File - Albert County Exhibition
File - Albert County Exhibition
Thursday September 11th through Sunday September 14th The Fairgrounds, Riverside-Albert 2 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Robert Colpitts Robert “Bob” Colpitts (1933-2014) was born in Colpitts Settlement, Albert C0., N.B., son of the late Leigh and Annie Colpitts. He was involved in agriculture all his life, having grown up on a dairy and fox farm where he, along with his siblings, participated in all facets of farm life. After graduating from Salisbury High School he continued his education at Nova Scotia Agriculture College and MacDonald College where he graduated with a BSc. in Agriculture. His work first took him to N.S. where he worked for the Dept. of Agriculture for several years before returning to N.B. to work for the N.B. Dept. of Agriculture. After spending five years at the Sussex Branch he moved to Fredericton, where he remained until his retirement, retiring as Director of the Livestock Branch. During his early years he was involved with 4-H Clubs. He enjoyed working with the young people and their leaders, and never missed an opportunity to promote 4-H and the wonderful training and discipline the program offers its members. Over the years he was involved with many agriculture organizations including the N.B. Fairs and Exhibitions Assoc. Attending the Albert County Exhibition was one of his priorities. Here he enjoyed meeting friends and colleagues, as well as recalling the many 4-H events in which he participated as a teenager. Bob enjoyed working for the agricultural community but always found time for family, friends, church and volunteering in community life. Albert County Exhibition 2014 3 Yvon Collette Born in Bouctouche on August 5, 1932, Yvon was one of a family of 15 children. At the tender age of 9 he made the decision to quit school DQGVWDUWZRUNLQJ$WÀUVWKHZRUNHGDWRGGMREV around the community and at the age of 10 he started working in the woods with his father's horses. By the age 14 he had saved enough to buy his own team and harness and his life with horses had begun. In those early years Yvon broke and trained horses and did some trading and selling. As his teen years passed Yvon showed some horses at county fairs in the Bouctouche area. In 1956 he met his future wife Florence and a couple of years later started a family of 5 daughters. With the girls in tow, Yvon and Florence started attending all types of horse shows , meeting and making lifelong friends that are like family today. At this time Yvon did not have show horses but attended the shows and helped others with their teams. In the late 1960's Yvon attended the Albert Fair with some of his French speaking friends and, being bilingual, was able to translate so everyone could understand each other. It was in this manner that Florence learned how to speak English as well. ,Q<YRQSXUFKDVHGKLVÀUVWWHDPRI%HOJLDQVERXJKWVRPHKDUQHVVDQGVWDUWHGVKRZLQJ <YRQDQGWKHJLUOVVKRZHGDW7KH$OEHUW&RXQW\([KLELWLRQIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHDERXW\HDUVDJR and since then have been regular competitors and ACE is their favourite show. Yvon and his family have developed a fond and mutual relationship with the ACE and the people of Albert County. In 1981 Yvon took his team to work for the City of Moncton where he gave sleigh rides in the winter and hay rides in the summer for 25 years! After his retirement Yvon suffered the loss of his eldest daughter and some deteriorating health, including the loss of his sight. His love for his horses and showing has not diminished, however. His passion has been passed to his daughter and granddaughters and with his guidance they have taken up the reins and his legacy continues in their caring hands. President’s Message On behalf of the executive and directors I would like to extend to everyone a warm and sincere welcome to the 101st Albert County Exhibition. Our goal each year is to provide a positive experience to all who take the time to come to the fair. This goal could not be reached without the participation of the many volunteers who join with us in working to make four days in September as enjoyable as possible! Thank you to our many sponsors, vendors, exhibitors, competitors and you, the people of Albert County, for your participation as we start our journey to another 100 years of Albert County