytic systems for hydroxymethylation
of aldehydes. Studies in this area are continuing toward
asymmetric α oxidation of aldehydes and other applications. New collaborative projects have been initiated with
Professors David Goldfarb of the biology department and
Damian Krysan of the Department of Pediatrics, URMC,
whose goals are 1) the identification of the biological
target(s) of a novel series of small molecules which mimic
the effects of caloric restriction on lifespan in yeast and
in small mammals and 2) the development of PDK-1 inhibitors showing specificity for the fungal enzymes for use
in antifungal therapy against invasive fungal infections of
neonatals and young infants.
GREG FRATTINI (PH.D. ’10) continues as a postdoctoral
associate in the group working on the Goldfarb (biology)
collaboration. NATHAN E. GENUNG (PH.D. ’10) joined
Pfizer Inc. in Groton, CT as a research scientist. XINYI
SONG (PH.D. ’07) continues to be employed as a research
chemist with J&W Pharmlab in Levittown, PA. GEORGE
ARAB (PH.D. ’13) defended his thesis in June and will
Metal Sculpture in Rush Rhees (Breanna Eng ‘13)
join the group of Dean Toste at UC Berkeley as a Post
Doctoral Associate in November 2013. MATT BETUSH
(PH.D. ’13) defended his thesis in September 2013 and
as of August joined the faculty of Allegheny College as
a Temporary Visting Assistant Professor. Part-time scientist Dr. Dennis Savage, retired from Kodak, continues his
work in the group on several projects with the Goldfarb
(biology) and Krysan groups (pediatrics URMC). Sarah
Paulson and Hui Wang are completing their 4th year.
Sarah is working on CBS catalyzed enantioselective Mukiayanma aldol reactions, and Hui on the total synthesis of
Nakadomarin assisted by entering first year student Kyle
Rugg (RIT BS/MS). Douglas Tusch and Kyle Biegasiewicz, now completing their 3rd year, have just completed
their doctoral requirements and are focused on research.
Doug has taken over apoptolidin from Brian Ohman, and
Kyle has taken on FK-506 assisted by beginning 2nd year
student Lifeng Xiao. COLE CRUZ (B.S. ’13) and JESSICA
WEBER (B.S. ’13) completed their B.S. theses in the group
in Spring 2013. Cole began graduate studies in chemistry
at UNC Chapel Hill this fall and Jessica will pursue a high
school chemistry teaching career. Gilbert Reynders (Lake
Forest College) joined the group in December 2011 and is
working on extensions of Matt Betush’s work on catalysis including asymmetric versions using Chomium(II) and
Copper(I). CHRISTINA COLLISON (PH.D. ‘04) continues
as associate professor of chemistry at RIT and JEREMY
CODY (PH.D. ’04), was promoted to associate professor of chemistry also at RIT. JOSEPH PERO (PH.D.
‘05) continues as a research scientist with Merck in West
Point, PA. XIAORONG LIU (PH.D. ‘04) continues as a
research scientist at Astra-Zeneca in Waltham, MA. JING
’02, PH.D. HARVARD ‘08) continue as Senior Research
Scientists at Cubist Pharmaceuticals in Lexington, MA.
TODD R. RYDER (PH.D. ‘05) after a year as a visiting Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University, joins Quinnipiac
University in Connecticut for a one year appointment as
a Assistant Professor of Chemistry with a tenure track
position likely after that year.
Hoyt Auditorium (Moxi Zhou ‘13)
Kara L. Bren
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1996, California Institute of Technology
Bioinorganic and biophysical chemistry: heme protein structure and function, protein
folding and dynamics, NMR of paramagnetic biomolecules, solar energy conversion.
The KARA BREN group is continuing their studies on cytochrome c biochemistry and on engineering cytochromes
for applications in energy conversion. Jesse Kleingardner,
the senior student in the lab, is wrapping up his thesis work
with his exciting result on a cytochrome c-derived catalyst
for efficient electrocatalytic reduction of protons to water.
After defending his thesis, Jesse will be moving to Ithaca
where he will be a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at Ithaca
College. Jesse will have the opportunity to continue his
research in the area of protein-derived catalysts while at
Ithaca. Lenore Kubie, a joint student with the Krauss lab,
is continuing her work on photoinduced electron transfer
from cytochrome c derivatives to nanotubes. This summer,
she traveled to Ghana with the NSF IGERT Program. In
May, graduate student Becky Smith presented her results
on the effects of electronic structure on electron transfer
reactions in cytochromes at the Canadian Biological Inorganic Chemistry (CANBIC) conference in Parry Sound,
Ontario. In upcoming work she will be applying biological
electron transfer reactions for applications in energy conversion. Graduate student Banu Kandemir is investigating
proton-reduction catalysts and has discovered a metallopeptide-based catalyst that she will be developing further.
Banu also is collaborating with Zhiji Han in the Eisenberg
group developing photocatalytic systems for hydrogen
evolution from water using biomolecule-derived catalysts.
The Bren group saw two senior thesis students graduate
this year. BENJAMIN DICK (B.S. ‘13) has been developing heme peptide derivatives with altered reduction potentials and will be continuing this work as a 5th-year Master’s
student as he develops his compounds for catalysis. HOON
KIM (B.S. ‘13) studied the effects of cytochrome c structure on heme electronic structure and has returned to his
native Korea.
Kara Bren presenting Benjamin Dick his diploma
and ANDREA LEE (POSTDOC ‘12) welcomed a baby girl,
Jacqueline. Matt and Andrea are currently at the University
of Vermont. Another former postdoc, ANNI SIITONEN
(POSTDOC ‘12), accepted a job as Senior Scientist at
Polestar Technologies in Boston.
Kara has enjoyed her travels over the past year, which
included attending the Metals in Biology GRC in Ventura,
CA, a workshop on spin states of transition metals in
Zaragoza, Spain, and the Korean Chemical Society meeting
in Seoul, Korea.
Kara Bren with Hoon Kim
We received some exciting news from Bren group alumni.
Former postdocs MATTHEW LIPTAK (POSTDOC ‘12)
Esther M. Conwell
Research Professor
Ph.D. 1948, University of Chicago
Transport along the base stack in DNA; proton transfer in DNA; electrical and optical
properties of organic semiconductors, particularly conjugated polymers.
ESTHER CONWELL: A recent publication claims to show
that a high electric field acting on a guanine, G, paired with a
cytosine, C, can cause the transfer of a proton from G to C.
[Kinz-ThompsoCeron-Carrasco and Jacquemin, PhysChemChemPhys, 2013, 15, 4548, to be abbreviated C-C and J] In
particular, in their simulations they find that the proton shifts
from its canonical position close to nitrogen N1 of guanine
to the position close to N3 of cytosine for a field 80 to 100
x 10-4 au, or 4 to 5 x 109 volts/m. The field must be directed
parallel to the hydrogen bonds pairing G and C. Attempting
to check their results, we set up a chain of G/Cs, applied a
high electric field, and set up a simulation for this situation
using the computer code CP2K. We found, unexpectedly,
that application of the field caused the temperature of the
DNA and the water to rise rapidly after a few femtoseconds.
We guessed that the rapid rise was due to the action of the
high electric field on the water. This was verified by the
fact that similar heating occurred in a run with the water in
the field without the DNA. We believe that the difference
between our simulated results and those of C-C and J are due
to the fact that they approximated the water with a continuum model, whereas the code we used treats the water as H2O
molecules. Of course, it is still necessary to make approximations in treating the water molecules. For the simulations we
used, which involved 3000 water molecules, the waters were
treated in the popular TIP3P model. It is noteworthy that a
straightforward calculation of the temperature rise for a field
of 100 x 10-4 au, using experimental values for the resistivity
and the specific heat of water, gave a result less than 1 degree
for 25fs water exposure. This suggests that the TIP3P water
model does not give a good representation of the properties
of water that determine its resistivity and/or specific heat. We
will investigate this situation further.
In earlier simulations we had found that proton transfer occurs
in an adenine, A, paired with a thymine, T, over a wide range of
temperatures below room temperature, but not at room temperature (~ 300K). [Kinz-Thompson and Conwell, J. Phys.
Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 1403] The proton moves from being
close to N6 of adenine to being close to O4 of thymine. We
decided therefore to investigate whether a high electric field
could cause proton transfer in A/T from adenine to thymine
at 300K. We found that in a field of 20 x 10-4 au, ¼ of that
where proton transfer due to the field was reported by C-C
and J, the temperature of the water also rose. The rise could
be avoided by introducing into our calculations a thermostat
to keep the water temperature close to 300K. The thermostat
we used, CSVR (Canonical Sampling through Velocity Rescaling), which is included in CP2K, reduces the temperature by
reducing all velocities by the same factor. With the thermostat applied periodically at short intervals the temperature was
kept reasonably constant, and the proton was found to move
in short steps over almost half the distance between A and T.
In a field half as large, 10 x 10-4, we found the proton did not
move at all. These observations give a measure of the height
of the barrier for the proton between A and T in the A/T
molecule. This work is being continued.
This summer Esther had several REU students (from chemistry and physics), shown here with three. Among other awards
and honors received throughout her long career, Esther is
the recipient of a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Senior Mentor
Award (2005), the Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement
Award (2006), and the 2008 ACS Award for Encouraging
Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, as well as a
National Medal of Science (2010).
Joseph P. Dinnocenzo
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1983, Cornell University
Chemistry of organic ion radicals; mechanistic and physical organic chemistry; electron
transfer reactions
JOE DINNOCENZO and his group continue to pursue a
variety of problems in electron transfer and related chemistry. In collaboration with Samir Farid, former postdoc
DEEPAK SHUKLA (POSTDOC ‘00 - Eastman Kodak),
and Dr. Shashi Adiga (also at Kodak), we recently investigated the chain amplified photochemical fragmentation
of N alkoxypyridinium cations in the presence of pyridine
bases. As part of this chemistry, we discovered a novel
reaction between alkoxyl radicals and pyridine bases in
which a hydrogen atom is transferred from the alkoxyl
radical to the pyridine base. Quantum chemical calculations indicated a proton coupled electron transfer mechanism for this unusual hydrogen atom transfer. We are
currently investigating the generality of this new reaction.
Joe also had the pleasure of working with Profs. Philippe
Hiberty (Université de Paris- Sud) and Benoit Braïda (Université Paris ‘06) to complete a project on the nature of
multicenter bonding in the ditetracyanoethylene dianion.
Joe previously spent part of a sabbatical with Philippe to
learn how to do valence bond calculations.
Clock Tower in Dandelion Square
Graduate student Adam Feinberg is working on understanding the general mechanism for fragmentation of aryltrialkyl Group 14 cation radicals. Adam has discovered
that similar to aryltrimethylstannane cation radicals (previously investigated in the group by PU LUO, PH.D. ‘12),
aryltrimethyl silane and germane cation radicals undergo
fragmentation to preferentially give the less stable aryl
radical rather than a methyl radical. Adam is currently
working to fully understand the mechanism of these reactions. Adam also completely rewrote our computer
programs to control new excimer and dye lasers that we
installed on the group’s nanosecond transient absorption
apparatus over the past year.
Joe is continuing work with graduate student Terrell
Samoriski on a pedagogical research project involving
the design, implementation, and evaluation of the Peer
Led Team Learning (aka Workshops) model for CHM210
(Honors Organic Laboratory II). Among other things,
Terrell’s research has shown that students find Workshops
help them better prepare for lab and improve their data
analysis – two perennial problems experienced in laboratory courses.
Richard Eisenberg
Professor of Chemistry / Research Professor
Ph.D. 1967, Columbia University
Inorganic and organometallic chemistry; artificial photosynthesis and light-to-chemical
energy conversion; complexes of the platinum group elements (PGE’s) and gold; homogeneous catalysis; photochemistry and photophysical properties of metal complexes;
oxidative addition and bond activation chemistry; use of luminescent complexes in light
emitting diodes; parahydrogen induced NMR effects in hydrogen addition reactions.
It has been another banner year for RICH EISENBERG
and his research group. “Researchwise,” notable progress
was made in developing and analyzing new systems for the
photogeneration of H2 from water. This reaction is the reductive side of splitting water into its constituent elements
and is the key reaction for light-to-chemical energy conversion in artificial photosynthesis. During the past year, a new
system based on collaborative work with Pat Holland and
Todd Krauss on the use of CdSe quantum dots as the light
absorber was reported in Science. The catalyst in this system
was a simple Ni complex in solution. The individuals really
responsible for this work were grad students Zhiji Han and
Fen Qiu of the Krauss group. This highly regarded work has
set the Eisenberg group in a new direction on the modification of quantum dot surfaces to make such systems more
durable and amenable to examination with other catalysts.
This work is being carried forward by new postdoc Amit Das
Rich’s final meeting with the Editors of Inorganic Chemistry in December (left to right): Rich, Jim Mayer, Vivian Yam, Vince Pecoraro,
Ed Solomon, Frank Meyer, Kim Dunbar, Alan Balch, Bill Tolman
and visiting graduate student Mohsen Haghighi (from Iran),
as well as Zhiji. Other work on different Ni catalysts was
completed and studies on dithiolene complexes of Co and
Mo are continuing. Graduate student Randy Sabatini, who is
co-advised with Dave McCamant, has also made significant
progress in looking at ultra-fast processes involving dye sensitizers attached to TiO2 for H2 generation. This research is
supported by NSF in a collaborative project with University at
Buffalo scientists. Lastly, graduate student Ryan Cheng, who
is jointly advised with Alison Frontier, has followed up initial
observations by TULAZA VAIDYA (PH.D. ‘12) last year on a
new recyclable heterogeneous gold catalyst for electrocyclization reactions.
Travels are always part of the annual happenings for Rich. In
September, he and Marcia traveled to London for several days
of vacation just after the Olympics and then Rich traveled on
to Sheffield to speak and participate in the Dalton Discussion Meeting on Inorganic Photophysics and Photochemistry – Fundamentals and Applications. Following his return,
he (and Marcia) headed out to Vancouver to experience the
beauty of British Columbia and give lectures at the University
of Victoria, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser
University. The real highlights of the year, however, were
the very special occasions associated with receiving the Fred
Basolo Medal at Northwestern University in October and the
William H. Nichols Medal from the New York Section of the
American Chemical Society in March. The Basolo medal was
particularly meaningful because Rich is a “scientific grandson”
of Fred’s and knew Fred for many years. The awarding of the
Nichols Medal was coupled with a symposium in which Harry
Gray, Cliff Kubiak, Bill Jones and Marcetta Darensbourg all
participated. It was a great event and allowed Rich to share
the moment with these close friends and with all of his family
(in black tie, no less).
In December, 2012, Rich finished his term as Editor-in-Chief
of Inorganic Chemistry. After a dozen years, Rich thought it
was time to turn over the reins. During his tenure, the journal
made great gains in total citations and impact factor, and solidified its position as the #1 journal in its field for the reporting of new research. At the annual ACS Editors Conference in
January, 2013, he was recognized by his fellow editors and had
an opportunity to thank all who helped make his editorship
successful. Key among these folks was Arlene Bristol who
has worked with Rich for more than 20 years and who was
the chief editorial assistant during his term with IC. Arlene
began working for ACS Publications more than 50 years ago
with Albert Noyes and Marshall Gates when the Journal of
the American Chemical Society was edited at Rochester. After
spending time at the University of Michigan and Princeton
University, Arlene returned to Rochester in 1990 and began
working with Rich, Jack Kampmeier and other faculty before
becoming the chief journal assistant and Coordinating Editor
for IC. In November, 2012, just ten weeks before retirement,
Arlene came down with a form of leukemia. Fortunately, with
great doctoring and her characteristic determination and grit,
the disease is now in remission, and after a 6-month leave,
Arlene was able to return to work to close down the Inorganic
Chemistry EIC office in May with Rich. A happy ending to a
very successful run. As for Rich, he is not out of the editing
business entirely. In May, he became an Associate Editor for
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Group comings and goings during the past year include the
arrivals of postdoctoral Amit Das, student Mohsen Haghighi
and Atsushi Kobayashi, a visitor from Japan who spent
3-months in the Eisenberg laboratory. The departures of the
past year all came through graduation in May of a wonderful
group of undergraduates who worked in the Eisenberg laboratory over the past year. They include LUXI SHEN (B.A.
‘13) who is going to Cornell for graduate school, TROY
(LIDONG) WANG (B.S. ‘13) who is going to continue for
another year to get his M.S. degree here, ALISON HAMLIN
(B.S. ‘13) and MIKAEL OLEZESKI (B.S. ‘13) who will do a
Take-Five year in Italy (great work if you can get it). Rich was
delighted to have these undergraduates in the group, as they
kept a steady stream of questions and enthusiasm flowing
in the laboratory. Despite the absence of departures at the
postdoc level, substantial change will occur in the coming
months with Will Eckenhoff taking a faculty position at
Hobart and William Smith Colleges and the arrival of two
new postdocs.
Celebrating the graduation of four undergraduates, May 2013
Samir Farid
Research Professor
Ph.D. 1967, Göttingen University
Mechanisms and kinetics of photoinduced electron transfer reactions; fundamental aspects of ion pair dynamics and the kinetics of radiative and nonradiative electron transfer processes.
The focus of SAMIR FARID’s research continues to be on
electron transfer reactions and kinetics. During the past year
mechanistic and theoretical studies of highly chain-amplified
photochemical reactions of N-alkoxypyridinium salts were
carried out in collaboration with Deepak Shukla (Eastman
Kodak) and Joe Dinnocenzo. The work was published in
a JOC article in which it was proposed that alkoxy radicals
react with pyridine bases via proton-coupled electron transfer to form pyridinyl radicals (a net hydrogen atom transfer).
This process may have implications in biological systems,
where traditionally hydrogen atom transfer to, not from, alkoxy radicals is the accepted mechanism.
James M. Farrar
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1974, University of Chicago
Dynamical studies of low energy ion-molecule reactions in the gas phase; imaging studies of collisions; photochemistry of size-selected ionic clusters.
“Radicals in the lab” has been the theme for JIM FARRAR
and his research group during the past year. The group’s
first paper on ion imaging, published in the Journal of Chemical
Physics, was selected as an Editors’ Choice publication for
2012. Our initial work has focused on the ion-molecule
chemistry of carbon- and nitrogen-based cations with
methane and ammonia. Jim had an opportunity to present
some of this work at the ACS meeting in New Orleans, and
will participate in the inaugural symposium of the newlyformed Astrochemistry subdivision of the Physical Chemistry division at the Indianapolis ACS meeting this September.
