March Edition newsletter available. Click here
March Edition newsletter available. Click here
SEA PINES NEWS Deed Restricted Community Sea Pines, in Hudson Florida Volume VII, Issue III Inside this issue: March 2015 Message from the President Message from the President Presidents Message 1 Meeting Minutes 2 Sherriff’s Newsletter 3 Veteran’s Corner 4 Ladies Club & Code Violations 5 Adopt A Road 6 St Patrick's Day Dinner 7 Sea Pines Garage Sale 8 Important Numbers 10 Events Calendar 11 Security Calendar 12 Tides 13 Hello to all. Hope this finds all of you well. It sure was wonderful to see all 47 members at our meeting. Speaking of our meeting. It has been a pleasure to be able to serve as President at the meetings because of how our meetings are going. They have been very productive and fun. Everyone gets to express their ideas and thoughts. Which some have turned out to be very good. Everyone seems to respect the others when they are talking and wait until they are recognized to speak to the group themselves. I love it. It feels like a real community effect to get things done and to keep our homes in good shape and safe. This is what the association is all about. We want to keep it that way. We are getting new members all the time. Which is very good. We are trying very hard to come up with new ideas for the betterment of our community and you the members are helping this board with your input. I want to thank you all for this. Keep coming to the meetings and keep bringing your good ideas with you. Ernie is working on the Putting green this week. That will be fun to use. If you have to wait to use it, you can sit on the new benches that Jerry made and had installed with help from some of our volunteers. Watch for Grand Opening soon. Don’t forget to call Pat to make your reservation for the St. Patrick’s Day dinner. March 7th, is the last day for this. The dinner is March 14th. More details are in the Newsletter. Also the garage sales are this coming weekend. March 6 and 7. That will be fun. Everyone has their own sale at their own house. Please try to participate. The more the merrier. I pray by this time that our weather has warmed up where it should be. I for one do not enjoy this really cold air. For those who do, sorry. Have a good month and I will see you at our next meeting March 18th. Until then, stay safe. Linda Himebaugh, President PAGE 2 S E A P I NE S NE WS V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I Sea Pines Civic Association Meeting Minutes for February 18, 2015 Sea Pines Civic Association Meeting Feb. 18, 2015. Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM. Roll call: present : Linda Himebaugh, Jerry Sweet, Patti Donald, Pat Picininno, Jack Farrell, Ernie Reed, Dawn King Pat read the treasurer’s report. Voted to submit for audit. Irene and Kathy volunteered to do the audit this year. Minutes will be in newsletter. Communications: Pat received a thank you note from Hudson Elementary School for our monetary donation at Christmas which helped 100 families. Security patrol: Lynn has three new drivers, but could always use more. Mowing: Pat said it’s going ok. He could also use more help. We now have 450 members. 45 were at the meeting. Lynn talked about the Volunteer/Valentine Dinner which was held on Feb. 13. 77 people signed up, but only 67 attended. Linda said something has to be done about people not showing up. I will keep a list each month of the volunteers. Betsy suggested getting a reservation deposit, then refund it when they attend. Code Enforcement: Ernie said the complaints are being quickly responded to. He really spends a lot of time getting after the violators. Just the street names and number of violations will be printed in the newsletter, no house numbers. Linda got a call from someone who didn’t want their address published. A vote was taken and that was the decision. Vernon asked how long a boat can be left in the driveway. The Code enforcement agency gives you 7 days, then a notice. Jack said to send an email to Sea Pines or call . Ernie said the sheriff’s dept. is training special deputies to enforce handicap violators. They will probably start in the fall