CEDAPP Newsblast 281 - Community Economic Development
CEDAPP Newsblast 281 - Community Economic Development
Edition 281 CEDAPP Apr 28 , 2016 NEWSBLAST Community Economic Development Association of Pollock Pines Thoughts of the Day THE DEVIL WHISPERED: “You can’t withstand the storm.” THE WARRIOR REPLIED: “I am the storm”. "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell MAY EVENTS AT THE OLD POLLOCK PINES SCHOOLHOUSE other clubs and community groups that meet around here, check their web sites. They may be meeting at the old schoolhouse. Site of ON STAGE PRODUCTIONS, the award winning dance studio! Where mom or dad may have gone to school! May 14th—-Swap Meet. Look for the Pony Express mural over the garage. May 1 May 2 May 7 -Arbor Day celebrated -CEDAPP meeting, 5:30 pm -Pollock Pines Swap Meet If you have an interest in some of the of the TABLE OF CONTENTS May events at the Old Schoolhouse, page 1 Important note to parents, page 2 Community breakfast, page 2 WAGON TRAIN, at the COMMUNITY CENTER, page 2 Hungry? Page 2 Arbor Day Festival, page 3 Shop small business, page 3 As you grow older…...page 3 Mexican food returns, part of the menu, page 4 Swap Meet, page 5 ON STAGE PRODUCTIONS, page 5 Breakfast at SPORTSMAN’S HALL, page 6 Senior nutrition, at the COMMUNITY CENTER, page 6 PONY EXPRESS 1900 news, page 7 Calendar, page 8 IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PARENTS! BREAKFAST, ANYONE? Support the SIERRA RIDGE INTERACT CLUB, and get a good breakfast after you drop your junk of at the COMMUNITY CLEANUP DAY. THE WAGONS ARE BACK At the COMMUNITY CENTER Old West entertainers, Miss Pollock Pines Pag- TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 6416 Pony Express Trail eant and Crowning, Wagon and Pony rides, Vintage vendors and crafters and so much more. Enjoy cool and refreshing beer, wine, and sodas and plan to stay for your choice of delicious dinner menus! It's an event you don't want to miss!!! Across the street from the famous FIFTY GRAND STEAK HOUSE The official WAR OF THE WORLDS disclaimer Once upon a time, (Oct 30, 1938) famed actor and director, Orson Welles, staged a radio play (no television back then) Based on a novel by H.G. Wells, WAR OF THE WORLDS was broadcast as a real-time report of an invasion of the earth by Martians. Despite the fact that the radio station had broadcast a disclaimer before the story went on the air, and repeated the disclaimer during the show, many people thought the invasion was real. Fast forward to 2016. The Martians are not invading, the U.S. is not offloading blue-helmet troops in the forest to impose Agenda 21 on Pollock Pines, and the THUNDER IN THE PINES RACING CIRCUIT is not really under construction., the PONY EXPRESS 1900 ENDURANCE RACE will never be run, and the FOOTHILL AREA RAPID TRANSIT railroad is not being planned. There, you’ve been warned. HAVE YOU MISSED GOOD SIT-DOWN MEXICAN FOOD? Just a couple of pages of their Mexican food options. Available Wednesday-Saturday. Yeah, you see that right. Dinner too! We will show more pages in other issues. Or just check it out yourself! ON STAGE PRODUCTIONS So much dance….. So little time. The Pollock Pines-Camino Rotary Meets For Breakfast On: Thursday Mornings at 8:00AM Sportsman's Hall 5620 Pony Express Trail Camino, CA 95709 ON STAGE PRODUCTIONS 6290 Pony Express Trail Rated five Stars on Facebook! For Dinner On The Third Thursday Of Each Month at 6:00PM 50 Grand 6401 Pony Express Trail Pollock Pines, CA 95726 I miss my apple crisp from RAINBOW ORCHARDS… But that’s another story for another time. COMING UP NEXT! CRYSTAL VIEW SHELL, and CRYSTAL VIEW SUBWAY. The real story. Stay tuned! NUTRITION FOR SENIORS You are invited to enjoy a hot, nutritious meal, Monday through Friday at any of eight Senior Dining Centers in El Dorado County. Lunch is served from12:00 to 12:30 p.m for the suggested donation of $3.00 per meal for adults 60 years and older. For information please call: (530) 621-6160. The Pollock Pines location is 2675 Sanders Drive.; the POLLOCK PINESCAMINO COMMUNITY CENTER. Menu for the first week in May CRYSTAL VIEW SHELL Gas? Stomach growling? BREAKFAST IS SERVED CUIT, and the El Dorado County Sheriff announced a joint agreement between A HELPING HAND HOME CARE is ruthe three agencies. In keeping with the mored to be entering an Aston Martin in the PONY EXPRESS 1900. Well known, and con- idea of maintaining the ‘old west’ them of the rail line to the Pony Express F.A.R.T. troversial German drivers Willy Pillenpappen and Udo Schmutz were seen talking to the com- station, and of Pollock Pines during race weeks, railroad and racing circuit law enpany’s owner, Pete Messimore, and this protoforcement will be handled by specially attype was there