His talk, on the ion chemistry that initiates ion processing in
the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, cements his
reputation for being ‘lost in space.’
Thanks to postdoc Linsen Pei, we now have a working ionradical experiment, and some of our initial work with methyl
radicals has been ‘odd’ indeed! It is clear that the relatively
unexplored area of ion-radical chemistry holds many surprises, and with the continuation of support from the National
Science Foundation, we look forward to delving into these
mysteries. This summer, we have been joined in the lab by
REU student Brian Barker from UR as well as Dr. Stefano
Falcinelli from the University of Perugia in Italy. Stefano’s
visit maintains a tradition of collaboration with the molecular
beam group at Perugia that extends back to Jim’s graduate
school days. Later in the summer, Professors Franco Vecchiocattivi and Nadia Balucani joined Stefano.
Jim continues to work with the Kearns Center for Leadership and Diversity in Arts, Sciences and Engineering to
provide academic assistance to minority students interested
in pursuing careers in science. The Center is in the third year
of an NSF S-STEM grant for $598,000, for which Jim serves
as PI along with Beth Olivares from the Center, to provide
academic and financial assistance to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) students coming from
underrepresented groups. Of particular importance for
Kearns students in freshman and organic chemistry is the
study group program staffed by several dedicated, talented
graduate students, resulting in remarkably improved retention
rates in chemistry. Jim is especially grateful to John DiMaio,
Eric Henry, Jesse Kleingardner, and Megan Reesbeck for
their work in general chemistry, and Peter Carlsen, Steve
Jacob, and Mike Prinsell for working with students in organic
The past year has been particularly noteworthy for Jim’s
family. As we reported last year, granddaughter Josefina
Emilia was born in July to daughter-in-law Mariana and son
Andy in Jersey City. Fi Fi, as we call her, is now walking and
talking, although we have no idea what she is saying! And
last November, daughter Stacey and her husband Achim had
another boy, this one named Cary Andrew, who joins big
brother Callum in Manhattan. Jim and Kathy continue to
make many trips to the New York City area to visit children
and grandchildren.
Beloved Toby, 2003 - 2013
Rudi Fasan
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 2005, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Bioorganic chemistry and chemical biology; Synthesis and directed evolution of macrocyclic peptides and organo-peptide hybrids for molecular recognition and catalysis;
Protein-protein interactions; P450 engineering and chemo-enzymatic C-H functionalization.
Prof. RUDI FASAN and his group continue to be engaged
in the development and investigation of novel chemobiosynthetic methodologies for the synthesis and evolution of
peptide-based macrocycles to modulate protein-protein interactions and of P450-based methodologies for selective
sp3 C―H functionalization. Important accomplishments in
the former area include the completion of a series of systematic studies to explore the mechanism and structure-reactivity relationships for the macrocyclization of organo-peptide hybrids via an oxime-/intein thioester-mediated ligation
strategy. This work, led by John Frost (forth-year graduate
student) and UR undergraduate NICHOLAS JACOB (B.S.
’13), was published earlier this year in Chembiochem. Building
on these studies, the same team has recently made significant
progress toward implementing a method for the ribosomal
synthesis of cyclopeptides inside of living bacterial cells.
Complementing our methods for MOrPH synthesis, this
technology is expected to provide a powerful new platform
toward the discovery of bioactive, conformationally constrained peptides. Very interesting results have also been
obtained by Jessica Smith (fifth-year graduate student), who
has been investigating MOrPH-based scaffolds for mimicking α-helical protein-binding motifs. In terms of new additions, the macrocycle team has expanded over the past year to
include first-year graduate student Abby Cryan, who joined
our Ph.D. program after graduating from Daemen College,
and post-doctoral fellow Nina Bionda, who received her
Ph.D. degree from Florida Atlantic University. Abby is currently setting up a system for evolving aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases for the incorporation of unnatural amino acids into
proteins, while Nina is working on new methods for cyclization of ribosomally produced polypeptides.
The group members working on P450-mediated C—H
functionalization have also reported important successes.
KAIDONG ZHANG’S (POSTDOC ‘12) work on the development of highly regio- and stereoselective P450 catalysts for
the hydroxylation of isolated sp3 C―H bonds in the antimalarial natural product artemisinin was published in the Journal
of the American Chemical Society. To our delight, this paper
Fasan Group
was selected for a highlight in Chemical & Engineering News and
in JACS Spotlight. Joshua Kolev (third-year graduate student)
has been exploring the scope of this strategy by focusing on
the anticancer sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide. Through
remarkable work, he was able to develop selective P450
variants to enable the manipulation of two previously inaccessible aliphatic sites of this complex natural product by
chemoenzymatic means. Notably, in studies conducted in
collaboration with Dr. Craig Jordan at the URMC, we discovered that some of these new parthenolide derivatives exhibit
improved potency and selectivity against primary leukemia
cells. Based on the promising results, the group was recently
awarded a three-year Translational Research Grant from the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which will support continuing efforts toward developing parthenolide-based drug
candidates for the treatment of leukemia.
With Kaidong (sadly) leaving us to take a senior scientist
position at Metaara Medical Technologies in Vancouver, the
ranks of the P450 sub-group have been reinforced by the
entry of two new talented postdocs, Melanie Bordeaux and
Ritesh Singh. Ritesh and Melanie are currently exploring the
potential of cytochrome P450s to catalyze C—H functionalization transformations beyond the canonical monooxygenation reactions. We are particularly excited about their
most recent results which demonstrate the possibility to
exploit these biocatalysts to catalyze (intramolecular) C—H
amination reactions! While a first manuscript in this area is
underway, these findings are particularly relevant to us as they
open the way to an entire new area of investigation within
our group.
A number of talented undergraduate students have worked
on their Senior Thesis Research during the past academic
year and successfully graduated in May. The group wishes
best of luck to NICHOLAS JACOB (B.S. ’13) and PHILIP
CISTRONE (BIOCHEMISTRY B.S. ‘13), who joined the
Ph.D. programs in Chemistry and in Chemical Biology, re-
Fauver Stadium (Breanna Eng ‘13)
spectively, at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA;
to YICK CHONG LAM (B.S. ’13), who has started graduate
studies in Chemistry at Yale University, and to TATYANA
DYNDIKOVA (B.S. ’13), who has moved to Michigan and is
currently seeking a job in industry. As the ‘old guard’ moves
on, the group has welcomed the arrival of an enthusiastic
group of new undergraduate collaborators, senior Aaron
Cravens, junior Zhijie (Abe) Wu, and sophomores Christine
Ziegler, Thomas Varner, and James Weitzel, who have worked
in the lab during the academic year and/or summer as part
of Independent Research courses and of the REU program.
Various activities and commitments contributed to make the
past year a busy one for Rudi. He visited and gave invited
talks at fourteen universities and colleges across the country,
contributed invited lectures at the International Conference of Biomolecular Engineering, the 245th ACS National
Meeting, and the American Peptide Symposium, continued
to serve as grant reviewer for the National Science Foundation, and co-organized a symposium on “C―H Activation”
at the 2013 American Chemical Society National Meeting
in New Orleans. John Frost and Nick Jacob also traveled to
New Orleans to presented their research at the ACS Meeting,
whereas rising senior Louis Papa embarked for a memorable
trip to La Crosse, WI (24-hour trip by train due to a weatherrelated flight cancellation!) to attend and present his work at
the 2013 National Conference of Undergraduate Research
(NCUR). Finally, several members of the Fasan group participated in the 2012 ACS Northeast Regional Meeting (NERM)
conveniently located in Rochester, contributing oral (Jessica
Smith, Josh Kolev, John Frost) and poster presentations
(Peter Krasniak, Tatyana Dyndikova, Louis Papa) about their
research projects.
Last but not least, the group would like to congratulate John
Frost for receiving an Elon Huntington Hooker Fellowship
and Louis Papa for being awarded a highly competitive DAAD
RISE fellowship, which allowed him to conduct research in a
laboratory in Germany over the summer of 2013.
Chemistry Welcomes Ignacio Franco
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 2007, University of Toronto
Physical and theoretical chemistry; theory and computation as applies to dynamical processes occurring at the nanoscale.
Ignacio Franco joined the Chemistry faculty at the University of Rochester in July 2013. Ignacio received his B.Sc. in
chemistry from the National University of Colombia in 2001.
After completing the diploma program in condensed matter
physics at The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste in 2002, he moved to the University
of Toronto to pursue a Ph.D. in theoretical chemical physics
under the guidance of Paul Brumer. Ignacio’s Ph.D. work was
in the field of Quantum Control and focused on investigating the use of lasers to induce ultrafast controllable currents
along nanoscale junctions. In 2008 he joined Northwestern as
a postdoctoral fellow in the groups of Mark A. Ratner and
George C. Schatz where he worked on the theory and simulation of single-molecule pulling experiments. He then moved
to Berlin to take a position as group leader and Humboldt
research fellow in the Theory Department of the Fritz Haber
Institute in 2011, where he investigated electronic decoherence
processes in molecules.
Research in the Franco lab focuses on theory and computation
as applied to dynamical processes occurring at the nanoscale. In
particular, the lab uses and develops theoretical techniques that
allow the identification of new methods to exert control over
the behavior of matter by means of external stimuli, a topic
that the group likes to refer to as “Molecules under Stress”.
Problems that are currently of interest in the group include: 1.
Laser control of electronic properties and dynamics; 2. Electronic decoherence in molecules; 3. Theory and simulation of
single-molecule pulling processes; 4. Novel spectroscopies and
control in single-molecule junctions.
Selected Publications
Long-lived oscillatory incoherent electron dynamics in molecules: trans-polyacetylene oligomers, I. Franco, A. Rubio and
P. Brumer, New J. Phys., 2013, 15, 043004.
Defects in DNA: Lessons from Molecular Motor Design, M.
McCullagh, I. Franco, M.A. Ratner and G.C. Schatz, J. Phys.
Chem. Lett., 2012, 3, 689-693.
Tunneling currents that increase with molecular elongation, I.
Franco, G.C. Solomon, G.C. Schatz and M.A. Ratner, J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 15714-15720.
DNA-based optomechanical molecular motor, M. McCullagh,
I. Franco, M.A. Ratner and G.C. Schatz, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011,
133, 3452-3459.
Mechanically activated molecular switch through single-molecule pulling, I. Franco, C.B. George, G.C. Solomon, G.C. Schatz
and M.A. Ratner, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 2242-2249.
Quantum interferences and their classical limit in laser-driven coherent control scenarios, I. Franco, M. Spanner and P.
Brumer, Chem. Phys., 2010, 370, 143-150.
Single-molecule pulling and the folding of donor-acceptor
oligorotaxanes: phenomenology and interpretation, I. Franco,
G.C. Schatz and M.A. Ratner, J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 131, 124902.
Femtosecond dynamics and laser control of charge transport
in trans-polyacetylene, I. Franco, M. Shapiro and P. Brumer., J.
Chem. Phys., 2008, 128, 244905.
Minimum requirements for laser-induced symmetry breaking
in quantum and classical mechanics, I. Franco and P. Brumer,
J. Phys. B, 2008, 41, 074003.
Robust ultrafast current in molecular wires through Stark
shifts, I. Franco, M. Shapiro and P. Brumer, Phys. Rev. Lett.,
2007, 99, 126802.
Laser-induced spatial symmetry breaking in quantum and classical mechanics, I. Franco and P. Brumer, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2006,
97, 040402.
Alison J. Frontier
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1999, Columbia University
Synthetic organic chemistry; synthesis of bioactive natural products; pericyclic reactions; asymmetric catalysis; discovery of new reactions catalyzed by transition metal
Professor ALISON FRONTIER’s research program is devoted
to the planning and execution of syntheses of biologically and
structurally interesting natural products. In our laboratory, the
study of Nazarov cyclization began with evaluation of a new
paradigm for designing precursors for Nazarov cyclization
began with evaluation of a new paradigm for designing precursors for Nazarov cyclization, which led to efficient catalysis
for this classic electrocyclization. Since those early studies, we
have identified alternative starting points for the cyclization.
In line with this theme, this year WILLIAM SPENCER (PH.D.
‘12) spearheaded the preparation of a review article focused
on 4 cationic cyclizations “Beyond the Divinyl Ketone” (see
below), summarizing the recent work of our group and that
of others in the field. We have also observed three different examples of rearrangement chemistry that supercede the
parent cyclization pathway, and have made progress this year
in understanding the factors controlling these rearrangements.
Novel applications of these reactions are being developed by
Steve Jacob and Yu-Wen Huang (fourth year students), who
are pursuing two observations made by JOSH BROOKS
(PH.D. ‘12) during his final set of PhD thesis experiments:
Yu-Wen is testing chiral tertiary amine nucleophiles as catalysts
for enantioselective electrocyclization of dienyl diketones, and
Steve is studying the mechanism and scope of novel cascades
involving allylic acetate-containing precursors.
Our ongoing collaboration with Rich Eisenberg has become
focused on a novel type of heterogeneous gold catalyst, and
its Lewis acidic reaction chemistry. Ryan Cheng (second-year
student, joint with Rich) is working to characterize these mysterious gold species, which demonstrate remarkable catalytic
activity in Nazarov cyclization and other cationic transformations. Peter Carlsen (fourth year graduate student), has made
remarkable progress toward completing the first total synthesis of the tetrapetalone A, work that has taken us in new
and exciting directions, through the challenges posed by the
chemistry of a hindered, uniquely functionalized system. We
are learning about the factors that impact the reactivity and diastereoselectivity of ring-closing metathesis, the synthesis and
behavior of tetramic acid derivatives, and unusual oxidation
pathways of congested phenol derivatives.
This year, we welcome Dan (Jessie) Wu, a graduate of UC
Irvine, to the group. She is reopening our investigation of diastereoselective catalytic hydrogenation of pyrrole derivatives.
We also congratulate JOSHUA BROOKS (PH.D. ‘12) and
WILLIAM SPENCER (PH.D. ‘12), who successfully defended
their doctoral theses last fall. Josh is pursuing postdoctoral
studies with Dr. Derek Tan at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center in New York City, and Bill has moved around
the corner on the fourth floor to conduct postdoctoral research
with Prof. Bob Boeckman. We are also pleased to report that
DANIEL CANTERBURY (PH.D. ‘07) accepted a position this
year in the Synthesis and Design group at Pfizer in Groton, CT.
Joshua L. Goodman
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1984, Yale University
Organic chemistry: use of two complementary techniques, nanosecond laser flash absorption spectroscopy and pulsed time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry to observe
transient reaction intermediates produced following an initial photochemical event.
JOSH GOODMAN’s research interest is on the investigation
of organic reaction mechanisms using a variety of time-resolved techniques such as pico- and nanosecond absorption
spectroscopy and photoacoustic calorimetry. In particular,
they have been examining processes in which electron transfer is coupled to bond breaking, and/or bond making. These
bond-coupled electron transfer (BCET) reactions have the
potential to drive chemical reactions using light. They have
focused primarily on dissociative return electron transfer
(DRET) reactions that involve cleavage of C-C, Si-Si and
Ge-Ge bonds.
Josh serves as the Undergraduate Studies Chair and advises
chemistry majors. Josh also teaches the large organic chemistry class in the fall, coupled with the smaller, Freshman Organic Chemistry course (173) in the spring.
Lightning strikes behind the River Campus (Kiera Crist ‘15)
Patrick L. Holland
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1997, University of California, Berkeley
Synthetic inorganic chemistry: structure and function of models for metalloproteins,
mechanisms of catalytic reactions, bioorganometallic chemistry.
This is sadly the last report from PATRICK HOLLAND, who
moved to Yale University in July of 2013. I have had a marvelous time at Rochester, both personally and professionally, and
have always been impressed by the hard work and dedication
of the faculty, staff, and students in the Chemistry Department. Everyone has been incredibly supportive, and I will
miss you a lot. Please keep in touch!
Other than the stress of planning the move, the 2012-2013
academic year was great. We published a number of papers
on low-coordinate iron in synthetic and biological scaffolds,
with a special focus on spectroscopy arising from the group’s
growing familiarity with computational methods. These are
being headed by fifth-year student Sarina Bellows, who will
be staying in Rochester to finish up her Ph.D. Also staying
is Zhiji Han, who has had continued great success in his
joint project with Rich Eisenberg. This was highlighted by a
paper in Science in which he teamed up with Fen Qiu (Krauss
Group) to use semiconductor quantum dots to harness light
for solar H2 production. Zhiji received a prestigious Messersmith Fellowship during the upcoming year where he will
finish his Rochester work.
In the fall of 2012, Pat taught General Chemistry for the first
time, which was a wild ride! Grad student Nick Arnet revised
the workshop problems for the course, and was an outstanding “master of demonstrations” for all three general chemistry
sections. Special kudos to Nick!
Holland Group
Pat was appointed to the Editorial Board of the journal Inorganic Chemistry, and was elected as an upcoming chair of the
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Gordon Conference. In the
summer, he also learned that he is receiving a 2013 Blavatnik
Award, which is given to young scientists in all fields in the
NY/NJ/CT area. He was even interviewed for a special discussion of nitrogen fixation for a podcast from “Chemistry
World” in the UK.
Alumni news abounds. RYAN COWLEY (PH.D. ‘11) and
MATT MCLAUGHLIN (PH.D. ‘11) each received prestigious
postdoctoral fellowships: an NIH fellowship to Ryan and an
NRC fellowship to Matt. JAVIER VELA (PH.D. ‘05), who
is now a faculty member at Iowa State University, received
a CAREER award from the NSF, as well as having his first
child, Theodore. JEREMY SMITH (POSTDOC ‘03) is
moving from New Mexico State University to Indiana University. BEN DIBLE (POSTDOC ‘10) is now doing patent
research at Sanofi, and KEYING DING (PH.D. ‘09) was hired
at Middle Tennessee State University. SALLY ROCKS (PH.D.
‘11) was promoted to Group Leader of the process division
at FLSmidth in Utah. CHI CHEN (M.S. ‘12) and WENWEN
YAO (M.S. ‘12) got married; Wenwen will be starting in Environmental Engineering at WPI in the fall of 2013, and Chi
will be staying with the Holland Group at Yale for his Ph.D.
Last, but certainly not least, KAREN CHIANG (PH.D. ‘11)
got hitched to ABDALLAH BITAR (M.D./PH.D. ‘12).
William D. Jones
Charles F. Houghton Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1979, California Institute of Technology
Mechanisms of reactions of transition metal organometallic compounds; activation of
carbon-hydrogen, carbon-carbon, and carbon-fluorine bonds by transition metal complexes; transition metals as catalysts for the desulfurization of thiophenes in oil; electrophilic C-H activation and direct routes to aromatic amines.
