1st International Virtual Congress - ISCA : International E


1st International Virtual Congress - ISCA : International E
1 International Virtual Congress
ce Congr
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5 to 10 June -2014
Organized by
International Science Congress Association
IVC website: www.isca.in, www.isca.me, www.isca.net.co, www. isca.co.in, www.isca.net.in
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress ______________________________________IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
1st International Virtual Congress
5th to 10th June-2014
Organized by
International Science Congress Association
427, Palhar Nagar, RAPTC, VIP- Road, Indore, MP, India
Prof. Ashish Sharma
Editor-in-Chief and Conference Coordinator
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress ______________________________________IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
International E - Publication
427, Palhar Nagar, RAPTC, VIP-Road, Indore-452005 (MP) INDIA
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ISBN: 978-93-83520-30-5
International Science Congress Association
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Sr. No.
Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences
Biological Sciences
Chemical Sciences
Computer and Information Technology Sciences
Earth and Geological Sciences
Engineering Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Forensic and Medical Sciences
Family, Community and Consumer Sciences
Material Sciences
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Physical Sciences
Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Educational Sciences
Commerce, Law and Management Sciences
Library Sciences
Language and Literature
Social and Humanity Sciences
International Science Congress Association
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Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress ______________________________________IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
4th International Science Congress (ISC-2014)
8th - 9th December 2014
Pacific University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
www.isca.in, www.isca.me, www.isca.net.co
Focal Theme: Global Research: Enhancements, Reform and Commercialization
There are twenty sections namely: 1. Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, 2. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, 3. Biological
Sciences, 4. Chemical Sciences, 5. Computer and Information Technology Sciences, 6. Earth and Geological Sciences, 7. Engineering
Sciences (Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Textile, etc.), 8. Environmental Sciences, 9. Forensic Sciences, 10. Family, Community
and Consumer Sciences, 11. Material Sciences 12. Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 13. Medical Sciences, 14. Pharmaceutical
Sciences, 15. Physical Sciences, 16. Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 17. Educational Sciences, 18. Commerce, Law and
Management, 19. Library Sciences 20. Social and Humanity Sciences: Anthropological, Behavioral Sciences, Sociology, Economics,
Political Science, Geography, Drawing, Music, Dance, Philosophy, History and Languages, Journalism and Role of Media, NGOs and their
Please mention the section and preferences for oral or poster presentation
Abstracts will be published in Souvenir with ISBN.
Print Souvenir ISBN 978-93-83520-28-2 E-Souvenir ISBN 978-93-83520-27-5
After approval of two experts, we will publish full papers in special issue of an international peer reviewed journal
“Research Journal of Recent Sciences” (ISSN 2277-2502) ISI (Thomson Reuters) covered.
International Young Scientist Award – For Best Oral Presentation
International Young Scientist Award – For Best Poster Presentation
International Best Oral Presentation Award
International Best Poster Presentation Awards
Important Dates
Conference Date
Submission of Abstract (Print Souvenir with ISBN) upto
Submission of Abstract (E-Souvenir with ISBN) upto
Early Registration
Acceptance of Abstract upto
Last date of Submission of Full Paper
Late registration fees
8th- 9th December 2014
15th November 2014
5th December 2014
31st May 2014
5th December 2014
30th November 2014
From 1st June 2014
Registration Fee:
From June 1st, 2014 to July 31st, 2014
Rs. 2500/$ 40
Rs. 1550/$ 35
Rs. 1050/$ 30
From August 1st, 2014 to September 30th, 2014
Rs. 2750/$ 45
Rs. 1800/$ 40
Rs. 1050/$ 30
From October 1st, 2014 to November 30th, 2014
Rs. 3000/$ 50
Rs. 2050/$ 45
Rs. 1550/$ 40
From December 1st 2014 to December 7th, 2014
Rs. 3250/$ 60
Rs. 2550/$ 50
Rs. 1550/$ 40
From December 8th , 2014 to December 9th, 2014
Rs. 3500/$ 60
Rs. 2500/$ 50
Rs. 1550/$ 40
International Science Congress Association
$ 200
$ 150
$ 80
$ 250
$ 200
$ 80
$ 300
$ 250
$ 100
$ 300
$ 250
$ 100
$ 350
$ 300
$ 100
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress ______________________________________IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
2nd International Virtual Congress (IVC-2015)
10th to 15th April 2015
There are twenty sections namely: 1. Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, 2. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, 3. Biological
Sciences, 4. Chemical Sciences, 5. Computer and Information Technology Sciences, 6. Earth and Geological Sciences, 7. Engineering
Sciences (Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Textile, etc.), 8. Environmental Sciences, 9. Forensic Sciences, 10. Family, Community
and Consumer Sciences, 11. Material Sciences 12. Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 13. Medical Sciences, 14. Pharmaceutical
Sciences, 15. Physical Sciences, 16. Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 17. Educational Sciences, 18. Commerce, Law and
Management, 19. Library Sciences 20. Social and Humanity Sciences: Anthropological, Behavioral Sciences, Sociology, Economics,
Political Science, Geography, Drawing, Music, Dance, Philosophy, History and Languages, Journalism and Role of Media, NGOs and their
Please mention the section name
Abstracts will be published in Souvenir with ISBN 978-93-83520-98-5
After approval of two experts, we will publish full papers in special issue of an international peer reviewed journal
“Research Journal of Recent Sciences” (ISSN 2277-2502)
Important Dates
Conference Date
Submission of Abstract (E-Souvenir with ISBN) upto
Early Registration upto
Acceptance of Abstract upto
Last date of Submission of Full Paper
Late registration fees
5th to 10th April 2015
4th April 2015
31st January 2015
4th April 2015
4th April 2015
From 1st February 2015
Registration Fee
Up to January 31st, 2015
From February 1st, 2015 to February 28th, 2015
From March 1st, 2015 to March 31th, 2015
From April 1st, 2015 to April 4th, 2014
From April 5th, 2015 to April 10th, 2014
International Science Congress Association
Rs. 1000/-
$ 40
$ 80
Rs. 1550/-
$ 45
$ 100
Rs. 2000/-
$ 50
$ 120
Rs. 2250/-
$ 55
$ 150
Rs. 2550/-
$ 60
$ 180
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Mapping and Classification of Soils for Rainfed Cotton Production in Yavatmal
District, Maharashtra
B.P.Bhaskar*, Tapas Bhattacharyya, S.K.Singh, S.S.Gaikwad and S.V.Bobade
Division of Soil Resource Studies, National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Amravati road, Nagpur, INDIA
Abstract: The development of landscape adaptive cotton based systems in Hot Semi-Arid Eco-Region of Yavatmal district
under Deccan plateau of Western Maharashtra have generated interest in identifying agroecological limitations for enhancing
cotton productivity and evaluation of soil resource information on 1:50000scale. Thirteen landforms were identified and
estimated area under each land form with the dominance of plateaus (29.3% of total area) in association with pediplains (28.8
per cent), isolated hills, mesas / butte / escarpments (17.7 per cent), and plains (8.1 per cent) in south western parts of the
district. Thirty three soil series classified under the subgroups of Vertisols (16), Inceptisols (12 ) and Entisols(%) were further
grouped as twenty six series on basaltic, four series on limestone (Chanoda, Wanjari, Wanodi and Sindola), two series on
sandstone (Wani and Selodi) and one series on granite (Korta). Fourty eight soil mapping units were designed to generate soil
series association map with dominant association of Lakhi- rock outcrops and Moho series on plateaus and escarpments
(13.43% of total area) and Lakhi – Borgaon - Arni - Waghari series association on moderately sloping hills (7.55% of area).
Based on FAO land evaluation method, only 25.04 per cent arable land was estimated as suitable for cotton - sorghum wheat – soybean combinations (25.04%) on deep vertic clay soils (12.01% of area) and in gravelly clay top soils with hard
root restricting layers and deep vertic properties(23.1 % of area) and shallow gravelly clay top soils with hard root restricting
layers (19.17 % of area). Numerical technique was used to arrive five homogenous soil management groups and estimated
nutrient recommendations to attain target yield of 15q/ha of cotton varying from 123kg/ha N for soils of hills/ridges to
142kg/ha N for soils on pediplains and valleys whereas 64 kg/ha P2O5 for soils on pediplains to 83kg/ha P2O5for interveining
valleys and 51kg/ha K2O for soils on valleys to 69 kg/ha K2O for soils on plateaus and lower pediplains in the region. The
agronomic interpretation of a given soil cover was possible through establishment of relation between soil – crop productivity
and by deriving homogenous soil groups that requires same set of agrotechnologies.
Keywords: Shrink-swell soils, Rainfed Cotton, Soil map, Soil taxonomy, Yavatmal
Estimation of Carbon Stocks in Above-Ground Biomass in Natural Forest of Congo
using Allometric Equations
Romeo Ekoungoulou1, 2,*, Xiaodong Liu1, Jean Joël Loumeto2 and Suspense Averti Ifo2, 3
Ecology Research Laboratory, College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, 100083 Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Département de Biologie et Physiologie Végétales, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Marien Ngouabi, BP69 Brazzaville,
Republic of Congo
Département des Sciences Naturelles, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Université Marien Ngouabi, BP 237 Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
Abstract : This research was aimed to estimate the carbon stocks of above ground biomass (AGB) in Lesio-louna forest in
Republic of Congo. The methodology of Allometric equations of Chave et al. (2005) was used to measure the carbon stock of
Lesio-louna natural forest. We are based precisely on the model II which is also called non-destructive method or indirect
method of measuring carbon stock (Chave et al. 2005). While there has been use of parameters such as the Diameter at Breast
Height (DBH) and ρ = 0.05 g cm-3. The research was done with six circular plots each 1256m2, with a distance of 100m
between each plot, depending on the topography of the site of the installation of these plots. The six studied plots are divided
in two sites, which are: Iboubikro and Ngambali. Thus in the six plots, there are three plots in Iboubikro site and three plots in
Ngambali site. The results of this study show that the average carbon stock of above ground biomass (AGB) in six plots is
170 673 t C / ha. So, the average of carbon stock of above ground biomass (ABG) in Iboubikro site is 204,693 t C / ha and in
the Ngambali site is 136,652 t C / ha. In this forest ecosystem, the high stock of carbon was obtained in plot3, which is in the
Iboubikro site. The Plot3 contains 20 trees and an average DBH of 24.56 cm. However, the lowest carbon stock is obtained in
plot4, which is in the Ngambali site. Also, Plot4 contains 11 trees and an average DBH of 31.86 cm. The results of this
research indicate that, the forests in the study area are an important carbon reservoir, and they can also play a key role in
mitigating of climate change. However, Lesio-louna tropical forests have a capacity to trap vast amounts of carbon which
would otherwise escape into the atmosphere as CO2, one of the worst greenhouse gases (GHG) offenders.
Keywords: Carbon stock; Allometric equation; Ngambali; Iboubikro; Lesio-louna forest; above ground biomass.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Isolation and characterization of auxotrophic mutants of Trichoderma harzianum
having improved bio-control activity
Girase Manisha Shantilal
Department of Microbiology, K. S. K. W. Arts, Commerce and Science College, CIDCO, Nashik.422008 Maharashtra, INDIA
Abstract: Auxotrophic mutants of Trichoderma harzianum were obtained by exposing spores to UV light of 254 nm
wavelength. Separation of auxotrophs was done by using minimal medium and filtration of germinated prototrophs. Using
replica plate technique colonies from complete medium were transferred to minimal medium and auxotrophs were identified
as colonies showing growth on complete medium and failed to grow on minimal medium. Characterization of auxotrophs
was done with respect to checking enzyme activities, identification of auxotrophy for particular amino acid, purines and
pyrimidines and checking the effect of mutants on germination and growth of plant pathogens Rhizoctonia solanii,
Sclerotium rolfsii, Fusarium oxysporum. Aux-2 and Aux-3 mutants were auxotrophic for Methionine and Histidine
respectively. Aux-2 deficient in amylase production, showing enhanced production of cellulase and yellow coloured
diffusible metabolite than parental strain. Aux-2 can inhibit germination inhibition of Rhizoctonia solanii, Sclerotium rolfsii
and Fusarium oxysporum 86%, 70% and 75% respectively. Thus auxotrophic mutant can be better bio-control agent than
parental strain.
Key words: Bio-control agent, Germination inhibition, antifungal activity, hyperparasite
Impact of seed eight on germination parameters of Calophyllum Inophyllum L.: A
potential biodiesel tree species of coastal region
Vikas Kumar1, Ajeesh R.2, Jijeesh C.M.3 and Vidyasagaran K.4
College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala- 680656 (India)
Abstract: Present investigation was carried out to assess the variation in seed attributes, biochemical composition and
germination of Calophyllum inophyllum due to seed weight. The fruits were obtained from the Coastal areas of
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala during May-June 2012. Prominent size variation was observed in among the fruits of the same
lot and the seeds were extracted after drying. The seeds were graded size classes 2-5 (small), 5-8 (medium) and 8-11 g (large)
based on their weight. The number of fruits per kg was 116, 167 and 262 for large, medium and small size class respectively.
Individual seed characters like length, breadth, volume and density increased with increase in size class but not the specific
gravity. The biochemical constituents also were higher in seeds of large size class followed medium and small classes.
However, the germination parameters were the highest in medium sized seeds. Hence, the medium sized seed can be
advocated for planting stock production in the nursery followed by large seeds and small seeds can be discarded.
Keywords: Seed size, seed weight, specific gravity and Calophyllum inophyllum
Multifunctional Agroforestry Systems in Tropics Region
Vikas Kumar and T.K. Kunhamu
Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA
Abstract: Agroforestry is emerging as a major land use activity in the country after agriculture and forestry. It is addressing
the issues of designing ecologically sound and economically appealing strategies for climate change adaption and mitigation.
Land-use options that increase livelihood security and reduce vulnerability to climate and environmental change are
necessary. Traditional resource management adaptations such as agroforestry systems may potentially provide options for
improvement in livelihoods through simultaneous production of food, fodder and firewood as well as mitigation of the impact
of climate change. However, with so much contribution and potential, the multifunctional agroforestry systems in tropics
region: Current scenario of Agroforestry, Carbon Sequestration, Enhancing Soil Fertility and Water Use Efficiency,
Biodiversity Conservation, Biological pest control, Sustainable land use, shelterbelt and windbreaks, microclimate
amelioration, Breaking the Poverty and Food Insecurity Circle, Caveats and clarifications. This paper discusses different
adaptation and mitigation options provided by agroforestry systems against climate change.
Keywords: Multifunctional agroforestry, climate change, carbon sequestration, Homegardens and biodiversity.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Influence of Acetone Extractive of Oroxylumindicumon cocoon characters; Silk
Filament Characters and the electrophoretic patterns of esterase activity of silk
worm Bombyxmori(L.)(Race: PM x CSR2).
Vitthalrao B. Khyade,Vivekanand V. Khyade, Amar H. Kadare
ShardabaiPawarMahilaMahavidyalaya, Shardanagar, Malegaon(Baramati) Dist. Pune – 413115
Abstract: The present effort was undertaken to study the influence of acetone extractives of bark of Oroxylumindicumon the
cocoon characters; silk filament characters and esterase enzyme activity of silk worm Bombyxmori(L.) (Race: PM x CSR2).
The soxhletation was followed for the obtaining acetone extractive of bark of Oroxylumindicum (L). Three concentrations
(5ppm; 10ppm and 20ppm) of extractive were prepared. The fifth instar larvae were utilized for the experimentation. Soon
after the fourth moult, the fifth instar larvae were grouped into five groups (each with hundred individuals) ( Untreated
control; Acetone treated control; 5ppm extractive; 10ppm extractive and 20ppm extractive). Ten microliters of each
concentration of extractives were topically applied to respective group to the individual larva at 48 hours after the fourth
moult. The larvae were maintained through standard schedule. Ten larvae from each group were utilized for analysis of
electrophoretic esterase pattern on fifth day. The silk worms were sacrificed,haemolymphand silk gland samples were
isolated and analyzed by using 7.5% of native gel electrophoresis. Acetone extractives ofO.indicum at 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 20
ppm concentrations recorded maximum cocoon weight (1.95,1.84,1.76 gm), shell weight (0.40, 0.35, 0.33gm), pupal weight
(1.55, 1.49,1.43). All concentrations of the bark extract of O.indicum recorded higher cocoon, shell, and pupal weight than
the control (untreated and acetone treated). There was a gradual increase in the silk yield with an increase in the
concentrations of bark extracts O. indicumfrom 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 20 ppm concentration of Oroxylumindicum (L). Efficient
use of acetone extractives of Oroxylumindicum (L) may open a new avenue in the silk yield.
Keywords: Bombyxmori, Esterases, Native gel electrophoresis, Oroxylum indicumand Silk yield.
Organic Farming: Studies on Effect of Eco Friendly Rhizobium Biofertilizer
Inoculation on Grain Yield of Green Gram and Black Gram
Anita Dubey
Govt. M. L. B. College Bhopal MP, INDIA
Abstract: In India there is a decline in crop productivity and farmer’s profitability due to the excessive application of
agrochemicals. Population is increasing continuously therefore it is urgency to enhance per capita crop production but there is
a need to protect our ecological system also. It was reported that long term sustainability of crop production depends on
maintenance of soil fertility. Experiencing the adverse effects of synthetic fertilizers the concept of organic farming is gaining
importance. India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses in the world. Research needs to be conducted for
determining the effect of biofertilizers efficacy on the grain yield. The response of seed inoculation with Rhizobium culture
on grain yield of green gram and black gram was studied. The relative yield performance of organic and conventional
farming systems was also studied to compare them. For assessing the response of green gram and black gram to seed
inoculation with Rhizobium culture, a pot culture experiment was conducted under natural conditions. The plants were sown
by using ten seeds per pot and 5 kg of the soil was added in each pot. Nitrogen fertilizer(33.3g per pot) was applied in the
form of diammonium phosphate (DAP). For seed inoculation, seeds were coated with paste of Rhizobium inoculums and
sown in pots. Rhizobial inoculation was found to be more effective and give positive effect on grain yield.
Keywords: Productivity biofertilizers, Rhizobium inoculation, organic farming
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
2. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences
Geometric Morphometric Analysis on Sexual Dimorphism of Guppy Poecilia
reticulata (Peters, 1860) in Lake Sebu, South Mindanao State University Cotabato,
Mythel Faith Solis, Jordan Arroyo Jr., Khesed Adonai Garcia, Florence Zapico, Elani Requieron
Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, 9500 General Santos City, Philippines
Abstract: Poecilia reticulata, commonly known as guppy, is an introduced species in the Philippines which is a native of
Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela, and the Caribbean Islands. The principal objective of this study is to describe the variations in
morphology of the species and identify its sexually dimorphic traits using Geometric Morphometric Analysis. A total of 60
(30 males and 30 females) specimens were analyzed and fourteen (14) landmark points were digitized in each sample.
Relative Warp Analysis (RWA) was used and scores were subjected to PAST software to determine the substantial variance
between body shapes and sexual dimorphism of P. reticulata. The result showed significant variance between body shapes of
the sexes with females exhibiting wider dentary, along with bloated abdomen while male exhibit more elongated jaw and tail
regions. With the results derived, sexual dimorphism of P. reticulata with the variation of its morphological structure is
determined through Geometric Morphometrics.
Keywords: Geometric Morphometrics, Poecilia reticulata, Relative Warp Analysis (RWA), sexual dimorphism.
Geometric Morphometric Analysis Of Leiopotheraponplumbeus (Kner, 1864) In
Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Philippines
Joshua Miles Balanza, Arenz Jade Docdocil, Norbert DeaveCosep, Jess Jumawan, ElaniRequieron
Mindanao State University, General Santos City, General Santos City, 9500
Abstract: This study was conducted to identify the intra-specific variations and the possible sexual dimorphism of
Leiopotheraponplumbeus, locally known as “Ayungin”, an endemic fish species in the Philippines and naturally occurring in
freshwaters. A total of 159 specimens were gathered from Lake Sebu, South Cotabato. Thirty males and thirty females were
subjected to analysis using Geometric Morphometrics. Relative Warp Analysis was used to determine the variations of the
body shapes of both male and female Leiopotheraponplumbeus. Results of relative warps show prominent variations in the
head and caudal region. Statistical results were generated using Discriminant Function Analysis and Kruskal-Wallis Test of
PAST software. The results of both DFA and Kruskal-Wallis Test showed no significant difference between the body
structures of male and female samples of Leiopotheraponplumbeus. Therefore, the population of Silver perch in Lake Sebu
do not exhibit sexual dimorphism hence both sexes evolved the same manner.
Keywords: Leiopotheraponplumbeus, Geometric Morphometrics, Relative Warp Analysis, Sexual Dimorphism
Ecology, Diversity, and Abundance of Macrobenthic Crustaceans in Cochin
Estuary, India
P.N. Geetha and S. Bijoy Nandan
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science
and Technology, Cochin 682016, INDIA
Abstract: Crustaceans that filter plankton or bacteria from the water are common and diversified in estuarine environments.
Other crustaceans are active predators or scavenge nutrients from detritus. A few are adapted to high salinity and are parasitic
or sessile, hatching young that resemble miniature adults; others go through larval stages. This study examined the diversity,
abundance, and distribution of macrobenthic crustaceans in the Cochin estuary on the southwest coast of India. Samples from
nine stations in the estuary were collected between June 2009 and May 2011. The major crustaceans were amphipods,
tanaids, isopods, insects, decapods, and acarina. Corophium volutator and Cirolana fluviatilis were the dominant amphipod
and isopod species, respectively. Tanais philetaerus Stebbing was the dominant tanaid species. The crab species Halicarcinus
messor was the dominant decapod and Neumania spp. (water mite) were the major Acaridae. Chironomid larvae were the
most abundant insects. The temperature and pH of the sediments and benthic waters varied seasonally, and the dissolved
oxygen content of the latter greatly influenced the diversity and abundance. The spatial abundance of the crustaceans varied
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
between the stations, with a low at Station 8 (80 no/m2) and a high at Station 5 (9733 no/m2). The seasonal abundance was
least (182 no/m2) during the pre-monsoon season of 2011, and maximum (7935 no/m2) in the post-monsoon season in 2009–
10. The numerical abundance varied between the three zones of the estuary, with the maximum mean abundance found in the
central region (4452 no/m2), followed by the southern (2582 no/m2) and northern (1157 no/m2) regions. The crustacean
abundance fell remarkably between the first (3705 no/m2) and second (1674 no/m2) years. The numerical abundance was
highest in the region of the estuary with high salinity, a moderate pH, and a high percentage of silt and clay.
Keywords: Crustaceans, macrobenthos, amphipod, decapods, Cochin estuary.
Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Scale Shape Variation between Sexes of
Trimac (Amphilophus trimaculatus) (Gunther, 1867)
Gladys S. Pangapalan, Leigh Samantha C. Oliverio, Elani A. Requieron and Christine Dawn Obemio
Mindanao State University, 9500 General Santos City, Philippines
Abstract: Assessing the variation in shape between sexes of a given species has always been an important mean in
understanding their behavior, differences and all the other principles underlying between them. Due to the growing
technological advances of science, studying variations on the shape between male and female has been made available. In
this regard, the study of qualitative and quantitative morphological variation in relation to scale shape morphology has been
used to study intra- and interspecific variations between established body regions of the male and female Trimac
(Amphilophus trimaculatus) fish. Herein, variations among scale shape morphology of the two sexes of Trimac fish has
been quantified and visualized using the geometric morphometric approach particularly the Relative Warp analysis (RWA)
tool. Result showed great variation in scales between two sexes with female having wider scales compared to male in the left
lateral to right lateral tip. Discriminant/Hotelling test also revealed their significance by having the value of (p<0.05). Indeed,
relative warp analysis is an efficient tool for the existence in variation of scale shape morphology of Trimac fish.
Comparative Study of the Relative Warps Analysis and Squamation Patterns of Nile
Tilapia Oreochromisniloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red Hybrid Tilapia
(Oreochromis sp.)
Caesar Anthony Samson1, Laarni Mae Udalve1, Mohammad NaifPundug2, Julius Mingoc3 and ElaniRequieron4
Biology student at the Mindanao State University – General Santos City, Philippines.
Biology student from the same University
College of Fisheries at the same University .
College of Natural Science at Mathematics at the same University
Abstract: This study aims to compare the relative warps using the scales of the Red Hybrid Tilapia from its parent Nile
Tilapia. A total of 360 scales were removed from 6 distinct regions of the fish body. The scales were then prepared,
mounted, photographed and processed in TPS package software version 5.0 and undergone landmarking. Data showed that
there is a high significant difference between the parent, Nile Tilapia and offspring, Red Hybrid Tilapia. Though Red Hybrid
Tilapia was a product of two different species namely Oreochromisniloticusand Oreochromismossambicus, Relative Warp
Analysis showed high significant difference to one of its parent Oreochromisniloticus.Discriminant tests also showed very
high significant difference of the two species. This further suggests that though the two species is significantly different in
color they may produce a significant difference based on their scale shape morphological structure.
Keywords: Landmarking, Nile Tilapia, Red Hybrid Tilapia, Relative Warp Analysis
Sexual Dimorphism in Body Shape of Amphilophus trimaculatus Trimac (Gunther,
1867) from Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Philippines
Aude G.L, Barillo M.D., Palapos J.E., Bigsang R.T. and Requieron E.A.
