CEDAPP Newsblast 177 - Community Economic Development
CEDAPP Newsblast 177 - Community Economic Development
CEDAPP Edition 177 NEWSBLAST Community Economic Development Association of Pollock Pines Thought of the Day October 30, 2012 Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. —Franklin D. Roosevelt And on a lighter note: If Wile E. Coyota had enough money to by all that ACME crap, why didn’t he just buy dinner?—Unknown PARK NEWS Getting there by inches. While at a recent Board of Supervisor's meeting, Jeanne Harper, Executive Director of CEDAPP, noticed an amount of money designated for Parks and Recreation. Upon investigation with Norma Santiago’s office, she was connected with Vicky Sanders who is now in charge of Parks and Recreation out of the CAO's office. Vicky was extremely helpful and shed light on two things. 1. The small pot of money $27,000 was designated to take care of fencing and encroachment going into the park. 2. There is another amount $38,000 dedicated to the PP park for undetermined use at this time. TABLE OF CONTENTS Park news, Page 1 Vote! ‘Nuff said. Page 1 Political correctness infects schools (not ours!) Page 2 Love your library, Page 2 ZGROUP’s weather cams, Page 3 Fire Protection Fee lawsuit, Page 4 Got a warm jacket you don’t use? Page 4 Best Customer Service nominee update, Page 5 Mountain Democrat People’s Choice awards, Page 6 Coming up, Page 6 Thunder In the Pines Racing Circuit ‘Name That Turn’ contest, Page 7 CEDAPP meeting Monday, Page 8 Calendar, Page 9 After speaking with county officials, including Kim Kerr, assistant to the CAO, we will be working together to determine the exact and appropriate use of the money. CEDAPP will continue to keep you informed and will entertain suggestions at this time to be given to the county regarding community input. Remembering that there was a very expensive and expansive rendering already adopted in a series of community meetings in 20072008 that was the culmination of this community's desires in a community park designed for youngsters, tweens, and elders, the park will become a matter of staging in stages! Little by little, we will get our park built! VOTE, OR KEEP IT ZIPPED! Following the modeling of nonprofits in CA, CEDAPP has taken the pledge to try to get 100% voter participation from within our own ranks. Matters not what your position is. In a Democracy, what matters is YOU GETTING TO THE POLLS! Pollock Pines has always made a good showing at the ballot and we hope that on Nov 6, we will make our collective voices heard. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP Okay, George Orwell did, in his novel: 1984 Not long ago the New York City Department of Education Chancellor decided that overreact by bowdlerizing standardized exams so that they would be free of “upsetting” words. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological) Alcohol (beer and liquor), tobacco, or drugs Birthday celebrations (and birthdays) Bodily functions Cancer (and other diseases) Catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes) Celebrities Children dealing with serious issues Cigarettes (and other smoking paraphernalia) Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting) Crime Death and disease Divorce Evolution Expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes Gambling involving money Halloween Homelessness Homes with swimming pools Hunting Junk food In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge Loss of employment Nuclear weapons Occult topics (i.e. fortune-telling) Parapsychology Politics Pornography Poverty Rap Music Religion Religious holidays and festivals (including but not limited to Christmas, Yom Kippur, and Ramadan) · Rock-and-Roll music · Running away · Sex · Slavery · Terrorism · Television and video games (excessive use) · Traumatic material (including material that may be particularly upsetting such as animal shelters) · Vermin (rats and roaches) · · · Violence War and bloodshed Weapons (guns, knives, etc.) Witchcraft, sorcery, etc Ran into a guy at POLLOCK PINES TRUE VALUE HARDWARE the other day. He was buying a dozen or so gopher bombs. He was planning to have his grandkids help him light the suckers simultaneously to deal with a large colony that were destroying his garden. They had tried shooting the little demons, but could not get all of them. That exposed the kids to at least half a dozen concepts on the NYC list. I admit that I would not want kids to consider the use of nuclear weapons on gophers and other vermin, but please. You may now breath a sigh of relief that your young’uns and grandyoung’uns are attending California Distinguished Schools, and not New York City schools. Pollock Pines schools. Where self-esteem is developed through thoughtful teaching plans, and real life, win, lose, or draw. LOVE YOUR LIBRARY CAMINO WEATHER CAM UP AND RUNNING Out own Z-GROUP REAL ESTATE, located in the Old POLLOCK PINES SCHOOL building at 6290 Pony Express Trail, would like you to know that another weather cam is now fully viewable on just about every computer, thanks to a new camera. Why would I want to view the Camino weather cam? Why, indeed, when you have the Pollock Pines Weather Cam? Okay, there is a relationship between Gold Country Realty and Z-GROUP. If you really want to know what driving