tradition! “Come early, come often and stay late”. See you at the fair! Terry Steeves, President Albert County Exhibition 4 Albert County Exhibition 2014 THE FAIRGROUNDS RIVERSIDE-ALBERT FUNDY HIGHWAY 114 MONCTON 1 2 PARKING 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 11 8 12 13 3 7 6 4 9 5 13 10 13 12 11 Entrance Dining Hall Exhibition Hall Oulton Hall Office Canteen Washrooms Midway Horse Barn Cattle Barn Critter Barn Draft Horses Arena Albert County Exhibition 2014 5 The Town of Riverview congratulates the Village of Riverside-Albert as it celebrates the Albert County Exhibition. Always a welcome event throughout the region, the ‘‘Fair’’ has grown in its popularity and draws crowds from far and wide. Enjoy fun filled activities for the whole family! Ann Seamans, Mayor Town of Riverview COMMITTEES LIVESTOCK SUPERINTENDENT LIGHT HORSE HEAVY HORSE CATTLE HORSE PULL GROUNDS SECURTIY MIDWAY QUEEN CONTEST PARADE SCHOOL ACTIVITES EXHIBIT HALL OULTON HALL CANTEEN DINING HALL PLANNING & FINANCING PROGRAM & ENTERTAINMENT BOOK 4H CHILDREN’S PROGRAM Joe Steeves Peggy Davis, Wally McLean, Fabian MacLeod Eddy Hudson, Gaven Lewis, Fabian MacLeod Trevor Pauley, Jamie Keiver Darrell Weir, Terry Steeves Tom McNaught, Jamie Keiver, Stephen Holmstrom, Kevin Dixon, Wally McLean, Darrell Weir, Andrew Akerley Terry Steeves, Don Keiver Don Keiver, Terry Steeves Dawne McLean, Robin Stuart Cheryl Anderson, Kevin Dixon, Doug McLean Cheryl Anderson, Kevin Dixon, Andrew Akerley Stephen Holmstrom Dawne McLean, Andrew Akerley, Robin Stuart Andrew Akerley, Wally McLean Bev Best, Susan Bennett, Barb Porter Fair Executive Eddy Hudson, Peggy Davis, Trevor Pauley, Jamie Keiver, Lisa Parsons, Dawne McLean, Wally McLean Wally McLean, Lisa Parsons Amy Colpitts Robin Stuart 6 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Look forward 'HH#J7HD4FD?J to seeing you GHJBIICE3J:H>J at the FGJG=IJ 2014 J Albert County 8A,IDGJ6H>EG: Exhibition &$=C,CGCHEJ .:5IJ8:/J$::8FJ$( #3C0+J89+E1 p Albert County Museum and R. B. Bennett Commemorative Centre 3940 Route 114 Hopewell Cape, NB E4H 3J8 OPEN DAILY - 9:30 am to 5:30 pm May 17 to Sept 30 Antique Road Show September 21, 2014 (Sunday) Have your antiques appraised 2:00pm - 4:00pm ($5.00 per item or 3 for $10.00) Lasagna Supper September 27, 2014 (Saturday) at 6:00pm Albert County goes Italian! Advance tickets $12.00 (no tickets at door) Albert County Historical Society AGM October 16, 2014 (Thursday) 7:30pm in Community Hall “Home By the Fireside” Christmas Concert November 22 (Saturday) & 23, 2014 (Sunday) Festive music, singing, dancing, drama & refreshments Sat. Nov. 22 at 7:00pm Sun. Nov. 23 at 2:00pm Advance tickets $12.00 Museum Secrets Tour An exclusive look into the inner workings of the Albert County Museum. Call museum to book in advance. $10 per person (tours are a minimum of 2 hours) Admission payable in Gift Shop Adults - $6.00 Seniors (60 & better) - $5.00 Children (under 5) - Free Family - $15.00 For more information or to book meetings, workshops, business luncheons, special events and weddings please contact: 1-506-734-2003 Albert County Exhibition 2014 ) J-9HD0E1HJ89E0J8>HD>H :/> 9+:< ;(9 7:<5$12:<#2<$:<5$#<< 1!<!7:<$1<7"<#!!<$:< #9$77#2$"<#2<#$912"< #<12:9!<$7:<#$<$:< 4!?:9$<,12$<8=7?7$712 ,"0*&/)02#,/& 2!(% % 7 8 Albert County Exhibition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lbert County Exhibition 2014 H>DJ8A,IDGJ6H>EG:J9;I@CFACBG 'H;1>HJ<DE%+ GJ G*)) Fax: (506)386-3663 KSLKMSNOREFP?PSN;P?;ER AAA;KSLKMSNOREF;EQD 9 10 Albert County Exhibition 2014 TUTTLE BROS. AND RIVERVIEW FUNERAL HOME &*.<'72:<!:2<;6<;7 :9 7:6<) ( <((.. $$$!:2:9#!1:# ', E*&7,0 E'7 E#,'*744'&04 2:9#!< -79:$19" Rick Bell,< Trina< Perkins, < Michael< Byers, Yves < Doiron 7 3;73; 9 139 . *C3/9 --5GBDEG:EDG7>FAG '<567E=BAED?BF:GFDAG0>%%E@2BF:GB@BD# ;:E2?