FREE SPIRIT - Psychic Light


FREE SPIRIT - Psychic Light
The Magazine of Psychic Light
February 2015
Book Reviews
The Year of the Goat
Numerology - Life Path 1
Fifty Shades on Valentine’s
Reader Profiles
& February Horoscopes
Harry Styles
The Friendly, Honest and
Independent Aquarian
discover your destiny and set your spirit free
Image - Featureflash /
Numerology Life Path 1- The Leader
Following on from our introduction to Numerology in Jan 2015 Free Spirit magazine, today we explore Life Path 1.
Hard working, opinionated and adventurous, those with the Life Path 1 can count themselves as ‘the leader.’
Does your birthday add up to a 1?
Image - Featureflash /
The Year of the Goat
Their normal serenity and calm
living puts them in good stead
Fun & Focus with Colour
by Lucy
“Colours in my experience can heal,
energise, calm, and balance in their
influence. They can also depress,
jangle and overstimulate.”
Reader Profile - Monique
“We are all on a spiritual journey in
life and understanding what and
why things happen .”
Fifty Shades of Grey
If you’ve read the book, will you
see the film? When better to go
than Valentine’s night.
Harry Styles
Do the traits run true for friendly and
independent Harry the Aquarian?
How are those
resolutions going?
Fallen off the resolution
bandwagon? Maybe these
inspiration books will help.
For example: 21st July 1989 or 21, 7, 1989
2+1+7+1+9+8+9 = 37 3+7=10 1+0= 1
In this case, you would have the Life Path number of: 1
Editor’s Letter
Welcome to the jam-packed February
issue of Free Spirit magazine.
As promised we continue our
Numerology series, are you a Life Path
1? Turn to page 3 to find out - 1’s count
themselves as the leaders…
If you found the shimmer soon wore
off January after the excitement of
Christmas, then reader Lucy is on hand to
cheer us with fun and focus with colour pages 4&5. Staying with readers, Monique
tells us how each client connection
is unique; she is great when you need
A person with Life Path number 1 has a pioneering spirit that is
full of energy, and they often have a passion for art. Being born
under the Life Path 1 gives people the strength of character
and individuality inherent in leaders. 1’s have a strong desire
to quite literally be ‘number one’, and their determination
and self-motivation won’t let anything stand in the way of
them accomplishing their goals. Their drive allows them to
overcome any obstacle or challenge they may encounter, and
they certainly have the ability to accomplish great things in their
lifetime. Their only need is to focus on what they want in order to achieve it.
The negative impact of this vibration means that 1’s may display traits such as laziness,
selfishness, intolerance, and sometimes even aggression. They are often unable to recognise
their own mistakes, and occasionally have difficulty adapting to standard norms.
Don’t worry if you have already blown
your New Year resolutions, we’ve got
some books that might help get you back
on plan step by step - diet, destiny and
Numerology -Life Path 1 - The Leader
Hard working, opinionated and
adventurous, those with the Life
Path 1 can count themselves as
‘the leader.’
We have two celebrity focuses this month
- one is our cover star Harry Styles who
just happens to be an Aquarius, we take a
look at what that means for his love life on
pages 8&9. Then we celebrate Valentines
with a movie release - Fifty Shades of Grey!
Star Sign - Aquarius
Many ancient cultures have
different myths involving
Aquarius, but in general the
mythological significance of
Aquarius relies heavily on the
importance of water.
Lastly we take a look at Chinese New Year this year being the year of the Goat, and of
course your normal monthly horoscopes
on pages 12-14.
This path is often associated with independence, so when it comes to choosing a career, 1’s
are best suited to being self-employed or managing others. They are natural leaders. They want to leave a distinctive mark and
stand out from the crowd with their unique and inventive approach to new projects. 1’s tend to have tremendous focus, and
almost always become the very best at what they do.
Famous ‘1’s’
A fast and furious pace, but be
aware that mistakes can be made
at great speed, too!
Psychic Light Ltd. PO Box 435, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 0WB. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008. Email:
For those with a Life Path 1, relationships are filled with love and affection. They are very
sincere with their feelings, however their enthusiasm can sometimes frighten people away.