Biology student in Mindanao State University, General Santos City, Philippines
Abstract: The fish species Amphilophus timaculatus (Gunther, 1867) commonly known as Trimac is recognized for
beautiful colors with distinct spots in its body. Due to these coloration and relatively easy cross spawning abilities, they are
wrongly known to be flowerhorn. As a result, it brings problem about species identification. Hence, the principal objective of
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
this study is to describe the variation in body morphology of the species as well as its sexually dimorphic traits. Using
landmark-based geometric morphometrics, a total of 60 (30 males and 30 females) specimens were analyzed. Results showed
variations mostly on head region of male (RW1 to RW6) and female (RW1 to RW6) and caudal region of male (RW2, RW3,
RW5) and female (RW3, RW4, RW5, RW7). Discriminant function analysis showed significant variation (p<0.05) in body
shapes between males from females. Head region variation could resulted from sexual selection, whereas, elongated fins from
ecological selection of species.
Keywords: Sexual, dimorphism, amphilophus, trimaculatus, lake sebu, south cotabato, Philippines.
Application of Geometric Morphometrics in determining sexual dimorphism of
Sundathelphusa philippina (von Martens, 1868) in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato,
Cosep, M.J.1, Gerada, C.V.1Flamiano, R.S. and Requieron, E.A.
Science Department, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, MSU-GSC, General Santos City, 9500, Philippines
Abstract: A study on sexual dimorphism of Sundathelphusa philippina was conducted using geometric morphometric
methods. Sundathelphusa philippina, locally known as ‘kagang’, is a crab species found in the freshwaters of Lake Sebu
specifically in the Seven Falls, which is the outlet of the lake’s water. It is a rarely-studied species with only a few, and close
to none, literature available, which pushed the researchers to pursue the study on this species. 73 (male=39, female=34)
samples which were acquired from Seven Falls, Lake Sebu were subjected to geometric morphometric analysis. The pattern
of the crab’s dorsal carapace was quantified and analysed using Relative Warp Analysis (Rohlf, 2008) which revealed
differences in the anterolateral teeth, and posterolateral regions. Statistical analyses of scores were done using Canonical
Variance Analysis (CVA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) of the PAST
software (Hammer et al., 2009) revealing concurrent significant results. MANOVA unveiled that the crabs are sexually
dimorphic with a Wilk’s lambda of 0.07613, a Pillai trace of 0.2387, and a P-Value of 0.002284. Thus, the male and female
S. philippina are significantly sexually dimorphic due to sexual roles during reproduction: the females being the carrier of the
eggs, and the males being the defenders against predators or other male crabs.
Keywords: Sundathelphusa philippina, Geometric Morphometrics, Sexual Dimorphism, CVA, PCA, DFA
Application of Geometric Morphometric Analysis in Sexual Dimorphism of
Channastriata(Bloch, 1793) in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
JM Ruiz, C Llupar, EM Taberna, EA Requieron and April Joy Abalunan
Mindanao State University, 9500 General Santos City, Philippines
Abstract: Lake Sebu is known to be one of the most important watersheds in the country. Many aquatic species are living in
the area; one of them is the Channastriata, commonly known as the snakehead murrel. The results of the study will provide
information about the nature of sexual dimorphism in the organism, as well as for making morphological comparisons within
and between sexes and individuals. Landmark-based geometric morphometrics were used to describe the shape of snakehead
fish Channastriata. Fish were collected, photographed, sexed, and processed in the package software of TPS and undergone
landmarking. Hotelling’s t-squared applied and p value was calculated Based on the results of Relative Warp analysis,
variation in male (RW1 and RW2) and female (RW1 and RW2) occurred mostly in the dorsal region. These variations
suggest that there is a highly significant difference in the body shapes of male and female C. striata(p<<<0.05).
Keywords: Snakehead, Channastriata, Sexual dimorphism, Geometric morphometric, Lake Sebu.
Determining Sexual Dimorphism of Glossogobius celebius, by using Geometric
Morphometric analysis, in stressed regions of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato,
Zhané F. Rodriguez1, M.P. Nuñez1, S.C. Recibe1, P. Tagaloguin2 and E. Requieron2
Biology student at the Mindanao State University – General Santos City, Philippines
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the same University
Abstract: Species under the genus Glossogobius were misidentified due to similarities among known species. This study was
therefore conducted to determine the possible sexual dimorphism between male and female Glossogobius celebius; and to
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classify them from other Goby species to formulate proper management programs in fisheries. 78 samples (male=37,
female=41) collected from the stressed regions of the lake were processed using Geometric Morphometric techniques. Digital
Images of the species were captured using Canon 1100 D and were further elucidated using landmark based Geometric
Morphometrics. Relative Warp Analysis show males with leaner bodies and lengthier caudal peduncle and gape length. In
contrast, females exhibit corpulent body outlines and curvatures in greater degrees. MANOVA unveiled that male and female
species were significantly dimorphic: Wilk’s lambda = 0.3358, Pillai trace = 0.6642 and p=4.648E-15. Thus, male and female
G. celebius are significantly dimorphic due to sexual roles during reproduction for their better mating opportunities.
Keywords: Iswil, Geometric Morphometrics, Glossogobius celebius, sexual dimorphism, relative warp analysis, DFA,
Sexual Dimorphism in Wing Morphology of Neurothemisterminata(Ris, 1911) in
Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Philippines (Odonata: Anisoptera)
Elani M. Requieron
MSU-Gensan, General Santos City, 9500, Philippines
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine morphological variations in the shape of the wings between male and
female dragonfly which is Neurothemisterminata in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato. Neurothemisterminata is a species of
Odonata which is widely distributed in the Philippine archipelago and the rest of the tropical countries. Dragonflies were
considered as ecological indicator since their presence indicate fresh water. Dragonflies are important in diminishing diseases
spread by mosquitoes since they feed on them. Male and female N. terminatawere determined based on the colors they
exhibit but in terms of morphology it is very difficult to classify them due to their great similarities in structure. This study
aims to find morphological variations in the wings of N. terminata. There were 60 specimens collected 30 males and 30
females and were prepared in the slide then photographed uniformly using Canon 1100D. Homologous morphological
structures between all specimens were picked out around the outline of the wings. Raw data were then examined using
multivariate methods of statistical analysis.Results of the analysis shows that most of the morphological differences in shape
and size occurs in the distal portion of the wings and also it suggest that female hindwings are wider than male hindwings.
Keywords: geometric morphometrics, odonata, landmark-based geometric morphometrics
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3. Biological Sciences
In Silico Analysis of Opticin protein in relation to Uveitis disease
Akash kumar and Mohd. Zakir Khawaja2
Department(s) of Bioinformatics, College of Science and Technology, Dehradun, INDIA
Biotechnology, Uttaranchal College of Science and Technology, Dehradun, INDIA
Abstract: Uveitis is a inflammatory eye disease which cause swelling in uveal tract and reduce vision or may result in
complete vision loss if remain untreated for long time. Uveitis refers to part of the eye called the uvea, and also affects other
part such as the lens, retina, vitreous and optic nerve. This disease may be classified based on the part of eye it affects.
Among all of its types which affect different portion of eye, a common protein named opticin is present in significant
amount. Considering the above fact, the study of chemical composition will correlate opticin and uveitis more clearly.
Effect of root, stem and leaf powder of different plants on growth of common and
dominant seedborne fungus of pulses Aspergillus flavus.
Ashok S. Kandhare
Department of Botany, K.M.C. College, Khopoli, Dist. Raigad.
Abstract: Study was done on four pulses Green gram, Black gram, Chick pea and Pigeon pea. Seventeen fungi were isolated
from these four pulses. Out of seventeen fungi six were found to be common and dominant on all test pulses. Attempt is
made to constrain common and dominant fungi of pulses through biological control using commonly available plants. Present
paper deals with effect of some plant powers on Aspergillus flavus, common and dominant fungi of test pulses. Most of the
plants tested were found to be effective in controlling the growth of Aspergillus flavus.
Revolutionized strength of future biomedicine revealed: Nanolipomedicines
Sharma Meenu
Pacific University, Udaipur, INDIA
Abstract: Passing time has seen numerous developments in the computational approaches and applications. All this has
shown a specialized positive impact in the field of Biomedicine and lead to encouragement of interdisciplinary fields like
medical informatics, bio-informatics, nano-technology, nano-informatics, computational biology, system biology, etc.
Present work embraces the analytics of the advancements and unearthing across the most deadly diseases in the world. Major
emphasis is on the improvements in the drug delivery methods to ensure site-specificity and effectiveness of the potential
drugs. It is the most important aspect of the present targeted therapies is the drug delivery vehicles. Paper revolves around the
characteristics of an ideal drug delivery system. Is it Efficiency? Biocompatibility? Or just Nonimmunogenicity? Yes, here
drug-carriers are on the spotlight. Additionally we also focused the deciding factors like drug circulation time, its ADMET
aspects and chemical descriptors that are the indispensable part of a drug-carrier system. In the end publication survey results
provides a suitable podium to present work. The possibilities of novel developments offer the clear cut proof of increasing
popularity of biological lipid vesicles and nano-scale drug delivery systems. Citations involve current market and clinical
status of such systems in our present day RandD and pharma-market.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Computational Biology, drug delivery systems, Liposomes, Nano-liposomes, nano-informatics,
Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation causes apoptosis of peripheral blood
mononuclear cells
Atul Kumar Pandey1, Devesh Kumar2, Gaurav Anand3 Santosh Kar4
School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India
Institute for Neural Signal Transduction, Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg, Falkenried 94, D-20251 Hamburg Germany.
International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi-110067, India
School of Biotechnology, Kallinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Abstract: Sleep plays very critical roles in physiological process and survival of individuals. Rapid eye movement sleep
deprivation (REMSD), a crucial phase of sleep is essential for maintenance of body physiology of rats. REMSD induced
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apoptosis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC’s) along with altered serum inflammatory marker enzymatic
proteins like Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), Lipid Peroxides (LPO) and non-enzymatic antioxidants like Glutathione (GSH).
DNA laddering and TUNEL assay detected and confirmed the apoptotic bodies of PBMC’s on 4th day (moderate loss) as well
as on 9th day (acute loss) of REMSD. Our study showed that REMSD can cause apoptosis of PBMC’s in rats while inducing
oxidative damage in individuals.
Key words: REM sleep deprivation, Apoptosis, PBMC’s, Tunnel assays, SOD, LPO and GSH
Abbreviations: REM: rapid eye movement, NREM: non rapid eye movement, REMSD: rapid eye movement sleep
deprivation, CC: cage control, LPC: large platform control, TUNEL: Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end
labeling, FITC: Fluorescein isothiocyanate, TDT: Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, FAM; 6-carboxyfluorescein.
Study of Sodium Fluoride Toxicity on Genetic Mutations in Different Genes of
Albino Mice
Manisha Mathur
Department of Zoology, G.N.Khalsa College, Matunga,
Abstract: Fluorosis is a progressive degenerative disorder which is known to affect predominantly the skeletal systems, teeth
and also the structure and function of various organs like skeletal muscle,brain and spinal cord,ovaries and testies.However,
the effect of fluoride on genes is far from clear.The aim of present study is to examine the effects of fluoride on three genes
viz.,Caspases which plays a central role in execution phase of cell apoptosis; P53( Tumor protein ) which is a transcription
factor and is encoded in humans by TP53,which conserves stability by preventing mutation ;BCl2 ia a prototype for a family
of mammalian genes and the proteins they produce.They govern mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation and can be
either pro-apoptopic or anti apoptopic.Adult female albino mice of Swiss Strain weighing about 30 mgms were given a dose
of aqueous Sodium Fluoride 20 mgms per kg Bwt per day and maintained for 14 days.After DNA extraction quality check
and quantification was done.The results obtained for the Caspase gene under study did not vary for the normal and test mice,
we get the same size of amplified products for both the cases. The PCR products obtained were further sequenced and
matched but there were no differences in their sequences.In conclusion, our findings revealed that we need to elaborate our
study with more genes thats can be influenced and damaged by different forms of fluorine compounds. We assume may be
substantially more evident effect was caused by other fluoride compounds compared to simple fluoride ion released by
sodium fluoride.
Keywords: Study, sodium, fluoride, toxicity, genetic, mutations, albino, mice.
Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Α- Amylase Inhibitor Proteins from
Seeds of Some Leguminous Trees
Bhawna Tyagi*, Ashutosh Dubey, Divya Singh, A.K.Verma
Department of Biochemistry, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar
Abstract: α-amylase inhibitor proteins have inculcated a considerable attention over the past few years on account of their
potential effect on the crop pest regarding their importance in natural defense. Their implications in natural protection
mechanisms proficiently can be exploited for the routine gene manipulation techniques; hence these genes have been
expressed in transgenic seeds to create resistance toward beetles and other insect pests of useful crops. For the wider selection
of gene pool, the present study was undertaken to screen four legume tree viz. Cassia tora, Cassia occidentalis, Cassia
floribunda, Crotalaria albida for their α-amylase inhibitor protein content and further used to purify and characterize αamylase inhibitor protein(s). The maximum α-amylase inhibitor activity in crude extract has been found in Cassia tora which
was 48.1units/gm. of seeds. The crude extract was then used to purify the α-amylase inhibitor protein(s). Heat treatment of
crude extract at 700C for 30 min increased the specific activity of amylase inhibition of Cassia species total seed protein.
Heat treatment of protein extract can confirmed the heat stable character of alpha amylase inhibitor of Cassia species. The
heat treated seed extracts were further subjected to ammonium sulphate (20-50%), fractionation, dialysis, gel filteration
through sephacryl S-200 and subsequently to ion exchange chromatography through DEAE-Sephadex A-50. After
purification steps maximum specific activity has been observed in Cassia occidentalis which was 160.00 units/mg protein
followed by Cassia tora. Out of four species of legumes Cassia tora and Cassia albida inhibitor proteins were found to be
multimeric, in Cassia occidentalis and Cassia floribunda were monomer.
Keywords: Alpha amylase inhibitor, Legumes.
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Efficient Callus and Multiple shoot induction in Brassica juncea var; Pusa Jai Kisan
Neha Trivedi and Ashutosh Dubey
Department of Biohemistry, CBSH G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar U.S. Nagar 263 145
Abstract: Brassica oilseed species hold the third position among oilseed crops. The oilseed Brassica species cultivation has
increased tremendously during the last decade and by now it is the second largest contributor to the world supply of vegetable
oil. In most of the reports regarding tissue culture and genetic transformation of Brassica species, B. juncea has not yet been
explored. In the present study an efficient regeneration protocol for B.juncea has been established for callus induction and
multiple shoot induction which can be use to established for its use in transformation experiments. Different concentrations
of hormones and their combination were applied to most commonly used explants viz; hypocotyls and cultured on MS
medium. Two phytohormones, auxins (Naphthalene acetic acid and Indole acetic acid) and cytokinins (Benzylaminopurine
and Kinetin) were used for callus induction and multiple shoot induction in Brassica juncea variety Pusa Jai Kisan. The
frequency and amount of callus induction was higher when explants was treated with NAA (2.5ppm) + BAP (1.0ppm), at this
concentration it showed maximum CIF (Callus Induction frequency) which was 91.66. The explants were treated with
different concentrations of NAA and BAP for callus induction. At a particular combination of hormone there was shoot
induction takes place in callus. Maximum Shoot Induction Frequency (SIF), was observed at concentration NAA (1.0ppm) +
BAP (1.0). This protocol can be further explore for transformation of Brassica juncea.
Keywords: Brassica juncea, Callus induction, multiple shoot induction.
Estimation of total soluble protein from Barnyard millet (Echinocloa colona (L.)
Dipti singh, B.R.Singh and A.K.Verma
Department of Biochemistry, CBSH, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar
Abstract: Barnyard millet is the fast growing millet and its origin is probably in eastern India. It is also called by several
others name e.g.; Japanese barnyard millet, ooda, sawan, sanwa and sanwank, nutritionally too, it is a good source of protein,
which is highly digestible. Protein were estimated by the method of Lowry’s et al.(1951).Total soluble protein was extracted
from seed flour. The total soluble protein in all verities of barnyard millet (VL 21, VL 29, VL 172, VL 181, and VL 146) is
calculated. The maximum (3.4 mg/g) and (3.5 mg/g) concentration were observed in verities VL 181 and VL 146
respectively while minimum in VL 121 and VL 128(2.6 and 2.8 mg/g).Moderate concentration (3.2 mg/g) was observed in
VL 172.The variation in concentration of total soluble protein are due to the genetic variations among the different varieties.
Proteins are separated on Polyacrylamide gel on the bases of molecular size and net charges. The present study characterise
best verities on the bases of total soluble protein is VL 181 and VL 146,which is taken as good source of protein whose
depend on low cost cereals.
Keywords: Barnyard millet, Total Protein estimation.
Antifungal activity of moss (Anaectangium thomsonii Mitt) against different plant
pathogenic fungi
Negi Kavita *, Chaturvedi Preeti and Kandpal Vidisha
Department of Biological sciences, G.B.P.U.AandT, Pantnagar
Abstract: Fungi are associated with number of plant diseases in agricultural crops. The plant extracts have been used as
efficient fungicide inhibiting the growth of many fungal pathogens because these are considered safe and free from adverse
side effects. Bryophytes belong to the group of the oldest known land plants, which includes liverworts, hornworts and
mosses. Mosses are among the pioneer colonizers on barren rock surface and are found in certain extreme habitats where
other plants are rarely seen. In the present study the antifungal activity of a moss Anaectangium thomsonii Mitt of Kumaon
Himalayas (29023.125’ N and 79027.403’ E with an Alt. 1929m) in the month of June 2013. Bioactivity of the moss was
studied in different solvents ethanol and acetone (80%) against various fungi viz, Gleocercospora sorghii, Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Pythium oryzae, Sclerotina sp. by disc diffusion assay and food
poisoned methods. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal or fungicidal (MBC/MFC)
activity was observed employing micro dilution method at different concentrations. Highest antifungal activity was found in
ethanolic extracts with MIC/MFC (3.90 to 1000 µg/mL. Estimation of phenolics and flavonoids content revealed that the
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ethanolic extract of the A. thomsonii was having maximum flavonoid (at 100µg/mL) and phenolics (at 100µg/mL). High
content of phenolics and flavonoids suggest their role in the survival of the plant in the direct contact of soil surface where
the occurrence of microbial contamination has found high. Future optimisation of these compounds may allow the
development of novel antifungal agents as a substitute of conventional fungicides.
Keywords: Anaectangium thomsonii, antifungal activity, MIC/MFC, phenolics.
Values of Serum Creatinine During Reproductive Cycle in Megachiropteran
Batrousettus Leschenaulti(Desmerest)
Manisha Bhatkulkar and Amita Watkar
Jawaharlal Nehru Arts, Commerce and Science College, Wadi Dist Nagpur, INDIA
Abstract: Creatinine is normally formed by the muscles. It is formed in the body at a relatively constant rate. It is apparently
derived from the metabolism of the high-energy phosphate compound, phosphocreatine. Creatine is found abundantly in
muscle and is composed of amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine. Creatinine is solely derived from creatine. Serum
creatinine values rise in renal failure. It is present in maximum amount in the striated muscle. Smaller amounts are found in
the smooth muscle, testes, liver and kidney. Creatinine is a waste material. This creatinine is readily excreted in the urine.
Creatinine excretion increases during pregnancy. In the present study the mean blood creatinine level was found to be in the
range of 0.60 – 1.2mg% in the male Rousettus.. The creatinine was found to be highest during September when the male was
approaching maturity. Similarly the mean ranges from creatinine in the female were noted to be 0.7 – 1.10 mg%. The higher
values were noted during January (mid-pregnancy). The objective of this present study is to investigate the relationship
between the reproductive status of the male and female and the Serum Creatinine values throughout the reproductive cycle.
Keywords: Rousettus leschenaulti, Creatinine, blood, reproductive cycle.
Comparison of RNA Secondary Structure prediction tools in predicting the
Shaikh S.A. and Trivedi R.A.
Department of Microbiology, Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education and Applied Sciences, Athwalines, Surat-395001,
Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Many numbers of software applications (GUIs) are available for the single stranded nucleic acid secondary
structure prediction-like Mfold, CONTRAfold,IPknot,CompaRNA, CentroidAlifold,etc. Some are based on Minimum Free
Energy models (MFE) and others on stochastic context-free grammars (SCFGs), emerged as an alternative probabilistic
methodology for modelling RNA structure. . Unlike physics-based methods, which rely on thousands of experimentallymeasured thermodynamic parameters, SCFGs use fully-automated statistical learning algorithms to derive model parameters.
The performance of 10 single-sequences from a numerous RNA sequences with respective methods were being evaluated. On
the whole the most accurate and stable predictions obtained by single-sequence analyses are generated by CentroidFold,
ContextFold, IPknot and COFOLD.
Keywords: RNA Secondary Structure, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Minimum Free Energy (MFE), ContextFold, IPKnot
Describing Variation in Scale Shape Morphology between Sexes of the
Leiopotheraponplumbeus (Kner, 1864) In Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Philippines
Elani A. Requieron, Pauline Ruth A. Oftana, SydAngeliQue Q. Dacayo, Rodel E. Alo, TresTinna B. Martin
Science Department, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mindanao State University – General Santos City 9500 General Santos
City, Philippines
Abstract: Assessing the degree of variation in scale shape morphology to determine mean shape differences between the
sexes of Leiopotheraponplumbeus (Kner, 1864) population in Lake Sebu was the main objective of the study. With the
advancement of statistics and computer science, a new quantitative method was utilized in the study. Landmark-based
geometric morphometric method particularly Relative Warp Analysis (RWA), developed by Rohlf (2008) was used in
determining the scale shape morphology between sexes of the said species. Scales were removed, cleaned, mounted and
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photographed via a compound microscope. Photos were converted into Thin-Plate Spline (TPS) files and processed,
hereafter, in TPS package software. RWA results showed that region A explains 87.29% of the variation as revealed in
relative warps 1-5; region C explains 90.07%, region E explains 89.70%, region G explains 89.80%, region I explains
92.57% and region J explains 91.79% of the total. Relative Warp Analysis, thus nonetheless provides sufficient evidence of
the existence of sexual dimorphism in populations of L. plumbeus (Kner, 1864) in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato.
Keywords: Describing, variation, scale, morphology.
Grafting of Medical Textile using Neem Leaf Extract for Production of
Antimicrobial Textile
Margi H. Patel and Pratibha B.Desai
Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education and Applied Sciences, Veer Narmad South Gujarat Uni., Surat, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: The textile industry is challenged by the presence of microorganisms and the negative effects they cause.
Deterioration, defacement and odors are all dramatic effects that occur from the microbial contamination of woven,
nonwoven, and composite fabrics. Health and hygiene are the primary requirements for human beings to live comfortably
and work with maximum efficiency. To protect the mankind from pathogens and to avoid cross infection, a special finish like
antimicrobial finish has become necessary. The major antimicrobial agents for textile coating are chemical agents which have
toxic and environmental issues. Several natural dyes obtained from plants exhibit strong antimicrobial properties. Therefore,
coating of antimicrobial plant natural dyes and bioactive plant extract on to cotton fabrics is an emerging technology in the
production of medical cloths. The present investigation emphasizes on screening of herbs with potent antimicrobial activity,
treatment of cotton fabric and SMS Nonwoven fabric with herbal leaf extracts, assessment of their antimicrobial efficacy.
Based on the antimicrobial activity and availability Neem was selected.
Keywords: SMS Nonwoven fabric, Silver nitrate, quaternary ammonium compound and Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf
extract, Antimicrobial activity.
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: Isolation and Identification of Candida from
Reproductive Age Group Woman
Bhairavi P. Bhagat, Dr.Pratibha.B.Desa
Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education and Applied Sciences, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat-395 001, Gujarat,
Abstract: Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is an oppertunistic mucosal infection caused by varies candida species that
affects large number of healthy women of childbearing age. It is estimated that 75% of women will experience at least one
episode in their lifetime. candida albicans is a dimorphic commensal organism of urogenital tract and has been identified as
main pathogenic agent in VVC, accounting for approximately 85-90% of patient with positive cultures. A prospective study
of female genital swabs collected from gynecological clinic and analysed for microscopy, culture, speciallized test. Most
common VVC caused by candida albicans and non albican species were also detected like candida tropicalis, candida
glabrata in 50 samples collected from pregnant and non pregnant women. Microscopic analysis was performed by 10% KOH
wet preperation technique and gram staining. Sabouraud dextrose broth was used as primary growth medium and than
candida species were identified by growth on HiCrome candida speciallized medium. further identification was done by
special test- germ tube formation, chlamydospore production test, carbohydrate assimilation and fermentation test.
Keywords: VVC, Germ tube formation, Chlamydospore production
Xylobolus guatemalensis (Basidiomycota, Russulales) SP. NOV. from Central
Jiří Kout
Department of Biology, Geosciences and Environmental Education, Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia, Klatovská 51,
Pilsen, 306 19, Czech Republic
Abstract: New species of stereoid fungus Xylobolus guatemalensis is described from Guatemala. New species is
characterized by large and thick resupinate fruitbodies. Distinct difference from other members of the genus Xylobolus was
confirmed by sequence of DNA, too. It is known only from type locality hitherto.
Keywords: Xylobolus, guatemalensis, basidiomycota, russulales, central, America.
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Isolation, Identification and Seasonal correlation of waterborne pathogen
Aeromonas spp. from Surat water distribution system
Desai B.A. and Desai P.B.
Department of Microbiology, Shree Ramkrishna Institute of computer education and Applied Sciences, Athwalines, Surat-395 001.