and will be driving around and can actually cite code violations, too. Robert brought up the issue of people not scooping up after their dogs. Adopt-a-road: Sat. Feb. 21 8am. If you would like Tom Himebaugh to call you let Linda know. A man said that he would like to have a designated area for snowbirds to store their boats. Ernie thinks we have an area and will discuss it with the board. This would be a nice amenity for Sea Pines. Sunshine: Alex, who lives on Islander, fell and broke his hip again. He is in Bear Creek. Liz sent him a card. Please let her know if you know someone who needs a card. Boat ramp: Jack said the new controller is still being worked on, should be done by the end of March. Sun West Park: tour could possibly be in April. Wake board park could be open Memorial Day Street lights: Jerry is trying very hard to get a cost estimate for these. 51% signatures of residents in the service area is needed. He has appointed block captains but wants to get the estimated cost first. Ernie should we should concentrate on the existing poles St. Pat’s Dinner March 14th tickets $9.50 Garage sale: March 6 and 7, Friday and Saturday Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I S E A P I NE S NE WS PAGE 3 PASCO SHERIFF’S OFFICE NEWSLETTER March 2015 Scams come in all forms and fashions and the focus is almost exclusively on one thing: parting you from your money. We have to be diligent when it comes to crooks and their scams. Hopefully these tips will help you avoid the headache of losing money and repairing your credit. With April 15 quickly approaching, thieves are on the lookout for your tax dollars. Some in Pasco have received phone calls from those claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Those callers threaten to take legal action if funds are not paid immediately. This is absolutely a scam. If you have experienced this, please visit http:// to get help. There is also the persistent problem of skimming. This is when a device is placed either on or inside an ATM machine or even fuel pumps. That electronic device will then record your bank card information, allowing the crook to duplicate your card and use it at their leisure. Sometimes small cameras are placed near a keypad in an attempt to record your PIN. There are a few simple things you can do in an attempt to avoid being a victim of a skimmer. First, thorough inspect an ATM’s credit card reader. If it appears to be loose or it’s damaged or appears to be altered, don’t use it. When you do use an ATM, cover your hand to shield your PIN from being secretly recorded. Even better, If you must get cash back, go inside of a gro- cery store. You may have to make a small purchase, but it almost guarantees no one else has access to your card information. If you want to pay for gas, go inside and pay the cashier instead of paying at the pump. For more information on skimmers, visit the FBI’s link on the matter: stories/2011/july/atm_071411. Scammers have also attempted to use gift cards to get money. In one ruse, the crook calls a number and tells the person they are holding a family member hostage. He tells the person on the other line if they want to insure their family member returns home safely, money must be placed on a gift card and the PIN must given to the caller. In a different version of that scam, a caller claims to be from a lottery company and in order to collect you alleged winnings, the potential victim must purchase a gift card and place a certain amount of money on that card. The citizen must then give the caller the PIN number. Please, don’t fall for those scams. In the hostage hoax, family members have been found to be safe and no contact was ever made with them. There are a number of other scams that can be highlighted, but a great source is the Federal Trade Commission, which has dedicated a portion of their siteZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to scams of all stripes. Please take time and visit the site, it could save you headache, heartache and the loss of your hard-earned money. If you believe you are the victim of some type of identity theft or financial fraud, the following link has