We are all drawn to people for various different reasons, however our choice of partner
is likely to be influenced by our Life Path number. People with a 1 Life Path are most
compatible with 3’s and 5’s, as they both have the kind of temperament that would work
with the bossy and opinionated 1. If a 1 happens to connect with another 1 then they may
have a passionate, but short-lived relationship.
Life Path number 1 is so strong that it’s unsurprising that some of the world’s most creative, influential figures are of this
George Clooney May 6, 1961
Walt Disney December 5, 1901
Elizabeth Hurley June, 10 1965
Martin Luther King January 15, 1929
Lady Gaga March 28, 1986
Steve Jobs February 24, 1955
coLour Lucy
By Reader
heart; blue for
integrity, truthful
speech and thought,
study, learning; purple
for spiritual insight and
psychic awareness.
PIN: 3565
olours in my experience can heal, energise, calm, and balance in their influence. They can
also depress, jangle and overstimulate.
For as long as I can remember I have been aware of colour rays around and throughout our physical world.
As a young child, if I relaxed, I could see these beams of light coming down from the skies, bathing Earth in
coloured lights. It seemed to me that the beams related to or even created, different personality types; the lights
influenced people to behave a certain way. This did not seem at all sinister; as a child I was apprehending
the reality of belonging to a ‘soul group’ spiritually. In retrospect, this was likely a perception of the guides,
appearing as light rays. I mentioned it to my mum, as if normal - this did not go down too well, so I stopped.
After many psychic experiences, as a young teen I raided the public library and second-hand bookshop for
information. This was 1970 or so, and unlike today there was almost nothing; just a few Christian classics, such
as The Imitation of Christ - a beautiful spiritual work, I still have a copy. Then at age 15, I found a book entitled
The Q’balah. Here was information! I read it cover to cover three times, and hardly understood anything. But
this was totally in line with my childhood experiences: the chakra system depicted as the Tree of Life, each
sephiroth (chakra) having associations of colour, energy, a deity/saint, and physical correspondences. A new
world of comprehension opened up; now I found how to meditate and visualise to balance myself and others.
Choose colours that best
represent your issues, light them
on a large plate or similar, and allow
time for the wax to form patterns. Like
every form of scrying, the images are likely to be
suggestive and symbolic rather than clear; it is what the
picture suggests to you that matters. If you can, it is ideal to sit and
meditate on a flame whilst this happens, a calming and peaceful experience. If you
are asking a question, wanting additional confirmation with a decision, or getting a feel of the
path ahead, turn away from your divinatory candles and light another, perhaps blue or violet to
divert wishful thinking from your interpretation.
An even quicker psychic check-in can be done with an opaque bag of coloured crystals, felt pens or child’s
crayons: draw out two or three to get an idea of what you need to focus on most today, or in the coming week.
Techniques that feel good for me:
Weight Control Focus
I often feel I want food when I am not really hungry. I have used a simple visualisation since my 20s - first I try
to keep active as possible, breathe deeply and steadily, visualising a glowing light in my lower abdomen. This
helps me feel more centred, capable, having reserves of energy to continue my activities. I feel a sense I can
go for longer, food right now is not necessary. Keeping busy is key of course.
Psychic and Emotional Protection
Enough about me, maybe you have had some similar experiences. I think we would all agree that we are
influenced by colours around us in the physical world. Here are some simple visualisations and techniques you
might like to explore and use:
I do the exact opposite of the recommended method, because it feels right for me. You may have read that to
protect yourself from invasive negative forces of any kind, you can visualise an aura of light around yourself like
a force field, repelling attack. Well - that just makes me feel small and powerless; I have no confidence that my
shield will be impenetrable. And how long will this energy be around? Should I run away? It basically makes my
‘attacker’ appear stronger than I. It feels so much more right to send the perceived threat energy instead. So
I visualise a glowing light around the person, or mental image that causes me discomfort. This way, I feel so
much more expansive and strong; much less vulnerable.