@B2G.EF?BD#GC"E2BF:B=? RDSLT<OQLLSO 162T"JMNSBMPST3I; 3M@SO@MSAT )*2G Albert County Exhibition 2014 11 12 Albert County Exhibition 2014 DINING HALL A special thank you goes out to the grade twelve students from Caledonia Regional High School, and all of the community volunteers who support their fundraising efforts towards graduation. Also a thank you to all those who donated baked goods and supplies. MENU: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Full course turkey dinner Full course roast beef dinner Full course turkey dinner Full course roast beef dinner 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. PRICES: ALL DINNERS ARE $10.00 ADULTS / $5.00 CHILDREN EXHIBIT HALL A special thank you to all volunteers who helped out over the Exhibition by donating their time to supervise the hall and answer questions. TIMES: Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. SPONSORS: Forestdale Nursing Home, family of Jean Waddy, Albert County Funeral Home, Stephen & Elaine Holmstrom AMBULANCE NEW BRUNSWICK A special thank you to all members of Ambulance New Brunswick who help out at the Exhibition. This ensures the safe health of all exhibitors, workers, and spectators. For all your time and dedication, THANK YOU! Due to safety reasons, The Albert Exhibition regrets that there will be 8<?*<%;?9))<&>* on the exhibition grounds during the Albert County Exhibition #="10=?2?3'70?#14?3'=.=? 7?#= 8<?(>:?;/<& 24?;41 Albert County Exhibition 2014 13 CHILDREN ’S VARIETY SHOW 2014 To be held on Sunday, September 14 at 1pm in the arena th For children ages 10 and under Doll Carriage Parade: Dress up your child, a doll, and a carriage to come join the doll carriage parade! (Any theme, ex: nursery rhymes) Farmer and/or Farmerette: For little farm enthusiasts - Don’t forget to bring some of your crops and pretend livestock to show the audience! Homemade Costumes - Fair Themed7LPHWRVKRZRȔ\RXUFUHDWLYLW\ The costume can be anything you have seen at or reminds you of the fair! Trucks and Tractors: Have your child ‘drive’ in on their truck, tractor, or any ride on toy you have - Decorated bicycles are welcome too! Don’t forget the matching costume for your child! (ex. Fire truck, tow truck, construction vehicles, etc) *Nothing motorized please * No pet show as dogs are not permitted on the fair grounds. Judges will be the 2014 royalty; they will be judging based on originality, FUHDWLYLW\DQGHȔRUW Don’t forget to invite friends and family – See you at the fair! The "Reunion of ACE Queens 1962-2013" was a memorable highlight for everyone during the 100th anniversary celebrations. The excitement and interest generated by honouring the “Queens of the ACE” showed what a cherished tradition the Queen Pageant continues to be for the exhibition and community. (Group photo in Oulton Hall) 14 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Albert County Exhibition 2014 15 :/> ;(>,59)5;:; 6>9*$ :< ;>6!> $<+ 65!>6!5>&?:56> 16 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Best Wishes to the Directors, Volunteers and Participants of the 2014 Albert County Exhibition 17 18 Albert County Exhibition 2014 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 9:30 a.m. Draft Horse – Line Classes Judge for Show – Ralph Messenger Co-op Atlantic, Southeastern Mutual Insurance Shur Gain, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, SussexCo-op 12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Maple Sugar musical entertainment until 2:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Light Team D^eerl;Zd^Lahi 3:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Heavy Team All-Weys Doors 4:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Unicorn Hitch Broadleaf Guest Ranch 4:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – CCRC Display Ngmbe?kb]Zr.i'f' 4:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Turkey Continues until 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Draft Horse – Farm Team In memory of Howard and Pearl Stuart 7:15 p.m. Entertainment – Hearts n Hooves Trick Riders 7:45 p.m. Drill Team 8:00 p.m. Official Opening Guest Speaker – Wayne Steeves 8:15 p.m. Queen Pageant Thank you to all sponsors 9:00 p.m. Light Horse Show – Alumni Riders Mike’s Hair Shop Albert County Exhibition 2014 5/J8E>1E+J$3;H3A H@1EC0;J(ED I.IJ=@HHH;J.93;H J$3;H3A .>11;9D93!J 91J-93D;H .HD>@EHJ.9AH; &C>3HJ>@J=!96; & Cafés 289 2096;'9!40985) 25/ 8*5677894; 299;+56/:9" :;852 "; %9250;88/890 ; 19 20 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Owned and Operated by Julie Beers &&" !' &+* %* >%& !!('$%'(%!('"&$ & 7 am to 9 pm - 7 Days a Week :2)>"/>6=)><>:>20>2>88 2890 Main St. Hillsborough, NB, E4H 2Y8 % + *(>' +'>%>&-'>7; 7;5=> 734-3457 :.-<.