Vacation Bible School June 22-26, 2015


Vacation Bible School June 22-26, 2015
Pines Press
May 2015
Houston, Texas
Vacation Bible School
June 22-26, 2015
from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Vacation Bible School Student Registration
Registration Deadline is 6/1/2015
Please note: enrollment is limited; acceptance is based on availability
at time of registration. Parents will be notified if classes have reached
capacity. Registration forms can be found on the credenza next to the
receptionist desk.
**Your child must be 3.5 years of age (and potty trained) by June 1st
in order to participate in the program.**
Taco & A Prayer News!
May 1st will be the last Taco & A Prayer before we take a little break in for the summer.
We will start back up with a special
“welcome back to school” TAAP serving on
Friday August 28th. Due to the first Friday
in September being a holiday weekend, we
will skip that date. All other TAAP days will
be the first Friday of the month unless otherwise changed and published. Please check
the Service and Outreach bulletin board for
such changes as well as our Sunday bulletins. This ministry continues to be a blessing to everyone. We hope you will join us in
the kitchen for the fellowship and outside
for the deliveries and prayers! If you want
to know more about TAAP , please contact
Lesa Smith,
Tracy Allison, Carl Glaw, Tim Jenkinson,
Judy McDyer, and Kathy Ropshaw will be
commissioned as new Stephen Ministers. They have
completed 50 hours of training and will join other Stephen Ministers in 12,000 congregations. These include
160 Christian denominations in 50 states, 10 Canadian
provinces and 24 countries. More than one-and-one
half million people have received care from a Stephen
Minister in a formal way. Pines has been a Stephen
Ministry Congregation for over twenty years. A
Stephen Minister is a child of God who walks beside a
hurting person and is a caring listener ready to share
God’s love. If you would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry or would like a Stephen Minister, please
contact Barbara Retzloff.
The Labyrinth
“When I stand before the opening of the Labyrinth, shoes off, head bowed, I am burdened. I am
weary. I am empty. But, as I take the first step into the Labyrinth, I feel as though I’m being buoyed up.
I begin praying, “Our Father…”, and my shoulders are less tired, my posture straightens a little. As the
journey progresses, my burdens become less, my prayers become prayers of the heart. Slowly, gently, Jesus leads me toward the center of the Labyrinth. My hands are no long clutched. My palms are facing up
toward heaven. My head is no longer bowed. It is raised as I pray to heaven.
“And then I reach the center. My journey inward has been long and I am weary. So I sit on the
pillow, palms facing up, with Jesus beside me. He reaches over, wipes away the tears that I’ve shed, and
holds me in a strengthening embrace. All the burdens I held when I entered the Labyrinth …he will carry
them now. “Go my child”, He says, and I step out of the center. I begin to retrace my journey, but this
time, my steps are lighter. My prayers are joyous and thankful.
“I come to the opening I had entered, but it looks different now. I see it more as a peaceful entrance back into the world. I do not take my burdens with me. I take the hope and love and peace that are
Jesus Christ. In walking the journey, I’ve removed myself and placed Jesus first. My cup is filled again
with His love.” Terecia Burgess
Many of you have walked the Labyrinth. If you have a Labyrinth experience you’d like to share,
please email me at
Practicing Hospitality as Our Calling?
According to biblical scholars, in the Old Testament, the call/calling (qara) is mainly used for
“the people of God who are summoned to participate in God’s grand purpose for the world.” In a similar way, in the New Testament, the call (kaleo, klesis) is often used as “the summons to holy corporate
and personal living and the call to serve.” In other words, we as the church have a personal and corporate calling from God, “the Caller”, as we have been trying to discern what God’s call is for us at this
point of time.
From the last session/staff retreat at Camp Allen back in early March, an important identity
question of our church emerged: who are we as Pines Presbyterian Church? Out of many characteristics of our church, “hospitality” greatly stood out. Many of us see ourselves as a church of hospitality,
as we believe that God calls us to be such a way of life for the sake of others in the world. Perhaps,
that’s why we’ve been taking our benevolence budget seriously and generously every year; that’s why
“Taco and a Prayer” becomes a meaningful monthly routine that community people look forward to
stopping by, praying and receiving God’s blessings; that’s why a good number of teenage boys and girls
from Sherwood and Bateswood neighborhoods come seeking for a safe and hospitable environment like
Pines for a bible study and fellowship on every Tuesday night; and that’s why even our own youth, especially during their mission trips, have been learning to serve and love everybody no matter who they
During this past Holy Week, at Maundy Thursday Service, over the Lord’s Table we heard once
again from the Gospel of John the new commandment that Jesus gave to us, as Jesus said, “You love
one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know
that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” By and through love, people will know
Christ. Love is not just nice words that we say to each other, but it’s also an act of will, commitment,
that is lived out in our own lives.
