Cheryl Fernandez-Versini


Cheryl Fernandez-Versini
The Magazine of Psychic Light
July 2015
UK Calling
Face Reading
Divination Choices
Numerology - Life Path 6
Is charismatic Cancer sign a
true love match for sensual Virgo
July Horoscopes
discover your destiny and set your spirit free
Image - Featureflash /
Numerology Life Path 6 – The Teacher
Compassionate, nurturing, and family orientated those with the Life Path 6 can count themselves as ‘the teacher.’
Does your birthday add up to a 6?
For example: 3rd October 1964
3, 10, 1964 3+10+1964= 1977 1+9+7+7= 24 2+4= 6
Reader Profile - Hope
This month reader Hope
enlightens us with her Divination
choices. So, hold on to your
crystal ball we’re going on a ride
through the mystic world.
UK Calling
New rates for UK phone call
charges are starting, we aim to
give you a clear understanding of
what this means for you.
Much loved reader Hope writes a fantastic
article for us, that covers everything from
the Tarot to Psychometry, Crystal Ball to
Healing and Palmistry to I Ching.
Cheryl Fernandez-Versini
Married in 2014 to Jean-Bernard,
we take a look at the love
compatibility of a female Cancer
sign and a male Virgo.
Face Reading
“The face is a picture of the mind
with the eyes as its interpreter.” We
all have one, they’ll all unique. But
what does yours say about you?
As I write this letter the weather is quite
grey and decidedly blustery, but I am
hoping that by the time you get this
magazine the summer we are all longing
for has arrived!
So, we kick off the July issue with our
Numerology series - this month it is Life
Path 6 - The Teacher. Staying with our
feature articles, we explore the zodiac
Cancer sign, including what it means for
our cover star Cheryl Fernandez-Versini.
Image - Featureflash /
Editor’s Letter
Numerology -- Life
Path 6 - The Teacher
Compassionate, nurturing, and
family orientated those with the
Life Path 6 can count themselves
as ‘the teacher.’
Star Sign - Cancer
Just like their mascot, Cancerians
have the tendency to disappear
back into their shells if the mood
Both business and social life
may be under scrutiny and
reassessment, as a greater bid for
freedom is made.
On page 4 we take a look at UK Calling,
it covers everything you need to know
about Ofcom changes to certain
telephone numbers from the 1st July 2015.
If you feel like you have a psychic gift, but
don’t know quite how to practise - then
why not try out Face Reading on your
family and friends, check just how spot on
the readings are against what your already
know of their personalities!
Turning to horoscopes our social lives
may be under scrutiny during July, whilst
things might seem strange at first, hang in
there as support will follow…
Psychic Light Ltd. PO Box 435, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 0WB. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008. Email:
In this case, you would have the Life Path number of: 6
6’s are the teachers, carers and trainers in life. They are incredibly caring and generous, and find
nothing more rewarding than really guiding others. Their main goal in life is to live to love, providing
support, care and comfort to those around them.
It is in a 6’s nature to take responsibility and must feel ‘useful’ to feel happy.
They are very down to earth and realistic, and often feel that the most
important thing in life is the home, family and friends.
There are a few negative traits to this number, there is a danger
that 6’s may become overburdened by the feeling of responsibility
towards others. While they thrive on supporting others, they must
also learn the balance between supporting and interfering, as
others may perceive it as controlling and domineering.
6’s are selfless and loyal in their relationships and will thrive
in a peaceful, harmonious partnership. Love is the power that
controls a 6’s life, and their love will be endless if they find the
right person. They don’t function well in stressful relationships,
and seek marriage and children where they can fully express
their nurturing, domestic instincts.
People with a 6 Life Path can find a natural fit
with those with a Life Path of 3, 6 or 9.
A 6’s love of caring and protecting often means they are drawn
into careers that allow them to feel connected to their community
or family values. They may find most success in positions where they
can share their life experiences such as a counsellor, teacher, or in the
medical field.
6’s should aim for a career that rewards responsibility as they make natural managers.
Their ‘take charge’, charismatic leadership qualities will attract and support a strong team in the workplace.