-9: Albert County Exhibition 2014 21 :g:e[^km<hngmr<hfiZgrk^\h`gbs^]_hk JnZebmrHo^ka^Z]=hhklmakhn`ahnmma^FZkbmbf^l '&(! Established over 35 Years OVERHEAD DOORS • SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION • • • • • • • Spring Replacement Bumpers & Seats Repairs Dock Levelers Door Openers Hanger Doors Fire Doors • • • • • • • Rolling Steel Sliding Grills Door Parts Multi Blades Folding Walls Entry Doors Windows Best s Wishee to th NTY T COU ALBER IBITION EXH Enjoy ir! the Fa Visit our Website at or Email us at 2136 Rte. 114, Weldon, Albert County 386-6610 22 Albert County Exhibition 2014 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2014 9:15 a.m. School Activities, Sports, Games Bell Aliant, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Kelly’s Bake Shop, Shepody Fish & Game, Ed’s Welding & Contracting 12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Entertainment – Hearts n Hooves Trick Riders 1:00 p.m. Oxen Display 1:30 p.m. Beef Show Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op, Shur Gain Feeds ‘n Needs, Southeastern Mutual Insurance, Co-op, Atlantic, Sussex Co-op 3:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Single Horse Hitch Atlantic Underground Services 4:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Tandem Hitch Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op 4:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Roast Beef Continues until 7 p.m. 4:45 p.m. Light Horse Show - Big T Village of Riverside-Albert 5:30 p.m. Draft Horse – Ladies Driving Competition Aubrey Stiles Trust 6:15 p.m. Draft Horse – Junior Driving Competition Broadleaf Guest Ranch 7:00 p.m. Entertainment – Woodsman Demonstration 7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café Until 9:30 p.m. Sit, chat while enjoying tea, coffee or hot chocolate 7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Walk-in BINGO runs to 9:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Entertainment - Hay Bale Roll - Z`^l*+ng]^k 8:00 p.m. Entertainment - Hearts n Hooves Trick Riders 8:30 p.m. Oxen Pull 9:00 p.m. Horse Pull - Triple All-Weys Doors, Co-op Atlantic, Sussex Co-op, Arbing Equipment, Shur Gain Feeds ‘n Needs Albert County Exhibition 2014 23 2013 A.C.E. Queen Pageant From left to right: Lindsay Power (Miss Congeniality); Kiana Butland (2nd Princess); Matty Murray (ACE 2013 Queen); Morgan Anderson (1st Princess) Message from the 2013 Queen I’d like to sincerely welcome everyone to the 2014 Albert County Exhibition. It has been an honour to serve as your Queen this past year. It’s been a wonderful opportunity and I am grateful for the experience. I would also like to thank everybody who participates in, and helps plan the Albert County Exhibition each year. This is the 101st ACE, and that does not come to pass without many dedicated, hard working people. Lastly, to this year’s pageant contestants: the best of luck to all of you. Enjoy the pageant experience, you’ll make lifelong friends and great memories. Enjoy the Exhibition, and have fun! Queen Matty Murray, 2013 A.C.E. 24 Albert County Exhibition 2014 "!! ##" $ $##! # $#" !"# $!#" !" ! ! !" ! " "# $ !"# ! ! "" "# 6TQKCT5KH?T3QRI=TPMNT6 :MKKL?QOQHGJ=TT!,TTT.):T1/ /SK'TT*)>11TTTT-R('TT*)>1*2 8TDSD?SOTQCTNJST:HSLNMLTOQHBTT AAA;:HSLNML;ER !D=BE@2E<8"EB@E099E6@5/DBAB@?=E 7C @3EB;DE7(;A.ABA@CE "SPIFT,HNKRPIT$T8PGSKRT+QOOQA !SA=TLSITRPIT3SEQPIMNMQPSIT8BBKMRPESLTCQOT9RKS 24"0>>+84,#8>"/>211>280(>*428><,$0>81#/)8 '+D?EED>?=E7(/D?ADC8D 61) :MKKL?QOQHGJT3I;=T0QASOT5Q@SOIRKS &2T*>121) Albert County Exhibition 2014 25 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 8:00 a.m. 4-H Interclub Competition Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op, Gerry & Donna Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Broadleaf Guest Ranch O’Reilley Foods Ltd. (in memory of Charles Stuart), Green Diamond Equipment 11:00 a.m. Parade 12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Turkey Continues until 7 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Bell Aliant, Kelly’s Bake Shop, Ed’s Welding, Shepody Fish & Game, Atlantic Lottery Corporation Light Horse Show Judge: Amy Colpitts - Egg & Spoon 12 yrs. & under - Stake Race 12 yrs. & under La^ih]rEbhg^ll D^eerl;Zd^Lahi - Egg & Spoon junior - Stake Race junior ;^ee:ebZgm ;khZ]e^Z_@n^lmKZg\a - Egg & Spoon senior - Stake Race senior :k[bg`>jnbif^gm Lank@Zbg?