on Pony Express Trail is like when the snow is on the ground, or to let your friends from other parts of California know what the road to Tahoe is going to look like, go to www.pollockpinesweathercam.com. Both shots are at night, no sNow, no bears or deer running across the road, no fire trucks coming out. Just a good fall night. THAT PESKY FIRE TAX...er...FEE A CARING COMMUNITY WARM CLOTHES AND BLANKETS El Dorado County Joins Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Group in Fire Fee Lawsuit El Dorado County has agreed to join the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association class action lawsuit seeking to overturn California's controversial fire fee. A healthy community takes care of its own.....which includes our needy and even our homeless. At this year's community awards event on Nov. 8th, THE STARS COME OUT, participants are being urged to bring used, clean clothing and blankets to be distributed to our El Dorado County residents living in the “state less fortunate community folks. If you responsibility area” began receiving fire fee are not attending the gala event for the bills in late September. The fee is $150 per hab- amazing volunteers of nine different itable structure within the state responsibility community organizations in Camino area. A $35 discount applies if the structure is and Pollock Pines, please drop off your also within the boundaries of a local fire protec- goods at SHIPSHAPE USA on Pony tion district. Express Trail, next door to SHEAR EXCELLENCE. If you would like to So let me get this straight. We in Pollock Pines attend the season's "feel good" evening are paying twice for fire protection? at Apple Mountain Golf Resort, it is being held on Thursday, Nov., 8th from 5 That’s right, we are a part of the… to 8. Last year saw 156 people crowd into the celebration and sadly people had to be turned away at the door. To avoid all that this year, please make arSo why do we pay twice? The answer is kinda rangements with PayPal OR DIRECT long, kinda complicated, and makes my head CHECK to CEDAPP AT P.O Box, 424, hurt every time I think about it Pollock Pines, CA. 95726 in the amount of $15/person whoch includes a deliState Senator Ted Gaines has joined Board of cious buffet. Equalization member George Runner in encourORSON WELLES DISCLAIMER aging protests against the new. tax fee. You can protest the tax….fee, but you have to pay it first. By the way, this... is a rose. The stuff about the PONY EXPRESS 1900? All fantasy. Car guys having fun with the old “What if…” concept. None of this is real, nobody has ever planned to build a road racing circuit in Pollock Pines (but what a concept, huh?) So have a little fun. You know where the streets are. Take a drive and imagine for yourself what it would be like with, say a big ‘ole NASCAR stocker, or a slick Ferrari prototype sports car, honkin’ down these streets full goose bozo for 1900 kilometers! BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE NOMINEES The list so far Amy @ Crystal's Pet Grooming Autumn @ Shear Excellence Candy @ Fifty Grand Cathy & Dennis @ ShipShapeUSA Chi @ Unique Nails Corrie @ Skeeter's Colleen @ Subway Daniela @ Subway Darlene @ Riebes Davey @ Pizza Factory Amanda @ Umpqua Bank Dustin @ Riebes Evelyn @ Taco Bell Gabbie at Burger Barn Greg J. @ Crystal View Station Greg @ Post Office Greta @ ESP Hair Salon Hannah @ Unique Nails Helena @ CVS Pharmacy Jaimee @ Pizza Factory Janis @ Crystal View Station Jarred @ Taco Bell Jen @ Dramatics Jenna @ Knotty Pine Lanes Bowling Alley Jessie @ ShipShapeUSA Jill @ Pinetop Montessori Jim @ Burgers R Us EVEN WITCHES LOVE OUR LIBRARY Jim @ New Haven John @ Unique nails Jon @ Riebes Karen @ Subway Kristi @ Subway Kyle @ Safeway Lee Rand @ Riebes Lisa @ Unique Nails Mari @ Edward Jones Maria @ Umpqua Bank Marissa @ ShipShapeUSA Mason @ Taco Bell Melissa @ Tax Related Services Mike @ Edward Jones Mark @ Snap Fitness Patty @ Patty's Place Pete @ A Helping Hand Rhonda @ 50 Grand Shane @ Subway Susan @ Subway Sylvia @ Burgers R Us Tonya @ Skeeter's Tom @ Umpqua Bank Victoria @ CVS Wendy @ Library THE ENERGY IS HIGH! WARM FOOD, THICK SHAKES A good combo on a chilly day. Ask about the apple pie shake. HERE AND GONE, OR COMING UP PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS Presenting the Pollock Pines winners from the annual survey taken by the oldest newspaper in California. Best Lunch: HOOSEGOW Jim and Karen live in Pollock Pines. Saw Jim today. He looks re laxed and ready to be retired. Best pizza: PIZZA FACTORY Kinda like the City Hall of Pollock Pines Best Sunday drive: Mormon Emigrant Trail Beautiful until snow closes it for the winter.. Tell your idiot friends from the bay area or L.A. that they really should heed those warnings about getting stuck in deep snow. Halloween, October 31, all over Pollock Pines. Interact community breakfast, November 10th at the COMMUNITY CENTER. Senior lunch at the COMMUNITY CENTER, daily on weekdays. $3.00 contribution is suggested. Auto Glass: BREAKER GLASS CO. Kevin and Kathy live in Pollock Pines Real Estate: LYON REAL ESTATE IG FUNDRAISER Two of Pollock Pines’ biggest community supporters work there Margaret Birge and Teresa Burroughs. Best thing to do under $20., KNOTTY PINE LANES They get their crowds from all over the