CEDAPP Newsblast 212 - Community Economic Development
CEDAPP Newsblast 212 - Community Economic Development
Edition 212 CEDAPP November 13, 2013 NEWSBLAST Community Economic Development Association of Pollock Pines Thought of the Day The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it. ---Thucydides SEASONED GREETINGS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bringing back the glory of yesteryear’s Pollock Pines. A community event! Tree Lighting in the Pines, page 1 Harris Rance, away from the Apple Hill mob, page 2 22 years of The Dance, page 2 New Haven beckons , page 2 Hiring events, page 3 Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control, page 4 Our branch library, page 4 A fundraising approach for youth, page 5 PONY EXPRESS 1900 news, page 6 The Few, the Proud, the birthday, page 6 Coming up at the COMMUNITY CENTER, page 7 Pollock Pines Weathercam, page 7 Margaret Birge, LYON REAL ESTATE, page 7 Teresa Burroughs, LYON REAL ESTATE, page 7 HAVE YOU NOTICED… ON STAGE PRODUCTIONS 22 years of Grace and Strength Did you know that famed martial arts master Bruce Lee always said that the dance training he had received, had helped make him a better fighter? Do they come any tougher than Bruce Lee? Maybe Chuck Norris? Check Norris was Bruce Lee’s friend, Would you argue with Chuck Norris? ...the number of drivers on Hwy 50 who, instead of getting into the long, long line at Exit 54, stay on and get off at Exit 57? If you have any Bay area friends who are coming up to Apple Hill for the pies and the trees and the family fun, tell them to make a left at the end of the offramp, then make a right instead of a left turn when they get to Pony Express Trail, and then a left onto Blair Road, and follow the signs to the HARRIS TREE FARM, number 84 on the Apple Hill Growers list. Yup, right here in Pollock Pines. Chuck Norris is so tough, he has no chin under his beard, only another fist. LUNCH? DINNER? Meet me in NEW HAVEN * Seven generations of family farming in Pollock Pines. www.harristreefarm.com/ 6536 Pony Express Trail Pollock Pines, CA (530)6471944 Check out their text and email clubs: http:// pollockpines.pizzafactory.com/index.php 6396 Pony Express Trail *Pollock Pines, CA, not CT (530)644-3448 HIRING EVENT Two items on hiring from the El Dorado County Business Service Representative Hiring Event - 11/14/13 - 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Placerville Library - 345 Fair Lane - Placerville MAXIMUS is interviewing for a part-time (two days a week), permanent Enrollment Service Representative. This person will educate and inform beneficiaries on their health care options and assist with enrolling beneficiaries into Medi-Cal managed care health plans. Salary $10.11 an hour. Bring resume to the interview and apply online prior to November 14th. Go to www.maximus.com Click Careers link (top of page) Click Current Opportunities link (right side of page) Under the Location Box — select US-CARancho Cordova ings and opportunities at this event. Dress in interview attire and bring your resume. The Connections – One Stop is a program of the El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency, and a member of America’s Job Center of California, a network of employment service agencies across the state and nation. For more information about this event, contact the El Dorado County Connections – One Stop, (530) 6424850. DISCLAIMER And naming conventions First, Naming Conventions. FIA rules for endurance races for automobiles require a race with a minimum of either 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) distance, or six hours running time. If the time is used, the car that has traveled the greatest distance and crosses the start/finish line first is the winner. For further information, contact the Connections-One Stop, (530) 642-4850. So, whichever car has driven the furthest after 12 hours at the 12 Hours of Sebring is the winning car. At the 1000 Kilometers of Nurburgring the winning car is the first one to go 1000 kilometers. Employer Forum - Wednesday - November 20th - 10:30 a.m. And now The Orson Welles, War of the Worlds disclaimer Under Search Results - apply for the appropriate position in El Dorado County INTEL The El Dorado County Connections – One Stop will be sponsoring an Employer Forum featuring INTEL CORPORATION on Wednesday, November 20th, at 10:30 a.m. at