September - Sandy Pines


September - Sandy Pines
September 2015
“As the sun sets on another season
at Sandy Pines…we all wish you a
safe and healthy fall/winter, and look
forward to your return in the spring!
Thanks for a great year!”
— Your Staff at Sandy Pines
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Member Services................................. 616.896.8315
Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm • Sat. 8:30am-Noon
Closed Sunday
Beginning Sep. 19 — Closed Saturday
Fax Number.............................................. 616.896.7409
Member Service–Mary............................................. 100
Member Service....................................................... 101
Gene/Kathy.............................................................. 105
Dawn........................................................................ 109
Beth.......................................................................... 106
Park Inspector–Ralph............................... 616.896.7286
Pumpouts–Emergency............................................. 111
A Memorable Weekend:
Christmas in August and More
by Kel Kronemeyer
First of all let me say a huge “THANK YOU” to the Albrecht family, Site N-480 and friends,
for the wonderful display of Christmas Blowups and lights on the way to the water park. Be
sure to thank them personally. It was truly a gift of sharing their passion and time to provide
the items and the considerable time and effort to set up and take down. The members of Box
Canyon Circle also deserve praise and “Thank You” for their usual excellent annual display.
There were many others who put forth great effort to decorate in beautiful and creative ways.
Thanks to all who had a part in making “Christmas” a memorable weekend.
It was a memorable weekend also in not such
a pleasant way as many in the park chose to
believe rumors and lies instead of giving our
President and Board of Directors the respect
they deserve by withholding judgement until
they could learn the truth about our Violence
Response Program which is so much more
Park & Garden
Jack Schmidt, Manager........................... 616.896.9334
Sales Office........................................... 616.896.8315
Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm • Sat. 9:00am-3:00pm
Sunday by Appt.
Beginning Sep. 19 — Sat. & Sun. by Appointment
Sales Office or Camping
Kelli........................................................................... 103
Kathy Molner............................................................ 113
Grant Moore............................................................. 114
Maintenance......................................... 616.896.8317
Mon.-Fri. 8:00am-4:30pm • Sat. 9:00am-3:00pm
Closed Sunday
Ranger Station...................................... 616.896.9006
Fax Number.............................................. 616.896.7286
Recreation Dept................................... 616.896.8318
Mary Applehof–Recreation Director/Adult Recreation
Kim Day, Aquatics Director
Carol Hoffman, Sr. Adult Recreation
Kim Walters, Youth/Teen Recreation
Lake Monterey Golf............................. 616.896.8118
Laundromat Hours — 7:00am–11:00pm
Retail Center Laundromat — Open 24 Hours
See CHAIRMAN on page 3...
Gene Van Koevering...............................Park President
Ben Fifelski............................. Maintenance Supervisor
Dawn Arndt, CPA................................................... CFO
Steve Deyarmond.................................. Safety Director
Gary Peters..................................Golf Course Manager
The Sandy Pines Board of Directors will provide
positive leadership and management direction
so as to ensure the long term viability and
success of Sandy Pines Wilderness Trails, Inc.
Mary Cooper........................Member Service Manager
Kelli Blackman..........................Guest Service Manager
Kathy Brott..................................... Executive Assistant
Kathy Molner......................................... Sales Manager
Ralph Smith............................................Park Inspector
Mary Applehof............................Recreation Supervisor
Jack Schmidt..........................................Park & Garden
Finance.......................................................Dan Kendall
Garden Club...........................................Nelson Bouma
Golf Course............................................... Kerry Bunce
Grounds & Maintenance..............................Mike Young
Long Range Planning.............................. Gerda Pitcher
Marketing/PR Committee...............Michael VanderWall
Member Outreach................................Kel Kronemeyer
Policy Committee.....................................Stan Robbins
Rules............................................................ Rudy Fojtik
Safety & Security Committee................Glen Pettigrove
Special Events........................................Mary Applehof
Technology............................................... Norm Chapin
Kerry Bunce (16) Marti Devries (18)
Rog Grinwis (18) Dan Kendall (16)
Rob Klein (18) Carolyn Nielsen (17)
Glen Pettigrove (17) Gerda Pitcher (17)
Mike Young (16)
Corner Cafe............................................................ TBD
Hilltop Dairy Dip...................................... 616.896.8868
Just Your Style......................................... 616.896.1744
Park & Garden......................................... 616.896.9334
Pat’s Little Wheel..................................... 616.896.8004
CHAIRMAN continued...
than rangers carrying guns. I submit that we all have the same concerns. However, your
president and board have chosen to be proactive instead of reactive and are in the process
of developing a very well thought out, responsible, safe training program for our rangers
to protect them and all of our members from the irrational violence that plagues our entire
nation. We live in a different world than the world of the 70’s when Sandy Pines was founded.
If a deranged person can go into the most sacred environment, namely a church prayer
meeting, shoot and kill several people how can we say it can’t happen at Sandy Pines? If a
deranged person can go into an army base, several theaters, many schools and kill innocent
people how can anyone in their right mind say it can’t happen at Sandy Pines? It is so much
more pleasant to say it couldn’t happen but it would be irresponsible to be unprepared.
I believe that God gave each of us a mind to use. He also gave us emotions that can be good
but are often used to destroy through fear. He has given us the ability to choose how we are
going to react in every situation. Before you react please pray for God’s wisdom. Let faith in
the leaders you have chosen who have taken the time to become informed, replace your fear.
Incidentally, for all who are fearful that something might happen to you or your children if the
rangers are armed, statistics prove that your children and you yourself are in far more danger
of being injured or killed each time you get into a car and travel on the road than suffer injury
or death in an accidental shooting. Yet we haven’t stopped putting our children in cars. We
haven’t stopped allowing our teenagers to drive with minimal training and experience. We
haven’t stopped allowing our younger children to ride with our teenage “limited training and
experience” drivers. Let’s think before we react emotionally. Let’s be informed before we
jump to judgement. James in his book in the Bible says “ Know this my beloved brethren, let
every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man of does not
work the righteousness of God.” James1:19-20
What’s Happening?
Congratulations to Phil and Jackie
Payne, Site 30, who celebrated their
Golden Wedding Anniversary (50 years)
on August 14th. May you continue to
share your love and laughter for another
Thank you to Fred Elders, Site 496, who
assisted a man who had driven his golf
cart into the lake. Fred was on his porch,
heard a crash, looked out and noticed a
person on a golf cart had gone through
the split rail and went into the water. Fred
indicated that the person was leaned
over into the water and he assisted the
person out of the lake. Thanks, Fred, for
your quick response time!