A young couple from the hills of Arkansas got involved in a church where they were used to a
lot of shouting and clapping and running down the aisles for Jesus. They were trying to convince
Grandma that she should attend. “You should have seen,” the young man said to grandma. “The Spirit
of God was really there! The music was rocking the place. It was awesome!” Grandma just kept rocking
in her chair and didn’t say a word. “And grandma!” said the young woman, “You should have heard the
preacher. He was really with it today! He was shouting and screaming at the top of his lungs and people were popping up like popcorn praising the Lord! It was unbelievable!” Again, grandma kept on
rocking. Finally the young man said, “Grandma, don’t you like our church?” Grandma finally rose
from her chair to speak, “Honey, let me just put it this way. I don’t care how loud they shout, and I
don’t care how high they jump. It’s what they do when they come back down that counts!”
She is right. Then let it be so in our own lives. Let our actions of hospitality more speak of
God’s love to all people around us. In this way, we may be able to discern God’s call for us in our everyday lives and become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
With the love of Christ,
Come join us for the Youth Sunday School at
9:30 am for a rich learning experience of
faith and life; the middle school students
meet in the Jr. high room, N-18, and the high
school students in the Sr. high room, N-19.
Verse of the Month:
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out
everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you
do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
(Proverbs 3:5-6, the Message)
all the graduates from
high school, especially,
May 9)
Invite your friends and families,
and have your and their car(s)
clean and shinny. All proceeds
will go to the youth mission trips
this year! The car wash opens
9am till 3pm in the driveway of
Kimberley Lane
Tyler Gravett
Caroline Kaestner
Gabriel Youngflesh
Stephen Spears
Chad Rodenberger
Lucas Tice
Julia Matteucci
Sawyer Hart
May 2: “Confirmation Closing Retreat” at 6-9:30 pm at
Pines (confirmation class meets in the high school room at
6 pm)
May 3: “Confirmation Banquet” with the Session at 12:001:30pm in Fellowship Hall (Confirmation class friends and
families and mentors are invited)
May 9: “Annual Car Wash” at 9am-3pm (in the parking lot
on Kimberley Lane; invite your friends and families to
support the youth mission projects)
May 10: “Mother’s Day”
May 17: “Confirmation/Youth Sunday” (Confirmation
Service at 11 o’clock service; the class will lead both morning
worship services)
May 17: “Promotion Sunday” (5th graders join the middle
school class, while 8th graders join the high school Sunday
school class)
May 25: “Memorial Day”
Happy Birthday to all who are born in ,
and especially, to the youth and youth
leaders, Calista Kumar (5/7), Sawyer Hart
(5/28), Gabriel Youngflesh (5/12),
Seth Daniel (5/6), Casey Bowerman (5/16),
Melanie McClintic (5/2)
Your Help is Needed for Everest
VBS 2015!
Here is a list of specific needs:
Celebration (open/closing) Leader
Crew Leaders and Assistant Crew Leaders
Station Leaders:
-Imagination Station
-KidVid Cinema Station
-Bible Expeditions Station
Supply Needs:
Camping Equipment-random
Tents-small inside camping tents
Sleeping Bags
This is a preliminary list, there will be more opportunities to
provide supplies.
If you are interested in helping, there is a place for you! Contact Mary Sterner (
(Registration forms are available in the church office.)
Stewardship Committee First Quarter Report
In the first quarter of 2015, we had pledged and other receipts of $224,536. Our budgeted receipts for the
first quarter were $278,500. Thank you for your faithful giving. Please pray for continued generous support
for the rest of 2015.
Dear Pines Members,
I recently began working with a nonprofit that is right in our
church community and they are doing great things every day for
families in Spring Branch who do not have health insurance or are
underinsured and therefore have a very difficult time accessing
primary care medical services when they are needed for themselves or
their children. SBCHC exists to overcome these barriers to health care and to decrease the health disparities
that occur in our patient population.