Abstract: The occurrence of Aeromonas spp. in water supply of Surat city was monitored from several samples like four
main water works, nine different pumping station and different customer usage water samples for a period of 1 year. The
selective isolation was carried out by using membrane filter technique using M-Aeromonas selective media and selective
isolation was done on Rippey Cabelli agar plate. Total 199 isolates were obtained. There are 22 different species of
Aeromonas known till date, out of which 11 species are commonly found in aquatic environment. According to the research
work, 9 different isolates of Aeromonas spp. were isolated from the water samples under study. The growth range of
Aeromonas shows seasonal variation more often during the warmer months.
Keywords: Membrane Filter Technique, Aeromonas spp. Seasonal variation.
Study of Clostridium difficile in South Gujarat region of India
Patel Padmshree V. and Pratibha B. Desai
Department of Microbiology, Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education and Applied Sciences, Veer Narmad South Gujarat
University, Surat-395 001, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Infection with toxin-producing Clostridium difficile strains is a common cause of diarrhoea. Clostridium difficile
presently has been identified as a causative agent of a spectrum of diseases referred to as Clostridium difficile Infections
(CDI). CDI can manifest as self-limiting antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD) and antibiotic-associated colitis (AAC) to
severe and life threatening forms like; pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) and toxic megacolon. Indian studies have reported
Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhoea (CDAD) prevalence rates ranging from 7.1% to 26.6% and its incidence varies
considerably from place to place. The present work was conducted to study Clostridium difficile and its prevalence in the
South Gujarat Region of the Gujarat state of India. Alcohol Shock treatment was given to the diarrhoeal stool sample,
followed by enrichment of spores by inoculating an RCM broth (added with 0.1% sodium taurocholate). After 48 hr.,
subculture was made on CCFA medium. Plates were incubated anaerobically for 48hrs. The C. difficile isolates were
identified by colonial characteristic, fluorescence under UV light and positive Latex Agglutination test. The isolates were
further characterized by gram reaction for cellular morphology, spore staining and various biochemical tests as described in
Bergey's Manual of Systemetic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition (2001). 271 diarrhoeal stool samples from hospitalized patients
were investigated. Among these 176 were of male and 95 were of female patients. In total 16 isolates have been obtained
from total of 271 clinical samples i.e. the isolation rate is 5.9% during six month. Among this C. difficile has been isolated
from 10 males (62.5%) and 6 females (37.5%). A case of PMC has also been reported in present study. Though the rate of
isolation of C. difficile was little lower than that reported in other Indian literatures, the present study shows that Clostridium
difficile is prevalent in the South Gujarat Region of the Gujarat state of India and it should be considered to be a cause of
antibiotic associated diarrhoea and found to be involved in causation of PMC too.
Keywords: Clostridium difficile Infections (CDI), Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD), Antibiotic-associated colitis
(AAC), Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC), Toxic Megacolon, Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhoea (CDAD).
Pharmacognosy and Biological Potential of the stem and Leaves of white Abrus
Regi Raphael K and Alby Alphons Baby
Department of Botany, ST. Mary’s College, Thrissur, Ketala
Abstract: World Health Organization (WHO) appreciates the importance of medicinal plants for public health care in
developing nations. White Abrus (Abrus precatorius Linn) have important role in traditional medicine, its seeds, bark, leaves
and stem are medicinal. The present study highlights the phamacognostic studies on leaves and stem including parameters
such as macroscopic and microscopic characters, pysichochemical standards and preliminary phytochemistry. Then its
potential as an antioxidant and anthelmintic agents were evaluated. The methanolic extract produced significant anthelmintic
and antioxidant properties in a dose-dependent manner. DPPH free radical scavenging assay of leaf and stem exhibited IC 50
values of 275 ±0.83 µg/ml and 170 ± 0.90 µg/ml respectively. At 1000 µg/ml concentration both leaf and stem shows
maximum radical scavenging activity (93 % and 98 %). Super oxide anion scavenging assay also resulted promising activity
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with IC 50 values 85± 0.83µg/ml and 80± 0.90µg/ml respectively for leaf and stem. The percentage scavenging of super
oxide radical surged with the enhanced concentration of plant extracts. The maximum scavenging activity of plant extract
was at 1000 µg/ml concentration, 80 % and 92% respectively in leaf and stem extracts. Preliminary phytochemical screening
revealed the presence of saponins, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides and phenols in both stem and leaves
that may be the reason for its biological properties. The present study reveals the pharmacological identification of the crude
drug, and the findings of this study indicates that this medicinal plant with high antioxidant property might prove to be a
natural source of a very potent anticancer agent and it is prominent in Helminthiasis treatment.
Keywords: Pharmacognosy, Biological, Potential, Leaves, white Abrus.
Study on Rhizospheric microflora of Wild and Transgenic varieties of Gossypium
species in Monsoon
Patel Twisha and Desai Pratibha B
Department of Microbiology, Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education and Applied Sciences, Veer Narmad South Gujarat
University, Surat-395 001. Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Many, microorganisms playing an important role in plant growth are used in agriculture system, especially the
group of bacteria called plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), which can enhance the growth of plant directly or
indirectly; acting as biofertilizers, phytostimulators and biocontrol agent. A large number of bacteria including species of
Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Rhizobium have reported to enhance plant
growth. In present study, wild Gossypium species and transgenic Gossypium hisrsutum sample were collected in monsoon
season from four different sampling sites Rhizosphere, Rhizoplane, Endorhizosphere, Bulk soil from Agriculture farm,
Cotton research centre, Surat, Gujarat. A total Fifty nine bacteria were isolated and in vitro screening was done for different
plant growth promoting activities; Phosphate solubilization , Zinc solubilization, Potassium solubilization,
Fixation, ACC deaminase acitivity, Phytohormons Production , HCN production , Ammonia production , Lytic enzymes
production, Triphenyl tetrazolium tolerance (TTC) activity. In present work, eight bacterial isolates were positive for
Phosphate solubilization, two Zinc solubilization and twenty four Potassium solubilization. Nitrogen fixation activity was
shown in twenty five isolates. ACC deaminase activity was shown in twenty five isolates. IAA production and Gibberelic
acid shown nine and fifty six isolates respectively. Four isolates were positive for HCN production and thirty two for
ammonia production. Lipase, Protease and amylase enzyme activities were shown twenty three, twenty eight and twenty
respectively. Twenty four isolates were tolerance to TTC. From all these traits, eight isolates were showing maximum plant
growth promotion activities. As PGPR are environmental friendly and offer sustainable approach to increase production of
crop and heath. So PGPR will begin to restrict the use of chemical fertilizer in agriculture and horticulture.
Keyword: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, ACC deaminase, Biofertilizer
Plant Growth Promoting Capability of Rhizobacteria from Sorghum Bicolor
Patil Sharda K. and Desai Pratibha B.
Shree ramkrishna institute of computer education and applied sciences, Veer narmad south gujarat university, surat-395 001, gujarat,
Abstract: Plant growth- promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are useful free living bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere, which
when applied to seeds or crops, enhanced the plant growth by different mechanisms. The use of PGPR is increases regularly
by farmers. Rhizosphere of many plants has microbial diversity depending on the variety of plants and effect of root exudates
which promotes growth and also the crop yield or quality. During the present study such 30 plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria were isolated from rhizospheric soil of Sorghum bicolor cultivated at Jalgaon North Maharashtra Region of
India .The rhizospheric soil from fields having alkaline pH were collected at first stages of growth and were tested for
various PGPR traits. Most efficient bacterial isolates were screened on the basis of their positive activity for, IAA production,
ACC-deaminase activity, P-solubilization, Zn-solubilization and N2fixation are directly promote plant growth. Compared
to bulk soil, rhizosheric bacteria are more potential to promote plant growth. Out of five different traits screened bacteria
were having more than 50 % traits supporting plant growth out of 30 isolates. Such PGPR species can be further explored as
Keywords: Rhizobacteria, IAA, ACC-deaminase, PGPR.
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Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant Activity of Leaf and in vitro Callus Growth of
Mentha Spicata Lamiaceae
Sardhara Kalpesh, Chaudhary Jayesh, Bhagwati Gauni*, Mehta Kavit and Patel B.N.
Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University, Kherva-384 012, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: The present investigation was undertaken to appraise the antioxidant properties and total phenolic contents of
Mentha Spicata Lamiaceae. This plant is potential source of new drugs to improve the treatment of diseases whose treatment
is associated to anti-oxidative agents. Mentha spicata Linn., commonly called spearmint, belongs to the family lamiaceae.
Mentha has been selected in this study because Mentha extracts have excellent antioxidant properties due to the presence of
secondary metabolites. Antioxidant activity was monitored in ethanolic extracts of callus induced from leaf segment culture
and oil obtained from leaves of Mentha spicata L. and compared with standard antioxidant such as L- ascorbic acid. Total
phenolic content was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and calculated as Gallic acid equivalent per gram dry weight.
In vitro callus culture was grown over period of four weeks in dark on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented
with different concentrations of growth regulators like BAP (6-benzylamino purine), IAA (indole-3-acetic acid), IBA (indole3-butyric acid), NAA (naphthalene acetic acid), 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) either singly or in combination with
addition to 3% sucrose and 0.8% agar and incubated in various monochromatic light such as red, blue, green, white and dark.
Blue light obtained maximum callus growth and this callus was used for FRAP assay. Total antioxidant activity was found to
be 0.550 mmol FeII/g of dry weight (oil) and 0.370 mmol FeII/g of dry weight (callus). Total phenolic content was 110 g
gallic acid/g of dry weight (oil) and 15 g gallic acid/g of dry weight (callus).There is no report found on antioxidant acitivity
of M. Spicata L., It shows new antioxidant source used as medicinal plant.
Keywords: FRAP, BAP, IAA, IBA, NAA, 2,4-D.
Antibacterial Activity of Stem Extract of Glycorriza glabra L.
Patel Tejal, Mehta Kavit and Patel B.N.
Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar-384 012, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Glycorrhiza glabra is a widely used medicinal plant. Glycorrhiza glabra (liquorice) is a well known herb in
traditional Indian and Chinese medicines. It is cultivated mainly in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab and sub Himalayan tracts in
India to cure certain diseases like cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Peptic ulcer, Arthritis, Allergic complaints and steroid therapy.
In this investigation we have evaluated antibacterial activity of acetone extract of stem of Glycorrhiza glabra against ten
clinically important bacterial strains such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus
amyloliquifacience, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi A, Salmonella paratyphi B, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Proteus vulgaris by disc diffusion method. Result showed maximum antibacterial activities against Bacillus megaterium with
zone of inhibition of 23 mm and minimum against Salmonella typhi A with zone of inhibition of 11 mm. Our preliminary
phytochemical and antibacterial analysis of acetone extract of Glycorrhiza glabra confirmed the presence of secondary
metabolites such as tannin, flavonoids, terpenoids and steroids etc. This indicates that antimicrobial activities may be due to
presence of secondary metabolites. Hence, this plant can be used to discover bioactive natural products that may serve as
leads in the development of new pharmaceuticals antibacterial drug.
Keywords: Tannin, Flavonoid, Glycorrhiza glabra, Salmonella typhi, Steroid.
Antibacterial Activity of Leaf Extracts of Thuja occidentalis L.
Chaudhary Pooja, Mehta Kavit and Patel B.N.
Mehsana Urban Institute of sciences, Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar- 384 012, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Thuja occidentalis is a monoecious coniferous plant belongs to the family Cupressacae. It has high medicinal
importance plant. The plant is highly used by rural people in curing various disorders. Thuja occidentalis has an effective
natural origin that has a tremendous future for research as the novelty and applicability of Thuja occidentalis are still hidden.
In this study, the antibacterial activity of Thuja occidentalis leaves with methanol solvent were tested against different Gram
positive and Gram negative bacterial strains such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus amyloliquifaciens,
Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella typhi by Disk Diffusion method. All tested bacterial organisms were susceptible to methanol
extracts showing zone of inhibition with different bacterial strains were in range of 10 to 27 mm with methanolic extract. The
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result shows that Thuja occidentalis leaves have potential of maximum antibacterial activity against Bacillus
amyloliquifaciens with zone of inhibition of 27 mm and minimum antibacterial acitivity against Bacillus subtilis with zone of
inhibition of 13mm. The extracts showed significant results against both gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains.
This antibacterial properties of this used plant against various organism is depend upon various phytochemical constituents
present in Thuja occidentalis leaves. There are no report found on antibacterial activity of Thuja accidentalis.
Keywords: Thuja occidentalis, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus amyloliquifaciens, Proteus vulgaris, Antibacterial activity.
Rhizobacteria of sugarcane: In vitro screening for their plant growth promoting
K. K. Ghevariya and P. B. Desai
Department of Microbiology, Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education and Applied Sciences.Surat-395001, Veer Narmad South
Gujarat University- 395001, Surat, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are group of naturally occurring soil bacteria that aggressively
colonize plant root and enhance plant growth and yield by direct and indirect mechanism. In search of efficient PGPR strains
associated with Saccharum officinarum, a total of 50 isolates were obtained from the rhizospheric soil, root, stem and leaf of
sugarcane plant that were grown in agricultural field of Kamrej, Surat district, India. Among 50, eleven isolates exhibited
multiple Plant growth promoting traits viz., direct mechanisms: Solubilization of Phosphate, Biological Nitrogen fixation,
Zinc solubilization, Potassium solubilization, Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate
(ACC) deaminase production, 46 isolates exhibited positively for Tri-calcium phosphate solubilization on pikovskaya agar.
39 isolates were able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, 25 isolates were able to solubilizing zinc, 24 isolates were able to
solubilizing Potassium, 40 isolates were able to cleave 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate, and all isolates produced IAA in
the presence of L-Tryptophan. Such multiple positive PGP traits isolates can be further explored as effective bio-inoculants to
improving plant growth and yield.
Keyword: Rhizobacteria, PGPR, Nitrogen fixation, Indole-3-acetic acid.
Effect of Various Animal Wastes on Growth and Reproduction of Eudrilus Eugenae
during Vermicomposting
P.D. Pulate and R.S. Tambe
Department of Zoology, Arts, Science and Commerce College, Kolhar, Tq: Rahata, Dist: Ahemadnagar MS, INDIA
Abstract: The earthworms are commonly used for production of vermicompost. Organic wastes can be ingested by
earthworms and egested as a peat-like material termed as vermicompost. Vermicomposting is a method of preparing enriched
compost with the use of earthworms. The growth and mortality of an epigeic earthworm Eudrilus eugenae was studied under
laboratory conditions from five kinds of animal wastes, i.e. cow, buffalo, goat, sheep and pig. Five hatchlings per 100 g of
waste were used to study mortality and growth rate. No mortality was observed in any waste. The earthworms grew rapidly in
cow, goat and sheep waste. The growth observed during present study exhibited in the order cow>goat>
Sheep>buffalo>donkey in Eudrilus eugenae.
Keywords: Eudrilus eugenae, animal waste, vermicompost, growth.
Azotobacter species as a Natural Plant Hormone Synthesizer”
P.S.Vikhe and Bhosale A.M
Department of Botany P.V.P.College of Arts Science and Commerce Pravaranagar, (Loni). Arts Science and Commerce
College Kolhar, INDIA
Abstract: Among the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), great attention has been paid to the genus
Azotobacter,and their role in increasing the growth and health of plants. In the present study,six samples of rhizospheric soil
were taken to isolate Azotobacter from the ten different villages of Pravara area. Isolation of Azotobacter spp was carried out
using Ashbys liquid and were purified further. The strains were identified through microscopical and biochemical tests and
the results obtained classified the spp in, A. vinelandii, A. chroococcum, A. beijerinckia, A.macrocytogenes, A.agilis.
A.insignis. Results strongly supports that the Azotobacter spp in combinations C+M+I and B+V+A are significantly effective
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to improve the crop yield . Their efficiency equal to the recommended dose of fertilizers. Highest gibberllic acid in
production AzT1, kinetin in AZT2, NAA in AZT1 AZM3 and IAA This supported that mutual association of Azotobacter spp.
lead to synthesis of growth hormone, nitrogen, phosphate uptake and modification in rhizospheric interactions with respect to
wheat varieties.. Results strongly supports that the Azotobacter spp combinations C+M+I and B+V+A are significantly
effective to improve the crop yield Their efficiency equal to the recommended dose of fertilizers. The Azotobacter spp are
capable of producing two phytohormones . Rhizosphere colonizing bacteria including A. chroococcum that posses the ability
to enhance plant growth when applied to seeds, roots or tubers are called plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). They
further observed that plant response to inoculation with PGPR enhance nitrogen and parameters such as plant dry weight,
development, morphology of root system, grain yield, protein and mineral nutrient content. They further observed that plant
response to inoculation with PGPR enhance nitrogen and parameters such as plant dry weight, development, morphology of
root system, grain yield, protein and mineral nutrient content.
Keywords: Azotobacterspp, PGPR, Rhizospheric soil, HPLC, microbial population
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4. Chemical Sciences
Synthesis, Characterization And Microbial Activity Of 5-[1-(1,3-Benzothiazol-2Ylsulfanyl)Alkyl]-1,3,4-Thiadiazole-2-(3h)-Thione
Debojyoti Chakraborty* and SitaRam Sharma
NIT, Patna-5
Abstract: A number of benzothiazole-2-ylsulfanyl derivatives 2-(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-ylsulfanyl)alkanoylhydrazide and 5-[1(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-ylsulfanyl)alkyl]-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-(3H) thione have been synthesised from (1,3-Benzothiazol-2ylsulfanyl)acetic acid. These compounds were characterized from their F.T.I.R, Mass and 1H NMR spectral studies. The
compound (IIA to IIG) were screened for antibacterial activity and antifungal properties. The compound showed appreciable
antifungal but negligible antibacterial activity.
Keywords: Benzothiazole derivatives, synthesis, Microbial activity.
Theoretical Studies of Stability and local molecular properties of Hypoxanthine
isomers by Density Functional theory
N. Surendra Babu, Sisay Tedesse and T.A. Lelisho
College of Natural and Computational Science (CN and CS), Department of Chemistry, Hawassa University,Hawassa, Post Box no 5,
Abstract: The properties of xanthine and its derivatives are of interest due to their biological and pharmaceutical importance.
They are purine base, found in most human body tissues, fluids and tea, coffee, cocoa and cola drinks. They have
pharmacologic properties that stimulate the central nervous system and relax smooth muscles. Further, they are used in the
synthesis of organic biochemical and drugs. The hydroxyl substituted derivative of xanthine namely hypoxanthine is used in
the biochemical research and it contain both a pyrimide ring and an imidazole ring. It is naturally occurring purine derivative
known as 6-hydroxypurine and found as a constituent of nucleic acids. The understanding of its structure, molecular
properties as well as nature of reaction mechanism has great importance and has been the subject of many experimental and
theoretical studies. Hence, the detailed theoretical investigation of the title compound has been undertaken by
computationally. Geometry optimization is one of the most important steps in the theoretical calculations. The model
molecular structure of hypoxanthine l was built in gauss-view 05 and was used to optimize the structure. The molecules
under investigation have been analyzed with density functional theory (DFT), employing Becke’s three parameter hybrid
exchange functionals with Lee-Yang-Parr correlation functionals (B3LYP) with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. All the calculations
were performed using the Gaussian 09 program. In this study the density functional theory (DFT) were used to determine the
relative energies, electronegativity(χ), hardness (η), softness(S), electrophilicity index (ω) and local reactivity descriptors
such as Fukui function, for the hypoxanthine isomers (H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 and H6). The local reactivity has been analyzed
through the condensed Fukui function using natural population analysis (NPA). All calculations were performed using the
Gaussian 09 program.
Keywords: Hypoxanthine, DFT, Gaussian 09, HOMO-LUMO, hardness, softness, Fukui function.
Ion exchange characteristics of newly synthesized cerium zirconium
phosphotungstate and its analytical applications
B. Preetha1and C. Janardanan2
Department of Chemistry, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, INDIA
Department of Chemistry SreeNarayana College, Thottada P. O., Kannur, Kerala, INDIA
Abstract: Growing environmental problems have necessitated the selective determination and removal of heavy metal ions,
for which inorganic ion exchangers are found to be suitable. Zirconium based ion exchangers have received attention because
of their excellent ion exchange behaviour. A bimetallic heteropoly acid salt,cerium zirconium phosphotungstate (CZPT) was
synthesized by precipitation method. Chemical composition was determined by EDS method and structural characterizations
were done by Thermo gravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic analysis
etc. UV-Visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopic studies were carried out for characterization as well as to study the optical
properties. Ion exchange properties were studied by determining ion exchange capacity and distribution coefficients for
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various metal ions. pH titration studies, effect of hydrated ionic radii and temperature on ion exchange capacities and stability
in various media were also studied. The distribution studies revealedthat the material is a good scavenger of metal ions such
as bismuth, copper, strontium, lead, thorium etc. On the basis of the selectivity pattern, the separation potential of the ion
exchanger was explored by carrying out binary separations of metal ions such as Ca2+, Hg2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Co2+ and Ni2+ from
Bi3+on a column of the ion exchanger by using suitable eluents. The eluents were selected after studying the electrolyte effect
on distribution coefficients of metal ions. Difference in selectivity towards aluminium and magnesium was used for the
analysis of these ions in antacids. The material was found to absorb all the light in the UV region and this knowledge can be
utilized for photo stability of pigments by introducing this. In addition to this, it shows electronic and ionic conduction also.
Thus the material find promising applications in various fields by combining its ion exchange properties, catalytic activity,
electron exchange properties, optical properties, electrical properties, semiconducting properties etc.
Keywords: Ion exchanger; distribution studies; UV-Vis. DRS; photostability; antacids.
Inhibition of Mild Steel Corrosion In 1M H2SO4 Medium by Mannich Bases Derived
from Benzimidazole
P.M.Dasami*1, K.Parameswari2 and S.Chitra3
Department of chemistry, PSGR Krishnammal College for women, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, TN, INDIA
Abstract: Two novel Mannich bases were prepared and used as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1M H2SO4. Their
corrosion inhibition behavior were studied by weight loss measurements, potentiodynamicpolarization, electrochemical
impedance, and SEM with EDX. Electrochemical studies show that the Inhibition Efficiency depends on concentration of the
inhibitor and temperature. The inhibitors obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm which indicate the monolayer adsorption of the
inhibitor on the mild steel surface. Thermodynamic parameters show that the adsorption of the inhibitor on mild steel surface
occurs through electrostatic attraction. Polarization studies reveal that the inhibitors behave as mixed type in 1M H2SO4
affecting both anodic metal dissolution and cathodic hydrogen evolution.SEM and EDX studies show that the formation of
surface adsorptive film of the inhibitors on the MS surface. Addition of halide ions enhanced the efficiency of the Schiff
bases through a synergistic mechanism.
Keywords: Mannich bases, inhibitors, SEM, EDX, Langmuir adsorption isotherm, polarization, impedance.
Volumetric and Viscometric Studies of Glycine in Aqueous Solution of Fructose
Parvinder Khanuja
Department of Chemistry, Shri Neelkantheahwar Govt. Postgraduate College, Khandwa-450 001, INDIA
Abstract: Density and viscosity measurements were performed for glycine in 0.05- 0.25 M aqueous fructose at 293.15,
303.15 and 313.15 K. The measured values of density and viscosity were used to determine some important parameters, such
as the partial molar volume, the transfer partial molar volume, partial molar volume expansibility, viscosity B-coefficient,
variation of B with temperature dB/dT and free energy of activation. The results were interpreted in terms of solute–solute
and solute–solvent interactions and structure making/breaking ability of solutes in aqueous fructose solution.
Keywords: Density, Masson equation, Viscosity, Viscosity B-coefficient.
A mild and environmentally benign Synthesis of Benzimidazoles: Relevance to the
pectin hetropolysaccharide as a catalyst
Agrwal Akansha*, Agarwal Deepali and Kasana Virendra Kumar
Department of Chemistry, CBSH, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar U.S. Nagar 263 145 Uttarakhand,
Abstract: Benzimidazoles are present in various bioactive compounds possessing antiviral and anti hypertensive properties.
Compounds containing benzimidazole moiety have many pharmacological properties and play an important role in
biochemical processes. In this proposed work we have used benzaldehyde and o-phenylene diamine as the model substrate
using hetropolysaccharide, pectin as a catalyst and water as a solvent. Reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for
half an hour. The generality and scope of the protocol was determined by synthesizing derivatives of benzimidazole in good
to excellent yields. In conclusion, we have developed a simple, versatile, environmentally benign, highly efficient and green
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method for the synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives by two component cyclocondensation of aldehydes and o-phenylene
diamine using pectin as a catalyst and water as a solvent. The formation of compounds was confirmed by NMR and IR
Keywords: hetropolysaccharide, pectin, Cyclocondensation, green method, benzimidazole.
Study on antifungal activity determination of Alpinia malaccensis leaves essential oil
against some pathogenic fungi
Sethi Sonali*, Om Prakash and Pant A.K.
Department of Chemistry, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, India
Abstract: In present scenario the quantitative and the qualitative deterioration of the nutritional value of stored food material
by the mycotoxins produced by the fungus render food unfit and hazardous for human consumption. Due to the various side
effects of synthetic fungicide there is an urgent need for the development of ecofriendly, environment friendly, safe natural
fungicide. Essential oils isolated from plants exhibit variety of biological activity and have potent pharmacological activity.