May each of us shut our mouths and carefully listen long enough to truly hear the wisdom your
president and your board has had to consider, plan and prepare for this excellent “VIOLENCE
Congratulations to Brenda Wert, Ranger Department, on her recent retirement. Brenda
was with us for 14 years.
Thank you Brenda...and best wishes to you!
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Letter from the President
by Gene Van Koevering
I don’t have a clue where August went, but here I sit writing a September Footprints article. August was great in so
many ways this year. We had a tremendous Christmas in August with the kind gesture of a number of Members that
put out decorations, but the decorations on the main road between phase 4 and 5 that was done by the Albrecht
Family of Site N-480, was inspiring and appreciated. Thank you to their family and friends and to All who made Christmas in August, 2015,
an event to remember!!
I would like to congratulate the new Board Members that were elected on August 15th at our annual election: Marti DeVries, Rog Grinwis and
Rob Klein. I am looking forward to working with you, beginning already this month.
New Directors will attend an orientation meeting, prior to their first official Board meeting that will be held on September 18. If you are able
to come to that meeting, I would encourage you to do so, and congratulate them personally and wish them well. 2016 will have a number of
opportunities for the Board to move Sandy Pines forward with confidence into the future, so please stay in touch with them and stay informed.
Thank you also to the retiring Board Members Kelvin Kronemeyer, John Spoelman and Greg Maichele for their faithful service to the Members
of this park. We truly appreciate your work and consider it well done!
Also, I would like to say thank you to the Members of this park for your unwavering commitment to myself, the Board, the Staff and Volunteers.
Your attendance at the Annual Meeting, as well as your comments, emails, phone calls and visits to my office are humbling.
Thank you for coming out to vote, and thank you for showing your support by passing the ballots by such large margins. I was so pleased
and excited for Sandy Pines, because I view the voting activity, and the passing of the ballots as a big first step in showing the support of the
membership in their commitment to prepare Sandy Pines and Lake Monterey Golf Course for the future, as well as your confidence in the
Board and Leadership of this park.
Those of us in these positions thank you and assure you that our commitment will remain firmly in place, always seeking to make decisions
and plans that will strengthen and preserve the future of this park, of our members and of their investments.
September will find Sandy Pines becoming a much less busy place as kids go back to school and parents begin to close their sites down.
2015 was an exciting, challenging, frustrating and wonderful year to be in my position. Thank you to each of you, and I mean that. There were
many discussions with Members that have views other than mine, but that is what makes any plans and programs better, and makes me and
those that work with me, more careful to know what we are doing and why we are doing it.
Whether you agree with an issue or not, you are holding me accountable to explain why I make the decisions I make, and I truly appreciate
it. I don’t mean to say I enjoy it, but I do know that if makes me a better servant to this park.
If you didn’t get to the Annual meeting to hear the Presidents Report, it is on our website if you care to read it. Finally, on behalf of our Staff
and myself, thank you again for the blessing and privilege to serve you here at Sandy Pines.
BBQ Cook-Off
The BBQ Cook-Off Contest was a great
success! We had some amazing judges, Gary
Peters, LMGC Manager, Steve Deyarmond,
Ranger Department Supervisor and Gene
Van Koevering, Park President, who had the
tough job of tasting all the wonderful entries!
The Grand Prize winner was Pop Pop’s BBQ.
Pop Pop’s took 1st place with their
Pulled Pork and also their BBQ chicken.
Congratulations to C.B. Bursk who took
1st place in the BBQ Ribs category. Thank
you to Dave Annis for his work putting this
together, and to everyone who participated
in the BBQ cook off! We loved tasting your
delicious food!
Thank You, Face to Phase Sponsors, 2015
During the summer season, Gene sets aside seven Saturday mornings so he can get out into
the Park and visit with our members. He schedules a stop at each Phase and enjoys coffee
and cookies with anyone who wishes to come out and ask questions, express concerns, or
simply say hi!
We would like to take a moment to thank our 2015 Sponsors of these events, who provide
the coffee, cookies and $5 gift certificates for you.
Thank you to Superior Cart Company, Yoder’s Services, Jim Warner and the Dairy Dip, Clean
Sweepers, Inc., Westhouse Home Improvement, Bakhuyzen Landscape Management and
Dick’s Market. You are appreciated!
Dog Park News
by Bill & Joanne VanderWall
We appreciate everyone helping to
keep our dog park clean. You are doing
a great job! Please remember that it is
very important to pick up after your pet
wherever you are, not just in the Dog
Park. Please remind your children, when
walking your pets, to pick up after them
when out in the park.
If you are new to Sandy Pines, we would
like to tell you about our Dog Park.
The Dog Park is located in Phase 6,
behind the bathroom. It is a fenced in area
for your pet to run and enjoy themselves,
in a shady area. There is water for them
to get a drink,
with a bench and
table in the shade
for you to sit,
while they play.
There are baggies
for you to pick up
after your pet, and
a pail to dispose
of it.
Keeping your dog
exercised and
content, will keep
your neighbors
happy too.
Grounds and Landscape News
by Nelson Bouma
As the sun is going down and the shadows
come, I am amazed how the flowers are
beginning to rest. It seems early for some
of the trees to drop their leaves and nuts
Have you noticed the bridge in the little Park
across from the Café? The colors match
the picnic tables now. Thanks to those who
repainted and repaired the boards and seats.
It looks great!
We planted four Memorial Trees in the
Memorial area. I’ll be putting in more stakes
soon, and we will be planting more trees this
fall. Get your order in, if you are looking to
plant this season.
The Chapel entrance has taken new shape
and new color. Thanks to Bert Bakhyuzen
and crew for a great job!
We are working on the Main Entrance
landscape to get more color there. We used
plants from the Garden Club garden, and
some new ones.
It’s time to trim back all of your various plants
with thorns, roses, barberry, etc.
Thanks to everyone who weeds the CC
garden areas during the season, and also
to those who have reworked your Circles or
We will be upgrading 15 more campsites
this fall and early next spring. Campers were
happy with the new sites that we had already
We will be working on trimming the letters of
SANDY PINES, across from the Dam area.
Here’s a little fun fact – there are 554 bushes
creating those two words.