valuable information to assist you through such a terrible ordeal: PAGE 4 S E A P I NE S NE WS The Veterans CornerZZZZ by Liz Reed Recently, Ernie and I attended the 32nd Woman Veterans Lunchon hosted by Legion Post 335 in New Port Richey. Sitting with 80 woman who all served proudly and seeing the age range was amazing. The oldest being 97 from the Army and the youngest in her 40's from the Coast Guard. It brought to mind many times that I have heard people say " woman do not count because they did not do as much as men in the military or they are not needed. These people are just closed minded and uneducated. It is common to hear from military woman of all eras that they had to do twice the work just to be accepted in the military work place. I was the first woman to be assigned permanently to the emergency room at Langley AFB. I felt they needed a female medic assigned there. I had to beg to work in the emergency room. Finally I was assigned to the ER. I was told all I was going to do is drink coffee and answer phones. I must say that was not the case. I read all my job requirements and learned everything by hard work and observation. Soon Drs. Began asking when I was on duty to schedule ER rotations because they knew they could get more sleep with me there. It was a wonderful learning experience but I had to prove myself unlike the men assigned there. At Moody AFB I was assigned to the 69Th Tac Fighter SQ. as their medic (IDMT). I was the first woman assigned to the Sq. The reporting officer did not welcome me to the SQ. He called me in the office only to say " When we are deployed you are not to come home and tell wives what went on while TDY". I told him I was there to take care of medical issues and what they do in their free time or otherwise is none of my concern. I stayed to myself most of the time in that environment. Woman have been serving in our armed services since the American Revolution. Woman had such a strong will to serve that they would disguise themselves as men in order to be part of helping our great nation as military members. Woman did volunteer as nurses, cooks and to do laundry at this time for the military but not as military members. Until 1901 woman were contract workers and not military members. In 1901 legislation was established creating the Army Nurses Corps and in 1908 the Navy established their own Nurses Corps. When WWI came about jobs were open to woman in the military. To include: nurses, telephone operators and stenographers . All woman served state side or overseas in France. They helped our nation by filling in for military men so that they could fight on the front line. They were greatly needed. Over 400 woman lost their lives in the line of duty during WWI. . During WWII(1941-1945) the united states had many woman serving in the military. The Army had over 60,000 nurses. 67 nurses were captured by the Japanese and were POW's in the Philippines for 2 1/2 years. The Army also had 150,000 WACs in other jobs besides nursing during WWII that served stateside, in Europe and in the Pacific. The Navy had 14,000 nurses of which 5 were held POW in Guam. In 1942 the WAVES were established and 80,000 woman signed up to serve in many different jobs. The Ma- V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I rines and Coast Guard let a few woman in under Reserve status to help free men of their jobs as clerks, drivers, mechanics and cooks so they could go to war. After WWII most woman were forced out of the military. In 1948 woman were granted permanent status in the Regular and Reserve Forces( Army, Navy and Marine Corps). The Air Force was newly established. During the Korean war (1950-1953) woman who were in the reserves following WWII were involuntary recalled to serve their country again. In 1965 the Marine Corps assigned the first woman to attaché duty. She was the first woman to serve under hostile fire. 1973 was the end of the draft and all military service was volunteer. This did play a role in opening the door for woman to enlist and made it possible for woman to do many of the jobs men also enlisted did. During this year woman also started receiving the same