Alpinia malaccensis is a perennial medicinal plant belonging to the family Zingiberaceae is becoming a popular house plant
and is used to cure wounds and sores. Fresh leaves were subjected to Clevenger’s type apparatus for hydrodistillation to
isolate essential oil. The antifungal activity determination was evaluated by disc diffusion method against the three plant
pathogenic fungi viz; Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii and Sclerotinia solani. The minimum inhibitory concentration
(MIC) was evaluated by the micro broth dilution method. The essential oil exhibited significant inhibitory effects against the
growth of S. solani and S. rolfsii with a MIC values of 31.25 µg/ml and 61.5 µg/ml respectively. R. solani was moderately
suppressed by oil with the MIC of 125 µg/ml. Thus it may be concluded that A. malaccensis leaf essential oil might be used
as a potent antifungal agent after proper clinical trials.
Keywords: A. malaccensis, Zingiberaceae, leaf, essential oil, antifungal activity
Hydroxylamine hydrochloride as an effective catalyst for formamide derivative
synthesis and their DPPH scavenging activity
Agarwal Deepali *, Agrwal Akansha, Bairagi Anamika and Kasana Virendra Kumar
Department of Chemistry, CBSH G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar U.S. Nagar 263 145
Abstract: The development of convenient and environmentally benign procedure with high productivity using non-toxic,
low cost catalyst system under mild reaction conditions is the demanding research area in organic chemistry. Formamides are
an important class of intermediates in the preparation of pharmaceuticals and have been widely used as amine protecting
groups and as precursors to isocyanides and hetrocycles. In the present study formamide derivatives were synthesized in good
yield with amines and formic acid employing 10 mol % of hydroxylamine hydrochloride as a powerful catalyst at room
temperature under solvent free condition. The reaction condition was further optimized for minimum mole ratio of amine:
formic acid. 1:2 mole ratio of amine: formic acid was found to be most effective affording high quantitative yield.
Synthesized compounds were characterized by their I.R. and 1H-NMR spectra. Some of these compounds were also screened
for their antioxidant activity using DPPH scavenging method.
Keywords: environmentally benign, formamide derivatives, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, antioxidant.
Synthesis of 3-methyl-4-arylmethylene-isoxazole-5(4H)-ones derivatives using
Calcium chloride dihydrate as a effective catalyst at room temperature: A Green
Chemistry Strategy
Bairagi Anamika *, Agarwal Deepali, Agrwal Akansha and Kasana Virendra Kumar
Department of Chemistry, CBSH, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar U.S. Nagar 263145
Abstract: Isoxazoles are a class of heterocyclic compounds having a remarkable number of applications and have been
demonstrated to be very versatile building blocks in organic synthesis. Isoxazol-5(4H)-ones compounds have attracted
increasing interest due to their significant pharmaceutical and therapeutic properties, such as hypoglycemic,
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immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities. In this proposed work, a highly efficient and
environmentally benign methodology for the synthesis of 3-methyl-4-arylmethylene-isoxazole-5(4H)-ones has been
developed by reaction of aromatic aldehydes, ethyl acetoacetate and hydroxylamine hydrochloride in aqueous ethanol in
presence of CaCl2.2H2O. The reaction mixture was stirred on magnetic stirrer (300 rpm) at room temperature affording good
quantitative yield. The reaction condition was further examined for the effective ratio of water: ethanol on the % yield of the
product. A number of structurally diverse aldehyde was then screened for studying the generality as well as the efficiency of
the procedure. Synthesized compounds were characterized by their I.R., 1H-NMR spectra and melting point analysis.
Keywords: environmentally benign, 3-methyl-4-arylmethylene-isoxazole-5(4H)-ones, CaCl2.2H2O.
Antioxidant activity evaluation of various genotypes of Coriander (Dhaniya)
collected from Tarai region of Uttarakhand
Verma Ankita*, Arya Neelam and Viveka Nand
Department of Chemistry, CBSH, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar U.S. Nagar 263 145
Abstract: Spices are common food adjuncts, which have been used as flavoring, seasoning, and coloring agents and
sometimes as preservatives throughout the world for thousands of years. During recent years consumers have been more
concerned about the addition of synthetic additives to food and the two most commonly used antioxidants, butylated
hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), have shown DNA damage induction Therefore, there is an
increasing interest in natural food additives, such as spices or spice extracts, which can function as natural antioxidants
besides seasoning the food. They are known to possess a variety of antioxidant effects and properties. Natural antioxidants
are known to protect cells from damage induced by oxidative stress, which is generally considered to be a cause of aging,
degenerative diseases, and cancer. The mountainous state of Uttarakhand is endowed with a rich variety of medicinal plants,
many of which are in great demand. Coriander belonging to family Umbelliferae is an herb that is widely cultivated in India
and possessing nutritional as well as medicinal properties is amongst the most commonly used spices. Four different
genotypes of Coriander were collected from Vegetable Research Centre, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand namely Pant haritana, PD21, PD-51 and UD-643. The present investigation was performed to evaluate the antioxidant power of different genotypes of
Coriander via two methods namely DPPH free radical scavenging activity and superoxide radical scavenging activity. All the
genotypes demonstrated good to moderate antioxidant activity.
Keywords: Coriander, antioxidant, genotype, herbal, spices.
Green Preparation and Characterization of Biodiesel from Industrial Waste Oil
N. Bhojak*, Goverdhan Vyas, Kanika Solanki and Mamta Soni
Govt Dungar College (A-Grade), MGS University, Bikaner 334 003
Abstract: The best possible solution of the most alarming problem of Fossils Fuel is the production of Biodiesel and its
utilization with conventional diesel in various blending ratio. Environmental benefits like biodegradability, natural,
renewable source of energy, safely storage, better emissions etc is making Biodiesel more interesting for all the researchers in
present scenario. Since India is deficient in edible oils, therefore, the non-edible oil like Karanjia, Jatropha, etc. could be the
desirable source for India for production of bio-diesel. In Indian perspective most of the large scale production of biodiesel
have been carried out by IOC. But so far in Western Rajasthan no such unit has been developed. A lot of research available
on the issues and problems related with fuel resources. Most of the time, the origins of these problems could be traced to the
oil’s high viscosity, low volatility, and reactivity due to unsaturated double bonds. These problems were more pronounced in
direct-injection engines compared to precombustion (indirect injection) engines .The most common observation was that of
injector coking, which eventually led to improper fuel atomization and decrease in combustion efficiency. Bikaner is famous
for its food industries particularly Bhujia, Papad and sweets since years. Lot of waste industrial oil is obtained everyday. In
the present research a method has been developed for the preparation of biodiesel using the principles of Green chemistry
from this waste industrial oil. Biodiesel is defined as the monoalkyl ester of long chain fatty acid derived from a renewable
feedstock. Characteristic properties of biodiesel such as kinematic viscosity, cetane number, heating value, cloud point,
density, pour point and flash point have been determined. Parameters with respect to different blends have also been
determined. It has been observed that at 15 to 20 % blend better results are obtained.
Keywords: Biodiesel; Food Industry; Engine performance; Waste oil
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer
Abhijit Nath1 and Biswajit Nath2*
Department of chemistry, G.C.College, Silchar 788004, Assam, INDIA
Department of chemistry,R.K.Vidyapith,R.K.Nagar,Karimganj 788166,Assam, INDIA
Abstract: The healthcare industry is predicted to receive the first significant benefit of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has
the potential to revolutionize healthcare for the next generation through the three key areas: Diagnosis, Prevention and
Treatment. Recent advances in nanotechnology have lead to the development of the new field of nanomedicine which
includes many applications of nanomaterials and nanodevices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The same physical and
chemical properties that make nanomaterials so attractive may be associated with their potentially calamitous effect on cell
and tissues. The driving force behind the significant benefit of nanotechnology is that biological structures are within the size
scale that researchers are now able to manipulate and control. Investigators are looking to nanotechnology to develop highly
sensitive disease detectors, drug delivery systems that only target the disease and not the surrounding healthy tissues. At a
cellular level, cancers are usually quite different from normal tissues. Many cancer cells actually change the chemicals on
their surface, so are easy to identify. Most of the cells grow faster or change shape. Every cancer involves a genetic change
that causes a difference in the chemicals inside the cell. This review discusses the development of new therapies related to
cancer detection, analysis, diagnosis and treatment. Stress were also given on nanoanalytical methods and nanodevices such
as dendrimers, quantum dots, cantilevers, SPIO, CNT devices, nanobots employed in cancer therapy.
Keywords: Cancer, Nanotechnology, nanodevices, nanoanalytical methods
Synthesis and characterization of pH-thermorsensitive hydrogels: poly (Nisopropylacrylamide-co-itaconic acid) copolymeric hydrogels
Saxena Prachi
Harisingh Gour University Sagar Department of chemistry,Madhya Pradesh, 470001 INDIA
Abstract: poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-itaconic acid) P(NIPAAm-co-IA) hydrogels were prepared using Nisopropylacrylamide (NIPAm) and itaconic acid (IA) as co-monomers.The influence of external stimuli such as pH and
temperature of the swelling media on the equilibrium swelling properties was P(NIPAAm-co-IA) has been investigated for
their pH and temperature dependent water upake behavior at room temperature and physiological temperature which was
observed to be more and more pronounced at 37oC(physiological temperature). The water absorbency increased with itaconic
acid content in the hydrogels at pH 4. The equilibrium swelling ratios and deswelling/reswelling kinetics of the hydrogels
were investigated under conditions of different pH and temperature. The result showed these hydrogels were able to absorb
large amounts of water and exhibit improved temperature and pH sensitivities, which may be ascribed to the formed porous
network structures. Their chemical structures, lower critical solution temperatures (LCSTs) and surface morphologies were
also investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). P(NIPAAm-co-IA) hydrogel has various application in the ground of biomedical and technological
such as bioseparation, enzyme immobilization, tissue engineering and controlled drug delivery and are still developing for
new promising applications. hydrogels are cross-linked materials absorbing large quantities of water without dissolving.
Softness, smartness, and the capacity to store water make hydrogels unique materials.
Keywords: Hydrogels, Swelling and deswelling cycles, P(NIPAAm-co-IA), temperature and PH Sensitive behaviour.
Assessment of Phyco-Chemical Status of Ground water samples in district anantnag
Anand Kumar Singh
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Sector-62, Noida, G.B.Nagar, U.P., INDIA
Abstract: The physico-chemical status of water samples from ten major part of locality in district-anantnag(J&K) was
assessed. The sampling points were selected on the basis of their importance. The physicochemical parameter
like,temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen(DO), total
alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca++) magnesium (Mg++ ), sodium (Na+),potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-),
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
fluoride (F-), nitrate (NO-3) sulphate (SO2-4) and phosphate (PO3-4) of and Bore well was determined. The results were
compared with standards prescribed byWHO (1973) and ISI (10500-91). It was found that the ground water was
contaminated at few sampling sites namely Kokernag, Aishmuqam,Quazigund and anantnag city While the sampling sites
Mattan,Srigufwara, Achchhabal, Shangus, Dooru, Verinag showed physicochemical parameters within the water quality
standards and the quality of water is good and it is fit for drinking purpose.
Keywords: Groundwater, physicochemical parameter, borewell, anantnag.
Boric acid catalyzed efficient synthesis of dipyrromethanes in water
Pratibha Kumari
DB College, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi, INDIA-110007
Abstract: Dipyrromethanes are important precursors for the synthesis of various functional porphyrinoids, linear
porphyrinoid arrays and expanded porphyrinoids. The condensation of aldehydes with excess of pyrrole in presence of
different acids such as trifluoroacetic acid, BF3-etherate, p-toluene sulphonic acid and acetic acid or metal triflates in organic
solvents or in the absence of any other solvent yield meso-substituted dipyrromethanes along with oligomeric by-products.
The major disadvantages of above methods are the requirement of large amounts of pyrrole, corrosive acidic catalyst and the
use of chlorinated solvents. The organic reaction in aqueous solution is an important area of current research interests
including green chemistry. The use of boric acid in aqueous solution has not been used in the synthesis of dipyrromethanes.
Herein, we report the condensation of pyrrole with aldehydes using boric acid as catalyst in water to afford the corresponding
dipyrromethanes in high yields. The present method is green and efficient for the synthesis of dipyrromethanes using only
two equivalents of pyrrole and avoiding the use of chlorinated solvents as well as corrosive acidic catalyst.
Keywords: Boric, acid, catalyzed, efficient, synthesis, dipyrromethanes, water
Comparative study of chemical analysis of some important macrophytes of
Nagchoon pond of Khandwa District, MP, India
Saroj Mahajan
G.M.L.B.G P. G. College Kilabhawan Indore. MP, INDIA
Abstract: Macrophytes consists of aquatic vascular flowering plants, it also includes the aquatic mosses, liverworts, ferns,
and the larger macroalgae. Three growth forms of macrophytes are generally recognized: floating, submersed, and emwrgent
.These macrophytes grows in an aquatic ecosystems and it perform numerous valuable environmental functions such as
recycling of nutrients, purify water, recharge ground water, augment and maintain stream flow, and provide habitat for wide
variety of flora and fauna and recreation for people. Macrophytes are important components of freshwater ecosystems
because they enhance the physical structure of habitats and biological complexity, which increases biodiversity within littoral
zonesThe Nagchoon Pond represented by different macrophytic species, The chemical analysis of some important
macrophytic speciesand their observations recorded during both the study year ,the chemical parameter like Calcium,
Magnasium, Chloride,Nitrate, sulphate, and Phosphate two distinct phases (Vegetative phase and Flowering phase) for the
life cycle in each case.
Keywords: Comparative, study, chemical, analysis macrophytes, Nagchoon, pond.
Isolation and Quantification of Lycopene from Tomato, Watermelon and Papaya
Neelu Malviya and Reena Goud
Govt. M.L.B. Girls P.G. College Fort Indore, INDIA
Abstract: Lycopene is one of the caroteinoids naturally occurring in red fruits and vegetables, especially watermelon, tomato
and papaya. It is an antioxidant and responsible for red colour of various fruits and vegetables. This study to analyse the
lycopene content from various fruits by a very simple process of lycopene isolation. Identification of lycopene and its
chemical structure was done by chemical test, microscopic study and by using visible spectrophotometer. Quantity of isolated
pure lycopene was recorded from papaya tomato and watermelon ranged from 1.14mg -3.18mg per 100 gm.
Keywords: lycopene, antioxidant, papaya, watermelon, tomato.
International Science Congress Association
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Low Temperature Dyeing of Silk with Metal-Complex Acid Dyes
Bipin J. Agrawal
Department of Textile Chemistry, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara -390
001 (Gujarat), INDIA
Abstract: Energy conservation in the area of textile wet processing is much more prominent than various other sections of
textile manufacture. There are numerous opportunities to make wet processing efficient and thus conserve energy. Dyeing
industry consumes considerable amounts of water and thermal energy – both these commodities are rapidly becoming
expensive day by day. Lowering the temperature of dyeing and shortening of the processing time can lead to the conservation
of energy. This has been achieved by various methods, such as graft polymerization, redox system, solvent dyeing etc.
Solvent assisted dyeing of various textile fibres such as cotton, wool, silk, nylon, polyester, etc. have shown improved dyeing
performance. In the present work, solvent treatment is considered as a measure to conserve energy by lowering down the
temperature as well as the time during dyeing of silk with metal-complex acid dyes. The solvent used for the study is
acetophenone. Commercial metal complex acid dyes have been applied on the solvent pretreated silk substrates at different
dyeing temperatures, ranging from room temperature to 70o C and the results compared with conventionally dyed samples, in
terms of colour strength values and fastness properties of the dyed samples. The solvent treatment not only aids in reducing
the dyeing time and temperature but also retains the aesthetic values associated with silk fibre.
Keywords: acetophenone, silk, metal-complex dyes, fastness characteristics, energy conservation
Study of chemical properties of ground water in Pravara area in Ahmednagar Dist.
Kharde A. K.a Kadu V. R.b
Department of Chemistry, Arts, Science and Commerce College, Kolhar, Tal: Rahata, Dist:- Ahmednagar, MS, INDIA
Abstract: Water from wells is the mostly the source of drinking water for Pravara area. Some villages use bore well water
for drinking. Pravara River which runs from most part of Pravara area, contaminates the well water. Also bore well water for
most part of region is found to be salty. This water is unhealthy for living part of environment. For this study we have
collected 10 samples from the region and analyzed some essential parameter like pH, electrical conductivity, TDS,
Alkalinity, Dissolved oxygen, Biochemical oxygen demand, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, chloride, sodium,
potassium, carbonate.
Keywords: Chemical parameter, contamination, Groundwater
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
5. Computer and Information Technology Sciences
C-Language Functions for PostgreSQL in Modeling Software for Decision Making
Through Indicators
Izan Fabrício Neves Calderaro1 and Fabrício Moraes de Almeida2
Development and Environment. Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil, Technology Development and Systemic - the Research Group
Development Regional (DCR/CNPq), Researcher of the Doctoral Program and a Masters Degree in Regional Development and
Environment (PGDRA - UNIR) Technology Development and Systemic - the Research Group GEITEC-UNIR
Abstract: The modeling and analysis of data is required to produce a consistent database, a knowledge base can be
developed through the use of geopolitical indicators, are the link that makes communication possible for developing data
model employed in making decision, the conscious and discriminated exploration of resources involved. Furthermore,
developing an application that measures the degree of importance of indicators and turn them into values that can be used as
elements in decision making, using for this a system that can operate in situations of uncertainty, able to assign reliability
levels for all sentences in its knowledge base, and also establish relationships between sentences. And the specific a priori
objectives are three goals: To investigate the geopolitical indicators to be used to populate the database; Rate ease and
accuracy with which people across disciplines can acquire information from a database and present the results obtained on
trees decision and apply Bayes' Theorem. There are, among others, related to the fact that, in many cases, the growth
dynamics of emerging processes is associated with acceleration of urbanization, poverty reduction and the consequent
expansion of the middle classes, with the addition of millions of new changes consumers in local and global economies. The
impact of this process is particularly important. Regional development is constructed from four vectors: Physical Capital,
Human Capital, Technology and Institutions. Where differences of stocks of these vectors result in differential flow of
economic and social indicators. And develops a tool to aid in decision making to improve understanding of information
acquired over time.
Keywords: Graph Theory, Probability Theory, Probabilistic Reasoning, C language, PostgreSQL.
Network Security Model for Cloud Computing Environment Using Biometrics
Subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)
Richa Gulati and Pankil Agrawal
Computer Science Department, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA
Abstract: Cloud Computing is arguably one of the most discussed information technology topics in recent times. It shows
many promising technological and economical opportunities. Information is shared among the persons in private, public
cloud system who are in that cloud. Due to this technique, security and personal information hiding process is destroyed. We
have proposed a network security model for cloud computing which ensures to give you secure communication and maintain
the privacy of information. This model includes AES based file encryption system, key system for information exchange and
is applied with PaaS, SaaS and IaaS i.e. main cloud computing features. The main feature added to this model is biometrics
which is used to authenticate user through vein recognition system.
Keywords: Cloud computing; network security; biometrics; AES; vein recognition system; MD5 Hashing.
An Analytical Model for Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework in Cloud
Narander Kumar and Shalini Agrawal
Department of Computer Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, UP, INDIA
Abstract: Cloud Computing has emerged as the most popular paradigm for on-demand, pay-per-use model of computing.
Therefore cloud of the resources will become most important entity in next generation of computing environment. There has
been growing research interest in managing the cloud of resources so as to achieve optimum ulilization alongwith desired
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Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Quality of Service. In the present scenario there is much scope of research in mapping users’ request to appropriate servers in
cloud computing environment. In this paper, the authors propose an analytical model for dynamic resource management
framework in cloud environment. In order to design such model, the transportation problem model is studied and a multiindex transportation problem cloud resource scheduler (MTPCRS) mechanism with mathematical formulation is proposed. A
numerical example is also given. A Multi- Indexed Cloud Resource Scheduling Algorithm (MICRSA) to calculate the total
cost of processing requests is also given. The authors have depicted the model’s business process diagram and sequence
diagram using unified modeling language (UML).
Keywords: Muti-index Transportation Problem, Multi-index Cost Table, Return on Investment, Service Level Agreement.
QoS based Cloud Service Provider Selection Framework
Kumar N., Agarwal S. and Saxena V.
Department of Computer Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, UP, INDIA
Abstract: A wide range of service offerings has been opened by the Cloud Computing industry to the customers. The cloud
service providers and their services are increasing exponentially in present scenario of computing. In such a situation a
customer faces the problem of selecting the best cloud service provider according to his personalized Quality of Service
requirements. Moreover, the dynamic nature of the underlying network and several unpredictable circumstances, cause the
service providers to depart from the promised QoS, as per Service Level Agreement. In this paper the authors present a
framework for Cloud Service Selection Engine which acts as a tool to enable the customers to select the most appropriate
cloud service provider from the Web Repository. The framework uses Analytic Hierarchy Approach for multi-criteria QoS
decision making which accelerates the selection process. Past users’ experience is used as a heuristic which helps the
algorithm to converge in polynomial time. A comparison has been given between proposed mechanism and previous
approaches and the results of proposed technique are promising.
Keywords: AHP, Cloud Service Provider, Service Level Agreement, QoS
An Efficient Live VM Migration Technique in Clustered Datacenters
Kumar Narander and Saxena Swati
Department of Computer Science, B. B. A. University (A Central University), Lucknow, UP, INDIA
Abstract: The essence of cloud computing comes from the concept of virtualization. It is a technique of implementing
numerous virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical machine that share the memory and CPU resources of the host.
Virtualization enables full utilization of a physical machine in a cost-effective manner. However, varying and continuous
load from users may overload a physical machine and this can lead to serious implications on performance, reliability and
other service-level-agreement (SLA) parameters. To deal with this issue, VM migrations are practiced which enables the
transfer of a virtual machine from an overloaded server to an under-loaded host, thereby relaxing the workload of the source
host. Load balancing in a datacenter gives a chance to achieve a significantly high fault-tolerance, a feature which is very
essential during live application executions in a cloud environment.
This paper discusses the basic live migration techniques existing today, and proposes a hybrid approach of live VM
migration, by combining the benefits of other existing techniques. Live migration refers to a technique to transferring a
running virtual machine from a source host to a destination host.
Keywords: cloud computing, datacenters, virtual machine migration, load-balancing.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Green Computing: Computational Regression Model for metal estimation in food
Surabhi Sharma1, Pallav Sharma2, Sapna Modi and Bharti Bhojak1*
BIFR, Bikaner 334003
Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Abstract: Entry and popularization of computers in the living world posed, that, they would revolutionize the modern day
office into an improved paperless office and will helpful to create greener atmosphere. To date computers have not been
successful in this matter. Infect in some cases paperwork has increased due to computers. Further use of computers has
increased the power consumption. Statistical models, particularly regression models are extremely useful devices for
extracting and understanding the essential features of a set of data. These models however are nearly always approximate
description of more complicated processes, and because of this inexactness the study of the variation in the results of as
analysis with minor modifications of the way the problem is formulated becomes important. Green computing is about
getting the most out of the computer while minimizing environmental effects by reduced electricity consumption and
emission of toxic chemicals while minimizing the cost of production. This paper describes the general principles of green
computing viz a viz methods by which power management is performed particularly during interdisciplinary sciences and
opens the doors for law students and constitutional mentors for policy making. In the present research estimation and analysis
of few metals in various samples of food and beverages has been carried out. The main motive is to propose a regression
model and to find influential point in the data, for this purpose OLS ( ordinary least square) method was applied to find the
regression model. Y = -0.073(0.138, R) – 0.685(0.192, A)x1 + 0.896 (0.161,A) x2 + 0.838 (0.133, A) x3 Where the bracketed
values indicates standard deviations. R means rejected value as statistically nonsignificant, A means accepted value as
statistically significant value. The model was described with the correlation coefficient 0.9986 and determination coefficient
as 99.72 % for individual estimation of hazardous metals like lead or cadmium. Experimental values regards the interference
provided by the lead during the estimation of cadmium is above the tolerance limit so we are now working for the
development of interference free regression model. But the present model provide satisfactory results for individual
Keywords: Green, computing, computational, regression, model, metal, estimation, food, industry.
Solution for the Problem Occurring While Searching Data from Big Data through
ManyEyes IBM
Shilpa Studentc and Manjit Kaur
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara INDIA
Abstract: In today’s Generation Big Data has become latest innovation. With the growth of the technologies, in the business
the amount of data also increases, so data is becoming too massive and complex in structure and unstructured format which is
difficult to manage. To make the data understandable analytics methods are used which are implemented for the Data
processing to represent in interactive format to understand easily. Visual Analysis process represents the data in graphical
form that is defined as Visualization of the data.ManyEyes tool is freely available tool, developed by IBM and Cognos team.
This tool have issues regarding security of profiles and privacy of the data means the data sets which are uploaded by the user
become publically available that can be used by any other person for the purpose of information gaining. Because of
publically data availability the user can do the comments on their datasets and can download that datasets for their own use.
To make the data secure and private there is need to make the authenticated and authorized profile and that datasets only
should be available only to the owner of the profile. The tool is implemented to overcome the issues related to privacy and
security of the datasets where unauthorized user cannot use the other user datasets and the other work is related to PDF files.
On the PDF files searching concept is applied using Regax and indexing concept to locate the data position in visualized form
as well as Page numbers of that data.
Keywords: Visual Analytics, itextsharp, regex, extract, Datasets.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Solution for the Problem Occurring While Create one VVS file for20 CSV file to
Singel Excellution for the Problem Occurring While Create One VVS file for 20
CSV file to Singel Excel file
Sudeep Dubey
TCS, NKP Goregaon (East) Mumbai, INDIA
Abstract: This Generation having largest manual work doing in base label employs. In this paper create one VVS file from
20 CSV file to single excel, in this paper the VVS understandable analytics methods used which are implemented for the
CSV file processing to represent in interactive format (excel) to understand easily.