There are new signs on each of the CCs 1-13.
They have reflective lettering so you can see
them at night, too.
I’m in the Park and if you have any questions,
just stop me when you see me.
Inspector News
by Ralph Smith
Well, here we are into September already. What a great summer we have had in the park this year. As we all start getting busy with the kids
back to school or just getting ready to return to our winter homes, here are few things to keep in mind. We still need to have our lots cleaned
up and our trailers and porches clean. It has been very busy this summer. Lots of new trailers have come into the Park, and members have
been real busy making changes around their
sites, decks, porches, garages and a lot of
landscaping are looking real good.
Now is the time, if you don’t think you will be
able to have your lot cleaned up in the spring,
to get in touch with one of our contractors
and have them do it for you. This gives you
more time to enjoy your time here at Sandy
Pines. Please keep in mind that if you need
permits they are available online. You can fill
it out and email them to me if you would like,
and I’ll let you know when it is approved. As
always, if you have any questions, feel free
to give me a call at 616-896-7286 or email
me at, and I
will help you out with any of your questions.
Have a great fall at Sandy Pines.
Here is our Zumba group with their awesome
instructors, Lotta and Bev. Thanks, ladies!
Park & Garden News
by Jack Schmidt
It is hard to believe but the summer season is already coming to an
end. It just seems like yesterday we were getting ready to open for
the summer.
2016, we have a contract form for you to sign before you leave the
park this fall. There is a discount if you let us know before you leave
for the season.
We have had a great year at the Park and Garden and it is because of
the members allowing us to serve you with our services.
If you are on the self install program, you can return the tank to the
propane cage anytime. Please mark the tank with your lot number. If
you want the softener again next fall you will need to sign the contract
at the store before you leave.
As we close out the year, many of you want your boat to be taken out
of the lake and returned to storage. Please call at least 3 or 4 days
ahead of time to schedule the boat removal. Please make sure we
have plenty of room to place the boat on your lot. That will allow us
to drive the pontoon trailer out from the boat.
For those of you who used the Maynard Softener program this year
we will begin picking up the softeners as soon as you close up for
the winter. We would like you to come in to give us a date to pick up
your softener. If you are interested in getting the softener again for
Our hours will change after September 12th. The Park and Garden
Hours will be Friday 10 am to 4 pm and Saturday 10 am to 4 pm.
We will be open September 18, 19, 25 and 26. If you are in need
of deliveries of materials, or other services, you can call 616-8969334, and leave a voicemail and we will call you back to set up an
appointment with you.
The Marina will be open through Labor Day.
Maintenance News
Long Range Planning
Committee Update
Summer seems to go by like the blink of an
eye! It’s hard to believe we are thinking about
winterizing already. Here are a couple of tips
to help make it an easy transition. Be sure
to clearly mark your white hose by the riser.
This is a great idea for two reasons. First,
it makes it easy to identify your line for the
person doing the winterizing, and second,
it ensures that you don’t hook up the wrong
line in the spring, and flood yours or your
neighbor’s trailer. This has happened.
by Gerda Pitcher
by Ben Fifelski
Be sure to take the time to read your
winterizing form, and note any changes
that would be important information for
the people winterizing your trailer. Feel free
to draw a map on the back of the form,
detailing your outside faucets and any other
information you feel is important to note.
Maintenance crew hard at work fixing a
broken water main at the Spash Pad.
Enjoy your remaining time at Sandy Pines
during the 2015 season! Safe travels to those
of you who will be leaving us shortly after
Labor Day. See you in the spring!
Fall Gate Access Hours:
The Main Gate and Phase Three Gate entrances will be open 24 hours/day throughout
the Fall and Winter. Beginning October 15th, the Gates at Phases 1, 2, 4 and 6 will be
locked at dark and opened by 6 am. Thank you.
Hello again, another month gone, where
does the time go? The kids will be going
back to school soon, and we as a committee
are making plans for our future here at Sandy
Pines also. We will be looking at what surveys
to bring to the members and find out what
you want for our park in the future. We only
have two more meetings and our year will be
complete. We have lots to discuss and get
ready for spring. Please enjoy the rest of your
time in this great place we all call home. We
will all be closing our places soon enough for
the season.
Enjoy your time away and we look forward to
seeing you in the spring.
Winter Address Info:
Did you notify the office to change our records
to your winter address and phone number?
The Post Office does not notify the office
when you turn in a forwarding card, so unless
you let us know what your winter location is,
we may not be able to contact you in case
of an emergency. Please be sure to update
your phone number and e-mail address, too,
if those change during the winter months.
Thank you!
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Member Services
by Mary Cooper
Fall Office Hours
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am - Noon
(Closed Saturdays starting Sept. 19)
*Our office will be closing at 11 am on Tuesday, September 22, for Employee Appreciation
Flea Markets 2016:
You may start reserving spaces for the 2016 Flea Markets beginning Thursday, October 1st
from your computer or at one of kiosks’ in the Park.
Dates for 2016 are: May 7 (Mayfest), May 28 (Memorial Day), June 11, July 2 (Independence
Day), Aug 13 (Christmas), Sept.3 (Labor Day) and Oct 1.
Maintenance will be winterizing trailers this fall. The cost is $80 if you have your winterizing
departure date before October 1st, and we have your keys by that date. Starting October
1st, the cost will be $100. All winterizings include a final pumpout.
No winterizings will be accepted with a departure date after October 18th. We can only take
the first 500 orders, so get your order in early. No phone orders, a signature is required for
this service. You can fax a signed copy to us at 616-896-7409 or email memberservice@
Scheduled pumpouts will end the week of Oct.12th. Pumpouts will be available on
Wednesday Oct. 21st and Oct. 28th at the emergency rate of $24. There will be no Saturday
pumpouts after September 12th.
Water turned off:
During the week of October 12th, water will be turned off according to the pumpout schedule.
Phase 1: Monday, Oct. 12
Phase 2: Friday, Oct. 16
Phase 3 & 6: Thursday, Oct. 15
Phase 4:
Tuesday, Oct. 13
Phase 5:
Wednesday, Oct. 14
Senior Adult Activities
by Carol Hoffman
Next year, in 2016, this group will again be the Senior Adult Activities. Sue Stank is now our new president, Donna Adams is vice-president,
Wauneta Bushee, is secretary and I will be the treasurer. Our goal is to have a lot of fun activities directed at seniors, but also for other ages.