Chakra Visualisation / Meditation
You have read this before I am sure, but it is so grounding and balancing to simply focus on the seven major
chakras progressively, beginning with the root. The colours are red (base of spine),
orange (abdomen), yellow (solar plexus), green (heart), blue (thyroid), purple/
indigo (pineal gland), amethyst violet or clear (crown).
Any time I am out walking, or with other people in any capacity, I may notice someone who looks unhappy,
stressed, ill and anxious. Without looking directly I surround that individual with light, then wait to see what
colour appears in that light. I like to think that it is tuning into positive healing and guidance for their situation.
I frequently do it to relax and switch off my busy, repetitive thoughts. If you are
unable to ‘see’ a colour with your psychic eye, you can still get a sense of the energy
associated with a chakra: is it hot or cold, active or sluggish, overactive or lacking
energy? Focus and breathe gently into chakras that seem deficient until you
see a pure, radiant light or sense an increase of vitality and flow.
Candle and Colour Divination
Use coloured candles to focus on a question you have, I suggest two or
three colours but no more. The colour correspondences are: white
for new beginnings, births; black for letting go emotionally,
breaking old ties when needed; brown for practical matters,
maintenance; pink for friendships, new beginnings
emotionally, reconnection; red for fertility and passion,
orange for decisions, strength to do what is right; yellow for
intellectual matters, career, communication; green for following your
Physical Contact with Colour
Easy and fun, this is a way to be ‘more yourself’ through colour. Try the following experiment: find pieces of fabric
(clothes, bedding, towels, soft furnishings etc.) Lie down and close your eyes, then place the colours on your
torso, one at a time. Wait and absorb the colour, see how it feels. This is far more effective if a friend does the
placing for you, folded so you are less likely to guess which article it is. Likely enough, one or more colours may
feel particularly right for you. To benefit from that colour’s energy, you could wear it (invisibly as underwear if not
outwardly), sleep on it, use it around your home. You may want to buy yourself emerald green bed sheets and
orange knickers! Have fun and enjoy the beneficial rays of colour by inviting it close. Enjoying colours in this way
can strengthen our self-esteem, and even draw your guides closer to consciousness.
When doing readings, I sometimes get a sense of a coloured aura around my client. This to me reflects their soul
journey, unlike the etheric aura related to Kirlian photography, which reflects a more physical vitality. Listening with
the physical ear and seeing with the eye of Spirit may yield diametrically opposite perceptions: the client may be
agitated and distressed, seeing many things ‘go wrong’ in their life. But in a soul sense they cruise calmly forward,
like a ship on a sunny calm ocean. There is always opportunity to change situations; sometimes it means letting
go before we can start to flow along our individual path.
Year of the Goat
* Goat years are: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015.
* Goat lucky numbers are 3, 9 & 4. But 7, 6 & 8 should be avoided.
* Primroses, Alice Flowers and Carnations should be the flower of choice for Goats.
* Lucky colours for Goats are Green, Red and Purple.
* Their luckiest months will be August and November.
In terms of
Goat’s best matches
are the Pig - this would
provide the happiest
combination. The Horse
would be an interesting
match where they would
not bore one another
and the Rabbit would
make a nice happy
The worst combinations
are the Tiger, Rat, Ox,
Rooster and other
Goats. Mainly these
would make good
friends but not lovers.
They would find they
have to pretend to be
Somewhere in the
middle ground fall
Dragon, Snake, Monkey
and Dog’s - these do not
make ideal mates, but stable relationships albeit with
some difficulties may be possible.
Goat Characteristic’s:
Those born under the sign of the Goat are kindhearted, sensitive and highly creative. They can be
quiet, preferring not to be the centre of attention.
Honesty and stability are important to them and they
will have a strong sense of justice. They should not be
underestimated, because while they have many gentle
qualities, they have opinions of their own and can be
strong on the outside, with excellent resilience and
defensive instincts.
Day to day, Goat
year people are
economical and will
treat business matters
cautiously. Pessimism
and hesitation is their
enemy, especially in
their careers. Often they
are worriers and they
can be over-sensitive
and sometimes puzzled
by life. Hence they will
do best when they can
express themselves
in a creative or artistic
capacity, jobs involving
writing, baking, interior
design, floristry, acting,
hair/make-up styling,
music, art or teaching
would all be fulfilling for
Those born in goat
years are generally very
healthy, their normal
serenity and calm living
puts them in good stead physically. Eating regularly
and good sleep patterns, lots of fresh air and access
to sunshine keeps health issues away.