benefits as men in the military. I remember not being able to collect housing allowance or my child not having the same benefits as male military members with children( Pay for dependents). I did fight this at the JAG office and was able to receive pay for benefits back to 1968. I feel 1973 was a big turning point for military woman. I was able to reenlist back on active duty. I was in the AF Reserves as a full time Mobile Augmenter for 5 years prior. I was able to return to AD with a daughter; as a single parent/divorcee. No one knew in my workplace that I had a child. I thought it best. No one could say I received special treatment, time off or leaving early, because I had a child. It took until 1975 for women not to be discharged for pregnancy . With this turning point and up to present time the military has seen woman promoted to Generals( thank you Marines for being the first). We have seem woman commanders, pilots (Navy...1st), all woman flight crews, aircraft artillery trainers, flight surgeons ( Air Force), woman admitted to academies, woman on sea duty (coast guard-1st), woman on alert. In 1978 the first woman commanded a major military installation( Army). The 1st African American woman became a Brig. General (Army 1979). Woman NASA Astronauts and Embassy guards came about in 1979. In 1989 the first women received the Air Metal with "V" device for serving in Panama (a combat zone). We have had woman captured as prisoners in Iraq. During 1998 a woman fighter pilot delivered a payload of missiles to a combat zone. Military woman were victims on the USS Cole. The Air National Guard have woman snipers. Ten service woman lost their lives at the Pentagon during 9/11. Woman have become top enlisted advisors and have received the Silver Stars for combat action. The "Thunderbirds" have welcomed woman pilots to their team. The list goes on and on. Today there is very little that woman are not permitted to do in the military. If you think they have not done something you may be wrong The info just possibly has not been released for us to know. Everyday woman military members make a difference right along side military men. They both work as a team to make life a better place for you and I . They are equally owed our blessings and prayers no matter the job they do to protect our great nation. Do not underestimate the military woman. PAGE 5 S E A P I NE S NE WS V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I SEA PINES WOMENS CLUB *******SEA PINES WOMEN’S CLUB******* WHAT’S HAPPENING IN MARCH We should be ringing in spring very shortly. February was a bear, even for Florida... Much too cold, so, bring on the warmth! March should be a fun month for the Women's Club. There are various events planned, so take a look, and see if any of them interest you. Come and join us, and meet new people, and discover new adventures. Don't sit at home and think that there is nothing to do in this community.... we are always pleased to welcome new ladies to our group. You know that old adage, " THE MORE THE MERRIER"! Come and make some new friends! MARCH RECIPE What comes to my mind when I think of March is St. Patrick's Day. All that lovely corned beef & cabbage.... not much better than that! And, of course, who can party better than the Irish! A little jig, a pint of ale, bagpipes, and of course the men wearing those lovely kilts! (what DO they hid under them anyway??????)? Of course no Irish celebration would be complete without some lovely Irish Soda Bread, so here is a simple recipe that can get you started! Of course....."luck of the Irish to ye"! Please check out the monthly newsletters for information regarding the Sea Pines Women’s Club activities. We would love to see you at any of our activities. The Women’s club tries to plan new and exciting adventures each month & we are always looking for new ideas…. Join us, and Share yours! Combine: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 2 cups all-purpose flour IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND ANY OF THE EVENTS 3/4 teaspoon baking soda Please contact Betsy via e-mail ( one (1) week before the event so transportation arrangements & reservations at restaurants can be made. If you are willing to drive please advise. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. 1 teaspoon salt Friday, March 6: 9:30 Weeki Wachee Swamp Fest. Crafters, music, and vendors. Admission is $8.00. Thursday, March 12: 12:30 Games and light lunch... location to be determine. (depending on the number attending). Please advise if you plan to attend by March 5. Thursday, March 19: 9:00 enjoy the shops and lunch. Friday, March 27: 10:30 Tampa Bay DownsPlease note that there is special information for this adventure. Reservations are required by March 20.... Please advise if you plan to go as soon as possible so that reservations & arrangements for transport can be completed in a timely fashion. Trip to Cedar Key, to IRISH SODA BREAD 1/2 cup raisins or currants Set aside. Combine: 1 egg beaten 1 cup buttermilk 1/4 cup melted butter Add moist ingredients to dry ingredients. Stir just until dry ingredients are moistened. Spoon batter into greased 8-1/2 x 4-1/2 x 3 inch loaf pan. Bake @ 350 for 40 to 45 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes, remove from pan, and let bread cool completely on a wire rack. This recipe will yield 1 loaf. Now go party like you're Irish, of course after you eat the lovely Irish Soda Bread!!!!! THINGS TO DO: What: Ladies club meetings A social eventZZZZZZZZZZZZ Please check monthly newsletter for specific events & time. When: Days will vary for the convenience of all our members Questions: Betsy Dailey Judy Farrell 727-861-3483 Code violations for 2/11/2015 1 on Southwind Dr. 2 on Sea Pines Dr. 2 on Indies 2 on Hatteras 1 on Mako 1 on Islander 1 on Jolly Roger 1 on Inwood PAGE 6 S E A P I NE S NE WS ADOPT A ROAD VOLUNTEERS V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I S E A P I NE S NE WS PAGE 7 MARCH 14 SEA PINES CIVIC ASSOCIATION CELEBRATES ST. PATRICK’S DAY With Our Annual GALA ST.PATRICK’S DAY DINNER COMPLETE WITH CORNED BEEF CABBAGE AND IRISH SODA BREAD WHERE: SEA PINES CLUBHOUSE WHEN: 6:30 TICKETS: $9.50 PER PERSON WE GOT THE FOOD YOU BRING YOUR OWN UTENSILS, PLATES, AND OF COURSE SOMETHING TO DRINK LAST DAY TO BUY TICKETS MARCH 7th FOR INFO AND TICKETS PAT PICCININNO – 863-4268 AL PIZZANO – 378-7995 PAGE 8 S E A P I NE S NE WS Sea Pines Community Garage Sale Date: Friday, March 6. Saturday, March 7 Time: 8am – 4pm Please Participate and Support your Community V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I S E A P I NE S NE WS PAGE 9 Pedestrian Safety Since we don’t have sidewalks in Sea Pines, extra caution should be taken when walking in the street. Walk against the flow of traffic. Walk only in the daytime. If listening to music using ear buds, be extra vigilant. Look both ways BEFORE crossing the street If you must walk in the evening; Wear light clothing. Carry a flash light and turn it on. If you are a motorist, watch for walkers and cyclists….share the road S E A P I NE S NE WS PAGE 10 Civic Association Officers & Board President Linda Himebaugh Vice President Jerry Sweet Secretary Patti Donald Treasurer Pat Piccininno Board Member Dawn King Ernie Reed Jack Farrell Registered Agent Ernie Reed 727 862-4382H 727-505-9649C IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCY 911 FIRE 911 SHERIFF 727 847-8102 CODE ENFORCEMENT 727 847-8171 ANIMAL CONTROL 727 834-3216 ABUSE HOTLINE 800 962-2873 727-869-0073 727-364-5907 727 861-3483 U.S. COAST GUARD 727 896-5666 CONSUMER AFFAIRS 727 847-8106 HOSPITAL (BAYONET) 727 819-2929 727 364-5907 WATER 727 847-8131 ELECTRIC (WREC) 727 868-9465 POST OFFICE (US 19) 727 819-0073 SEASIDE SANITATION 727 868-2566 727 857-6204 727 203-1794 727 863-4268 FLORIDA WILDLIFE COMISSION Committees Security Patrol Lynn & Brad Olson Corresponding Secretary Lucille Piccininno Boat Ramp Buzz Manna, Southwind Park — Keys Jack Farrell Sunshine Liz Reed Mowing Pat Piccininno, Adopt-a-Road Ernie Reed Membership Dues — BILLING Pat Piccininno, Newsletter Jerry Sweet Parks Dawn King Website Dennis Rousell V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I 727-697-0304 727 863-4268 727 868-8271 727 861-3483 727 364-5907 727 863-4268 727 364-5907 727 863-4268 727 857-6204 