All the activities that we have been doing should remain the same, but we will also be adding some new ones. We welcome any new ideas,
especially things we can do on the week
days, when it isn’t so busy. Following are the
remaining activities for this 2015 season:
Monday, September 7 (Labor Day) – Free
Bingo in the Pavilion from 2 – 4 PM for
everyone 10 years old and over. Popcorn
and water will be available for a donation.
Friday, September 4 – Farewell Supper at
5:30 PM in the Pavilion for seniors and those
that have been attending our potlucks. You
do not have to bring anything, but we do
request that you sign up for this supper at
the Sandy Pines office by Sept. 1.
Saturday, September 19 – Adult Bingo
Appreciation Night for those 18 years old
and over. We will be having a special party
with food and door prizes for all our Adult
Bingo players starting at 6 PM. Make plans
to come for this special event. Bingo will
start at 7 PM.
Saturday, October 3 (Octoberfest) – Free
Bingo in the Pavilion from 2 – 4 PM for ages
10 and up, followed by a Potluck/Soup
Supper at 5:30 PM, also in the Pavilion.
Make plans to join us for one or both of
these last events of the season. The 2014
potluck/soup supper was awesome. We
had lots and lots of hot soups and other
goodies. This is a great way to end the 2015
season and you won’t regret it if you come.
Bring a pot of soup or a dish to share and
your tableware, plus your drink if you have
a special one. No alcohol is allowed in the
Pavilion. We do have hot water and instant
beverages, plus bottled water.
We know a
lot about
your lot.
Whether it’s a park model, travel trailer
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Election Results 2015
Elected to the Board:
Marti DeVries, 3 year Term – 789 votes
Rog Grinwis, 3 year Term – 473 votes
Robert Klein, 3 year Term – 466 votes
Tim Hoffman - 322 votes
Kelvin Kronemeyer – 301 votes
Stan Robbins – 255 votes
Robert Ritsema – 229 votes
2015 Proposals:
Bylaws Amendment Passed
639 - Yes 392 - No
Golf Course Proposal Passed
616 - Yes
451 - No
Safety Director News
by Steve Deyarmond
Preparing for Fall/Winter Storage Mode
1. Place outdoor appliances, bicycles, furniture and other items in shelter
2. Make arrangements with Member services to have your trailer winterized.
3. Have your holding tank pumped.
4. Turn off your water at the road and mark your water line with your site number for
5. Remove items that will freeze in the cupboards. Remove all alcoholic beverages.
6. Defrost and clean your refrigerator. Place baking soda or charcoal briquettes inside
refrigerator to absorb odors
7. Place moth balls under trailer to deter animals and rodents
8. Place your golf cart in storage. Take action to prevent golf cart theft. Remove a rear wheel
or chain and padlock your golf cart to a fixed object or chain your golf carts together.
9. Contact your propane provider to fill your propane tanks. Turn off your propane tanks for
the winter months.
10. Contact your lawn service to rake the leaves in the fall. Review the trees on your site for
dead limbs above and contact a tree service if needed.
11. If you plan to use your trailer in the winter or early spring have a furnace technician
check your furnace for proper operation. Be sure to check the roof vent for bird nests or
obstructions that would prohibit the exhaust from leaving your trailer.
12. Place your watercraft in storage. Make arrangements in the off season to have the
watercraft tuned or repaired or checked. Small outboard motors should be removed and
placed in a secure location. Other watercraft outboard motors should be chained and
padlocked to the watercraft. Place gas stabilizer in your watercraft gas tanks. Have your
watercraft winterized. Consider having your watercraft shrink wrapped to protect it from
the elements.
13. Remove your boat dock from the lake to prevent ice damage. Please do not store your
dock or watercraft in the green area.
14. Remove your small watercraft such as paddle boats and row boats from the lake shore.
All boats must be removed from the lake by November 1st.
15. Close all vents and windows in your trailer and roll up awnings.
16. Turn off the electric at the pedestal at the road and secure with padlock.
17. Give your electric golf cart a full charge and put gas stabilizer in your gas golf cart.
18. Replace your smoke detector batteries
19. Leave a winter contact name with Member services if you are out of state or a great
distance from Sandy Pines. Make sure that Sandy Pines has your correct address and
phone numbers.
20. Remember to turn your thermostat to off in your trailer. Some trailer furnace blowers will
continue to run when the propane runs out and the temperature becomes lower than the
thermostat setting.
21. Make arrangements with a neighbor or friend to check your trailer in the winter months.
22. Watch weather reports for snow accumulation. Remember, Sandy Pines receives lake
effect snow fall which can be larger accumulations than places further inland.
23. January, 2016, all membership cards will be required to have a photo. Please stop at the
Ranger Station to have your picture taken.
Welcome New Members
Michael & Jana Allspach, Walker
Rudolph & Karyn Walsh, Howell
Eddy & Kathleen Eriksen, Wyoming
Gary & Susan Harris, Fennville
Kristopher & Danielle Kimmel, Zeeland
Michael & Deneva Brouwer Zeeland
Steven & Karen Lambert, Hudsonville
Amy & Adam Vincent, Wayland
Scott & Sandra Tuleja, Gobles
Darin & Kimberly Jousma, St. Joseph
Candace Brakman, Warren
Jeffrey & Sadie Jungling, Hudsonville
William & Ann Dabrowski, Grand Haven
Heather Wesler & Kim Smalla, Allegan
Jeffrey & Lisa Sonday, Grand Rapids
Daniel & Michelle Dobbs, Ada
Jason & Elizabeth Fahrni, Rockford
Douglas & Joni Hyde, Grandville
Lisa & Dale Stark, Allegan
Robert & Kelly Meduna, Caledonia
Teresa Wietczak, Grand Rapids
Thomas & Debra Oonk, Zeeland
Timothy & Brenda Bohner, Jackson
Kurt Homkes & Michelle Mathews, Hamilton
William & Kelli Napp, Bloomingdale
Timothy & Sherry Cloud, Kalamazoo
David & Melanie Prominski, Hudsonville
Rick & Shari VanDyke, Grand Haven
Leonard & Mary O’Kelly, Grand Rapids
Nancy Koeman, Holland
Christopher & Kristy Bloom, Portage
Thomas & Jackie Schmidt, Wyoming
Dale & Brenda Hicks, Canton
Jeff & Angel Hopkins, Allegan
Michael & Lori Schipper, Middleville
Mark & Jami McMullen, Zeeland
Jacqueline & Harold Schneider, Grandville
Kenneth & Jamie Murillo, Allendale
Jodi Block & Gerald Simons, Grandville
Bethany & Charles Willis, Grand Rapids
Denise Powell & Terri Peters, Okemos
Joyce & Andrew Cook, Hamilton
Gerald & Lois Hilbrand, Jenison
Ronald & Julie Bowden, Sparta
James & Lisa Hadley, Grand Rapids
Scott & Suzanne Gardner, Grand Rapids
Jason & Christina Baker, Allegan
Laura Hodges & Robert Culp II, Ionia
Garett & Jessica Brown, Grand Ledge
Brian & Sarah Corson, Middleville
William & Dana Klopp, Benton Harbor
Robert & Nona Westfall, Zeeland
Lake Monterey Golf Course News
by Gary Peters
Labor Day: Come down and get your Dollar Hot Dogs and other food specials.