The BILL JONES group continues to actively pursue organometallic chemistry and catalysis. We had four new graduate
students join the group this year, Miles Marnell, Katryna Pellingra, Hongmei Yuan, and Keith Hilferding (joint with Dan
Weix). Dr. Ruth Rodrigo continues as a postdoc following her
Ph.D. work with Miguel Esteruelas in Zaragosa. The lab has 11
people now, and a few summer undergraduates as well. Renovations were undertaken last spring that combined rooms B42
and B46, and we now have 4 new 8-ft. hoods and a lot more
instrument space! Our research is examining the activation of
C-H bonds in substituted hydrocarbons, the cleavage of carbon-carbon bonds in alkynes and nitriles, and the C-S cleavage/
hydrogenation of thiophenes. An important advance this year
has been the elucidation of factors that control metal-carbon
bond energies, such that we can now predict which products
will be favored in a variety of reactions. These studies have been
extended to see the effects of different ancillary ligands. The
group continues its role in the Center for Enabling New Technologies through Catalysis (CENTC), in which the group has
collaborative research projects that are exploring new electrophilic C-H activation catalysts and new direct routes to aromatic
amines from benzene. Bill continues as Associate Editor for the
Journal of the American Chemical Society for a tenth year, where he
handled close to 500 manuscripts last year. He lectured in/at
Beijing, York, Brown, Scripps, Fredonia, and the GRC.
The group’s scientific accomplishments have centered upon our
work in alkane C-H bond activation, in which we showed that a
rhodium complex first binds to an alkane and then cleaves the
C-H bond. Studies have shown that the metal will only break
the C-H bonds in the terminal methyl groups. Analysis of a
variety of substituted hydrocarbons has now shown that alphaelectron withdrawing groups actually weaken metal-carbon
bonds, not strengthen them, which appears to fly in the face of
the conventional wisdom. While weaker, these bonds are not
as weak as they should be (based upon the corresponding C-H
bond strengths), and therefore behave as if the bond has been
strengthened. Confused? Read our manuscript that appeared
in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 6994.
Our work in C-H activation is also continuing in a collaborative research effort in the Center for Enabling New Technologies through Catalysis (CENTC). This NSF-funded center
includes researchers from a dozen universities participating in
joint projects and using cyber-conferencing to discuss results.
This mode of research is testing a new paradigm for conducting
research and following the first successful three year initiation,
the Center was fully funded with $15M to support activities
over a five year period, and will be up for renewal this fall. Our
group is also continuing mechanistic work on C-CN cleavage.
We have determined that in C-CN cleavage of benzonitriles, coJones lab renovation
ordination to the arene, not the nitrile, precedes bond cleavage.
Detailed DFT studies have been used to support this pathway,
and a novel migratory process of the metal has been elucidated.
The group continues its collaborative work on C-CN cleavage
with Professor Juventino Garcia at the Universidad Naciónal
Autonomas de México.
Bill has also been invited back to China this fall to speak at a
meeting at USTC. He will serve on the International Advisory
Board for the ICOMC and the OM&Cat conferences. The
group is supported by continuing funding from the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and the NSF
Center Enabling New Technologies through Catalysis. We are
just initiating new work with GE on liquid fuel cells.
Go Yellowjackets!
Todd D. Krauss
Professor of Chemistry and Chair
Ph.D. 1998, Cornell University
Physical chemistry; synthesis and characterization of nanometer scale materials and devices with relevance for renewable energy, techniques include single molecule photoluminescence spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, ultrafast and nonlinear optical spectroscopy. Biophysical chemistry; single molecule studies of protein folding structure and
Lots of exciting happenings to report this year from the
TODD KRAUSS group. First, we have two students on the
cusp of graduation! Julie Smyder is close to finishing up the
final drafts of her thesis and has already secured a postdoctoral research fellow position at Cornell University with UR undergraduate alum John Marohn. Helen Wei is working double
duty as the mom of a new baby and writing up her thesis and
she hopes to defend this fall as well.
Fen Qiu is building on the results from our work with the
Eisenberg group on the production of hydrogen fuel using
sunlight, nanocrystals, and inexpensive chemicals like vitamin
C. Fen is making highly engineered CdSe and CdS based
nanoparticles with different compositions and shapes and is
testing their hydrogen generating properties. Cunming Liu,
still our first and only materials science student, is using ultrafast spectroscopy to study the dynamics of electron transfer
from the CdSe nanoparticles to a nickel catalyst.
Brad Loesch is still knee-deep in ultrafast optical spectroscopy and is exploring the process of generating more than one
Students in Ghana
electron per absorbed photon in carbon nanotubes. Lenore
Kubie, a joint Krauss-Bren student, finished a manuscript reporting on some exciting studies of the photoinduced charge
transport between heme containing proteins and carbon
nanotubes. In the last few months, Amanda Preske discovered a new way to control the size of PbSe nanocrystals by
changing the ligand attached to the Se during the synthesis. This method should allow her to scale up the synthesis
by several orders of magnitude with no loss of nanocrystal
quality! Lenore and Amanda spent three weeks in Ghana as
part of the NSF IGERT Fellowship program. They visited
local schools and universities and, in general, learned about
the energy needs in the developing world firsthand.
Greg Pilgrim also has a manuscript ready for submission on
the fabrication of vertically aligned carbon nanotube membranes, which can conduct both protons and electrons. The
number of materials that can conduct an electron and proton
current simultaneously can be counted on one hand so this
is an exciting discovery! Nicole Briglio got the first measurements in the group of single carbon nanotube fluorescence
measurements at ultracold temperatures (10 Kelvin), which
was quite an accomplishment! Nicole also submitted her collaborative work with the Nilsson laboratory on using short
peptides with non-natural amino acids to create suspensions
of carbon nanotubes that show interesting fluorescence properties. Kelly Sowers is working on shelling CdSe quantum dots
with CdS and ZnS but using secondary phosphine sulfide precursors. Kelly is most proud of her “ketchup bottle” in which
she scaled up the CdSe synthesis reaction to the gram scale
while creating red nanocrystals with very high fluorescence
The newest group members are starting to have their projects
round into form as well. Zhentao Hou has had some success
in making nanotube suspensions with very long nanotubes and
is looking forward to studying their photophysics with high
spatial resolution. Amanda Amori has successfully solubilized
carbon nanotubes in fluorinated polymers and obtained high
specificity in terms of solubilizing particular nanotube structures. She plans on investigating the effect of the polymer on
the single nanotube photophysics. Leah Frenette has solved a
major research puzzle that is as old as the initial reactions to
make CdSe nanocrystals: what is the mechanism of chemical
bond formation? Leah is writing up her results and we expect
that this paper will garner significant attention. Finally,
Jennifer Urban is our first joint Nilsson-Krauss student who is
working on attaching peptides containing non-natural amino
acids onto CdSe quantum dots for possible applications such
as studying single molecule enzyme catalysis in vivo.
from Roberts Wesleyan College. Chris worked on solubilizing
nanotubes with Zhentao and Amanda Amori while Rebeckah
worked with Lenore on synthesizing heme-containing
peptides to bind to nanotubes, also in collaboration with the
Bren laboratory.
Todd is still in the throes of getting a new company started.
He received funding from the National Science Foundation
to explore ideas for possible nanocrystal based products and
to train UR alum BRETT SWARTZ (M.S. ‘06, PH.D. ‘10)
on what really matters when starting a business. We learned
quickly that to customers all the fancy science behind your
product matters little.
On the personal side, things were a bit crazy this spring for
Todd and the family. Todd cut short his sabbatical at the ETH
in Zurich to welcome Landon Matthew into the family in
March (see photo). Landon remarkably sleeps 7 to 8 hours at
night and we are eternally grateful for that.
Landon and
Dad enjoying
the annual
Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Michael Odoi has gotten involved in
several projects in the lab. His most recent project is working
to measure the “spooky” quantum mechanical nature of the
photons emitted from single quantum dots as a function of
laser power, a project in collaboration with Julie. Dr. Sebastian
Schäefer is a new postdoctoral fellow and has gotten some
exciting data on the spectroelectrochemistry properties of
individual nanotubes. Preliminary data suggest that exposing
the nanotubes to ambient oxygen can completely change
their electrochemical response by inducing huge amounts of
doping. Stay tuned as this project unfolds.
During the summer the group hosted undergraduates Chris
Vela from the University of Rochester and Rebeckah Johnson
Robert W. Kreilick
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1964, Washington University
New experimental and theoretical techniques to study molecular structure and electronic properties of transition metal complexes and paramagnetic organic molecules;
and measurement of electron transfer rates between molecules held in polymers.
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, ROBERT KREILICK’s
research involved investigations of magnetic and electrical
properties of solid transition metal complexes and organic
free radicals. Experiments which produce information about
electron-electron exchange interactions, dipolar interactions,
and electrical conductivity are conducted. New software was
written for the ESR spectrometer and low temperature equipment was brought back into working order.
Thomas R. Krugh
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1969, Pennsylvania State University
Biophysical chemistry; structural analysis of biomolecules from two-dimensional NMR,
fluorescence, and UV-visible spectroscopies, along with energy minimization and molecular dynamics calculations.
TOM KRUGH continues his focus on support of graduate
and undergraduate education and enjoys serving as an adviser
to graduate and undergraduate students. In summer 2013 we
had a record 35 undergraduates participating in the Research
Experience for Undergraduates program that Tom has been
directing since 1999. Ten students were from other schools
including University of Texas at Brownsville and University
of Puerto Rico Río Piedras campus. The 25 UR student parSummer REU outing
ticipants and 35 total undergraduates in our program reflect
faculty commitment to supporting undergraduate research,
which has been a Rochester tradition for many decades.
Undergraduate research provides an opportunity for graduate students (and postdocs) to gain leadership experience
through one-on-one mentoring that is a critical component
of a successful undergraduate research experience. Mentors
often describe in glowing terms their experience as mentors.
David W. McCamant
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 2004, University of California, Berkeley
Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy of structural dynamics in photochemistry; vibrational coupling and relaxation; structural rearrangements in photoinduced charge-transfer
molecules and photoexcited nucleic acids.
The DAVE MCCAMANT group has had a fun and productive year! This fall we welcomed Emily Hillenbrand, a firstyear grad student from the University of Washington, into
the group. Emily will be working on the collaborative solar
hydrogen project with the Eisenberg group and this spring
was accepted to the University-wide NSF Integrative Graduate
Education Research and Traineeship (IGERT) program for renewable energy research. Emily will join fourth year grad student and NSF graduate research fellow, Randy Sabatini, on the
Eisenberg/McCamant group collaboration that aims to combine synthesis, steady state hydrogen production and ultrafast
spectroscopy to develop the first generation of solar hydrogen
production cells. Randy has been collecting outstanding transient absorption spectra of a variety of chalcogeno-rhodamine
dyes both free in solution and bound to TiO2 films and has
even collected femtosecond stimulated Raman spectra of
these systems.
Barbara Dunlap is also now a fourth year graduate student and
is continuing research into new methods for two-dimensional
coherent Raman spectroscopy. Barbara’s recent publication on
fifth-order Raman appeared in the John Wright festschrift of JPC
A. Barbara and Joohyun Lee, a third year grad student, accompanied Dave on a trip to Japan this May to attend the 2013
Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy conference in Beppu.
(Side photo) The conference was a fun opportunity to enjoy
great company, science and food. At the conference, Joohyun
presented his recently collected stimulated Raman spectra of
dGMP, the first ever vibrational spectra of a DNA base’s excited electronic state. This year we saw the departure of our
fantastic postdoc, J. REDDY CHALLA (POSTDOC ‘13), who
moved to Los Angeles to be with his wife, Latha, and their
brand new baby boy, Nikhil, and to start up a new postdoctoral
position with Ben Schwartz at UCLA. Congratulations, Reddy!
We have been very lucky to have hired a new postdoc, Collins
Nganou, who joins us after getting his Ph.D. at the Technical
University of Berlin, where he performed ultrafast spectroscopy on light-harvesting proteins involved in photosynthesis.
Collins will be studying the ultrafast dynamics of DNA oligomers following absorption of ultraviolet light.
Throughout the year, we enjoyed working with our two senior
undergraduate students, MICAH BROWN (B.S. ‘13) and JOE
COLARUOTOLO (B.S. ‘13). Micah will attend grad school
in chemistry at UNC, Chapel Hill and Joe will be attending the
University of Chicago in the fall. Good job guys! We also enjoyed a year of science with Yuji Wakimoto, a junior biochemistry student, who worked on our DNA photodamage project.
We had a full house this summer, hosting two incoming firstyear grad students, Dan Mark and Valerie Fleischauer, and a
visiting graduate student from the University of Hong Kong,
Lihong Yu. Lihong is a grad student in the lab of Prof. DAVID
Dave has had a good year, having settled into his relaxing (ha!)
tenured position. He taught both CHM231 (Chemical Instrumentation lab) and CHM131-lab (General Chemistry lab) in
the fall semester and was thereby able to enjoy a spring free of
teaching responsibilities. He used up all of his free time to chair
the graduate admissions committee though. Travelling has
not been quite as
busy as during the
pre-tenure era, but
Dave was still able
to enjoy trips to
Bangalore, India to
attend the International Conference
on Raman Spectroscopy, to Frankfurt, Germany to
attend the Conference on Coherent
Raman Scattering
Microscopy and to
Beppu, Japan to attend the Time Resolved Vibrational
Spectroscopy conference.
Joohyun, Barbara, and Dave in Japan
The McCamant family is doing great, with Elise (11) moving up to 6th grade, Lydia (7) entering 3rd grade and Nora (5)
starting kindergarten in the fall. Caroline is doing well having started a consulting position with GE. We’re all becoming
full-time dog trainers also, with the acquisition of Georgie the
golden-doodle last summer.
John S. Muenter
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1965, Stanford University
Molecular spectroscopic studies of inter- and intramolecular interactions using molecular beam, microwave, and laser techniques.
For JOHN MUENTER, the past year has been busy with nonacademic interests: travel, family, and classical music (particularly opera) occupying much of his time. However, molecular
spectroscopy is still an important part of his life. John is continuing to spend one week every couple of months working at
MIT with Bob Field’s group and is a co-author on a Faraday
Discussions presentation. In addition, he was a co-author with
MIT scientists on several papers presented at the Ohio State
Molecular Spectroscopy this summer. This meeting, which
John first attended in 1963, will be the last one held at Ohio
Michael Neidig
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 2007, Stanford University
Physical-inorganic chemistry and catalysis: elucidation of structure and bonding in nonprecious metal catalysts through inorganic spectroscopic methods; studies of reaction
intermediates and mechanisms of transition metal catalysis; non-precious metal organometallic, biological and heterogeneous catalysis
MICHAEL NEIDIG’s group has been rapidly expanding during
their second year at Rochester. The group currently consists
of five Ph.D. students and has also hosted two new first year
Ph.D. students this summer. We were excited to have JARED
NESVET (B.A. ‘13) with us this past year before he moved
on to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry at Stanford University. Our
lab facilities have expanded over the past year to now include
a Mössbauer spectrometer as well as a Stopped-Flow/RapidFreeze Quench set-up for the elucidation of very fast kinetics and reaction intermediate identification. Our research
on iron-catalyzed reactions in organic synthesis continues to
expand, including research on bisphosphine and NHC ligand
systems. We have also been fortunate over the past year to
establish several collaborations with leading synthetic groups
around the world. As part of these collaborations, we have
hosted a visiting student from Kyoto University in our group
this summer. As our research progresses this upcoming year,
we look forward to completing several of these studies and to
continuing our foray into iron catalysis in organic synthesis.
To the right (pg 43) - - - - The Neidig Group 2012 holiday party - - - - -
Bradley L. Nilsson
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 2003, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Bioorganic chemistry and chemical biology; amyloid peptide self-assembly; Alzheimer’s
disease; amyloid-inspired materials, HIV infectivity and microbicide development.
The BRAD NILSSON group had an eventful 2012-2013. This
academic year was marked by graduations, promotions, and
progress in both research and teaching efforts. NAOMI LEE
(PH.D. ‘12) successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis (December
2012, “Factors that Influence the Self-Assembly of Amphipathic Peptides”). Her thesis provides significant insight into the
physicochemical determinants that promote self-assembly of
simple amphipathic peptides. This insight will be exploited
in various applications in the Nilsson group in the design of
amyloid-inspired materials for biological applications. Naomi
subsequently moved to Bethesda, MD where she secured a
postdoctoral appointment at the National Institutes of Health
(Dr. Steve Jacobson, Viral Immunology, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke). She is enjoying life in the
Washington, DC area and is busy learning immunology and
assisting in outreach activities at the NIH. We’re thrilled with
Naomi’s achievements and are confident she’ll leverage this
excellent opportunity into even greater success.
‘10) are nearing completion of their doctoral studies. John
has made significant progress on his research on the role of
naturally occurring amyloid in HIV transmission processes.
Neidig Group
In collaboration with Steve Dewhurst’s group (University of
Rochester Medical Center, Department of Microbiology and
Immunology) he has contributed to the discovery of novel
amyloid-binding agents for the detection of amyloid fibrils
in semen (Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.
bmcl.2013.06.097). He is also developing amyloid-inspired
materials composed of self-assembled amphipathic peptides
that act as microbicides for the prevention of the sexual transmission of HIV. John received an American Peptide Society
Travel Grant Award to attend the 23rd American Peptide Symposium (June 22–27, 2013; Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii)
where he presented his research. Ria has also made significant
research progress in the last year. She recently reported her
discovery of the co-assembly of enantiomeric peptides into
two-component hybrid fibrils (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134,
5556–5559; featured in a “Spotlights on Recent JACS Publications” article J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 6057). In addition,
Ria has initiated a new application for peptides developed
in the Nilsson group as delivery agents for therapeutic oligonucleotides. This exciting area of research has been developed in collaboration with Dr. David Dean of the University of Rochester Medical Center. In addition to her exciting
research progress, we also congratulated Ria on her marriage
to MATT BETUSH (PH.D. ‘13 - Boeckman group) in 2013.
John received a Moses Passer Fellowship and Ria received a
Lattimore Fellowship from the Chemistry Department in recognition of their research excellence in the last year.