727-869-0073 727 534-9490 888-404-3922 BLUE BAG COLLECTION Your hauler is required by ordinance to pick up your blue bags at least twice a month. Some haulers pick them up more often. Please contact your hauler for your specific blue bag pickup schedule and also listed on the Calendar. If you have a problem, please contact your hauler first to try to resolve the problem. If you are not successful with this approach, contact Recycling at (727) 847-8041 or (813) 235-6012 ext. 8041 or (352) 521-4285 (x8041) Accurate Waste Systems (727) 375-5797 Central Carting Disposal (352) 583-4204 County Sanitation (888) 522-5794 Parker & Sons Sanitation (727) 845-1024 Seaside Sanitation (727) 868-2566 Waste Aid (727) 842-9309 Waste Express (727) 841-7511 (800) 585-5119 Waste Management (800) 255-7172 Waste Services of Florida (727) 849-3333 V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I PAGE 11 S E A P I NE S NE WS Sea Pines Events Calendar - March 2015 Sunday 1Mar Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday Thursday 4 5 6 Friday SEA PINES COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE 8am to 4pm WOMENS CLUB 9:30am Swamp Fest 8 9 10 VIVA VILLA MEETING 7:00pm 15 16 23 12 13 BOARD WOMANS MEETING 7pm CLUB 12:30p Lunch 17 DIVE CLUB MEETING 7pm 22 11 24 18 19 CIVIC MEETING 7pm WOMANS CLUB 9:00am Trip to Cedar Key 25 26 Saturday 7 SEA PINES COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE 8am to 4pm 14 ST. PATRICK'S DAY DINNER 6:30pm $9.50pp 20 21 27 28 WOMANS CLUB 10:30am Tampa Bay Downs 29 30 31 Apr 1 Boat Ramp Electronic Fobs (Keys) 2 3 4 You will receive a DECAL for your boat trailer. ZZDO NOT forget to re-lock the gate. Boat Ramp FOB’sZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ This is for all the boaters who have their delinquent FOBs suspended.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ The Boat Ramp Gate is a two-part computer controlled system that requires a great deal of time and effort to maintain. I have to up-date the record on the computer, then drive to the ramp and up-date the controller. I travel out of town many times during the year and may not be available to do this when you call from the ramp with a suspended FOB. You will have to use Hudson Beach boat ramp until I’m available. I am doing this as a Volunteer! If you do not plan on using your FOB, you can turn it in to Pat Piccininno and we will pay you $5.00.ZZZZ Please call him in advance: 863-4268 Note: After April 1, 2015 Late fee for FOB renewal will be an additional $10.00 Boat ramp fobs may be purchased from Buzz Manna, 7600 Hatteras Dr. 727 868-8271. YOU MUST BE A PROPERTY OWNER IN SEA PINES Sea Pines member…………………..………$20.00. Non-Paid member…………………..………$45.00. Lost Fob……………………………….……$40.00 NOTE: Lost fob codes will be removed from system. PAGE 12 V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I S E A P I NE S NE WS Sea Pines Security Patrol Calendar March 2015 Sunday Mar 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 15 9 10 Himebaugh Page 16 17 LaBelle 22 29 4 Thursday 5 Lebel Olson 8 Wednesday 23 24 Sweet Osborn 30 31 Worley Erickson 11 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Aagard 12 13 Baker 14 Evans 18 19 20 Griffin Farrell James 25 26 27 28 Kays Connelly Chase 2 3 4 Apr 1 21 Sea Pines Security Patrol Help Needed If you can spare 1 1/2 hours one afternoon or evening a month, and are willing to help patrol our community by driving the Sea Pines Security truck, please contact Lynn Olson at 727-697-0304 or . You will need to provide Lynn with your driver’s license number and date of birth for Sea Pines insurance purposes. Lynn will arrange to get you a key to the truck which is parked on a lot between Mako and Yachtsman Dr. We sure could use the help! Average Tides Mean Range: 2.4 ft MHHW: 3.4 ft Mean Tide: 1.8 ft PAGE 13 S E A P I NE S NE WS V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I Tides-Indian Bay based on St. Marks based on St. Marks River Ent., Florida (NOAA) 28° 27 N 82° 40 W January 2015 Monthly High & Low High March 21, 1:52p 3.5 ft Low March 22, 9:43p -0.5 ft Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1(EST) ft 5:53a -0.1 L 11:41a 2.4 