Clearance Sale: In September we will be having a sale on Golf related merchandise. Come by and check out the deals.
Consignment: We will no longer be taking new consignment sale items. Existing consignment items must be picked up by the end of the
2015 golf season.
Course Maintenance: We will be aerating the greens on the back nine on Wednesday September 23rd and the front nine on the following
day, Thursday September 24th, weather permitting. Additionally, we will be converting to a 3/8 inch hole versus the 1/2 inch hole used in the
past. The 3/8 inch hole will allow the greens to heal in quicker.
Reduced Food Prices: Just a reminder, we have lowered our pricing on most food items.
New Sandy Pines Member Benefit: Effective immediately we are offering the membership a special… if you bring in two or more guests,
we will make a price break of only $18/per guest which includes one cart rental. This is for Sandy Pines members and their associates, only.
Online Tee Time Reservations: In the past, members have been told to make tee times only online. We would like to let everyone know that
is not required anymore, while we still encourage online tee time scheduling, we would be happy to assist via phone, should you be having
Reminder: We would like to remind golfers
that at this time of year, other than early
spring or late fall, only foursomes or less will
be allowed to play. More than four slows play
and throws off tee time for those following
We Will
Miss You, Lloyd!
The Ranger Department, and Staff at Sandy
Pines, would like extend our sympathy to
the family of Lloyd McClellan on his passing.
Lloyd worked for the Ranger Department
for the past 10 years at the Phase 3 Ranger
Station, and previously, as a Boat Ranger.
Lloyd, and his wife Helen, volunteered
on numerous occasions around the Park
cleaning flower beds and assisting with
other tasks. Thank you, Helen, for sharing
Lloyd with us for the past ten years. He will
be missed.
Rainbow Color Run, 2015
It was a beautiful Saturday in August, as 362 individuals lined up to participate
in the Sandy Pines Rainbow Color Run. This was the second year for this very
popular event. The money that was earned from the participants and sponsors
will be used to purchase two new AEDs. One will go in the Administration Office
and the other will be placed at the Phase 3 Outdoor Pool.
Here are a few of the pictures that were taken that day. There are more photos
on our website and Facebook page – be sure to check them out!
Special thanks to everyone who participated and/or sponsored this event. You
are appreciated!
End of Year
Recreation Party
Scooby Doo
Visits Sandy Pines
Scooby Doo stopped by Sandy Pines this
summer to hang out with some of the kids.
He checked out our Ropes Course and took
a tractor/wagon ride with the kids.
Everyone was happy to have him visit, and
we hope he drops by again! Thanks, Scooby
2939 Wilson SW, Grandville, MI
Phone: (616) 249-9504
Hours: Mon– Fri 10-8 Sat 10-7
Remote Control Trucks and parts for Traxxas, Losi, ECX Team Associated,
Kyosho, and others. We carry 100’s of parts and tires. We are an authorized
Traxxas Dealer and participate in the power-up and lifetime electronics
replacement plans.
We also carry R/C boats, drones, helicopters and airplanes, rockets, plastic models, trains, paint and tools.
Mention this ad and get a discount!
Sympathy is extended to
the following members and
their families:
Helen McClellan, Site 952, on the passing of
her husband, Lloyd, on July 28. Lloyd was a
longtime Ranger for Sandy Pines. He will be
James & Karyl Childs, Site 628, on the
tragic and unexpected passing of their son,
Grant, on August 7.
Helping Hands Group
Sandy Pines has a group of very kind-hearted, ambitious, ladies who meet once each week
to sew and create new clothing for various missions and children/adults in need. These
ladies meet at the Pavilion from 9 am to 3 pm every Monday during our season. They donate
the items of clothing that they create so some little kids will have new clothes to go back to
school in. They make dresses decorated with lace and colorful buttons and elastic topped
pants/shorts for the young men. Mom gets a new, colorful apron to wear while working in the
kitchen. So far this year, they have made ? dresses, ? shorts and ? aprons.
The supplies that are used by these ladies are donated by each of them. You can help, too, if
you would like. They could use some monetary donations to help purchase thread, buttons,
fabric, etc. if you are called to help. No donation is too small…simply put your donation in
an envelope, with Helping Hands, on the outside of the envelope and drop it off at Member
Service or at the Country Café. Some of the dresses, pants and aprons are on display at the
Café, if you would like to see what the Helping Hands Group is making.
A HUGE thank you to the following ladies who volunteer their time and talents, so those in
need can receive some nice, new items, in time for school to begin! Judy VanKlompenberg
and Dee Bassett are the ladies who got this group started, and they are joined by Lorraine
Eding, Barb Meiste, Marian VandenBrink, Shirley Mae Meints, Janet Wright, Mary Vredeveld,
Betty Kraai, Jane Ponitz, Onetta Siegersma, Marge Bourma, Esther Korzilius, Judy Shaffer,
Glenda VanDoeselaar, Cindy and Roye.
Adult Recreation News
by Mary Applehof
We would like to recap some of our most recent fun events! Thank you to everyone who participated or
volunteered for our Rainbow Color Run. We had 362 people participate and because of all of you, and our
wonderful sponsors, our new AED’s are ordered for our Administration office and the Ph. 3 pool! Check
out the pictures on the Sandy Pines Facebook page. If you have any photos to share please e-mail them
to We would love to see them! Again, a huge thank you to our sponsors.
You are all amazing and Sandy Pines is blessed to have each of you.
