Humble Like the Shepherds - Bishop Carroll Catholic High School


Humble Like the Shepherds - Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
Humble Like the Shepherds
December 2015
Highlights in this
Page 2:
Upcoming Events
Ask Evan
Page 3:
Christmas Break
Yummy Recipes
Page 4:
Answer Me!
Christmas Carols
Page 5:
Total Randomness
Christmas Bucket List
Page 6:
The Junior Husky Newsletter is
written by Mr. Jonathan Nagy,
Director of Admissions, and a
Social Studies teacher at Bishop
Carroll Catholic High School. For
enrollment information, or for
more on anything you read in the
Jr. Husky Newsletter, call Mr.
Nagy at 472.7500 extension 105,
or e-mail
Everyone has their favorite
Christmas carol – Joy to
the World, Silent Night,
Away in the Manger and
many more. Personally,
my favorite is “Hark the
Herald Angels Sing!” I can
just imagine being present
and seeing the choirs of
angels appearing to the
lowly shepherds in a great
chorus. These angels
came and welcomed the
shepherds, the outcasts of
society, to be among the
first to witness the birth of
our eternal King. Nobody
wanted these shepherds
near them. Except God.
The fact that God wanted
these shepherds there is
not a coincidence.
Jesus came into this world
by the most humble of
means. Being born in a
cave that is covered in
animal filth is hardly worthy
of the arrival of the Savior
of the World. But God was
making a point from the
beginning. During Jesus’
ministry, he talked often
about the meek and
humble of heart, the lowly,
the downtrodden, those
who struggle with poverty,
sin, and the circumstances
of life. And he said that
these people will be among
the first in heaven.
Our wonderful Pope,
Francis, has a special love
for these people today. He
has called all of us to take
on the task of helping to
improve the lives of the
least among us. He has
placed such an importance
on this that he has named
2016 The Jubilee Year of
Mercy. The phrase that he
uses is Misericordes sicut
pater, meaning, have
mercy like my father has
mercy. Do what you can for
fellow man. Help out in
ways you feel that you can.
We are all capable of
praying for those who
struggle with the trials of
life. Many of us are
capable of doing more.
I am so proud of how the
students here at Bishop
Carroll work to help those
in need. We have food
drives, Christmas
collections, raise money for
Catholic Charities and
Catholic missionary work,
sponsor an adoptive
Guatemalan child, collect
items for our military,
donate items to the
children’s hospital, visit
nursing homes, rice bowl
collections for Catholic
Relief services, have had
clothing drives for the
Dorothy Day Center, sold tshirts to benefit the Make a
Wish Foundation and the
Wounded Warrior Project
and so much more that I
don’t have space to list!
Our students are some of
the most giving and
remarkable people that I
know. The spirit of love and
giving is alive and well on
Husky Hill.
Take some time during this
Christmas season to do
something for someone
less fortunate or someone
in need. You can do
something as grand as
making a donation to a
worthy cause, or
something as little as
spending time with
someone who is lonely.
The person we choose to
spend time with will not
think of it as something
little. Odds are, they will
think it is the greatest thing
that anyone can do for
them. It doesn’t take much
to make a difference.
Improving the world starts
in each of our hearts.
From everyone at Bishop
Carroll, I would like to wish
you and your family a very
merry and blessed
Christmas and a great start
to a new year. I look
forward to seeing all of you
again soon!
Mr. Nagy
For all the latest on Bishop Carroll, visit us on
the Web at
Junior Husky Newsletter — Page 2
December 25
Christmas Day
- O come let us adore
Him, Christ the Lord!
January 27
BC Open House
- More information will
be available in the
upcoming issues about
this important night at
Bishop Carroll.
February 24
7th and 8th Grade
Lenten Retreat
- We welcome all 7
and 8 graders to BC
for a Lenten retreat.
February 12
Theme Dance
Chief’s Message
Hello Junior Huskies!
- All 6 , 7 , and 8
graders are invited to a
dance at BC. The theme
will be determined soon
and will be passed on to
As always, check
for more
information about
upcoming events
for upcoming
athletic events and
By Mit ch el l Ho g u e
I hope that you all enjoyed
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving break! We were all very happy to host
you at our school and from all of us at Bishop Carroll, thank you for all your cooperation
and we hope you enjoyed your day at Bishop Carroll!
On another note, as you know Christmas is approaching fast and it is the season of giving
so in that spirit please keep an open mind to helping and finding ways to less fortunate
family's this holiday season. It is a great feeling to help others and make a difference in
someone's life.
