october newletter don`t delete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
october newletter don`t delete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O c t o b e r 2 012 Pines Montessori School Community Newsletter j Pines in the Pines! Have you made your Pines in the Pines camping reservation yet? Last Dr. Montessori suggests an advantage of teaching cursive to the young child is that they will perfect their wring during the sensive period. In today’s world the role of cursive wring is unclear. Some tradional schools have abandoned it altogether. Others teach cursive penmanship in elementary school, only for it to be put aside once the child develops computer key boarding skills and can type his work. The art of fine penmanship seems to have been lost and most adults write with a mixture of print and cursive, or write rarely preferring to communicate in type. Cursive was the way wri&en language was originally taught in the Montessori environment. It was easier for the child, and therefore allowed the child to experience more success. While many public schools are abandoning cursive, we believe in its benefits. Children are introduced to cursive as the way that people write and then taught to match cursive with manuscript which is what machines produce. At this young age this is very easily done. We are very grateful that at last year’s Spring Gala you, our families, helped sponsor the purchase of new sandpaper cursive le&ers and cursive moveable alphabets for both Primary and Lower Elementary communies. These materials will introduce cursive to the young child and bridge the gap for the older student. Sit down and look at your own handwring this week. Think about how much of the world’s history is wri&en in cursive. There are many children who cannot read these important documents. There are many young people who do not possess a legal signature. year was a "sold out" event - so book now before all the sites are gone! Pines in the Pines Event Details: What: An annual event for Pines families to relax & enjoy the beauty of nature together- camping, playing, fishing, hiking and exploring. Dates: Friday Nov 2nd - Sun Nov 4th 2012 Place: Lake Livingston State Park (about one hour north of Kingwood) Options: • Planning on Camping? - "Hercules Club Loop" is the camping loop you want to reserve in. • No tent but interested in staying the night? Lake Livingston also has screened shelters for rent (these are not in the Hercules Loop however). • Prefer to sleep in your own beds? Don't worry, at least mark your calendar to join us for a fun day in a gorgeous setting- Nov 3rd 2012 we have the enclosed Recreation Hall reserved all day. Last year we all brought picnics for lunch and shared a grill to cook food for dinner. This year we will plan on the same. More details as we get closer to the date - just make those campsite reservations if you want to camp!!!! Go to the following website to reserve: http://texas.reserveworld.com/Searchpark.aspx Have questions? Made a reservation already? Let Yvonne know.... Yvonne Catala (Pines parent - kids in room 18 & 13 and Trustee) yvonnecatala@yahoo.com 979-450-8327 School Pictures Silent Discovery Journey October 1st- 4th Individual photos will be taken and available for purchase from the photographer on-line. The schedule of which day is for your child’s class will be sent home soon. All pictures are taken very first thing in the morning. Class photos will be taken in the spring. Dear Families, The weekend of Friday, October 5th and Saturday, October 6th is our presentation of Montessori Silent Discovery Journey. Martha Zimmerman returns to Pines to offer an evening discussing language and writing in the Montessori curriculum. Martha is a Montessori teacher trainer as well as a certified Montessori teacher in the Early Childhood, Lower and Upper Elementary and has taught Middle School as well. She will take us to a developmental and historical look at handwriting and the acquisition of these skills. We will discuss the need for penmanship in this modern age of texting and e-mailing. What is it? : The Silent Discovery Journey is a part of our Parent Education program that will give participants an unique opportunity to experience the full Montessori Curriculum firsthand. The Journey begins on Friday night with a silent walk through the classroom communities. This Journey helps set aside time-without interruptions–to really experience the classrooms and the materials as your children experience them. You will journey from Toddlers through Middle School. During the Discovery on Saturday morning, you step into your children’s shoes as you choose to work with materials. Ask for a lesson. Choose your work. Follow the thread through related materials from the Toddlers’ environment to the Middle School environment. There will be teachers from every level available to answer your questions and