Goat people are not the easiest to get to properly
know as they are private by nature. It is they that
will choose whether to let you into their lives. They
are more likely to have a few close friends than be
surrounding by lots of people they do not know very
well. Surprisingly once in a relationship they can
be a bit bossy, but also utterly charming, sweet and
romantic - making them hard to resist!
hether you are single or attached, if you are at a loose end on Valentines, or are looking for an alternative
to the normal dinner date, then perhaps you will be pleased to know that the Fifty Shades of Grey movie
is released on the 13th February, just in time for Valentines.
The movie is of course an adaptation of the book: Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James, it is fair to say that the
books in the trilogy/the author have taken some flak, in part due to the writing quality, but to be fair James started
writing fan fiction based around the Twilight story.
The books have been called many things - mummy porn, dark romance, erotica for women to name a few. But
whether you read the books or not, or wherever you land on your thoughts on the genre it is hard to argue with the
figures. Since its release the trilogy has been translated in to 51 languages, and in print and via e-book more than
100 million copies have been sold, making it one of the biggest and fastest selling book series in history.
Fans are always concerned about how a book will be translated to screen and this project had controversy
before it even started filming. As you’d expect, the fans were eager to know who would take on the main parts of
Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. Ian Somerhalder, Matt Bomer, Francois Arnaud, Alexander Skarsgard were
all rumoured names, but in the end it was Anarchy’s Charlie Hunnam that was selected to play Christian, but
shortly after supposedly for scheduling issues he pulled out of the role, and eventually the part was recast to Jamie
Dornan. Anastasia’s role was equally speculated about, with Shailene Woodley, Imogen Poots, Emma Watson and
Alexis Bledel all being mentioned, but in the end the role is played by Dakota
With the subject matter as it is, it was always going to be a fine line between
pleasing the fans and including the racier parts of the book in the movie, and
not offending film goers by showing soft-porn at the theatre. Equally on the
makers/producers minds has got to be how will ordinary people respond,
it is one thing to download the book to read on your iPad, it’s another thing
entirely to front up to the cinema in person…But they have gone all out with
the music, both for the young and old and the soundtrack includes Beyoncé,
Sia, Ellie Goulding and Frank Sinatra to name a few. No doubt if the film is a
success then maybe a second and third will follow to complete the trilogy.
Images - Focus Features
Fifty Shades
of Valentine’s
hinese New Year goes from the 19th February 2015 to 7th February 2016 and the period
welcomes the Year of the Goat or Sheep/Ram.
Whatever you do this Valentine’s Day we hope you have fun!
Aquarians are said to be
strong individuals who do
not follow the crowd. They
are independent, friendly
and honest as well as being
fiercely loyal. For these
reasons, Aquarians are
valuable friends who will
not hesitate to be there if
you need them. They make
great leaders and work well
in groups, and often have
unusual thoughts and ideas.
They are often looked upon
as eccentric or unusual for
their determination to not be
like any other.
However, because of
their strong sense of
independence, Aquarians
can sometimes come
across as cold or detached
to those that don’t know
them. Their unusual ideas
can often cause them to be
unpredictable and rebellious
as they embrace their
eccentric thoughts.
Those born between January 20th and February 18th under the sign Aquarius are often said to be the
zodiacs most mysterious and unusual people. This month we will be taking an in-depth look at the star
sign, discussing its history and mythology as well as the unique traits of an Aquarian.
Basic Facts:
Your element:
Your ruling planet:
Your stone:
The Water Bearer
History and Mythology
Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign of the zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius the
water carrier. Many ancient cultures have different myths involving Aquarius, but in general the mythological
significance of Aquarius relies heavily on the importance of water. The existence of all ancient cultures
depended on the supply of water.