The Golf Cart Rodeo was awesome! Some drivers ended up in the woods…some stuck to the course.
Check out our Facebook page to see lots of pictures. A big THANK YOU to Al and Pat Retherford, for
coming up with the idea and for designing the course. Thank you to Andy Tomko and Linda Kessler, Rod
and Karen Burch for helping with the timing and announcing. A special thank you to Sandy Kellogg for
designing the crazy Driver’s glasses. Winners: Age 13-15: Anneka VanWyk/Kaylen Nyhuis; Age 16-18:
Breanna Kaliszewski/Sidney Modad; Age 19-30: Jack Whall/Zack Walters; Ages 31-40: Jon and Aubrey;
Ages 41-50: Diane and Ray; Ages 51+: Ron and Tammy; and for the Parent/Child or Grandparent child:
Marty Tilma/Louden Tilma. All winners received a Gift certificate from Perfect Pizza. Thank you Perfect
Pizza for sponsoring our Golf Cart Rodeo!
Western Night was filled with water melon seed spit’n, cow shoot’n, horse riding, line dancing…and some
of the best bbq food ever. Thank you to our sponsors: Purity Cylinder Gases Inc., Dick’s Market, B.C. Pizza
and Jackson’s English and Western Store in Wayland.
Thank you to everyone who decorated their sites last weekend for Christmas! It was so much fun driving
around and seeing all the decorations. A special thank you to the Justin Albrecht Family and the volunteers
for putting up over 100 Christmas decorations along the road between the soccer field and the water park
it looked amazing! The judges have picked the Phase favorites: Ph. 1 - Site 249: Al and Pat Menzel; Ph.
2 - Site 609: Elizabeth and Scott Miller; Ph. 3 – Site 1337: David and Tina Emmink; Ph. 4 - Site N-408: Brian
and Teddi McEachern; Ph. 5 - Site K-279: Eugene Skalskyj; Ph. 6 – Site D-48: Marji and Rich Chambers;
Condos-Condo #5: Gary & Mary Sova.
What an incredible summer we have had here at Sandy Pines! This is a ditto from the last two year’s
Footprints articles. We hit record numbers in all our events again. The Golf Cart Rodeo will be back next
year. We are looking forward to a few more bands to play for us at the core area next summer! All of the
Kids Club, Pre-teen Club and Teen clubs doubled the amount of participants than we normally have. If you
have not checked out the Sandy Pines Facebook page, you should, just to see all pictures from our events.
We just need to tell you how blessed we feel to have Sandy Pines both as our Summer Home and our job
location. We want to thank our Recreation Staff, and all the volunteers that have helped at all the events
this summer, and to everyone who made the summer of 2015 a great time at Sandy Pines! We are already
working on our fun activities for 2016, so if you have any interesting and fun ideas, please shoot us an
e-mail at We get a lot of our ideas from you, so please keep them coming!
Your Recreation Fun Staff,
Mary Applehof
Kim Day
Kim Walters
Thanks for Another Great Season!
As the 2015 Season draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to say THANK
YOU to our members and staff for another great season.
Thank you to the Staff at Sandy Pines for everything you do to make Sandy Pines
the wonderful place that it is. Thank you to Gene Van Koevering, Park President, for his
leadership and positivity each and every day, as he leads and guides our staff. Thanks to our
Maintenance Department for keeping everything clean, beautiful, and properly maintained
for our enjoyment. Thanks to the Ranger Department and First Responders for all that you
do to keep Sandy Pines safe and orderly. Thanks to the Recreation Department for planning
and pulling off all of the events and activities that you put together each summer. Thank you
to the Office Staff, which includes our Sales Department and Camping, for all that you do to
ensure that correct information is disseminated in a timely manner to the membership, and
for keeping those beautiful smiles on your faces – even during times of adversity!
John and Barb Sterk went to a Tiger
Baseball Game with a group from Sandy
Pines. This was their first time EVER at a
Tiger’s Game!
Thank you to the Staff of Lake Monterey Golf Course for keeping the Course beautifully
manicured and ready for play. It looked beautiful all season long! Thank you to the Chapel
Committee for all of your work to provide Worship Services on Sunday mornings and Vespers
on Sunday evenings. We especially enjoyed your Pancake Breakfasts this year! Thank you to
our Board of Directors for assuming a leadership role, and providing guidance as we continue
to move forward. Thank you to each of you who take the time to serve on one of our many
committees. Your knowledge and expertise prove to be invaluable. We would also like to
thank our Library Volunteers who keep our library books shelved and orderly, our Election and
Poll Workers, and our Electric Meter Readers for helping us with our end-of-year readings.
Thank you to our Retail entities for providing us with not only items that we need…but also
items that we want! We appreciate having you here!
Sandy Pines is a place that is all-inclusive! Once you arrive for the season…you can stay and
play…knowing that if you need something – it is probably available somewhere within our
community. We look forward to serving you again in 2016!
Have a very safe and healthy fall and winter…and we look forward to seeing you back here
in the spring!
The total annual membership dues, capital contribution, cable TV, and special assessment for the 2015/2016 season will be $1,598 and will
be on your October 1st statement as follows:
2016 Annual Dues
2016 Annual Capital
Total Dues/Capital
2016 Annual Cable TV*
Special Assessment – Golf Course (1 of 10)**
Total 2016
The cost of living increase for the total annual dues/capital contribution is 0% or $0.
*At the annual election held August 21, 2010, the membership approved a requirement that ALL memberships be required to participate in
the bulk cable TV program which reduced each members cost of cable by 43% in the first year.
**At the annual election held August 15, 2015, the membership approved a ten year annual golf course assessment to be used for golf course
operations and capital assessments.
Dues, Capital Contributions, Cable TV, Special Assessments, and all other fees and charges are due and payable October 1st. The total
balance billed to your account must be paid in full by October 31, 2015 to avoid service charges.
SIX MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS to pay the dues, capital contributions, cable, and special assessments only in the amount of
$276.35 due by the 25th of EVERY month (October through March). PLEASE NOTE: The payment plan includes only the dues, capital
contributions, cable, special assessments, and related service charges. The payment plan DOES NOT include any other fees and
charges billed to your account each month. You must add all other charges for services, electric, state unit tax, etc. to the monthly
installment amount of $276.35. As dues and assessments are due and payable October 1st, a missed payment under the payment
plan, 60 days from October 1st, will result in magnetic card deactivation and additional charges will apply for reactivation.