explain materials. Childcare will be provided. Check the PCO website to sign up. As always, please free to invite a friend or family member too! This seminar quiets the mind so you can truly discover your children’s Montessori world from the inside out. http://www.pines.my-pta.org/ Because of the intensity of this experience, a limited number of spaces are available. Please sign up on the parent page at http://www.pines.my-pta.org/ as soon as possible. Tuesday, October 23rd 6 pm Thank you for considering joining us in this journey. Friday, October 5th 6-8 pm and Saturday, October 6th 8:30-12 pm Fall Parade Pines Marketplace October 26th at 9:30 a.m. Catherine Waters, mother of Jack Seuss, will be hosting a fundraising Arrive about 15 minutes early! event at her home that will benefit Pines! Bring your cameras! There will be several vendors there selling many amazing things from some great companies such as Scentsy, Stella and Dot, Pampered Chef, Usborne Books, and Grace Adele Handbags. Toddlers– Upper El will parade around the school wearing their costumes. The parade is very quick so find your spot outside the classrooms and the students will walk around the building. All hostesses will make a donation to Pines! Join us on October 27th, 5-8 p.m. 2403 Twin Grove Drive, 77339 Coffee will be served in the Gazebo in the back of the school. Please enjoy the morning. Pines Picnic Join us for a wonderful picnic time in Infinity Park! Our annual Fall Family Picnic is a lazy time in the back yard. Pack a lunch and bring a blanket. Simple backyard games will be set up for your family to play as well as beautiful places to take fall family photos. Saturday, October 27th, 11 a.m.—3 p.m. Come and go all throughout this time. October 1-4 School Photos 5 Silent Discovery Journey– Part I 6 pm 6 Silent Discovery Journey– Part II 8:30 am 8 No School Professional Development Day– Extended Care Open 12 Play in the Park 3-4:30 pm 18 Middle School Round Table 6-8 pm 23 Writing the Montessori Way 6-8 pm 25-26 Middle School Conferences 26 Fall Parade 9:30 am 27 Fall Family Picnic– 11-3 pm 27 Pines Marketplace 5-8 pm Winter Cultural Festival Class 14 Class 11 Class 10 Class 4 November Class 18 1 Come See Me Work Day 2-4 Pines in the Pines Camping at Lake Livingston Park 5-8 Parent Conferences 9 Play in the Park 3-4:30 pm 12-15 Parent Conferences/ Charity Food Drive 16 Thanksgiving Day Feast– Noon Dismissal– No Extended Care 19-23 School Closed Thanksgiving Break October Happy Birthdays to: Class 8– Reese Maxime Class 6– Abram Class 11– Jeremiah Class 4– Gage Ishaac Class 10– Evan Class 6 Class 12 Class 13 These are the cultures the Primary– Upper Elementary students are studying to present at the Winter Cultural Festival on Thursday December 20th. Can you name them all? If you have any information or cultural items to share please let the teachers know. The Hubbard Family invites you to join News from our Pines Families the Walk by Faith 5k November 11th The Stavinoha family invites you to join them in the benefitting Addi’s which a Circles of Hope Foundation Golf Tournament presented by Carbide Specialists, Inc. benefitting the Turner Syndrome is Faith Foundation, non-profit organization dedicated to ending childhood cancer. The main goals of this Foundation are to: Society. The Circles of Hope Foundation’s goal is to Fund pediatric brain tumor research promote awareness and help raise money for research of Provide financial / emotional assistance to families struggling Turner Syndrome. There is so much that doctors, and we to care for a child with cancer as individuals, need to learn about Turner Syndrome. The For more information please visit http://walkbyfaith5k.org Stavinoha’s decided to create the Circles of Hope Foundation after their precious daughter Kinsley, who is in Primary, was born with Turner Syndrome. Please join them The Bohner Family would like to make you aware of the Atascocita High School Eagle Dash on Satur- in their quest for creating awareness, promoting research day, November 10th at 9:00 and providing love and support to the many lives touched by TS. The Eagle Dash is a 5K obstacle course and fun run created to ben- Saturday, October 20th, 2012 at Oakhurst Golf Club 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start 12:00 p.m. Putting Contest begins efit the JROTC and Class of 2016. The Eagle Dash helped raise over $6000 last year and we are excited about it being a tradition in our For more information about the Circles of Hope Founda- community. The course is set up on the campus of Atascocita High School and was designed with the help of our future Marines. http://www.ahseagledash.com/ Please let us know if there is an event that you would like our Pines Families to know about. We will be happy to get the word out for you! Please e-mail frontdesk@pinesmontessori.com
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