May 2015 - Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition
May 2015 - Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition
P IKES P EAK F IREARMS C OALITION , I NC . PO B OX 76521 C OLORADO S PRINGS CO 80970-6521 The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called to question; . . . --Article II, § 13, Colorado Constitution A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. --Amendment II, US Constitution The Voice for Firearm Rights in the Pikes Peak Region V OLUME 22, I SSUE 5 M AY 2015 PPFC Membership Appreciation Event U PCOMING E VENTS Our May 14th meeting will be a PPFC member appreciation meeting. We will meet at the Whistling Pines Gun Club—West, 4750 Peace Palace Point (near Garden of the Gods Rd and Elkton Dr). WE WILL NOT MEET AT THE VFW ON MAY 14th. The meeting will star t with a cookout served by our Vice President Scott Jackson and PPFC Board members starting at 5:30. As you know, our prime focus is defending our right to keep and bear arms and supporting candidates, elected officials, and legislation that are aligned with this goal. One of our more immediate goals is to initiate quarterly offsite meetings and shooting events, that we believe will be of interest to you. To kick that idea off, on May 14th starting at 5:30PM, we will be holding our regular meeting at the Whistling Pines West indoor shooting facility. There will be food, facility tours, opportunities for free passes to shoot, and of course, our regular meeting, where some of our current board members will speak on what it is they do for the PPFC, why they do it, and what the PPFC means to each of them. We will also feature owners and employees from Whistling Pines, to educate us on the many amenities their facility offers. This event is free to current members of Whistling Pines and the PPFC. The non-member rate is $30.00 per person. A PPFC individual annual membership is $20.00, family membership is $30.00. If you are not current (check expiration date above your address—must be 12/31/2015 or later), you can renew on-line at, by mailing a check to the address on the next page, or at the May 14th meeting. We plan to do more of these member-only types of events in the future, in an effort to not only revitalize our base (you), but, to also attract new members in order to keep our organization strong and moving forward. Our numbers are important in maintaining our strength and presence as a political force in El Paso County, and the state of Colorado. (Continued on page 2) May 14, 2015, 5:30PM: PPFC Member appreciation cookout and meeting, Whistling Pines Gun Club—West, 4750 Peace Palace Point (near Garden of the Gods and Elkton Dr) May 2-3: Prospector Sertoma Gun Show, Event Center at Rustic Hills, 3960 Palmer Park Ave (NE corner of Academy & Palmer Park) PPFC Officers President.............Paul Paradis V President.......Scott Jackson Secretary.......... Ellen Jackson Treasurer .........Bernie Herpin Membership.......... Paul Nigro Programs ........... Larry Liston Legislative...Michael Schlierf Publicity ............Harry Dierks Fund Raising ....Dick Gandolf Chaplain ..............Rich Hilton Sgt-at-Arms........ Doug Davis Gun Shows ..... Chuck Cullina PPFC PAC.....Shannon Chase PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Colorado Springs, CO PERMIT NO. 1061 P IKES P EAK F IREARMS C OALITION , I NC . PO B OX 76521 C OLORADO S PRINGS CO 80970-6521 W E’ RE ON THE W EB! WWW. PPFC. ORG Next PPFC Meeting Thursday, May 14, 2015 5:30 - 9:00 P.M. Whistling Pines—West Peace Palace Pt—North of Garden of the Gods & Elkton If you plan to attend, you need to register on-line on the PPFC website, by email to, or by phone to Bernie Herpin at 719-596-3921. Please RSVP by Monday, May 11th; so, we can get a head count for food. Colorado Springs Mayoral Election On April 14th, John Suthers and Mary Lou Makepeace were the top two mayoral vote getters. Suthers received 46.47% of the vote and Makepeace got 23.62%. Since no candidate received at least 50% plus 1 vote, there will be a runoff election between Suthers and Makepeace on May 19, 2015. This will be a mail ballot only election. Ballots are in the mail and are due back by 7:00PM or May 19, 2015. The PPFC Political Action Committee (PAC) Steering Committee has endorsed John Suthers for mayor and recommends a vote for Suthers. Win a Limited Edition NRA Engraved Henry Golden Boy As part of the PPFC’s sponsorship of the recent Colorado Springs Friends of NRA event, we received a limited edition, beautifully engraved Henry Golden Boy .22 S/L/LR lever action rifle. We will raffle off this rifle, valued at $700, at our July 9, 2015 PPFC meeting. Tickets are $10 and only 150 will be sold. You can purchase tickets on-line through a link on the PPFC website: or by mailing a check to the above address. Tickets will also be available at the May, June, and July PPFC meetings unless sold out. Don’t be shut out, get you tickets today. Renew and Stay Involved If the member expiration date above your address is not 12/31/2015 or later, your membership has expired. We need YOUR membership to ensure that PPFC remains a powerful voice in protecting our rights. PLEASE renew your membership now! You can renew, at our meeting, on-line on the PPFC website, or mail a check to PPFC at the above address. Dues are only $20 for individual and $30 for family memberships.