Keywords: Solution, Occurring, Singel, Excellution.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
7. Engineering Sciences
Development of Decision Support System for Eye Diseases using Neural Network
Ranjana Rau1 and Gauri Borkhade2
Applied Electronics, I/C CIC and IMF, SGB Amravati University
Electronics and telecomm, P.R.Pote College of Engineering and mang
Abstract: This paper explores the neural network as an eye disease classifier. In this investigation, the sets of parameters
describing EEG data for eye states are taken. Thus the classification of eye status represented by the data sets becomes
possible. In this multi layer neural network and principal component based performance analysis is explored. Selection of the
optimal parameters such as number of hidden layers, learning rules and transfer functions are taken into consideration. The
classification results are obtained through rigorous experimentation. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye syndrome caused by the
impediment of diabetes and it can be detected prior for effective treatment. The vision of patient may start to deteriorate as
diabetes progresses and lead to diabetic retinopathy. In this paper to establish diabetic retinopathy, two models like multi
layer perception (MLP), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are explained and their performances are compared. An
automated approach for classification of the disease diabetic retinopathy using images is presented. Levenberg Marquart back
propagation algorithm was implemented to train multilayer feed forward ANN. The designed classification structure has
about 99 % sensitivity, 100 % specifity and correct classification is calculated to be 99%. The performances are classified as
normal and diseased. Testing grades were found to be complaint with the accepted results that are imitative from the
physician’s direct diagnosis. The states results verify that the proposed method could point out the capability of design of a
new intelligent assistance diagnosis system. An ANN is generally robust, tolerant of faults and noise, able to generalize well
and capable of solving nonlinear problems by virtue of its parallel distribution. Artificial Neural network architecture can be
trained to classify eye disease according to patient complaints, symptoms and physical eye examination, then decision trees
to extract knowledge from trained neural networks in order to understand the knowledge represented by the trained network.
Keywords: Eye Disease Classification, Multi-Layer Neural Network, Principal Component Analysis, Artificial Neural
Network, Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy
Soybean Plant Diseases Interpretation using Image Processing
Abhishek D. Raut1 and C N Deshmukh2
Final yr BE ETX and TC, PRMITand R Badenera
Dept of ETX and TC, PRMITand R Badenera
Abstract: Reliable detection of crop diseases is important in early stages for economic, production, and agricultural benefits.
This project has outlined computational techniques for soybean crop disease detection. Soft computing methods using
Artificial Neural Networks, Decision tree statistical techniques and pattern recognition using k means clustering as well as
Linear Discriminent Analysis are used for the accurate; fastest and noise free interpretation in agricultural engineering and
elegant performances. Previously, the text-based approach was used, where it observed very tedious and difficult task for
solving the purpose of image interpretation. As image collections are growing at a rapid rate, demand for efficient and
effective tools for intelligent and optimal classifier from database is required. This paper proposed a novel approach for
pattern recognition based on Optimized Feature Vector method which is used for automatic interpretation and classification.
Individually K-means clustering NN with Feature Extraction, LDA Based Image interpretation result in elegant
performances. The study group included machine learning data set, own developed agriculture data, real farm images, web
images. This study confirms that MLP NN artificial neural networks out performs other NNs and can offer a useful approach
for developing diagnostic algorithms for soybean diseases.
Keywords: Classification, Soft Computing, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Soybean Disease Interpretation. Feature
Extraction Algorithm.
Utilization of Frequency Regulator for Controlling Both Voltage and Frequency of
A Wind Electrical System
Moumita Deb Abhishek Das and Gagari Deb
Division of Electrical Engineering science, Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar, Tripura (w), Tripura, INDIA
Abstract: In order to meet sustained load demands during varying natural conditions, different energy sources and converters
need to be integrated with each other for extended usage of alternative energy. In this paper, we focused on control of both
International Science Congress Association
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voltage and frequency when an additional load is switched on using frequency regulator. Asynchronous generator rating 480
V, 275 KVA is connected to a wind turbine .The wind turbine block uses a 2-D look up table to compute the turbine torque
(Tm) as a function of wind (WS) and turbine (TS) speed. The look up table graph between WS and WS gives mechanical
power (MP) .The Tm is obtained by dividing MP from WS. A step up transformer is used to increase the voltage of the
generator which is supplied to the grid .A secondary load bank is used to regulate a system frequency by absorbing the wind
power exceeding consumer demand. At t=0.5 s, the additional load of 25 kW is switched on. The frequency momentarily
drops to 49.85 Hz and the frequency regulator reacts to reduce the power absorbed by the secondary load in order to bring the
frequency back to 50 Hz. Voltage stays at 1 p.u and no flicker is observed. At 0.5 sec when the auxiliary load is switched on
the frequency drops and as a result a discrete frequency regulator block is used to maintain a constant frequency at 50 Hz
.The function of frequency controller uses a standard three phase locked loop (PLL) system to measure the system frequency.
The measured frequency is compared to the reference frequency (50Hz) to obtain the frequency error. This error is integrated
to obtain the phase error. In order to minimize voltage disturbances, switching is performed at zero crossing of voltage.
Keywords: Frequency regulator, turbine, voltage, wind electrical system
The dynamics of vertical gyroscope rotor with mass imbalance and disk skewing
with an allowance for hard nonlinear resilient characteristics
Zharilkasin Iskakov
Institute of Mechanics and Machinery Manufacturing named after U.A. Dzholdasbekov, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
Abstract: The dynamics of vertical unbalanced gyroscope rotor with hard nonlinear resilient characteristics is considered.
For the purpose of investigation of rotor vibrations, its dynamic and mathematical model is constructed. The expressions of
rotor energy, potential energy of the resilient mounting, external couples as well as dissipation function of Rayleigh are
made. The motion equations are recorded as equations of Lagrange of the 2nd kind. The expressions of amplitude and phase
of the main harmonic component are expressed using expansion of solutions to the equations of expressed vibrations as well
as harmonic balance to the series of Fourier. The equations as variations, and then the equations of Hill type, are recorded to
study hardiness on the basis of motion equations. According to the theory of Floquet, these equations are solved, and the
stability criterion is found using the harmonic balance method. We concentrate on study of skewing influence, mass
imbalance, disk thickness, size of nonlinear characteristics of the resilient mounting as well as external buffering to amplitude
and phase and frequency characteristics as well as area boundaries of variability of the main resonance vibration. On the basis
of analysis of research results the particularities of dependencies of the amplitude and phase of the main resonance vibration
and instability region boundaries are accentuated and described from the angle between the imbalance lines, disk thickness,
external resistance and shaft speed without the hard nonlinear resilient characteristics of the rotor. They can be important for
development of optimal control of resonance vibrations, determination of optimal construction parameters, working speed
range and rotor balancing methods in the pre-design works. The main working expressions are presented in a compact and
non-dimensional form.
Keywords: gyroscope rotor, nonlinear characteristics, resonance vibration, instability region, mass imbalance, disk skewing.
Risk Assessment of Financial Security Systems with Cramm
Jana Müllerová
Faculty of Special Engineering, University of Žilina, SLOVAKIA
Abstract: This study discusses the opportunities to use CRAMM methodology to ensure financial information systems.
According to international statistics, the most common target of malware attacks are banks, their users of internet banking via
computer and smart phones. The highest number of phishing is located in the United States. The highest percentage of
infected computers is in China. The most common means of computer attack are trojans, viruses and worms, while the trojans
are dominant. Prevention and knowledge on protection is essential to avoid high losses. CRAMM system is used by hundreds
of public institutions and private businesses. Large scale risks arising from the misuse of financial systems are enormous.
Banking institutions must be protected from attacks. Similarly, firms using online accounting systems must protect
themselves against unwanted changes in system, but mainly targeted accidental leakage or deformation data. Protecting
sensitive data is very actual in central European region. Increasing number of attacks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is
warning. Target of the attacks are the largest banks, mobile operators, news sites, Chamber of Executors, ministries and other
state institutions.
Keywords: Malware, phishing, statistics, protection, CRAMM
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Principles of fire statistical data processing
Doc. Ing. Jana Müllerová
Faculty of Special Engineering, Universtity of Zilina, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Abstract: The aim of this study is to provide the reader with the quality statistic overview of fire statistic in three chosen
countries. The overview should be helpful for scientists to save the time when dealing with fire statistics in these countries.
USA, Czech rep. and Slovakia represents most often statisticly aimed countries by our scientists. The paper has an ambition
to point out several statisticly important facts. Ignoring these facts should lead to significant omissions in further statistical
Keywords: Statistics, fires, industries, injuries, fatalities, damages.
European trends in car security systems
Doc. Ing. Jana Müllerová,
Faculty of Special Engineering, Universtity of Zilina, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Abstract: The study deals with actual trends of car security and safety against larceny. Mostly passive security systems are
common in Slovakia. The crutial is a choice of the right active and passive security system against larceny. However no
system guarantees 100% security. Many amateur thefts can be discouraged from their crime behaviour by activation of
functional security system.
Keywords: motor vehicles, security, passive security, active security.
Development of an innovative Polymer Modified Bituminized Jute Paving Fabric to
serve as a reinforcing durable overlay in road constructions
Abstract: Potential applications of different types of technical textiles in the field of Civil Engineering constructions is an
established phenomenon whereas natural fibre made geotextile remained comparatively subdued. Research on JGT has been
directed with the goal to meet not only the site-specific technical needs but also ensuring retention of its eco-congruity over
its man-made counterpart at the same time. Even though several varieties of Jute Geotextile (JGT) - both woven and
nonwoven have since been developed and used for a number of geotechnical end-uses but their uses are limited. Hence, it is
felt that there is an urgent need to design and develop precise fabric (combination of woven and nonwoven fabrics) as overlay
on existing pavements and other emerging civil engineering applications which will expand the use of Jute Geotextile
proving thereby its technical and economical competence in the global market. In order to accomplish the objective, the grey
jute paving fabric has been customized in a commercial jute mill and standardized with oriented specifications followed by
special type and grade of bitumen impregnation in a commercial bitumen treatment plant. The main focus of this study is the
assessment of the functional performance of the developed fabric which has been carried out by laboratory testing as well as
laboratory simulation testing of the physical, mechanical and endurance property parameters adopting international test
standards. This study has been jointly carried out by Department of Jute and Fibre Technology, University of Calcutta and
Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi. A thorough investigation of the laboratory test results has been carried
out before field trials of the developed product under suitable conditions that can withstand the moving loads expected on
different categories of roads (e.g. State Highways, Major District Roads and Rural Roads etc.).
Keywords: Jute paving fabric, aggregates, bitumen, Marshall Mix Design, Optimum Binder Content (OBC), beam fatigue
testing, effectiveness factor
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8. Environmental Sciences
“Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of Zn adsorption onto super paramagnetic
poly (styrene-co-acrylic acid) hydrogel”
Sharma Neeraj and Tiwari Alka*
Department of Chemistry, Govt. V.Y.T. PG. Autonomous College, Durg, CG, 491001 INDIA
Abstract: The present research focuses on removal efficiency of super paramagnetic nano iron oxide loaded poly (styreneco-acrylic acid) hydrogel (super paramagnetic PSA hydrogel) for Zn2+ ions from aqueous solution by batch adsorption
technique. The influence of pH, contact time, adsorbent dose, temperature and metal ion concentration on the sensitivity of
the removal process was inspected. The synthesized copolymer was magnetized insitu and the size, phase identification,
morphology and coating of magnetic nano particles were characterized by TEM, XRD, AFM and FTIR analysis respectively.
Out of various kinetic models proposed, the ‘pseudo-second-order’ seems to fit in the experimental data in the best way.
Kinetic parameters, rate constants, and related correlation coefficients and equilibrium sorption capacities for each kinetic
model were computed and discussed. Different thermodynamic parameters ∆G0, ∆H0 and ∆S0 have also been evaluated
which showed the sorption was spontaneous, attainable and exothermic in nature. The sorption data was analyzed and fitted
to linearized adsorption isotherm of the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin equations respectively. The uptake of Zn2+
followed Freundlich sorption isotherm better. The maximum percentage removal of Zn2+ ions (95%) was obtained at pH 7 in
120 min at room temperature (250C) and the adsorbent could be regenerated efficiently and used repeatedly for further
Keywords: super paramagnetic nano iron oxide, Hydrogel, Isotherms, Kinetics, Thermodynamics neeraj29.
Assessment of Air Pollutants Emission from Fireworks during Festival of Lights
(Deepawali) in Kanpur City (U.P.), India and its Effect on Human Health - A Case Study
Sadhana Chaurasia1 and Anand Dev Gupta2
Dept. of Energy and Environment, MGCGV Chitrakoot Satna MP, 485331, INDIA
Abstract: Deepawali is an important occasion celebrated every year during October or November in India. Large quantities
of fireworks are used during this festival. The use of fireworks during festive celebrations can cause acute short term air
pollution because fireworks contain chemicals such as potassium nitrates, potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate,
charcoal, sulfur, manganese, sodium oxalate, aluminum and iron dust powder, strontium nitrate, and barium nitrate, etc.
These firecrackers when burnt can release various gaseous and particulate air pollutants and toxic metals to significant
quantity and degrades the air quality as a whole. Concentration of air pollutants particulate viz. PM10, PM2.5 and gaseous viz.
SO2 and NOx were monitored for four consecutive days during Deepawali in densely populated city Kanpur, 2013. The
concentration of particulate pollutants was recorded many times higher because after explosion dust removed from the settled
place. The result indicated the huge contribution of fireworks on the pollutant levels. Concentrations of metals like Ba, Cu,
Cd, Pb, Hg, Al was observed and these value were higher on Deepawali period compared to the previous day. The probable
health impact of this huge though short-lived pollutants deteriorate the ambient air quality and increase in relative health risk
in exposed individuals. Findings of particulate matter indicate that people with asthma or other respiratory disease are the
group most at risk. This paper suggests some controls on fireworks during festive celebrations.
Keywords: Firework, Deepawali festival, Particulate pollutants, Gaseous pollutants and health risk.
Tranesterification of Citrullus Colocynthis (Thumba) Oil: Optimization For
Biodiesel Production
Supriya Baburao Chavan1,a*, Rajendra Rayppa Kumbher2, Yogesh Chandra Sharma3
Indian Biodiesel Corporation, Baramati, P.O. Box 80, Bhigwan Chowk, Baramati, Pune 413 102, INDIA
Bhagavant University, Sikar Road, Ajmer 305004, India
Department of Chemistry, Rajashri Chhatrapati Shahu College, Kplhapur, Kolhapur 416 004, INDIA
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, Varanasi 221005, INDIA
Abstract: An increasing demand of fossil fuels has being a critical problem for us. The natural resources of fossil fuel are
dwindling day by day. Biodiesel is a green and sustainable fuel as it is derived from fats and oils that are renewable resource.
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The exhaust emissions from the combustion of biodiesel in neat as well as blended form result in reduction of tailpipe
emissions such as hydrocarbons, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur and several other toxicants in comparison to that
coming out from combustion of mineral diesel. Its usage makes a nation self reliant in the transport fuel to some extent. The
biodiesel industry can also provide employment in rural and urban sector to the people at large scale. Biodiesel that may be
called natural fuel, may be a good substitute for fossil fuel in future. Biodiesel can be produced from non edible oils like
Jatropha curcus, Pongamia pinnata, Madhuca indica, Gossypium arboreum, Simarouba glauca etc. Citrullus Colocynthis
schard (Thumba) oil is a native of India and on the basis of its characteristics, it can be a better source for the production of
biodiesel. Citrullus Colocynthis schard is a climber and grows wild in western part of Rajasthan (India) and is available in
plenty. Our study was focused on the collection of seeds, oil extraction and then its application fpr the synthesis of biodiesel
in laboratory. A molar ratio of methanol to oil 8:1, homogenous catalyst, KOH 0.75wt%, temperature 65o C, reaction time
90 min. provided the optimum results. The parameters were tested as per ASTM 6751 standards. The physical properties like
acid value, density, calorific value, flash point, fire point and moisture, viscosity of Thumba methyl ester (TME) were
0.42,0.870gm/cc, 37.00MJ/Kg, 1640c, 1720c and 0.02%, 4.78 Cst found. The process variables that influences the
transesterification rate of triglycerides, such as catalyst concentration, molar ratio of methanol to raw oil, reaction time,
reaction temperature, and free fatty acids content of raw oil in the reaction system were investigated and optimized. It was
concluded that TME may work as a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel production that is equivalent to fissile fuel as per
ASTM 6751.
Keywords: Citrullus colocynthis schard oil, transesterification, triglyceride, KOH, Molar ratio.
1st International Virtual Congress (IVC-2014) ISCA 08 Environmental Sciences, A
Complete Study for Evaluating Environmental Impact Assessment in Industries
Ansari Anjum
Department of Engg., Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, BUIT, Barkatullah University, Bhopal- 462026 MP, INDIA
EIA is taken up as a rapid assessment technique for evaluating the current status of the environment and identifying its
impact on different activities on environmental parameters. EIA typically refers to a process involving the systematic
identification and evaluation of the potential impacts of proposed projects, plans, programs, or policies on indicators of the
physical-chemical, biological (ecological), cultural, and socioeconomic components of the total environment. The ultimate
purpose of EIAs is to help reconcile environmental protection and sustainable development. Hence it is an important
management tool for ensuring optimal use of natural resources for sustainable development. It is thus a pre-cursor to detailed
analysis of environmental impacts, which are taken up only if a need for the same is established. The Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF) of India has been in a great effort in Environmental Impact Assessment in India. The main
laws in action are The Water Act(1974), The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act (1972), The Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act (1981) and The Environment (Protection) Act (1986).
Keywords: EIA, Planning, Monitoring, Identification, Decision-Making.
Study of Noise Pollution in Dhar Town M.P. (India) with Special Reference to the
Silence Zones
Shinde Deepak and Ningwal Uday Singh
Department of Zoology, Govt. Post Graduate College, Dhar 454001, INDIA
Abstracts: The present paper deals with the monitoring of Noise Pollution in ten selected locations of Dhar town including
silence zones / sensitive areas as per the norms of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). During the present study noise
levels were measured with the help of sound level meter. It was clear from our study that the noise levels are extremely
elevated and much higher than that of the prescribed limits of CPCB even in the silent zones. The main sources of noise
pollution were found to be vehicles and pressure horns. Major effects of noise pollution include interference with
communication, sleeplessness, and reduced efficiency in human beings.
Keywords: Silence zones, sensitive zones, noise pollution, CPCB, sound level.
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Efficacy of different Soil Amendments in Reducing Leaching of Sulfosulfuron
herbicide to Groundwater
Joshi Varsha*, Srivastava Anjana and Srivastava P.C.
Dept. of Chemistry, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar, INDIA
Abstracts: Sulfosulfuron [1-(4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-3-(2-ethylsulfonylimadazo [1, 2-α] pyridin-3-yl) sulfonylurea]
is a post-emergence sulfonylurea group of herbicide used for the control of couch and brome grasses, cleavers and other
broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat. The continuous use of this herbicide year after year in wheat leads to the buildup of the
herbicide residues in soil that gradually leads to its leaching to underground water. The presence of this pesticide in ground
water has been reported by many workers. Leaching of the pesticide is a major concern worldwide, as ground water is a
prime source for drinking and irrigation in many countries. The present study was conducted to determine the efficacy of
different soil amendments including FYM (Farm Yard Manure), CS (Cereal Straw), FCD (Fresh Cow Dung), Gypsum and
PMC (Press Mud Compost), in reducing the leaching of sulfosulfuron to ground water under laboratory conditions. The study
was carried out by packing the columns with soils of different depths (0-15, 15-30, 30-45, 45-60cm) as under natural
conditions and performing the leaching process by allowing water to flow through the column at a constant flow rate for ten
days. Each day the leachate from the column was collected and the pesticide was extracted from it using QuEChERS method.
The concentration of the pesticide present in the leachate was estimated using HPLC.
It was found that FYM and CS were the most effective amendments that could reduce the leaching of sulfosulfuron to ground
Keywords: Amendment, leaching, column, sulfosulfuron.
Mapping of Carbon Stocks and Plant Community Structure in the Exosphere of
Jim Corbett National Park
Negi, V., Kandwal S. and Singh V.
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar INDIA
Abstracts: Jim Corbett National Park, in the foothills of Himalayas comprises astonishing variety of faunal and floral life
which makes one’s heart flutter and at the same time impart it spectacular landscape and an area of interest for biological and
ecological studies. Field and lab experiments were carried out to examine carbon stock and community structure in the
exosphere of Jim Corbett National Park. A systematic random sampling method, using quadrats, was used for vegetation
analysis and soil sampling. Soil was collected from each quadrat and analyzed for physical characteristics (colour, texture,
temperature, moisture content, soil pH) and chemical characteristics (organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, and
potassium). Ten sites were covered to fulfill the required objectives. The soils from various study sites showed variation in
colour, texture, temperature, moisture content, pH value, electrical conductivity and bulk density. The basic soil texture was
sandy-loam in this part of the park. The Important Value Index (IVI) of Sal (Shorea robusta) came out higher than the other
plant species. The leaf-litter, herbs and grass biomass was found 4976.02 t/ha and the carbon content was 2338.72 Mg C/ha.
The above-ground sapling biomass in the forest was 1000 kg/ha; so the carbon content in above-ground sapling in the forests
was 0.47 Mg C ha-1. Dead wood biomass in natural forest was found to be 45,000 kg/ha. Thus, the carbon content in dead
wood in forest was 21.15 Mg C/ha. The soil organic carbon came out to be 1177.7 t/ha and carbon content was 553.51 Mg
C/ha. Above-ground tree biomass (AGTB) values were 5656.33 t/ha and carbon content was 2658.48 Mg C ha-1. As
expected, the major component of AGB was found in tree layer. Below-ground biomass (BGB) was estimated at 20% of
AGB. Thus, the BGB came out to be 1131.266 t/ha and carbon content was 531.696 Mg C/ha. The BGB carbon pool
consisted of the biomass contained within live roots. Total carbon stock calculated was 6104.026 Mg C/ha.
Keywords: Jim Corbett National Park, carbon stock, Important Value Index, carbon pool.
Heavy Metal Accumulation in Vegetables / Crops Irrigated with Sewage and its
Impact on Health
N.M. Rolli1, S.S. Suvarnakhandi1, S.B. Gadi3, V.S. Karibantanal1 and T.C. Taranath2
BLDEA’s Comm. BHS Arts and TGP Science College Jamkhandi. Karnataka, INDIA
Dept of Botany Karnatak University Dharwad. INDIA
JSS College, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA
Abstract: Ever increasing population, urbanization and industrialization have led to generation and indiscriminate discharge
of large volume of water from domestic, commercial, industrial uses from natural water sources make them unfit for human
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usage. The use of sewage water for irrigation is a matter of major concern due to the presence of toxic metals and other
pollutants, which ultimately contaminate the soil. Unscientific management practices of pollutants lead to ecological
Imbalance. The present study was carried out to assess the different levels of heavy metals like Iron, manganese, Copper,
Zinc and Nickel in vegetables / crops irrigated with waste water from different sources. The results indicated substantial build
up of heavy metals in vegetables / crops irrigated with sewage. The range of various metals in sewage irrigated plants was
116-378, 52-188, 6.1-28.9, 48-92, 8.3-30 µg/gm for iron, manganese, copper, zinc and nickel respectively. The highest mean
levels of iron and manganese were detected in mint and spinach whereas the highest levels of copper and zinc were highest in
carrot. The values of these metals were below the recommended maximum tolerable levels proposed by the FAO / WHO.
However, the regular monitoring of levels of these metals from the sewage in vegetables and in other food materials is
essential to prevent excessive buildup of these heavy metals in the food chain.
Key words: Heavy metals, Sewage, Accumulation, Toxicity, Health.
Physico-chemical properties of Chandrabhaga River in dhapewada, dist.
kalmeshwar Maharashtra
Amita Watkar,Milind Barbate
Bhalerao Science College , Main Road , Saoner Dist. Nagpur, INDIA
Abstract: Water is regarded as ‘polluted’ when it is changed in its quality or compositions, directly or indirectly as a result of
human activities, so that it becomes less suitable for drinking, as well as domestic and other purposes. Pollution of fresh
water results largely from the waste disposal. Many of our lakes are becoming increasingly murky, smelly and choked with
excessive growth of algae. Most of the rivers have become darkened with sewage, chemicals and other undesirable foreign
extraneous matter. Moreover, the rivers carry and deposit their pollutants in to the ocean. Hence, the oceans are also polluted
by toxic wastes which cause contamination of sea-foods on a large-scale. The present study has been made to analyze the
physicochemical parameters of the river Chnadrabhaga and . Every month samples were collected from sampling site for
analyzing the various physicochemical parameters such as Temperature, pH, TDS, Conductivity, DO, free CO2, Sulphate,
Phosphate , Nitrate, BOD, COD. The work highlights the condition of this river water in various seasons with respect to the
parameters mentioned above.
Keywords: Physicochemical parameters, Chandrabhaga River, Dhapewada.