H 5:37p 1.2 L 11:03p 2.6 H 2(EST) ft 6:31a -0.2 L 12:11p 2.6 H 6:21p 0.9 L 11:46p 2.8 H 3(EST) ft 7:03a -0.2 L 12:39p 2.8 H 6:58p 0.6 L 4(EST) ft 12:21a 2.9 H 7:30a -0.2 L 1:05p 3.0 H 7:32p 0.3 L 5(EST) ft 12:54a 3.0 H 7:54a -0.1 L 1:30p 3.1 H 8:05p 0.2 L 6(EST) ft 1:26a 3.0 H 8:16a 0.1 L 1:53p 3.1 H 8:37p 0.0 L 7(EST) ft 1:58a 3.0 H 8:39a 0.0 L 2:15p 3.2 H 9:08p -0.1 L 8(EST) ft 2:31a 3.0 H 9:03a 0.1 L 2:36p 3.2 H 9:41p -0.1 L 9(EST) ft 3:07a 2.9 H 9:29a 0.3 L 2:59p 3.2 H 10:16p -0.1 L 10(EST) ft 3:47a 2.7 H 9:59a 0.5 L 3:24p 3.1 H 10:56p 0.0 L 11(EST) ft 4:35a 2.5 H 10:35a 0.8 L 3:54p 3.0 H 11:48p 0.0 L 12(EST) ft 5:38a 2.3 H 11:19a 1.1 L 4:33p 2.9 H 13(EST) ft 12:57a 0.1 L 7:06a 2.2 H 12:22p 1.4 L 5:30p 2.7 H 14(EST) ft 2:24a 0.1 L 8:47a 2.3 H 1:56p 1.6 L 7:03p 2.6 H 15(EST) ft 3:47a -0.1 L 10:04a 2.5 H 3:41p 1.5 L 8:58p 2.7 H 16(EST) ft 4:53a -0.3 L 10:57a 2.8 H 4:59p 1.1 L 10:20p 2.9 H 17(EST) ft 5:47a -0.5 L 11:39a 3.0 H 5:58p 0.7 L 11:23p 3.2 H 18(EST) ft 6:33a -0.5 L 12:16p 3.2 H 6:47p 0.3 L 19(EST) ft 12:16a 3.4 H 7:14a -0.4 L 12:50p 3.4 H 7:32p -0.1 L 20(EST) ft 1:06a 3.5 H 7:53a -0.2 L 1:22p 3.5 H 8:16p -0.4 L 21(EST) ft 1:53a 3.4 H 8:28a 0.0 L 1:52p 3.5 H 8:59p -0.5 L 22(EST) ft 2:39a 3.3 H 9:01a 0.4 L 2:22p 3.5 H 9:43p -0.5 L 23(EST) ft 3:25a 3.0 H 9:31a 0.7 L 2:50p 3.5 H 10:28p -0.4 L 24(EST) ft 4:14a 2.7 H 10:01a 1.0 L 3:19p 3.3 H 11:18p -0.2 L 25(EST) ft 5:09a 2.3 H 10:33a 1.3 L 3:49p 3.1 H 26(EST) ft 12:18a 0.1 L 6:21a 2.1 H 11:11a 1.5 L 4:25p 2.8 H 27(EST) ft 1:38a 0.4 L 8:05a 2.0 H 12:14p 1.7 L 5:20p 2.5 H 28(EST) ft 3:12a 0.5 L 9:39a 2.1 H 2:18p 1.8 L 7:45p 2.3 H 29(EST) ft 4:28a 0.5 L 10:31a 2.3 H 4:20p 1.5 L 9:50p 2.4 H 30(EST) ft 5:20a 0.4 L 11:07a 2.6 H 5:23p 1.2 L 10:50p 2.6 H 31(EST) ft 5:59a 0.4 L 11:37a 2.8 H 6:06p 0.8 L 11:32p 2.8 H S E A P I NE S NE WS PAGE 14 V O LU M E V I I , I S S U E II I ORDER YOUR SEA PINES LOGO ON... Sweat shirt — $10.00 Polo (Outerbanks) — $16.00 Hooded front zipper sweatshirt — $20.00 Hooded pullover sweatshirt — $16.00 T-shirt — $7.00 Jacket — $36.00 Must be paid in full at the time of order; Cash or Check Call Brenda Duncan 727 226-0093 Roseberry & Brindley Certified Public Accountants Tax Return Preparation Business Consulting, Payroll Services We are Sea Pines property owners 330-323-0467 E-mail Distribution of the Sea Pines Newsletter Have you changed your e-mail address? Are you new to the Sea Pines community? Please e-mail your complete name, address and contact information. We will be happy to add your e-mail address to the list so that you can start to receive our newsletter via e-mail. If you would like to delete your address, please advise us. Thank youPlease send your e-mail address to: SEA PINES, IN HUDSON FLORIDA Officers and Board 2015 Sea Pines Civic Association 7817 Gulf Way Hudson, FL 34667 E-mail: President ……………………..………….......……....… Linda Himebaugh Vice President ………………………………….….............. Jerry Sweet Secretary ……………………………………...............…..... Patti Donald Treasurer ……………………………………………...…. Pat Piccinino Board Member ……………………………………….…….... Dawn King Board Member ………………………………………...…..… Ernie Reed Board Member …………………………………….…….… Jack Farrell Registered Agent ………..……………………...…………… Ernie Reed Sea Pines Newsletter Editor.…………………………….…..Jerry Sweet Sea Pines Civic Association Association dues are payable on the 1st of January of each year. Individual …………………………… $20.00 Family ………………………………... $40.00 Boat Ramp Fee ………………….…. $20.00 Non-Member Boat Ramp Fee ….. $45.00 We’re on the Web Sea Pines, west of Old Dixie Highway Photo by Kitty Nicolai ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER Business Cards ¼ Page ½ Page Full Page $ 5.00 per issue $ 10.00 per issue $ 15.00 per issue $ 25.00 per issue If interested in advertising: Drop off your ad at the Clubhouse (mail slot in the door) or Mail your ad to: Sea Pines Civic Association. 7817 Gulf Way, Hudson FL 34667 or (Preferably) send your high-resolution ad electronically to: Make check payable to Sea Pines Civic Association (no cash please) Call Pat Piccininno, 727 863-4268 should you have questions. Deadline is the 20th of the month to appear in the following month’s issue