The other members of the Nilsson group continue to make
significant strides in their research efforts as well. WATHSALA
‘13) made key breakthroughs in their work to develop amino
acid-based self-assembling hydrogel materials for tissue engineering applications. Wathsala received a travel grant award
to present the results of her research at the 23rd American
Peptide Symposium in Hawaii; she also received a Lattimore
Fellowship from the Chemistry Department. Annada completed her M.S. studies this spring and advanced to candidacy
towards the Ph.D. degree. Both Annada and Wathsala have
made key discoveries regarding the self-assembly of phenylalanine derivatives applied to the creation of hydrogels for
regenerative medicine. We anticipate that these discoveries
will be published in the coming year. The Nilsson group also
welcomed two new students in 2012-2013. Danielle Raymond
and Jen Urban joined the group. They have been outstanding
additions to the group and we look forward to great things
from them in the future!
The Nilsson group has been fortunate to include a talented
group of undergraduate students as well. GENKI TAMIYA
(B.S. ‘13) conducted his senior thesis research in the Nilsson
lab and will remain with the Nilsson group during the 20132014 academic year as he completes a fifth year towards an
M.S. degree in chemistry. Annah Moore (a rising junior) has
continued work on an HIV microbicide project and Kaitlyn
Connelly (a rising senior) did independent research during fall
2012 and will conduct senior research in the Nilsson group
this coming year. We enjoy the energy they bring to the group.
Brad has also achieved some important milestones this year.
He was thrilled to be promoted to associate professor with
unlimited tenure effective July 2013. He is grateful to his
colleagues on the faculty and staff of the Department of
Chemistry for their significant support during his time at the
University of Rochester and he is excited at the prospect of
View from the Bell Tower
continuing these relationships for many years to come! Brad
continues to serve as chair of the Harrison Howe Award
Committee (Rochester Section of the American Chemical
Society); he served as chair of the Travel Awards Committee
for the 23rd American Peptide Symposium and he was elected
as a member of the national Nominating Committee of the
American Peptide Society (term of service 2013–2015). Brad
taught the CHM 204 organic chemistry lecture for the first
time in the Spring 2013 semester. While he has taught this
material in the Quest Organic Chemistry series, the logistics
of teaching a section that includes nearly 300 students was a
learning experience! Brad and the Nilsson group look forward
to another exciting year of research, teaching, and service.
Summer on campus
Oleg Prezhdo
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1997, University of Texas, Austin
Theoretical physical chemistry with focus on dynamics in condensed phase, nanoscale
and biological systems. Semiclassical theories, non-adiabatic molecular dynamics, timedependent density functional theory, and related approaches are applied to problems
in time-resolved spectroscopy, renewable energy harvesting and storage; nanoscale
electronics and spintronics, and biological bonds.
The OLEG PREZHDO group has grown to its “steadystate” size of about ten people. Several group members
have found academic positions: HEATHER JAEGGER
(POSTDOC ‘13) is starting a faculty position in the Chemistry Department at Lehigh University in Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania. TAMMIE NELSON (PH.D. ‘13) obtained
her doctorate and has won the prestigious Director’s
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Los Alamos National Lab.
RUN LONG (POSTDOC ‘12) has become a Lecturer at
the University College Dublin in Ireland and continues to
visit the group on a regular basis. Drs. Sergiy Bubin and
Lin Jun Wang have started in the group as Postdoctoral
Fellows. Two new graduate students have joined the group
– Jin Liu from Chemical Engineering and Dhara Trivedi
from Physics. Ahmed Mustafa is finishing his tenure as a
visiting scientist on a fellowship from Egypt and is getting
ready to defend his Ph.D. later in the year. A recipient of
a European Union exchange grant, Igor Vovchinskyi from
Kharkov, Ukraine has visited the group for 4 months and
has successfully defended his Master’s Thesis back in the
Ukraine. His advisor and long-standing collaborator, Prof.
Oleg Kalugin, Chair of the Chemistry Department at the
Kharkov National University, has had a month-long visit
with the group. Olena Postupna is spending the summer
with Dr. Sergei Tretiak in Los Alamos National Lab,
gaining valuable research experience. Amanda Neukirch
has won the Lindau fellowship, which has allowed her to
travel to Europe and meet several Nobel Prize winners.
Amanda also won a travel grant to present her research
results in Japan.
Oleg Prezhdo has successfully renewed his single-PI NSF
and DOE grants. The group has won a share of a collaborative grant from the Department of Energy on solar water
splitting, and Dr. Alexey Akimov, Ph.D. from Rice University, is now supported by this collaboration. Japanese sci-
entists in Toyota, Inc. have approached the group to start
a collaboration to study solar driven CO2 reduction, and a
postdoc in the group will be funded by Toyota for 3 years.
Over the last year, Oleg Prezhdo and his group members
presented a couple dozen invited talks, published over 14
papers, including 2 reviews, a perspective, and 11 regular
articles. Oleg Prezhdo organized an international workshop
on “Non-adiabatic dynamics, non-equilibrium phenomena
and spectroscopy” in Telluride, CO, and a Symposium on
Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials at the
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Optical
Engineering (SPIE).
Oleg Prezhdo continues to be an Editor of the Journal of
Physical Chemistry Letters and Journal of Physical Chemistry.
The Letters is a premier branch of J. Phys. Chem. with the
impact factor above 6. The Letters is proud to report a very
fast time from submission to web publication of only 40
days, compared to the 70-90 days typical of the majority
of journals. Oleg’s wife Marina is helping Oleg to handle
the journal duties. In 2013, Oleg became an Editor for
Surface Science Reports which publishes reviewer papers on
surface science.
On a personal note, Marina runs the Russian Sunday School
“Sunshine” for children aimed at maintaining the Russian
culture and teaching the children the Russian language,
history and arts. Marina’s & Oleg’s older daughter Eugenia
(22) graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University
of Rochester, majoring in Mathematics and minoring in
Brain & Cognitive Science. She now works in a theoretical
neuroscience lab in the Baylor College of Medicine. Their
younger daughter Natalie (9) has finished the 3rd grade in
the Mendon Center Elementary school in Pittsford. She is
a regular in the Rochester Chess Club and studies ballet in
the Timothy M. Draper center for Dance Education.
Lewis J. Rothberg
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1983, Harvard University
Physical chemistry: photophysics of conjugated organic materials for solid-state lighting and solar energy conversion, metal nanoparticle-enhanced molecular spectroscopy,
biomolecular sensing.
The LEWIS ROTHBERG group efforts remain primarily in
organic electronics and plasmonics with occasional forays into
biomolecular science and sensing. The group’s funding was
heavily impacted this year by the cancelation of a major three
year Department of Energy grant to study plasmonic light extraction from organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) after the
first year. Ironically, the project began to show great promise
shortly after the DOE decision. We will also be feeling the
effects of our valued collaborator Ching Tang moving some
of his efforts to an institute in Hong Kong. He will continue
to maintain a lab in Rochester for some time and we plan to
work closely with his group. Lewis finally broke down and
got a smart phone this year, one of the primary motivations
being the OLED display and the sense it brings of the organic
electronics community’s accomplishments. Given Ching’s
enormous contributions to the invention and development of
OLEDs, it has been even more inspirational to see how he
continues to work hard and how dedicated he is to a deep understanding of the underlying science.
Between graduations, the discontinuation of DOE funding
and students leaving for personal reasons, the group has shrunk
dramatically. Our postdoctoral students ALEX SHVEYD
(POSTDOC ‘13) and IRFAN (POSTDOC ‘13) took industrial
employment on the West Coast while STEVE PAQUETTE
(PH.D. ‘13) received his Ph.D. for work on the effects of
metal nanoparticles on organic fluorescence and is now a postdoctoral student doing confocal microscopy of biomolecules.
Millard Wyman is writing his thesis while Kelly Sassin and Xiao
Wang chose to leave their respective doctoral programs. The
remaining contingent includes Chi-Sheng Chang (plasmonic
enhancement of optoelectronic devices), Ben Martin (single
chain polymer spectroscopy), Chris Favaro (plasmon scattering
to increase light extraction from OLEDs) and Raj Chakraborty
(field effects on conjugated polymer photophysics). With
group meeting so much smaller, we are especially grateful for
the invigorating participation of senior scientists Al Marchetti, Ralph Young, Barbara Stwertka and William Begley who
interact closely with Lewis and the students. Lewis has also
enjoyed working closely with students in the Tang and Chen
Wilson Commons
Rush Rhees in the snow (Longze Zhang)
groups, Lisong Xu, Sangmin Lee, Kevin Klubek, Thomas Lee
and Qiang Wang. We are also looking forward to the results
of a budding collaboration with Alex Shestopalov’s group in
Chemical Engineering. Expect exciting developments in the
lab in the year ahead!
The group has been blessed with another group of talented
undergraduate researchers. GREG MCKAY (OPTICS B.S. ‘13)
did an amazing senior thesis and Lewis learned a lot from him
about both chemistry and optics. DANIELLE DICKIE (B.S.
‘13) also did her senior thesis on plasmonic enhancement of
conjugated polymer luminescence. Thomas Bertrand, a teacher
from Webster High School, developed a set of organic electronics experiments that could be done in secondary schools
that leverage the excitement of our research.
Lewis taught the second semester of Physical Chemistry for
advanced undergraduates (CHM 252) for the first time – what
a great experience! He learned a huge amount and, if you can
bear to hear him pontificate endlessly on how amazing thermodynamics and statistic mechanics are and their philosophical underpinnings, he will happily chew your ear off. Lewis
brought the workshop program CHM 252 and was pleased
with the results. Lewis continues to teach the advanced spec-
troscopy lab (CHM 232) with able assistance from RAY TENG
(B.S. ‘83, M.S. ’87, M.B.A. ’01) and excellent teaching assistants.
Lewis presented work at many meetings and institutional
seminars. Particularly enjoyable was the ACS meeting in New
Orleans where the symposium was organized by Lewis’ outstanding former graduate student Prof. SHANLIN PAN (PH.D.
‘06) who is doing excellent work at the University of Alabama.
Another unusual presentation was Lewis recounting his experience with STTR grants at a small business grant forum run
internally for the faculty. Thinking about that brings into focus
some of the fascinating variety of experiences it is possible
to have as an academician. Lewis is very grateful for those
learning opportunities and he hopes that they positively impact
the educational environment for students as well. In that vein,
Lewis has continued his work as part time unpaid chief technical officer of Diffinity Genomics, a company originating from
the group’s research. Diffinity has struggled and faces another
cash flow crisis in spite of the fact that sales revenues of the
existing products are growing steadily and there are very promising follow-on products in development and testing. It will be
a pivotal year for the company and interesting to see how the
company and technology evolve.
William H. Saunders
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1952, Northwestern University
Physical-organic chemistry: ab initio and valence bond SCF calculations, proton transfer
processes, mechanisms of elimination reactions, and kinetic isotope effects.
The summer of 2012 included two trips to the Stratford, Ontario, Shakespeare Festival. The highlight of the visits was a oneman show by Christopher Plummer recounting how his interest
in the theatre and literature developed, including some classic
speeches. The fall saw more traveling, first a bicycle tour on the
Eastern Shore of Maryland, with much good seafood, and then
a tour of Provence in France run by the local Public TV station.
I had seen a good bit of the area before, but becoming reacquainted was pleasant, as were several days in Paris at the end.
I had a visit from a former student in October, John Borchardt
– unhappily the last, for he died some months later. Characteristically, he was working hard on a variety of activities up to the
end. I spent Thanksgiving in Concord, NH with Anne and the
granddaughters, who visited Rochester for Christmas. We did
not see Claude and his wife this year. They had just moved from
the Chicago area to Portland, Oregon, where Claude is working
for a small software startup. The last week of March I went on
another bike tour, this time in the vicinity of Williamsburg, VA.
The weather was not kind: two inches of snow on the day of
our arrival, though things got better later in the week. I took one
day off from biking to visit the College of William and Mary,
my undergraduate alma mater. Nobody from my student days
(1940’s) remains, but I had a nice visit with several chemistry
faculty members I knew from later times.
On January 19th, 2013, the Arnett Branch of the Rochester Public Library held a reception for the official opening of the interactive
“Solar Village” demonstration display constructed and donated to the library by the Schroeder Group last year. The photograph
shows the first visitors viewing the display and trying out some of the interactive features.
Wolf-Udo Schröder
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1971, University of Darmstadt, Germany
Basic and applied nuclear science: dynamics of complex nuclear reactions at intermediate and high energies; dissipation, relaxation and other transport phenomena; nonequilibrium effects; thermodynamics of nuclear disintegration and transmutation; the
equation of state of nuclear matter. Beyond the mean field: correlations and clusterization of nuclear matter. Light-ion reactions in a thermonuclear environment. Chemi-and
physisorption of tritium in metals.
UDO SCHRÖDER’s group has continued research in radio-chemistry and heavy-ion reaction dynamics, advanced
detector development, as well as development of laser
induced acceleration of ions for nuclear experiments
In several experiments at the LNS Catania/Italy, the
group’s grad students succeeded in demonstrating unexpected particle-specific capabilities of a new plastic scintillation material. The results could have important practical
influences on future upgrades of the sophisticated, multielement nuclear detection systems that provide precise
imaging of complex reaction events induced by energetic
heavy-ion collisions studied at accelerator laboratories
around the world. The material is used in the group’s new
silicon multi-strip/plastic detector telescope ASTERICS.
Radio-chemical research into tritium transport has made
good progress, as a series of new experiments have shown
interesting trends with material and surface properties. The group’s new research program has seen its first
stress tests in laser induced ion acceleration and reactions
induced in Li-compound targets. As expected, the intense
electromagnetic fields generated in UR Omega/EP laser
“shots” present an extreme environment for nuclear detection systems and interesting challenges for the experimenters. Preliminary results have already led to improved
setups and laser beam pulse designs.
EMMA Workshop on Nuclear Processes in Dynamic
High-Energy Density Plasmas. He also gave lectures on
nuclear energy and launched an interdisciplinary course
“Energy: Science, Technology & Society.”
This summer’s student interns, Ian Goldsmith-Rooney and
Lu Li (shown below with their poster), applied nuclear forensics methods to look for trace radioactivity in construction materials from the Medical Center Annex, previously
known as “Manhattan Annex”. The Manhattan Project is
well known as an enormous and highly successful national
effort during WWII to develop the first atomic bomb.
Less well known is that the project had additional aspects
related to the exploration of biological effects of radioactivity, both on the battle field and in civilian medical applications. The University of Rochester Strong Memorial
Hospital was one of several U.S. medical facilities that
hosted one of the secret laboratories in which ethically
questionable medical experiments were conducted on
human subjects. These experiments have been subject
to government investigations and are described in books
(The Plutonium Files).
In their study, the students detected low-level residual
actinide radioactivity on the concrete from one of the
labs in the “Manhattan Annex.” These activities are understood as traces of the secret activities conducted some
60-70 years ago.
Ian and Lu
Progress has also been made on the theoretical front, in
the microcanonical thermodynamic description of nuclear
instabilities developing in finite nuclei at high excitations.
These instabilities develop first in the nuclear surface,
leading to previously unknown phenomena of surface
boiling or vaporization, which explain a host of previously
puzzling behavior of highly excited nuclei. Jan Tõke gave a
description of the theory at the International Conference
of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy in Kyiv/Ukraine.
Udo was an invited participant at the 2012 London JINA/
Douglas H. Turner
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1972, Columbia University
Biophysical chemistry: nucleic acid structure and function, prediction of RNA structure
from sequence, RNA folding, and design of therapeutics that target RNA.
The most exciting development for the DOUG TURNER
group this year was funding of their NIH proposal. This
provides resources to continue their quest to predict
RNA structure from sequence, a goal becoming more and
more important as sequencing of DNA and RNA gets
faster and cheaper. Current estimates are that over 75%
of DNA sequence in humans is transcribed into RNA.
Moreover, the genomes of many viruses, including influenza, are RNA. Thus, there is a lot to be discovered.
For the last few years, the group has been focusing on
the roughly 10,000 nucleotides of influenza that code for
proteins. Last year, WALTER MOSS (PH.D. ’11) and his
wife, Indee Dela-Moss, collaborated with ELA KIERZEK
(POSTDOC ’03-05), Ryszard Kierzek, and SAL PRIORE
(PH.D. ’13) to provide experimental verification of the
group’s previously published prediction that one segment
of influenza RNA folds into two different structures, potentially providing a switch that can regulate relative synthesis of two different proteins. In the fall, Walter started
a postdoc with Joan Steitz at Yale. This Spring, Sal graduated and started his third year of Medical School. Doug
continues as Associate Director of the MD/PhD program
and is pleased to report that the NIH grant supporting it
will also be renewed so that students with interests like
Sal’s will continue to be trained at Rochester for at least
another five years.
Targeting of influenza RNA is being further advanced
by the chemical mapping and NMR structural studies of
graduate students JON CHEN (OPTICS B.S. ’06), Tian
Jiang, Andy Kauffmann, and Kyle Berger. Kyle is a student
in the Medical Center’s Biophysics program and did his
undergraduate research at SUNY Fredonia with MATT
FOUNTAIN (PH.D. ’94). Long time collaborators from
Poznan, Ela and Ryszard Kierzek, are also involved. Ela
and Doug have an NIH Fogarty International Research
Collaboration Award for her project. Group predictions
Josh Blose, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at SUNY Brockport, Doug’s
“academic grandson” who participated in the career panel during
the Chemistry-Biology-Biophysics Cluster Retreat
See pg 17
for RNA targets are being tested in cell culture in a collaboration with Prof. Luis Martinez-Sobrido in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. George Eastman’s vision of collaboration between the College and
Medical Center continues to have impact.
To provide benchmarks for testing computational approaches for predicting 3D structure, Scott Kennedy and
Ryszard Kierzek published a novel structure for an internal
loop. On the basis of sequence, the loop, (GAGU)2, was
expected to have two hydrogen bonded AG pairs flanked
by wobble GU pairs. In fact, the major structure has two
hydrogen bonded GG pairs, stacked A’s, and bulged out
U’s. The loop also has a minor structure, which is yet to
be determined. While this loop sequence has not been
observed in nature, it provides another possibility for an
RNA switch.
The “GAGU” loop provides an interesting case in which
structure depends on the relative importance of hydrogen
bonding and stacking. To provide a benchmark without
hydrogen bonding, JASON TUBBS (PH.D. ’13) collaborated with David Condon and Scott Kennedy to measure
NMR spectra of CCCC and compare the results to molecular dynamics calculations using a standard force field and
a new one developed at Rochester by ILYAS YILDIRIM
(PHYSICS PH.D. ’08). The new force field is clearly
better. The results also provide insight into experiments
from PHIL BEVILAQUA’S (PH.D. ’93) lab showing that
hairpin loops of C4 are less stable than those of U4. Jason
graduated and took a position at SynDaver Labs in Tampa.