Geometric Morphometrics of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in
Lake Sebu South Cotabato, Philippines
Sheena Jean C. Tadeje, K.B.A. Pascual, M.L. Non and E.A. Requieron
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mindanao state University, General Santos City, 9500, Philippines
Abstract: Oreochromis niloticus (Linneaus 1758) is an invasive species known to be threatened and attaining taxonomic
confusion in environmental changes in Lake Sebu ecosystem. Hence, a need to study the morphological variations of this
species using the advance methods develop in studying images of biological structures such as Landmark-based Geometric
morphometrics. The researchers gathered 60 specimens in study area. Sixteen landmark points were assigned on the
specimen from digitized images of 60 fishes. A total of 120 images were examined. Relative warp end result is that there
were extreme variations in body shape of the specimen. Multivariate Normal Test further revealed that the significance of
variation in its morphology is very significant. The morphological variations observed in a relative warps could be caused by
the present environmental condition of Lake Sebu wherein water quality is polluted. Therefore, environment changes in Lake
Sebu ecosystem do affect the body shape of Oreochromis niloticus.
Keywords: Geometric morphometrics, Multivariate Normal Test, Oreochromis niloticus, Relative warp
Application of Geometric Morphometric Analysis in Describing Body Shapes of
Three-Spotted Gourami, Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) in Lake Sebu,
South Cotabato, Philippines
Cole J. A., Sagusay S. M., Villegas A. J., Galia M.L. and Requieron E.
Department of Science, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mindanao State University-General Santos City, 9500, General
Abstract: Genetic and environmental factors contribute to the phenotype of organisms. Genetic make-up within same species
is very close thus more of the variations are accounted to the environment.Extreme environmental conditions along with
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anthropogenic factors such as pollution put on pressures to organisms. These pressures directly affect the development of
organisms which may be observed in their morphological aspect. Furthermore, this study was conducted to describe the body
shapes within the three-spotted gourami, Trichopodus trichopterus species as well as to determine significant differences in
their morphological aspect as affected by environmental pressures. Twenty landmarks from images of 60 individuals (30 per
sex) were subjected to Relative Warp (RW) Analysis, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), and Discriminant
Function Analysis (DFA)using Geometric Morphometrics. Results revealed significant sexual dimorphism among T.
trichopterus species which can be attributed to their varied reproductive roles. Morphological variations within sexes are
attributed as effects of environmental pressures.
Keywords: Geometric Morphometrics, Intraspecific Morphological Variations, Sexual Dimorphism, Trichopodus
Utilization of Parthenium Hysterophorus as an Adsorbent for Removal of Heavy
Ramakrishnaiah .C .R1 and Manoj .V2
PG (Environmental Engg) Programme, Department of Civil Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, INDIA.
Abstract: The discharge of heavy metals into aquatic ecosystems has become a matter of concern in India over the last few
decades. These toxic heavy metals are generated from operations involved in mining, sludge disposal, refining ores, metal
plating, battery industries etc. An attempt was made to compare the effective removal efficiency of heavy metals such as
chromium (VI) and Nickel (II) from aqueous solutions using Parthenium hysterophorus as adsorbent. Batch adsorption
experiments were performed as a function of pH, contact time, solute concentration and adsorbent dosage. Maximum
removal of Cr (VI) was achieved at pH 3±0.5, whereas Ni (II) had an optimum pH of 5±0.2. At pH higher than 7±0.5 for both
metals precipitation occurred, due to this reason adsorption was not studied beyond pH of 7±0.5. The equilibrium time for Cr
(VI) and Ni (II) were found to be 165 and 180 minutes respectively. The removal efficiency for Cr (VI) and Ni (II) using
Parthenium hysterophorus powder as adsorbent are 80.43% and 81.54% respectively. The optimum dosage for maximum Cr
(VI) and Ni (II) are 4 g and 3.5 g respectively. Experimental equilibrium adsorption data were tested for the Langmuir and
Freundlich equations/isotherms but found that the Freundlich isotherm best fitted with experimental data for both Cr (VI) and
Ni (II). Kinetics of adsorption for both Cr (VI) and Ni (II) was found to follow Lagergren first order model.
Keywords: Adsorption, heavy metals, adsorbents, equilibrium isotherms, adsorption kinetics, Parthenium hysterophorus.
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9. Forensic science
Antimicrobial activity of Some Medicinal Plants against the Multiple Resistant of
Streptococcus Pneumonia
R. Kadhar Nivas,
Biotechnology Department, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Abstract: Streptococcus pneumonia is responsible for diseases including bacteraemia, meningitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, otitis,
sinusitis, arthritis, and pneumonia. The observation that pneumococcal when grown in an anaerobic atmosphere with 10%
CO2 produce characteristically large colonies ( Howden, 1976) called for a simple rapid confirmatory test; in this way a
precise report could be issued on the morning of isolation. Medicinal plants are of great importance to the health of individual
and communities. One of the more alarming recent trends in infectious disease has been the increasing frequency of
antimicrobial resistance among microbial pathogens causing nosocomial and community-acquired infections. Traditional
medicine has been an important source of products for developing countries in treating common infections. India has a long
history of traditional herbal medicine and its geographic position in the extreme north-west of Africa has favored a
development of a rich flora and biodiversity. Also, Moroccan medicinal plants are frequently used by the population to
prevent or cure gastrointestinal disorders, hair and skin care and bronchopulmonary and urinary systems (Bellakhdar et al.,
1991). In this study also will work Antimicrobial activity of Some Medicinal Plants against the Multiple Resistant of
Streptococcus Pneumonia.
Keywords: Antimicrobial, activity, medicinal, plants, multiple, resistant, streptococcus, pneumonia.
Cephalometric characteristics of Bangladeshi adults with Class II malocclusion
Mohammad Khursheed Alam, Shifat A Nowrin, Fazal Shahid, Sanjida Sinthy and Rehana Basri
Orthodontic Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Abstract: This study evaluating the craniofacial characteristics of Bangladeshi adults with class II malocclusion were studied
in order to frame cephalometric angular and linear measurements and to relate their mean differences with the established
values of class I Bangladeshi adults’ cephalometric norms. Fifty (50) standardized lateral cephalometric radiographs of
Bangladeshi adults including 25 males and 25 females with an average age of 20 years were studied. The conditions of
selection were Class II incisor relationship with or without crowding, no deformity, and no previous orthodontic treatment.
All cephalometric landmarks were located and determined and subsequently tracings were done to execute cephalometric
analysis. The results of the existing study revealed there is no statistically significant difference between the genders on all
measured values. Bangladeshi male showed larger values than those of the Bangladeshi females in most of the variables.
Mean values of cephalometric norms of Bangladeshi adults were very much different than the Class I malocclusion adults.
The reading should be kept in attention for this group separately. as it varies from the class I Malocclusion.
Keywords: Class II malocclusion, cephalometric radiographs, cephalometric norms, Bangladeshi adult.
Tooth size and dental arch dimension measurement through cone beam
tomography: Effect of age and gender
Mohammad Khursheed Alam, Fazal Shahid, Muhammad Asyraf Bin Hamzah, Muhammad Aizuddin Bin Khafiz,
Kathiravan Purmal, Basaruddin Ahmad, Mohd Fadhli Khamis
School of Dental Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Abstract: Objective of the study is to inspect the tooth size and arch dimension by the assistance of 3D cone beam
computerised tomography (CBCT) imaging through the effect age and gender differences. Data from fifty-three subject were
examined; of which 32 were male the ages of the samples were similar in both sexes. The data source was 3D CBCT
volumetric data from the archives of the School of Dental Sciences, HUSM. The tooth size (mesio-distal width), arch length,
arch perimeter, inter-canine, inter-first premolar, inter-second premolar and inter-molar widths were measured and recorded
from the 3D CBCT of both maxilla and mandibular arches. Gender differences and changes associated with age were
assessed. Regression analyses were used to examine the influence of age and gender on the tooth size and arch perimeters.
Principal component analysis was carried out for the measurements of each arch in males and females samples. The tooth
size of the right and left side were similar in the sample except the second premolars where the right side tooth were
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significantly larger than its counterpart (p=0.007) but with smaller differences (0.2mm to 0.08mm). Largest variation in the
tooth size were found in the upper lateral, second premolars and lower lateral incisors in men whereas the upper canine and
lower incisors in the women. Tooth size of the upper and lower canine showed the largest variation of sexual dimorphism.
For the Arch dimension, the greatest variation was found in the inter-second premolar width of the upper arch followed by
inter canine distance, and the inter-canine distance of the lower arch.
Keywords: 3D, CBCT, tooth size; sexual dimorphism; arch dimension
Small Bite - Big Threats: Assessment of Pernicious Repercussion of Antimalarial
Neha Tomar and S. K. Shukla
Amity institute of forensic Sciences, Amity University, Sector -125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Abstract: Malaria is one of the most grievous public health problems worldwide. It is one of the prime causes of morbidity
and mortality in many developing countries especially in tropics. This deadly disease has promulgated into most of the Asian
nations which are on the threshold of development. It has been observed that Antimalarial drugs that are prescribed for
treatment of malaria do produce symptoms of toxicity because of over dosage or drug reactions consequent upon
administration of Antimalarials. Various Antimalarial drugs such as Mefloquine, Halofantrine, Artether, Artemether etc. are
known to have caused clinical manifestations such as Neuropsychiatric toxicity, Neurotoxicity, Cardio respiratory collapse
and death. The present study reviews the articles stating the clinical findings in the cases of antimalarial drugs toxicity.
Keywords: Small, bite – big, threats, pernicious, repercussion.
Practice of dowry and domestic violence
Priyanka Rawal and Jyoti Singh
Amity University, Noida UP, INDIA
Abstract: Marriage is a voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others but in relation to
this great institution, the problem of the "dowry" persists. Dowry is both a practice and a problem with Indian marriages; it is
a deep rooted social evil. The world has entered the new millennium but it is a harsh reality that the woman in India has long
been ill-treated in our society. She is deprived of her independent identity and is looked upon as a commodity. Recent studies
suggest a link between domestic violence and dowry demands. Forty cases of dowry related domestic violence were studied
here from western UP, India. Majority of women in the present study experiencing dowry related domestic violence got
married in their early age 52.5%, from rural background (55%), have a lower household income (55% cases) and not working
(92.5%). Majority of cases reported in the early years of marriage (55%), and they were from lower educational background.
The result of this study indicates that Economic empowerment, together with higher education and modified cultural norms
may protect the women from such type of social evil.
Keywords: Practice, dowry, domestic, violence.
Predictors of pain, physical dysfunction and its relationship to proprioception in
osteoarthritis of knee
Naresh Bhaskar Raj1, Saha Soumendra2, HairulAnwar Hashim2& Saha Srilekha2
1Lecturer ,Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan ZainalAbidin, Kuala Terengganu, 21300, Malaysia.
2Senior Lecturers, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, 16150 Malaysia.
ABTRACT: This study was done to identify the problems associated with perceived pain and dysfunction in relation to
proprioception in osteoarthrosis (OA) of knee. OA is a degenerative joint disorder, which commonly occurs in knee of
middle aged and elderly patients, with a high prevalence rate amongst individuals with higher body-mass index. As the
Community Orientated Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) reported that,23% of Malaysians aging
more than 55 yrs. and 39% of those aged more than 65 yrs.complained ofsharp increase in knee pain.From a pool of fourhundred and thirty-nine elderly individuals suffering from pain in knee, eighty individuals (fifty-three females and twentyseven male patients) aging between fifty-six to sixty years were selected on the basis of Kellgren’s grade and degree of
deficit in proprioception. Participants were subjected to assessment of body-composition analyses using the BOD-POD
analyser. Extent of proprioception was evaluated by the Isokinetic device and problems associated with stiffness were
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
evaluated by the 3D motion tracking system. Following WOMAC assessment protocol, extent of difficulties associated with
knee pain was evaluated. Individuals having considerably lower body-weight but high extent of stiffness in knee were
observed to suffer from more pain, while those who were taller, if had higher BMI & higher extent of stiffness, were evident
as having most difficulty in proprioception. Significance of perceived stiffness was evident, which in association with
different metabolic indices emerged as significant predictor of deficient proprioception and related knee osteoarthrosis.
Keywords: Proprioception, Coordination, Osteoarthrosis.
Malaria - The Resurgence of Deadly Diseases
Ansh Sharma
St. Joseph's Co-Ed School, E-6, Arera Colony, Bhopal, INDIA
Abstract: It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the dangerous diseases that are sweeping across the globe. In the
African countries, the situation becomes more prominent. Malaria, which is a leading cause of death in the African continent,
is yet another cause of concern for us. The following project provides introduction to various diseases that are very common
around the world, especially in the United Kingdom and the African countries. An in depth detail of the fatal disease malaria
is provided in the project. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that affects more than 500 million people annually, causing
between 1 and 3 million deaths. It is most common in tropical and subtropical climates and is found in 90 countries—but
90% of all cases are found in Sub-Saharan Africa. Most of its victims are children. The people should, therefore, be well
versed with the disease, its signs and symptoms (vectors, endemic regions, etc.), diagnosis (antigen detection, serology, drug
resistance test, etc.), biology, treatment (with proper dosage), and prevention. This research paper is instrumental in bringing
forward the various diagnostic and treatment methods, thus acting as a catalyser.
Keywords: Malaria, resurgence, deadly, diseases.
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10. Family, Community and Consumer Sciences
The Science of Empathy and the Spirit of Compassion in Natural Health – A review
Rashmi chandran
Naturalist, Founder and Chairperson, Natural Health and Environmental Research INDIA
Abstract: Compassion is important throughout our lives, from birth to death. We are not mere individuals, but we are all part
of a deeply interconnected, social mind, with huge potential significance for our future. Compassion is fundamentally a
human quality; so its development is not restricted to those who practice religion. Direct compassion for the suffering of
living beings is not an easy task to undertake as it presumes they want help or that it is being offered in a form which is useful
to them. We see that compassion is deeply rooted in our brains, our bodies, and in the most basic ways we communicate.
Each human being exists within the context of interrelationships that include other human beings, all living beings and the
natural world. In other words, each person is sustained by the interdependent web of life. By awakening to this principle we
are able to expand instinctive self-love into an altruistic love for others; we are able to nurture the spirit of tolerance and
empathy for others. The state of mind of one who ceaselessly strives to transcend this fundamental egocentrism is that of
inner peace and tranquility. The heart of such a person is lit with the wisdom of dependent origination, and overflows with
the spirit of compassion. Living a balanced life does require that you take the time for self-reflection, identify what's most
important to you and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Keywords: Compassion, Natural Health, Lifestyle, Society, Family, Community, Science
Impact of Excessive Watching Television on Health and Nutritional Status among
Suburban Children
Sahai Devina1 ,Kaur Bhagyapreet2,Verma R.K.3
Department of Home Science, Luchnow Universit, Lucknow, INDIA
Lucknow University, Lucknow, INDIA
Department of Medicine, K.G's Medical University, Lucknow, INDIA
Abstract: The growing children age is crucial to the development of child’s body, brain, in respect of educational and
psychological development. Their negative influences can have lifelong health effects. Excessive television viewing among
young children has been linked to negative impacts on early child brain development and life-long physical health. On the
other hand, repeated exposure to television can affect a child’s mental and emotional development that often takes place of
interactive experiences (for eg. play) that promotes healthy brain development. Increased exposure to advertisements for high
fat and sugar containing food leading to poor food choices. It was established that on an average approximate 20,000
commercials in each year a child is viewing. It was many times hypothesized that increased television viewing during meals
is associated with an increased consumption of food high in fat and sugar and a decreased consumption of fruits, vegetables
and milk that affecting child’s health and nutritional status. It was also hypothesized many times that television viewing is
associated with increased consumption of snacks that have negative impact on health and nutrition on children. The main
objectives of the paper to find status of excessive watching television impact on health and nutrition among children of
suburban town. The paper was prepared at Deva Sub-urban town of Barabanki district state Uttar Pradesh (India). A-100
families purposively selected that having the children 3-12 years of age. Their recorded views in face to face situation
through interview schedule method. The parameter used RDA and RDI, weight and height etc.. The main findings of the
paper were; the most-liked TV programme; 39% cartoon film followed by 34% film show, 10% educational programme, 9%
social serials, 5% others and least 3% news. The time spent on programmes was approx. 8 hours-39%, 6 hours-23%, 4 hours
14%, and 2 hours and less than two hours: 24%. The obesity status- 38% overweight or obese; 42% healthy and rest 20%
underweight. The intake of snacks and meal during watching TV was observed among 62% subjects not taking healthy food,
only 38% subjects intake healthy food. The liking of food; fast and junk food; 68%, milk 10% and rest 22% other food
items. Therefore, it was observed that approx. 68% subjects were found unbalanced and unhealthy nutritional status that were
watching excessive television programmes.
Keywords: Impact, excessive, watching, television, health, nutritional, status, suburban, children.
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Changes in Physical and Functional Properties of Germinated Green Gram (Vigna
Raditata L.)
Anil Bukya and T.Poongodi Vijayakumar
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem, TamilNadu, 636011, INDIA
Abstract: The green gram has good nutritive value and on germination various changes in physical and functional
characteristics which is not explored yet. Hence the present investigation was done to study the changes in physical and
functional properties of green gram during germination. The selected green gram seeds were germinated for 48 hours with
prior soaking of 12 hours. The un germinated green gram; 12 hrs soaked green gram; 12 hrs, 24 hrs, 36 hrs, 48 hrs
germinated green gram were dried and ground into flour, sieved through 60 mesh sieve in BSS unit were subjected to
physical (bulk density, true density, porosity) and functional (water absorption, fat absorption, solubility index and swelling
power at 30 ˚C, 60˚C, 90 ˚C, foaming capacity and foaming stability) properties analysis. Bulk density was decreased
significantly on germination. True density, porosity, water absorption capacity and foaming capacity were increased
significantly on soaking and germination. Thus it was conducted that disintegration of complex molecules into simple
compounds during soaking and germination. Could results in mentioned changes in physical and functional properties of
green gram.
Keyword: Changes, physical, functional, properties, germinated, green, gram.
Standardization of Method for Dertermination of Pasting Properties of Bamboo
R. Gowri Manohari, T. Poongodi Vijayakumar and L. Kanageswari
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, PeriyarUniversity, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, INDIA
Abstract: Bamboo rice is an all- natural, short-grain, a slight jasmine green tea taste. The bamboo seeds were cleaned in
water and boiled like rice and consumed with fish curry and vegetable by indigenous people as a substitute of rice, the tribals
of North East India. Recently, a series of studies (very few) has initiated on the bamboo rice and its characterization to
elucidate the factors involved in dictating the quality of bamboo rice and to exploit the possible usage of bamboo rice in other
processed food products. But the detailed information on pasting properties of bamboo rice is not yet explored and still there
is a need to exploit the exact protocol for pasting property determination using RVA. Hence the present study was done to
determine the optimum sample concentration, starting and ending temperature of pasting profile and shear rate to suggest
RVA analysis method for determination of pasting properties of bamboo seeds. The RVA test procedure profile conditions
for bamboo rice flour in standard profile 1 (TCW software) in terms of shear rate (A), flour concentration (B) and initial/
final temperature (0C) was optimized using central composite rotatable design of response surface methodology. The center
point in five level factor for independent variables of A, B and C was 160 rpm, 4g flour concentration and 500C respectively.
The shear rate, starting and ending temperature had negative significant influence (p<0.01) on RVA viscosity parameters
while flour concentration showed positive significant effect (p<0.01) on RVA viscosity parameters. Interactively, flour
concentration and temperature suggested significant negative influence at p<0.05 and all determined RVA viscosity
parameters. On the basis of maximum peak and final viscosity, 123 rpm, as rotational speed of paddle, 3.9g as flour
concentration mixed in 25 ml of water (15.6%) and 32.3oC as starting and ending temperature in standard 1 profile of RVA
test procedure was considered as valid profile conditions for determinations of pasting properties of bamboo seeds.
Keyword: Standardization, method, dertermination, pasting, properties, bamboo, seeds.
A Study on the Colonial Monuments of British Era of Kolkata
Neerja Jaiswal and Swetabehan Mesaria
Department of Family and Community Resource Management Faculty of Family and Community Sciences The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Today the restaurant industry is developing very rapidly. The review of literature has highlighted that there exist a
number of “theme restaurant” outside India. Few, such types of restaurants were found in India too. The colonial theme
reflecting the British era of Kolkata was yet not found in India and specially in Vadodara which inspired the designer to
undertake the present design project with the objectives of a).Identifying the famous historical colonial monuments of British
era in Kolkatta. b).Studying the interior features used in the selected colonial monuments of the British era of Kolkatta city.
The observation sheet was used to gather the details for developing case studies on the existing interior features of the
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monuments. The findings of the case studies highlighted that the colonial monuments were having white colored walls. The
existing floors were made up of wood and in majority of areas it was made up of marble and granite with geometrical pattern
in them. The walls of the monuments were having mouldings. In the name of furnishings and lightings, the lights were
replaced by the new lights and there were no furnishings. The monuments had chairs, tables, cabinets, book shelf and
benches as prominent furniture. The furniture were made up of polished mahogany wood. The ceiling was of Mahogany
wood and in some of the monuments, it was of cement with square and rectangular shapes. The findings of the present case
study would serve as a valuable reference material for developing historical design projects and other design projects in
general. While promoting a base to design other new interiors it would also assist to create the same in other commercial as
well as residential interiors.
Keywords: Colonial, Monuments, British Era
Use of Stimulus by Advertisers on Food Products for Children
VashimaVeerkumar1and Neerja Jaiswal2
Department of Family and Community Resource Management, Faculty of Family and Community Sciences he Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: Advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry with one main goal: persuading people to buy products.Advertisers
present their products in the most appealing way by using celebrities to endorse a product. This increases children's liking for
a product children are targeted just as any other market, and, like adults, are subject to particular techniques used by
advertisers to enhance their brands. Thus, to identify the stimulus utilized in advertisements enforcing the purchases made for
the child into the family, the present study was undertaken. The unit of enquiry were the mothers and their children, 144 each
in number belonging to different families.the data was collected through interview schedule which concerned information on
the stimulus utilized in the advertisements targeted on children. Stimulus for the present study were the elements used in the
advertisements to attract children such as cartoon characters, celebrity endorsements, emotional appeals etc. The findings
revealed that majority of children liked the advertisement of “Health Drink A” because of the qualitative aspects. Similarly
the advertisement of “Milk Product A” appealed because of the qualitative aspects used in the advertisement. the
advertisements for biscuits also appealed to the children because of the “Qualitative aspect” used as a stimulus in the
advertisement. Amongst the advertisements related to chocolates i.e. “Choc I” and “Choc D” was found to induce demand for
purchase because of “Qualitative aspects”. “Qualitative aspects” was the stimulus which influenced the demand for the
purchase of most of the products. The findings of the study will help the parents and school authorities to create awareness
amongst the children for avoiding the negative persuasion of advertisements.
Keywords: Advertisements, demand, stimulus, children.
Study on Nutritional Analysis of soya by products before and after processing
N.S. Ghatge
Pravara Rural Education Society’s; Home Science and BCA College, Loni. Taluka Rahata, District, Ahamadnager, INDIA
Abstracts: Formulation (developing a formula for a preparation) is carried out to achieve desired characteristics that make it
suitable for a specific action or application. Formulation means making all possible combinations. The formulation of food
products had done with its varying amounts in different food products. The most traditional and familiar foods in the family
and among the children are purposefully selected. These products are ladoo, chakali and chiwada are the most traditional and
familiar products in India particular in Maharashtra, these products are selected for the formulation with Soybean. The
principle of nutrition such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals were analyzed from the high scored selected
soya by products. The vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid and β carotene were estimated from soya
products as well as minerals like iron, calcium and zinc were analyzed before and after processing. It has been seen that no
significant changes in all nutrients have been seen after processing of these soya products, except β complex vitamins.
Keywords: Soya products, nutrients and malnourished preschool children.
Study about Physical Activity among Female Research Scholar residing in hostel’s
of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi”
Rajpoot Singh Sadhana and Gupta Kalpna
Department of Home Science, Mahiala Mahavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, INDIA
Abstract: Regular physical activity is directly associated with better health outcomes. Education is also indirectly linked to
better health behaviour. Purpose of present study is to investigate the physical activity of female Research Scholar (science
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stream) residing in hostel of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 50 participants were selected randomly. A pre-structured
interview schedule was used to collect the information. The mean age of participants was 26.89 years, range 24-31 years
were analyzed. Body Mass Index (BMI) across the whole sample ranged from 17.10- 34.37 with a mean BMI of 23.92. Using
BMI scores 18% participants were underweight 50 % participants were average weight, 26% were overweight and 6% were
obese. Out of total 32 participants were exercised daily. Physical activity generally they engaged was brisk walking, jogging,
dancing, badminton, skipping, swimming, yoga, cycling, while rest 18 were not doing the same due to many reasons i.e.
laziness and lack of time (most of them go in early morning and back in the evening). Overall 62.5 % research scholars met
WHO guidelines (for 18-64 years) of at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week. Nearly
50% respondents spend more than 7 hours with their laptop/ PC, the main sources for their fitness and health is online
material (i.e. google surfing, health blogs, Wikipedia, online articles, journals etc.), and print media (i.e. newspapers and
magazines etc). Participants are in good health conditions as they are engaged in different physical activity. To improve
overall health for increasing resistance to illness and diseases and improvement in appearance is the main reason for exercise
among research scholar.
Keywords: Physical activity, Research Scholar, Overall health, Fitness.
