MAY 2016 - Pines Presbyterian Preschool
MAY 2016 - Pines Presbyterian Preschool
MAY 2016 April showers bring May flowers! The children have been busy coloring, painting and growing flowers for spring. We have had butterflies and pets in many classes. Mother’s Day and the end of the school year is here. The 20152016 year has been full of many blessings, including the wonderful police officers who keep us safe! Thank you for your support, cooperation, concerns, advice, prayers, and for sharing your children with us. Happy Mother’s Day! HUGE Thank you to all SPRING FLING Volunteers! Thank you to all the volunteers who spent their day helping make Spring Fling a success! The weather was perfect and children had a blast! A special thank you to the co-chairs, Cori Agnew, Mary Louise Berry, and Jaime Guerra. They did a wonderful job organizing the event for the school. ALL SCHOOL SING-A-LONG Inviting all parents to join us Friday morning, May 6th from 9:05-9:30, in the Fellowship Hall, for the all school sing-along. Angel Todd and the children look forward to sharing their music with you! BIBLE VERSE: God is our refuge and strength, May 2: May 2017 TUITION DUE May 6: School Sing-a-long 9:15-9:30AM an ever-present help May 16-20: Last week of Art & Lunch Bunch in May 23: Last Tumbling class trouble. May 26: Last Day of School Vacation Bible School Pines Vacation Bible School will be the week of June 20-24 from 9:00noon. The theme will be CAVE QUEST. Children must be 4 years old and potty trained by June 1st to attend. Registration is ongoing. For more information please call 713-4672234. DATES TO REMEMBER Psalm 46:1 THANK YOU FOR GIVING From WHAM to Open Door Mission to Shear Blessings to Mission of Yahweh, Pines has given graciously to meet needs in Houston. It is our hope that your family will find a service project this summer to give of your time and resources. June 20-24: Vacation Bible SUMMER ACTIVITIES Houston Public Library— Children’s Museum of Houston— Children’s Shows, Miller Outdoor Theater— Houston Museum of Natural Science— Houston Zoo— Blue Bell tours— Space Center Houston— Houston Museum of Fine Arts— Moody Gardens— SUMMER RESOURCES Parent/Parenting Books: Rising Strong by Brene Brown The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel Internet Sites: BOX TOPS 4 EDUCATION A big thank you to all the families who collected “box tops” for us this year. We received a check for $104.00 in the mail! Thank you for your help!! Keep collecting over the summer. Our next turn in date is in the fall. CAUTION IN THE PARKING LOT . Remember– children and parents may be walking out between cars during drop off and pick up. To park in a handicapped parking spot, you must have a handicapped card. Please avoid parking in any reserved parking, such as music director. Thank you for keeping Pines safe for the children! PINES T-SHIRTS FOR SALE ($5.00) We order a few extra t-shirts each year. If you would like another Pines shirt in a different color, check with Karen in the office. We have a few purple, teal, red and royal blue in various sizes. The cost is $5.00. REMINDERS Thank you for using insect repellent or spray on your child these final weeks of school. We will celebrate the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 5, at the preschool. The last day for Art with Mrs. Barber will be Friday, May 20th. The last day for Lunch Bunch is May 19th. The last day for Tumbling with Coach Bianca is Monday, May 23rd. BOOKS/DVD: Please check at home and return any borrowed Pines books to the school library or office. Pines Preschool does not offer a summer program. The Preschool office will be closed part of the summer, but phone messages will be checked regularly, so please feel free to call. We will get back to you! DIRECTOR THOUGHTS Thank you for making 2015-16 such a great year. Praying parents faithfully met every Monday, a festive Pumpkin Patch, and rain, rain, and more rain which brought fun and adventure! It has been such a joy watching your children become independent and confident. They seemed so young at the beginning of the year. Now the Kindergarteners are reading; the two year olds kiss their parents good-bye without tears; the three-year-olds are diaper free; and the four and five year olds love walking down the halls with their friends instead of their parents! In closing, I pray the summer of 2016 will be full of calmness, joy and sweet family time. Remember, raising your children is the most important job you will ever have! The days may be long, but the years are very short! Take the time to read books, hug your children, watch the sunset and enjoy the journey! Thank you for letting Pines Preschool be a part of your memories. God Bless, Dorothy T. Hobbs 12751 Kimberley Lane Houston, Texas 77024 713-467-9358