the Child Support Services Building, 3883 Ponderosa Road, Shingle Springs. Learn about current job open- 1938, United States of America. Orson Welles makes a radio broadcast of his updated version of H.G. Well’s novel about an invasion of the earth by martians. It is a make-pretend broadcast of events as they are (not really!) occurring. Before, and during the broadcast (Continued on page 4) FAST, CHEAP, AND OUT OF CONTROL (but mostly cheap) Definitely Not the PONY EXPRESS 1900 You’ve heard of the 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race, mostly be prototype sports cars worth megabucks, sometimes, literally millions of dollars. Well Wisconson hosts the Chubba Cheddar Enduro 24 Hours of LeMons, a race for cars worth $500 or less. To quote the Le Mons Dispatch: a lot of these babies look like they came in under budget. As for the sleek styling that one finds at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, cars in the 24 Hours of Le Mons sports looks like this: (The udders on the cow car can actually squirt milk!) Don’t look for names like Ferrari, or Porsche, or Matra, or Ford GT40. You are more likely to find Chevelle, Camaro on the high end, or...Simca. Here, a Simca entered by Team Le Mopar, which is French for Team Le Mopar. mages are courtesy of Chicago based photographer Jamie Bernstein. And now, we return you to the good stuff, the PONY EXPRESS 1900. DISCLAIMER (Con’t from page 3) Welles tell the audience that what they are hearing is just a radio play; that none of it is real. There are no martians. Well, there is no THUNDER IN THE PINES RACING CIRCUIT, and there will be no PONY EXPRESS 1900 ENDURANCE RACE FOR SPORTS CARS, but we can still have fun with the idea, can’t we? Now, strap in, and have fun. (Story on page 6) POLLOCK PINES PUBLIC LIBRARY A 1200 square foot jewel in the woods. built by Harvey West in 1960 . Not just an anachronism, the library has 24/7 Wifi and a computer for patron use. Photo courtesy of the MOUNTAIN DEMOCRAT 6210 Pony Express Trail, Pollock Pines (530)644-2498. Call for hours. Since June, 1851, when this would have been an “Assault Rifle” Store and ATM 2661 Sanders Dr Pollock Pines, C 530-644-5466 the "Backer" be charged with the amount they pledged. Don't you agree that it's time for a fund -raising product that teaches life skills? Her project is 'live' for only 30 days, so she is asking for a pledge from you for her to provide a fresh choice and meaningful product for schools and youth groups to choose as their fundraiser. FUNDRAISING FOR YOUTH GROUPS An opportunity You may know that Fran Christensen created a book that not only shows children how to cook, but is a great resource for parents, teachers, and youth leaders to create their own cooking lessons. Every school year and sports season she supports youth group fund-raisers. Most of you have purchased or been approached to buy chocolate candy, frozen cookie dough, popcorn, merchant cards, and wrapping paper supplies. She wants to provide her book as a fund-raiser product! She wants to be the changes she wants to see in what children learn to eat! She has aligned herself with 3 fund-raising catalog distributors. There are a lot of steps required to have a product in one of these catalogs, which is why she has teamed up with Kickstarter.com For those of you who are not familiar with Kickstarter.com here is a brief explanation. When someone has an idea for a project that needs funding to complete, they go to Kickstarter.com and explain all the details of the project including the breakdown of funds required. "Backers" pledge dollars to fund the project. If the project does not meet it's funding goal, the 'Backers" are not charged anything. Only after the project is fully funded, will Just to be clear, this is not soliciting for groups to use her book as a fundraiser (not yeat, anyway). The Project is a way to get her books (Volume 1 along with Volume 2-which is in production), in fundraising distributor catalogs. Gotta do this one step at a time. Don’t you want there to be a viable choice of what products are used to raise funds? We tell our kids about eating healthy then we say, " . . .now go out and sell not-at-all-nourishing stuff". If you agree that it's time for a youth fund-raising product that teaches life skills, join the backers of her project on Kickstarter.com to put her "Cooking with Mrs. C" books