Doug presented the group’s work at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, the annual meeting of the Oligonucleotide
Therapeutics Society, Konan University in Kobe, the
39th International Symposium on Nucleic Acid Chemistry held at Nagoya University, and at the Institute for
Bioscience & Biotechnology Research at the University
of Maryland. At all these venues, Doug was impressed
by the increased prospects for development of therapeutics targeting RNA. Another indication is that in recognition of his work on discovering potential drugs for RNA,
MATT DISNEY (PH.D. ’02) was named the winner of the
American Chemical Society 2013 Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry.
While the current approximations in force fields do not
allow agreement between predictions and experiment,
the theoretical groups of Morgado in Chile and Sponer
in the Czech Republic published a paper reporting that
quantum mechanics calculations can reproduce aspects of
how the structure formed by tandem GA pairs depends
on stacking with the adjacent base pairs, as determined
WU (PH.D. ’96), and GANG CHEN (PH.D. ’05). Thus,
there is hope that known physical principles will eventually
be able to predict the 3D structures of RNA sequences.
Doug taught a section of the Spring General Chemistry
course and also part of the graduate Biophysical Chemistry course. The latter was shared with DAVE MATHEWS
(PH.D. ’01) and Alan Grossfield from the Medical Center’s
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics. This
provides another example of the impact of George Eastman’s vision. Doug also did research with undergraduate
ULASCAN SARICA (PHYSICS B.S. ’13) and supervised
the research of JAYSON BAMAN (BIOLOGY B.S. ’13)
in collaboration with Sal Priore. Ulascan is entering the
graduate program in Physics at Johns Hopkins University
and Jayson will be a first year medical student here.
Turner Group
Daniel J. Weix
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. 2005, University of California, Berkeley
Transition-metal catalyzed reactions; synthetic organic chemistry; methods development; study of reaction mechanisms; reductive chemistry; stereoselective transformations.
Research in DANIEL WEIX’s group is focused on the development of new, catalytic methods for forming C-C and C-X
bonds, with a particular emphasis on understanding mechanism and the use of first-row transition metals. We have continued to advance the practice and theory of “cross-electrophile
coupling” as an alternative to the usual cross-coupling of a nucleophile with an electrophile. Because this chemistry avoids
the need to pre-form carbon nucleophiles, it has attracted broad
interest and is under active investigation or use at most major
pharmaceutical companies. By leveraging our recent advances
in mechanistic understanding, we have embarked on the development of “2nd-generation” systems that utilize new electrophiles and often feature multiple catalysts. Michael Prinsell and
Lukiana Anka-Lufford’s full-paper on coupling allylic acetates
with alkyl, vinyl, and aryl halides was published in the Journal of
Organic Chemistry this past fall. RUJA SHRESTHA (PH.D. ‘12)
and Stephanie Dorn published their full paper on the reductive
conjugate addition of aryl halides to enones in the Journal of the
American Chemical Society. Finally, DANIEL EVERSON (PH.D.
‘13) and DAVID GEORGE (B.S. ‘13) published a large-scale
procedure for the alkylation of aryl halides with alkyl halides
in Organic Syntheses. Chi Chen, a joint student between the Weix
and Holland groups, has developed the first Z-selective isomerization of simple alkenes using one of the Holland group’s
tri-coordinate cobalt diketiminates. This has been a productive year and the manuscripts are piling up on Daniel’s desk!
In the next few months we will submit manuscripts on the
mechanism of cross-electrophile coupling, new types of electrophiles, carbonylation, multimetallic chemistry, olefin isomerization, reactions of heterocycles and several reviews.
The group was fortunate to be recognized with a variety of
awards and honors this past year. ADAM LEE (B.S. ‘12)
was awarded a Jamaica 50th Anniversary Scholarship which
will defray the cost of his medical training at the University
of the West Indies. RUJA SHRESTHA (PH.D. ‘12) thesis
Weix Group
was selected for commendation by the Outstanding Dissertation Awards program in AS&E. DAVID GEORGE (B.S.
‘13) won the UR Research Expo President’s Award. RACHEL
KELEMEN (B.S. ‘12) received a Chemistry Department
Award at Graduation. Third-year Lukiana Anka-Lufford was
selected for a 1-year co-op with the GlaxoSmithKline AntiBacterial team. Luki left for King of Prussia, PA in May and
will return next spring to inform us all about how things are
really done in industry! Finally, Daniel Weix received a number
of awards on behalf of the entire Weix group: a Green Chemistry Award from the Pfizer-Groton Green Chemistry Team
(2012), a Thieme Journal Prize (2013), and a Sloan Foundation
Fellowship (2013).
Earlier this year, we welcomed three new graduate students:
Sylvia Chen, Keith Hilferding, and Kierra Huihui. Keith is a
joint student between the Jones group and the Weix group and
will be studying oxidative addition reactions of nickel(0) to
various electrophiles. Kierra has already worked out a new type
of conjugate-addition-like reaction and Sylvia has spent her
time working on several new directions for the group. We also
welcomed 3 new undergraduate researchers: seniors Michael
Robo and Matt Lovell (’14), and sophomore Charlotte Humes.
The group now has 12 full-time researchers plus 4 active undergraduates after a peak of 19 researchers this past summer.
Finding a large enough room for meetings became a challenge!
on to brewmaster school and we look forward to drinking
his future work. DANIEL A. EVERSON (PH.D. ‘13), who
mentored Joe, David, and Max, defended his thesis in May. He
has relocated to Minneapolis, MN where he will enjoy some
time off with his wife, Kelsey, and new daughter, Cora, before
finding employment in the metro area. Daniel will not easily be
replaced and will be greatly missed.
Besides their excellent results in the laboratory, third-year
students Lukiana Anka-Lufford, Chi Chen, Stephanie Dorn,
and Laura Ackerman all passed their oral exams in style.
Lukiana, Stephanie, and Laura also each successfully delivered
a third-year talk on an outside topic to the department. Laura
Ackerman was a class-leader for the Horizons
summer program at the University of Rochester last summer. She guided a group of middleschool students through some fun chemistry
experiments with the goal of bringing students
from under-represented backgrounds into the
sciences. DANIEL A. EVERSON (PH.D. ‘13) and
his wife Kelsey welcomed their first child, Cora,
into the world last fall and Chi married Wenwen
this spring at the beautiful Letchworth state park
in front of a the waterfall. Chi Chen moved to
Yale University with Prof. Holland’s group this
summer, but will remain a joint student. Daniel
Weix’s children, Elliott (8), Madeleine (6), and
Amalia (4), continue to keep him and his wife, Stella, busy.
In group alumni news, BRITTANY JONES (B.S. ‘11) is currently working at Materia, the L.A.-based ruthenium olefin metathesis catalyst company, and enjoying the varied opportunities available at the smaller-sized company. RUJA SHRESTHA
(PH.D. ‘12) is off to a great start in her postdoc with John F.
Hartwig. She just published her first paper there on stericallydirected C-H amination in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
In May, we celebrated the graduation of five current and
former group members. JOSEPH BUONOMO (B.S. ‘13),
‘13) graduated and are moving on to graduate school at the
University of Minnesota, the University of California, Irvine,
and Boston College, respectively. We look forward to reading
their work in future issues of JACS! MAX HECHT (B.S.
‘13) graduated after finishing his senior thesis working on a
Holland/Weix joint project with Chi Chen, but he started in
the Weix group working with Dan Everson. Max is moving
Publications ’12-’13
Includes publications accepted or submitted
between July 2012 and June 2013.
Terpene Derived Auxiliaries: Camphor and Pinene Derived
Auxiliaries. J. R. Cody, and R. K. Boeckman Jr., Synthetic
Methods II - Chiral Auxiliaries, Comprehensive Chirality Vol. 3 R. K.
Boeckman, Jr., Ed.; Elsevier Science, Oxford UK, 2012; 11481211.
R. K. Boeckman Jr., Ed. Synthetic Methods II - Chiral Auxilliaries,
Comprehensive Chirality Vol. 3, Elsevier Science, Oxford UK,
NMR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Heme Proteins. K. L.
Bren, Current Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 2, 273-291.
Conformational Change and Human Cytochrome c Function:
Mutation of Residue 41 Modulates Caspase Activation and
Destabilizes Met-80 Coordination. T. M. Josephs, M. D. Liptak,
G. Hughes, A. Lo, R. M. Smith, S. M. Wilbanks, K. L. Bren, and
E. C. Ledgerwood, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 2013, 18, 289-297.
Structural Characterization of Nitrosomonas europaea
Cytochrome c552 Variants with Marked Differences in
Electronic Structure. M. Can, J. Krucinska, G. Zoppellaro, N.
H. Andersen, J. E. Wedekind, H.-P. Hersleth, K. K. Andersson,
and K. L. Bren, ChemBioChem, 2013, in press.
Affinity purification of heme-tagged proteins. W. B. Asher and
K. L. Bren, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2013, in press.
Hole Wavefunctions and Transport with Deazaadenines
Replacing Adenines in DNA. A. J. Breindel, R. E. Stuart, W. J.
Bock, D. N. Stelter, S. M. Kravec, and E. M. Conwell, J. Phys.
Chem. B, 2013, 117, 3086.
Chain Amplified Photochemical Fragmentation of N
Alkoxypyridinium Salts: Proposed Reaction of Alkoxyl
Radicals with Pyridine Bases to Give Pyridinyl Radicals. D.
Shukla, S. Adiga, W. Ahearn, J. P. Dinnocenzo, S. Farid, J. Org.
Chem., 2013, 78, 1955-1964.
Multicenter Bonding in Ditetracyanoethylene Dianion: A
Simple Aromatic Picture in Terms of Three-Electron Bonds.
B. Braïda, K. Hendrickx, D. Domin, J. P. Dinnocenzo, P.
Hiberty, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9, 2276-2285.
Robust Photogeneration of H2 in Water Using Semiconductor
Nanocrystals and a Nickel Catalyst. Z. Han, F. Qiu, R.
Eisenberg, P. L. Holland, T. D. Krauss, Science, 2012, 1321-1324.
Cobalt Complexes as Artificial Hydrogenases for the Reductive
Side of Water Splitting. W. T. Eckenhoff, W. R. McNamara, P.
Du, R. Eisenberg, Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 2013,
in press.
Nickel Pyridylthiolate Complexes for the Photocatalytic
Production of Hydrogen from Aqueous Solutions in NobleMetal-Free Systems. Z. Han, L. Shen, L., P. L. Holland, W. W.
Brennessel, R. Eisenberg, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, in press.
Chain Amplified Photochemical Fragmentation of N
Alkoxypyridinium Salts: Proposed Reaction of Alkoxyl
Radicals with Pyridine Bases to Give Pyridinyl Radicals. D.
Shukla, S. Adiga, W. Ahearn, J. P. Dinnocenzo, S. Farid, J. Org.
Chem., 2013, 78, 1955-1964.
Ion Imaging Study of Reaction Dynamics in the N+ + CH4
system. L. Pei and J. M. Farrar, J. Chem. Phys., 2012, 137, 154312.
Ion Imaging Study of Dissociative Charge Transfer in the
N2+ + CH4 system. L. Pei and J. M. Farrar, J. Chem. Phys.
2013, 138, 124304.
Controlled Oxidation of Remote sp3 C―H Bonds in
Artemisinin via P450 Catalysts with Fine-tuned Regio- and
Wtereoselectivity. K. Zhang, B. M. Shafer, M. D. Demars II, H.
A. Stern, and R. Fasan, Journal of the American Chemical Society,
2012, 134, 18695–18704.
Macrocyclization of Organo-peptide Hybrids via a Dual
Bioorthogonal Ligation; Insights from Structure-reactivity
Studies. J. R. Frost, F. Vitali, N. T. Jacob, and R. Fasan,
ChemBioChem, 2013, 14, 147-160.
Cation Intermediates. W. T. Spencer II, T. Vaidya, and A. J.
Frontier, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2013, 3621-3633.
Emerging Strategies to Access Peptide Macrocycles from
Genetically Encoded Polypeptides. J. Smith, J. R. Frost, and R.
Fasan, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013, 78, 3525–3531.
Reagent Control of 1,2-Wagner-Meerwein Shift Chemoselectivity Following Nazarov Cyclization: Application to the
Total Synthesis of Enokipodin B. D. Leboeuf, C. M. Wright,
and A. J. Frontier, Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19, 4835–4841.
Design, Synthesis, and Diversification of Ribosomally Derived
Peptide Macrocycles. J. R. Frost, J. M. Smith, and R. Fasan,
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2013; in press.
Discovery of Potent Parthenolide-based Antileukemic Agents
Enabled by Late-stage P450-mediated C―H Functionalization,
J. N. Kolev, K. M. O’Dwyer, C. T. Jordan, and R. Fasan,
Efficient Nazarov Cyclization/Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement Terminated by a Cu(II)-Promoted Oxidation: Synthesis
of 4-Alkylidene Cyclopentenones. D. Lebœuf, E. Theiste, V.
Gandon, S. L. Daifuku, M. L. Neidig, and A. J. Frontier, Chem.
Eur. J., 2013, 19, 4842–4848.
Cyclization Cascades Initiated by 1,6-Conjugate Addition. J. L.
Brooks and A. J. Frontier, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 1655116553.
A Cycloaromatization Protocol for Synthesis of Polysubstituted
Phenol Derivatives: Method Development and Mechanistic
Studies. W. T. Spencer II and A. J. Frontier, J. Org. Chem., 2012,
77, 7730–7736.
A Macrocyclic β-Iodoallenolate Intermediate is Key: Synthesis
of the ABD Core of Phomactin A. J. Ciesielski, K. Cariou, and
A. J. Frontier, Org. Lett., 2012, 11, 4374-4377.
Invited Microreview: Beyond the Divinyl Ketone: Innovations
in the Generation and Nazarov Cyclization of Pentadienyl
Cooperativity Between Low-Valent Iron and Potassium
Promoters in Dinitrogen Fixation. T. M. Figg, P. L. Holland,
and T. R. Cundari, Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, 7546-7550.
Isolation and Characterization of Stable Iron(I)-Sulfide
Complexes. M. M. Rodriguez, B. D. Stubbert, W. W. Brennessel,
E. Bill, and P. L. Holland, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 82468250.
Ligand Effects on Hydrogen Atom Transfer from
Hydrocarbons to Three-Coordinate Iron Imides. R. E. Cowley
and P. L. Holland, Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, 8352-8361.
Reversible C-C Bond Formation Between Redox-Active
Pyridine Ligands in Iron Complexes. T. R. Dugan, E. Bill, K.
C. MacLeod, G. J. Christian, R. E. Cowley, W. W. Brennessel,
S. Ye, F. Neese, and P. L. Holland, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134,
Azurin as a Protein Scaffold for a Low-coordinate Nonheme Iron Site with a Small-molecule Binding Pocket. M. P.
McLaughlin, M. Retegan, E. Bill, T. M. Payne, H. S. Shafaat, S.
Peña, J. Sudhamsu, A. E. Ensign, B. R. Crane, F. Neese, and P.
L. Holland, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 19746-19757.
An Expedient Synthesis of 2,4,6-Tris(trifluoromethyl)aniline.
B. L. Edelbach, B. M. Pharoah, S. M. Bellows, P. R. Thayer, C.
N. Fennie, R. E. Cowley, and P. L. Holland, Synthesis, 2012, 44,
Robust Photogeneration of H2 in Water Using Semiconductor
Nanocrystals and a Nickel Catalyst. Z. Han, F. Qiu, R.
Eisenberg, P. L. Holland, T. D. Krauss, Science, 2012, 1321-1324.
Entrance to Rush Rhees Library
C-S Bond Activation of Thioethers Using (dippe)Pt(NBE)2. S.
Kundu, B. E. R. Snyder, A. P. Walsh, W. W. Brennessel, and W.
D. Jones, Polyhedron, 2013, 58, 99-105.
Examination of a Dicationic Rhodium Methyl Aquo
Complex.K. A. Manbeck, W. W. Brennessel, and W. D. Jones,
Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2013, 397, 140-143.
Rhodium-Carbon Bond Energies in Tp’Rh(CNneopentyl)
(CH2X)H: Quantifying Stabilization Effects in M-C Bonds. Y.
Jiao, M. E. Evans, J. Morris, W. W. Brennessel, and W. D. Jones.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 6994–7004.
Self-Assembled Bilayers on Indium-Tin Oxide (SABITO) Electrodes: A Design for Chromophore-Catalyst
Photoanodes.C. R. K. Glasson, W. Song, D. L. Ashford, A.
Vannucci, Z. Chen, J. J. Concepcion, P. L. Holland, and T. J.
Meyer, Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, 8637-8639.
A Trispyrazolylboraterhodium Phosphite Complex that
Undergoes an Arbusov-Like Rearrangement. Y. Jiao, W. W.
Brennessel, and W. D. Jones, Acta Cryst. C, 2013, in press.
Generation of High-Spin Iron(I) in a Protein Environment
Using Cryoreduction. R. M. Davydov, M. P. McLaughlin, E.
Bill, B. M. Hoffman, and P. L. Holland, Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52,
Colloidal Semicondctor Quantum Dots with Tunable Surface
Composition. H. H.-Y. Wei, C. M. Evans, B. D. Swartz, A. J.
Neukirch, J. Young, O. V. Prezhdo, and T. D. Krauss, Nano Lett,
2012, 12, 4465-4471.
A Sulfide-Bridged Diiron(II) Complex with a cis-N2H4
Ligand. B. D. Stubbert, J. Vela, W. W. Brennessel, and P. L.
Holland, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2013, 639, 1351-1355.
Robust Photogeneration of H2 in Water Using Semiconductor
Nanocrystals and a Nickel Catalyst. Z. Han, F. Qiu, R.
Eisenberg, P. L. Holland, T. D. Krauss, Science, 2012, 1321-1324.
Recent Developments in Homogeneous Dinitrogen Reduction
by Molybdenum and Iron. K. C. MacLeod and P. L. Holland,
Nature Chem., 2013, 5, 559-565.
Chemical Mechanisms of Semiconductor Nanocrystal
Synthesis. K. L. Sowers, Brett Swartz, and T. D. Krauss, Chem.
Mater., 2013, 25 1351-1362.
On the Sensitivity of X-ray Core Spectroscopy to Changes in
Metal Ligation: A Systematic Study of Low-Coordinate HighSpin Ferrous Complexes. P. Chandrasekaran, K. P. Chiang, D.
Nordlund, U. Bergmann, P. L. Holland, and S. DeBeer, Inorg.
Chem., 2013, 52, 6286-6298.