In Greek Mythology, Aquarius was Ganymede, the son of Tros, king of Phrygia. The God Zeus admired
the boy’s beauty so much he sent his eagle Aquila to kidnap the boy to serve as cup bearer on mount
Olympus. The young prince inspired Zeus to cast his image eternally in the night sky.
Whilst this is perhaps the most well-known example, other cultures signify Aquarius differently. The
Egyptians associated this time of year with the God Hapi, who was thought to be responsible for the
annual flooding of the river Nile. In some images he is seen watering the earth from two large jugs.
Famous Aquarians
Famous Aquarians include
figures such as Oprah
Winfrey, John Travolta, and
Bob Marley, all of whom are
noted for their individuality
and strong characters which
perhaps could be attributed
to their success. When taking
into account unpredictable
and rebellious Aquarians,
James Dean can be seen
as a classic example of an
Aquarian who did not follow
Harry Styles
Harry Styles as I am sure you are aware is a member of the boy-band One
Direction; he grew up in Cheshire in England and used to play locally in a
band called White Eskimo. In 2010 he auditioned on X Factor as a solo artist,
but was initially rejected. Later in the series he was brought back along with
four other contestants to form the group that would become One Direction. It
is hard to imagine that even Simon Cowell could have predicted the success
that the band has gone on to have. Their debut single ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ debuted at number 1 in the UK singles chart and it has since sold over 5
million copies globally making it one of the best-selling singles of all time.
Harry was born on the 1st February 1994 making him an Aquarius, interestingly he is the only band member to be an air sign, all of the others are
earth signs. He demonstrates typical Aquarius traits - creative, funny, kind,
compassionate and a free spirit that won’t stand still.
Aquarian men are generally fine as bachelors as long as they have male
friends to hang out with - so Harry has no problems there. Partners of
Aquarians need to be social and they should be prepared to be friends
first. They want their partners to be attractive, but if they do not have a style
of their own, a brain and perspective on life - then they can forget it! Their
eccentricity and love of innovation, means they may choose quirky partners.
Harry’s love-life has certainly had a lot of speculation; he caused some controversy early on by dating Caroline Flack - the X Factor presenter who was 14
years his senior. He also dated Taylor Swift, in theory with him being an air
sign and her being a fire sign they should have been a good match, but in
the end privacy vs publicity
and emotion vs rationality
won through. For a short
period of time he was linked
to Kendall Jenner and now
he is supposed to be dating
Austrian Victoria Secrets
model Nadine Leopold,
albeit not exclusively. As I
write this though the press
are also reporting that he
has been on secret dates
with Emma Watson!
A survey done by Lovehoney recently said that if
you matched up with an
Aquarian then - lucky you!
They apparently have the
most sex, but also are
the most faithful partners.
Astrologers put this down to
the fact that Aquarians are
honest, loyal and inventive
people who love surprises,
all characteristics that make
good lovers!
If you would like to discover
more about what is in store
for Aquarians this month
then don’t forget you can visit
our horoscope page: www.
which is updated every
Image - Featureflash /
How are those resolutions going
New Year resolutions are a funny thing, despite how unique we all are on this earth - many of us make the
same resolutions as each other year in year out: Get fit, lose weight, give up smoking, cut down on alcohol,
change job - in general be more dynamic and live life in a more exciting way…
In reality when January sets in and the humdrum of normal life takes over, resolutions are quickly forgotten
and/or broken.
Most will know her, but if not, meet Monique; the
young talented reader with a good following.
Hello I’m Monique;
I have had the pleasure of reading for Psychic Light
for around 6 years now, however my gift and abilities
were very apparent to me many years before that.
I have always been able to see and sense things
about people, knowing what they would do or say
or predicting names of people they would meet. I
presumed everyone felt like this and it didn’t seem
strange or uncomfortable to me, until I was slightly
older and people would question how and why did I
know these things…That is when I decided to start
reading for people, I surprised myself at how much just
flowed through, and making people feel happy and
giving them insight felt amazing, for me and for them.