An empirical study of Self reported work Stress and Coping among Professionals
Mona Mehta
Department of Family and Community Resource Management, Faculty of family and Community Sciences, The M.S.University of Baroda,
Vadodara, INDIA
Abstract: The life of all professionals today is full of stress. Industrialization, urbanization, consummation culture are some
other reasons for rising stress. In the context of growing population, cultural transformation, and multiple roles that people
play, stress is an inescapable psychological phenomenon. Apart from the efforts to achieve success in entrepreneurship, a
professional has to face a magnitude of work related problems arising out of their varied roles in business. To the extent that
these professionals work demands and expectations exceed their abilities to perform as venture initiators, they are likely to
experience stress. In the present study, the impact of major work life stressors suffered by a sample of two hundred
professionals has been identified. Purposive random sampling technique was used with questionnaire as a tool for the present
survey. The results also suggested that nearly one-half of the sample experienced stress with regards to certain business
aspects namely; labour related, market related and finance related aspects of work. The study also investigated the stress
reduction techniques adopted by the respondent to overcome these work related stressors.
Keywords: Professionals, stress, stress coping strategies.
Product Origin Labelling and Consumer Willingness to Pay
Yosini Deliana1, Sri Fatimah2 and Anne Charina2
Agribusiness Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University;
Sociology Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University;
Abstract: Indonesia is the sixth largest mango-producing country with a production that totals to 3.5% of the world’s current
mango production, indicating that its mango production has a huge commercial prospect in the future. The main problem in
marketing gedong gincu mango is the lack of quality guarantee that causes consumers to be reluctantly to pay premium
prices. If consumers knew exactly where the mangos come from and could be sure of its quality, they would be willing to pay
the higher price. This requires an original label brand, and would encourage consumers to pay premium prices and enable
farmers to make greater profits. The survey was aimed to find out how consumer response if origin labeling exist in Mango
Gedong Gincu, how consumers change in buying behavior from impor fruit to mango that has origin labeling, what
domonant factors of cluster consumers believing that origin labeling assures them of quality and food safety and which
groups of consumers were willing to pay more and what consumers thought about profit and loss with regard to labeling.
The research was conducted from June to September 2013 and data will be analyzed by discriminant analysis. This research
find out that 60 % consumers response is quality and 74 % is save for consumption if Origin Label exist in mango; the
consumption change from Import fruit to local fruit in variour income, dominant of cluster consumers believing that origin
label assure them of quality and food safety are income and education, WTP Consumer more than 40 % are Consumer age >
44 years
Keywords: Product development, discriminant analysis, Origin region labelling, Willingness to pay.
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Barriers Faced by the Builders of Vadodara City in Adopting Green Building
Shilpi Saraswat
Department of Family and Community Resource Management, Faculty of Family and Community Sciences, The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda, Vadodara
Abstract: Buildings have major environmental impacts over their life cycle. Hence, there is a need to design and construct a
green building which minimizes the issues related to environment deteriotion due to construction of buildings. A green
building uses less energy, water and natural resources. It generates less waste and provides a healthy living environment for
the occupants. The construction industry is a larger user of natural resources, therefore there is a need to design building with
low environmental impacts. Green buildings are upcoming concept and the need for present day construction industry, so as
to have sustainable development. It has been observed that Vadodara city has witnesses a remarkable growth in the
construction of commercial as well as residential sectors. The concept of green building has been more widely adopted in
commercial sectors rather than residential sectors. Hence, a study was conducted to find out the barriers faced by builders in
adopting green building concept in their construction of residential sectors and reasons for adopting the green building
concept. The data were gathered through a questionnaire from a sample of 75 builders through convenience sampling.
Descriptive and relational statistics was used for presenting results. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the
builders were middle aged and their professional association was the main source of information about green buildings. More
than one half of the builders had low extent of exposure to various sources of information. Environmental aspects were the
reason as stated by builders behind the adoption of green building design and construction. Majority of the builders faced
lack of technical knowledge of the project team, contractors and clerk and lack of interest in implementing green building
concept as high extent of barrier in adopting green building design and construction. Majority of the builders had somewhat
favourable opinion regarding green building. A significant relationship was found between reasons for adopting green
building design and construction by the builders and barriers faced by builders adoption of Green building concept. The
builders can be made aware through an educational programme given by the educational institution about the impact of the
buildings on the health of the occupants and to construct a building which incorporates features of green building.
Keywords: Green building, barriers faced by the builders
Breastfeeding Practices among Rural Mothers
Kanchan K. Deshmukh
Women’s College Of Home Science & BCA, Loni, Tal-Rahata,Dist-Ahmednagar, INDIA
Abstract: Breast milk not only the best but it is must for the Infant. Breast milk is a natural food for infant .Breast milk is the
only insurance for the security of the new born. Inadequate nutrition is an underlying cause of death of more than 2.6 Million
children and over 100,000 Mothers every year. keeping in view important of breast feeding the present study was conducted
with 100 rural mother of infant Loni village. Objective was asses the breastfeeding practices among rural mother . An
interview schedule was developed before collection of data. Background information about the family was recorded for each
mothers. Result revealed that 60% of the mothers had feed colostrums of their babies on the first day. The rest had discarded
it as the thought to be immature dirty milk and therefore harmful to their infant. The majority of the mother started breast
feeding their infant within 1-3 hour after the child birth.23% mother breastfeed between 1-2 day after delivery. Only 15 % of
the mothers breastfeed their infant within 3-5 days after the child birth and rest of mothers after 5 day. This study finding
revealed that majority of respondent had feed successfully after child birth.40% of subject had low knowledge level regarding
colostrums hence there is a need to create awareness about breastfeeding.
Keywords: Breastfeeding, practices, rural, mothers.
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11. Material Sciences
Synthesis and characterizationof cuprous oxide nanoparticles
KMDC Jayathilaka1,2, W Siripala2, JKDS Jayanetti1 and V. Kapaklis3,
Department of Physics, University of Colombo, Colombo3, SRI LANKA
Department of Physics, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.SRI LANKA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, P. O. Box 516, S-75120, Uppsala, SWEDEN
Abstract: Investigations of the development of environmentally friendly low cost solar cells with inexpensive semiconductor
materials are extremely important for development of solar energy technology. Among these Cuprous Oxide is non toxic and
its component elements are readily available and it has2 eV band gapenergy. Thereforecuprous oxideis considered to be a
material with a large potential from the viewpoint of its applications in photovoltaics and sensors. Grain size of
polycrystalline semiconductor thin films in solar cells can be optimized to enhance the efficiency of solar cells.In the present
study we have demonstrated the possibility to form photosensitive nanostructured copper oxide thin filmson Ti substrates
with large surface area by means of electrodeposition in copper acetate bath. Linear-sweep voltammetry was used to
determine the optimal deposition potential. These nanostructures were characterizedusing X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), atomicforce microscopy (AFM) and photoelectrochemical techniques. In this investigation we
have demonstrated that polycrystalline n-type and p-type cuprous oxide thin films having small crystals of the size of 100 nm
could be electrodeposited. It can be seen on the SEM micrographs that grains evolve from irregular shape with average size
of ∼1 µm at pH 5.8 into a rectangular shape with average size of ∼100 nm at pH 7.9. This SEM and XRD data clearly
indicate that the grain size gradually decrease as the pH value of the solution increases from pH 5.8-7.9.
Keywords: Cuprous oxide, electrodeposition, Ti substrate, nanostructure
Hot surface as a ignition temperature of dust layer
Ing. Ilona Šimoníková1 and Doc. Ing. Jana Müllerová2
Faculty of Safety Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
Faculty of Special Engineering, Universtity of Zilina, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Abstract: This paper deals with a hot surface as an ignition source of dust layer. In practice the hot surface is very often
underestimated. In combination with the lack of cleaning and subsequent deposition of dust there are very favorable
conditions for the initiation of a dust layer, its smoldering or flaming combustion. The paper contains description of
parameters which influence ignition of dust layer. Detailed factors such as temperature of hot surface, temperature in room or
surroundings, contact time and thickness of dust layer are discussed. Practical part describes testing device and the possibility
of its use in practice.
Keywords: hot surface, dust layer, ignition source.
Smouldering combustion in practice
Doc. Ing. Jana Müllerová1 and Ilona Šimoníková2
Faculty of Special Engineering, Universtity of Zilina, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Faculty of Safety Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC,
Abstract: The paper focus on smoldering combustion, its description and the accompanying phenomena associated with it.
Smoldering combustion causes problems in many technologies and it is important to get to know this process as much
detailed as possible. In case we are able to detect even small deviations leading to smoldering combustion, we can design a
very effective prevention. Practical part of this paper describes testing devices and hazards occurring in practice. The
practical part contains key prevention elements, which are currently used in practice. In many cases, this prevention is
ineffective and undesirable effects such as flaming, initiation of a dust cloud might occur.
Keywords: Smoldering combustion, ignition source, flaming.
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Smouldering combustion in practice
Doc. Ing. Jana Müllerová and Ilona Šimoníková,
Faculty of Special Engineering, Universtity of Zilina, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Faculty of Safety Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
Abstract: The paper focus on smoldering combustion, its description and the accompanying phenomena associated with it.
Smoldering combustion causes problems in many technologies and it is important to get to know this process as much
detailed as possible. In case we are able to detect even small deviations leading to smoldering combustion, we can design a
very effective prevention. Practical part of this paper describes testing devices and hazards occurring in practice. The
practical part contains key prevention elements, which are currently used in practice. In many cases, this prevention is
ineffective and undesirable effects such as flaming, initiation of a dust cloud might occur.
Keywords: smoldering combustion, ignition source, flaming
International Science Congress Association
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12. Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Characterization of Uniform Distribution through Expectation of Function of Order
Bhatt Milind. B
Department of Statistics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabhvidyanagar-388129, Dist. Anand, Gujarat, INDIA
Abstract: For characterization of uniform distribution one needs any arbitrary non constant function of order statistics only
in place of approaches such as correlation coefficient of smaller and the larger of a random sample of size two, moment
conditions of order statistics of random sample of size two, maximal correlation coefficient between order statistics of
identically distributed spacing between order statistics, moments of n-fold convolution modulo one, inequality of Chernoff
etc., available in the literature. Attempt is made to give new characterization of uniform distribution through expectation of
any arbitrary non constant function of order statistics.
Keyword: Characterization; Uniform distribution
Models with Quadratic Demand, Constant Deterioration with Variable Holding
Cost without Shortages
Mohan R1 and Venkateswarlu R
Dept of Mathematics, College of Military Engineering, Pune, INDIA2
GITAM School of International Business, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA
Abstract: Inventory models developed using demand rate, such as exponentially increasing/decreasing, constant and linear
demand patterns. In this paper we developed deterministic inventory model considering quadratic demand pattern with
respect to time. Here the deterioration rate is constant and incorporating variable holding cost. Salvage value is associated
with deteriorating items. Shortages are not allowed. Inventory system of this model is developed to find total cost. At the end
numerical example and sensitivity analysis is also discussed.
Keywords: Inventory, Variable holding cost, Salvage value, Deteriorating items, Quadratic demand
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
13. Pharmaceutical Sciences
Diabesity-Hypertension VS. Nutritional status and its Non-Clinical Management
among patients of Sub-Urban Population
Verma R.K.
Dept. of Medicine, K.G's Medical University, Lucknow Kaur Bhagyapreet, Research Scholar, Lucknow University, Lucknow, INDIA
Abstract: Diabeties-II, Obesity and Hypertension are three metabolic disorders jointly may be termed as "DiabesityHypertension". The rising prevalence of DM-II 194 million (2003) and expected 333 million (2025) to be of overweight and
obesity, that also increasing the prevalence of coexisted hypertension. Hypertension is about 6 times more frequent in obese
subjects than in lean men and women. These increase translate into as estimate 12% increase risk for CHD and 24% increase
risk of stroke. As prevalent comorbid association amongst Indian has risen over few decade. This may be also attributed the
changing life style trend that increasing number of the patients of diabesity-hypertension. The importance of nutritional
recommendation with life style management for better control attract attention to the researcher to carry out this paper. The
objective of the paper was to analyse the status of Diabesity-Hypertension and its non clinical management in different
Nutritional status. The validation coherts n=60. The main finding of the paper it was observed that among nutritional status of
first order to fifth order the prevalence of diabesity hypertension were 12%, 26, 24%, 18% and 22% respectively. The
awareness towards indigenous antioxidants intake for control diabesity-hypertension; 22%. The awareness for useful dietary
restriction. The health consciousness for healthy control and patients taking low sugar low salt and fibre rick diet 48% and
28%, Exercising =; 61%, yoga; 21% worship;58% avoid alcohol liquor; 84 and tobacco and panmasala; 86% patients. As for
control 37% patients only DM-II; 28% DM-II and hypertension and; 22% diabesity-Hypertension. A 13% patients not
awared to control all the three coexisted problems at all. Paper also suggests a dietary recommendation for diabesityhypertension.
Keyword: Diabetes-II, Hypertension, Obesity, Diabesity-hypertension.
Formulation and Evaluation of floating microspheres of lansoprazole
Shashi Shankar1, Bijay kumar1, Vijay kumar Gupta, Ramesh Chandra1, Deepak kumar2 and Sarojkumar3
Department of Pharmaceutics, Bihar College of Pharmacy, New Bailey Road, Patna, INDIA
Department of Chemistry Changwon National University# 9 Sarim-dong, Changwon, Republic of Korea
SHEAT College, Varanasi, INDIA
Abstract: Floating drug delivery system is one of the novel drug delivery system. Floating drug delivery system have a bulk
density less than gastric fluids and thus it remains buoyant in the stomach without affecting gastric emptying rate for a
prolonged period of time . Lansoprazole is proton pump inhibitor drug with short elimination half-life 1.5-3 hours. Floating
microspheres of Lansoprazole were prepared by Emulsion solvent evaporation method by using HPMC K4M, HPMCK15M,
HPMC K100M, Ethyl cellulose as polymers. The floating microspheres were evaluated for micromeritic properties, particle
size, percentage yield, in vitro buoyancy, incorporation efficiency, drug polymer compatibility (IR study), scanning electron
microscopy and in-vitro drug release. Results show that as the concentration of polymer increases it affects the particle size,
percentage yield, in-vitro buoyancy and in-vitro drug release of microspheres.it was also found that cumulative drug release
with different HPMC grade was found to be HPMC K4M≥HPMC K15M≥HPMC K100M. The micromeritic properties was
found to be good and scanning electron microscopy confirmed their hollow structure with smooth surface. Formulation F9
prepared with HPMC K100M: Ethyl cellulose exhibited excellent micromeritic properties, percentage yield, in vitro
buoyancy, incorporation efficiency and percentage drug release 94% for a period of 12 hrs. The data obtained in this study
thus suggest that floating microspheres of Lansoprazole are promising for sustained drug delivery, which can reduce dosing
Keyword’s: Lansoprazole, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), ethyl cellulose, Floating microspheres.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Role of Superdisintegrant in Fast Dissolving Drug Delievery Systems
Suresh V. Chennupati, A. Narayana Rao and A. Bhavana
Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, Sathupally, Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Abstract: Fast dissolving tablets are one type of solid dosage form that can dissolve and disintegrate quickly in the saliva
without administering with water. It is very convenient to administer especially for geriatric and pediatric patients. It is
convenient for patients who are travelling may face difficulty in access of water. Fast dissolving tablets can enhance the
disintegration and dissolution rate, thereby increase the bioavailability and therapeutic effectiveness. The role of disintegrants
in the design of fast dissolving drug delivery systems is discussed in this article. Superdisintegrants can be added in the
formulation to enhance the rate of disintegration. It can decrease the disintegration time so can increase the dissolution rate. It
can promote moisture penetration into the tablet matrix and cause dispersion of the tablet matrix. Swelling, wicking,
deformation, repulsive force, heat wetting and enzymatic action are the mechanisms of action of superdisintegrants.
Superdisintegrants can be classified into natural and synthetic. Examples for natural superdisintegrants are banana powder,
soypolysaccharide etc. Examples for synthetic superdisintegrants are Sodium Starch Glycolate, Cross-linked polyvinyl
pyrrolidone etc. Natural superdisintegrants are more widely used than synthetic superdisintegrants as they are more
economical, low cost, easily available, non- toxic on the body and more patient compliance.
Keywords: Fast Dissolving Tablets, Superdisintegrants, Classification, Mechanism, Disintegration.
A Dietary Intervention to reduce weight and its relation with Leptin Hormone
among obese adults
Singh Meera1, Verma R.K.2 and Kaur Bhagyapreet3
Department of Home Science, Lucknow University, Lucknow U.P., Lucknow University, Lucknow U.P, INDIA
Department of Medicine, K.G's Medical University, Lucknow, INDIA
Research Scholar, Lucknow University, Lucknow, INDIA
Abstract: Obesity is associated with an increased prevalence of metabolic disorder with cardiovascular risk. The increasing
incidence of obesity has become important to know the root cause of obesity and how to control the growing incidence of
obesity. The prevalence of obesity ranges from 10% to 50%. The increased mortality associated with obesity result primarily
from increased risks for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and possibly some types of cancer. The
paper was prepared at Lucknow City. The 101 patients were selected by purposive sampling method and were studied under
two categories; experimental comprising 59 obese subjects and control group 42 obese subjects. The experimental group was
examined for their weight and blood leptin level and went under dietary intervention. Leptin is a polypeptide hormone and is
circulated with the blood to the brain, predominantly hypothalamus to influence the appetite; energy expenditure and neuroendocrine function. Problem in the regulation of Leptin Hormone is the cause of change in body weight. High Blood Leptin
Level (up to normal limits) decreases the appetite, thus decreasing food intake. The relationship between diet (protein rich
diet), weight and blood leptin level was statistically analysed and supported by chi-square. Thus concluding that the diet rich
in protein promotes weight reduction by increasing the blood leptin level, vice versa for fat and carbohydrate content is not
Development of a Liposomal nano Delivery system Containing Targeting ligand
tetra decyl Aspartic acid
Muralidhar Rao Akkaladevi
Maheshwara Institute of Pharmacy, Chitkul (V),Patancheru, Hyderabad-502307, INDIA
Abstract: Tetradecyl aspartic acid (TDAA) is a substrate for System L. System L is the second most abundant transport
system available at the BBB transporting neutral amino acids. These transporters can be exploited for the delivery of drugs.
The steric requirements for System L are that the substrate must possess an α-amino group and a carboxylic group attached to
the same carbon atom, plus a hydrophobic side chain. TDAA satisfies steric requirement of System L. By using TDAA as a
recognition ligand, drug molecules or drug molecules loaded on to carriers can be delivered to the brain. We attempted to
prepare liposomes with TDAA with or without cholesterol. However all the preparations were difficult to hydrate and
liposomes did not form with TDAA either with or without cholesterol. But we could load TDAA on to the liposomes up to a
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
concentration of 20% of the total lipid without affecting the liposomes stability. The liposomes were prepared by film
hydration method followed by sonication in which aqueous Azidothymidine (AZT) solution was encapsulated. Formation of
liposomes was confirmed by optical microscope. The liposomes after sonication were characterized for size and size
distribution, charge and zeta potential, percent entrapment and invitro release.
Keywords: Liposomes, System L; Nano Drug delivery; Drug targeting;Tetradecyl aspartic acid
Influence of permeation enhancer on Ethosomes bearing Lamivudine for
Drug Delivery
CK Sudhakar1, Charyulu R N2 and Jain Sanjay1
Smriti College of Pharmaceutical Education, Indore, INDIA
Department of Pharmaceutics, NGSMIPS, Mangalore, INDIA
Abstract: The application of medicinal substances to the skin is a concept undoubtedly as old as humanity, the Papyrus
records of ancient Egypt describes a variety of such medication for external use. Innovative techniques for drug delivery have
been explored in human medicine in recent years. Transdermal drug delivery has made an important impact to medical
practice; it has been potential as an alternative to oral delivery and hypodermic injections. Several tactics for improving
transdermal drug delivery were researched; Ethosome are the slight modification of well-established drug carrier liposome.
Permeation enhancer which has the ability to cause the perturbation of the skin and aid for drug penetration. The ethanol
effect of ethosome and permeation enhancer will synergistically enhance the drug penetration to deeper skin and systemic
circulation. Ethosomal formulations were prepared using lamivudine as model drug and characterized for entrapment
efficiency, fluorescence skin study and ex-vivo study. Propylene glycols (PG), oleic acid are penetration enhancer for
lamivudine into skin. Ethosomes were prepared with propylene glycol (ETP) and linoleic acid (ETL) respectively. Ethosomes
bearing propylene glycol and oleic acid has shown good flux values 1.5 fold and 2 fold than ethosomes (ET) respectively.
The highest entrapment efficiency of ETP-2 is 64.6±1.5% and ETO-2 formulation is 68.2±4.1%. Increases in the
concentration of both permeation enhancers decrease the entrapment efficiency. The fluorescence skin ex-vivo study of the
ethosomes formulation reveals that oleic acid ethosomes has deeper penetration in the skin compared to ethosomes
containing propylene glycol. The release of the ETP-2 and ETO-2 has both shown sustain release pattern for 12 hrs with
reduced in lag time. Ethosomes containing oleic acid has better entrapment, enhancement of lamivudine penetration to deeper
skin compare ethosomes containing propylene glycol.
Keywords:-Ethosomes, lamivudine, oleic acid, propylene glycol.
International Science Congress Association
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
14. Physical Science
Impact of Eigenvalues on the Electron-Phonon Coupling Strength of Aluminium
and its Binary Alloys
B. K. Kanth1, S. K. Chakrabarti2*, I. S. Jha2 and B. P. Singh3
Dept. of Chemistry, M. M. A. M. Campus, Tribhuvan University, Biratnagar, Nepal, INDIA
Dept. of Physics, M. M. A. M. Campus, Tribhuvan University, Biratnagar, Nepal, INDIA
Dept. of Physics, T. M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, Bihar, INDIA
Abstract: Aluminium is a third group element according to the periodic table. Chemically it is a reactive metal often forming
complexes within its binary alloys. In the present work we have dealt with the impact of eigenvalues on the superconducting
state parameter viz. the electron-phonon coupling strength of this metal. We have also dealt with the same for two binary
alloys of it viz. aluminium-magnesium and aluminium-zinc. For this purpose we have computed the non-local screened form
factor for each of them. Initially the orthogonalised plane wave parameter has been taken as unity. Thereafter VashishtaSingwi form of exchange and correlation are employed. The core energy eigenvalues of Herman-Skillman and Clementi have
been used. Our results are quite satisfactory for the metal as well as its present alloys. Our computation reveals that the
superconducting state parameter can be reasonably reproduced by Harrison’s first principle pseudopotential technique along
with McMillan’s formalism provided a proper choice of the core energy eigenvalues is made.
Keywords: Superconducting state parameter, Orthogonalised plane wave parameter, Eigenvalue, Form factor.
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
15. Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Motor Fitness Parameters Response of Varied Intensities of Plyometric Training on
Junior Soccer Players
Murugavel Kamatchi
Department of Physical Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 022, INDIA
Abstract: Nowadays all soccer players are facing at source some unique challenges to develop the required motor fitness
level to execute soccer techniques while playing or game situation. The techniques of soccer players are fully depend on the
important motor fitness components like speed, agility, flexibility, strength, endurance, etc. To determine the varied
intensities of plyometric training on speed, agility, flexibility, leg strength and cardio respiratory endurance of junior soccer
players subjected to 12 weeks of varied intensities of plyometric training. One hundred and twenty junior soccer players were
randomly selected. The selected subjects were divided into four equal groups consisting of thirty each. They carried out 12
weeks of varied intensities of plyometric training. Speed (50 mts dash), agility (4×10 mts shuttle run), flexibility (sit and
reach test), leg strength ( leg dynamometer) and cardio respiratory endurance (Cooper’s 12 minutes run and walk) were
measured before and after the training period. Although medium intensity plyometric training improved (P<0.05) speed
(13.07%), agility (7.86%), flexibility (16.60 %), leg strength (2.39%) and cardio respiratory endurance (0.84%). The
moderate intensity of plyometric training for a period of twelve weeks was found to be most appropriate protocol to produce
significant changes over motor fitness components of junior soccer players.
Keywords: Intensity, motor fitness, plyometric, soccer
Comparative study of the mental health between player and non player of swami
Vivekananda technical University
Mejar Singh
Sports officer, MM College of technology, Raipur, INDIA
Abstract: There has been increasing awareness about the mental health in the population. Aim of the present study was to
determine the mental health status of the player of the Vivekananda technical university, Bhilai. In the present study total 60
subjects were selected after giving their informed consent for the study. Mental health inventory was used for the study, in
which positive self evaluation, perception of reality, integration of personality, autonomy, group oriented attitude and
environmental mastery was assessed. Data was analyzed with the help of comparative (t-test ) statistics. Result of the present
study demonstrated that the of the sports person showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) different in all the dimension of the
mental health inventory.
Keywords: mental health inventory, player, non player
Comparative Study on Lower limb length and Upper limb length of 12-16 Years
Pradip Kumar Paul
Assistant Teacher, Naihati Narendra Vidyaniketan, 24 Pgs (N), WB, INDIA
Abstract: In this study an attempt has been made to find out the comparative changes on lower limb length and upper limb
length of 12 to 16 years boys. The subjects of the present study were selected randomly from the school of Naihati Narendra
Vidyaniketan, 24 Pgs (N), WB. Thirty students of each age group’s i.e.; 150 boy’s students were randomly selected for this
purpose. The criteria measured in this article were height, weight, lower limb length and upper limb length. The data on the
height, weight, lower limb length and upper limb length were analyzed by applying ANOVA to find out significant
differences if any among the five age groups. Significant results were found in lower leg length and upper limb length.