in fundraising distributor catalogs Click on the site below to go directly to her project page. 6462 Pony Express Trail Pollock Pines, CA PONY EXPRESS 1900 NEWS Hot Sightings! Well known racing writer Kris Ekonomaki reports having seen Pollock Pines’ own Jim La Berge having lunch with road racing drivers Willy T. Ribbs and Heinz Guderian at the FIFTY GRAND restaurant this weekend. La Berge is owner of the BIG DOG Racing Team. What got Ekonomaki’s interest was that across the street at the NEW HAVEN restaurant, Canadian drivers Chris P. Bacon and Olden Crochitty were dining with Dave Campbell of nearby TRUE VALUE HARDWARE. A Ford GT40 in Gulf Oil blue was recently observed in the back shop of Pollock Pines’ best hardware store last week. And finally, members of the extreme environmentalist group B.O.R.E. (Barn Owl Rescue Enterprise) filed a lawsuit in federal court in an attempt to stop the endurance race because part of the race will be run during the evening when mosquitos come out in greatest numbers. The argue that exhaust from the racing cars will kill mosquitos in large numbers. B.O.R.E. lead attorneys Stomme klootzak and Ima Kusipää seemed surprised that court spectators did not cheer and offer support when they explained allowing the race to run would result in dead mosquitos. UNITED STATES MARINES Kickin’ a** and taking names since 10 November 1775 Marines landing during the Battle of Nassau, 1776 Marines landing using V22 Osprey Tiltrotor, today HOLIDAY DOINGS AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER November 15th-27th See’s Thanksgiving candy sales at SAFEWAY November 16th Holiday Gift Bazaar, 10 am to 3 pm November 28th FREE Thanksgiving dinner, noon to 4 pm December 10th Big Money Night Bingo December 11th-24th See’s Candy again, at SAFEWAY December 21st FREE Christmas dinner, 4 pm to 7 pm. December 24th NO Tuesday night bingo, December 31st New Year’s Eve bingo, 5 pm to midnight* Anyone wishing to contribute food for the free Thanksgiving and/or Christmas dinner can take it to the COMMUNITY CENTER Monday through Friday, 10 am to 3 pm. Non-alcoholic New Years Eve and aganza, for the 20th year.Tickets members, $70 at the door. (530)647-8005. Bingo extrav$65, $60 for CEDAPP (COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION OF POLLOCK PINES) P. O. Box 424 Pollock Pines, CA 95726 Tel: 530 419 3957 E-mail: cedapp@pollockpines.biz NEWSBLAST GOALS CEDAPP is happy to promote our businesses, our community, and friends to our community. If you have something you’d like the community to know about, please email the editor at klharper1@comcast.net. Please include phone numbers and other contact information so that I can discuss your material with you, so that it benefits you, and the people of Pollock Pines. We are on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php? gid=150482801647758&v=app_2344061033&ref=ts#!/group.php?gid=150482801647758 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Check out the Pollock Pines Community Calendar at http://calendar.yahoo.com/ppcommunity Please note the colon (:) after the http. For all of the events in Pollock Pines, an event sign located prominently in Pollock Pines to allow more exposure to residents and visitors announcing coming events. Note: This is for non-profits only. Note: All of the following meetings and events are open to the public. CEDAPP is an all inclusive community organization. The more community folks involved, the more “COMMON UNITY” there is! Please call Jeanne Harper at (530) 613-1332 if you would like more information on any of the listings. November 14 November 16 November 18 November 28 December 2 December 2 December 7 December 7 December 14 December 21 -The Stars Come Out, Pollock Pines and Camino annual awards event, at the APPLE MOUNTAIN GOLF RESORT -Holiday Gift Bazaar in the Pines, at the COMMUNITY CENTER -Town Hall meeting at the COMMUNITY CENTER, 6 PM. -Free Thanksgiving dinner at the COMMUNITY CENTER -CEDAPP meeting. New slate of directors to be announced. -Decorate your Tree for Teens, 4 pm to 7 pm. -Breakfast with Santa, at the COMMUNITY CENTER, 8 am, free! -Tree Lighting in the Pines, at EL DORADO SAVINGS BANK, 5:30 pm -INTERACT CLUB Community Breakfast, at the COMMUNITY CENTER, 8 am, extremely reasonable -Free Christmas dinner at the COMMUNITY CENTER, 4 pm
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