^^]lGG^^]l - Ribbon Race 12 yrs. & under - Keyhole Race 12 yrs. & under :meZgmb\Ehmm^kr<hki' <kZp_hk]:iiebZg\^L^kob\^ - Ribbon Race junior - Keyhole Race junior Ihg]^khlZIbg^l<Zfibg` Lnll^q<h&hi - Ribbon Race senior - Keyhole Race senior ;khZ]e^Z_@n^lmKZg\a :meZgmb\Ng]^k`khng]L^kob\^l 1:45 p.m. Oulton Hall – Yo-Yo Demonstration Dustin and Colton Steeves 2:00 p.m. Oulton Hall - Country Café until 4 p.m. Sit, chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate 2:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Mad Science Dry Ice Spectacular followed by an Ooey Gooey Slime making Station 2:30 p.m. Draft Horse – Percy Gladstone Memorial Best Overall Team 3:00 p.m. Entertainment – Hearts n Hooves Trick Riders 3:45 p.m. Woodsman Demonstration All-Weys Doors, Sussex Co-op 26 Albert County Exhibition 2014 4:15 p.m. Demonstration - Broadleaf Vaulting Team 4:45 p.m. ATV Obstacle Course (age 16 and under) All-Weys Doors, Atlantic Underground, Tidewater Physiotherapty, Advance Savings 6:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café until 9 p.m. Sit and chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate 6:00 p.m. Announcement of Parade Winners 6:05 p.m. Entertainment - Woodsman Demonstration 6:40 p.m. Draft Horse – 4 In Hand Hitch in memory of Raymond Dickson – 4 In Hand Driving Competition Crawford Appliance Service 7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Dale Butland and His Illustrious Compatriots musical entertainment until 9:30p.m. PZkk^g;nmeZg]![Zll oh\Zel"%PZ]^;nmeZg]!]knfloh\Zel":e^qFZ]l^g !`nbmZkoh\Zel"Zg]ablrhng`^lm\hfiZmkbhm=^Zg;nmeZg] 8:00 p.m. Entertainment – Hearts n Hooves Trick Riders 8:30 p.m. Drill Team 8:45 p.m. Entertainment – 9:30 p.m. Light Horse Show -Open Poles :meZgmb\Ng]^k`khng]L^kob\^l -Open Barrels @^kkr=hggZ Hay Bale Roll ages 13 to 18 Hay Bale Roll over 18 %88/677;%9::065)4;98!;8*9;2!676:4;08;8*94;/*965);0 : '$,.- #(- ,<-#( 8:;25/;189::5;+0:::4 and Don, Marcie and Trevor Pauley 2*7: 25/;185";296:";-9:89;25/;:6/6; 8!:;8;0 :;+6!!:50274 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Vote Brian Keirstead on September 22nd PC candidate for the riding of Albert. Campaign Headquarters Phone: 506-389-1800 / 506-372-1800 While at the fair, come up and say hello! This Ad is approved by the official agent for Brian Keirstead 27 28 Albert County Exhibition 2014 8J DH>?J"I<,IDJH7JFJ DH>?J%F<CA: FRANK L. STEEVES Ltd. 698)?)?;:>>!>; Established 1951 ):* • NB Inspections • Auto Repairs JJ5/J4C;6H%@>9C;JJJJ73@9JJ8H6E>D; • New and Used Cars and Trucks JJ5HJEC0J3;H0J-ED;JEC0J<D3%; • Tires and Batteries -=IJ8A,IDGJ6H>EG:J&$=C,CGCHEJCBJFJ The@IAI,DFGCHEJH7JH>DJD>DFAJ=IDCGF3I0J Albert County Exhibition is a celebration of our rural heritage. Our thanks to the volunteers >DJG=FE#BJGHJG=IJ2HA>EGIIDBJ4=HJ<F#IJ who make this exhibition such a success. G=CBJI$=C,CGCHEJB>@=JFJB>@@IBB0 2440 Rte. 114 Weldon, NB 734-2932 8@IJ??"JH109CJ5/JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ)"*2)2 />$BD#GG>>@G(D:>2BD#GGE:ABD#GGEDE@F:G7E"FB@=GG)@EEG0F@GGC2@F"G7E%>F: "!""!!"!!" " !!"" Albert County Exhibition 2014 29 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 8:00 a.m. Light Horse Show - Judge: Amy Colpitts - Relay Race 12 yrs. & under Village of Riverside-Albert - Relay Race junior Arbing Equipment - Relay Race senior Tanya Everett - Dash for Cash 12 yrs. & under Ed’s Welding & Contracting - Dash for Cash junior Atlantic Lottery Corporation - Dash for Cash senior Atlantic Underground Services - Poles 12 yrs. & under Kelly’s Bake Shop - Poles junior Kristen Beck Equine Training and Clinics - Poles senior Sussex Co-op - Barrels 12 yrs. & under Tidewater Physiotherapy - Barrels junior Kristen Beck Equine Training and Clinics - Barrels senior Gerry & Donna 11:30 a.m. Oxen Display 12:00 p.m. Draft Horse – 6 In Hand Hitch in memory of Vernon Hudson -6 In Hand Driving Competition ;khZ]e^Z_@n^lmKZg\a 1:00 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Roast Beef Continues until 5 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Children’s Variety Show Doll Carriage Parade, Farmer and/or Farmerette, Homemade Fair Themed Costumes, Trucks and Tractors (can also use bicycles) >]lP^e]bg`<hgmkZ\mbg`%D^eerl;Zd^Lahi :meZgmb\Ehmm^kr<hkihkZmbhg%@^kkr=hggZ NO PET SHOW DUE TO BAN ON DOGS ON GROUNDS Light Horse Show -Costume Class La^ih]r?bla@Zf^ -Lead Line =bqhglK^iZbkLahi 1:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall – open until 5 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Cafe Sit and chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate Oulton Hall – Artisans at the Fair Displays from local artisan; until 5 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Entertainment – Hearts n Hooves Trick Riders 2:30 p.m. Horse Pull - Double :ee&P^rl=hhkl%<h&hi:meZgmb\%Lnll^q<h&hi%A=F Eh``bg`%Lank@Zbg?