6’s express great appreciation to the arts and are often blessed with talents in music or performance; however their creativity
may be suppressed due to their inability to fully appreciate their talents.
Famous ‘6’s’
You may notice that some of these famous 6’s are idealistic, humanitarian and devoted to their life’s work. Many of them are
also predominant caretakers and head of their famous families:
Victoria Beckham - April 17, 1974
John Lennon - October 9, 1940
Michael Jackson - August 29, 1958
Britney Spears - December 2, 1981
Albert Einstein - March 14, 1879
Michael Caine - March 14, 1933
f you have a landline
telephone or mobile
phone, then the chances
are you have been contacted
by your provider about
changes that Ofcom are
bringing in to place from the
1st July 2015 , to make it easier
for everyone to understand
the actual cost of dialling
specific numbers.
Hence the name of the campaign UK Calling:
Clear Call Rates for Everyone!
As a result of these changes you will notice some differences on the Psychic Light group of websites
and in corresponding advertising.
Currently the advertised cost of our Premium Rate calls - those numbers starting 0906 11 are £1.53
per minute. There may also be some corresponding terms: From a BT Landline, + standard network
rate or network charges may apply.
From the 1st July 2015, the price and wording for calls to our numbers will change as follows:
0906 11 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.
From 1 July 2015, the cost of calling service numbers will be made up of two parts:
• An access charge: This part of the call charge goes to your phone company, charged as pence per
minute. They will tell you how much the access charge will be for calls to service numbers. It will be
made clear on bills and when you take out a contract.
• A service charge: This is the rest of the call charge. The organisation (Psychic Light) you are
calling decides this, and will tell you how much it is.
ello everyone. My name is Hope,
my PIN is 3203.
I am a Psychic Medium; I work
with my Guides and employ a wide range
of methods for channelling readings
and getting information on all sorts of
questions that we have about our lives.
I love the ‘Art of Divination’ as all the
signs and omens and messages that come
through are designed specifically for the
person I am reading for, to have a much
better future and cope with their life to
get the most happiness and fulfilment out
of the situation. All of my readings are
channelled with the Angels and presence of
higher forces providing guidance regarding
all aspects of life. I call it ‘my talent’; it
becomes ‘my gift’ when I share it with
others. I am really grateful to be able to do
this wonderful work. My Angels & Guides
watch over me and I have only wonderful
experience of what this work can do.
The new rule will impact numbers that start 084, 087, 09 and 118. The changes do not impact
numbers to ordinary landline numbers such as those starting 01, 02, 03 or mobiles (07) numbers.
They will also not alter payphone calls, international calls or calls to the UK if roaming abroad.
In a further change, calls to Freephone numbers starting 0800 or 0808 will be free to mobile users as
they are to existing landline users.
For further information you should contact your telephone provider and you can visit the UK Calling
website: or on Twitter: @uk_calling
Tarot is the ‘Book of Life’ which reveals the Past, Present
and Future potential of your life experience. It is a tool to
look at the details of life situations. I also use the Tarot for
Mediumship, as I find that Spirit talk in pictures as well
as in words. When a connection is made from loved ones
passed over, many times they have shown me details in
the Tarot of what has occurred. I have owned many Tarot
decks and I collect them and at present I am in the process
of making my own. The Tarot is a wonderful thing and
can bring into alignment all the parts of the details in your
life and make sense of what’s happening right now in any
situation. They really are like a gift from God, as they have
a pictorial understanding of all things in the universe and
have multidimensional properties when used with your
natural intuition and psychic abilities.
The Art of Psychometry is a magical thing, the holding of
objects which then generate energies and impressions. I
can tune into stored vibrations in personal items or even
lay my hands on a building wall and see and sense the
impressions. As an example, I was doing a Tarot reading
for a gentleman and asked if I could hold the ring he
was wearing, he did and I told him “I see Sydney Opera
House” and he said “that is where my little son lives
with his mother.” That was the first time I had ever done
Psychometry on anyone and it worked immediately. We
were in London!
The Crystal Ball is used as a tool for communication
with the spirit world; I call it a ‘sort of satellite’ to the
spirit world so that a two way communication can occur
between those in the spirit world and those here on earth.