In addition to providing medical care, we also raise awareness of the most common chronic illnesses that
we see, and we will be highlighting 5 of those at our annual 5K Walk for Wellness on Saturday, May 16th,
2015 at Terry Hershey Park. The diseases highlighted include Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Depression
and Obesity. Please accept this personal invitation from me to register to be a participant at this walk as it
promises to be a fun day with some local corporate sponsors and many SBISD children participating
through a joint collaboration of our health center and the school district. To register, go to Individual walkers/runners are $25, family teams
are $100 and there are also opportunities for corporate sponsorships at higher levels.
I hope to see you there!
Valerie Mowell
Adult Sunday School: Pines U
Save the Date:
Summerfest is coming!
Save the dates: July 27-30, 2015
9:00—12:00 Monday—Thursday
 Speakers
 Singing
 Fellowship
 Fun
Details coming soon
Last year we welcomed Steven Turley
as a guest teacher. Steven is associated with InterVarsity at Rice U. and
led our Pines U in a study of the
giants of the Protestant Reformation.
We welcome him back on May 3, 10 and
as he leads us in exploring the
Orthodox, the Anabaptists, and the
Puritans--so that we can gain a
greater understanding and appreciation for the breadth of Christian
tradition, and perhaps even a greater
understanding of our own tradition.
Pines Annual
Youth Car Wash
is on
May 9,
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
First of all, a huge thank you to the Chancel Choir, the Pines Orchestra, and the
Pines Pealers for the wonderful job they did, not only during Holy Week, but Palm Sunday, Easter, and the FOLLIES!
We have had a great time rehearsing for all the above and hope that you were blessed by our part in
these services.
I had the opportunity to have a Hymnsing at Brookdale Memorial Village (formerly The Terraces) this
past month. About 50 seniors were there and they all sang the hymns with gusto! A great group of people! I
look forward to going back.
I also continue to have Hymnsings at Parkway Place the third Tuesday of every month. Everyone is
invited to attend. We have so many wonderful folk who now reside at Parkway, and they are all thrilled to see
people of Pines attend these services. I know you will be blessed!
The Choir is now working on Music for Pentecost, and once again will take some time off this summer.
Everyone is invited to make a joyful noise with us. There are no auditions, just a commitment to join us
in rehearsals every Wednesday at 7 in the Choir Room, and sing with us on Sunday mornings! I look forward
to hearing from YOU!
My best,
Tim Holder
Director of Music Ministries
Pines Presbyterian Church
As the Preschool looks back on the year, we are honored and humbled to be part of Pines. It has been such
a joy watching the children “learn and grow”. They all seemed so young at the beginning of the year, but now
the Kindergarten children are reading; the two year olds kiss their parents good-bye without tears; the three
years old have no more diapers; and the four / five year olds love walking down the halls with their friends
instead of their parents!
A huge thank you to the preschool committee and property committee for their help in keeping the Preschool
up and running through their unselfish commitment to the children, parents and teachers. A special thank you
to Conley Juban, Paul McElroy, Steve Rose, and Pedro for their ability to show up in the preschool area at
the just the right time!!
Last but not least the HPD
police officers: Officer Chris,
John, Ron and Stacey; .
Thank you for keeping us safe
each school day and loving
the children as if they were
your own! Colossians 3:2324 says it best about the men
and women who serve Pines:
“Whatever you do, work at it
with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
since you know that you will
receive an inheritance from
the Lord as a reward”
Labor Day Family Camp 2015
at Camp Allen
September 4-6, 2015
Dust off your boots and kick off the school year with a fun-filled family weekend in the piney woods! The
weekend is topped off with Western Hoe-Down under the stars featuring a barbeque dinner, line dancing, rope
tricks, and more! Retreat activities include: rock climbing, giant swing, canoeing, Adventure Summit course,
swimming, massages, horseback riding, Discovery Dome Theatre, Sunday Worship Service, giant water slide,
family movie night, live bird classes, live reptile classes, guided hikes, fishing lessons, hayrides, moon jump,
archery, themed crafts, and more. Package includes
two nights hotel accommodations, six buffet meals,
programs and most activities. Please note that some
activities require an additional fee. Check-in beings
at 5:00 pm on Friday and concludes at 1:00 pm on
Last year, 7 Pines families joined this family camp,
and it was a blast. We encourage you to register it as
soon as possible by visiting http:// and click on Labor
Day Family Camp Registration. It’ll fill up quickly.
Pines Presbyterian Church
12751 Kimberley Lane
Houston, Texas 77024