Keywords: Lower limb length and upper limb length, Height and weight, 12- 16 years boys
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Comperative Impacts of Psychotherapeutic Interventions on Improvement in
Coordination in Soccer Players
Soumendra Saha, Srilekha Saha and Nurfarah Ezzaty Mohd Zahir
Exercise and Sport Science Unit, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains MALAYSIA
Abstract: The present study was undertaken with an objective to study the effect of psychotherapeutic training on
improvement of coordination in performance of soccer skills. Thirty six young male soccer players of city of Kota Bharu in
Kelantan province of Malaysia, in the age range of 18 to 24 years volunteered as participants, who were assessed with
dispositional and transient anxiety by employing State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Thereafter, they were randomly
categorized into three groups; viz. Group A – consisted of participants of control group; Group B – is referred to the
Experimental Group I, who received Skin Conductance (Sc) Biofeedback intervention training and Group C, hereafter the
Experimental Group II, who received Abbreviated Progressive Muscle Relaxation (APMR) training. All the participants were
subjected to evaluation of transient anxiety; simple reaction ability; neuromuscular steadiness; motor coordination and
psychobiological measures of tonic and phasic skin conductance activity as measure of pre-intervention analyses. Thereafter
the participants of intervention conditions were introduced to their respective intervention training programs following
standardize protocol (20 minutes/day; 2 days/week for 6 weeks). Mid-term analyses (all the parameters of pre-intervention
analyses were repeated) were done three weeks after the introduction of intervention of intervention sessions. Thereafter the
similar protocol of intervention was followed for three more weeks. Post-intervention analyses following similar analyses
protocols were done on all of the participants, and the findings revealed that both Sc biofeedback intervention and APMR
intervention had beneficial impacts on coordination performance observed in the players. Furthermore, both of the
interventions have been observed to result in alteration in the psychobiological make-up of the participants, which finally
resulted in improvement in coordination performance.
Keywords: soccer; psychotherapy; coordination
Effectiveness of the Abbreviated Progressive Muscle Relaxation Intervention on
Problems of Motor Coordination in Soccer Players
Srilekha Saha, 1Soumendra Saha, 1Nurfarah Ezzaty Binti Mohd Zahir and 2Naresh Bhaskar Raj
Dept. Exercise & Sport Sciences, School of Health Sciences (PPSK), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan ZainalAbidin, Kuala Terengganu, 21300, Malaysia
Abstract: The present study was undertaken with an objective to study the effect of psychotherapeutic training on
improvement of coordination in performance of soccer skills. Eighty one young male soccer players of the city of Kota Bharu
in Kelantan province of Malaysia, in the age range of 18.6 to 20.9 years, volunteered as participants. They were assessed with
transient anxiety; simple and complexreaction ability; motor coordination; psychobiological measures of tonic and phasic
skin conductance activity; assessment of muscle potentiality and soccer agility and soccer juggling skill as measure of preintervention analyses. Thereafter, they were randomly and equally categorized into three groups; viz. Group A (N = 27), i.e.
control group who didn’t receive any intervention; Group B (N = 27) referred to as the Experimental Group I, who received
Abbreviated Progressive Muscle Relaxation or APMR andGroup C (N = 27), hereafter the Experimental Group II, who
received active relaxation training. Both of the interventions were introduced to the respective group following standardize
protocol (20 minutes/day; 2 days/week for12 weeks). Mid-term analyses (on all of the parameters of pre-intervention
analyses were repeated) were done six weeks after the introduction of intervention sessions. Thereafter interventions
continued following the similar protocol for six more weeks. Post-intervention analyses following similar analyses protocols
were done on all of the participants, and the findings revealed that both APMR and active relaxation traininghad beneficial
impacts on enhancement in autonomic adaptation, whereas compared to active relaxation training, APMR had relatively
better beneficial impacts on the level of coordination performancesof the soccer players. Furthermore, due to enhanced
coordination performances, significant improvement in soccer juggling performance and in soccer agility was observed in the
players who received APMR training.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Abbreviated, Muscle, Relaxation, Intervention, Motor, Coordination, Soccer. Players.
International Science Congress Association
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Altered reaction ability as a function of enhancement in cortical activation
Soumendra Saha, Srilekha Saha, Nurfarah Ezzaty Binti Mohd Zahir and Naresh Bhaskar Raj
Dept. Exercise & Sport Sciences, School of Health Sciences (PPSK), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia, 16150.
Abstract: The present study aims at understanding relationships between different psychological parameters in explaining
soccer performance outcome. Attempts have been made to realize the relative significance of perceptual-motor skills
influencing relevant psychological, physiological factors required for achievement of performance excellence. One-hundred
seventy-six young soccer players living in Kelantan province of Malaysia participated in this study. Regression analyses were
done to identify in-depth relationship between the psychological and psychomotor processes with psychobiological
autonomic arousal modulation capacity of the players, which would determine higher-order cortical activation in the soccer
players. These analyses were associated with performance analyses pertaining to skilful soccer performance. Psychomotor
and autonomic processes involved in differential levels of soccer participation and performance were verified in accordance
with the level of cortical activation. Generalised lack in motor coordination, delayed movement timing as well as faster
reaction ability along with adequate autonomic response habituation were viewed as the most significant intervening
variables explaining cortical activation observed in the soccer players.
Keywords: reaction, ability, function, enhancement, cortical, Activation.
Effect of Yoga Training on ability to Function with Emotions
Mr Anap U.D.
Director of Physical Education, Women’s College of Home Science & BCA, Loni 413713
Abstract: Introduction:-Like various other aspects of personality emotions play a vital role in the manifestation of the
individual’s behaviour. Situation stimulates emotion and emotion not only colour but also generate situations. Emotions can
be considered as ultra conservative, evolutionary behavioraladaption that really helps in increasing the chances of survival for
the individual. The evaluation of stimuli and subsequent emotions are strongly influenced by individual’s estimate of his own
capabilities involving social and cultural factors. Though emotion and self are intimately linked, but self is the most global
organization subsuming all other structures and functions. It influences both elicitation and expression of emotions which
may be either congruent or incongruent with individual’s concept of self. Thus emotions as an impulse towards definite form
behaviour, may arouse, sustain and direct activity and play an energizing role in the undaunted expression ofbehaviour. A
sense of humor and the ability to both give and receive love are related to the sphere of emotions, that are not provided as gift
but are to be developed by the individual’s as their own characterizes pattern of emotional reactivity which may contribute to
or detract from mental and physical health and effectiveness of the individual adequate expression and control of emotions
refer to a tendency marked by adequate emotional expressiveness based on fulsome expression and control of emotions or
control of emotions may lead to uncontrolled and disorganized emotionally. Ability to function with emotions is one of the
components of emotional competence. It is sometimes difficult to carry out even routine work when one finds himself face to
face with a highly emotional situation. Emotional competence requires that the individual should develop a characterize
pattern of emotional reactivity which should not let him be influenced in his adequate mode of functioning that helps him in
performing actions of daily routine properly. In the domain of emotions clearly indicates that this aspect of personality plays
a vital role in the manifestation of human behaviour by which one attempts todeal with different emotive situations and meet
his needs to maintain a harmonious relationship with the environment.
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
16. Educational Sciences
The Information Technology and communication challenges for teachers
Eduardo Erazo, University of Nariño, Colombia
Abstract: The information technology and communication as an opportunity for the India and very similar in Latin
American community and even more for the educational community of the Department of Nariño, academic vision involves
primarily interdisciplinary in order to consolidate the opportunity to recognize the opportunity for TICS recognition of the
individual, and the recognition of their human dignity, their role as citizens and city building, from the link that allowed in
the classroom and in society, hence the importance of the teacher as builder of independent subjects, creative and above all to
contribute to society through education as an opportunity to rebuild the social fabric. This researcher evaluated the
importance of ICTS in the teachers, educations and regional developments and environmental.
Keywords: Technology, information, knowledge, teaching
Differentiated Instruction in the Inclusive Classroom
Kalpana Thakur
Institute of Educational Technology and Vocational Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh- 160014.
Abstract: Inclusive education has developed from the belief that education is a basic human right and that it provides the
foundation for a more just and accepting society. The right to education Act (RTE) – 2009 necessitates the present day
classroom to be inclusive in nature that is welcoming and is pedagogically capable of educating the naturally diverse
population of students who arrive at its door. Differentiated instruction is the very foundations upon which teachers can
create such classrooms. Differentiated instruction is a technique that teachers use to accommodate each student’s learning
style and instructional preferences. This strategy may involve teaching the same material to all students using a variety of
instructional methods, or it may require the teacher to teach content at varying levels of difficulty based on the readiness,
interests and ability of each student. The paper also highlights the rationale of differentiated instruction that lies behind
Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory; Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, varied learning styles. The present paper focuses on
the four areas by which the teachers can differentiate viz. 1) through content: the information that must be learned, 2)
process: The combination of activities and input from the teacher that engage the learner in the content, 3) product: The
outcomes of student learning that demonstrate understanding or mastery, and 4) learning environment based on the individual
learner. Differentiated instruction is proactive, qualitative, rooted in assessment, provides multiple approaches to content,
process, and product, is student-centered, a blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction. Various steps to manage
the differentiated classroom are discussed viz. to know one’s students, to build variety of teaching strategies, identify a
variety of instructional activities and to identify ways to evaluate student progress.
Keywords: Inclusive education, differentiated instruction, learning style, content, process, product, learning environment
International Science Congress Association
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
17. Commerce, Law and Management Sciences
Modern Trends of Retail Banking In India
K. Isha Nachiya
MBA-Finance and Banking, Department of Business Administration, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Abstract: The Retail Banking environment today is changing fast. The Changing Customer Demographics demands to create
differentiated application based on scalable technology, Improved Serviced and Banking convinced. Retail Banking is typical
mass- market banking where individual customer use local branches of larger commercial bank. Retail Banking has always
been an integral part of the Banking activities the world over, The study reveals that customers are highly aware of most of
the retail banking products except a few like home banking, telebanking and institutional financing. Retail banking focuses
on individual and small unit. Indian retail banking has been showing phenomenal growth. Retail Banking Increases the
Subsidiary business of the bank, help economics revival of the nation through increased production activity, however the
kind of technology used and the efficiency of operation would provide the much needed competitive edge for success in retail
banking Business.
Keywords: Modern, Trends, Retail, Banking, India.
Forecasting the evolution of economic institutions
Islamutdinov Vadim
Yugra State University Name of country: RUSSIA
Abstract: The paper considers the existing approaches to forecasting development of institutions. It shows drawbacks of the
existing approaches and proposes an approach to forecasting the evolution of institutions based on assessment of their impact
on the level of transaction costs of economic agents. The possibilities of the proposed approach to explain the phenomena of
institutional trap are shown. On the base of transaction approach an adequate model of interaction between economic agents
and institutions is developed which allows to forecasting the institution dissemination among economic agents. Also this
model allows to forecasting emergence the institutional traps.
Keywords: innovative environment, evolution of institutions, forecasting, transaction costs
Risk assessment of dangerous substances leak by RM/RA CRAMM
Ing. Miroslav Kelemen1 and Doc. Ing. Jana Müllerová2
University of Security management in Kosice, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Faculty of Special Engineering, Universtity of Zilina, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Abstract: The study reflects the amount of dangerous substances being transported on rails and roads of Slovakia. The
transport on road is not controlled or monitored. During the traffic accident high risk of chemical leakage is real. The study
shows the model situation in most frequent light cross in Zilina with many trucks and cisterns on the road. System RM/RA
CRAMM might help to identify the level of risk for each case. The most common transport of petrol was chosen to present
the usage of the modified CRAMM method with help of simple simulation chemic software.
Keywords: RM/RA CRAMM, Petrol cistern, traffic accident, risk assessment
RM/RA Cramm Use in Flood Risk Assessment
Mojmír Mamojka1, Ján Buzalka1 and Jana Müllerová2
Police Academy in Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Faculty of Special Engineering, Universtity of Zilina, SLOVAK REPUBLIC,
Abstract: This study discusses the application of CRAMM methodology to use in system of crisis management. The
CRAMM after its modification is suitable to cover floods risk assessment. The RM/RA CRAMM is for first time used in
practise in Slovakia where its modification was developed to cover wide range of risk management issues. CRAMM system
is used by many large institutions for risk assessment of IT risks. Police Academy team modified it and applied first to very
risky natural disasters, quite common in Slovakia, to floods. Floods are quite predictable thanks to the monitoring and
forecasting system, but the preparation for action should be improved when the competent officers know the main risks and
asset values in their land, district or region.
Keywords: Risk management, risk assessment, CRAMM, floods
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
18. Library Science
Bridging the Digital Divide Golbally: with Special Reference to India
B. Kumar
University College of Engineering, Osmania University,
Abstract: Information is a driving force in the world and intensely making impact on economy, development and social
growth of any nation. Emergence and innovations in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is dividing the
Universe in different dissection. This division is broadly known as ‘Digital Divide’ on the world map. Today, no one is going
to deny the existence of digital divide. The Digital Divide is a well-known concept and is being defined by the specialists in
different ways. In this paper an attempt has been made to identify the factors that are responsible for digital divide with some
solutions are explained .All around the world various programmes have been launched to bridge the digital gap but despite
many efforts to improve this gap seems to grow wider and wider due to the inability of those who lack the knowledge and
skills needed to use the electronic contents, Internet or other communication technology. In India various programmes have
been launched to bridge this digital gap.
Keywords: Digital Divide, Innovations in ICT, Forms of Digital Divide,
Emergence of Digital Library Technology: It’s Need in Higher Education
P. Venkateshwar Rao
Library and Information Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, INDIA
Abstract: Digital Libraries are currently the subject of universally discuss and research. To some simply suggests “
Computerization of traditional libraries” to others, who have studied library science it calls for carrying out the function of
libraries in a new way encompassing new types of information resources, new approaches to acquisition, new methods of
storage and preservation, new approaches to classification and cataloguing, new modes of interaction with and for patrons
more reliance on electronic system and networks and dramatic shifts in intellectual organizational and economic practices. In
this present scenario the topic of Digital Libraries in the electronic environment has changed the higher education libraries
services rather than conventional library services. Digital library resources and services are the prestigious issue of modern
library concepts. Access to digital resources and services has become an important tool for researchers and teachers. The
present paper gives an overview of digital library services.
Keywords: Digital Libraries, Electronic Libraries, Higher Education Academic Libraries, Digital Technology in Libraries,
Information Resources, ICT in Libraries.
International Science Congress Association
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www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
19 Language and Literature
An ESP Constructivist Learning Environment – A New Paradigm Shift
Slađana Živković
College of Applied Technical Studies and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
Abstract: This paper considers developing constructivist learning theories and explores their possible implications in the
design of the ESP learning environment. It should be emphasized that the central characteristic of constructivism is that
learning is an active process in which learners construct new knowledge based upon their prior knowledge through the
interaction with the environment. The environment creates engaging and content-relevant experiences by utilizing modern
technologies and resources to support unique learning goals and knowledge construction. The fact is that the 21st century
student requires powerful tools for improving learning, for collaboration with others, sharing information and knowledge, and
in that way, they are involved in solving complex real-life problems. A constructivist learning environment provides
opportunities for each student to interprete multiple perspectives. A modern ESP constructivist learning environment is
technology-based which enables innovations in the classroom providing authentic, active, interactive, collaborative and
problem-based learning.
Keywards: Constructivist, learning, environment, paradigm, shift.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
20. Social Sciences Anthropological and Behavioral Sciences
The contribution of Patras Port Police Authority (Hellenic Coast Guard) in
combating of Organized Crime in the period 2010-2013
Korontzis Tryfon
Professor in the Hellenic Open University (SEP), 228 P.Ralli steet, Nikaia, Piraeus, Hellas, PC 18454
Abstract: The action of organized criminal networks involved in various criminal activities such as migrants smuggling,
illicit tobacco trade and drugs trafficking etc. is a main feature of societies in the recent years. Main task of the state was and
is to protect society from internal and external threats. This is ensured by institutions that had been set up by the State. One of
the most important institutions of the Hellenic State is the Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG).
Keywords: Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG), Organized Crime, Patras Port Police Authority, Illicit Tobacco Trade, Migrants
Smuggling, Drugs Trafficking
Life Style and Behavioral Treatment of Nutritional Disorder Mild Cognitive
Impairment among Geriatrics
Bhagyapreet Kaur
Lucknow University, Lucknow Verma RK, Department of Medicine, K.G's Medical University, Lucknow, INDIA
Abstract: It was estimated that up to one third of elderly experienced a gradual decline in cognitive function known as mild
cognitive impairment. Less severe than dementia, mild cognitive impairment is defined as cognitive defect that interfere with
daily living. It may include slower thinking, a reduced ability to learn, and impaired memory. The nutritional factor also can
be contributed in this problem that's why this impairment may be termed as "Nutritional Disorder Mild Cognitive
Impairment". The increasing percent of mild cognitive impairment patients attract attention to researcher to conduct this
paper. The objective of this paper is to assess the role of life style and behavioral treatment to nutritional disorder mild
cognitive impairment among geriatric. The paper was prepared at Badsah Nagar Colony and Mahanagar of Lucknow City.
The validation cohort n=50 (Interventional group) and 10 subjects in control group. The main finding of the paper was that a
life style intervention such as exercise, yoga, worship, stress management, behavioral treatment such as stimulus control,
eating and diet management including dietary antioxidant supplements, self monitoring techniques was reduced nutritional
disorder mild cognitive impairment by 58% and fully controlled cured 26% The calculated value of Chi-square was found
16.0, as compared to table value 3.841 at one degree of freedom and five percent significant level therefore null hypothesis
rejected and alternate hypothesis accepted i.e. life style and behavioral treatment could controlled or cured geriatrics
nutritional disorder mild cognitive impairment.
Keyword: Nutritional disorder; Mild Cognitive impairment.
Status of KAP among working Women for Unhealthy Nutrients for health
Hazardous in Restaurant Food
Preeti Kumari*, Bhagyapreet Kaur** and Verma R.K.***
Research Scholar, Lucknow University – Lucknow
Medicine Department,King George’s Medical University, Lucknow.
Abstract: Today people eat, an average, five meal away from home per week Among working women, these numbers are
even higher and spent approx Rs. 1000-3000 per week. Restaurant food both inside and outside of restaurants has become
common place, both as a means of consuming quick and convenient meals and socializing. The potential for larger then
desirable portions, higher intake of sugars and fats and lower intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in restaurant meals
that have been documented in numerous publications. Clearly, these factors can affect a person health make an unhealthy
restaurant eating a challenge. General strategies for healthy restaurant eating can also be not provided people need to know to
limit the amount of carbohydrate, protein and fat they consume, and how to practice portion control. This paper aims an
effort to analyse the status of knowledge, attitude and practices for nutrients in restaurant foods among working women. The
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
paper was prepared among working women working in both Northern and North-Eastern Railways Divisional Railways
managers offices Lucknow (UP). The 55 sample were selected for interview in face to face situation through a interview
schedule method. It was surprising to know that a cent per cent respondents show their knowledge for nutrients in restaurant
foods unhealthy and health hazardous. It was also a 38% respondent shown their negative attitude for restaurant food but they
were not practicing. In practice a cent percent subjects were taking restaurant food due to quick availability and socializing.
As for concern of the knowledge for types of nutrients in restaurant food. They were not given any nutrients names except
types of fast and junk food, carbonated drinks, snacks, meals etc. They were clearly indicating that were health hazardous
foods for any one.
Keyword: Status, working, unhealthy, nutrients, hazardous, restaurant, food.
Analyzing Tourism in Srisailam: Age - Gender Wise and Strategies for
Development of Infrastructure
G.Tirumala Vasu Deva Rao*
Lecturer in History, Govt. Degree College, Nagari-517644, AP, INDIA
Abstract: Tourism is an activity done by an individual or a group of individuals, which leads to a motion from a place to
another. India is one of the few countries of the world which an array of tourism resources from its wealth of histories and
antiquities, it is a vast country known for its diversified culture and traditions. Tourists were identified as a key factor in
developing tourism. The present investigation will be carried with particular reference to Srisailam Temple and project.
Srisailam is a renowned hill town located on a majestic natural setting on the banks of the River Krishna in the state of
Andhra Pradesh. Srisailam is known for Sri Brahmarambika Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple. Srisailam hills are very rich in
scenic attractions, breathtaking wild life and this hill offers panoramic views of the surroundings. Many number of tourists
come from different states to visit temple and Project. This present investigation on tourists in age, gender wise differences
and mode of transport, the route recognized for to reach the destination place and also it analysis the basic infrastructure
issues in tourism sites.
Keywords: Tourism, Age, Gender, Mode of transport, Infrastructures.
Views of Young Women regarding Homosexuality in Indian Scenario: A Study in
Varanasi District
Singh Swati
Department of Home Science, Mahila Mahavidyalay, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, INDIA
Abstract: Homosexuality is found widely among various societies of the world. However, the social acceptance of it varies
dramatically. In India, homosexuality is rejected and declared as a crime by Supreme court. Almost immediately after the
court pronouncement, many voices were heard both against and in support of the judgment. Certain groups of professionals
and people believe that it should not be legalized in India whereas, certain groups of professionals are in favor of its
legalization. As women in India young women constitute a most important segment of women’s population and are very
capable, educated and opinionated youth representatives in societal decision making gives us a real presence. Keeping this
view in mind this study has been conducted. The main objective of this study was to know the views of young women
regarding homosexuality in Indian scenario. The study was conducted in B.H.U campus of Varanasi city. 50 respondents
were selected randomly between age group of 20- 26 years. Data was collected with the help of self prepared interview
schedule. The findings of the study revealed that 59% of young women believed that homosexuality should not be legalized
in India because it is unnatural, abnormal and unethical. Also it will jeopardize the institution of marriage and would have a
negative effect on Indian values and traditions. While 41% of young women have supported the legalization of
homosexuality in India because most of them thought that the right of everybody should be respected and protected. The
study also shows that majority of young women felt that influence of western culture, influence of media, loss of Indian
values and lack of sex education all are the main reasons of widening homosexuality in India.
Keywords: homosexuality, Young Women, Legalization.
International Science Congress Association
Souvenir of 1st International Virtual Congress __________________________________________ IVC-2014
www.isca.net.co, 5th to 10th June (2014)
Study of aggressive behavior in late childhood stage
Meenakshi Singh Kushwaha and Kalpna Gupta
Department of Home Science, M.M.V., B.H.U., Varanasi, 221005 U.P., INDIA
Abstrect: Aggression is the maladaptive behavior which involves lack of decision making capacity.Which leads to the
damage or destruction of some goal entity. Reasons of anger in late childhood involve interference in physical action for
attention, Teasing, Criticism, hopeless and failure, lack of adjustment, Comparison, TV watching etc. The purpose of the
present study was to find out the main reasons of aggressiveness and mode of expression among late childhood children The
study was conducted in Varanasi city. 50 respondents were selected randomly between age group of 10- 13 years. Data was
collected with the help of self prepared interview schedule. The finding of the study revealed that 32% children shows
aggression because of not fulfilling their needs. The modes of showing their aggression were weeping, fighting, shouting,
them self harm. Most 72% children stated that their parents and teachers criticism them, 20% children said that they behaved
very aggressively, 28% behaved normally on their criticism. Teachers and guardians should not always criticize their
children, parents should fulfill their essential needs timely, time to time right and appropriate guidance should be give to the
children. Parents should appreciate and reward their children for good deeds etc can play a significant role in order to
diminish aggressive behavior of the children.
Keywords: Late Childhood, Aggressiveness, Maladaptive, Express, Fulfill needs.
Sustainable Development through Human Resource Development
Anil A. Landge
PRES, Arts, Science & Commerce College, Kolhar, Tal-Rahata, Dist-Ahmednagar Geography
Abstract: The present study reveals the Human resource development. India is second largest country in the world having
more youth population. Human Resource is ultimate resource. Maharashtra is the third largest State regarding the
geographical area and second largest State in respect of population in the India. This study is based on the census of 19912011and District Information System on Education. Educational Development Index plays an important role to identify
qualitative human resource. With help of literacy and other parameters we can define Educational Development Index of
regions. It play imperative role in sustainable development process. It is a realizing fact that managing the human resource
and to make it productive is one of the most challenging tasks for all countries in the world. In Case of India it is become
must to most people count in qualitative human resource, because we going to become world large and powerful economy in
Keywords: Educational Development Index, Human development index, Literacy Rate, enrollment ratio, Teacher pupil ratio.
Chemical study of polyurethane polymer as a surface modifier
Kunjan songara1 and Anamica jain2
Dept. of chemistry, Maharaja Bhoj Govt.P.G College Dhar, MP, INDIA
Dept. of chemistry, Mata Jija Bai Govt. Girls P.G. College, Indore MP, INDIA
Abstract: The polyurethanes include those polymers which contain a significant number of urethane groups regardless of
what the restT of the molecule may be.Usuall these polymer are obtained by the combination of a polyisocyanate with
reactants which have at leat some hydroxyl grops e. g. polyethers, castor oil and simle glycols. Other reactive groups may
also be present, such as amino and carboyl. Thus a typical polyurethane may contain in addion to urethane groups,alifhatic
and aromatic hydrocarbons, ester ,ether, amide and urea groups.Polyurethane prepolymer was first prepared by mixing Castor
Oil and Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) After a few minutes or when the polymer was already viscous,1.00g monomethyol
hydantoin dissolved in hot ethyle acetate was added to the prepolymer.
Keywords: Polyurethane, polymer, Castor Oil, Polyisocyanate and glycols.
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