Like Skype - not as easy to set up though! Quartz Crystal
is the best as it transmits energy well. They put crystals
in computers and TV’s for a similar reason. My first ever
communication with the Crystal Ball was back in 1990.
The late Harry Edwards which I didn’t know then but
found out afterwards was one of England’s finest healers,
(his healing sanctuary in Burrows Lea is still open to this
day), he appeared in the Crystal Ball wearing a white coat
like doctors wear, his hair was white and he was talking. I
could not hear what he was saying so I said “I cannot hear
you” and at that moment my two Shiz Tu dogs raced to
the door as though someone was there. There was glass
in the top of the door and I could see no one was at the
door, it was 10 o’clock at night and fear crept over me
as superstition got a hold of me and so I didn’t open the
door, but my dogs continued to bark. The next morning at
7.30am someone was knocking on the front door - it was
the postman, when I opened it he was dangling my keys
and said he could have let himself in but was a good man
and decided to knock. If only I would have opened the
door I would have seen them the previous night! I realised
this was a real gentleman in my Crystal Ball because he
was trying to get me to realise my keys were in the door
and to protect me, as well as to show me that unlike all
the horror stories we are told about the paranormal, my
experiences with him as a Spirit, he died in 1972 was full
of love and good deeds even miracles he has shown me. I
have had many experiences like this since.
The IChing I love, as I love Confucius. The wisdom
contained in the IChing is limitless and is a wonderful
self-development tool. It is as though the knowledge and
the strategies that are created in the IChing have literally
tumbled down from heaven. I have been told by some
of the great psychics – Kevin Ryerson a trance healer in
Shirley Maclaines movie / book ‘Out on a Limb’ that I
was part of the team that trained Moses and the teacher
Choose a job you love, and you
will never have to work a day in
your life.
and actually died for an hour; they brought him back
but said he would not be able to swallow due to brain
damage. I was asked to help him and I asked Harry
Edwards to support me. When I was doing the laying on
of hands the little boy was asleep with the nurse present
and his family, all of a sudden he started to cough and it
seemed like he was choking and this went on for about
5 seconds and then just stopped. He went straight into
calm again. I’m happy to say he is eating, swallowing
and out of hospital. The combination of the wonderful
medical staff in the hospital and Harry Edwards is a
miracle. Miracles really do happen!
Palmistry is one of my great loves I believe everybody
should be able to read their own palm. The hand is where
God has written the map of our lives and it can be subject
to change as well. I have read hundreds of thousands
of palms over nearly 30 years even little children have
wonderful palms to read. When I first started doing
Palmistry I realised it is actually a science, and I love
science. It also developed my mediumship, I think by
just holding the hand you can connect with the persons’
energy field and information can come streaming through.
Healing is the most wonderful gift, the laying on of hands
just as Jesus did, and it is most amazing. The body has an
electrical energy field surrounding it and healers fix this
energy field when it breaks just as fuses blow, so does the
field sometimes short circuit, which can cause all sorts
of problems in the physical body. The spirit doctors can
work and guide a healer and literally channel through the
hands of the healer.
My Spirit Guide Harry Edwards was spiritually present
when I went to aid a child in hospital who had drowned
I was once working at a psychic party in Ripley Castle in
Yorkshire. The tables were all full of families and my job
was to be at the tables and reading their palms. At this one
table there were three little boys with their parents and I
opened the little boys hand with the parents’ permission
of course, I said “you are very good at maths and I feel you
will be working with lots of numbers when you are older,”
he was about seven years old and he said “yes I am very
good at counting and my daddy is an accountant and when
I grow up I want to be an accountant too!” His father just
smiled at me, it was a real daddy and son bonding moment,
and I think in that moment he realised I could not of
known that about him or his son and he thanked me.
in me does like to see people achieve their happiness and
be at their best. I was told by Alison Wynne-Rider from
the Rescue Mediums show that I am a healer and by the
great Tony Stockwell that the Spirit world thanks me for
the work I do. In particular I like to use the Crystal Ball
and Tarot when I work on the telephone as I find that
no matter whether it is mediumship, direct questions
or even a general reading, that I can use the Crystal Ball
and Tarot in combination with love and compassion and
get to the heart of the matter. I have read for so many
different people from all walks of life and I am lucky
to have come across so many wonderful people to do
readings for and hope that my insight can continue to
be guiding in all that they wish for. A quote from the
great healer Betty Shine: “Having opened the door of
Hope, untold wonders can be revealed.”