Cobalt-Magnesium and Iron-Magnesium Complexes with
Weakened Dinitrogen Bridges. T. R. Dugan, K. C. MacLeod,
W. W. Brennessel, and P. L. Holland, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2013,
in press.
Nickel Pyridylthiolate Complexes for the Photocatalytic
Production of Hydrogen from Aqueous Solutions in NobleMetal-Free Systems. Z. Han, L. Shen, L., P. L. Holland, W. W.
Brennessel, R. Eisenberg, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, in press.
All-Ferrous Iron-Sulfur Clusters. W. Yao, P. M. Gurubasavaraj,
and P. L. Holland, Struct. Bonding, in press.
Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy using Scanning
Multichannel Technique. J. R. Challa, Y. Du, and D. W.
McCamant, Applied Spectroscopy, 2012, 66, 227-232.
Multimode Charge-Transfer Dynamics of 4-(Dimethylamino)
Benzonitrile Probed with Ultraviolet Femtosecond Stimulated
Raman Spectroscopy, (Part of the “Richard A. Mathies
Festschrift”). J. M. Rhinehart, J. R. Challa, and D. W. McCamant,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2012, 116, 10522-10534.
Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Porphyrin-Cobaloxime and
Corrole-Cobaloxime Hybrids. K. Peuntinger, T. Lazarides,
D. Daphnomili, G. Charalambidis, G. Landrou, A. Kahnt, R.
Sabatini, D. W. McCamant, D. T. Gryko, A. G. Coutsolelos, D.
M. Guldi, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 117, 1647-1655.
Phase-Matching and Dilution Effects in Two Dimensional
Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy. B. Dunlap, K.
C. Wilson, and D. W. McCamant, Journal of Physical Chemistry A,
(Part of the “John Wright Festschrift”), 2013, Articles ASAP.
Time-domain Ab Initio Study of the Triplet State in a
Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube: Intersystem Crossing,
Phosphorescence Time and Linewidth. B. F. Habenicht and O.
V. Prezhdo, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 15648.
Pump Power Dependence in Resonance Femtosecond
Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy. J. Lee, J. R. Challa, and D. W.
McCamant, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2013, in press.
Decoherence Induced Surface Hopping. H. M. Jaeger, S.
Fisher, and O. V. Prezhdo, J. Chem. Phys., 2012, 137, 22A545.
Formulation of Quantized Hamiltonian Dynamics in Terms
of Natural Variables. A. A. Akimov and O. V. Prezhdo, J. Chem.
Phys., 2012, 137, 224115.
A New Approach to Transition State Spectroscopy. K.
Prozument, R. H. G. Shaver, M. Ciuba, J. S. Muenter, B. Park,
J. Stanton, H. Guo, B. M. Wang, D. S. Perry, and R. W. Field,
Faraday Discussions, 2013, 163, 33-57.
On Viscosity of Selected Normal and Associated Liquids. O.
Prezhdo, A. Drogosz, V. Zubkova, and V. Prezhdo, J. Mol.
Liquids, 2013, 182 32.
Density of Normal and Associated Liquids. O. Prezhdo, A.
Drogosz, V. Zubkova, and V. Prezhdo, Fluid Phase Equil., 2013,
342, 23.
Efficient Nazarov Cyclization/Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement Terminated by a Cu(II)-Promoted Oxidation: Synthesis
of 4-Alkylidene Cyclopentenones. D. Lebœuf, E. Theiste, V.
Gandon, S. L. Daifuku, M. L. Neidig, and A. J. Frontier, Chem.
Eur. J., 2013, 19, 4842–4848.
Covalency in f-element Complexes. M. L. Neidig, D. L. Clark,
and R. L. Martin, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2013, 257, 394-406.
Coassembly of Enantiomeric Amphipathic Peptides into
Amyloid-Inspired Rippled β-Sheet Fibrils. R. J. Swanekamp,
J. T. M. DiMaio, C. J. Bowerman, B. L. Nilsson. Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 5556–5559. (Featured as a
“Spotlights on Recent JACS Publications” article, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 2012, 134, 6057).
Fluorescence Detection of Cationic Amyloid Fibrils in Human
Semen. David Easterhoff, J. T. M. DiMaio, W. Liyanage, C.-W.
Lo, W. Bae, T. M. Doran, A. Smrcka, B. L. Nilsson, S. Dewhurst.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2013, 23, 5199-202.
Sequence Length Determinants for Self-Assembly of
Amphipathic β-Sheet Peptides. N. R. Lee, C. J. Bowerman, B.
L. Nilsson. Biopolymers (Peptide Science), 2013, accepted.
Colloidal Semicondctor Quantum Dots with Tunable Surface
Composition. H. H.-Y. Wei, C. M. Evans, B. D. Swartz, A. J.
Neukirch, J. Young, O. V. Prezhdo, and T. D. Krauss, Nano Lett,
2012, 12, 4465-4471.
Covalent Linking Greatly Enhances Photoinduced Electron
Transfer in Fullerene-quantum Dot Nano-composites: Timedomain Ab Initio Study. V. V. Chaban, V. V. Prezhdo, and O. V.
Prezhdo, J. Chem. Phys. Lett., 2013, 4, 1.
Signatures of Discrete Breathers in Coherent State Quantum
Dynamics. K. Igumenshchev, M. Ovchinnikov, P. Maniadis,
and O. V. Prezhdo, J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 138, 054104.
Quantum Zeno Effect Rationalizes the Phonon Bottleneck in
Semiconductor Quantum Dots. S. V. Kilina, A. J. Neukirch, B.
F. Habenicht, D. S. Kilin, and O. V. Prezhdo, Phys. Rev. Lett.,
2013, 110, 180404.
Instability of Tripositronium. S. Bubin, O. V. Prezhdo, and K.
Varga , Phys. Rev. A, 2013, 87, 054501.
Theoretical Insights into Photoinduced Charge Transfer and
Catalysis at Metal Oxide Surfaces. A. A. Akimov, A. J. Neukirch,
and O. V. Prezhdo, Chem. Rev., 2013, 113, 4496 (Review).
Ionic and Molecular Liquids: Hand in Hand for Robust
Engineering. V. V. Chaban and O. V. Prezhdo, J. Phys. Chem.
Lett., 2013, 4, 1423 (Review).
Exciton Multiplication from First Principles. H. M. Jaeger, K.
Hyeon-Deuk, and O. V. Prezhdo, Acc. Chem. Res., 2013, 46,
1280 (Review).
Decoherence Reduces Thermal Energy Loss in Graphene
Quantum Dots. H. M. Jaeger, J. R. Green, and O. V. Prezhdo,
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013, in press.
Effects of Emitting Layer Host Composition Profile on the
Recombination Zone of Blue Phosphorescent Organic Lightemitting Diodes. S. Lee, C. W. Tang, and L. J. Rothberg, Journal
of the Society for Information Display, 2013, 21, 55-59.
Understanding the Role of Base Stacking in Nucleic Acids.
MD and QM Analysis of Tandem GA Pairs in RNA Duplexes,
C. A. Morgado, D. Svozil, D. H. Turner, and J. Sponer, Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14, 12580-12591.
Evaluation of Propylene-, Meta-, and Para-linked Triazine and
Tert-butyltriphenylamine as Bipolar Hosts for Phosphorescent
Organic Light-emitting Diodes. Q. Wang, J. U. Wallace, T. Y.-H.
Lee, J. J. Ou, Y.-T. Tsai, Y.-H. Huang, C.-C. Wu, L. J. Rothberg
and S. H. Chen, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, 1, 22242232.
Novel Conformation of an RNA Structural Switch. S. D.
Kennedy, R. Kierzek, and D. H. Turner, Biochemistry, 2012, 51,
Effects of Mixed Host Spatial Distribution on the Efficiency
of Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-emitting Diodes. S.
Lee, C. W. Tang, and L. J. Rothberg, Applied Physics Letters, 2012,
101, id 043303, 3 pages.
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of CCCC RNA Reveals a
Right-Handed Helix, and Revised Parameters for AMBER
Force Field Torsions Improve Predictions from Molecular
Dynamics. J. D. Tubbs, D. E. Condon, S. D. Kennedy, M.
Hauser, P. C. Bevilacqua, and D. H. Turner, Biochemistry, 2013,
52, 996-1010.
Isoscaling in Dissipative Projectile Breakup. H. Singh, M. J.
Quinlan, J. Tõke, I. Pawelczak, E. Henry, W. U. Schröder, and
the CECIL Collaboration Report UR-NCUR 11-27, EPJ Web
of Conferences, 2012, 31, 14.
Intermediate Mass Fragment Emission and Iso-scaling in
Dissipative Ca+Sn Reactions at 45 A MeV. H. Singh, M. J.
Quinlan, J. Tõke, I. Pawelczak, E. Henry, W. U. Schröder and
the ISOCHIM Collaboration. Proc. Intern. Conf. Recent Trends in
Nucl. Phys - 2012, Chitkara Univ. AIP Conf. Proc., 2013, 1524,
Decay Modes of the Systems Formed in the Reactions
78Kr+40Ca and 86Kr+48Ca. E. Henry, M. Quinlan, W. U.
Schröder, J. Tõke and the ISODEC Collaboration, EPJ Web of
Conferences, 2012, 31, 00022.
Radioluminescent Characteristics of the EJ 299-33 Plastic
Scintillator. S. Nyibule, E. Henry, W. U. Schröder, J. Tõke, and
the CECIL Collaboration, Report UR-NCUR 13-031, 2013,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods for Physics Research A, 2013, 728,
Surface Boiling -An Obvious But Like No Other Decay Mode
of Highly Excited Atomic Nuclei. J. Tõke, Invited publication,
Yadernaya Phisica and Energy (English), 2013, 14 No. 2.
Chemistry/Biology Undergraduate Poster Session at Open House
3,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1-(phenylmethyl),(3R, 4R) and Pyrrolidine, 3,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1(phenylmethyl)-, (3S,4S). R. Shrestha, and D. J. Weix, Encyclopedia
of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2012.
Selective Cross-Coupling of Organic Halides with Allylic
Acetates. L. L. Anka-Lufford, M. R. Prinsell, and D. J. Weix, J.
Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 9989-10000.
Nickel-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Aryl Halides with Alkyl
Halides: Ethyl 4-(4-(4-methylphenylsulfonamido)-phenyl)
butanoate. D. A. Everson, D. T. George, D. T., D. J. Weix, J. F.
Buergler, and J. L. Wood, Org. Synth., 2013, 90, 200-214.
Nickel-Catalyzed Reductive Conjugate Addition to Enones
Via Allylnickel Intermediates. R. Shrestha, S. C. M. Dorn, and
D. J. Weix, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 751-762.
Fellows 12-’13
Ahmed Mohamed Mustafa Abuela
Visiting Graduate Student
Al-Azhar University, Egypt, 2013
Kenneth (“Cory”) MacLeod
University of British Columbia, Okanagan,
Canada, 2012
Albert Collins Nganou Assonkeng
Technical University, Berlin, Germany 2012
Michael Odoi
University of Massachusetts, USA, 2010
Nina Bionda
Florida Atlantic University, USA, 2013
Linsen Pei
University of Science and Technology of
China, P.R. China, 1999
Soumik Biswas
State University of New Jersey - Rutgers, USA,
Ruth Castro Rodrigo
University of Zaragoza, Spain, 2010
Melanie Bordeaux
l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de
Montpellier (ENSCM), France, 2012
Sergiy Bubin
University of Arizona, USA, 2006
Jagannadha (Reddy) Challa
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH; Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,
India, 2007
Amit Das
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India,
Yuming Dong
Nanjing University, China, 2008
William Eckenhoff
Duquesne University, Pennsylvania, USA, 2010
Katarzyna Grubel
Utah State University, USA, 2011
Marie-Pierre Santoni
Universite’ de Montre’al, Canada, 2010
Sebastian Schaefer
University of Siegen, Germany, 2008
Alexander Shveyd
Northwestern University, Illinois, USA, 2011
Ritesh Singh
University of Lucknow, India 2007
William Spencer
University of Rochester, New York, USA, 2012
Brett Swartz
University of Rochester, New York, USA, 2010
Francesca Vitali
Universität Zürich, Switzerland; La SapienzaUniversità di Roma, Italy, 2003
Guiqing Zhang
Visiting Postdoc
Shandong University, P.R. China, 2007
University of Rochester, New York, USA, 2012
Heather Jaeger
University of Georgia, USA, 2010
Run Long
Shandong University, P.R. China, 2008
Bachelors and Masters Degrees Awarded in Chemistry
Micah Brown
Rachel Kelemen
Nathaniel Brown, Jr.3†
Hoon Kim
Joseph Buonomo
Yick Chong Lam3
Melissa Cardona
Joanne Leadbetter
Joseph Colaruotolo
Carina Luck2
Cole Cruz1
Taylor Moot1
Brandon Daehn
Mikael Olezeski2**
Benjamin Dick
Anish Patel1
Danielle Dickie
Jessamyn Perlmutter2**
Tatyana Dyndikova
Ian Pershing**
David George1
Adbel Reyes*
Alison Hamlin3†
Melissa Scharoff
Maxwell Hecht
Genki Tamiya
Nicholas Jacob2
Lidong Wang
Jessica Weber
High Distinction
Highest Distinction
Chandra Ade-Browne**
Joshua Geiger3**
Joshua Bielemeier2 Tyler Gomez-Basauri
Shane Borzok2**
Benjamin Hyers3†
Brittany Bratek
Samina Aleen Khan*
Breanna Eng1
Corinne Land
2013 Chemistry Graduates
Jared Kneebone
Lloyd Munjanja
Olena Postupna
Annada Rajbhandary
Megan Reesbeck
Gilbert Reynders
Rebecca Smith
James Virnelli III
Yang Zhao
Malik Al-Afyouni
Nicholas Arnet
Jill Caputo
Ryan Cheng
Stephanie Daifuku
Stephanie Dorn
Adam Feinberg
Zhentao Hou
Banu Kandemir
Andrew Kauffmann
Jendayi Mack
Sonia Mandal
Matthew Metz
Kaitlyn Mokay
Jared Nesvet3†
*Take 5 Scholar (finishing)
**Take 5 Scholar (beginning)
Phi Beta Kappa
Kaitlin Marie Pellicano
Zachary Pressman2
Shaun Sheikh
Luxi Shen
David Shin1
Emily Wyckoff
Doctoral Degrees Awarded in Chemistry
Joshua Brooks
Synthetic Studies of Reaction Cascades Initiated by
1,6-Conjugate Addition
Alison Frontier
Steve Paquette
Enhanced Photostability In Organic Thin Films
Deposited On Plasmonic Substrates
Lewis Rothberg
Jennifer Ciesielski
Introduction to Phomactin A
The B-Iodoallenolate Cyclization,
III. Studies Toward the Synthesis of Phomactin A
Alison Frontier
Salvatore Priore
Discovery and Characterization of Influenza Virus
RNA Secondary Structures
Douglas Turner
Naomi Lee
Factors that Influence the Self-Assembly of Amphipathic
Bradley Nilsson
Meghan Rodriguez
Studies of B-Diketiminate Iron Complexes to
Investigate Nitrogen Activation and Novel Iron-Sulfur
Patrick L. Holland
Tammie Nelson
Nonadiabatic Excited State Molecular Dynamics:
Perspectives for a Robust Future
Oleg V. Prezhdo
William Spencer
The Development of Cyclization Reactions Engendered
by Synthetic Studies Toward Rocaglamide
Alison Frontier
Leslie Ofori
Solving the Problem of RNA Sequence Selectivity
by Small Molecules with Application to Myotonic
Dystrophy Type 1 and HIV-1
Benjamin Miller
Tulaza Vaidya
Electrophilicly-driven Annulations of Polarized
Nazarov Precursors with Tricationic Iridium(III) and
Heterogeneous Gold Catalysts
Richard Eisenberg/Alison Frontier
2013 Chemistry Faculty
Student Awards
Dr. E. W. and Maude V. Flagg Award
Micah Brown
John McCreary Memorial Prize
Nathaniel Brown, Jr.