last week tired deputies of the Sheriff’s Department. in the company parking lot at 6092 Pony Express Deputies working those specific details will wear “Conservative westTrail. Messimore, the 2011 winner of the El Do- ern attire”,the same language used to describe the clothing requirerado County Chamber of Commerce Award for Small Business of the ments for modern Texas Rangers. Year, claimed that the two race car drivers were Cowboy hats will be a part of the uniform. The Coyote Clothing Company, located on there to advise him on vehicles that might be Pony Express Trail, has been conused for medical transport. Pillenpappen and Schmutz could barely stiffle snickers as Messi- tracted to develop and make spemore offered that explanation of their presence, cial western-style vests and other but Messimore also seemed to be having diffi- outerwear that will carry much of the gear a patrol deputy currently culty keeping a straight face. carries. PONY EXPRESS 1900 NEWS SHREDDER RACING COMING! WHO’SE RED IS REDDER? Last Friday saw a feast of red. TRUE VALUE HARDWARE of Pollock Pines, and RAINBOW ORCHARDS of Camino brought their red Ferrari 330P4’s, while HARROD’S BOUTIQUE HARDWARE brought their red Aston Martin DB4GT. The teams participated in an impromptu “red-off”, in the parking lot at the CRYSTAL VIEW SHELL gas station. The candy-apple red P4 of RAINBOW ORCHARDS was declared the winner of this purely style event, and owner Christa Campbell celebrated by giving everyone present a glass of Christa’s RainLAW ENFORCEMENT AT bow Punch (the delicious cider, THE RACEWAY not the fuel). Christina It is official. Today, the Directors of the FOOT- Hendricks, owner of Scuderia HILL AREA RAPID TRANSIT railroad, the Kiemurainen didn’t bring her THUNDER IN THE PINES RACING CIRred P4, but got the award for best red hair. The governing board of the THUNDER IN THE PINES RACING CIRCUIT has announced that an off-road course will be built to complement the road racing circuit. First race on the tentatively-named, LITTLE RUBICON RACEWAY will be DTV Shredder races organized by that company. An exact location has not yet been announced, but the circuit will be located where there will be no environmental damage to the forest. Riders will be required to wear protective wear that protects them from tank treads. CEDAPP (COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION OF POLLOCK PINES) P. O. Box 424 Pollock Pines, CA 95726 Tel: 530 419 3957 E-mail: cedapp@pollockpines.biz NEWSBLAST GOALS CEDAPP is happy to promote our businesses, our community, and friends to our community. If you have something you’d like the community to know about, please email the editor at klharper1@comcast.net. Please include phone num- We are on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php? gid=150482801647758&v=app_2344061033&ref=ts#!/group.php?gid=150482801647758 CEDAPP’s Board of Directors Jeanne Harper Executive Director Derrell Roberts Chief Financial Officer Cleve Hart Member at Large Ken Harper Chief Information Officer Ken Brown Projects Coordinator COMMUNITY CALENDAR Check out the Pollock Pines Community Calendar at https://www.google.com/calendar/ embed? src=d8tm2p3bo48kg8br7amc37no5s % 40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=A merica/Los_Angeles Please note the colon (:) after the http For all of the events in Pollock Pines, an event sign located prominently in Pollock Pines to allow more expo- sure to residents and visitors announcing coming events. Note: This is for non-profits only. See the CEDAPP web site for information and fees. Note: All of the following meetings and events are open to the public. CEDAPP is an all inclusive community organization. The more community folks involved, the more “COMMON UNITY” there is! Please call Jeanne Harper at (530) 613-1332 if you would like more information on any of the listings. Apr 26 May 1 May 2 May 4 May 7 May 7 May 14 May 14 May 14 June 10 July 4 Sept 11 -Bingo, at the COMMUNITY CENTER, dinner available at 5 pm, speed games 6:15 pm -Arbor Day celebrated at the OLD POLLOCK PINES SCHOOLHOUSE -CEDAPP meeting, 5:30 pm, at the OLD SCHOOLHOUSE -Taco night, starts at 4:30 pm -Pollock Pines Swap Meet at the OLD SCHOOHOUSE -National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day, 11am -2:30pm at the Camino Fire Station, 4040 Carson Road. -Hands Across Pollock, annual community cleanup day. INTERACT CLUB community breakfast, 8:30 am at the COMMUNITY CENTER -ROTARY Flea Market, at El Dorado Savings Bank -Wagon Train arrives Also, MISS POLLOCK PINES will be crowned. COMMUNITY CENTER -Independence Day, parade and festivities -World Gold Panning Championships/Welcoming activities in Pollock Pines
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