Thanks for reading, Hope - PIN 3203
Those born between June 22nd and July 22nd are born under the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer.
As with previous months, we will be taking an in-depth look at the star sign, discussing its history and
mythology as well as the unique traits of a Cancerian.
Basic Facts:
Your element:
Your ruling planet:
Your stone:
The Crab
The Moon
Just like their mascot, Cancerians have the tendency to disappear back into their shells if the mood strikes.
They use this hard exterior as protection for their home, which tends to matter more than anything to this
sign – they spend large amounts of energy building up their nest and you would be a fool to try and penetrate
it. This strong sense of home, along with their caring and compassionate nature makes them great partners,
with a strong need for security. Cancerians have a strong creative side, and may express this through art,
poetry or music.
The downside of Cancers protective outer shell means that they have the tendency to retreat, leading others
to sometimes view them as moody or withdrawn. Cancerians large pinching claws mean that they can find
it hard to let go of things, especially from their past but remember that repressed emotion can lead to anger,
resentment or even depression.
Many of our readers are especially talented in astrology and may be able to tell you more about the Cancer
star sign. Look out for readers including Ellie and Yianna on the Psychic Light reader’s page, and get in touch!
History and
The word ‘Cancer’ comes
originally from the Latin word
for ‘crab’ - the symbol the sign
is commonly depicted as.
In Greek mythology Cancer
was Karkinos, a giant crab
sent by Queen of Olympus,
Hera to kill Hercules in battle.
Hercules was just one of Zeus’
many illegitimate children, and
it was thought that he was a
constant reminder to Hera of
her husband’s unfaithfulness.
There are two stories on
how the battle ended. The
first states that Hercules
removed Karkinos by kicking
it with such force that it was
propelled into the sky. The
second tells of the moment
Hercules crushed the creature
underfoot, leading Hera to
place the image of the crab
in the sky, rewarding it for its
courage and loyalty.
Famous Cancerians
Check out the following
famous Cancerians, do they
match up to the characteristics
we mentioned?
Notable Cancerians George
Michael, Ringo Starr and
Ernest Hemingway all
demonstrate Cancers creative
flair for music and writing,
while Prince William and Tom
Hanks represent Cancers
secure, home-loving side, kept
protected by their shells. Other
celebs born under the Cancer
sign include Tom Cruise,
Cheryl Fernandez-Versini (our
cover star) and Lindsay Lohan.
Cheryl Fernandez-Versini
Cheryl Ann Fernandez-Versini (née Tweedy, formerly Cole), got married
(hence the name change) on the 7th July 2014 following a three month
relationship with Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini.
Cheryl’s love life up to that point had come under much scrutiny due to her
fame in ‘Girls Aloud’ and her partner (Ashley Cole) job as a footballer. They
started dating in 2004 and they got married in 2006, but it was all over by
September 2010 when they were officially divorced.
One of the main problems in their marriage was Ashley’s philandering
ways, so it was a bit of a surprise when she married known play-boy
Jean-Bernard. He was known as a ladies man who partied hard on the
Riviera. So, we know that Cheryl is a Cancer sign, and Jean-Bernard was
born on 29th August making him a Virgo. So just what is Cancer/Virgo
compatibility like?
Well a Cancer women and a Virgo man can make a very good match, their
relationship should have real staying power, growing in love and strength
as the years go by. Both signs want security and trustworthiness, and their
attentive and nurturing traits make this happen.
Both signs want goals in life, so they understand the need to be self-disciplined and dedicated, their respect of each other’s dreams will keep them
bonded together. Cancer women are charismatic and others are easily
impressed by them, but a Virgo lover will keep them grounded. A Virgo
man is sensual and calm, he provides emotional and physical support
when needed - he is a real man’s man.