^^]lgG^^]l%:k[bg`>jnbif^gm 30 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Authorized by the Official Representative of The Albert Liberal Association Albert County Exhibition 2014 charles smith construction LTD. Danny Smith - President office: 506-387-4131 · cell: 506-856-0608 res: 506-387-4131 · fax: 506-387-5881 · For All of your Excavation Needs. Big or Small, Give Us A Call. Porta Pottie Rentals & Construction Dumpster Rental 32 31 32 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Albert Vocational Training Centre Caledonia Activity Place 5295 Route 114 Hopewell Hill 882-2604 “Promoting a Caring Community” Best Wishes for a Successful Exhibition! Albert County Exhibition 2014 33 /QT#HOT+RPFT5HLNQDSOLTRPIT-OMSPILTMPTOHORKT8K?SONT5QHPNFT !D=BEA=;D=E2@?E>E4<88D==2<9E7(;A.ABA@C =C3=GC?IE,EIG0E,0@F 9;I@CFACCE3JEJ9IF7HH?JJG=IDJ6FEF?CFEJ*CB=IB 8?F@IEGJGHJ+J!H<IBGIF?J6DF7GJ1FDE .*.(<91$:<**.6<1::!!<,#:6<)6<8.<>.<%<.&** The Maplegrove Inn, 1854 TripAdvisor Excellence Award Winner 2013 and 2014. Fine Country Accommodations and Gourmet Dining! Home of the Famous Maplegrove Breakfast Bagel! 1-877-882-1801 Located at : 5 Maple St., Riverside Albert, NB E4H 3X1 34 Albert County Exhibition 2014 A=;AC1E'<?E>C3E Wishing Our Many 6<=B@5D?=E>C: Customers and *?ADC:=EACE09.D?BE Friends in Albert 6@<CB3ED+D?3E=<88D==E County every success 2@?EB;DE%)% for the 2014 7(;A.ABA@C Exhibition Albert County Exhibition 2014 35 , 4 ; 3 8 ; 5 58'30,<34)<58;0,8 ' )#%)*)&' "#*)%'#)$ )545-3,1.. !54%4-,534$,0+5,1-3 !54#425"5#1,425.0-43 !5 210-504.*35"51/452/&-*533,4%3 )5/25/&25.1#-35$2/,4+,0/)5-,'1#0-52/ 4-5.0-43 )50+4-34*55,'45/12*5/541.,' )5 03+/&-,5/-55/25%/24534$,0+5+.41-0-3 )5451.3/5$&%$5%&*5#1,425/0.5"5+'4%0+1.3 )50.504.*5$4+01.03,3 )51-425210.4235(10.1.4 )54534..5+2&3'4*53,/-4531-*5"5214. )51+'/45"5 / 425#/2 )%&*'%)%*&(*&)* )$&*(!#&*''&'(# )*"$)*$(!*(*(!$*"%%( '"&'(# *($* 36 Albert County Exhibition 2014 G9;;G ,.0'= ;324= ;".==4= %.1= -1" *274 /2=74 ;=37"?;03=0 *988$ ;/988<8 9)->6:?8-?? Albert County Exhibition 2014 37 3:<;7 :9 7:<#9:$<5:9"$19: 6@C1?>B<9>BA@C=EB@E@<?E5>C3E8<=B@5D?=E>C: 2?ADC:=EACE?<?>9E09.D?BE6@<CB3E2@?E@?1>CAAC1EB;D 09.D?BE6@<CB3E7(;A.ABA@C-EDE$A=;E>99EB;D 8@CBD=B>CB=E>C:E/>?BA8A/>CB=E@@:E<8"EAC B;DA?EDC:D>+@<?=E>C:EB;>BE$DE>9=@EB>"DE/?A:DEAC @<?E09.D?BE6@<CB3E;D?AB>1D- 91<19<#7!7:"<$1<19"<<91 38 Albert County Exhibition 2014 /-&2$,-.*/$.1-2.& $!$#"!$$!"$$"!#$# $# "$ # ',-02!(% (22/2!(% ( 21-02)0-2#&2#1"0*"10 43+4)30,< )-8;;/)58;0,85<+3- %E#ACDE9DCE,@>: ,A+D?+AD$E&D$E!?<C=$A8" 7)!E ,A+D?+AD$E&! 6>C>:> 4$>CB@C D?5@CB 40 !7/9$%9&&% 59$%9&&% 6245-/8 +4 *'1.""1# .(!0.!09 91("(110* ,936 79#7+907)56/6858642 ,9'53629*83-+8-37907)56/6858642 ,9*)48+37879789 9#3 ,9.)76+5/9 9.7728934-862 ,9.772864-9 9149.45862 ,9*83-+8-35/9'/5879'67 ,9'67907)56/6858642 Albert County Exhibition 2014 39 ! ! ! ! ! "$"#$#$$ "$"#$ !$ #" #$" #$ "#$$ !!$ ! #$ $"#$$##!!$!!$ ! ! !! ,55!504230*4!(.42,5(+2/3352/%5,'451022/&-* ( ( ( ( 40 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Albert County Exhibition 2014 41 Bell Aliant extends best wishes for a successful 2014 exhibition. $OEHUW&RXQW\0XȘ HU Over 35 Yrs Experience 0XȘ HUV6KRFNV&XVWRP3LSH%HQGLQJ &DWDO\WLF&RQYHUWHUV'ULSOHVV8QGHUFRDWLQJ PXȔFR#EHOODOLDQWFRP 1390 Route 114 387-5009 FRESH MEAT AT REASONABLE PRICES ?,+;:< -+:,/>658% ?;9+;9%> ?,+::58% ?&69((58% < ->>?(<6?*>>6?<<;> Provincially Licensed and Inspected Abattoire S E E Y O U AT T H E A . C . E . 42 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Albert County Exhibition 2014 43 /DUJHVW6HOHFWLRQRI%LUG)HHGDQG)HHGHUV :LOG%LUG6HHG/R\DOW\&DUG )DVW)ULHQGO\&DUU\2XW6HUYLFH (FRQRP\ %LUG6HHG %HVWVDOXH /HVVWDVWH &RQWDLQV3HDQXWV /DUJH%DJ NJ Canadian Made 7LS7RS'RJ)RRG (TXLOLQH3OXV 6WHDPIODNHGFRUQ 2UJDQLFVHOHQLXP &KHODWHGPLQHUDOV Premium Horse Feed :H·OO*ODGO\&DUU\2XWYRXU3XUFKDVH 170 Stewart Ave. Sussex, NB (506) 432-4200 1916 Mountain Rd. Moncton, NB (506) 382-1190 44 Albert County Exhibition 2014 -AIN3TREET(ILLSBOROUGH."s4EL734-2836 (Behind the Irving) OPEN:-ON7EDAMPMs4HURSAMPMs3ATAMPMs3UNPMPM s Paints, Stains, Tinting, Brushes, Rollers s Nails, Screws, Bolts & Cabinet Hardware s Plumbing - Piping, Fittings, Toilets, Sinks, Shower Rods, Toilet Seat Covers, Sump Pumps & Drain Cleaners s Shingles, Siding, Typar & Insulation s Drywall Supplies, Trowels, Sandpaper, Durabonds s Wood & Pellet Stove Display with all Stove Accessories s Tools, Bits & Blades Check Out Our “Weekly Specials” s Full Lumber Yard - Regular & Pressure Treated Available s Electrical - Wire, Plugs & Switches & Assortment of Bulbs s Gardening Supplies, Grass Seed, Fertilizer, Pesticides, Insect Traps, Bug Jackets, Shovels, Rakes, Brooms, Garden Hoses s Pet, Camping, BBQ, Pool, Clothes Line Accessories & Household Items Just to name a few! Home of the Serving all your Hardware Needs! Albert County Exhibition 2014 45 HILLSBOROUGH KWIK-WAY CONVENIENCE PLUS s GAS s LOTTO s TOBACCO s VIDEO s FRESH SANDWICHES s VAILS DRYCLEANING s PROPANE & “The Best Coffee in Town” 2799 Main Street, Hillsborough, NB E4H 2X4 Telephone: 506.734.2650 COOKE’S CLOVER FARMS CONVENIENCE 2995 Main Street Hillsborough, NB E4H 2X9 506.734.2010 GAS s GROCERY s LOTTO s TOBACCO s LIQUOR s FRESH SANDWICHES & SALADS s BAKED GOODS s FIREWORKS HUNTING & FISHING LICENCE s PROPANE s SEARS OUTLET 46 Albert County Exhibition 2014 - :;64 8&;2!67;+65:;? @+:965);277;260 4;89;?;:294@ #HOTCRDMKFTCSSKLTMNTRTGOSRNTBOM@MKSGSTNQTJSKBTFQHOTCRDMKFT NJOQHGJTIMCCMEHKNTNMDSL;TT"STNR7STGOSRNTBOMISTMPTNJSTBSOLQPRK LSO@MESTASTBOQ@MISTNQTQHOTCOMSPILTRPITPSMGJ?QOLTQCTNJST Traditional Funeral Services, Cremations and EQDDHPMNF;TT<KSRLST7PQATASTNOFTRPITNOSRNTS@SOFQPSTRLT ASTAQHKITRTDSD?SOTQCTQHOTQAPTCRDMKFTAJSPTQHOT Memorial Services and all services we provide. LSO@MESLTROSTPSSISI; Our family feels it a great privilege to help your family through 7J#3CHDE1J,>DH%@9D;J(DE+HD difficult times. We take great pride in the personal service we provide to our friends and neighbors. We are extremely proud 'HD?5J3C2IJ<IJG=IJ;FGCIE@IJEII?I?JGHJBID2IJJ2ID:HEIJFBJ<:JH4E to announce Casey Duffy is joining our staff as she is the 5th -=IJ4CB?H<JGHJ>E?IDBGFE?JHG=ID)BJ7IIACE3B Generation of the Bishop Family. e -=IJ#EH4AI?3IJGHJAIFDEJFBJ4IAAJFBJCEBGD>@G -=IJ#CE?EIBBJGHJGDIFGJI2ID:HEIJI>FAA:JFGJFAAJGC<IB We would like to say a special thank you to all those who give -=IJ?IBCDIJGHJBID2IJHG=IDBJFBJJ4H>A?J<:JH4EJ7F<CA: the funeral procession the right of way by pulling over and -=IJ=><CACG:JGHJF@@I;GJ4HD?BJH7JG=FE#BJFE?J;DFCBI stopping, this shows respect to the deceased and to their family. -=IJ@H<;FBBCHEJGHJGH>@=JFEHG=ID)BJBH>A -=IJ;DC?IJFE?JG=IJDC3=GJGHJB<CAIJ4=IEJJ=F2IJBID2I?JFJ7F<CA:J4IAA 8E?J'HD?5J<HBGJC<;HDGFEGA:JG=IJDC3=GJGHJB=I?JFE =HEIBGJGIFDJ4=IEJ<:J=IFDGJCBJGH>@=I?J'HD?J<F#IJ<IJG=FE#7>AJG=FG JF<JFJ%>EIDFAJ*CDI@GHD Albert County Funeral Home Ltd. 4130 Route 114, Hopewell Cape, NB 506-734-2780 Lisa (Bishop) Henderson, Audbur Bishop licensed ;.@B%?<AB;;B9<<11B#=<B8A,A funeral directors, Casey Duffy apprentice. Also licensed A=1</?9:?6A9to do pre-arranged funerals at your request. Monuments and Cemetery Lettering available. :40;64 :4;89;2;+*:44*7;,= 660685; Albert County Exhibition 2014 47 ;DE4D?+A8DE6DCB?DE@2E *<C:3E&>BA@C>9E#>?"E>C: @5DE@2EB;DEA>CBE A:D=E@2E*<C:3 $E+9D %OMLNMPT:;T9JQONN -93C%>119D;=T3FRPT,HNKRPI= 8PIOSAT5RMLLMS RPIT4RPRT%SKKF -1HD<DHE;3DHD'T0QHMLST,HNKRPI '<?E6@C1?>B<9>BA@C= B@EB;DE09.D?BE6@<CB3 7(;A.ABA@CE4@8ADB3E 2@?E>E2ACDE @.8KDRT8ENM@MNFT5SPNOST 8@RMKR?KST-QO'T ,RPHSNL=T9HBBSOL= 9KSSBQ@SOL=T+SSNMPGLT $T"SIIMPGT3SESBNMQPL (!9CHBJ GJ*?2)J#EBJ GJ*?2" 48 Albert County Exhibition 2014 1+'1-2/))2/*.1$1/-.+2.'020+.2, )$2/.2.'1+20/*+20'11.1,- "2##04=.1'2="1? ?&'73=74=?621?67=.7= ??????? Albert County Exhibition 2014 49 4<==D(EE4B<:;@95E01?A8<9B<?>9E4@8ADB3E%) CA@CE4B?DDBE4<==D(EE&-E!#;EE%)) ;/,8;0856<'83;/+86<45<4;6<,;/'<0)'356 88-6<8;30+08;6<4;-4;86<+0853/,<54+85 FALL 4++<88-8;<54+8<-4385 FEEDER SALE DATES: =H6@HAHDJ?2@! RNT66'*2T>T-SSISOT9RKSTT8PGHLTRPIT8PGHLTMPCKHSPEST-SSISOT5RK@SL September 3: Regular Sale September 17: Feeder Sale =H6@HAHDJ2@! RNT66'*2T>T3SGHKROT9RKS October :%@9HDJ)D0 1: Feeder Sale RNT66'*2T>T-SSISOT9RKS October 15: Feeder & Stock Cow Sale RNT66'*2T>T9NQE7T5QAT9RKS :%@9HDJ?G@! October 29: Vaccinated Feeder Sale RNT66'*2T>T3SGHKROT9RKS :%@9HDJ?