ACS Rochester Section Award
Joseph Colaruotolo
ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award
Luxi Shen
ACS Organic Chemistry Award
Jared Nesvet
Chemistry Department Award
Joshua Bielemeier
Alison Hamlin
Benjamin Hyers
Nicholas Jacob
Rachel Kelemen
Zachary Pressman
CRC Press Chemistry Achievement Award
for Senior
Yick Chong Lam
Distinguished Service Award
Breanna Eng
Janet Howell Clark Prize
Alison Hamlin
Catherine Block Memorial Fund Prize
Hee Young (Rachel) Park
Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence
in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Kimberly Manbeck
Student Awards
W. D. Walters Teaching Award
Adam Feinberg, Jeffrey Kehl, Jared Kneebone,
Gilbert Reynders, James Virnelli
Carl A. Whiteman, Jr. Teaching Award
Nathaniel Brown, Jr., Benjamin Hyers
Robert and Marian Flaherty DeRight
Jonathan Chen, Peter Carlsen
Moses Passer Fellowship
John DiMaio
Elon Huntington Hooker Fellowship
Zhiji Han, Eric Henry, Salvatore Priore,
Jessica Smith
Arnold Weissberger Fellowship
Joshua Brooks, John Frost, Yunzhe Jiao,
Yeketerina Lyubarskaya, Michael Prinsell,
William Spencer, Alexander Wotal
Samuel Allen and Ellen Frances Lattimore
Nicole Briglio, Wathsala G. H. M. Liyanage,
Ria Swanekamp
Robert L. & Mary L. Sproull Fellowship
Jennifer Urban
Micah Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Jr., Alison
Hamlin, Benjamin Hyers, Jared Nesvet
Seminars & Colloquia
JULY 2012
Professor Thomas Ward (University of Basel,
Switzerland) “Artificial Metalloenzymes: Merging the Best of
Harrison Howe Award Lecture
Homogeneous and Enzymatic Catalysis,” July 23, 2012
Nicole Briglio (University of Rochester)
“Photophysics of Isolated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” July 23,
Meghan Marguerite Rodriguez (University
of Rochester) “Studies of B-Diketiminate Iron Complexes to
Investigate Nitrogen Activation and Novel Iron-Sulfur Clusters,” July
27, 2012
Professor Xiaoliang Sunney Xie (Harvard
University) “The Quest for Non Linear Coherent Optical
Imaging for Biology and Medicine,” October 2, 2012
Professor Xiaoliang Sunney Xie (Harvard
University) “Life at the Single Molecule Level,” October 2,
Professor Daniel Romo (Texas A&M University)
“Bioactive Natural Products: Synthetic Studies Fueling Discoveries at
the Chemistry-Biology Interface,” October 3, 2012
Leslie Odame Ofori (University of Rochester)
“Solving the Problem of RNA Sequence Selectivity by Small Molecules
with Application to Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 and HIV-1,” August
6, 2012
Professor Young Kuk (Seoul National
University) “Edge States in a Graphene and Defect States in
the Selective Catalytic Conversion of Methanol/Dimethyl Ether to
Triptane,” October 5, 2012
Seymour Rothchild Lecture
Quantum Dots Studied with Low-Temperature Scanning Probe
Microscopy,” August 17, 2012
Dr. Matthew C. Beard (Center for Advanced
Solar Photophysics, Chemical and Material
Sciences Center, National Renewable Energy
Laboratory) “Progress Towards Third Generation Solar Energy
Conversion: Can Quantum Dot Solar Cells Exceed the ShockleyQueisser Limit?” October 10, 2012
Professor Christine
University) “Metal-Metal
Multiple Bonds In Early/
Late Heterobimetallics: Small Molecule Activation and Catalytic
Applications,” September 17, 2012
William Spencer (University of Rochester) “The
Professor Ulrich Wiesner (Cornell University)
“Cornell Dots: From Fundamentals of Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles
to Translational Clinical Applications,” October 17, 2012
Development of Cyclization Reactions Engendered by Synthetic Studies
Toward Rocaglamide,” September 20, 2012
Professor Xiaoyang Zhu (University of Texas
at Austin) “Solar Energy Conversion Beyond the Limit,”
Professor Matthew Francis (University of
California, Berkeley) “Building New Materials Using
October 22, 2012
Synthetically Modified Biomolecules,” September 21, 2012
Professor Curtis Berlinguette (University of
Calgary, Canada) “Extending the Warranty of the DyeSensitized Solar Cell,” September 24, 2012
Dr. Jay A. Labinger (California Institute of
Technology) “Going with the Flow: Mechanistic Studies on
Professor Bradley Nilsson (University of
Rochester) “Peptide Self-Assembly: From Pathological Amyloid
to Engineered Biomaterials,” October 24, 2012
Professor Esther Conwell (University of
Rochester) “Conductance of DNA,” November 7, 2012
Naomi Lee (University of Rochester) “Factors that
Influence the Self-Assembly of Amphipathic Peptides,” December
18, 2012
Joshua L. Brooks (University of Rochester)
“Synthetic Studies of Reaction Cascades Initiated by 1,6-Conjugate
Addition,” November 9, 2012
Professor Marcetta Darensbourg (Texas A&M
University) “Molecular Constructs as [FeFe]-H2ase Enzyme
Active Site Biomimetics for Proton Reduction,” November 12, 2012
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
“Chemistry in Confinement,” November 14, 2012
Professor Hitomi Mukaibo (University of
Rochester) “Microneedle-Array Based Gene Delivery for
Microalgae Cells,” November 28, 2012
Professor Alex Shestopalov (University of
Rochester) “Functional and Structured Hybrid Material
Interfaces,” November 28, 2012
Professor Christopher Vanderwal (University
of California at Irvine) “Studies on Complex Natural
Products,” November 30, 2012
Dr. Heather Jaeger (University of Rochester)
“Effective Solar Energy Conversion from Nanoscale Photovoltaics,”
January 7, 2013
Gregory Pilgrim (University of Rochester)
“Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Membranes
for Hydrogen Production Applications,” January 11, 2013
Professor Zachary Schultz (University of
Notre Dame) “Nanostructures for Label-Free Detection and
Imaging,” January 14, 2013
Professor Scott Phillips (Pennsylvania State
University) “New Strategies in Reagent Design for Point-of-Use
Diagnostics,” January 18, 2013
Professor Theodore Betley (Harvard
University) “Correlation of Electronic Structure to Reactivity in
Organometallic Catalysis and Polynuclear Small Molecule Activation,”
January 21, 2013
Professor Chris Douglas (University of
Minnesota, Twin Cities) “Transition Metal Catalysis with
Sigma Bonds to Carbon Adjacent to Carbonyls,” January 25, 2013
Felipe Angel (University of Rochester)
Professor Robin Bedford (University of Bristol,
UK) “Iron Cauldrons and Witches’ Brews,” January 28, 2013
Approaches to Increase the efficiency of Polymer-based Organic
Photovoltaic Devices,” December 3, 2012
Dr. Scott D. Edmondson (Merck & Co. Inc.)
“Discovery of JANUVIA™ (Sitagliptin): A Selective Dipeptidyl
Peptidase 4 Inhibitor for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes,”
December 7, 2012
Professor Nilay Hazari (Yale University)
“Common Mechanisms for Carbon Dioxide Activation and Organic
Transformations,” December 10, 2012
Professor Stephen W. Ragsdale (University
of Michigan Medical School) “Regulation of Protein
Professor Giovanna Ghirlanda (Arizona State
University) “De Novo Design of Functional Protein Assemblies:
Towards Hydrogen Production,” February 1, 2013
Professor Chaim N. Sukenik (Bar Ilan
University) “Controlling the Reactivity, Stability and Stiffness of
Function by Heme, Redox, and CO,” December 12, 2012
Interfaces using Self-Assembled Monolayers and Thin Oxide Films,”
February 4, 2013
Tammie Nelson (University of Rochester)
Steve Paquette (University of Rochester)
“Nonadiabatic Excited State Molecular Dynamics: Energy Transfer
in Conjugated Polymers,” December 17, 2012
“Enhanced Photostability In Organic Thin Films Deposited On
Plasmonic Substrates,” February 7, 2013
Professor Alex Deiters (North Carolina State
University) “Synthetic Chemical Tools for the Regulation of
Cellular Processes,” February 8, 2013
Andrew S. Kende Distinguished
Professor Darren J. Dixon (University of
Oxford, UK) “Enantioselective Cooperative Catalysis With and
Victor J. Chambers Memorial Lecture
Professor Herbert Waldmann (Max Planck
Institute of Molecular Physiology) “Biology
Oriented Synthesis,” February 11, 2013
Professor Herbert Waldmann (Max Planck
Institute of Molecular Physiology) “Hunting the
Targets of Natural Product Inspired Compounds,” February 12,
Professor Herbert Waldmann (Max Planck
Institute of Molecular Physiology) “Small Molecule
Without Metals,” March 11, 2013
Professor Darren J. Dixon (University of
Oxford, UK) “Catalyst Control in Complexity Building Reaction
Cascades,” March 12, 2013
Professor Darren J. Dixon (University of
Oxford, UK) “The Battle of Nakadomarin A and other
Campaigns in Complex Natural Product Synthesis,” March 13, 2013
Professor Theodor Agapie (California
Institute of Technology) “Heterometallic Models of the
Inhibition of Ras Signaling – A System’s Approach,” February 13,
Oxygen Evolving Complex of Photosystem II,” March 18, 2013
Joshua Kolev (University of Rochester) “Selective
Therapeutics,” March 20, 2013
Aliphatic C-H bond Activation via Iron-Based Catalysts,” February
15, 2013
Professor Eric Ferreira (Colorado State
University) “Accessing and Harnessing Metalated Intermediates
Dr. David L. Clark (Los Alamos National
Laboratory) “Covalency and the Relative Roles of 5f and 6d
Toward Synthetic Utility,” March 22, 2013
Orbitals in Actinide Metal-Ligand Bonds,” February 18, 2013
Professor Sarah Reisman (California Institute
of Technology) “New Methods and Strategies for the
Enantioselective Synthesis of Polycyclic Natural Products,” February
22, 2013
Professor Teri Odom (Northwestern
University) “Gold Nanostars as Tiny Hitchhikers for Cancer
Laura Ackerman (University of Rochester)
“Advances in C-N Bond Formation: Using Co(II) Porphyrin Catalysts
for Nitrene Transfer Reactions,” March 25, 2013
Jason Daniel Tubbs (University of Rochester)
“Computational and Experimental Advances in the RNA Therapeutic
Pipeline,” March 27, 2013
Lukiana Anka-Lufford (University of
Rochester) “Mechanistic Investigation of the Gold-Catalyzed
MARCH 2013
Cyclization of Monoallylic Diols,” March 29, 2013
Kyle Biegasiewicz (University of Rochester)
“Recent Mechanistic Insight into the Stereoselective Conjugate Addition
of Aldehydes to Nitro-olefins Catalyzed by Diarylprolinol Silyl
Ethers,” March 1, 2013
APRIL 2013
Professor Jason McNeill (Clemson University)
Professor Timothy M. Korter (Syracuse
University) “Terahertz Spectroscopy of Crystalline
“Nanoscale Imaging with Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles,” March
4, 2013
Douglas Tusch (University of Rochester)
“Mechanistic Investigation of the Oxidative Mannich Reaction with
tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide,” March 15, 2013
Pharmaceuticals,” April 1, 2013
Tammie Nelson (University of Rochester)
“Nonadiabatic Excited State Molecular Dynamics: Perspectives for a
Robust Future,” April 2, 2013
Dr. Sergei Tretiak (Los Alamos National
Laboratory) “Localization of Electronic Excitation in Organic
Semiconductors: Theoretical Views from Different Angles,” April 3,
Stephanie Dorn (University of Rochester)
“Mechanistic Insight into the Cu(I) and TEMPO Catalyzed Oxidation
of Alcohols,” April 12, 2013
Salvatore Fortunato Priore, Jr. (University of
Rochester) “Discovery and Characterization of Influenza Virus
Professor Jianshu Cao (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology) ”Quantum coherence in energy
transfer systems,” May 8, 2013
Professor Vincent Gandon (Université Parissud, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des
Matériaux d’Orsay - ICMMO) ”Practical Homogeneous
Au(I)- and Ga(III)-Catalysis: a Few Tips,” May 10, 2013
Olena Postupna (University of Rochester)
RNA Secondary Structures,” April 12, 2013
“Photo-induced energy transfer in carbon nanotube aggregates,” May
13, 2013
Professor Marcey Waters (University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill) “Designing Molecules for Biomolecular
Rochester) “Improving Tumor
Recognition,” April 22, 2013
Specificity in Chemotherapy,”
May 17, 2013
Zhiji Han (University of Rochester)
Water Oxidation for O2 Evolution,” May 20, 2013
Charles F. Hutchison Memorial
Daniel A. Everson (University of Rochester)
“Nickel-Catalyzed Electrophile Cross-coupling of Aryl Halides with
Alkyl Halides,” May 30, 2013
Professor David Milstein (The Weizmann
Institute of Science) “Discovery of Sustainable Catalytic
Reactions for Synthesis,” April 22, 2013
Professor David Milstein (The Weizmann
Institute of Science) “Pincer Complexes: Bond Activation,
Catalysis and Unusual Structures,” April 23, 2013
Professor David Milstein (The Weizmann
Institute of Science) “Water Activation by Metal
Complexes,” April 24, 2013
Professor Carlos Simmerling (SUNY - Stony
Brook) “Using Computer Simulations to Investigate Dynamic
Nanomaterials Symposium
Frontiers in Materials Science for the 21st
Century- Novel Materials for Sustainable
Nanoparticles for Catalytic Applications”
May 20, 2013
Professor Robert M. Rioux (The Pennsylvania
State University) “Prediction and Design of Materials from
Aspects of Inhibitor Binding and Potency,” April 24, 2013
Crystal Structures to Nanocrystal Morphology and Assembly,” May
20, 2013
Professor Jonathan Owen (Columbia
University) “The Coordination Chemistry of Cadmium
Professor Peng Chen (Cornell University)
Chalcogenide Nanocrystals,” April 29, 2013
“Single-nanoparticle catalysis at single-turnover and nanometer
resolution” May 20, 2013
Dr. James T. Muckerman (Brookhaven
National Laboratory) “Photocatalytic water oxidation at the
MAY 2013
Professor Mitch Anthamatten (University of
Rochester) “Engineering Ion-Conductive Soft Materials for
GaN (1010) – water interface,” May 20, 2013
Alexander Shestopalov (University of
Rochester) “Stable and functional hybrid interfaces via bilayered
molecular systems,” May 20, 2013
Energy Applications,” May 6, 2013
JUNE 2013
George E. Arab (University of Rochester)
“Studies Toward the Synthesis of FK-506,” June 5, 2012
Professor Ekaterina Pletneva (Dartmouth
College) “Becoming a peroxidase: conformational dynamics of a
Interface Retreat
Professor Eric Kool (Stanford University)
“Designer DNA Bases as Probes for Biological Molecules and
Processes,” June 6, 2013
membrane-bound cytochrome c,” June 17, 2013
Professor José Luis Mascareñas (Universidad
de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Center
for Research in Biological Chemistry and
Molecular Materials - CIQUS) “Synthetic constructs for
DNA and protein binding and sensing,” June 24, 2013
Dr. Payel Das (IBM)
“Exploring protein stability at multi-
resolution,” June 7, 2013
Sina Ghaemmaghami (University of
Rochester) “Conformational adaptation of synthetic prions,”
June 7, 2013
Nick Leioatts (University of Rochester
Medical Center) “Ligand mobility explains internal hydration
and reconciles active rhodopsin structures,” June 7, 2013
Chinmay Surve (University of Rochester
Medical Center) “G protein beta gamma is sufficient to
induce directional chemotaxis,” June 7, 2013
Josh Kolev (University of Rochester)
“Latestage elaboration of the anticancer natural product parthenolide via
chemoenzymatic synthesis,” June 7, 2013
Dr. Hal Ebetino (Terpenoid Therapeutics)
“Advances in bisphosphonate drug development,” June 7, 2013
Spring on campus
Distinguished & Special Lectures
Matthew C. Beard Seymour Rothchild Lecture (October 2012)
Herbert Waldmann Victor J. Chambers Memorial Lecture (February 2013)
Darren J. Dixon Andrew S. Kende Lecture (March 2013)
David Milstein Charles F. Hutchison Memorial Lecture (April 2013)
Staff News
The staff enjoyed their annual summer outing at a
Red Wings Baseball game this past July – and the team
won! The weather was perfect - not raining or too hot.
We enjoyed cheering the team on, especially MARINA
TOKINA, editorial assistant to Oleg Prezhdo (currently
editor for three journals). Thanks to Barbara Snaith for
organizing this trip. The food, of course, was delicious!
year she and her husband, Ben, welcomed new grandson
Owen Danger Clark to the family – born to oldest son,
Joe, and his wife, Kristy right before Christmas! This June,
youngest son, Andrew, graduated from Eastern Oregon
University, got married, honeymooned in Germany in July,
then moved to Bellingham, Washington to start graduate
school at Western Washington University. A busy year!
KATE REINHARDT is finishing her first year in the chemistry
department. Kate and Elly work together in prepping the
undergrad labs as well as shipping and receiving for the
department. Kate also TA’s for the undergraduate labs,
distributes the dry ice and gas cylinders, as well as inspects
the research labs for safety compliance. She has just started
this fall in the Simon School of Business Professional
Masters in Business Administration Program. Besides taking
classes part-time and working in the department, she teaches
kickboxing classes for U of R Intramurals at the River Campus
Gym and is involved in both a basketball and kickball league!
DEB CONTESTABILE is the Undergraduate Studies
Program Coordinator and Course Administrator for the
Department of Chemistry, having started in February
2012. Working with the undergraduate studies committee,
Deb helps to ensure students are on track with their major/
minor requirements and other coursework needs.
also works closely with the registrar’s office and faculty
regarding course scheduling and all other course related
matters. Her responsibilities include coordinating the
chemistry commencement ceremony, cluster retreats, as well
as orientation & recruitment affairs. Now that she is CLASP
certified, she will also be assisting faculty in pre-proposal
grant preparation, working closely with Terri Clark. On a
personal note, Deb and her husband have two boys. Her 11
year old is beginning middle school, while her older son is
beginning to drive. Both boys play cello, are active in sports,
and keep Deb and her husband very busy - in a good way!
TERRI CLARK, now completing her fifth year with the
department, and nearly two years as the Development
Administrator (which includes Alumni Relations), enjoys
working with faculty on grants and awards within the
department, as well as keeping up with alumni. This past
Donna and brother, Robert
DONNA J. DOLAN is a long time staff member in the
Department of Chemistry. She is currently beginning her
twenty-sixth year in chemistry, serving as departmental
receptionist. In this role, Donna continues to provide
support for purchasing in the Chemistry Business Office
while also providing assistance to faculty and managing
the chemistry department’s main office. In addition, she
organizes the departmental distinguished speakers program.
Donna is also a proud owner of an XL883L Harley
Davidson and enjoys riding with her brother, Robert West.
ROBIN COOLEY, our graduate studies coordinator, has now
been with the department for nine years. She continues to
coordinate the recruitment and admission of new graduate
students, as well as assisting current students as they progress
through their studies toward the doctoral degree. Each year,
Robin organizes the department’s main recruitment activity,
Visitation Weekend, which always draws many prospective
graduate students to Rochester. This past year the attendees
were welcomed with a night of fun and games at the Strong
Museum of Play hosted by the current graduate students,
followed by a full day of activities including tours, faculty
talks and socializing. Each fall, Robin also organizes a week
long orientation event for all incoming graduate students.
This is a busy week designed to get all of the new graduate
students informed and ready for the start of the new school
year. For the 2013-2014 school year, we are welcoming
twenty seven new graduate students to the department.
LYNDA MCGARRY (M.S. ‘85) is the administrative
assistant to Professor Lewis Rothberg, the new chair of
the Materials Science program, who takes the helm of the
interdisciplinary program from outgoing chair Todd Krauss,
Professor of Chemistry and Optics. Lynda coordinates
graduate student admissions for the program, which
will welcome three doctoral and eleven master’s degree
students this fall, for a total of 15 PhD and 23 MS degree
students. Lynda’s responsibilities include explaining the
graduate requirements to students and faculty, assisting
with course registration and exam scheduling, and working
closely with the Graduate Studies office and ISO to submit
all of the required documentation. Lynda organized the
successful “Nanosymposium 2013 –Novel Materials for
Sustainable Catalysis” that was held on May 20, 2013, as
well as the Materials Science Seminar Series held jointly with
other departments throughout the year. In addition to her
Materials Science program duties, Lynda works part-time as
an editorial assistant in both the JACS and the JOC offices,
and really appreciates all that she continues to learn about the
journals from Valerie and Terrell. Lynda and her family like to
watch lacrosse, snowmobile, and spend time at their cottage
on Port Bay with family and friends and their schnoodle.
including coordinating paperwork as it relates to new
faculty recruiting, attending monthly faculty meetings
and preparing the discussion minutes. She also manages
the immigration obligations needed for the Department’s
incoming postdoctoral research associates, many of
whom are foreign nationals. In her spare time, Barb enjoys
fundraising for causes about which she is passionate, such
as the Lollypop Farm, as well as going to the GEVA theatre
with her good friends. She is a very active member of her
church, chairing fundraisers and women’s events. She lives
in Gates with her adorable white cat named Snowball!