county, and beyond . Fitness Center: SNAP FITNESS Sweat is good. Open 24/7 Recreational Facility: SLY PARK NEXPENSIVE FUN ICE PEOPLE And getting better every year. The one thing about EID that every bod likes. Golf Course: APPLE MOUNTAIN GOLF RESORT The prettiest STARS COME OUT 18 holes around, and site of the OOD SNACKS UTSTANDING EVENING ...at the COMMUNITY CENTER, Tuesdays at 5pm, games start at 6:15. Dinner available. BIG money bingo every second Tuesday. WINTER EVENING DINING 50 GRAND STEAK HOUSE www.jamesdawsondds.com A beautiful smile is just a phone call away. Proud donors to community projects THUNDER IN THE PINES RACING CIRCUIT Future site of the PONY EXPRESS 1900 ENDURANCE RACE FOR AUTOMOBILES ‘Name That Turn’ contest announced Ever heard of The ‘karussell, or The ‘Andretti’ hairpin, or maybe the ‘Mulsanne’ straight? Well you will have the chance to name parts of the TIPRC. Starting today, send in your suggestions for straights, turns, anything you think might be recognizable. I have already named the short straight on Gold Ridge Trail from the turn on the bridge just up from Topaz Dr., and Onyx Trail. Because it is a climbing section of road, it will be known as ‘Phil’ Hill, in honor of the only American race car driver to be a Formula One World Championship winner. (Continued on page 8) First turn Secibd turn NAME THAT TURN (Con’t from page 7) The rules are simple. Find a section, give it a name, email it to me at klharper1@comcast.net. You can offer a name for more than one section. Names on race courses cover the gamut, from terrain features, to people and places, or just turns by number. To give you a point of reference, the Start/Finish line and Pit Road are on Ridgeway Drive. Direction of travel is toward this side of the page. The first turn is at the end of this short straight. The second turn is the banked turn that loops around onto Hwy 50. You can name/rename anything but ‘Phil’ hill. CEDAPP MEETS ON MONDAY The public is always welcome to meetings. Join us Monday, November 5 at 5:30pm. CEDAPP is about community, and you should be a part of that community. Join us in the conference room at SHIPSHAPE USA, right next door to SHEAR EXCELLENCE, and across from BURGER BARN and the NEW HAVEN. By the way, all of these places employ someone who has been nominated There is no suggested protocol to follow. Names for the Best Customer Service award. will be selected from entries on the basis of how all of the name ideas flow. A few of you have let me know about races you’ve seen in the past (thanks for the contributions) so you may remember some cool names from your own experiences. Have at it. Winners will receive a historically insignificant certificate of naming from the organization that is building this racing circuit. (I can’t tell you the name of that organization because I haven’t made up a name yet. This is, after all, a fantasy work in progress, and good fantasy takes time, and sometimes, a few beers). FOR GROWNUPS 6042 Pony Express Trail CEDAPP (COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION OF POLLOCK PINES) P. O. Box 424 Pollock Pines, CA 95726 Tel: 530 419 3957 E-mail: cedapp@pollockpines.biz NEWSBLAST GOALS CEDAPP is happy to promote our businesses, our community, and friends to our community. If you have something you’d like the community to know about, please email the editor at klharper1@comcast.net. Please include phone numbers and other contact information so that I can discuss your material with you, so that it benefits you, and the people of Pollock Pines. We are on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php? gid=150482801647758&v=app_2344061033&ref=ts#!/group.php?gid=150482801647758 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Check out the Pollock Pines Community Calendar at http://calendar.yahoo.com/ppcommunity Please note the colon (:) after the http. For all of the events in Pollock Pines. Soon to come: an event sign located prominently in Pollock Pines to allow more exposure to residents and visitors announcing coming events. Thank you to Tracie Butler, who is the administrator of the calendar and Monica Hobbs who is the administrator of the Event Sign. If you have a date that you’d like to be put on the calendar, send it to Tracie Butler at tracie.c.butler@intel.com. Note: This is for non-profits only. Note: All of the following meetings and events are open to the public. CEDAPP is an all inclusive community organization. The more community folks involved, the more “COMMON UNITY” there is! Please call Jeanne Harper at (530) 613-1332 if you would like more information on any of the listings. October 31 November 5 November 6 November 8 November 10 November 22 December 1 December 1 December 3 December 25 -Safe HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR party at EMIGRANT TRAIL EDUCATION CENTER -CEDAPP open board meeting at SHIPSHAPE USA, 5:30PM -Election day. Vote, doggone it! -STARS COME OUT community awards at the APPLE MOUNTAIN GOLF RESORT -COMMUNITY BREAKFAST, brought to you by INTERACT -Thanksgiving day -BREAKFAST WITH SANTA at the COMMUNITY CENTER -Christmas tree lighting and TREES FOR TEENS -Community meeting on Pollock Pines’ Revitalization. More details in the next Newsblast. -Christmas day.
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