I hope that all of you have a great Christmas break and set some big goals to work towards
this upcoming new year!
See you all around and Merry Christmas!
A sk
By: Eva n R ie g
Hello everyone that reads this newsletter,
The holidays are quickly approaching and it seems as though everyone is too busy to ask
for advice so I have collected a few of the more humorous questions that have, believe it or
not, actually been asked to the real “Dear Abby.” Enjoy, and Merry Christmas everyone!
Dear Abby: My problem is my husband. He wears false teeth — uppers and lowers — and
he thinks it’s real funny to take them out at parties and do a Spanish dance using them as
castanets. He thinks he is being the life of the party — but I’m embarrassed to death.
Should I keep him away from parties, or should I just tell him that he isn’t funny? Marsha
Dear Marsha: Let him have a good time … I think it’s hysterical.
Dear Abby: Is it possible for a man to be in love with two women at the same time? —Jake
Dear Jake: Yes, and also hazardous.
Dear Abby: I have always wanted to have my family history traced, but I can't afford to
spend a lot of money to do it. Have you any suggestions? —M.J.B. in Oakland, Calif.
Dear M.J.B.: Yes. Run for a public office.
And Don’t Forget,
When You Need a Proposition
Or Two Cents Worth of Inquisition
You’ve got a problem?
You Need Just Ask
Just Send Us a Question
It’s no big Task.
ASK EVAN! Mail questions to the school or send an email to me at
Junior Husky Newsletter — Page 3
Huskies Sports
By R y an K ar lh e im
Making the Most of Christmas Break
BY: Annie Sharbaugh
Hey Junior Huskies!
Hello Junior Huskies!
This month we kicked off
our winter sports season
by competing in the tip off
tournaments for both boys
and girls basketball. Both
teams won their
tournaments! We also
have students who
compete on the swim
team with Northern
The boys’ basketball team
began the tourney in
Northern Cambria by
defeating Ferndale in a
close game. The day after
they won the
championship match
against host Northern
Cambria. The same
weekend the Lady
Huskies won their
tournament at Penns
Manor. Both Lea
Sammarco and David
Swatsworth grabbed the
MVP trophies from their
tourneys. Also, Ray Watt
and Courtney Link got AllTourney trophies for their
Also, the weight room is
open to anyone on
Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays rights after
school until 5:00. That
means that all of you
Junior Huskies are invited
to come up and lift and get
healthier! Anyone looking
to compete in Husky
sports is encouraged to
work out.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is just around the corner, which means Christmas break is coming up!
Here is how you can make the most of your break:
 Watch as many Christmas movies as you can. My personal favorites are
Elf, Polar Express, and the Grinch.
 Eat candy. What is Christmas without candy canes?
 Sing Christmas carols. One of my favorite things to do is visit nursing
homes and sing Christmas songs.
 Sledride! Nothing is better than getting a group of friends and sledding.
Hopefully we have enough snow over break. And don’t forget the warm
hot chocolate after sledding!
 Spend time with your family. Christmas is a great time to gather and catch
up with others.
 Sleep in. I think this one speaks for itself.
I hope all of you have a fun Christmas and I look forward to seeing all of you
Y u m m y R e c ip e s
B Y : A b b y S im m o n s
If you love Rice Krispies Treats, here’s another fun variation for the holidays.
These Christmas treats feature Santa’s reindeer, and Cocoa Krispies instead
of the regular Rice Krispies. Here’s how to make them:
4 Tbsp. butter
1 bag miniature marshmallows
1 tsp. vanilla
6 C. Cocoa Krispies
24 Pretzel Twists (more to allow for breaking)
Red and brown M&Ms candies
White icing
Melt the butter and marshmallows over medium heat. Once melted, stir in
vanilla. Remove from heat and add Cocoa Krispies. Stir until well coated with
marshmallow mixture. Pour onto wax paper. Shape into 12 triangular-shaped
reindeer heads. Allow to cool. Using white icing, add the eyes, nose, and
Yield: 12 Treats
Junior Husky Newsletter — Page 4
Christmas Playlist
An sw er Me!
BY: Lexi Billetdeaux
By Alexa Dunchack
Here’s a list of songs to make your
Christmas extra festive!
Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer - No
matter what age, everyone knows the
words to this funny tune about the
most famous reindeer of all.