The Water sign Cancer and the Earth sign Virgo, make a good pairing both want to be comfortable, and want to surround themselves with nice
things. But Virgo’s down to earth nature will rein in Cancer’s materialistic
tendencies. Together they
will ensure they have a
great home, but they will
also keep an eye on future
The one difficulty for a
Cancer/Virgo match is
Cancer women’s possessiveness, she can become
cold and distant if she feels
ignored, but Virgo men
sometimes need space
and alone time to make
things happen especially
where work is concerned.
Good communication is
the key, so they feel connected even when they are
busy or apart.
At the heart of a Cancer/
Virgo relationship is a
desire to make things
work, so things bode well
for Cheryl and JeanBernard as a compatible
love pairing!
If you would like to learn
more about your star sign,
and discover what is to come
for you this month then visit
our horoscope page. www.
Image - Featureflash /
Face Reading
Roman Philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero said “The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its
interpreter.” And those that read faces would agree that the face can speak volumes about your character
and even that how you look will influence the path you take through life…
Face reading is a popular form of divination in China, although it can be traced to Europe in Victorian times
when (physiognomy) - Face reading and (phrenology) - Reading bumps on the head was popular. But
whether you realise it not all of us do a certain amount of face reading naturally when we meet someone for
the first time. We might make assumptions about whether they drink a lot of alcohol based on their nose, we
might guess at whether someone has had plastic surgery based on their actual age and how old they look,
and each of these findings rightly or wrongly will cause us to make assumptions about their character and
personality and the type of life they lead. The question is whether our assumptions have any real grounding?
You can try these simple steps on yourself or on friends and family as a starting point:
Face Shape
Women are likely to have already encountered face
shape, when thinking about makeup and hairstyles.
But here is what they mean in terms of face reading.
Bear in mind that often we are not a perfect match to
any shape; rather we are made up of two shapes.
highly tuned to their own and others emotions.
Friends will find it easy to talk to them, but sometimes
they will run out of self-motivation. They can be a little
rounded in the body as well as in the face; often they
have dark hair and large expressive eyes.
Long, Narrow & Pointed Chin (Fire Face)
Oval (Metal Face)
Fire faces mean risk takers; they grab life and spread
This person is likely to be attractive, creative, sensitive their enthusiasm wherever they go. This person is
and with a good sense of humour. Often they will have hard to tie down; their thoughts and movements are
a pale complexion and eyebrows, wide cheekbones,
all quick. Hair and eyebrows can be a bit wiry and even
clear eyes and straight hair.
unruly, they often have narrow foreheads.
Long & Narrow (Wood Face)
People with a wood face are planners, they can
become frustrated if blocks are put up in their way,
and they always seek to move forward with new ideas
and to grow. They have wide foreheads with fine hair
and eyebrows.
Square & Short (Earth Face)
As you might expect earth types are reliable and
resourceful, they can be traditional in their thoughts
and as such resistant to change. They usually have
large mouths and a strong jaw line, deep voices and
are of stocky build.
Soft & Round (Water Face)
Water types are empathetic and sensitive, they are
Beyond the face shape there are many other things
to consider: hair, eyes, the nose, the mouth, the ears
and moles:
Fine - Sensitive but possibly physically fragile
Thick & Wiry - Rises to challenges, robust health
Curly - Energetic and active
Straight - Relaxed and easy going
Long - Practical and considerate
Short - Dynamic and decisive
Shaved - Intense and restless
A High Crown - Confident, ambitious person possibly bossy
A Low Crown - Insecure and can feel inferior
Large - Friendly and open, needs variety, has wide
Small - Difficult to get to know, excels in details, can
have narrow perspective
Widely Spaced - Versatile and broad-minded,
Interested in anything and everything
Closely Spaced - Excellent concentration, likes
routine, can be narrow minded
Deep-Set - Can be secretive, private, doesn’t reveal
too much initially
Protruding - Curious, enthusiastic but easily bored
Upward Slanting - An optimist - will get what they
want as they are not afraid to ask
Downward Slanting - Can be pessimistic - may find
it difficult to stand up to others
Uneven Set - Excellent analyser, unique and will view
the world in an unusual way
Large Iris - An emotional but kind person
White above the Iris - Handle carefully - they have
a temper
White below the Iris - They can find life difficult and
can be hard to please
Wide - Friendly and generous
Narrow - Self-sufficient and independent
Full - Sensual, needs enjoyment
Thin - Serious, can be self-centred
Downward Curve - Discontented
Upward Curve - Easy-going and friendly
Eyebrows are more difficult to interpret as many
people wax, thread and pluck them. But generally
speaking if the brow is strong and long it means the
person is vital and has strength and energy, if the
brows are naturally short or sparse, they will be less
physically robust and will have to work harder to
make an impression in the world.