Sandy Pines Bylaws, Article III, Section 6, Effect of Nonpayment of Annual Dues, Special Assessments, Capital Assessments or
Other Charges: The nonpayment of any annual dues, special assessments, capital assessments, or other amount due and/or owed to
Sandy Pines by a member within sixty (60) days after the same shall become due and payable, shall result in the automatic termination
or suspension of the membership, and all rights and privileges related thereto except the right to vote at annual or special elections. The
terminated or suspended member shall NOT have the right to recover any monies from Sandy Pines.
SERVICE CHARGES: A service charge of 1.5% (18% APR) applies after the 25th day of each month on the unpaid balance on your account.
Minimum Service Charges apply. We do not accept postmarks or check dates as payment dates, so please mail early. We cannot guarantee
timely delivery by the post office. Unfortunately, we cannot waive the service charges. Your payments on account are due in the office
on or before the 25th of the month. Accounts more than 60 days past due will have all magnetic cards deactivated and there will be
an additional charge per card for reactivation.
We offer three automatic debit payment plans (balance on account, fixed amount, or you will call each month with the amount). You may also
make debit or credit card payments through our website (convenience fees apply). In addition, most online bill payment systems through
your bank now electronically transmit payments to Sandy Pines.
We have more ‘Site for Sale’ listings online at
Please call Kathy (ext. 113) or Grant (ext. 114) at 616-896-8316, for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
For Sale - Site 62: 2010 double
loft Breckenridge trailer with insulated
Jamestown porch on a double lot. Beautiful
furnished rustic decor, landscaping bricks,
fenced in front, garage, huge deck and lots
of parking. Asking: $109,900. Please call
Larry at 616-443-4459.
For Sale - Site 240 - Phase 1: 2007
Wildwood 37’ two bedroom sleeps 8-10
people, pass thru full bathroom with garden
tub. Super-slide out in living/dining area.
Huge multi-level wooden deck and large
stone patio with firepit. Mature perennial
gardens and landscaping. Wooden shed and
double golf cart shelter. Includes two golf
carts, all patio furniture with cushions, picnic
table, patio deck box, new grill, two place
snowmobile trailer, 5 full parking spaces with
new stones. The best added feature is the
hard to find boat stake. Priced to sell fast at
$39,000. If interested call or text 616-3183303, or email
For Sale – Site 249: Beautifully furnished
1998 Kropf Park Model with 32 foot custom
Westhouse three season room with heat and
A.C. Updates...too many to list. Sleeps 6.
Large custom garage with new interlocking
tile, Frig, large built in work bench,
abundance of storage, includes 2 EZGO golf
carts. Beautiful custom designed brick scape
patio, fenced with fire pit and wood rack. All
outdoor furniture and grill included. Backs
to lovely green area. Underground sprinklers,
water softener and 2 water filtering systems.
Dues paid for 2015. Move in ready! Asking:
$69,900 O.B.O Call: 734-309-9356 or 313388-7652.
For Sale - Site 257, Phase 4: Large
lot with 1987 park model trailer. Very well
maintained. New garage, new underground
sprinkling and sod, new patio and fire pit,
and new air conditioning unit. Unit has
master bedroom and bunk room. On a quiet,
kid-friendly street. Asking $49,000 OBO. Call
Julie at 269-838-0997.
For Sale – Site 287: Phase 1 Sunset
trail, double lot single dues. New in 2012.
Breckenridge perfect cottage. Loft & 1/2.
Jamestown porch, 2012 EZ-Go gas six seat
golf cart. 1995 pontoon. Asking: $104,000
Call: 616.828.2454.
For Sale - Site 418: 2008 Quailridge –
everything included. Beautiful lake view,
excellent condition. Asking: $77,500. Call:
616-498-0239 and ask for Deb.
For Sale - Site 503 – Phase 2: Bay
Breeze. 2012 Dutch Park Sterling Series Park
Model. Lots of cabinet storage & counters. 1
bedroom with bed box and sofa hide a bed.
Beautiful views out front & side windows.
New deck with handicap ramp. Wonderful
neighbors. Easy access to water. Beautiful
flowers & rock gardens. Shed & golf cart
shelter. Asking: $73,000. Call Judy @: 616828-2454.
For Sale - Site 532: 1982 32’ Sportsman
travel trailer – newly remodeled. Sleeps eight
w/three sofa sleepers and all other furniture
included. 19” Enclosed TV in bedroom;
10x20 enclosed porch; 10x12 covered porch;
sprinkler system, 10x12 golf cart shed; 6x8
storage building. 2009 EZ-Go Golf Cart w/
roof, windshield, back seat, lights, rear view
mirror, charger and rain cover. Exceptions:
TV on Porch and in Living Room. Asking:
$27,900. Call: 251-747-5238.
For Sale – Site 658: Custom 2002
“Signature Series” Dutch Park w/central AC.
Excellent condition on nicely landscaped lot
w/beautiful view of lake. Four bays w/solid
oak cabinets & back loft w/AC. New shingles,
refrigerator & 16 gal hot water heater. 10’x30’
3-Season porch w/wall AC, fully furnished w/
new roof, insulated windows, & carpeting.
Custom 2 cart garage w/2 E-Z-GO golf
carts (all new batteries). Large brick paver
patio, Trex decks w/PVC railings & in-ground
sprinklers. Sweetwater 20’ pontoon w/dual
axle trailer & boat stake. Asking: $119,900.
Call Gene: 248-349-5263 or (616) 896-8017.
For Sale - Site 806 – Phase 2: 1986 Trophy
Park Model. Fully furnished, two golf carts,
two refrigerators, garage and shed. Must See!
Asking: $37,000. Call: 616-805-1472.
For Sale from Site 865: Watercraft 1973 –
Harris Mfg. 24’ aluminum pontoon with open
deck design. Outboard gas motor. Mercury
– Force Outboard Motor 40 hp, purchased
5-1-97. Complete with Water Storage frame
– needs cover and bungee cords. Asking:
$2,450. Call: 734-674-8944 or 734-5138545.
For Sale - Site 1139: 1985 Woodland Park
in very good condition. Rubber roof – new,
water heater and carpet. Two bedrooms,
3-season room, two barns – three lots! One
golf cart, cell phone tower, close to CC, large
deck and patio area. Move In Ready! Asking:
$52,000. Call: 863-448-2148.