Last Christmas by Taylor Swift Originally a song by an old band
called WHAM!, even your parents will
know the words to this one. And who
doesn’t love Taylor Swift?
Mistletoe by Justin Bieber - I know,
boys are probably rolling their eyes
as they read this. But this song by JB
will have more than just the girls
singing along by the end of the
You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch - The
Grinch is a classic movie, and who
doesn’t love the mischievous scene
where he steals all the Christmas
gifts and decorations from
Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town - This
tune gets everyone excited for
Christmas; and reminds everyone to
be on their best behavior because
Santa is watching…
All I Want For Christmas Is You by
Mariah Carey - Perhaps one of the
most popular Christmas songs of
today’s age, Mariah Carey makes the
holidays super fun and happy with
this one.
Jingle Bells - This is the perfect song
for a fun, snowy day! Not to mention,
the whole family can sing along!
Carol of the Bells by Trans-Siberian
Orchestra - Though this song has no
lyrics, there’s no denying that the
instrumental is epic and impressive.
Ava Myers
All Saints Graduate
Hey Everyone!
This month I interviewed one of our great
all-around students, Ava Myers. We discussed
Christmas, traditions and much more! Read on
to see the rest of our conversation.
ME: What is your favorite Christmas song?
Ava: All I Want for Christmas, by Mariah Carey
ME: What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
Ava: Hershey Kiss Cookies
ME: Do you have any family traditions?
Ava: We go to Christmas Eve Mass and when we get home my brother and I
open one present each.
ME: What is your favorite BC Christmas event?
Ava: Going caroling with Student Council to the nursing homes
ME: Who is your favorite TV Christmas character?
Ava: Ralphie from A Christmas Story
ME: What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Ava: The Polar Express
ME: What teacher has the most Christmas Spirit?
Ava: Miss Wetzel, because of her cow lights above her classroom door.
ME: What do you want for Christmas?
Ava: I would like a new phone but I’ll be thankful for anything that I receive.
ME: What is your favorite thing to do over Christmas break?
Ava: Spend time with my family and friends.
ME: What do you do to get ready for Christmas?
Ava: My family and I have a baking day where we make Christmas cookies.
I want to thank Ava for a great interview. Look for more interviews in 2016.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!
12 Days of Christmas - This tune is
both fun and headache inducing.
You’ll be out of breath by the end of
this one!
Let It Snow - And to top off our list,
we have the three words every
student says in hopes of a delay or
cancellation the following day: Let it
Check the calendar at for an up
to date list of upcoming events!
Junior Husky Newsletter — Page 5
Absolute, Total Randomness
B y L u cas Hu tsky
Well Hi future Huskies!
It’s me, your favorite Ambassador Lucas Hutsky again. As all you already know (unless you all
have been living under a rock) the Christmas season is here! We officially kicked off the
Christmas season with Advent. So as you can all imagine I have a random thought to share
with all of you.
Why don’t we tell each other scary ghost stories at Christmas anymore? Years and years ago, it was a
tradition to share scary stories at Christmas. I mean sharing gifts with each other, caroling at people’s home, and
most importantly attending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day mass are all relatively great things about the season,
but what happened to this tradition? It is maddening to think that we forgot this fun little tradition, let alone actually
knowing it existed at one time in history.
If any of your families still practice this exciting Christmas tradition please let me know. I would love to hear
about it. Hey maybe some of you might have a few stories of your own to share with me or any of the
Ambassadors. I know I would love to hear them. Don’t be shy, we’re always hoping for some sort of feedback from
you guys. You are all the future of Bishop Carroll. Well that’s all the time I have for this short little article. May all of
you have a blessed and joyous Christmas as well as a happy New Year.
See you all soon!
By Tayl or Sherr y
Four of our students attended
the National Catholic Youth
Conference in Indianapolis on
Nov. 20-22 along with 12,000
other high school students
across the country. Senior Aleah
Krug was back for her second
time. Juniors Chrystal Byrne,
Tim Morris, and Maria Schall
went for the first time and all the
students found it to be an
amazing and powerful
experience. "I liked the
Eucharistic adoration best, said
Maria. It could be so loud from
thousands of students praising
God in song, and then the crowd
was so silent you could hear a
pin drop as we prayed silently."
Maria and Tim were able to talk
about their experience with
everyone on the TV show
Proclaim that aired on Sunday,
Dec. 13.
Junior Husky Newsletter — Page 8
G am es
By: Ti m Mo r r is