ELLY YORK, who joined the chemistry department in
November of 2006, works part-time prepping for the
undergraduate general chemistry laboratories. Elly also
assists part-time in the chemistry stockroom. Elly is a
graduate of Alfred
University and has
a Master’s degree in
education. She has
clinical experience,
having previously
worked in several
veterinary clinics
prior to coming
to the UR. On
July 8th, Elly and
husband, Brandon,
celebrated their son
Aaron Timothy’s
second birthday!
Aaron Timothy York
KENNETH SIMOLO (PH.D. ’85) starts his twenty-sixth
year of service to the University of Rochester. Ken has
been assistant chair for administration in the Department
of Chemistry since 1988. As assistant chair, Ken manages
and advances the administrative and financial functions of
the department and also serves as the chief safety officer,
helping to ensure that chemistry complies with all EPA
and OSHA safety regulations. While a graduate student
here at the U of R, he earned his doctoral degree under
the direction of George L. McLendon. Ken continues to
work on updating the business accounting software for
the Department to eventually become completely web
based and keeps us on top of safety measures in the labs.
BARBARA SNAITH completed her second year with
us on July 1st as Administrative Assistant to the Chair of
the Department. Barb continues to be a great asset to
our Department and enjoys her many responsibilities,
MARGUERITE WESTON, assistant to faculty, has been
with the Department of Chemistry for eighteen years. She
coordinates Chemistry’s seminar program by scheduling
rooms, contacting
speakers to ensure their travel
arrangements are in place, obtains their titles and abstracts,
prepares schedules of visits with department faculty,
along with producing and advertising the online seminar
schedule each month throughout the University community.
Marguerite also coordinates select special events, assists with
various projects, and provides support to numerous faculty
members. She assists Professor Thomas Krugh with the
many administrative details of Chemistry’s National Science
Foundation supported annual summer research program
for undergraduates (REU). This includes assisting in the
preparation of competitive renewal proposals for each threeyear period and annual reports. Our most recent proposal
of 2011 was approved by NSF for three-year funding. This
program attracts approximately 100 applications each year
from undergraduates across the nation and the University
of Rochester. Marguerite and husband, Art, are residents
of Henrietta, NY, and enjoy dancing and gardening.
The Business Office continues to provide service to faculty,
staff and students on all financial matters such as payroll,
reimbursements, purchases, preparation of grant budgets and
monitoring grant expenditures. DORIS WHEELER, business
office manager since 2002, is very happy to report that the
business office is running smoothly. The business office
staff consists of four members with valuable experience.
Chris & Oksana Kuitems
ANNA KUITEMS is responsible for reconciling grant
ledgers, P-card management and graduate student payroll,
and as backup for Randi Shaw. Anna celebrated her ten years
of service with the university this year. Anna and her
husband traveled to London this Fall to visit their daughter
Megan. Their son, Chris, joined them from Kazakhstan.
They later then traveled to Kazakhstan for their son Chris’
wedding on June 29, 2013, to Oksana Kanalash. She is
looking forward to having both of them back in the states in
the near future.
is the ‘Timekeeper’ for HRMS. With her flexible schedule,
she is able to spend more time with her nine grandchildren.
PAUL LIBERATORE continues to provide service as
the manager of the chemistry stockroom located in the
basement of Hutchison Hall. Paul has been with us for 28
years now.
TERRELL SAMORISKI began her ninth year as editorial
assistant for The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC) this August,
2013. She works closely with Professor Robert K. Boeckman,
Jr., associate editor for JOC and continues to enjoy her work in
scientific publishing. Her previous position as structure editor
for the Chemical Abstract Service also involved the processing
of scientific information. She enjoys working with parttime journal assistant LYNDA MCGARRY (M.S. ‘85) whose
breadth of scientific knowledge is an incredible resource.
The JOC publishes original contributions reporting novel,
important findings of fundamental research in all branches
of the theory and practice of organic chemistry. In 2012, the
Rochester office handled about 300 manuscripts submitted
to the Journal. As a direct result of the contributions of
the JOC Editors and staff, the Thomson Reuters Impact
Factor increased to 4.564 and again set a new standard.
The Journal of Organic Chemistry publishes shorter articles
(Notes) and lengthy ones (Articles) along with synopses
and brief communications for the American Chemical
Society. In 2012 the Journal published two special issues to
honor both Robert Ireland and Howard Zimmerman. The
covers of the journal continue to be a highly desired forum
for authors to showcase art relating to their manuscripts.
Seven of Diane Visiko’s nine grandchildren
RANDI SHAW, part-time chemistry accounting bookkeeper
is responsible for billing internal charges, purchase orders,
reconciling ledgers, employee reimbursement forms, and
processing invoices. DIANE VISIKO, TAR accounting
bookkeeper, continues to work with departmental payroll and
VALERIE FITZHUGH continues to enjoy working with
Prof. William D. Jones as Editorial Assistant with the Journal
of the American Chemical Society (JACS), and expects that
approximately 500 manuscripts will be assigned to this office
in 2013. After 10 years with JACS, she still finds the fast pace
of the journal office engaging and interesting, and enjoys
working with part time assistant Editorial Assistant LYNDA
MCGARRY (M.S. ‘85) who continues to be a valuable
resource for JACS with her extensive knowledge of science.
JACS, founded in 1879, is the flagship journal of the American
Chemical Society and the world’s preeminent journal in all
of chemistry and interfacing areas of science. This periodical
is devoted to the publication of fundamental research
papers and publishes approximately 19,000 pages of articles,
communications, and perspectives a year. Published weekly,
JACS provides research essential to the field of chemistry.
The most cited journal in chemistry, the Journal of the American
Chemical Society (JACS) received 431,286 total citations and
an increase in Impact Factor to 10.677, as reported in the
2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)
University of Rochester and the New York University. This
past spring he won the department Sandra Beach Award!
After twelve years, Editor-in-Chief, Richard Eisenberg, Tracy
Harris Professor Emeritus, retired and the UR office of the
journal, Inorganic Chemistry, closed its doors on December 31,
2012. KIRSTIN CAMPBELL left the office in the middle of
December and ARLENE BRISTOL was scheduled to retire
the end of February 2013. However, Arlene was diagnosed
with acute myeloblastic leukemia in November and went
on disability for six months. She returned to work on May
2nd and Arlene and Rich cleaned out the office during May.
She formally retired from the University on June 1st after
having worked over 55 years in Chemistry Departments
at the UR, Michigan, and Princeton. The department
celebrated her retirement with a special luncheon at
Panzari’s Restaurant in the Corn Hill district of Rochester.
ERIC LOBENSTINE (PH.D. ’81), manager for computers
and network, is happy to report a year with no major problems, and some distinct successes. The new email/web
server installed about 15 months ago is wonderfully easy
to maintain. As a result, Eric has reduced his contract with
University IT for system administration backup, saving the
department a bit of money while keeping just enough time
to cover an emergency while he is on vacation. Also, availability of funds from the Dean’s Office allowed upgrading
the network for all faculty and staff offices to gigabit speeds,
ten times faster than our old network. This was a major
project - two installers for almost 3 weeks, 4 miles of cable,
$6000 in new network hardware - and came off without a
hitch. He admits that this will mostly be useful for those
who participate in video conferencing, but the installation
of all new cables and switches means that he’ll have fewer
worries as the rest of our network infrastructure continues to age. Eric continues to represent Chemistry’s interests on numerous IT committees within the University, and
finds it interesting to see how IT challenges shift with time,
even if they do not directly affect our operations. A recent
“spear-phishing” attack on major universities throughout
the country snared a few victims at the University and, as a
result, compromised some accounts within the HRMS system. Remember - NEVER click on a web-link in a message that you were not expecting to receive! The black hats
are getting very good at making emails look very realistic!
TERRY (TED) O’CONNELL finished his thirtieth year
with the chemistry department and still enjoys his position as director of technical operations. He is responsible
for new equipment installations and any building renovations. JALIL SHOJAIE is currently a Sr. lab engineer/
chemist who works mornings in the chemistry department
and afternoons at the University Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE). He has been at the University of Rochester
since 1996. He worked as a research chemist at the obgyn
and anesthesiology departments. Prior to coming to Rochester, he worked as a research chemist at NYU, Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine (90-95). He has peer
reviewed research publications and patents both with the
Eric & Jeanne Lobenstine
On the home front, older son Brian finished his trainee year
with Parker, and accepted a Customer Service Manager posi-
tion in the Boston area, which he is enjoying greatly. How
someone goes from being a trainee to managing a group of
15 employees baffles me, but he seems to relish the challenge, mostly. He has to supervise his first termination
soon, and is not looking forward to it. Finishing his Take
5 year, Ethan graduated magna cum laude from the UR in
May and has returned home to puzzle out his next steps.
He seems pretty clear that he wants to direct a high-school
or college choir, eventually, and is feeling his way along
the start of that path. Jeanne and Eric agree that, while it
is sad to realize that the nest will be truly empty soon, it is
wonderful to see our sons finding their way in the world.
RAY TENG (B.S. ‘83, M.S. ’87, M.B.A. ’01) has been
with the University since 1987 and joined chemistry in
2004 as research/facility coordinator. Ray brings many
years of experience to the department, having previously worked in the Department of Physics and Astronomy,
the Nuclear Structure Research Laboratory, and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences as senior
technical associate. Ray continues to enjoy the daily interactions with faculty and students in addressing research
and facilities issues. Soccer continues to play a big part in
Ray’s spare time watching his daughter play D3 soccer.
This past year saw an increased demand for X-ray diffraction and elemental analysis experiments. As manager of the
facilities, BILL BRENNESSEL kept very busy juxtaposing
the evaluation of research samples with instructional duties.
In the X-ray facility Bill analyzes single crystalline samples
(like sugar or salt crystals, but of new materials designed by
the synthetic chemists) to provide researchers with a confirmation of the newly proposed materials, as well as the positions of the atoms in three-dimensional space throughout the
Carlsen Library stacks
crystal. This characterization technique is very useful for the
publication of new molecules. This year Bill taught the annual graduate course in X-ray diffraction (CHM/MSC 416)
from which a dozen newly trained users of the facility were
produced. Students in the course, who come from a variety
of backgrounds including optics, engineering, and chemistry,
learned the basic theory of X-ray diffraction and its application via real experiments and the modeling and reporting
of the collected data. Undergraduate students in the advanced laboratory techniques course (CHM 234) also spent
time in the X-ray facility. They practiced how to select and
mount crystalline samples, from which they collected unit
cell data (an “X-ray fingerprint”) to be checked against a
database of known materials. This past year Bill has also
continued collaborating with professors from local colleges, including Professor Bradley Kraft from St. John Fisher
College and Professor Steven Tajc from Nazareth College.
The elemental analysis facility (which determines the percentages of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in a bulk research sample) has nearly doubled its number of analyzed
samples from the previous year with the addition of submissions from new research groups and an increase in submissions from current ones. More and more, students and faculty are appreciating the convenience of having a facility of
this nature in the chemistry department. Over the past year
Bill has analyzed over 500 solid and liquid samples, many of
which are air-sensitive and have to be handled in a glovebox filled with the “inert” gas argon; such samples react
with the oxygen and/or water vapor in the air we breathe.
SUE CARDINAL, chemistry
librarian from the Carlson Library, reports that the library
has subscribed to our first
“app” called BrowZine which
delivers thousands of academic journals through a free
iPad app. We’ve also added
electronic access to the ACS
Symposium Series. A new
Data Librarian, KATHLEEN
FEAR with a BS Physics from
Yale, MS in Information and
Sue Cardinal
recent PhD in Information
from University of Michigan, has started and she will help
researchers manage, secure and share their data and write
data management plans. The second floor of Carlson has
been renovated, adding colorful seating, and more collaborative space amongst fresh carpet and paint. We continue
to hold “study break” parties during finals week to boost
the student’s efforts with comradery, sugar and caffeine.
The Chemistry Department at the University of Rochester provides a stimulating work environment and is
equipped with a wide variety of sophisticated research instrumentation for spectroscopy, analysis, and computation. All of the departmental instruments are used by students and faculty in a “hands-on” manner; most are
available 24 hours a day. The opportunities for student use of major state-of-the-art instrumentation represent
one of the special strengths of Chemistry at Rochester. The Department acquires the most up-to-date equipment through instrumentation grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health,
and other donors. Many of the Department’s instruments are highly specialized and in some cases unique, designed and built on site or substantially modified from commercially available instruments to meet the specific
needs of the Department’s researchers. Staff members are available to train new users, help with troubleshooting,
and offer advice on special problems, but the actual measurements are carried out by the individual researchers
and the students they mentor. Students learn the theory and practice of a broad range of instrumental techniques in the course of carrying out their research. Several groups in the Department collaborate with scientists and students at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, an interdisciplinary facility on the University of Rochester campus which conducts cutting-edge research in ultrafast optics and electronics as well as laser fusion.
NMR Spectrometers:
Varian 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Brüker 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Two Brüker 400 MHz NMR Spectrometers
Brüker 300 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Mass Spectrometers:
Brüker 9.4 Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (FTMS)
Thermo LTQ Velos Ion Trap LC/MS
Brüker Autoflex III SmartbeamMALDI-TOF
Shimadzu GC/MS, with AOC-20i autosampler & dual
columns, + & - CI
~ Shimadzu GC/MS, with Direct Inject Probe, + & - CI
~ Shimadzu LC/MS, with APCI & Electrospray ionization
Laser Systems:
~ Transient absorption systems based on a picosecond
Nd:YAG laser and a nanosecond excimer-pumped dye
~ Picosecond time-correlated single photon counting
fluorescence system based on a Nd:YLF-pumped cacitydumped dye laser
~ Nd:YAG/dye laser system
~ Associated optical instruments:
monochromators and spectrographs
fast multichannel plate photo-detectors
state-of-the-art, highly sensitive array detectors (CCDs
and photodiode arrays)
Other Instruments Include:
~ Brüker EMX-Plus EPR spectrometer with 4 K temperature
~ CEM Explorer Microwave Synthesizer
~ ThalesNano H-Cube continuous-flow hydrogenation reactor
~ Perkin Elmer 2400 CHN/S Analyzer with VAC Atmospheres
(Argon) glove box
~ REACT IR; infrared with probes for monitoring and recording spectra over time
~ Brüker X-Ray Diffractometer, with Apex II CCD area detector
~ Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 UV/VIS Spectrometer
~ Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 UV/VIS Spectrometer with Peltier
temperature control unit
~ Shimadzu 6300 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
~ Five Shimadzu FTIR spectrometers
~ Single molecule time-resolved fluorescence confocal
~ Thermogravimetric analysis and Differential Scanning
Calorimetry for polymer characterization
~ Digital Instruments Nanoscope IIa Atomic Force Microscope
~ Ellipsometer
~ Spectrofluorometer from Roper Scientific, infrared and
~ Phosphoimager
Organic Chemistry students in lab (J. Adam Fenster)
Departmental Funds
You may also donate online at http://www.chem.rochester.edu/alumni/giving.php
The department has established several funds that greatly benefit our departmental activities. Contributions from
alumni and friends are the dominant source of income to these funds. If you wish to support the Department of
Chemistry, please mark the appropriate box on the form below and send it with your contribution. Donations are
tax-deductible; donations of appreciated securities may also carry significant tax advantages. If you wish to donate by
credit card, please visit the website above. The chemistry department is grateful for your support.
Chemistry Alumni Research Fund
Richard Eisenberg Chemistry Endowment
A general fund that enhances the educational and research activities of the department. The fund enables
a number of endeavors, among them the purchase of
undergraduate laboratory equipment, assisting graduate
students with travel expenses to scientific conferences,
and supporting Chemistry’s outside speakers program.
A new fund to honor the distinguised career contributions of Richard S. Eisenberg, the Tracy H. Harris Professor of Chemistry.
Distinguished Lectureship Funds
These lectureship funds are designed to bring scholars
distinguished in their field to the department for a series
of lectures and to meet with faculty and students.
Victor J. Chambers Memorial Lectureship honors an
early chairman of the Department of Chemistry.
Hutchison Memorial Lectureship honors Charles
F. Hutchison, Class of 1897, who donated funds for
Hutchison Hall.
W. Albert Noyes, Jr. Memorial Lectureship honors
Professor Noyes, former chairman of the department,
dean of the Graduate School and dean of the College of
Arts and Science.
The Chair of Synthetic Organic Chemistry,
Honoring Andrew S. Kende
Established in 2006 to honor the distinguished career
contributions of C. F. Houghton Professor Emeritus
Andrew S. Kende.
Magomedov-Shcherbinina Memorial Fund
Establishes an annual research prize in memory of the
Magomedov Family, who were tragically killed in 2006.
Jack A. Kampmeier Fund for Peer-Led
Workshop Education in Chemistry
Established in 2005 to honor Professor Kampmeier’s
45th year of teaching, this fund supports initiatives that
strengthen the Peer-Led Workshop program.
Marshall D. Gates, Jr. Chair in Chemistry Fund
Established in 2002 to honor Marshall D. Gates, this
fund helps finance research for the chair holder.
I wish to contribute to the following fund:
_____ Chemistry Alumni Research Fund
_____ Other - Please specify _______________________________________
My gift is in honor of _______________________________________ (see above)
Contact Information:
Degree Information:
Year degree(s) received from the Department
NAME _________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________
PH.D. ______
Please send your contribution and this form to: Development Administrator, Department of Chemistry,
University of Rochester, RC Box 270216, Rochester, NY 14627-0216.
Alumni Update
This form is available online at http://www.chem.rochester.edu/alumni/update_contact.php
We would love to hear from you! If your address has changed or if you have an item of interest
for the next Newsletter, please fill in the form below and return to:
University of Rochester
Department of Chemistry
RC Box 270216
Rochester, New York 14627-0216
Contact Information:
NAME _________________________________
585-275-2915 (phone)
585-276-0205 (fax)
Degree Information:
Year degree(s) received from the Department
PH.D. ______
ADVISOR _____________________________________
NEWS _______________________________________________________________________________________
COMMENTS _______________________________________________________________________________________
University of Rochester
Chemistry Department
Hutchison Hall, RC Box 270216
Rochester, NY 14627-0216