Prominent - Emotionally up and down, but driven
Small - In control emotionally, but shy
Long - Better when concentrating on one thing at a
Wide - Sociable with wide-ranging interests, but finds
decisions difficult
Bulbous - Their life is ruled by their gut - they make
emotional decisions
Hard Tipped - They are rational and objective, but
will ignore emotions
Indented - Their life will be a roller-coaster of
Nostrils - Slightly hidden means financial success,
flared means they are a multi-tasker, narrow specialises in one thing at a time.
Protruding - Has strong opinions
Set Close - Cautious and thrifty
Large - Intelligent and lively
Small - Health conscious and instinctive
Fleshy Lobes - Reliable and motivated
Small Lobes - Can be easily deterred
On the Forehead or Temple (on the right) Money and success
On the Forehead or Temple (on the left) Fortunes will fluctuate
On the Eyebrow - Happy domestic life
Between the Eyebrows - Fiery temper
On the Nose (Right) - Likes a change of scene
On the Nose (Left) - Changeable personality
On the Cheek (Right) - Successful
On the Cheek (Left) - Success will be difficult to
On the Lip - Sensual personality
On the Chin - Has plenty of common sense, good
fortune will increase with age
On the Ear - Can be jealous and gossipy
On the Neck - Artistic - expect windfalls
Now you have all of the tools to properly assess a
person’s face - but as they say don’t judge a book by
its cover!
Ref: The Fortune-Tellers Bible by Jane Struthers
with our expert
Mar 21st - Apr 19th
The near relentless need for progress can create a taxing pace for
Aries, which is often exhilarating. But occasionally you may wish that
someone else would get going with some of the tasks beyond your
reach. Someone could surprise you and do exactly that very soon! If
they don’t do so automatically, it’s worth putting in an urgent request.
Apr 20th - May 20th
Welcome to Free Spirit’s in-depth
horoscopes for July 2015. To receive
an amazingly detailed insightful email
reading from Chrystalyte, go to www. and follow the email
link. Choose a Psychic Reading or an
Astrology Reading. The charge for this
service is £39.95; the reply may take
up to 72 hours.
Make the most of the smoother flowing pattern of life in the first
three weeks of July. Venus in Leo helps you be more outgoing and
popular, both socially and in business. By the 25th you may sense
change in the air and be ready for a break or review. Venus will be
retrograde until September 6, so this is nothing flippant.
May 21st - June 20th
Mercury is now moving apace, which means plenty of variety and
activity ahead if you want it. You may also prefer a more laid back
phase between the 8th and 23rd, though, when the sign of Cancer
is in focus, making home, family and the quiet life more appealing.
Remember, you can go underground and nurture yourself if need be!
June 21st - July 22nd
There are two full Moons in July, one on the 2nd, and the other on the
31st, which means that the start and end of the month are likely to
be literally full on. This may seem quite appealing in some ways, but
remember to create enough space in between for down time and
letting ideas and connections develop gradually.
July 23rd - Aug 23rd
The Sun links with Neptune as the month opens, which means you can expect
the beginning of July to have a dreamy, connective quality. A relationship
may be truly special, with a chance to get much closer to someone. A
rather jarring planetary pattern involving Uranus makes midmonth a time for
waking up to changes that are nevertheless also needed.
ew progress can be made in arranging the very foundations of certain aspects of life
this month. Whatever means ‘family’ gets a shake up as Mars moves through Cancer.