If you find in February you have already fallen off the resolution bandwagon, then maybe you will find some
inspiration in these new books. We often fail to bring about changes in our lives because we do not have a
plan; our goals are often too big and seem insurmountable. So if a healthy diet is on your mind, then you may
find that Davina’s plan to wean us off sugar over a 5 week period helps. Paul McKenna on the other hand
shows us how we can reveal our true potential and shows us how to master our destiny in just a few hours. If
all else fails, be inspired by Lonely Planet’s guide to travel in 2015!
Monique PIN: 2321
images can sometimes seem to make no sense or
have no relevance at the time, yet so many people
come back to me and say they dismissed the image
in the reading yet a few days later it made perfect
sense to them!
I treat every reading as a unique time for us to
connect. I have so many people that I read for that I
really feel very connected to, although I will ensure I
look at every reading as a fresh new connection, as
well as things they may need further validation on.
All that I ask of you is that you enjoy your reading and
feel relaxed, enlightened and fulfilled at the end of it.
I do hope that throughout my readings I can try to
assist your understanding, validate or even interpret
what it is that you are experiencing. I can look into
any aspect of your life: love, career, friends or just a
general look at everything.
I do my upmost to read with compassion and
sincerity without compromising my honesty and
straightforward approach at reading. If there is
something on your path and I see it I will pass this
straight to you, I am just a channel for Spirit, or
whatever it is that is guiding me, to give you what
they feel you need to know. These messages or
My favourite reader is Monique, she is fantastic and
tunes into me within minutes. She is always spot on,
and I find her so reassuring. Talking to Monique is
like talking to a very good friend, I honestly think she
is the best reader out there.
Davina is a self-confessed sugar addict, but she decided that her family and she
could benefit from trying to rid added sugar and junk food from their diets. But
she needed healthy recipes that work for her family and their busy lives. This
book is for those that want to gradually cut back on added sugar - hence the 5
week plan, rather than going cold turkey. Also foods that have naturally present
sugar are still included like fruit, so it is healthier than some books that advocate
cutting whole food groups. Davina admits to not being a health guru and so has
had help in designing the balanced meals, but don’t worry there are even deserts
for those sweet toothed chocoholics! There is also a fun website with meal plan
suggestions to get you started, so you can have a look before committing to
buying the book:
Image - Orion Books
The 3 Things That Will Change Your Destiny Today!
With much love, Monique xx
“We are all
on a spiritual
journey in life and
what and why
things happen ”
I have always been able to sense atmospheres
and feel spirit’s presence when they come in;
unfortunately mediumship is a gift that I haven’t
tuned fully, yet! We are all on a spiritual journey in
life and understanding what and why things happen,
or sometimes why things don’t happen can become
confusing and frustrating.
Davina’s 5 Weeks to Sugar-Free
Paul McKenna is no stranger to claiming he can change your life, with everything
from losing weight, to giving up smoking, to ridding stress, getting rich to making
you happy…But his new book concentrates on your destiny. He believes that you
can be guided through a simple set of processes in a matter of hours that will clear
your past, adjust blocks, rid negative experiences so that you can be truly happy in
the present. He covers the secret of confidence, motivation and luck. Looks at how
to release your true potential and how to increase the power you have in your life so
you can be the very best you.
Image - Lonely Planet
Image - Bantem Press
Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2015
In this book the Lonely Planet staff take a look at the top 10 ranking cities,
regions and countries to visit in 2015. There are travel lists to give fresh
perspective and ideas on how to explore the place you are visiting to its
maximum potential. If you want to plan a visit around what is happening then
there are 35 events mapped out month by month. Some of the destinations
have been chosen due to a revitalised infrastructure, a special anniversary or a
sporting event that is happening, but others are picked just because they have
an ‘aura of right now’.
Whatever you do in 2015, we hope you make it your best year yet!
with our expert
Welcome to Free Spirit’s in-depth horoscopes for February 2015. To receive an
amazingly insightful email reading from Chrystalyte, go to
and follow the email link. Choose a Psychic Reading or an Astrology Reading. The
charge for this service is £39.95; the reply may take up to 72 hours.
Mar 21st - Apr 19th
As Aries is often accused of being the ‘me’ sign, it may surprise
everyone to know how much you struggle, in reality, with putting the
spotlight on yourself. Your time to shine is, however, fast approaching.