@! November 12: **Specialized Feeder Sale** Protocol to follow - all calves must be pre-consigned :%@9HDJ2"@! RNT66'*2T>TREEMPRNSIT-SSISOT9RKSTRPIT3SGHKROT-SSISOT9RKS November 26: Regular Sale :%@9HDJ)?;@ RNT66'*2T>T3SGHKROT9RKS December 10: Feeder Sale 8HENMQPSSO'T9NS@ST0MBNRF FOR MORE INFORMATION on auctions and to consign cattle please phone 19<19:<7219#$712<12<4$712"<< SARAH 506-432-1841 or TEENA 506-434-1572 54;4 (%.&%*.*<</; ;/, (%.&%*& ** All sales start at 11:30. We ask all feeder calves come in the day before sale on Tuesday** **All Vaccinated calves must have proof of vaccination** Co-op Energy wishes everyone success at the Albert County Exhibition 50 Albert County Exhibition 2014 9\[Xe[9i\Xb]Xjk 2$@0B=>:B*?/<<? 31-=B8A,ABB7B;84 2F"?BDDD+=8%"F?B2>+2F ??"$$$+2F"?FBD=BDD+2F 099999G97*; A@@C):>>C111#11# "+ Graham and Terri *81!>9=3>:.-<.-=. 2 !>9=3>:.-<757: */11>488!>6;==>959<.-=. &<)2,1!>4,$0484/840(#/) (4,$048(#2 3B))*)'8B'B3 3%7%B)8*%38#7B,%'7%*B"))!7 =: B71>?<B):5/=:<B#9-=:B=/<B6911B9:< B55> >=/><5B9B3>=B#=:= =B):A 66>+,)0/$>+"( ',110/4/>% &-'>76 9/91/30G09199CG7G31C(7910;GC;0393C/C Albert County Exhibition 2014 51 52 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Broaster Chicken -=03?&70'=0? 32?1.37"71430? 14?2.147=.0?2? 3'=?9#=.3?,243 >'7#73724 Albert County Exhibition 2014 ENJOY THE FAIR! Serving Albert County for over 30 years Just Call Jan: 862-9890 Jan Keirstead REAL ESTATE BROKER CENTURY 21 Countryside Realty 53 54 Albert County Exhibition 2014 9)->6:?,<+8:$?> /5-5:5<8?;(>,59); *!109#"((1099$$ '!7"B%''* (B4A@@BBBB;B8>&6? (;.@A@@BBBB0B8>&6?5 (B0@@A@@BBBB.B8>&6?5 #'!!37*B;B,< /99- #'!!37*B0B,< /99-5 (B24A@@BBBB;B8>&6? (;04A@@BBBB;B8>&6? (;4@A@@BBBB0B8>&6?5 (B0@@A@@BBBB0B8>&6?5 (004A@@BBBB.B8>&6?5B (04A@@BBBB.B8>&6?5 Congratulations and Good Luck to The Albert County Exhibition Albert County Exhibition 2014 55 LIVE OR COOKED BAY OF FUNDY LOBSTER Butland’s Seafood Visit us in the scenic village of Alma 8607 Main Street Our shop is located beside the fishermen’s wharf 506-887-2190 56 Albert County Exhibition 2014 '"&(%"'"(&#(&'( !'$&(# &(%%&%# $# <(>8 ;>!>8 *9$; 9 &>> ;7 :9"7:<<4!?:9$ (;$#. #-$,- %24;29;3;%98:96:4 '(1 .,1,-#( ,(-,. $#--,. -,-+ 3;'.1'., 11;.,(-'$+ '(1 C*G(0.G*7; #$(# &% '("#$&(#$( '&&"(' '$!(&#$'( %!!('!(''('!(!# % ( % (%'$"%'!'$& Albert County Exhibition 2014 57 '''# " & $ % !%&& Best wishes for a successful&&& 2014 "&#""&&&""" Albert County Exhibition !&&% ### 58 Albert County Exhibition 2014 .*(7CG*)G(C31;CC C4DAF8G >DAF8,G/4E=AF8,GEADE=AF8G /4@=AF8G )@BAF8G CF?4@AF8GG 6!G<G65G<G& 65G<G 65G<G& G<G- Albert County Exhibition 2014 59 60 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Trans Canada College and RightLane Driver Training are proud to be sponsors of the Albert County Exhibition. (506) 533-9535 1-800-363-1194 Albert County Exhibition 2014 61 Extending best wishes for a fun and safe 2014 Exhibition Albert County Chamber of Commerce extends best wishes for a successful 2014 exhibition. Michelle Larsen-President We are always looking for new members, contact us at: We are always looking for new members, contact us at: www albertcountychamber com 62 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Albert County Exhibition 2014 More than 100 years of agricultural excellence The Village of RiversideAlbert extends best wishes for a successful 2014 exhibition. 63 64 Albert County Exhibition 2014 • • • • Metal Building Specialists Complete Design & Build Service Construction & Project Manager Metal Roofing & Wall Systems (506) 859-6943 9;I@CFACCE3JCEJ@>BGH<J@F,CEIGB *,77E7=BA5>BD= Scott Steeves - Proprietor 22 Albert Mines Rd., Edgetts Landing, NB, E4H 1R9 Tel:734-3381 Cell: 381-8225 Scott, Kelly and Family would like to wish A.C.E. every success for 2014 Albert County Exhibition 2014 65 66 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Best Wishes to the Albert County Exhibition for a successful 2014 Albert Fair! &ŽƌĞƐƚĂůĞ,ŽŵĞ/ŶĐ͘ Forest Dale Home, providing accommodation & assistance with daily living in Riverside-Albert since 1980. Now raising funds to purchase a new resident mobility van. (Tax receipts available) In turn, we hope to support the transportation needs of the community, as well as our Residents. Thank you for your support! )RUHVW'DOH+RPH 5836 King Street Riverside-Albert. NB E4H 4B9 Phone: 506-882-3015 Fax: 506-882-3014 E-mail: Albert County Exhibition 2014 67 68 Albert County Exhibition 2014 Kelly’s Bake shop Fresh Homemade Breads, Pies & Pastries Catering & Picnic Lunches Available “Home of the Sticky Bun” Alma, NB (506) 887-2460