From around the 26th there is a decided turn of the tide due to Venus and Uranus
both moving onto a retrograde path – where they appear to be travelling in the opposite
direction to other planets. It may be that some breaking away is needed within or from certain
relationships. Both business and social life may be under scrutiny and reassessment, as a
greater bid for freedom is made. Sometimes the territory could seem decidedly foreign or
strange, yet, given a chance, it could also prove to be surprisingly supportive.
Aug 24th - Sep 23rd
This is an energetic time of the year for Virgo, with Mercury now
zooming through the zodiac at great speed. A surprising opening
or proposal looks set to emerge between the 2nd and 4th and
should be responded to and acted upon so that you can take full
advantage. A door may close in mid-month, but for good reasons.
Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd
July is a month of two halves for Libra, with ruling planet Venus
changing signs on the 18th and then slowing down to move into
a backward pattern on the 25th. There is the distinct indication of
needing to go over something twice, but you will almost certainly
gain something rich from the experience if you keep an open mind.
Oct 23rd - Nov 21st
You seem more decisive than ever about what works and doesn’t
work for you – and may have a chance to make this perfectly clear to
someone else around the 15th. Scorpio often votes with the feet and
with silence, through the need to withdraw. It may be no bad thing,
especially if any other gesture would likely end in tears.
Nov 22nd - Dec 21st
Take advantage of a lucky planetary line up between Mercury and
Jupiter on the 4th to get more of what you need in your life - simply
through a conversation or acting on good ideas. If you are able to
get the ball rolling early with certain plans it could set you up nicely
for the rest of the month.
Dec 22nd - Jan 19th
Saturn retrograde, still, in Scorpio suggests you are revisiting old,
unresolved situations – and never more so than around July 14th, when
Saturn is at odds with Venus. It seems that someone else is quite convinced
they are right and is pushing for the upper hand. Things should ease up
by around July 21st - and increasingly improve from mid September!
Jan 20th - Feb 18th
The month has an energetic, positive start for Aquarius, with Uranus
connecting well with Mercury, planet of thought and communication. All
you need do is make sure that you act on your ideas. You could need to
take steps back, however, around July 13th and 25th, in order to avoid
major confrontations that could upset the peace and affect creativity.
Feb 19th - Mar 20th
Whatever may have troubled you in recent times; it probably won’t
seem so difficult as July opens up because the Sun is so beautifully
aligned with Neptune. A dream may be within reach once again and a
more peaceful, connecting time lies ahead. You can build on the good
atmosphere and flow of ideas with Mercury joining in on July 13th.
Psychic Light
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All 0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute
Aelissa is psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and a far seer, she is experienced
with crystals, crystal balls, scrying mirrors, psychometry and various card types.
When it comes to relationships, family and work-related issues, Joanna is unquestionably
someone who can be called upon for reliable and insightful direction.
John is a psychic and spiritual medium, who works with a spirit guide as well as Tarot and angel
cards. His readings are candid; his aim is to enable people to move forward with their lives.
Mariah is a very experienced clairvoyant & medium; she is schooled in Tarot and can assist with
healing and past life issues. Her experience as a counsellor is invaluable in supporting clients.
Mavis believes that we make our own destiny and her readings are very detailed to allow
her clients to make the best decisions in all areas of their lives.
Michaela is a psychic Tarot card reader with 12+ years of experience and is particularly
good at readings on any type of relationship be they romantic or otherwise.
Monique sees and feels things that come to her through images in her mind’s eye or
as a voice. She is always candid and gives straightforward supportive readings.
Tori specialises in relationships, inner loneliness, family issues and career difficulties.
She is a highly intuitive psychic that gives honest insight and clarification.
All calls are recorded. Readings are for entertainment only.
0906 calls cost £1.50/min + your phone company’s access charge.
You must be 18 or over. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008.
Psychic Light
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0906 110 4850 calls cost £1.50 per minute
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Psychic Text Readings
Text a Psychic
Psychic Light offer three great text services, depending
on the nature of your question use one of the following
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feeling positive.. .
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the blog. With
lots of content
about Love, Relationships, Family, Finance,
Careers, Lifestyle and of course the Psychic
World, it’s a great place for information.
0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. All calls are recorded. 18+ only.
Readings are for entertainment only. * + Standard text rate. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008.

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