Once Mars moves into Aries on the 20th nobody can really stop you
from anything you want to aim for, so: be bold!
Apr 20th - May 20th
On the 1st and the 8th Venus in Pisces links with the outer planets
Neptune and Pluto, which means that developments rather beyond
your personal control will affect you and may threaten endings or
bring temporary confusion. However, on the 22nd and 24th, there
are connections with Mars and Saturn, respectively, which show you
being more assertive and having stronger boundaries.
May 21st - June 20th
As Gemini is astrologically governed by Mercury, you may feel it more
keenly than most whilst that planet remains in retrograde motion this
month. But life is due to get easier from the 11th, when Mercury moves
to normal motion. A strong agreement can be made and a proposal
or contract firmed up, when Mercury and Saturn link around the 19th.
June 21st - July 22nd
The full Moon comes early this month, making the period around the
3rd such a busy time that you may well regret having agreed to so
many things ahead, in previous weeks! Remember that you can bail
out in certain areas if things get overwhelming. New light should be
shone upon a matter around the 18th, during the Aquarius new Moon.
July 23rd - Aug 23rd
Tricks of the eye or the mind are a potential hazard this month.
Especially so around the Sun’s opposition by Jupiter, planet of excess,
on February 6th – and again on the 26th, when the Sun and Neptune
conjoin. If you are unsure about your perspective at any point, seek
out a second opinion; it could save a lot of confusion and trouble.
he month starts on a slow note, due to Mercury continuing in a retrograde path through
Aquarius but speed and progress should start to pick up again rather nicely after the
11th. The most lively sense of action appears, however, once Mars has moved into
Aries on February 20th. The energy surge this brings allows for a fast and furious pace with
any important projects, which will mean that plenty suddenly gets done, but be aware that
mistakes can be made at great speed, too! With Venus linked to the outer planet Pluto on
the 8th, there is also a sense of finally burying something and moving forward with a fresh
approach. Anything redundant may be left behind.
Aug 24th - Sep 23rd
February 11th and 19th are key dates for you. Firstly, your Sun sign’s
ruling planet, Mercury, changes direction, helping with forward steps
on key matters. Secondly, Mercury makes a helpful bond with Saturn,
the planet associated with concrete outcomes. It seems that a loose or
casual arrangement suddenly has the potential to move to a firmer basis.
Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd
You generally have more influence over certain outcomes as the
month moves on. Mid February may be fairly quiet, but at either end
there is some exciting activity involving Venus, the planet that rules
Libra. Therefore, expect big things around the 1st and 8th and then
be ready to make your mark on something from the 22nd to the 24th.
Oct 23rd - Nov 21st
February 8th is your power point date this month. Although the planet
Mercury remains retrograde then, still complicating issues and slowing
things down, Pluto’s link with Venus shows that you are reaching the
end of the line with something. Even Scorpios have a tolerance level
and yours is in sight. By mid-month you will know what you have to do.
Nov 22nd - Dec 21st
With Jupiter opposing the Sun there is a risk of getting entangled
with someone whose viewpoint is so different from your own that it’s
almost impossible to see eye to eye. Both of you are right, just in
different ways. As in many areas of life, the key to success will be to
know when to stand back and let go.
Dec 22nd - Jan 19th
With Saturn, Capricorn’s planet, in Sagittarius the days truly have a
brighter feel. There are two dates in February – the 5th and the 19th when Saturn shows a strong interplanetary connection, with Mercury,
the planet most often in a state of dual flight. This means you should
see a resolution to a puzzle on or soon after the second date.
Jan 20th - Feb 18th
Aquarius is in for something good, verging on spectacular, it would
seem this month, according to a promising connection between Uranus and the Sun around February 2nd. A sudden opportunity or inspiration should be acted upon, as it appears to have a spiritual green
light around it. This is a time for being bold and shaking things up!
Feb 19th - Mar 20th
The 1st and 26th are absolute key dates for Pisces this month, as
Venus and the Sun are linked then with Neptune, your planetary
ruler. This makes both the start and end of the month magical and
inspirational times. Potentially, a relationship gets its mojo back, or a
new one begins and your personal creativity soars as a result.
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