For Sale - Site 1141: 1999 - Coachman
36ft Trailer with 3 slide outs, 14 x 17 wood
deck, 10 x 14 Amish garage, 7 x 7 shed,
2004 E-Z-Go Golf Cart with back seat, wood
picnic table. Asking: $28,500 – Call: 616520-1139.
For Sale - Site 1181 – Phase 3: Also own
Sites 1180 and 1182. Three lots, one dues.
2004 38’ Adventure Winnebago Motor Home
w/2 slides, 26,000 miles. 6x8 shed and deck,
Golf cart, wooden swing and extras. Will sell
separately, if interested. Asking $87,000 for
all or $60,000, for the Motor Home, $2,500
for the Golf Cart and $40,000 for the lots.
Call: 616-363-3620 (home) or 616-901-2690
We have more ‘Site for Sale’ listings online at
Please call Kathy (ext. 113) or Grant (ext. 114) at 616-896-8316, for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
For Sale - Site 1356: 1982 travel trailer
across from the lake. Close to CC and
Outdoor Pool in Phase 3. It has a connected
porch, wooden shed and boat dock. Asking:
$29,000 O.B.O. Call: 787-299-8974 or 616805-4163.
For Sale – Site N-15 - Phase 4: Kroft
trailer, Includes all furniture and two golf carts,
has double loft, vinyl siding porch and deck.
A Nice Brick Patio faces the beautiful lake.
Garage, Boat Stake. Priced at $160,000. For
more information call: 269-501-9377.
For Sale - Site N-277: 1987 Oakland Park
w/porch. One bedroom (sleeps six), two golf
carts. Everything remains. Asking $49,000.
Call: 616-262-0923.
For Sale from Site N-310: Shed 6x8
– asking $150 or best offer. Call: 616-9156217.
For Sale from Site N-350: 1986 Full slideout Woodland Park Model and Porch. Front
kitchen, middle bedroom, rear bunks with
28’ brown porch. Asking: $12,000. Come
and see it. Call John at 616-896-9371.
For Sale - Site N-384 - Phase 4: Large
Site “Turn Key” 2000 Dutch Park, A/C. Queen
Master suite. Gas stove, micro, full fridge,
gorgeous oak cabinets. Queen sofa bed
LR. A/C porch 10x25 all season, screened,
carpeted, blinds. Large 12x18 “Amish”
garage, lots of storage room, loft. 2004
EZGO “Lifted” 4 seat gas golf cart. Stone
Driveway, brick flower bed, sidewalk & patio,
portable fire kettle, patio set w umbrella, gas
grill. Centrally located to indoor pool, soccer
field, Splash Park, beach, adult center, golf,
& cc NO GRASS TO MOW! All dues paid
for 2015. Asking $62,900 OBO. For more
information call Doris 734-679-9086 or Frank
Free from Site K-296: 8x8 Wooden Shed,
wired for electric. Good condition. Free for
hauling it away. Contact Marian Larson at
For Sale – Site K-316, Phase 5:
WATERFRONT 1997 Canterbury trailer with
boat stake & dock. Glassed in porch, pavers
front and back, 2 golf carts & cart shelter, tool
shed. 1 bedroom with queen bed & 2 sleeper
sofas, central air & heat, 3 ceiling fans, 3 TVs,
microwave, coffee maker. Move in ready.
Must see. Asking $115,900. (517) 272-7810.
Fully insulated Jamestown Patio porch with
custom blinds and central air throughout.
Boat stake located right in front of the
site with a roll in dock. The 200 sq. ft.
storage building, large deck with canopy,
brick walkways, and large patio were all
completed in the last couple of years. Great
view overlooking the lake and sandy beach.
Two golf carts included. Located close to the
water park and convenience center. Plenty of
parking. Excellent condition. More details at
site. Price Reduced: $129,900. Offers will be
considered. Call: 616-340-2475.
For Sale - Site-K-387: 2001 Trophy,
Lakeview. Queen fold down sofa on the
porch, full size fold down in living room,
electronic ignition for water heater, roller
shades on porch. 8x8 shed and golf cart
shelter with two golf carts, 2009; new porch,
roof, residential sky-lite, shingles are 25 year
2/copper for mold, new railing. New batteries
(2015) for the green cart. Boat stake available
w/access to the lake. Asking: $67,900. Call:
616-644-3735 for appointment.
Condo For Sale: 2812 Sandy Pines Dr. New
1,226 sq. ft. ranch condo. Main Floor has open
floor plan with kitchen, island, a work station,
dinette, great room with fireplace, 4 season
sunroom with deck, master bedroom, walkin closet, main bath, and main floor laundry.
Lower level is finished through drywall with a
2nd bedroom, bath, and family room. Extra
deep two stall attached garage for your golf
cart. All this for $190,000. Please call Linda
Hall @ 616-292-4848
For Sale – Site K-465: Quailridge in very
good condition with a view of the lake. One
bedroom. Very clean with newer carpet, vinyl
floors and roof. A large brick paved patio
with built in firepit. Electric golf cart included.
A must see! Asking $49,900. Call Sandy
Pines Sales Office at 616-862-5971 or 734320-2650.
Condo For Sale: 2809 Creekside Ct. New
2,188 sq. ft. ranch condo. Main floor has
open floor plan with kitchen, pantry, dinette
with bay window, great room with fireplace, 4
season sunroom with deck, master bedroom
with private bath and walk in closet, 1/2 bath,
laundry and study. Lower level is completed
with bedroom, bath, and family room. Extra
deep 2 stall attached garage for you golf car.
All this for $210,000. Please call Linda Hall at
For Sale – Site D-27: Dutch Park Model,
one bedroom with 3-season porch. Sleeps
eight comfortably. Boat stake, dock, 20’
pontoon, two EZ Go Gas Golf Carts, New
laminate wood floor, new patio beach side
and garage. 2015 Dues are paid. Must
see to appreciate – move in ready. Asking:
$122,000. Call: 269-806-8367.
For Sale - Site D-57: 2007 Kropf Island
Series with double loft. Installed in 2008.
If you would like to place a
Classified Ad, please e-mail it to
616-896-8315 (ext. 105). Ads are
automatically charged to your
account, and cost $15/month. You
must notify Kathy Brott when you
wish to have your ad removed.
2745–136th Ave.
Hopkins, MI 49328
Grand Rapids, MI
Permit 1